North Bergen Police Department
4233 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
North Bergen, NJ 07047
(201) 392- 2100
2 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Traffic Statistics 15
Uniform Crime Report 16
Crime Trends & Analysis 17
Offense by Type 21
Arrest Statistics 22
Prominent Cases 23
Officers of the Month 25
Pride 27
Training 28
Goals 29
Contact 30
Table of Contents 2
Values, Mission & Motto 3
Message from the Mayor 4
Message from the Chief 5
Table of Organization 6
Demographics & Police Data 7
Special Initiatives 8
Technological Edge 9
Community Affairs 10
Internal Affairs Summary Report 13
Calls for Service 14
3 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
The primary mission of the North Bergen Police
Department is to provide safe and stable
neighborhoods for the residents and visitors of
the Township of North Bergen through various
department programs and community policing
efforts. This goal can only be accomplished
through a mutually cooperative relationship
between the North Bergen Police Department
and the resident and business community which
it serves. By working together, we can maintain
peace, provide safety and security for our
citizens, and reduce crime. We are part of a
team dedicated to the safety and protection of
our community.
The North Bergen Police Department will serve our
community with respect, fairness and sensitivity. We
will be compassionate and considerate in our dealings
with the community and the victims of crime.
We are committed to the protection of life and
property, the prevention of crime and the
safeguarding of our citizens to ensure that their
Constitutional guarantees are preserved.
Empowered by the community, we are committed to
enhancing the quality of life and fostering a sense of
security to enable our residents to live, work and
prosper in the Township of North Bergen.
We will nurture the public's trust by holding ourselves
to the highest standards of performance and integrity.
We will strive for personal and professional
excellence, dedication to duty and the delivery of
quality service to the public.
The men and women of the North Bergen Police
Department, pledge that through our efforts, we will
establish a new standard of excellence in law
enforcement and service to our community.
Duty Honor Courage
Duty to the citizenry to uphold the Constitution, preserve the
general welfare of the community and maintain public safety.
Honor in that we shall never betray our badge, integrity or the public trust.
to master fear in the presence of danger or uncertainty.
It is with great honor and pleasure that we present this Annual Report on the North
Bergen Police Department to the residents of the township. Our North Bergen Police
Department is working exceptionally hard every day to keep us all safe. From the new
hires working neighborhood patrols, to the leadership of the department under Public
Safety Commissioner Theresa Ferraro, Police Chief Robert Dowd and his senior staff,
every one of our officers has the same goal to make sure North Bergen remains a
safe place to live, work, shop and raise a family.
The North Bergen Police Department has undergone several important changes during
my tenure as Mayor, but its commitment to public safety has never wavered. The
department is now one of the most diverse policing units in the area, with a higher
than average percentage of female officers and nearly 60% of officers being of
Hispanic heritage. The latter is due in large part to our Resident Only Hiring Policy, and it has made the North
Bergen Police Department more effective by making it truly representative of our North Bergen community. In
addition, our officers make it a point to engage with the community by participating in public programs like
National Night Out Against Crime and Winterfest. These initiatives give officers the opportunity to engage with the
community in a fun, informal setting and to build the strong relationships with residents that lead to effective
In addition to the department’s effectiveness, I also take great pride in its numbers. The North Bergen Police
Department is at its full Table of Organization of officers. Thanks to the efforts of our Township Administrator and
Revenue and Finance Department, we have been able to dedicate the funds to invest in public safety by hiring
over 30 new officers in the past few years, all while keeping property taxes stable. This comes at a time when
many other municipalities have been forced to lay off police officers, jeopardizing public safety due to financial
problems. The opposite has happened here in North Bergen, with a fully staffed department using modern
technology and tools to proactively fight crime and keep our neighborhoods safe.
I would like to thank Chief Robert Dowd, his command staff and every single officer in the North Bergen Police
Department for their unshakable commitment to North Bergen and its residents. These brave men and women
are the reason why our community is a safe place and why it will remain successful, vibrant and dynamic in the
Nicholas J. Sacco
Mayor, Township of North Bergen
p. 4
On behalf of the 120 men and women of the North Bergen
Police Department, it is my pleasure to share the
Department’s 2014 Annual Report. The annual report is
intended to feature the men and women of the Department,
who protect our township 24 hours a day, as well as to focus
on our collective accomplishments as a professional law
enforcement agency.
In 2014, our officers responded to over 100,000 calls for
police service. The North Bergen Police Department focuses
on improvements in the quality of life that affect our
residents, businesses and visitors. Our department has many
specialized units created to focus on both general and
forensic investigation of crime as well as other issues that
affect the peaceful enjoyment of life within our township.
The dedicated men and women of the North Bergen Police Department work tirelessly in an effort to
reduce crime in our township and are encouraged to cultivate a partnership with the community we serve.
The number one priority of the North Bergen Police Department is to foster a collective efficacy in our
neighborhoods for the purpose of promoting the safety and stability of our community.
The Department is committed to utilizing the latest technology, coupled with a philosophy of community
and problem solving policing, in an effort to provide the most efficient, effective and professional delivery
of police services. In an effort to utilize technology, we have employed the use of over 110 state of the art
video surveillance cameras that are monitored in real-time, 24 hours a day. These cameras function as a
force-multiplier and enable our officers to respond to incidents with a high degree of efficiency and
Recently, the North Bergen Police Department has made a decision to seek accreditation from the New
Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association. We are currently in the accreditation process which will
ultimately recognize our agency for the high standards of professionalism that we exemplify.
It is with the full support of Mayor Nicholas J. Sacco, Public Safety Commissioner Theresa V. Ferraro, and
the entire Board of Commissioners that the North Bergen Police Department is properly equipped, trained,
and fully committed to ensuring that the Township of North Bergen is a great place to live, work and visit.
I thank you for taking the time to read the 2014 Annual Report.
Robert J. Dowd
Chief of Police
p. 5
6 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Chief of Police
Robert J. Dowd
Deputy Chief
Peter Fasilis
Captain W. Lyons
Patrol Division
Captain C. Brignola
Administrative Division
Captain P. Irwin
Investigative Division
Major Case
Vice Squad
Planning &
Records & BCI
Property &
Courts & Jails
Internal Affairs Unit
7 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
North Bergen Police Department
Sworn Police Officers
Deputy Chief
Patrol Officer
Special Class II (P/T)
Total Sworn
CCTV Monitors
Other P/T
Total Civilian
Total Employees 165
Township of North Bergen
Population 2010
Population 2013 (est.)
5.575 sq. mi.
Population Density
11,838 / sq. mi.
Median Age
Native American
Pacific Islander
Hispanic/Latino of any race:
8 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
The North Bergen Police Traffic Unit is a community oriented, problem solving unit,
which provides traffic safety enforcement to the citizens of North Bergen. The
Traffic Unit’s philosophy is to promote awareness and increase traffic safety
through education and enforcement. The Unit focuses on providing traffic-specific
enforcement throughout the Township, responding to citizen complaints, as well as
working those areas reported or known to have high occurrences of traffic
accidents or speeding. The Unit also conducts traffic studies which it applies toward
grants for funding to supplement initiatives such as DWI and Click-it-or-ticket.
In 2014 the North Bergen Police Department became an operational member of the
Corr-Stat initiative. Corr-Stat is a collaborative effort among state and local government
officials, law enforcement, scholars, community stakeholders and business partners to
reduce violence and property crimes in the Corr-Stat region of New Jersey which
encompasses over 80 municipalities along the State’s Route 21 corridor. Corr-Stat is
part of a broader law enforcement information sharing initiative and it provides the
region with expeditious analytic and intelligence data to fight crime. Corr-Stat grants its
partners access to innovative technology and intelligence resources with the ultimate
goal of reducing crime and improving the quality of life for the region’s communities.
The North Bergen Police Department SRO Program was established to increase
the safety within our school district. By providing ongoing positive contact
between officers and students, the SRO program seeks to bridge the gap
between police officers and our youth. SRO officers handle various tasks such
as school security, conflict resolution, education, traffic enforcement, criminal
investigations, and other related issues. The strong collaborative partnership
between schools and law enforcement work synergistically to provide students
a safe and stable environment conducive to the educational process.
In 2014, the North Bergen Police Department created the Major Case Unit to expedite
the investigation of our more violent crimes. Investigators assigned to the Major Case
Unit are highly motivated and have been extensively trained in various criminological
investigative methods. They are dedicated to maximizing conviction rates by utilizing
forensics, the latest technology and traditional investigative methods to solve crimes
and apprehend suspects. In 2014 the Department partnered with Thomson Reuters
and now has access to one of the largest privately owned databases in the world
increasing our ability to track fugitives and other wanted individuals. The Major Case
Unit’s working philosophy is to respond to crime scenes expeditiously, gather evidence,
and work tirelessly to exhaust all efforts in solving their cases.
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COMPSTAT is a multifaceted approach being utilized by the North
Bergen Police Department to reduce crime, improve the quality of
life and manage police personnel and resources. COMPSTAT is a
management philosophy that utilizes various elements such as law
enforcement databases, video surveillance, and special software,
as well as police information and citizen tips to gather intelligence
in a timely manner. Command personnel utilize these computer
and human-driven statistics to develop tactics and rapidly deploy
police resources to areas where police intervention is required.
Command personnel follow up by assessing their intervention
strategies and adjusting them when necessary. COMPSTAT has
enabled the Department to fight crime more efficiently and
effectively improving the quality of life within the Township.
The North Bergen Police Department CCTV system utilizes a township-wide
network of over 100 video surveillance cameras linked to a real-time
monitoring center. This system allows us to rapidly deploy resources more
efficiently and effectively. The system has become a cost-
effective and
scalable force-multiplier and has been instrumental in our fight to keep
crime and disorder at historically low levels despite the increase in
population and commercial traffic. In addition, the CCTV system has
assisted officers in investigations leading to the apprehension of offenders
and has also increased the safety of both the public and police officers.
Info-Cop™ is a secure wireless communications software system that
provides our police officers in the field with direct and immediate access
to local, state, and federal crime databases, as well as motor vehicle
. Using a central server, the system allows officers to query
various law enforcement databases in seconds
providing them with
information that used to take minutes or even hours to collect in the
past. Info-Cop allows our officers to access these computer networks
from their mobile computers increasing both officer safety and
The North Bergen Police Department recently expanded its Automatic
License Plate Recognition (ALPR) program and has appropriated several
new systems through federal grants. The system works by scanning
vehicle license plates and compares the data against local and federal
law enforcement databases. Each ALPR can handle over 60 license
plates per second under optimal conditions. The system is a valuable
asset to our officers, which can alert them to hazards such as stolen
vehicles, wanted persons, or terrorists. Our ALPR system can also help
locate missing individuals sought after in AMBER and Silver alerts.
10 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
National Night Out
National Night Out is an event that was created to promote community
involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships,
and to organize our residents in fighting back against crime. This year, the
North Bergen Department volunteered in record numbers to celebrate
National Night Out. The event was hosted concurrently at three separate
locations throughout the township in order to provide all residents an
opportunity to participate. Officers handled v
arious assignments such as
traffic control, security, and most importantly, developing partnerships with
our residents. Residents were also educated as to how to start their own
Neighborhood Crime Watch programs.
Project Medicine Drop
The North Police Bergen Police Department launched a full-time prescription drug
disposal program to encourage residents to properly dispose of unwanted medications.
Project medicine drop helps ensure that unwanted pharmaceuticals are kept away from
and individuals at risk of abusing them while simultaneously saving the
environment from unwanted disposal methods. To date, nearly a hundred pounds of
medication have been collected at the drop box located at police headquarters.
Winterfest is the Township of North Bergen’s largest annual
community event which draws in thousands of residents and
guests who are treated to a wide variety of holiday festivities.
This year, nearly 90 North Bergen Police Officers volunteered
their time and services for the Township’s Winterfest
celebration. The event drew in record crowds surpassing the
previous year’s attendance. Our officers patrolled the streets,
visited the various vendors,
venues and attractions, and
interacted with residents helpin
g to ensure that Winterfest
was safe and enjoyable for everyone in attendance.
11 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Police Intern Jamal John
of Berkley College
Police Internship Program
The North Bergen Police Department is committed to developing
partnerships within our community. Our Police
Internship Program has
partnered with several
area colleges and universities to provide the
opportunity for qualified students to gain law enforcement experience while
simultaneously earning college credits.
The objective of the Student
Internship Program is to educate students in police operations and introduce
them to the possibility of a career in law enforcement
. The program also
fosters a mutual understanding between the student population and the
police department to provide a positive learning environment. Interns, while
performing operational, administrative, and support functions, will be placed
in an atmosphere conducive to learning where both the student and the
department will benefit from shared experiences. Many the interns
successfully pursued law enforcement careers upon graduation from their
respective educational institutes.
Junior Police Academy
The North Bergen Police Department continually seeks to provide innovative
programs to establish a positive relationship between our youth and law
enforcement. The Junior Police Academy Program introduces qualified 7th
and 8th grade students to various facets of law enforcement. The program is
modeled after a police academy class, and participants are challenged both
physically and mentally during the course of their training. Students are
exposed to a daily physical training regimen and are then educated in the
police field. Junior Police Academy s
tudents also participate in various
simulated police scenarios su
ch as crime scene investigations and K9
searches. The Junior Police Academy has created a vital link between youth
and the Police Department and promotes responsible citizenship and
community involvement. This year 28 student applicants were accepted and
successfully completed the North Bergen Police Junior Academy Class.
12 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
L.E.A.D. and National D.A.R.E. Day
Law Enforcement Against Drugs or L.E.A.D. provides
law enforcement and community coalitions with a
comprehensive solution that helps parents keep their children drug free utilizing a variety of resources and
programs. L.E.A.D. combines elements of the highly acclaimed Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)
program and provides youth with the education and skills necessary for them to avoid becoming involved in
drugs, gangs, and other related activities. L.E.A.D. consists of a series of classroom lessons provided by specially
trained police officers that teaches students how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-
free lives. Retired North Bergen Police Officer Joseph Sitty who led D.A.R.E. for over a decade now runs the
Department’s new L.E.A.D program. The curriculum consists of 10 lessons taught over the course of 20 classes.
Topics include goal setting, decision making, handling emotions, and peer pressure, in addition to specific classes
on alcohol and drugs.
In addition, the North Bergen Police Department also participates in National D.A.R.E Day. D.A.R.E. Day is
nationally recognized by presidential proclamations. North Bergen D.A.R.E. Day is filled with programs, events,
and activities designed to bring our youth together and encourage positive character development. It also
provides an opportunity for students, educators, police officers, and township officials alike to celebrate their
contributions and accomplishments towards resistance against drug abuse. D.A.R.E Day also publically recognizes
students who have graduated fr
om the North Bergen D.A.R.E. program. In 2014, D.A.R.E. instruction was
provided to over 600 students within our school district most of whom proudly attended D.A.R.E. Day.
Child Safety Seat Program
Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death of children over the age of six
months in the United States. Child safety seats are one of the simplest and most effective
methods available for protecting the lives of young children in the event of a motor vehicle
accident. The correct use of child safety seats will offer the best protection possible for
your child. In an effort to promote the proper use of child seats, the North Bergen Police
Department has instituted the Child Safety Seat Program for Township residents. Our
specially trained officers can inspect and install safety seats from major manufacturers.
The Internal Affairs Unit exists to ensure the highest level of professionalism among the employees of the North
Bergen Police Department. Its major function is to investigate complaints of misconduct against employees in an
impartial and objective manner to ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and our officers. Each
investigation is handled in a thorough and timely fashion. Prompt and fair dispositions of complaints are essential
to good discipline and morale, and are also vital to maintaining the respect and confidence of the community.
The following table is a summary of Internal Affairs complaints and dispositions for 2014:
Type of Complaint
Cases Pending From Prior Years
Cases Received
Total Cases
Number of Dispositions
Administratively Cleared
Cases Pending End of Year
Not Sustained
Criminal Charge
Internal Discipline Action
Excessive Force
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Improper Arrest
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Improper Search
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Differential Treatment
0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
0 15 15 0 4 1 7 0 2 1
Other Rule Violation
1 35 35 0 16 0 16 0 2 1
Other Criminal
0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1 57 57 0 20 1 26 0 6 4
13 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
14 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Quality of Life Patrol,
All Other, 25294
CCTV Virtual Patrol,
MV Stop, 6784
Parking Violation, 4946
Sick Person,
Special Assignment,
Off Duty Detail, 1918
Verbal Argument, 1832
Noise Complaint, 1525
Commercial Alarm, 1434
Assist Other Agency,
Follow-Up Investigation,
Driveway, 1134
Disorderly Person, 985
Suspicious Person,
Patrol, 849
2014 Total Calls for Service: 103,072
15 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Month Traffic Accidents Tows Citations DUI
January 202 210 921 4
February 255 220 1514 4
March 216 242 1580 8
April 236 165 1348 6
May 235 180 998 4
June 224 136 641 1
July 252 210 1476 2
August 221 184 1541 9
September 194 174 1300 4
October 236 213 1658 4
November 244 195 1152 9
December 242 193 1475 10
TOTALS 2757 2322 15604 65
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
16 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
(Part 1 Index Crime)
2014 2013
5-Year (2009)
Murder 0 0.00 0 0.00 0% 0 0 0%
Rape 9 0.14 6 0.10
5 0.08
Robbery 42 0.67 43 0.69
45 0.74 -6.7%
Aggravated Assault 62 0.99 51 0.82
57 0.94
Burglary 116 1.86 136 2.18
155 2.55
Larceny (Theft) 479 6.68 428 6.87
582 9.85
Automobile Theft 90 1.44 78 1.25
129 2.12
Arson** 3 0.05 2 0.03
5 0.08
CRIME INDEX TOTAL 798 12.8 742
Crimes Against People 113 1.81 100 1.60
107 1.76
Crimes Against
Overall Crime
(Part 1 & Part 2)
* Crime rate per 1,000 inhabitants
**The UCR Program does not include arson statistics when tabulating Index Crime totals.
17 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Total Crimes
Crime Trend Analysis: Overall Crime
Township of North Bergen
Index Crimes from 1985 to 2014
18 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Comparative Index Crime Trend Analysis 1985 though 2014
North Bergen NJ State
State of NJ Index Crimes Totals
North Bergen Township vs. NJ State
North Bergen Total Index Crimes
Note: 2013-2014 NJ State figures not available.
19 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Comparative Index Crime Trend Analysis 1985 through 2014
North Bergen Hudson County
North Bergen Total Index Crimes
Hudson County Total Index
North Bergen Township vs. Hudson County
Note: 2013-2014 Hudson County figures not available.
20 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Monthly Crime Trend
Crime Mean
2014 Index Crimes compared to 1985 to 2014 mean
21 | Duty ▪ Honor Courage
Disorderly Conduct
Simple Assault
All Other
Auto Theft
Aggravated Assault
2014 Offense Breakdown Statistics
22 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
11 47
373 356
Part I Totals
384 403
58 59
491 498
Part II Totals
549 557
69 106
864 854
Arrest Totals
933 960
23 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Members of the North Bergen Police Department were able to identify two robbery suspects that committed several
strong armed robberies within a two month period. Based on a thorough investigation, a proactive anticrime
measure was created to conduct surveillance on the suspects. The suspects were subsequently apprehended in the
act of an armed robbery and arrested. The Investigative Division eventually obtained confessions from the suspects
regarding all of the robberies they committed.
Members of the Department aggressively investigated a home invasion where the victims were bound by two
suspects. When the victims attempted to escape, the suspects fired several gunshots at their fleeing vehicle. An
intense investigation led to the recovery of a latent fingerprint and an analysis of the shell casings resulted in the
discovery of two possible suspects. During the investigation it was learned that several days later the same gun was
used in a double homicide. The Department worked closely with the Hudson County Prosecutors Office Homicide
Division to secure various search and arrest warrants. Following the execution of the warrants and subsequent
arrests, the suspect for the homicide was convicted based on the evidence obtained during the joint investigation.
A string of burglary and thefts to motor vehicles led to an intensive search for the suspect. A thorough investigation,
collaboration with surrounding police agencies, and the creation of a task force led to the apprehension of the actor
wanted in conjunction with a spree of car burglaries, stolen vehicles and credit card fraud throughout Hudson and
Bergen Counties.
In conjunction with the New Jersey State Police and several Federal Agencies, the North Bergen Police Department
participated in the 2014 Super Bowl 48 Security Operation. Members of the North Bergen Police Department were
assigned to various locations in northern New Jersey on a High Alert security status. Additionally, officers worked
numerous undercover operations in conjunction with County Prosecutors and the State Attorney General’s Office to
confront the increased amount of prostitution and Human Trafficking during the event. The operation resulted in
multiple prostitution arrests from various hotels as well as the closure of a massage parlor within the township.
Courtesy of the Tariq
Zehawi, Bergen Record
On November 11, 2014 a car was stolen with an unlikely victim in tow. The car thief stole this
vehicle with a Chihuahua named Rambo still on board. Shortly thereafter the vehicle was
recovered and during the investigation which ensued, the suspect’s identity was ascertained.
After some media coverage the actor contacted the Department to arrange for his surrender as
well as the return of Rambo. While the actor never surrendered, Rambo was eventually recovered
in Newark by our investigators. Subsequently, members of our investigative unit were able to
locate and arrest the suspect who was charged with several counts of theft. The owner was
reunited with her companion shortly thereafter.
24 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Members of the North Bergen Police Department, working in conjunction with the West New Police Department
and Port Authority Police Department, were able to infiltrate a narcotics distribution network operating within
Hudson County. The operation included the use of criminal informants providing detailed information from the
purchases of narcotics directly from the suspects. After the execution of two search warrants at separate
locations, two suspects were arrested. Thousands of dollars in cash and cocaine were seized as a result.
After a brutal attack at a house party where the victim suffered life threatening injuries as a result of multiple stab
wounds, the Department began a comprehensive investigation to ascertain the identity of the assailants and
witnesses. The investigation led to six arrests in which two actors went into hiding from law enforcement. With
the assistance of New Jersey State Police Parole Officers the suspects were recovered in Passaic County.
On Friday, November 14, 2014 two teenaged brothers were critically injured in a hit-
and-run accident after a vehicle jumped the curb and struck them. One of the
brothers suffered severe head trauma after being impaled on an iron fence while the
other brother succumbed to his injuries shortly after his right leg was amputated.
An intense investigation ensued led by members of the Hudson County Sheriff’s
Office and the North Bergen Police Department Major Case Unit. The driver of the
vehicle was quickly identified as 38-year old Rogelio Chavix-Tacen. The suspect
vehicle was also located and secured for processing by crime scene investigators.
To aid in his apprehension, investigators recruited the aid of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United
States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Municipal
Task Force (MTF), and the United States Marshall’s Service. It was discovered that Chavix-Tacen had
purchased a plane ticket to his home country of Guatemala but had not managed to board the flight. Several
leads emerged and Chavix-Tacen’s location was detected using the latest cell phone tracking technology.
Chavix-Tacen was eventually found in Maryland ending the manhunt. Chavix-Tacen was charged with
aggravated vehicular manslaughter as well as several other related charges.
“I'm proud of the way the North Bergen police major case detectives worked tirelessly in cooperation with the
Hudson County Sheriff's Office, the prosecutor's office, US Marshals
and ICE in a true team effort to capture this criminal.”
- Chief Robert Dowd (, December 5, 2014)
25 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Detective Miguel Vento
Detective Vento was recognized for his due diligence in the construction and
rapid completion of the North Bergen Police Department Training Center as
well as the new Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI). Detective Vento
volunteered and expended personal time to ensure that these facilities were
completed ahead of schedule.
Officer Antonio Tataranni
While on routine patrol, Officer Tataranni observed smoke emanating from an
unidentifiable location within his sector. He quickly located the source of the
smoke which happened to be a residential home. Officer Tataranni bravely
entered the structure and evacuated the residents prior to the arrival of the fire
Safe Street Task Force
Lieutenant Arthur Del, Sergeant David Dowd, Detective Steven Schubert and
Detective Robert Maldonado, and Investigator Botello were honored for their
efforts in quickly apprehending a couple who were involved in an armed
robbery spree. The actors had been targeting residents at gunpoint for several
weeks. The Safe Street Task Force rapidly apprehended the duo upon their
Officers Shannon Cullen, Wilbert Negron & William Brown
A keen eye and rapid response brought a quick resolution to a robbery in
progress. Officer Negron observed several individuals during their robbery
attempt. Officer Negron apprehended one actor while Officers Cullen and
Brown gave chase to his accomplices who were apprehended shortly
Detective Edgar Mendez and Investigator Michele Bartoli
Detective Mendez and Investigator Bartoli were honored for being the first
members of the North Bergen Police Department to participate in and
complete the Police Unity Tour. The Tour is a 300-mile bicycle run from Trenton
to Washington D.C. and officers ride in an effort to increase awareness
regarding police officer line-of-duty deaths as well as to raise funds for the
National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial and Museum.
Detective Peter Insetta
While investigating a carjacking, Detective Insetta was able to locate and
salvage several inconspicuous fingerprints on the recovered vehicle as well as
bullets used in the incident. These pieces of forensic evidence were later used
to tie the actors and weapons to the incident leading to the arrest of three
individuals involved in the crime.
26 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Detective Frank Mena and Officer Thomas Yfantis
Traffic investigators Detective Mena and Officer Yfantis were summoned to the
scene of a horrific motor vehicle accident that resulted in multiple fatalities.
These officers were able to expeditiously investigate the scene while preserving
the dignity of the victims. They were honored for their professionalism and
their ability to bring order to an otherwise chaotic scene.
Officer Wilbert Negron
Officer Negron was dispatched to the scene of an unconscious person where he
found the victim in a lifeless condition. Officer Negron immediately began
applying life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation which ultimately saved the
victim’s life.
Officers Brian Himsel, Hector Rosa & Santos Benitez
Officers Himsel, Rosa and Benitez were dispatched to a call of a drowning where
they discovered a 2-year old child in a lifeless condition. The officers, who were
coincidentally trained by Officer Benitez in life-saving techniques, worked in
unison to provide the child with urgent medical support. The child was
eventually resuscitated and miraculously suffered no permanent injury.
Detective Roberto Maldonado and Officer Patrick Corless
Through diligent canvassing and thorough investigation Detective Maldonado
developed a solid lead on an individual suspected of a robbery spree within the
Township. While on patrol, Officer Corless spotted the individual in question
and brought him in for questioning. Detective Maldonado was able to
subsequently obtain a confession from the suspect ending the crime spree.
Investigator David Botwin
While investigating a series of burglaries, Investigator Botwin was able to create
a profile of the individual in question which lead to the canvassing of several
area motels. Upon further investigation, Investigator Botwin was able to locate
the suspect as well as the proceeds of several of the burglaries eventually
leading to a confession and arrest of the individual.
Patrol Squad #3
Patrol Squad 3 was recognized for their outstanding unit performance and
commitment to advancing the Department’s mission and values. Squad #3
includes Lt. James Gaughran, Sgt. Otoniel Cruz, Officers Joseph Gorrin, Marina
Anderson, Saray Durango, Brandon Vilchez, Jason Solan, Placido Hernandez,
Alberto Berovides, Eric Crafton, Jonathan Sinchi, and Investigator Botwin.
27 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
September 20, 2014
Officer of the Year
Detective Roberto Maldonado
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In a time where realistic police training is advocated by educators, police practitioners, and the courts, the North
Bergen Police Department has taken the initiative to introduce training which produces stressors replicating real-
world encounters - particularly those which may necessitate a lethal force response. In order to develop real-world
skills, our training is being designed to provide our officers with realistic problems under realistic circumstances.
Force-on-force training has now become a critical component of our in-service education. We have realized that
basic skills learned by shooting holes in a paper target do not translate well in a world where the targets move and
can shoot back. In addition to real-world training, the Department also utilizes the New Jersey Learn virtual Police
Academy as well as its own Power Document Server for in-service training and continuing education.
The Township’s unwavering commitment
to advancing the professionalism of the
Department was apparent in 2014 where
the North Bergen Police Department was
allocated an unprecedented amount of
funding for training. This investment in
ining increases officer and public
safety, reduces liability, and develops
effective and efficient officers,
supervisors, and administrators. The
North Bergen Police Department’s
training facilities, equipment, and
instructor base are continually being
anded to meet the demands of a
modern police department.
Our officers have attended numerous courses, education seminars and professional conferences held throughout
the New York metropolitan area. An example of just some of the training members of the North Bergen Police
Department attended include: Multi-Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capability (MACTAC) response, hazardous
materials awareness, response to mass casualty incidents, autism awareness, domestic violence education,
numerous leadership and supervision courses, narcotics interdiction and recognition, defensive tactics, criminal
investigations, child abduction response training, arson investigation and prosecution, document fraud, Americans
with disabilities training, Ebola training, first aid and CPR, self-aid and buddy aid, cellular analysis and geo-locating,
emergency railroad response, vehicle criminal interdiction, as well as hundreds of other courses and blocks of
The North Bergen Police Department recognizes that training and continuing education is a career-long endeavor
that benefits our officers and the community we serve. Training is an instrumental venture that empowers our
officers to think creatively, act confidently, and solve problems within our community. Enhanced training and
education pays benefits which includes citizen and officer safety, and enable enables us to focus on improving the
0oversall quality of life in our township
Photos courtesy of the Jersey Journal
29 | Duty ▪ Honor ▪ Courage
Emergency Operations Center
The North Bergen Police Department plans on renovating and repurposing the old courtroom which is located
at police headquarters, into a new Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Superstorm
Sandy Disaster
revealed several deficiencies with the Township’s existing EOC. The EOC is a vital component of public safety
since it functions as the command and control facility responsible for carrying out the principle functions of
emergency and disaster management at a strategic level. In an emergency situation, the EOC also helps
ensure the continuity of local government operations.
After Superstorm Sandy, the relocation of the EOC
became an urgent priority. After an infusion of grant funding, narcotics-
related seizure funds, and local
capital, the new EOC will come to fruition in the 2015 calendar year.
Renovation of Police Headquarters
North Bergen’s Police Headquarters was built at the turn of the 20
and has well exceeded the design life of a public safety facility. The building
has had several minor renovations over the course of a century in order to
meet the ever
changing demands of policing as well as to meet modern
building code requirements.
While a total reconstruction of police
headquarters would be unfeasible in today’s fiscal atmosphere, a partial
renovation to the existing structure would help the Department meet current
Accreditation standards and further extend the building’s serv
ice life.
The vast majority of funding for this project has been secured through grants
and criminal asset forfeitures requiring minimal fiscal assistance.
The primary goal of the renovation is to provide a safe environment for the
public, police officers, arrestees and any other visitors, as well as to increase
the overall efficiency and delivery of police services.
Police Headquarters circa 1908
Conducted Energy Devices
Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) are used by law enforcement
throughout the United States and have been credited with leading
to lower rates of injuries and deaths both among police officers and
suspects in incidents where police use of force is involved. Odds of
injury to civilians and officers are significantly lower when police use
CED weapons and it is estimated that over 100,000 lives have been
saved by these devices by giving officers another level of force in
opportunities where firearms would have otherwise been necessary.
The North Bergen Police Department plans to implement CEDs from
TASER International by the third quarter of 2015.
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Mailing Address:
North Bergen Police Department
Law & Public Safety Building
4233 Kennedy Boulevard
North Bergen, NJ 07047
Phone Numbers:
Main (201) 392-2100
Detective Bureau (201) 392-2095
Internal Affairs (201) 330-7261
Records (201) 392-2145
Traffic Bureau (201) 392-2135
Web Address:
General E-mail Inquiries:
Help Desk:
Thank you for taking the time to read our annual
report. I am proud to lead the North Bergen Police
Department as we strive to meet our Township’s
public safety needs. The men and women of this
department should be recognized and applauded
for their commitment to duty.
- Chief Robert J. Dowd