An Agency of the Department of Commerce
Filing a new international application under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
July 2010
Table of Contents
PCT Help Desk .............................................................................................................................2
Electronic filing requirements........................................................................................................2
General PCT guidelines................................................................................................................2
Required documents for a PCT international application filing date ............................................. 3
Documents which are part of the international application and, where applicable, must be
included with the initial application documents .............................................................................
Chapter I fee payment ..................................................................................................................
Documents which often accompany a new international application filed under the PCT............
Rarely, Chapter I communication for which no other document code is applicable......................
Filing a new international application under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
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PCT Help Desk
For any questions relating to PCT documents, please contact the PCT Help
Phone: (571)272-4300
Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fax: (571)273-0419
Hours: 24 hours/day
Electronic filing requirements
The required page size for a PCT international application filed via EFS-Web
in pdf format is A4. See PCT Rule 11.5.
All pdf documents submitted via EFS-Web must have a minimum resolution of
300 dpi.
Additional documents must not be added to the PCT Easy zip file.
General PCT guidelines
Applicant must be a resident or national of a PCT Contracting State.
The application must include at least one applicant who is a resident or national
of the United States and the application must be entirely in the English language
for the United States receiving Office (RO/US) to be deemed competent.
The application papers must indicate that it is intended as an international
application pursuant to PCT Article 11(1)(iii)(a).
Selection of the appropriate radio button during EFS-Web filing will result in the
Electronic Acknowledgment Receipt indication of “International Application for
filing in the U.S. receiving office” as the Application Type.
At least one Contracting State must be designated pursuant to PCT Article
Unless otherwise indicated, all Contracting States are designated for any PCT
international application having an international fling date on or after April 1,
Filing a new international application under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
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The application must contain the name of the applicant, a description, and a
claim or claims pursuant to PCT Article 11(1)(iii)(c)-(e).
Required documents for a PCT international application filing
PCT Request (Form PCT/RO/101)
A standard form generally used to meet some of the requirements set forth in
PCT Article 11.
When filing via EFS-Web, the request may be filed in one of two different
formats: (1) conventional format and (2) PCT-Safe Easy format.
(1) The request may be filed via EFS-Web in conventional format by uploading the
pdf format of the Request (Form PCT/RO/101, which includes the last sheet –
Document code category: PCT Form and PCT Application Part
Document code description: RO/101 Request form for new IA conventional
(2) Alternatively, the request may be filed via EFS-Web in PCT-Safe Easy format by
uploading a zip file containing the request which is created using the PCT-Safe
Easy mode software.
Document code category: PCT Form and PCT Application Part
Document code description: RO/101 Request form for new IA PCT-Easy format
NOTE: The request does not need to be signed in order to obtain an international
filing date. The receiving Office will invite the applicant to correct the defect by
sending an invitation to correct.
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Specification
Claim or claims
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Claims
Filing a new international application under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
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Documents which are part of the international application
and, where applicable, must be included with the initial
application documents
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Abstract
Drawings, when necessary for the understanding of the invention pursuant to
PCT Article 7
Black and white line drawings, e.g., prepared by a draftsperson.
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Drawings only black and white line drawings
Although there is no provision for photographs under the PCT, this document
code may be used for drawings that are not line drawings.
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Drawings – other than black and white line drawings
Sequence listing part of the description (when required)
A sequence listing may be submitted as a single text file which will not be
included in the number of sheets of the international application and which will be
used for purposes of search.
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Sequence listing (text file)
Alternatively, a sequence listing may be submitted in pdf format which sheets will
be included in the number of sheets of the international application (and which
will require a text file of the sequence listing and statement of identity for
purposes of search).
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: Sequence listing
Chapter I fee payment
ADVISORY: If filing by EFS-Web, do NOT attach the PTO-2038 form as a PDF along with
your EFS-Web submission. Please be advised that this is not recommended and by doing so
your credit card information may be displayed via PAIR. To protect your information, it is
recommended paying fees online by using the electronic payment method.
Filing a new international application under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
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Chapter I fee payment made in response to an invitation (PCT/RO/102,
PCT/RO/133) or spontaneously
May be made electronically via the fee payment screens.
May be made on the Request fee calculation sheet annex, including an
authorization to charge a deposit account.
Document code category: PCT Application Part and PCT General Transmittal
Document code description: Fee payment international application
May be made by uploading a document giving authorization to charge a deposit
Document code category: PCT Application Part and
PCT General Transmittal
Document code description: Fee payment international application
Documents which often accompany a new international
application filed under the PCT
Transmittal letter (preferably PTO-1382)
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: PCT transmittal letter
Fee calculation sheet annex
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: RO/101 Annex (fee calculation sheet)
Sequence listing cover letter
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: Seq Listing Cover Sheet/Stmt under PCT Rule 13ter
Sequence listing statement
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: Seq Listing Cover Sheet/Stmt under PCT Rule 13ter
Power of attorney
Document code category: PCT Change Request and PCT Application Part
Document code description: Power of attorney
General power of attorney
Document code category: PCT Change Request and PCT Application Part
Document code description: Power of attorney
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Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
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PCT-Easy validation log
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: PCT Easy validation log
Reference to deposited microorganisms or biological material
Document code category: PCT Application Part
Document code description: RO/134 Deposited microorganisms/Bio material
Request for restoration of right of priority under PCT Rule 26bis.3
Document code category: PCT Change Request and PCT Petition
Document code description: Evidence for restore of priority claim
Rarely, Chapter I communication for which no other
document code is applicable
Rarely, there may be a Chapter I communication for which no other document
code is applicable.
Document code category: PCT General Transmittal and PCT Application Part
Document code description: Misc incoming letter from applicant IA