North Bay Developmental Disabilities Services, Inc.
Board of Directors' Regular Business Meeting
Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 5:00 p.m.
North Bay Regional Center
10 Executive Court, Napa, CA 94558
NBRC BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Harry Matthews, President/ARCA Rep
Walt Spicer, Vice President Barbara Power
Mike Huckins, VAC Rep. Franklin Phillips
NBRC BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Margi Stern, Secretary (Excused)
Joanne Tsai Rhonda Foster
STAFF PRESENT: Kathy Newman, Exec. Assistant
Dave Johnson, Chief Financial Officer Bob Hamilton, Executive Director
Thomas Maseda, Director of Administration Michi Gates, Director, Client Services
Courtney Singleton, Assoc. Dir., Client Services January Crane, Federal Revenue Coord.
Deanna Heibel, Assoc. Dir., Client Services Rick Burkett, IT Director
Kellyn Mansfield, SC Dominique Cyndecki, SC
Heidi Oestreich, SC Pamela Madden Krall, Training Manager
Bob Phillips, AIVB Nicole Neff, Parent
Angel Greber, Parent Jessica Sadowsky, People’s Care
Stan Higgins, Oaks of Hebron Ali Tabatabi, New Leaf
Tina Engel, Parent Mary Lukins, Parent
CALL TO ORDER Harry Matthews, President, called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Roll was called and a
quorum was present. Board and audience introduced themselves.
M/S/C (Spicer/Huckins) Move that the minutes of November 5, 2014 regular business meeting be approved
as submitted. UNANIMOUS
M/S/C (Huckins/Phillips) Move that the Treasurer’s Report for the period of October 1 - 31, 2014 be approved
as submitted. UNANIMOUS
FEATURE PRESENTATION: New Leaf - Ali Tabatabi, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Tabatabi, Chief Executive Officer, provided an overview of New Leaf Solutions. He noted that New Leaf has been
selected, through the Request for Proposal process, to transition the representative payee program from NBRC to
New Leaf services. The hope is the streamline services, free up time for service coordinators, ILS communities etc.
New Leaf’s focus is primarily on Social Security managing benefits.
The main headquarters are located in Oakland. New Leaf was co-founded by Ali and his father approximately five
years ago. They began with approximately 15 clients out of the back room of their home.
New Leaf provides money management, reporting, and technical services exclusively for Regional Center consumers
who receive Social Security and Medi-Cal benefits. Services include: representative payee and money management
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services for clients in independent settings or out-of-home-placements; assistance for difficult and complex issues
with the Social Security Administration; and on-going benefit eligibility review for SSI and Medi-Cal benefits.
Either directly or through supportive services workers, New Life engages with a diverse population whom live
independently or are in out-of-home placements. These clients live with developmental disabilities like cerebral palsy,
autism, hearing loss, intellectual challenges and other disabilities. New Leaf’s duty is to monitor their funds and
expenses to improve their quality of life and ensure their continuity of access to public benefits. For each regional
center New Leaf serves, they hope to establish a local service office, and a relationship with the local Social Security
Administration branch and county health eligibility workers.
New Leaf executes these services through advanced systems that were custom developed around Regional Center
consumers who need a representative payee. The systems provide New Leaf with the capacity to handle thousands
of clients in need of a representative payee per Regional Center. In addition, New Leaf team members rely on over
20 years of continual experience assisting in Regional Center accounting systems and delivering services to Regional
Center consumers.
New Leaf Solutions Philosophy:
New Leaf Supportive Services encourages a family member or close friend to provide financial management for a
beneficiary who is incapable of managing their benefit payments. Unfortunately, there are far too many individuals in
the developmentally disabled population without a reliable loved-one who can help them with their finances. New
Leaf understands that the rising demand for representative payee assistance is becoming an increasing burden on
Regional Center caseworkers, accounting staff, and other team members.
New Leaf philosophy is to responsibly apply every resource at our disposal to improve the financial situations of
clients served, while alleviating Regional Center staff members of the time-consuming duties of representative payee
Bob Hamilton noted the service provided by New Leaf is a Purchase of Service expense and clients will not have to
fund this service. Ali will be assisting NBRC in restoring money back to the clients affected in the embezzlement
Pamela Madden Krall announced North Bay Regional Center’s Annual Holiday Faire scheduled for Friday,
December 12
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Clients share their artistic creations. There will also be snacks and
entertainment. This will be the 15
year for this event.
Pamela noted NBRC’s informal information and education sessions where the following is discussed:
Who is eligible for Regional Center services?
What does a Service Coordinator or Early Intervention Service Coordinator do?
What is expected from North Bay Regional Center
What will North Bay Regional Center expect from me?
The next scheduled sessions are January 14
at Matrix in Solano County and February 9
and 13
ParentsCAN in Napa. Contact Pamela Madden Krall, Training & Information Manager, if interested in
Christina Sinohui, Assessment Counselor, and Dr. Todd Payne, one of NBRC’s clinicians, participated in
outreach to Petaluma People Services. They helped clarify the best way to refer eligible clients for Regional
Center services. Christina and Dr. Payne noted that NBRC is focusing on the medical community, specifically
pediatricians to assure they are aware of our services. Also participated in outreach to a group of pediatricians
at Kaiser in Santa Rosa.
Pamela has been in contact with “Visions Inc.” to inquire as to what they can do to assist with outreach in the
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areas of cultural and organizational work.
Bob Hamilton noted that the Early Start criteria will begin again January 1, 2015. This is a perfect opportunity
for children who do not have a disability but a delay to enter early into the Regional Center system for
assistance. There is now a “softer” definition of what a delay entails.
Disparity data will be available by the end of December.
Nicole Neff noted that she and Angel Greber are a part of Children’s Nurturing Project in Fairfield. In conjunction
with SCDD Area Board 4, a seminar on Special Needs Trust Planning, Public Benefits, and Conservatorship will
be presented on January 29
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Nicole distributed flyers for parents who might be interested.
A. Executive Committee Harry Matthews No meeting
B. Vendor Advisory Committee (VAC) Mike Huckins
The VAC met on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Please refer to the minutes for the complete report of all
agenda items.
Community Concerns: There was no representation related to the transportation by community care facility
concern. Kelley Hanson led a general discussion on the new sick leave law requiring 24 hours of sick time
for employees who work at least 30 days a year. This law begins 7/1/15 and the Governor’s budget has
allotted 25.3 million to cover these costs. Edie discussed the SLS reporting process and minimum wage
concerns with NBRC staff. The holdup is still at the state level and Michi Gates will contact DDS to set up a
meeting soon. The new ILS law allowing this service to be provided indefinitely in the Consumers home was
discussed. Michi stated how new laws affecting services are typically rolled out via supervisor’s instructing
the Service Coordinators. DDS approval of the new ILS policy is pending. Mike asked Michi what NBRC’s
interpretation of in the home of “other persons” is.
Group reports were given.
The Napa Solano Vendor Group did not meet.
The Sonoma Vendor Group planned their Legislative breakfast on March 20th and their next meeting will
be on January 27th.
SCDD North Bay: Bob Phillips announced the new name of the former Area Board 4: SCDD North Bay
and discussed how their role will change. Instead of direct advocacy, they will focus more on system
advocacy services. They may assist Consumers more in a training role.
NBHC: No report.
Public Relations: No report.
Trade Associations: Mike mentioned that the California Respite Association is conducting a membership
recruitment campaign to better advocate for the 10 Campaign. They are also sending a check to the
Lanterman Coalition to assist in the broad scale media initiative and encouraged others to do so.
Liz stated that the CDSA Public Policy meetings in January were discussed.
Mike requested that the March VAC meeting be changed to 3/17 to accommodate those attending the
ARC/UCP/CDSA Legislative Affair dates of March 8-10, 2015.
Board Report: There was no Board meeting in January.
ARCA/NBRC: Bob reiterated that the number one priority is the Lanterman Coalition 10 Campaign for
the across the board community service 10 percent rate adjustment. ARCA is calling it the system “On
the brink of collapse”. The Governor’s budget projects 3.5% growth but has a 6.3% increase in costs.
CMS compliance for federal funding will include transportation for community outings and space for
visitors. Fortunately our area is already doing most of these activities for compliance. Pamela stated
that the ethnic disparity data is on the website and noted that improvement in utilization, especially
amongst minorities, is occurring. Community meetings will occur before the March 31st deadline of
submitting these findings to DDS. On the website, new posts will trigger auto-feed for those who would
like to receive it.
Disaster Preparedness: No report.
CASACC Vendor Chair Conference Call: Mike reported on more specifics related to the budget such as
higher living arrangement costs due to higher placement of recent graduates and older Consumers
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requiring placement as well. The Behavioral Health Insurance costs savings are yielding only 36 million
instead of the anticipated 80 million costs savings. Developmental Center costs include 9 million to help
place Consumers still in jails into Porterville DC, 17.3 million for closing out the Lanterman DC’s workers’
comp claims and 1.6 million to plan for a pump station at Sonoma DC. Mike has asked the NBRC Board
to vote in support of the 10 Campaign and encouraged everyone to join the thousands of others who
have registered their support on the website.
Mike announced the Arc-Solano’s 19th annual Evening at the Academy Awards simulcast dinner/auction
event on Oscar night 2/22/15.
PSI and REI were selected as the 2 vendors to work with TransCen on the SCDD grant for braided
work/day program services.
Elizabeth announced that there is a Work Investment Opportunity Act webinar later in the afternoon.
Bob announced that the Customized Employment training at NBRC will be scheduled in February.
Next VAC Meeting: The next VAC Meeting will be held on February 10, 2015. The March meeting has
been switched to 3/17 due to the Legislative Affairs Conference scheduled on 3/10/17.
The VAC met on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Please refer to the minutes for the complete report of all
agenda items.
Community Concerns: Representatives from the Supported Living Services community inquired about the
timing of the minimum wage increase. The hold-up is at the state level and they were advised to contact
DDS. They also considerable discussion about the new overtime requirements and the timing of this rate
adjustment for affected vendors. Also an SLS related specific Service Coordinator concerns were advised
to use supervisory support staff.
Group reports were given.
The Napa Solano Vendor Group met and discussed the earthquake, SLS service contracts, and
transportation concerns.
The Sonoma Vendor Group did not meet.
Area Board: The transition to a regional office of SCDD was discussed.
NBHC: No report.
Public Relations: No report.
Trade Associations: The CDSA Public Policy meetings in January were discussed and the
ARC/UCP/CDSA Legislative Affair dates of March 8-10, 2015 was mentioned.
Board Report: Mike stated that New Leaf was the feature presentation. They are transitioning a couple
of hundred current consumers using rep payee services at first and will sign up new consumers later.
Personal monthly budgets will not require receipts whereas one-time expenditures will. New Leaf was
present and added a great deal of information about their services.
ARCA: Bob reiterated that the number one priority is the Lanterman Coalition 10 Campaign for the across
the board 10 percent rate adjustment.
Disaster Preparedness: Vendors reconfirmed that they are looking to Regional Center support and
leadership in having a 3 county coordinated effort.
Policy and Procedure Changes: SIR report training was mentioned by January Crane. The supported living
service vendors met with NBRC management staff directly following the meeting.
Announcements: Elizabeth announced the Assembly Bill 86 availability of funding for community college
level/adult education opportunities. Elizabeth also mentioned the CARF standards and Peer Review is
hoping to establish a local employment services group.
Next VAC Meeting: The next VAC Meeting will be held on January 13, 2015.
C. Nominating Committee Walt Spicer, Chair; Joanne Tsai The Board has three prospective Solano County
Board members in attendance. Thanked Tom for locating applicants for Solano County vacancies. Tom
introduced the potential Board members who were referred by NBRC staff, i.e., Angel Greber and Nicole Neff.
Heidi referred a client from Solano County who was unable to attend the meeting.
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Bob Hamilton Executive Directors Report:
Lanterman Coalition and referred to the letter than went to the Governor and noted a flyer outlining 10 things we
can do to support insufficient rates and teetering on failure. It is only on the good will of all those who provide
direct services, fundraisers to make ends meet and meet all the continuing requirements. One of the things
NBRC will be visiting all local legislators in the next couple of weeks. Mike McGuire and Dodd. Concentrate on
incumbents and then go to those who have been in office. Encourage staff and families to write letters to local
legislators. Met with colleague who has an inroad to Governor Brown.
Enjoy the holidays and realize the many blessings we all have.
Michi Gates, Director, Client Services:
Senator Lois Wolk has coordinated a meeting to address sedation dentistry issues clients’ face on a daily basis.
The meeting is scheduled for December 8
with MediCal representatives, Dr. Patrick Maher, among others, in
attendance. Other Regional Centers may contract with Sutter to pay above the MediCal rate. Alicia Guitterez
approached Queen of the Valley but they are not interested in participating.
NBRC has contracted with two new Supported Living Services (SLS) vendors, i.e., Inclusion and Amalga SLS.
They will serve clients with challenging needs.
January RFP for CPP project to 2014 2015
Dave Johnson, Financial Report:
Dave noted NBRC’s dashboard for the four month period ending October 31st, 2014.
All SLS vendors will receive a two month contract extension from January 1st to February 28th 2015 during the
1st week of December. NBRC’s new annual SLS contracts will be from March 1st 2015 to October 31st 2015.
NBRC sent new contracts out to all the SLS vendors November 17, 2014 so they will have time to review the
changes. Dave will be reviewing the contracts with the board at the February 4th 2015 board meeting.
Attached a copy of exhibit A from the new SLS contract for your review.
NBRC’s goal is to convert all vendors to an hourly basis when the next contract renews on November 1st 2015.
Discussion followed.
A. Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) Harry Matthews (10 minutes):
Did not meet in November nothing to report
Pat Del Monico ED of Harbor RC. Chairman of the Finance Committee. She felt that there the RC system
will hit the wall financially. Jay Gaillard cried wolf for six years and there was never a crisis.
Inauguration of Bill Dodd sworn in on Monday December 1. Speaker for the Assembly didn’t mention any
funding for DD population.
B. Area IV Board Bob Phillips, Chair (10 minutes):
Lanterman Coalition a network 19 major stakeholders in the state. ARCAs paper has been published in 2014
Inadequate Rates for Service provisions in CA. Long standing underfunding and how that is eroding the
system. Report talks about low wages being the main cause of high turnover of staff.
State Council is going to take issue should we endorse the LC. Go through process prior to endorsement.
Able Account and Autism Speaks that has been strongly advocating. Passed Assembly. Allowed families to
save in a tax free account. Has to go to the Senate.
Last AIVB will be tomorrow December 4 at NBRC with the feature speaker is Mike Huckins, Executive Director,
ARC Solano. Last meeting of the Area IV Board.
Regional Manager of the State Councils Regional Advisory Council.
Distributed the AIVB E News.
Regional Self Advocacy will meet Solano County Office of Education on December 18
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT: Christine Ingle been a client of NBRC for 28 years. Cecily Delmano Dena Carino.
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Asking for help. Pace Solano that by the end of the month evicting daughter from their program. Kind spirit with no
behavior problems. January and Michi have worked diligently to provide services for her daughter. Undated with
clients who need services and since Erica has too many needs. Christina begged the Board to assist in supporting
her daughter. My daughter deserved better than that. Does her daughter deserve your time? She deserves a life.
She may not be able to have a job, a spot in the world. A place to call her own. Thanked NBRC from the bottom of
her heart for fighting for people with disabilities.
Franklin acknowledged Christine Ingle and offered his support.
National Core Indicators (NCI) update: adult (18+) surveys are being conducted now from 400 randomly selected
clients. Please note for the first time eligible adults may use a proxy to complete the surveys.
ADJOURNMENT M/S/C (Phillips/Power) Move to adjourn the meeting at 6:16 p.m. UNANIMOUS
NEXT MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2015 at North Bay
Regional Center, Napa office at 5:00 p.m.