Modern biomedical and behavioral science benefits from the fundamental transformation of basic
biological and biomedical experiments and data science-enabled clinical studies that drive new
discoveries. Data enable new opportunities for scientific inquiry; Hence, this updated National Institutes
of Health (NIH) Strategic Plan for Data Science sets a bold vision for the future, one in which data
generated in the course of care of individuals and data generated from biomedical and basic research
become powerful inputs that enhance our understanding of fundamental biology and enable the
development of new clinical treatments and diagnostic technologies. Data science includes genomics,
transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, imaging, and other data that underly basic biological
experimentation. Data science also consists of clinical trial data; real-world data including electronic
health data, wearable data and geospatial data, and health derived data; survey data; data from social
and observational studies; and data on social and environmental determinants of health. The vision,
articulated in this strategic plan, supports the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
embraces data-driven discovery as a powerful tool to elucidate biological processes, better characterize
the health and health consequences of all people and fosters ethical use of new methodologies arising
from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Progress towards the promise of data-driven
discovery requires a unified effort across the NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) that is
coordinated by and stimulated with the resources of the Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS). To
accomplish the goals set forth with this vision, NIH will address key challenges and outline opportunities
relevant to:
Generate and disseminate FAIR
Data in a manner that will foster greater sharing and add value
to NIH research investments.
Enact cost-effective strategies for sustainable, secure, and accessible biomedical data
repositories and knowledgebases.
Acquire and protect data obtained from electronic health records and other real-world data,
including data captured outside of traditional health care settings, that preserves privacy and
promotes participant consent.
Promote emergence of innovations in trustable AI approaches that reduce bias and risks, and
are FAIR, validated, and explainable.
Create opportunities for exploration of new technologies and computing paradigms for
biomedical research.
Decrease disparities across institutions, regions, and global partners in data science.
In support of the NIH mission and the goals of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to
increase data sharing, modernize data infrastructure, and develop AI capacity, the 2023-2028 NIH
Strategic Plan for Data Science articulates the NIH’s strategic views, goals, and objectives to advance
data science in the next five years. By addressing these challenges, NIH will pioneer robust data
FAIR data denotes Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable datasets.
governance frameworks, ensuring data integrity, security, and accessibility, while promoting cross-
disciplinary collaborations that accelerate scientific discovery.
The 2023-2028 NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science builds on accomplishments from significant
collaborations of NIH ICOs under the initial NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science
. Experiences with public-
private partnerships and alignment with activities across the Federal sector demonstrate that the NIH
need not solve all data science challenges alone, but rather that it must ensure that solutions advanced
in the private sector are sufficiently robust to be applied within the biomedical research enterprise.
Advancing data science requires new partnerships including, but not limited to, health care delivery
systems, private sector industries in technology and pharmaceuticals, non-profit patient representative
groups and community partners, and other government agencies. This Strategic Plan will prepare NIH to
face the acceleration of sophisticated new technologies and address the rapid rise in the quantity and
diversity of data by accomplishing five overarching goals:
Goal 1: Improve Capabilities to Sustain the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
Goal 2: Develop Programs to Enhance Human Derived Data for Research
Goal 3: Provide New Opportunities in Software, Computational Methods, and Artificial Intelligence
Goal 4: Support for a Federated Biomedical Research Data Infrastructure
Goal 5: Strengthen a Broad Community in Data Science
This document includes a summary of emerging opportunities and challenges facing NIH and delineates
strategic objectives for each of the five goals. Associated with each strategic objective are suggested
implementation tactics and evaluation schemes. Achievement of the vision set forth in this plan will
position the NIH for accelerating discovery in biomedicine and health, mitigating health disparities,
improving health equity through more relevant, comprehensive scientific findings, and achieving a
workforce of researchers and clinicians sophisticated in the use of data science methods for discovery
and care.
Emerging Opportunities for Biomedical and Behavioral Data Science
Significant advances in data science have been made since the initial NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science
(Appendix I). For example, NIH has maintained data sharing policies for several decades and has taken a
bold step forward with the final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS), which articulates
the need to prospectively plan for how scientific data and accompanying metadata will be managed and
shared. NIH defines metadata as information intended to make scientific data citable, interpretable, and
reusable. NIH will continue to support data management and sharing capabilities that enable
researchers to appropriately share data in ways that reduce barriers and overall cost. New capabilities
and resources are needed that enable researchers to improve the automated collection of valuable
metadata during the research process. These capabilities and resources should be consistent with
community expectations and standards and should enable easier sharing of these data in appropriate
repositories. Moreover, new opportunities and guidelines are needed to enhance trustworthy data
repositories in a manner that aligns with global community expectations and contains open metrics that
illustrate the impact of data sharing. Finally, developing new methodologies to allow for computational
interoperability across data repositories and knowledgebases enables greater research from the
underlying data.
Today there is potential to create federated networks that connect the billions of data points stored in
electronic health records (EHRs), other real-world data such as wearable data, and clinical trial data
obtained from medical systems and medical research institutions across the country. However, to
maximize the potential of these data to discover new treatments and cures, there needs to be broad
adoption of standardized data exchanges and integration. Through the Health Level Seven
International (HL7
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR
specification, certified health IT
products will have standardized API capabilities to facilitate health data sharing. Leveraging and building
on the FHIR
standard to exchange and share not only EHR data, but also phenotypic data obtained from
clinical and genomics studies, clinical records and related social determinates of health data, and
eventually other data from medical devices and wearable sensors, provides promising new avenues for
clinical research. The ability to gather individual health data over time offers tremendous opportunities
to accelerate research and medical breakthroughs and enable individualized preventions and treatments
and is the vision of the NIH’s All of Us
program. Recently the National COVID Cohort Collaborative
illustrated the power of a collective data initiative. The N3C pulls data in 4 common models from
77 health systems, which represents more than 230 organizations. Data are harmonized to the
Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model on a weekly basis. N3C
represents the largest de-identified limited datasets for COVID-19 research and uses privacy-preserving
linkages to other Real-World Data (RWD), such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and
mortality data. Advances such as those seen in the All of Us and N3C programs require standardized
vocabularies and ontologies that include communities from different areas of biomedical science and
medicine. Experiences during COVID-19 also emphasized the importance of using and promoting
Common Data Elements (CDEs), as was illustrated in the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx)
initiative which developed a core set of CDEs used across all RADx-funded projects. In addition, RADx’s
Mobile At-Home Reporting through Standards (MARS)
program established a core set of CDEs and a
common HL7
specification to facilitate standardized public health reporting of at-home COVID-19 test
results. CDEs continue to lack standardized semantics and ontologies. As a goal, this updated Strategic
Plan for Data Science advocates for the creation of minimal sets or core CDEs, enabled by creating
standardized concepts with allowable responses and data representations, that would enable and
broaden the use of clinical and health data.
Another challenge for the data science research community is leveraging the massive datasets derived
from the same individual across multiple data repositories and resources in a way that preserves
participant identity and their intent for sharing. The situation is further complicated by inclusion of time-
dependent participant data collection methods and requires data linkages. This can only be
accomplished if these data have compatible standards and data models. Addressing these challenges
requires new governance policies for data linkage and approaches to ensure participants’ autonomy is
respected. Technical capabilities are needed as well to support data harmonization and aggregation
across different sources, including new methodology for collecting, integrating, and sharing social and
environmental determinants of health data. These challenges open the door for new algorithms that
incorporate secure data governance and participant consent, including privacy preserving computing,
generative AI, foundation models, and blockchain methods.
Machine learning, deep learning, and AI technologies hold significant opportunities to advance basic and
clinical research and to improve health and health care at individual and community levels. Recognizing
these opportunities, NIH launched the Bridge
to Artificial Intelligence
(Bridge2AI) program
in 2022 to produce new flagship biomedical
and behavioral datasets that adhere to FAIR
principles and integrate ethical considerations
(see textbox for Bridge2AI). Creating AI-ready
data requires the necessary tools to collect
FAIR-data at the beginning of the research
process (FAIR by design-intentional integration
of FAIR principles from the beginning of the
data lifecycle) and methods that are
complementary to the Collective benefit,
Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics
(CARE) principles
for Indigenous Data
sovereignty and data governance. New
capabilities to facilitate tribal data sovereignty
that respects cultural needs and expectations
are needed.
Efforts are also ongoing to utilize cloud service providers for data storage and management and to
create interoperable data systems, efforts to enhance biomedical-artificial intelligence for ethical and
unbiased data and algorithms
, and efforts to create tools that enable researchers to collect, find,
and utilize FAIR data and software. Through the STRIDES
initiative, the NIH partnership with cloud
service providers Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Services (GCP), and Microsoft Azure has
resulted in significant increases in data storage, data access, and the use of computational data
platforms. Many NIH ICOs have leveraged STRIDES and have created cloud-based data repositories.
However, much of these data remain siloed and are not utilized to their fullest potential. Addressing this
challenge will require NIH to leverage a modern, federated data architecture approach. This approach
will enable NIH to create cost-effective and sustainable practices that are tailored to the needs of
Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI) will propel
biomedical research forward by supporting widespread
adoption of AI that tackles complex biomedical
challenges beyond human intuition.
1. Generate new flagship biomedical and
behavioral data sets
2. Develop software and standards to unify data
3. Create automated tools to accelerate the
creation of FAIR and ethically sourced data
4. Provide resources to disseminate data, ethical
principles, tools, and best practices
5. Create training that bridges the AI, biomedical,
and behavioral research communities
individual ICOs and will allow researchers to take full advantage of biomedical data in the cloud with
shared scientific analysis capabilities at unprecedented scales.
Today, technological innovations in AI and new capabilities to optimize large language models have
generated considerable interest in the possibility of AI to recognize, summarize, translate, predict, and
generate text and other content based on knowledge gained from massive datasets. Yet, challenges
remain in creating transparent and explainable datasets and models. The need for ethical principles and
frameworks, and connecting those principles/frameworks to practice, for developing and using AI in
biomedical research remains an important priority and an unmet need. New paradigms in data
discovery and knowledge generation
that utilize the integrative power of foundational models would
enable researchers and citizen scientists to explore and use data to address complex questions involving
diverse and heterogeneous datasets.
Beyond AI, other technological breakthroughs are emerging including advances in quantum computing,
quantum sensing, privacy enhancing computing such as federated learning, and privacy preserving data
sharing such as blockchain. Other applications are emerging in scientific fields such as physics,
engineering, computer science, and in other industries from manufacturing to finance. However, at the
intersection of these emerging technologies and biomedical research remains a relatively less-explored
area. Expanding NIH investments in these emerging technologies will better position the biomedical
research community and the agency to take full advantage of these and other new capabilities.
To make progress in the next five years, NIH must leverage the exponential growth in the amount and
variety of data by developing and using sophisticated approaches to data management and embracing
new technologies, including new methods in data reduction and compression for downstream analysis.
Cloud computing will continue to play a significant role in the ability to share and utilize scientific
workflows at an unprecedented scale. For example, the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) entire
compendium of the Sequence Read Archive database is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
through the Open Data Sponsorship Program. As a result, researchers can search and align over 19
million diverse samples (16.8 petabytes) to answer questions about evolutionary and comparative
biology. By taking advantage of current and emerging data and computing technologies from the
commercial and public sector, NIH could realize exabyte scale data science in the next decade.
Plan Content and Implementation
This updated Strategic Plan for Data Science is organized into five overarching goals, corresponding to
strategic objectives and implementation tactics. These goals will ensure that NIH’s strategic approach
will address concerns to reduce unintended biases, protect participant privacy, and increase
transparency in AI while collectively improving data and tools for research. This strategic plan also
supports NIH’s Policy for DMS by developing new capabilities to streamline data access with renewed
emphases on metadata consistency and accuracy, use of CDEs, and support for utilizing community
driven schemas and ontologies to enable data discovery across collections and repositories. This
strategic plan also addresses data science gaps in the intramural research program and encourages
increased and targeted collaborations to realize sharable opportunities for data and software. New to
this strategic plan are objectives to enhance NIH’s ability to leverage AI/ML technologies for biomedical
and behavioral research, enhance clinical and health care data for research, and integrate policy, ethics,
and health equity into its visions and objectives.
The implementation tactics are a roadmap for how the overarching goals and strategic objectives will be
achieved. Details of these implementation tactics will be determined by the NIH Associate Director for
Data Science in collaboration with working groups established by the NIH Scientific Data Council (SDC)
and NIH Data Science Policy Council (DSPC), in consultation with the NIH ICOs, other federal and
international agencies, the research community, the private sector, and other key stakeholder groups.
NIH will continually assess and adjust these priorities based on the needs of NIH and its stakeholders
and new opportunities in response to new technologies and capabilities.
Through implementation of this strategic plan during the next five years, NIH will:
Develop new programs to support innovative approaches to data curation, harmonization, and
validation and increase support for communities to develop and implement new CDEs and
standards in priority disease areas.
Increase support for research on clinical and health care data science, including new methods
for privacy protection, participant informed consent, and data governance.
Increase support for developing tools to collect and analyze data from wearable devices and
other new RWD technologies.
Develop new research, training programs, and collaborations in AI and Bioethics.
Provide new ways for researchers to search, discover, access, and analyze data across resources
and enhance the accuracy, validity, transparency, and reproducibility of these capabilities.
Engage researchers and communities in data science training across biomedical, social,
environmental, and behavioral disciplines.
This strategic plan aligns with the recently released document
Digital NIH: Innovation, Technology, and Computation for the
. Digital NIH proposes new approaches to manage
and govern NIH technology investments; describes a
framework to guide implementation of high-priority, high
value capabilities; and identifies cross-cutting capabilities that
will support data science within NIH (see textbox Digital NIH).
This strategic plan will provide direction to encourage greater
integration of data science to improve access to and use of
biomedical and behavioral data that supports strong ethical,
transparent, and anti-bias frameworks. These efforts will
increase the scientific community’s ability to address new
challenges in accessing, managing, analyzing, integrating, and
making reusable the huge amounts of data being generated
by the biomedical research enterprise.
Digital NIH identifies new governance and funding
approaches as well as capabilities organized by four
functional areas: Extramural Research Management,
Intramural Basic Research, Intramural Clinical
Research, and Administration and Management.
Digital NIH is supported by efforts in the five cross-
cutting themes:
A common architecture with well-defined
standards to enable integration
Innovative, cutting-edge storage, analytics,
and computational infrastructure
Increased technical competency of the
workforce at all levels
Technology to support an anywhere, anytime
workplace of the future
Risk-based, embedded cybersecurity
Overarching Goals, Strategic Objectives, and Implementation Tactics
Improve Capabilities to Sustain the NIH Policy for Data Management and
NIH has a long-standing commitment to data management and sharing across two decades of policies
with the goal to create and support a data sharing culture. For example, the final NIH Data Management
and Sharing Policy emphasizes the importance of good data management practices and encourages data
management and data sharing that reflect practices within research communities. Data management
and sharing should reflect practices consistent with FAIR principles to be most beneficial. NIH-supported
and NIH-managed repositories are the building blocks of
the NIH data ecosystem and one of the primary
mechanisms by which NIH makes the results of federally
funded data available to the research community and
the public. Federally funded data repositories should
adopt the Office of Science, Technology, and Policy
(OSTP) Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories
and should align with community standards such as the
Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainability,
and Technology (TRUST) principles.
principles provide a framework for formalizing the
capabilities of a repository to efficiently serve its
intended scientific community. Together the FAIR, CARE,
and TRUST principles, the National Science and
Technology Council (NSTC) Guidance provides a framework for formalizing the capabilities of a
repository (see textbox NSTC Desired Characteristics of Data Repositories). NSTC ensures that federal
investment in research that results in scientific data is accessible to accelerate biomedical discoveries,
advance human health, and maximize America’s return in dollars invested in scientific research. NIH will
continue to promote and support researchers’ ability to comply with the NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing expectations by providing resources and guidance to researchers.
NIH will also develop new frameworks to handle the needs of modern data science challenges. For
example, NCATS is developing the Maintainable, Observing, Securing, and Timing (MOST) framework to
augment the FAIR and CARE principles. The MOST framework is a new paradigm for management of
data "in use" that emphasizes the importance of maintainable data infrastructure and policies,
observing and understanding data as it is generated. This ensures data security compliance during data
ingestion, validation, and utilization. This framework has been used to guide several of the largest
initiatives such as the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN)
, National Covid Cohort
Lin, D., Crabtree, J., Dillo, I. et al. The TRUST Principles for digital repositories. Sci Data 7, 144 (2020).
NSTC Desired Characteristics of Data
Repositories are designed to be relevant to
all repositories that manage and share data
resulting from Federally funded research. The
characteristics are organized across three
o Organizational Infrastructure
o Digital Object Management
o Technology
In addition, additional characteristics for
repositories storing human data must be able
to address privacy protections,
confidentiality, and security.
Collaborative (N3C), and A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE)
. In
addition, NIH will promote data repository interoperability. NIH seeks to create a FAIR-enabled data
ecosystem that will break down data silos and promote greater findability and accessibility of data,
thereby preventing unnecessary duplication of efforts and maximizing NIH investments.
Objective 1-1: Support the Biomedical Community to Manage, Share, and Sustain Data
The NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing established requirements that emphasize the
importance of good data management practices. It also established the expectations for maximizing the
appropriate sharing of scientific data generated from NIH-funded or -conducted research, with justified
limitations or exceptions. This policy applies to research funded or conducted by NIH-supported
researchers that results in the generation of scientific data. By requiring researchers to anticipate their
needs for managing and sharing scientific data, NIH will ensure that researchers develop data
management and sharing plans that include where and how their scientific data will be shared and any
anticipated limitations. This forward-thinking policy integrates data management and sharing into the
routine conduct of a scientific project, and in the process, NIH aims to shift the biomedical research
culture into one in which data sharing and data reuse are the rule rather than the exception.
NIH is
developing resources to support the Data Management and Sharing Policy compliance activities of their
funded investigators, including the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER) sharing website,
the NIH
Biomedical Informatics Coordinating Committee’s portal to key data repositories,
and the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development’s (NICHD) Data Repository Finder to support the
development of data management and sharing plans. Supporting the NIH Policy for Data Management
and Sharing requires a coordinated effort between the OSP, OER, Office of Intramural Research, ODSS,
and other NIH ICOs. As such, NIH will establish and enhance guidelines, processes, data sharing tools
and training in data management and sharing and will explore funding and governance models to ensure
a sustainable NIH data sharing infrastructure, for researchers, NIH staff, and for data stewards and
librarians, including those at low resourced institutions.
Implementation Tactics
Strengthen the core data management competencies of researchers, data stewards, data
librarians, and NIH program and grants management officers with tools and training:
o For researchers: core data management and sharing competencies.
o For data stewards
and data librarians: promote and enhance FAIR data sharing at
their institutions.
o For NIH staff: evaluate and improve data management and sharing practices and plans.
Enhance programs that provide for credit and incentives for sharing data, including working with
publishers, academic institutions, and other funding organizations and agencies.
Develop metrics to measure data sharing, reuse, and impact.
Jorgenson LA, Wolinetz CD, Collins FS. Incentivizing a New Culture of Data Stewardship: The NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing. JAMA. 2021;326(22):22592260
For this document, data stewards provide guidance on data quality, inclusion of appropriate metadata, appropriate data standard usage, data
governance and limitations of data use.
Establish a data steward program to guide data sharing and leverage existing activities at the
NNLM National Center for Data Services and support additional partnerships, including with
societies and associations, for training.
Support tools that will assist researchers with the process of preparing, annotating, and sharing
their data.
Objective 1-2: Enhance FAIR Data and Greater Data Harmonization
Through enhanced data sharing efforts and the NIH Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for
Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (STRIDES) Initiative, NIH-supported investigators have
generated and made available over 200 Petabytes of data in the cloud. This represents a significant
amount of biological data including genomics data, clinical study data, phenotypic and ‘omics data,
fitness measures and survey data, and data derived from electronic health care systems and social
determinants of health. These data are most valuable when researchers can combine datasets to
answer challenging questions such as What are the physiological changes evident in long COVID? or
What is the relationship between obesity and diabetes in populations with inadequate health care and
how does this differ across geographic areas? To address questions such as these requires aggregation
and comparison of datasets with supported efforts in the standardization of collections, formats, and
data models/data dictionaries. A key to success in data interoperability is the development and use of
agreed upon data standards, standardized terminologies, and CDEs. The NIH Common Data Elements
Task Force includes a governance committee that reviews and provides NIH endorsements to submitted
CDEs, which are then deposited into the NIH CDE Repository,
hosted by the NLM, for use by
researchers to help share and combine datasets.
Other resources for CDEs include the National
Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary
Services (EVS)
and the cancer Data Standards
Registry and Repository (caDSR).
During the past five years a number of large NIH
programs have undertaken an effort to enhance
data harmonization, including Helping End
Addiction Long-Term
(see text box HEAL) that is
standardizing metadata; NCI’s Cancer Data
that is mapping harmonized data
elements to Fast Healthcare Interoperability
Resources (FHIR), Observational Medical
Outcomes Partnership (OMOP), and other data
models; National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research’s (NIDCR) FaceBase
that is
providing guides to scientists to produce
HEAL Common Data Element (CDE) Program
The NIH HEAL Initiative research portfolio spans a
broad array of data types that are a rich resource for
future studies. The NIH HEAL Initiative’s CDE
Program supports the initiative’s Public Access and
Data Sharing policy, which requires researchers to
develop plans to share their project’s underlying
primary data through a repository that is
appropriate for the data type and research
discipline, and will connect and expose data via
the HEAL Platform.
To facilitate cross-study comparisons and improve
the interpretability of findings, clinical pain research
grantees collaborate and agree to use common data
elements across nine core pain domains for patient-
reported outcomes (PROs).
harmonizable metadata/data; and other large programs such as All of Us, which is harmonizing clinical
data to the OMOP data model. In addition, community efforts such as the Minimal Common Oncology
Data Elements (mCODE)
provides an agreed upon data standard that can be widely adopted and can
increase high-quality data for all cancer types. International funders, such as the International Alliance
for Mental Health Research Funders, have established a community of funders, medical journals and
data measurement experts that are committed to adopting an agreed upon set of common measures
for mental health science.
NIH applauds these efforts to support the development of standardized
outcome measures in basic and clinical research. Creating standardized outcome measures, when
appropriate, will allow for unbiased analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results. These standardized
measures of behavioral and health outcomes facilitate cross-study comparisons and improve the
interpretability and reporting of research findings and translation into evidence-based clinical practice
but will need to be balanced with the flexibility that enables innovative clinical research.
To further enhance the data ecosystem, NIH will encourage the use of community agreed upon standard
schemas and metadata, enhance automated ontologies and automated curation processes, and create
capabilities for greater data discovery and interoperability across data multiple data repositories and
knowledgebases. This objective will inform future activities under the NIH Plan for Public Access to
Research Results.
Implementation Tactics
Enhance abilities to improve data and metadata quality, including Data QA/QC.
Encourage usage of open and standardized schemas, ontologies, and data formats.
Enhance automated processes for ontology use and for enhanced data curation including
enrichment of metadata.
Create a minimal set of consistent and computable common data elements, or concepts, with
consistent data models.
Objective 1-3: Strengthen NIH’s Data Repository and Knowledgebase Ecosystem
Data repositories and knowledgebases are essential to increasing the information value of the scientific
research enterprise and serve as important components of the implementation of the Policy for NIH
Data Management and Sharing for preserving, archiving, and sharing scientific data. As the size and
diversity of data collected and stored from biomedical research continues to increase and we transition
to a modernized data ecosystem, the need for making scientific research data and information FAIR and
the important role of repositories and knowledgebase in bringing this to fruition is even more evident.
As articulated in the first Strategic Plan for Data Science, NIH makes a distinction between data
repositories and knowledgebases as follows:
Biomedical data repositories accept the submission of relevant data from the research
community and store, organize, validate, archive, preserve, and distribute data in compliance
with the FAIR data principles. Curation focuses on quality assurance and quality control.
Biomedical knowledgebases extract, accumulate, organize, annotate, and link the growing body
of information that is related to and relies on core datasets. Curation of information is often
required in knowledgebases.
NIH has separately supported data repositories and knowledgebases as valuable assets and recognizes
that these unique resources require funding mechanisms and review panels tuned to the needs of data
science resources. Data resources and good data management practices are the key to data and
knowledge discovery, data integration, and data reuse. To sustain a healthy and productive data
resource ecosystem, it is critical to ensure that data repositories and knowledgebases:
Deliver scientific impact to the communities that they serve.
Employ and promote good data management practices and efficient operation for quality and
Engage with the user community and continuously address their needs.
Implement, adopt, or contribute to openly shared metric.
Provide sufficient metadata and semantic annotation.
Supports a process for data life-cycle analysis, long-term preservation, and trustworthy
NIH supports both unrestricted access and controlled access data repositories. Controlled access data
repositories manage and share research participant data, at the individual or aggregate/cohort-level, in
order to respect research participants’ privacy and autonomy. Controlled access datasets often have
data use limitations requiring NIH authorization for data access, which, although necessary, can pose
challenges to accessibility by the research community and access to controlled data in a timely fashion.
Controlled access processes are currently labor- and resource-intensive, which limits their scalability. To
accelerate research, and to maintain participants’ data protections, NIH seeks to streamline and semi-
automate controlled access processes by developing,
testing, and deploying the use of emerging
technological advancements where feasible and
appropriate. In addition, NIH seeks to develop
common approaches and infrastructure for
addressing data management incidents across NIH
supported repositories.
In recent years, NIH has developed a number of
capabilities to promote a data ecosystem, including a
collaborative approach for data management and
sharing with seven generalist repositories (see
textbox Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative)
and support for the use of persistent unique data
identifiers through a consortium membership with
By partnering with DataCite, NIH data
Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative is a
collaborative effort with Dataverse, Dryad,
Figshare, OSF, Mendeley Data, Vivli, and Zenodo
Establish a common set of cohesive
and consistent capabilities, services,
metrics, and social infrastructure
Raise general awareness and help
researchers to adopt FAIR principles to
better share and reuse data
The aim of the GREI initiative is to establish
consistent metadata, develop use cases for data
sharing, train and educate researchers on FAIR
data and the importance of sharing.
resources will be able to enhance data sharing and enable researchers to cite and reuse research
outputs. These efforts aim to strengthen data management and sharing by enhancing data visibility,
data citation in scholarly publications, data preservation, future data reuse, and data access.
As the size and diversity of data collected and stored from biomedical and behavioral research continues
to grow and NIH enhances its modernized data ecosystem, the need for making these research data and
information FAIR underscores the important role of data repositories and knowledgebases. Moreover,
to maintain the scientific value of data, repositories and knowledgebases are increasingly required to
embrace trustworthy principles. The recently formulated TRUST principles provide a framework for
formalizing the capabilities of a repository to efficiently serve the intended scientific community.
Developing sustainable data resources requires an understanding and use of metrics for evaluating the
usage, utility, and impact of a given repository. Moreover, promoting equitable access to research
products with appropriate security controls, privacy protections, including human subjects’ protections,
as outlined in the Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research will
continue to be central to the NIH goals.
As important in adopting FAIR principles are the principles for the governance of data generated by or
specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives (Indigenous data). Indigenous data are intrinsic to
Indigenous Peoples’ capacity and capability to realize their human rights and reflect the crucial role of
data in advancing Indigenous innovation and self-determination. The CARE Principles (Collective benefit,
Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics) outline goals for Indigenous Data Governance that
reaffirm the principles of Indigenous self-governance and self-determination. As a first step, NIH
developed supplemental information to the DMS Policy on Responsible Management and Sharing of
American Indian/Alaska Native Participant Data
as a result of Tribal consultation. Similarly,
international data sharing, especially involving data generated in low- and middle-income countries,
should be respectful of regional and population-specific data governance considerations.
The ubiquitous use of data resources in biomedical research, coupled with a greater emphasis on data
management and sharing, has greatly amplified the need for NIH to ensure the stability and robustness
of widely used data resources. Over the last five years, NIH has made advances in understanding its
portfolio of supported data resources (i.e., data repositories and knowledgebases), but this has also
revealed their vulnerabilities with respect to long-term support especially in light of their growing size,
complexity, and demands from the research community. With growing concerns about the sustainability
of data resources, NIH aims to articulate a coherent framework for their long-term support.
The challenges that NIH faces with respect to the support of widely used data resources are mirrored at
the federal and international level. NIH provides the largest amount of support for the most widely used
biomedical data resources, with resources managed by NLM serving as an important node in the
international biomedical data ecosystem. For this reason, NIH has been involved in a number of efforts
including CoreTrustSeal,
Research Data Alliance,
Open Science Framework,
the Wellcome Trust,
and the Global Biodata Coalition.
In addition, for more than 30 years, NLM has
worked globally to preserve data and enable broad data sharing by coordinating with critical resources
such as those comprising the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration,
continuing to develop relationships with important global actors, such as the World Health Organization.
These organizations provide a platform for the international community to work together to better
coordinate the management and sharing of scientific data. Over the next five years, NIH will work closely
with these and new efforts to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the global biodata ecosystem
that is relied upon by NIH-funded and all other biomedical researchers worldwide.
Implementation Tactics:
Enhance data repositories and knowledgebases that promote equitable access to all in
alignment with the OSTP memo about Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for
Federally Funded Research.
Enhance FAIR, CARE, and TRUST capabilities that ensure secure and effective data management
and promote data governance and data sovereignty.
Support methods and programs with tribal communities to develop tribal data governance and
sharing that recognize tribal rights in data.
Promote shared data management practices, utilize open metrics for impact including
enhancing data citation practices, and provide guidance on data preservation and long-term
data archiving.
Develop a comprehensive, coherent, and acceptable sustainability framework for identifying
and supporting the portfolio of the most widely used and impactful NIH data resources.
Develop a single policy framework that governs controlled data access repositories and
standardized language for institutions and researchers.
Streamline controlled data access processes across NIH repositories, including greater use of
Develop a common approach and infrastructure for addressing data management incidents
across controlled access data repositories.
Develop a single approach to help investigators find and appraise the relevance of controlled
access data in NIH repositories, which enable meta data sharing.
Enhance the visibility and use of NIH intramural research datasets and data resources.
Develop methods to promote computational interoperability across data repositories and
Goal 1: Partnerships and Measuring Progress
Potential measures of progress for this goal include data-resource key performance indicators for both
data resources and for individual datasets, quantity and interoperability of databases and
knowledgebases, quantity and citations of datasets deposited (over baseline), ability to find datasets
across multiple resources, and data lifecycle FAQs. NIH will support and engage in partnership and
collaboration across multiple stakeholders including Research Data Alliance, GO-FAIR, biomedical
societies, and international partnerships such as with GA4GH, ELIXIR, and Global Biodata Coalition.
Develop Programs to Enhance Human Derived Data for Research
Data discoveries that aim to improve human health and underpin new treatments require a wide range
of participant data including clinical data, gathered for the broad purpose of clinical research: health
care data including medical history, records, and information that is necessary for care and treatment of
patients, enhanced through linkages to social determinants of health (SDoH) and environmental
determinants of health (EDoH) data. During the last decade, the United States has seen an increase in
the generation and usage of these data in research including through efforts such as All of Us. These
efforts are enhanced by large scale data collection and curation that utilize agreed upon common
standards and data models. While progress has been made, integration of multiple types of real-world
data with other data sources remains a challenge because the interpretation of health care-derived data
for research purposes is highly dependent on the context of the interactions between patients, their
health care providers, and their health environment.
To enable the biomedical and behavioral research community to take full advantage of the multitude of
health-derived data requires the adoption and integration of health care data standards with research
data standards. NIH will work with federal agencies, medical institutions, and health IT developers and
vendors, where appropriate, to bridge the technology or data gaps between health care settings and
clinical research. To enable researchers to gather and integrate data of interest to address health related
questions, NIH will improve access to data repositories that hold participant-derived data and will
enhance abilities to link real-world data from multiple sources, with appropriate informed consents
from the participants. NIH will support approaches to leverage or build on existing programs, bring new
partnerships together to enhance clinical data science, and support cross-training between clinician
researchers, data scientists, and other technical experts/stakeholders. A major goal is to increase the
use and utility of health care-derived data for research, with proper security and privacy safeguards. To
achieve this goal, activities that integrate clinical data and real-world data including data from wearables
and data originating from health care settings such as mental health, dental, pathology, and
ophthalmology settings should be developed.
Objective 2-1: Improve access to and use of clinical and Real-World Data
The health care enterprise is a rich source of data for biomedical and behavioral researchers. However,
methods of and policies for sharing these data with the wider research community differ in complexity
from more traditional research settings and from data sharing expectations and approaches. Unique
challenges in data quality, privacy and confidentiality, policy, regulatory, and ethical issues associated
with health care and administrative data will require considerations for data sharing and its uses.
Informed consent for collecting, using, and sharing these data is essential for respecting participant
rights and maintaining public trust. NIH will increase capabilities for informed consent processes and
transparency in how participant data is used in research. This is particularly pertinent to the specific
challenges for data science in clinical use cases to build trust, explainability, and transparency into the
systems and processes leveraging participant data. These activities are consistent with and building on
recent NIH guidance and templated informed consent language
for secondary research use of data and
In addition, wearable device data require substantial efforts to extract, transform, and structure the
data in order to reduce the risk of exposing personal information and improve its suitability for research.
There are several existing models for sharing health data with researchers: independent hospitals
forming networks or consortia to exchange data with each other and with select external researchers;
professional societies engaging with their member institutions and membership to establish data
sharing agreements and new channels for data sharing (e.g., NIBIB Medical Imaging and Data Resource
Center or MIDRC);
data enclaves or secure networks that support federated learning where
computational tools can be sent and data can be stored or disseminated without the need for data
exchange; and NIH supported enclaves (e.g., NCATS N3C and All of Us). Although each approach comes
with benefits and challenges, all are important components of the NIH data ecosystem. NIH is
committed to improving data FAIRness, transparency of data governance and stewardship expectations,
and requirements for accessing and using data derived from care.
In understanding the relationship between health, environment, and lifestyle, researchers are finding
that linking and combining individual-level health data with other real-world data and digital sources
improves our understanding. However, challenges remain in developing multi-modal data from richly
characterized research participants. In addition, linked data provides greater opportunities for
researchers to study epidemiological factors. For example, the National Eye Institute recently articulated
the need to include vision-specific data missing from large-scale research efforts, such as the NIH All of
Us Research Program and the Genotype-Tissue Expression Project (NEI Strategic Plan).
Similarly, new
and improved sources of environmental data continue to emerge from industry, federal agencies, and
the research community, as well as through new AI/ML methods for estimating individual-level
exposures. However, there remains a need to better understand the ethical, legal, and social
implications of data linkage. Additionally, researchers need to know how to define and apply rules to
adequately protect study participants, and to navigate relationships with the public and private sectors
that will ensure that linked data is appropriately governed, shared, and used in an ethical and
sustainable manner. NICHD recently commissioned a report on the technology and governance
considerations for pediatric COVID-19 record linkages
that articulate a need to define collaborative
governance approaches, technical requirements, and the data elements required to ensure high-quality
linkage. NIH will collaborate with other federal, academic, and private partners to explore avenues for
researchers to appropriately use and combine health care data sources where allowable.
Implementation Tactics
Enhance methods for informed consent in cases where data are combined from multiple
sources and/or combined over longitudinal studies, with additional considerations for
populations with health disparities.
Create, test, validate, and adopt methods to enable researchers to use multi-modal and digital
data combined from multiple sources including through partnerships with other agencies, where
Establish and promote standards for new types of health data, such as data captured from home
health care devices.
Enable federated frameworks that will allow sensitive data to be utilized in clinical research,
including fostering data linkages and interoperability across existing NIH supported real-world
data platforms.
Develop ethical, governance, and policy frameworks to guide data linkages in different use case
Leverage existing agreements and infrastructure to create avenues for researchers to use and
access health care and administrative datasets, enhancing participant awareness and consent of
data use, especially for vulnerable populations.
Objective 2-2: Adopt Health IT Standards for Research
Data sharing is essential to expedite the translation of research into knowledge, products, and
procedures that will improve human health and accelerate the development and improvement of
treatments for diseases. While there may be benefit to biomedical and behavioral research in
connecting and sharing the billions of data points stored in EHRs and clinical trial records across
thousands of medical systems, there are significant challenges in making use of these data for research.
For example, these data lack consistency in standardization. NLM maintains the Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS)
to distribute key terminology, classification, and coding standards, supports
to key terminologies that are now required for use in certified EHRs (e.g., SNOMED, LOINC, RxNoRM,
among others), and associated resources to promote more effective and interoperable biomedical
information systems and services.
Data sharing has made significant progress in the health care
community, in part due to the development and adoption of
terminology and exchange standards. In 2020, NIH held a
virtual workshop entitled Advancing the Use of Fast
Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) in Research.
This workshop brought together leaders in data science and
research from across federal agencies to develop a
framework for increasing the use of FHIR for research (see
textbox Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®)). The
workshop discussed the interplay needed between policy
and technical advances, the opportunities for FHIR to
expand the sources of data that can be integrated into the
larger ‘system of care’ to support both clinical care and
clinical research, the opportunity that FHIR® presents to
Fast Healthcare Interoperability
Resources (FHIR®) standard enables
electronic healthcare data exchange
through an application programming
interface (API). An API is a specified set of
protocols and data standards that
establish the ground rules by which one
information system directly
communicates with another. Software
developers can seamlessly connect their
system to another through a FHIR API to
transmit electronic health data.
increase data reuse across both clinical care and research settings and is enabling patients to access
their own clinical data. In addition, FHIR or other such systems should facilitate population science and
social determinants of health standards to foster the integration of applied research.
To further advance NIH’s goal to bridge the gap between health care settings and applied and clinical
research, NIH will strengthen the use of ontologies with vocabularies and terminologies (e.g., SNOMED,
LOINC) and exchange standards such as FHIR®. NIH will partner with health data standards bodies and
organizations and other federal agencies that work with health data standards. A successful example of
this is RADx’s Mobile At-home Reporting through Standards (MARS) program, which coordinated with
federal agencies (ONC, FDA, and CDC) and test manufacturers to establish HL7® v2 and FHIR® standards
for capturing data from at-home COVID-19 tests.
Implementation Tactics
Implement agile programs that convene researchers and developers to develop, test, validate
and adopt health IT technologies and standards based on scientific use cases and provide
feedback based on lessons learned.
Promote development, training, and adoption of FHIR® to enable further tools for clinical
research and for data exchange in research infrastructure, cohort discovery, and applied real-
world research.
Partner with other agencies such as the Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), large health care systems, health technology groups, and
researchers to develop use cases outlining how health data standards can benefit and enhance
scientific data analysis.
Objective 2-3: Enhance the Adoption of Social and Environmental Determinants of Health for Health
Technological advances have made a significant impact on positive health outcomes; however, advances
have not benefited all Americans equally. Health disparities persist, disproportionately affecting racial
and ethnic minority populations, individuals of less privileged socioeconomic status (SES), underserved
rural residents, sexual and gender minorities (SGMs), individuals with disabilities, and any
subpopulations that can be characterized by two or more of these descriptions. It has long been
recognized that health and treatment outcomes are not solely determined by clinical procedures but
that environmental, behavioral, and social factors also play a crucial role. Environmental risk factors
such as exposure to pollutants, air and water contamination, and health impacts from climate change
are entangled with SES and may increase health disparities. These factors affect health at both the
individual and community level as evidenced by the health disparity in many communities when
compared against the national health indices for a spectrum of diseases and conditions. Advances in
data science can help researchers better understand the social and environmental factors associated
with racial or ethnic minority group health outcomes and can lead to more effective interventions. This
can be accomplished by adopting standardization, collection, reporting, and leveraging of measures of
health determinants in both existing and emerging data sources and fostering appropriate data linkages
between clinical research data, SDoH data
and environmental determinants of health (EDoH).
addition, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is developing a vision for data
infrastructure for federal statistics and social and economic research in the 21
In this new
strategic plan for data science, there is an opportunity to broaden and enhance consensus-driven
and EDoH standards for data capture and integration across a variety of systems. NIH will engage
communities and stakeholders to develop demonstration projects, real world pilots and use cases to
identify and implement SDoH and EDoH data and common data elements for specific
diseases/conditions. This objective is aligned with the NIH UNITE
initiative to facilitate new research in
health disparities and minority health research (HD/MH).
Implementation Tactics
Identify SDoH/EDoH of health data and their associated value set.
Support demonstration projects to test how best to capture SDoH/EDoH of health data for
interoperable electronic data exchange.
Develop infrastructure and tools for extracting structured and unstructured SDoH/EDoH from
multiple sources and enable iterative models to include SDoH /EDoH in training.
Enable linkage of SDoH/EDoH with other data such as clinical, Real-World Data (RWD), wearable
sensor, ‘omics data, and administrative data and develop demonstration projects to show
technical feasibility of such linkages when appropriate and when there are no increase risks of
reidentification for small communities.
Support real-world pilots to integrate social and environmental determinants with clinical
common data elements.
Support training programs and activities for under-represented groups to expand use of
SDOH/Behavioral/EDoH data models and data collections.
Objective 2-4: Cross-disciplinary Training to Empower Clinical Data Science
NIH recognizes that to maintain and enhance clinical research informatics as a career path requires not
only clinical training but also training in informatics, analytics, ethics, and standards. This training will
focus on appropriate use of data generated from clinical, health care, and real-world settings to better
understand the regulatory and policy standards in the generation and use of these data. Equally
important is the need to provide health science training to individuals with strong backgrounds in data
science. Cross-training between data scientists and clinical researchers would pave the way for
interdisciplinary research and could help to reach across new research areas (NIDDK Strategic Plan
NINDS Strategic Plan
) Data management and data linking requires partnerships across ethics, social,
technological and data science fields. Research involving linking multiple data types, and exposure to
new opportunities in technologies, will require a diverse cadre of colleagues for future collaborations. In
Science Collaborative for Health disparities and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction (ScHARe): https://www.nimhd.nih.gov/resources/schare/
addition, other health related research fields, including dental and ophthalmology, can benefit from
enhanced data science training, with a goal to integrate clinical data, imaging data, and -omics data with
diverse data types from other health-related fields including the SDoH.
Implementation Tactics
Support cross-training between data scientists, clinical researchers, and nurses engaged in
research at various stages of the academic tracks.
Develop training on consent practices and ethical use of data that go beyond legal and
regulatory requirements with special considerations for linked/merged data and data from
underrepresented communities.
Develop trainings on data sharing, management, transparency, provenance, and data quality for
clinical research.
Create networking opportunities for clinical and data science researchers to develop
collaborations, build teams, and learn from experts on these topics.
Goal 2: Partnerships and Measuring Progress
NIH understands the strength of partnerships and collaborations for innovation in biomedical and
behavioral research. NIH will seek partnership and collaboration across multiple stakeholders including
the ONC in implementing relevant data standards, large health care systems and heath technology
groups, relevant standards development organizations, and to develop collaborations with bioethics
organizations. Importantly, NIH will increase and improve opportunities for community engagement and
partnership with underserved communities to collectively build tools and frameworks for biomedical
and clinical data science uses.
For this goal, potential measures of progress need to address how these activities are advancing
biomedical research and include greater use of RWD and SDoH/EDoH data, increased utilization of FHIR
for data exchange including creating or fine-tuning implementations to address research needs, new
examples of discovery and harmonization, new or enhanced common data elements for interoperability,
and increased use of existing and new standards in clinical and research applications and increasing the
number of and reducing processing time for data access requests.
Provide New Opportunities in Software, Computational Methods, and Artificial
Immense amounts of data are generated throughout the biomedical research enterprise from
fundamental experiments using cells and research organisms to clinical studies and community-level
epidemiological research. These data have value not only for the original research question, but also for
secondary data analyses for study replication or for other researchers asking different questions.
Harnessing research data for data-driven discovery remains a major challenge that requires attention to
data quality, quantity, computability, and standards as well as new methods in computational and AI
AI/ML are a collection of data-driven technologies with the potential to significantly advance biomedical
research. Advances in the field of AI have led to exciting opportunities, including improvements in
protein structure prediction and protein design, computer-aided diagnosis on medical images, better
understanding of Long-COVID phenotypes, and large language models to interpret clinical, electronic
health care records and reports to aid in clinical decision support. AI algorithms can analyze va***st
amounts of data, identify complex patterns, and gain deeper insights into fundamental scientific
phenomena. This approach allows researchers to unlock new avenues for exploration, drive scientific
discoveries, and further our understanding of the underlying principles in various fields of study. With
the ability to process billions of parameters, AI could significantly improve future health research in
recommender systems, rapid annotations including medical and tissue image processing, and the
daunting task of organizing large bodies of medical information. However, utilizing AI for biomedical
research and health care practices is still hampered by inconsistent, incomplete, biased, and low-quality
data. The task of making data FAIR and AI/ML-ready is not only algorithmic. It requires multi-disciplinary
expertise, experimentation and, often, iterative feedback from AI/ML applications and experts. In
particular, ground-truth, standardization, and validation of training datasets is particularly important in
biomedical applications where bias and inaccuracies could have misleading and inaccurate results.
Across the federal landscape, AI is seen as a priority and as such the National AI Initiative Act of 2020
called on the National Science Foundation (NSF), in coordination with OSTP, to form a National AI
Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force. This Task Force laid out a plan to establish the NAIRR with four
measurable goals in mind, namely to (1) spur innovation, (2) increase diversity of talent, (3) improve
capacity, and (4) advance trustworthy AI. The roadmap to implementing the NAIRR
calls for an all-of-
government approach to leveraging resources, such as massive compute infrastructures, large data, and
a growing talent pool of researchers, to realize this vision.
To enhance the robustness and utility of data analysis and processing methods, NIH will take advantage
of new innovations in open and FAIR software and algorithms. NIH will support partnerships to co-
design emerging capabilities including new methods in AI including generative AI, computational image
analysis, and machine vision; new infrastructures such as quantum information sciences; automated
workflows new tools for researchers to leverage data in a transparent, explainable, fair, and ethical
manner; and new ways of enabling communities to develop software through collaborative projects. In
a world that could unintentionally create a technological divide, NIH must strengthen and diversify its
data and software expertise and the technological workforce and make these resources accessible to
underrepresented populations in data science.
Objective 3-1: New Opportunities to enhance Artificial Intelligence, including ethical AI for
AI (which includes knowledge representation, ML, natural language processing, computer vision and
perception, deep learning, and language models) has made progress in medical diagnoses and in better
understanding of underlying biological processes. AI methods require attention to transparency; data
and algorithm biases; and ethical, legal, and social implications. Making data FAIR and AI/ML-ready also
requires interdisciplinary skills. Particularly for biomedical and behavioral research, AI/ML-readiness
should be guided by attention to individual and societal impacts of datasets used to train the AI/ML
models. While different classes of AI may have unique data requirements, in general AI requires
machine readable data that are well described with ontologies and schema so that data can be parsed
by the algorithm. Including data quality, such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability, in
AI metadata standards will help address the trustworthiness of the information provided as a result of
the AI algorithms. Biases in datasets, algorithms, and applications raise risks and increase potential
harms related to privacy, confidentiality, and adverse cultural and social impacts with consequences to
people, organizations, and communities, particularly for disadvantaged, disempowered, or marginalized
groups. The NIST Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0)
identifies risks
and/or potential harms and discusses how managing these risks will lead to more trustworthy AI
systems and enable AI developers and users to better understand and take responsibility for the
potential limitations and uncertainties in their models and systems.
There are many challenges that hinder the widespread use and deployment of AI/ML capabilities. AI/ML
algorithms need big and diverse datasets, yet many underrepresented communities have a long history
of being absent or misrepresented in existing biomedical and behavioral datasets including clinical,
observational, and data generated in the course of care. Additionally, there is a lack of diversity among
researchers, which may unintentionally lead to bias in the design, use, and deployment of AI/ML models
in health care and research. Further, non-traditional measures, including SDoH, are important for
disease outcomes and health care delivery and when missing may adversely affects predictions. SDoH,
including poverty, education level, stress level, access to healthy foods and health care, and exposure to
hazards, may play an important role in the diagnoses and treatments of patients from underrepresented
communities. Their omission from consideration may lead to fatal outcomes, misdiagnosis, and lack of
generalization. Under-represented communities, which are often disproportionately affected by
diseases and health conditions, have the potential to contribute expertise, data, diverse recruitment
strategies, and cutting-edge science; and to inform the field on the most urgent research questions;
but may lack financial, infrastructure, and data science training capacity to apply AI/ML approaches
to research questions of interest to them.
Recognizing these challenges, NIH launched the
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Consortium to Advance Health Equity and
Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) in 2021 to
address health disparities and health inequities
using AI/ML (see AIM-AHEAD textbox) and
Science Collaborative for Health disparities
and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction
(ScHARe). Ethical and unbiased data and
algorithms are necessary to create safe, secure,
and trustworthy AI
for people and for a civil
society. According to NIST, trustworthy and
responsible AI includes essential building blocks
of accuracy, explainability and interpretability,
privacy, reliability, robustness, safety, security,
and mitigation of harmful bias. This requires the
development of assessment frameworks for
measuring bias attributes in existing datasets and
algorithms across the continuum of AI
development and use. Connecting these principles to frameworks that can be used in practice by
researchers is essential for continuing to build trust and transparency.
Important goals for NIH are to enhance AI methodology and technologies that expand on the unique
opportunities for biomedical and health research; and to ensure that AI/ML capabilities are equitably
beneficial across populations in the United States and globally. NIH activities align with and support the
Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
to ensure that AI algorithms and systems are used and designed in an
equitable way. In partnership with the NIH ICOs, the agency will support emerging technologies and AI
to integrate multiple streams of data including genomic, nutritional, sensor-based, social and behavioral,
exposure, and community-level data to develop explanatory theoretical models, to inform prevention
Executive Order 13960, Promoting Use of Trustworthy AI in Federal Government: www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/08/2020-
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium
to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity
(AIM-AHEAD) fosters and supports mutually
beneficial partnerships to increase the participation
of underrepresented researchers and communities,
and build capacity and capabilities of AI/ML in these
communities through:
Access to high-quality AI/ML-ready data
from diverse populations
Coordinate federated data approaches and
computing infrastructure
Train diverse data science workforce
Support research questions that connect
EHRs, SDoH and other related datasets to
detect and mitigate biases, develop
predictive models, and incorporate
community-engaged research
efforts, and to address health disparities (Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development Strategic Plan,
National Institute of Mental Health Strategic Plan,
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Strategic Vision
). Support to increase opportunities for research
communities to include concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of trustworthy
AI-enabled infrastructures and training is a priority.
Implementation Tactics:
Develop socio- technical- solutions, including guidelines and principles, for ethical AI and to redress
biases in training sets (containing ground truth), and algorithms, and support their effective
assessment, validation, and adoption.
Establish and operationalize community engagement for diverse, equitable and inclusive data,
methods, and sources for AI.
Support research in the development, validation, and use of synthetic clinical datasets for AI
training and applications, when appropriate.
Develop tools and training opportunities to help researchers create and prepare data that are FAIR
and AI-Ready, including ontologies, schema, and data quality measures.
Support the development of AI models, with appropriate metadata (model cards) that are
explainable, transparent, and FAIR.
Leverage new technologies and methods for foundational models to accelerate biomedical and
behavioral research.
Support opportunities to develop new AI technologies that will enable the translation of data to
knowledge, including AI tools to enable data cleaning, harmonization, integration, and metadata
Enhance NIH capabilities in AI through partnerships across federal agencies and communities to
develop new methods in AI.
Objective 3-2: Develop cutting edge software technologies
NIH is poised to take advantage of the integration of real-world devices, the increased scale of
computational resources and significant automation in software and algorithms to advance biomedical
discoveries and innovation. For example, new methods that can integrate multidimensional data from a
variety of sources including molecular, wearable sensors, environmental, and survey data are needed to
develop predictive and actionable models of weight gain, weight loss, and weight loss maintenance and
to clarify the role of obesity in the risk, prevention, and treatment of cardiopulmonary and sleep
disorders (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Strategic Vision
). Multi-dimensional data
integration remains a significant challenge for biomedical and behavioral research.
Additionally, low code no code technologies provide a growing opportunity for trainees and citizen
scientists to develop functional applications via ‘drag-and-drop’ software platforms or on the web, with
appropriate training. New opportunities to enhance biomedical and behavioral research through the
support of digital twinning approaches to model organs, systems, individuals, and populations; new
capabilities for privacy preserving computing and privacy preserving technologies; and quantum
computing should be explored. Finally, ethical considerations for transparency in software and
algorithms should be supported.
Implementation Tactics:
Adopt and adapt emerging and specialized methods, algorithms, tools, software, and workflows
for biomedical and behavioral scientific discovery.
Enhance tools and workflows for greater automation, while maintaining robust ethical standards
Leverage new passive and mobile devices and technologies for data collection and analysis with
improved practices for informed consent.
Facilitate FAIR software, with sufficient documentation and metadata, and enhance ethical
Leverage advances in computational methodology and studies to create new opportunities for
ethical and social science research.
Investigate the potential of digital twinning approaches to organs, systems, individuals, and
Explore opportunities to combine theory-based modeling and simulations with data-driven
Promote opportunities to engage new communities in software development and make these
resources accessible to under-represented communities interested in data science.
Objective 3-3: Supporting FAIR Software Sustainability
Software is an integral component of biomedical behavioral research due in part to the speed and
growth of new technology innovations in the software and computing fields including AI, computer
transistors, and microchips. NIH collaborates across 19 ICOs to support the development and
enhancement of software tools for open science
by fostering new collaborations between biomedical
and clinical scientists and software engineers. For example, significant progress has been made in
developing computing models for client-server architectures for data acquisition and progress in
developing cloud-based data management and data analytics. Through partnerships with Cloud Service
Providers Google, AWS and Microsoft Azure, NIH has realized over 275 million compute hours for data
analysis in the cloud. Yet challenges remain in creating FAIR software.
The FAIR software principles,
similar to the FAIR Data principles, ensure that software will be usable beyond a single laboratory or
investigator. FAIR software principles foster practices to ensure that research software is sustained by
larger biomedical research communities over time. NIH recently issued best practices for software
that align with the FAIR software principles.
Barker, M., Chue Hong, N.P., Katz, D.S. et al. Introducing the FAIR Principles for research software. Sci Data 9, 622 (2022).
To develop FAIR and sustainable software at a scale
beyond single academic laboratories requires multi-
disciplinary collaborations from biomedical, computer
science, and related fields. Today NIH and other federal
agencies and nonprofits are tackling software
sustainability head on, including the NSF program on
Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific
the recent NIH supplements to support
enhancement of software tools for open science, the
Schmidt Futures Virtual Institutes for Scientific Software,
and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiatives program for Essential
Open-Source Software for Science.
A long-standing
program at NIH is NCI’s Information Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR)
program. The ITCR program
serves the informatics needs of cancer research continuum and provides support for informatics
resources across the development lifecycle (see ITCR textbox).
These programs have a common theme: to enable investigators to adapt and enhance software and tools
to take advantage of new technologies and computing paradigms and to optimize research software for
robustness and ultimately to increase software sustainability.
Implementation Tactics:
Enhance community-focused software development and dissemination.
Improve visualization tools to support the scale and variety of modern biomedical data.
Establish metrics and best practices for software sustainability and integrate these into software
development lifecycle.
Facilitate research activities for software engineers and biomedical and computational
researchers to collaborate.
Develop mentorship programs that pair experienced software engineers with early-career
researchers and software developers.
Explore innovative models for public-private partnerships to support software and data
innovation and sustainability.
Goal 3:
Partnerships and Measuring Progress
Potential measures of progress for this goal include an increase in the number of software tools that
align with the FAIR principles and have a measurably enhanced user experience, increased citation of
NIH software across broader communities, software tools that support an increase of use cases across
ITCR supports investigator-initiated,
research-driven informatics technology
development spanning all aspects of cancer
research. The ITCR lifecycle approach
includes separate funding in the following
Algorithm Development
Protype and Hardening of Software
Enhancement and Dissemination of
Software Sustainability
various scientific domains, and integration of tools from other domains into biomedical research.
Additional measures of progress include increased representation of health disparity populations in AI
development and auditing AI models, development of ethical frameworks and tools for software and
algorithms, and greater transparency in the development and processing of data and models. NIH will
seek partnerships and collaborations with other federal agencies such as NSF and DOE, non-profit
organizations, and societies and communities such as the Research Software Alliance.
Support for a Federated Biomedical Research Data Infrastructure
Throughout the last five years, NIH has seen a remarkable growth in the support for and use of
biomedical data repositories and platforms for biomedical research. Today, more and more of these
data infrastructures are now moving entirely to the cloud. By moving data infrastructures to the cloud,
NIH utilizes advanced cybersecurity controls and scales data management and computation that can
take advantage of new technologies while simultaneously creating cost efficiencies and enhancing a
positive user experience. The challenge now is to provide greater connections across NIH cloud-based
data platforms for easier access to multiple datasets, streamline of similar functions, and enabling more
facile analytics. Current cloud-based data platforms include the NHLBI’s BioData Catalyst®,
ecosystem that offers data, analytic tools, applications, and workflows in secure workspaces to
accelerate reproducible biomedical research to drive scientific advances that can help prevent,
diagnose, and treat heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders on over 400,000 individuals; NCI’s Cancer
Research Data Commons (CRDC)
which provides secure access to a large, comprehensive, and
expanding collection of cancer research data; the Kids First Data Resource
which houses data on
44 childhood cancer and structural birth defects cohorts; the National Human Genome Research
Institute’s (NHGRI) Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)
genomic data sharing and analysis platform; All of Us
which has collected data from over 500,000
participants; the NIH database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)
which has controlled access data
including sequence, genotype, and/or phenotype data from over 3.2 million research participants; and
other NIH-supported data platforms. These resources are cloud-based data infrastructures that provide
the research community with data and analytical tools, applications, and workflows in secure
NIH ICOs are also developing data ecosystems
including the NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability
the National Institute of Biomedical
Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) Medical
Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC)
which provides open access to 300k+ curated, AI-
ready COVID-19 imaging studies and has
demonstrated interoperability with BioData
Catalyst and the N3C; National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases (see textbox); the National
Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
and the National Institute of Nursing Research
ScHARe, which hosts population science, SDoH,
behavioral and environmental data sets to advance
health disparity, health care delivery and health
outcomes research and foster strategies to mitigate
AI biases; the Common Fund Data Ecosystem;
and NCBI’s Comparative Genomic Resource,
aims to integrate genomic data across all eukaryotic species.
With recent and significant migrations of data resources to the cloud, and the ability to enable petabyte
scale data analytics, NIH has the responsibility to integrate these resources into a federated data
infrastructure that leverages ideas from industry and cutting-edge research. The benefit of federating
NIH data resources includes: 1) easier access to and use of data across multiple Institutes supported
data platforms, 2) economies of scale for NIH to support and maintain shared tools and capabilities, 3)
opportunities for communities to collaboratively develop and share new methods and workflows, and 4)
oversight by the community for greater transparency and autonomy of data use. In collaboration with
the NIH ICOs, the agency will support development of innovative data sharing platforms, data analytics,
and their integration. This is integral to the missions of each NIH ICO (specific examples found in the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Strategic Plan)
and to the overall mission of NIH.
The broad use of big data frameworks and FAIR principles, with continued emphasis on partnerships
within and outside NIH, will result in new discoveries.
Objective 4-1: Develop, test, validate, and implement ways to federate NIH data and
As articulated in the National Institute on Aging Strategic plan,
NIH needs to develop comparable
databases on health outcomes, risk factors, and determinants of health disparities. An emerging
paradigm in data science is data-oriented infrastructure that moves away from a traditionally centralized
data infrastructure. A data-oriented infrastructure is distributed between data repositories, or nodes,
and has shared capabilities and services to allow for maximum interoperability and economies of scale.
The NIAID Data Ecosystem enables simultaneous
search across 15 infectious- and immune-mediated
disease and general data repositories based on
metadata. The NIAID Data landscape is highly
distributed and requires an ecosystem approach
that allows for freedom to operate regarding
system, syntactic, and semantic interoperability
while requiring a minimal set of FAIR-compliant
metadata about existing data access protocols
used by the repositories. The NIAID approach to
the ecosystem is to leverage FAIR metadata to
describe data as well as API’s and other data access
protocols to create a FAIR compliant,
interoperability layer on top of a diverse landscape
of data, software, and services.
This requires a common and coordinated data access process with shared policy and governance. The
challenge of a distributed data infrastructure is to create a fabric of harmonized services (e.g., identity
and data access management (Authentication [AuthN]/Authorization [AuthZ]), data catalogues, search
capabilities, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that are commonly shared, or federated,
across the data repositories. In a federated paradigm, NIH ICOs, and organizations supporting
biomedical and behavioral research data infrastructures, will control and manage their own data, adopt
common processes and interfaces, analysis tools, and services that can be used broadly for biomedicine
and behavioral research. In line with this vision, the goal of this objective is to improve efficiencies and
maximize researchers’ ability to find, access, and use data that are generated from federally funded
research and stored in cloud-based data repositories. NIH’s vision is to build a connected and federated
data ecosystem to ensure that data repositories can be used together rather than in isolation. Several
NIH ICOs have collaborated and developed early capabilities including a common approach for
researcher’s access to control access data across a
set of data repositories (see textbox on RAS), and
an approach to implement guidelines and technical
standards to empower end-user analyses across
participating cloud platforms. In 2020, these
interoperability standards were piloted and as a
result researchers were able to demonstrate data
access across multiple cloud-based NIH data
repositories and perform combined analysis with
meaningful results.
These initial piloted efforts are
the genesis of a NIH-wide federated data
ecosystem and are articulated as priorities in the
Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem Strategic
Plan FY2022 Implementation Roadmap
To capitalize on these early successes, NIH will
support and enhance a federated biomedical data
research infrastructure that will create, test,
validate, and implement a set of sharable services
(e.g., common search capabilities, application
programming interfaces (APIs), identify and access
management (IAM) services, and workspaces/sandboxes). By doing so NIH will improve efficiencies,
reduce duplicative funding, and maximize researchers’ ability to find, access, and use data that is
generated from federally funded research and stored in cloud-based data repositories.
Implementation Tactics:
Enhance utilization of cloud and hybrid computing architectures and provide opportunities for
low-resource institutions to access and utilize NIH supported cloud capabilities.
Inverting the model of genomics data sharing with the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)
The Researcher Auth Service (RAS) Initiative is
advancing NIH’s data infrastructure and
ecosystem. RAS is an identity and data access and
management service provided by NIH's Center for
Information Technology to facilitate consistent
and user-friendly researcher access to NIH's
controlled-access data. RAS has adopted
the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
(GA4GH) standards for integrating researcher-
focused applications and data repositories over
the OpenID Connect (OIDC) platform. RAS
supports the FY 2023 Federal Cybersecurity R&D
Strategic Plan Implementation Roadmap to
protect systems and ensure confidentially,
integrity, availability and privacy of data and
Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s
Cybersecurity. The RAS initiative is advancing
data infrastructure and ecosystem goals as
defined in the 2018 NIH Strategic Plan for Data
Support efficiencies and sharable technologies across in NIH data platforms, including increasing
new and existing technology industry partnerships.
Expand RAS to increase researchers’ ability to access data and ensure accountabilities for
privacy protection and cybersecurity of systems.
Ensure a robust and connected data resource ecosystem that includes supporting linkages and
interoperability across NIH supported cloud platforms for curation, analysis, and sharing of data
and metadata.
Develop new capabilities for data search and discovery by enhancing metadata standards,
indexing techniques, and improving data interoperability and harmonization.
Explore new paradigms in computing for biomedical and behavioral applications.
Goal 4: Partnerships and Measuring Progress
For this goal, the potential measures of progress should advance biomedical research through the use of
an integrated infrastructure and include ease of findability of datasets and the ability of researchers to
integrate NIH data, increase ability to use data across the NIH data ecosystem as measured by
publications. Additional metrics include guidance and best practices on interoperability so that data,
analysis tools and models of biological or population systems can be shared more easily. NIH will require
partnership and collaboration across multiple NIH ICOs and scientific organizations such as GA4GH,
Research Data Alliance, and Research Software Alliance.
Strengthen a Broad Community in Data Science
As data science is a necessity in most biomedical and behavioral research, there is a need to develop and
nurture data science talent from a diverse array of scientific interests. NIH is committed to growing a
stronger and broader community of data scientists including:
Data science literate researchers who feel comfortable reading and understanding reported
outcomes resulting from data science approaches.
Data science savvy researchers who are data science literate and can actively use data science
approaches in designing research projects and initiating and/or participating in collaborations
with data scientists.
Data scientists who are skilled in areas that include bioinformatics, AI/ML, clinical informatics,
cloud computing, statistics, computational science, software design and programming,
bioinformatics, foundational models, visualization, predictive analytics, modeling and
simulation, and data management and sharing.
Following the first strategic plan for data science, NIH, through ODSS, has worked collaboratively with
ICOs on programs that train and educate researchers in data science. These collective efforts will
continue to grow, with a particular focus in enhancing the diversity of the data science community so
that it better reflects the diversity of the United States. Diversity of backgrounds and scientific areas
expands the range of research questions, facilitates the translation of scientific data and findings to
different communities and helps to build trust in all communities. The time has never been better for all
biomedical and behavioral researchers to take full advantage of data science including new innovations
from cloud computing, utilizing the availability of significant amounts of biomedical and behavioral data,
and new advances in AI/ML. In working to ensure that data science advances in biomedical research can
benefit all populations, NIH will help to create a vibrant, innovative, and inclusive data science
Objective 5-1: Increase training opportunities in Data Science
Drawing on the foundation of the network of existing extramural training programs, NIH will coordinate
across the ICOs to promote data science training and education. In alignment with the Notice of NIH’s
Interest in Diversity (NOT-OD-20-031), NIH will boost investment in programs that increase the number
of underrepresented individuals in data science, including but not limited to racial/ethnic minorities
(Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians
and other Pacific Islanders), individuals with disabilities, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds,
and women. The aim is to strengthen the support for students and scientists from pre-college through
early investigator levels and provide them with a continuum of competitive funding opportunities in
data science. Studies show that bright minds may be lost to science long before reaching the college
years. Early intervention strategies in research education are therefore necessary to provide a
foundation on which essential data skills and visions can develop. Early intervention strategies in
research education, such as those supported by the Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA
) at
NIGMS and the Youth Enjoy Science program
at NCI, are therefore necessary to provide a foundation
on which essential data skills and visions can develop. Promoting focused data science training for
graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will help these early researchers develop into independent
investigators with data science acumen. In addition, professional and career development support such
as access to mentors, soft skills training, and resilience and wellness support are critical to retain the
data science trainees in biomedical and behavioral research.
Implementation Tactics:
Support data science training for students and scientists at all academic and career levels from
pre-college through early investigators.
Enhance diversity among data science trainees by promoting diversity-focused training and
education initiatives.
Increase pairing of technical data science training with domain-specific knowledge training in
NIH training programs.
Increase the use of hands-on training in new areas such as AI/ML.
Develop requirements of foundational elements in data science training such as data ethics and
Objective 5-2: Develop and Advance Initiatives to Expand the Data Science Workforce
Since the first publication of the strategic plan for data science, significant progress has been made
within NIH to enhance its administrative and programmatic data science workforce. For example, in
2020 NIH launched the Data and Technology Advancement National Service Scholars (DATA Scholars)
. These scholars spend one to two years transforming NIH programs by applying cutting-edge
methods to health-related challenges. NIH has also implemented the Civic Digital Fellowship
in collaboration with the non-profit organization Coding it Forward to bring to the NIH early-career
technologists to spend a summer in data-related projects in NIH program offices. This program
successfully supported 80 fellows over four years and provides a solid foundation for NIH to expand to a
longer-term program. In addition to these programs, some NIH ICOs have initiated new Offices of Data
Science to oversee data management and sharing, the responsible use of data, data science training to
staff, and new funding programs in data science. These efforts strengthen the data science workforce
within NIH and provide a strong foundation for continued growth. In the extramural community, NIH
will focus on promoting the use data science approaches for established investigators, enhancing the
diversity of the data scientists, and supporting the growth of data science skills among clinician
Implementation Tactics:
Enhance the diversity of data science investigators and broaden the reach of data science in the
biomedical and behavioral research community.
Facilitate cross-disciplinary trainee programs in data and biomedical sciences.
Enhance the data science knowledge and skill building for biomedical and clinician scientists
including cross-disciplinary skillsets.
Facilitate recruitment and retention of diverse data science talents at the NIH.
Develop a pathway for early-career data scientists to join the NIH.
Objective 5-3: Enhancing Data Science Collaboration within the NIH Intramural Research Program
In addition to promoting data science training in the extramural community, NIH will also work to
enhance the recruitment of data science trainees from diverse backgrounds in the Intramural Research
Program (IRP).
With approximately 1,150 Principal Investigators, more than 2,600 Non-Principal
Investigators and more than 5,000 trainees conducting basic, translational, and clinical research, NIH IRP
is the largest biomedical research institution and conducts long-term and high-impact science that
would otherwise be difficult to undertake. Moreover, NIH supports Biowulf,
a high-performance
computing system specifically for use by the intramural NIH community. Biowulf is consistently ranked
in the top 100-200 of the Top 500 computing infrastructures worldwide and provides access to a wide
range of computational applications for genomics, molecular and structural biology, mathematical and
graphical analysis, image analysis, and other scientific fields. NIH will build a strong and diverse cohort of
intramural data science students and researchers, develop a supportive network for the data science
trainees in the IRP and enhance the intramural computational capabilities to realize new opportunities
and partnerships not only across NIH, but also with industries and other organizations.
Implementation Tactics:
Coordinate with the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education to develop a data science-
focused intramural cross-disciplinary training program that supports mentored research
experiences for postbaccalaureate, post-master’s and postdoctoral fellows from diverse
Support cross-Institute intramural data science projects and enhance interconnectivity of data
scientists of all levels.
Enable federated capabilities, for data and software, within the NIH IRP.
Facilitate opportunities for intramural researchers to partner with the private sector.
Enhance NIH’s intramural computing environment to utilize new opportunities in cloud
computing, AI/ML, and other data science and computing initiatives.
Objective 5-4: Broaden and Champion Capacity Building and Community Engagement Efforts
Developing and sustaining a biomedical and behavioral research workforce that is reflective of the
communities being served and supported in an environment that nurtures their success is essential to
truly advancing health equity. However, for some investigators and institutions, including Minority
Serving Institutions (MSIs) and low-resourced institutions, data science challenges remain, including
easy access to cloud computing environments, sufficient training and mentoring in data science, and
opportunities to apply unique expertise to conduct data science focused health disparities research. NIH
is committed to broaden the participation of MSIs and low-resource institutions in the data science
community and support efforts to increase human capacity, build partnerships and strengthen research
Following the first strategic plan for data science, new programs have resulted from data science
partnerships with NIGMS, including enhancement to the INBRE program (see textbox on INBRE) to
support new data science cores and the development of cloud-based learning modules for the NIH
Support for NHGRI’s Educational Hub
for Enhancing Diversity in Computational
Genomics and Data Science, partnership with
NIMHD to Enhance Data Science Capacity
Research Centers in Minority Institutions
(RCMIs), and new data science training efforts in
the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service
Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training
Grant. Partnership with the NIH Common Fund
and Fogarty International Center has enhanced
data science capacity in low- and middle-income
countries through the Harnessing Data Science
for Health Discovery and Innovation in Africa (DS-
I Africa
) program. These efforts offer a platform
for research and collaboration as well as a way to
inspire interest in aspiring new data scientists.
NIH will continue to develop and expand
activities and events to attract a wider community.
Implementation Tactics:
Collaborate with existing NIH programs, such as the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) at
NIGMS, the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) program at NIMHD and the
Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) program at NCI, to develop and expand
programs to enhance data science capacity, particularly in MSIs and low-resource institutions.
Leverage datasets in NIH supported data repositories and data platforms as training resources.
Build synergies across government, academic, nonprofit, international, and industry
stakeholders focused on data science workforce development and training.
IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence
(INBRE) fosters the development, coordination and
sharing of research resources, and expertise that will
expand research opportunities and increase the
number of competitive investigators in IDeA-eligible
Recently the INBRE program has required a Data
Science Core for Biomedical Research. The Data
Science Core will provide resources for research,
education, and training to expose undergraduate
students to data science research and engage a
broader community with expertise in biomedical data
sciences and related disciplines such as machine
learning, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality
Goal 5: Partnerships and Measuring Progress
For this goal, potential measures of progress include an increase in the number and diversity of data
science trainees and the number of trainees leveraging NIH-supported data platforms, increased
number of trainees who matriculate to data science careers, increased number of data scientists
recruited to the NIH and increased numbers of intramural scientists developing and utilizing NIH
supported software. Additional measures may include the products of the trainees and scientists,
including publications, patents, models and technologies. NIH will seek partnerships and collaborations
with other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector industries.
I. Accomplishments from the First NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science
Appendix I Accomplishments from the First NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science
Goal 1: Support a Highly Efficient and Effective Biomedical Research Data Infrastructure
NIH Partnership with Google Cloud Services, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure
through the STRIDES program has resulted in over 200PB of biomedical data on the cloud, 320
compute hours, 5,000 researchers trained, 1,300 program working in the cloud and the
development of the NIH CloudLab
Development of the Research Auth Services for single-sign on and efficient data access across
NIH data platforms includes integrating over 30 data programs into RAS, and partnership with
NIH has made further efforts to connect NIH data platforms through the NIH Cloud Platform
Interoperability program with a partnership between NLM, NHGRI, NHLBI, NCI, and the
Common Fund, with a result of single sign-on and cross platform analysis of data.
Goal 2: Promote Modernization of the Data-Resources Ecosystem
NIH has supported funding opportunities for data resources (databases and knowledgebases)
that has resulted in 17 new awards across 7 NIH Institutes and Centers and NIH has supported
supplemental funding to existing databases to align with the OSTP characteristics for FAIR data
repositories, resulting in 21 awards across 12 NIH Institutes and Centers.
NIH has also launched the Generalists Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), partnering with 7
generalists repositories to establish a common set of cohesive and consistent capabilities,
services, metrics, and social infrastructure across these repositories. This initiative conducted a
number of webinars with over 1,100 attendees, enabled open metrics in the MakeDataCount
Project and created “Search by Funder and Grant ID” metadata fields in participating
NIH has also partnered with DataCite to support the ability to find and cite NIH funded data, via
the use of persistent unique identifiers.
NIH has partnered with NLM and the Data Curation Network to provide on-going training in data
management and sharing for researchers, data resource staff, and NIH program staff
NIH has partnered with FASEB to offer the first ever Data Sharing and Data Reuse prize, resulting
in over 100 applicants and 12 finalists, with two grand prize winners.
NIH has also partnered with HL7 to support training in Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources
and supported NIH Institutes to leverage FHIR for clinical data platforms. NIH partnered with the
Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Health Level 7 (HL7) to develop and publish a Fast Healthcare
Interoperability Resources (FHIR
) implementation guide with 6 real-world use cases by
assessing the impact of FHIR
implementation using FAIR data metrics.
Goal 3: Support the Development and Dissemination of Advanced Data Management, Analytics, and
Visualization Tools
NIH has supported supplemental funding for NIH funded software, tools, and workflows to
develop robust, sustainable, ‘cloud-ready’, capabilities, resulting in 94 awards across 19 NIH
Institutes and Centers.
NIH partnered with NSF on the Smart and Connected Health for AI and data science resulting in
17 awards across 11 NIH Institutes and Centers.
NIH developed a Software Best Practices document for sharing research software and source
code, developed under research grants in any stage of development, in a free and open format.
Goal 4: Enhance Workforce Development for Biomedical Data Science
NIH launched the Data and Technology Advancement (DATA) National Service Scholar Program
to bring experts in data and computer scientists and engineers to tackle challenging biomedical
data problems with the potential for substantial public health impact, resulting in 17 DATA
Scholars across 13 NIH Institutes and Centers.
NIH partnered with Civic Digital Fellows program to bring 80 Coding-it-Forward fellows to NIH
for four consecutive summers.
NIH has supported code-a-thons to engage underrepresented communities and increase their
participation in data science, including coding partnerships with the African society for
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
NIH has expanded the SEPA, NARCH, INBRE programs to include new initiatives in data science
resulting in 9 new awards.
NIH has also expanded diversity supplements in data science to existing grants, resulting in 15
new awards.
Goal 5: Enact Appropriate Policies to Promote Stewardship and Sustainability
NIH published the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, with new training and
infrastructure support for the implementation of this policy.