National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Artificial Intelligence
Accountability Policy Report
MARCH 2024
Accountability Policy Report
With thanks to Ellen P. Goodman,
principal author, and the NTIA sta for
their eorts in draing this report.
MARCH 2024
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................8
2. Requisites for AI Accountability: Areas of Significant Commenter Agreement ................... 16
2.1. Recognize potential harms and risks ............................................................................................. 16
2.2. Calibrate accountability inputs to risk levels ............................................................................... 18
2.3. Ensure accountability across the AI lifecycle and value chain .................................................. 18
2.4. Develop sector-specific accountability with cross-sectoral horizontal capacity .................. 19
2.5. Facilitate internal and independent evaluations ......................................................................... 20
2.6. Standardize evaluations as appropriate ....................................................................................... 21
2.7. Facilitate appropriate access to AI systems for evaluation ........................................................ 21
2.8. Standardize and encourage information production ................................................................. 22
2.9. Fund and facilitate growth of the accountability ecosystem .................................................... 23
2.10. Increase federal government role ................................................................................................ 23
3. Developing Accountability Inputs: A Deeper Dive ......................................................................... 26
3.1. Information flow ................................................................................................................................ 26
3.1.1. AI system disclosures...................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.2. AI output disclosures: use, provenance, adverse incidents.................................................... 31
3.1.3. AI system access for researchers and other third parties ........................................................ 36
3.1.4. AI system documentation.............................................................................................................. 37
3.2. AI System evaluations ....................................................................................................................... 39
3.2.1. Purpose of evaluations .................................................................................................................. 40
3.2.2. Role of standards............................................................................................................................. 42
3.2.3. Proof of claims and trustworthiness ........................................................................................... 45
3.2.4. Independent evaluations .............................................................................................................. 46
3.2.5. Required evaluations...................................................................................................................... 48
3.3 Ecosystem requirements ................................................................................................................... 49
3.3.1. Programmatic support for auditors and red-teamers ............................................................. 49
3.3.2. Datasets and compute ................................................................................................................... 50
3.3.3. Auditor certification ........................................................................................................................ 51
4. Using Accountability Inputs .................................................................................................................. 54
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
4.1 Liability rules and standards ............................................................................................................. 54
4.2. Regulatory enforcement ................................................................................................................... 58
4.3. Market development ......................................................................................................................... 59
5. Learning From Other Models ................................................................................................................ 62
5.1 Financial assurance ............................................................................................................................ 62
5.2 Human rights and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) assessments ................... 65
5.3 Food and drug regulation.................................................................................................................. 66
5.4 Cybersecurity and privacy accountability mechanisms ............................................................. 67
6. Recommendations ................................................................................................................................... 70
6.1 Guidance .............................................................................................................................................. 70
6.1.1 Audits and auditors: Federal government agencies should work with stakeholders
as appropriate to create guidelines for AI audits and auditors, using existing and/or new
authorities. ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
6.1.2 Disclosure and access: Federal government agencies should work with stakeholders
to improve standard information disclosures, using existing and/or new authorities................ 71
6.1.2 Liability rules and standards: Federal government agencies should work with
stakeholders to make recommendations about applying existing liability rules and
standards to AI systems and, as needed, supplementing them. ..................................................... 71
6.2. Support................................................................................................................................................. 72
6.2.1 People and tools: Federal government agencies should support and invest in
technical infrastructure, AI system access tools, personnel, and international standards
work to invigorate the accountability ecosystem................................................................................ 72
6.2.2 Research: Federal government agencies should conduct and support more research and
development related to AI testing and evaluation, tools facilitating access to AI systems for
research and evaluation, and provenance technologies, through existing and new capacity. . 72
6.3. Regulatory Requirements ................................................................................................................. 73
6.3.1. Audits and other independent evaluations: Federal agencies should use existing
and/or new authorities to require as needed independent evaluations and regulatory
inspections of high-risk AI model classes and systems. .................................................................... 73
6.3.2 Cross-sectoral governmental capacity: The federal government should strengthen its
capacity to address cross-sectoral risks and practices related to AI. ............................................. 73
6.3.3. Contracting: The federal government should require that government suppliers,
contractors, and grantees adopt sound AI governance and assurance practices for AI
used in connection with the contract or grant, including using AI standards and risk
management practices recognized by federal agencies, as applicable. ........................................ 74
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................. 76
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
3 2
In April 2023, the National Telecommunications and In-
formation Administration (NTIA) released a Request for
Comment (“RFC”) on a range of questions surrounding AI
accountability policy. The RFC elicited more than 1,400
distinct comments from a broad range of stakeholders.
In addition, we have met with many interested parties
and participated in and reviewed publicly available dis-
cussions focused on the issues raised by the RFC.
Based on this input, we have derived eight major policy
recommendations, grouped into three categories: Guid-
ance, Support, and Regulatory Requirements. Some of
these recommendations incorporate and build on the
work of the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology (NIST) on AI risk management. We also propose
building federal government regulatory and oversight
capacity to conduct critical evaluations of AI systems
and to help grow the AI accountability ecosystem.
While some recommendations are closely linked to oth-
ers, policymakers should not hesitate to consider them
independently. Each would contribute to the AI account-
ability ecosystem and mitigate the risks posed by accel-
erating AI system deployment. We believe that providing
targeted guidance, support, and regulations will foster
an ecosystem in which AI developers and deployers
can properly be held accountable, incentivizing the ap-
propriate management of risk and the creation of more
trustworthy AI systems.
Independent evaluation, including red-teaming, au-
dits, and performance evaluations of high-risk AI sys-
tems can help verify the accuracy of material claims
made about these systems and their performance
against criteria for trustworthy AI. Creating evaluation
standards is a critical piece of auditing, as is trans-
parency about methodology and criteria for auditors.
Much more work is needed to develop such standards
and practices; near-term work, including under the
AI EO, will contribute to developing these standards
and methodologies.
Consequences for responsible parties, building on in-
formation sharing and independent evaluations, will
require the application and/or development of levers
– such as regulation, market pressures, and/or legal lia-
bility – to hold AI entities accountable for imposing un-
acceptable risks or making unfounded claims.
This Report conceives of accountability as a chain of in-
puts linked to consequences. It focuses on how informa-
tion ow (documentation, disclosures, and access) sup-
ports independent evaluations (including red-teaming
and audits), which in turn feed into consequences (in-
cluding liability and regulation) to create accountability. It
concludes with recommendations for federal government
action, some of which elaborate on themes in the AI EO,
to encourage and possibly require accountability inputs.
ways. Such competition, facilitated by information, en-
courages not just compliance with a minimum baseline
but also continual improvement over time.
To promote innovation and adoption of trustworthy AI,
we need to incentivize and support pre- and post-re-
lease evaluation of AI systems, and require more infor-
mation about them as appropriate. Robust evaluation
of AI capabilities, risks, and tness for purpose is still an
emerging eld. To achieve real accountability and har-
ness all of AI’s benets, the United States and the world
– needs new and more widely available accountability
tools and information, an ecosystem of independent AI
system evaluation, and consequences for those who fail
to deliver on commitments or manage risks properly.
Access to information by appropriate means and par-
ties is important throughout the AI lifecycle, from early
development of a model to deployment and successive
uses, as recognized in federal government eorts already
underway pursuant to President Bidens Executive Order
Number 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy De-
velopment and Use of Articial Intelligence of October 30,
2023 (“AI EO”). This information ow should include doc-
umentation about AI system models, architecture, data,
performance, limitations, appropriate use, and testing. AI
system information should be disclosed in a form t for
the relevant audience, including in plain language. There
should be appropriate third-party access to AI system
components and processes to promote suicient action-
able understanding of machine learning models.
Executive Summary
Articial intelligence (AI) systems are rapidly becoming
part of the fabric of everyday American life. From cus-
tomer service to image generation to manufacturing, AI
systems are everywhere.
Alongside their transformative potential for good, AI sys-
tems also pose risks of harm. These risks include inac-
curate or false outputs; unlawful discriminatory algorith-
mic decision making; destruction of jobs and the dignity
of work; and compromised privacy, safety, and security.
Given their inuence and ubiquity, these systems must
be subject to security and operational mechanisms that
mitigate risk and warrant stakeholder trust that they will
not cause harm.
Commenters emphasized how AI accountability policies
and mechanisms can play a key part in getting the best
out of this technology. Participants in the AI ecosystem
– including policymakers, industry, civil society, work-
ers, researchers, and impacted community members –
should be empowered to expose problems and potential
risks, and to hold responsible entities to account.
AI system developers and deployers should have mech-
anisms in place to prioritize the safety and well-being
of people and the environment and show that their AI
systems work as intended and benignly. Implemen-
tation of accountability policies can contribute to the
development of a robust, innovative, and informed AI
marketplace, where purchasers of AI systems know what
they are buying, users know what they are consuming,
and subjects of AI systems – workers, communities, and
the public – know how systems are being implement-
ed. Transparency in the marketplace allows companies
to compete on measures of safety and trustworthiness,
and helps to ensure that AI is not deployed in harmful
Red Teaming
Participants in the AI ecosystem
– including policymakers,
industry, civil society, workers,
researchers, and impacted
community members – should
be empowered to expose
problems and potential risks,
and to hold responsible entities
to account.
Source: NTIA
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
5 4
7. Cross-sectoral governmental capacity: The feder-
al government should strengthen its capacity to
address cross-sectoral risks and practices related
to AI. Whether located in existing agencies or new
bodies, there should be horizontal capacity in gov-
ernment to develop common baseline requirements
and best practices, and otherwise support the work
of agencies. These cross-sectoral tasks could in-
Maintaining registries of high-risk AI deployments,
AI adverse incidents, and AI system audits;
With respect to audit standards and/or auditor
certications, advocating for the needs of federal
agencies and coordinating with audit processes
undertaken or required by federal agencies them-
selves; and
Providing evaluation, certication, documentation,
coordination, and disclosure oversight, as needed.
8. Contracting: The federal government should re-
quire that government suppliers, contractors,
and grantees adopt sound AI governance and as-
surance practices for AI used in connection with
the contract or grant, including using AI stan-
dards and risk management practices recognized
by federal agencies, as applicable. This would
ensure that entities contracting with the federal
government or receiving federal grants are enacting
sound internal AI system assurances. Such practices
in this market segment could accelerate adoption
more broadly and improve the AI accountability eco-
system throughout the economy.
5. Research: Federal government agencies should
conduct and support more research and develop-
ment related to AI testing and evaluation, tools
facilitating access to AI systems for research and
evaluation, and provenance technologies, through
existing and new capacity. This investment would
move towards creating reliable and widely applica-
ble tools to assess when AI systems are being used,
on what materials they were trained, and the capabil-
ities and limitations they exhibit. The establishment
of the U.S. AI Safety Institute at NIST in February 2024
is an important step in this direction.
6. Audits and other independent evaluations: Fed-
eral agencies should use existing and/or new
authorities to require as needed independent
evaluations and regulatory inspections of high-
risk AI model classes and systems. AI systems
deemed to present a high risk of harming rights or
safety – according to holistic assessments tailored to
deployment and use contexts – should in some cir-
cumstances be subject to mandatory independent
evaluation and/or certication. For some models
and systems, that process should take place both be-
fore release or deployment, as is already the case in
some sectors, and on an ongoing basis. To perform
these assessments, agencies may need to require
other accountability inputs, including documenta-
tion and disclosure relating to systems and models.
Some government agencies already have authorities
to establish risk categories and require independent
evaluations and/or other accountability measures,
while others may need new authorities.
4. People and tools: Federal government agencies
should support and invest in technical infra-
structure, AI system access tools, personnel, and
international standards work to invigorate the
accountability ecosystem. This means building
the resources necessary, through existing and new
capacity, to meet the national need for independent
evaluations of AI systems, including:
Datasets to test for equity, eicacy, and other attri-
butes and objectives;
Computing and cloud infrastructure required to
conduct rigorous evaluations;
Legislative establishment and funding of a Nation-
al AI Research Resource;
Appropriate access to AI systems and their compo-
nents for researchers, evaluators, and regulators,
subject to intellectual property, data privacy, and
security- and safety-informed protections;
Independent evaluation and red-teaming support,
such as through prizes, bounties, and research
Workforce development;
Federal personnel with the appropriate socio-
technical expertise to design, conduct, and review
evaluations; and
International standards development (including
broad stakeholder participation).
1. Audits and auditors: Federal government agen-
cies should work with stakeholders as appropri-
ate to create guidelines for AI audits and audi-
tors, using existing and/or new authorities. This
includes NIST’s tasks under the AI EO concerning AI
testing and evaluation and other eorts in the feder-
al government to rene guidance on such matters as
the design of audits, the subject matter to be audit-
ed, evaluation standards for audits, and certication
standards for auditors.
2. Disclosure and access: Federal government agen-
cies should work with stakeholders to improve
standard information disclosures, using exist-
ing and/or new authorities. Greater transparency
about, for example, AI system models, architecture,
training data, input and output data, performance,
limitations, appropriate use, and testing should be
provided to relevant audiences, including in some
cases to the public via model or system cards, data-
sheets, and/or AI “nutrition labels.” Standardization
of accessible formats and the use of plain language
can enhance the comparability and legibility of dis-
closures. Legislation is not necessary for this activity
to advance, but it could accelerate it.
3. Liability rules and standards: Federal govern-
ment agencies should work with stakeholders to
make recommendations about applying existing
liability rules and standards to AI systems and, as
needed, supplementing them. This would help in
determining who is responsible and held account-
able for AI system harms throughout the value chain.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
9 8
To be clear, trust and assurance are not prod-
ucts that AI actors generate. Rather, trustworthiness in-
volves a dynamic between parties; it is in part a function
of how well those who use or are aected by AI systems
can interrogate those systems and make determinations
about them, either themselves or through proxies.
AI assurance eorts, as part of a larger accountability
ecosystem, should allow government agencies and
other stakeholders, as appropriate, to assess whether
the system under review (1) has substantiated claims
made about its attributes and/or (2) meets baseline
criteria for “trustworthy AI.” The RFC asked about the
evaluations entities should conduct prior to and aer
deploying AI systems; the necessary conditions for AI
system evaluations and certications to validate claims
and provide other assurance; dierent policies and ap-
proaches suitable for dierent use cases; helpful regu-
latory analogs in the development of an AI accountabil-
ity ecosystem; regulatory requirements such as audits
or licensing; and the appropriate role for the federal
government in connection with AI assurance and other
accountability mechanisms.
Over 1,440 unique comments from diverse stakeholders
were submitted in response to the RFC and have been
posted to
An NTIA employee read ev-
ery comment. Approximately 1,250 of the comments
were submitted by individuals in their own capacity.
Approximately 175 were submitted by organizations or
3 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Artificial Intelligence Risk
Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) (Jan. 2023),
AI.100-1 [hereinaer “NIST AI RMF”]. The later-adopted AI EO uses the term “safe,
secure, and trustworthy” AI. Because safety and security are part of NIST’s definition of
“trustworthy, this Report uses the “trustworthy” catch-all. Other policy documents use
“responsible” AI. See, e.g., Government Accountability Oice (GAO), Artificial Intelligence:
An Accountability Framework for Federal Agencies and Other Entities (GAO Report No.
GAO-21-519SP), at 24 n.22 (Jun 30, 2021),
pdf (citing U.S. government documents using the term “responsible use” to entail AI
system use that is responsible, equitable, traceable, reliable, and governable).
4, NTIA AI Accountability RFC (2023),
document/NTIA-2023-0005-0001/comment. Comments in this proceeding are
accessible through this link, with an index available linking commenter name with commenter number available here:
NTIA issued a Request for Comment on AI Accountabil-
ity Policy on April 13, 2023 (RFC).
The RFC included 34
questions about AI governance methods that could be
employed to hold relevant actors accountable for AI
system risks and harmful impacts. It specically sought
feedback on what policies would support the develop-
ment of AI audits, assessments, certications, and other
mechanisms to create earned trust in AI systems – which
practices are also known as AI assurance. To be account-
able, relevant actors must be able to assure others that
the AI systems they are developing or deploying are wor-
thy of trust, and face consequences when they are not.
The RFC relied on the NIST delineation of “trustworthy
AI” attributes: valid and reliable, safe, secure and resil-
ient, privacy-enhanced, explainable and interpretable,
accountable and transparent, and fair with harmful bias
1 National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), AI Accountability
Policy Request for Comment, 88 Fed. Reg 22433 (April 13, 2023) [hereinaer “AI
Accountability RFC”].
2 See Claudio Novelli, Mariarosaria Taddeo, and Luciano Floridi, “Accountability in
Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and How It Works, (Feb. 7, 2023), AI & Society: Journal
of Knowledge, Culture and Communication,
01635-y (stating that AI accountability “denotes a relation between an agent A and
(what is usually called) a forum F, such that A must justify A’s conduct to F, and
F supervises, asks questions to, and passes judgment on A on the basis of such
justification. . . . Both A and F need not be natural, individual persons, and may be
groups or legal persons.”) (italics in original).
ident Biden issued an Executive Order on Safe, Secure,
and Trustworthy Development and Use of Articial In-
telligence (“AI EO”), which advances and coordinates the
Administrations eorts to ensure the safe and secure use
of AI; promote responsible innovation, competition, and
collaboration to create and maintain the United States
leadership in AI; support American workers; advance eq-
uity and civil rights; protect Americans who increasingly
use, interact with, or purchase AI and AI-enabled prod-
ucts; protect Americans’ privacy and civil liberties; man-
age the risks from the federal government’s use of AI; and
lead global societal, economic, and technical progress.
Administration eorts to advance trustworthy AI prior to
the release of the RFC in April 2023 include most notably
the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (NIST AI RMF)
and the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
(Blueprint for AIBoR).
Manage the Risks Posed by AI (December 14, 2023),
8 Executive Order No. 14110, Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of
Artificial Intelligence, 88 Fed. Reg. 75191 [hereinaer “AI EO”] (2023) at Sec. 2, https://
9 NIST AI RMF; see also U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), TTC Joint
Roadmap on Evaluation and Measurement Tools for Trustworthy AI and Risk
Management (Dec. 1, 2022),
Joint_TTC_Roadmap_Dec2022_Final.pdf, at 9 (“The AI RMF is a voluntary framework
seeking to provide a flexible, structured, and measurable process to address AI
risks prospectively and continuously throughout the AI lifecycle. […] Using the AI
RMF can assist organizations, industries, and society to understand and determine
their acceptable levels of risk. The AI RMF is not a compliance mechanism, nor is it a
checklist intended to be used in isolation. It is law- and regulation-agnostic, as AI policy
discussions are live and evolving.”).
10 The White House, Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work
for the American People (Oct. 2022),
uploads/2022/10/Blueprint-for-an-AI-Bill-of-Rights.pdf [hereinaer “Blueprint for
individuals in their institutional capacity. Of this latter
group, industry (including trade associations) accounted
for approximately 48%, nonprot advocacy for approx-
imately 37%, and academic and other research organi-
zations for approximately 15%. There were a few com-
ments from elected and other governmental oicials.
Since the release of the RFC, the Biden-Harris Administra-
tion has worked to advance trustworthy AI in several ways.
In May 2023, the Administration secured commitments
from leading AI developers to participate in a public
evaluation of AI systems at DEF CON 31.
The Administra-
tion also secured voluntary commitments from leading
developers of “frontier” advanced AI systems (“White
House Voluntary Commitments”) to advance trust and
safety, including through evaluation and transparency
measures that relate to queries in the RFC.
In addition,
the Administration secured voluntary commitments from
healthcare companies related to AI.
Most recently, Pres-
5 See The White House, FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New
Actions to Promote Responsible AI Innovation that Protects Americans’ Rights
and Safety (May 4, 2023),
(allowing “AI models to be evaluated thoroughly by thousands of community partners
and AI experts to explore how the models align with the principles and practices
outlined in the Biden-Harris Administration’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights and AI
Risk Management Framework”).
6 See The White House, FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Secures Voluntary
Commitments from Leading Artificial Intelligence Companies to Manage the
Risks Posed by AI (July 21, 2023),
the-risks-posed-by-ai/; The White House, Ensuring Safe, Secure and Trustworthy
AI (July 21, 2023),
Ensuring-Safe-Secure-and-Trustworthy-AI.pdf [hereinaer “First Round White House
Voluntary Commitments”] (detailing the commitments to red-team models, sharing
information among companies and the government, investment in cybersecurity,
incentivizing third-party issue discovery and reporting, and transparency through
watermarking, among other provisions); The White House, FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris
Administration Secures Voluntary Commitments from Eight Additional Artificial
Intelligence Companies to Manage the Risks Posed by AI (Sept. 12, 2023), https://www.
intelligence-companies-to-manage-the-risks-posed-by-ai/; The White House, Voluntary
AI Commitments (September 12, 2023),
uploads/2023/09/Voluntary-AI-Commitments-September-2023.pdf [hereinaer
“Second Round White House Voluntary Commitments”].
7 The White House, FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Voluntary
Commitments from Leading Healthcare Companies to Harness the Potential and
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
11 10
country have passed bills that aect AI,
and localities
are legislating as well.
The United States has collaborated with international
partners to consider AI accountability policy. The U.S.
EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) issued a joint AI
Roadmap and launched three expert groups in May 2023,
of which one is focused on “monitoring and measuring
AI risks.
These groups have issued a list of 65 key terms,
wherever possible unifying disparate denitions.
ticipants in the 2023 Hiroshima G7 Summit have worked
to advance shared international guiding principles and
a code of conduct for trustworthy AI development.
Intelligence: Advancing Innovation Towards the National Interest (committee hearing)
(June 22, 2023),
F386158D625C; U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy,
Technology, and the Law, Oversight of A.I.: Rules for Artificial Intelligence (committee
hearing) (May 16, 2023),
14 See Katrina Zhu, The State of State AI Laws: 2023, Electronic Privacy Information Center
(Aug. 3, 2023), (providing an inventory
of state legislation).
15 See, e.g., The New York City Council, A Local Law to Amend the Administrative Code
of the City of New York, in Relation to Automated Employment Decision Tools, Local
Law No. 2021/144 (Dec. 11, 2021),
16 See The White House, FACT SHEET: U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council Deepens
Transatlantic Ties (May 31, 2023),
17 See The White House, U.S.-EU Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology
Council (May 31, 2023),
supra note 9, U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council (TTC).
18 The White House, G7 Leaders’ Statement on the Hiroshima AI Process (Oct. 30, 2023),
leaders-statement-on-the-hiroshima-ai-process/; Hiroshima Process International
Guiding Principles for Organizations Developing Advanced AI System (Oct. 30, 2023),; Hiroshima Process International Code
of Conduct for Organizations Developing Advanced AI Systems (Oct. 30, 2023), https:// (
Federal regulatory and law enforcement agencies have
also advanced AI accountability eorts. A joint statement
from the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of
Justice’s Civil Rights Division, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, and the Consumer Finan-
cial Protection Bureau outlined the risks of unlawfully
discriminatory outcomes produced by AI and other au-
tomated systems and asserted the respective agencies’
commitment to enforcing existing law.
Other federal
agencies are examining AI in connection with their mis-
A number of dierent Congressional committees
have held hearings, and members of Congress have in-
troduced bills related to AI.
State legislatures across the
11 See Rohit Chopra, Kristen Clarke, Charlotte A. Burrows, and Lina M. Khan, Joint
Statement on Enforcement Eorts Against Discrimination and Bias in Automated
Systems (April 25, 2023), https://www.c_gov/pdf/EEOC-CRT-
FTC-CFPB-AI-Joint-Statement%28final%29.pdf [hereinaer “Joint Statement on
Enforcement Eorts”]; Consumer Financial Protection Circular, 2023-03, Adverse action
notification requirements and the proper use of the CFPB’s sample forms provided in
Regulation B,
forms-provided-in-regulation-b/. See also, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
CFPB Issues Guidance on Credit Denials by Lenders Using Artificial Intelligence (Sept.
on-credit-denials-by-lenders-using-artificial-intelligence/; Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Select Issues: Assessing Adverse Impact in Soware,
Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence Used in Employment Selection Procedures Under
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (May 18, 2023),
12 See, e.g., U.S. Department of Education Oice of Educational Technology, Artificial
Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations
(May 2023),; Engler, infra note
359 (referring to initiatives by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration); U.S. Department
of State, Artificial Intelligence (AI),; U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Trustworthy AI (TAI) Playbook (September
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate, Artificial
Intelligence (September 2023),
13 See, e.g., Laurie A. Harris, Artificial Intelligence: Overview, Recent Advances, and
Considerations for the 118th Congress, Congressional Research Service (Aug. 4,
2023), at 9-10,; Anna
Lenhart, Roundup of Federal Legislative Proposals that Pertain to Generative AI:
Part II, Tech Policy Press (Aug. 9, 2023),
legislative-proposals-that-pertain-to-generative-ai-part-ii/; see also, e.g., U.S. House
of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on
Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation, Advances in AI:
Are We Ready For a Tech Revolution? (subcommittee hearing) (March 8, 2023), https://; U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Artificial
latory, and other measures and policies that are designed
to provide assurance to external stakeholders that AI sys-
tems are legal and trustworthy. More specically, this Re-
port focuses on information ow, system evaluations, and
ecosystem development
which, together with regu-
latory, market, and liability
functions, are likely to pro-
mote accountability for AI
developers and deployers
(collectively and individual-
ly designated here as “AI ac-
tors”). There are many other
players in the AI value chain
traditionally included in the
designation of AI actors, in-
cluding system end users.
Any of these players can cause harm, but this Report fo-
cuses on developers and deployers as the most relevant
entities for policy interventions. This Report concentrates
further on the cross-sectoral aspects of AI accountability,
while acknowledging that AI accountability mechanisms
are likely to take dierent forms in dierent sectors.
Multiple policy interventions may be necessary to
achieve accountability. Take, for example, a policy pro-
moting the disclosure to appropriate parties of training
data details, performance limitations, and model char-
acteristics for high-risk AI systems. Disclosure alone
does not make an AI actor accountable. However, such
information ows will likely be important for internal
accountability within the AI actors domain and for ex-
ternal accountability as regulators, litigators, courts, and
the public act on such information. Disclosure, then, is
an accountability input whose eectiveness depends on
other policies or conditions, such as the governing lia-
bility framework, relevant regulation, and market forces
(in particular, customers’ and consumers’ ability to use
the information disclosed to make purchase and use
decisions). This report touches on how accountability
inputs feed into the larger accountability apparatus and
considers how these connections might be developed in
further work.
Our nal limitations on scope concern matters that are
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment is working on accountability in AI.
In Europe, the
EU AI Act which includes provisions addressing pre-re-
lease conformity certications for high-risk systems, as
well as transparency and
audit provisions and spe-
cial provisions for founda-
tion models
or general
purpose AI – has continued
on the path to becoming
The EU Digital Ser-
vices Act requires audits of
the largest online platforms
and search engines,
and a
recent EU Commission del-
egated act on audits indi-
cates that it is important in
this context to analyze algorithmic systems and technol-
ogies such as generative models.
In light of all this activity, it is important to articulate the
scope of this Report. Our attention is on voluntary, regu-
Nations, High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence,
ai-advisory-body (calling for “[g]lobally coordinated AI governance” as the “only way
to harness AI for humanity, while addressing its risks and uncertainties, as AI-related
applications, algorithms, computing capacity and expertise become more widespread
internationally” and describing the mandate of the new High-level Advisory Body on
Artificial Intelligence to “analysis and advance recommendations for the international
governance of AI”).
20 We use the term “foundation model” to refer to models which are “trained on broad
data at scale and are adaptable to a wide range of downstream tasks”, like “BERT,
DALL-E, [and] GPT-3”. See Richi Bommasani et al., On the Opportunities and Risks of
Foundation Models, arXiv (July 12, 2022),
21 See European Parliament, European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 March
2024 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
on laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence
Act) and amending certain Union Legislative Acts (COM(2021)0206 – C9-0146/2021
– 2021/0106(COD)) (March 13, 2024),
document/TA-9-2024-0138_EN.pdf (containing the text of the proposed EU AI Act as
adopted by the European Parliament) [hereinaer “EU AI Act”]; European Parliament,
Artificial Intelligence Act: Deal on Comprehensive Rules for Trustworthy AI, European
Parliament News (Dec. 12, 2023),
22 See European Commission, Digital Services Act: Commission Designates First Set of
Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines (April 25, 2023),
23 See European Commission, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) Supplementing
Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council, by Laying
Down Rules on the Performance of Audits for Very Large Online Platforms and Very
Large Online Search Engines, (Oct. 20, 2023), at 2, 14,
Our attention is on voluntary,
regulatory, and other measures
and policies that
are designed to provide
assurance to external
stakeholders that AI systems
are legal and trustworthy.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
13 12
of AI accountability: (1) information ow, including doc-
umentation of AI system development and deployment;
relevant disclosures appropriately detailed to the stake-
holder audience; and provision to researchers and evalu-
ators of adequate access to AI system components; (2) AI
system evaluations, including government requirements
for independent evaluation and pre-release certication
(or licensing) in some cases; and (3) government support
for an accountability ecosystem that widely distributes
eective scrutiny of AI systems, including within govern-
ment itself.
Section 4 shows how accountability inputs intersect with
liability, regulatory, and market-forcing functions to en-
sure real consequences when AI actors forfeit trust.
Section 5 surveys lessons learned from other account-
ability models outside of the AI space.
Section 6 concludes with recommendations for govern-
ment action.
Appendix A is a glossary of terms used in this Report.
Finally, open-source AI models, AI models with widely
available model weights, and components of AI systems
generally are of tremendous interest and raise distinct
accountability issues. The AI EO tasked the Secretary
of Commerce with soliciting input and issuing a report
on “the potential benets, risks, and implications, of
dual-use foundation models for which the weights are
widely available, as well as policy and regulatory recom-
mendations pertaining to such models,
and NTIA has
published a Request for Comment for the purpose of in-
forming that report.
The remainder of this Report is organized as follows:
Section 2 of the Report outlines signicant commenter
alignment around cross-cutting issues, many of which
are covered in more depth later. Such issues include
calibrating AI accountability policies to risk, assuring AI
systems across their lifecycle, standardizing disclosures
and evaluations, and increasing the federal role in sup-
porting and/or requiring certain accountability inputs.
Section 3 of the Report dives deeper into these issues,
organizing the discussion around three key ingredients
31 AI EO at Sec. 4.6.
32 National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Dual Use Foundation
Artificial Intelligence Models With Widely Available Model Weights, 89 Fed. Reg. 14059
(Feb. 26, 2024),
Similarly, the role of privacy and the use of personal
data in model training are topics of great interest and
signicance to AI accountability. More than 90% of all or-
ganizational commenters noted the importance of data
protection and privacy to trustworthy and accountable
AI can exacerbate risks to Americans’ privacy, as rec-
ognized by the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights and the AI
Privacy protection is not only a focus of AI account-
ability, but importantly privacy also needs to be consid-
ered in the development and use of accountability tools.
Documentation, disclosures, audits, and other forms of
evaluation can result in the collection and exposure of
personal information, thereby jeopardizing privacy if not
properly designed and executed. Stronger and clearer
rules for the protection of personal data are necessary
through the passage of comprehensive federal privacy
legislation and other actions by federal agencies and the
Administration. The President has called on Congress to
enact comprehensive federal privacy protections.
of AI. See 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(C); NTIA, Recommendations of the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration to the Register of Copyrights in
the Eight Triennial Section 1201 Rulemaking at 48-58 (Oct. 1, 2021), https://www.ntia.
28 See, e.g., Data & Society Comment at 7; Google DeepMind Comment at 3; Global
Partners Digital Comment at 15; Hitachi Comment at 10; TechNet Comment at 4;
NCTA Comment at 4-5; Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) Comment
at 1; Access Now Comment at 3-5; BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 12;
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment at 9 (discussing the need for federal privacy
protection); Business Roundtable Comment at 10 (supporting a passage of a federal
privacy/consumer data security law to align compliance eorts across the nation); CTIA
Comment at 1, 4-7 (declaring that federal privacy legislation is necessary to avoid the
current fragmentation); Salesforce Comment at 9 (“The lack of an overarching Federal
standard means that the data which powers AI systems could be collected in a way that
prevents the development of trusted AI. Further, we believe that any comprehensive
federal privacy legislation in the United States should include provisions prohibiting
the use of personal data to discriminate on the basis of protected characteristics”).
29 See AI EO at Sec. 2(f)(“Artificial Intelligence is making it easier to extract, re-identify,
link, infer, and act on sensitive information about people’s identities, locations, habits,
and desires. Artificial Intelligence’s capabilities in these areas can increase the risk that
personal data could be exploited and exposed.”); Sec. 9.
30 See The White House, Readout of White House Listening Session on Tech Platform
Accountability (Sept. 8, 2022) [hereinaer “Readout of White House Listening Session”],
the focus of other federal government inquiries. Although
NTIA received many comments related to intellectual
property, particularly on the role of copyright in the de-
velopment and deployment of AI, this Report is largely
silent on intellectual property issues. Mitigating risks to
intellectual property (e.g. infringement, unauthorized
data transfers, unauthorized disclosures) are certainly
recognized components of AI accountability.
These is-
sues are of ongoing consideration at the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Oice (USPTO)
and at the U.S. Copyright Of-
We look forward to working with these agencies
and others on these issues as warranted to help ensure
that AI accountability and related transparency, safety,
and other considerations relevant to the broader digital
economy and Internet ecosystem are represented.
24 See, e.g., NIST AI RMF at 16, 24 (recognizing that training data should follow applicable
intellectual property rights laws, that policies and procedures should be in place to
address risks of infringement of a third-party’s intellectual property or other rights);
Hiroshima Process International Code of Conduct for Organizations Developing
Advanced AI Systems, supra note 18, at 8 (calling on organizations to “implement
appropriate data input measures and protections for personal data and intellectual
property” and encouraging organizations “to implement appropriate safeguards,
to respect rights related to privacy and intellectual property, including copyright-
protected content.”).
25 The USPTO will clarify and make recommendations on key issues at the intersection
of intellectual property and artificial intelligence. See AI EO Section 5.2. See also U.S.
Patent and Trademark Oice, Request for Comments Regarding Artificial Intelligence
and Inventorship, 88 Fed. Reg. 9492 (Feb. 14, 2023),
intelligence-and-inventorship; U.S. Patent and Trademark Oice, Public Views on
Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy (Oct. 2020), https://www.uspto.
gov/sites/default/files/documents/USPTO_AI-Report_2020-10-07.pdf; U.S. Patent and
Trademark Oice, Artificial Intelligence,
26 See, e.g., U.S. Copyright Oice, Notice of Inquiry and Request for Comments on Artificial
Intelligence and Copyright, 88 Fed. Reg. 59942 (Aug. 30, 2023) [hereinaer “Copyright
Oice AI RFC”],
artificial-intelligence-and-copyright; U.S. Copyright Oice Comment at 2 (describing
the Copyright Oice’s ongoing work at the intersection of AI and copyright law and
policy); U.S. Copyright Oice, Copyright and Artificial Intelligence, https://www.
27 See U.S. Copyright Oice Comment at 2 (“We are, however, cognizant that the
policy issues implicated by rapidly developing AI technologies are bigger than any
individual agency’s authority, and that NTIAs accountability inquiries may align
with our work.”); see also Copyright Oice AI RFC at 59,944 n.22 (mentioning the U.S.
Copyright Oices consideration of AI in the regulatory context of the Digital Millenium
Copyright Act rulemaking. By law, NTIA plays a consultation role in the rulemaking and
has previously commented on petitions for exemptions that involve considerations
Red Teaming
Source: NTIA
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
for AI
Areas of Significant Commenter
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
17 16
Many commenters, especially individual commenters,
expressed serious concerns about the impact of AI. AI
system potential harms and risks have been well-doc-
umented elsewhere.
The following are representative
examples, which also appeared in comments:
Ineicacy and inadequate functionality.
Inaccuracy, unreliability, ineectiveness, insui-
cient robustness.
Untness for the use case.
Lowered information integrity.
Misleading or false outputs, sometimes coupled
with coordinated campaigns.
Opacity around use.
Opacity around provenance of AI inputs.
Opacity around provenance of AI outputs.
Safety and security concerns.
Unsafe decisions or outputs that contribute to
harmful outcomes.
Capacities falling into the hands of bad actors who
intend harm.
Adversarial evasion or manipulation of AI.
Obstacles to reliable control by humans.
Harmful environmental impact.
33 Many of these risks are recognized in the AI EO, the AIBoR, and in the Oice of
Management and Budget, Proposed Memorandum for the Heads of Executive
Departments and Agencies, “Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk
Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence” (Nov. 2023),
content/uploads/2023/11/AI-in-Government-Memo-Public-Comment.pdf at 24-25.
Requisites for AI
Accountability: Areas of
Significant Commenter
The comments submitted to the RFC compose a large
and diverse corpus of policy ideas to advance AI account-
ability. While there were signicant disagreements, there
was also a fair amount of support among stakeholders
from dierent constituencies for making AI systems
more open to scrutiny and more accountable to all. This
section provides a brief overview of signicant plurality
(if not majority) sentiments in the comments relating to
AI accountability policy, along with NTIA reections. Sec-
tion 3 provides a deeper treatment of these positions;
most are congruent with the Report’s recommendations
in Section 6.
Individual commenters reected misgivings in the
American public at large about AI.
Three major themes
emerged from many of the individual comments:
The most signicant by the numbers was concern
about intellectual property. Nearly half of all individual
commenters (approximately 47%) expressed alarm
that generative AI
was ingesting as training materi-
al copyrighted works without the copyright holders’
consent, without their compensation, and/or without
attribution. They also expressed worries that AI could
supplant the jobs of creators and other workers. Some
of these commenters supported new forms of regu-
lation for AI that would require copyright holders to
opt-in to AI system use of their works.
Another signicant concern was that malicious actors
would exploit AI for destructive purposes and develop
their own systems for those ends. A related concern
was that AI systems would not be subject to suicient
controls and would be used to harm individuals and
communities, including through unlawfully discrimi-
natory impacts, privacy violations, fraud, and a wide
array of safety and security breaches.
A nal theme concerned the personnel building and
deploying AI systems, and the personnel making
AI policy. Individual commenters questioned the
credibility of the responsible people and institutions
and doubted whether they had suiciently diverse
experiences, backgrounds, and inclusive practices to
foster appropriate decision-making.
34 See Alec Tyson and Emma Kikuchi, Growing Public Concern About the Role of
Artificial Intelligence in Daily Life, Pew Research Center (Aug. 28, 2023), https://www.
35 “The term ‘generative AI’ means the class of AI models that emulate the structure and
characteristics of input data in order to generate derived synthetic content. This can
include images, videos, audio, text, and other digital content. AI EO at Sec. 3(p).
36 Stakeholders are deeply divided on some of these policy issues, such as the
implications of “opt-in” oropt-out” systems, or compensation for authors, which
are part of the U.S. Copyright Oice’s inquiry and USPTO ongoing work. This report
recognizes the importance of these issues to the overall risk management and
accountability framework without touching on the merits.
Violation of human rights.
Discriminatory treatment, impact, or bias.
Improper disclosure of personal, sensitive, con-
dential, or proprietary data.
Lack of accessibility.
The generation of non-consensual intimate imag-
ery of adults and child sexual abuse material.
Labor abuses involved in the training of AI data.
Impacts on privacy.
Exposure of non-public information through AI
analytical insights.
Use of personal information in ways that are con-
trary to the contexts in which they are collected.
Overcollection of personal information to create
training datasets or to unduly monitor individuals
(such as workers and trade unions).
Potential negative impact to jobs and the economy.
Infringement of intellectual property rights.
Infringements on the ability to form and join
Job displacement, reduction, and/or degradation
of working conditions, such as increased moni-
toring of workers and the potential mental and
physical health impacts.
Undue concentration of power and economic
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
19 18
safety-impacting or rights-impacting AI systems deserve
extra scrutiny because of the risks they pose of causing
serious harm. Another kind of tiering ties AI accountabil-
ity expectations to how capable a model or system is.
Commenters suggested that highly capable models and
systems may deserve extra scrutiny, which could include
requirements for pre-release certication and capabili-
ty disclosures to government.
This kind of tiering ap-
proach is evident, for example, in the AI EO requirement
that developers of certain “dual-use foundation models
more capable than any yet released would have to make
disclosures to the federal government.
Various actors in the AI value chain exercise dierent
degrees and kinds of control throughout the lifecycle of
an AI system. Upstream developers design and create AI
models and/or systems. Downstream deployers then de-
ploy those models and/or systems (or use the models as
part of other systems) in particular contexts. The down-
stream deployers may also ne tune a model, thereby
acting as downstream developers of the deployed sys-
tems. Both upstream developers and downstream de-
ployers of AI systems should be accountable; existing
laws and regulations may already specify accountability
mechanisms for dierent actors.
Commenters laid out good reasons to vest accountability
with AI system developers who make critical upstream deci-
sions about AI models and other components. These actors
have privileged knowledge to inform important disclosures
and documentation and may be best positioned to man-
age certain risks. Some models and systems should not be
deployed until they have been independently evaluated.
39 See, e.g., Center for AI Safety Comment Appendix A – A Regulatory Framework for
Advanced Artificial Intelligence (proposing regulatory regime for frontier models that
would require pre-release certification around information security, safety culture, and
technical safety); OpenAI Comment at 6 (considering a requirement of pre-deployment
risk assessments, security and deployment safeguards); Microso Comment at 7
(regulatory framework based on the AI tech stack, including licensing requirements for
foundation models and infrastructure providers); Anthropic at 12 (confidential sharing
of large training runs with regulators); Credo AI Comment at 9 (Special foundation
model and large language model disclosures to government about models and
processes, including AI safety and governance); Audit AI Comment at 8 (“High-risk AI
systems should be released with quality assurance certifications based on passing
and maintaining ongoing compliance with AI accountability regulations.”); Holistic AI
Comment at 9 (high-risk systems should be released with certifications).
40 AI EO at Sec. 4.2(i).
41 See Oice of Management and Budget, Proposed Memorandum for the Heads of
Potential AI system risks and harms inform NTIAs con-
sideration of accountability measures. AI system devel-
opers and deployers should be responsible for man-
aging the risks of their systems. As AI systems multiply
and diuse into society and the marketplace, customers,
workers, consumers, and those aected by AI need as-
surance that these systems work as claimed and without
causing harm. This is especially important for high-risk
systems that are rights-impacting or safety-impacting.
Commenters generally support calibrating AI account-
ability inputs to scale with the risk of the AI system or
As many acknowledge, existing work from
NIST, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), the Global Partnership on Arti-
cial Intelligence, and the European Union (e.g., the EU AI
Act), among others, have established robust frameworks
to map, measure, and manage risks. In the interest of
risk-based accountability, one commenter, for example,
suggested a “baseline plus” approach: all models and
applications are subject to some baseline standard of
assurance practices across sectors and higher risk mod-
els or applications have an additional set of obligations.
NTIA concludes that a tiered approach to AI accountabil-
ity has the benet of scoping expectations and obliga-
tions proportionately to AI system risks and capabilities.
As discussed below, many commenters argued that
37 See, e.g., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign School of Information Sciences
Researchers (UIUC) Comment at 8 (“…tiered systems match an AI system’s risk with
an appropriate level of oversight… The result is a more tailored and proportionate
regulation of fast evolving AI systems…”); Przemyslaw Grabowicz et al., Comment
at 11 (“AI systems represent too many applications for a single set of rules. Just as
dierent FDA restrictions are applied to dierent medications, AI controls should be
tailored to the application.”); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Comment at 13 (“When the integrity level increases, so too does the intensity and
rigor of the required verification and validation tasks); AI & Equality Comment at 3
(“The transparency and accountability requirements should also be tailored and
calibrated according to the amount of risk presented by the specific sector or domain
in which the AI system is being deployed...); Palantir Comment at 7 (appropriate
accountability mechanisms depends on the AI use context and risk profile); Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Comment at 4 (focus auditing
on high-risk AI application such as “hiring, lending, insurance underwriting, and
education admissions”); Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) Comment at 2 (urging
risk-based accountability systems); NCTA Comment at 6; Consumer Technology
Association Comment at 2; Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 4;
Workday Comment at 1; Adobe Comment at 7; BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment
at 2; Intel Comment at 5-7; Developers Alliance Comment at 6; Salesforce Comment
at 4; Guardian Assembly Comment at 12-14; American Property Casualty Insurance
Association Comment at 2; Samuel Hammond, Foundation for American Innovation
Comment at 2; Anan Abrar Comment at 1.
38 Guardian Assembly Comment at 12.
Just as AI actors share responsibility for the trustworthi-
ness of AI systems, we think it clear from the comments
that they must share responsibility for providing ac-
countability inputs. As part of the chain of accountabil-
ity, there should be information
sharing from upstream developers
to downstream deployers about in-
tended uses, and from downstream
deployers back to upstream devel-
opers about renements and actual
impacts so that systems can be ad-
justed appropriately. Mechanisms
discussed below such as adverse AI
incident reports, AI system audits,
public disclosures, and other forms
of information ow and evaluation
could all help with allocations of
responsibility for trustworthy AI – allocations that will
require attention and elaboration elsewhere.
The application of sector-specic laws, rules, and en-
forcement obligations are being considered by govern-
ment agencies and courts in the context of AI systems.
Regulatory agencies are determining their powers to
evaluate and demand information about some AI sys-
tems from the earliest stages of design.
thought that additional accountability mechanisms
should be tailored to the sector in which the system is
AI deployment in sectors such as health, ed-
ucation, employment, nance, and transportation in-
volve particular risks, the identication and mitigation
45 See, e.g., supra note 11.
46 See, e.g., MITRE Comment at 17 (“The U.S. should rely on existing sector-specific
regulators, equipping them to address new AI-related regulatory needs.”); HR Policy
Association (HRPA) Comment at 4 (policymakers should “align, when possible, any
new guidelines or standards for AI with existing government policies and commonly
adopted employer best practices”); Jonhson & Johnson Comment at 2 (recommending
“regulatory approaches to AI that are contextual, proportional and use-case specific”);
SIFMA Comment at 5 (supporting a “flexible, and principles-based approach to third-
party AI risk management, with the applicable sectoral regulators providing additional
specific requirements as needed” similar to cybersecurity and pointing to NYDFS Part
500.11(a) as instructive); Morningstar, Inc. Comment at 1-3 (financial regulations apply
to AI systems); Intel Comment at 3 (identifying existing sectoral laws that apply to AI
harms); Ernst and Young Comment at 11 (uniformity of accountability requirements
might not be practical across sectors or even within the same sector); see also, e.g., Eric
Schmidt Comment (arguing in an individual comment that AI accountability should
depend on business sector.”).
At the same time, there are also good reasons to vest ac-
countability with AI system deployers because context and
mode of deployment are important to actual AI system im-
Not all risks can be identied pre-deployment, and
downstream developers/deployers
may ne tune AI systems either to
ameliorate or exacerbate dangers
present in artifacts from upstream
developers. Actors may also deploy
and/or use AI systems in unintended
Recognizing the uidity of AI sys-
tem knowledge and control, many
commenters argued that account-
ability should run with the AI sys-
tem through its entire lifecycle and
across the AI value chain,
responsibility with AI system actors in accordance with
their roles.
This value chain of course includes actors
who may be neither developers nor deployers, such as
users, and many others including vendors, buyers, evalua-
tors, testers, managers, and duciaries.
Executive Departments and Agencies, “Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk
Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence” (Nov. 2023), at 16, https://
pdf [hereinaer “OMB Dra Memo”]. Some commenters focused particularly on pre-
release evaluation for emergent risks. See, e.g., ARC Comment at 8 (“It is insuicient
to test whether an AI system is capable of dangerous behavior under the terms of its
intended deployment. Thorough dangerous capabilities evaluation must include
full red-teaming, with access to fine-tuning and other generally available specialized
tools.”); SaferAI Comment at 2 (Some of the measures that AI labs should conduct to
help mitigate AI risks are: “pre-deployment risk assessments; dangerous capabilities
evaluations; third-party model audits; safety restrictions on model usage; red-
42 See, e.g., Center for Data Innovation Comment at 7 (“[R]egulators should focus their
oversight on operators, the parties responsible for deploying algorithms, rather than
developers, because operators make the most important decisions about how their
algorithms impact society.”).
43 NIST AI RMF, Second Dra, at 6 Figure 2 (Aug. 18, 2022) (describing the AI lifecycle in
seven stages: planning and design, collection, and processing of data, building and
training the model, verifying and validating the model, deployment, operation and
monitoring, and use of the model/impact from the model),
44 See, e.g., ARC Comment at 8 (suggesting that because an AI system’s risk profile
changes with actual deployments “[i]t is insuicient to test whether an AI system is
capable of dangerous behavior under the terms of its intended deployment..”); Boston
University and University of Chicago Researchers Comment at 1 (“mechanisms for
AI monitoring and accountability must be implemented throughout the lifecycle
of important AI systems…”); See also Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
Comment at 26 (“Pre-deployment audits and assessments are not suicient because
they may not fully capture a model or system’s behavior aer it is deployed and used in
particular contexts.”). See also, e.g., Murat Kantarcioglu Comment (individual comment
suggesting that “AI accountability mechanisms should cover the entire lifecycle of any
given AI system”).
Not all risks can be identied
pre-deployment, and
downstream developers/
deployers may ne tune AI
systems either to ameliorate
or exacerbate dangers present
in artifacts from upstream
developers. Actors may also
deploy and/or use AI systems
in unintended ways.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
21 20
Commenters noted that self-administered AI system as-
sessments are important for identifying risks and system
limitations, building internal capacity for ensuring trust-
worthy AI, and feeding into independent evaluations. In-
ternal assessments could be a principal object of anal-
ysis and verication for independent evaluators to the
extent that the assessments are made available.
pendent external third-party evaluations (also known for
short as independent evaluations), including audits and
red-teaming, may be necessary for the riskiest systems
under a risk-based approach to accountability.
independent evaluations can serve to verify claims
made about AI system attributes and performance, and/
or to measure achievement with respect to those attri-
butes against external benchmarks. Many commenters
insisted that AI accountability mechanisms should be
while others thought that voluntary com-
mitments to audits or other independent evaluations
would suice.
There were also plenty of commenters
in between, with one noting that “a healthy policy eco-
system likely balances mandatory accountability mech-
48 See infra Sec. 3.2.4.
49 AI Accountability RFC, 88 Fed. Reg. at 22436. As discussed in the RFC, “[i]ndependent
audits may range from ‘black box’ adversarial audits conducted without the help of the
audited entity to ‘white box’ cooperative audits conducted with substantial access to
the relevant models and processes.
50 Anthropic Comment at 10 (recommending mandatory adversarial testing of AI systems
before release through NIST or researcher access); Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Comment at 11, 12 (“Public-facing transparency reports, much like the reports required
by California’s AB 587, could require information on policies, data handling practices,
and training or moderation decisions while prioritizing user privacy and without
revealing sensitive or identifying information”); PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (PWC)
Comment at 8 (“[W]e recommend mandatory disclosure of third-party assurance or an
explanation that no AI accountability work has been performed”); AFL-CIO Comment
at 5 (advocating mandatory audits); Data & Society Comment at 8 (advocating a
mandatory AI accountability framework); Accountable Tech, AI Now, and EPIC, Zero
Trust AI Governance Framework at 4 (Aug. 2023),
content/uploads/Zero-Trust-AI-Governance.pdf (“It should be clear by now that self-
regulation will fail to forestall AI harms. The same is true for any regulatory regime that
hinges on voluntary compliance or otherwise outsources key aspects of the process to
industry. That includes complex frameworks that rely primarily on auditing – especially
first-party (internal) or second-party (contracted vendors) auditing – which Big Tech
has increasingly embraced. These approaches may be strong on paper, but in practice,
they tend to further empower industry leaders, overburden small businesses, and
undercut regulators’ ability to properly enforce the letter and spirit of the law.”).
51 Developers Alliance Comment at 12, 13; R Street Comment at 10-12; Consumer
Technology Association Comment at 5; U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment at 10;
Business Roundtable Comment at 5 (“[P]olicymakers should incentivize, support and
recognize good faith eorts on the part of industry to implement Responsible AI and
encourage self-assessments by internal teams”); OpenAI Comment at 2 (advocates
for voluntary commitments “on issues such as pre-deployment testing, content
provenance, and trust and safety”).
of which oen requires sector-specic knowledge. At the
same time, there is risk in every sector, and cross-sec-
toral risks are present in both foundation models and
specialized AI systems deployed in unintended contexts.
Not every sectoral oversight body currently has suicient
AI sociotechnical expertise to dene and implement ac-
countability measures in all instances. The record surfac-
es interest in developing federal governmental capacity
to address AI system impacts and coordinate govern-
mental responses across sectors.
We think it is likely that agencies will need additional ca-
pacities and possibly authorities to enable and require
AI accountability. The body or bodies with cross-sectoral
capacity might provide technical and legal support to
sectoral regulators, as well as exercise other responsi-
bilities related to AI accountability. This combination of
sectoral and cross-sectoral capacities would facilitate
the “baseline plus” approach to AI assurance practices
described in Section 2.2.
47 See, e.g., Google DeepMind Comment at 3 (regarding “hub-and-spoke” model of AI
regulation, with sectoral regulators overseeing AI implementation with horizontal
guidance from a central agency like NIST); Boston University and University of
Chicago Researchers Comment at 3 (to enable existing sectoral authorities “to work
most eectively and to ensure attention to generalizable risks of AI, we recommend
establishment of a meta-agency with broad AI-related expertise (both technical and
legal) which would develop baseline regulations regarding the general safety of AI
systems, set standards, and enable review for compliance with substantive law, while
collaborating with and lending its expertise to other agencies and lawmakers as
they consider the impact of AI systems on their regulatory jurisdiction”); Credo AI at 5
(recommending that government “establish dedicated oversight of the procurement,
development, and use of AI. . . . [and] consider the creation of a new independent
Federal agency or a Cabinet-level position with oversight authority of AI systems.”);
USTelecom Comment at 6 (“When individuals see that AI systems in dierent sectors
are held to the same expectations, it assures them that adequate safeguards are in
place to protect their rights and well-being, regardless of the company deploying
AI.”); Salesforce Comment at 9 (AI rules should have a strong degree of horizontal
consistency while recognizing that “some sectoral use cases will require dierent
treatment based on the underlying activity.”); Center for American Progress (CAP)
Comment at 12-13, 20 (highlighting the value of a distinct government body);
Microso, Governing AI: A Blueprint for the Future (May 25, 2023),
cms.rt.microso.com/cms/api/am/binary/RW14Gtw [hereinaer “Governing AI”], at
20-21 (endorsing a new regulator to implement an AI licensing regime for foundation
models); Public Knowledge Comment at 2 (“We prescribe a hybrid approach of reliance
on our sector specific regulators, already deeply embedded in the domains that
matter to us most, to avert immediate and anticipated harms, while also cultivating
new expertise with a centralized AI regulator that can adapt with the technology and
provide a broader view of the full ecosystem.”); The Future Society Comment at 13
(“We are concerned that a lack of horizontal regulation in the US could perpetuate a
regulatory vacuum and ‘race-to-the-bottom’ dynamics among [general-purpose AI
system] developers, as they increasingly develop technologies that can pose risks
to public health, safety, and welfare in an unregulated environment.”); see also The
National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, Final Report (2021), https://, Chapter 9
(proposing the creation of a new “Technology Competitiveness Council.”).
tors may have to prioritize risks and values. The record
surfaced interest in having additional governmental
guidance for AI actors on how to address such tradeos.
In NTIAs view, more research is necessary to create com-
mon (or at least commonly legible,
comparable, and replicable) eval-
uation methods. Therefore, stan-
dards development is critical, as
recognized in the AI EO, which tasks
“the Secretary of Commerce, in co-
ordination with the Secretary of
State,” with leading “a coordinated
eort with key international part-
ners and with standards development organizations, to
drive the development and implementation of AI-relat-
ed consensus standards, cooperation and coordination,
and information sharing.
Although some kinds of AI system evaluations are pos-
sible without the collaboration of AI actors, researchers
and other independent evaluators will sometimes need
access to AI system components to enable comprehen-
sive evaluations. These components include at least
documentation, data, code, and models, subject to in-
tellectual property, privacy, and security protections.
ensure intellectual property and proprietary information remain protected, and that
malicious actors are not encouraged to bypass AI-powered protections such as fraud
prevention.”); Kathy Yang Comment at 3 (“There is a tradeo between more complete
data and other priorities like privacy and security”).
56 See, e.g., Credo AI at 3 (recommending development of a “taxonomy of AI risk to
inform the areas that are most important for an AI developer or deployer to consider
when assessing its AI system’s potential impact”); AI Policy and Governance Working
Group Comment at 3-4 (calling for AI evaluations that consider risks drawn from a
regularly evaluated and updated risk taxonomy developed by the “research and policy
57 AI EO at Sec. 11(b). See also id. at Sec. 4.1(a)(i) (tasking the Secretary of Commerce
with establishing “guidelines and best practices, with the aim of promoting consensus
industry standards, for developing and deploying safe, secure and trustworthy AI
systems.”); NIST, U.S Leadership in AI: A Plan for Federal Engagement in Developing
AI Technical Standards and Related Tools,
58 See, e.g., ARC Comment at 9 (“To faithfully evaluate models with all of the advantages
that a motivated outsider would have with access to a model’s architecture and
parameters, auditors must be given resources that enable them to simulate the level
of access that would be available to a malign actor if the model architecture and
parameters were stolen.”); AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 3
(“Qualified researchers and auditors who meet certain conditions should be given
model-and-system framework access.”). See also, e.g., Alex Leader Comment at 2-3
(“While inputs to audits or assessments, such as documentation, data management,
and testing and validation, are essential, these must be accompanied by measures to
increase auditors’ and researchers’ access to AI systems.”); Olivia Erickson, Zachary
anisms where risks demand it with voluntary incentives
and platforms to share best practices.
We believe that there should be a mix of internal and in-
dependent evaluations, for the reasons stated above. AI
actors may well undertake these
evaluations voluntarily in the inter-
est of risk management and harm
reduction. However, as discussed
below, regulatory and legal require-
ments around evaluations and eval-
uation inputs may also be necessary
to make relevant actors answerable
for their choices. Rather than im-
pede innovation, governance to foster robust evaluations
could abet AI development.
Commenters noted the importance of using standards
to develop common criteria for evaluations.
The use
of standards in evaluations is important to implement
replicable and comparable evaluations. Commenters
acknowledged, as does the NIST AI RMF, that there may
be tradeos between accountability inputs such as dis-
closure, and other values such as protecting privacy, in-
tellectual property, and security.
In other words, AI ac-
52 DLA Piper Comment at 12.
53 See Rumman Chowdhury, Submitted Written Testimony for Full Committee Hearing
of the House of Representative Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:
Artificial Intelligence: Advancing Innovation Towards the National Interest (July
22, 2023),
chowdhury-testimony.pdf, at 1, 2 (“It is important to dispel the myth that ‘governance
stifles innovation’. […] I use the phrase ‘brakes help you drive faster’ to explain this
phenomenon - the ability to stop a car in dangerous situations enables us to feel
comfortable driving at fast speeds. Governance is innovation.”).
54 See, e.g., Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) Comment at 7 (“[W]e believe that it is
important to similarly establish AI safety standards which could serve as criteria for the
subject matter of an AI assurance engagement to be evaluated against”); Salesforce
Comment at 11 (“If definitions and methods were standardized, audits would be
more consistent and lead to more confidence. This will also be necessary if third party
certifications are included in future regulations.”).
55 See NIST AI RMF at Sections 2 and 3. See also Google DeepMind Comment at
8-9 (suggesting there are tradeos between data minimization and the accuracy
of systems; transparency and model accuracy; and transparency and security);
OpenMined Comment at 4 (noting that ifan auditor obtains access to underlying data,
privacy, security, and IP risks are significant and legitimate.”); Mastercard Comment at
3 (“There can be tension between accountability goals that lead to technical tradeos,
and we believe organizations are best suited to evaluate these tradeos and document
related decisions. […] Transparency is another example of an AI accountability
goal that can be in tension with countervailing interests. Several federal legislative
and regulatory proposals contemplate or include transparency provisions. While
transparency is a cornerstone in trustworthy AI, it must be balanced with the need to
The use of standards
is important to
implement replicable
and comparable
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
23 22
menters recommended additional federal funding and/
or support for more AI safety research, standards devel-
opment, the release of standardized datasets for test-
ing, and professional development for auditors.
recommended that government consider providing a
regulatory sandbox for entities, under certain conditions,
to experiment with responsible AI and compliance ef-
forts free from regulatory risk.
They urged federal pro-
curement reform, as the National Articial Intelligence
Advisory Committee recommended,
in order to drive
68 See, e.g., Protofect Comment at 9-10 (“Governments could fund the development
of AI auditing standards and infrastructures. …[and] can create incentive programs
for businesses to incorporate ethical and accountable practices in their AI systems.
This could include tax breaks, grants, or recognition programs for businesses that
demonstrate leadership in AI accountability”); Guardian Assembly Comment at
10-11 (focus on incentives (grants, public recognition, sta training incentives);
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment at 11 (fund STEM education related to AI to
increase public trust through NSF); Center for Security and Emerging Technology
(CSET) Comment at 13 (“Alongside standards for the audit process itself, standards
should include provisions on data access, confidentiality and ‘revolving door’ policies
that prevent auditors from working in the industry for a number of years”); BigBear.
ai Comment at 24 (“Government bodies can establish regulatory frameworks that
promote transparency and require the provision of data necessary for accountability
69 Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) Comment at 5 (“NTIA should support the creation of
an AI Assessment & Accountability Sandbox to test, assess, and develop guidance for
organizations seeking to apply existing rules to novel AI technologies and comply with
emerging AI regulations.”); Credo AI Comment at 5 (“For commercial systems, Credo
AI recommends creating an ‘assurance sandbox’ where commercial entities can use
an iterative process for guideline development with limited indemnity to start. This
assurance sandbox’ would trial transparency and mitigation requirements (using
voluntary guidelines) with non-financial consequences for violations - essentially a
‘safe harbor’ for sincere mitigation eorts.”); Centre for Information Policy Leadership
Comment at 31-32 (“Regulatory sandboxes are important mechanisms for regulatory
exploration and experimentation as they provide a test bed for applying laws to
innovative products and services in the AI field.”); Stanford Institute for Human-
Centered AI (Dr. Jennifer King) Comment at 3 (proposing “regulatory sandboxes for
piloting many of these proposed mechanisms to ensure they provide measurable and
meaningful results.”); Engine Advocacy Comment at 10-11 (“Regulatory sandboxes
allow businesses and regulators to cooperate to create a safe testing ground for
products or services. In simple terms, sandboxes allow real-life environment testing of
innovative technologies, products, or services, which may not be fully compliant with
the existing legal and regulatory framework.”); American Legislative Exchange Council
(ALEC) Comment at 10 (“This sandbox framework, already adopted and successful
in states like Arizona and Utah, oers a way for regulators to support domestic
AI innovation by permitting experimentation of new technologies in controlled
environments that would otherwise violate existing regulations.); Chegg Comment at
4; Business Roundtable Comment at 12. See also Government of the United Kingdom,
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, Oice for Artificial Intelligence, A
Pro-Innovation Approach to AI Regulation (Command Paper Number 815), at Sec. 3.3.4
(August 3, 2023),
innovation-approach/white-paper (“Regulatory sandboxes and testbeds will play an
important role in our proposed regulatory regime.”).
70 See, e.g., National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, Report of the National
Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC), Year 1, at 16-17 (May 2023), https:// (“OMB could guide
agencies on the procurement process to ensure that contracting companies have
Commenters noted that there currently is not an ade-
quate workforce to conduct AI system evaluations, par-
ticularly given the demands of sociotechnical inquiries,
the varieties of expertise entailed, and supply constraints
on the relevant workforce.
In addition, inadequate
access to data and compute (referring to computing
power in the AI context), inadequate funding, and in-
complete standardization were cited as other barriers to
developing accountability inputs.
Another concern of
commenters was that auditors can become captured by
the auditees who hire them.
Recognizing possible deciencies in the supply, resourc-
es, and independence of AI evaluators, NTIA favors more
federal support for independent auditing and red-team-
Such support could take the form of facilitating sys-
tem access, funding education, conducting and funding
research, sponsoring prizes and competitions, providing
datasets and compute, and hiring into government. At
the same time, the federal government should build ca-
pacity to conduct evaluations itself and provide a back-
stop to ensure that independent auditors provide ade-
quate assurance. The sequencing and prioritization of
these eorts is an urgent question for policymakers.
A strong sentiment running through both institutional
and individual comments was that there should be a
signicant federal government role in funding, incentiv-
izing, and/or requiring accountability measures. Com-
64 See, e.g., Anthropic Comment at 3 (“[R]ed teaming talent currently resides within
private AI labs.”); International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Comment
at 2 (“[S]ubstantial gap between the demand for experts to implement responsible AI
practices and the professionals who are ready to do so…”).
65 See infra Section 3.3.
66 See, e.g., Center for Democracy and Technology Comment at 28 (“auditing firms may
be subject to capture by providers since providers may be reluctant to retain auditors
that conduct truly independent and rigorous audits as compared to those who engage
in more superficial exercises”).
67 See OMB Dra Memo at 22.
Commenters also addressed the value of producing in-
formation about the inputs to and source of AI-generat-
ed content, also known as “provenance.
NTIA agrees with commenters that appropriate transpar-
ency around AI systems is critical.
Information should
be pushed out to stakeholders in form and scope appro-
priate for the audience and risk level.
to the public should be in plain language. Transparen-
cy-oriented artifacts such as datasheets, model cards,
system cards, technical reports, and data nutritional la-
bels are promising and some should become standard
industry practice as accountability inputs.
type of information – provenance – can inform people
about aspects of AI system training data, when content
is AI-generated, and the authenticity of the purported
source of content. Source detection and identication
are important aspects of information ow and informa-
tion integrity.
60 See, e.g., Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity Comment; Witness
Comment; International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM)
Publishers Comment at 4.
61 See NIST AI RMF at 15 (“Meaningful transparency provides access to appropriate
levels of information based on the stage of the AI lifecycle and tailored to the role
or knowledge of AI actors or individuals interacting with or using the AI system. By
promoting higher levels of understanding, transparency increases confidence in the
AI system. This characteristic’s scope spans from design decisions and training data
to model training, the structure of the model, its intended use cases, and how and
when deployment, post-deployment, or end user decisions were made and by whom.
Transparency is oen necessary for actionable redress related to AI system outputs that
are incorrect or otherwise lead to negative impacts.”).
62 See, e.g., (noting that AI Accountability legislation would need to account or,
among other things, dierent risk profiles and have “[d]isclosure requirements for
consumer facing AI systems[.]”) (“If there is AI legislation, it should be risk-based, have
disclosure requirements for consumer facing AI systems…”); CDT Comment at 41-42
(noting that CDT’s “Civil Rights Standards for 21st Century Employment Selection
Procedures” provide for dierent responsibilities for developers and deployers and
dierent disclosures to deployers and to public); Google DeepMind Comment at 11
(AI accountability disclosures should include topline indication of how the AI system
works, including “general logic and assumptions that underpin an AI application. It is
good practice to highlight the inputs that are typically the most significant influences
on outputs… [and any] inputs that were excluded that might otherwise have been
reasonably expected to have been included (e.g., eorts made to exclude gender or
63 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 8-9 (citing Margaret
Mitchell, Simone Wu, Andrew Zaldivar, Parker Barnes, Lucy Vasserman, Ben
Hutchinson, Elena Spitzer, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Timnit Gebru, “Model Cards for
Model Reporting,FAT* ‘19: Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability,
and Transparency, at 220-229 (Jan. 2019),
(at minimum model cards “should include the ‘reporting’ components of each of the
principles in the technical companion of the AIBoR and reflect best practices for the
documentation of the machine learning lifecycle”); Campaign for AI Safety Comment at
3 (“AI labs and providers should be required to publicly disclose the training datasets,
model characteristics, and results of evaluations.”).
addition, it will frequently (but not always) be necessary
to include associated soware and technical artifacts to
enable running and evaluating the model in its function-
al environment. Evaluators may also need information
about governance processes within an entity, such as
how decisions around AI system design, development,
deployment, testing, and modication are made and
what controls are in place throughout the AI system life-
cycle to provide credible assurance of trustworthiness.
Commenters identied the inability to gain access to AI
system components as one of the chief barriers to AI ac-
countability; what is needed are systems that can provide
appropriate access for eligible evaluators and research-
ers, while controlling for access-related risks.
This Report identies a role for government in facilitat-
ing appropriate researcher and other independent eval-
uator access to AI system components through tools that
exist or must be developed. Part of this work is to clarify
necessary levels of access and safeguards.
Commenters stressed the importance of AI actors pro-
viding documentation on matters such as:
Problem specification;
Training data, including collection, provenance,
curation, and management;
Model development;
Testing and verification;
Risk identification and mitigation;
Model output interpretability;
Risk mitigation safeguards; and
System performance and limitations.
Fox, and M Eifler Comment at 1 (“Companies building large language models available
for use in commercial applications that meet any of the following criteria should be
required to allow a third-party to audit the sources of their data, storage, and use.
Specific regulatory guidance should be written with scaling requirements that become
more intensive relative to the size of the company (by revenue) or use.”).
59 See NIST AI RMF at 15, Sec. 3.4 (recommending this documentation as part of
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
A Deeper Dive
Independent evaluations can serve to
verify claims made about AI system
attributes and performance, and/or to
measure achievement with respect to those
attributes against external benchmarks.
standards, FDA nutrition labels, the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR® labels, the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) accident examination and
safety processes, and the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission (SEC) audit requirements.
An area of overwhelming agreement in the commentary
was the importance of data protection and privacy to AI
accountability, with commenters expressing the view
that a federal privacy law is either necessary or import-
ant to trustworthy and accountable AI.
As our recommendations elaborate in Section 6, we sup-
port accelerated and coordinated government action to
determine the best federal regulatory and non-regulato-
ry approaches to the documentation, disclosure, access,
and evaluation functions of the AI accountability chain.
73 See, e.g., Barry Friedman et al., “Policing Police Tech: A So Law Solution, 37 Berkeley
Tech L.J. 701, 742 (2022) (submitted as part of the Policing Project at New York
University School of Law’s comment) (“And like an FDA drug label, tech certification
labels could come with warnings about the potential risks of any non-certified uses”),
and at 706 (“[A] certification scheme, ([like] a “Rated R” movie, “Fair Trade” coee, or
an “Energy Star” appliance), could perform a review of a technology’s eicacy and
an ethical evaluation of its impact on civil rights, civil liberties, and racial justice”);
Grabowicz et al., Comment at 1 (“[S]imilar mechanisms are used to enforce vehicle
safety standards, which in turn encourage car manufacturers to oer better safety
features”). See also, e.g., Mark Vickers Comment (individual comment advocating
“Borrow[ing] Principles from the Food and Drug Administration”).
74 See, e.g., Data & Society Comment at 7; Google DeepMind Comment at 3; Global
Partners Digital Comment at 15; Hitachi Comment at 10; TechNet Comment at 4; NCTA
Comment at 4-5; Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 1; Access
Now Comment at 3-5; BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 12; U.S. Chamber of
Commerce Comment at 9 (need federal privacy protection); Business Roundtable
Comment at 10 (supporting a passage of a federal privacy/consumer data security
law to align compliance eorts across the nation); CTIA Comment at 1, 4-7; Salesforce
Comment at 9.
trustworthy AI by adopting rigorous documentation, dis-
closure, and evaluation requirements.
As noted above,
they argued for mandatory audits and other mandatory
AI accountability measures, including a federal role in
certifying auditors and setting audit benchmarks, as is
customary in other regulatory domains.
Federal regulatory involvement with accountability
measures in other elds, while not directly applicable to
AI, may be instructive. In this vein, commenters pointed
to precedents such as the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) premarket review for medical devices, the Na-
tional Highway Traic Safety Administration auto safety
adopted the AI RMF or a similar framework to govern their AI”); Governing AI, supra
note 47, at 11.
71 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 6-7 (“A practical
mechanism to consider broadly across the whole of the Federal government would
be the uptake and application of a Department of Defense procurement vehicle for an
independent evaluator to be procured simultaneously with a contract for an AI tool or
system, thus building in a layer of accountability with the necessary infrastructure and
funding”); AFL-CIO Comment at 7 (Procurement policies should ensure that AI systems
do not harm workers by maintaining good data governance practices and giving
workers input on impact assessments); Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Comment at
4 (“Public procurement should require that companies building and training AI systems
maintain adequate records” including management of metadata); Governing AI, supra
note 47 at 11 (supporting a requirement that “vendors of critical AI systems to the
U.S. Government to self-attest that they are implementing NIST’s AI Risk Management
Framework... the U.S. Government could insert requirements related to the AI Risk
Management Framework into the Federal procurement process for AI systems”); CDT
Comment at 36-37.
72 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 6 (advocating
government “credentialling auditors”); Centre for Information Policy Leadership
Comment at 26 (advocating requiring auditor certification for audits of high-risk
applications); PWC Comments at A12 (opining that “[t]he lack of AI laws and
regulations requiring adherence to specified standards, reporting, and audits is a
further impediment to creation of an environment of true AI accountability” and
contrasting this situation with federal involvement in financial auditing).
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
27 26
Downstream deployers of AI systems may lack informa-
tion they need to use the systems appropriately in con-
text and to communicate system features to others. For
example, an employer relying on an AI system to assist
in hiring decisions might need to know if the population
data used to train the system are suiciently aligned with
its own applicant pool and how underlying assumptions
have been designed to guard against bias.
The information asymmetry runs the other way as well.
AI system developers may lack information about de-
ployment contexts and therefore make inaccurate claims
about their products or fail to communicate limitations.
For example, to mitigate downstream harms, the devel-
oper of an AI image generator would need information
about later adaptations and adverse incidents to ad-
dress the risks posed by deepfakes at scale.
77 The Institute for Workplace Equality Comment, Artificial Intelligence Technical
Advisory Committee Report on EEO and DEI&A Considerations in the Use of Artificial
Intelligence in Employment Decision Making, at 46 (“The fundamental issue of model
dri is that some underlying assumption about the data used to train an algorithm has
changed. Applicants dier from incumbents; applicant characteristics shi over time;
or the job requirements themselves change, leading to dierent response patterns,
demographic compositions, or performance standards... the applicant population
oen diers from the original incumbent population due to selection eects, and
the algorithm should be adjusted when enough applicant data are collected and
the applicants are hired so that the criterion data are available”); HRPA Comment at
2 (“[A] failure to guard against harmful bias in talent identification algorithms could
undermine eorts to create a skilled and diverse workforce.”); Workday Comment at
2 (“When an AI tool is used for a decision about an individual’s access to an essential
opportunity, it has the potential to pose risks of harm to that individual. AI frameworks
should therefore focus on these kinds of consequential decision tools, which may be
used to hire, promote, or terminate an individual’s employment.”).
78 The information gap between developers and deployers may be particularly large
Developing Accountability
Inputs: A Deeper Dive
Our analysis now turns to the rst two links in the AI ac-
countability chain – what we are calling accountability
inputs. These are roughly (1) the creation, collection, and
distribution of information about AI systems and system
outputs, and (2) AI system evaluation. The RFC and com-
menters identied proposed or adopted laws that ad-
dress AI accountability inputs, both in the United States
and beyond.
Congress continues to consider relevant
legislative initiatives, and the states are actively pursuing
their own legislative agendas.
Many of these policy ini-
tiatives focus on information ow and evaluations, as well
as associated governance processes. The sections below
address these topics and come to some preliminary con-
clusions that feed into the recommendations in Section 6.
One of the challenges with assuring AI trustworthiness
is that AI systems are complex and oen opaque. As a
result, information asymmetries and gaps open along
the value chain from developers to deployers and ulti-
mately to end users and others aected by AI operations.
75 AI Accountability RFC at 22435. See, e.g., EPIC Comment at 5-8; Salesforce Comment
at 8-11. See also Anna Lenhart, Federal AI Legislation: An Analysis of Proposals from
the 117th Congress Relevant to Generative AI Tools, The George Washington University
Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics (June 14, 2023),
federal-ai-legislation; European Union, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Natural Persons
with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such
Data, and Repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), OJ L 119
(May 4, 2016),
76 See supra notes 13 and 14.
untary Commitments,
in the Blueprint for AIBoR,
in the AI EO.
Similarly, the OECD Principles for Respon-
sible Stewardship of Trustworthy AI state that AI actors
“should commit to transparency and responsible disclo-
sure regarding AI systems.
Specically, these actors
“[S]hould provide meaningful information, ap-
propriate to the context and consistent with the
state of art: i) to foster a general understanding
of AI systems, ii) to make stakeholders aware of
their interactions with AI systems including in
the workplace, iii) to enable those aected by
an AI system to understand the outcome, and,
iv) to enable those adversely aected by an AI
system to challenge its outcome based on plain
and easy-to-understand information on the fac-
tors, and the logic that served as the basis for
the prediction, recommendation or decision.
Commenters are in broad agreement that more infor-
mation about AI systems is needed, with some asserting
that there may be tradeos between transparency and
other values.
There was a range of commenter opinion
82 See First Round White House Voluntary Commitments at 4 (committing to publishing
“reports for all new significant model public releases within scope [which reports]
should include the safety evaluations conducted (including in areas such as dangerous
capabilities, to the extent that these are responsible to publicly disclose), significant
limitations in performance that have implications for the domains of appropriate
use, discussion of the model’s eects on societal risks such as fairness and bias,
and the results of adversarial testing conducted to evaluate the model’s fitness for
83 Blueprint for AIBoR at 6 (framing transparency in terms of “notice and explanation”:
“You should know that an automated system is being used and understand how
and why it contributes to outcomes that impact you. Designers, developers, and
deployers of automated systems should provide generally accessible plain language
documentation including clear descriptions of the overall system functioning and
the role automation plays, notice that such systems are in use, the individual or
organization responsible for the system, and explanations of outcomes that are clear,
timely, and accessible.”).
84 AI EO passim.
85 OECD, Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence, Section 1.3 (2019),; See also OECD
AI Policy Observatory, OECD AI Principles Overview,
86 Id.
87 See, e.g., Google DeepMind Comment at 8-9; Georgetown University Center for
Security and Emerging Technology Comment at 5 (noting tradeos between privacy
and transparency and between fairness and accuracy); DLA Piper Comment at 12
(“More transparency about system logic/data may improve contestability but infringe
on privacy and intellectual property rights….The more transparent a model is[,] the
more susceptible it is to bad actor manipulation.”); International Center for Law &
Economics (ICLE) Comment at 10 (“Surely there will be many cases where firms use
their own internal data, or data not subject to property-rights protection at all, but
where exposing those sources reveals sensitive internal information, like know-how
or other trade secrets. In those cases, a transparency obligation could have a chilling
Individuals aected by, or consuming, AI outputs may not
even be aware that an AI system is at work, much less how
it works. This lack of information may hinder people from
asserting rights under existing law, exercising their own
critical judgement, or pushing for other forms of redress.
Lack of information about AI system vulnerabilities and
potential harms can also expose investors to risk.
Transparency, explainability, and interpretability can all be
helpful to assess the trustworthiness of a model and the
appropriateness of a given use of that model. These fea-
tures of an AI system involve communicating about what
the system did (transparency), how the system made its
decisions (explainability), and how one can make sense
of system outputs (interpretability).
All three are part of
information ow, as is information regarding the organi-
zational and governance processes involved in designing,
developing, deploying, and using models.
It is clear that information ow is a critical input to AI
Provisions to ensure appropriate in-
formation ow, including through accessible and plain
language formats, are featured in the White House Vol-
in the case of foundation models. See Information Technology Industry Council
(ITI), Understanding Foundation Models & The AI Value Chain: ITI’s Comprehensive
Policy Guide (Aug. 2023),
ITI_AIPolicyPrinciples_080323.pdf, at 7 (“A deployer (sometimes also called a provider)
is the entity that is deciding the means by and purpose for which the foundation model
is ultimately being used and puts the broader AI system into operation. Deployers oen
have a direct relationship with the consumer. While developers are best positioned to
assess, to the best of their ability, and document the capabilities and limitations of a
model, deployers, when equipped with necessary information from developers, are
best positioned to document and assess risks associated with a specific use case.”).
79 See, e.g., Open MIC Comment at 5 (“Without information about how companies are
developing and using AI and the extent to which it is working properly, investors are
essentially le to trust the marketing claims of the companies they invest in”) and
8 (“To engender investor confidence in AI, government intervention is needed to
increase transparency on how AI models are being trained and deployed.”).
80 NIST AI RMF at 16-17.
81 See Guardian Assembly Comment at 4 (“Transparency in AI is about ensuring
that stakeholders have access to relevant information about an AI system. [. . .]
Transparency helps to facilitate accountability by enabling stakeholders to understand
and assess an AI system’s behavior.”); Anthropic Comment at 17 (“Accountability
requires a commitment to transparency and a willingness to share sensitive details
with trusted, technically-proficient partners”); Jerey M. Hirsch, “Future Work, 2020
U. Ill. L. Rev. 889, 943 (2020) (“The lack of transparency in most AI analyses is a serious
cause for concern. Because AI learns through complicated, iterative analyses of data,
the bases for a program’s decision-making is oen unclear. This lack of transparency,
oen referred to as the “black box” problem, could act as a mask for discrimination or
other results that society deems unacceptable.”).
Downstream deployers may lack
information they need to use
the AI systems appropriately in
context. Developers may lack
information about deployment
contexts and therefore make
inaccurate claims or fail to
communicate limitations.
Red Teaming
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
29 28
more information about (1) the AI system itself, including
the training data and model, and (2) about AI system use,
including the fact of its use, adverse incident reporting,
and outputs.
Some information should be shared with
the general public, while sensitive information might be
disclosed only to groups trusted to ensure the necessary
safeguards are in place, including government.
One commenter stated that “[i]f adopted across the indus-
try, transparency reports would be a helpful mechanism
for recording the maturing practice of responsible AI and
charting cross-industry progress.
The EU is requiring
transparency reports for large digital platforms.
transparency is critical in the AI context, non-standard
disclosure at the discloser’s discretion is less useful as an
accountability input than standard, regular disclosure.
A family of informational artifacts – including datasheets,
model cards, and system cards – can be used to provide
structured disclosures about AI models and related data.
Datasheets (also referred to as data cards, dataset
sheets, data statements, or data set nutrition labels)
provide salient information about the data on which the
AI model was trained, including the “motivation, compo-
sition, collection process, [and] recommended uses” of
the dataset.
Several commenters recommended that AI
system developers produce datasheets.
92 NIST AI RMF at 15-16.
93 Governing AI, supra note 47, at 23.
94 See European Commission, supra note 22.
95 See Evelyn Douek, “Content Moderation as Systems Thinking, 136 Harv. L. Rev. 526,
572-82 (2022) (discussing platform transparency reports as “transparency theater.”).
96 See Timnit Gebru, et al., “Datasheets for Datasets, Communications of the ACM, Vol
64, No. 12, at 86-92 (Dec. 2021), See also Google
DeepMind Comment at 24 (referring to “data cards”); Hugging Face Comment at 5
(referring to “Dataset Sheets and Data Statements”); Stoyanovich Comment at 10-11
(referring to the “Datasheet Nutrition Label project”); Centre for Information Policy
Leadership Comment at 9 (referring to “data set nutrition labels”).
97 Id., Gebru, et al., at 87.
98 See, e.g., GovAI Comment at 11; Google DeepMind Comment at 24; Bipartisan Policy
Center Comment at 7; Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 13; Data &
Society Comment at 8.
about documentation and disclosure details and stan-
dardization. For example, some wanted the adoption of
common standards.
Others emphasized the need for
audience-specic disclosures
or domain-specic re-
While acknowledging that distinct regimes are
probably appropriate for dierent AI use cases, this Re-
port addresses generic features of information creation,
collection, and distribution desirable for a wide swath of
AI systems (with additional recommendations for high-
risk models and systems).
Information ow as an input to AI accountability comes
in two basic forms: push and pull. AI actors can push dis-
closures out to stakeholders and stakeholders can pull
information from AI systems, via system access subject
to valid intellectual property, privacy, and security pro-
tections. This Report recommends a mix of push and pull
information ow, some of which should be required and
some voluntarily assumed. Because AI systems are con-
tinuously updated and rened, information pushed out
(e.g., reports, model cards) should also be continuously
updated and rened. Similarly, access to AI system com-
ponents may need to be ongoing.
In the words of one commenter, “one of the greatest bar-
riers to AI accountability is the lack of a standard account-
ability reporting framework.
As the NIST AI RMF propos-
es, AI system developers and deployers should push out
88 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 3.
89 See, e.g., CDT Comment at 41-42 (citing to CDT Civil Rights Standards for 21st Century
Employment Selection Procedures); Databricks Comment at 2, 5 (“[T]he deployer is the
party exposing people to the application and creating the potential risk” and thus “any
obligation to inform people about how such tools are operating should rest with the…
90 See, e.g., American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Comment at 2 (“Regulations around
classroom AI should…mandate transparency in the AI system’s decision-making
processes. They must allow teachers, students and parents to review and understand
how AI decisions are aecting teaching and learning.”).
91 PWC Comment at A8. See also id. at 13 (“Standardized reporting — including
references to the agreed trustworthy AI framework, elucidation of the evaluation
criteria, and articulation of findings — would help engender public trust.”); Ernst
& Young Comment at 10 (“Standardized reporting should be considered where
practical”); Greenlining Institute (GLI) at 3 (“AI accountability mechanisms could look
like requiring risk assessments in the use of these systems, requiring the disclosure of
how decisions are made as part of these systems, and requiring the disclosure of how
these systems are tested, validated for accuracy and the key metrics and definitions in
those tests - such as how fairness or an adverse decision are defined and shared with
regulators and academia.”); CDT Comment at 50 (“The government should take steps
that set an expectation of transparency around the development, deployment, and use
of AI. In higher-risk settings, such as where algorithmic decision-making determines
access to economic opportunity, that may include transparency requirements”).
System cards are used to make disclosures about how
entire AI systems, oen composed of a series of models
working together, perform a specic task.
A system card
can show step-by-step how the system processes actual
input, for example to compute a ranking or make a predic-
tion. Proponents state that, in addition to the disclosures
about individual models set forth in model cards, system
cards are intended to consider factors including deploy-
ment contexts and real-world interactions.
These artifacts might be formatted in the form of a “nu-
tritional label,” which would present standardized infor-
mation in an analogous format to the “Nutrition Facts
label mandated by the FDA. Twilios “AI Nutrition Facts
project shows what a label might look like in the AI con-
text, pictured on the le.
Model cards and system cards are oen accompanied by
lengthier technical reports describing the training and
capabilities of the system.
Many AI system developers have begun voluntarily re-
leasing these artifacts.
The authors of such artifacts
oen state that they are written to conform to the recom-
100 See Nekesha Green et al., System Cards, A New Resource for Understanding How AI
Systems Work, Meta AI (Feb. 23, 2022),
resource-for-understanding-how-ai-systems-work/ (“Many machine learning (ML)
models are typically part of a larger AI system, a group of ML models, AI and non-AI
technologies that work together to achieve specific tasks. Because ML models don’t
always work in isolation to produce outcomes, and models may interact dierently
depending on what systems they’re a part of, model cards — a broadly accepted
standard for model documentation — don’t paint a comprehensive picture of what an
AI system does. For example, while our image classification models are all designed to
predict what’s in a given image, they may be used dierently in an integrity system that
flags harmful content versus a recommender system used to show people posts they
might be interested in.”).
101 OpenAI Comment at 4 (“We believe that in most cases, it is important for these
documents to analyze and describe the impacts of a system – rather than focusing
solely on the model itself – because a system’s impacts depend in part on factors other
than the model, including use case, context, and real world interactions. Likewise, an
AI system’s impacts depend on risk mitigations such as use policies, access controls,
and monitoring for abuse. We believe it is reasonable for external stakeholders to
expect information on these topics, and to have the opportunity to understand our
102 Twilio, AI Nutrition Facts,
103 See, e.g., Google, PaLM 2 Technical Report (2023),
palm2techreport.pdf; OpenAI, GPT-4 Technical Report, arXiv (March 2023), https:// See also Andreas Liesenfeld, Alianda Lopez, and
Mark Dingemanse, Opening up ChatGPT: Tracking Openness, Transparency, and
Accountability in Instruction-Tuned Text Generators, CUI ‘23: Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, at 1-6 (July 2023), https:// (surveying the openness of various AI systems,
including the disclosure of preprints and academic papers).
104 See, e.g., Hugging Face Comment at 5; Anthropic Comment at 4; Stability AI Comment
at 12; Google DeepMind Comment at 24.
Model cards disclose information about the perfor-
mance and context of a model, including:
Basic information;
On-label (intended) and o-label (not intended, but
predictable) use cases;
Model performance measurements in terms of
the relevant metrics depending on various factors,
including the aected group, instrumentation, and
deployment environment;
Descriptions of training and evaluation data; and
Ethical considerations, caveats, and recommendations
99 Adapted from Margaret Mitchell, Simone Wu, Andrew Zaldivar, Parker Barnes, Lucy
Vasserman, Ben Hutchinson, Elena Spitzer, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Timnit
Gebru, “Model Cards for Model Reporting, FAT* ‘19: Proceedings of the Conference
on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, at 220-229 (Jan. 2019), https://doi.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
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31 30
By contrast, BLOOMZ, a large language model trained
by the BigScience project, is accompanied by a
concise model card describing use, limitations, and
training, as well as a detailed dataset card describing
the specic training data sources and a technical
paper describing the netuning method.
The above illustrates dierences in approach that may
or may not be justied by the underlying system. These
dierences frustrate meaningful comparison of dierent
models or systems. The dierences also make it diicult
to compare the adequacy of the artifacts themselves
and distinguish obfuscation from unknowns. For exam-
ple, one might wonder whether a disclosure’s emphasis
on system architecture at the expense of training data,
or ne-tuning at the expense of testing and validation, is
due to executive decisions or to system characteristics.
Like dense privacy disclosures, idiosyncratic technical
artifacts put a heavy burden on consumers and users.
The lack of standardization may be hindering the reali-
zation of these artifactspotential eectiveness both to
inform stakeholders and to encourage reection by AI
actors. Many commenters agree that datasheets, system
cards, and model cards have an important place in the AI
accountability ecosystem.
At the same time, a number
also expressed reservations about their current eec-
tiveness, especially without further standardization and,
possibly, regulatory adoption.
Whatever information is developed for disclosure, how
it is disclosed will depend on the intended audience,
which might include impacted people and communi-
ties, users, experts, developers, and/or regulators.
111 See, e.g., Hugging Face BigScience Project, BLOOMZ & mT0 Model Card, https://; Hugging Face BigScience Project, xP3 Dataset
Card,; Niklas Muennigho, et al.,
Crosslingual Generalization through Multitask Finetuning, arXiv (May 2023), https:// See also Kennerly Comment at 6.
112 See, e.g., Center for American Progress Comment at 8; Salesforce Comment at 7;
Hugging Face Comment at 5; Anthropic Comment at 4.
113 Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 5 (“Absent clear standards for
such documentation eorts, organizations may take inconsistent approaches that
result in the omission of key information.”); U.C. Berkeley Researchers Comment at
20 (“Current practices of communication, for example releasing long ‘model cards,
‘system cards, or audit results are incredibly important, but are not serving the needs of
users or aected people and communities.”); Data & Society Comment at 8 (practices
and frameworks for documentation and disclosure “remain voluntary, scattered, and
wholly unsynchronized” without binding regulatory requirements).
114 See, e.g., Hugging Face Comment at 5 (focused on “a model’s prospective user”);
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Comment at 3 (purpose of artifacts is
to “enable experts and trained members of the community to understand [models]
mendations in the same paper by Margaret Mitchell,
which proposes a list of model card sections and details
to consider providing in each one.
However, the actu-
al instantiations of these artifacts vary signicantly in
breadth and depth of content. For instance:
The model card annexed to the technical paper
accompanying Google’s PaLM-2, which is used by the
Bard chatbot, discusses intended uses and known
limitations. However, the card lacks detail about the
training data used, and no artifact was released for
the Bard chat service as of this writing.
Metas model card for LLaMA contained details about
the training data used, including specic break-
downs by source (e.g., 67% from CCNet; 4.5% from
However, Metas LLaMA 2 model card
contained considerably less detail, noting only that
it was trained on a “new mix of data from publicly
available sources, which does not include data from
Meta’s products or services” without describing spe-
cic sources of data.
OpenAI provided a technical report for GPT-4 that –
beyond noting that GPT-4 was a “Transformer-style
model pre-trained to predict the next token in a
document, using both publicly available data (such
as internet data) and data licensed from third-par-
ty providers” – declined to provide “further details
about the architecture (including model size), hard-
ware, training compute, dataset construction, train-
ing method, or similar.
105 Mitchell et al., supra note 99. Others have begun proposing similar lists of elements
that should be included in AI system documentation, including in the EU AI Act. See
EU AI Act, supra note 21, Annex IV (listing categories of information that should be
included in technical documentation for high-risk AI systems to be made available to
government authorities).
106 See, e.g., Google, supra note 103 (citing Mitchell et al., supra note 99); OpenAI, supra
note 103, at 40 (same); Hugo Touvron et al., Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned
Chat Models, Meta AI (July 18, 2023),
2-open-foundation-and-fine-tuned-chat-models/, at 77 (same).
107 Kennerly Comment at 4-5; Google, supra note 103, at 91-93.
108 Meta Research, LLaMA Model Card (March 2023),
facebookresearch/llama/blob/llama_v1/ (“CCNet [67%], C4 [15%],
GitHub [4.5%], Wikipedia [4.5%], Books [4.5%], ArXiv [2.5%], Stack Exchange [2%]”).
109 Touvron et al., supra note 106, at 5.
110 OpenAI, supra note 103, at 2; see also The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Comment
at 5 (“Because there is no reporting process that requires regular or comprehensive
transparency, we have little information into the decisions made via RLHF and how
those decisions could negatively impact the model.”).
eral commenters called for governmental involvement
in the development of these standards.
For example,
the EU AI Act will require regulated entities principal-
ly developers – to disclose (to regulators and the public)
information about high-risk AI systems and authorize
the European Commission to develop common speci-
cations if needed.
Proposed required documentation
or disclosures would include information about the data
sources used for training, system architecture and gener-
al logic, classication choices, the relevance of dierent
parameters, validation and testing procedures, and per-
formance capabilities and limitations.
The federal government could also facilitate access to
disclosures as it has in other contexts, such as the SEC’s
Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR)
platform or the FDAs Adverse Events Reporting System
(FAERS) platform. To the extent that NIST and others
are engaged in developing voluntary transparency best
practices, this is a critical rst step to standardization
and possible regulatory development.
Those impacted by an AI system should know when AI
is being used.
Some commenters expressed support
for disclosing the use of AI when people interact with
AI-powered customer service tools (e.g., chatbots).
The Blueprint for AIBoR posited that individuals should
know when an automated system is being used in a con-
text that may aect that individual’s rights and oppor-
119 See, e.g., Data & Society Comment at 8; Bipartisan Policy Center Comment at 7.
120 See EU AI Act , supra note 21. Articles 40-41 (authorizing the Commission to adopt
common specifications to address AI system provider obligations).
121 See id., Articles 10 (data and data governance), 11 (technical documentation), 13
(transparency and provision of information to users), and Annex IV (setting minimum
standards for technical documentation under Article 11). See also European Parliament,
Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 14 June 2023 on the Artificial
Intelligence Act and amending certain Union legislative acts (June 14, 2023), https://, including
additional disclosure requirements for foundation model providers under Article
28b, including a requirement to “document and make publicly available a suiciently
detailed summary of the use of training data protected under copyright law. Article
122 See, e.g., CDT Comment at 22-23; Adobe Comment at 4-6.
123 See, e.g., Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), supra note 78, at 9
(“Organizations should disclose to a consumer when they are interacting with an AI
system”); AI Audit Comment at 5 (recommending an “AI Identity” mark for AI chatbots
and models so as to “always make it clear that the user is interacting with an AI, and
not a human”).
content and form of the disclosure will vary. Some dis-
closures might be condential, for example information
about large AI training runs provided to the government,
especially concerning AI safety and governance.
disclosures might be set out in graphical form that is ac-
cessible to a broad audience of users and other aected
people, such as a “nutritional label” for AI system fea-
AI nutritional labels, by analogy to nutritional
labels for food, present the most important information
about a model in a relatively brief, standardized, and
comparable form. Specic standards for nutritional label
artifacts might specify the content required to be includ-
ed in such a label. To address the varying levels of detail
required for dierent audiences, disclosures should be
designed to provide information for each system at mul-
tiple dierent levels of depth and breadth, allowing ev-
eryone from the general populace to the research level
expert to understand it at their own level.
Recognizing the shortfalls of unsynchronized disclosures
among model developers, commenters largely agreed
that standardizing informational artifacts and promot-
ing comparability between them is an important goal in
moving toward more eective AI accountability.
and evaluate their impacts”); Mozilla Comments at 11 (model cards and datasheets
can “help regulators as a starting point in their investigations”); CDT Comment at
23 (standardization of system cards and datasheets “can make it easier, particularly
for users, to understand the information provided”); Google DeepMind Comment
at 12, 24 (“Model and data cards can be useful for various stakeholders, including
developers, users, and regulators, and “[w]here appropriate, additional technical
information relating to AI system performance should also be provided for expert
users and reviewers like consumer protection bodies and regulators”); U.S. Chamber
of Commerce Comment at 3 (AI Service Cards should be designed for the “average
person” to understand).
115 See Credo AI Comment at 8 (government should consider adopting “[t]ransparency
disclosures that should be made available to downstream application developers and
to the appropriate regulatory or enforcement body within the U.S. government - not
the general public - to ensure they are fit for purpose”); see also First Round White
House Voluntary Commitments at 2-3 (documenting commitments by AI developers
to “[w]ork toward information sharing among companies and governments regarding
trust and safety risks, dangerous or emergent capabilities, and attempts to circumvent
safeguards” by “facilitat[ing] the sharing of information on advances in frontier
capabilities and emerging risks and threats”).
116 See, e.g., Global Partners Digital Comment at 15; Salesforce Comment at 7;
Stoyanovich Comment at 5, 10-11; Bipartisan Policy Center Comment at 7; Kennerly
Comment at 2. C.f. 21 C.F.R. § 101.9(d) (imposing standards for nutritional labels in
117 ACT-IAC Comment at 14; see also Certification Working Group Comment at 17
(advocating for “two separate communications systems, including both “full AI
accountability ‘products’” and “a thoughtful summary format”); Google DeepMind
Comment at 12 (“Where appropriate, additional technical information relating to
AI system performance should also be provided for expert users and reviewers like
consumer protection bodies and regulators.”).
118 See, e.g., Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 5; CDT Comment at 23;
Global Partners Digital Comment at 15; Stoyanovich Comment at 5.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
33 32
dio or visual content is AI-generated.
One commenter
argued that when products “simulate another person,
they “must either have that person’s explicit consent or
be clearly labeled as ‘simulated’ or ‘parody.’”
This is
especially important in the context of AI-generated im-
ages or videos that depict an intimate image of a person
without their consent, given the evidence that victims of
image-based abuse experience psychological distress.
Commenters expressed worry about alterations to orig-
inal “ground truth” content or fabrications of real-seem-
ing content, such as deep fakes or hallucinated chatbot
Some commenters pointed to the particular
dangers of generative AI faking scientic work and oth-
er scholarly output, and thought these merited require-
128 Blueprint for AIBoR at 3.
129 Salesforce Comment at 5.
130 See, e.g., Nicola Henry, Clare McGlynn, Asher Flynn, Kelly Johnson, Anastasia Powell, &
Adrian J. Scott, Image-Based Sexual Abuse: A Study on the Causes and Consequences
of Non-Consensual Nude or Sexual Imagery at 7-15 (2021) (reporting on a study of
“image-based sexual abuse”).
131 See, e.g., #She Persisted Comment at 3 (“Faster AI tools for election-related
communication and messaging could have a profound impact on how voters,
politicians, and reporters see candidates, campaigns and those administering
elections”); International Center for Law & Economics Comment at 12 (“There are
more realistic concerns that these very impressive technologies will be misused to
further discrimination and crime, or will have such a disruptive impact on areas like
employment that they will quickly generate tremendous harms.”); Center for American
Progress Comment at 5 (“Evidence of this adverse eect of AI has already started to
appear: automated systems have discriminated against people of color in home loan
pricing, recruiting and hiring automated systems have shown a bias towards male
applicants, AI used in making health care decisions have shown a racial bias that
ultimately aorded white patients more care, among other examples.”)
Indeed, such transparency is already required
by law if failure to disclose violates consumer protec-
In its attempt to eectuate a requirement for
such notice in the employment context, New York City
is now requiring that employers using AI systems in the
hiring or promotion process inform job applicants and
employees of such use.
Several states require private
entities to disclose certain uses of automated processing
of personal information and/or to conduct risk assess-
ments when engaging in those uses.
In addition to knowing about AI use in decision-mak-
ing contexts, people should also have the information
to make sense of AI outputs. As the Blueprint for AIBoR
put it, people should be “able to understand when au-
124 Blueprint for AIBoR at 6 (“[Y]ou should know that an automated system is being used
and understand how and why it contributes to outcomes that impact you.”).
125 See, e.g., See Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Consumer Financial Protection
Circular 2022-03 (May 26, 2022),
126 The New York City Council, A Local Law to Amend the Administrative Code of the
City of New York, in Relation to Automated Employment Decision Tools, Local Law
No. 2021/144 (Dec. 11, 2021),
127 See generally National Conference of State Legislatures, Artificial Intelligence
2023 Legislation (September 27, 2023),
communication/artificial-intelligence-2023-legislation (compiling state-level AI
legislation including legislation imposing disclosure, opt-out, and/or risk assessment
for images and videos that allows cryptographic
verication of assertions about the history of a piece
of content, including about the people, devices, and/
or soware tools involved in its creation and editing.
Content authors, publishers (e.g., news organiza-
tions), and even device manu-
facturers can opt-in to attach
digital signatures to a piece of
digital content attesting to its
origins. These signatures are
designed to be tamper-proof: if
the attestations or the underly-
ing content are altered with-
out access to a cryptographic
signing credential held by the
content author or publisher,
they will no longer match.
Authentication-based prove-
nance metadata could be pro-
duced for AI-generated content,
either as part of the media les
or in a standalone ledger. Be-
cause digital signatures do not change the underlying
content, the content can still be reproduced without
the signatures.
Provenance tracking has relevance
for content not generated by AI as well. If provenance
data become prevalent, user perceptions and expec-
tations may change. The absence of such data from
a given piece of content could trigger suspicion that
the content is AI-originated.
Watermarking is a method for establishing prove-
nance through “the act of embedding information,
which is typically diicult to remove, into outputs
created by AI—including into outputs such as pho-
tos, videos, audio clips, or text—for the purposes
of verifying the authenticity of the output or the
identity or characteristics of its provenance, modi-
135 C2PA, C2PA Explainer,
136 See generally Sayash Kapoor and Arvind Narayanan, How to Prepare for the Deluge
of Generative AI on Social Media, Knight First Amendment Institute (June 16, 2023),
ai-on-social-media (criticizing the approach for being limited to those who opt-in,
creating a negative space for most content which will not be authenticated).
ments that systems disclose information about training
There is a family of methods to make AI outputs more
identiable and traceable, the development of which
should be a high priority and requires both technical and
non-technical contributions. Rec-
ognizing this need, the AI EO tasks
the Commerce Department with
develop[ing] guidance regarding
the existing tools and practices
for digital content authentication
and synthetic content detection
Notably, one of the
objectives of the AI EO is to estab-
lish provenance markers for digital
content – synthetic or not – pro-
duced by or on behalf of the feder-
al government.
Provenance refers to the origin
of data or AI system outputs.
For training data, relevant prov-
enance questions might be: Where does the material
come from? Is it protected by copyright, trademark,
or other intellectual property rights? Is it from an
unreliable or biased dataset? For system outputs,
provenance questions might be: What system gener-
ated this output? Was this information altered by AI
or other digital tools?
Authentication is a method of establishing prov-
enance via veriable assertions about the origins
of the content. For example, C2PA is a membership
organization (including Adobe and Microso as
members) developing an open metadata standard
132 See, e.g., International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers
(STM) Comment at 4 (recommending “an accounting with respect to provenance”
and an “audit mechanism to validate that AIs operating on scientific content do not
substantially alter their meaning and are able to provide a balanced summary of
possibly dierent viewpoints in the scholarly literature.”).
133 AI EO at Sec. 4.5. See also id. at Sec. 2(a) (referring to “labeling and content provenance
134 NIST has defined provenance in National Institute for Standards and Technology, Risk
Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations: A System Life
Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy, NIST Special Publication 800-37, Rev. 2, at
104 (December 2018), (“The chronology of
the origin, development, ownership, location, and changes to a system or system
component and associated data.”).
What is © status?
What is the source?
Is material private/
Has use been
consented to?
Is it AI generated?
By what system?
From what source?
Is provenance
prominent for human
AI System
(Data, Text,
Image, Etc)
Content Outputs
Watermarking AI-generated
content will not be easy.
There is the diculty of
corralling open-source
models used for image and
text generation. Reaching
consensus standards for
consumer-facing applications
may be challenging. And there
is the technical challenge of
preventing the removal of
Source: NTIA
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
35 34
municating provenance. Suppose a user who sees a vid-
eo when scrolling through a social media site wants to
know whether the video is authentic (for example, that it
was issued by a specic media organization) and wheth-
er it is known to be AI-generated content. Content label-
ing is one way in which the social media site can deploy
tools to serve both interests – perhaps by presenting dis-
tinctive visual banners for content accompanied by or-
igin metadata or an identiable embedded watermark.
For a user to reap the full benets of watermarking meth-
ods, the watermark must be resistant to removal along
the way from production to distribution. That technical
challenge is matched by a logistical one: the machines
embedding the watermark and those decoding it must
agree on implementation. A system for providing or au-
thenticating information between machines requires
shared technical protocols for those machines to follow
as they produce and read the information. Therefore,
applications (e.g., browsers, social media platforms)
will have to recognize and implement protocols that are
widely adopted.
Similarly, for users to benet from
cryptographically signed metadata-based authentica-
tion technology, an authentication standard must be
widely adopted among content producers as well as
consumer-facing applications distributing content.
All these steps present challenges. First, ensuring that
AI models include watermarking on AI-generated con-
tent, for example, will not be easy, especially given the
diiculty of corralling open-source models used for both
image and text generation. Second, there is the task of
reaching consensus on the proper standard for use by
consumer-facing applications. And third, preventing the
removal of the watermark (i.e., an adversarial attack)
between generation and presentation to the consumer
will pose technical challenges. Current forms of water-
marking involve keeping the “exact nature” of a water-
mark “secret from users,
or at least sharing some
information between the systems generating and check-
ing for the watermark that is unknown to those seeking
to remove it. Such secrecy may be impossible, especially
141 See C2PA Comment at 4 (“Until both creator platforms and displaying mechanisms
(social media, browsers, OEMs) work together to increase transparency and
accountability through provenance, it will continue to be a barrier.”).
142 See Leer, supra note 138.
cations, or conveyance.
These techniques change
the generated text, image, or video in a way that is
ideally not easily removable and that may be im-
perceptible to humans, but that enables soware to
recognize the content as AI-produced and potentially
to identify the AI system that produced it.
DeepMind, for example, has launched (in beta) its
SynthID tool for AI-generated images, which subtly
modies the pixels of an image to embed an invisible
watermark that persists even aer the application of
image lters and lossy compression.
approaches are more mature for video and photos
than for text, although some have proposed that text
generation models could watermark their outputs
by “soly promoting” the use of certain words or
snippets of text over others.
Because watermarking
embeds provenance information directly into the
content, the provenance data follows the content as
it is reproduced. However, watermark detection tools,
especially for text, may be able to provide only a sta-
tistical condence score, not a denitive attribution,
for the content’s origins.
Content labeling refers to informing people as part
of the user interface about the source of the informa-
tion they are receiving. Platforms that host content,
linear broadcasters or cable channels that transmit
it, and generative AI systems that output information
are examples of entities that could provide content
labeling. Content labeling presumes that the prov-
enance of the content can be established – e.g., via
users marking AI-generated content they submit as
such, via authentication metadata attached to the
content les, or via watermarks indicating AI origins.
Dierent types of information about AI system outputs
can serve complementary roles in establishing and com-
137 AI EO at Sec. 3(gg).
138 Lauren Leer, “Tech Companies’ New Favorite Solution for the AI Content Crisis Isn’t
Enough, Scientific American (Aug. 8, 2023),
139 Sven Gowal and Pushmeet Kohli, Identifying AI-generated images with SynthID,
Google DeepMind (Aug. 29, 2023),
140 John Kirchenbauer, Jonas Geiping, Yuxin Wen, Jonathan Katz, Ian Miers, and Tom
Goldstein, “A Watermark for Large Language Models, Proceedings of the 40th
International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, Vol. 202, at 17061-17084 (2023),
safety issues.
The benet of such a database, as one
commenter put it, is to “allow government, civil society,
and industry to track certain kinds of harms and risks.
Adequately populating the database could require either
incentives or mandates to get AI system deployers to
contribute to it. Beyond that, individuals and communi-
ties would need the practical capacities to easily report
incidents and make actionable the reports of others. Any
such database should include inci-
dents, and not only actual harms,
because “safe” means more than
the absence of accidents.
There are now many jurisdictions
requiring or proposing that at least
public entities publicize their use
of higher risk AI applications,
145 OECD.AI Policy Observatory, Expert Group on
AI Incidents,
experts/working-group/10836. A beta version of
a complementary project to develop a global AI
Incidents Monitor (AIM), using as a starting point
AI incidents reported in international media, was
released in November 2023. See
146 AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment
at 7.
147 See, e.g., Marion Oswald, Luke Chambers, Ellen P.
Goodman, Pam Ugwudike, and Miri Zilka, The UK
Algorithmic Transparency Standard: A Qualitative
Analysis of Police Perspectives (July 7, 2022),,
at 6-7 (noting that “[s]everal jurisdictions have mandated levels of algorithmic
transparency for government bodies” and citing several examples); Government of
Canada, Directive on Automated Decision-Making (April 2023), https://www.tbs-sct. (requiring certain Canadian government
oicials to indicate that a decision will be made via automated decision systems
(6.2.1.), release custom source code owned by the Government of Canada (6.2.6), and
document decisions of automated decision systems (6.2.8)); Central Digital and Data
Oice and Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, Algorithmic Transparency Recording
Standard Hub (January 5, 2023),
algorithmic-transparency-recording-standard-hub (program through which public
organizations in the United Kingdom can “provide clear information about the
algorithmic tools they use, and why they’re using them.”); Connecticut Public Act No.
23-16 (“An Act Concerning Artificial Intelligence, Automated Decision-making, and
Personal Data Privacy”) (June 7, 2023) (Connecticut law requiring a publicly available
inventory of systems that use artificial intelligence in the government, including
a description of the general capabilities of the systems and whether there was an
impact assessment prior to implementation); State of Texas, An Act relating to the
creation of the artificial intelligence advisory council (H.B. No. 2060, 88th Legislature
Regular Session),
(Texas law requiring an inventory “of all automated decision systems that are being
developed, employed, or procured” by state executive and legislative agencies);
California Penal Code § 1320.35 (California law requiring pretrial services agencies
(local public bodies) to validate pretrial risk assessment tools and make validation
studies publicly available); State of California, Assembly Bill AB-302, “An act to add
Section 11546.45.5 to the Government Code, relating to automated decision systems”
(California Legislature, 2023-2024 Regular Session) (Chapter 800, Statutes of 2023),
(California statute requiring “a comprehensive inventory of all high-risk automated
decision systems that have been proposed for use, development, or procurement by,
or are being used, developed or procured by, any state agency”); State of California,
if open-source systems are to be able to embed water-
marks and open-source applications are to be able to
recognize them. Interpretive challenges abound as well:
that a piece of content has been authenticated does not
mean it is “true” or factually accurate, and the absence
of authentication or provenance information does not
necessarily support conclusions about content charac-
teristics or origination.
One of the voluntary commitments
some AI companies have made is
to work on information authenti-
cation and provenance tracking
technologies, including related
transparency measures.
This is
important for many reasons that go
beyond AI accountability, including
the protection of democratic pro-
cesses, reputations, dignity, and au-
tonomy. For AI accountability, prov-
enance and authentication help
users recognize AI outputs, identify
human sources, report incidents of
harm, and ultimately hold AI devel-
opers, deployers, and users respon-
sible for information integrity. Poli-
cy interventions to help coordinate
networked market adoption of technical standards are
nothing new. The government has done that in areas as
diverse as smart chip bank cards, electronic medical re-
cords, and the V-Chip television labeling protocol. The AI
EO takes a rst step in promoting provenance practices
by directing agency action to “foster es-
tablish the authenticity and provenance of digital con-
tent, both synthetic and not synthetic…
Two additional applications of transparency around AI
use take the form of adverse incident databases and
public use registries. The OECD is working on a database
for reporting and sharing adverse AI incidents, which in-
clude harms “like bias and discrimination, the polarisa-
tion of opinions, privacy infringements, and security and
143 First Round White House Voluntary Commitments at 3; Second Round White House
Voluntary Commitments at 2-3.
144 AI EO at Sec. 4.5.
Researchers, auditors, red-
teams, and other aected
parties such as workers and
unions all need appropriate
access to AI systems to
evaluate them. While
researchers can conduct
“adversarial” reviews of
public-facing systems
without any special access,
collaboration between the
evaluator and the AI actor
will often be required to
fully assure that systems are
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
37 36
ers urged the government to facilitate appropriate ex-
ternal access to AI systems.
Rigorous inquiries could
require access to governance controls and design deci-
sions, access to AI system processes (for example, to run
evaluator-supplied inputs through the system), as well
as access to components of the model itself, accompa-
nying soware or hardware, data inputs, model outputs,
and/or renements and modications.
The degree of access required will vary with the questions
raised. For the researcher who wants to examine wheth-
er an application has produced unlawfully discrimi-
natory outcomes, it may be enough to have input and
output data (also known as a black box model access).
Commenters noted that to assess the damage that could
result from malign use of advanced AI, such as large lan-
guage models, much more access may be required. One
commenter referenced the New York Federal Reserve
system of embedding a team within every major bank
in New York as a model
and suggested that “[t]o faith-
fully evaluate models with all of the advantages that a
motivated outsider would have with access to a model’s
architecture and parameters, auditors must be given re-
sources that enable them to simulate the level of access
that would be available to a malign actor if the model
architecture and parameters were stolen.
Some com-
menters argued that creators and individuals should be
able to request access to AI system datasets to identify
and report personal data or copyrighted works.
We note that facilitating researcher access to data from
153 See, e.g., OpenMined Comment at 1; Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI Center
for Research on Foundation Models Comment at 6-7 (recommending mandated
researcher access to evaluate foundation models (red-teaming), mediated by provider
consent and perhaps in the form of a sandbox).
154 ARC Comment at 7.
155 ARC Comment at 9. See also AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at
3 (The government should “mandate access to the technical infrastructure to enable
varying levels of visibility into dierent components of (potentially) consequential
AI systems”); Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI Center for Research on
Foundation Models Comment at 6-7 (recommending mandated researcher access to
evaluate foundation models, mediated by deployer consent and perhaps in the form of
a sandbox).
156 See, e.g., Copyright Alliance Comment at 6 (“Best practices from corporations, research
institutions, governments, and other organizations that encourage transparency
around AI ingestion already exist that enable users of AI systems or those aected
by its outputs to know the provenance of those outputs. In particular, except where
the AI developer is also the copyright owner of the works being ingested by the AI
system, it is vital that AI developers maintain records of which copyrighted works
are being ingested and how those works are being used, and make those records
publicly accessible as appropriate (and subject to whatever reasonable confidentiality
provisions the parties to a license may negotiate).”).
the federal government has begun doing online by pub-
lishing federal agency AI use cases at (both high-
risk and not high-risk applications).
The Oice of Man-
agement and Budget (OMB) has released dra guidance
for federal agencies which would require them to publicly
identify the safety-aecting and rights-aecting AI sys-
tems they use.
As one commenter noted, a national reg-
istry for high-risk AI systems could provide nontechnical
audiences with an overview of the system as deployed
and the actions taken to ensure the system does not vi-
olate people’s rights or safety.
Along with a registry of
systems, a government-maintained registry of profession-
al AI “audit reports that is publicly accessible, upon re-
quest” would foster additional accountability.
Any such
registry would have to reect the proper balance between
transparency and the potential dangers of exposing AI
system vulnerabilities to malign actors.
Researchers, auditors, red-teams, and other aected
parties such as workers and unions all need appropriate
access to AI systems to evaluate them. While researchers
can conduct “adversarial” reviews of public-facing sys-
tems without any special access, collaboration between
the evaluator and the AI actor will oen be required to
fully assure that systems are trustworthy.
Senate Bill SB-313, “An act to add Chapter 5.9 (commencing with Section 11549.80) to
Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of, the Government Code, relating to state government”
(California Legislature, 2023-2024 Regular Session) (unenacted bill), https://leginfo. (California
bill that would require a state agency using “generative artificial intelligence” to
communicate with a person to inform the person about the AI use); Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, Bill H.64, “An Act establishing a commission on automated decision-
making by government in the Commonwealth” (193rd General Court) (unenacted
bill), (Massachusetts bill that would create
a state commission to study and make recommendations on the government use
of automated decision systems “that may aect human welfare” and issue a public
report to “allow the public to meaningfully assess how such system functions and is
used by the state, including making technical information about such system publicly
148, “The Government is Using AI to Better Serve the Public”,
149 OMB Dra Memo at 4.
150 See Governing AI, supra note 47, at 23.
151 AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 7. See also id. (alternatively
recommending that policymakers require “professional auditors to report results
to regulatory authorities (similar to environmental audits), [or] require responses to
recommendations made in evaluation reports within a certain time period.”).
152 See Jakob Mökander, Jonas Schuett, Hannah Rose Kirk, and Luciano Floridi, Auditing
Large Language Models: A Three-Layered Approach, AI Ethics (2023), at 8, https://doi.
institutional review board requirements. Using existing,
and developing new, privacy enhancing technologies
can also mitigate these risks.
The security and privacy risks un-
derscore the need to vet researchers
before permitting access to certain
AI system components, monitor and
limit access, and dene other controls
on when, why, and how sensitive
information is shared.
3.1.4. AI SYSTEM
Documentation is a critical input
to transparency and evaluation,
whether internal or external, voluntary or required. Many
commenters thought that AI developers should (and pos-
sibly should be required to) maintain documentation con-
cerning model design choices, design of system controls,
training data composition and pre-training, data the sys-
tem uses in its operational state, and testing results and
recalibrations for dierent system versions.
Such docu-
mentation, which may be subject to intellectual property
protections, informs consideration of appropriate deploy-
ment contexts. It helps answer questions about whose
interests were considered in AI system development and
160 See, e.g., OpenMined Comment at 3; GovAI Comment at 8 (noting that “structured
transparency can help balance access with security through the use of privacy
enhancing technologies”); Researchers at Boston University and University of Chicago
Comment at 8 (recommending that federal regulators “encourage the development
and use of …privacy enhancing technologies that protect businesses’ and consumers’
privacy interests without compromising accountability.”).
161 See, e.g., PWC Comment at A9 (documentation required for auditing include:
“Information about the organizations governance structure and broader control
environment…; Description of the development process, algorithm, architecture,
and configuration of the model, as well as the design of controls in each respective
aspect of the system; Data used to train the system and consumed by the system in its
operational state; Documentation of any pre-processing steps applied to the training
data; Documentation of the system’s compliance with legal, regulatory, and ethical
specifications; Results of testing performed throughout the development process
and during the subject period; Design and results of any recalibration performed
during the period; Information about the design of controls to detect emergent
properties and bugs”); Audit AI Comment at 9 (“The minimum amount kept for any
particular model / application pairing should be the amount necessary to retrain
the model - this includes the dataset, architecture, hyperparameters, initialization,
training schedule, randomization seed, and any other relevant information.”); American
Association of Independent Music et al. Comment at 5 (“Proper record-keeping
should also include documentation about (i) the articulated purpose of the AI model
itself and its intended outputs, (ii) the AI system’s overall system functioning, (iii) the
individual or organization responsible for the AI system (including who is responsible
for the ingesting materials, who is responsible for any foundational AI model, who is
responsible for any fine tuning of the AI model, who is deploying the AI system, etc.),
(iv) risk assessments concerning the potential misuse and abuse of such a model, and
(v) what parameters and processes were used, and what decisions were made, during
the AI system development and deployment.”).
very large online platforms and search engines and their
associated algorithmic systems is something that the
Digital Services Act requires in the European Union. That
regulation has deemed researcher access an indispens-
able part of the platform account-
ability scheme in certain instances.
Third-party access to AI systems for
the purpose of evaluations comes
with risks that need to be managed.
Three principal risks are:
Liability risks to researchers for
claims of copyright or contract vio-
lation or for circumventing terms of
service (e.g., by scraping data) and
other controls seeking to protect AI system components
from view.
A number of commenters proposed a safe
harbor from intellectual property or other liability for re-
search into AI risks.
Security risks to AI actors from providing access (willing-
ly or not) to AI system components. Access to outsiders
can jeopardize the trade secrets of AI actors as well as con-
trols they have in place to prevent misuse of AI systems.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can be used to
mediate access between researchers and AI actors, there-
by reducing these risks.
Privacy risks to the subjects of sensitive data that
may be revealed when data is accessed for evaluation.
For example, evaluation of an AI system for outputting
discriminatory recommendations around loans might
require access to personal data about loan applicants.
Researchers usually have processes in place to minimize
these risks, such as by limiting data collection, obfuscat-
ing sensitive data before storing it, and complying with
157 The Supreme Court in a recent decision interpreted the Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act to potentially narrow the circumstances under which scraping data for
purposes such as researching discrimination might constitute a violation of the
statute. See Van Buren v. United States, 141 S.Ct. 1648 (2021). Nevertheless, this
and other cases have not fully dispelled the fears of independent researchers. See
Sasha Costanza-Chock, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Joy Buolamwini, “Who Audits
the Auditors? Recommendations from a field scan of the algorithmic auditing
ecosystem, Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and
Transparency (FAccT ‘22), 1571–1583, 1577,
158 See infra Sec 5.1.
159 See, e.g., GovAI Comment at 8-9 (noting that a “research API should have dierent
access tiers based on trust” and supporting “the creation of a secure research API” that
would be integrated with the National AI Research Resource).
Documentation is
a critical input to
transparency and
evaluation, whether
internal or external,
voluntary or required.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
39 38
practices gure prominently in the guidance, including
documentation on training data provenance and prepara-
tion, model performance metrics and testing, key design
choices, updates, and change logs, among other things.
Commenters thought that requirements to provide infor-
mation about a system should be “standard” for any AI
Per one commenter, deployers should record
“what was deployed, what changes were made between
development and deployment, and any issues encoun-
tered during deployment… [and should keep] incident
response investigation and mitigation procedures.
Another commenter proposed supply chain documen-
164 See, e.g., CDT Comment at 24 (“Accountability …requires disclosure of information
such as how a system was trained and on what data sets, its intended uses, how it
works and is structured, and other information that permits the intended audiences
(which can include aected individuals, policymakers, researchers, and others) to
understand how and why the system makes particular decisions.”); IBM Comment at 4.
165 Protofect Comment at 7.
how AI actors balanced various trustworthy AI attributes.
Documentation is also important for AI actors themselves
in making them more reective about impacts, for exam-
ple about discriminatory system outputs. With respect to
discrimination, “tracing the decision making of the hu-
man developers, understanding the source of the bias in
the model, and reviewing the data” can help to identify
and remedy bias.
The United States Government Accountability Oice
(GAO) produced an AI Accountability Framework, mak-
ing recommendations about both documentation and
evaluations for federal agencies; this guidance could also
serve other AI actors.
Without going into detail on the
GAO Framework, it is worth noting that documentation
162 Accenture Comment at 4.
163 GAO, supra note 3.
Transparency and disclosures regarding AI systems are
primarily valuable insofar as they feed into accountabil-
One essential tool for converting information into
accountability is critical evaluation of the AI system.
The National Articial Intelligence Advisory Commit-
tee (NAIAC), in its 2023 report, observed that “practices,
standards, and frameworks for de-
signing, developing, and deploying
trustworthy AI are created in orga-
nizations in a relatively ad hoc way
depending on the organization, sec-
tor, risk level, and even country.
We agree with its accompanying
observation that it is problematic that “[r]egulations and
standards are being proposed that require some form of
audit or compliance, but without clear guidance accom-
panying them.
The RFC described dierent types of evaluation, includ-
ing audits, impact and risk assessments, and pre-release
certications. Commenters were divided on whether
independent audits are possible now, before there are
agreed upon criteria for all aspects. They also questioned
whether audits should be mandated.
Some comments
reected a sense of frustration with decades of self-reg-
ulation of technology that has failed to meet societal ex-
172 See, e.g., Generally Intelligent Comment at 4 (cautioning that disclosure requirements
without consequence can be a “decoy”); Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine
& Law Comment at 2 (with reference to “[a]udits, assessments and certifications,
cautioning that “[m]ere procedural tools will fail to create meaningful trust and
accountability without a backdrop of strong, enforceable consumer and civil
rights protections.”); Mike Ananny and Kate Crawford, “Seeing Without Knowing:
Limitations of the Transparency Ideal and its Application to Algorithmic Accountability,
New Media & Society, Vol. 20, Iss. 3, at 977-982 (December 13, 2016), https://doi.
org/10.1177/1461444816676645 (describing ten “[l]imits of the transparency ideal”:
that “[t]ransparency can be disconnected from power, “[t]ransparency can be
harmful, “[t]ransparency can intentionally occlude, “[t]ransparency can create false
binaries, “[t]ransparency can invoke neoliberal models of agency, “[t]ransparency
does not necessarily build trust, “[t]ransparency entails professional boundary work,
“[t]ransparency can privilege seeing over understanding, “[t]ransparency has technical
limitations, and “[t]ransparency has temporal limitations”).
173 National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, Report of the National Artificial
Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC), Year 1 (May 2023) at 28,
174 Id.
175 Compare Certification Working Group Comment at 21 (recommending mandating
accountability measures” and auditor and researcher access “for high capability
AI systems (those that operate autonomously or semi-autonomously and pose
substantial risk of harm, including physical, emotional, economic, or environmental
harms”) with The American Legislative Exchange Council Comment at 8 (“voluntary
codes of conduct, industry-driven standards, and individual empowerment should be
preferred over government regulation in emerging technology.”)
tation and monitoring for foundation models.
In gen-
eral, record-keeping integrated into evaluation is the ba-
sis for “end to end” accountability.
Appropriate documentation will vary by type of system.
For generative AI, additional documentation may be im-
portant particularly to elucidate how training data subject
to intellectual property rights gure
into system outputs.
More strin-
gent documentation is also useful
for information integrity purposes.
For example, maintaining documen-
tation of inputs and outputs to the
AI system can improve accountabil-
ity for scientic communication and
“be placed into a chain of evidence” as necessary for repro-
ducible results.
In addition to documentation creation, there is the ques-
tion of retention. Retention requirements for nancial re-
cords imposed by the SEC and IRS are useful referents.
In general, we agree that documentation concerning the
development and deployment of AI “should be retained
for as long as the AI system is in development, while it is in
deployment, and an additional” number of years aer.
166 Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI Center for Research on Foundation Models
Comment at 4-5 (noting that, “as a direct analogy to” the Soware Bill of Materials,
“the federal government should track the assets and supply chain in the foundation
model ecosystem to understand market structure, address supply chain risk, and
promote resiliency, and that “[a]s an example implementation, Stanford’s Ecosystem
Graphs currently documents the foundation model ecosystem, supporting a variety of
downstream policy use cases and scientific analyses”).
167 See, e.g., Ada Lovelace Institute Comment at 6. (“Accountability practices must occur
throughout the lifecycle of an AI system, from early ideation and problem formulation
to post-deployment. For example, you might layer a [data protection impact
assessment] or a datasheet at the design phase, an internal audit at testing, and an
audit by a third-party at (re)deployment.”). See also Resolution Economics Comment at
3 (AI systems should be audited every time its algorithm receives a major update).
168 See, e.g., CCC Comment at 2-3; Copyright Alliance Comment at 6 and 6 n.9 (discussing
importance of records on training data for copyright forensics and audits).
169 STM Comment at 2 (“[W]hen applying AI in the context of scholarly communications,
a record of inputs and outputs to the AI system should be maintained to ensure that
the AI system and its outputs can be placed into a chain of evidence and results can be
more easily reproduced, including references to scholarly works that have been used.”).
See also CCC Comment at 4 (“Without verifiable and auditable tracking of inputs, it is
impossible to ensure that the resulting outputs are reliable.)
170 PWC Comment at A10 (suggesting record “retention requirements of the SEC and IRS
may be an appropriate starting point” for AI).
171 See, e.g., DLA Piper Comment at 24 (recommending “three years once a system is
no longer in active use or development to maintain audit trails and institutional
knowledge”); American Association of Independent Music et al. Comment at 5 (to “at
least seven years following [an AI systems] discontinuance[.]”).
Ensure quality, reliability, and representation of
data sources and processing.
Data Used to Develop an AI System
Entities should document sources and origins of data,
ensure the reliability of data, and assess data attributes,
variables, and augmentation/enhancement for
Data Used to Operate an AI System
Entities should assess the interconnectivities and
dependencies of data streams that operationalized an
AI system, identify potential biases, and assess data
security and privacy.
Promote accountability by establishing processes
to manage, operate, and oversee implementation.
Governance at the Organizational Level
Entities should define clear goals, roles, and
responsibilities, demonstrate values and principles to
foster trust, develop a competent workforce, engage
stakeholders with diverse perspectives to mitigate risks,
and implement an AI-specific risk management plan.
Governance at the System Level
Entities should establish technical specifications to
ensure the AI system meets its intended purpose and
complies with relevant laws, regulations, standards,
and guidance. Entities should promote transparency by
enabling external stakeholders to access information on
the AI system.
Ensure reliability and relevance over time.
Continuous Monitoring of Performance
Entities should develop plans for continuous or routine
monitoring of the AI system and document results and
corrective actions taken to ensure the system produces
desired results
Assessing Sustainment and Expanded Use
Entities should assess the utility of the AI system to
ensure its relevance and identify conditions under which
the AI system may or may not be scaled or expanded
beyond its current use.
Produce results that are consistent with program
Performance at the Component Level
Entities should catalog model and non-model
components that make up the AI system, define metrics,
and assess performance and outputs of each component.
Performance at the Systemn Level
Entities should define metrics and assess performance
of the AI system. In addition, entities should document
methods for assessment, performance metrics, and
outcomes; identify potential biases; and define and
develop procedures for human supervision of the AI
Source Data: GAO | GAO-21-519SP
Transparency and disclosures
regarding AI systems are
primarily valuable insofar as
they feed into accountability.
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41 40
AI system evaluations are useful to:
Improve internal processes and governance;
Provide assurance to external stakeholders that AI
systems and applications are trustworthy;
Validate claims of trustworthiness.
One purpose of an evaluation is claim validation. The
goal of such an inquiry is to verify or validate claims
made about the AI system, answering the question: Is
the AI system performing as claimed with the stated lim-
itations? The advantage of scoping an evaluation like
this is that it is more amenable to binary ndings, and
there are oen clear enforcement mechanisms and rem-
edies to combat false claims in the commercial context
under federal and state consumer protection laws.
Another type of evaluation examines the AI system ac-
cording to a set of criteria independent of an AI actor’s
claims. Such an evaluation might have a narrow aper-
ture, focusing on the critical determination of how accu-
rately a system performs its task or whether it produces
unlawfully discriminatory outputs, for example.
Or it
might go broader, focusing on governance and system
architecture, but only for a small subset of objectives,
such as protecting intellectual property.
In theory, an
179 See, e.g., CAQ Comment at 6 (“Ultimately, the performance of robust risk assessment
and development of processes and controls increases internal accountability and leads
to improvements in the quality of information reported externally”); Ernst & Young
Comment at 4 (“The value of verification schemes in the context of AI accountability
can have both external and internal benefits for an organization. While they can
contribute to promoting trust among external stakeholders such as customers, users
and the public, they also play a role in identifying potential weaknesses in internal
processes in organizations and strengthening those internal processes.”);
180 See, e.g., Unlearn.AI Comment at 1; Responsible AI Institute Comment at 4; Intel
Comment at 3.
181 See, e.g., Trail of Bits Comment at 1 (Audits should assess performance against
verifiable claims as opposed to accepted benchmarks); PWC Comment at A1 (“[T]rust
in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and the data that feeds them may ultimately be
achieved through a two-pronged system: (1) a management assertion on compliance
with the applicable trustworthy AI standard or framework and (2) third-party assurance
on management’s assertion.”).
182 See, e.g., Salesforce Comment at 5 (recommending that impact assessments be
used to counter bias in hiring); AI Audit Comment at 3-4; U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Testimony of Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Jan. 31, 2023),
discrimination-ai-and-automated-systems-new/venkatasubramanian (recommending
that entities using AI for hiring conduct mandatory “disparity assessments to
determine how their systems might exhibit unjustied dierential outcomes
[and] mitigate these dierential outcomes as far as possible with the result of this
assessment and mitigation made available for review.”).
183 See, e.g., Association of American Publishers (AAP) Comment at 4-5 (“AI technologies
pectations for risk management and accountability.
the same time, other commenters noted that audit prac-
tices (whether required or not) can result in rote check-
list compliance, industry capture, and audit-washing.
The scope and use of audits in accountability structures
should depend on the risk level, deployment sector,
maturity of relevant evaluation methodologies, and
availability of resources to conduct the audits. Audits
are probably appropriate for any high-risk application
or model. At the very least, audits should be capable of
validating claims made about system performance and
limitations as well as governance controls. Where audits
seek to assure a broader range of trustworthy AI attri-
butes, they should ideally use replicable, standardized,
and transparent methods. We recommend below that
audits be required, regulatory authority permitting, for
designated high-risk AI systems and applications and
that government act to support a vigorous ecosystem of
independent evaluation. We also recommend that audits
incorporate the requirements in applicable standards
that are recognized by federal agencies. Designating
what counts as high risk outside of specic deployment
or use contexts is diicult. Nevertheless, OMB has desig-
nated in dra guidance for federal agencies presumptive
categories of rights-impacting and safety-impacting AI
systems, while providing for exemptions depending on
This is a promising approach to creating risk
buckets for AI systems generally.
176 The AFL-CIO Technology Institute Comment at 5 (“Self-regulatory, self-certifying,
or self-attesting accountability mechanisms are insuicient to provide the level of
protection workers, consumers, and the public deserve. Certifications generally
only determine whether the development of the AI product or service has followed
a promised set of guidelines, typically established by the developer or company or
industry body.”); Center for American Progress Comment at 16 (“In order to get private
companies to conduct these assessments and audits, mechanisms must directly
impact what developers care about most and be aligned with the for-profit incentives
driving their rapid technological development. For these reasons, voluntary measures
are insuicient. Government action (such as formal rulemaking, executive orders, and
new laws) is clearly needed; we cannot allow the Age of AI to be another age of self-
177 Mozilla Comment at 6 (“[I]t is important to untangle incentives in the auditing
ecosystem — only where the incentive structure is right and auditors are suiciently
independent (and have suicient access) can there be more certainty that audits
aren’t simply conducted for the purpose of “audit-washing”); The Cordell Institute for
Policy in Medicine & Law Comment at 2 (Rules built only around transparency and bias
mitigation are “’AI half-measures’ because they provide the appearance of governance
but fail (when deployed in isolation) to promote human values or hold liable those
who create and deploy AI systems that cause harm.”). See also Ellen P. Goodman and
Julia Trehu, “Algorithmic Auditing: Chasing AI Accountability, 39 Santa Clara High Tech
L. J. 289, 302 (2023) (coining the term “audit-washing” to describe the use of weak audit
criteria to eectively misrepresent AI system characteristics, performance, or risks).
178 See OMB Dra Memo at 24-25.
We heard from many that evaluations must include per-
spectives from marginalized communities
and reect
the “inclusion of a diverse range of interests and policy
One commenter argued that frameworks for
environmental impact assessments, which “mandate
public participation ‘by design,’” should be considered
in this context.
All evaluations require measurement methodologies,
which auditors are deploying in the eld.
There are
technical questions about how to test for certain harms
like unlawful discrimination, including how to design the
evaluation and what test data to use. What counts as prob-
lematic discrimination is a normative question that will be
determined by the relevant law and norms in the domain
of application (e.g., housing, employment, nancial). As
discussed below, the pace of standards development may
lag behind the need for evaluation, in which case those
conducting necessary evaluations will have to earn trust
on the basis of their criteria and methodology.
Commenters thought that the type of independent eval-
uation called for should be pegged to the risk level of the
AI system.
There was strong support for conducting
185 See, e.g., ADL Comment at 7 (recommending consideration of “how civil society can
advise in the fine-tuning of AI data sets to ensure that AI tools account for context
specific to historically marginalized groups and immediate societal risks”).
186 Holistic AI Comment at 11 (“A body of interdisciplinary experts needs to collectively
determine best practices, standards and regulations to ensure inclusion of a diverse
range of interests and policy needs. This body should be composed of stakeholders
beyond, for example, the big technology players of the private sector and large
international NGOs; such stakeholders should include smaller technology companies
and local civil society organizations given their frontline work with users.”); Global
Partners Digital Comment at 7 (the “iterative evaluation of AI systems must include
“the participation of a wide range of stakeholders, including those that are impacted
by the system deployment and not only those controlling the system.”); AI & Equality
Comment at 6-7 (discussing stakeholder involvement); #ShePersisted Comment at
8-10 (women who are targeted by gender-based violence online should be represented
in establishing evaluations for AI systems); Ada Lovelace Institute Comment at 5 (“The
long history of environmental impact assessments (emerging under the US NEPA) in
policy oers learnings for the potential for impact assessments for AI: frameworks for
EIAs mandate public participation ‘by design’ to improve the legitimacy and quality
of the EIA and to contribute to normative goals like democratic decision-making”).
See also Wesley Hanwen Deng et al., Understanding Practices, Challenge, and
Opportunities for User-Engaged Algorithm Auditing in Industry Practice, CHI ’23, ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (April 2023), at 1-18, https://doi.
187 Ada Lovelace Comment at 5. See also Wesley Hanwen Deng et al., “Understanding
Practices, Challenge, and Opportunities for User-Engaged Algorithm Auditing in
Industry Practice, CHI ’23, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(April 2023), at 1-18, (showing diiculties in
recruiting user auditors and conducting user-engaged audit reports).
188 See, e.g., O’Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing,; Credo
AI,; Eticas,
189 See, e.g., Responsible AI Institute Comment at 4 (“Generally, the higher the probability
and magnitude of potential harms associated with an AI use case, the more likely it is
evaluation can also be comprehensive, looking at gov-
ernance, architecture, and applications with respect to
the management of all identied risks such as robust-
ness, bias, privacy, intellectual property infringement,
explainability, and eicacy.
Commenters proposed various subjects for evaluations. The
following is our synthesis of the most frequent mentions:
System performance and impact:
Verication of claims, including about accuracy,
fairness, eicacy, robustness, tness for purpose.
Legal and regulatory compliance.
Protection for human and civil rights, labor, con-
sumers, and children.
Data protection and privacy.
Environmental impacts.
Risk assessment and management, continuous
monitoring, mitigation, process controls, and
adverse incident reporting.
Data management, including provenance, quality,
and representativeness.
Communication and transparency, including docu-
mentation, disclosure, and explanation.
Human control and oversight of the AI system and
outputs, as well as human fallback for individuals
impacted by system outputs.
By-design eorts towards trustworthiness
throughout the AI system lifecycle.
Incorporation of stakeholder participation.
should be audited as to whether the material used to create the training data sets was
legitimately sourced, and whether appropriately licensed from or its use authorized by
the copyright owner or rights holder.”).
184 Lumeris Comment at 3 (adding consideration of human fallback and governance);
ForHumanity Comment at 6 (adding consideration of cybersecurity, lifecycle
monitoring, human control); Holistic AI Comment at 4. See also Inioluwa Deborah Raji,
Sasha Costanza-Chock, and Joy Buolamwini. “Change From the Outside: Towards
Credible Third-Party Audits of AI Systems. Missing Links in AI Policy, ” Missing Links in
AI Policy (2022), at 8 (“AI audits can help identify whether AI systems meet or fall short
of expectations, whether in terms of stated performance targets (such as prediction or
classification accuracy) or in terms of other concerns such as bias and discrimination
(disparate performance between various groups of people); data protection, privacy,
safety and consent; transparency, explainability and accountability; adherence to
standards, ethical principles and legal and regulatory requirements; or labor practices,
energy use and ecological impacts.”).
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
43 42
It will take time for the evaluation infrastructure to mature
as the methodologies and criteria emerge.
One possi-
ble outcome of standardization, discussed below, would
be a modular approach to evaluations, which would
recognize parent standards (e.g., for examining specic
processes, attributes, or risks) and then recognize addi-
tional standards as applicable to
the product being audited to cra
overall evaluations suitable for the
relevant industry sector or type of
model. Standardization eorts that
are well funded and coordinated
across sectors could achieve a base-
line of common-denominator ele-
ments, supplemented by modules
adapted for the application domain
or for foundation models.
It was an uncontroversial point in
the comments that international technical standards
are vitally important
and may be necessary for den-
ing the methodology for certain kinds of audits.
oping technical standards for emerging technologies is
a core Administration objective.
The current dearth
195 See Salesforce Comment at 4 (evaluation “tools need to be built on accepted AI
definitions, thresholds, and norms that are not yet established in the United States.”).
196 See MITRE Comment at 8 (“Common terminology is critical for any field’s
advancement as it enables every professional to represent, express, and communicate
their findings in a manner that is eectively and accurately understood by their peers”);
Engine Advocacy Comment at 6; Intel Comment at 5; Palantir Comment at 21-22; GovAI
Comments at 9. But cf. Google DeepMind Comment at 14-15 (While recognizing that
baseline definitions for AI accountability terms is good, “applying these terms is likely
to vary based on the jurisdiction, sector, as well as use case, and definitions will require
room to evolve as the technology changes.”).
197 See, e.g., PWC Comment at A3 (“Use of the term “audit” without reference to a
generally accepted body of standards fails to convey the level of eort applied, the
scope of procedures performed, the level of assurance provided over the findings, or
the qualifications of the provider, among other shortcomings”); Open MIC Comment
at 25 (“Without mandatory standards for AI audits and assessments … there is an
incentive for companies to ‘social wash’ their AI assessments; i.e. give investors and
other stakeholders the impression that they are using AI responsibly without any
meaningful eorts to ensure this”); Salesforce Comment at 11 (“If definitions and
methods were standardized, audits would be more consistent and lead to more
confidence.”); Global Partners Comment at 16 (“The lack of measurable standards
or benchmarks creates the risk of rendering impact assessments as unproductive
exercises by providing an appearance of accountability but not enough to achieve it
eectively”); BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 2 (“Without common [auditing]
standards, the quality of any audits will vary significantly because dierent audits
may measure against dierent benchmarks, undermining the goal of obtaining an
evaluation based on an objective benchmark.”).
198 See The White House, United States National Standards Strategy for Critical and
Emerging Technology (USG NSS CET) (May 2023),
such evaluations on an ongoing basis throughout the
AI system lifecycle, including the design, development,
and deployment stages.
As entities develop AI systems
or system components, and as entities then produce AI
system outputs, every node in that chain should bear re-
sponsibility for assuring its part in relation to trustworthy
AI. This is ideally how it works in the
nancial value chain, with organi-
zations (e.g., payroll processors or
securities market valuators) relying
on, and in turn providing, audited
nancial statements and reports
describing processes and controls.
As one commenter stated, these
communications “explicitly ac-
knowledge the interrelationship
between the controls of the service
organization and the end user.
It is generally desirable for inde-
pendent evaluations to use replicable methods,
to present the results in standardized formats so as to be
easily consumed and acted upon.
But given how vastly
dierent deployments can be for example, automated
vehicles versus test scoring – some aspects of AI evalua-
tions will have to be conducted dierently depending on
the sector.
Evaluations of foundation models, where use
cases may be diverse and unpredictable, have their own
challenges. Moreover, trade secret protection for informa-
tion that is evaluated may make replicability diicult.
that a rigorous, independent audit will be appropriate”). See also supra Sec. 3.1.
190 See, e.g., Hitachi Comment at 9 (stressing the need to evaluate frequently); The Future
Society Comment at 4; Global Partners Digital Comment at 4.
191 PWC Comment at A7. See also Palantir Comment at 10 (stressing process measures in
the AI system development phase, including data collection practices, “access controls,
logging, and monitoring for abuse”).
192 See Pattrn Analytics & Intelligence, Evaluating Recommender Systems in Relation to
the Dissemination of Illegal and Harmful Content in the UK (July 2023), https://www.
Final_Report.pdf, at 35.
193 See CAQ Comment at 8 (“We believe that a consistent report format is important as it
allows users of the report to compare reports across dierent assurance engagements.
Further, the Independent Accountants’ Report provides critical information to users,
including the criteria, level of assurance, responsibilities of the auditor and entity
management, and any limitations, among other information.”).
194 See, e.g., MITRE Comment at 5 (use “sector regulators” to “adopt and adapt
accountability mechanisms tailored to specific AI use case”); Consumer Reports
Comment at 28 (“[T]he type of audit that can be executed and the extent to which a
researcher is able to assess a model is highly dependent on the information they have
access to.”).
dards: the relative immaturity of the AI standards eco-
system, its relative non-normativity, and the dominance
of industry in relation to other stakeholders. Addressing
these critiques will improve AI accountability.
Standards-setting organizations publish requirements
and guidelines (alongside other types of documents
not pertinent here). Requirements contain “shall” and
“shall not” statements, while guidelines tend to contain
“should,” “should not,” or “may” statements.
commentary on standards for AI audits is supportive of
guidelines that can be more exible than requirements
and standards that focus on processes as well as out-
Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that
guidelines do not constitute compliance regimes. Tech-
nical standards-setting organizations hesitate – and may
not be equipped – to settle policy and values debates on
their own.
Non-prescriptive standards – for instance,
providing ways to measure risk, without identifying a
threshold beyond which risk is unacceptable – help with
future-proong. However, such exibility means that the
governments, public, and downstream users of the tech-
nology cannot assume that compliance with such stan-
dards means that risks have been acceptably managed.
Separate legal or regulatory requirements are required
to set norms and compel adherence.
We are cognizant of the critique that non-prescriptive
stances have sometimes impeded eorts to ensure that
202 See, e.g., The International Organization for Standardization-International
Electrochemical Commission (ISO/IEC) 23894:2023 Guidelines on risk management
for AI, (containing should statements, such
as “top management should consider how policies and statements related to AI risks
and risk management are communicated to stakeholders”). But see ISO/IEC 17065,
Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services, https://www.iso.
org/standard/77304.html, (stating that “Interested parties can expect or require the
certification body to meet all the requirements of this International Standard.…”).
203 See, e.g., Raji et al, Change from the Outside, supra note 184 at 16 (recommending
“standards as guidelines, not deployment checklists” and “standards for processes, not
only for outcomes”).
204 See CDT Comment at 28 (“Such standards will oen embody policy and value
judgments: standards for an audit designed to evaluate whether a system is
biased, for example, may have to set forth how much variation in performance, if
any, is permissible across race, gender, or other lines in order to still be considered
205 See NIST AI RMF at 7 (recognizing the need for guidance on risk tolerances from “legal
or regulatory requirements”). See also The Center For AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP)
Comment at 4 (“Credible assurance of AI systems could be through certification
programs under Federal AI legislation based on …established governance frameworks”
and noting that AI RMF “is voluntary which does not set adequate and appropriate
incentives for accountability.”).
of consensus technical standards for use in AI system
evaluations is a barrier to assurance practices. This
barrier may be especially pronounced for evaluation of
foundation models.
Compounding the challenge of
standards development is the reality that AI is being de-
veloped, deployed, and advanced across many dierent
sectors, each with its own applications, risks, and termi-
nology, and that the AI community has yet to coalesce
on fundamental questions surrounding terminology.
Under-developed standards mean uncertainty for com-
panies seeking compliance, diminished usefulness of au-
dits, and reduced assurance for customers, government,
and the public.
Among the issues for which commenters wanted stan-
dards and benchmarks for both internal and external
evaluation and other assurance practices were:
AI risk hierarchies, acceptable risks, and tradeos;
Performance of AI models, including for fairness,
accuracy, robustness, reproducibility, and explain-
Data quality, provenance, and governance;
Internal governance controls, including team com-
positions and reporting structures;
Stakeholder participation;
Internal documentation and external transparency;
Testing, monitoring, and risk management.
Here, we stress the need for accelerated international
standards work and provide further justication for ex-
panding participation in technical standards and stan-
dards-setting processes. The comments yielded three
important caveats about conventional technical stan-
199 See, e.g., Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), supra note 78, at 10 (citing
Rishi Bommasani, Percy Liang, and Tony Lee, Language Models are Changing AI: The
Need for Holistic Evaluation, Center for Research on Foundation Models, Stanford HAI
(2021), (recommending investment
in developing metrics to quantify and evaluate bias in AI systems and metrics to
measure foundation model performance); Microso Comment at 12 (need investment
in international AI standards to underpin an assurance ecosystem).
200 Engine Advocacy Comment at 6-7.
201 See generally Credo AI Comment at 6.
Standardization eorts
that are well funded and
coordinated across sectors
could achieve a baseline
of common-denominator
elements, supplemented
by modules adapted for the
application domain or for
foundation models.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
45 44
standards like it, may represent fundamental milestones
in the eld of AI assurance; and while development pro-
cesses by established standards organizations are gen-
erally well-established and ultimately accessible with
eort, we acknowledge the real nancial and logistical
barriers to simply browsing its
emerging forms. Further, while
many frameworks and documents
may be free to download, many
industry technical standards re-
quire a license and expenditure to
As the state-of-the-art ad-
vances, regular updates to these
and other publications will impose
new costs and access barriers.
Traditional, formal standards-set-
ting processes may not yield stan-
dards for AI assurance practices suiciently rapidly, trans-
parently, inclusively, and comprehensively on their own,
and may lag behind technical developments.
commenters recommended that government develop a
taxonomy or hierarchy of AI risks to shape how AI actors
prioritize risk.
Others requested government help in de-
vising assurance methodologies that take equity and pub-
lic participation seriously.
We note that NIST is already
210 At the time of writing, access to standards cited by commenters from ISO/IEC and
the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineer Standards Association’s (IEEE SA)
would cost over $1,700. See ISO Store, (combine prices
for ISO/IEC 17011:2017 Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of
AI management systems ($174); ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Requirements for the operation
of various types of bodies performing inspection ($110); ISO/IEC 17021-15:2023
Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems
($48); ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories ($174); ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Requirements for bodies certifying
products, processes and services ($174); ISO/IEC 22989:2022 Artificial intelligence
concepts and terminology ($223); ISO/IEC 23894:2023 Artificial intelligence – Guidance
on risk management ($148), ISO/IEC 42010:2023 Soware systems and enterprise –
Architecture description ($223), ISO/IEC 42006 Information technology – Artificial
intelligence – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of artificial
intelligence management systems ($74), ISO/IEC FDIS 5339 Information technology
– Artificial intelligence – Guidance for AI applications ($174)); IEEE SA Standards
code=ieee&vendor_id=5609&product_id=1901416 (IEEE 1012-2016: Standard for
System, Soware, and Hardware Verification and Validation ($196). Note that the ISO/
IEC prices were converted to USD from Swiss Francs and may vary over time given
changing currency exchange rates.
211 See, e.g., MITRE Comment at 8. See also ISO/IEC, last visited Jan. 18, 2024, https://www. (stating that ISO/IEC standard development usually
takes roughly 3 years to develop from first proposal to publication).
212 See, e.g., Credo AI Comment at 4-5, Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment
at 8, Center for American Progress Comment at 4, 12-13.
213 See, e.g., Data & Society Comment at 9 (urging government research support for
participatory assessments and context-dependent assessments.); Global Partners
standards respect human rights.
Others also worry that,
as in cybersecurity, overreliance on voluntary, non-pre-
scriptive standards will fail to create the necessary incen-
tives for compliance.
One of the key ways to continue
expanding standards work and to address those critiques
is to build out additional participa-
tion mechanisms in the guidance
and standardization process. There
should be concerted eorts to in-
clude experts and stakeholders as
non-prescriptive guidance comes
to develop normative content and/
or binding force. The inclusion of
experts and stakeholders in stan-
dards development is particularly
important given the centrality of
normative concepts such as free-
dom from harmful discrimination and disinformation in
standards work. Civil society and industry echo this senti-
ment, emphasizing the need for more inclusion – beyond
AI actors – in craing and assessing standards, proles,
and best practices.
Accessibility of industry standards and associated de-
velopment processes is one hurdle to meaningful par-
ticipation by experts and stakeholders. We counted at
least one AI assurance standard that cannot be viewed
during its development without existing membership
in ISO/IEC or access via a country’s ISO national mem-
ber (e.g., ANSI in the U.S.).
This document, and other
206 See Corinne Cath, The Technology We Choose to Create: Human Rights Advocacy
in the Internet Engineering Task Force, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 45, No. 6
(2021), at 102144, See also Michael Veale,
Kira Matus, and Robert Gorwa, AI and Global Governance: Modalities, Rationales,
Tensions, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 19,
annurev-lawsocsci-020223-040749 (2023).
207 See Chung, John J. “Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Market Failure. 96
Or. L. Rev. 441, 459-62 (2018),
handle/1794/23197/Chung%20final.pdf (explaining why the NIST cybersecurity
framework relies on voluntary recommendations rather than prescriptive standards);
Robert Gyenes, A Voluntary Cybersecurity Framework Is Unworkable- Government
Must Crack the Whip, 14 PGH. J. Tech. L. & Pol’y 293 (2014),
tlp.2014.146 (explaining how voluntary cybersecurity settings leads to repeated harms
that could be prevented by prescriptive standards and would help to inoculate other
parties from future data exploits).
208 See, e.g., CDT Comment at 29; FPF Comment at 7; Leadership Conference Comment at
5; Google DeepMind Comment at 2.
209 ISO, ISO/IEC CD 42005: Information technology — Artificial intelligence — AI system
impact assessment, The public may oer
comments on dra standards once those standards reach the enquiry stage; see ISO,
Get involved,
government has already played a signicant role in the
actual testing of systems and the publication of results.
Since 2002, for instance, NIST’s Facial Recognition Vendor
Tests have assessed the accuracy of privately developed
facial recognition technology. This research has not only
demonstrated the overall degree of
accuracy of the tested algorithms,
but has also identied common
challenges across algorithms such
as accuracy dierentials based on
race or gender.
Generally, government can foster the
utility of standards for accountabil-
ity purposes by (a) encouraging and
fostering participation by diverse
stakeholders, including civil society,
non-industry participants, and those
involuntarily aected by AI systems
(b) helping improve and expand ac-
cess to standards publications by those traditionally un-
der-represented parties; (c) supporting methods to align
industry standards with societal values; and (d) in appropri-
ate circumstances, developing guidelines or other resourc-
es that contribute toward standards development.
We also note that, while international standards devel-
opment is critical, national standards might also be nec-
essary to protect national security interests.
AI actors are putting AI systems out into the world and
should be responsible for proving that those systems
perform as claimed and in a trustworthy manner. Ac-
countable Tech, AI Now, and EPIC’s Zero Trust AI Gover-
nance Framework puts it this way: “Rather than relying
on the good will of companies, tasking under-resourced
enforcement agencies or alicted users with proving
and preventing harm, or relying on post-market audit-
ing, companies should have to prove their AI oerings
are not harmful.
This responsibility for assuring the
218 See generally NIST, U.S. Leadership in AI, supra note 57.
219 Accountable Tech, AI Now, and EPIC, supra note 50, at 5 (emphasis omitted). See also
Association for Intelligent Information Management Comment at 7 (“If an entity uses
Generative AI and other high-risk products or services and cannot identify or explain
the reasons behind the decision the AI system has made, that liability is and should
leading and encouraging community leaders to develop a
series of AI RMF “proles” that will provide more detailed
guidance to the application of the NIST AI RMF in dierent
For example, the Department of Labors Oice
of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is working with
key partners to create a Prole for In-
clusive Hiring. This policy framework
aims to guide employers to practice
disability inclusion and accessibility
when they decide to use AI in talent
acquisition processes.
Looking ahead, there is a question
about how standards will evolve
globally to keep pace with techno-
logical development and societal
needs. There are several key issues
that will help inform this issue:
Whether current standards
continue to develop alongside
AI implementations at an appropriate pace and with
appropriate scope;
Whether competing standards emerge inadvertently,
creating perverse incentives for stakeholders and
opportunities for arbitrage; and
Whether future industry standards foster a suicient-
ly large marketplace of certication, auditing, and
compliance entities to ensure appropriate levels of
Commenters have suggested governmental actions to
support the development and adoption of AI standards,
including, as one commenter expressed, by supporting
research on data quality benchmarks and data commons
for AI companies.
For at least some AI technologies,
Digital Comment at 18 (urging government investment in the production of guidelines
and best practices for “meaningful multi-stakeholder participation in the AI assessment
214 NIST, NIST AI Public Working Groups,
215 See USG NSS CET, at 11 (“The number of standards organizations and venues has
increased significantly over the past decade, particularly with respect to [critical and
emerging technologies]. Meanwhile the U.S. standards workforce has not kept pace
with this growth.”).
216 See, e.g., GovAI Comment at 5 (“[T]here are only a few individuals and organizations
with the expertise to audit cutting-edge AI models.”).
217 See Global Partners Digital Comment at 14.
AI actors are putting
AI systems out into
the world and should
be responsible for
proving that those
systems perform
as claimed and in a
trustworthy manner.
The inclusion of experts
and stakeholders in
standards development is
particularly important given
the centrality of normative
concepts such as freedom
from harmful discrimination
and disinformation in
standards work.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
47 46
However, there is also a concern that mandatory pre-re-
lease certication or licensing can hurt competition by
advantaging incumbents.
Therefore, the benets of re-
quiring ex ante proof of trustworthiness have to be bal-
anced against facilitating easy entry into the AI market.
Self-assessments (including impact or risk assessments)
have a dierent value proposition than independent
evaluations, including audits. Both are important.
Self-assessments will oen be the starting point for the
performance of independent evaluations.
Many commenters thought that entities developing and
deploying AI should conduct self-assessments, ideally
working from the NIST AI RMF.
An entity’s own assess-
ment of the trustworthiness of AI systems (in develop-
ment or deployment) benets from its access to relevant
Moreover, internal evaluation practices will
the training.”) (emphasis omitted); Campaign for AI Safety Comment at 2 (supporting
“pre-deployment safety evaluations.”).
225 See Engine Comment at 4 (A mandatory certification licensing system “is likely to
create a ‘regulatory moat’ bolstering the position and power of large companies that
are already established in the AI ecosystem, while making it hard for startups to contest
their market share.); Grabowicz et al., Comment at 1 (“Overregulation (e.g., mandatory
licensing to develop AI technologies) would frustrate the development of trustworthy
AI, since it would primarily inhibit smaller independent AI system manufacturers
from participating in AI development.”); Generally Intelligent Comment at 4 (noting
that requiring “at this stage” licensing of AI systems “will make it much harder for
new entrants and smaller companies to develop AI systems, while its intended goals
can be achieved with other policy approaches”). See also ICLE Comment at 18 (“The
notion of licensing implies that companies would need to obtain permission prior to
commercializing a particular piece of code. This could introduce undesirable latency
into the process of bringing AI technologies to market (or, indeed, even of correcting
errors in already-deployed products).”).
226 See, e.g., Holistic AI Comment at 4 (“While certifications function as public-facing
documentation on, for example, a system’s level of reliability and thus safety,
internal assessments help to improve a system at the R&D level, directly guiding
better decision-making and best practices across the conceptualization, design,
development, and management and monitoring of a system”); Id. at 5 (“[I]nternal
assessments of performance according to clearly delineated criteria are necessary
for internal purposes as much as for providing the documentation trail (e.g. logs,
databases, registers) of evidence of system performance for external independent and
impartial auditing”); Responsible AI Institute Comment at 4-5 (table showing tradeos
among dierent types of evaluations).
227 See, e.g., IBM Comment at 3 (“All entities deploying an AI system should conduct
an initial high-level assessment of the technology’s potential for harm. Such
assessments should be based on the intended use-case application(s), the number
and context of end-user(s) making use of the technology, how reliant the end-user
would be on the technology, and the level of automation. … For those high-risk use
cases, the assessment processes should be documented in detail, be auditable, and
retained for a minimum period of time.”); Microso Comment at 5 (“In the context of
accountability, the NIST AI RMF also highlights the value of two important practices for
high-risk AI systems: impact assessments and red-teaming. Impact assessments have
demonstrated value in a range of domains, including data protection, human rights,
and environmental sustainability, as a tool for accountability.”); Workday Comment at 1.
228 Toby Shevlane et al., Model evaluation for extreme risks, arXiv (May 24, 2023), at 6, See also ARC Comment at 5 (Internal evaluations
are necessary when entities cannot easily or securely provide suicient access, but
validity of system claims and trustworthiness should be
ongoing throughout the lifecycle of the AI system.
An independent certication process for some AI systems
could be one way for entities to implement proof of claims
and trustworthiness. According to one denition, a certi-
cation is the “process of an independent body stating
that a system has successfully met some pre-established
Thus an independent evaluation would be a
prerequisite for a certication. A voluntary certication
regime for AI systems, if suiciently rigorous and indepen-
dent, could help stakeholders navigate the AI market and
promote competition around trustworthy AI.
Mandatory pre-release certication taking the form
of licensing – is another route. Given the prospect of AI
becoming embedded ubiquitously in products and pro-
cesses, it would be impractical to mandate certication
for all AI systems.
There was strong support from some
commentators for governmental licensing of high-risk
foundation models, or at least deep review of such mod-
els, before deployment (including the need to show that
certain “safety” conditions are met), usually as a way of
addressing alleged catastrophic risks.
be on the entity”). See generally Inioluwa Deborah Raji, I. Elizabeth Kumar, Aaron
Horowitz, Andrew Selbst, “The Fallacy of AI Functionality, Proceedings of the 2022
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ‘22), June 2022,
959–972, (discussing the burden of proof
issues particularly with respect to the basic functionality of an AI system).
220 See CDT Comment at 26 (“Pre-deployment audits and assessments are not suicient
because they may not fully capture a model or system’s behavior aer it is deployed
and used in particular contexts.”).
221 See Data & Society Comment at 2.
222 See, e.g., Friedman, et al., supra note 73, at 707 (“Certification could impose
substantive ethical standards and create an incentive for vendors to compete along
ethical lines.”).
223 See Trail of Bits Comment at 5 (stating that a generalized licensing scheme targeting AI
systems would impede soware use because AI systems are broadly defined in such a
way that is not unique from other soware systems.).
224 See, e.g., OpenAI Comment at 6 (“We support the development of registration and
licensing requirements for future generations of the most highly capable foundation
models ... AI developers could be required to receive a license to create highly capable
foundation models which are likely to prove more capable than models previously
shown to be safe.”); Governing AI, supra note 47, at 20-21 (“[W]e envision licensing
requirements such as advance notification of large training runs, comprehensive risk
assessments focused on identifying dangerous or breakthrough capabilities, extensive
prerelease testing by internal and external experts, and multiple checkpoints along the
way”); Center for AI Safety Comment Appendix A (proposing a regulatory regime for
“powerful” AI systems that would require pre-release certification around information
security, safety culture, and technical safety); AI Policy and Governance Working Group
Comment at 9 (recommending that “responsible disclosure become a prerequisite in
government regulations for certifying trustworthy AI systems, aligning with practices
exemplified by Singapore’s AI Verify.”); SaferAI Comment at 3 (“Because [general-
purpose AI systems] are 1) extremely costly to train and 2) can be dangerous during
training, we believe that most of the risk assessment should happen before starting
conict of interest.
Independence is crucial to sustain
public trust in the accuracy and integrity of evaluation re-
sults and is foundational to auditing in other elds.
There are many good reasons to
push for independent evaluations,
as well as a number of obstacles.
Independent evaluations styled
as audits will require audit and
auditor criteria. To the extent that
auditors could be held liable for
false assurance, as they are in the
nancial sector, one commenter
thought that audits of AI systems
should hew as closely as possible
to a binary yes-no inquiry.
In the
absence of consensus standards,
the process may take the form of
a multi-factored analysis.
In ei-
ther case, but especially in a multi-factored evaluation,
disclosure of audit scope and methodology is critical to
enable comprehension, comparison, and credibility.
Transparency around the audit inquiry is all the more im-
portant when benchmarks are varied and not standard-
ized, and when audits are diverse in scope and method.
Based on our review of the record and the relevant litera-
ture, we think that the following should be part of an au-
dit, although these recommendations are by no means
exhaustive. The rst element stands alone for audits
fashioned as claim validation or substantiation exercis-
es. Most of the elements below align with action items
contained in the NIST AI RMF Playbook.
233 IEEE Comment at 3-4.
234 Trail of Bits Comment at 2.
235 See, e.g., ForHumanity Comment at 7.
236 See, e.g., Global Partners Digital Comment at 4 (“HRIA methodologies must be
adapted to best fit the needs of external stakeholders and must be responsive to the
specific contexts” OR ‘human rights due diligence or HRIAs critically require ensuring
meaningful participation in the risk identification and comments about the impacts,
its severity and likelihood, and development of harm prevention and mitigation
measures from potentially aected groups and other relevant stakeholders in the
context of implementation of the AI system under evaluation.); Center for Democracy
& Technology Comment at 26 (“[Human rights impact assessments] are intended to
identify potential impacts of an AI system on human rights ranging from privacy and
non-discrimination to freedom of expression and association.”).
237 See, e.g., Mozilla Open Source Audit Tooling (OAT) Comment at 7; ARC Comment at 5.
238 NIST AI RMF Playbook,
tend to improve management of AI risks by measuring
practices against
established protocols designed to
support an AI system’s trustworthiness.
The degree
to which internal evaluations move
the needle on AI system perfor-
mance and impacts depends on
how those evaluations are commu-
nicated within the AI actor entity
and how much management cares
about them.
As a practical matter, internal evalu-
ations are more mature and robust
currently than independent evalua-
tions, making them appropriate for
many AI actors.
According to one
combining AI assess-
ments into existing accountability
structures where possible has many
advantages and should likely be the default model.
That said, self-assessments are unlikely to be suicient.
Independent evaluations have proven to be necessary
in other domains and provide essential checks on man-
agement’s own assessments. Internal evaluations are of-
ten not made public; indeed, pressure on rms to open
themselves to external scrutiny may well be counter-pro-
ductive to the goal of rigorous self-examination.
entities evaluating themselves may be more forgiving
than external evaluators. As one commenter posited, “[a]
llowing developers to certify their own soware is a clear
then “it is critical that AI labs conducting internal audits state publicly what dangerous
capabilities they are evaluating their AI models for, how they are conducting those
evaluations, and what actions they would take if they found that their AI models
exhibited dangerous capabilities.”).
229 See PWC Comment at A3. See also Holistic AI Comment at 5 (“[I]nternal assessments
of performance according to clearly delineated criteria are necessary for internal
purposes as much as for providing the documentation trail (e.g. logs, databases,
registers) of evidence of system performance for external independent and impartial
auditing”); Responsible AI Institute Comment at 4 (certifications, audits, and
assessments promote trust by enabling verification and can change internal processes).
230 For comments discussing the readiness of internal assessments vs. the immaturity
of external assessment standards, see Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
Comment at 4-5; TechNet Comment at 3; BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 2;
Workday Comment at 1; U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment at 2.
231 DLA Piper Comment at 9.
232 BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 4 (noting that mandating public disclosure
of internal assessments would change incentives for firms “and result in less thorough
examinations that do not surface as many issues”); American Property Casualty
Insurance Association Comment at 3 (public disclosure of internal assessments can
inhibit full review).
Developing regulatory
for independent
evaluations, where
warranted, provides a
check on false claims
and risky AI, and
incentivizes stronger
evaluation systems.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
49 48
One suggestion commenters made was
that government should require internal impact assess-
ments, rather than independent audits, for high-risk AI
Some commenters recommended mandato-
ry audits
and/or “red-teaming”
in the particular con-
text of foundational models that they fear may exhibit
dangerous capabilities.
We acknowledge the arguments against audit require-
ments in general
and especially if imposed without
reference to risk.
The arguments against required eval-
uations include the dearth of standards and the costs
imposed especially on smaller businesses.
to one commenter, the cost drivers are “technical exper-
tise,” “legal and standards expertise,” “deployment and
social context expertise,” “data creation and annotation,
and “computational resources.
240 Accountable Tech, AI Now, and EPIC, supra note 50, at 4. See also CAP Comment at 9
(citing Microso, Empowering responsible AI practices, https://www.microso.com/
en-us/ai/responsible-ai) (existing “sparse patchwork of voluntary measures proposed
and implemented by industry” is not suicient). But see OpenAI Comment at 2 (At least
on issues such as pre-deployment testing, content provenance, and trust and safety,
voluntary commitments should suice.).
241 See, e.g., BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 2 (advocating mandatory impact
assessments for both developers and deployers).
242 GovAI Comment at 9 (recommending requiring “developers of foundation models to
conduct third-party model and governance audits, before and aer deploying such
243 Anthropic Comment at 10; ARC Comment at 6 (“It could be important for legislators,
regulators, etc. to require measurement of potential dangerous capabilities before
training and/or deployment of models that are much more capable than the current
state of the art.”); Shevlane, supra note 228, at 7 (“Industry standards or regulation
could require a minimum duration for pre-deployment evaluation of frontier models,
including the length of time that external researchers and auditors have access.”).
244 See, e.g., HRPA Comment at 7-8 (There should be no third-party assessments or
audits required at this time in the employment context, because “[m]ature, auditable,
and accepted standards to evaluate bias and fairness of AI systems do not yet
exist …” and might be overly burdensome, deepen mistrust in such systems, and
potentially violate IP rights); AI Audit Comment at 2 (policy focus should be on internal
assessments rather than bureaucratic checklists); Business Roundtable Comment
at 12 (Government should let the industry engage in self-assessments and should
not impose uniform requirements for third party assessments); Developers Alliance
Comment at 12 (“AI accountability measures should be voluntary, and risk should be
self-assessed”); Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Comment at 3 (“[T]hird-party audits
are immature as a mechanism to detect or mitigate adverse bias”); James Madison
Institute at 6; TechNet Comments at 3 (TechNet members believe that it is premature
to mandate independent third-party auditing of artificial intelligence systems).
245 See, e.g., Salesforce Comment at 5-6; SIFMA Comment at 4.
246 See, e.g., U.S. Chamber Technology Engagement Center Comment at 10 (estimating
audit costs at “hundreds of thousands of dollars.”). But see Certification Working Group
(CWG) Comment at 19 (costs are modest relative to costs to overall development costs,
and small compared to technology’s impact); Protofect Comment at 9 (costs vary
widely depending on company size, data complexity, importance of AI to the product;
having tiers of auditing can reduce costs).
247 HuggingFace Comment at 12.
Claim substantiation: Is the system t for purpose in its in-
tended, likely, or actual deployment context? Are the processes,
controls, and performance of the system as claimed?
Performance to acceptable risk levels with respect to all
stakeholders: Has the system mitigated risks to a suicient
degree according to independent evaluators and/or appropri-
ate benchmarks?
Data quality: Is the data used in the system’s design, develop-
ment, training, testing, and operation:
Of adequate provenance and quality;
Of adequate relevance and breadth; and
Governed by adequate data governance standards?
Process controls: Are there adequate controls in the entity
developing or deploying the system:
To ensure that worker, consumer, community and other
stakeholder perspectives were adequately solicited and
incorporated into the development, deployment, post-de-
ployment review, and/or modication process;
To ensure periodic monitoring and review of the systems
To ensure adequate remediation of any new risks; and
To ensure that there is internal review by a suiciently
empowered decisionmaker not directly involved in the
system’s development or operation?
Was there appropriate and suicient documentation
throughout the lifecycle of the AI system and its com-
ponents to enable an evaluator to answer the previous
Has the developer or deployer made suicient disclosure
about the use of AI, and about training data, system charac-
teristics, outputs, and limitations, to stakeholders, including
in plain language?
Is the AI system suiciently interpretable and explainable
that stakeholders can interrogate whether its outputs are
Is the developer or deployer adequately contributing to an
adverse incident database?
Developing regulatory requirements for independent
evaluations, where warranted, provides a check on false
claims and risky AI, and incentivizes stronger evaluation
This view is captured in a recent civil society
report expressing commonly held suspicions of “any
regulatory regime that hinges on voluntary compliance
or otherwise outsources key aspects of the process to
239 AFL-CIO Comment at 5 (voluntary evaluations insuicient); Farley Comment at 19
(“[M]arket incentives likely tilt towards incentivizing lax audits if there is any market
eect at all, and, therefore, “government has a role to play in bolstering auditors’
independence and ensuring adequate audits.); Protofect Comment at 8 (“[T]here are
few incentives for companies to conduct external audits unless required by law or
demanded by their clients or partners).
assurance requires more investment, diverse stakehold-
er participation, and professionalization.
The linchpin for robust evaluations is a supply of quali-
ed auditors, researchers capable of doing red-teaming
or other adversarial investigations, and critical person-
nel inside AI companies. There is now a “substantial gap
between the demand for experts to implement respon-
sible AI practices and the professionals who are ready to
do so.
To grow the pipeline of those professionals, our
evaluation of the record suggests that there should be
more investment in the training of students in applied
statistics, data science, machine learning, computer
science, engineering, and other disciplines (perhaps in-
cluding humanities and social sciences) to do AI account-
ability work. This training should include methods for
obtaining and incorporating the input of aected com-
Marketplace demand could demonstrate to
motivated students that AI assurance work is in fact a
viable professional pathway.
Red-teaming – the practice of outside researchers using
adversarial tactics to stress test AI systems for vulnera-
bilities and risks – is becoming an important part of the
accountability ecosystem.
The largest AI companies
254 IAPP Comment at 2.
255 See, e.g., Cornell University Citizens and Technology Lab Comment at 2
(recommending that government fund educational projects involving citizen
participation in AI accountability, possibly modeled on the EPA’s program in
Participatory Science for Environmental Protection as documented in U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Oice of Science Advisor, Policy and Engagement, ,
Using Participatory Science at EPA: Vision and Principles (June 2022), https://www.
256 DEF CON 2023 held a red-teaming exercise with thousands of people; see Hack The
Future, See also Microso Comment at 3 (noting that it
is “working to extend [red-teaming] beyond traditional cybersecurity assessments to
The costs of mandatory audits can be managed. Com-
menters recommended the following cost de-escalators,
which are captured in other parts of this Report:
Create a modular governance system for AI, with a
risk assessment standards board, to deduplicate
costs for developing audit standards;
Standardize “structured transparency” such that
auditors may only ask specic questions rather
than obtaining all the underlying data;
Build on internal accountability requirements;
Provide industry association or governmental
compliance assistance.
The supply of capable evaluators trails the pace of AI
innovation. A paper produced for Google DeepMind,
opines: “[i]deally there would exist a rich ecosystem of
model auditors providing broad coverage across dier-
ent risk areas. (This ecosystem is currently under-de-
Research drawing on auditing experiences
across sectors, including pharmaceuticals and aviation,
“strongly supports training, standardization, and accred-
itation for third-party AI auditors.
Many commenters
addressed this point, observing that the ecosystem for AI
248 See Riley and Ness Comment at 14.
249 See, e.g., OpenMined Comment at 4. See also GovAI Comment at 9 (recommending
government fund “research and development of structured transparency tools”).
250 See, e.g., Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 31.
251 See Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology Comment at
252 Shevlane, supra note 228, at 6. See also Databricks Comment at 2 (“The AI audit
ecosystem is not mature enough to support mandatory third-party audits.”).
253 Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Peggy Xu, Colleen Honigsberg, and Daniel Ho, “Outsider
Oversight: Designing a Third Party Audit Ecosystem for AI Governance, AIES ‘22:
Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (July 2022), at
565, 557-571,
Another possible drag on red-teaming contributions is if red-teams
are required to sign nondisclosure agreements to conduct their
probes, thereby limiting what they can share with the public and,
ultimately, the ways in which their evaluations can feed into the
accountability ecosystem.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
51 50
and independence.
Professional standards and best
practices can potentially help to strengthen the integrity
of audits.
For example, ForHumanity worked with the
Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology
(PEAT) to create a Disability Inclusion and Accessibility
audit certication, which trains auditors to assess AI sys-
tems for risks that could harm people with disabilities.
However, it is also possible that the gatekeeping of pro-
fessionalization and credentials unduly narrows partici-
pation. If credentialling is too concentrated or stringent,
it could articially constrain the supply of evaluators.
Whether as part of credentialling, or in its absence, trans-
parency about audit methodology and goals may be the
most important check on quality.
It is relatively uncontroversial that auditor independence
should be measured according to a prescribed profes-
sional standard.
The European Commission’s Digital
Services Act requires annual independent audits of pro-
viders of very large online platforms and very large online
search engines; the organizations performing these au-
dits must, among other requirements, be “independent
from” and without “any conicts of interest with” the
service providers they audit.
Auditor independence is
partly determined by the type of services auditors may
have provided to the auditee in the preceding 12-month
period prior to the audit.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002 (“Sarbanes-Oxley”) denes independence in the
context of annual nancial auditing. Some commenters
274 ForHumanity Comment at 5.
275 Raji et al., Outsider Oversight, supra note 253 at 566 (“Fears of legal repercussions or
corporate retaliation can weaken the audit inquiry, and professional standards can
help determine limited conditions for liability.”).
276 See ForHumanity, FHCert,
277 See also PWC Comment at A1 (“The communication or report on the results of
these engagements, regardless of who performs them, should specify, among other
disclosures, the type of assurance provided, the scope of the procedures, and the
framework under which it was performed”).
278 See, e.g., American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Comment at 1 (recommending
independent third-party assurance to apply “procedures designed to assess the
credibility of the information and report on the results of their procedures”); Protofect
Comment at 6 (“Calculation of risk should be determined by a 3rd party organization
that can independently perform audits and give scores given multiple contexts -
including security, privacy assessment, compliance, health and safety impact etc.”).
279 Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19
October 2022 on a Single Market for Digital Services and Amending Directive 2000/31/
EC (Digital Services Act), OJ L 277 (October 27, 2022),
reg/2022/2065/oj, arts. 37(1), (3).
280 See Digital Services Act, supra note 279, at art. 37(3)(a)(i).
and ethical AI ecosystem that provides appropriate levels
of data protection.
Others stressed that it would ad-
vance AI accountability and competition if the federal gov-
ernment made more datasets available to developers.
Conducting evaluations of AI systems, just as building and
rening them, requires the underlying computing power
to analyze enormous datasets and run applications. With
computing power, known as “compute,” concentrated in
the largest companies and some elite universities, we un-
derscore recommendations about making more compute
available to researchers and businesses.
Another part of the AI accountability ecosystem in need
of development is certication for AI system auditors,
which standards organizations are beginning to estab-
Auditors should be subject to “professional li-
censure, professional and ethical standards, and inde-
pendent quality control and oversight (e.g. peer review
and inspection).
ForHumanity, a non-prot public
charity which provides AI audit services, recommended
that such certications require auditors to be liable for
“false assurance of compliance,be qualied to provide
expert-level service,” be “held to a standard of [p]rofes-
sionalism and [c]ode of [e]thics,” and have “robust sys-
tems to support integrity and condentiality ofaudits
268 Johnson & Johnson Comment at 2. See also Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation
Blog, “Improving Responsible Access to Demographic Data to Address Bias, June
14, 2023.
demographic-data-to-address-bias (recommending the establishment of demographic
data intermediaries or, alternatively, the use of proxy data to infer demographic data in
addressing bias).
269 See, e.g., Adobe Comment at 8; U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment at 11; Kant AI
Solutions Comment at 3.
270 See, e.g., A 20-Year Community Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Research in the
US, Computing Community Consortium and AAAI, at 3 (August 2019),
National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Task Force, supra note 263, at ii. See
also Nur Ahmed & Muntasir Wahed, The De-democratization of AI: Deep Learning and
the Compute Divide in Artificial Intelligence Research, arXiv (Oct. 22, 2020), https://arxiv.
271 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 6 (advocating that
government be involved in credentialing auditors, which could lower costs and
security risks of system access).
272 ISO is developing standards, ISO/IEC CD 42001 and 42006, for integrated AI
management systems and for organizations certifying and auditing those systems
respectively. ISO/IEC CD 42001, Information technology — Artificial intelligence
— Management system; ISO/IEC CD 42006, Information technology — Artificial
intelligence — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of artificial
intelligence management systems.
273 AICPA Comment at 2.
National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force was
a federal advisory committee with equal representation
from government, academia, and private organizations,
established by the National AI Initiative Act of 2020. In
2023, it released a template for federal infrastructure
support for AI research, including “research related to ro-
bustness, scalability, reliability, safety, security, privacy,
interpretability, and equity of AI systems.
To promote
American progress in AI, it recommended that Congress
establish a research resource (the NAIRR) that would,
among other things, make datasets available for train-
ing and evaluation, and support research and education
around trustworthy AI. The AI EO directed the Director of
the National Science Foundation, in coordination with
other federal agencies, to launch a pilot program imple-
menting the NAIRR, consistent with past recommenda-
tions of the NAIRR task force.
This has now launched.
In its nal report, the NAIRR Task Force recommended
that the NAIRR should “provide access to a federated mix
of computational and data resources, testbeds, soware
and testing tools, and user support services via an inte-
grated portal.
Commenters vigorously endorsed sup-
porting the NAIRR.
Some focused on the provision of
datasets, even if NAIRR was not specically mentioned.
One commenter, for example, opined that government,
civil society and industry should collaborate “in building
data ecosystems which help generate meaningful data-
sets in quantity and quality, ensuring and enabling a fair
263 National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Task Force, Strengthening and
Democratizing the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Innovation Ecosystem: An Implementation
Plan for a National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (January 2023), at A1,
See also id. at 33-34 (proposing a data service with curated datasets including from
government), 37-39 (proposing educational resources and test beds).
264 AI EO Sec. 5.2(a)(“The program shall pursue the infrastructure, governance
mechanisms, and user interfaces to pilot an initial integration of distributed
computational, data, model, and training resources to be made available to the
research community in support of AI-related research and development.”)
265 National Science Foundation, National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot,
266 See National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Task Force, supra note 263, at v.
267 See, e.g., Public Knowledge Comment at 14 (“The NAIRR could be a huge benefit
to the development of safe, responsible, and publicly beneficial AI systems but the
NAIRR needs more than the power of the purse backing it up in order to ensure that
publicly-funded research and development remains publicly beneficial. Linking
NAIRR resources with regulatory oversight would ensure enforcement of ethical and
accountability standards and prevent public research resources from being unfairly
captured for private benefit.”); Google DeepMind Comment at 31; Governing AI, supra
note 47, at 25; Soware and Information Industry Association Comment at 11; UIUC
Comment at 17.
are embracing red-teaming.
But as one such company
noted, talent is concentrated inside private AI labs, which
reduces the capacity for independent evaluation.
other possible drag on red-teaming contributions is if
red-teams are required to sign nondisclosure agree-
ments to conduct their probes, thereby limiting what
they can share with the public and, ultimately, the ways
in which their evaluations can feed into the accountabil-
ity ecosystem. One goal of the White House red-teaming
event at Def Con 31 has been to diversify and increase
the supply of red-teams.
Red-teams, like audit teams,
should be diverse and multi-disciplinary in their mem-
bership and inquiries.
Techniques to support adver-
sarial testing and evaluation include providing bounties
and competitions for the detection of AI system aws.
Insuicient or inadequate datasets can be an obstacle to
evaluating AI systems, as well as to training, testing, and
rening them to be equitable and otherwise trustworthy.
For example, to determine if an AI system is unlawfully
discriminatory when deployed in a particular context,
it may require consideration of training datasets and/
or the availability of new datasets for testing.
This re-
quires test data that many entities will not have. Com-
menters noted that limited data or data voids make it
diicult to conduct some AI system evaluations.
The need for publicly supplied datasets for AI system
evaluation and advancement is well established. The
also uncover an AI system’s potential harms”); Comment at 15 (“DEF CON
is one example of collaborative eorts to incentivize evaluation and reporting in an
unregulated environment.”).
257 See, e.g., Google, Why Red Teams Play a Central Role in Helping Organizations Secure
AI Systems (July 2023),
258 See Anthropic Comment at 17.
259 Alan Mislove, Red-Teaming Large Language Models to Identify Novel AI Risks,
The White House (August 29, 2023),
260 See, e.g., ADL Comment at 5; Salesforce Comment at 6; Johnson & Johnson Comment
at 3 (“Diversity, equity and inclusion must be considered in all aspects of AI (e.g.,
selecting the issues to address/problems to solve using AI, training and hiring a
diverse workforce from the data scientists to programmers, attorneys, and program
261 See Amy Dickens and Benjamin Moore, Improving Responsible Access to Demographic
Data to Address Bias, Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Blog (June 14, 2023),
262 See, e.g., BSA | The Soware Alliance Comment at 12; BigBear Comment at 23.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
One concern raised in feedback to the European Commis-
sion on independent audits in the Digital Services Act is
that there is a limited number of entities that have a suf-
ciently high level of independence and can engage in
independent audits with the necessary competencies.
The dilemma is that lower standards of assurance and in-
dependence might increase auditor supply, but perhaps
at the cost of audit eectiveness and, ultimately, public
wellbeing. To be sure, the desired end state is an abun-
dant supply of very independent and qualied auditors.
Emerging AI auditor certication programs could help.
284 See, e.g., Mozilla Foundation, Response to the European Commission’s Call for
Feedback on its Dra Delegated Regulation on Independent Audits in the Digital
Services Act (June 2023),
en, at 2, (“Fostering optimal conditions requires a diversity of audit practitioners
and auditing organisations with a high level of independence and the appropriate
competencies. . . . There is currently a limited number of entities prepared to conduct
these audits given their enormous scope. Many likely auditing organisations have
existing industry ties that limit their independence. A larger and more diverse pool of
auditors must be fostered.”).
285 See also Responsible Artificial Intelligence Institute, The Responsible AI Certification
Program (October 2022),
hubfs/20965052/RAII%20Certification%20White%20Paper.pdf; ForHumanity Comment
at 3; Holistic AI Comment at 5.
recommended importation of that denition into the AI
context in the United States.
Others cautioned against
too much credence being given to these or any other for-
mal independence requirements, noting that de jure and
actual independence may diverge as auditors can be
captured” by those who pay for their services.
Auditors should have subject-matter and assurance ex-
perience and reect the diversity of aected stakehold-
Demand for people or teams qualied to conduct
AI evaluations who also satisfy the most rigorous inde-
pendence requirements could outstrip supply. At least in
the short term, tightening the supply of qualied audi-
tors could have cost implications.
281 See ForHumanity Comment at 5 (referencing Sarbanes-Oxley Act and also
recommending that auditors be subject to oversight and held liable for false
assurance); Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 18.
282 See, e.g., Data & Society Comment at 3 (“Conflicts of interest for assessors/auditors
should be anticipated and mitigated by alternate funding for assurance work.”).
283 See Global Partners Digital Comment at 4 (commenting that audits should be
conducted by teams with technical and social science expertise, human rights
expertise, subject matter experts, community members, representatives of
marginalized groups).
Auditors should have
subject-matter and
assurance experience
and reect the diversity
of aected stakeholders.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
55 54
to the use of automated systems and innovative new tech-
nologies just as they apply to other practices.
For exam-
ple, the FTC has taken action against companies that have
engaged in allegedly deceptive advertising about the
capabilities of algorithms.
In some cases, the FTC has
obtained relief including the destruction of algorithms de-
veloped using unlawfully obtained data.
Moreover, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has made clear
that the requirement to provide explanations for credit
286 Joint Statement on Enforcement Eorts, supra note 11, at 1, https://www.
287 See, e.g., Complaint, FTC v. Lasarow et al. (2015), https://www.
files/documents/cases/150223avromcmpt.pdf at 4, 9 (alleging deception, where
defendants claimed to use one or more mathematical algorithms to measure specific
characteristics of skin moles from digital images captured by a consumer’s mobile
device in order to detect melanoma). The FTC eventually reached a settlement with
the defendants. See Federal Trade Commission, “Melanoma Detection” App Sellers
Barred from Making Deceptive Health Claims (August 13, 2015), https://www.
making-deceptive-health-claims; Federal Trade Commission, FTC Cracks Down on
Marketers of “Melanoma Detection” Apps (February 23, 2015), https://www.
detection-apps. See also U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Department and Meta
Platforms Inc. Reach Key Agreement as They Implement Groundbreaking Resolution to
Address Discriminatory Delivery of Housing Advertisements (January 9, 2023), https://
agreement-they-implement-groundbreaking (Fair Housing Act settlement requiring
Facebook to change its advertisement delivery system algorithm).
288 See, e.g., Final Order, In the Matter of Cambridge Analytica, LLC, FTC Docket No. 9383
(2019), https://www.
orderpublic.pdf, at 4; Decision, In the Matter of Everalbum, FTC Docket No. C-4743
(2022) https://www.
decision_final.pdf, at 5. See also FTC v. Ring LLC, No. 1:23-cv-1549 (D.D.C. 2023)
(proposed stipulated order).
Using Accountability Inputs
While this Report focuses on information ows and evalua-
tion, many commenters expressed interest in clarication
of the second part of the AI Accountability Chain—namely,
the attribution of responsibility and the determination of
consequences. We therefore briey address how the ac-
countability inputs discussed above could feed into other
structures to help hold entities accountable for AI system
impacts. Three important structures are liability regimes,
regulatory enforcement, and market initiatives. By sup-
porting these structures, AI system information ows and
evaluations can help promote proper assessment of legal
and regulatory risk, provide public redress, and enable
market rewards for trustworthy AI.
As a threshold matter, we note that a great deal of work
is being done to understand how existing laws and legal
standards apply to the development, oering for sale,
and/or deployment of AI technologies.
Some federal agencies have taken positions within their
respective jurisdictions. In a joint statement, for instance,
the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Jus-
tices Civil Rights Division, the Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protec-
tion Bureau stated that “[e]xisting legal authorities apply
Red Teaming
Source: NTIA
attempted to do this in the cyber context by laying out,
in broad strokes, a preferred allocation of liability and
an agenda to incentivize better cybersecurity practic-
How AI liability should operate is an issue largely
beyond the scope of this Report, and will undoubtedly
be worked out in courts, agencies, and legislatures over
It is also the case that the European Commission
has proposed adopting a bespoke AI liability regime;
adopted, this regime could have impacts on risk mitiga-
tion and allocation outside of Europe as well.
The record and research surface needs for more clarity
on AI-related liability, including on the following interre-
lated issues:
Who should be legally responsible for harms stemming
from AI systems and how should such responsibility be
shared among key players? What is the place of strict
or fault-based liability for harms caused by AI? How
should ex ante AI regulation or best practices interact
with ex post liability? Should auditors be liable for
faulty audits, not only as service providers to clients,
but also as public duciaries? Should some AI actors
bear a larger share of the responsibility than others
based on their relative abilities to identify and mitigate
risks owing from AI models and/or systems?
ways to promote consistency between Federal and state eorts.”). Some commenters
also raised more discrete topics that might also be appropriate to consider in the
context of developing clearer liability rules for harms stemming from AI systems, such
as who is responsible for contributing to remedies. See, e.g., Global Partners Digital
Comment at 8 (“The liability regime established by the accountability regime should
account for the way in which developers of foundational models and implementers
should contribute to remedy in case of harm.”). One commenter suggested the
adoption of specific statutes imposing criminal liability for the misuse of AI. Ellen S.
Podgor Comment at 1.
292 The White House, National Cybersecurity Strategy (2023) at 21, https://www.
pdf (“The Administration will work with Congress and the private sector to develop
legislation establishing liability for soware products and services. Any such legislation
should prevent manufacturers and soware publishers with market power from fully
disclaiming liability by contract, and establish higher standards of care for soware in
specific high-risk scenarios.”).
293 See, e.g., DLA Piper Comment at 10 (“Courts shape precedent around accountability
for harm and influence developer behavior through risk of liability suits or fines for
issues like injuries, discrimination, violations of due process, etc.”).
294 European Commission, Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of
the Council on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence
(Reference COM(2022) 496), EUR-Lex (September 28, 2022),
legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52022PC0496, at 2.
295 See, e.g., Anthropic Comment at 7 (“Liability regimes that hold model developers
solely responsible for all potential harms could hinder progress in AI.”); Campaign
for AI Safety Comment at 3-4 (“Legislators should pass laws that clarify the joint
legal culpability of AI labs, AI providers and parties that employ AI for AI harms” and
analogizing to “polluter pays” and manufacturer liability for product safety defects);
denials applies to algorithmic systems.
The Equal Em-
ployment Opportunity Commission has issued technical
assistance and provided additional resources intended to
educate various stakeholders about compliance with fed-
eral civil rights laws when using algorithmic tools for em-
ployment-related decisions.
Other agencies are exam-
ining AI-related legal issues, such as the work underway
at the Copyright Oice and USPTO concerning intellectual
property and the Department of Labor concerning labor
protections. The courts are also examining a broad range
of issues, as are industry and civil society groups.
Nevertheless, the comments evinced a need for more
clarity on the precise application of existing laws and
the potential contours of new laws in the AI space to
benet everyone along the AI value chain, including con-
sumers, customers, users, researchers, auditors, inves-
tors, creators, manufacturers, distributors, developers,
and deployers.
The National Cybersecurity Strategy
289 See Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Consumer Financial Protection Circular
2022-03 (May 26, 2022),
290 See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Artificial Intelligence and
Algorithmic Fairness Initiative,; Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Select Issues: Assessing Adverse Impact in Soware,
Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence Used in Employment Selection Procedures
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (May 18, 2023),
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The Americans with Disabilities Act and
the Use of Soware, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence to Assess Job Applicants
and Employees (May 12, 2022),
291 See, e.g., Google DeepMind Comment at 25 (stating that policymakers should “clarify[]
liability for misuse/abuse of AI systems by various participants—researchers and
authors, creators (including open-source creators) of general-purpose and specialized
systems, implementers, and end users[.]”); Open MIC Comment at 8 (“The lack of
clarity regarding liability for AI-related harms puts both investors and rights-holders at
risk.”); Public Knowledge Comment at 2 (“We must address uncertainty about where
liability lies for AI-driven harms to ensure that stakeholders at every phase of the AI
lifecycle are contributing responsibly to the overall health of our AI ecosystem.”);
Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology Comment at 15
(“[T]he liability of developers for harms caused by their AI models should be clarified
to avoid entirely unregulated spaces.”); STM Comment at 3 (“At a minimum, clarity and
transparency are required in the use of IP and copyright, and as part of any liability
regime. AI systems can use huge volumes of copyright materials in the training process
and as part of any commercial deployment, therefore transparency obligations will
be necessary to enable rights holders to trace copyright infringements in content
ingested by AI systems.”). Some commenters suggested that the Federal government
should provide guidance on legal regimes, which could influence liability frameworks.
See, e.g., US Telecom Comment at 3 (“Additionally, there is a role for the Federal
government to address the emerging problem of inconsistent state laws [related to AI
accountability] in an economically sensible manner.”); AFL-CIO Comment at 4 (“The
Federal government should construct regulatory structures that preclude AI systems
from being deployed if they have the potential to violate U.S. laws and regulations,
undermine democratic values, violate people’s rights, including labor rights and
employment law). Cf. HRPA Comment at 7 (“We believe that the Federal government
should coordinate its eorts to promulgate guidelines and requirements on artificial
intelligence in the employment context. Where possible, we encourage NTIA to look for
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
57 56
What is the inuence and impact, if any, that external
legal regimes—including the European Union’s AI Act
and AI Liability Directive —might have on state and
federal liability systems?
How should liability rules avoid stiing bona de
research, accountability eorts, or innovative uses of
AI? What safeguards, safe harbors, or liability waivers
for entities that undertake research and trustworthy
AI practices, including adverse incident disclosure,
should be considered?
and AI-specific issues aect the use of AI in the employment context.”); Georgetown
University Center for Security and Emerging Technology Comment at 10 (noting
that “[p]roduct liability law provides inspiration for how accountability should be
distributed between upstream companies, downstream companies and end users.”);
Boston University and University of Chicago Researchers Comment at 1-2 (arguing that
accountability mechanisms are important for “(a) new or modified legal and regulatory
regimes designed to take into account assertions, evidence and similar information
provided by AI developers relevant to intended or known users of their products, and
(b) existing regimes such as product liability, consumer protection, and other laws
designed to protect users and others against harm.).
297 See, e.g., SaferAI Comment at 2 (“We believe that the article 28 of the EU AI Act
parliament dra lays out useful foundations on which the US could draw upon in
particular regarding the distribution of the liability along the value chain to make
sure to not hamper innovation from SMEs, which is one of EU’s primary concerns.”);
Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) Comment at 3 (“This
approach – classifying AI into dierent categories and establishing policy accordingly
– aligns with the European Union’s AI Act, which is currently working its way through
their legislative processes. While AIIM is not indicating its support for this legislation
nor advocating for the U.S. government to adopt similar policy, the premise is
commendable.”); Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology
Comment at 6 (“Accountability mechanisms should make sure to clearly define
what dierent actors in the value chain are accountable for, and what information
sharing is necessary for that party to fulfill their responsibilities. For example, the EU
parliament’s proposal for the AI Act requires upstream AI developers to share technical
documentation and grant the necessary level of technical access to downstream
AI providers such that the latter can assess the compliance of their product with
standards required by the AI Act.”); ICLE Comment at 9-11 (criticizing the proposed EU
AI Act’s “broad risk-based approach.”).
Are the various liability frameworks that already
govern AI systems (e.g., in civil rights and consumer
protection law, labor laws, intellectual property laws,
contracts, etc.) suicient to address harms or are new
laws needed to respond to any unique challenges?
The Future Society Comment at 12 (“Transferring absolute liability to third-party
auditors would erroneously presuppose their capability to audit for novel risks. . . .
Shared liability between developers, deployers, and auditors encourages all involved
parties to maintain high standards of diligence, enhances eective risk management,
and fosters a culture of accountability in AI development and deployment.”); Global
Partners Digital at 3 (arguing that “[l]iability should be clearly and proportionately
assigned to the level in which those dierent entities are best positioned to prevent or
mitigate harm in the AI system performance.”); Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine &
Law Comment at 11 (“[P]olicymakers should consider vicarious liability and personal
consequences for malfeasance by corporate executives”); ACT | The App Association
Comment at 2 (“Providers, technology developers and vendors, and other stakeholders
all benefit from understanding the distribution of risk and liability in building, testing,
and using AI tools. ..[T]hose in the value chain with the ability to minimize risks based
on their knowledge and ability to mitigate should have appropriate incentives to do
so”); Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology Comment
at 1 (“Due to the large variety of actors in the AI ecosystem, we recommend designing
mechanisms that place clear accountability on the actors who are most responsible for,
or best positioned to, influence a certain step in the value chain”). See also Salesforce
Comment at 8 (“AI developers like Salesforce oen create general customizable AI
tools, whose intended purpose is low-risk, and it is the customer’s responsibility (i.e.,
the AI deployer) to decide how these tools are employed. . . .It is the customer, and not
Salesforce, that knows what has been disclosed to the aected individual, and what
the risk of harm is to the aected individual.”).
296 See, e.g., Senator Dick Durbin Comment at 2 (“[W]e must also review and, where
necessary, update our laws to ensure the mere adoption of automated AI systems
does not allow users to skirt otherwise applicable laws (e.g., where the law requires
‘intent.’)”); ICLE Comment at 15 (“[T]he right approach to regulating AI is not the
establishment of an overarching regulatory framework, but a careful examination of
how AI technologies will variously interact with dierent parts of the existing legal
system”); Open MIC Comment at 8 (“Legal experts are divided regarding how AI-related
harms fit into existing liability regimes like product liability, defamation, intellectual
property, and third-party-generated content.”); CDT Comment at 33 (“The greatest
challenge in successfully enforcing a claim against AI harms under existing civil rights
and consumer protection laws is that the entities developing and deploying AI are not
always readily recognized as entities that traditionally have been covered under these
laws. This ambiguity helps entities responsible for AI harms claim that existing laws do
not apply to them.); HRPA Comment at 5 (“The use of technology in the employment
context is already subject to extensive regulation which should be taken into
consideration when developing any additional protections. In the United States alone,
Federal and state laws dealing with anti-discrimination, labor policy, data privacy,
uals can be empowered to decide what systems are fair
and adhere to critical due process norms.
AI account-
ability inputs can make it easier to bring cases and vin-
dicate interests now or in the future.
At the same time,
entities that may be on the other end of litigation (e.g.,
AI developers and deployers alleged to have caused or
contributed to harm) can also benet from more infor-
mation ow about defensible processes.
The creation of safe harbors from liability is relevant to AI
accountability, whether the one sheltered in that harbor
is an AI actor or an independent researcher. The Admin-
istrations National Cybersecurity Strategy, for example,
recommends the creation of safe harbors in connection
with new liability rules for soware.
A small minority
of commenters addressed the safe harbor issues. Some
expressed doubt that safe harbors for AI actors in con-
nection with AI system-related harms would be appropri-
A number of commenters argued that researchers
301 Twenty-three Attorneys General Comment at 3. See also AI & Equality Comment at 2
(“[E]nabling AI-based systems with adequate transparency and explanation to aected
people about their uses, capabilities, and limitations amounts to applying the due
process safeguards derived from constitutional law in the analogue world to the digital
302 See, e.g., AI & Equality Comment at 2 (“[T]ransparency and explainability mechanisms
play an important role in guaranteeing the information self-determination of
individuals subjected to automated decision-making, enabling them to access and
understand the output decision and its underlying elements, and thus providing
pathways for those who wish to challenge and request a review of the decision.”)
(emphasis added); CDT Comment at 22 (“[A] publicly released audit provides a
measure of transparency, while transparency provides information necessary to
determine whether liability should be imposed.”).
303 See, e.g., AIIM Comment at 3 (“[Organizations] are reluctant to implement new
technology when they do not know their liabilities, dont know if or how they will
be audited or who will be auditing them, and are unclear about who may have
access to their data, among other things. . . .For instance, insurance companies have
had AI for years that can analyze images of crashes or other incidents to help make
determinations about fault or awards, but companies have been afraid to use it out of
fear of the potential liability if an AI-made decision is contested.”); Public Knowledge
Comment at 11 (noting that understanding liability “is especially important to ensure
that harms can be adequately addressed and also so that academic researchers, new
market entrants, and users can engage with AI with clarity about their responsibilities
and confidence surrounding their risk.”); DLA Piper Comment at 3 (“Undertaking
accountability mechanisms reduces potential liabilities in the event of accidents or
AI failures by showing diligent governance and responsibility were exercised.”); CDT
Comment at 29 (“One of the key ways of ensuring accountability is the promulgation of
laws and regulations that set standards for AI systems and impose potential liability for
violations. Such liability both provides for redress for harms suered by individuals and
creates incentives for AI system developers and deployers to minimize the risk of those
harms from occurring in the first place.”).
304 See The White House, supra note 292, at 20-21 (Strategic Objective 3.3).
305 See Senator Dick Durbin Comment at 2 (“And, perhaps most importantly, we must
defend against eorts to exempt those who develop, deploy, and use AI systems
from liability for the harms they cause.”); Global Partners Digital Comment at 10
(“Accountability needs to be embedded throughout the whole value chain, or more
specifically, throughout the entire lifecycle of the AI system. . . . [L]iability waivers do
not seem appropriate, and there is a clear need for a dynamic distribution of the legal
liability in case of harm.”).
AI accountability inputs can assist in the development
of liability regimes governing AI by providing people
and entities along the value chain with information and
knowledge essential to assess legal risk and, as needed,
exercise their rights.
It can be diicult for those who
have suered AI-mediated employment discrimina-
tion, nancial discrimination, or other AI system-related
harms to bring a legal claim because proof, or even recog-
nition, that an AI system led to harm can be hard to come
by; thus, even if an aected party could, in theory, bring
a case to remedy a harm, they may not do so because
of information and knowledge barriers.
ty inputs can assist people harmed by AI to understand
causal connections, and, therefore, help people deter-
mine whether to pursue legal or other remedies.
As a comment from twenty-three state and territory at-
torneys general stated, “[b]y requiring appropriate dis-
closure of key elements of high-risk AI systems, individ-
298 While accountability inputs can play an important role in the assigning of liability, we
note that these inputs do not in themselves supplant appropriate liability rules. See,
e.g., The Future Society Comment at 8 (“Third-party assessment and audits must not
be perceived as silver bullets. . . . Furthermore, external audits, in particular, may be
subject to liability-washing (companies seeking to conduct external audits with the
ulterior motivation of evading liability.”); Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law
Comment at 3 (“Governance of AI systems to foster trust and accountability requires
avoiding the seductive appeal of AI half-measures’—those regulatory tools and
mechanisms like transparency requirements, checks for bias, and other procedural
requirements that are necessary but not suicient for true accountability.”); Boston
University and University of Chicago Researchers Comment at 2 (“[A]ccountability and
transparency mechanisms are a necessary but not suicient aspect of AI regulation.
. . . To be eective, a regulatory approach for AI systems must go beyond procedural
protections to include substantive, non-negotiable obligations that limit how AI
systems can be built and deployed.”). When AI transparency and system evaluations
contribute additional information and knowledge that could be used to bring legal
cases, the challenge may remain on how to apply legal concepts to modern use
situations involving AI even when people agree a law may be applicable. See, e.g., Lorin
Brennan, “AI Ethical Compliance is Undecidable”, 14 Hastings Sci. & Tech. L.J. 311, 323-
332 (2023) (arguing that it is “unsettled how applicable law should be applied” in the
context of AI ethical compliance).
299 See, e.g., CDT Comment at 34 (“Due to the lack of transparency in AI uses, the plainti
may not have the information needed to even establish a prima facie case. They may
not even know whether or how an AI system was used in making a decision, let alone
have the information about training data, how a system works, or what role it plays in
order to oer direct evidence of the AI user’s discriminatory intent or to discover what
similarly situated people experienced due to the AI.”); Public Knowledge Comment at
12 (“Unfortunately, identifying the party responsible for introducing problems into the
AI system can be challenging, even though the resulting harms may be evident. While
much has been written on dierent legal regimes and their eectiveness in addressing
AI-related harms, less attention has been given to determining the specific entities in
the chain of development and use who bear responsibility.”).
300 See, e.g., OECD, Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence, Section
1.3 (2019),
Cf. Danielle Citron, “Technological Due Process, 85 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1249, 1253-54
(2008) (“Automation generates unforeseen problems for the adjudication of important
individual rights. Some systems adjudicate in secret, while others lack recordkeeping
audit trails, making review of the law and facts supporting a system’s decisions
impossible. Inadequate notice will discourage some people from seeking hearings and
severely reduce the value of hearings that are held.”).
AI accountability inputs can assist in the
development of liability regimes governing
AI by providing people and entities along
the value chain with information and
knowledge essential to assess legal risk
and, as needed, exercise their rights.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
59 58
Regulators are increasingly facing complex technical sys-
tems with varying degrees of autonomy whose “conduct”
may be diicult to parse and predict.
AI systems will oen be integrated
into a wide range of other technol-
ogies across critical infrastructure
sectors, some of which (e.g., trans-
portation safety) have well-devel-
oped regulatory regimes. Experts
observe that regulatory tools and
capacities have not kept pace with
AI developments.
discussed how regulation does or
should intersect with AI systems, in-
cluding the need for clarity and new
regulatory tools or enforcement
Opacity can make it diicult for regulators to
enforce legal requirements for trustworthy AI, and sever-
al federal regulatory authorities have recently pointed to
the “black box” nature of some automated systems as a
problem in determining whether automated systems are
fair and legally compliant.
Again, without commenting on the precise structure of
enforcement, we posit that regulators of all types will
have an easier job enforcing law and regulations if there is
greater information ow around, and better evaluations
of, AI systems. As these questions are considered in many
arenas and regulators more forcefully tackle AI harms, the
accountability inputs addressed in this Report can help to
309 See, e.g., Alex Engler, “A Comprehensive and Distributed Approach to AI Regulation,
Brookings Institution (Aug. 31, 2023) (“Many agencies lack critical capacity regarding
algorithmic oversight, including: the authority to require entities to retain data,
code, models, and technical documentation; the authority to subpoena those same
materials; the technical ability to audit [the systems]; and the legal authority to set
rules for their use.”).
310 See supra Sec. 2.4. See also Anthropic Comment at 19 (“Clarity on antitrust regulation
would help determine whether and how AI labs can coordinate on safety standards.
Sensible coordination around consumer-friendly standards seems possible, but
regulators’ guidance on the issue would be welcome.”) (internal emphasis omitted);
Shaping the Future of Work Comment at 7 (“These issues and impacts [related to
generative AI technology] do not require that our regulatory framework start from
scratch, but instead require appropriate application of existing frameworks for robots,
automation, internet, and other digital technologies.”).
311 See Joint Statement on Enforcement Eorts, supra note 11, at 3 (“Many automated
systems are ‘black boxes’ whose internal workings are not clear to most people and,
in some cases, even the developer of the tool. This lack of transparency oen makes
it all the more diicult for developers, businesses, and individuals to know whether an
automated system is fair.”).
(or a dened class of them) and perhaps some auditors
should enjoy a safe harbor from various kinds of liability
in connection with bona de eorts to evaluate AI sys-
Another approach related
to a safe harbor is to create regula-
tory sandboxes for high-risk AI sys-
tems so that AI actors and regula-
tors can learn about AI system risks
in a controlled environment for a
limited period of time, without un-
duly exposing the public to AI risks
or the AI actors to regulatory risks.
The OECD has a workstream related
to this topic.
A safe harbor might
also be considered to facilitate
safety-related information-sharing
among companies. These options
should be thoroughly examined with input not only from
direct safe harbor beneciaries, but also from aected
individuals and communities.
306 See, e.g., Engine Advocacy Comment at 4 (citing approvingly government safe harbor
programs to encourage compliance, such as the FTC COPPA Safe Harbor Program and
the HHS breach safe harbor program); Boston University and University of Chicago
Researchers Comment at 8 (“[W]e encourage the enactment of legal protection for
researchers seeking to study algorithms[.] . . .”); ACT-IAC Comment at 11 (supporting
providing external auditors maximum system access, including through appropriate
security clearances, coupled with “liability waivers and the ability to publish the
review[s] externally—to the extent that clearance allows—to ensure transparency.”);
Mozilla OAT Comment at 7 (“For [data] access, external auditors need safe harbors
against retaliation for the publication of unfavorable results and custom tooling for
data collection.”); AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 3 (“The
Federal government should consider the establishment of narrowly-scoped ‘safe
harbor’ provisions for industry and researchers, designed to reasonably assure that
entities participating in good faith auditing exercises are not subjected to undue
liability risk or retaliation”).
307 See supra note 69. See also Jon Truby, Rafael Dean Brown, Imad Antoine Ibrahim, and
Oriol Caudevilla Parellada, “A Sandbox Approach to Regulating High-Risk Artificial
Intelligence Applications,” European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vo. 13, No. 2, at 270–94
(2022), (arguing for a robust sandbox approach
to regulating high-risk AI applications as a necessary complement to strict liability
regulation); European Parliament, The Artificial Intelligence Act and Regulatory
EPRS_BRI(2022)733544_EN.pdf (“regulatory sandboxes generally refer to regulatory
tools allowing businesses to test and experiment with new and innovative products,
services or businesses under supervision of a regulator for a limited period of time.
As such, regulatory sandboxes have a double role: 1) they foster business learning,
i.e., the development and testing of innovations in a real-world environment; and
2) support regulatory learning, i.e., the formulation of experimental legal regimes to
guide and support businesses in their innovation activities under the supervision of a
regulatory authority. In practice, the approach aims to enable experimental innovation
within a framework of controlled risks and supervision, and to improve regulators
understanding of new technologies.”) (internal emphasis omitted).
308 OECD, “Regulatory sandboxes in artificial intelligence,” OECD Digital Economy Papers,
No. 356, (2023) (recommending that governments “consider using experimentation
to provide a controlled environment in which AI systems can be tested and scaled
up”), See also
build the records needed for sound administration and
law enforcement. The same is true of the recommenda-
tions to build the accountability ecosystem, including by
funding capacity within the federal government.
Accountability inputs help shine a light on practices that
should be subject to regulatory oversight and equip reg-
ulators with the information and
knowledge they need to apply their
respective bodies of law.
As with
clarity on liability, clarity about reg-
ulatory enforcement can benet
parties along the value chain, in-
cluding by helping everyone under-
stand what is required for compli-
ance and the broader achievement
of trustworthy AI.
A market for trustworthy AI could gain traction if gov-
ernment and/or nongovernmental entities were able to
grade or otherwise certify AI systems for trustworthy at-
tributes. Evidence from other public-private certication
projects suggests that transparency and clear evaluation
metrics are key to trust and adoption. To the extent ap-
plicable, certication could be based on existing metrics,
frameworks, and standards developed by NIST and na-
tional or international bodies.
For instance, under the ENERGY STAR® program, which
is administered by the United States Environmental Pro-
tection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE),
companies may voluntarily seek certication to display
the ENERGY STAR label on those products that meet
strict performance requirements for energy eiciency.
312 See, e.g., Public Knowledge Comment at 3 (“Transparency could involve [. . .] enabling
regulators to thoroughly examine models, even when trade secrets or intellectual
property laws protect them.”); AI Impacts Comment at 2 (noting that “robust
methods” for “evaluating AI systems and assessing risk . . . can help regulators verify
safety and help AI developers build trust with other stakeholders.”); Global Partners
Digital Comment at 17 (“[A] central element of any accountability regime should be
addressing the information asymmetries in order to enhance the external stakeholder
assessment and the authority oversight of the quality of the evaluation performed
of the AI system.”). See also Mozilla OAT Comment at 7 (“Much of the regulatory
requirements for internal auditors or professional audit actors is an enforcement
of some degree of visibility or oversight on their internal assessment processes
and outcomes, which currently remain relatively obscure to external stakeholders,
including regulators and the public.”).
This labeling provides a way for “consumers and busi-
nesses who want to save energy and money” to do so by
choosing products with the ENERGY STAR label, there-
by relying on a recognizable and trustworthy informa-
tion mechanism.
To date, ENERGY STAR has achieved
widespread adoption, leading to substantial energy and
consumer savings.
Likewise, the Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED)
program, led by the non-prot U.S.
Green Building Council (USGBC),
allows green building projects to
earn a certication (platinum, gold,
silver, or certied) based on adher-
ence to certain environmental met-
Per USGBC, LEED projects
have been adopted worldwide.
Programs like ENERGY STAR and
LEED empower their users (e.g.,
individuals, businesses) to make informed choices,
guide regulators and lawmakers,
and more generally
help build community trust.
Certication could even
provide the basis for liability safe harbors, should those
be created by legislation, to encourage participation in
the certication process, in appropriate cases.
314 See ENERGY STAR, About ENERGY STAR, See also
315 See id. (“Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped prevent 4 billion metric
tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering our atmosphere; By choosing ENERGY
STAR, a typical household can save about $450 on their energy bills each year and still
enjoy the quality and performance they expect; Approximately 1,700 manufacturers
and 1,200 retailers partner with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY
STAR certified products.”).
316 See U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Rating System,
317 See U.S. Green Building Council, Press Room,
(noting “more than 185,000 total LEED projects worldwide” “and “more than
185 countries and territories with LEED projects” and “more than 205,000 LEED
professionals around the world.”). See also Twenty-three Attorneys General Comment
at 3-4 (“As an example of a private sector program, the [LEED] standard has spurred the
move towardsgreen buildings.’”).
318 See, e.g., ENERGY STAR, About ENERGY STAR,
(“The blue ENERGY STAR label provides simple, credible, and unbiased information
that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions.”) (emphasis
319 See, e.g., The Policing Project at New York University’s School of Law Comment at
2 (“Before LEED, there was no mechanism to incentivize this type of information-
surfacing about buildings’ environmental impact. Thanks to the information surfaced
by LEED certification, lawmakers now have an objective standard against which they
can tie the development of building regulations.”).
320 See Twenty-three Attorneys General Comment at 3-4 (referencing Energy Star and
LEED in the context of “agile and dynamic public and civic initiatives that build trust
and spur trusted technological changes.”).
Opacity can make it dicult
for regulators to enforce
legal requirements for
trustworthy AI, and several
federal regulatory authorities
have recently pointed to
the “black box” nature of
some automated systems as
a problem in determining
whether automated systems
are fair and legally compliant.
Accountability inputs help
shine a light on practices
that should be subject to
regulatory oversight and
equip regulators with the
information and knowledge
they need to apply their
respective bodies of law.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Learning From
Other Models
Such a process for AI systems could contribute to a func-
tioning market for trustworthy AI. While issues remain
about whether such certication programs should be led
by government or non-governmental entities (or both),
certication programs could enlarge the marketplace for
trustworthy AI by bridging information and knowledge
gaps. However, a major challenge to establish certica-
tions, as one commenter observed, is the diiculty in
gaining suicient legitimacy and credibility.
tional Programs, which itself administers industry certi-
cations, notes that eective certication mechanisms
have consistent and veriable standards and transpar-
ency markers (e.g., “trust marks, annual reports, or con-
sumer complaint processes”), among other characteris-
We agree with the comment from twenty-three
attorneys general that transparency around the evalua-
321 Friedman et al., supra note 73, at 748. In particular, in the context of private
certification programs of technology used by police, the Policing Project’s study
found that “institutional trust in policing agencies and Big Tech is low, especially from
communities most impacted by policing tech, such as Black communities. Id. at 746.
Here, Policing Project’s law review article advises that transparency in certification
schemes themselves is crucial to building trust. Id. at 748-49.
322 See BBB National Programs Comment at 3. In addition to “consistent standards”
(which includes verifiability) and “transparency, BBB National Programs highlights
additional characteristics it believes are key for an “eective and accountable
independent certification mechanisms” to demonstrate: “defined areas of
responsibility[,]” “oversight and independent review[,]” “regulatory recognition[,]” and
“layers of accountability. Id.
A market for trustworthy AI could
gain traction if government and/or
nongovernmental entities were
able to grade or otherwise certify AI
systems for trustworthy attributes.
tion process is critical and certication programs should
operate “through transparent and veriable policies and
practices driven by appropriate standards including a
code of ethics.
Establishing and promoting certication systems can fur-
ther the development of a trustworthy marketplace for
More abundant and reliable information of the type
discussed in Section 3 above can make it easier to generate
public trust in AI, AI evaluations, and AI certications.
323 See Twenty-three Attorneys General Comment at 4 (emphasis added).
324 See BBB National Programs Comment at 3 (noting that several of the characteristics
are important in the development of a marketplace, including by bringing consistency
and reducing friction). See also id. at 5 (arguing that “[t]his type of certification-based
system with a trusted mark and standardized reporting can serve a vital role in
building a trustworthy AI marketplace.”) (referencing the BBB National Programs and
the Center for Industry Self-Regulation’s Principles for Trustworthy AI in Recruiting
and Hiring and accompanying Hiring and Independent Certification Protocols for AI-
Enabled Hiring and Recruiting Technologies).
325 See, e.g., Johnson & Johnson Comment at 4 (“Developing a framework to enhance the
explicability of AI systems that support decision-making on socially significant issues,
such as healthcare, is a component of building societal trust… Central to a supportable
framework is the ability for individuals to obtain a factually correct, and generally clear
explanation of the decision-making process”); AI Policy and Governance Working Group
Comment at 2 (“Moving quickly to address risks concerning AI systems and tools will not
only provide accountability, it will promote the trust of the American public.”); AI Impacts
Comment at 2. Cf. Gary Marchant et al., Governing Emerging Technologies Through So
Law: Lessons for Artificial Intelligence, 61 Jurametrics J. 1, 9 (2020). (“The biggest deficits
of so law programs…relate to their eectiveness and credibility. Their provisions are
oen phrased in broad and general terms, making compliance diicult to objectively
determine, especially without any type of reporting or monitoring requirement.).
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
63 62
The modern legal and regulatory regime governing the
nancial services sector—including for reporting and dis-
closure obligations—is partly a response to major, global
nancial crises that disrupted the economic order and
led to calls for increased oversight.
At the federal level,
nancial sector risks have focused the attention of law-
makers seeking to protect investors and promote a trust-
worthy marketplace.
Congress has passed a variety of
laws since the 1930’s, including the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 and Sarbanes-Oxley, which aim to foster ac-
countability in the nancial sector.
A detailed analysis
of these legal regimes is out of scope of this Report, but
the general structure around nancial accounting/report-
ing and related auditing standards—particularly for public
companies subject to securities laws—is an area worth ex-
ploring to further AI accountability.
Financial accounting and auditing standards for pub-
lic companies are established through a public-private
collaborative process, subject to key federal govern-
ment oversight and federal participation in the process.
For accounting standards, the Securities and Exchange
accountability system).
330 See, e.g., PWC Comment at 1 (“Notably, however, the ecosystem around financial
reporting is a child of crisis: the stock market crash of 1929 created the initial
requirements for reporting by and audits of public companies while the high-
profile collapse of companies such as Enron in the early 2000s led to enhanced
responsibilities for management to provide reporting around internal control over
financial reporting.); U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services,
Report on the Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency
Act of 2002, H. Rept. 107-414 (April 22, 2002), at 18 (“Following the bankruptcies
of Enron Corporation and Global Crossing LLC, and restatements of earnings by
several prominent market participants, regulators, investors and others expressed
concern about the adequacy of the current disclosure regime for public companies.
Additionally, they expressed concerns about the role of auditors in approving
corporate financial statements. . . .); William H. Donaldson, Testimony Concerning
Implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (September 9, 2003),
htm (“Sparked by dramatic corporate and accounting scandals, the [Sarbanes-Oxley]
Act represents the most important securities legislation since the original Federal
securities laws of the 1930s.”).
331 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, About the SEC,
about (“The mission of the SEC is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and
eicient markets; and facilitate capital formation. The SEC strives to promote a
market environment that is worthy of the public’s trust.”). See also U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission, Mission,
332 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry, (listing various securities laws).
333 The legal and regulatory structure of the financial services is complex, and for
the purposes of this Report, we principally focus on financial accounting and
auditing standards in the private sector. The federal government and state and
local governments have their own accounting and auditing mechanisms. See, e.g.,
Congressional Research Service, Accounting and Auditing Regulatory Structure: U.S.
and International (Report R44894) (July 19, 2017),
product/pdf/R/R44894, at 11-18 (providing descriptions). These structures may also be
worth analyzing further in the context of developing AI accountability measures.
Learning From Other Models
The RFC asked what accountability policies adopted in oth-
er domains might be useful precedents for AI accountabil-
ity policy. Commenters addressed this question in detail.
The assurance system for nancial accounting is an ob-
vious referent for AI assurance. Some existing nancial
sector laws may be directly applicable to AI.
they may still furnish useful analogies. In other words, as
one commenter stated, “the established nancial report-
ing ecosystem provides a valuable skeleton and helpful
scaolding for the key components needed to establish
an AI accountability framework.
In the nancial sector, a standard setting body develops
guidelines for how an auditor should assess the nan-
cial disclosures of a business. Then, an independent cer-
tied professional evaluates that business against those
The goal of a nancial audit is to give inves-
tors assurance that they have high quality information
about the business, which in turn aids the public trust in
the capital markets. Audits cover both governance con-
trols and metrics for reporting nancial information, and
they are structured as reviews of management’s certied
claims about each.
326 See, e.g., Intel Comment at 3 (“[T]here are numerous existing laws or regulations that
apply to the deployment and use of AI technology, such as state privacy laws, federal
consumer financial laws and adverse action requirements enforced by the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, constitutional provisions and Federal statutes prohibiting
discrimination under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justices Civil Rights Division,
and the Federal Trade Commission Act which protects consumers from deceptive or
unfair business practices and unfair methods of competition across most sectors of
the U.S. economy.”); Morningstar, Inc. Comment at 1 (“Morningstar believes that new
AI-specific regulation may not be necessary because current financial regulations are
generally draed broadly enough to encompass AI products and their use.).
327 PWC Comment at 1. See also id. at A4 (“In developing an AI accountability framework,
we recommend that policy makers look to the financial reporting ecosystem as the
gold standard in ensuring the reliability of, and market confidence in, company-specific
328 See, e.g., Paul Munter, The Importance of High Quality Independent Audits and
Eective Audit Committee Oversight to High Quality Financial Reporting to Investors,
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (October 26, 2021) https://www.
329 PWC Comment at A4 (providing a graphic of the relationships in the financial
For auditing standards, Sarbanes-Oxley created the Pub-
lic Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), a
non-prot corporation that is subject to SEC oversight.
Oversight includes the SEC’s “approval of the Board’s
rules, standards, and budget.
PCAOB itself is tasked
with “oversee[ing] the audit of companies subject to se-
curities laws.
Among its duties, PCAOB must, based on
certain SEC actions, “register public accounting rms that
prepare audit reports,” “establish or adopt . . . auditing. . .
and other standards relating to the preparation of audit re-
ports,” “conduct inspections of registered public account-
ing rms,” “conduct investigations and disciplinary pro-
ceedings concerning, and impose appropriate sanctions
where justied upon, registered public accounting rms
and associated persons of such rms.
The SEC may de-
termine additional duties or functions for the Board to en-
hance the relevant audit landscape.
In furtherance of its
mission, PCAOB has established a series of auditing and
other standards related to nancial auditing.
(“The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today announced that the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accepted the 2023 GAAP Financial
Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) and the 2023 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) (collectively
referred to as the ‘GAAP Taxonomy’). The FASB also finalized the 2023 DQC Rules
Taxonomy (DQCRT), which together with the GAAP Taxonomy are collectively referred
to as the ‘FASB Taxonomies.’”).
337 See generally Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 116 Stat. 745 (2002), title I; Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board, About,
338 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, About,
339 15 U.S.C. § 7211(a).
340 15 U.S.C. § 7211(c)(1)-(4).
341 See 15 U.S.C. § 7211(c)(5).
342 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Standards,
oversight/standards; Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Auditing Standards
of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,
audits_aer_december_15_2020.pdf (latest auditing standards, for fiscal years ending
Commission (SEC) has the authority to recognize “gen-
erally accepted” accounting principles developed by a
standards-setting body. By law, this recognition must
be based on the SEC’s determination that the stan-
dards-setting body meets certain criteria, including “the
need to keep standards current in order to reect chang-
es in the business environment[]” and can help the SEC
fulll the agency’s mission because, “at a minimum, the
standard setting body is capable of improving the ac-
curacy and eectiveness of nancial reporting and the
protection of investors under the securities laws.
day, the SEC recognizes the independent non-prot Fi-
nancial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) as the desig-
nated private-sector standards setter, and considers its
set standards as “generally accepted” under Sarbanes-
The SEC has made clear that there is federal
oversight of this structure and that the SEC continues to
have an important role in the standards’ recognition.
334 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 116 Stat. 745, Section 108(b)(1)(B) (2002).
335 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Commission Statement of Policy
Reairming the Status of the FASB as a Designated Private-Sector Standard Setter, 68
Fed. Reg. 23333 (May 1, 2003). On its own authority, the SEC since 1973 has recognized
FASB’s financial and accounting reporting standards as authoritative, but Sarbanes-
Oxley helped provide a clearer, updated structure from Congress that the SEC could
rely on to determine whether the standard-setting body produced “authoritative” or
generally accepted” financial accounting and reporting standards.
336 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 68 Fed. Reg. at 23334 (“While the
Commission consistently has looked to the private sector in the past to set accounting
standards, the securities laws, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, clearly provide the
Commission with authority to set accounting standards for public companies and
other entities that file financial statements with the Commission.) (citing Section
108(c) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which states, “Nothing in this Act, including this
section...shall be construed to impair or limit the authority of the Commission to
establish accounting principles or standards for purposes of enforcement of the
securities laws.”). See also Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Section 108(b)(1)(B) (“In carrying
out its authority under sub-section (a) and under section 13(b) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Commission may recognize, as ‘generally accepted’ for
purposes of the securities laws, any accounting principles established by a standard
setting body.”) (emphasis added); Financial Accounting Standards Board, SEC Accepts
2023 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and SEC Reporting Taxonomy (March 21,
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
65 64
Forming audit oversight boards, similar to the
PCAOB, to train auditors, assess their qualifications,
and adjudicate conflicts of interest.
Imposing annual requirements for public compa-
nies that are AI actors to assess the eectiveness
of their internal controls over AI risk management,
documentation, and disclosure and have auditors
attest to the company’s assessment. This is analo-
gous to what is required of public companies with
respect to financial reporting.
Clarifying that because AI audits can take many
forms and answer dierent questions, disclosing
the terms of engagement and audit methodology
creates critical context.
Encouraging collaboration between AI actors and
regulators on risk management. In the words of one
commenter, collaboration between financial institu-
tions and their regulators “illustrates that a tailored
yet flexible approach provides strong accountability
measures that also allow industry to innovate.
346 SIFMA Comment at 2-3.
Thus, accounting and auditing standards for the nan-
cial sector, subject to public securities law,
are struc-
tured to permit non-governmental entities to lead in the
creation of standards but give regulators the chance to
contribute to and oversee the standards-setting pro-
While such structure is not without criticism,
has proven to be relatively eective in providing assur-
ance about audited nancials.
A review of the comments yields composite recommen-
dations to use certain features of the nancial account-
ability model for possible adoption in the AI accountabil-
ity space. Some ideas include:
on or aer Dec. 15, 2020).
343 Congressional Research Service, supra note 333, at 2. The graphic is accompanied by
the following note: “In the first panel, the striated line indicates the SEC’s oversight role
over accounting standards promulgated by the FASB. The FASB’s parent organization,
the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), is a nonstock Delaware corporation.
Neither FASB nor FAF is a government agency, even though the SEC does have
oversight of the budget for FASB and the accounting standards as promulgated by
FASB (FAF, “Facts About FAF,
Page/FAFSectionPage&cid=1176157790151). Id.
344 Id.
345 Sarah J. Williams, “The Alchemy of Eective Auditor Regulation, 25 Lewis & Clark
Law Rev.1089, 1107 n.105 (2022) (collecting sources criticizing auditing standards and
In the United States, the SEC has adopted rules requir-
ing climate-related disclosures for public companies.
Companies are incorporating ESG disclosure models in
their operations, using measurements from organiza-
tions modeled on nancial accounting boards, such as
the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.
are many other standards and methods deployed in
ESG evaluations.
While ESG disclosure models are not
currently designed to evaluate AI’s impact, comment-
ers suggested incorporating AI and data practices more
generally into the evaluation.
For example, respect for
individuals’ privacy rights is a human rights issue and at
the same time it is a “social impact” issue within bounds
of the “S” in ESG.
There is a risk for ESG evaluations, as well as for AI trust-
worthiness evaluations, that the goals and standards are
too varied for meaningful results. One academic paper
describes the problem as follows: “due to the ambiguity
of what is being audited, ESG certications risk becoming
cheap talk,’ rubber stamping practices without in fact pro-
moting social responsibility.
Some questions may not
be answerable. In the ESG context, this might be a ques-
tion about supply chain responsibility. In the AI context,
rights standards for AI).
351 SEC, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures
for Investors (Final Rule) (Mar. 6, 2024),
final/2024/33-11275.pdf (requiring “registrants to provide certain climate related
information in their registration statements and annual reports” including “information
about a registrant’s climate-related risks that have materially impacted, or are
reasonably likely to have a material impact on, its business strategy, results of
operations, or financial condition.”).
352 See generally, SASB Standards, SASB Standards and other ESG Frameworks: The
Sustainability Reporting Ecosystem,
frameworks/; SEC, supra note 351 (proposing for public companies a similar reporting
format); Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
14 December 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC,
Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU, as regards corporate sustainability
reporting, OJ L 322 (Dec. 16, 2022),
(adopting European Sustainability Reporting Standards that require ESG reporting for
companies in the EU starting January 1, 2024).
353 See, e.g., Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Task Force
on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG).
354 See, e.g., CAQ Comment at 7 (noting that AI safety standards are a predicate for
evaluation as part of the ESG process.).
355 See Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 22.
356 Raji et al., Outsider Oversight, supra note 253, at 558. See also Open MIC Comment at 5
(“Without mandatory standards for AI audits and assessments, including those focused
on measuring adverse impacts to human rights, there is an incentive for companies
to ‘social wash’ their AI assessments; i.e. give investors and other stakeholders the
impression that they are using AI responsibly without any meaningful eorts to ensure
Establishing a federal regulator with cross-sectoral
authority to oversee the implementation of AI
Financial accountability models and assurance meth-
ods are more mature than accountability mechanisms
for human rights and ESG performance. This exibility is
both an asset and a liability when it comes to consider-
ing these accountability regimes as models and vehicles
for trustworthy AI evaluations.
A principal input for holding entities accountable for hu-
man rights harms are human rights impact assessments,
“which are grounded in the [United Nations Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights], a non-bind-
ing framework endorsed by the United Nations Human
Rights Council in 2011.
Folding AI evaluations into
human rights impact assessments is one way to ensure
that AI evaluations take human rights into account and
that human rights evaluations take AI into account.
one commenter put it, “there are benets in using the
same methodology and not burdening teams with per-
forming several assessments in parallel.
A number of
commenters suggested incorporating human rights as-
sessment frameworks into standard review processes
across the AI life cycle.
347 European Center for Not-for-Profit Law and Data & Society, Recommendations for
Assessing AI Impacts to Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law at 4 (2021),
348 See, e.g., The Investor Alliance for Human Rights Comment at 3 (advocating for the
creation of “a robust and clear methodology for a human rights impact assessment
process” with “specific criteria relevant to AI systems” and that “must be developed
with the involvement of digital rights experts.”); AI & Equality Comment at 9
(Government should “consider the legal obligation to adhere to international human
rights treaties and United States due process laws when creating AI accountability
policy”); David Kaye, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and
protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, United Nations (UN
Document Symbol A/73/348) (August 29, 2018),
nsf/Get?OpenAgent&DS=A/73/348&Lang=E, at 20 (“When procuring or deploying AI
systems or applications, States should ensure that public sector bodies act consistently
with human rights principles. This includes, inter alia, conducting public consultations
and undertaking human rights impact assessments or public agency algorithmic
impact assessments prior to the procurement or deployment of AI systems.”).
349 Centre for Information Policy Leadership Comment at 7 (also noting that “there is no
consensus on how to identify and assess human rights risks and harms and how to
do this in an integrated way for all disciplines—AI, privacy security, safety, childrens
protection, etc.”).
350 Google DeepMind Comment at 18; The Investor Alliance for Human Rights Comment
at 2; Global Partners Digital Comment at 4 (recommending codification of human
FAF: Financial Accounting Foundation
FASB: Financial Accounting Standards
SEC: U.S. Securities and Exchange
PCAOB: Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board
GAO: Government Accountability Oice
OMB: Oice of Management and Budget
Treasury: U.S. Department of the Treasury
FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board
OIG: Oice of Inspector General
FAF: Financial Accounting Foundation
GASB: Governmental Accounting
Standards Board
SMGA: State and Municipal Government
GAO OMB Treasury
Source Data: Congressional Research Service (CRS)
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
67 66
(Class I, II, III). Regulatory controls increase from Class I to
Class III. Most Class I devices are exempt from premarket
review, while most Class II devices require submission of
a premarket notication (“510(k)”). Most Class III devices
require premarket approval.
One commenter suggested
that AI policy follow an analogous risk classication, with
regulatory burdens of pre-market controls and disclosure
applying to the highest risk products.
A model for premarket notication for AI systems, such as
the FDAs model for some Class I and most Class II medi-
cal devices encompassing premarket notication and FDA
review, could prove instructive for limited risk AI systems
and deployments, and would allow for some degree of
regulatory oversight and reduction of harm. On the other
hand, a premarket notication model would likely create
regulatory burden, potentially slowing and even disincen-
tivizing development.
The FDA further has in place an exemplary adverse inci-
dent database that could be instructive for AI system ac-
This system is similar to the Federal Avia-
tion Administrations Aviation Safety Reporting System;
both collect safety incidents for transparency, review,
and risk management of already deployed systems. In
the AI context, a similar reporting structure would enable
users and subjects of AI systems to recognize and report
adverse incidents, as discussed above in Section 3.1.1.
One risk is the possibility of over-reporting if parameters
are not carefully dened and the reporting platform is
not well-managed. Regulatory oversight or coordination
would help to arrange this kind of reporting function.
Additional accountability models overseen by the FDA
include requirements for evidence-based drug testing
and clinical trials, as well as disclosure of residual risk
in the form of side eects.
Finally, the FDA provides
360 Food and Drug Administration, How to Study and Market Your Device (September
361 Grabowicz et al., Comment at 6. See also Andrew Tutt, An FDA for Algorithms, 69 Admin.
L. Rev. 83 (2017),
(presenting a general argument about the analogy between FDA regulation and
algorithmic risk management).
362 See Grabowicz et al., Comment at 6.
363 See Raji, et al, Outsider Oversight, supra note 253 at 561.
364 ForHumanity Comment at 4; Carnegie Mellon University Comment at 4.
the question might concern training data provenance and
the labor conditions under which AI systems are trained.
ESG evaluations have handled this diiculty of answer-
ability by focusing on process, rather than outcomes. In
other words, auditees are expected to attest to their best
eorts to obtain satisfactory outcomes such as through
their own supply chain audits and other measures. The
design of AI evaluations might similarly look to appraise
processes when outcomes escape measurement.
The private sector continues to rene and seek ESG
framework standardization for evaluations. What the ESG
assurance experience might teach is that multi-factored
evaluations using a variety of standards may not imme-
diately yield comparable or actionable results. However,
the ESG auditing ecosystem has developed rapidly and
become more standardized as stakeholders have de-
manded clarity around ESG performance and govern-
ments have required or incentivized better reporting.
Another potentially useful accountability model suggest-
ed by commenters can be found in health-related regula-
tory frameworks such as the FDAs.
FDA regulates some
AI systems as medical devices. To help medical device
manufacturers who are developing AI-enabled devic-
es, “[i]t publishes best practices for AI in medical devices,
documents commercially available AI-enabled medical
devices, and has promised to perform relevant pilots and
advance regulatory science in its AI action plan.
Beyond that, commenters pointed to the FDA requirement
that medical device manufacturers prepare premarket
submissions for FDA review prior to marketing the device,
where the requirements for premarket submissions are
generally dependent on the level of risk associated with
their device. Devices are classied into three categories
357 See Grabowicz et al., Comment at 5 (“We propose AI accountability mechanisms based
on explanations of decision-making processes; since explanations are automatically
generated and highlight the true underlying model decision process”).
358 See, e.g., Carnegie Mellon University Comment at 3; Unlearn.AI Comment at 2.
359 Alex Engler, The EU and U.S. diverge on AI regulation: A transatlantic comparison and
steps to alignment, Brookings Institute (April 25, 2023),
steps-to-alignment/ (citing to FDA eorts). See also The Pew Charitable Trusts, How
FDA Regulates Artificial Intelligence in Medical Products (Aug. 5, 2021), https://www.
vacy practices where it determined that businesses’ prac-
tices were likely to cause data security or privacy harm
to consumers, and harm was not outweighed by counter-
vailing benets. To remedy such violations, the FTC has
obtained relief, including injunctions requiring business-
es to develop and implement comprehensive data secu-
rity and/or privacy programs. In many cases, it required
businesses to undergo third-party audits for compliance
with such injunctions.
The FTC has also promulgated
guidance distilling the facts from its enforcement cases
into data security lessons for companies.
We discerned in the comments three basic perspectives
on what we can learn from cybersecurity and privacy as-
surance practices and governance regimes: Some com-
menters believed that those practices and regimes should
not be a model for AI. Others thought they were capacious
enough to include AI assurance. Still others believed they
could be extended and replicated to advance AI assurance.
For commenters who thought cybersecurity frameworks
are adequate to handle AI assurance, it was partly because
cybersecurity practices are mature and have been tested
and rened through years of legal interpretation and ap-
plication, thereby oering greater degrees of consistency
and predictability.
Indeed, existing laws and regulatory
requirements that set cybersecurity standards for distinct
industries already apply when AI deployments in those
industries aect cybersecurity.
In addition, there is an
infrastructure for certifying cybersecurity and privacy au-
ditors, and at least some of those certication programs
are rolling out AI assurance certications.
370 Fed. Trade Comm’n v. Wyndham Worldwide Corp., 799 F.3d 236, 257 (3d Cir. 2015).
See also Federal Trade Commission, Start with Security: A Guide for Business (June
2015), https://www.
(presenting “lessons” from “more than 50 law enforcement actions the FTC has
announced so far” against businesses).
371 See id.
372 See, e.g., USTelecom Comment at 9.
373 For example, the FAA currently uses special conditions, as provided for in its
regulations, to address novel or unusual design features not adequately addressed by
existing airworthiness standards, to address cybersecurity of certain e-enabled aircra.
This approach would be potentially extensible to AI impacting cybersecurity. See 14
CFR 11.19. For issues that become apparent aer an aircra or other aeronautical
product enters the marketplace, the FAA issues airworthiness directives in appropriate
cases, specifically, “FAA issues an airworthiness directive addressing a product when
we find that: (a) An unsafe condition exists in the product; and (b) The condition is
likely to exist or develop in other products of the same type design.See 14 C.F.R. § 39.5.
374 See, e.g., IAPP Comment at 5-6.
guidance for the labeling of AI systems deployed within its
remit, and one commenter argued that requiring a form of
marketing approval and similar recommendations would
support “a more transparent understanding of how these
systems operate.
These oversight mechanisms, which
require both premarket review and post-market reporting,
should be considered in the context of AI accountability,
at least for high-risk systems, models, and uses.
With some exceptions, the current regulatory paradigms
governing cybersecurity and data privacy lack unifor-
mity at the federal level. Many extant federal laws con-
cerning personal data and cybersecurity focus on select
industries and subcategories of data.
While NIST has
developed voluntary risk management and cybersecu-
rity frameworks that leave entities to determine the ac-
ceptable level of risk for achieving their organizational
the implementation of these frameworks
varies across organizations and industries.
laws also vary from state to state.
One instrument of consistent federal law is the Federal
Trade Commission Act’s application to data security and
privacy. In the past twenty years, the FTC has brought doz-
ens of law enforcement actions alleging that businesses
had engaged in unfair or deceptive trade practices relat-
ed to data security or privacy.
Among other things, the
FTC has alleged deception where it has had reason to be-
lieve that companies have not lived up to their own public
statements about their data privacy or security practices
(e.g., where the companies represented that they would
take reasonable or industry-standard measures but
failed to do so, or where companies shared information
with third parties that they had claimed would not be
shared). The FTC has alleged unfair data security and pri-
365 Grabowicz et al., Comment at 4.
366 Mulligan, Stephen P. and Chris D. Linebaugh, Data Protection Law: An Overview at
2, Congressional Research Service (March 25, 2019)
367 NIST, Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1(April 16,
368 Id.
369 See, e.g., FTC v. Sandra L. Rennert, et al., Docket No. CV-S-00-0861-JBR (D. Nev. 2000);
In the Matter of Eli Lilly and Company, FTC Docket No. C-4047 (2002); In the Matter of
BJ’s Wholesale Club (2005), FTC Docket No. C-4148 (2005).
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
These are all sound ideas that merit further consideration,
especially a bounty program for AI vulnerability detection.
Any federal government bodies tasked with horizontal
regulation of AI should include analogous capacity to that
found in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA), which helps organizations improve their
cybersecurity practices.
Aspects of the National Cyber-
security Strategy could also be applied to AI, including
harmonizing reporting requirements, adverse incident
disclosures, and risk metrics throughout the Federal gov-
As in the cybersecurity context, law enforce-
ment is an essential companion to self-regulation.
We recommend that future federal AI policymaking not
lean entirely on purely voluntary best practices. Rather,
some AI accountability measures should be required,
pegged to risk.
We are convinced that AI accountability
policy can employ, adapt, and expand upon existing cy-
bersecurity and privacy infrastructure, while adopting a
risk-based framework. At the same time, AI accountabili-
ty poses new challenges and requires new approaches. It
is to some of those new recommended approaches that
the Report now turns.
380 See, e.g., Center for AI Safety Comment, Appendix A, at 3.
381 See The White House, supra note 292.
382 See Rachel Clinton, Mira Guleri, and Helen He Comment at 2.
Others thought that while existing cybersecurity and pri-
vacy practices are probably inadequate for AI account-
ability, those practices could be modied to accommo-
date new risks. For example, cybersecurity audits could
be conducted on a regular basis to review conformity
with existing standards, including the ISO/IEC 27001
information security standard and NIST’s cybersecu-
rity framework.
Other suggestions borrowed from
the cybersecurity context including creating incentives
for companies to facilitate “responsible disclosure”;
developing red-teaming exercises;
launching “Bug
Bounty” programs to encourage disclosure and nancially
reward detection of AI vulnerabilities;
and modelling AI
vulnerability disclosures on the Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) system, which provides a standard-
ized naming scheme for cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
375 Rachel Clinton, Mira Guleri, and Helen He Comment at 2 (“Any AI system collecting
any kind of data should be audited at least once a year to ensure compliance with the
following: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 27001 [and] NIST CSF
(National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework”).
376 See, e.g., AI Policy and Governance Working Group Comment at 3.
377 See, e.g., Anthropic Comment at 9-10; Microso Comment at 6-7.
378 Google DeepMind Comment at 17. Relatedly, federal agencies and departments
are standing up “bias bounty” programs to address bias in AI systems. See, e.g.,
Matthew Kuan Johnson, Funding Opportunity from my team to build and run a
DoD-wide Bias Bounty Program,
379 See, e.g., The AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance (ARVA) Comment at 1-2.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
71 70
6.1.1 Audits and auditors: Federal government agen-
cies should work with stakeholders as appropriate
to create guidelines for AI audits and auditors, using
existing and/or new authorities.
Independent AI audits and evaluations are central to
any accountability structure. To help create clarity and
utility around independent audits, we recommend that
the government work with stakeholders to create basic
guidelines for what an audit covers and how it is conduct-
ed – guidance that will undoubtedly have some general
components and some domain-specic ones.
This work
would likely include the creation of auditor certications
and audit methodologies, as well as mechanisms for
regulatory recognition of appropriate certications and
Auditors should adhere to consensus standards and au-
dit criteria where possible, recognizing that some will be
specic to particular risks (e.g., dangerous capabilities in
a foundation model) and/or particular deployment con-
texts (e.g., discriminatory impact in hiring). Much work is
required to create those standards – which NIST and oth-
ers are undertaking. Audits and other evaluations are be-
ing rolled out now concurrently with the development of
technical standards. Especially where evaluators are not
yet relying on consensus standards, it is important that
they show their work so that they too are subject to eval-
uation. Auditors should disclose methodological choices
and auditor independence criteria, with the goal of stan-
dardizing such methods and criteria as appropriate. The
goals of safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring
auditor independence and appropriate expertise may mil-
itate towards a certication process for qualied auditors.
The public, consumers, customers, workers, regulators,
shareholders, and others need reliable information to
make choices about AI systems. To justify public trust
in, and reduce potential harms from, AI systems, it will
be important to develop “accountability inputs” includ-
ing better information about AI systems as well as inde-
pendent evaluations of their performance, limitations,
and governance. AI actors should be held accountable
for claims they make about AI systems and for meeting
established thresholds for trustworthy AI. Government
should advance the AI accountability ecosystem by en-
couraging, supporting, and/or compelling these inputs.
Doing this work is a natural follow-on to the AI EO, which
establishes a comprehensive set of actions on AI gover-
nance; the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights,
which identied the properties that should be expected
from algorithmic systems; and NIST’s AI RMF, which rec-
ommended a set of approaches to AI risk management.
To advance AI accountability policies and practices, we
recommend guidance, support, and the development of
regulatory requirements.
an input to AI accountability. Working with stakeholders
and achieving commitments from government suppliers,
contractors, and grantees to implement such standard-
ized baseline disclosures could advance adoption.
6.1.2 Liability rules and standards: Federal govern-
ment agencies should work with stakeholders to
make recommendations about applying existing
liability rules and standards to AI systems and, as
needed, supplementing them.
Stakeholders seek clarication of liability standards for
allocating responsibility among AI actors in the value
chain. We expect AI liability standards to emerge out
of the courts as legal actions which clarify responsibil-
ities and redress harms. Regulatory agencies also have
an important role in determining how existing laws and
regulations apply to AI systems. Of course, Congress and
state legislatures will dene new liability contours. To
help clarify and establish standards for liability, where
needed, we encourage further study and collection of
stakeholder and government agency input.
To this end, we support a government convening of legal
experts and other relevant stakeholders, including aect-
ed communities, to inform how policymakers understand
the role of liability in the AI accountability ecosystem. The
AI accountability inputs we recommend in this Report will
feed into legal actions and standards and, by the same
token, these inputs should be shaped by the legal com-
munity’s emerging needs to vindicate rights and interests.
It is also the case that a vibrant practice of independent
third-party evaluation of AI systems may depend on both
exposure to liability (e.g., perhaps for auditors) and pro-
tection from liability (e.g., perhaps for researchers), de-
pending on relevant legal considerations.
AI audits should, at a minimum, be able to evaluate
claims made about an AI systems tness for purpose,
performance, processes, and controls. Regardless of
claims made, an audit should apply substantive criteria
arrived at through broad stakeholder inquiry across the
AI system lifecycle. Areas of review might include:
Risk mitigation and management, including harm
Data quality and governance;
Communication (e.g., documentation, disclosure,
provenance); and
Governance or process controls.
As valuable as they are, independent evaluations, in-
cluding audits, do not derogate from the importance of
regulatory inspection of AI systems and their eects.
6.1.2 Disclosure and access: Federal government
agencies should work with stakeholders to improve
standard information disclosures, using existing
and/or new authorities.
Disclosures should be tailored to their audiences, which
may require the creation of multiple artifacts at varying
levels of detail and/or the establishment of information-
al intermediaries. Standardizing a baseline disclosure
using artifacts like model and system cards, datasheets,
and nutritional labels for AI systems can reduce the costs
for all constituencies evaluating and assuring AI. As it did
with food nutrition labels, the government may have a
role in shaping standardized disclosure, whatever the
form. We recommend support of the NIST-led process
to provide guidance and best practices on standardized
baseline disclosures for AI systems and certain models as
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
73 72
People are also required. We recommend an investment
in federal personnel with appropriate sociotechnical
expertise to conduct and review AI evaluations and oth-
er AI accountability inputs. Support for education and
red-teaming eorts would also grow the ecosystem for
independent evaluation and accountability.
6.2.2 Research: Federal government agencies should
conduct and support more research and develop-
ment related to AI testing and evaluation, tools facil-
itating access to AI systems for research and evalua-
tion, and provenance technologies, through existing
and new capacity.
Because of their complexity and importance for AI ac-
countability, the following topics make compelling can-
didates for research and development investment:
Research into the creation of reliable, widely applica-
ble evaluation methodologies for model capabilities
and limitations, safety, and trustworthy AI attributes;
Research on durable watermarking and other prove-
nance methods; and
Research into technical tools that facilitate research-
er and evaluator access to AI system components in
ways that preserve data privacy and the security of
sensitive model elements, while retaining openness.
Government should build on investments already under-
way through the U.S. AI Safety Institute and the National
Science Foundation.
384 The Government Accountability Oice has also noted that “[f]oundational to
solving the AI accountability challenge is having a critical mass of digital expertise to
help accelerate responsible delivery and adoption of AI capabilities. Government
Accountability Oice (GAO), Artificial Intelligence: Key Practices to Help Ensure
Accountability in Federal Use (GAO Report No. GAO-23-106811), at 1 (May 16, 2023),
6.2.1 People and tools: Federal government agencies
should support and invest in technical infrastructure,
AI system access tools, personnel, and internation-
al standards work to invigorate the accountability
Robust auditing, red-teaming, and other independent
evaluations of AI systems require resources, some of
which the federal government has and should make
available, and some of which will require funding. A sig-
nicant move in this direction would be for Congress
to support the U.S. AI Safety Institute and appropriate
and establish the National AI Research Resource
(NAIRR). NAIRR could contribute to the larger set of need-
ed resources, including:
Datasets to test for equity, eicacy, and many other
attributes and objectives;
Compute and cloud infrastructure required to do
rigorous evaluations;
Appropriate access to AI system components and
processes for researchers, regulators, and evaluators,
subject to intellectual property, data privacy, and
security- and safety-informed functions;
Independent red-teaming support; and
International standards development (including broad
stakeholder participation) and, where applicable for
national security, national standards development.
383 Without taking a position at this time, we note there may be other models for funding,
such as fee-based application revenue for AI companies who seek government
assistance. For literature on certain fee models that exist across some federal agencies,
see, e.g. Government Accountability Oice (GAO), Federal Design Options: Fee Design
Options and Implications for Managing Revenue Instability (GAO Report No. GAO-13-
820), (Sept. 2013),; James M. MacDonald,
User-Fee Financing of USDA Meat and Poultry Inspection, Agricultural Economic
Report No. (AER-775), (March 1999), Chapter 3,
6.3.1. Audits and other independent evaluations:
Federal agencies should use existing and/or new
authorities to require as needed independent eval-
uations and regulatory inspections of high-risk AI
model classes and systems.
There are strong arguments for sectoral regulation of AI
systems in the United States and for mandatory audits
of AI systems deemed to present a high risk of harming
rights or safety – according to holistic assessments tai-
lored to deployment and use contexts. Given these argu-
ments, work needs to be done to implement regulatory
requirements for audits in some situations. It may not
currently be feasible to require audits for all high-risk
AI systems because the ecosystem for AI audits is still
immature; requirements may need delayed implemen-
tation. However, the ecosystems maturity will be accel-
erated by forcing functions. Government may also need
to require other forms of information creation and dis-
tribution, including documentation and disclosure, in
specic sectors and deployment contexts (beyond what
it already does require).
Additional consideration should be given to the necessity of
pre-release claim substantiation and other certication re-
quirements for certain high-risk AI systems, models, and/or
AI systems in high-risk sectors (e.g., health care and nance),
as well as periodic claim substantiation for deployed AI sys-
tems. Such proactive substantiation would help AI actors to
shoulder their burden of assuring AI systems from the start.
In the AI context, this marginal additional friction for AI ac-
tors could create breathing room for accountability mecha-
nisms to catch up to deployment.
Regardless of the type of inspection model that is ad-
opted, federal regulatory agencies should coordinate
closely with regulators in non-adversary countries for
alignment of inspection regimes in their methods and
use of international standards so that AI products can be
evaluated using globally comparable criteria.
6.3.2 Cross-sectoral governmental capacity: The fed-
eral government should strengthen its capacity to ad-
dress cross-sectoral risks and practices related to AI.
Although sector-specic requirements for AI already exist,
the exercise of horizontal capacity in the federal govern-
ment would provide common baseline requirements, re-
inforce appropriate expertise to oversee AI systems, help
to address cross-sectoral risks and practices, allow for bet-
ter coordination among sectoral regulators that require or
consume disclosures and evaluations, and provide regu-
latory capacity to address foundation models.
Such cross-sectoral horizontal capacity, wherever housed,
would be useful for creating accountability inputs such as:
A national registry of high-risk AI deployments;
A national AI adverse incidents reporting database
and platform for receiving reports;
A national registry of disclosable AI system audits;
Coordination of, and participation in, audit standards
and auditor certications, enabling advocacy for the
needs of federal agencies and congruence with inde-
pendent federal audit actions;
Pre-release review and certication for high-risk
deployments and/or systems or models;
Collection of periodic claim substantiation for de-
ployed systems; and
Coordination of AI accountability inputs with agency
counterparts in non-adversarial states.
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Appendix A:
Glossary of Terms
6.3.3. Contracting: The federal government should
require that government suppliers, contractors, and
grantees adopt sound AI governance and assurance
practices for AI used in connection with the contract
or grant, including using AI standards and risk man-
agement practices recognized by federal agencies,
as applicable.
The government’s signicant purchasing power aords
it the ability to shape marketplace standards, and prefer
suppliers who provide suicient documentation, access,
freedom to evaluate, and other assurance practices. As
the National AI Advisory Committee Report recommend-
ed, the government should reform procurement practic-
es to promote trustworthy AI. The same principles would
apply to government grants. The OMB dra guidance on
Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk Manage-
ment for Agency Use of Articial Intelligence” represents
a signicant step in this direction.
385 See OMB Dra Memo. See also AI EO at Sec. 7.3 (directing the Department of Labor
to establish “guidance for Federal contractors regarding nondiscrimination in hiring
involving AI and other technology-based hiring systems.”).
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
77 76
ity” from “responsibility” and “liability,
the TTC defi-
nition embraces responsibility as part of accountability
and includes a broader scope of governance activities.
Accountability may require enforceable consequences.
Such consequences, usually determined by regulators,
courts, and the market, are accountability outputs. This
Report focuses on developing and shaping “accountabil-
ity inputs, which feed into systems of accountability.
AI Accountability Inputs. AI accountability inputs are
the AI system information flows and evaluations that
enable the identification of entities, factors, and sys-
tems responsible for the risks and/or harms of those sys-
tems. These are necessary or useful practices, artifacts,
and products that feed into downstream accountability
mechanisms such as regulation, litigation, and market
AI Actor. AI actors are “those who play an active role in
the AI system lifecycle, including organizations and indi-
viduals that deploy or operate AI.
AI actors are present
across the AI lifecycle, including an AI developer who
makes AI soware available, such as pre-trained models
and an AI actor who is responsible for deploying that
pre-trained model in a specific use case.
AI Assurance. AI assurance is the product of a set of in-
formational and evaluative practices that can provide
justified confidence that an AI system operates in context
in a trustworthy fashion and as claimed. This definition
draws from MITRE’s use of the term “justified confidence”
(from international soware assurance standards)
387 OECD.AI Policy Observatory, Accountability (Principle 1.5),
dashboards/ai-principles/P9 (“accountability’ refers to the expectation that
organisations or individuals will ensure the proper functioning, throughout their
lifecycle, of the AI systems that they design, develop, operate or deploy, in accordance
with their roles and applicable regulatory frameworks, and for demonstrating this
through their actions and decision-making process (for example, by providing
documentation on key decisions throughout the AI system lifecycle or conducting or
allowing auditing where justified)”).
388 See Soware & Information Industry Association Comment at 3 (embracing the TTC
definition and its view thatAI accountability is concerned with both system-level
performance and with governance structures relevant to the development and
deployment of AI systems”).
389 See, e.g., Ada Lovelace Institute Comment at 2 (“assessments are themselves not
a form of accountability”); Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) Comment at A2 (using
dictionary definitions to equate accountability with responsibility).
390 NIST AI RMF at 2 (citing with approval OECD, Artificial Intelligence in Society (2019),
391 NIST AI RMF at 6.
392 MITRE Comment at 9 (“AI assurance is a lifecycle process that provides justified
confidence in an AI system to operate eectively with acceptable levels of risk to its
APPENDIX A: Glossary of Terms
The process of dening terms in the AI policy space is
ongoing and uid. Where there are existing U.S. gov-
ernment or other consensus denitions, we use them.
Where there are not, we use denitions we nd support-
ed by the record and research.
Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI has the meaning set forth
in 15 U.S.C. 9401(3), which is a machine-based system
that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives,
make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influ-
encing real or virtual environments. Artificial intelligence
systems use machine and human-based inputs to per-
ceive real and virtual environments; abstract such per-
ceptions into models through analysis in an automated
manner; and use model inference to formulate options
for information or action.
AI Accountability. AI accountability is the process, heav-
ily reliant on transparency and assurance practices, of
holding entities answerable for the risks and/or harms
of the AI systems they develop or deploy. This is closest
to the definition adopted by the Trade and Technology
Council (TTC) joint U.S.-EU set of AI terms, which defines
accountability as an allocated responsibility” for system
performance or for governance functions.
OECD interpretive guidance distinguishes accountabil-
386 See U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), EU-U.S. Terminology and
Taxonomy for Artificial Intelligence (May 31, 2023), at 11, https://digital-strategy.
(Accountability relates to an allocated responsibility. The responsibility can be based
on regulation or agreement or through assignment as part of delegation. In a systems
context, accountability refers to systems and/or actions that can be traced uniquely
to a given entity. In a governance context, accountability refers to the obligation of an
individual or organisation to account for its activities, to complete a deliverable or task,
to accept the responsibility for those activities, deliverables or tasks, and to disclose
the results in a transparent manner.”). See also NIST, The Language of Trustworthy
AI: An In-Depth Glossary of Terms (March 22, 2023),
AI.100-3 (referencing National Institute of Standards and Technology, Trustworthy &
Responsible AI Resource Center, Glossary,
Base/Glossary) (substantially similar). Cf. NIST AI RMF, Second Dra, supra note 43 at
15 (“Determinations of accountability in the AI context relate to expectations of the
responsible party in the event that a risky outcome is realized.”).
AI Model. AI model means a component of an AI system
that implements AI technology and uses computational,
statistical, or machine learning techniques to produce
outputs from a given set of inputs.
AI System. An AI system is an engineered or ma-
chine-based system that can, for a given set of objectives,
generate outputs such as predictions, recommendations,
or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. AI
systems are designed to operate with varying levels of
Red-Teaming. Red-teaming means a structured testing
eort to find flaws and vulnerabilities in an AI system, of-
ten in a controlled environment and in collaboration with
developers of AI. AI red-teaming is most oen performed
by dedicated “red-teams” that adopt adversarial meth-
ods to identify flaws and vulnerabilities, such as harmful
or discriminatory outputs from an AI system, unforeseen
or undesirable system behaviors, limitations, or poten-
tial risks associated with the misuse of the system.
Trustworthy AI. The NIST AI RMF defines trustworthi-
ness in AI as “responsive[ness] to a multiplicity of criteria
that are of value to interested parties. It specifies that
such values include “valid and reliable, safe, secure and
resilient, accountable and transparent, explainable and
interpretable, privacy-enhanced, and fair with harmful
bias managed.
The White House Voluntary Commit-
ments specify that “trust,” together with “safety” and
“security,” comprise the “three principles that must be
fundamental to the future of AI.
398 AI EO at Sec. 3(d).
399 NIST AI RMF at 12 (recognizing tradeos and that these characteristics must be
balanced “based on the AI system’s context of use”). See also Executive Order No. 13960,
Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government, 85
Fed. Reg. 78939 (2020) (articulating the following principles for AI use: “[l]awful and
respectful of our Nation’s values, “[p]urposeful and performance-driven, “[a]ccurate,
reliable, and eective, “[s]afe, secure, and resilient, “[u]nderstandable,, “[r]esponsible
and traceable”, “[r]egularly monitored”, “[t]ransparent”, and “[a]ccountable”).
400 See First Round White House Voluntary Commitments at 1 (“These commitments –
which the companies are making immediately – underscore three principles that must
be fundamental to the future of AI: safety, security, and trust.”).
the UK Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation usage in its
“roadmap to an eective AI assurance ecosystem.
AI Audit. An AI audit is, with respect to an AI system or
model, an evaluation of performance and/or process
against transparent criteria.
An audit is broader than
a conformity assessment” which is “the demonstration
that specified requirements relating to a product, pro-
cess, system, person or body are fulfilled.
As noted in
the RFC, entities can audit their own systems or models,
be audited by a contracted second party, or be audited
by a third party. To distinguish audits from other evalu-
ations, we use the term audit to refer only to indepen-
dent evaluations.
An audit can be structured merely to
verify the claims made about AI.
Alternatively, it can
be scoped more broadly to evaluate AI system or model
performance vis a vis attributes of trustworthy AI, regard-
less of claims made. Simply put, an audit is an assurance
tool, characterized by precision and providing an inde-
pendent evaluation of an AI system, claims made about
that system, and/or the degree to which that system is
trustworthy. For ease of reading, we include audits in the
umbrella term “evaluations.
stakeholders. Eective operation entails meeting functional requirements with valid
outputs. Assurance risks may be associated with or stemming from a variety of factors
depending on the use context, including but not limited to AI system safety, security,
equity, reliability, interpretability, robustness, directability, privacy, and governability.”).
See also ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Systems and Soware Engineering –
Systems and Soware Assurance, IEEE/ISO/IEC 15026-1 (2019),
393 Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, The roadmap to an eective AI assurance
ecosystem (Dec. 8, 2021),
ecosystem (“Assurance services help people to gain confidence in AI systems by
evaluating and communicating reliable evidence about their trustworthiness.”).
394 National Institute of Standards and Technology, supra note 43 at 15.
395 NIST, Conformity Assessment Basics (2016),
396 See, e.g., Jakob Mökander, Jonas Schuett, Hannah Rose Kirk, and Luciano Floridi,
Auditing Large Language Models: A Three-Layered Approach, AI and Ethics (May 30,
2023), (“Auditing is characterised by a
systematic and independent process of obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding
an entity’s actions or properties and communicating the results of that evaluation to
relevant stakeholders.”).
397 See, e.g., Trail of Bits Comment at 1. See also Data & Society Comment at 2 (it is
the “study of the functioning of a system within the parameters of the system. It
asks whether the system functions “appropriately according to a claim made by the
developer, according to an independent standard…, according to the terms set in a
contract, or according to ethical or scientific terms established by a researcher or field
of researchers.”); Holistic AI Comment at 4-5 (“External audits oer yet another level of
system assurance through the process of independent and impartial system evaluation
5 of 11 whereby an auditor with no conflict of interest can assess the system’s
reliability and in turn identify otherwise unidentified errors, inconsistencies and/or
NTIA Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
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The National Telecommunications and Information
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