Page i
C.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 7
1.1 Scope of Contract......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Government Furnished Property .................................................................................. 9
1.3 Government Furnished Services .................................................................................. 9
1.4 Contractor Furnished Equipment, Supplies and Personnel ........................................ 10
1.5 Contractor Responsibilities........................................................................................ 12
AND CANCELING PROCEDURES.................................................................................. 14
2.1 Information Required By NICC When Placing Orders ............................................. 14
2.2 Dispatch Procedures................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Release and/or Reassignment .................................................................................... 16
2.4 Need for Additional MFSU ....................................................................................... 16
2.5 Procedure for Canceling a MFSU.............................................................................. 17
2.6 Procedure for Relocating MFSU(s) at an Incident .................................................... 17
2.7 Procedure and Times for Ordering Hot Meals, Sack Lunches and
Hot or Cold Can Meals.............................................................................................. 17
2.8 Procedure for Ordering Optional Supplemental Food and Beverage Items .............. 18
2.9 Procedure for Ordering Optional Refrigeration Storage Space ................................. 18
2.10 Procedure for Ordering Optional Tents and Seating ................................................ 18
2.11 Procedure for Canceling and Reducing Hot Meal Orders ....................................... 18
2.12 Procedure for Canceling and Reducing Sack Lunch Orders ................................... 18
3.1 Mobile Food Service Unit.......................................................................................... 19
3.2 Additional Safety Equipment ..................................................................................... 23
C.4 MINIMUM MOBILE FOOD MEAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 24
4.1 General....................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Standard Menu Requirements.................................................................................... 24
4.3 Twenty-Four Hour Service Bar ................................................................................. 30
4.4 Menu Variety ............................................................................................................. 30
4.5 Cooking Requirements............................................................................................... 33
4.6 Serving Container Requirements ............................................................................... 33
4.7 Food Quality Standards.............................................................................................. 34
C.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ............................................................ 37
SECTION D - PACKAGING AND MARKING...................................................................... 38
D.1 SACK LUNCHES - GENERAL........................................................................................... 38
D.2 SACK LUNCH AND SUPPLEMENTAL SANDWICHES ............................................... 38
D.3 FROZEN AND PACKAGED ITEMS .................................................................................. 39
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D.4 EQUIPMENT MARKING ................................................................................................... 39
D.5 COMBINATION HOT FOOD/DRINK CONTAINERS ..................................................... 39
D.6 FOOD LABELS.................................................................................................................... 40
SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE .............................................................. 41
E.1 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FAR 52.252-2)(FEB 1998) ................ 41
E.2 INSPECTION OF SERVICES--FIXED-PRICE (FAR 52.246-4)(AUG 1996).................... 41
E.3 PRE-USE INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT ........................................................................ 42
E.4 INSPECTIONS DURING USE ............................................................................................ 42
SECTION F - DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE.............................................................. 43
F.1 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FAR 52.252-2)(JUN 1988) ................ 43
F.2 EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THE CONTRACT (AGAR 452.211-75)(FEB 1988) ............... 43
F.3 LOCATION(S) ...................................................................................................................... 43
F.4 UNAVAILABILITY ............................................................................................................. 43
F.5 CONTRACTOR EVALUATIONS....................................................................................... 44
SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA .................................................... 45
G.1 MILEAGE............................................................................................................................. 45
G.2 MEALS ................................................................................................................................. 46
2.1 General....................................................................................................................... 46
2.2 Minimum Guarantee .................................................................................................. 46
2.3 Payment for Meals Beginning with the Fourth Meal (Meal Period) ......................... 47
G.3 SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS................................................................................................... 47
G.4 RELOCATION FEE............................................................................................................. 48
G.5 EQUIPMENT - USAGE....................................................................................................... 48
5.1 Hand Washing Stations.............................................................................................. 48
G.6 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES AND CREDITS .............................................................. 48
6.1 Equipment Repair, Supplies and Fuel........................................................................ 48
6.2 Additional Refrigeration Storage Space .................................................................... 47
6.3 Additional Tents/Seating ........................................................................................... 47
6.4 Lost/Damaged Equipment Or Supplies ..................................................................... 48
6.5 Licenses, Fees and Permits ........................................................................................ 48
6.6 Sales/Use/Privilege Tax............................................................................................. 49
6.7 Potable Water Testing Fees ....................................................................................... 49
G.7 PAYMENT PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 49
SECTION H - SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.................................................. 51
H.1 POST AWARD CONFERENCE (AGAR 452.215-73)(NOV 1996) .................................. 51
H.2 PERMITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (FAR 52.236-7)(NOV 1991)................................ 51
H.3 KEY PERSONNEL (AGAR 452.237-74)(FEB 1988)........................................................ 51
H.4 ON-SITE REPRESENTATIVE/EMPLOYEES ................................................................... 52
H.5 WORKMANSHIP ................................................................................................................ 52
H.6 INCIDENT BEHAVIOR ...................................................................................................... 53
H.7 EMPLOYMENT OF ELIGIBLE WORKERS (FSAR 4G52.222-701)(DEC 1999) ............ 53
H.8 COMMERCIAL FILMING OR VIDEOTAPING ............................................................... 53
PART II - CONTRACT CLAUSES.......................................................................................... 54
SECTION I - CONTRACT CLAUSES .................................................................................... 54
I.1 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FAR 52.252-2)(FEB 1998) ................. 54
I.2 CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (FAR 52.204-7)(APR 2008) .................... 56
OF UNION DUES OR FEES (FAR 52.222-39)(DEC 2004) ............................................. 59
(FAR 52.222-42) (MAY 1989)........................................................................................... 61
I.5 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION (FAR 52.222-54)(JAN 2009) ............... 62
I.6 SUBCONTRACTS FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS (FAR 52.244-6)(DEC 2008) ............... 65
I.7 ORDERING (FAR 52.216-18)(OCT 1995) .......................................................................... 66
I.8 ORDER LIMITATIONS (FAR 52.216-19)(OCT 1995) ...................................................... 67
I.9 REQUIREMENTS (FAR 52.216-21)(OCT 1995) ................................................................ 67
(FAR 52.217-9)(MAR 2000)............................................................................................... 68
(FAR 52.228-5)(JAN 1997)................................................................................................. 68
I.12 INSURANCE COVERAGE (AGAR 452.228-71)(NOV 1996) ......................................... 69
I.13 GOVERNMENT LIABILITY ............................................................................................. 70
I.14 ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................... 70
SECTION J - LIST OF ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................. 73
J.1 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (AGAR 452.252-70)(FEB 1988) ............................................ 73
J.2 MOBILE FOOD & SHOWER SERVICE REQUEST FORM .............................................. 74
(CONTINUATION SHEET) ............................................................................................... 76
J.4 WAGE RATE DETERMINATIONS .................................................................................... 78
J.5 SAMPLE CONTRACTOR MENUS ..................................................................................... 85
J.6 POTABLE WATER STANDARDS ...................................................................................... 90
J.6A SUPPLEMENTAL POTABLE WATER STANDARDS ................................................... 95
J.7 HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE POLICY ................................................................. 96
J.8 DAILY MEAL ORDER/INVOICE – MOBILE FOOD SERVICES .................................... 97
J.9 DAILY MEAL ORDER/INVOICE – MOBILE FOOD SERVICES .................................... 98
(CONTINUATION SHEET) ............................................................................................... 98
J.10 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 99
J.11 MOBILE FOOD SERVICE UNIT INSPECTION FORM ................................................ 102
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National Mobile Food Services
Map of Designated Dispatch Points
National Mobile Food Services
Page 7 Section C
1.1 Scope of Contract
1.1.1 The intent of this solicitation and any resultant contract is to obtain services
of Mobile Food Service Units (MFSU)s at various field locations during
wildland fire and other types of incidents throughout the contiguous
western United States. The expectation and desired result of this contract is
to provide appetizing, nutritional, well balanced hot and special meals, sack
lunches, hot and cold can meals and supplemental items.
1.1.2 The MFSU is to include all equipment, supervision, labor, materials, and
supplies (except for those items listed as Government furnished) to
accomplish the full scope of work defined herein. Only equipment
necessary for the operation of a MFSU will be allowed and approved for use
under this contract. Equipment must be capable of operating in adversely
impacted urban areas to remote primitive locations with very limited access.
These emergency services shall include complete management, control,
purchase, receipt, storage, issue, handling, processing, packaging,
preparation, food serving, clean up, transport, repair, and maintenance.
All hot meals shall be served by Contractor personnel, except for those
meals served at Spike Camps. All meals shall be served and consumed at
the Incident dining area except sack lunches and hot/cold can meals,
which will be delivered to the Government at a specified time and place.
Exceptions to meals eaten outside the dining area may be approved on a
case by case basis by the Food Unit Leader (FDUL).
The Contractor shall have the capability to feed personnel when requested
by the FDUL at times other than those established for regular meals. The
intent is to provide meals on an "as requested" basis but does not require
the kitchen to be open continuously 24 hours per day.
1.1.3 Any time mobile food services are needed for federal wildland fire
incidents in the western United States, the Federal Wildland Fire Agencies
(see Section J.10), hereinafter referred to as the Government, are obligated
to order services from the National MFSU Contractors any time (1) the
number of people to be fed is at or above 150 persons per meal and (2) the
headcount is estimated to remain at those numbers, or greater, for at least
72 hours from when the headcount first reaches 150 per meal, provided
that the Contractors can reasonably meet the incident’s needs and required
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time frames (See Section C.2). MFSU Contractors will be given the
opportunity to provide three meals per day unless other arrangements are
mutually agreed to with the FDUL or the needs of the incident require
different meal options such as Meals Ready to Eat (MRE).
MFSU also may be ordered for other types of incidents at the Government’s
option. State and other federal cooperators may also utilize this contract at
their option. However, the ordering procedures at Section C.2 will be
followed for all orders.
1.1.4 The Government, at its option, may order hot meals and/or cold breakfast
to be prepared and placed in Government furnished hot cans (Combination
Hot Food/Drink Containers NFES 0073).
1.1.5 The Government may order and the Contractor at its option may provide
supplemental beverages and sandwiches, additional refrigeration storage
space and additional tents/seating as shown and at the rates offered in the
Contractor’s current Unit Summary. The FDUL shall clearly document
and approve the order on Form 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice,
(Continuation Sheet) under Miscellaneous Charges.
1.1.6 For the purposes of FAR 16.503 (a)(1), to date the total quantities
purchased from 2005 through 2007 was $121,865,848.78 for all mobile
food services ordered through the National Interagency Coordination
Center (NICC). Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement (EERA)
Contractors totaled $23,897,881.48; National MFSU Contractors totaled
$97,967,967.30. The incidents ranged from 1 day to 22 days. On average
each Contractor received 4 total dispatches per year. These quantities are
not a representation to an offeror or Contractor that the same quantities
will be required or ordered, or that conditions affecting requirements will
be normal or stable.
1.1.7 Due to the sporadic occurrence of incident activity, the Government
DOES NOT GUARANTEE placement of any orders under this contract. The Contractor is required to provide written notification to the
Contracting Officer (CO) and the NICC any time their MFSU is
unavailable for dispatch. Failure to provide this notification may
result in a poor past performance evaluation and/or suspension of
the unit. The Contractor is not obligated to accept orders if written
notification has been submitted, stating the MFSU is unavailable to
CO and NICC in advance of the placement of an order.
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National Mobile Food Services Once the incident has begun to demobilize, the Contractor is not
obligated to stay beyond three days after the FDUL has notified the
Contractor in writing, that the number of people per meal period to
be served are below 100 people. The Contractor must inform the
FDUL in writing of the Contractor’s intent not to stay beyond the
three day period within 6 hours of being notified by the FDUL. The Government may, at any time order more than one MFSU
Unit to support an incident.
1.2 Government Furnished Property
The Government shall deliver to the MFSU Contractor the following Government-
furnished property (see Section I, Contract Clauses):
1.2.1 Approved single-use, disposable hot cans and openers (NFES 0673) when
hot can or cold can meals are ordered,
1.2.2 Containers for grease disposal,
1.2.3 Daily Meal Order/Invoice Mobile Food Services, & Continuation Sheet,
1276-A & 1276-B (NFES 2054 & NFES 2055); Interagency Mobile Food
Services Performance Evaluation & Continuation Sheet 1276-E & 1276-H
(NFES 2056 & NFES 2743). Contractors shall notify the FDUL when
forms are needed to ensure timely delivery.
1.3 Government Furnished Services
1.3.1 Waste Products - The Government will arrange for pick up and disposal of
all waste products (trash), after the waste products have been placed in the
Government provided containers by the Contractor at a Government
designated location.
1.3.2 Gray Water - The Government will arrange for removal of waste water
from the Contractor's holding facilities.
1.3.3 Dust Control - The Government shall provide for dust control for the main
serving area as needed.
1.3.4 Potable Water - The Government shall deliver potable water to the MFSU,
as needed, after the first 200 gallons required to be furnished by the
Contractor is used. The Government shall also deliver potable water to
the hand washing stations that are required as part of the MFSU, as
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1.3.5 Refrigeration - The Government will be responsible for refrigeration of
sack lunches and supplemental items upon delivery by the Contractor.
1.3.6 Meal Count The Government will provide a person to count the number of hot
meals being served. These counts shall be performed by head
count at the serving lines. All items served from the serving
windows or from the Self Service Salad Bar shall be considered a
meal. Second helpings at breakfast or from the Self Service Salad
Bar shall not be considered an additional meal. Second helpings
at the dinner meal will not be considered an additional meal
unless a meat item is served. The number of meals counted shall be recorded on NFES 1276-A,
Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services, reconciled with
the Contractor, and signed by the FDUL and Contractor on a daily
basis. Items listed in C.4.3 Twenty-Four Hour Service Bar are already
included in the meal prices. These items do not constitute a
separate meal count.
1.3.7 Health Authority Notification - When the MFSU is dispatched to an
Incident, a Government representative may notify local health authorities
of the time and location of services to be performed.
1.3.8 Fuel Tender - The Government may allow the Contractor to use a
Government fuel tender when available. Any costs of these
services/supplies will be deducted from payments due on Form 1276-B
Daily Meal Order/Invoice - Mobile Food Services (Continuation Sheet).
The Government may require the Contractor to pay directly to the fuel
vendor via Contractor’s credit card.
1.3.9 Government Escort - When it is difficult for the Contractor to locate an
incident with the directions provided by the Government, the Contractor
may request an escort to the incident.
1.3.10 Showers - When Mobile Shower Facilities are available, Contractor
personnel may use the showers without charge.
1.4 Contractor Furnished Equipment, Supplies and Personnel
The Contractor shall furnish the following:
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National Mobile Food Services
1.4.1 All cooking, serving equipment, utensils eating dishes and cups. Utensils
shall be medium weight and factory wrapped. All drinking cups shall be a
minimum of 12 ounces. All disposable products shall comply with bio-
preferred requirements or shall be made of bio-based materials capable of
withstanding a minimum temperature of 160° F.
1.4.2 All equipment, labor, supervision, fuel, electricity and maintenance
necessary for the full operation of the MFSU.
1.4.3 All food and condiments,
1.4.4 A small weighing scale for spot-checking of minimum weight
1.4.5 Hot and cold food thermometers for monitoring of food temperatures,
1.4.6 Single-use, food-grade gloves for food service personnel,
1.4.7 Current test strips for checking dish washing sanitizing solution and
chlorine residual,
1.4.8 Phosphate-free, antibacterial liquid soap and paper towels for hand
washing facilities,
1.4.9 Waterproof tent(s) for the eating area(s) that are able to accommodate a
minimum of 200 persons comfortably. Optional tents and seating may be
provided only when ordered by the FDUL, at the rates specified in the
Contractor’s current Unit Summary. The order shall be clearly
documented under miscellaneous charges and credits on Form 1276-B,
Daily Meal Order/Invoice (Continuation Sheet).
1.4.10 Appropriate tables and chairs (in good condition), for an eating area that
accommodates a minimum of 200 people comfortably,
1.4.11 Adequate lighting for the serving and dining areas,
1.4.12 At least one employee trained in safe food handling procedures who is
assigned to monitor and maintain all self service bars during hours of
1.4.13 Garbage cans with bio-based liners for the MFSU; to include all peripheral
food handling, preparation areas and dining area,
1.4.14 Refrigeration and freezer units for the storage of meat and other
perishables (see C 3.1.2),
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1.4.15 A minimum of 200 gallons potable water storage capacity (see C 3.1.3)
and initial supply of 200 gallons of potable water,
1.4.16 A minimum of 1,000 gallons of gray water storage capacity of (see C,
1.4.17 Living accommodation for Contractor's personnel shall be a reasonable
distance from the kitchen area, designated by the FDUL,
1.4.18 Adequate fire extinguishers meeting current Occupation Safety and Health
Act (OSHA), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 10# Class K
standard in Kitchen Unit that has cooking equipment and other
extinguisher types as appropriate to their surroundings,
1.4.19 Separation and rinsing of kitchen recyclable materials by type (i.e., glass
in one container, plastic in another, aluminum in still another, etc.), when
the Government is recycling on an Incident,
1.4.20 A current copy of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code
issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to be kept
with each MFSU at all times,
1.4.21 Meals for all MFSU employees.
1.5 Contractor Responsibilities
The Contractor shall perform in a professional, cooperative and workman like
manner. All equipment and service is required to meet current Federal, State and
local laws or regulations, the National Electric Code (NEC), the Uniform Plumbing
Code (UPC), Federal and State potable water codes, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Food and Drug Administration Food Code (Food Code),
National Restaurant Association Standard (NRA), National Sanitation Foundation
Standards (NSF), and other contractual requirements. Specific Contractor
responsibilities are listed below:
1.5.1 Immediately report to the FDUL or LSC to verify setup location upon
arrival at the Incident site.
1.5.2 Record, in a logbook, the minimum and maximum temperatures inside all
refrigerator units. The temperatures shall be recorded a minimum of three
times per day (at least 6 hours apart), between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
The logbook shall be made accessible to the Government and Health
Authorities at all times.
1.5.3 Contain all grease products.
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1.5.4 Maintain all facilities and equipment used for meal preparation, serving,
storage, seating and cleanup in a sanitary condition. General cleanup shall
include cleaning tables, condiment containers and chairs, removing trash
from around the eating area and Contractor equipment to locations
designated by the FDUL.
1.5.5 Ensure that employees are neat and clean. All employees shall wear
uniforms and ID tags that clearly show the employee’s name and identifies
the MFSU Contractor’s company. A tee-shirt or baseball cap will suffice
as a uniform. Food service employees shall wear hair restraints such as
hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that cover body
hair. Long hair hanging out of hats does not meet this requirement.
Single-use, food-service gloves shall be worn when handling ready to eat
foods and during meal service. Gloves will be changed during the shift as
needed and especially when a change in duties occurs i.e., taking out trash,
cleaning, preparing and serving food. Clean aprons are required at the
beginning of each shift, when the apron is soiled and/or when a change in
duties takes place.
1.5.6 Ensure that employees cooking or handling food are free of communicable
diseases. The Contractor shall train employees in the importance of hand
washing as a means of preventing the spread of food borne illnesses.
1.5.7 Ensure that each MFSU Manager and Supervisory Cook has a Certificate
of Completion for food service management, handling, and sanitation
1.5.8 The MFSU Manager shall be responsible for training all employees in
food preparation, handling, packaging, food serving, and cleanup
requirements. A MFSU Manager or designated representative shall be
available at the incident at all times. All representatives shall be
designated in writing and have all of the certifications, training, and
authority of the MFSU Manager.
1.5.9 No alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances are allowed. There
shall be no use of tobacco products within the immediate area or in the
1.5.10 Ensure that only those Contractor employees essential to the mission
remain at the Incident.
1.5.11 Provide insect control in all areas within the MFSU where food is stored,
prepared, served or eaten.
1.5.12 Maintain copies of the contract; all modifications; invoice forms; Quality
Control Plan and Work/Rest Plan with the MFSU at all times. Completed
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past performance evaluation forms shall be kept with the unit at all times.
(Note: During the Option Periods, evaluation forms from the current &
previous year shall be kept with the MFSU at all times). The Quality
Control Plan shall address the Contractor’s self-inspection procedures.
The Work/Rest Plan shall address the Contractor’s oversight and
monitoring of work/rest and length of assignment guidelines.
1.5.13 All food shall be prepared and cooked inside enclosed units, with the
exception of food cooked and served from outdoor barbecues. All outdoor
barbecues will be used in compliance with local or State fire restrictions, if
any. All hot food shall be served with utensils from the kitchen unit, with
the exception of beverages, soup and hot cereal which may be self served
from self contained heated holding equipment.
1.5.14 The Contractor shall perform one microbiological test for total quantity of
coliform bacteria (Section J). The Contractor will be reimbursed for
additional water testing fees if the Government requires a water sample to
be submitted more than once every 30 days or if the Government chooses
to change water sources, while the unit is assigned to the same incident.
The costs of the additional water tests will be added as a credit on Form
1276-B Daily Meal Order/Invoice – Mobile Food Services (Continuation
Sheet). The purpose for the required additional water test shall be clearly
documented on the invoice form.
1.5.15 Provide dust control for sandwich preparation area, salad bar, eating tents,
and sack lunch assembly area.
NOTE: Violation of any one or a combination of the above requirements may result in
suspension, and/or non-renewal and/or partial or complete termination of the Contractor's
Mobile Food Service contract.
2.1 Information Required By NICC When Placing Orders
2.1.1 Incident Name, Job Code, Resource Order Number, Request Number,
Date of Order.
2.1.2 Requested Date, Time, Meal Types and Number of Meals. Date of first meal, Time of first meal,
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 15 Section C
National Mobile Food Services Estimated number for the first three meals,
2.1.3 Reporting location,
2.1.4 Contact person at the incident,
2.1.5 Spike Camp information,
2.1.6 GACC contact and Telephone number.
2.2 Dispatch Procedures
2.2.1 The Government has contracts with multiple vendors for Mobile Food
Services. During periods of availability, the Government will utilize the
Contractor whose DDP is closest to the incident as determined by using the
Rand McNally Road Atlas
or the latest version of Microsoft Expedia
Streets & Trips
, provided that the unit can meet the incident’s needs and
required time frames.
2.2.2 Contractor personnel and equipment are required to be physically located
and available to perform services from each of their DDP’s during the
defined Mandatory Availability Period (MAP). The DDP is the location
where the unit shall be physically located during the MAP, unless the
Contractor has provided written notification to the CO and NICC of its
unavailability status. NICC is the only designated dispatch center
authorized to place orders for MFSUs. NICC shall place orders against an
overriding Delivery Order; issued by the CO at time of award.
2.2.3 Outside the MAP, priority consideration will be given to units physically
located and available to perform services closest to the incident; provided
that the unit can meet the incident’s needs and required time frames. The
only two locations to be considered for dispatch outside of the MAP are
the DDP or the Company’s Headquarters. Outside the MAP Contractors
have the option of remaining at their DDP or returning to their Company’s
Company’s Headquarters is defined as the company’s regular operating
physical address (Block 15A on Standard Form 33). Contractors are
responsible for notifying the CO and NICC, in writing, of availability
status and locations outside of their MAP.
2.2.4 The Government intends to dispatch resources in accordance with this
procedure. However, the number of fire orders in process and actual fire
conditions at the time of dispatch may require a deviation from procedures
stated in C.2. Any such deviation will be within the discretion of the
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Government, and will not be deemed a violation of any term or condition
of this contract.
2.2.5 When a Contractor agrees to a delivery schedule at the time the order is
placed, the Contractor is required to perform in accordance with the
agreed upon schedule documented on the Mobile Food Service Request
Form. In addition, the Contractor is required to follow DOT regulations at
all times.
2.3 Release and/or Reassignment
2.3.1 When the MFSU has been released from an incident, the unit may remain
in the nearest town up to 24 hours in available status. After this time, it
must return to the MFSU’s DDP. Priority consideration for assignment
will be given to the MFSU closest to the incident that is physically located
at it’s DDP over other available units remaining in the nearest town or
enroute; provided that the MFSU at it’s DDP can reasonably meet the date
and time needed by the incident.
2.3.2 Reassigned Enroute - When a MFSU is reassigned enroute, the Contractor
is obligated to report to the reassigned incident.
2.3.3 Priority for Releasing/Reassigning a MFSU
National MFSU(s) shall be released after all additional Non-National
MFSU(s) have been released. Releases for National MFSU(s) will go
through established dispatch channels. NICC shall be notified of the
release through these channels. The Contractor shall contact NICC to
confirm status of release or reassignment. When there is more than one
National MFSU at the same incident or complex of incidents, the Logistics
Section Chief (LSC) or (COR) will determine which National MFSU will
be the first to be released based on design, capability, size, need,
performance, price and/or set-up location at the incident. The LSC or
COR will forward documentation of this decision to the CO.
2.4 Need for Additional MFSU
2.4.1 If an additional MFSU is ordered for the same incident camp site, dispatch
priority will be based on the same procedures in Section C.2. However,
the Contractor currently servicing the incident may be given the first
opportunity to supply a second unit if the contractor has another unit
approved on the contract and if that second unit can meet the incidents
needs and required time frames.
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2.5 Procedure for Canceling a MFSU
The Government reserves the right to cancel any order at any time. Payment for
services rendered will be made in accordance with Section G - Contract
Administration Data.
2.5.1 Canceling a MFSU
Notice of cancellation will be provided to the MFSU Contractor from NICC.
2.6 Procedure for Relocating MFSU(s) at an Incident
2.6.1 The Relocation Fee (in addition to mileage) is paid in the following cases: After a MFSU is on order and has arrived and completed the initial
set-up at the incident; the Government may have a need to relocate
the MFSU to another location within the same camp, or to a new,
or different camp (in support of the same incident), or When the original incident is or becomes incorporated into a
complex and relocating the MFSU becomes necessary in support
of that complex of incidents, or Reduction in force resulting in reorganization within the incident
or complex, but not demobilization. The relocation fee is paid
when camps in a complex are collapsed and MFSU(s) are relocated
within that complex.
2.6.2 If a Unit is reassigned to another incident or demobilized, no relocation fee
is paid.
2.7 Procedure and Times for Ordering Hot Meals, Sack Lunches and Hot or Cold
Can Meals
2.7.1 Orders for hot and special meals, sack lunches, hot and cold can meals,
and the times to be served shall be placed by the FDUL and documented
on Form 1276-A.
The Contractor shall be notified of the anticipated number of hot meals,
and hot and cold can meals, at least six (6) hours before the time to be
served or delivered.
Whenever possible, the Government will notify the Contractor of the
anticipated number of sack lunches by 3:00 p.m. the day before issuance.
While every attempt will be made to adhere to this schedule, it may be
necessary to order additional lunches with very little notice, due to the
sporadic nature of emergency incidents.
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2.7.2 Failure on the part of the Contractor to meet the meal or sack lunch schedule
may result in a reduction in the contract meal prices, suspension and/or
termination of services. No reduction in contract meal prices shall be made
for any additional meals when not ordered by the required time frames.
2.8 Procedure for Ordering Optional Supplemental Food and Beverage Items
Optional supplemental food and beverage items listed in Section B may be ordered
by the FDUL subject to mutual agreement of the Contractor. Orders for optional
supplemental food and beverage items must be approved in advance, inventoried
upon delivery, and accepted by the FDUL. The Government, at its option, may
choose to procure these items under this contract or from other sources. The
Contractor may choose to accept or not accept any orders for optional supplemental
food and beverage items under this contract.
2.9 Procedure for Ordering Optional Refrigeration Storage Space
Optional refrigeration storage space within the MFSU may be ordered by the FDUL
subject to mutual agreement of the Contractor. Orders for optional refrigeration
storage space shall be clearly documented under Block 28, Miscellaneous Charges &
Credits on Form 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice (Continuation Sheet). The
Government, at its option, may choose to procure these items under this contract or
from other sources. The Contractor may choose to accept or not accept any orders
for additional refrigeration storage space under this contract.
2.10 Procedure for Ordering Optional Tents and Seating
Optional tents and seating (above the required 200 minimum), may be ordered by
the FDUL subject to mutual agreement of the Contractor. Orders for additional
tents and seating shall be clearly documented under Block 28, Miscellaneous
Charges & Credits on Form 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice (Continuation
Sheet). The Government, at its option, may choose to procure these items under
this contract or from other sources. The Contractor may choose to accept or not
accept any orders for additional tents and seating under this contract.
2.11 Procedure for Canceling and Reducing Hot Meal Orders - Cancellation or reduction
in hot meals shall be made in writing four (4) hours prior to serving time and
documented in the remarks block on Form 1276-A.
2.12 Procedure for Canceling and Reducing Sack Lunch Orders
2.12.1 Any cancellation or reduction in sack lunches shall be made as soon as
practical after an order has been placed.
2.12.2 The Contractor shall refrigerate sack lunches ordered until the agreed upon
delivery time.
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3.1 Mobile Food Service Unit
A MFSU meeting all responsibilities cited in C.1.5 shall consist of a trailer(s) (where
the cooking is done) and all peripheral pieces of equipment and trailers necessary to
support the Mobile Food Service Unit (such as dry goods, refrigeration, etc.). Each
MFSU shall be capable of feeding 1,200 persons at the minimum rate of 350 persons
per hour. Listed below are the minimum equipment requirements for a MFSU.
Minimum equipment requirements will be evaluated in accordance with Section M.
3.1.1 Mobile Food Service Unit (Including All Peripheral Equipment) General
(a) All food preparation and serving units shall be fully enclosed
except when serving. A fully enclosed unit shall use one or a
combination of the following methods to enclose the unit: 1)
screens, 2) air curtains or 3) other effective means for insect
and dust control. Units that do not have screens or effective air
curtains must keep all windows and doors closed.
(b) All equipment shall be sealed to the floor or raised at least 6” off
the floor to prevent moisture from getting under the equipment.
(c) Equipment, including the interior of cabinets or compartments,
walls, corners, ceilings, and floors shall be easily accessible
and have easily cleanable surfaces. Equipment surfaces shall
be free from channels, crevices, flanges, ledges, sharp or
jagged edges, and other cleaning obstructions.
(d) Unfinished wood surfaces are not permitted. This requirement
does not apply to pallets being used in distributors’ delivery
vehicles. Wood pallets are permitted in dry goods storage areas
and lunch assembly tents only.
(e) Food contact surfaces shall be constructed of metal or high-
pressure laminated plastics, these surfaces must be kept free of
cracks, cuts, and other obstructions that would interfere with
proper cleaning. Hard maple or an equivalent hard closed
grain wood may be used for cutting boards.
(f) Utility and service lines shall not obstruct or prevent cleaning
of floors, walls and ceilings. Service lines may not be
unnecessarily exposed.
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(g) All junctures where floors and walls meet shall be coved. All
seams, cracks and junctures where walls and ceiling meet shall
be sealed. Walls and ceilings shall have a smooth finish to
allow easy cleaning.
(h) All plumbing equipment shall preserve potable water quality
throughout the kitchen unit and peripheral equipment where
potable water is stored and used. No galvanized pipe, fittings,
or fixtures are allowed in the food zone, or food splash zone
per National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards. Space
around pipes, conduits, or hoses that extend through cabinets,
floors, or outer walls shall be sealed.
(i) Light fixtures, light bulbs and light tubes, etc., shall be covered
with completely enclosed plastic safety shields, approved
shatter proof type bulbs or the equivalent. All non-dedicated
electrical receptacles will be ground fault protected. Steam Table (Electric or Gas)
Steam tables shall be capable of holding at least 4 full sized hotel
pans (12" x 20") and be able to maintain hot food at a minimum of
140 F. Steam tables shall be used for serving only and shall not
be used in eating area tents at any time. One (1) Three-Compartment Metal Sink
One (1) three-compartment metal sink for washing, rinsing and
(a) The sink shall be equipped with continuous gravity flow or
pressurized hot (120 F) and cold running water.
(b) The minimum dimensions of each compartment shall be 18"
wide x 20" long x 12" deep (inside dimensions) or equivalent
volume. The sink dimensions must accommodate all of the
cooking pans being utilized.
(c) The sink shall be equipped with a mixing faucet capable of
servicing any sink compartment.
(d) The sink shall have smooth sanitary drain boards or equivalent
drying area shall be available.
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01 Page 21 Section C
National Mobile Food Services One (1) Food Preparation Sink
One (1) food preparation sink measuring a minimum of 15” x 19”
x 7” dedicated to food preparation only, shall be maintained the
same as any other food contact surface. Hand Washing Sinks for Contractor Personnel
(a) Hand washing sinks shall be provided within all food
preparation, cooking, serving and ware washing area(s).
(b) Hand washing sinks are to be used for hand washing only. Hand Washing Sinks For Incident Personnel
Each individual mobile hand washing station shall have the
(a) Eight (8) sinks per unit.
(b) 400 gallons gray water and 400 gallons potable water holding
capacity. Potable water tank shall be constructed of food grade
safe, non-corrosive and nonabsorbent material. Tank shall
have smooth easily cleanable surfaces and shall be designed
with an access port for inspection and cleaning. The access port
opening shall be flanged upward at least 13mm (1/2 inch) and
be equipped with a cover to overlap the opening. The entire
inside of the tank shall be visible for an ocular inspection. The
tank shall be sloped to drain completely. Each tank shall have
the size and description stenciled on it in letters no less than 4
inches high (for example: "400 GAL - POTABLE WATER” or
(c) Each wash basin shall provide hot and cold water through a
mixing faucet that allows for the washing of both hands while
the water is running and have continuous hot water heating
capable of maintaining 101º F.
(d) The Contractor shall provide one paper towel dispenser and one
phosphate-free liquid soap dispenser for every two sinks.
(e) Mirrors are optional.
(f) Adequate self-contained outside lighting for use of the hand
washing station in darkness.
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(a) An electrically powered exhaust hood ventilation system with
grease filters or screens shall be provided over all cooking
equipment to adequately remove cooking odors, smoke, steam,
grease and vapors. The use of galvanized hoods, filters or
screens is prohibited.
(b) Grease filters shall be constructed from stainless steel,
aluminum or other (NSF approved material), and be readily
accessible for cleaning. Waste Receptacles
Waste receptacles shall be readily accessible, smooth, non-
absorbent and easy to clean. Storage of Cleaning Supplies, Insecticides and Clothing
These storage areas shall be completely separate from food storage
and food preparation areas. Sneeze Guards
Sneeze guards shall be provided for all self service food serving lines. Kitchen Unit Gray Water Storage
A minimum enclosed storage capacity of at least 1000 gallons of gray
water storage shall be provided. The storage container(s) shall have
the size and description stenciled on the container in letters no less
than 4 inches high (for example: "1000 GAL - GRAY WATER").
3.1.2 Refrigeration/Freezer Storage Unit(s) Food in refrigeration and freezer storage units shall be stored a
minimum of 6 inches off the floor; 4-inch plastic pallets may be
used. Adequate access must be provided; walking on pallets is not
acceptable access. A minimum of 1,200 cubic feet of refrigeration storage space,
capable of maintaining stored food at a temperature of 41º F or
lower and 512 cubic feet of freezer storage space capable of
maintaining frozen food at 0º F is required.
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National Mobile Food Services Refrigeration and freezer storage units shall be equipped with a
thermometer that is equivalent to a “min/max” type or a
“continuous graphing” type. The thermometer shall be placed
within 8 feet from the entrance. Refrigeration and freezer storage units shall have shelving that is
non-absorbent, non-corrodible, and easily cleanable. Wood is not
3.1.3 Potable Water Storage Tank - Equipment necessary to store a minimum of
200 gallons of potable water (for kitchen use only) is required. Tank
material shall be constructed of food grade safe, non-corrosive and
nonabsorbent material. Tank shall have smooth easily cleanable surfaces
and shall be designed with an access port for inspection and cleaning. The
access port opening shall be flanged upward at least 13mm (1/2 inch) and
be equipped with a cover to overlap the opening. The entire inside of the
tank shall be visible for an ocular inspection. The tank shall be sloped to
drain completely. Each tank shall have the size and description stenciled
on it in letters no less than 4 inches high (for example: "200 GAL -
POTABLE WATER"). A minimum of 200 gallons of potable water shall
be provided in the storage tank(s) upon arrival at each incident which
supersedes the requirement that the tank shall arrive empty as stated in the
3.1.4 Sandwich Preparation Area - Sandwich preparation unit shall maintain a
temperature of 72° or less, and provide insect and dust control.
3.1.5 Sack Lunch Assembly Area - Tents or trailers with insect and dust
protection shall be used for sack lunch assembly. Preparation of
sandwiches or other perishable items must be done inside the enclosed
kitchen unit(s).
3.1.6 Salad Bar Area - The salad bar shall be located in enclosed trailers or tents
with sides and doors capable of providing effective protection from insect
and dust.
3.2 Additional Safety Equipment
Any steps or platforms shall have solid handrails, not chain linked, in addition to
other current OSHA standards for handrails and stairs (see 29 CFR 1910.23-1910.24).
All Stationary equipment shall have oil spill containment kits consisting of both pads
and pans, under the fuel tank, engine, and any other petroleum containers, except
miscellaneous “fuel containers” under 5 gallons. Stationary equipment is defined as
that remaining in one position for 24 hours or more, or that is parked in the same
location for over 24 hours.
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4.1 General
4.1.1 Quantities, variety and quality standards for meals are specified. The
intent is for the Contractor to provide high quality meals while providing
for variety. Additionally, provisions must be made for special meals to
accommodate personal needs which may vary from the standard menu.
Special meals shall have the same quality and equivalent quantity as the
standard menu meals. The FDUL is responsible for notifying the
Contractor of the number of meals required.
4.1.2 Bi-weekly (14 days) menus shall be submitted within 24 hours of arrival at
an incident by the Contractor for approval by the FDUL. Subsequent
menus shall be submitted 2 days prior to the current bi-weekly menu
expiring, for the duration of the incident. The menu forms in Section J are
examples of the format that may be used when submitting the menu. The
FDUL shall ensure that the variety and content proposed is in accordance
with the contract specifications. The daily menus with portion sizes shall
be posted at the dining area.
4.2 Standard Menu Requirements
Standard menu items and quantities to be available per person are listed below for
each type of meal.
4.2.1 Hot Breakfast Eggs - 2 fresh eggs (3 when scrambled) or 6 oz. of liquid eggs (no
egg product). Meat - 4 oz. (raw uncooked weight). Bread or Hot cakes or French toast or Waffles - or equivalent
starch (equal to 3 (1 to 1½ oz.) slices of bread. Potatoes - 6 oz. or equivalent starch (see Section C 4.4.10). Milk - 1/2 pint. Both white and chocolate milk shall be available. Fresh Fruit or Canned Fruit - (no apples or oranges). Chilled 100% Fruit Juice - 5½ oz. Cooked Cereal - 6 oz. (see Section C.4.4.5)
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4.2.2 Hot Can Breakfast
Hot can breakfasts are to be the same quality and quantity as the hot
breakfasts served in camp. These meals shall be packed using
Government furnished containers.
4.2.3 Cold Can Breakfasts
Cold Can Breakfasts shall be packaged using Government furnished
containers. A cold can breakfast shall consist of cold breakfast food and
shall contain the following items: Dry Cereal - 2 individual serving boxes, 3/4 oz. each. Breakfast Protein Item - One or more items with a combined
weight of 4 oz. Milk - 1/2 pint. Both white and chocolate milk shall be available. Muffin(s) or equivalent - 3 oz. Fresh (no apples or oranges) or Canned Fruit - 5½ oz. For variety
2 oz. of dried apricots, cherries, dates, mango, pineapple, pears,
banana chips, peaches, prunes, raisins, or other dried fruit may be
substituted (not to be used on a daily basis). 100% Fruit Juice - 5½ oz.
4.2.4 Additional Items for Hot Breakfast and Hot and Cold Can Breakfast
In addition to the above, the items listed below shall be made available for
the hot breakfast meals:
Butter and margarine, instant hot cereal, jelly or jam, peanut butter, salt,
pepper, sugar, cream (or substitute), tea and hot chocolate. These items
shall be individually packaged. Mustard, ketchup, steak sauce, salt, and
pepper shall be provided in approved dispensers or original bottles in the
dining tent area. Appropriate items for hot and cold can breakfast will be
determined by the FDUL.
Salsa, hot peppers, brown sugar and raisins or other dried fruit shall also
be made available, in appropriate serving containers, not individually
Brewed coffee for hot can and cold can breakfasts shall be included at no
additional cost if ordered by the FDUL.
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4.2.5 Sack Lunch
Regular and vegetarian sack lunches shall be provided as ordered by the
FDUL. Vegetarian sack lunches shall be prepared for the Ovo-Lacto
vegetarian classification level and shall consist of the same quantities and
items as regular sack lunches. Non-meat protein substitutes such as
vegetarian lunch meats require FDUL approval and shall be used on a
limited basis in vegetarian sack lunches.
Definition: Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian - This is the most common form of
vegetarianism. Ovo-Lacto vegetarians do not eat meat, chicken, fish or
flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products. Sub categories are
Ovo vegetarians that eat eggs but not dairy products, while Lacto
vegetarians eat dairy products but not eggs.
NOTE: Pre-prepared sandwiches shall not be frozen.
Sack lunches shall consist of the following items: Entree 1 - One Meat Sandwich (or Sandwich with Non-meat
Substitute for Vegetarian)
(a) The sandwich shall be wrapped in plastic wrap or plastic bags.
(b) The sandwich shall contain two 1 to 1½ oz. slices of bread.
(c) The meat sandwich shall contain 3½ oz. sliced whole muscle
meat or a combination of sliced whole muscle meat and cheese
or equivalent vegetarian substitute. Ground meat, such as
meatloaf or ground beef patties, may be allowed if approved by
the FDUL.
(d) Appropriate individually packaged condiments shall be
provided and not be put directly on the sandwich. Entree 2 - Variety Item
Contractors may choose a variety of items for the second entrée
including a second sandwich. The preferred option is to provide
energy bars. Entrée 2 shall have a minimum nutritional value of
400 calories. (Reference Section J.10 Definitions, Energy Bar)
NOTE: FDUL may approve the following for variety on an occasional basis; one super-
sized hoagie or submarine (salami and/or bologna may be used) having a combination of
meat and/or cheese weighing 7 ounces used in place of Entree 1 and 2. Non-meat
substitutes shall replace the meat in a vegetarian hoagie or submarine sandwich.
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National Mobile Food Services Fruit - The fruit shall be one apple (size 100 count) or one orange
(size 88 count), or other fresh fruit of comparable size. Dried Fruit - Factory-wrapped or resealable individually wrapped
by the Contractor. This item shall have a minimum nutritional
value of at least 200 calories. All ingredients shall be identified and
attached to the product for easy identification. (Note: Most dried
fruits have a caloric value of approximately 75 calories per oz.) Factory-Wrapped or Resealable Individually Wrapped Snack -
Two (2) or more snacks with a combined minimum nutritional
value of at least 600 calories. It is preferred that these snacks be
high in complex carbohydrate content. All ingredients shall be
identified and attached to the product for easy identification. Variety Snack - Two (2) snack items consisting of trail mix (3 oz),
nuts (1 oz), seeds (1 oz), beef or turkey jerky (2 oz) or fresh
vegetables (1 cup). The two items must be different. Additional
variety may be approved by the FDUL. Condiments - Four individual factory-wrapped packets of
condiments appropriate for the entrees being served. Paper Napkin and Pre-Moistened Towelette - Two each.
4.2.6 Hot and Hot Can Dinners Hot Dinners
Hot dinners shall include the items and quantities identified below.
(a) Whole/Full Muscle Meat (Raw Weight)
Steak -10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Beef - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Beef and Pork Ribs - 10 oz. (boneless) or 18 oz. (bone-in), or
Pork - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Lamb - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Poultry - 8 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Ham - 8 oz. (boneless) or 12 oz. (bone-in), or
Fish - 8 oz.
Contractors may elect to serve an entree such as lasagna or
casseroles. However, these entrees must have a meat side dish
which ensures the total meat quantity standard is met.
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NOTE: Any meat used that is not specified above must be the
equivalent quantity and meet the dinner quality standards cited in
Section C.4.7. The actual weight of any specific cut of meat
shown above may vary in accordance with specifications covered
under the USDA Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications
(IMPS). The portion weight is specified on the supplier’s label.
Precooked meat shall meet equivalent weight of raw meat
(b) Non Meat Protein - 4 oz.
(c) Vegetables - 4 oz.
(d) Potatoes - 6 oz. or equivalent starch.
(e) Bread - Two 1 to 1½ oz. slices or equivalent starch.
(f) Milk - 1/2 pint. Both white and chocolate milk shall be available.
(g) Dessert - 4 oz.
(h) Self-Service Salad Bar shall contain:
(1) Five salad toppings,
(2) One tossed green salad with equal amounts of three types
of leafy vegetables,
(3) Two prepared salads,
(4) One fruit or fruit salad,
(5) Three types of salad dressings (regular and/or low/non-fat),
(6) Three salad condiments. Hot Can Dinners
Hot Can Dinners shall include the items and quantities identified
below. All hot food items including salads shall be packed in
Government furnished containers.
(a) Whole/Full Muscle Meat (Raw Weight)
Steak -10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Beef - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Beef and Pork Ribs - 10 oz. (boneless) or 18 oz. (bone-in), or
Pork - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Lamb - 10 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
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Poultry - 8 oz. (boneless) or 14 oz. (bone-in), or
Ham - 8 oz. (boneless) or 12 oz. (bone-in), or
Fish - 8 oz.
Contractors may elect to serve an entree such as lasagna or
casseroles. However, these entrees must have a meat side dish
which ensures the total meat quantity standard is met.
NOTE: Any meat used that is not specified above must be the
equivalent quantity and meet the dinner quality standards cited in
Section C.4.7. The actual weight of any specific cut of meat
shown above may vary in accordance with specifications covered
under the USDA Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications
(IMPS). The portion weight is specified on the supplier’s label.
Precooked meat shall meet equivalent weight of raw meat
(b) Non Meat Protein - 4 oz.
(c) Vegetables - 4 oz.
(d) Potatoes - 6 oz. or equivalent starch.
(e) Bread - Two 1 to 1½ oz. slices or equivalent starch.
(f) Milk - 1/2 pint. Both white and chocolate milk shall be available.
(g) Dessert - 4 oz.
(h) Two salads - 4 oz. each
(1) One tossed green salad with equal amounts of three types of
leafy vegetables with three salad toppings with three types
of salad dressings (regular and/or low/non-fat) and
(2) One prepared salad. Additional Items for Hot Dinners and Hot Can Dinners - In
addition to the above, the items listed below, shall be made
available for the hot dinner meals:
Butter and margarine, jelly or jam, peanut butter, mustard, ketchup,
steak sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, cream (or substitute), tea and hot
chocolate. These items shall be individually packaged. Mustard,
ketchup, steak sauce, salt, and pepper shall be provided in approved
dispensers or original bottles in the dining tent area. (Appropriate
items for hot and cold can breakfast will be approved by the FDUL.)
National Mobile Food Services
Page 30 Section C
Salsa and hot peppers shall also be made available, in appr
serving containers, not individually packaged.
Brewed coffee for hot can dinners shall be included at no
additional cost if ordered by the FDUL.
4.3 Twenty-Four Hour Service Bar
The following items shall be available in a service bar 24 hours per day at the incident
dining area with the exception of cold cereal and milk, which shall be available
between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. There is no additional charge for any of these items,
due to the fact that the cost for these items are calculated in the daily meal prices.
4.3.1 Hot Regular Brewed Coffee (regular and decaffeinated). Flavored coffee
may be served in addition to regular coffee at the Contractor’s option.
(a) Available 24-Hours. A high quality ground or liquid concentrate shall
be available. FDUL may purchase supplemental coffee by the gallon
for consumption away from the dining area.
(b) Available During Hot Meals. Fresh brewed coffee shall be made
available from high quality (ground) beans. If coffee is brewed
outside, it must be in a tent with sides.
4.3.2 Hot Water
4.3.3 Hot Chocolate
4.3.4 Tea Bags (regular and decaffeinated)
4.3.5 Cold Drinks
4.3.6 Iced Tea (regular and decaffeinated)
4.3.7 Dry Cereal
4.3.8 Milk - Both white and chocolate milk shall be available.
4.4 Menu Variety (See 4.1.2)
Contractor Bi-Weekly Menus (see Section J) shall be approved by the FDUL in
advance. Menu items shall provide variety on a daily basis as to the types of meat
and bread used in sandwiches, other sack lunch entrees, snacks, juices and other
meal items served. Menus may include a wide variety of recipes. Pre-cooked items
after the fourth meal must be approved by the FDUL and shall be approved on a
limited basis only. If meat is an ingredient of a pre-cooked item, the meat portions
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per meal must meet the meat quantity standard defined in C.4.2.1 and
Entrees such as stew, lasagna, spaghetti, linguine, chili, chicken chop suey or
casseroles may be used as approved by the FDUL. The following are examples of
variety options.
4.4.1 Meat
(a) Beef
(1) Steaks - rib, loin, T-bone, New York, sirloin, cubed, filet and
pepper steak.
(2) Roast - Prime rib and sliced roast.
(3) Short Ribs - baked, broiled and barbecued.
(4) Ground Beef - lasagna, meat loaf, meatballs in spaghetti sauce and
ground beef patties.
(b) Pork
(1) Chops - loin cut, spare-ribs, country style ribs and barbecued.
(2) Roast - sliced and tenderloin.
(3) Ham - sliced.
(4) Sausage
(c) Lamb
(1) Chops - grilled and barbecued.
(2) Roast - sliced.
(d) Poultry
(1) Sliced, or whole pieces or parts (such as breast, thigh or leg).
(e) Fish - grilled, baked fillets or steaks.
(f) Processed Meat Items - pastrami, Polish/Italian sausage and corned beef.
(g) Breakfast Meat - ham, bacon, sausage, steak and pork chops.
4.4.2 Eggs - Fried, hard-boiled, poached, omelets or scrambled.
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4.4.3 Bread and Equivalent Starches - wheat, white, 7-grain, rye, pumpernickel,
French, garlic, biscuits, muffins, rolls, croissants, bagels, cornbread,
donuts, sourdough, tortilla and pita pocket.
4.4.4 Dry Cereal - Varieties of flaked, toasted, or baked cold cereals and granola.
4.4.5 Hot Cereal - Oatmeal or grits, Cream of Wheat
, etc.
4.4.6 Fruit - oranges, tangerines, apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches, plums,
nectarines, grapefruit, or melons.
4.4.7 Dried Fruit - apricots, cherries, dates, mango, pineapple, pears, banana
chips, peaches, prunes, raisins or other dried fruit.
4.4.8 Vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, corn, peas, green beans,
mixed vegetables, etc.
4.4.9 Non Meat Protein - BBQ beans, vegetarian patty, vegetarian hot dog,
Tofu, beans, soybean product, bean burritos, peanut butter, cheese,
tempeh, quinoa, hummus.
4.4.10 Potatoes and Equivalent Starches - baked, mashed, fried, boiled, scalloped,
rice, stuffing, pasta, sweet potatoes, or yams.
4.4.11 Juice - orange, tomato, grape, V8
type, apple, cranberry, or pineapple.
4.4.12 Sandwich Meat and/or Cheese - ham, corned beef, roast beef, turkey, pork,
beef pastrami, chicken, cheddar, Swiss, or other natural cheese, excluding
American processed cheese.
4.4.13 Salad Bar -
(a) Salad Toppings - kidney, garbanzo or pinto beans; carrots,
mushrooms, celery, cauliflower, green/red bell peppers, broccoli,
cheese, cottage cheese, beets, peas, tomatoes, eggs, cucumbers.
(b) Prepared Salads - macaroni, carrot and raisin, potato, pea, gelatin,
coleslaw, fruit, rice or pasta salads.
(c) Tossed Salad Greens - romaine, endive, iceberg, green leaf, red leaf,
butter, spinach, or cabbage.
(d) Fruit - melons, peaches, grapes, bananas, strawberries, pears,
applesauce or seasonal fruit.
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(e) Salad Dressings - regular and low/non-fat French, Ranch, Italian,
vinaigrette, Thousand Island, Blue Cheese, etc.
(f) Salad Condiments - croutons, wheat nuts, sunflower seeds, crackers
and taco chips, bread sticks, olives, pickles, or other fresh pickled or
marinated vegetables.
4.4.14 Dessert - cakes, cookies, pies, cobblers, puddings, pastries or ice cream.
4.4.15 Tea - black, herbal, green, and spiced. Flavored tea may be served in
addition to regular tea at the Contractor's option
4.4.16 Milk - white, (Whole, 2%, Skim), and Chocolate.
4.4.17 Snack Varieties - Candy bars, bagged candy, trail mix, cookies, brownies.
Granola bars, energy bars, fresh vegetables, pretzels, shelled nuts. Factory
packaged meats such as dried meats, sausage, pepperoni, jerky, etc., are
acceptable. Processed cheese and cheese food products are allowed for
this item only. The Government retains its full right to reject any product
offered under this paragraph if the quality of the product is rejected by
users. For variety two different products shall be used each day.
4.5 Cooking Requirements - All foods shall be cooked to minimize health hazards in
accordance with the requirements below and the current FDA Food Code.
4.5.1 Ground Meat, Pork, Poultry Lamb and Fish - All ground meat, pork,
poultry, lamb and fish shall be cooked well done to the minimum internal
temperature defined in the current FDA Food Code or higher with
temperature tested in the product’s thickest part.
4.5.2 Whole Muscle Beef - Roast beef for sandwiches and cube steaks shall be
well done. Beef roast or steaks for dinner meals may be medium rare to
well done, as approved by the FDUL.
4.5.3 Fresh Eggs - Fresh eggs may be cooked to order. Fresh eggs cooked to
order shall be cooked to heat all parts of the egg to the minimum internal
temperature defined in the current FDA Food Code or higher. Boiled eggs
shall be well done.
4.6 Serving Container Requirements
4.6.1 Milk - Shall be available in individual cartons, approved milk dispensers,
or must be served from cartons or jugs.
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National Mobile Food Services
4.6.2 Juice - Shall be available in individual pop-top cans, non-crushable
paper/foil-type containers and resealable plastic bottles. Approved
dispensers may be used.
4.6.3 Desserts - Shall be either served at the serving line, or in individually
wrapped dishes, or covered for protection from contamination if served at
a dessert bar.
4.6.4 Salad Dressing and Condiments - Shall be available in individual packets,
approved dispensers, or original bottles. Salsa and hot peppers shall be
served in approved containers at the salad bar.
4.6.5 Bread - Shall be either served at the serving line, or covered for protection
from contamination if available at a salad bar. Tongs are required for self
4.6.6 Dry Cereal - Cold cereal shall be available in individual boxes or in
approved bulk dispensers.
4.7 Food Quality Standards
4.7.1 Meat, Poultry, and Fish Beef - Fresh or fresh frozen whole/full muscle USDA inspected,
USDA Choice or better with 1/4 inch trim, (lower grades of beef,
including "no roll/select", are not acceptable).
No more than 15% pump in all USDA Choice pre-cooked and/or
further processed beef items with the exception of corned beef
brisket which may be 20%.
The term “whole muscle” in this section shall mean whole muscle
or sliced from whole muscle. No soy additives shall be included in
beef products. Ground Beef - USDA inspected 100 % ground beef or ground beef
patties meeting USDA ingredient and labeling requirements, not to
exceed 20% fat. Need not be USDA Choice. Beef for Sack Lunches - USDA inspected, need not be USDA
choice. Whole/full muscle, flats, top and bottom rounds and eye of
the round only (no shoulder cuts allowed). Pre-cooked further
processed beef or cured beef such as corned beef or pastrami may
be used. No soy additives shall be included in beef products. (No
more than 15% pump in all precooked, further processed, or cured
beef items, with the exception of corned beef brisket and pastrami,
National Mobile Food Services
Page 35 Section C
which shall not exceed 20% pump.) Roast beef for sandwi
shall be well done and not appear to have a “green sheen”.
ches Pork - USDA inspected, USDA Grades 1-4. Bacon, sausage and
whole/full muscle pork items. Whole/full muscle cured ham and
natural juices or cured ham with water added not to exceed 15%
pump (ham and water product, ham with water and isolated soy
protein added and turkey-ham is not allowed). Cornish Game Hens - Whole/full muscle, USDA inspected, need
not be USDA Grade A. Poultry - Whole raw chicken shall be obtained from USDA
inspected facilities and shall be USDA Grade “A” whole/full
muscle. Cut raw chicken product shall be obtained from USDA
inspected facilities and may be USDA Grade “A” or equivalent.
Cooked product that does not have a USDA grade shall have been
obtained from USDA inspected facilities and purchased from
among the suppliers top quality labels. Acknowledgement of a
top-quality (Best Label) and equivalent products does not
necessarily constitute acceptance as an end product if that product
is otherwise objectionable in appearance, taste or quality.
Processed or precooked turkey shall not exceed 3 lobes per product
of breast meat only. No more than 15% pump in all processed or
precooked poultry items. (No chunked, chopped and/or formed
product allowed). Lamb - USDA inspected; USDA Choice or better; fresh, whole/full
muscle. No more than 15% pump in all USDA Choice pre-cooked
or further processed lamb items. No soy additives shall be included
in lamb products. Fish - Whole muscle steaks or fillets (no chunked, chopped,
formed, pressed or imitations).
4.7.2 Dairy Products - Pasteurized, USDA Grade A or better.
4.7.3 Cheese - Natural cheese. No imitation cheese, cheese product, cheese food,
or cheese spread allowed except in factory wrapped - commercially
available products like burritos, Hot Pockets
, chimichangas, etc., needed
for lunches and cold can breakfast. Also, see 4.4.12. The Contractor shall
use natural cheese if these items are made at the incident.
4.7.4 Fresh Shelled Eggs - USDA inspected, Grade A.
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National Mobile Food Services
4.7.5 Frozen or Liquid Whole Egg(s) - USDA inspected and pasteurized. No
egg product.
4.7.6 Canned Vegetables - US No. 1 or equivalent (top label).
4.7.7 Canned Fruits - US No. 1 or equivalent (top label).
4.7.8 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - First Quality. When grading is available,
fruit in the sack lunches must be U.S. No. 1 or better. The Contractor
shall provide documentation that validates that the quality of the product is
equal to U.S. No. 1 or better. Containers, cases, and crates shall be
marked for grade.
4.7.9 Frozen Fruits and Vegetables (All Meals) - Grade A.
4.7.10 Juice - 100% fruit juice, 100% fruit juice blend; 100% vegetable juice.
All juice must be pasteurized.
4.7.11 Dry Cereal (Breakfast) - Vitamin enriched.
4.7.12 Canned Goods and Prepared Items for Sack Lunch (Second Entree Only) -
Top label or equivalent. All burritos or similar product containing meat
shall be USDA inspected.
4.7.13 Bread - Enriched or whole grain.
4.7.14 Coffee - High quality, Columbian or better.
4.7.15 Tea - High quality.
4.7.16 Oil - Pure vegetable oil and/or olive oil, no trans fats.
4.7.17 Prepared Salads - High quality.
4.7.18 Canned Tuna Fish - Chunk Light Tuna, Dolphin-safe, and water packed.
4.7.19 Beef Jerky - Sliced dried beef.
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National Mobile Food Services
C.1.4 - C.1.4.21 Contractor Furnished
Equipment, Supplies and Personnel
All contractor’s equipment, supplies and personnel shall be
All items must be available at all times.
C 1.5 - C.1.5.15 Contractor Responsibilities Contractor shall perform in a professional, cooperative and
workmanlike manner and provide all supplies and services
as specified.
Standards must be met at all times.
C.2.2.5 Timely Arrival and Set-up of MFSU. Meets delivery schedule agreed upon with NICC. +/- 1 hour of agreed upon schedule.
C.3.1 - C.3.2 Equipment Requirements and
Feeding Rates
All equipment and feeding rates shall meet or exceed
minimum requirements.
Equipment requirements shall be met at
all times. MFSU shall be capable of
feeding 1200 person at a minimum rate
of 350 persons/hr.
C.4.1 - C.4.1.2 General Meal Requirements Contractor shall submit a biweekly (14 day) menu within 24
hours of arrival at the incident that provides for a variety of
high quality meals or special meals that meet quality
Standards must be met at all times.
C.4.2 - C. Standard Menu Minimum
Quantities Requirements
Food shall meet or exceed all quantity standards. Standards must be met at all times.
C.4.3 - 4.3.8 Twenty-Four Hour Service Bar All items listed shall be available 24 hours/day at the
incident dining area. Exceptions noted.
Standards must be met at all times.
C.4.4 - C.4.4.17 Menu Variety Bi-weekly menus shall provide a variety as to types of meat,
breads, juices and other meal items served.
Variety standards must be met at all
C.4.5 - C.4.5.3 Cooking Requirements All foods shall be cooked to minimize health hazards in
accordance with the FDA Food Code.
Foods shall be cooked in a way to meet
the FDA Food Code at all times.
C.4.6 - C.4.6.6 Serving Container
Milk, Juice, Desserts, Salad Dressing, Condiments, Bread
and Cold Cereal shall be served and available as specified.
Standards must be met at all times.
C.4.7 - C.4.7.19 Food Quality Standards All meat, poultry, fish dairy products, can, frozen, or fresh
vegetables and fruits, dry goods, breads, canned goods,
coffee, tea, oil, prepared salads and beef jerky shall meet
specified quality standards.
Standards must be met at all times.
D.1 - D.6 Packaging and Marking Contractor shall meet packaging and labeling standards. Standards must be met at all times.
E.2 and C.1.5.12 Quality Control Plan and
Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system
acceptable to the Government.
Performance is maintained at no less
than an acceptable level at all times.
C 1.5.8 Key Personnel Key Personnel available at the incident at all times. Key Personnel or Alternate must be
available at the incident at all times.
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National Mobile Food Services
1.1 Lunches shall be bagged in heavy-duty paper sacks to protect the lunch.
1.2 The Government must be able to distinguish between vegetarian and regular sack
lunches by use of different colored bags. Brown bags shall be used to designate
regular lunches.
1.3 Individual sack lunches shall be packed in cardboard boxes holding exactly 10
lunches in each box.
1.4 Sandwiches shall be packaged in plastic sandwich bags or other packaging. The
packaging shall keep the sandwiches intact and/or not excessively add to waste
disposal; (i.e., no Styrofoam).
1.5 Sandwiches ordered as supplemental items shall be individually wrapped in a
type sandwich bag.
1.6 Snack items must be individually wrapped with labels that clearly list all ingredients
contained in the package.
2.1 The FDUL shall determine how long sack lunches and supplemental sandwiches
may be held after preparation. The consume by date is generally within 24 hours of
preparation date. A longer or shorter period of time may be deemed appropriate by
the FDUL depending on refrigeration or storage conditions utilized.
2.2 Sack lunches shall be marked "Consume by (date and time; i.e. mm/dd, 00:00)."
2.3 Sack lunches prepared off site shall be approved by the FDUL in advance. The sack
lunches made off site shall be stamped or labeled,
"Consume by (date and time; i.e. mm/dd, 00:00)."
2.3.1 Boxes containing lunches prepared off site shall be labeled or marked with
the sandwich preparation date and time.
"Prepared on (date and time; i.e. mm/dd, 00:00)."
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National Mobile Food Services
2.4 Supplemental Meat and Non Meat Sandwiches – Shall be stamped or labeled
"Consume by (date and time; i.e. mm/dd, 00:00)."
Frozen items shall not be frozen longer than the manufacturer “use by date”. Packaged
items shall be used by the manufacturer's “sell-by or expiration date.”
4.1 Mobile Food Service Units - All vehicles comprising a complete Mobile Food
Service Unit shall be permanently marked with Company Name, Unit Identification
Number (UIN). Marking shall be in an obvious place and have letters no less than 4
inches in height.
4.2 Bladder Bags - All gray water bladder bags used shall have the size and use stenciled
on them in a conspicuous place with letters no less than 4 inches in height (for
example: "1000 GAL - GRAY WATER").
4.3 Potable Water Tanks - All potable water tanks shall have the size and use
stenciled on them in a conspicuous place with letters no less than 4 inches in height
(for example: "500 GAL - POTABLE WATER").
4.4 Hoses - All hoses used shall be labeled at both ends to identify their use (i.e., gray or
The Contractor is responsible for filling all combination Hot Food/Drink Containers, sealing
and stamping or labeling them with the date and time they were filled and the contents
within. A statement as follows shall be stamped or labeled on the container:
Prepared on (date and time; i.e. mm/dd, 00:00).
Must be Served within Hours of Time Prepared.
The serving time is normally within 4 hours of filling, unless otherwise approved by the
FDUL. Hot or cold can meals shall only be packed in Government furnished
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National Mobile Food Services
combination hot food/drink containers (Order Number NFES 0073). All hot/cold can food
containers shall be labeled with food contents and portion size. Food for hot/cold can meals
that is not temperature sensitive or is in individually packaged containers such as milk may
be packed in reusable coolers or sent without further packaging as approved by the FDUL.
Portion size shall be in simple terms (for example: Corn - 2 scoops per person, Chicken -
two pieces per person). FDUL shall manifest hot/cold cans to spike or coyote camps.
The quality standards of the foods served shall be clearly visible and/or verifiable. Meat and
poultry quality standards shall be visible on the unopened boxes or individual packages. In
the case of poultry, a USDA Poultry Certificate is also acceptable for verification. In the
case of products other than meat or poultry, appropriate USDA/industry/food supply
company standards must be visible and/or verifiable.
Examples of appropriate labeling are: USDA Choice beef package labeling shall clearly
show the USDA inspection symbol (bug) and the USDA Choice shield or the words USDA
Choice stamped on the box. USDA Grade A poultry package labeling shall clearly show the
USDA inspection symbol (bug) and the USDA Grade A shield. Frozen fruits and vegetable
packages shall clearly show the Grade A wording on the package or boxes, etc.
Food items in packages not clearly labeled or identified by a USDA certificate or other
appropriate verifiable identification, properly identifying the quality standards required
under this contract, may be rejected by the Government.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 41 Section E
This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect
as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full
text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these
address (es):
None by reference
(a) Definitions. Services, as used in this clause, includes services performed,
workmanship, and material furnished or utilized in the performance of services.
(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the
Government covering the services under this contract. Complete records of all
inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to
the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract
(c) The Government has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract,
to the extent practicable at all times and places during the term of the contract. The
Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay
the work.
(d) If the Government performs inspections or tests on the premises of the Contractor or a
subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish, and shall require subcontractors to furnish,
at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and
convenient performance of these duties.
(e) If any of the services do not conform to contract requirements, the Government may
require the Contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract
requirements, at no increase in contract amount. When the defects in services cannot
be corrected by re-performance, the Government may (1) require the Contractor to take
necessary action to ensure that future performance conforms to contract requirements
and (2) reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed.
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National Mobile Food Services
(f) If the Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or to take the necessary
action to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements, the
Government may (1) by contract or otherwise, perform the services and charge to the
Contractor any cost incurred by the Government that is directly related to the
performance of such service or (2) terminate the contract for default.
Each year prior to use of MFSU, the Government may conduct pre-use inspections of
Contractor's equipment for compliance with the contract specifications and conditions.
4.1 At any time during use, the Government may make or cause to be made such
inspections as deemed necessary for the purpose of determining that equipment,
supplies and personnel meet current contract specifications or to determine equipment
condition. Reference Section C.5 Performance Requirement Summary. Inspection
may be performed by Federal and State and Local Government representatives and
the FDUL or COR, designated by the CO. Inspection results will be documented on
the MFSU Inspection Form located in Section J. A copy of the completed form will
be provided to the CO.
4.2 Inspection by the Government after performance deficiencies or a failure has
occurred will be made as promptly as possible after the Contractor has given notice
that the performance deficiencies or the failure has been corrected. Inspection results
will be documented on the MFSU Inspection Form located in Section J.
4.3 When equipment and services are inspected and do not meet contract requirements,
the FDUL or COR shall document deficiencies on form FS 6300-12, Work Order and
Notice of Non-Compliance. When appropriate, contract price reductions shall be
taken in accordance with Section E, Paragraph E.2, Inspection of Services-Fixed
Price. The CO shall make final decisions on any remedial actions implemented or
erroneous payments approved by FDUL or COR as appropriate.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 43 Section F
This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect
as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full
text available.
52.242-15 STOP-WORK ORDER (AUG 1989)
The effective period of this contract is from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
3.1 MFSUs shall be physically located at their DDPs during the MAP identified in Section
B, unless the Contractor has notified the CO and NICC in writing, of its unavailability
status. The CO may approve any relocation of equipment from the required DDP to
an alternate DDP, with the concurrence from NICC.
3.2 If the Contractor wishes to be available for dispatch outside of the MAP identified in
Section B, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to notify the CO and NICC, in writing.
4.1 The Contractor may request unavailable status from the CO, in writing, at any time.
When a particular MFSU becomes unavailable, the CO may hire non-National
contract resources or relocate other National Contract resources to perform the work
that would have been performed by the unavailable Contractor. In these situations,
any non-National Contractors dispatched to an incident shall be allowed to complete
that current assignment and not be replaced if the previously unavailable National
Contractor’s status changes. Anytime a National and a Non-National Contractor are
assigned to the same incident, the Non-National Contractor shall be the first to be
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National Mobile Food Services
4.2 The Contractor’s unit is considered unavailable outside the MAP identified in Section
B, unless written notification of availability is given to the CO and NICC. The
Government reserves the right to periodically verify the availability and location of
all units.
The designated Government representative is required to complete an Interagency Mobile
Food Services Performance Evaluation Form (See Section J, Form 1276-E (01/2010)) prior
to leaving each incident or prior to team transitions. The designated Government
representative is required to distribute the completed copies of the evaluation as instructed
on the form. (Do not send copies of the evaluation form to the Albuquerque Payment
Center). The form, in addition to other performance information which may become
available, will be utilized to facilitate the Contractor’s annual performance report. The CO
will provide the Contractor 30 calendar days to respond to any negative performance
information received.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 45 Section G
1.1 For payment purposes, actual mileage shall be measured from the location of the
Contractor's MFSU at time of dispatch to the incident and return using verified
written Contractor odometer readings. Beginning and ending odometer readings shall
be documented in the remarks block on Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-
Mobile Food Services.
1.2 Actual mileage for transporting the MFSU (including all equipment, materials,
supplies and personnel to support the operation) to and from the incident shall be paid
at the rates specified in Contractor’s current Unit Summary. Additional mileage rates
shall not be paid for getting supplies or making repairs on the MFSU while
performing at an incident.
1.3 If an order for a MFSU is canceled before any meals are served, the Contractor shall
be paid for actual mileage incurred, if applicable, at the rates specified in Contractor’s
current Unit Summary. The actual mileage shall be measured using verified written
Contractor odometer readings. Beginning and ending odometer readings shall be
documented in the remarks block on Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile
Food Services. Cancellation shall be documented in the remarks block on Form
1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services.
1.4 When equipment is released from one incident and subsequently reassigned to
another prior to returning to its DDP, it is the Contractor's responsibility to inform the
FDUL at the new incident of any changes or corrections in return mileage indicated
on invoices submitted on prior incidents. The new incident invoices shall correct
mileage payments from the prior incidents invoices and make appropriate adjustments
for previously billed mileage from the point reassigned en route. If the Contractor is
not dispatched from one incident to another, mileage shall be measured from the last
incident location to the DDP or other location approved by the CO. Beginning and
ending odometer readings shall be clearly documented in the remarks block of the
Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services.
1.5 The Government may use Rand McNally Road Atlas or Microsoft Expedia Streets &
Trips and/or Government odometer readings to verify the reasonableness of any
mileage billed.
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National Mobile Food Services
2.1 General
2.1.1 Prior to the Contractor departing for an incident, the Government may
cancel or reduce the number of meals for the first meal period and be
liable for only the reduced number of meals.
2.1.2 Once the Contractor has departed for an incident, the Government may
still cancel or reduce the number of meals, but the Government shall be
liable for the number of meals ordered up to the time of departure, not the
reduced number ordered after departure, for the first meal.
2.1.3 Individual meals served shall be counted and totaled at the end of each
meal period (i.e., at the end of the breakfast meal period, at the end of the
dinner meal period, etc.). The total count is verified in writing by the
Government on Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice, and paid at the
rates offered in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary.
2.1.4 Incident personnel not satisfied with the meat portion of their meal may
return it for replacement at no additional cost to the Government.
2.1.5 For payment purposes, the Contractor shall invoice sack lunches on the
same day that the lunches are delivered to the Government.
2.2 Minimum Guarantee
2.2.1 Before any Meals are Served - In the event an order is cancelled en route
before any meals are served, the Contractor shall be paid for the number of
meals ordered for the first meal plus mileage, if applicable. Beginning and
ending odometer readings shall be documented in the remarks block on
Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services. In the
event a MFSU is reassigned en route, only actual mileage shall be paid.
Beginning and ending odometer readings shall be documented in the
remarks block on Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food
2.2.2 Payment for Three or Less Meals - Once serving has begun the Contractor
will be paid 100% of the initial meals ordered for the first 3 meals (meal
periods) or the number of meals actually served, whichever is greater.
Exceptions - If the Contractor's late arrival causes meals to be missed, the
Contractor shall only be paid for the number of meals served.
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National Mobile Food Services
2.2.3 The Government may obtain meals from another source if the Contractor’s
late arrival results in meal periods being missed.
2.2.4 If the Government causes the Contractor’s late arrival, no reduction in the
guarantee will be made.
2.2.5 Excluding the first and last day of an incident the Government will
provide a minimum daily guarantee of $12,000.00 per MFSU or the total
quantities of meals provided, which ever is greater. The $12,000.00 daily
guarantee only applies towards the total number of meals provided from
each complete MFSU.
2.3 Payment for Meals Beginning with the Fourth Meal (Meal Period)
The Contractor will be paid as follows beginning with the fourth meal served:
2.3.1 Hot Meals
The Contractor shall be paid for the number of meals actually served or 90%
of the number of meals ordered, whichever is greater, at the rates specified
in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary. No payment shall be made for
the number of meals cancelled four (4) hours in advance of serving time.
2.3.2 Sack Lunches
Payment shall be made for the number of complete sack lunches the
Government actually takes possession of or the number of complete sack
lunches prepared prior to cancellation or reduction of an order (whichever
is greater) at the rates specified in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary.
3.1 Supplemental items shall be ordered, itemized, inventoried and accepted by the
Government. All items shall be recorded on 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice
(Continuation Sheet).
3.2 Additional Refrigeration Storage Space - The daily usage rate for additional
refrigeration storage space in the MFSU shall be paid at the rate in the Contractor’s
current Unit Summary.
3.3 Additional Tents/Seating - Additional tents/seating (above the required 200
minimum) shall be paid at the rates specified in the Contractor’s current Unit
Summary. Payment for partial days shall be made at one-half the daily rate when
service is provided for 8 hours or less, on the first and last day of the Incident. A full
day of usage will be paid when services are performed beyond 12:00 noon.
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National Mobile Food Services
3.4 Payment shall be made for those items ordered and approved by the FDUL and
itemized on Form 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice (Continuation Sheet) at the rates
specified in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary.
3.4.1 No price increases or purchase of items not shown in the Supplemental
Item list shall be negotiated or approved by the FDUL or COR.
4.1 Each additional setup/takedown of a MFSU, as specified in Section C.2.6 shall be paid
at the relocation fee rate specified in Contractor’s current Unit Summary. Actual
mileage incurred due to the relocation shall be measured by verification of Contractor’s
written odometer readings and paid at the mileage rate specified in Contractor’s current
Unit Summary. Beginning and ending odometer readings shall be documented in the
remarks block on Form 1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services
5.1 Hand Washing Stations - Payment for partial days shall be made at one-half the daily
rate when service is provided for 8 hours or less, on the first or last day of the
incident. Any release prior to noon on the last day of service will be paid one-half of
the daily rate. If the Contractor's gray water does not get pumped until after twelve
noon on the last day, a full-day of usage will be paid.
6.1 Equipment Repair, Supplies and Fuel - Any costs incurred by the Government in
repairing the Contractor’s equipment and/or providing Government furnished
supplies/fuel to the Contractor shall be deducted from payments due to the Contractor
on a daily basis on Form 1276-B Daily Meal Order/Invoice (Continuation Sheet)
unless payment is paid directly to the fuel Vendor by the Contractor’s credit card.
6.2 Lost/Damaged Equipment Or Supplies - The Government shall not be liable for any
loss, damage or destruction except for loss, damage or destruction resulting from the
negligence, or wrongful act(s) of Government employee(s) while acting within the
scope of their employment. The security of Contractor’s equipment is the
responsibility of the Contractor.
6.3 Licenses, Fees and Permits - Pursuant to Section H.2, Contractors are responsible for
all licenses, fees and permits needed to perform work under this contract. However,
when a MFSU is dispatched outside the state of their DDP, the following shall apply:
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National Mobile Food Services
6.3.1 Additional licenses, fees and permits required as a result of being dispatched
to an incident outside the state of their DDP, shall be credited on a cost
reimbursable basis to payments due the Contractor.
6.3.2 Proof of expenditures in the form of copies of receipts for licenses, fees,
and permits shall be attached to form 1276-C.
6.3.3 Payment shall be limited to those vehicles that comprise the MFSU as
specified in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary.
6.4 Sales/Use/Privilege Tax
6.5 Potable Water Testing Fees - The Contractor shall be responsible for fees associated
for potable water testing upon arrival at the incident and once every 30 days for any
subsequent testing required due to a positive test result for coliform bacteria. The
Government will reimburse the Contractor for testing whenever switching to a
different Government provided potable water source or whenever local health
authorities or a Government representative request testing more than once every 30
days. The invoice shall clearly document in the remarks block when the Government
is reimbursing the Contractor for testing.
7.1 All fees for the MFSU such as meal charges, daily usage, relocation, mileage,
optional equipment and miscellaneous charges or credits will be documented on Form
1276-A, Daily Meal Order/Invoice, and Form 1276-B, Daily Meal Order/Invoice
Continuation Sheet. The Contractor shall certify on the last invoice of an incident
that all miscellaneous charges and credits (from Form 1276-B) have been accounted
for and documented on Contractor’s invoices prior to leaving each incident.
7.2 When ordered, additional refrigerated storage space or additional tents and seating shall
be documented on Form 1276-B Daily Meal Order/Invoice, (Continuation Sheet) under
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Miscellaneous Charges and Credits and paid at the rates specified in the Contractor’s
current Unit Summary.
7.3 Supplemental Item totals shall be documented on Form 1276-A Daily Meal
Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services and Form 1276-B Daily Meal Order/Invoice
(Continuation Sheet) and paid at the rates specified in the Contractor’s current Unit
7.4 Any additional credits or deductions shall be documented on Form 1276-A Daily
Meal Order/ Invoice-Mobile Food Services and Form 1276-B Daily Meal
Order/Invoice, (Continuation Sheet) with clear explanations in the remarks blocks.
7.5 The Contractor and designated Government representative must print their names and
also affix their signatures on Form 1276-A Daily Food Order/Invoice, and 1276-B,
Daily Meal Order/Invoice Continuation Sheet. The designated Government
representative shall include title, work address and work phone number and the
Contractor shall include title and phone number. Invoices not signed by the
Contractor and Government representative will not be paid. The CO will designate,
in writing, all Government representatives authorized to approve invoices.
7.6 The invoices shall be dispersed as follows:
7.6.1 Original - The original of every invoice shall be submitted by the
Contractor to the USDA, Forest Service Albuquerque Service Center,
Incident Business-Contracts, 101B Sun Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM
87109, for payment.
7.6.2 Gold - The Contractor shall keep the gold copy for their personal records.
7.6.3 Pink - The FDUL shall keep the pink copy for their personal records.
7.6.4 Blue - The blue Fiscal copy shall to be sent to the USDA-Forest Service
Albuquerque Service Center, Incident Business Payment Center office by
the Government representative for verification of the original invoice
submitted by the Contractor.
7.6.5 Green - The Finance Section Chief shall keep the green copy for the
incident files.
7.7 Payment shall be made upon receipt of proper invoices, and paid in accordance with
the Prompt Payment Act (see FAR 52.232-25 (OCT 2003)).
7.8 No payment shall be made under this contract for supplies or services not shown and
priced in the Contractor’s current Unit Summary.
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A post award conference with the successful Offeror(s) is required. It will be scheduled
after award.
The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Government, be responsible for
obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and for complying with any Federal, State, and
municipal laws, codes, and regulations applicable to the performance of the work. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for all damages to persons or property that occurs as a
result of the Contractor’s fault or negligence. The Contractor shall also be responsible for all
materials delivered and work performed until completion and acceptance of the entire work,
except for any completed unit of work, which may have been accepted under the contract.
H.3 KEY PERSONNEL (AGAR 452.237-74)(FEB 1988)
(a) The Contractor shall assign to this contract the following key personnel for each Unit
Mobile Food Service Unit Manager, an Alternate Kitchen Manager and a Supervisory
Cook for each Mobile Food Service Unit, as Key Personnel. The individual assigned
as the Kitchen Manager may simultaneously serve as the Supervisory Cook.
Mobile Food Kitchen Alternate Kitchen Supervisory
Service Unit No. Manager Assigned Manager Assigned Cook Assigned
(b) During the first ninety days of performance, the Contractor shall make no
substitutions of key personnel unless the substitution is necessitated by illness, death,
or termination of employment. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer
within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of any of these events and provide the
information required by paragraph (c) below. After the initial 90-day period, the
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Contractor shall submit the information required by paragraph (c) to the Contracting
Officer at least 15 days prior to making any permanent substitutions.
(c) The Contractor shall provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances
necessitating the proposed substitutions, complete resumes for the proposed
substitutes, and any additional information requested by the Contracting Officer.
Proposed substitutes should have comparable qualifications to those of the persons
being replaced. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor within 15 calendar
days after receipt of all required information of the decision on substitutions. The
contract will be modified to reflect any approved changes of key personnel.
The Contractor’s on-site Key Personnel and employees who need to address customer
requests shall be fully conversant and literate in the English language and shall be in the
work area whenever work is in progress.
All work under this Contract shall be performed in a safe and professional manner. The
Incident Commander may order the release of any Contractor employee deemed
incompetent, careless, or otherwise objectionable including violation of Harassment Free
Workplace Policy (Reference J.7). It will be left to the discretion of the COR to
demobilize an entire resource or to allow replacement of the noncompliant personnel.
Documentation of the rationale for release will be provided to the CO subsequent to the
action. Accordingly, the Contracting Officer may require, in writing, the Contractor
remove from use under this Contract, any employee found incompetent, careless, or
otherwise objectionable including violation of Harassment Free Workplace Policy. The
Contracting Officer may require other proof of mitigation. Misconduct may result in the
suspension or termination of this Contract.
If an employee or crew is terminated, quits, or otherwise is released from the incident for
any reason, the Contractor is responsible for returning the employee(s) to the DDP with a
departure time from the Incident Command Post (ICP) no later than 12 hours or another
time agreed to with the COR. The Contractor is required to provide such transportation
or request the Incident Management Team (IMT) to arrange for the transportation with all
transportation costs deducted from Contractor’s payment. If the Contractor does not act
in a timely manner, as agreed with the COR, the IMT has authority to transport said
employee or arrange for employee’s transportation and to deduct all such transportation
costs from Contractor’s payment.
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It is extremely important that inappropriate behavior be recognized and dealt with promptly.
Inappropriate behavior is all forms of harassment including sexual and racial harassment.
Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Non-prescription unlawful drugs and alcohol are not
permitted at the incident. Possession or use of these substances will result in the Contractor or its
employees being released from the incident. During off-incident periods, personnel are responsible
for proper conduct and maintenance of fitness for duty. Drug or alcohol abuse resulting in unfitness
for duty will normally result in the Contractor being released from the incident. Sexual harassment
is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such
conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual’s
work performance or, (3) creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USC 1324a) makes it unlawful for an
employer to hire unauthorized aliens. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has
established the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form, as the document to be used for
employment eligibility verification (see 8 CFR 274a).
The Contractor is required to (1) have all employees complete and sign the I-9 Form to certify that
they are eligible for employment; (2) examine documents presented by the employee and ensure the
documents appear to be genuine and related to the individual; (3) record information about the
documents on the form, and complete the certification portion of the form; (4) retain the form for
three years, or one year past the end of employment of the individual, whichever is longer.
It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than a citizen of another country who is not
authorized to work in the United States) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting because of that
individual's national origin or citizenship status.
Compliance with Section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a) is a
material condition of the contract. If the Contractor employs unauthorized workers during contract
performance in violation of section 274A, the Government may terminate the contract, in addition to
other remedies or penalties prescribed by law.
For further information on the requirements of the Act, Contractors should contact the Employer and
Labor Relations Officer of their local INS office.
In accordance with 36 C.F.R. Part 251 and U.S. Forest Service Manuals 1600 and 2700 all commercial
filming or videotaping (e.g., filming for feature films, reality shows, documentaries, television
specials, etc.) on National Forest System lands requires the filming entity to apply for, and obtain, a
special use authorization prior to the start of any filming, or associated activities, on National Forest
System lands. This requirement is applicable to filming directly by contractors and is also applicable
to filming of contractors of the U.S. Forest Service while on National Forest System lands.
Any filming, or associated activities, occurring on National Forest System lands pursuant to a
properly acquired special use authorization may be limited or prohibited during a fire fighting or
incident support situation at the discretion of the Incident Commander.
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This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect
as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full
text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these
52.202-1 Definitions (JUL 2004)
52.203-3 Gratuities (APR 1984)
52.203-5 Covenant against Contingent Fees (APR 1984)
52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (SEP 2006)
52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures (JUL 1995)
52.203-8 Cancellation, Rescission, and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper Activity
(JAN 1997)
52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (JAN 1997)
52.203-12 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (SEP 2007)
52.204-4 Printed or Copied Double- Sided on Recycled Paper (AUG 2000)
52.209-6 Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting
with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (SEP 2006)
52.215-2 Audit and Records -- Negotiation (JUN 1999)
52.215-8 Order of Precedence--Uniform Contract Format (OCT 1997)
52.219-6 Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside (JUN 2003)
52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns (MAY 2004)
52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan (APR 2008) (Applicable if > $550,000)
Alternate II (Oct 2001)
52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting (DEC 1996)
52.219-16 Liquidated Damages--Subcontracting Plan (JAN 1999) (Applicable if > $500,000)
52.219-28 Post-Award Small Business Program Representation (JUN 2007)
52.222-3 Convict Labor (JUN 2003)
52.222-4 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act -- Overtime Compensation (JUL
52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (FEB 1999)
52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (MAR 2007)
52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era,
and Other Eligible Veterans (SEP 2006)
52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (JUN 1998)
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52.222-37 Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era
(SEP 2006)
52.222-41 Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended (NOV 2007)
52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons (AUG 2007)
52.223-2 Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction
Contracts (DEC 2007)
52.223-5 Pollution Prevention and Right-To-Know Information (AUG 2003)
52.223-6 Drug-Free Workplace (MAY 2001)
52.223-12 Refrigeration Equipment and Air Conditioners (MAY 1995)
52.223-14 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting (AUG 2003)
52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (JUN 2008)
52.229-3 Federal, State, and Local Taxes (APR 2003)
52.232-1 Payments (APR 1984)
52.232-8 Discounts for Prompt Payment (FEB 2002)
52.232-9 Limitation on Withholding of Payments (APR 1984)
52.232-11 Extras (APR 1984)
52.232-17 Interest (OCT 2008)
52.232-19 Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year (APR 1984)
52.232-23 Assignment of Claims (JAN 1986)
52.232-25 Prompt Payment (OCT 2008)
52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Central Contractor Registration (OCT 2003)
52.233-1 Disputes (JULY 2002)
52.233-3 Protest After Award (AUG 1996)
52.233-4 Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (OCT 2004)
52.237-2 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation (APR 1984)
52.237-3 Continuity of Services (JAN 1991)
52.242-13 Bankruptcy (JUL 1995)
52.243-1 Changes--Fixed-Price (AUG 1987) – Alternate I (APR 1984)
52.245-1 Government Property (JUN 2007)
52.245-2 Government Property Installation Operation Services (JUN 2007)
52.246-25 Limitation of Liability - Services (FEB 1997)
52.248-1 Value Engineering (FEB 2000)
52.249-2 Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed-Price) (MAY 2004)
52.249-8 Default (Fixed-Price Supply and Service) (APR 1984)
52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms (JAN 1991)
452.236-72 Use of Premises (NOV 1996)
452.236-73 Archaeological or Historic Sites (FEB 1988)
452.236-74 Control of Erosion, Sedimentation, and Pollution (NOV 1996)
452.237-70 Loss, Damage, Destruction or Repair (FEB 1988)
452.237-75 Restrictions Against Disclosure (FEB 1988)
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(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
“Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database” means the primary Government
repository for Contractor information required for the conduct of business with the
“Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number” means the 9-digit number
assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.
“Data Universal Numbering System +4 (DUNS+4) number” means the DUNS
number assigned by D&B plus a 4-character suffix that may be assigned by a
business concern. (D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4-
character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to
establish additional CCR records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) accounts (see the FAR at Subpart 32.11) for the same concern.
“Registered in the CCR database” means that
(1) The Contractor has entered all mandatory information, including the DUNS
number or the DUNS+4 number, into the CCR database; and
(2) The Government has validated all mandatory data fields, to include validation
of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), and has marked the record “Active”. The Contractor will be
required to provide consent for TIN validation to the Government as a part of
the CCR registration process.
(1) By submission of an offer, the offeror acknowledges the requirement that a
prospective awardee shall be registered in the CCR database prior to award,
during performance, and through final payment of any contract, basic
agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchasing agreement
resulting from this solicitation.
(2) The offeror shall enter, in the block with its name and address on the cover
page of its offer, the annotation “DUNS” or “DUNS +4” followed by the
DUNS or DUNS +4 number that identifies the offeror’s name and address
exactly as stated in the offer. The DUNS number will be used by the
Contracting Officer to verify that the offeror is registered in the CCR
(c) If the offeror does not have a DUNS number, it should contact Dun and Bradstreet
directly to obtain one.
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(1) An offeror may obtain a DUNS number—
(i) Via the Internet at or if the offeror does
not have internet access, it may call Dun and Bradstreet at 1-866-705-5711
if located within the United States; or
(ii) If located outside the United States, by contacting the local Dun and
Bradstreet office. The offeror should indicate that it is an offeror for a U.S.
Government contract when contacting the local Dun and Bradstreet office.
(2) The offeror should be prepared to provide the following information:
(i) Company legal business.
(ii) Tradestyle, doing business, or other name by which your entity is
commonly recognized.
(iii) Company Physical Street Address, City, State, and ZIP Code.
(iv) Company Mailing Address, City, State and ZIP Code (if separate from
(v) Company Telephone Number.
(vi) Date the company was started.
(vii) Number of employees at your location.
(viii) Chief executive officer/key manager.
(ix) Line of business (industry).
(x) Company Headquarters name and address (reporting relationship within
your entity).
(d) If the Offeror does not become registered in the CCR database in the time prescribed
by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will proceed to award to the next
otherwise successful registered Offeror.
(e) Processing time, which normally takes 48 hours, should be taken into consideration
when registering. Offerors who are not registered should consider applying for
registration immediately upon receipt of this solicitation.
(f) The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data within the
CCR database, and for any liability resulting from the Government’s reliance on
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inaccurate or incomplete data. To remain registered in the CCR database after the
initial registration, the Contractor is required to review and update on an annual basis
from the date of initial registration or subsequent updates its information in the CCR
database to ensure it is current, accurate and complete. Updating information in the
CCR does not alter the terms and conditions of this contract and is not a substitute for
a properly executed contractual document.
(i) If a Contractor has legally changed its business name, “doing business as”
name, or division name (whichever is shown on the contract), or has
transferred the assets used in performing the contract, but has not completed
the necessary requirements regarding novation and change-of-name
agreements in Subpart 42.12, the Contractor shall provide the responsible
Contracting Officer a minimum of one business day’s written notification of
its intention to (A) change the name in the CCR database; (B) comply with the
requirements of Subpart 42.12 of the FAR; and (C) agree in writing to the
timeline and procedures specified by the responsible Contracting Officer. The
Contractor must provide with the notification sufficient documentation to
support the legally changed name.
(ii) If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of paragraph (g)(1)(i)
of this clause, or fails to perform the agreement at paragraph (g)(1)(i)(C) of
this clause, and, in the absence of a properly executed novation or change-of-
name agreement, the CCR information that shows the Contractor to be other
than the Contractor indicated in the contract will be considered to be incorrect
information within the meaning of the “Suspension of Payment” paragraph of
the electronic funds transfer (EFT) clause of this contract.
(2) The Contractor shall not change the name or address for EFT payments or manual
payments, as appropriate, in the CCR record to reflect an assignee for the purpose
of assignment of claims (see FAR Subpart 32.8, Assignment of Claims).
Assignees shall be separately registered in the CCR database. Information
provided to the Contractor’s CCR record that indicates payments, including those
made by EFT, to an ultimate recipient other than that Contractor will be
considered to be incorrect information within the meaning of the “Suspension of
payment” paragraph of the EFT clause of this contract.
(h) Offerors and Contractors may obtain information on registration and annual
confirmation requirements via the internet at or by calling 1-888-
227-2423, or 269-961-5757.
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DUES OR FEES (FAR 52.222-39)(DEC 2004)
(a) Definition. As used in this clause—
“United States” means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the
Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and
Wake Island.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this clause, during the term of this contract,
the Contractor shall post a notice, in the form of a poster, informing employees of
their rights concerning union membership and payment of union dues and fees, in
conspicuous places in and about all its plants and offices, including all places where
notices to employees are customarily posted. The notice shall include the following
information (except that the information pertaining to National Labor Relations Board
shall not be included in notices posted in the plants or offices of carriers subject to the
Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U.S.C. 151-188)).
Notice to Employees
Under Federal law, employees cannot be required to join a union or maintain
membership in a union in order to retain their jobs. Under certain conditions, the
law permits a union and an employer to enter into a union-security agreement
requiring employees to pay uniform periodic dues and initiation fees. However,
employees who are not union members can object to the use of their payments for
certain purposes and can only be required to pay their share of union costs relating
to collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment.
If you do not want to pay that portion of dues or fees used to support activities not
related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment,
you are entitled to an appropriate reduction in your payment. If you believe that
you have been required to pay dues or fees used in part to support activities not
related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment,
you may be entitled to a refund and to an appropriate reduction in future payments.
For further information concerning your rights, you may wish to contact the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) either at one of its Regional offices or at
the following address or toll free number:
National Labor Relations Board
Division of Information
1099 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20570
1-866-316-6572 (TTY)
To locate the nearest NLRB office, see NLRB's website at
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(c) The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Executive Order 13201 of
February 17, 2001, and related implementing regulations at 29 CFR Part 470, and
orders of the Secretary of Labor.
(d) In the event that the Contractor does not comply with any of the requirements set
forth in paragraphs (b), (c), or (g), the Secretary may direct that this contract be
cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, and declare the Contractor
ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures at 29 CFR
Part 470, Subpart B - Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and
Enforcement Procedures. Such other sanctions or remedies may be imposed as are
provided by 29 CFR Part 470, which implements Executive Order 13201, or as are
otherwise provided by law.
(e) The requirement to post the employee notice in paragraph (b) does not apply to--
(1) Contractors and subcontractors that employ fewer than 15 persons;
(2) Contractor establishments or construction work sites where no union has been
formally recognized by the Contractor or certified as the exclusive bargaining
representative of the Contractor’s employees;
(3) Contractor establishments or construction work sites located in a jurisdiction
named in the definition of the United States in which the law of that
jurisdiction forbids enforcement of union-security agreements;
(4) Contractor facilities where upon the written request of the Contractor, the
Department of Labor Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management
Programs has waived the posting requirements with respect to any of the
Contractor’s facilities if the Deputy Assistant Secretary finds that the
Contractor has demonstrated that--
(i) The facility is in all respects separate and distinct from activities of the
Contractor related to the performance of a contract; and
(ii) Such a waiver will not interfere with or impede the effectuation of the
Executive order; or
(5) Work outside the United States that does not involve the recruitment or
employment of workers within the United States.
(f) The Department of Labor publishes the official employee notice in two variations;
one for contractors covered by the Railway Labor Act and a second for all other
contractors. The Contractor shall--
(1) Obtain the required employee notice poster from the Division of
Interpretations and Standards, Office of Labor-Management Standards, U.S.
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 61 Section I
National Mobile Food Services
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-5605,
Washington, DC 20210, or from any field office of the Department’s Office of
Labor-Management Standards or Office of Federal Contract Compliance
(2) Download a copy of the poster from the Office of Labor-Management
Standards website at; or
(3) Reproduce and use exact duplicate copies of the Department of Labor’s
official poster.
(g) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause in every subcontract or
purchase order that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold, entered into in
connection with this contract, unless exempted by the Department of Labor Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Programs on account of special
circumstances in the national interest under authority of 29 CFR 470.3(c). For
indefinite quantity subcontracts, the Contractor shall include the substance of this
clause if the value of orders in any calendar year of the subcontract is expected to
exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. Pursuant to 29 CFR Part 470, Subpart B -
Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and Enforcement Procedures, the
Secretary of Labor may direct the Contractor to take such action in the enforcement
of these regulations, including the imposition of sanctions for noncompliance with
respect to any such subcontract or purchase order. If the Contractor becomes involved
in litigation with a subcontractor or vendor, or is threatened with such involvement,
as a result of such direction, the Contractor may request the United States, through the
Secretary of Labor, to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United
(MAY 1989)
In compliance with the Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended, and the regulations of the
Secretary of Labor (29 CFR Part 4), this clause identifies the classes of service employees
expected to be employed under the contract and states the wages and fringe benefits payable
to each if they were employed by the contracting agency subject to the provisions of 5 U.S.C.
5341 or 5332.
This Statement is for Information Only:
It Is Not A Wage Determination.
Employee Class Monetary Wage--Fringe Benefits
Cook II $17.45
Cook-Baker/Second Cook/Second Cook-Baker/Assistant Cook $17.45
Laborer $11.14
National Mobile Food Services
Page 62 Section I
Truck Driver, Light
Truck Driver, Medium
Truck Driver, Heavy
Truck Driver, Tractor-Trailer
Food Service Worker
Meat Cutter
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
“Commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) item”--
(1) Means any item of supply that is--
(i) A commercial item (as defined in paragraph (1) of the definition at 2.101);
(ii) Sold in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace; and
(iii) Offered to the Government, without modification, in the same form in which
it is sold in the commercial marketplace; and
(2) Does not include bulk cargo, as defined in section 3 of the Shipping Act of 1984
(46 U.S.C. App. 1702), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. Per
46 CFR 525.1(c)(2), ”bulk cargo” means cargo that is loaded and carried in bulk
onboard ship without mark or count, in a loose unpackaged form, having
homogenous characteristics. Bulk cargo loaded into intermodal equipment, except
LASH or Seabee barges, is subject to mark and count and, therefore, ceases to be
bulk cargo.
“Employee assigned to the contract” means an employee who was hired after
November 6, 1986, who is directly performing work, in the United States, under a
contract that is required to include the clause prescribed at 22.1803. An employee is
not considered to be directly performing work under a contract if the employee--
(1) Normally performs support work, such as indirect or overhead functions; and
(2) Does not perform any substantial duties applicable to the contract.
“Subcontract” means any contract, as defined in 2.101, entered into by a
subcontractor to furnish supplies or services for performance of a prime contract or a
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subcontract. It includes but is not limited to purchase orders, and changes and
modifications to purchase orders.
“Subcontractor” means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes
supplies or services to or for a prime Contractor or another subcontractor.
“United States”, as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(38), means the 50 States, the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
(b) Enrollment and verification requirements.
(1) If the Contractor is not enrolled as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify at time of
contract award, the Contractor shall--
(i) Enroll. Enroll as a Federal Contractor in the E-Verify program within 30
calendar days of contract award;
(ii) Verify all new employees. Within 90 calendar days of enrollment in the E-
Verify program, begin to use E-Verify to initiate verification of employment
eligibility of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in the United
States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3 business days after the
date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this section); and
(iii) Verify employees assigned to the contract. For each employee assigned to the
contract, initiate verification within 90 calendar days after date of enrollment
or within 30 calendar days of the employee's assignment to the contract,
whichever date is later (but see paragraph (b)(4) of this section).
(2) If the Contractor is enrolled as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify at time of contract
award, the Contractor shall use E-Verify to initiate verification of employment
eligibility of--
(i) All new employees.
(A) Enrolled 90 calendar days or more. The Contractor shall initiate
verification of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in the
United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3 business
days after the date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this section); or
(B) Enrolled less than 90 calendar days. Within 90 calendar days after
enrollment as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify, the Contractor shall
initiate verification of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in
the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3
business days after the date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this
section); or
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(ii) Employees assigned to the contract. For each employee assigned to the
contract, the Contractor shall initiate verification within 90 calendar days after
date of contract award or within 30 days after assignment to the contract,
whichever date is later (but see paragraph (b)(4) of this section).
(3) If the Contractor is an institution of higher education (as defined at 20 U.S.C.
1001(a)); a State or local government or the government of a Federally recognized
Indian tribe; or a surety performing under a takeover agreement entered into with
a Federal agency pursuant to a performance bond, the Contractor may choose to
verify only employees assigned to the contract, whether existing employees or
new hires. The Contractor shall follow the applicable verification requirements at
(b)(1) or (b)(2), respectively, except that any requirement for verification of new
employees applies only to new employees assigned to the contract.
(4) Option to verify employment eligibility of all employees. The Contractor may
elect to verify all existing employees hired after November 6, 1986, rather than
just those employees assigned to the contract. The Contractor shall initiate
verification for each existing employee working in the United States who was
hired after November 6, 1986, within 180 calendar days of--
(i) Enrollment in the E-Verify program; or
(ii) Notification to E-Verify Operations of the Contractor's decision to exercise
this option, using the contact information provided in the E-Verify program
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
(5) The Contractor shall comply, for the period of performance of this contract, with
the requirements of the E-Verify program MOU.
(i) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Social Security
Administration (SSA) may terminate the Contractor's MOU and deny access
to the E-Verify system in accordance with the terms of the MOU. In such
case, the Contractor will be referred to a suspension or debarment official.
(ii) During the period between termination of the MOU and a decision by the
suspension or debarment official whether to suspend or debar, the Contractor
is excused from its obligations under paragraph (b) of this clause. If the
suspension or debarment official determines not to suspend or debar the
Contractor, then the Contractor must reenroll in E-Verify.
(c) Web site. Information on registration for and use of the E-Verify program can be
obtained via the Internet at the Department of Homeland Security Web site:
(d) Individuals previously verified. The Contractor is not required by this clause to
perform additional employment verification using E-Verify for any employee--
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 65 Section I
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(1) Whose employment eligibility was previously verified by the Contractor through
the E-Verify program;
(2) Who has been granted and holds an active U.S. Government security clearance for
access to confidential, secret, or top secret information in accordance with the
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual; or
(3) Who has undergone a completed background investigation and been issued
credentials pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12,
Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and
(e) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the requirements of this clause, including
this paragraph (e) (appropriately modified for identification of the parties), in each
subcontract that--
(1) Is for -
(i) Commercial or noncommercial services (except for commercial services that
are part of the purchase of a COTS item (or an item that would be a COTS
item, but for minor modifications), performed by the COTS provider, and are
normally provided for that COTS item); or
(ii) Construction;
(2) Has a value of more than $3,000; and
(3) Includes work performed in the United States.
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
“Commercial item” has the meaning contained in Federal Acquisition
Regulation 2.101, Definitions.
“Subcontract” includes a transfer of commercial items between divisions,
subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Contractor or subcontractor at any tier.
(b) To the maximum extent practicable, the Contractor shall incorporate, and require its
subcontractors at all tiers to incorporate, commercial items or nondevelopmental
items as components of items to be supplied under this contract.
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(1) The Contractor shall insert the following clauses in subcontracts for commercial
(i) 52.203-13, Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (Dec 2008) (Pub.
L. 110-252, Title VI, Chapter 1 (41 U.S.C. 251 note).
(ii) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (May 2004)
(15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further
subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts to small
business concerns) exceeds $550,000 ($1,000,000 for construction of any
public facility), the subcontractor must include 52.219-8 in lower tier
subcontracts that offer subcontracting opportunities.
(iii) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Mar 2007) (E.O. 11246).
(iv) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the
Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Sept 2006) (38 U.S.C. 4212(a));
(v) 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (June 1998)
(29 U.S.C. 793).
(vi) 52.222-39, Notification of Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union
Dues or Fees (Dec 2004) (E.O. 13201). Flow down as required in accordance
with paragraph (g) of FAR clause 52.222-39).
(vii) 52.247-64, Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels
(Feb 2006) (46 U.S.C. App. 1241 and 10 U.S.C. 2631) (flow down required in
accordance with paragraph (d) of FAR clause 52.247-64).
(2) While not required, the Contractor may flow down to subcontracts for commercial
items a minimal number of additional clauses necessary to satisfy its contractual
(d) The Contractor shall include the terms of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in
subcontracts awarded under this contract.
I.7 ORDERING (FAR 52.216-18)(OCT 1995)
(a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by
issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in
the Schedule. Such orders may be issued from the effective date of the contract
through contract expiration.
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(b) All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this
contract. In the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this
contract, the contract shall control.
(c) If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered "issued" when the Government
deposits the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by
electronic commerce methods only if authorized in the Schedule.
I.8 ORDER LIMITATIONS (FAR 52.216-19)(OCT 1995)
(a) Minimum order. When the Government estimates supplies or services covered by this
contract in an amount less than 150 persons per meal period and the headcount is
estimated to remain at those numbers, or less, for at least 72 hours from when the
headcount first reaches 150 persons per meal, the Government is not obligated to
purchase, nor is the Contractor obligated to furnish, those supplies or services under
the contract.
(b) Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor
(1) Any order for a single incident in excess of twenty-one (21) days.
(2) Any order for a combination of incidents in excess of sixty (60) days.
(3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within days that together call
for quantities exceeding the limitation in subparagraph (1) or (2) of this section.
(c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at subsection
52.216-21 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)), the Government is not
required to order a part of any one requirement from the Contractor if that
requirement exceeds the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the Contractor shall honor any
order exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order (or
orders) is returned to the ordering office within 1 hours after issuance, with written
notice stating the Contractor's intent not to ship the item (or items) called for and the
reasons. Upon receiving this notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or
services from another source.
I.9 REQUIREMENTS (FAR 52.216-21)(OCT 1995)
(a) This is a requirements contract for the supplies or services specified and effective for
the period stated, in the Schedule. The quantities of supplies or services specified in
the Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. Except as this
contract may otherwise provide, if the Government's requirements do not result in
orders in the quantities described as "estimated" or "maximum" in the Schedule, that
fact shall not constitute the basis for an equitable price adjustment.
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(b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in
accordance with the Ordering clause. Subject to any limitations in the Delivery-order
Limitations clause or elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Government all supplies or services specified in the Schedule and called for by orders
issued in accordance with the Ordering clause. The Government may issue orders
requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations.
(c) Except as this contract otherwise provides, the Government shall order from the
Contractor all the supplies or services specified in the Schedule that are required to be
purchased by the Government activity or activities specified in the Schedule.
(d) The Government is not required to purchase from the Contractor requirements in
excess of any limit on total orders under this contract.
(e) If the Government urgently requires delivery of any quantity of an item before the
earliest date that delivery may be specified under this contract, and if the Contractor
will not accept an order providing for the accelerated delivery, the Government may
acquire the urgently required goods or services from another source.
(f) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within
that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the
order. The contract shall govern the Contractor's and Government's rights and
obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were
completed during the contract's effective period; provided, that the Contractor shall
not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after December 31, 2014.
(a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the
Contractor within 30 days; provided that the Government shall give the Contractor a
preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 60 days before the contract
expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension.
(b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to
include this option provision.
(c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this
clause, shall not exceed 5 years.
(JAN 1997)
(a) The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire
performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance
required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract.
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(b) Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the
Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The
policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that
any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest
shall not be effective-
(1) For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be
performed prescribe; or
(2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the
Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer.
(c) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c),
in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and
shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the
Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all
subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the
Contracting Officer upon request.
I.12 INSURANCE COVERAGE (AGAR 452.228-71)(NOV 1996)
Pursuant to FAR clause 52.228-5, Insurance-Work on a Government Installation, the
Contractor will be required to present evidence to show, as a minimum, the amounts of
insurance coverage indicated below:
(a) Workers Compensation and Employer's Liability. The Contractor is required to comply
with applicable Federal and State workers' compensation and occupational disease
statutes. If occupational diseases are not compensable under those statutes, they shall
be covered under the employer's liability section of the insurance policy, except when
contract operations are so commingled with a Contractor's commercial operations that
it would not be practical to require this coverage. Employer's liability coverage of at
least $100,000 shall be required, except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds
that do not permit worker's compensation to be written by private carriers.
(b) General Liability. The Contractor shall have bodily injury liability insurance coverage
written on a comprehensive form of policy of at least $500,000 per occurrence.
(c) Automobile Liability. The Contractor shall have automobile liability insurance written
on a comprehensive form of policy. The policy shall provide for bodily injury and
property damage liability covering the operation of all automobiles used in connection
with performing the contract. Policies covering automobiles operated in the United
States shall provide coverage of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per
occurrence for bodily injury and $20,000 per occurrence for property damage or loss.
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(d) Aircraft Public and Passenger Liability. When aircraft are used in connection with
performing the contract, the Contractor shall have aircraft public and passenger liability
insurance. Coverage shall be at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence
for bodily injury, other than passenger injury. Coverage for passenger injury shall be at
least $200,000 multiplied by the number of seats or passengers, whichever is greater.
The Government shall not be liable for damages to contractor equipment or personnel
provided under this contract except for damages caused by Government personnel acting
within the scope of their official duties as compensable under the Federal Tort Claims Act,
28 U.S.C. 2671-2680.
The Kitchen Manager is responsible for operating the Mobile Food Service Unit within its
operating limits, responsible for safety of their employees and cargo and shall comply with
the directions of the Government, except when in his/her judgment such compliance will be
a violation of applicable Federal or State regulations. The Kitchen Manager shall refuse
any operation considered hazardous or unsafe.
Contract price adjustments applicable to each contract option renewal period will be based on
increases or decreases in the 12-month cumulative monthly percent changes to the Food
and Beverage, Transportation, and Services indexes for the previous 12 consecutive months
found in Table 1 - Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U); and the total
percent change to the Service Occupations index found in the Employment Cost Index
(ECI) - Occupational Group.
The calculation of the 12 month cumulative percent change to the CPI-U Food and
Beverage, Transportation and Services indexes, for each renewal option period, will be based
on the cumulative monthly percent changes for the preceding fiscal year, October through
September. For example, price adjustments for calendar year 2011 will be based on
cumulative monthly percent changes from October 2009 through September 2010. The
cumulative total of all 12 previously reported monthly Unadjusted percent changes to the
current month from the previous month will be used.
The total percent change to the Service Occupations index will be obtained from the
September Employment Cost Index (ECI) report; of the calendar year immediately prior to
the year in which the renewal is effective. For example, price adjustments for calendar year
2011 will be base on the September 2010 ECI report.
(See examples below, CPI-U Food and Beverages = 0.9%, ECI Services = 4.0%)
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The newly adjusted prices will become effective January 1 of each option renewal period,
using the following formulas:
(a) The Breakfast, Cold Can Breakfast, Sack Lunch, Dinner, Supplemental
Foods/Beverages prices will be adjusted as follows:
85% of the current meal price multiplied by the 12 month cumulative percent
change in the CPI-U Food and Beverages index, plus,
15% of the current meal price multiplied by the total percent change in the ECI-
Occupational Group, Service Occupations index.
For example: If the 12 month cumulative percent change to CPI-U for Food &
Beverages index = 1.9%; and the total percent change in the ECI-Occupational
Group for Service Occupations index = 3.1% with a hypothetical current meal
price of $15.00.
($15.00 x 85%) x 0.019 = $0.24
($15.00 x 15%) x 0.031 = $0.07
$0.31 New adjusted rate: $15.00 + $0.31 = $15.31
(b) The Mileage price will be adjusted as follows:
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100% of the current mileage price multiplied by the 12 month cumulative
percent change in the CPI-U for the Transportation index.
For example: If the 12 month cumulative percent change to the CPI-U
Transportation index = 4.2% with a hypothetical current mileage rate of $15.00.
($15.00) x 0.042 = $0.63 New adjusted rate: $15.00 + $0.63 = $15.63
(c) The rates paid for Handwashing Units, Additional Tents/Seating and Optional
Refrigeration Storage Space will be adjusted as follows:
90% of the current usage price multiplied by the 12 month cumulative percent
change in the CPI-U Commodity and Service Group – Services index, plus,
10% of the current usage price multiplied by the total percent change in the ECI-
Occupational Group, Service Occupations index.
For example: If the 12 month cumulative percent change to the CPI-U,
Commodity and Service Group, Services index = 2.9%; and the total percent
change to the ECI-Occupational Group for Service Occupations index = 3.1%
with a hypothetical current usage rate of $780.00.
($780.00 x 90%) x 0.029 = $20.36
($780.00 x 10%) x 0.031 = $ 2.40
New adjusted rate: $780.00 + $22.76 = $802.76
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National Mobile Food Services
J.1 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (AGAR 452.252-70)(FEB 1988)
J.1 List of Attachments
J.2 Mobile Food & Shower Service Request Form
J.3 Interagency Mobile Food Services Performance Evaluation (Form 1276-E)
J.4 Wage Rate Determinations
J.5 Sample Contractor Menus
J.6 NWCG Potable Water Standards
J.6A Supplemental Potable Water Standards for other than Potable Water Trucks in
which NWCG Standards J.6 apply
J.7 Harassment Free Workplace Policy
J.8 Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services (Form 1276-A)
J.9 Daily Meal Order/Invoice-Mobile Food Services, Continuation Sheet (Form 1276-B)
J.10 Definitions
J.11 Mobile Food Service Unit Inspection Form
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National Mobile Food Services
Incident Name: Financial Code:
Resource Order #: Food Service Request E #:
Shower Unit Request E #:
I. FOOD SERVICE: Requested Date, Time, Meal Types, and Number of Meals
1. Date of first meal: Time of first meal:
2. Estimated number for the first three meals:
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunch [ ] Dinner
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunch [ ] Dinner
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunch [ ] Dinner
This Block for National Interagency Coordination Center Use Only
Actual agreed upon Date/Time first meals are to be served: Date: Time:
(Minimum guaranteed payment is based on these estimates, see Section G.2.2):
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunches [ ] Dinner
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunches [ ] Dinner
meal: [ ] Hot Breakfast [ ] Sack Lunches [ ] Dinner
II. Location
Reporting location:
Contact person at the Incident:
III. Additional Information
Spike Camps: Yes No Unknown
Estimated Duration of Incident Estimated Personnel at Peak
Dispatch Contact: Telephone Number:
IV. SHOWER SERVICE: Requested date and Time Mobile Shower Unit is needed
Date Requested: Time Requested:
Mobile Shower Unit type ordered: Large (12+ stalls) [ ] Small (4-11 stalls) [ ]
This Block for National Interagency Coordination Center Use Only
Actual agreed upon Date/TimeMobile Shower Unit to be operational: Date:
National Interagency Coordination Center – 208-387-5400
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(Reference: FAR 42.15)
Unit No:______________________________
Contract No:___________________________
Incident Name:_________________________
Inclusive Dates:______________________ __
Ratings: Summarize Contractor performance and circle in the column on the right the number
that corresponds to the performance rating for each rating category. The rating official must
provide comments supporting each numerical rating assigned.
Quality of
Equipment Comments:
and Other
Form 1276-E (01/2010)
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National Mobile Food Services
Key Personnel Performance:
Name: Comments:
Name: Comments:
Would you select this Contractor again, given the choice? Explain.
Rating Official Name/Title:_______________________________________________________
Signature:________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________
Date:___________________________________ E-Mail Address:_______________________
Contractor Representative Name/Title:______________________________________________
Signature:________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________
Form 1276-H (01/2010)
Any Contractor comments regarding this performance evaluation must be submitted, in
writing, to the Contracting Officer within 30 days of receipt by the Contractor’s
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 77 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Use the following table as a guideline to complete the Contractor Performance Evaluation Form.
Quality of Services Equipment Timeliness of Performance Business Relations
-Compliance with contract
-Adhered to Quality Control Plan.
-Accuracy of reports.
-Notification of problems.
-Compliance with contract
-Sanitary and well
-Met agreed upon date and time to
report to the incident.
-Equipment repairs are completed
in a timely manner.
-Water tests are completed in a
timely manner.
-Effective Management.
-Businesslike correspondence.
-Responsive to contract requirements.
-Ability to work with other Contractor’s
assigned to the incident.
Non-conformance’s are Equipment issues are Delays are compromising the Response to inquiries, technical, service,
compromising the achievement of
contract requirements, despite use of
Agency resources.
compromising performance
of contract requirements.
achievement of contract
requirements, despite use of
Agency Resources.
administrative issues is not effective and
responsive. Unable to work with other
Contractor’s compromising performance of
contract requirements.
Non-conformance’s require major Equipment issues require Delays require major Agency Response to inquiries,
Agency resources to ensure
achievement of contract
major Agency resources to
ensure achievement of
resources to ensure achievement of
contract requirements.
technical/service/administrative issues are
marginally effective and responsive.
requirements. contract requirements. Inability to work with other Contractor’s
requires major Agency resources to ensure
contract performance.
Non-conformance’s require minor Equipment issues require Delays require minor Agency Response to inquiries,
Agency resources to ensure
achievement of contract
minor Agency resources to
ensure achievement of
resources to ensure achievement of
contract requirements.
technical/service/administrative issues are
somewhat effective and responsive.
requirements. contract requirements. Inability to work with other Contractor’s
requires minor Agency resources to ensure
contract performance.
Non-conformance’s do not impact Equipment issues do not Delays do not impact achievement Response to inquiries,
achievement of contract
impact achievement of
contract requirements.
of contract requirements. technical/service/administrative issues are
usually effective and responsive. Inability
to work with other Contractor’s does not
impact contract performance.
There are no quality problems. There are no equipment There are no delays. Response to inquiries,
issues. technical/service/administrative issues are
effective and responsive. There are no
issues in working with the Government and
other Contractor’s.
The contractor has demonstrated an Outstanding performance level that was significantly in excess of anticipated achievements and is
commendable as an example for others, so that it justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare
circumstances where contractor performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as "Excellent".
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 78 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
By direction of the Secretary of Labor
Shirley F. Ebbesen Division of Wage
Director Determinations
Wage Determination No: 1995-0221
Revision No: 19
Date Of Revision: 06/12/2008
NATIONWIDE: Applicable in the continental U.S., Hawaii and Alaska.
Alaska: Entire state.
Hawaii: Entire state.
Midwestern Region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Southern Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
Western Region: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
**Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing**
Employed on contracts for Emergency Incident and Fire Safety services.
05000 - Automotive Service Occupations
05190 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic
Alaska 24.78
Hawaii 16.47
Midwestern Region 19.57
Northeast Region 18.37
Southern Region 17.11
Western Region 19.79
05220 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper
Alaska 17.93
Hawaii 12.68
Midwestern Region 12.69
Northeast Region 14.30
Southern Region 11.04
Western Region 13.40
07000 - Food Preparation And Service Occupations
07010 - Baker
Alaska 14.89
Hawaii 14.87
Midwestern Region 12.48
Northeast Region 14.16
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 79 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Southern Region
Western Region
- Cook I
Alaska 12.82
Hawaii 12.52
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Cook II
Alaska 14.72
Hawaii 13.98
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Dishwasher
Alaska 10.99
Hawaii 12.05
Midwestern Region
Northest Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Food Service Worker
Alaska 11.20
Hawaii 11.14
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Meat Cutter
Alaska 18.27
Hawaii 17.75
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Materials Handling And Packing Occupations
- Forklift Operator
Alaska 20.59
Hawaii 16.04
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Stock Clerk
Alaska 13.30
Hawaii 10.49
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations
- Electrician, Maintenance
Alaska 29.46
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 80 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Hawaii 25.39
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Heavy Equipment Operator
Hawaii 17.15
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Laborer
Alaska 14.63
Hawaii 14.19
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Machinery Maintenance Mechanic
Hawaii 27.13
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Maintenance Trades Helper
Hawaii 15.51
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
- Protective Service Occupations
- Firefighter
Alaska 11.14
Hawaii 9.08
Midwestern Region
Northeast Region
Southern Region
Western Region
31000 - Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations
31030 - Bus Driver
Alaska 20.22
Hawaii 13.13
Midwestern Region: 1 1/2 to 4 tons 16.66
Midwestern Region: over 4 tons 17.42
Midwestern Region: under 1 1/2 tons 12.47
Northeast Region: 1 1/2 to 4 tons 17.08
Northeast Region: over 4 tons 17.83
Northeast Region: under 1 1/2 tons 13.25
Southern Region: 1 1/2 to 4 tons 15.23
Southern Region: over 4 tons 15.78
Southern Region: under 1 1/2 tons 8.48
Western Region: 1 1/2 to 4 tons 15.69
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 81 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Western Region: over 4 tons 16.13
Western Region: under 1 1/2 tons 9.88
31361 - Truckdriver, Light
Alaska 18.93
Hawaii 10.35
Midwestern Region 12.47
Northeast Region 13.25
Southern Region 8.48
Western Region 9.88
31362 - Truckdriver, Medium
Alaska 20.50
Hawaii 13.12
Midwestern Region 16.66
Northeast Region 17.08
Southern Region 15.17
Western Region 15.69
31363 - Truckdriver, Heavy
Alaska 21.66
Hawaii 14.32
Midwestern Region 17.42
Northeast Region 17.83
Southern Region 15.78
Western Region 16.72
31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer
Alaska 22.81
Hawaii 14.51
Midwestern Region 20.72
Northeast Region 17.95
Southern Region 16.59
Western Region 17.07
47000 - Water Transportation Occupations
47021 - Cook-Baker/Second Cook/Second Cook-Baker/Assistant Cook
Alaska 14.72
Hawaii 13.98
Midwestern Region 10.33
Northeast Region 12.90
Southern Region 9.85
Western Region 11.78
92000 - Non Standard Occupations
(not set) - Chief Cook
Alaska 19.57
Hawaii 23.45
Midwestern Region 17.25
Northeast Region 20.87
Southern Region 15.80
Western Region 19.21
99000 - Miscellaneous Occupations
99730 - Refuse Collector
Alaska 10.80
Hawaii 9.99
Midwestern Region 9.24
Northeast Region 10.55
Southern Region 6.99
Western Region 8.99
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National Mobile Food Services
HEALTH & WELFARE: $3.24 per hour or $129.60 per week or $561.60 per month
VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or
successor; 3 weeks after 10 years, and 4 after 15 years. Length of service
includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or
successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the
performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173)
HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year: New Year's Day, Martin Luther
King Jr.'s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day,
Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (A
contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay
in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR
VACATION (Hawaii): 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a
contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 10 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years.
Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present
contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors
in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR
HEALTH & WELFARE (Hawaii): $1.37 per hour, or $54.80 per week, or $237.47 per
month hour for all employees on whose behalf the contractor provides health care
benefits pursuant to the Hawaii prepaid Health Care Act. For those employees who
are not receiving health care benefits mandated by the Hawaii prepaid Health
Care Act, the new health and welfare benefit rate will be $3.24 per hour.
HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees
employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with
or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This
includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of
sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide,
black powder and photoflash powder. All dry-house activities involving
propellants or explosives. Demilitarization, modification, renovation,
demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and
incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of
artillery ranges.
A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that
represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to
ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials
which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of
the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and
the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being
used. All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance,
explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition.
These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically
designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material
differential pay.
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National Mobile Food Services
If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract
(either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state
or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by
laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by
an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the
wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance
with the following standards as compliance:
The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an
adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the
actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance
is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors
subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide
collective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the
furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all
employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67
cents per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are
made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other
personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry
cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the
cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract,
by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement
that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs.
Under the policy and guidance contained in All Agency Memorandum No. 159, the
Wage and Hour Division does not recognize, for section 4(c) purposes,
prospective wage rates and fringe benefit provisions that are effective only
upon such contingencies as "approval of Wage and Hour, issuance of a wage
determination, incorporation of the wage determination in the contract,
adjusting the contract price, etc." (The relevant CBA section) in the collective
bargaining agreement between (the parties) contains contingency language that
Wage and Hour does not recognize as reflecting "arm's length negotiation" under
section 4(c) of the Act and 29 C.F.R. 5.11(a) of the regulations. This wage
determination therefore reflects the actual CBA wage rates and fringe benefits
paid under the predecessor contract.
The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the
"Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006,
unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the
Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHD home page at or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL)
Web site at
Form 1444 (SF 1444)}
Conformance Process:
The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which
is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract (i.e., the
work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage
determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable
relationship (i.e., appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted
classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 84 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished
the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be
initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such
unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classification, wage rate, and/or
fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract.
{See Section 4.6 (C)(vi)} When multiple wage determinations are included in a
contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to
which a class(es) is to be conformed.
The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows:
1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed
occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s).
2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in
order proposed classification title(s), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for
each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed
wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of
the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no
authorized representative, the employees themselves. This report should be
submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted
class(es) of employees performs any contract work.
3) The contracting officer reviews the proposed action and promptly submits a
report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent
information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the
Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, for review. (See section 4.6(b)(2) of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4).
4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or
disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting officer, or
notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to
process the request.
5) The contracting officer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the
6) The contractor informs the affected employees.
Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond
When preparing a conformance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of
Occupations" (the Directory) should be used to compare job definitions to insure
that duties requested are not performed by a classification already listed in
the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required
tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage
determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or
subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination.
Chief Cook
Directs and participates in the preparation and serving of meals; determines
timing and sequence of operations required to meet serving times; inspects
galley/kitchen unit and equipment for cleanliness and proper storage and
preparation of food. Many plan or assist in planning meals and taking inventory
of stores and equipment.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 85 Section J
(For Advance Approval by FDUL)
EGGS, fresh or liquid
MEAT, Four (4) oz. Raw Weight
Type: Fresh OR Frozen OR Precooked
BREAD, Three (3) O
AND Potatoes, 6 oz.
OR Hot Cakes AND Potatoes, 6 oz.
OR French Toast AND Potatoes, 6 oz.
OR Waffles AND Potatoes, 6 oz.
All "Equivalents" Shall Be Equal to
Three (3) Breads
MILK, ½ Pint
Whole, 2%, Skim,
White and/or Chocolate
FRUIT, Fresh O
Canned AND
100% Juice, 5 ½ oz.
CEREAL, Cooked, 6 oz.
Kitchen Manager Food Unit Leader
--All changes to a previously approved menu MUST be reviewed and approved in advance by the Food Unit Leader.
--This form does not constitute an order for meals. It verifies ONLY advance agreement on, and approval of the Contractor’s menu items.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 86 Section J
(For Advance Approval by FDUL)
CEREAL, Dry-Cold, Two (2), ¾ oz.
100% JUICE, One (1), 5 ½ oz.
Equivalent Equal to
Three (3), 1 to 1 ½ oz. Slices of Bread
MILK, ½ Pint
Whole, 2%, Skim
White and/or Chocolate
FRUIT, Fresh O
Canned 5 ½ oz. OR
Dried, 2 oz.
Breakfast Protein Item, Minimum 4 oz.
Kitchen Manager Food Unit Leader
--All changes to a previously approved menu MUST be reviewed and approved in advance by the Food Unit Leader.
--This form does not constitute an order for meals. It verifies ONLY advance agreement on, and approval of the Contractor's menu items.
National Mobile Food Services
Page 87 Section J
(For Advance Approval by FDUL)
ENTRÉE 2-Non Meat, 4 oz.
POTATOES OR Substitute, 6 oz.
BREAD, Two (2) slices, 1 to 1 ½ oz.
MILK, ½ Pint
Whole, 2%, Skim
White and/or Chocolate
DESSERT, 4 oz.
SALAD FOR HOT CAN, Two (2) types
One (1) tossed green AND
One (1) prepared.
SALAD BAR, Five (5) Toppings AND
One (1) Tossed Green Salad AND
Two (2) Prepared Salads AND
One (1) Fruit Salad
Kitchen Manager Food Unit Leader
--All changes to a previously approved menu MUST be reviewed and approved in advance by the Food Unit Leader.
--This form does not constitute an order for meals. It verifies ONLY advance agreement on, and approval of the Contractor’s menu items.
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01
National Mobile Food Services
Page 88 Section J
(For Advance Approval by FDUL)
Entree 1-Meat Sandwich
Type of Meat/Bread:
Entree 2-Variety Item, 400 cal and 5 ½ oz
Energy Bars OR
Second Regular Sandwich OR
Super Sized Hoagie
Type of Meat/Bread:
CONDIMENTS, Four (4) for Entrees O
FRUIT, Fresh
FRUIT, Dried, 200 calories and total
combined weight 3 o
Factory Wrapped Snacks - Two (2), 600
calories and total combined weight 6 o
Disposable Eating Utensils, as appropriate
Paper Napkin, Two (2) AND
Pre-Moistened Towelettes, Two (2)
Kitchen Manager
Food Unit Leader
--All changes to a previously approved menu MUST be reviewed and approved in advance by the Food Unit Leader.
--This form does not constitute an order for meals. It verifies ONLY advance agreement on, and approval of the Contractor’s menu items.
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01
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Page 89 Section J
(For Advance Approval by FDUL)
Entree 1-Vegetarian Sandwich
Type of Protein/Bread:
Entree 2-Variety Item, 400 cal and 5 ½ oz
Energy Bars OR
Second Regular Sandwich OR
Super Sized Hoagie
Type of Protein/Bread:
for Entrees OR Sandwiches
FRUIT, Fresh
FRUIT, Dried - 200 calories and total
combined weight 3 o
Factory Wrapped Snacks - Two (2), 600
calories and total combined weight 6 o
Disposable Eating Utensils, as appropriate
Paper Napkin, Two (2) AND
Pre-Moistened Towelettes, Two (2)
Kitchen Manager Food Unit Leader
--All changes to a previously approved menu MUST be reviewed and approved in advance by the Food Unit Leader.
--This form does not constitute an order for meals. It verifies ONLY advance agreement on, and approval of the Contractor's menu items.
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 90 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Equipment Requirements
Potable water tanks shall be:
(a) Used exclusively for drinking water. Do not use containers for any non-food products.
The potable water system, including filling hose and lines, pumps, tanks, and distributing
pipes, shall be separate and distinct from other water systems. Do not use containers that
have ever been previously used for gray water, toxic or bio-hazardous substances.
(Reference: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Section 129.40)
(b) Clearly and conspicuously labeled with the words “POTABLE” or “FOR DRINKING
WATER USE ONLY” on both sides of the tank in lettering at least 4 inches in height.
The capacity of the tank (in gallons) displayed on both sides of the tank or on both cab
doors in lettering at least 2 inches in height. Name and address of Contractor shall appear
on both sides of the tank or on both truck cab doors in lettering at least 2 inches in height.
A seal or sticker provided by the State or local authority shall be affixed to the upper left
quarter of the rear of the tank or other location if specified by the issuing agency and
shall be visible at all times indicating that the tank has been inspected, certified and found
to be in compliance with State requirements. If stickers are not provided by a State, a
copy of the certificate or label shall be kept in the transport vehicle at all times. An
annual inspection and certification of the tank by the local health authority is required. In
addition, the carrier shall meet all laws and regulations for hauling on public roads. If the
tank is part of the transport vehicle, then both the tank and vehicle shall meet State
requirements, and the appropriate inspection and certification will be maintained for the
vehicle. If the State does not do certification, then the hiring agency will be responsible
for inspecting and ensuring the tank meets the requirements.
(c) 200 gallons capacity or greater and be made of non-toxic, non-corrodible/non absorbent
materials or coated with non-toxic coatings National Safety Foundation (NSF)
International Standard 61 that can be adequately cleaned and sanitized. Examples are
stainless steel, food contact plastics (polyethylene), and food contact epoxy coatings.
Surfaces that come in contact with water shall be smooth, without pits, dents, or crimps
that may hold contaminating matter and welds shall be of non-corrosive material.
Tank Construction
Tanks shall be constructed to the following requirements at a minimum and meet all State
requirements for certification compliance if the State has these established:
Openings: Hatches and other openings shall be completely covered and sealed with tight fitting
coverings, permanently mounted food-grade gaskets, and security locks. Water inlets and outlets
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National Mobile Food Services
shall be equipped with threaded or clamped caps, tethered to the ports with chain or cable. Inlet
and outlet caps shall be in place on all fittings except when water is being discharged or loaded.
Tank vents: Vents will be designed to prevent water contamination. Tanks shall be vented by a
downward facing, or otherwise protected vent opening of a sufficient size to allow air to replace
water as it is discharged. This opening shall be protected by an appropriate screen as required in
the state that certifies the equipment. If a State does not certify the equipment, the screen shall
be made from non-toxic, non-absorbent material at a minimum.
Drain: Each potable water tank shall provide a means of drainage and, if it is equipped with a
manhole, overflow, vent, or a device for measuring depth of water, provision shall be made to
prevent entrance into the tank of any contaminating substance. No deck or sanitary drain or pipe
carrying non-potable water or liquid shall be permitted to pass through the tank. A bottom drain
shall be provided to facilitate complete discharge of water during sanitation procedures.
Tank Filling Mechanisms
There shall be no backflow or cross connection between potable water systems and any other
systems. Pipes and fittings conveying potable water to any fixture, apparatus, or equipment shall
be installed in such a way to prevent backflow. Waste pipes from any part of the potable water
system, including treatment devices, discharging to a drain, shall be suitably protected against
backflow. Either of the following methods may be used:
(1) An approved backflow prevention device complying with Uniform Plumbing Codes
603.3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 such as acceptable double check valves on the direct filling
connection to the tank. No connections shall be located between the tank and the check
(2) Overhead filling through a hatch opening at the top of the tank; the filling spout must not
be allowed to intrude into the tank further than two diameters of the filling pipe above the
highest water level that is possible when the tank is filled. If an overhead filler pipe is
mounted on the vehicle, when not being used for filling, this pipe shall be capped at each
end with threaded or clamped caps, and tethered to the fittings at the ends of the filler
Sanitary techniques must be observed in the water transfer operation. Care must be exercised to
prevent foreign materials from entering the water. Since contamination could be present on the
exterior surfaces of hoses or pipes, they must never be submerged in a receiving vessel.
Adequate cleaning and sanitizing procedures shall be used on hauling vehicle(s) and associated
equipment at the following times:
(1) When the equipment is placed into service, or when it has been unused and stored in a
sealed condition for a period of 4 weeks or more.
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National Mobile Food Services
(2) When the filled or empty tank has been exposed by open or unsealed cover caps or
fittings to any condition of possible contamination of the tank or contents, including
contact with dust, smoke, rain, or chemical substances.
(3) When any fault or defect becomes apparent in the seals, vents, hatch doors, welds, valves,
pipes, pumps, hoses or other equipment that may contaminate the water.
(4) When bacterial analysis of the water indicates presence of coliform bacteria.
Only water transfer pumps which can be readily disassembled to demonstrate the condition of
the impeller and impeller chamber shall be used. Internal pump water contact surfaces, including
seals, bearing, and lubricants must be constructed from food grade materials and must be
smooth, non-porous, and corrosion resistant and use acceptable food grade lubricants.
Hoses shall have a smooth interior surface made of food-grade standard materials or materials
meeting NSF International Standard 61. Pumps, hoses, fittings, valves and similar equipment
shall be made of food-grade materials or materials meeting NSF International Standard 61 and
shall be kept clean, disinfected and operated or handled in a manner that prevents contamination
and capped or closed when not in use. Hoses shall be marked/labeled “potable water” and the use
of galvanized pipes or fittings is prohibited. The ends of all hoses shall be provided with
threaded or clamped caps. Such caps shall be in place when hoses are not in use. Hoses in
storage compartments must also be capped.
Operational Requirements and Bacterial Testing
Hauled water is vulnerable to increased handling, diversity of source, variability in hauling
equipment, and shall not be stored in the vehicle for a period greater than one week. All hauling
equipment must be clean and in good condition. In addition, all water-contact surfaces in hauling
and storage facilities shall be disinfected prior to use.
All equipment surfaces intended for potable water contact, including source fill point equipment,
containers, caps, tanks, hoses, valves, and fittings shall be inspected, washed, rinsed, sanitized,
and replaced as often as necessary to effect and maintain sanitation of such surfaces. Procedures
to be used are listed in Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 129.80. Disinfection needs to
occur before being put in service, or when it has been unused and stored in a sealed condition
after a period of 4 weeks or more, or after any food product has been hauled. Follow applicable
State specifications/guidelines for disinfection of tanks either where the equipment was certified
or to the standards where the equipment is going to be used if crossing state boundaries. When
no applicable State specifications/guidelines for disinfection of tanks exist, at a minimum, the
tank shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. After 24 hours contact time with the
disinfecting solution, the tank shall be drained and flushed with drinking water. Written
procedures for equipment cleaning and sanitizing shall be maintained by the Contractor and shall
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National Mobile Food Services
be kept with the hauling vehicle at all times. These procedures shall include the names, amounts,
and contact times of cleaning and sanitizing agents to be used. The frequency of equipment
cleaning and sanitizing must be tracked in a log to be kept with the vehicle at all times. A copy
of the Contractor’s equipment cleaning and sanitizing procedures log shall be provided to the
Contracting Officer or designated Government Representative upon request.
At a minimum or when required by the local jurisdiction or State Law one microbiological test
for total coliform shall be performed within 2 established business days of the time of arrival at
the incident at a certified laboratory. Sampling by the contractor must be performed to industry
standards and to the standards required by the designated laboratory. Where State-specific
requirements have not been established, laboratory coliform test data must show that the water
contains coliforms of less than 2.2 Most Probable Numbers (MPN)/100 ml (or “absence” if the
presence/absence test is used). In addition, a test shall be performed on the first water load
following any of the required sanitation procedures, whenever switching to a different water
source and/or at least once every 30 days during months when water hauling is performed, and/or
whenever such analysis is requested by state or local health authorities or Government
representative. If the presence/absence (P&A) test for the coliform analysis is used, then only
negative (absence) results are acceptable. If a sample tests positive (presence), the Contractor
shall take out of service, investigate the cause of the problem; take corrective actions;
resample/test the water; and notify the Incident Commander or designated Government
Representative at the Incident. If the test data shows that the water contains more than 2.2
MPN/100 ml, the Contractor shall immediately take out of service; investigate the cause of the
problem; take corrective actions; resample/test the water; and notify the Incident Commander or
designated Government Representative at the Incident. The Contractor shall not haul water until
the test shows that the water contains total coliform of less than 2.2 MPN/100 ml. Copies of the
results of such tests shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer at the address indicated on the
agreement or contract within seven calendar days after the end of the incident assignment. Test
results shall clearly identify Contractor’s name, address, and contract or agreement number on
the report. Original laboratory test results shall be maintained by the Contractor and kept for at
least 2 years pursuant to Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 129.80. Failure to comply
with this requirement may result in the immediate cancellation or suspension of the Emergency
Equipment Rental Agreement or contract for the current year. The Incident commander or
designated Government Representative at the Incident with concurrence of the Contracting
Officer will determine if/when the Contractor will be available for service.
Tank shall arrive empty for inspection.
Chlorine Residual: Contractors shall maintain a free chlorine residual level of 0.2 parts per
million (ppm) up to 1.0 ppm at all times (1/3 cup of bleach that meets NSF standards to 1000
gallons water may achieve 1.0 ppm chlorine residual level). When residual levels drop below
required levels the load shall be dumped and tank refilled.
Contractors shall have chlorine residual test kits available at all times and test for free chlorine
residual levels when:
(1) Loading drinking water for transport,
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National Mobile Food Services
(2) After adding any disinfectant, if the addition of disinfectant is necessary;
(3) When unloading; and
(4) Every 24 hours the water is in use (provide with daily use documentation).
Maintain records of activities on board the vehicle showing water source location, dates, and
times of loading, unloading, chlorine residual test results, cleaning/sanitizing, and other
operational items as deemed necessary. Copies of bacterial analysis test results and all
agreements, contracts, licenses, etc. shall be maintained on board the vehicle at all times.
Contractor will provide copies of these records to the Incident Commander or designated
Government Representative.
Failure of the contractor to perform the required testing at the times specified is grounds for
immediate termination of an agreement/contract.
Water Sources
The host incident unit will designate the water source.
Use only potable water from a permitted private or public (municipal or community system)
drinking water supply. Filling must be accomplished using acceptable source water under
pressure. Drafting of surface water is not allowed under any circumstances. The cost, if any, will
be paid by the Government directly or by reimbursement to the potable water truck contractor. A
copy of the billing statement from the owner of the water source to the contractor must be
submitted to the Government if a contractor requests reimbursement.
Government or Contracting Agency Testing
The Government or contracting agency may, at its option, perform random testing. The
contractor shall provide reasonable access to all potable water tanks and apparatuses to the
Government or contracting agency.
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National Mobile Food Services
The Contactor shall perform and comply with all the provisions listed herein. Only properly
constructed and fitted equipment dedicated for potable water shall be approved and used.
1. Equipment Requirements
A. General Requirements
(Reference: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 129.40):
All potable water contact equipment shall be suitable for its intended use and shall
meet NWCG (Refer to Section J Exhibit J.6) standards including tanks, surfaces,
hoses, pumps, valves, fittings, and lubricants.
2. Other Equipment
Piping and Fittings: Food-grade plastic or acceptable metal (brass,
aluminum, stainless steel, copper).
Canteen Filling Equipment: Must have effective backflow prevention
(check valves), and dispensing spouts or hose bibs.
Miscellaneous Equipment: Potable water heaters, boilers, pressure tanks,
and other equipment for operation of shower and kitchen units.
Corrodible steel, galvanized pipe or black pipe.
Spray bars, fire hoses and nozzles, surface-water drafting equipment.
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National Mobile Food Services
POLICY: The National policy states: The Government will not tolerate harassment based on
race, national origin, religion, age, mental or physical disability, color, sex, or any other non-
merit factors.
The Government strives for a harassment-free work environment where people treat one another
with respect. Managers, supervisors, and all employees, as well as our Contractors, cooperators
and volunteers have the primary responsibility for creating and sustaining this harassment-free
environment (by example, by job supervision, by coaching, by training, by contract enforcement,
and by other means). All employees, Contractor personnel, and visitors must take personal
responsibility for maintaining conduct that is professional and supportive of this environment.
ACTION REQUIRED: Mangers and supervisors must take immediate action to stop harassment
(or any other inappropriate behavior), to protect the people targeted and to take all reasonable
steps to ensure that no further harassment or retaliation occurs. Employees who witness
harassment should report it to the proper authority.
LOCATIONS COVERED: The Contractors work environment covers any area where employees
work or where work-related activities occur including travel. This includes field sites, incident
bases, staging areas, firelines, Government buildings and other facilities such as fitness centers
and campgrounds. Also included are vehicles or other conveyances used for travel.
WHAT HARASSMENT IS: Harassment is coercive or repeated, unsolicited and unwelcome
verbal comments, gestures or physical contacts and includes retaliation for confronting or
reporting harassment. Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:
Physical conduct: Unwelcome touching, standing too close, inappropriate or threatening staring
or glaring, obscene, threatening, or offensive gestures. Verbal or written conduct: Inappropriate
references to body parts, derogatory or demeaning comments, jokes, or personal questions; sexual
innuendoes; offensive remarks about race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
political beliefs, marital status, or disability; obscene letters or telephone calls; catcalls; whistles;
sexually suggestive sounds; loud, aggressive, inappropriate comments or other verbal abuse.
Visual, Graphic or Pictorial Displays: Display of nude pictures, scantily-clad, or offensively-clad
people; display of intimidating or offensive religious, political, or other symbols; display of
offensive, threatening, demeaning, or derogatory drawings, cartoons, or other graphics; offensive
T-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers in locations covered above or other articles.
Individuals who believe they are being harassed or retaliated against should exercise any one or
more of the following options as soon as possible:
Tell the harasser to stop the offensive conduct; and/or
Tell a manager or supervisor about the conduct; and/or
Contact your Procurement Unit Leader, Contracting Officer, a special Emphasis Program
Manager, or any other individual you trust who would take action.
In addition, you may seek help from: Civil Rights Enforcement and Adjudication your local
Employee Assistance Program office, or the Regional Office Employee Relations Group.
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01 Page 97 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
1. Contract Number 2. Invoice Date
/ /
3. Mobile Food Service Unit ID No. 4. Invoice No.
5. Incident Name 6. Job Code 7. Resource Order No. / Request No. 8. Benefiting Unit,
Region / Agency
9. Paying Unit
Attn: Incident Business - Contracts
Albuquerque Service Center
101B Sun Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
10. Contractor Name and Address
11. Meal
to be
12. Meals Ordered
and Time Ordered
13. Meals Served
and Actual Time
Meals Served
14. Number of Meals for Payment
Purpose 90 % or Number Actually
Served Whichever is Greater
15. Price Per Meal 16. Totals
Breakfast Breakfast
$ $
Cold Can
Cold Can Breakfast
$ $
Sack Lunch
$ $
Dinner Dinner
$ $
18. MINIMUM GUARANTEE (See Section G 2.2.5)
9. Unit ID Numbers 20. Location for Mileage
(List Actual City Name)
21. Mileage 22. Mileage, Relocation,
& Hand Wash Fees
23. Totals
No. of Miles Price per Mile Unit No. Price/Fee
Unit (MFSU)
$ $
Hand Wash
Relocation Fee
Hand Wash
Usage Fee
24. SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS (total from 1276-B) $
Compare amounts for Items 17 and 18. Excluding first and last day of the assignment add the larger
of these two amounts to the Sub-Total in Item 26 and enter the result in Item 27. Total Invoice Amount.
29. I certify that the above mentioned services have been received
(Government Representative)
30. I certify that this bill is correct and payment has not been received
(Contractor Representative)
Name (print and sign), Title, Work Address & Phone No. Name (print and sign), Title & Phone No.
1276-A (01/2010)
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01 Page 98 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Date Ordered Food Unit Leader Contractor Invoice No.
Item Unit
Date Received
& Initials
Bottled Sports Type Drink, i.e. Gatorade
, etc.
ounce $ $
Brewed Coffee (outside of incident dining area)
gallon $ $
Hot Chocolate (outside of incident dining area)
gallon $ $
Tea, Iced or Hot (outside of incident dining area)
gallon $ $
Bottled Water (commercially available)
ounce $ $
pound $ $
Ground Coffee
pound $ $
Other Food Items
Sandwiches - Meat
each $ $
Sandwich - Non-Meat
each $ $
Refrigeration Storage Space and Additional Tents and Seating
Additional Refrigeration Storage Space
Rate/ Cu Ft.
$ $
Additional Tents & Seating
Rate/ 60
$ $
Item Description Amount
34. I certify that the above charges and/or credits are correct.
Government Representative Sign and Date Contractor Representative Sign and date
1276-B (01/2010)
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 99 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Bio-Based Products. A renewable product, made from plant or animal material that breaks down
easily in the environment.
Bio-Preferred Products. Implemented through The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
(FSRIA) of 2002 and includes two provisions that helped launch Bio-Preferred. The provisions
included: 1) a mandate to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop and implement a
comprehensive program for designating Bio-Based products and 2) a directive to all federal
agencies to increase their purchase and use of "preferred" products
Bladder Bags. A Potable or Gray Water storage container constructed of sturdy blue or gray 30-
oz. polyester fabric-based membrane with a PVC coating.
Company’s Headquarters. The Company’s regular operating physical address. The address
listed by each Offeror in block 15A on Standard Form 33.
Contracting Officer (CO). A person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate
contracts and make related determinations and findings.
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). The on-site contract administrator for the
Contracting Officer. The duties and responsibilities of the COR are defined in the written letter
of designation issued by the Contracting Officer.
Contractor’s Safety Plan. Actions specified by a Contractor to ensure employees and public
safety while at an incident. The method the Contractor uses to adhere to Occupational Safety
and Health Administration and to Work/Rest ratio and length of assignment guidelines.
Contractor’s Unit Summary. Contains Contractors equipment and pricing information that was
provided in Section B-Schedule of Items.
Contractor’s Quality Control Plan. Actions specified by a Contractor to control the production
of outputs to ensure that they conform to the contract requirements. The methods for inspecting
for quality control are described in the Contractor’s Quality Control Plan (QCP).
Designated Dispatch Point (DDP). This is the address where the unit must be physically located,
and dispatched from, during the Mandatory Availability Period.
Economic Price Adjustment (EPA). Contract price adjustments applicable to each contract
option renewal period will be based on increases or decreases in the 12 month cumulative
monthly percent change to the Food and Beverage, Transportation, and Services indexes for the
previous 12 consecutive months found in Table 1 - Consumer Price Index for all Urban
Consumers (CPI-U); and the total percent change to the Service Occupations index found in the
Employment Cost Index (ECI) – Occupational Group. (See Section I.13)
AG-024B-S-07-9001, Amendment 01 Page 100 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement (EERA). This is an agreement between the Federal Wildland
Fire Agencies and Call When Needed unit (CWN) and are used only when NICC is unable to fill an order
with a National Mobile Food Services Unit Contractor.
Energy Bar. A processed snack made of healthful ingredients and high calorie content to give a boost to
athletes and firefighters endurance. The packaging of a typical bar will provide a precise nutritional
breakdown in order to assist the firefighters in maintaining a dietary regimen. Major brand names in
North America include the Balance
bar, PowerBar
, Odwalla Food Bar
, and CLIF
bar. Other brand
names may be provided if comparable in nutritional value of these listed brand name Energy Bars.
Factory Wrapped. A commercial item that is covered with material at the place of manufacture to protect
it from outside elements or contamination. A list of ingredients may also be required to identify contents.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Government agency whose mission is "to promote and protect the
public health by helping safe and effective products reach the market in a timely way, and monitoring
products for continued safety after they are in use."
Food Unit Leader (FDUL). This unit leader is responsible for determining feeding requirements at all
incident facilities. Menu planning; determining cooking facilities required; food preparation; serving;
providing potable water, and general maintenance of the food service areas are responsibilities of this
unit. The FDUL serves as a MFSU Contract Inspector.
Food Service Employees. Individuals who are employed by the MFSU Contractor.
Federal Wildland Fire Agencies. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife Service,
National Park Service, and Bureau of Indian Affairs are defined as the Federal Wildland Fire Agencies
for the purposes of this contact.
Government Furnished Containers. These are approved containers the Federal Wildland Fire Agencies
provide the National/Non National Mobile Food Services Unit to use for transporting Hot or Cold meals
or other meal items to remote locations.
Key Personnel. An individual who is designated by the Contractor and approved by the CO. Key
Personnel (specified in Section H.2) have the authority to prepare invoices, receive notices and institute
corrective measures on any deficiencies.
Logistics Section Chief (LSC). Serves as both the Services and Support Branch Director on an Incident
Management Team.
Mandatory Availability Period (MAP). Period of time in which the MFSU and Contractor’s personnel
must be physically located at their DDP available for dispatch.
Mobile Food Services Unit (MFSU). All equipment (including peripheral equipment) that comprises a
complete MFSU.
Meal Ready to Eat (MRE). This is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging
procured by the Federal Wildland Fire Agencies for its Wildland Firefighters for use in field conditions
where organized food facilities may not be available.
Minimum Guarantee. The term, “Minimum Guarantee” is that minimum quantity, or that minimum
dollar value, which the Government will guarantee the Contractor for the effective period of the contract.
National Electrical Code (NEC). Regulation governing the installation of commercial or residential
electrical wiring.
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 101 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). A nonprofit organization whose mission is to
reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and
advocating scientifically based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.
National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC). The National Interagency Coordination
Center (NICC) is the focal point for coordinating the mobilization of resources for wildland fire
and other incidents throughout the United States. NICC is the designated ordering office for all
orders under the National Mobile Shower Facilities Unit Contract(s).
National Mobile Food Services Unit Contractor. A business that has been awarded a National
Mobile Food Services Unit contract from this solicitation through the USDA-Forest Service,
National Interagency Fire Center, Incident Support Branch.
Non-National Mobile Food Services Unit Contractor. Any business that was not awarded a
National Mobile Food Services Unit contract from this solicitation through the USDA-Forest
Service, National Interagency Fire Center, and Incident Support Branch. These Units are utilized
on a Call When Needed (CWN) basis and are used only when NICC is unable to fill an order
with a National Mobile Food Services Unit Contractor.
National Restaurant Association (NRA). A restaurant industry business association in the United
States comprised of 60,000 member companies; a total of more than 300,000 restaurants. It also
operates the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). The organization that sets sanitation standards for the
food preparation industry.
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). The Occupational and Safety Health
Administration is a federal or state agency under the Department of Labor that publishes and
enforces safety and health regulations for most businesses and industries in the United States.
Quality Assurance (QA). The Government performs Quality Assurance inspections. Quality
Assurance means “the various functions, including inspection, performed by the Government to
determine whether a Contractor has fulfilled the contract obligations pertaining to quality and
quantity.” QA inspections are random and test the Contractor’s work to monitor or validate the
Contractor’s quality control inspection and testing.
Resealable Individually Wrapped. This is a resealable packaging item provided by the
Contractor to package dried fruits, fresh vegetables or snacks for sack lunches.
Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). Regulation governing the residential or commercial installation
of plumbing components.
Vegetarian, Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian. This is the most common form of vegetarianism. Ovo-Lacto
vegetarians do not eat meat or flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products. Sub
Categories are Ovo vegetarians that eat eggs but not dairy products, while Lacto vegetarians eat
dairy products but not eggs.
AG-024B-S-07-9001 Page 102 Section J
National Mobile Food Services
Contractor: __________________ ____ _ Unit Number: __________________ ____ _ Contract Number: __________________ ____
Date of Inspection: __________________ _____ Incident:_____________________________ Inspector Name:_______________________ _
Performance Item Performance Standard
Pass/Fail or Needs Improvement
C.1.4 - C. Supplies, Equipment, and
Supplies Equipment and Personnel meet operational needs of the MFSU and are available at all
C.1.5 – C.1.5.15 Contractor Responsibilities
Contractor performs in a professional, cooperative and workmanlike manner and provided all
supplies and services as specified.
C 2.2.5 Timely Arrival and Set-Up
Delivery of MFSU arrived +/-1 hour of agreed upon schedule with NICC.
C.3.1 – C.3.2 Equipment Requirements and
Feeding Rates
Equipment and feeding rates meet minimum requirements.
C.4.1 – C.4.1.2 General Meal Requirements
Contractor submitted a biweekly menu within 24 hours of arrival of the incident that provides a
variety of high quality meals or special meals that meet quality standards.
C.4.2 – C. Standard Menu Minimum
Quantities Requirements
Food meets quantities standards.
C.4.3 – C.4.3.8 Twenty Four Hour Service Bar
All required items are available 24 hours/day.
C.4.4 – C.4.4.17 Menu Variety
Bi-weekly menus provide a variety of meats, breads, juices, and other meal items.
C.4.5 – C.4.5.3 Cooking Requirements All food is cooked to minimize health hazards in accordance with the FDA Food Code.
C.4.6 – C.4.6.6 Serving Container
Milk, juice, desserts, salad dressings, condiments, bread and cold cereal is served and available as
C.4.7 – C.4.7.19 Food Quality Standards
All meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, canned or frozen vegetables and fruits, dry goods, breads,
canned goods, coffee, tea,, oil, prepared salad, and beef jerky meet specified quality standards.
D.1 – D.6 Packaging and Marking
Contractor met packaging and labeling standards.
E.2 & C.1.5.12 Quality Control Plan and
The Contractor provided and maintained an inspection system acceptable to the Government.
C 1.5.8 Key Personnel Key Personnel are available at the incident at all times.
Narrative Comments:
Government Representative Contractor’s Representative
Signature: Title: Signature: Title:
___________________________ __________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________