PART 1 - Required Insurances
Insured parties:-
(a) the Authority;
(b) the Service Provider;
(c) the Senior Lenders;
(d) Sub-Contractors of the Service Provider.
1.1 Interest: To indemnify the Insured in respect of all sums that they may become legally
liable to pay (including claimant’s costs and expenses) as damages in respect of accidental:-
1.1.1 death, bodily injury, illness or disease contracted by any person;
1.1.2 loss or damage to property;
1.1.3 interference to property or any easement right of air, light, water or way or the
enjoyment or use thereof by obstruction, trespass, nuisance, loss of amenities, or
any like cause,
happening during the period of insurance and arising out of or in connection with the Project
and the provision of the Service.
1.2 Limit of Indemnity:- Not less than fifty million Pounds £50,000,000 (Indexed) in respect of
any one (1) occurrence, the number of occurrences being unlimited, but in the aggregate in
respect of pollution and products liability.
1.3 Maximum Deductible:- for each and every occurrence
(escalated periodically as appropriate).
1.4 Territorial Limits: UK (and elsewhere in the world in respect of non manual visits).
1.5 Jurisdiction: UK (and elsewhere in the world in respect of non manual visits), subject to
USA/Canada conditions.
1.6 Period of Insurance:- From the Service Commencement Date for the duration of the
Contract and renewable on an annual basis unless agreed otherwise.
1.7 Cover Features & Extensions:-
1.7.1 munitions of war;
1.7.2 cross liability clause;
1.7.3 contingent motor; and
1.7.4 legal defence costs.
1.8 Principal Exclusions:-
1.8.1 liability for death, illness, disease or bodily injury sustained by employees of the
1.8.2 liability arising out of the use of mechanically propelled vehicles whilst required to
be compulsorily insured by legislation in respect of such vehicles;
1.8.3 liability in respect of predetermined penalties or liquidated damages imposed
under any contract entered into by the insured;
1.8.4 liability in respect of loss or damage to property in the care, custody and control of
the insured but this exclusion is not to apply to all property belonging to the
Authority which is in the care, custody and control of another Insured Party;
1.8.5 liability arising out of technical or professional advice (given for a fee) other than
in respect of death or bodily injury to persons or damage to third party property;
1.8.6 liability arising from the ownership, possession or use of any aircraft or marine
1.8.7 liability arising from seepage and pollution unless caused by a sudden, unintended
and unexpected occurrence.
1.8.8 liability arising out of asbestos; and
1.8.9 liability arising out of toxic mould.
PART 2 - Endorsements
Unless the context otherwise requires defined terms set out in the following endorsements shall have
the meaning set out in the Contract.
This policy shall not be cancelled or terminated before the original expiry date is to take effect except
in respect of non-payment of premium.
The insurer shall by written notice advise the Authority:-
1. at least thirty (30) days before any such cancellation or termination is to take effect;
2. at least thirty (30) days before any reduction in limits or coverage or any increase in
deductibles is to take effect; and
3. of any act or omission or any event of which the insurer has knowledge and which might
invalidate or render unenforceable in whole or in part this policy.
Multiple Insured/Non-Vitiation Clause
Each of the parties comprising the insured shall for the purpose of this policy be considered a separate
co-insured entity, insured on a composite basis, with the words "the insured" applying to each as if
they were separately and individually insured provided that the total liability of the insurers under
each section of this policy to the insured collectively shall not (unless the policy specifically permits
otherwise) exceed the limit of indemnity or amount stated to be insured under that section or policy.
Accordingly, the liability of the insurers under this policy to any one insured shall not be conditional
upon the due observance and fulfilment by any other insured party of the terms and conditions of this
policy or of any duties imposed upon that insured party relating thereto, and shall not be affected by
any failure in such observance or fulfilment by any such other insured party.
It is understood and agreed that any payment or payments by insurers to any one or more of the
insured's shall reduce, to the extent of that payment, insurers' liability to all such parties arising from
any one event giving rise to a claim under this policy and (if applicable) in the aggregate.
Insurers shall be entitled to avoid liability to or (as may be appropriate) claim damages from any
insured party in circumstances of fraud misrepresentation non-disclosure or material breach of
warranty or condition of this policy (each referred to as a "Vitiating Act") committed by that insured
party save where such misrepresentation non-disclosure or breach of warranty or condition was
committed innocently and in good faith.
For the avoidance of doubt it is however agreed that a Vitiating Act committed by one insured party
shall not prejudice the right to indemnity of any other insured who has an insurable interest and who
has not committed the Vitiating Act.
Insurers hereby agree to waive all rights of subrogation and/or recourse which they may have or
acquire against any insured party (together with their employees and agents) except where the rights
of subrogation or recourse are acquired in consequence of a Vitiating Act in which circumstances
insurers may enforce such rights against the insured responsible for the Vitiating Act notwithstanding
the continuing or former status of the vitiating party as an insured.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy or any other document or any act and/or omission
by any insured party insurers agree that:-
1. no party other than the Authority has any authority to make any warranty, disclosure or
representation in connection with this policy on behalf of the Authority;
2. where any warranty, disclosure or representation is required from the Authority in
connection with this policy insurers will contact the Authority in writing (in accordance with
Endorsement 3 below) and set out expressly the warranty, disclosure and/or representation
required within a reasonable period of time from the Authority (regarding itself); and
3. save as set out in a request from insurers to the Authority in accordance with paragraph (2)
of Endorsement 2 above, the Authority shall have no duty to disclose any fact or matter to
insurers in connection with this policy save to the extent that for the Authority not to
disclose a fact or matter would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation and/or fraudulent
All notices or other communications under or in connection with this policy shall be given to
each insured (and the Authority) in writing or by facsimile. Any such notice will be deemed
to be given as follows:-1. if in writing, when delivered;2. if by facsimile, when
transmitted but only if, immediately after transmission, the sender’s facsimile machine
records a successful transmission has occurred.
The address and facsimile number of the Authority for all notices under or in connection with this
policy are those notified from time to time by the Authority for this purpose to the Service Provider at
the relevant time. The initial address and facsimile number of the Authority are as follows:-
The Authority:-
Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield S1 2HH
Facsimile No:-
The Authority Representative
It is further agreed that a notice of claim given by the Authority or any other insured shall in the
absence of any manifest error be accepted by the insurer as a valid notification of a claim on behalf of
all insureds.
Not Used.
Primary Insurance
It is expressly understood and agreed that this policy provides primary cover for the insured parties
and that in the event of loss destruction damage or liability covered by this policy which is covered
either in whole or in part under any other policy or policies of insurance effected by or on behalf of
any of the insured parties the insurers will indemnify the insured parties as if such other policy or
policies of insurance were not in force and the insurers waive their rights of recourse if any against the
insurers of such other policy or policies of insurance.
The level of any indemnity available to an insured party under this policy in relation to any claim(s)
concerning the Project shall not be affected and/or reduced by any claim(s) unrelated to the Project.
PART 3 - Broker’s Letter of Undertaking
(To be substantially in the form set out below)
To:- The Authority
Dear Sirs
Project Agreement on or about [ ] entered into between Amey Hallam Highways
Limited (the Service Provider) and Sheffield City Council (the Authority) (the Contract)
1 We refer to the Contract. Unless the context otherwise requires, terms defined in the Contract
shall have the same meaning in this letter.
2 We act as insurance broker to the Service Provider in respect of the Required Insurances and
in that capacity we confirm that the Required Insurances which are required to be procured
pursuant to Clause 67 (Insurance) and Schedule 6 (Insurance Matters) of the Contract:-
2.1 where appropriate, name you and such other persons as are required to be named pursuant to
the Contract for their respective interests;
2.2 are, in our reasonable opinion as insurance brokers, as at today’s date, in full force and effect;
2.3 all premiums due to date in respect of the Required Insurances are paid and the Required
Insurances are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, placed with insurers which, as at the
time of placement, are reputable and financially sound we do not, however, make any
representations regarding such insurers’ current or future solvency or ability to pay claims;
2.4 the endorsements set out in Part 2 to Schedule 6 (Insurance Matters) of the Contract are in full
force and effect in respect of the Required Insurances.
3 We further confirm that the attached cover notes confirm this position.
4 Pursuant to instructions received from the Service Provider and in consideration of your
approving our appointment [or continuing appointment] as brokers in connection with the
Required Insurances, we hereby undertake in respect of the interests of the Authority in
relation to the Required Insurances:-
4.1 Notification Obligations:-
4.1.1 to notify you at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiry of any of the Required
Insurances if we have not received instructions from the Service Provider to negotiate
renewal and in the event of our receiving instructions to renew, to advise you
promptly of the details thereof; and
4.1.2 to notify you at least thirty (30) days prior to ceasing to act as brokers to the Service
Provider unless, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to do so in
which case we shall notify you as soon as practicable.
4.2 Advisory Obligations:-
4.2.1 to notify you as soon as possible of any default in the payment of any premium for
any of the Required Insurances;
4.2.2 to notify you if any insurer cancels or gives notification of cancellation of any of the
Required Insurances, at least thirty (30) days before such cancellation is to take effect
or as soon as reasonably practicable in the event that notification of cancellation takes
place less than thirty (30) days before it is to take effect;
4.2.3 to notify you as soon as reasonably practicable of any act or omission, breach or
default of the Service Provider or any other insured under the Required Insurances of
which those of our employees directly involved with the placement or administration
of the Required Insurances become aware and which acting reasonably they consider
may invalidate any Insurance or render it void, avoidable or unenforceable in whole
or in part or which may otherwise materially impact on the extent of cover provided
under the Required Insurances; and
4.2.4 in accordance with our duty to the Service Provider to notify the Service Provider of
its pre-contractual duties of disclosure to insurers
including the duty to disclose all information that would be considered material in the
context of such duty.
4.3 Disclosure Obligations:-
4.3.1 disclose to insurers all information and any fact, change of circumstances or
occurrence made available to us by the Service Provider; or
4.3.2 disclose with the approval of the Service Provider (such approval not to be
unreasonably withheld) all information and any fact, change or circumstance or
occurrence made available to us by the Authority;
4.3.3 which is our reasonable opinion is material to the risks insured against the Required
Insurance and which properly should be disclosed to insurers in accordance with the
insurers’ relevant policy terms and conditions as soon as reasonably practicable after
we are in receipt from the Service Provider of such information and becoming aware
of such information, fact, change of circumstance or occurrence whether prior to
inception or renewal or otherwise; and
4.3.4 to treat as confidential all information so marked or otherwise stated to be
confidential and supplied to us by or on behalf of the Service Provider or the
Authority and not to disclose such information, without the prior written consent of
the supplier of the information, to any third party other than those persons who, in our
reasonable opinion have a need to have access to such information from time to time,
and for the purpose of disclosure to the insurers or their agents in respect of the
Required Insurances in discharge of our obligation set out at paragraph 4.3.1 of this
letter. Our obligations of confidentiality shall not conflict with our duties owed to the
Service Provider and shall not apply to disclosure required by an order of a court of
competent jurisdiction, or pursuant to any applicable law, governmental or regulatory
authority having the force of law or to information which is in the public domain.
4.4 Administrative Obligations:-
4.4.1 to hold copies of all documents relating to or evidencing the Required Insurances,
including but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, insurance slips,
contracts, policies, endorsements and copies of all documents evidencing renewal of
the Required Insurances, payment of premiums and presentation and receipt of
4.4.2 to supply to the Authority and/or its insurance advisers (or the Authority’s or its
insurance advisers’ authorised representatives) forthwith on request copies of the
documents set out in paragraph 4.4.1 of this letter, and to the extent available, to
make available to such persons promptly upon the Authority’s request the originals of
such documents;
4.4.3 to administer the payment of premiums due pursuant to the Required Insurances such
that, in so far as we hold appropriate funds, all such premiums shall be paid to
insurers in accordance with the terms of the Required Insurances;
4.4.4 to administer the payment of claims from insurers in respect of the Insurances (the
Insurance Claims) including:-
(a) negotiating settlement of Insurance Claims presented in respect of the
Required Insurances;
(b) collating and presenting all information required by insurers in relation to
Insurance Claims presented in respect of the Required Insurances; and
(c) insofar as it is relevant and practicable, liaising with and reporting to each
Authority throughout the settlement, payment and administration of such
Insurance Claims;
4.4.5 to advise the Authority promptly upon receipt of notice of any material changes
which we are instructed to make in the terms of the Required Insurances and which, if
effected, would result in any material reduction in limits or coverage or in any
increase in deductibles, exclusions or exceptions;
4.4.6 to advise the Authority in advance of any lapse or non-renewal of any policy
maintained in respect of the Required Insurances; and
4.4.7 to use our reasonable endeavours to have endorsed on each and every policy
evidencing the Required Insurances (when the same is issued) endorsements
substantially in the form set out in Part 2 of Schedule 6 (Insurance Matters) of the
4.5 Insurance Cost Reporting Procedures:-
To prepare following request, at the expense of the Service Provider, a Joint Insurance Cost
Report on behalf of both the Service Provider and the Authority in accordance with the
Insurance Review Procedure set out in Part 4 of Schedule 6 (Insurance Matters) of the
Contract. We shall ensure that the information in the Joint Insurance Cost Report is fairly
represented, based on the information available to us.
4.6 Notification Details:-
4.6.1 Our obligations at paragraph 4.1 of this letter to notify or inform you shall be
discharged by providing the requisite information in hard copy to:-
The Sheffield City Council
Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH
5 General
5.1 For the avoidance of doubt, the undertakings and confirmations given in this letter relate
solely to the Required Insurances. They do not apply to any other insurances and nothing in
this letter should be taken as providing any undertakings or confirmation in relation to any
insurance (other than the Required Insurances) that ought to have been placed or may at some
future date be placed by ourselves or by other brokers.
5.2 Following termination of our appointment as broker to the Service Provider, on written notice
to the Authority we are released from all ongoing obligations set forth in this letter.
5.3 Nothing in this letter shall prejudice insurers’ right to cancel the Required Insurances in
accordance with their terms and the undertakings and confirmation set out in this letter are
given subject to such right.
5.4 This letter is given by us on the instructions of the Service Provider and with the Service
Provider’s full knowledge and consent as to its terms as evidenced by the Service Provider’s
signature below. Accordingly, the Service Provider hereby waives any potential liability we
might otherwise have had to it arising from actions taken by us to comply with the terms of
this letter (including, without limitation, any particular liability relating to any conflict of
5.5 This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.
Yours faithfully
for and on behalf of
[Service Provider’s Broker]
for and on behalf of
Amey Hallam Highways Limited
PART 4 - Insurance Premium Risk Sharing
1.1 In each part of this Part 4 of Schedule 6, the following expressions (in addition to those
specified in Schedule 1 (Definitions)) shall, save where the context or the express provisions
of this Contract otherwise requires or admits, have the following meanings:-
"Actual Reduction"
has the meaning given to it in paragraph (b)(i) of the definition of
Base Relevant Insurance Reduction
"Actual Relevant Insurance
means the aggregate of the annual insurance premiums reasonably
incurred by the Service Provider to maintain the Relevant
Insurance during the Insurance Review Period but excluding
insurance premium tax and all broker's fees and commissions
"Base Cost"
during the Core Investment Period and
during the remainder of the Term following the Core Investment
Period being the amount as agreed at the Bid Date and set out in
the Base Case Financial Model which represents the insurance
costs (which excludes amounts in respect of insurance premium
tax and all brokers' fees and commissions) which are proposed to
be incurred to maintain the Relevant Insurance in each year
following the Service Commencement Date, expressed in real
terms as at the Bid Date
"Base Relevant Insurance
means the aggregate of the Base Costs which were (at Bid Date)
projected to be incurred to maintain the Relevant Insurance during
the Insurance Review Period indexed by actual RPI from the Bid
Date up to the dates on which the Relevant Insurance was placed
or renewed either immediately before or during the Insurance
Review Period (as applicable in respect of the year in question)
less any Base Relevant Insurance Reduction
"Base Relevant Insurance
the reduction to be made to the Base Relevant Insurance Cost in
respect of a risk which has become Uninsurable or a term or
condition which is no longer available and shall be an amount that
is either:-
the amount by which the Base Relevant Insurance Cost
would have been a lesser amount had such a risk been
Uninsurable or such a term or condition been unavailable at
the Bid Date (which amount, for the avoidance of doubt, can
be ; or
if it is impossible to determine an amount pursuant to
paragraph (a) above, an amount that is reasonable to be
deducted from the Base Relevant Insurance Cost having due
regard to:-
(i) the amount by which the Actual Relevant Insurance
Cost is less than it would have been as a result of the
risk becoming Uninsurable, or the term or condition
becoming unavailable (the "Actual Reduction");
(ii) the size of the Actual Reduction as a percentage of
the Actual Relevant Insurance Cost immediately prior
to the risk becoming Uninsurable, or the term or
condition becoming unavailable; and
(iii) the effects of RPIx since the Bid Date
"Bid Date"
Means 28 February 2012
"Exceptional Cost"
means, for an Insurance Review Period, the extent to which there
is an Insurance Cost Increase which exceeds in amount
of the Base Relevant Insurance Cost for that Insurance
Review Period
"Exceptional Saving"
means, for an Insurance Review Period, the extent to which there
is an Insurance Cost Decrease which exceeds in amount
of the Base Relevant Insurance Cost for that Insurance
Review Period
"First Insurance Review
means the first Business Day following the first anniversary of the
Relevant Insurance Inception Date
"Insurance Cost Decrease"
means the Insurance Cost Differential if the value thereof is less
than zero, multiplied by minus one
"Insurance Cost
shall, subject to the Insurance Review Procedure, be determined as
Insurance Cost Differential = (ARIC - BRIC) - ( PIC)
ARIC is the Actual Relevant Insurance Cost
BRIC is the Base Relevant Insurance Cost
PIC is any Project Insurance Change
"Insurance Cost Increase"
means the Insurance Cost Differential if the value thereof is
greater than zero
"Insurance Cost Index"
means any index introduced by the United Kingdom Government
or the Office of National Statistics after the date of this Contract
and which is anticipated to be published annually to provide an
independent and objective measure of changes in prevailing
market insurance costs
"Insurance Review Date"
means the First Insurance Review Date and, thereafter, each date
falling on the second anniversary of the p
revious Insurance
Review Date, except where such date lies beyond the end of the
Term, in which case the Insurance Review Date shall be the last
renewal date of the Relevant Insurance prior to the end of the
"Insurance Review
means the procedure set out in paragraph 2 of this Part 4 of
Schedule 6
"Insurance Review Period"
means a two (2) year period from the Relevant Insurance Inception
Date and each subsequent two (2) year period commencing on the
second anniversary of the Relevant Insura
nce Inception Date
except where the end of such period lies beyond the end of the
Term, in which case the Insurance Review Period shall be the
period from the end of the penultimate Insurance Review Period to
the last day of the Term
"Insurance Summary
shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph 2.3.3 of this Part 4
of Schedule 6
"Joint Insurance Cost
shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph 2.3 of this Part 4 of
Schedule 6
"Portfolio Cost Saving"
means any insurance cost saving which arises from the Service
Provider changing the placement of the Required Insurances from
being on a standalone project-specific basis assumed at the date of
this Contract and reflected in the Base Cost, to being on the basis
of a policy (or policies) also covering risks on other projects or
other matters which are outside the scope of the Project so as to
benefit from portfolio savings. A Portfolio Cost Saving is defined
to be a positive sum and cannot be less than zero
"Project Insurance
means any net increase or net decrease in the Actual Relevant
Insurance Cost relative to the Base Relevant Insurance Cost,
arising from:-
(a) the claims history or re-rating of the Service Provider or any
Service Provider Party;
(b) the effect of any change in deductible unless the following
(i) such change is attributable to circumstances generally
prevailing in the Relevant Insurance Market; and
(ii) the deductible, further to such change, is either greater
than or equal to the maximum set out in Part 1 of
Schedule 6;
(c) any other issue or factor other than circumstances generally
prevailing in the Relevant Insurance Market, except for any
Portfolio Cost Saving.
For the purpose of determining the Insurance Cost Differential, in
the event that there is a net increase, the Project Insurance Change
shall have a positive value. In the event that there is a net decrease
the Project Insurance Change shall have a negative value
"Relevant Insurance"
means the Required Insurances and any other insurances as may
be required by legislation
"Relevant Insurance
Inception Date"
means the date on which the Relevant Insurance is first providing
active insurance cover to the Service Provider, being a date no
earlier than the Service Commencement Date
"Relevant Insurance
means the insurance market which insures the majority of all PFI
projects across all of the PFI sectors (as determined by the number
of PFI projects). At the date of this Contract, the Relevant
Insurance Market is in the United Kingdom
2.1 This procedure shall be used to determine whether the Authority shall bear any increase or
benefit from any decrease in Relevant Insurance costs.
2.2 The Service Provider's insurance broker shall prepare a report on behalf of both the Service
Provider and the Authority (the "Joint Insurance Cost Report"). The Joint Insurance Cost
Report is to be prepared at the Service Provider's expense, and should, as a minimum,
contain the following information for the relevant Insurance Review Period:-
2.2.1 a full breakdown of the Actual Relevant Insurance Cost;
2.2.2 a full breakdown of the Base Relevant Insurance Cost;
2.2.3 a spreadsheet (the "Insurance Summary Sheet") detailing separately:-
(a) the sum(s) insured/limit of indemnity (i.e. rateable factor) for each of the
Relevant Insurances;
(b) the premium rate for each of the Relevant Insurances;
(c) the net premium paid (or to be paid) for each of the Relevant Insurances
(i.e. excluding both insurance premium tax and brokers fees and
(d) the deductible(s) for each Relevant Insurance;
2.2.4 an assessment and quantification of each Project Insurance Change together with
the reasons therefore;
2.2.5 full details of any Portfolio Cost Saving;
2.2.6 any other reasons that the Service Provider believes may have caused a change (by
way of increase or decrease relative to the Base Relevant Insurance Costs) in the
Actual Relevant Insurance Cost;
2.2.7 the opinion of the Service Provider's insurance broker as to the reasons why the
Actual Relevant Insurance Cost has varied from the Base Relevant Insurance Cost,
specifying the impact of each of the factors and quantifying the amount
attributable to each factor specified above;
2.2.8 the calculation of the Insurance Cost Differential and any Exceptional Cost or
Exceptional Saving arising from this calculation;
2.2.9 evidence satisfactory to the Authority (acting reasonably) of any changes to
circumstances generally prevailing in the Relevant Insurance Market that are
claimed to account for the Insurance Cost Differential; and
2.2.10 details of movements in the CBS Private Capital non marine index plus, if
available from other appropriate sources, details of changes in insurance cost
across the PFI market as a whole.
2.3 The Service Provider shall procure that the Service Provider's insurance broker, no later than
the date which is ten (10) Business Days after the Insurance Review Date, delivers to the
Authority, at the same time as it delivers to the Service Provider, at least two (2) copies of
the Joint Insurance Cost Report. At the same time the Service Provider should send a copy
of the Insurance Summary Sheet to HM Treasury private finance unit or its nominee.
Following receipt of the Joint Insurance Cost Report, the Authority shall notify the Service
Provider, in writing, within fifteen (15) Business Days whether or not it accepts the Joint
Insurance Cost Report including full details of any disagreement. If the Authority does not
provide such notification and/or details of any disagreement to the Service Provider within
fifteen (15) Business Days, the Authority shall be deemed to have accepted the Joint
Insurance Cost Report. If the Authority disagrees with any item in the Joint Insurance Cost
Report, the parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavours acting in good faith to
agree the contents of the Joint Insurance Cost Report. If the parties fail to agree the contents
of the Joint Insurance Cost Report within thirty five (35) Business Days from the date it was
delivered to the Authority, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to Clause 82 (Dispute
Resolution Procedure), provided always that references in Clause 82.2 (Adjudication) shall
be construed as references to an independent insurance expert agreed by the Parties or, in the
absence of agreement, appointed by the President for the time being of the Chartered
Institute of Arbitrators.
2.4 The Authority may make the Joint Insurance Cost Report available to any of its or HM
Treasury's agents or advisers or other body or bodies nominated by HM Treasury for
insurance cost verification, benchmarking or similar purpose.
3.1 If, following the completion of the Insurance Review Procedure, it is agreed or determined
that there is an Exceptional Cost, the Authority shall within twenty (20) Business Days of
completion of the Insurance Review Procedure make a one-off lump-sum payment to the
Service Provider equal to eighty-five per cent (85%) of the Exceptional Cost.
3.2 If, following the completion of the Insurance Review Procedure, it is agreed or determined
that there is an Exceptional Saving, the Service Provider shall within twenty (20) Business
Days of completion of the Insurance Review Procedure make a one-off lump-sum payment
to the Authority equal to of the Exceptional Saving.
3.3 If, following the completion of the Insurance Review Procedure, if it is agreed or determined
that there is neither an Exceptional Cost nor an Exceptional Saving, any Insurance Cost
Differential shall be borne by or benefit the Service Provider.
If at any time an Insurance Cost Index is published and intended for use in PFI contracts of a
similar nature to this Contract, the parties shall meet with a view to agreeing:-
4.1 its application to the Project, taking into account any relevant guidance issued by HM
Treasury; and
4.2 how a Portfolio Cost Saving may be accounted for when the index is in use.