National Freight
Strategy Framework
Beyond Traffic National Freight Strategy
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Section I. Introduction
In October of 2015, the United States Department of Transportation
(DOT) published a draft National Freight Strategic Plan (the "draft
Plan"). The draft Plan was developed to prepare for the projected
growth in freight demand over the next several decades, and also
responded to a requirement in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (MAP-21). The draft Plan represented a current
and comprehensive assessment of the trends and challenges facing
America's freight transportation system and outlined potential
strategies to improve the system to support a strong economy for the
nation's future.
Since the release of the draft Plan, President Obama signed into law the first surface transportation bill
to provide significant multi-year, dedicated funding for freight planning and projects, and revised and
expanded key statutory freight provisions first introduced in MAP-21. This new law, the Fixing
America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, addressed several key challenges identified in the draft
Plan and in the Administration's earlier proposed reauthorization legislation, Generating Renewal,
Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and
Communities throughout America Act (GROW AMERICA). Significantly, the FAST Act requires
DOT to produce a National Freight Strategic Plan (“Final Plan”) by December 2017 that addresses
future challenges for transportation that were identified in both the FAST Act and GROW AMERICA.
Because of the near-term delivery requirement for the next Plan, DOT opted not to finalize the October
2015 draft Plan under the provisions of MAP-21 (now expired) but rather to devote its resources to
completing the next Plan under the provisions of the FAST Act, which will also build off of the draft
The following material is intended to reflect on the progress made to address freight challenges over
the last eight years and to provide thoughts on the future of freight and the role of the Federal
Government as the next Administration prepares to take office. It will be the responsibility of the next
Administration to continue to implement the provisions of the FAST Act and to advocate for
multimodal freight policies and programs that improve the safety, efficiency, and condition of our
freight system. In particular, the next Administration will be responsible for the development of the
Final National Freight Strategic Plan, as required under 49 U.S.C. 70102. This document is intended
as a reflection on the lessons learned by this Administration with regard to freight policy over the last
eight years as well as suggestions about the future direction of freight policies that this Administration
believes should be considered during the development of the Final Plan next year.
It is our view that the next Plan required by the FAST Act should offer a shared vision for a future
freight economy that is robust, flexible, efficient, resilient, sustainable and above all, safe. The
framework of the draft Plan remains relevant and can solidly support the structure of the next Plan--
one that we think should continue to reflect the needs and priorities of the public, freight industry and
the multimodal nature of goods movement in the United States, as well as address new criteria from
the FAST Act.
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In addition, we suggest that the next Plan should expand on certain critical aspects of transportation
identified in the draft Plan and in this Future Directions document. In particular, core subjects
described in the draft Plan, such as safety, the environment, advanced vehicles and the future of the
transportation network ought to be given even greater emphasis in the next Plan. This document also
highlights critical themes from the DOT’s Beyond Traffic framework released in 2017, the extensive
public engagement across the country as part of the "Beyond Traffic" Freight Economy roundtables, a
focus on future urban needs fostered by the Smart Cities challenge grant competition of 2016, and
outreach areas such as Every Day Counts (EDC) and Ladders of Opportunity that facilitate greater
efficiency and a more human face to freight transportation to improve the impact of freight
transportation projects and programs.
The following excerpt from the Executive Summary of the draft Plan framed the current context of
freight transportation in America:
“Our nation’s freight transportation system is a vast, complex network of almost seven million
miles of highways, local roads, railways, navigable waterways, airports, and pipelines. The
components of this network are linked to each other through thousands of seaports, airports,
and intermodal facilities. This system accommodates the movement of raw materials and
finished products from the entire spectrum of the agricultural, industrial, retail, and service
sectors of our economy. More than 3.1 million Americans are employed in operating and
supporting the millions of trucks, trains, aircraft, ships, and barges that traverse this network, as
well as in businesses that coordinate the logistics of these operations. Collectively, this
multimodal network directly supports 44 million jobs and affects the quality of life that every
American has come to rely on today. It is a critical force in the world’s largest economy, with
United States (U.S.) gross domestic product (GDP) estimated to be $17.4 trillion in 2015. Each
day, the system moves 55 million tons of goods, worth more than $49 billion; over the course
of a year, that amounts to 63 tons per person
Moving local, regional, national and global products safely, efficiently, reliably, and in an
environmentally-sustainable manner is critical to the continued growth and success of our nation’s
economy. Historically, we have been well served to meet these challenges by one of the world’s best
transportation systems. Freight is moved by private sector entities on infrastructure built and operated
by a mix of Federal, State, and local governmental agencies and private sector companies. The United
States has one of the lowest costs of transportation and logistics as a percent of Gross Domestic
Product in the world, providing the Nation with a competitive advantage in world commerce.
In the FAST Act, Congress identified ten goals pertaining to the National Multimodal Freight Policy,
many of which relate to support for the National Multimodal Freight Network and U.S. economic
competitiveness, including jobs and domestic industries. The multimodal policy of the FAST Act is
very similar to the National Freight Policy of MAP-21, although it is now explicitly multimodal and
has some additional provisions. The FAST Act specifies goals associated with this national policy
related to the condition, safety, security, efficiency, productivity, resiliency, and reliability of
multimodal freight transportation; improved flexibility of States to support multi-State corridor
planning and the creation of multi-State organizations to address multimodal freight connectivity; and
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also to reduce the adverse environmental impacts of freight movement on the Network. These goals are
to be pursued in a manner that is not burdensome to State and local governments.
As required by the FAST Act, the next Plan will address the conditions and performance of the
national multimodal freight network. It will also address requirements specified in MAP-21 for the
draft Plan, as well as the additional requirements established by the FAST Act. These include the
identification of corridors providing access to major areas for manufacturing, agriculture, or natural
resources and an identification of best practices for improving the performance of the National
Multimodal Freight Network, including critical commerce corridors and rural and urban access to
critical freight corridors.
Section II: Beyond Traffic Freight Economy Roundtable Stories and Themes
Since the release of the draft Plan, DOT leaders from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration,
Federal Railroad Administration, Maritime Administration, and the Saint Lawrence Seaway
Development Corporation joined FHWA
Administrator Gregory Nadeau throughout a series
of 25 roundtable conversations with the business
community, public and private sector transportation
professionals, and several State and Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) officials to discuss
freight issues and best practices in their respective
States and regions affecting the local, regional and
national economy. These discussions were
designed to amplify the messages of the Beyond
Traffic framework, collect input to inform the
National Freight Strategic Plan, and share updates
on new FAST Act programs including funding opportunities.
From these engaging meetings, a series of stories emerged, encapsulating the following recurring
1. Efficiency of Freight Movement
For both the public and private sector participants, efficiency was not only critical to their
operation but was always a top priority. Three top challenges emerged:
1. The System Infrastructure in need of repair;
2. Capacity – Stretched now and continues to be tested; and
3. Congestion – At an all-time peak in some locations and modes of transportation.
Each challenge, whether at a port of entry, at-grade rail crossings, or the movement of a truck
in and out of a facility, impacts efficiency and the overall economy.
2. Modal Connectivity and Coordinated Planning
The discussions highlighted how critical it was to have industry represented at the decision
making table to help provide operational expertise and perspective on the needs and investment
Roundtable in Atlanta, GA
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in freight at the state, local, and regional levels. Greater data-sharing is necessary for improved
transportation and community planning.
3. Community Impacts
Freight movement is critical to the
economic health of communities, but
can also pose also pose great challenges
to the quality of life, safety and the
overall efficiency of the nation’s
highways and local roads. The growth
of e-commerce and overall increase in
freight have made it more pressing for
communities to find solutions to
mitigate the impacts of truck
movements, improve safety at highway
rail grade crossings, address first-and-
last-mile delivery, and handle local
concentrations of freight activity.
Among community impacts, truck
parking is a prevalent safety concern
relating both to the safety of the driver and of the public.
4. Innovative Solutions and Emerging Technologies
The use of technology and innovation to move the freight economy into the 21st Century will
be a game changer. Some of the innovative ideas raised at the meetings highlighted how the
use of technology can help ease the delay at international border crossings; about the benefits
and challenges of switching to of off-peak hours of operation at port terminals, and the use of
GIS mapping for capturing and sharing truck parking information. Autonomous vehicles and
facilities offer great potential to improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety of freight
movement in the coming decades.
5. Workforce Challenges and Job Opportunities
It is necessary for the public and private sector to continue to collaborate to ensure the
development and retention of the freight workforce to keep pace with the growth in freight
6. Federal Involvement
Communities, states and the private sector all expressed the desire to hear more from the
federal government on freight issues.
The final Beyond Traffic Freight Economy Roundtable listening session, held in Washington, DC in
October of 2016, utilized all multimedia tools on hand to reach the largest possible audience. Over
500 participated in person, on line, by sending email, contributing to the online message forum, or
dialing in by phone. Participants watched and directed the content fielded by a panel of top officials
from the key freight modes, who debated the issues of freight today and addressed questions posed
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from across the country. This capstone event marked a high point in public engagement, bookending
U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx's Freight Summit that launched the
feedback dialogue on the draft Plan in February of 2016 to frame the opportunities ahead as a result of
the passage of the FAST Act and his vision for freight in America. For more information, visit the
Freight Economy website (
Section III. Trends and Challenges
Many of the themes heard from the Freight Economy roundtables match up with the trends and
challenges identified by DOT in the draft Plan. The draft Plan identified six key trends and challenges
affecting goods movement and our Nation’s freight system that were identified based on a review of
state freight plans that States have prepared in recent years, including plans prepared after MAP-21
was enacted in2012, public listening sessions on freight conducted in 2013 and 2014 by DOT modal
Administrators and Deputy Administrators, and through a series of public meetings of the National
Freight Advisory Committee (NFAC), a 47-member federal advisory committee chartered in 2013 by
DOT Secretary Ray LaHood and continued under Secretary Anthony Foxx. The NFAC provided
feedback on several DOT initiatives, including the provision of “Proposed Recommendations to U.S.
Department of Transportation for the Development of the National Freight Strategic Plan” and
specification of draft freight networks, beginning with the draft Primary Freight Network. The
Primary Freight Network was a MAP-21 initiative intended to identify where freight moves; however,
because it was limited to highway miles, it failed to address the multimodal and interdependent nature
of freight movement in the U.S., of which
highway-based goods movement is only
one component. This feedback was
instrumental in the development of the
draft Plan and helped shape the DOT’s
formulation of a more comprehensive
preliminary multimodal freight network
which was published as part of the draft
The following Trends and Challenges from
the draft Plan remain relevant today and, in
our minds, should inform the development
of the National Freight Strategic Plan under
the FAST Act. As noted in the draft Plan,
“The NFSP discusses six major trends
affecting freight transportation and the
challenges they present. If our freight
transportation system is to continue to
enable our way of life and serve as a
competitive advantage for the U.S.
economy, we must confront these
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challenges and seize on the resulting opportunities.” An updated discussion of these six trends and
challenges is provided here:
1. Expected Growth in Freight Tonnage. The U.S. economy is expected to double in size over the
next 30 years. By 2045, the nation’s population is projected to increase to 390 million people,
compared to 320 million in 2015. Americans will increasingly live in congested urban and
suburban areas (megaregions), with fewer than 10 percent living in rural areas by 2040 (compared
to 16 percent in 2010 and 23 percent in 1980). To support our projected population and economic
growth, freight movements across all modes are expected to grow by roughly 42 percent by the
year 2040. For example, container traffic at ports will likely increase steadily as the volumes of
imports and exports transported by our freight system more than double over this period. Air
freight is expected to triple in response to demand for the rapid movement of high-value
merchandise, while multimodal shipments are predicted to more than double.
The freight tonnage numbers cited in future reports will change as more current models and data
are applied. Although fuel supply, fuel prices, automation, post-Panamax vessels, trade policies
and other factors may alter production levels, trading partners, and shipping patterns, the United
States can expect to continue to see a strong and growing need for intermodal and multimodal
shipping services. As growth occurs in the various modes of transportation, communities will feel
some aspects of this growth in negative ways unless sufficient planning is done to put operational,
infrastructure, safety, and environmental improvements in place ahead of time.
Whether a community uses Global Positioning System (GPS) probe data to identify critical areas of
highway congestion affecting or caused by freight activity, or applies rail car data provided by rail
carriers to develop public/private investment strategies for new grade separation projects, or works
with the State DOT to implement a delivery optimization system to reduce empty truck movements
and idling at ports and intermodal facilities, there are tools and data ready for use that will help the
public sector anticipate and plan for this growth. Some of these innovative approaches were
included in applications for the Smart City Challenge of 2016 – the winning proposal included a
freight component focused on reliable routing and traffic condition information to enable Smart
The emphasis by DOT in recent years on the
President’s Ladders of Opportunity initiative
has also helped identify impediments as well
as opportunities where ways to use
transportation can provide for improvements
and investment to improve the quality of
life; increase access to jobs, schools,
healthcare; and meet other needs of citizens
in communities across the United States
Projects to cap highways and provide
pedestrian and bike linkages across busy
Port of Newark Container Terminal, NJ
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freight corridors, or to recess train tracks through active business districts, such as the well-
regarded Alameda Corridor in California, are making a difference today. Projects to identify truck
parking needs generated by port activity might require operational adjustments and facility
improvements, such as the expanding hours of port operations or improving infrastructure to allow
staging of trucks in a freight-appropriate area away from residential streets and highway ramps.
Regardless of the type of solution, more strategic planning, partnership with the private sector, and
continued strategic investment will help prepare for the future.
2. Underinvestment in the Freight System. Numerous studies have identified the need for more and
better-directed investment in freight infrastructure. Freight projects can be costly to undertake.
There are seldom public-sector funds dedicated to them and they do not compete well with non-
freight projects for general funding because of the manner in which public investments are
evaluated, but these projects can provide significant public benefits. As noted below, they often
involve multiple transportation modes, jurisdictions, and stakeholders, each of which may have
different objectives or operate under different investment timeframes. There may be adequate
private sector financing to invest in privately owned freight railroad and pipeline infrastructure
which could help to reduce some of the financial burden necessary for the public to incur.
However, these privately-funded investments may not include features that specifically generate
public benefits unless the private sector can pay for these features through higher freight rates or
the public sector directs funding to pay for them. Further, there is growing recognition that the
workforce needed to build, maintain, and operate the system—including truck drivers, railroad
engineers, skilled planners, and others—will be insufficient unless further investment is made in
education, recruitment, and training.
The FAST Act authorized $10.8 billion over five years in new funding specifically for freight and
freight-related infrastructure, operational improvements and planning. This amount includes $6.3
billion for the National Highway Freight Program (NHFP), which is distributed to States by
formula, and $4.5 billion in funding
for competitive discretionary grants
under the new FASTLANE
(Fostering Advancements in
Shipping and Transportation for the
Long-term Achievement of
National Efficiencies) program to
support both highway and other
modal freight needs, including for
rail and port facilities, intermodal
connectors, and railroad grade
While these new funding programs are unprecedented in their scope and eligibility, indications
from just the first round of FASTLANE grant awards demonstrate widespread need for funding
that far exceeds the budgeted capacity of the new programs. More than 212 applications totaling
Grade Separation at Hopson Road in Morrisville, NC
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$9.8 billion competed for just $757 million in available FASTLANE grant funds after the
application of necessary obligation limitations for the 2016 round of awards. A long-standing
backlog of transportation infrastructure improvements exists today and is likely to continue to
generate aggressive competition for discretionary funding. Surveys conducted by transportation
stakeholder organizations have also identified tens of billions of dollars in additional freight-
beneficial investment that could be made over the next 10 years.
The FAST Act requires States to produce State Freight Plans that include Freight Investment Plans
by December 4, 2017 if they are to continue to qualify for NFSP funds. Once States complete their
qualifying State Freight Plans/Freight Investment Plans it will be better understood how these
funds are intended to be used by individual States and what constraints influence those funding
decisions (e.g., program requirements, amount of funding, States’ ability to match the funds,
multimodal needs). DOT anticipates, however, that even the predictable, guaranteed formula
funding authorized for States in the new NHFP can support only a limited number of the total
needed freight and freight-related projects over the five-year span of the FAST Act.
3. Difficulty in Planning and Implementing
Freight Projects. Most of our publicly-
owned freight system (apart from the
waterway system) is planned and
managed by State and local governments,
as well as by metropolitan planning
organizations (MPOs), port authorities,
and other public entities. These agencies
must work with each other and a broad
array of Federal and private sector
partners, including freight railroads,
trucking companies, ocean carriers and
terminals, and pipeline companies. This decentralized approach has many benefits, including
greater flexibility to identify and react to local needs. But when it comes to freight projects,
especially those with national-level impacts, this approach presents a number of challenges such as
fragmented decision-making.
The MAP-21 and FAST Act requirements for State Freight Advisory Committees stopped short of
making these Committees mandatory at the State DOT level, and instead directing the DOT to
encourage the development of these bodies. The leadership and staff of DOT has done so,
encouraging both the creation and active engagement of these Committees in numerous forums,
publishing a “Guidance on State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees” in the
Federal Register, holding webinars and establishing strategic implementation goals to track the
existence and frequency of communication of these valuable stakeholder communication
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DOT expects that the quality of the State freight planning and investment decisions will be higher
in States with active and diverse State Freight Advisory Committees. Those with active
involvement from regional stakeholders and MPOs are generating innovative planning tools, using
data to support their analyses and planning, prioritizing issues for action and projects for
investment, leveraging private sector investment and engagement and generally raising the bar for
public sector activities to support the needs of both freight system operators and the communities
they serve.
Fortunately, the provision of discretionary funds and eligibilities for formula funding has
engendered partnering on specific projects and the formation of multi-state coalitions for discrete
freight planning and investment purposes. Hopefully, more States will join the 35 that have
established State Freight Advisory Committees and learn to use them in constructive ways that go
beyond the development of State Freight Plans and identification of network segments.
4. Continued Need to Address Safety, Security, and Resilience. Recent trends show impressive
improvements in freight safety. There was a 27 percent increase in freight ton-miles for all surface
modes between 1990 and 2011, but freight-related fatalities across all modes declined by 33
percent over that same period. However, more progress must be made. In 2013, 543 people died in
incidents associated with freight rail, vessel, and pipeline operations. In 2013, 3,964 people were
killed in crashes involving large trucks. Specific risks associated with our physical and cyber
infrastructuresranging from transport of crude oil by rail to climate changecreate
vulnerabilities that must be addressed and mitigated.
Along with the widespread implementation of Positive Train Control for the railroad networks
(required by statute), automated vehicles (including automated trucks, drones and other self-
propelled and self-guided vehicles) are likely to prove someday to be a game-changer for safety,
offering opportunities to greatly shrink the number of freight transportation-related fatalities and
injuries even as vehicle miles traveled increases with freight growth. Truck parking needs may
also change with the advent of automated vehicles. These technologies will also benefit the
environment and the reliability and resiliency of the freight system. The DOT’s recently released
Beyond Traffic framework, offers a vision into some of these new frontiers, which hold exciting
promise to address some of the issues and limitations that constrain our nation’s success.
In the meantime, the DOT continues to identify areas for improved technical assistance,
investment, regulatory oversight, guidance and enforcement to protect people, assets and the
environment from the negative impacts of goods movement. Truck parking capacity and
information on spaces remains a major focus of DOT, which fostered the creation of a National
Coalition on Truck Parking in 2015 and joined with key partner organizations including American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO); American Trucking
Associations (ATA); Owner-Operator/Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA); National
Association of Truck Stop Operators (NATSO); and Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)
to host four regional meetings around the country and has plans for continued dialogue, solution-
building and attention to the issues.
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5. Increased Global Economic Competition. Our economy is increasingly reliant on international
trade. Imported and exported goods carried are being transported by ever larger ships. Significant
amounts of goods also move by air and by truck and train through land border crossings with
Mexico and Canada. Ports must address congestion, dimensional, and equipment-shortage
challenges generated by bigger, new-generation container ships as well as the larger bulk ships
now able to transit the expanded Panama Canal with agricultural and energy exports. Port
authorities are investing to modernize their facilities by dredging harbors, raising bridges,
automating and expanding container yards, purchasing larger ship-to-shore cranes, and improving
roads and rail connections to surface infrastructure. Where port congestion occurs, supply chains
are increasingly able to react by changing supply sources, routes, and transportation modes. Even
so, notable incidents of severe congestion (particularly at ports) have occurred over the last several
Land border crossings also face rising
commercial traffic and congestion. From
1995 to 2012, surface trade between the
United States and Mexico quadrupled from
approximately $100 billion to $400 billion
per year. Additionally, we have recently
experienced a surge in domestic energy
production and increased domestic
manufacturing and assembly work. Ensuring
that these products can efficiently reach both
domestic and international markets is critical
to the long-term success of these industries.
Whether the needs are driven by international trade or by near-shoring and increased domestic
production, our ports, highways, rail lines, airports, pipelines and intermodal connectors will
continue to need investment to carry agricultural produce, manufactured products and raw
materials to their final destination. Supply chain networks continue to change and have
experienced significant investment to meet demand rapidly in areas such as energy. Demands on
our freight systems will continue to grow, and potential disruptions to the supply chain from
natural and or manmade events require a transportation network that is flexible, robust and
resilient. All components of our freight network will likely be needed at one time or another to and
from any given geographic location, reflecting changing fuel prices and market destinations and
providing resilience. DOT should continue to support initiatives to invest in infrastructure and
human capital at our seaports and land ports of entry/international border crossings to ensure the
ongoing safety, security, and efficiency of movement of our trade goods.
6. Application and Deployment of New Technologies. The freight industry is experiencing a
technological revolution through many private sector initiatives as information and
communications technologies are applied to optimize global supply chains. Better data collection,
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management, and analysis capabilities will enable faster and more accurate analysis of demand
patterns, freight routes, travel times, and infrastructure capacity. Advanced automation will
increase productivity in the freight industry and change the skill sets needed to work in freight,
requiring skilled workers to maintain and operate new technologies. Technology will also be used
to automate and expedite inspection processes, improving safety and lowering costs. Growth in
autonomous vehicle technologies may soon transform freight transportation, allowing for increased
throughput and more reliable trips on existing capacity. Technologies such as positive train control
and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Next Generation air traffic control systems should also
provide additional benefits. Additionally, improvements in global positioning systems (GPS)
allow for increased potential use of GPS-based freight/goods delivery systems employed by the
public and private sectors.
The Federal and State DOTs’ capacity to understand, support, guide, and regulate where necessary
any new technologies depends largely upon research and data. Changing vehicles and new
operations technologies will require additional study, and the demand for data-driven solutions
would greatly benefit from additional Federal investment in R&D. The FAST Act provided
continued support for transportation research through the University Transportation Research
Centers Program, but did not address all of the significant data and research needs for freight
transportation. As new technologies come on line from an innovating private sector, DOT must be
ready to understand and guide the impacts that will be felt by the rest of the system. With the end
of programs like the NCFRP and SHRP2, there are few opportunities to fund and communicate
with the academic and research community to anticipate and address both the beneficial and the
undesirable impacts of emerging technologies.
The many successful programs already in place to improve freight planning and investment rely on
the provision of and modernization of the Freight Analysis Framework and the National
Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS or “probe” data). Additional new
resources must be identified in the coming years to ensure that the federal role – that of safety and
security, protections for the citizenry and the environment—can be sustained and ensured, and
keep pace with innovation.
In addition, the public and private sectors would be well-served to coordinate with each other to
facilitate improved freight data collection and analysis to address freight efficiency and safety
issues as part of State Freight Plans as well as in more localized plans prepared by MPOs, port and
airport authorities, and other intermodal freight facility operators. This is an important area that
could be addressed in the next Plan.
Section IV: Strategies and Future Considerations
The draft Plan offered strategies to address the infrastructure, institutional, and financial bottlenecks
impeding the safe and efficient movement of goods. The Strategies offered in the draft Plan ranged
from the very large, such as creating large discretionary and formula funding programs dedicated to
freight projects, to the more narrowly focused, such as to codify a multimodal National Freight Policy.
All of these strategies are relevant to the FAST Act's National Multimodal Freight Policy goals, and
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many of the strategies identified in the draft Plan were implemented in whole or part by the FAST Act.
Whereas the draft Plan offered three broad categories of strategies organized around addressing
infrastructure , institutional , and financial bottlenecks, we suggest that a new, fourth category be
considered for the next Plan that would consolidate the elements of safety, community impacts, and the
environment previously treated under infrastructure and institutional bottlenecks, giving these critical
subjects more prominence. DOT received substantial public comment on the draft Plan and this
proposed category of strategies was highlighted by many commenters as an area needing greater
attention in the final Plan. While we again acknowledge that the responsibility for finalizing the
National Freight Strategic Plan will fall to the next Administration, it is our hope that the ideas offered
here can help guide Federal policymakers and their public and private partners in continuing to move
freight policy forward.
Accordingly, the strategies in the new Plan could be organized into the following four categories:
1. Strategies to Address Infrastructure Bottlenecks -- reduce congestion to improve performance
of the freight transportation system without adversely affecting the movement of people; facilitate
intermodal connectivity; identify major trade gateways and multimodal national freight
networks/corridors; support research and promote adoption of new technologies and best practices.
2. Strategies to Address Institutional Bottlenecks -- streamline project planning, review,
permitting, and approvals; facilitate multijurisdictional, multimodal collaboration and solutions,
including expanding State Freight Advisory Committee participation; improve coordination
between public and private sectors; ensure availability of better data and freight transportation
models; and develop the next generation freight transportation workforce.
3. Strategies to Address Financial Bottlenecks -- enhance existing freight funding sources; develop
new freight funding sources.
4. [NEW] Strategies to Improve Safety, Community, and Environmental Impacts -- improve the
safety, security, and resilience of the freight transportation system, including improving truck
parking planning, capacity, enforcement and information; and mitigate impacts of freight
projects/movements on communities and the environment.
As noted, of the strategies and initiatives outlined in the draft Plan, several were addressed in whole or
in part by the FAST Act, including through the provision of funding, linkage of some committed
formula funding to a State Freight Plan, and other programs. However, some are still unresolved and
bear repeating to help our nation prepare for the challenges of an unknown future. In particular,
strategies and initiatives that we feel should be expanded or developed more thoroughly are:
Improve the safety, security, and resilience of the freight transportation system. Ensuring the
safety, security, and resilience of freight transportation is of paramount concern to the DOT. In
addition to the primary importance of ensuring the safety of human life, a safe, secure, and resilient
freight transportation system is less prone to traffic disruptions caused by crashes or infrastructure
failures resulting from natural and man-made disasters. Depending on their nature and extent, these
disruptions could be short-term and local in scope, or have longer-term repercussions over a
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regional or national scale. To support this need, DOT is implementing and enforcing safety
regulations to address driver fatigue, vehicle stability systems, and transportation of hazardous
liquids (including its recent final rule governing the transportation of flammable liquids by rail).
DOT could also consider new regulations to replace and improve outdated freight vehicle operating
safety rules. DOT will continue to work with the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense,
and other Federal partners, to assure the security of the transportation system, including in the
growing area of cybersecurity as systems become more automated. In addition, DOT is pursuing
strategies to include infrastructure vulnerability and resilience assessments as part of long-range
planning efforts.
Mitigate impacts of freight projects/movements on communities. Safe, secure, and environmentally
friendly freight movement is vital to the well-being of communities across the nation and helps
ensure the efficient movement of goods that support our economy. Unless properly mitigated,
freight movements may impose adverse impacts such as air, water, and noise pollution, and
diminished access to jobs, healthcare, and education that can reduce the quality of life for people
living in communities adjacent to or isolated by these movements. Community opposition to the
potential adverse effects of freight transportation can also impede implementation unless the needs
of communities are carefully considered during freight transportation project planning,
environmental review, and state permitting or approvals. DOT is working closely with numerous
partners, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to continue to reduce the adverse impacts of
freight activities. Collaborative efforts include providing funds to reduce air pollution and traffic
congestion caused by freight vehicles, supporting research on less impactful freight technologies
and delivery systems, and efforts to facilitate freight project planning and implementation.
Support research and promote adoption of new technologies and best practices. Identifying and
applying technologies, as well as sharing best practices, are extremely important in ensuring the
safe and efficient movement of goods. For example, FHWA’s EDC program has been highly
effective in identifying and deploying innovations aimed at shortening project delivery, enhancing
the safety of roadways, and protecting the environment. Congress should re-establish the
successful, multimodal National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) as proposed in
the draft Plan and other proposals. NCFRP focused on research to inform investment and
operations decisions for improving the nation’s freight transportation system performance.
Additional resources should be provided to ensure comprehensive federal oversight of emerging
In addition to the Strategies provided above, we suggest that the next Plan and future legislation should
strive to address the following:
Reduce the confusion, constraints and workload burden on the private sector, States and MPOs
relating to national freight mapping initiatives –Multiple stakeholders have noted that having two
freight networks (the National Highway Freight Network required under 23 U.S.C. 167 and the
National Multimodal Freight Network (NMFN) required under 49 U.S.C. 70103) are confusing and
potentially contradictory. In order to reduce this confusion and provide clarity, one multimodal
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map, sufficiently large to encompass the vast network of supply chains and last-mile/first-mile
intermodal connectors that make up the interdependent U.S. freight transportation system, should
be retained. This map would be used for planning purposes and all other freight maps and
attendant eligibility requirements would be retired. DOT is in the process of issuing such a map in
compliance with the FAST Act, which requires the development of a NMFN under 49 USC
Section 70103. The NMFN replaces the Multimodal Freight Network map included with the draft
Develop, foster, and implement environmental initiativesOne goal in the National Multimodal
Freight Policy of the FAST Act is to reduce the adverse environmental impacts of freight
movement on the National Multimodal Freight Network. In addition to the strategies in the draft
Plan (including use of CMAQ funding for freight; low emission technologies for federally funded
freight projects), the next Plan could propose programmatic adjustments and policy and legislative
strategies to foster environmentally beneficial changes such as: implementing guidance to include
greenhouse gas emissions in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) so that new projects
requiring NEPA review can perform a greenhouse gas impact analysis; and reducing pipeline
leakage through regulatory actions, improved distribution practices, technology development, and
evaluating methods to enhance public involvement in the NEPA process for proposed activities..
Other priorities could include
supporting freight congestion
mitigation through NHFP
formula and CMAQ funding;
reduce barriers to truck rest stop
electrification; incentivize the
use of hybrid and electric freight
vehicles, especially in alt-fuel
corridors and urban and dense
suburban delivery areas;
incentivize CNG use by locomotives; improve energy savings in freight facilities; optimize truck
movements through expanded use of the Freight Advanced Traveler Information System
and other algorithms incorporating multiple data sets for maximum efficiency and
reduced fuel consumption or emissions; develop truck parking facilities closer to where truck
parking is needed; develop better port, airport and intermodal rail facility plans to reduce
congestion, modal repositioning, dwell times and delay.
The freight and environment nexus is one that DOT, working with EPA and other Federal partners,
can more fully develop to reduce adverse impacts on our communities and natural environment.
This area would benefit from a strong new emphasis at the Federal level, especially where it will
FRATIS is a bundle of applications that provides freight-specific dynamic travel planning and performance
information and optimizes drayage operations so that load movements are coordinated between freight
facilities to reduce empty-load trips.
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also yield reductions or elimination of road, rail, port and airport congestion, fuel consumption and
emissions, unnecessary truck VMT, excessive idling, truck parking and staging on neighborhood
streets, and dwell times for all modes.
Prioritize public and private investment by applying a multimodal supply-chain, end-to-end
analytical framework that will focus on reducing congestion and other challenges facing our nation
– As part of an internationally connected system of systems, freight carriers move goods between
the nation's regions and the world. The airports and airways, maritime and inland ports, and
pipeline systems work with rail yards, distribution centers, and other multimodal hubs to transfer
the goods between these systems. By
taking an end-to-end supply chain approach
to analyzing and funding the freight
transportation network at a national and
regional level, the Federal government can
help to better integrate the freight system
by creating operational incentives or
funding infrastructure that is a low priority
for individual systems but has a large
impact on the efficiency of the overall
system. These actions can include
incentives to align operating hours for
ports, truck, rail, and distribution centers;
funding for short-distance marine highway
and rail services that can reduce congestion
on crowded surface roadways; eliminating
at-grade rail or highway crossings that present significant safety, efficiency, or Ladders of
Opportunity impediments; and raising bridges to reduce air-draft restrictions for maritime
Integrate multimodal infrastructure within the system and eliminate systemic bottlenecks at
intermodal connection points -- Focus funding on the construction and maintenance of intermodal
connectors and first- and last-mile road and rail lines that connect freight hubs (maritime ports, rail
yards, freight airports and distribution centers) to the interstate highways, Class I railroads, and
river/intracoastal maritime networks, as well as for the multimodal infrastructure (port and rail
yard) that ties those systems together. In many cases, these connectors and the multimodal
infrastructure are not funding priorities for their regions or have limited eligibility for Federal
funding programs. This should also include priority funding for secondary infrastructure that is
necessary for the smooth operations of these first and last mile networks and multimodal
Maritime ports often have limited gate hours. Extending those hours can reduce wait times for trucks
accessing the ports, but must be supported by corresponding shifts in the operating times for nearby
distribution centers and rail facilities.
Rail grade crossing in Florida
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infrastructure, such as truck parking, truck staging, equipment pools, and barge fleeting areas.
Integration of multimodal infrastructure must minimize or avoid having an adverse effect on the
movement of people through the various transportation modes.
Incentivize multimodal infrastructure, corridor and system planning -- Congress could authorize
new Federal grants for planning
activities (perhaps at reduced non-
federal matching levels) to generate
more comprehensive freight
planning that engages individual
public sector agencies (such as ports
and toll authorities), together with
MPOs, States, and multi-state
planning organizations seeking to
plan their freight system of the
future, including through State
Freight Plans and National Freight
Advisory Committees. Other
Federal agencies outside of DOT
should be encouraged to participate in these planning projects or help develop the incentive
structure to do planning. Numerous agencies, such as the USACE or agencies in the DOE, as well
as the EPA, undertake and provide funding for port and infrastructure planning and development,
and without their participation, the goals of such a comprehensive multimodal program would not
be fully achievable. With incentives for complex planning activities, there may be a beneficial shift
in future planning projects away from responding to individual bottlenecks or choke points or
undertaking single-mode fixes, toward regional or multimodal solutions. Such expanded
approaches could address corridors that experience sustained systemic congestion, using a mix of
infrastructure spending and operational solutions to help alter the flow of freight to reduce
congestion, air emissions, and other impacts on the surrounding communities.
Expand multimodal flexibility -- One of the greatest game-changing shifts in Federal funding for
freight came with the ban on transportation project earmarks initiated by Congress in 2011 and the
transportation funding teed up by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA),
including through the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER)
discretionary grant program. Because ARRA and subsequent rounds of the TIGER program were
funded with General Fund monies, they did not come with the modal stovepipes of previous
funding sources. The competitive TIGER program has allowed the public and private sectors to
team up on projects that with corridor-level multimodal impacts, such as rail/highway grade
separations, intermodal facilities, and landside port improvements. The successes afforded by the
TIGER program are evident across the country, and the public investment has leveraged billions of
dollars in matching funds from other public and private sector contributions. The requirement that
grant requests be accompanied by indicators of their impact on performance and overall net
benefits rounded out this responsible new way of improving the transportation assets of this nation.
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Such innovative project development, selection and award processes should be continued. Under
FASTLANE, eligible applicants can submit cost-effective freight and highway projects for
competitive selection to the Federal government. Under NHFP, States can target Federal formula
monies to highway and freight projects included in their State Freight Plans and other required
State planning documents, including projects within ports and rail facilities.
The major impediments to long term success of these programs are likely to be the limitations on
freight investments, particularly on multimodal ones. Given the high demand for freight project
funding (one State alone has identified more than $130 billion in unmet freight needs for all types,
highway and non-highway, in its State Freight Plan), it would appear unlikely that the needs of the
current multimodal network can be accommodated through these programs, even if limited to
investments that generate only public benefits. Similarly, the additional limitations on funding
eligible port and rail intermodal facilities under the FASTLANE and NHFP programs reduce our
ability to make highly beneficial investments in those facilities. We believe that the efficacy of
these programs would benefit from relief from their caps on non-highway investment, as well as
higher overall funding authorizations for all freight projects.
For maximum public benefit, the investment amounts should be driven by multimodal State Freight
Plans and their associated Freight Investment Plans, informed by engagement of a multimodal
State Freight Advisory Committee. Adequate program funding will also be needed, above current
levels, to address the daunting backlog of projects affecting the safety and efficiency of the nation's
freight system.
Encourage multimodal solutions to address performance issues -- Performance measures for freight
were a requirement of MAP-21, albeit confined to consideration of the Interstate System. The
rulemaking process for these measures has involved extensive input from States and transportation
policy groups. In looking to the future, successful strategies in measuring freight performance
should be flexibly defined to include identification and implementation of solutions on adjacent
corridors or alternative modes of transportation to keep our nation's commercial corridors vibrant
and allow them to evolve with the
emerging technologies. Similarly, we
suggest that future legislation should
require the existence and active
participation of a State Freight Advisory
Committee to ensure public and private
sector dialogue on multimodal issues,
planning, and investment in solutions in
a manner consistent with the role
described in DOT’s October 2016
guidance on State Freight Plans and
State Freight Advisory Committees.
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Section V. Closing
In our view, the final Plan should be a document that offers specific information to help further the
activities of States, State Freight Advisory Committees, the private sector, MPOs, citizen groups and
elected officials to understand and plan for a new era of freight. While this document is not a specific
roadmap of projects and initiatives, it offers the perspective of the DOT as lessons learned in the
evolution of our freight programs and technical assistance over the last eight years of this
Administration. Critically, it also synthesizes the input gleaned from hundreds of hours and hundreds
of engaged citizens, business leaders, practitioners, operators and planners, among others, as to what
works, what doesn't work, and what future we should collectively work to achieve in the future Freight
Economy. We acknowledge that the Final Plan will be the responsibility of the next Administration to
produce and that the strategies and ideas proposed here are suggestions to inform the development of
that document. Nonetheless, we believe that by building on the vision articulated here, the U.S. freight
transportation system would be well-provisioned with research results, data, training, tools,
technologies, best practices, guidelines and resources to make strategic investments that will elevate
the efficiency, safety, environmental and economic benefits of goods movement for a strong and
resilient future.