Implementing the 1966 Highway
Safety Acts
M atthew C. Sielski
Office of Driving Environment Programs
Office of Highway Safety Programs Service
National Highway Safety Agency
Washington, D. C.
The National Highway Safety Agency and the Office of Highway
Safety Programs Service function under the new Department of Trans
portation. Presently the Office of Highway Safety Programs Service is
directing its attention to the development of standards in the field of
highway safety. Some of these are of concern to highway engineers
and shall be discussed in detail in this paper.
The interest of the federal government in highway safety has been
greatly intensified following the continuous rise in automobile acci
dents. In 1962, for the first time in our history, we exceeded 40,000 fa
talities and have continued to climb to a record high of 52,500 in 1966.
Last year, the National Safety Council predicted that in the five-year
period between 1966 to 1970, 283,000 Americans will have died on
streets and highways and that by 1970 the annual death toll will rise
to 60,000.
Of further concern is the prediction for sharp increases of vehicle
usage. It is expected that the total number of vehicles in the United
States will rise from 95 million in 1966 to 108 million in 1970.
President Johnson stated that next to Vietnam, traffic accidents are
the countrys most serious problem.
In 1966 the United States Congress passed the Highway Safety Act
and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act to offer assist
ance to states in a cooperative effort to seek a solution to this acci
dent problem. They provide for a systematic consideration of the ways
in which safety activities, both public and private, at every level of
government may be strengthened. They herald a new era for highway
safety in this country. The standards relating to vehicle design are
administered in the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
The standards relating to highway safety programs are contained in
the Highway Safety Act, about which this paper pertains. Before dis
cussing the standards, there are several observations to be considered.
Federal-State Cooperation
First, it should be perfectly understood that if this program is to
succeed it must be a partnership between the states and the federal
government. The act recognizes the responsibility of the federal gov
ernment to give leadership and coordination to a national safety ef
fort. The act also recognizes the responsibilities of states and their
subdivisions as well as the contributions by industry, universities and
private associations. The point emphasized is that this is a national
program bringing together the many facets of all levels of govern
ment and of the private economy in a cooperative, comprehensive, bal
anced attack against one of the gravest threats to citizens.
Ample Latitude for Local Initative
The second point relates to the need for diversification between
states in meeting the requirements of the standards. The Highway
Safety Act calls for performance standards which therefore leaves
ample latitude for local initiative and adaptability for a creative and
effective approach. Each state can tailor its program to its own make
up and character, respecting however, the basic intent of each respec
tive performance standard.
For example, the federal government will not establish a uniform
national speed limit. The topographical characteristics of our various
regions dictates speeds that are based upon prevailing existing condi
tions and sound traffic engineering judgment. The law does require
that performance standards be established, through state regulations,
which will promote safe driving under the conditions confronting the
driver in each state.
Promotion of Fresh Approaches
The third point is perhaps the most important and challenging.
One of the main purposes of the Highway Safety Act is to promote
the development of new counter measures against accidents and their
end results. If progress is to be made towards a sensible accident pre
vention program in todays transportation environment, it requires a
new vigorous fresh approach, as well as a continuation of a sound bal
anced safety program based on national guidelines but tailored to fit
local conditions.
As a means for encouraging states to initiate new action, federal
matching funds have been made available. This obviously is not in
tended to cover all the costs of the expanded effort. W e appreciate
the financial burdens the states are being called upon to bear in order
to meet the cost of the safety programs which are necessary if acci
dent reduction is to be brought about in their various governmental
Re-emphasizing the three points (1) this must be a partnership ef
fort between the states and the federal government (2) there is need
for each state to expand our minimum standards to provide for local
adaptaiblity and initiative, and (3) there is need for accentuation on
programs which will provide fresh approaches.
The Highway Safety Act as it relates to standards for state and
local programs is now considered.
The law stipulates that:
Each state shall have a highway safety program approved by
the Secretary, designed to reduce traffic accidents and deaths, in
juries, and property damage resulting therefrom. Such programs
shall be in accordance with uniform standards promulgated by the
Secretary. Such uniform standards shall be expressed in perform
ance criteria.
The law further specifies, concerning the state programs, that:
Such uniform standards shall be promulgated by the Secretary as
to improve driver performance (including, but not limited to, driver
education, driver testing to determine proficiency to operate motor
vehicles, driver examinationsboth physical and mental, and driver
licensing) and to improve pedestrian performance. In addition such
uniform standards shall include, but not be limited to, provisions
for an effective record system of accidents (including injuries and
deaths resulting therefrom), accident investigations to determine
the probable causes of accidents, injuries and deaths; vehicle regis
tration, operation, and inspection; highway design and maintenance
(including lighting, markings, and surface treatment) ; traffic con-
trol; vehicle codes and laws; surveillance of traffic for detection
and correction of high or potentially high accident locations; and
emergency services.”
On February 16, 1967, the National Highway Safety Agency an
nounced an initial set of draft standards to representatives of gover
nors of 50 states who were invited to a meeting in Washington. The
law provides for a 50-50 matching fund for the states and local com
munities to expand and improve their highway safety programs. It re
quires that at least 40 percent of such funds go to local communities,
and it poses the threat of the loss of 10 percent of federal-aid high
way construction funds for those states which fail to comply.
Three of the initial thirteen standards are of direct interest and
are explained here.
Highway Design, Construction, and Maintenance
This standard requires that existing streets and highways be main
tained in a condition that promotes safety. It requires that moderniza
tion of existing roads, and new highways as well, meet approved safe
ty standards and that precautions be taken to protect passing motor
ists, as well as highway workers, from accident involvement at high
way construction sites.
Following are some specific features of this standard.
1. Design standards should be in accordance with AASHOs policy
of geometric design of rural and urban roads and streets.
2. In the design of subdivisions and residential streets, travel
should be minimized for local use only.
3. Give much consideration to the use of street lighting at various
key locations, particularly on sections of roads and streets where the
ratio of night-to-day motor vehicles is more than 1.5 times the average
for similar locations or sections on the same system, of roads and
4. A skid prevention program not only for new pavement design
but including resurfacing projects.
5. A planned program for construction site safety, providing for
proper traffic control, devices, detours and the removal of temporary
pavement markings and signs when they no longer apply.
6. A planned program of routine and preventive maintenance of
the roadway to provide safe and efficient movement of traffic. This
standard also calls for a continuous program to detect and correct
deficiencies in roadway locations and devices before they become haz
7. A planned program wherein the highway design and construc
tion features increase the crash protection and survivability of acci
dents. It includes such features as yield or break away principles on
structures, obstacle-free roadsides, impact yielding barriers, and prop
erly designed guard rails and bridge railings.
8. A planned program of providing highway features that facili
tate post-crash emergency and other measures that will increase the
chances of full recovery by injured persons. Included are signs direct
ing motorists to hospitals, and training of maintenance personnel for
summoning aid to offer protection to motorists at the site.
Identification and Surveillance of Accident Locations
This standard is an extension of the spot improvement” program
conducted by the Bureau of Public Roads and the state highway de
partments. In addition to the adoption of a program for correcting
high accident locations, it requires the provision for a system of road
numbers or mile post designations. Further, this standard calls for the
designation of an inter-agency team of engineers, enforcement person
nel and other specialists to maintain continued surveillance of roads
and streets for detection and correction of serious accident producing
Traffic Control Devices
The purpose of this standard is to assure the full and proper appli
cation of modern traffic engineering practice and uniform standards
for traffic control devices in reducing the likelihood and severity of
traffic accidents. It provides for the following features:
1. An up-to-date detailed inventory of traffic control devices.
2. A planned program to update all traffic control devices to uni
3. All new traffic control devices must meet minimum standards.
4. A maintenance program for all traffic control devices.
5. A planned program for the establishment of maximum speed
limits and speed zones based on engineering and traffic investi
These three standards are examples of the approach we are taking
to assist states with their safety programs. In conclusion, here is the
basic approach taken in respect to the total national problem of street
and highway accidents.
Dr. William Haddon, Jr., is Administrator of the National High
way Safety Agency, under which we function, and the National Traffic
Safety Agency, which concerns itself with vehicle standards. Dr. Had
don has frequently stressed the need for a simple and logical approach
to the accident problem by concerning ourselves with everything that
contributes to them.
Pre-crash Phase
Basically, we must provide for activities that address themselves to
three phases: (1) pre-crash (2) crash (3) post-crash. In the pre-crash
phase we are concerned with such factors as road-free obstacles, prop
er highway maintenance, uniform traffic control devices, and driver edu
cation, to name but a few.
Crash Phase
In the second, or crash phase, are such factors as energy-absorbing
material such as proper crash design of roadsides, with barriers, guard
rails, bridge railings designed to reduce the severity of injury to occu
pants of vehicles. Included in the crash phase is the design of vehicles
and the requirement that safety helmets be worn by motorcyclists.
Post-Crash Phase
In the third, or post-crash phase, is the problem of responding
quickly to persons involved in serious accidents. The transportation of
the injured, proper medical attention, as well as the removal of debris
to restore traffic safety and efficiency are matters that must be given
more attention.
Evaluate activities in relation to each of these three phases of high
way safety, and work systematically to minimize the end results of
death and injury. This is the process by which much of our planning
will be applied or the programs of the new National Highway Safety
The Department of Commerced National Highway Safety Agency
today announced an initial set of draft standards for State and local
communities highway safety programs.
The draft standards were submitted for comment and suggestions to
representatives of the Governors of the 50 States who were meeting in
Washington at the invitation of the safety Agency to discuss imple
mentation of the Highway Safety Act of 1966.
Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation Lowell K. Brid-
well told the State officials that the standards are designed to help
you and your local communities develop your own highway safety pro
grams with the Federal Government providing financial aid, coordina
tion and leadership in the overall effort.”
Mr. Bridwell said the States were being asked to study the draft
standards and return their comments and suggestions to the National
Highway Safety Agency as soon as possible.
This is another important part of President Johnsons comprehen
sive traffic safety program which saw the first set of safety perform
ance standards for motor vehicles established last month, Mr. Brid
well said. The same sense of urgency attaches to this phase of the
effort,he added,because the toll of death and injury on our highways
continues to rise each day.”
Mr. Bridwell said the Bureau of Public Roads has increased its
emphasis on a spot improvement program to reduce high accident
locations. It recently has established more exact methods for identify
ing and correcting these high accident sites.
It is also imperative,” Mr. Bridwell added, that we establish the
State standards as soon as possible for the guidance of State officials
and legislators who will have the responsibility of implementing the
State programs.
The National Highway Safety Act provides for 50-50 matching
funds for the States and local communities to expand and improve
their highway safety programs. It requires that at least 40 percent of
such funds go to local communities, and it poses the threat of the loss
of 10 percent of Federal-aid highway construction funds for those
States which fail to comply.
* United States Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary, Wash
ington, D.C., February 16, 1967.
Dr. William Haddon, Jr., Administrator of the new National High
way Safety Agency, said the State programs must be in full operation
by December 31, 1968, but it is extremely desirable that the States pro
ceed immediately to develop their programs for implementation as
quickly as possible.”
Dr. Haddon said the issuance of State standards will be a continuing
process as the national drive to reduce death and injury on the high
ways develops. He noted that many of the standards require the kind
of data keeping which will aid the Agency in its search for the causes
of accidents and injuries and the means of preventing them.
This will also help us in the future,he said, to direct the greatest
attention to those programs with the greatest payoff in terms of lives
saved and injuries reduced or avoided.” He said officials of the safety
Agency will meet Tuesday, February 21, with representatives of major
national highway safety organizations to seek their review and com
ment on this first set of State standards.
The draft standards unveiled today cover periodic motor vehicle
inspections; driver licensing, including reexamination of eyesight; driv
er education programs; licensing of driver schools; protective gear for
motorcyclists; uniform traffic control; emergency medical care; and
maintenance of complete and usable records relating to drivers, ve
hicles and accidents.
They also call for the State Health Departments to take the leader
ship in the problem of emergency medical care of persons injured in
traffic accidents. Establishment of a statewide emergency medical care
program also is required.
The standards also provide programs for correcting high accident
locations and call for examinations for alcohol content of persons
killed in traffic mishaps. Under the alcohol standard, the operator of
a motor vehicle would automatically give his implied consent to tests
for alcohol or face revocation of his license.
A summary of the draft standards follows:
DRIVER LICENSING Each State must have a driver license
program covering minimum age limits, physical and eyesight examina
tions, knowledge of traffic laws, ability to comprehend traffic signs, and
ability to operate the kind of vehicle for which licensed. Periodic re
examination at least once every four years, with authority to reexam
ine more frequently than that for those under 25 years of age or over
M O T O R VEHICLE REG ISTRA TIO NRequires a central
registration system to provide means of identifying the owner, type,
weight, size and carrying capacity of every vehicle licensed to operate in
a State; also that this information be made available for traffic safety
studies, research, enforcement, and other technical uses.
LOCATIONSEach Sate, in cooperation with county and other local
governments, must have a program for identifying and improving high
accident locations and maintaining surveillance of locales with high
accident rates.
TRAFFIC RECORDSRequires a central system, compatible
with local systems, to include all traffic data for the entire State. The
system shall be capable of providing summaries, tabulations, and
special analyses and shall include driver, vehicle, accident, and road rec
ords so designed that it is possible to relate all relevant records.
TR A FFIC COURTSRequires that Traffic Court records and re
ports be forwarded to State highway safety records systems, and that
persons charged with exceptionally hazardous traffic violations must
appear in court. Suggests uniform accounting system for traffic fines
and uniform court procedures for traffic cases.
spection at least annually of every motor vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, and
semi-trailer (except mobile homes) registered in the State. All vehicles
must be inspected prior to registration for the first time in the State.
Vehicles involved in fatal crashes also must be inspected before returning
to use. Inspection also required whenever title is transferred.
M OTORCYCLE SAFETYOperators must be licensed in ac
cordance with standards set for driver licensing and cycles must be in
cluded in the periodic inspection program for motor vehicles. Operators
must wear protective headgear. Required safety equipment must be on
the vehicle before registration.
States shall make it unlawful to drive when persons blood alcohol con
centration equals or exceeds one-tenth of one precent; must require that
any person driving on public highways gives his implied consent to sub
mitting to chemical test for alcohol content in his blood, and refusal to
submit to such test will result in revocation of drivers license. Calls for
program for checking alcohol blood content of motorists and adult
pedestrians who are killed in traffic accidents.
CODES AND LAWSEach State shall develop and implement a
program to achieve uniformity of traffic codes and laws throughout
the State, including Rules of the Road for all public streets and high
ways. Such Rules of the Road must be consistent with those of other
TRAFFIC C ON TRO L DEVICESConcerns State implementa
tion of control device improvements that will bring about national uni
formity. Includes signs, signals, markings, and a variety of electronic
controls that convey regulatory or convenience information to motorists.
Departments to employ full-time person to work on emergency care of
accident victims. Also requires setting up of statewide emergency med
ical services program.
NANCERequires that existing street and highways be maintained in
a condition that promotes safety. Requires that modernization of existing
roads and new highways as well meet approved safety standards.
Precautions must be taken to protect passing motorists as well as high
way workers from accident involvement at highway construction sites.
DRIVER ED UCA TIO NRequires comprehensive driver training
programs, meeting standards set by the State, be made available to
all high school students. Requires training and certification of school
instructors, regulation of other driver training schools, and the li
censing and certification of their instructors. Calls for research, de
velopment, and procurement of practice driving facilities such as
simulators and other tools for both school and adult training programs.