Parking on campus
All students, faculty, staff, and visitors must display a valid parking permit or temporary hang
tag and are obligated to adhere to the University’s parking regulations at all times while on
Parking is limited and obtaining a parking permit does not guarantee the availability or location
of a parking space. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor
vehicle operator. Lack of space is not a valid reason for violating Pace University’s parking
We encourage all members of the University community to park in one place and take advantage
of our beautiful, scenic campus by walking between locations.
Parking Permits
Parking is only available on the Pleasantville and White Plains Law School campuses. A valid
Pace ID and vehicle registration is needed when registering a vehicle for use on campus. The
permit holder is responsible for the vehicle operation and any fines incurred while the vehicle is
on campus, to include, towing expenses resulting from fines. By registering a vehicle for
campus privileges, a person agrees to abide by all campus traffic and parking regulations.
If you do not register your vehicle and you are identified, all citations accrued on that vehicle
will be placed on your Student Account. You will be responsible for payment of citations.
Pace University parking permits will be issued to faculty, staff, and contract employees. Parking
permits do not expire and require a onetime registration; however, if any vehicle changes occur a
new permit is required.
Commuter Students
Parking permits do not expire and require a onetime registration; however, if any vehicle
changes occur a new permit is required.
Parking for commuter students with a C permit is available in lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I,
T, U and P. There is limited parking in Lot H behind Choate House.
Resident Upperclass Students (Pleasantville Campus)
Parking permits expire August 31 of each academic year and must be renewed on a year basis.
Resident students are entitled to only one registered vehicle.
Parking for Pleasantville residents with an R permit is available along Alumni Hall (Lot
I), behind Martin Hall (Lot M), North Hall (Lot N) and Townhouses (Lot R). Additional
parking is available in Lots O & T.
Pleasantville resident students may park in the following academic lots overnight from
7:00pm-7:00am ONLY: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, P, U and X.
Resident First Year/Freshman Parking Policy (Pleasantville Campus)
Resident First Year/Freshman Students are not authorized to have vehicles on campus at any
time (including weekends) for the duration of their first year (fall and spring semesters). Our
policy reflects our goal to reduce the number of cars on campus. The University offers a daily
shuttle service providing transportation for students on campus, to Memorial Plaza in
Pleasantville and to the White Plains Law School and New York City campuses. The current
shuttle bus schedule can be found at
First year resident students who require a car on campus, due to extenuating circumstances, must
submit a written petition to Vincent Beatty, Executive Director of Safety and Security at
[email protected]. First year students that are granted a parking exemption must display a
permit and park their vehicles in Upper Lot R only. Any first year student parking elsewhere on
campus will be issued a citation that they will be unable to appeal.
First year resident students who have not received a Pace University parking permit, but have
been identified by other means as having a vehicle on campus, will be held responsible for
violating this policy.
Faculty Lot - Faculty with L permit only.
Dannat and Annex Lots - Handicapped parking only. Pace handicapped permit or visitors with
state or local handicapped parking permit necessary.
Crane Avenue Lot - Faculty & staff parking with A or L permit.
Cars without T permits must display a temporary parking permit between the hours of
11pm and 7am.
Parking Permit Type
A Issued to faculty and staff (student aides and graduate assistants are not eligible for
staff parking).
C Issued to non-resident students: Authorizes parking in all academic lots on the
Pleasantville and White Plains Law School campuses not reserved for faculty, staff or
resident students.
R Issued to Pleasantville resident students (one car only per registered student). Expires
annually on August 31
T Issued to White Plains residents students. Expires annually on August 31
F Issued to White Plains non-resident students (only one permit per student). Authorizes
overnight parking in Lots 3, 4 or 5. Fees are $50 per year or $25 per semester (subject to
change). Expires annually on August 31
L Issued to White Plains Faculty for parking in faculty lot.
Permit Display
Permits are issued as a pair. Both permits are to be permanently affixed on the vehicles
front/back windshield; one on the upper front driver's side windshield and one on the upper rear
passenger side. It is the responsibility of the owner or operator of the vehicle to ensure that the
permits remain affixed at all times and are legible. A vehicle may only display one permit type.
Permits are not transferable and sharing will result in fines and/or revocation of permit.
Vehicles displaying permits differently than described (i.e.: taped, on dashboard) will be
considered unregistered and subject to citations for improper display.
Citation Appeal Process
All appeals will be conducted through an online form (one form per citation). Only appeals for
legitimate discrepancies concerning current parking policy will be considered. Appeals will
NOT be granted for the following reasons:
Lack of knowledge of the regulations. For example, new to campus or have not reviewed
parking regulations.
Other vehicles were parking improperly.
Was only parked illegally for a short period of time.
Stated failure of officer to ticket previously for similar offense.
Late to class/appointment.
No other place to park.
Inability to pay the amount of the fine.
Unread or misunderstood signs
Lost ticket/never received ticket/error in the description of the car
You must make your appeal within 30 calendar days of the date the citation was issued. After 30
days, you lose your right to appeal. No consideration will be given for anyone who repeatedly
receives citations for the same offense and does not address it immediately after receiving the 1
citation. Each appeal will be judged and a notification of the decision will be sent to the applicant
via email. All decisions rendered by the Safety and Security office are final.
Payment of Citations
Online: Students may pay online via their Student Payment Portal.
Mail: Please include your Student ID number (if affiliated with the University) and a copy of the
citation. Make check payable to Pace University and send to:
Payment Processing Center
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Traffic & Parking Regulations
1. Pace University assumes no liability for damage or loss to private vehicles, their
occupants, or contents while on University property. Including accidents and acts of
2. Drivers on campus must obey all University regulations and all provisions of the New
York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
3. Parking and use of vehicles on campus without registration, permission from the
University or in violation of regulations is prohibited.
4. Vehicles shall not be operated beyond posted speed limits. The campus speed limit is 15
5. No person shall park a motor vehicle other than in designated parking areas unless
specifically authorized by the University.
6. Drivers must obey all traffic signs and directions from Security personnel who have been
given the responsibility to enforce all traffic and parking regulations.
7. Failure to park within a designated parking space, within the lines, is a violation.
8. Vehicles must be operated in such a manner as not to endanger or injure pedestrians,
property or other vehicles and drivers. The Safety and Security Department will
randomly enforce stop sign and unsafe operation of vehicle violations. Violators will not
be stopped by the Security Officer. A citation will be emailed to the violator, or placed
on vehicles windshield if seen on campus.
9. Vehicles that are inoperative or abandoned on campus are subject to towing at the
owner's expense. (See Section 1224 of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law,"
Abandoned Vehicles".)
10. A fine is a financial obligation to the University. Fines must be paid prior to class /
housing registration and the release of grades, transcripts or diplomas. Student
citations will be placed on your bursar account. All citation activity accrued by a
faculty/staff member will be posted to their traffic account.
11. Chronic violators of University regulations who accrue $200 or more in fines will be
reported to the Dean for Students or appropriate department heads for disciplinary action,
or may be towed if circumstances warrant at their own expense. The Safety and
Security Department reserves the right to deny parking privileges to habitual
12. Choate, Willcox, Townhouse and Miller circles, and their adjacent roadways on the
Pleasantville campus are "No Standing at Any Time" areas. Passengers may be picked
up or dropped off only.
13. Loading Zones/Deliveries: Each academic building on campus and each dining hall are
provided with a loading zone adjacent to the building. No parking is permitted in loading
zones except for commercial vehicles making deliveries.
14. Fire Zones and Fire Lanes: All campus roads are fire lanes and all unmarked spaces in
a parking lot are a fire lane. Each loading zone is by definition a fire zone. Fire zones are
areas paved and unpaved that permit fire-fighting equipment to come as close to a
building as possible. The University will attempt to mark all fire lanes and fire zones in
general, but lack of such markings will not relieve a violator of responsibility for obeying
regulations. Parking or standing in a fire zone is prohibited. Any vehicle parked in a fire
zone is subject to towing without warning.
15. Walkways: Walkways include any paved way on campus that is not defined as a
Special Parking Privileges
Disability Parking
Disability parking spaces are reserved for those who have a disability license plate or permit for
disability parking issued in their name by the State, County or Town of residence. The plates and
permits may be used to park in reserved parking spaces only when the person with the
disability is driving or riding in the vehicle. Any person who abuses any privilege, benefit,
precedence or consideration arising from possession of the license plates or permit, may have
them revoked by both Pace University and the issuing municipality.
Temporary Disability Parking
Members of the University community who suffer a temporary disability which affects their
ability to walk may apply to the Safety and Security Department or Student Accessibility
Services for a university-issued temporary disability parking permit. Any person applying for
temporary disability permit must present, to the Safety and Security Department, a doctor's letter
on official stationery specifying the medical problem and the expiration date for disability
parking privileges. Temporary university-issued disability parking may not exceed six (6) weeks.
Students, faculty and staff requiring disability parking beyond six (6) weeks should contact their
local municipality.
All visitors to the Pace University Pleasantville and White Plains Law School campuses that
require parking must display a temporary tag on their vehicle dashboard. Members of the
University community are responsible for their guests and the citations and fines they may
receive. Students, faculty and staff may apply for a temporary parking permit for their guests
online at Visitors to campus must comply with
all regulations in this guide. Visitors who do not comply with the parking regulations may have
their vehicle towed or banned from campus. Visitors must park in Lots O, T & R.
Security Gate Procedure
All vehicles entering the Pleasantville and White Plains Law School campuses will be stopped at
the gate. All passengers must show a valid Pace or photo ID, which will be documented in the
Activity Log.
All vehicles are subject to towing off campus and impounding at the owner's expense by an
outside agency if; illegally parked and/or it constitutes a safety hazard, is in violation, of any
parking regulations, has accrued over $200 in citations, interferes with university operations or is
not moved upon notice. In addition, specific University policy allows towing of vehicles off
campus as follows:
Any vehicle obstructing a roadway, loading ramp, garbage dumpster, or who in any other
way obstructs traffic.
Any vehicle parked or standing without proper handicap authorization in a space reserved
for a handicapped person will be immediately towed. The handicap authorization must be
in the name of the operator of the vehicle. Any fraudulent use of handicaps will be
reported to the issuing municipality.
Any vehicle that is parked in other than a clearly marked parking space.
Any individual who fails to clear a number of parking citations may have their vehicle
Unregistered vehicle $20.00
Expired pass $20.00
Unnecessary engine idle $20.00
Parked in faculty/staff area $30.00
Parked in crosswalk $30.00
Obstructing two parking spaces $40.00
Double parked $40.00
Parked in restricted area $50.00
Parked to obstruct traffic $50.00
Unsafe operation of vehicle $50.00
Disobey traffic sign $50.00
Parked off pavement $60.00
Display unauthorized tag/permit $75.00
Display altered permit $75.00
Parked in handicapped parking space $100.00
Parked in a fire lane $100.00