1. Short title and commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. Constitution of the National Social Security Fund,
4. Management and administration of the Fund.
5. Vesting of existing Fund to the National Social Security Fund.
6. Insured Persons.
7. Insured Ministers of Religion.
8. Certain employees not registrable.
9. Continuity of membership despite of loss of qualifications for regist-
10. Contribution records of insured persons.
11. Registration of employers.
12. Statutory contributions by contributing employers.
13. Deductions of employee's share.
14. Payment of contributions.
15. Treating unpaid contributions as paid.
16. Refund of contributions paid in error.
17. Payment by an insured person.
18. Recovery of contributions from employers and penalty.
19. Contributions when benefit drawn or during bankruptcy of
20. Contributions etc, inalienable.
2 No. 28
National Social Security Fund
21. Classes of benefits.
22. Operation dates in respect of the benefits.
23. Conditions for retirement pension.
24. Amount of retirement pension.
25. Duration of retirement pension.
26. Retirement special lumpsum.
27. Early retirement.
28. Conditions for invalidity pension.
29. Amount of Invalidity pension.
30. Duration of invalidity pension.
31. Invalidity special lump sum.
32. Medical examination.
33. Conditions for Survivors Pension.
34. Amount of Survivors Pension.
35. Durations of Survivors Pension.
36. Survivors special lumpsum.
37. Retirement and invalidity grant.
38. Funeral grant.
39. Employment injury benefit.
40. Types of employment injury benefits.
41. Condition for health insurance.
42. Medical benefits to be provided.
43. Agreements with Medical providers.
44. Conditions for maternity benefit.
45. Types of maternity benefits.
46. Dis-application of section 25B of the Employment Ordinance.
47. Restriction on double benefit.
48. Adjustment of benefits.
49. Time and manner of making claims.
50. Regulations for benefit provision.
51. Repayment of benefit improperly received.
52. Benefit to be inalienable.
53. Establishment of Board of Trustees.
54. Management objectives of the Fund.
55. Functions of the Board.
56. Duties of the Board.
57. Powers of the Board.
58. Remuneration, allowances and benefits.
59. Power to delegate.
60. Minister may give directions to Board.
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
1997 3
61. Fund to vest in Board.
62. Investment of moneys in the Fund.
63. Utilization of Fund for acquisition of assets.
64. Board's liability to insured persons guaranteed.
65. Refund of excess contributions.
66. Financial Resources.
67. Annual and supplementary budget.
68. Power to borrow.
69. Accounts and audit.
70. Fund Account.
71. Accounts of the Fund.
72. Criminal Proceedings.
73. Joinder in cases of non-payment of contributions.
74. Legal proceedings.
75. Priority for payment of contributions.
76. Protection of contributions.
77. Protection against attachment.
78. Liability for acts of association of persons.
79. Certificate as evidence.
80. Responsibility of Director General.
81. Determination of claims to benefit.
82. Determination of questions as to liability for contributions.
83. Establishment of Social Security Appeals Tribunal.
84. Establishment of Medical Appeals Tribunal.
85. Expenses of Medical Boards and Tribunals.
86. Deemed to be in employ of the first mentioned person.
87. Inspectors.
88. Liability of members.
National Social Security Fund
4 No. 28
89. Regulations.
90. Tax exemptions.
91. Establishment of Supplementary Retirement fund.
92. Reciprocal agreements.
93. Repeals of Laws.
94. Savings.
95. Transitional and consequential provisions.
National Social Security Fund
6 No. 28
''contributing employment'' means employment in respect of which con-
tributions are payable under this Act;
''contribution credits'' means number of contributions made in respect
of an insured person;
''contribution period" means where wages are paid to an employee-
(a) at intervals of more than a fortnight, the month during which
the wages are paid; or
(b) at intervals of more than a week but not more than a fortnight,
the fortnight ending with the last day of the week in which the
wages are paid; or
(c) daily, the day on which the wages are paid:
Provided that where wages are paid in advance to an employee
the contributions period shall be deemed to be the appropriate
period to which the wages relate and, if the wages relate to more
than such period, each such period shall be deemed to be a
contribution period.
''dependant'' means a member of the family of an insured person who
was wholly or in part dependent upon his earnings at the time of his
death, or would but for the illness of the insured person have been
so dependent;
Provided that a person shall not be deemed to be a partial depen-
dant of another person unless he was dependant partially on
assistance from that other person for the provision of the ordinary
necessaries of life suitable for person of his station;
''Director-General'' means the Director General of the Fund ap-
pointed under this Act.
''employee'' means any person who-
(a) is employed in Mainland Tanzania under any contract of service
or apprenticeship with an employer, whether by way of manual
labour, clerical work or otherwise and howsoever paid; or
(b) is permanently resident in Mainland Tanzania and is employed
outside Mainland Tanzania under a contract of service with an
employer in Mainland Tanzania by whom he is paid.
''employee's share'' means that portion of a statutory contribution de-
clared by the Second Schedule to this Act to he the employee's share
of such contribution;
''employer' means, the person with whom the employees entered into
a contract of service or apprenticeship, and who is responsible for the
payment of wages of the employees;
"existing fund'' means the National Provident Fund;
''Fund'' means the National Social Security Fund established by section 3;
1997 7
National Social Security Fund
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''insured person'' means a person insured under this Act;
" minimum wage'' means the amount determined annually by the
Minimum Wage Board as the average gross monthly earnings for
persons employed locally in Tanzania;
''Minister'' means the Minister responsible for labour matters;
''pensionable age'' means the age of sixty years;
''special lumpsum'' means an amount equal to the insured person's last
monthly contribution times the number of months of contributions
paid to the Fund.
''Trustee'' means a member of the Board and includes a chairman of
the Board;
"wages'' means remuneration in money paid to an employee under his
contract of service or apprenticeship, as the case may be, and whether
agreed to be paid at fixed or determinable intervals of time-
(a) in respect of normal periods of work to be performed by the
employee; or
(b) where payment is calculated in relation to set tasks or journeys
completed by the employee: or
(c) where payment is calculated in relation to the volume of work
done, in respect of the volume completed by the employee;
and includes any allowance paid by the employer to the employee either
directly or by implication in respect of living and any payment of wages
in lieu of notice of termination of employment;
widow or widower'' includes a spouse and any person whom the de-
ceased member had been living with as a wife or husband for at least
two years.
3.-(1) There is established a Fund to be known as the National
Social Security Fund into which shall be paid all contributions and other
moneys required by this Act.
(2) There may from time to time be paid out of the Fund benefits
and other payments, including payments in respect of the expenses of
the Board, as are authorised by this Act.
4.-(1) The management and the administration of Fund shall vest
in the Board.
(2) There shall be a Director General appointed by the President to
be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board to oversee the daily oper-
ations of the Fund.
ment and
ration of
the Fund
National Social Security Fund
8 No. 28
Vesting of
5.-(l) The existing fund shall be transferred to the, National Social
Security Fund and shall be vested in the Board which shall, subject to
provisions of this Act have the sole management and control of it.
Fund to
the Na-
tional So-
(2) The funds of the National Social Security Fund shall constitute of-
(a) the existing fund vested in the Board under subsection (1)
(b) the assets of the existing fund;
cial See-
urity Fund
(c) the combined contributions of eligible employers and the insured
persons paid into the Fund at the rates set out in the First schedule;
(d) income and capital appreciation derived from the holding of that
assets of the Fund in any form; and
(e) such other sums or assets as may accrue or be granted to the Fund.
6.(1) Every person who is a member of the existing Fund shall be an
insured person under this Act.
(2) Every person who is self employed or who is employed in the
private sector, other than in a body which is a parastatal organisation
under the Parastatal Pension Fund Act, 1978, shall be registered as an
insured person,
(3) Every non-pensionable employee in the Government service and
parastatal organisation shall be registered as an insured person.
(4) The Minister may by order in the Gazette, provide for the condi-
tions and procedure under which any person who is not eligible to
become an insured person may so become.
(5) The Minister may by order in the Gazette-
(a) declare any employees or category of employees to be registrable
as insured person;
(b) declare any employer or category of employers to be contributing
(6) Where the Minister-
(a) makes an order under paragraph (a) of subsection (5) every per-
son who on the commencement of the order is, or who sub-
sequently becomes an employee to whom the order relates shall
be registered under this Act and upon such registration shall
become an insured person,
(b) makes an order under paragraph (b) of subsection (5) every
person who on the commencement of the order is, or who sub-
sequently becomes an employer to whom the order relates shall
become a contributing employer and shall register as such.
1997 9
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National Social Security Fund
(7) Notwithstanding any other category which may be declared under
sub-section (5) the Minister may declare categories of employees or of
employers by reference to the number of employees in the service of
an employer and may exclude from such number any category of
(8) Where an order is made under paragraph (a) of sub-section (5)
the Minister may by the same or a subsequent order appoint a date
upon which sections 11, 12, and 14, of this Act shall apply in respect of
the insured persons registered under that order.
(9) For the purposes of this section-
''private company'' means a company which restricts the right to transfer
its shares, limits the number of its members to fifty and prohibits any
invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of
the company.
"private sector'' means any body, corporate or un incorporate, including
a private or public company and a non governmental organization,
fifty percentum or more of whose shares are not owned by the govern-
ment or in which the government has no control or influence.
7.-(1) A religious or organisation, which desires to make contribu-
tions under this Act in respect of any minister of religion, may apply to
the Board in writing in that behalf.
of religion
(2) If the Board approves the application, it shall with effect from
that date as it shall appoint, declare this section to apply to the organi-
sation and minister and, from the appointed date, this Act shall apply
to the organisation in relation to the minister as if it were a contributing
employer, and that minister shall be registrable as an insured person.
(3) For the purposes of this section-
"minister of religion'' includes any clerk in holy orders, pastor, missio-
nary, kadhi, imam, sheikh or other person acting in any of those or
similar capacities who is engaged in ministering to the spiritual needs
of others; and
"religious organisation'' includes arty person or body of persons from
whom a minister of religion receives his stipend.
8.-(1) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Part, no per-
son shall be registered as an insured person when he is a temporary
employee unless the Minister by order published in the Gazette have
declared temporary employees generally or temporary employees of a
category to which he belongs to be registrable as insured person under
this Act.
s not re-
10 No. 28
National Social Security Fund
(2) Where the Minister makes an order under subsection (1) he may
by the same or a subsequent order appoint a date upon which sections
11, 12, and 14, shall come into operation in respect of those insured
persons who are registered in pursuance of that order.
9. A person registered as an insured person shall not cease to be
of insured by reason of the fact that, since registration-
(a) he has ceased to be an employee or to be a person to whom the
orders made under paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section 6
or paragraph (b) or subsection (1) of section 8 relates; or
(b) he has become a temporary employee.
10. The Board shall establish and maintain for each insured person
record of all contributions made to the Fund in respect of the person
for purposes of calculating the insured person's benefits as provided in
this Act.
11.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every contributing
employer shall, unless such employer has been registered under the
existing Fund, within one month, register under this section in the pre-
scribed manner.
(2) The period of one month mentioned in subsection (1) shall, in
every case, begin upon the commencement of this Act or the date when
the person concerned becomes a contributing employer.
(3) Upon the first day of the month following the month in which the
period mentioned in subsection (1) expires, the employer to whose re-
gistration that period relates shall be a contributing employer for the
purposes of this Act,
(4) The Minister may, for the purpose of the initial registration of
any category of employers by order published in the Gazette declare
that category of employers shall not be contributing employers until the
expiry of such further period as the order may specify.
(5) A contributing employer who ceases to be an employer of any
employee shall thereupon cease to be a contributing employer in respect
of such employee.
(6) A contributing employer who registers or is registered under the
provisions of this section shall, without delay, register as an insured
person every person who is or who subsequently becomes an employee
in his service, by notifying the Director General of the particulars of
such employees as may be prescribed.
tinuity of
loss of
tion for
tion re-
cords of
tion of
1997 11
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
12.(l) A contributing employer shall for every contribution period
after the appointed day during which he employs an insured person pay
to the Fund a contribution that consists of the employer's contribution
and the employees contribution at the percentage stipulated in the See-
and Schedule.
(2) No contribution shall be paid under this section in respect of-
(a) temporary employee unless the Minister has made an order de-
claring such temporary employees registrable as insured persons;
(b) an insured person who dies during the contribution period unless
the employer deducts the employee's share of the contribution
from the wages payable in respect of any part of such period to
the estate of the deceased member.
(3) Every contribution due under this section shall be paid to the
Fund within one month after the end of the month in which the last day
of the contribution period to which it relates falls.
13.-(l) A contributing employer who is liable to make or has made
a statutory contribution in respect of an insured person may deduct the
employees' share of the statutory contribution
(a) from the wages due from him to the employee in respect of the
contribution period to which the statutory contribution relates; or
(b) from the wages due from him to the employee in respect of any
period within six months after the end of the contribution period
to which the statutory contribution relates,
but not otherwise, and where a deduction is made under paragraph (b)
it shall be made in not less than four approximately equal instalments
unless the employee agrees to it being deducted in a fewer number or
in one lump sum.
(2) Where an employer deducts the employee's share of a statutory
contribution front the wages of an insured person under this section in
advance of the payment of such contribution to the Fund, the employer
shall hold that share on trust for the purposes of this Act.
14.-(1) A contributing employer shall pay contributions to the Fund
in the manner prescribed under this Act, within one month after the
end of the month in respect of which the contributions are due and
of con-
(2) An employer shall submit with the payment all prescribed support-
ing particulars concerning the identity, period of employment and earn-
ings; of the insured person to whom the contributions relate.
tion by
tions of
National Social Security Fund
12 No. 28
(3) If any contribution is not paid within the period stated under
subsection (1) a sum equal to five percenturn of the amount unpaid shall
be added as penalty for each month or a part of a month after the date
when payment should have been made and the amount of the penalty
shall be recovered as a debt owing to the Fund by the employer:
Provided that the Board may, if it thinks fit, remit in whole or in part
any penalty imposed by this subsection.
15. Where the Director General is satisfied that an employee's con-
tribution has been deducted from his earnings, but the employer has
failed to pay the contribution together with the employer's contributions
to the Fund, he may treat the unpaid contributions as wholly or partially
paid for the purpose of any claim to the payment of benefits provided
that this shall be without prejudice, to any action to recover the amount
due from the employer.
tions as
16. Where the Director General is satisfied that any amount has been
paid to the Fund as contributions which were not properly payable and
that the amount was paid as a result of bona fide error, the amount paid
in error shall be refunded or applied, with the consent of the person
who made the payment, to any current liability.
Refund of
tions paid
in error
17.-(1) Any insured person other than an insured person employed
by a contributing employer who is liable to make a statutory contribution
in respect of that insured person may apply to the Director General for
approval to his contributing to the Fund on his own behalf.
by, an in-
sured per-
(2) If the Director General approves the application, the insured
person may-
(a) make consecutive monthly payments to the Fund of an amount
not greater than the statutory contribution;
(b) make consecutive monthly payments to the Fund of an amount
not less than the employee's share of the contribution last paid
in respect of the insured person by a contributing employer;
(c) if the contribution period for the statutory contributions was other
than a month, the corresponding monthly statutory contributions
or employee's share thereof.
(3) Where an insured person makes payments under this section and
enters the employment of a contributing employer who is liable to make
a statutory contribution in respect of such person, that person shall cease
to be eligible to make payments under this section.
18. Every statutory contribution and penalty due to the Fund shall
be a debt due to the Fund and may be recovered as such by the Board
by suit-at anytime within six years after the date on which it was due.
of con-
and pen-
No. 28
1997 13
National Social Security Fund
19. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as relieving a contributing
employer from liability to make contributions to the Fund in respect of
any employee-
(a) who is in receipt of, or becomes entitled to any benefit; or
(b) during that employee's bankruptcy or insolvency.
20.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this section the statutory con-
tributiom, payments made by insured persons, and any benefits accruing
to an insured person shall be inalienable except under this Act and shall
not be assets for the benefit of creditors in the event of the bankruptcy
or insolvency of an insured person or be liable to attachment for an
insured person's debt; and any security, pledge or assignment given
before or after the coming into operation of this Act which purports to
include any such contribution, payment or benefit shall to that extent
be void.
tions etc,
(2) Contributions made to the Fund in respect of an insured person
who is bankrupt or insolvent shall, while held in the Fund, be deemed
not to be after acquired property for the purposes of the laws relating
to bankruptcy or insolvency-.
(3) Where an employee who is an insured person is convicted of an
offence involving dishonesty and the convicting court is satisfied that his
employer has suffered financial loss as a result of that offence, the court
may order payment to be made to the employer out of the Fund of an
amount not exceeding the aggregate of statutory contributions made by
that employer in respect of that insured person less the employees'
shares thereof, and the amount so paid to the employer shall be deducted
from the employee's benefits entitlement in the Fund.
21. The following classes of benefits are payable under this Act,
(a) retirement pension
(b) invalidity pension
(c) survivors pension
(d) funeral grants
(e) maternity benefit
(f) employment injury benefit; and
(g) health insurance benefit
when be
drawn or
kruptey of
Classes of
National Social Security Fund
14 No. 28
22. No benefit payable under this Act except the benefits mentioned
in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 21 shall be, payable in-
respect of any period before the date on which the Minister by order
in the Gazette, declare to be the date on which any benefit becomes
dates in
respect of
the be-
23. Subject to the provisions of this Act retirement pension shall be
tions for
payable to an insured person who
(a) has attained pensionable age; and
ment pen-
(b) in respect of whom not less than 180 monthly contributions have
been paid.
24.-(1) The monthly retirement pension shall Amount to 30 percen-
turn of the average monthly earnings of the retired insured person
supplemented by 1.5 per centurn of his average monthly earnings for
every twelve months of pension insurance additional to the 180 months
specified in section 23 to a maximum of 67.5 per centurn of the average
of retire-
ment pen-
(2) The average earnings is calculated over the best five years in the
last ten years prior to pensionable age.
(3) The minimum monthly pension shall be 80 per centum of the
minimum wage.
25. The retirement pension payment shall commence from the month
following the month in which the retired employee satisfies the conditions
under section 23 and end with the month in which the pensioner dies.
of Retire-
ment pen-
26. A member who has attained pensionable age and has retired from
employment but does not meet the qualification prescribed in paragraph
(b) of section 23 shall be entitled only to the payment of a special lump
ment spe-
cial lump
27.-(1) An insured person who is within five years of the pensionable
age and has paid contributions for at least 180 months, may claim early
retirement pension.
Early re-
(2) The amount of the retirement pension paid on early retirement
under subsection (1) shall be the amount that would be paid under
subsection (1) of section 24 reduced by 0.5 per centum of the monthly
average earnings.
(3) An early retirement pension shall not be payable if the amount
of the pension calculated in accordance with subsection (2) would be
lower than the minimum pension under subsection (3) of section 24.
28.-(1) An invalidity pension shall be payable to an insured person
tions for
(a) is suffering from permanent invalidity;
(b) is under pensionable age;
1997 15
National Social Security Fund
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(c) either-
(i) he has made 180 contributions; or
(ii) at least 36 monthly contributions have been paid in respect
of him of which twelve or more were paid in the period of
36 months immediately preceeding the date of commence-
ment of invalidity.
(2) For the purposes of this section ''permanent invalidity'' means the
permanent loss of two thirds or more of the earning capacity because
of physical or mental invalidity.
29.-(1) The monthly rate of invalidity pension shall he 30 percenturn
of the average monthly earnings of the insured person supplemented by
1 percenturn of his average monthly earnings for every twelve months
of pension contributions in addition to 1$0 monthly contributions.
of Invalid-
ity pen-
(2) The monthly rate of invalidity pension shall be supplemented by
1 percenturn of average monthly earnings for every twelve months bet-
ween whichever is the later of the pensionable age and-
(a) the date of entitlement to invalidity pension; or
(b) the date of completion of 180 months contributory employment.
(3) The minimum monthly invalidity pension shall be 80 per centum
of the national minimum wage.
30. Subject to the provisions of this Act, invalidity pension shall be
payable for the duration of a permanent invalidity commencing with the
month following the date of the invalidity and ending either-
(a) on pensionable age, if at that time the insured person is entitled
to retirement pension at the same or a higher rate; or
(b) on death of the invalid.
31. Where an insured person is suffering from invalidity but does not
satisfy the qualifying conditions under paragraph (c) of subsection (1)
of section 28 he shall be entitled to a special Jump-sum payment.
32.-(1) A claim to invalidity pension shall be referred to a medical
board to be appointed by the Minister to determine in the prescribed
manner, whether the claimant is suffering from permanent invalidity.
(2) The Director General may at anytime after the award of an invalid-
ity pension, refer a beneficiary in 'receipt of an invalidity pension to a
medical board to determine the medical state of the permanent invalidity.
(3) A beneficiary of an invalidity-pension shall cease to receive his
invalidity pension if he fails to comply with directions of the Director
General under subsection (2), to be medically examined by a medical
board and to supply all necessary documents or information as may be
necessary for the purposes of determining his continued entitlement.
29.-(1) The monthly rate of invalidity pension shall he 30 percenturn
of the average monthly earnings of the insured person supplemented by
1 percenturn of his average monthly earnings for every twelve months
of pension contributions in addition to 1$0 monthly contributions.
of invalid-
ity pen-
16 No. 28
National Social Security Fund
33.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, where an insured person
dies a survivors pension shall be payable to his dependants if at the time
of the death, the insured person-
(a) would have been entitled to an invalidity pension if deemed to
have been suffering from permanent invalidity at the time of
death; or
(b) had attained pensionable age and would have been entitled to
retirement pension had he made a claim to such pension.
Provided that if at the time of death, the insured person was in receipt
of retirement or invalidity pension, his dependants will be paid a lump
sum equal to the insured person's monthly pension times twelve.
(2) For the purposes of this part ''dependant'' includes spouse, a child
under twenty one years receiving full time education or a child under
eighteen years.
34. The survivors pension payable to a dependant shall without pre-
judice to the relevant laws of inheritance but subject to any will of the
deceased, be in the prescribed percentage-
of sur-
(a) in the case of a widow or a widower, 40 percenturn of the pension,
and where there are more than one widow the amount shall be
divided equally among the widows;
(b) in the case of a widow or a widower and where there are no
dependant child, the widow or widower shall be paid 100 percen-
turn of the pension;
(c) in the case of a dependant child under eighteen years or under
twenty one years receiving full time education as the case may
be, shall be paid 60 percenturn of the pension to be divided
equally among such children;
(d) where there is no widow or widower 100 percenturn of the pension
shall be divided equally to dependant children;
(e) in the case where there are no dependant children or dependant
spouse, parents of the deceased shall be paid 100 percenturn of
the pension for life.
35. Survivors pension shall be payable on the following bases,
of Sur-
(a) in the case of a widow or widower who, at the date of death of
the deceased insured person is of the age of 45 or above or who
is under the age of 45 and has the care of dependant children
under the age of 15, for life or until re-marriage;
(b) in the case of a widow or widower at the date of death of the
deceased insured person is under the age of 45 and does not have
the care of children under the age of 15, for a period of two
years from the date of death of the insured person;
tions for
National Social Security Fund
1997 17
No. 28
(c) in the case of a child-
(i) until the age of eighteen; or
(ii) until the child terminates full time education but not later
than the age of twenty one; or
(iii) if the child is an invalid, for life.
36. Where a deceased insured, person did not satisfy the qualifying
conditions specified under section 33, his dependants shall be entitled
to a special lump sum payment.
Jump sum
37.-(1) Where an insured person qualifies for retirement pension or
invalidity pension he shall be intitled to a lump-sum payment before
getting the monthly payment.
(2) Where a deceased insured person had not received a retirement
or invalidity pension prior to his death, the dependants of the deceased
insured person are entitled to the lumpsum payment.
(3) The amount of lumpsum payable under this section shall be equal
to 24 times the monthly amount of the retirement or invalidity pension.
38.-(l) A funeral grant shall be paid as reimbursement to a family
member who incurred expenses for the burial of a deceased insured
(2) The amount payable as funeral grant shall be determined by-the
Board from time to time having regard to the general economic condi-
39.-(l) For the purposes of this section.
(a) ''employment injury'' includes commuting accidents, accidents
sustained during working hours; at the work place; or at a place
where one would not have been except for his employment; and
(b) ''occupational diseases'' means the diseases occurring in connec-
tion with specific activity in a specific occupation', or the diseases
that are in causal relationship to specific agents or exposure.
40.-(l) The following types of benefits are payable under the employ-
ment injury benefit, namely-
Types of
ment in-
(a) medical care as may be prescribed by a qualified medical prac-
jury be-
titioner consisting of general practitioner case at hospitals, essen-
tial pharmaceuticals or hospitalization;
(b) cash payment in case of-
(i) temporary disability benefit payable after certification of
a medical board on the disability, an insured person shall
be paid 60 percenturn of his average daily earnings for up
to twenty six weeks.
merit and
ment in-
jury be-
National Social Security Fund
18 No. 28
(ii) permanent' disability benefit payable on certification by
a medical board that an insured person has suffered a
permanent disability at the rate of 100 percentum, that
person shall be paid a maximum of 70 percentum of the
average monthly earnings, which shall be paid monthly
throughout the period of the disability.
(c) Provision of artificial limbs after certification of a medical board
that the injured person requires to be provided with such artificial
(2) In case the recipient of permanent disability benefit requires con-
stant attendance of another person, an attendance Allowance shall be
paid at the rate of 25 percenturn of that benefit to the helper.
(3) The average daily earnings shall be calculated on the total earnings
during the six months preceding the month in which the injury occurred
to be divided by one hundred and eighty.
41. Health insurance benefit shall be paid to an insured person, the
spouse and four children of the insured if the insured person has contri-
buted to the Fund for a minimum of three months of which three months
of contributions were paid to the Fund in the three months immediately
preceding the medical contingency.
for Health
42.-(1) Medical benefits based on health insurance shall be provided
by accredited hospitals having such agreements with the Fund.
to be pro-
(2) The medical benefits to be provided shall include preventive and
curative care, essential drugs, simple pathology and X 'rays, laboratory
tests hospitalization where need and minor surgery.
(3) Benefits under this section shall be limited to the medical services
to be provided by doctors, nurses and other medical providers in the
accredited hospitals.
(4) The forms and procedures for benefits to be paid under this section
shall be fully described in the regulations that the Minister shall set out
under this Act.
43. The Board shall appoint and enter into agreement with different
hospitals and dispensaries which will be accredited to provide medicare
services to insured persons and their families.
44. Maternity benefit shall be payable-
tions for
(a) to an insured person who has made at least thirty six monthly
contributions of which twelve contributions are made in the thirty
six months prior to date of confinement; and
(b) upon the receipt by the Director General of a medical certificate
from an accredited medical provider, certifying that the woman
expects delivery of a child;
with Med-
ical pro-
1997 19
National Social Security -Fund
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(c) after three years from the day when the last payment was made
to the insured person unless the child dies within a period of
twelve months;
(d) to an insured person, for one month only, in the case of still-birth.
45. The following types of benefits are payable under the maternity
benefit, namely-
(a) cash benefit at the rate of 100 percentum of the average daily
earnings for a period of twelve weeks;
(b) medical care during pre-natal and post-natal period by an accre-
dited medical practitioner or midwife;
Provided that where prolonged medical care is required after
delivery, the post natal medical care shall be limited to twelve
46. The provisions of section 25B of the Employment Ordinance shall
not apply to employers registered with the Fund.
47. No insured person shall -be entitled at anytime to more than one
benefit, and if he qualifies for more benefits than one at the same time
he shall be paid one of them which is the highest.
48. Benefit rates shall be reviewed from time to time by the Board
and adjusted in line with actuarial valuation of the Fund.
49. (1) It shall be a condition of a person having right to a benefit
Time and
manner of
(a) he makes a claim to the Director General within the prescribed
time and in the prescribed manner or in such other manner as
the Director General may accept; and
(b) he produces such certificates, documents, information and evi-
dence for the purpose of determining the right to a benefit as
the Director General may require, and for that purpose attend
at such places and times as the Director General may require.
(2) Regulations may require contributing employers to make or main-
tain such records, or reports and to furnish such information as may be
prescribed in regulations for the purpose of establishing any person's
title to a benefit.
cation of
25B of the
ment or-
ment of
Types of
National Social Security, Fund
20 No. 28
50. Regulations may make provision for-
(a) the administration of all benefits payable under this Act.
tions for
(b) disqualifying a person from the receipt of any benefit if he fails
to make a claim within the prescribed time; provided that any
such regulations may provide for extending the time within which
such claim shall be made where good cause is shown for the delay;
(c) the prevention of the receipt of more than one benefit and the
adjustment of benefits in special circumstances;
(d) the time and manner of payment of a benefit and the information
or document to be furnished by any person applying for payment;
(e) suspending payment of a benefit to any person during any period
when that person
(i) is absent from Tanzania;
(ii) is serving a prison sentence or is under some other legal
Provided that specifications are. prescribed for the circumstances
and manner in which payment of the whole or any part of the
benefit may instead of being so suspended be paid during any
such period to any person nominated by the beneficiary, or for
the maintenance of any prescribed person who the Director Gen-
eral is satisfied is a dependant of the beneficiary;
(f) enabling a person to be appointed to exercise on behalf of any
other person who being a minor or being otherwise unable for
the time being to act, any power or right which that other person
may be entitled to exercise under this Act and to authorise the
person so appointed to receive and deal with any sum payable
by way of benefit to that other person; and
(g) enabling a claim to be made or proceeded in the name of the
deceased, for authorising payment to or among persons claiming
as personal representatives, legatees, next of kin, creditors or
otherwise and for dispensing with strict proof of title of persons
so claiming; and
(h) such other matters as may be necessary for the proper administ-
ration of benefits, including the obligations of claimants, benefi-
ciaries and employers.
51.-(l) If it is found that any person by reason of non-disclosure or
misrepresentation by him of material fact (whether the non-disclosure
or misrepresentation was or was not fraudulent) has received any sum
by way of benefit, while he was not entitled to that benefit, he shall be
liable to repay the sum so received by him.
ment of
perly re-
1997 21
National Social Security Fund
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(2) Where any person is liable to repay any sum received by him by
way of benefit, that sum may be recovered without prejudice to any
other remedy by means of deductions from any payment or benefit to
which he thereafter becomes entitled.
52. Every assignment or charge on benefit and every agreement to
assign or charge any benefit shall be void, and on bankruptcy of a
beneficiary the benefit shall not pass to any trustee or other person
acting on behalf of creditors.
Benefit to
be inalien-
53.-(1) There is established a Board or Trustees of the National
Social Security Fund.
ment of
Board of
(2) The Board shall, in its corporate name be capable of-
(a) suing and being sued;
(b) taking, purchasing or otherwise acquiring, holding, charging and
disposing of property, movable or immovable; and
(c) entering into contracts and performing all such other acts for the
proper performance of its functions under this Act which may
lawfully be performed by a body corporate.
(3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to this Act shall have effect
as to the composition of the Board, the appointment and termination
of appointment of its members, the proceedings of the Board and such
other matters in relation to the Board and its members.
(4) The Minister may by order in the Gazette, amend, vary or replace
all or any of the provisions of the Third Schedule to this Act.
54. The Board shall manage the Fund in accordance with the following
ment ob-
jectives of
(a) business or financial commitments undertaken shall be consistent
the Fund
with the basic objectives of the scheme and the interest of con-
(b) the concept of the financing of pensions shall be observed together
with the need to take account of long-term liabilities, and the
linkage between higher benefits and higher contributions;
(c) adequate arrangements shall be made for preservation of pension
(d) contribution credits for insured person shall be maintained and
be available for inspection by such insured person;
22 No. 28
National Social Security Fund
(e) the Fund shall be administered in such manner as to give greater
priority to the improvements of the benefits payable to con-
tributors and control internal administration costs;
(f) adequate steps shall be taken to avoid non-compliance and evasion
of Board's obligations under this Act;
(g) all such other aspects of management as are incidental to the
foregoing or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the
Fund shall be performed.
55. The functions of the Board shall be-
of the
(a) to formulate, implement and review the policy relating to the
National Social Security Fund in accordance with this Act;
(b) to control and administer the Fund in accordance with this Act;
(c) subject to the provisions of this Act to invest monies available
in the Fund;
(d) to provide technical assistance and advisory service for the pur-
poses of promoting social security programmes;
(e) to promote occupational health and safety measures in collabora-
tion with other authorities.
(f) to do all such acts and to enter into all such transactions as, in
the opinion of the Board may be necessary for the proper and
efficient administration of the Fund.
56. It shall be the duty of the Board-
Duties of
the Board-
(a) to manage and administer the Fund in accordance with the highest
standards which a person holding any fund in a fiduciary capacity
on behalf of another may reasonably be expected to conform to;
(b) to protect, safeguard and promote the interests of the insured
persons under this Act;
(c) generally to do all such acts as the Board may reasonably be
expected to do, and in particular to-
(i) uphold and support the credit of the Board;
(ii) obtain and justify the confidence of the people of the Un-
ited Republic in general and of the insured persons in
(iii) to avert and minimize any loss to the Board.
National Social Security Fund
1997 23
No. 28
57. In the performance of its functions the Board shall have power to-
(a) cause to be. carried out actuarial assessment of the Fund after
every three years;
(b) appoint on salaries upon such terms and conditions as it may
think fit--such person or persons as it may deem necessary for
proper and efficient conduct of the business of the Board;
(c) appoint and employ upon. such terms and conditions as it may
think fit such consultants; agents and contractors as the Board
my deem necessary;
(d) Appoint Auditors for purposes of this Act;
(e) do all other such acts as are necessary to give effect -to the provi-
sions of this Act.
58. The Trustees shall be entitled to receive such remuneration, allo-
wances and other benefits as the Minister, may direct.
59.-(1) The Board may from time to time in writing under the seal
of the Board delegate, subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions-
to any Committee of the Board, or to the Director General, or any
other employee of the Board all or any of the functions, powers, or
duties conferred upon the Board under this Act.
Power to
(2) Any delegation under subsection (1) may be made to the holder
of an office under the Board specifying the office but without naming
the holder, and in every such case each successive holder of the office
in question and each person who occupies or performs the, duties of that
office may, without any further authority perform or, as the case may
be, exercise the delegated function, power or duty in accordance with
the delegation made.
(3) The Board may revoke a delegation made by it under this section.
(4) No delegation made under this section shall prevent the Board
from itself performing or exercising the function, power or duty dele-
(5) Any delegation made under this section shall be published in the
Gazette, and shall be presumed to be in force unless the contrary is
(6) The Board shall not have power under this section to delegate-
(a) its power to delegate; and
(b) the power to approve the annual budget or any supplementary
budget of receipts and, expenditure, the annual balance sheet, or
any statement of account.
ation al-
and be-
Powers of
the Board
24 No. 28
National Social Security Fund
60. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 62 the Minister
may, subject to relevant government procedures, give the Board direc-
tions of general or specific nature as to the performance of the Board
of any of its functions in relation to any matter appearing to the Minister
to affect national interest, and the Board shall give effect to every such
Fund to
61.-(l) An account styled ''the National Social Security Fund ac-
count'' shall be kept with such bank or banks as the Board shall approve
from time to time, and all moneys payable into the Fund together with
the income from investments of the Fund and other moneys required
to be paid into the Fund shall be deposited in the Social Security Fund
'Vest in
(2) The reserve account under the existing fund shall be transferred
to the National Social Security Fund Account and form part of that
(3) The Fund shall vest in the Board which shall hold the fund as
trustees and shall manage, administer and operate the Fund in accor-
dance with this Act and may make such payments thereon as are au-
thorized by this Act.
(4) Subject to any direction given in that behalf by the Minister, the
Board may at the close of any financial year transfer to itself for adminis-
trative expenses from the investment income an amount not exceeding
fifteen per centurn of the total income collected in that year.
(5) The Minister upon commencement of this Act shall by an order
published in the Gazette dissolve the account of the existing fund.
62. Investment of money shall be done by the Board in any viable
venture as it may consider appropriate having regard to the economic
and commercial viability.
ment of
moneys in
the Fund
63. The Board may, subject to Provisions of section 67 utilize moneys
in the Fund for the acquisition of land, or aquisition or construction
of buildings and acquisition of equipment and other assets required for
the administration of the Board and the efficient performance by it of
its functions.
tion of
Fund for
tion of as-
64. To the extent that the Board is, by reason of insufficiency of funds
at its disposal, unable to meet its liability to any insured person for any
benefit to which such person is entitled under this Act, or for any portion
of any such benefit, the entitlement of such insured person to such
benefit or such portion of benefit shall constitute a charge on and be
paid out of the Consolidated Fund.
liability to
may give
to the
1997 25
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
65. Any moneys paid to the Fund in excess of the amount for which
an employer is liable in respect of an employee or in excess of the
maximum statutory contribution payable for a contribution period may
be refunded to the employer or the employee or both, as the, case may
be, in such manner as the Board may determine.
66. The funds and resources of the Board shall consist of-,
(a) any income from investments of the Fund approved under this
(b) such sums as may be provided for by way of loan or grant for
the purposes of the Board;
(c) any sums borrowed by the Board in accordance with the provi-
sions of this Act;
(d) any sums which may in any manner become payable to or vested
in the Board as a result of the performance by the Board of its
functions under this Act or any other written law.
67.-(l) In this Act ''financial year'' means any period not exceeding
twelve consecutive months designated in that behalf by the Board.
(2) Not less than two months before the beginning of any financial
year, other than the first financial year after the commencement of this
Act, the Board shall at its meeting especially convened for that purpose,
pass a detailed budget (in this Act called the annual budget) of the
amounts respectively
(a) expected to be received; and
(b) expected to be disbursed, by the Board during that financial year.
(3) If in any financial year the Board requires to make any disburse-
ment not provided for, or of an amount in excess of the amount provided
for, in the annual budget for the year the Board shall, at a meeting,
pass a supplementary budget detailing the disbursement.
(4) The annual budget and every supplementary budget shall be in
such form and include such details as the Minister may direct.
(5) Forthwith upon passing of any annual budget or any supplemen-
tary budget the Board shall submit the same to the Minister for approval.
(6) The Minister shall, upon receipt of the annual budget or any
supplementary budget, approve or disapprove the same or may approve
subject to such amendment as he may deem fit.
(7) Where the Minister has approved any annual budget or any
supplementary budget, the budget, shall be binding on the Board which,
subject to the provisions of subsection (8), shall confine its disbursements
within the items and the amounts contained in the applicable estimates
as approved by the Minister.
(8) The Board may-
Refund of
National Social Security, Fund
26 No. 28
(a) with the sanction in writing of the Minister, make a disbursement
notwithstanding that the disbursement is not provided for in any
(b) from the amount of expenditure provided for in any budget in
respect of an item, transfer a sum not exceeding fifty per centurn
of the amount so budgeted to any other item contained in the
(c) adjust expenditure limits to take account of circumstances not
reasonably foreseeable at the time the budget was prepared, sub-
ject to submitting a supplementary budget to the Minister within
two months of the alteration of expenditure limits becoming
68. The Board may, borrow moneys for the purposes of the Board
by way of loan or overdraft, and upon such security and such terms
relating to the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest
as the Board may deem fit.
Power to
69.-(1) The Board shall cause to be provided and kept proper books
and Audit
of accounts and records with respect to
(a) the receipt and expenditure of moneys by, and other financial
transactions of the Board;
(b) the assets and liabilities of the Board, and shall cause to be made
out for every financial year a balance sheet and a statement
showing details of the income and expenditure of the Board and
all its assets and liabilities.
(2) Not later than six months after the close of every financial year
the accounts including the balance sheet of the Board relating to that
financial year shall be audited by the Auditors appointed by the Board
from time to time.
(3) As soon as the accounts of the Board have been audited, and in
any case not later than six months after the audit, the Board shall submit
to the Minister a copy of the audited statement of accounts together
with a copy of the report thereon made by auditors.
(4) As soon as practicable after receipt by him of the copy of the
statement together with the copy of the report submitted pursuant to
subsection (3), the Minister shall lay a copy of the statement together
with a copy of the auditors' report before the National Assembly.
(5) The Board shall, within six months after the end of each year,
make a report to the Minister on the conduct of the Board's business
during that financial year, and the Minister shall lay a copy of that report
before the National Assembly together with a copy of the statement of
accounts required to be laid before the National Assembly.
National Social Security Fund
1997 27
No. 28
70. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that the Fund
and the monies in the account established pursuant to section 61 shall
not constitute or be regarded as funds of the Board but shall, for the
purposes of this Act and all other written laws, be deemed to be funds
held by the Board in trust for the insured persons and the Government
of the United Republic to be administered by the Board in accordance
with the provisions of this Act:
Provided that it shall be lawful for the Board to make payments out
of the Fund for any of the purposes for which payments out of the Fund
Account are expressly authorised by this Act.
71. The Board shall cause to be kept, maintained and audited the
accounts of the Fund in the same manner and to the same extent as the
accounts of the Board are required to be kept, maintained and audited
by section 69 and the provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) of section
69 shall apply mutatis mutandis, in relation to the accounts, the statement
of accounts and auditors' report in relation to the Fund and the Reserve
of the
72.-(1) Any person who-
(a) for the purpose of evading payment of any contribution by him
or some other person knowingly makes any false statement or
representation, or produces or furnishes or causes to be produced
or furnished any document or information which he knows to be
false in material particulars;
(b) for the purpose of obtaining any benefit or refund for himself or
some other person, knowingly makes any false statement or rep-
resentation or produces or furnishes or causes to be produced
or furnished any document or information which he knows to be
false in a material particular;
(c) misrepresents or fails to disclose any material fact;
(d) fails to pay to the Board within the prescribed period any con-
tributions which he is liable to pay under this Act;
(e) fails to comply with any regulations made under this Act as a
result of which there is loss to the Fund or as a result of which
the individual insured person records or contribution cannot be
(f) fails without lawful excuse to produce documents required to be
produced under this Act;
(g) obtains the consent of employees required under this Act by
duress, or undue influence;
Fund Ac-
National Social Security Fund
28 No. 28
(h) knowingly deducts from an employee's wages any sum in respect
of contribution to the Fund greater than the employees share of
the statutory contribution.
(i) Misrepresents or fail to disclose any material fact as a result of
which he obtains benefits from the Fund which he would have
not been entitled.
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding
one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing two years or to both that fine and imprisonment.
(2) The court before which any person is convicted of an offence
under this Act may, without prejudice to any civil remedy; order the
person to pay to the Board the amount of any contributions, together
with any interests or penalty thereon, certified to be due from such
person to the Fund at the date of conviction, and the amount may be
recovered in the same manner as a fine and shall be paid into the Fund
for the credit of the-concerned insured persons.
(3) Proceedings in respect of any offence under this Act may be com-
menced at any time when it comes to the knowledge of the Director
General that there is evidence to justify a prosecution for the offence.
(4) Every magistrate, other than a primary court magistrate, shall
have jurisdiction, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
any law respecting the jurisdiction of such magistrate, in all cases or
matters arising under this Act.
73.-(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any
other law in force, in any proceedings against an employer in respect
of contributions due for more than one of his employees, the magistrate
may permit one plaint or one charge sheet to be made or filed in respect
of all contributions claimed to be due.
Joinder in
cases of
ment of
(2) Al-I claims shall rank equally between themselves, and shall be
entered in full to the insured persons' contribution records, unless the
amount recovered from the employer be less than the total amount of
the claims with costs, in which case, after payment of the costs, all the
claims shall, subject to marginal adjustments, abate in equal proportions
among themselves and be entered to the insured persons' contribution
records accordingly,
Legal Pro-
74. Any action for the recovery of contributions and all criminal pro-
ceedings under section 72 may be instituted by the Director General,
an inspector, or other officer of the Board appointed by the Board in
that behalf, and where action is instituted before any court, any person
authorized by this section may appear and conduct the case.
1997 29
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
75. Where the Director General has given the court written notice
of a claim under this Act and-
(a) any attachment is issued against the property of an employer in
execution of a decree against him and any such property is seized
or sold or otherwise realized in pursuance of such executing; or
(b) on the application of a creditor the property of an employer is
the proceeds of the sale or other realization of such property shall not
be distributed to any person entitled thereto until the court ordering
the sale or realization has made provision for the payment, after the
payment of costs of sale or realization, or any amounts due in respect
of contributions payable by the employer under this Act before the date
of such order.
76. The sum standing to the credit of an insured person shall, until
paid out in accordance with the provisions of this Act, remain the prop-
erty of the Fund and shall not form part of the assets of that person in
the event of his bankruptcy or insolvency, or be liable to attachment in
satisfaction of his debts.
77. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other
written law, where any judgment or order has been obtained against
a contributory insured person, no execution or attachment or process
of any nature shall be issued against his contributions, except in accor-
dance with the terms of the Fund and the contributions shall not form
part of the assets of the insured person in the event of bankruptcy.
against at-
78. Where an offence under this Act by any association of persons,
whether corporate or unincorporated, is found to have been committed
with the knowledge or connivance of, or is attributable to any act or
default on the part of, any person or persons in apparent control of the
association of persons, the-person or persons in apparent control and
the association of persons shall be deemed to have committed the of-
for acts of
79. A copy of an entry in the accounts of the Fund or other extract
from the records of the Fund shall, when certified by the Director General
or any other officer of the Board nominated by the Board in that behalf
by writing under the seat of the Board, be received in all courts as
prima-facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof and, as the
case may be, of the debt due to the Fund by any person.
80. The Director General shall be responsible for the determination
of claims to benefits and liability for the payment of contributions.
bility of
for Pay-
ment of
National Social Security Fund
30 No. 28
81.-(1) All claims to benefit shall be determined in the first instance
by the Director General.
(2) Where entitlement is dependent on a medical question reference
shall be made to a medical board, for determination.
(3) Where the Director General or an insured person is dissatisfied
with the decision made by the medical board, . he may refer the decision
to the Tribunal established by section 84.
(4) All decisions on claims to benefit shall be notified to the claimant
in writing.
82.-(l) The Director General shall be responsible for determining-
nation of
(a) whether an establishment and each one of its employees is or
was insurable under this Act and is or was liable for payment of
as to lia-
bility for
(b) an individual person is insurable and liable for contributions
under this Act;
(c) the amount of earnings shall be taken into account to determine
(d) which person or Organization is or was liable for the payment of
contributions in the first instance;
(2) The Director General may on request notify such determination
in writing.
(3) Where a person is dissatisfied with the decision on a claim to
benefit or a question as to liability, an application for review may be
made to the Appeals Tribunal.
(4) In any review where new facts are revealed or it is concluded that
the initial decision was in error, the aggrieved person shall be paid the
arrears of the benefit or the contribution liability adjusted.
(5) Where there is no basis for review and the issue is one of insura-
bility or liability the decision of the Director General shall be final except
where the matter is a question of law the same may be referred to a
competent court for determination.
(6) All appeals under this section shall be in writing and shall be
made within one month.
83.-(l) There is established a Social Security Appeals Tribunal
(hereinafter to be referred to as the Appeals Tribunal) which shall have
jurisdiction to adjudicate appeals against decisions of the Director Gen-
eral on claims for benefits under section 81.
ment of a
(2) The Appeals Tribunal shall consist of a chairman who shall be a
lawyer and two other members with experience in social security mat-
ters. The Chairman and members of the Tribunal shall be appointed by -
the Minister.
nation of
claims to
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
1997 31
(1) Regulations shall prescribe the powers, rules, procedures and fees
for the Appeals Tribunal,
84.-(1) There shall be established a Medical Appeals Tribunal
(hereinafter referred to as the Tribunal) which shall adjudicate on appeals
against the decisions of the medical board appointed under section 32
on medical questions relating to benefit claims.
(2) The Tribunal shall consist of a Chairman and two members, all
of whom are experienced medical practitioners. The Chairman and mem-
bers, of the Tribunal shall be appointed by the Minister.
(3) Regulations shall prescribe the powers, rules, procedures and fees
for the Tribunal.
85. The expenses and renumeration of members of medical boards,
the Appeals Tribunal and the Tribunal shall be paid by the Board after
determination by the Minister in consultation with the Board.
86. Where a person enters into a contract whereby some other person
is to provide employees for any lawful purpose of the first mentioned
person and it is not clear from the contract which of the two persons is
the employer, the employees shall, unless the Director General otherwise
requires, be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be in the employ men-
of the first mentioned person.
87.-(l) The Board may, appoint inspectors for the purposes of this
(2) An inspector under this Act, if he. has reasonable cause to believe
that there Are employees on any premises who are registrable, or in
.respect of whom contributions are payable under this Act may, on pro-
duction of a certificate under the hand of the Director General of his
appointment as an inspector, enter at all reasonable times on the pre-
nuses or place and there make any examination and inquiry necessary
to obtain information for the purposes of this Act.
(3) An inspector may, in the performance of his duties require any
employer to produce any employee employed by him and any documents
relating to contributions or liability to contribute to the Fund, for inspec-
tion by him on the premises or place.
(4) For the purpose of this section-
''document'' means any matter expressed or described upon any sub-
stance by means of letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of
those means, intended to be used or may be used for the purpose of
recording that matter;
to be in
employ of
the First
of Medi-
cal Bards
and Tri-
ment of a
National Social Security Fund
32 No. 28
"premises'' means any building or other erection used for the purpose
of business, but does not include a dwelling used exclusively for resi-
dential purposes.
88. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 284A of the Penal
Code or of the Specified officers (Recovery of Debts) Act, 1970 or of
the Parastatal, Employees (Recovery of Debts), Act 1974, no act done
or omitted to be done, by any trustee or by any officer, employee or
agent of the Board shall, when done or omitted bona fide in execution
or purported execution of his duties as such trustee, officer, employee
or agent, subject any such person to any action, liability or demand.
of Mem-
89.-(1) The Minister may make regulations necessary or desirable
to give effect to the provisions of this Act, and without limiting the
general power it is hereby declared that regulations may be made for
all or any of the following purposes-
(a) prescribing conditions for registration under this Act;
(b) prescribing the mode of collecting contributions, the payment of
claims and the computation of annuities;
(c) prescribing that any provisions of this Act shall not apply or shall
apply with such modifications (if any) as may be specified in the
regulations to any person or class of persons;
(d) prescribing any forms for the purposes of this Act;
(e) prescribing the establishment of medical boards, the rules and
procedure to be followed by such medical boards and types of
medical examination to be done for the purposes of this Act;
(f) prescribing the procedure for dealing with unclaimed moneys in
the Fund;
(g) prescribing the duties of employers respecting registration of
(2) Regulations made under this section shall be published in the
90. Notwithstanding any other enactment-
(a) no stamp duty shall be payable on any receipt, contract, instru-
ment or other document given or executed by the Board on
behalf of the Fund or by any person in respect of benefits or
refund of contributions under this Act; but nothing in this section
shall be construed to exempt any person from liability to pay
stamp duty on any power of attorney or on any document other-
wise liable under the Stamp Duty Act, 1972.
Act No. of
(b) no income tax on the contributions and benefits payable under
the Fund; or corporate tax, or any other tax which would have
otherwise been levied on the Fund, be levied on the Fund.
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
1997 33
91. The employer of any employee and who is an insured person may
also establish a supplementary retirement 'fund in relation to his
employees in addition to the-National Social Security Fund.
ment of
92.-(1) The Government of Tanzania may enter into a reciprocal
agreement with the Government of any other territory in which a scheme
similar to the Scheme has been established and there may be included
in the agreement the following provisions-
(a) that any period of insurance of such scheme in the territory of
that Government may be treated as a period of insurance on the
Scheme and vice versa-, and
(b) that, subject to such conditions as may be agreed, any amount
standing to the credit of an insured person under this Act who
works for any employer in the territory of that Government may
be transferred to his credit in such Scheme, and vice versa.
(2) Any reciprocal agreement made under this section may modify,
adapt or amend the provisions of this law to give effect to the agreement.
93.-(1) The National Provident Fund Act is hereby repealed.
(2) The Board of Trustees of National Provident Fund (Establish-
ment) Act, 1975 is hereby repealed.
94. Notwithstanding the repeals made under section 93-
(a) all the assets and liabilities -of the existing Fund existing im-
mediately before the commencement of this Act shall vest in the
National Social Security Fund together with all the rights and
obligations arising out of any contract or otherwise as if this Act
had not come into force.,
(b) anything done or any action taken under. the repealed Acts shall
in so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
be deemed done or taken under the corresponding provisions of
this Act;
(c) all subsidiary legislations made under the repealed Acts which
are in force on the commencement of this Act. shall be deemed
to have been made under this Act and shall remain in force until
revoked or rescinded by subsidiary legislation made under this
(d) where immediately before the commencement of this Act-
(i) any person is liable to pay any sum of money to the Na-
tional Provident Fund or to the Director General or to
the Board in relation to any liability arising from the re-
pealed Acts that person shall make such payment to the
Fund, Board or the Director General as if the liability to
make such payment had arisen under this Act;
rocal ag-
Repeal of
cap. 564
Act No. 2
of 1975
National Social Security Fund
34 No. 28
(ii) any legal proceedings for any offence under the National
Cap. 564
Provident Fund Act or for the recovery of any sum of
money due under the repealed Acts is pending before any
court, those proceedings may be continued and conducted.
95. The Minister
may, at any time before the commencement of this
Act, by order in the Gazette make such transitional and consequential
provisions as he may deem necessary upon the repeal of the laws referred
to in section 93.
(Section 5(2) (c) and 16)
Statutory Contributions for
for each employee
Employee's share deductable
from wages by Employer
Contribution Period
Twenty cents for every comp-
lete shillings of wages
Ten cents for every complete
shilling of wages
(a) one month
Twenty cents for every comple-
te shillings of wages.
Ten cents for every complete
shillings of wages.
(b) One fortnight
Ten cents for every complete Twenty cents for every comple-
te shilling of wages.
(c) ''One week
shillings of wages.
Twenty cents for every comple-
te shilling of wages.
(d) One day
Ten cents for every complete
shilling of wages.
(Section 53 [31)
1. In this schedule unless the context requires otherwise ''member'' means a member
of the Board and includes the Chairman.
1-(l) The members of the Board shall be-
(a) a-Chairman, who shall be appointed by the President;
(b) three representatives from the Association of Tanzania Employers;
(c) three representatives from the Tanzania Federation of Trade Unions;
(d) three representatives from the Government;
(e) person holding or acting in the office of the Principal Secretary to the Ministry
responsible for social security matters, who shall be an ex-officio member.
(2) The representatives referred to in paragraph (b), (c), and (d) of subsection (1) shall
be nominated by the organisation or Ministry concerned and shall be appointed by the
(3) The nominations and appointments to be made under subsection (2) shall be made
from amongst persons with experience in social security, financial matters or administra-
tional and
1997 35
National Social Security Fund
No. 28
(4) The office of a member of the Board shall become vacant-
(a) if the member ceases to belong to the nominating organisation or ministry;
(b) if the member is withdrawn by the nominating organisation or ministry;
(c) at the expiration of a period of three years from the date of appointment:
provided that a member whose term of office has come to an end by affluxion of
time may be re-appointed to the office.
(5) All the members of the Board shall serve on a part-time basis and shall be entitled
to receive such renumeration and allowances as the Minister may determine.
revoked or his office becomes vacant for reasons specified in sub-paragraph (4) of Paragraph
3. Every member of the Boards shall continue to hold office until his appointment is
4. The Board shall elect one of its members to be the Vice-Chairman for a term of
one year from the date of his election and the person so elected shall be eligible for
re-election upon the expiry of his term of office as Vice-Chairman.
5. The Director General shall be the Secretary of the Board.
6.-(I) An ordinary meeting of the Board shall be convened by the Chairman and the
notice specifying, the place , date and time of the meeting shall be sent to each member
at his usual place of business or residence not less than fourteen days before the date of
such meeting.
(2) In case the Chairman is unable to act by reason of illness, absence from mainland
Tanzania, or Vice Chairman the Vice Chairman may convene such meeting.
(3) The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice Chairman, shall be bound to convene
a special meeting of the Board upon receipt of request in writing in that behalf signed by
not less than five members of the Board, and not less than fourteen days' notice of such
meeting shall be given to all members of the Board in the manner prescribed in sub-parag-
raph (2).
(4) The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, or the temporary Chairman elected in accor-
dance with the provisions of paragraph 7(2) (c) presiding at any meeting of the Board
may invite any person who is not a member to participate in the deliberations of the
Board, but any such person shall not be entitled to vote.
7.-(I) One half of the total number of the members in office shall form a quorum for
a meeting of the Board.
(2) There shall preside at any meeting of the Board-
(a) the Chairman;
(b) in the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman; or
(c) in the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, such member as the
members present may elect from amongst themselves for the purpose of that meet-
(3) At any meeting of the Board a decision of the majority of the members present
and voting shall be deemed to be a decision of the Board, and in the event of an equality
of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative
8. Where any member absent himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board
without reasonable excuse the Board shall advise the appointing authority of the fact and
the appointing authority may terminate the appointment of the member and appoint
another member in his place.
three con-
of the
National Social Security Fund
36 No. 28
9. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7 where the Chairman or in his absence,
the Vice Chairman, so directs, a decision may be made by the Board without a meeting,
by circulation of the relevant papers among all the members and the expression in writing
of their views, but any member shall be entitled to require that any such decision shall
be deferred until the subject matter is considered at a meeting of the Board.
by circula-
tion of
10. Minutes in proper form of each meeting of the Board shall be kept and shall be
of meet- confirmed by the Board at the next meeting and signed by the Chairman of the meeting.
11. The Seal of the Board shall not be affixed to any instrument except in the presence
of the Director General or such other officer of the Board as the Board may appoint in
that behalf.
12. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule the Board shall have power to regulate
its own proceedings.
may regu-
late its
own pro-
Passed in the National Assembly on the 28th October, 1997.
Printed by the Government Printer, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
Clerk of the National Assembly