Cl. 53Act of Jul. 7, 1947, P.L. 1368, No. 542
Amending, revising and consolidating the laws relating to
delinquent county, city, except of the first and second class
and second class A, borough, town, township, school district,
except of the first class and school districts within cities
of the second class A, and institution district taxes,
providing when, how and upon what property, and to what
extent liens shall be allowed for such taxes, the return and
entering of claims therefor; the collection and adjudication
of such claims, sales of real property, including seated and
unseated lands, subject to the lien of such tax claims; the
disposition of the proceeds thereof, including State taxes
and municipal claims recovered and the redemption of
property; providing for the discharge and divestiture by
certain tax sales of all estates in property and of mortgages
and liens on such property, and the proceedings therefor;
creating a Tax Claim Bureau in each county, except counties
of the first and second class, to act as agent for taxing
districts; defining its powers and duties, including sales
of property, the management of property taken in
sequestration, and the management, sale and disposition of
property heretofore sold to the county commissioners, taxing
districts and trustees at tax sales; providing a method for
the service of process and notices; imposing duties on taxing
districts and their officers and on tax collectors, and
certain expenses on counties and for their reimbursement by
taxing districts; providing for a county demolition and
rehabilitation fund; and repealing existing laws. (Title
amended July 8, 2024, P.L. , No.48)
Article I. Short Title; Definitions.
Section 101. Short Title.
Section 102. Definitions.
Article II. Tax Claim Bureau.
Section 201. Creation of Bureaus.
Section 201.1.Alternative Collection of Taxes.
Section 202. Appointment and Compensation of Personnel.
Section 203. Bonds.
Section 204. County Bureau to Collect Taxes.
Section 205. System of Accounting and Distribution.
Section 206. Costs, Fees and Expenses.
Section 207. Reimbursement of County; Charges.
Section 208. Agent of Taxing Districts; Lien Certificates.
Article III. Lien of Taxes; Filing of Tax Returns;
Section 301. Taxes, a First Lien.
Section 302. Lien Entitlement.
Section 303. Property Subject to or Exempt from Claim.
Section 304. Tax Liens and Municipal Claims Divested by
Section 305. Claims Against Property Owned by Joint Tenants
and Tenants in Common.
Section 306. Return of Property and Delinquent Taxes;
Interest; Settlements by Tax Collectors.
Section 307. Filing Claims.
Section 308. Notice of Filing of Returns and Entry of Claim.
Section 309. Contents of Claims Entered.
Section 310. Property Included in Claims.
Section 311. Claims Become Absolute.
Section 312. Lien Lost if Not Returned to Bureau.
Section 313. Substitution of Defendants.
Section 314. Proceeding to Attack Validity of Claim.
Section 315. Claims; Dockets; Satisfaction.
Section 316. Assignment of Claims.
Article IV. Sequestration.
Section 401. Petition for Sequestrator.
Section 402. Authority for Petition.
Section 403. Procedure to Obtain Possession.
Section 404. Powers of Sequestrator.
Section 405. Return of Possession.
Section 406. General Powers and Remedies of Sequestrator.
Article V. Discharge of Tax Claim Before Sale.
Section 501. Discharge of Tax Claims.
Section 502. Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
Tax Claim (Repealed).
Section 502.1.Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
Tax Claim.
Section 503. Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax Claim
Section 503.1.Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax Claim.
Section 504. Extension for Elderly.
Section 505. Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
Tax Claim (Repealed).
Section 506. Extension of Period of Discharge of Tax Claim
Article V-A. Bidder Registration Before Sale
Section 501-A. Duty to register.
Section 502-A. Application.
Section 503-A. List of registered bidders.
Article VI. Sale of Property.
(a) Upset Sale.
Section 601. Date of Sale.
Section 602. Notice of Sale.
Section 603. Removal from Sale; Agreements to Stay Sale.
Section 604. Sales of Property of Quasi-Public Corporation.
Section 605. Upset Sale Price.
Section 606. Payments by Purchasers at Sales.
Section 607. Bureau's Consolidated Return to Court; Notice;
Confirmation; Appeal.
Section 607.1.Additional Notification Efforts.
Section 608. Deed.
Section 609. Nondivestiture of Liens.
(b) Judicial Sale.
Section 610. Petition for Judicial Sale.
Section 611. Service of Rule.
Section 612. Hearing and Order for Judicial Sale.
Section 612.1.County Commissioners May Bid and Purchase
Property; Costs Paid by Taxing Districts.
Section 612.2.Combined Judicial Sales.
Section 612.3.Additional Costs for Rehabilitation and
(c) Private Sale.
Section 613. Properties Not Sold Because of Insufficient
Bid May be Sold at Private Sale.
Section 614. Options.
Section 615. Deeds.
(d) Mandatory Judical Sale.
Section 616. Mandatory Judicial Sale.
(e) Miscellaneous.
Section 617. Errors as to Description; Names, etc., May be
Amended on Petition.
Section 618. Repurchase by Owner.
Section 619. Restrictions on Purchases.
Section 619.1.Additional Restrictions.
(f) Repository for Unsold Property.
Section 625. Purpose.
Section 626. Unsold Property Repository.
Section 627. Sale of Property in Repository.
Section 628. Assessment Restrictions on Property Sold From
Section 629. Notification of Sale.
Section 630. Distribution of All Moneys Received.
Section 631. County Demolition and Rehabilitation Fund.
(g) Ownership and Maintenance of Property.
Section 641. Limitation on Trusteeship.
Section 642. Ownership Interests and Responsibilities of
Delinquent Property Owner.
Article VII. Property Purchased By Taxing District Prior To
This Act.
Section 701. Property Heretofore Purchased by Taxing
Districts to be Turned Over to Bureau.
Section 702. Powers and Duties of Bureau as Agent.
Section 703. Such Properties to be Sold Under Provisions
of Article VI.
Section 704. Validation of Title.
Section 705. Duty of County and Bureau; Enforcement Provision.
Article VIII. Repeals and Effective Date.
Section 801. Acts of Assembly Repealed.
Section 802. General Repeal.
Section 803. Effective Date.
The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyvlania
herebey enacts as follows:
Section 101. Short Title.--This act shall be known and may
be cited as the "Real Estate Tax Sale Law."
Section 102. Definitions.--As used in this act, the
following words shall be construed as herein defined, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Absolute," the perfection of a claim for taxes under section
311, after which the validity of the claim may not be
"Actual sale," payment of the full amount of money agreed
to be paid as the sale price by the successful bidder or
purchaser at upset sale under sections 605 through 609.
"Bureau," the Tax Claim Bureau created by this act in the
several counties.
"Claim," a claim entered in a claim docket by the bureau to
recover the taxes returned by the various taxing districts
against a certain property.
"County," a county of the second A, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, seventh or eighth class, including counties of these
classes which have adopted or may adopt home rule charters under
the act of April 13, 1972 (P.L.184, No.62), known as the "Home
Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law."
"County commissioner," includes the equivalent official in
home rule counties.
"Delinquent," taxes shall be considered delinquent on
December 31 of each calendar year for all taxing districts.
(Def. added Dec. 21, 1998, P.L.1008, No.133)
"Delinquent property owner," a person, whose taxes on the
subject property are delinquent and in whose name the property
is last registered, if registered according to law or, if not
registered according to law, the person whose name last appears
as an owner of record on a deed or instrument of conveyance
recorded in the county office designated for recording. In all
other cases, the term means a person in open, peaceable and
notorious possession of property as apparent owner or reputed
owner of the property. (Def. added June 19, 2018, P.L.239,
"Director," the director of the Tax Claim Bureau.
"Discharge of tax claim period," the period of time between
entry of claim and actual sale of property.
"Owner," the person in whose name the property is last
registered, if registered according to law, or, if not
registered according to law, the person whose name last appears
as an owner of record on any deed or instrument of conveyance
recorded in the county office designated for recording and in
all other cases means any person in open, peaceable and
notorious possession of the property, as apparent owner or
owners thereof, or the reputed owner or owners thereof, in the
neighborhood of such property; as to property having been turned
over to the bureau under Article VII by any county, "owner"
shall mean the county.
"Owner Occupant," the owner of a property which has
improvements constructed thereon and for which the annual tax
bill is mailed to an owner residing at the same address as that
of the property.
"Posted" or "posting," the following:
(1) In the case of property containing assessed
improvements, affixing notices as required by this act:
(i) To a portion of an improvement situated to be reasonably
conspicuous to both the owner and the general public.
(ii) To a stake secured on or adjacent to the property,
within approximately twenty-five (25) feet of any entrance to
the property in a manner situated to be reasonably conspicuous
to both the owner and the general public, in cases in which
subclause (i) does not apply.
(iii) Adjacent to the property line, on a stake secured on
or adjacent to the property in a manner reasonably conspicuous
to the owner and the general public in cases in which subclauses
(i) and (ii) do not apply.
(2) In the case of property containing no assessed
improvements, affixing notices as required by this act:
(i) To a stake secured on or adjacent to the property,
within approximately twenty-five (25) feet of any entrance to
the property in a manner situated to be reasonably conspicuous
to both the owner and the general public.
(ii) Adjacent to the property line, on a stake secured on
or adjacent to the property in a manner reasonably conspicuous
to the owner and the general public in cases in which subclause
(i) does not apply.
(3) In the event that a reasonably conspicuous location in
accordance with clause (1) or (2) is not available, placing any
alternative, similarly durable notification of proceedings under
this act at a location on or near the property and reasonably
conspicuous to the owner and the general public.
(Def. added Dec. 20, 2015, P.L.487, No.85)
"Property," real property which shall include a mobilehome
or house trailer permanently attached to land or connected with
water, gas, electricity or sewage facilities, subject to a tax
lien or against which a claim is being or has been filed as a
lien. "Property," includes both seated and unseated lands.
"Taxes," all taxes, with added interest and penalties, levied
by a taxing district upon real property, including improvements.
Whenever interest and penalties have been abated by a statute
which provides for payment of delinquent taxes on an instalment
basis, interest and penalties shall be included in the event
of a default as prescribed by the abatement statute.
"Taxing District," any county, city, borough, incorporated
town, township, home rule municipality, optional plan
municipality, optional charter municipality, school district,
institution district or any similar general purpose unit of
government which may be created or authorized by statute except
counties of the first and second class and cities, boroughs,
incorporated towns, townships, home rule municipalities,
optional plan municipalities, optional charter municipalities,
school districts or institution districts therein and cities
of the second class A and school districts therein. (Def.
amended June 18, 1998, P.L.501, No.69)
(102 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 38 of 2018, which added
the def. of "delinquent property owner," provided that
Act 38 shall apply to sales conducted on or after the
effective date of section 4.
Compiler's Note: Section 2 of Act 85 of 2105, which added
the def. of "posted" or "posting," provided that the
addition of the definition of "posted" or "posting" shall
not be construed to affect the posting of property prior
to the effective date of section 2.
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 133 of 1998, which amended
the def. of "delinquent," provided that Act 18 shall
apply to all sales conducted on or after the effective
date of Act 133.
Section 201. Creation of Bureaus.--Except as otherwise
provided in section 201.1, a Tax Claim Bureau is hereby created
in each county in the office of the county commissioners.
(201 amended Mar. 22, 2002, P.L.205, No. 16)
Section 201.1. Alternative Collection of Taxes.--(a) In
lieu of or in addition to creating a bureau, counties are
authorized to provide by ordinance for the appointment and
compensation of such agents, clerks, collectors and other
assistants and employes, either under existing departments, in
private sector entities or otherwise as may be deemed necessary,
for the collection and distribution of taxes under this act.
Any alternative collection method shall be subject to all of
the notices, time frames, enumerated fees and protections for
property owners contained in this act. Two or more counties may
enter into a joint agreement under 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A
(relating to intergovernmental cooperation) to provide for the
alternative collection of taxes under this section.((a) amended
Nov. 29, 2004, P.L.1328, No.168)
(b) The requirement of section 203 to furnish bonds,
provisions of this act relating to accounting and distribution
of moneys and other provisions relating to operation of a bureau
shall apply to an alternative collection system established
under this section.
(201.1 added Mar. 22, 2002, P.L.205, No.16)
Section 202. Appointment and Compensation of Personnel.--
(a) In each county, the county commissioners shall have
direct supervision and control of the bureau, and shall have
power to appoint a director and such employes and assistants
as may be necessary to properly administer the affairs of the
bureau, but the number and compensation of such employes,
including the compensation of the director, shall be fixed by
the salary board of the county in those counties where there
is a salary board, and in all other counties by the county
commissioners. Such compensation shall be paid by the county
from county funds.
County employes or the county treasurer may be assigned by
the county commissioners to act as the director or to other
duties in the bureau.
(b) The county solicitor shall be the legal advisor and
counsel to the bureau. The solicitor may appoint such assistant
solicitors at such salaries as shall be allowed by the salary
(202 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 203. Bonds.--The county commissioners of each county
shall have power to require the director of the bureau and such
employes and assistants of the bureau, as may by them be
designated, to give bonds to the Commonwealth for the use of
the taxing districts, whose delinquent real estate tax claims
are administered through such bureau, and for the use of any
other person having a claim by reason of any act of such
director, employes or assistants in such penal sum as the county
commissioners shall fix, conditioned for the faithful
performance of the duties of their office or public position
and a strict accounting and distribution of all moneys collected
or received by them under the provisions of this act. The cost
of such bonds shall be paid by the county.
(203 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 204. County Bureau to Collect Taxes.--
(a) Each county bureau shall receive and collect such taxes
and give proper receipt therefor when payment is offered, and
to make distribution of the moneys received as provided by this
(b) (1) All taxes for which returns have been made to the
bureau shall be payable only to the bureau and shall not be
payable to or be accepted by any taxing district or tax
(2) In the event that any such taxes are received or
accepted by any taxing district contrary to the provisions of
this section, the taxing district shall be liable to the bureau
for, and the bureau shall deduct from any distribution to which
the taxing district is entitled under section 205, all charges,
fees, costs, commission and interest to which the bureau would
otherwise have been entitled under the act if payment had been
made directly to the bureau.
(204 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 205. System of Accounting and Distribution.--
(a) In each county bureau a system of accounting and
distribution of all moneys collected or received under the
provisions of this act shall be established in the bureau as
may be determined by the county commissioners, the county
controller, if any, and county treasurer.
(b) The bureau shall keep an accurate account of all money
recovered and received by it under this act and maintain a
separate account for each property.
(c) Money received on account of costs, fees and expenses
advanced by any taxing district shall be repaid to the taxing
district making the advance. Other money collected under this
act shall be subject, first, to a commission of five per centum
(5%) of all money collected to be retained by the bureau to
offset costs of the administration of this act. Interest earned
on money held by the bureau prior to distribution shall also
be retained by the bureau for administrative costs.
(c.1) It shall then be the duty of the bureau to distribute
the entire remaining balance of the moneys collected, except
moneys collected through any tax sale under the provisions of
this act, to the taxing districts at least once every three (3)
months in proportion to the taxes due each taxing district.
(d) It shall be the duty of the bureau to distribute all
moneys collected as the result of any tax sale conducted under
the provisions of this act, less the deductions authorized by
subsection (c), in the following manner and according to the
following priority:
(1) First, to the Commonwealth, by payment to the State
Treasurer through the Department of Revenue, for satisfaction
of tax liens of the Commonwealth only if the total amount of
such liens or such portion thereof have been included in the
purchase price and paid by the purchaser or the property is
sold at judicial sale pursuant to this act.
(2) Second, to the respective taxing districts in proportion
to the taxes due them.
(3) Third, to taxing districts or municipal authorities for
satisfaction of municipal claims.
(4) Fourth, to mortgagees and other lien holders, in order
of their priority, for satisfaction of mortgages and liens as
they may appear of record, whether or not discharged by the
(5) Fifth, to the owner of the property.
(e) Prior to the actual distribution required by subsection
(d), the bureau shall petition the court of common pleas for a
confirmation of distribution. The petition shall set forth a
proposed schedule of distribution for each account and shall
request the court to issue a rule to show cause on each
distributee why the court should not confirm the distribution
as proposed. The rule to show cause and a copy of the petition
shall be served by first class mail upon each distributee and
upon the purchaser, with proof of mailing to the last residence
or place of business of the distributee known to the bureau and
to the purchaser at the address given to the bureau. If the
rule to show cause is not returned by any distributee or
purchaser on or before the time set for its return, the court
shall forthwith confirm the distribution absolutely. If any
distributee or purchaser makes a return of the rule within the
time set by the court, the court shall forthwith hear any
objections and exceptions to the proposed distribution and
thereafter adjust the schedule of distribution as it deems just
and equitable according to law and confirm the distribution
absolutely as adjusted. An absolute confirmation of distribution
by the court shall be final and nonappealable with respect to
all distributees listed in the petition.
(f) Whenever no claim for payment of any balance due the
owner of the property is presented by or on behalf of the owner
within a period of three (3) years of the date of the sale, the
balance of the proceeds shall be distributed to the respective
taxing districts pro rata based on the millage imposed by the
respective taxing districts as of the year such property was
sold. Interest earned by the proceeds of the sale during this
three-year period shall be retained by the county.
(205 amended June 29, 1990, P.L.260, No.61)
Section 206. Costs, Fees and Expenses.--The county shall
be liable, or initially liable for all costs, fees and expenses
which shall be required to be paid to administer the affairs
of the bureau and of this act, including but not limited to,
costs of mailing and advertising notices, fees for the entry
of claims, and proceedings thereon, and all other proceedings
required by this act, except where otherwise provided by this
act, the costs of repairs and alteration to, and insurance on
property in sequestration or management, commissions to rental
agents, advertising for rent, title searches and salaries and
compensation, and the costs of bonds of officers, employes and
agents of the bureau, and rental of offices, furniture,
equipment, material and supplies for the use of the bureau.
All such costs, fees and expenses shall be paid as other
expenses of the county are paid from appropriations made by the
county, and not otherwise, and when any of such costs, fees and
expenses are recovered they shall be deposited in the treasury
of the county for the use of the county.
Section 207. Reimbursement of County; Charges.--(a) In
order to reimburse the county for the actual costs and expenses
of operating the bureau created by this act, the county shall
receive and retain out of all moneys collected or received under
the provisions of this act, five per centum (5%) thereof, which
percentage shall be deducted by the bureau before paying over
moneys to the respective taxing districts entitled thereto.
This percentage and interest earned under section 205 shall be
paid into the county treasury for the use of the county. The
reimbursement herein provided for shall be in addition to the
costs, fees and expenses advanced by the county, which, upon
recovery, are payable to the county as provided by the preceding
section of this act.
(b) In addition to the five per centum (5%) authorized by
subsection (a), and the reimbursement as therein provided,
maximum charges for the following or similar type services are
$10.00(1) Entry of Claim, includes ..................
(i) audit lien sheets
(ii) enter on property card
(iii) enter in docket
(iv) enter in index
(v) type notice of return
(vi) mail notice of return
$5.00(2) Satisfaction of Claim, includes ...........
(i) prepare receipt
(ii) satisfy docket
(iii) satisfy index
(iv) post property card
(v) enter on daily distribution sheet
$15.00(3) Preparation of Sale, includes .............
(i) prepare cost sheet
(ii) type notice of sale
(iii) mail notice of sale
(iv) prepare advertising copy
$10.00(4) Review of Records, includes ...............
(i) check assessment records
(ii) check Recorder of Deeds
(iii) check Register of Wills
$25.00(5) Preparation of Deed.........................
$5.00(6) Discharge of Tax Claim, Section 501........
$5.00(6.1) Removal from Sale, Section 603...........
$15.00(7) Agreement to Stay Sale, Section 603........
Actual cost(8) Postage.....................................
It is the intent of this act to authorize the bureau to charge
the costs of its operation against the properties for which a
delinquent return is made on an equitable and pro-rata basis
in so far as is possible. The charge made for each service shall
bear a reasonable relationship to the service rendered.
(207 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 208. Agent of Taxing Districts; Lien
Certificates.--The bureau and the director thereof shall, in
the administration of this act, be the agent of the taxing
districts whose tax claims are returned to the bureau for
collection and prosecution under the provisions of this act,
and in the management and disposition of property in accordance
with the provisions of this act.
The bureau shall, upon request of any person, furnish a lien
certificate showing the taxes due on any property as shown by
its records. A fee of not more than five dollars ($5) shall be
charged for any such certificate and shall be payable to the
(208 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 301. Taxes, a First Lien.--All taxes which may
hereafter be lawfully levied on property in this Commonwealth
by any taxing district, and all taxes heretofore lawfully levied
by any taxing district on any property, the lien of which has
not been lost under existing laws (whether or not a claim has
been filed, or return thereof has been made to the county
commissioners) shall be and are hereby declared to be a first
lien on said property. Such liens shall have priority to and
be fully paid and satisfied out of the proceeds of any sale of
said property held under the provisions of this act before any
mortgage, ground rent, obligation, judgment claim, lien or
estate with which the said property may have or shall become
charged, or for which it may become liable, save and except
only the costs of the sale and of the proceedings upon which
it is made, and such tax liens of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania given priority of payment by section 205 of this
(301 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 302. Lien Entitlement.--The lien for taxes shall
exist in favor of the taxing district to which the tax is
payable and the claim therefor shall be filed against the
property taxed.
(302 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 303. Property Subject to or Exempt from
Claim.--(a) All property, by whomsoever owned and for
whatsoever purpose used, and all property the owner of which
is unknown and has been unknown for a period of not less than
five years, shall be subject to claims for taxes, except such
property which is exempt by law from taxation or which is not
made subject to taxation by law.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a local taxing district,
including a municipal authority or a school district if acting
pursuant to paragraph (6), may accept the donation of a property
that is subject to a claim for taxes under this act. A local
taxing district shall provide written notice to all other local
taxing districts or their designees under paragraph (5) of a
donation proposed by the owner of the property. A donation under
this subsection shall not be accepted less than thirty (30)
days after notice to all other local taxing districts which
have a claim for taxes on the subject property under this act.
A donation under this subsection shall divest all liens against
the property possessed by the local taxing district accepting
the donation, and all other local tax liens recorded prior to
the date of donation, except as provided in this subsection.
(1) A local taxing district which receives a notice of
proposed donation may request to participate in negotiations
with regard to the donation and extinguishment of all or part
of its liens and with regard to proposals to return the property
to the tax rolls or to productive public use. A local taxing
district which does not respond in writing to the notice within
thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice shall waive its right
to participate in the donation negotiations, and its lien shall
be extinguished. A local taxing district participating in
donation negotiations may agree to extinguish all existing liens
against the property in exchange for full or partial
satisfaction of its claims upon future sale of the property by
the local taxing district accepting the donation. Every
negotiation shall consider the structure of the property, the
market value of the property in its current condition, the best
use of the property given the neighborhood and local ordinances
and the costs to cure any defects, including defects in title.
(2) A donation under this subsection shall be by deed
recorded, and registered where required, with the county
recorder of deeds. The deed shall be accompanied by recorded
satisfactions of any and all claims for taxes which are
extinguished by virtue of the donation. In all instances, the
satisfaction from the local taxing district which is accepting
ownership of the property pursuant to the donation shall provide
for full extinguishment of all claims under this act possessed
by it. Satisfactions of liens shall provide that all claims of
all local taxing districts in which the property is located are
discharged and extinguished, unless terms are otherwise agreed
upon between the owner and the local taxing districts
participating in the donation negotiations.
(3) Property that has been donated in accordance with this
subsection shall be exempt from claims for taxes from any local
taxing district in which it is located during the time that it
remains in the ownership of the county, city, borough,
incorporated town, school district, township, home rule
municipality, optional plan municipality, redevelopment
authority or optional charter municipality to which it was
(4) An owner that donates property in accordance with this
subsection shall not be personally liable for the amount of
claims for taxes exempted or extinguished as a result of the
(5) A local taxing district possessing a claim under this
act may designate another local taxing district, or the
redevelopment authority in the county in which the property is
located, to act as its agent with regard to a donation under
this subsection. A single local taxing district or the
redevelopment authority may be selected as the agent for all
local taxing districts holding a tax claim or lien against the
property under this act. In returning the property to the tax
rolls or to productive public use, a redevelopment authority
may seek the assistance of a community development corporation
serving the area where the property is located.
(6) A school district or municipal authority other than a
redevelopment authority may participate in the provisions of
this subsection only if the school district or municipal
authority has designated an agent in accordance with paragraph
(5). Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a school district
or municipal authority from taking title to a donated property
if it is determined during negotiations that the best manner
to return the property to productive use is to allow a school
district or municipal authority to use the property for purposes
directly related to the mission of the district or authority.
(c) If an owner of property that is subject to a claim for
taxes wishes to donate the property under subsection (b), the
owner must do so prior to receiving a notice of sale as required
in section 602.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require
a county, city, borough, incorporated town, township, home rule
municipality, optional plan municipality, optional charter
municipality, school district or redevelopment authority to
accept an offer of property donation.
(e) For the purpose of this section, the phrase "claims for
taxes" shall include all penalties, interest and fees assessed
against the property.
(303 amended Feb. 21, 2006, P.L.33, No.12)
Section 304. Tax Liens and Municipal Claims Divested by
Sale.--The lien of all taxes and municipal claims now or
hereafter imposed, levied or assessed against any property and
included in the upset price shall be divested by any upset sale
of such property under the provisions of this act, if the amount
of the purchase money shall be at least equal to the amount of
tax liens of the Commonwealth having priority under section
205, the amount of all taxes due on such property, the amount
of all municipal claims certified to the bureau under section
605 and costs of sale.
(304 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 305. Claims Against Property Owned by Joint Tenants
and Tenants in Common.--When any property is owned by joint
tenants or tenants in common, and any such tenant has paid his
proportionate amount of taxes due thereon, any taxing district
may cause to be filed a claim for the unpaid taxes against the
estate, title and interest of the owners who have not paid their
proportionate share of the taxes. Whenever a claim for taxes
shall have been filed against property owned by joint tenants
or tenants in common, the bureau shall release the estate, title
and interest of any joint tenant or tenant in common from said
claim, upon payment by said joint tenant or tenant in common
of his proportionate share of the taxes included therein with
proportionate costs. When any property is owned by more than
one owner, or part owner, and the estate and title of any owner,
or part owner, is either exempt from taxation or has not been
made subject by law to taxation, the estate or title of such
owner or owners as may not be exempt from taxation, or as has
been made subject thereto, shall be subject to taxes in the
same manner as any other property liable to assessment for
taxes, the claim being filed against all the estate, title and
interest of the owner or owners subject to the lien.
Section 306. Return of Property and Delinquent Taxes;
Interest; Settlements by Tax Collectors.--
(a) It shall be the duty of each receiver or collector of
any county, city, borough, town, township, school district or
institution district taxes to make a return to the bureau on
or before the last day of April of each year, but no earlier
than the first day of January of that year. The return shall
be typewritten on a form provided by or acceptable to the county
and shall include a list of all properties against which taxes
were levied, the whole or any part of which were due and payable
in the calendar year immediately preceding and which remain
unpaid, giving the description of each such property as it
appears in the tax duplicate, and the name and address of the
owner as it appears in the tax duplicate, together with the
amount of such unpaid taxes, penalties and interest due to but
not including the first day of the month following the return.
Such return shall be accompanied by a signed affidavit that the
return is correct and complete. Interest shall be charged on
taxes so returned from and after but not before the first day
of the month following the return. Interest shall be charged
at the rate of nine per centum (9%) per annum.
(b) No taxes shall be returned by any tax collector where
the owner is paying his delinquent taxes under the provisions
of any act of Assembly abating penalties, interest and costs,
unless there has been a default in payment by the owner, in
which case or at any time when a yearly return is being made
after any such default, return shall be made of the balance due
as fixed by the act of Assembly abating penalties, interest and
costs, or either. The lien of all such taxes shall be continued
for the purpose of making a return thereof and collecting the
same under the provisions of this act.
(c) The county commissioners, by resolution, may establish
and fix a return date, other than the return date prescribed
in subsection (a), on or before which tax collectors must make
the return to the bureau required by this section. No return
shall be made or return date established before the first day
of January following the year when taxes first become due and
payable as specified on the tax notice, and no return date shall
be established which is later than the last day of April
immediately following the year in which the taxes became due.
The single return date established and fixed by said resolution
shall be uniform within the county for all taxes returnable
under the provisions of this act. Whenever the resolution
establishes and fixes a return date, interest shall be charged
on taxes so returned from and after the first day of the month
immediately following the month in which the return is required.
Interest shall be charged at the rate of nine per centum (9%)
per annum.
(306 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 307. Filing Claims.--(a) Claims for taxes against
property so returned must be entered by the bureau in the office
thereof in suitable dockets.
(b) Not later than the thirtieth day of June, each year,
the bureau shall make up from the tax returns received from the
taxing districts, as aforesaid, a claim for each property
returned, which shall contain the unpaid taxes against such
property, which are due all taxing districts as found in the
various returns. Such claims shall be entered by the bureau in
a suitable claim docket and may be in the form of written or
typewritten lists. A claim shall cover the unpaid taxes due all
taxing districts, but the amount due each taxing district shall
nevertheless be shown separately. A number of years' taxes of
different kinds may be included in one claim. Any claims shall
be amendable by leave of the bureau upon notice to the defendant
as the bureau may require.
(307 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 308. Notice of Filing of Returns and Entry of
Claim.--(a) Not later than the thirty-first day of July of
each year, the bureau shall give only one notice of the return
of said taxes and the entry of such claim in one envelope for
each delinquent taxable property, by United States registered
mail or United States certified mail, return receipt requested,
postage prepaid, addressed to the owners at the same address
listed on the form returned by the tax collector for taxes that
are delinquent. In the case of property owned by joint tenants,
tenants in common, or husband and wife as tenants by the
entireties, the bureau may give the notice required by this
section by forwarding only one notice addressed to such joint
tenants, tenants in common or husband and wife at the same post
office address. If the owner of the property is unknown and has
been unknown for a period of not less than five years, such
notice shall be given only by posting on the property affected.
If no post office address of the owner is known or if a notice
mailed to an owner at such last known post office address is
not delivered by the postal authorities, then notice as herein
provided shall be posted on the property affected. If the
property owner has entered into an agreement with the bureau
for the payment of the delinquent taxes, the posting is not
necessary. Each mailed and posted notice shall, (1) show all
the information shown on the claim entered, (2) state that if
payment of the amount due the several taxing districts for said
taxes is not made to the bureau on or before the thirty-first
day of December next following, and no exceptions thereto are
filed, the said claim shall become absolute, (3) state that on
July first of the year in which such notice is given a one (1)
year period for discharge of tax claim shall commence or has
commenced to run, and that if full payment of taxes is not made
during that period as provided by this act, the property shall
be advertised for and exposed to sale under this act, and (4)
state that there shall be no redemption after the actual sale.
(a.1) In addition to the requirements of subsection (a)(1),
(2), (3) and (4), each mailed and posted notice shall state
that the owner of any owner-occupied real estate can apply for
an extension of the period for discharge of tax claim for up
to twelve (12) additional months under and subject to the
provisions of sections 502.1 and 503.1.
(b) Notice given in the manner provided by this section
shall constitute proper service on the owner. A statement in
the claim entered that due notice of the same was given shall
be conclusive evidence that notice was given as required by
law. The notice given in the manner provided by this section
shall contain the following provision which shall be
conspicuously placed upon said notice and set in at least
10-point type in a box as follows:
(c) The costs of such mailed and posted notices shall be
part of the costs of the proceedings and shall be paid by the
owner the same as other costs.
(308 amended Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 309. Contents of Claims Entered.--All claims for
taxes returned, made up as a claim and entered in the claim
docket in the bureau shall set forth:
(a) The names of the taxing districts for which filed,
(b) Except when the owner of the property is unknown and
has been unknown for a period of not less than five years, the
name of the owner and the owner's last known address, including
the zip code by virtue of the knowledge and information
possessed by the bureau, by the tax collector for the taxing
district making the return and by the county office responsible
for assessments and revisions of taxes, of the property against
which it is filed,
(c) A description of the property against which the claim
is filed sufficient to identify the same. A description of the
property shall be deemed sufficient if it contains (1) a
reference to a record of a deed or other instrument of
conveyance which describes the property, or (2) a reference to
the number or number and block of the property in a plan,
recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county,
and the record of such plan, or (3) a reference to the number
on any lot and block plan officially adopted by a taxing
district, or (4) a statement of the street and number of the
property as officially designated by public authorities of a
taxing district as of the time the property was assessed, or
(5) where the property is not identified by reference to the
record of a deed, or other instrument of conveyance, and may
not be identified by street and number, or by recorded plan,
or by a lot and block plan, a statement of the approximate
acreage of the property and the name of at least one (1) owner
of adjoining property, if such statement is accompanied by
information showing the character of and use to which the
property is devoted, as for instance "dwelling and lot," "vacant
lot," "vacant land" or "hotel, restaurant, apartment house,
office building, bank building, manufacturing plant, industrial
plant and the lands belonging thereto," or "farm and the
buildings thereon," or "plant nursery and buildings thereon,"
or "forest or woodland," or "wasteland," or "coal, oil or other
mineral severed from the surface," etc., or intelligible
abbreviations thereof. A variation in the description of the
property given in the claim filed from that shown on the
assessment for tax purposes shall not constitute an irregularity
and shall not invalidate the claim. The aforesaid description
shall not be deemed exclusive.
(d) The year or years, period or periods, for which the
respective taxes were levied, and the amount of taxes due for
each year, or period, and the penalties and interest due thereon
at the time of filing.
(e) That due notice of the returns of such taxes, the entry
of the claim and that the same would become absolute, if no
exceptions were filed, was given to the owner or posted on the
property in the manner required by law.
Said claim shall be entered in the office of the bureau in
the proper claim docket and be signed by or have stamped thereon
a facsimile signature of the director.
(309 amended Feb. 21, 2006, P.L.33, No.12)
Section 310. Property Included in Claims.--The property
described in tax claims shall include the whole property against
which the tax was levied. In all cases where a tax is levied
on separate and distinct properties as one estate, the taxing
district shall, upon request before a claim therefor is entered
in the claim docket, apportion the same rateably upon the
separate and distinct properties. The bureau to which any such
tax has been returned, on proof that the properties were
separate and distinct at the time the tax was levied, shall
apportion the charge against such properties. When apportioned
they shall be treated and considered in all respects as if
separate and distinct claims had been entered. Payment and
satisfaction of any one portion may be made without prejudice
to the claim as against the rest.
Section 311. Claims Become Absolute.--On the first day of
January next following the notice hereinbefore prescribed, if
the amount of the tax claim referred to in the notice has not
been paid, or no exceptions thereto filed, the claim shall
become absolute. Every such claim shall bear interest as
hereinbefore provided to the date of payment, or date of sale
held under the provisions of this act, except in the case of
claims where the owner is paying his taxes under the provisions
of any law abating penalties, interests and costs, or either,
in which case the claim shall bear no interest and costs, unless
there is a default in payment, in which case interest shall run
on the amount due on the claim at the time of default, and
penalties, interest and costs abated shall be added as provided
by the act of Assembly abating the same.
(311 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 312. Lien Lost if Not Returned to Bureau.--Any such
claim for taxes, if such taxes were returned to the bureau
within the time required by this act, shall remain a lien upon
said property until fully paid and satisfied, or until said
property shall be sold as provided in this act. If a tax is not
returned to the bureau within the time required by this act,
its lien on the property shall be wholly lost. But where a tax
has not been returned as required by this act, a taxing district
may nevertheless proceed, by action in assumpsit, to recover
the amount of any taxes due and owing by an owner at any time
within six (6) years after the taxes first became due.
(312 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 313. Substitution of Defendants.--Any taxing
district may before or after return of a claim to the bureau,
but before such claim shall become absolute on its own motion,
strike off the name of any defendant in any claim filed, and
may substitute as a defendant any person who may have an
interest in the property as owner, or who is the personal
representative of an owner who has died, but such substitution
shall always be without prejudice to any intervening rights,
and in such cases notice of the proposed substitution shall
first be given by the taxing district to all parties in
Section 314. Proceeding to Attack Validity of Claim.--
(a) Any claim for taxes may, prior to the time it becomes
absolute, be set aside or reduced in amount by the bureau with
which it is filed if the claim is found invalid in whole, or
in part, by reason of the fact that the taxes for which the
claim was entered were paid in whole, or in part, to a proper
officer or agent of the taxing district, or is found invalid,
in whole or in part, for any other reason not involving a
question which could have been raised by an appeal provided for
by law.
Any such claim prior to the time it becomes absolute may be
set aside or reduced in amount by the court of common pleas on
appeal, as hereinafter provided, for any reason which
constitutes a just, sufficient and valid defense to the claim
in whole, or in part, except want of notice of the return and
entry of the claim by the bureau, or for any dispute in the
amount of the claim which involves the amount of the assessed
valuation of the property or the validity of the tax levied.
(b) Any defendant in any such claim, at any time before the
day fixed for the claim to become absolute under section 311,
may file with the bureau exceptions to the claim as entered,
or to any part of the claim. The bureau, after giving due notice
to the taxing districts interested, shall hold a hearing thereon
and either disallow the exceptions or allow the exceptions in
whole, or in part, and strike off or reduce the claim in
accordance with the evidence produced and the powers of the
bureau as hereinbefore prescribed.
If the defendant is aggrieved by the decision of the bureau
he may, within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof, appeal
by petition to the court of common pleas of the county setting
forth the defense he has to the claim, or any part thereof, and
the refusal of the bureau to allow his exceptions and strike
off or reduce the amount of the claim. Thereupon the court shall
grant a rule on the taxing district or districts to show cause
why the claim should not be set aside or reduced in amount as
prayed for in the petition. The petitioners shall give notice
of such proceeding to the bureau.
(c) The issues raised by the petition and the answer thereto
by the taxing district or districts shall be tried by the court
or a jury.
(d) The petition and the answer or answers thereto, if an
issue of fact is raised, shall be endorsed with a statement
signed by the party or his attorney in the following form:
"Jury trial demanded," or
"Jury trial waived."
The endorsement of "jury trial waived" on both petition and
answer or answers shall be deemed a waiver of a trial by jury
of every issue in the proceeding.
(e) No taxpayer shall have the right to proceed by petition
to the court of common pleas to open a claim absolute under the
provisions of this act, except on the ground of payment of the
tax involved or failure to receive notice. The remedy provided
by this section to contest a tax claim entered shall be deemed
exclusive except as herein otherwise provided.
(f) After verdict by the court or the jury, the court shall,
by its final order, either affirm or set the claim aside, or
reduce the amount of the claim and fix the proper amount thereof
in accordance with the verdict, and shall assess the costs of
the proceedings as it shall determine. Upon final order of the
court, or upon final disposition thereof upon appeal, if the
entire claim has not been set aside, such return shall become
(314 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 315. Claims; Dockets; Satisfaction and Public Record
Lists.--(a) Every return made to and every claim made up by
the bureau and the result of every proceeding thereon, entered
in accordance with this act, shall be docketed in appropriate
dockets in the office of the bureau suitably indexed and when
so entered shall continue the lien of the tax against the
property charged with the tax.
When a claim is stricken off or reduced or satisfied by
payment or a sale has been held of the property covered by the
claim, the director shall cause a note thereof to be made on
such docket and index and shall authenticate the same.
(b) In addition, the bureau shall maintain as a public
record a list of all properties against which taxes were levied,
the whole or any part of which were due and payable in a prior
year and which remain unpaid. This list shall describe the
property and identify its location, provide the name and last
known address, including the zip code of the owner of the
property, as determined by the knowledge and information
possessed by the bureau, the tax collector for the taxing
district that made the return and the county office responsible
for making assessment and revisions of taxes, and the amount
of unpaid taxes, penalties and interest due, for all years other
than the current tax year. If taxes on the list are paid or
another settlement had been agreed to or if a tax sale of the
property is held, this fact shall be noted on the list.
(c) The bureau may report any nonpayment of taxes, including
liens, to one or more consumer reporting agencies, as defined
by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Public Law 91-508, 15 U.S.C.
§ 1681 et seq.).
(315 amended Feb. 21, 2006, P.L.33, No.12)
Section 316. Assignment of Claims.--(a) A taxing district
may assign some or all of its portion of the claims, either
absolutely or as collateral security, for an amount to be
determined by the taxing district and under such terms and
conditions upon which the taxing district and the assignee shall
agree in writing. For the purpose of this subsection, a claim
docketed by the bureau may be divisible so that one taxing
district may assign its portion of the claim, but another taxing
district may retain its portion. No assignment shall become
effective until at least thirty (30) days after the delivery
to the bureau of a copy of the resolution authorizing the
assignment. Upon such an assignment, the following shall apply:
(1) Upon written notice provided by the taxing district or
the assignee, the bureau shall record notice of the assignment
on the docket.
(2) Assignment shall not be deemed a discharge or
satisfaction of the claim or the taxes giving rise to the claim,
and the lien of the assigned claim and taxes giving rise to the
claim shall continue in favor of the assignee.
(3) The assignee shall have and enjoy the same rights,
privileges and remedies as were held by the taxing district
with respect to the assigned claim and the tax giving rise to
the claim under the provisions of this act or any other laws
applicable to the collection and enforcement of tax claims,
including the right of the taxing district to receive the
distribution of moneys collected pursuant to section 205(c.1)
and the proceeds of a tax sale pursuant to section 205(d) and
(4) The county may exercise its authority under section
201.1 to provide for the assignee to exercise all of the duties
of a bureau in connection with the collection and enforcement
of the tax claims assigned or, if the county continues to
operate a bureau or has provided under section 201.1 for some
other person to perform some or all of the functions of the
county, may provide by contract with the assignee for the
division or sharing of such duties between the bureau or other
person and the assignee with respect to the tax claims assigned.
(5) Assignment shall not affect the five per centum (5%)
commission on tax claim collections payable to the bureau under
section 205(c) and reimbursement of county charges under section
207(a) unless the taxing district and the bureau agree with
respect to any such assignment in writing as follows:
(i) The bureau's five per centum (5%) commission under
section 205(c) with respect to such portion shall be paid in
part out of the proceeds of assignment of such portion.
(ii) No further commission shall be paid to the bureau with
respect to such portion until such time as the assignee shall
have received, pursuant to section 205(c.1) or (d), an amount
equal to the proceeds of the assignment of such portion paid
by the assignee.
(iii) After the assignee has received, pursuant to section
205(c.1) or (d), an amount equal to the proceeds of the
assignment of such portion paid by the assignee, the bureau
shall be paid the remainder of the bureau's five per centum
(5%) commission in such manner and at such times as the taxing
district and the bureau shall have agreed in writing.
(6) An owner of property shall have the same rights and
defenses under this act and any other laws applicable to the
collection and enforcement of tax claims that the owner held
against the assignor.
(7) References in this act to a taxing district shall be
deemed to be references to the assignee of the taxing district
with respect to assigned claims, except for identification of
the taxes under section 309 and recordation of taxes and
certification of municipal claims under section 605 and except
for references to any actions taken by the taxing district
before the assignment or to other taxes and claims of the taxing
district that have not been so assigned.
(8) With respect to the assigned taxes and claim, the
assignee shall be deemed the political subdivision for purposes
of section 501 and a taxing authority for purposes of section
612.1 unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the assignee
and the taxing districts.
(9) An assignee shall not be deemed a municipality for
purposes of section 601(d) and (e), 619 or 619.1.
(b) A claim assigned pursuant to this section may be further
assigned, with the subsequent assignee having and enjoying the
same rights, privileges and remedies as its assignor. Notice
of any subsequent assignment shall be recorded pursuant to
subsection (a)(1).
(316 added Nov. 29, 2004, P.L.1328, No.168)
Section 401. Petition for Sequestrator.--After the
expiration of twenty (20) days from the time the claim becomes
absolute, except in cases where the property is essential to
the business of a quasi-public corporation, the court shall,
on the petition of the bureau, appoint it as sequestrator of
the rents, issues and profits of the property bound by the
Section 402. Authority for Petition.--The bureau may present
any such petition on its own motion, and shall do so at the
request, in writing, of any taxing districts.
Section 403. Procedure to Obtain Possession.--If either the
owner against whom the claim is entered, being in possession
of the property sequestered, or the party in possession, refuses
to pay a fair rent to the sequestrator, the court shall, upon
the petition filed, grant a rule on the property owner or party
in possession to show cause why possession of the property
should not be delivered to the sequestrator. The petition and
rule shall be served on the owner or party in possession in
such manner and within such time as the court may direct. If
the rule is made absolute, the court shall award a writ in the
nature of a writ of habere facias possessionem directed to the
owner or party in possession, commanding him to deliver
possession to the sequestrator within fifteen (15) days
thereafter, unless such property is occupied by the owner and
his family for a home, in which case he shall be commanded to
deliver possession within thirty (30) days thereafter: Provided,
That if one or more persons in the family of the owner occupying
the property as a home are receiving assistance from any public
agency, the bureau, as sequestrator, may elect to lease the
property, under the provisions of section four hundred four of
this act, to the owner or other member of his family dwelling
therein, for as long as the sequestrator is paid monthly a sum
at least equal, but not limited to, such portion of the
assistance grant as the Department of Public Assistance provides
for the payment of taxes, insurance and necessary repairs, and
for sixty (60) days after the removal of said persons from the
public assistance rolls.
(403 amended May 20, 1949, P.L.1579, No.477)
Section 404. Powers of Sequestrator.--A sequestrator shall
have power to retain possession of the property, as
sequestrator, until all taxes owing to the several taxing
districts shall have been collected or paid. He shall have power
(a) to lease the property for a period not exceeding one (1)
year, with the usual privilege of renewal or termination thereof
upon three (3) months' notice, (b) to make such repairs to the
property as may be reasonably necessary to restore and maintain
it in a tenantable condition, and to carry insurance on such
property, (c) to advertise the property for rent, (d) to collect
the costs of repairs, advertising and commissions of rental
agents from rentals collected or from a redeeming owner, (e)
to sell and dispose of growing crops, and (f) to appoint a
licensed real estate broker or agent, as agent to collect the
rentals of the property, and pay such agents the customary
commissions for rent collections. The bureau shall not, in any
case, without prior approval of the county commissioners, incur
any expense for the maintenance, repair or alteration of any
property in excess of eighty per centum (80%) of the amount of
rental to be received from such property within a period of one
(1) year under a lease entered into at or before the time such
expense is incurred. All commissions, costs and necessary
expenses shall be deducted from the rents collected before
paying the net balance toward taxes.
(404 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 405. Return of Possession.--Any owner of the
property may redeem it from the sequestrator and be again
entitled to possession thereof upon payment of the amount of
taxes then owing upon the property after the payment of
commissions, costs and expenses of the sequestration
proceedings. Upon payment of all taxes and costs or the
satisfaction of the taxes and costs by collection of rentals,
the sequestrator shall transfer possession of the property to
the owner, subject to any existing lease given by the
sequestrator, which lease shall be assigned to the owner. The
sequestrator shall in such cases enter satisfaction on the
record of the tax claim.
In any case where it appears to the sequestrator that
property taken into possession does not yield any revenue or
not sufficient revenue to continue in possession thereof, he
may, with the consent of the court, return possession of the
property to the owner subject to any existing lease given by
the sequestrator, and thereafter such property shall be sold
at the next sale held at least ninety (90) days after such
return of possession in the manner provided by this act.
(405 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 406. General Powers and Remedies of
Sequestrator.--Sequestrators appointed under this act shall
have and exercise all the powers, and shall be entitled to use
all remedies conferred by law upon sequestrators in other
proceedings so far as applicable.
(Hdg. amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 501. Discharge of Tax Claims.--
(a) Any owner, his heirs or legal representatives, or any
lien creditor, his heirs, assigns or legal representative, or
other interested person or, with the approval of the lienholding
political subdivision, disinterested person may cause the
discharge of tax claims and liens entered against the property
by payment to the bureau of the amount of the aforesaid claim
and interest thereon, the amount of any other tax claim or tax
judgment due on such property and interest thereon, and the
amount of all accrued taxes which have been returned and remain
unpaid, the record costs, including pro rata costs of the notice
or notices given in connection with the returns or claims
calculated under paragraph (1), (2) or (3). The county may give
the right of first refusal for discharge of tax claims under
this section to the local redevelopment authority, municipality
or its designated agent. The subject property shall be removed
from exposure to sale and shall not be listed in any
advertisement relating to sale of property for delinquent taxes
if, prior to July 1 of the year following the notice of claim,
payment is made in any of the following amounts:
(1) An amount equal to the sum of:
(i) the outstanding taxes entered on notice of claim and
interest due on those taxes;
(ii) the amount of any other tax claim on or tax judgment
against such property and interest on that claim or judgment;
(iii) the amount of all accrued taxes which have been
returned and remain unpaid; and
(iv) the record costs, including pro rata costs of notice
given in connection with returns and claims.
(2) An amount less than the total amount due under paragraph
(1) if the political subdivision agrees to accept that amount.
If payment is made after July 1 of the year following the notice
of claim, but before the actual sale of the property, the
property shall not be sold, but the property and name of owner
may appear in an advertisement relating to the sale of property
for delinquent taxes.
(3) With respect to two (2) or more claims or judgments
transferred by a political subdivision to a person, an amount
less than the aggregate amount due for such claims or judgments
under paragraph (1) if the political subdivision agrees to
accept that amount.
(a.1) Upon receipt of payment or upon certification to the
bureau that payment of all taxes and other charges otherwise
payable to the bureau under this act has been made to a taxing
district, the bureau shall issue written acknowledgement of
receipt and a certificate of discharge and shall enter
satisfaction on the record. All payments received shall be
distributed to the taxing district entitled thereto not less
than once every three (3) months.
(b) When any property is discharged from tax claim by
payment by a lien creditor, or his heirs, assigns or legal
representatives, or by any person, whether interested or
disinterested, the certificate shall be issued to the person
making the payment and shall state the fact of the discharge,
a brief description of the property discharged and the amount
of the discharge payment. This certificate may be entered in
the office of the prothonotary as a judgment against the owner
of the property for the entire amount due to the political
subdivision, regardless of whether the property was discharged
from tax claim by payment under subsection (a)(1), (2) or (3).
The lien of any such judgment shall have priority over all other
liens against such property in the same manner and to the same
extent as the taxes involved in the discharge.
(b.1) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, a
certificate under subsection (b) enables the person for whose
benefit judgment was entered to proceed by action in assumpsit
and recover the amount of tax due by an owner and to recover
related attorney fees and court costs and reasonable collection
costs related thereto. An action under this subsection must be
commenced within six (6) years after the taxes first became
(c) There shall be no redemption of any property after the
actual sale thereof.
(d) Nothing in this section shall preclude the bureau from
retaining the five per centum (5%) commission on all money
collected by the bureau and any interest earned on money held
by the bureau as provided in section 205(c).
(e) If any interested or disinterested person holding a
judgment certificate sells real or personal property subject
to a judgment certificate at a judicial or a private sale and
the proceeds of the sale are less than the amount of the
judgment certificate and any municipal or other claim with liens
on the property that are coequal or senior to the lien of the
person holding the judgment certificate, the proceeds of the
sale shall be distributed in the following order of priority:
(1) first to the costs of enforcement and sale, including
attorney fees or commissions, incurred by the person holding
the judgment certificate in enforcing its rights against the
(2) to any and all claims senior in priority to that of the
holder of the judgment certificate in proportion to such claims;
(3) the balance to all municipal claims coequal in lien
priority with the judgment certificate, including the claim to
which the judgment certificate relates, in proportion to such
(501 amended October 18, 2000, P.L.609, No.82)
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 133 of 1998, which amended
section 501, provided that Act 18 shall apply to all
sales conducted on or after the effective date of Act
Section 502. Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
of Tax Claim.--(502 repealed Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 502.1. Option of County to Extend Period for
Discharge of Tax Claim.--A county may at the option of its
commissioners enact legislation extending the period for
discharge of tax claim for real estate taxes for taxpayers for
up to twelve (12) additional months.
(502.1 added Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 503. Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax
Claim.--(503 repealed Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 503.1. Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax
Claim.--(a) If the county commissioners of the county enact
legislation pursuant to section 502.1, then the county
commissioners, acting through the county tax claim bureau
determine that a tax claim or tax claims constitute severe
hardship to the taxpayer and that extenuating circumstances
beyond the taxpayer's control have caused the tax claim or
claims to be filed or remain unpaid and there is a reasonable
probability that the taxpayer will be able to meet the
indebtedness if granted an extension of the period for discharge
of tax claim for up to twelve (12) additional months, they shall
have the authority in the event of an application for extension
submitted by the taxpayer to:
(1) Extend the period for discharge of tax claim for
owner-occupied real estate for up to twelve (12) additional
months: Provided, That the taxpayer enters into an equitable
apportioned payment schedule consistent therewith.
(2) Abate, suspend, continue or stay the tax sale
proceedings pending with respect to the owner-occupied
residential real estate.
(b) The payment schedule authorized under subsection (a)
shall permit the taxpayer to make payment of the amount due in
at least four (4) separate payments, spaced at least thirty
(30) days apart, and shall require the initial payment to be
not more than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total
indebtedness calculated to be due under the schedule. However,
the provisions of this subsection and of section 603
notwithstanding, the county commissioners may, in their
discretion, in special hardship cases, establish payment
schedules specifically suited to the capabilities of the
particular affected taxpayer.
(c) The application for extension authorized in clause (1)
of subsection (a) shall be made in a form as shall be provided
by the bureau. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the
application, the director of the bureau shall either allow or
disallow the extension. If the extension is allowed, the bureau
shall set the length of the extension. Any taxpayer aggrieved
by the decision of the bureau may, within fifteen (15) days
after notice thereof, appeal to the county court of common pleas
for de novo review of the application.
(d) For the purpose of this section, the phrase "extenuating
circumstances" means:
(1) Serious physical illness or injury or a combination of
the illness or injury with a state of prolonged unemployment
if: (i) the taxpayer is a permanent resident of the
Commonwealth, (ii) the illness or injury, or combination
thereof, occurred or persisted during any of the tax years for
which the delinquent taxes were assessed or during the year
immediately preceding any such delinquency, and (iii) the
illness or injury, or combination thereof, has been a
substantial cause of the taxpayer's failure to pay any such
delinquent tax or taxes to the date of application for relief
under this section.
(2) Unemployment if: (i) the taxpayer is a permanent
resident of the Commonwealth, (ii) the unemployment occurred
or persisted during any of the tax years for which the
delinquent taxes were assessed or during the year immediately
preceding any such delinquency, and (iii) the unemployment has
been a substantial cause of the taxpayer's failure to pay any
such delinquent tax or taxes to the date of application for
relief under this section.
(e) For the purpose of this section, an extension of the
period for discharge of tax claim shall only apply to one (1)
owner-occupied property per taxpayer.
(503.1 added Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 504. Extension for Elderly.--(a) The county
commissioners may enact legislation which provides that, if the
county commissioners, acting through the bureau, determine or
have reason to believe that a tax claim or tax claims relate
to residential real estate which is owned and occupied solely
by a person sixty-five (65) years of age or older or is owned
and occupied jointly by persons all of whom are sixty-five (65)
years of age or older and there is a possibility that such owner
is not fully informed as to the tax claim or claims and the
effect of the impending sale, or otherwise needs assistance to
prevent the property from going to sale, the period for
discharge of the tax claim or claims may be extended or payment
of the tax claim or claims may be deferred to a later time. To
be eligible for a deferral of tax, an applicant's household
income must be equal to or less than the maximum household
income necessary to qualify for a property tax or rent rebate
under the act of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the
"Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act."
(b) Legislation enacted as authorized by subsection (a) may
authorize the bureau, either through its own action or in
cooperation with the Area Agency on Aging or any other
organization, group or individuals, to examine documents of
record, require documentation of household income, conduct
inquiries or take any other action to determine if the owner
of the property to which the tax claim relates is sixty-five
(65) years of age or older. If it is determined that the owner
is sixty-five (65) years of age or older, meets the income
requirements of subsection (a) and otherwise qualifies for
special consideration under this section, such legislation may
authorize any of the following insofar as such action will not
ultimately result in loss to the bureau or the taxing district:
(1) Extend the period for discharge of the tax claim or
claims for up to three (3) additional months if it appears to
the bureau that suitable arrangement for payment of the tax
claim or claims can be made within that period.
(2) If it is determined that the owner desires to continue
to reside in the residence and cannot afford to pay the tax
claim or claims and continue to live in a comfortable lifestyle,
stay the tax sale and defer payment of the tax claim or claims
until such time as title to the property is transferred or the
owner is no longer the sole occupant of the property. Any such
tax deferral program shall include requirements relating to the
income limitations set forth in subsection (a), value of the
property, owner's equity in the property, insurance of the
property and other requirements deemed necessary for entitlement
to the deferral and for protection of the tax claim or claims.
All taxes so deferred shall constitute a prior lien on the
property in favor of the taxing district and shall attach as
of the date and in the same manner and shall be collected as
other liens for taxes, but the taxes shall be due and payable
only when title to the property is transferred or the eligible
owner is no longer the sole occupant.
(3) If it is determined that the owner does not desire to
continue to reside in the residence, or that a deferral of tax
pursuant to paragraph (2) would jeopardize ultimate recovery
of the tax claim or claims in full, and it appears that the
owner has equity in the residence which would be lost at a
regular tax sale, a special sale of the residence can be
arranged. At least two independent appraisals of the residence
shall be obtained, and the residence shall be placed on the
market at a price midway between such appraisals for a period
not to exceed eleven (11) months from the date the property was
initially scheduled for sale. If the property is sold within
that period, the proceeds shall be distributed in the priority
stated in section 205(d) and confirmed as provided in section
205(e). Cost of the appraisals and seller's costs of the sale
shall be borne by the owner. If the property is not sold within
that period, the property shall be sold at the next regularly
scheduled tax sale, and costs incurred shall be recouped by the
bureau at the sale.
(c) All taxes that are deferred under this act shall bear
simple interest from the date they become due and payable until
the date they are paid. The interest rate per annum for each
calendar year shall be the rate established by section 306 of
this act.
(d) The procedures set forth in this section are not
intended to be exclusive, but are intended to express the intent
of the General Assembly to permit county commissioners to enact
whatever legislation they may deem beneficial to senior citizens
to prevent them from losing their residences, or losing equity
in their residences, as a result of unpaid real estate taxes,
to the extent that such measures may be enacted pursuant to
section 2(b)(ii) of Article VIII of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, but subject to the condition that such legislation
does not jeopardize the ultimate receipt in full of taxes
imposed by the taxing districts.
(504 added Dec. 20, 1990, P.L.1462, No.220)
Section 505. Option of County to Extend Period for Discharge
of Tax Claim.--(505 repealed Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
Section 506. Extension of Period for Discharge of Tax
Claim.--(506 repealed Dec. 22, 1993, P.L.525, No.76)
(Art. added June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
Section 501-A. Duty to register.
(a) General rule.--A person that intends to bid at a
scheduled upset sale or judicial sale must appear and register
at the bureau not less than 10 days before the scheduled upset
sale or judicial sale.
(b) Bids on multiple properties.--Except if a person intends
to bid on more than one property at scheduled sales conducted
on the same day in the same county, each time that a person
intends to bid at a scheduled sale, the person must comply with
subsection (a).
(c) Fee.--A county may establish a fee for filing an
application to register under this article.
(501-A added June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
Section 502-A. Application.
In order to register for a scheduled upset sale or judicial
sale, the person must submit an application that includes the
following information:
(1) If the applicant is an individual, the individual's
name, residential address and phone number.
(2) If the applicant is not an individual, the
applicant's name, including the name of all officers,
business address and phone number.
(3) If the applicant is a limited liability company,
the names, business addresses and phone numbers of all
members, managers and any other persons with any ownership
interest or right in the limited liability company.
(4) An affidavit stating that the applicant:
(i) is not delinquent in paying real estate taxes
to any taxing district in this Commonwealth and that the
applicant has no municipal utility bills, as defined in
section 619.1(b), that are not more than one year
outstanding anywhere in this Commonwealth;
(ii) is not bidding for or acting as an agent for
a person who is barred from participating in the sale
under section 601(d);
(iii) has not, within the three years preceding the
filing of the application, engaged in a course of conduct
or permitted an uncorrected housing code violation, as
defined in section 619(e), to continue unabated after
being convicted of an uncorrected housing code violation,
as defined in section 619(e), and has not either:
(A) failed to maintain property owned by the
applicant in a reasonable manner such that the
property posed a threat to health, safety or
property; or
(B) permitted the use of property in an unsafe,
illegal or unsanitary manner such that the property
posed a threat to health, safety or property; and
(iv) understands that an applicant who signs a
bidder registration application knowing that it contains
a false statement and who causes it to be filed with the
bureau shall be subject to prosecution for the commission
of a misdemeanor of the second degree in violation of
18 Pa.C.S. § 4904(a) (relating to unsworn falsification
to authorities).
(5) If the applicant is not an individual, documentation
that the signer has the authority to act on behalf of the
applicant, and the individual appearing in person to
register, as required under section 501-A(a), is the signer
of the application or otherwise authorized to act on behalf
of the applicant.
(502-A added June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
Section 503-A. List of registered bidders.
A bureau shall provide a list of completed applications
received under section 502-A to all municipalities within the
county by mail, email or facsimile at least five days prior to
the upset sale or judicial sale. The list shall provide the
name, address and phone number of the applicant. For registered
bidders that are not individuals, the bureau shall provide to
all municipalities the names, business addresses and phone
numbers of all officers, members, managers and any other persons
with an ownership interest or right in the applicant as
disclosed in the application.
(503-A added June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
(a) Upset Sale.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 601. Date of Sale.--(a) The bureau shall schedule
the date of the sale no earlier than the second Monday of
September and before October 1, and the sale may be adjourned,
readjourned or continued. No additional notice of sale is
required when the sale is adjourned, readjourned or continued
if the sale is held by the end of the calendar year. The bureau
may, for convenience and because of the number of properties
involved, schedule sales of property in various taxing districts
or wards on different dates. Except as otherwise provided in
this article, all sales shall be held by the bureau by the end
of the calendar year.
(1) The bureau shall sell the property if all of the
following are met:
(i) A tax claim has become absolute.
(ii) The property has not been discharged from the tax claim
nor removed from sale under section 603; or a tax judgment has
been entered against the property prior to January 1, 1948, and
is unsatisfied, and a sale of the property has not been stayed
by agreement under this article.
(iii) The property is not in the possession of the
(2) Property that is essential to the business of a
quasi-public corporation shall not be sold.
(3) No owner-occupied property may be sold unless the bureau
has given the owner occupant written notice of such sale at
least ten (10) days prior to the date of actual sale by personal
service by the sheriff or his deputy or person deputized by the
sheriff for this purpose unless the county commissioners, by
resolution, appoint a person or persons to make all personal
services required by this clause. The sheriff or his deputy
shall make a return of service to the bureau, or the persons
appointed by the county commissioners in lieu of the sheriff
or his deputy shall file with the bureau written proof of
service, setting forth the name of the person served, the date
and time and place of service, and attach a copy of the notice
which was served. If such personal notice cannot be served
within twenty-five (25) days of the request by the bureau to
make such personal service, the bureau may petition the court
of common pleas to waive the requirement of personal notice for
good cause shown. Personal service of notice on one of the
owners shall be deemed personal service on all owners.
(b) No property shall be exposed to sale where the
delinquent taxes involved in a claim are being paid by the owner
under any law abating penalties, interests and costs, or either,
unless there has been a default by the owner in payment, in
which case the sale of the property shall be proceeded with,
as herein provided, at the time fixed for the next scheduled
sale, occurring at least ninety (90) days after such default.
(c) The taxing authorities of the county and of any
political subdivision in the county may jointly petition the
court of common pleas of the county to stay the sale of property
in any political subdivision held under the provisions of this
section. The petition shall set forth the reasons for such stay.
If, in the opinion of the court, after hearing, there are
sufficient reasons for such stay, the court shall have
jurisdiction and power to enter an order staying such sale for
any period not exceeding one year from the time fixed for such
sale under subsection (a) of this section. In case of any such
stay of sale, the properties in such political subdivision shall
be sold in accordance with the provisions of this section on
the date of the next annual sale.
(d) No individual whose landlord license has been revoked
in a municipality pursuant to its ordinance may purchase
property in the county in which the local municipality is
located at a tax sale under this act. Pursuant to this
subsection, a municipality shall furnish to the county in which
such municipality is located, within forty-eight (48) hours in
advance of a tax sale, documentation relating to landlord
license revocations pursuant to municipal ordinance. ((d)
amended June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
(e) Any municipality that issues landlords' licenses must
provide to a landlord, prior to revoking such license, notice
of the potential revocation. The landlord licensing ordinance
must provide the landlord a reasonable opportunity to respond
to the notice and an opportunity to appeal any decision made
against him. If the landlord is in violation of a local
ordinance that deals with building standards, safety or property
maintenance, the municipality must also provide the landlord
with a reasonable opportunity to comply with the ordinance prior
to revocation. A revocation of a landlord's license shall not
be permanent. The revocation shall only be until the landlord
has corrected the code violations that led to the revocation.
However, the landlord's license shall only be reinstated after
the building has been inspected and approved by the appropriate
official or employe of the licensing municipality. Inspections
for reinstatement shall be performed within a reasonable amount
of time after the landlord notifies the municipality of any
corrected violation. The municipality shall, by ordinance,
establish procedures to implement this subsection. Any
municipality whose landlord licensing ordinance is contrary to
this subsection must revise the ordinance within sixty (60)
days of the effective date of this subsection. The notice,
response and appeal provisions under this subsection as well
as the prohibition on bidding under subsection (d) shall only
apply to actions on or after the effective date of this
subsection. ((e) added October 18, 2000, P.L.609, No.82)
(601 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 602. Notice of Sale.--(a) At least thirty (30)
days prior to any scheduled sale the bureau shall give notice
thereof, not less than once in two (2) newspapers of general
circulation in the county, if so many are published therein,
and once in the legal journal, if any, designated by the court
for the publication of legal notices. Such notice shall set
forth (1) the purposes of such sale, (2) the time of such sale,
(3) the place of such sale, (4) the terms of the sale including
the approximate upset price, (5) the descriptions of the
properties to be sold as stated in the claims entered and the
name of the owner.
(b) Where the owner is unknown and has been unknown for a
period of not less than five years, the name of the owner need
not be included in such description.
(c) The description may be given intelligible abbreviations.
(d) Such published notice shall be addressed to the "owners
of properties described in this notice and to all persons having
liens, judgments or municipal or other claims against such
(e) In addition to such publications, similar notice of the
sale shall also be given by the bureau as follows:
(1) At least thirty (30) days before the date of the sale,
by United States certified mail, restricted delivery, return
receipt requested, postage prepaid, to each owner as defined
by this act.
(2) If return receipt is not received from each owner
pursuant to the provisions of clause (1), then, at least ten
(10) days before the date of the sale, similar notice of the
sale shall be given to each owner who failed to acknowledge the
first notice by United States first class mail, proof of
mailing, at his last known post office address by virtue of the
knowledge and information possessed by the bureau, by the tax
collector for the taxing district making the return and by the
county office responsible for assessments and revisions of
taxes. It shall be the duty of the bureau to determine the last
post office address known to said collector and county
assessment office.
(3) Each property scheduled for sale shall be posted at
least ten (10) days prior to the sale.
(f) The published notice, the mail notice and the posted
notice shall each state that the sale of any property may, at
the option of the bureau, be stayed if the owner thereof or any
lien creditor of the owner on or before the actual sale enters
into an agreement with the bureau to pay the taxes in
instalments, in the manner provided by this act.
(g) All notices required by this section other than the
newspaper notice and notice in the legal journal shall contain
the following provision which shall be conspicuously placed
upon said notices and set in at least 10-point type in a box
as follows:
(h) In case the property of any corporation, limited
partnership or joint-stock association is advertised for sale,
the bureau shall give to the Department of Revenue, at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the scheduled sale, notice
of the sale by certified mail on a form provided by the
Department of Revenue which shall set forth (1) the name and
address of the bureau, (2) the date of the sale, (3) the name
and address of each corporation, limited partnership or
joint-stock association, if any, whose property is scheduled
for sale and (4) the total number of corporations, limited
partnerships and joint-stock associations whose properties are
scheduled for sale. Upon receipt of the notice and at least
seven (7) days before the date of sale listed on the notice,
the Department of Revenue shall mail to the bureau, by certified
mail, a proof of claim for payment of Commonwealth taxes which
are accorded priority by section 1401 of the act of April 9,
1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code." The bureau
shall include in the upset sale price of each said property the
amount of Commonwealth taxes set forth on the proof of claim
received from the Department of Revenue. If the bureau complies
with the notice of provisions of this section and the Department
of Revenue fails to mail to the bureau, at least seven (7) days
before the date of sale listed on said notice by verification
by the postmark, by certified mail, the proof of claim required
by this section, the lien upon said property shall be forever
discharged and divested, notwithstanding any other provision
of this act or other law to the contrary. If the bureau does
not receive a reply from the Department of Revenue prior to the
scheduled date of the sale, it shall be the duty of the bureau
to contact the department to determine if such reply was mailed.
The bureau may then opt to reschedule the sale if circumstances
warrant. No owner shall attack the validity of any sale on the
basis that the bureau failed to give the notice required by
this section.
No sale shall be defeated and no title to property sold shall
be invalidated because of proof that mail notice as herein
required was not received by the owner, provided such notice
was given as prescribed by this section.
(i) The costs of such advertisement and notices shall be
added as part of the costs of such proceedings and shall be
paid by the owner the same as other costs.
(602 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 603. Removal from Sale; Agreements to Stay
Sale.--Any owner or lien creditor of the owner may, at the
option of the bureau, prior to the actual sale, (1) cause the
property to be removed from the sale by payment in full of taxes
which have become absolute and of all charges and interest due
on these taxes to the time of payment, or (2) enter into an
agreement, in writing, with the bureau to stay the sale of the
property upon the payment of twenty-five per centum (25%) of
the amount due on all tax claims and tax judgments filed or
entered against such property and the interest and costs on the
taxes returned to date, as provided by this act, and agreeing
therein to pay the balance of said claims and judgments and the
interest and costs thereon in not more than three (3)
instalments all within one (1) year of the date of said
agreement, the agreement to specify the dates on or before which
each instalment shall be paid, and the amount of each
instalment. So long as said agreement is being fully complied
with by the taxpayer, the sale of the property covered by the
agreement shall be stayed. But in case of default in such
agreement by the owner or lien creditor, the bureau, after
written notice of such default given by United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the owner or lien creditor at the address
stated in the agreement, shall apply all payments made against
the oldest delinquent taxes and costs, then against the more
recent. If sufficient payment has been made to discharge all
the taxes and claims which would have caused the property to
be put up for sale, the property may not be sold. If sufficient
payment has not been received to discharge these taxes and
claims, the bureau shall proceed with the sale of such property
in the manner herein provided either at the next scheduled upset
sale or at a special upset sale, either of which is to be held
at least ninety (90) days after such default. If a party to an
instalment agreement defaults on the agreement, the bureau shall
not enter into a new instalment agreement with that person
within three (3) years of the default.
(603 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 604. Sales of Property of Quasi-Public
Corporation.--Where a claim becomes absolute and the property
covered thereby is essential to the business of a quasi-public
corporation, the bureau shall have the right of execution
thereupon, as in cases of judgments, against such corporations.
Upon the distribution of any fund realized by a sale of the
franchises and the whole or any part of the property and assets
of the corporation, the court shall determine the actual value
of the property bound by the tax claim and the claim shall be
preferred with other like claims to the extent of the value of
the property thus determined.
Section 605. Upset Sale Price.--The bureau shall fix as the
upset price to be realized at the sale of any property upon a
claim absolute, the sum of (a) the tax liens of the
Commonwealth, (b) the amount of the claim absolute and interest
thereon on which the sale is being held, (c) the amount of any
other tax claim or tax judgment due on such property and
interest on the judgment to the date of sale, (d) the amount
of all accrued taxes including taxes levied for the current
year, whether or not returned, a record of which shall be
furnished to the bureau by tax collectors, receivers of taxes
and taxing districts, (e) the amount of the municipal claims
against the property, and (f) the record costs and costs of
sale, including pro rata costs of the publication of notice and
costs of mail and posted notices in connection with the return
of the claim and mail and posted notices of sale.
It shall be the duty of all taxing districts, and municipal
authorities having municipal claims against any such property,
to certify, by August 30 of the year of the scheduled sale, the
amount thereof to the bureau for the purpose of including the
same in the upset price. If a taxing district or municipal
authority fails to certify the amount of any municipal claim
which has become a claim against the property prior to August
1 of the year of the scheduled sale, the claim shall be divested
by the upset sale, notwithstanding any provision of this act
to the contrary.
No sale of property shall be made by the bureau unless a bid
equal to the upset price is made. If no bid equal to the upset
price is received, the sale shall be continued without further
advertisement in order to give the bureau a chance to sell the
property at private sale, or to petition court for an order to
sell the same, freed and discharged of all liens as hereinafter
provided. No upset sale may be continued beyond the end of the
calendar year, and no property may be sold at private sale or
judicial sale unless the property has first been exposed to
upset sale and was not sold at upset sale.
(605 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 606. Payments by Purchasers at Sales.--The purchaser
of any property at an upset sale shall pay to the bureau the
entire purchase money on the date of the sale, no later than
one (1) hour before the close of business or at such other time
on said date as designated by the bureau. In case said amount
is not so paid, the sale shall be voided and the property shall
be put up again at the same sale, if possible, or at any
adjournment, readjournment or continuation of the sale.
(606 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 607. Bureau's Consolidated Return to Court; Notice;
Confirmation; Appeal.--(a) It shall be the duty of the bureau,
not later than sixty (60) days after a sale was held, to make
a consolidated return to the court of common pleas of the
county, wherein it shall set forth, (1) a brief description of
each property exposed to sale, (2) the name of the owner in
whose name it was assessed, (3) the name of the owner at the
time of sale, and to whom notice by mail was given as provided
by this act, (4) a reference to the record of the tax claim on
which the sale was held, (5) the time when and the newspapers
in which the advertisement for sale was made, with a copy of
said advertisement, (6) the time of sale, (7) the name of the
purchaser, if any, and (8) the price for which each property
was sold, or that no bid was made equal to the upset price and
the property was not sold. Within thirty (30) days of
presentation of the consolidated return, if it shall appear to
said court that such sale has been regularly conducted under
the provisions of this act, the consolidated return and the
sales so made shall be confirmed nisi. No consolidated return
shall be made to the court until notice has been given to the
owner under subsection (a.1)(1).
(a.1) (1) Notice shall be given by the bureau within thirty
(30) days of the actual sale to each owner by United States
certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested,
postage prepaid, to each owner at his last known post office
address as determined in section 602(e)(2) that the property
was sold and that the owner may file objections or exceptions
with the court relating to the regularity and procedures
followed during the sale no later than thirty (30) days after
the court has made a confirmation nisi of the consolidated
(2) All notices required by this subsection shall contain
the following provisions and be in the following form set in
at least 10-point type in a box as follows:
(b) The bureau shall, at the expense of the county, within
ten (10) days after confirmation nisi of the consolidated
return, publish a general notice once in a newspaper of general
circulation published in the county, and in the legal journal,
if any, designated by rules of court for the publication of
legal notices, stating (1) that the consolidated return of the
bureau with respect to any such sale for taxes has been
presented to the court, (2) giving the date of confirmation
nisi and (3) that objections or exceptions thereto may be filed
by any owner or lien creditor within thirty (30) days after the
court has made a confirmation nisi of the consolidated return
or that the return will be confirmed absolutely.
(b.1) If notice is given under subsection (a.1)(2), proof
that notice under subsection (a.1)(1) was not received by the
owner shall not defeat a sale nor invalidate title to property.
If the mailed or published notice required under this section
is defective or was served in an untimely manner, the court
shall enter an order nunc pro tunc for cause and, upon proof
of prejudice, shall grant the owner leave to file objections
and exceptions.
(c) In case no objections or exceptions are filed to any
such sale within thirty (30) days after the court has made a
confirmation nisi, a decree of absolute confirmation shall be
entered as of course by the prothonotary.
(d) Any objections or exceptions to such a sale may question
the regularity or legality of the proceedings of the bureau in
respect to such sale, but may not raise the legality of the
taxes on which the sale was held, of the return by the tax
collector to the bureau or of the claim entered. In case any
objections or exceptions are filed they shall be disposed of
according to the practice of the court. If the same are
overruled or set aside, a decree of absolute confirmation shall
be entered by the court.
(e) If such objections or exceptions are sustained and the
court deems the defect not amendable, it shall, by its order
or decree, invalidate the sale and order another sale to be
held in conformity with this act at such time and under such
conditions as it shall fix.
(g) If no objections or exceptions are filed or if
objections or exceptions are finally overruled and the sale
confirmed absolutely, the validity of the tax, its return for
nonpayment, the entry of the claim, or the making of such claim
absolute and the proceedings of the bureau with respect to such
sale, shall not thereafter be inquired into judicially in equity
or by civil proceedings by the person in whose name such
property was sold, by a grantee or assignee, by any lien
creditor or by any other person, except with respect to the
giving of notice under the act, to the time of holding the sale,
or to the time of petitioning the court for an order of sale.
There shall be no period of redemption after such sale and the
sale shall be deemed to pass a good and valid title to the
purchaser, free from any liens or encumbrances whatsoever,
except such liens as are hereafter specifically saved, and in
all respects as valid and effective as if acquired by a
sheriff's deed.
(607 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 607.1. Additional Notification Efforts.--(a) When
any notification of a pending tax sale or a tax sale subject
to court confirmation is required to be mailed to any owner,
mortgagee, lienholder or other person or entity whose property
interests are likely to be significantly affected by such tax
sale, and such mailed notification is either returned without
the required receipted personal signature of the addressee or
under other circumstances raising a significant doubt as to the
actual receipt of such notification by the named addressee or
is not returned or acknowledged at all, then, before the tax
sale can be conducted or confirmed, the bureau must exercise
reasonable efforts to discover the whereabouts of such person
or entity and notify him. The bureau's efforts shall include,
but not necessarily be restricted to, a search of current
telephone directories for the county and of the dockets and
indices of the county tax assessment offices, recorder of deeds
office and prothonotary's office, as well as contacts made to
any apparent alternate address or telephone number which may
have been written on or in the file pertinent to such property.
When such reasonable efforts have been exhausted, regardless
of whether or not the notification efforts have been successful,
a notation shall be placed in the property file describing the
efforts made and the results thereof, and the property may be
rescheduled for sale or the sale may be confirmed as provided
in this act.
(b) The notification efforts required by subsection (a)
shall be in addition to any other notice requirements imposed
by this act.
(607.1 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 608. Deed.--After the court has confirmed the sale
and the purchaser has paid the amount of his bid, it shall be
the duty of the bureau to make to the said purchaser, his or
their heirs or assigns a deed in fee simple for the property
sold. Each such deed shall be in the name of the bureau as
trustee grantor and shall be executed and duly acknowledged
before the prothonotary by the director and a notation of such
deed and acknowledgement shall be duly entered on the proper
records. The deed shall, before delivery, be recorded in the
office for the recording of deeds at the cost of the purchaser.
(608 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 609. Nondivestiture of Liens.--Every such sale shall
convey title to the property under and subject to the lien of
every recorded obligation, claim, lien, estate, mortgage, ground
rent and Commonwealth tax lien not included in the upset price
with which said property may have or shall become charged or
for which it may become liable.
(609 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
(b) Judicial Sale.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 610. Petition for Judicial Sale.--In cases where
the upset price shall not be bid at any such sale, the sale
shall be continued, but not beyond the end of the calendar year,
without further advertising, and the bureau may, at any time
during or after the continuance, and shall, immediately at the
written direction of a taxing district, file its petition in
the court of common pleas of the county to sell the property
under sections 612 and 612.1. The bureau shall set forth on the
petition (1) the tax claim upon which the property was exposed
for sale, (2) that neither the owner, his heirs or legal
representatives or any lien creditor, his heirs, assigns or
legal representatives or other person interested has caused
stay of sale, discharge of tax claim or removal from sale, (3)
that the property was exposed to public sale and the date of
such sale, (4) that before exposing the property to public sale
the bureau fixed an upset price, as herein provided, and (5)
that it was unable to obtain a bid sufficient to pay said upset
price. Upon the presentation of such petition, accompanied with
searches, showing the state of the record and the ownership of
the property and all tax and municipal claims, liens, mortgages,
ground rents, charges and estates against the same, the court
shall grant a rule upon all parties thus shown to be interested
to appear and show cause why a decree should not be made that
said property be sold, freed and cleared of their respective
tax and municipal claims, liens, mortgages, charges and estates,
except separately taxed ground rents. The rule shall be made
returnable in not more than thirty (30) days from the date the
petition was presented or as otherwise determined by the court.
(610 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 611. Service of Rule.--Service of the rule shall
be made in the same manner as writs of scire facias are served
in this Commonwealth. When service cannot be made in the county
where the rule was granted, the sheriff of the county shall
deputize the sheriff of any other county in this Commonwealth,
where service can be made. If service of the rule cannot be
made in this Commonwealth, then the rule shall be served on the
person named in the rule by the sheriff, by sending him, by
registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, at
least fifteen (15) days before the return day of the rule, a
true and attested copy thereof, addressed to such person's last
known post office address. The sheriff shall attach to his
return, the return receipts, and if the person named in the
rule has refused to accept the registered mail or cannot be
found at his last known address, shall attach evidence thereof.
This shall constitute sufficient service under this act.
Section 612. Hearing and Order for Judicial Sale.--
(a) If upon hearing, the court is satisfied that service
of the rule has been made upon the parties named in the rule,
in the manner provided by this act, and that the facts stated
in the petition are true, it shall order and decree that said
property be sold at a subsequent day to be fixed by the court,
freed and cleared of all tax and municipal claims, mortgages,
liens, charges and estates, except separately taxed ground
rents, to the highest bidder, and that the purchaser at such
sale shall take and thereafter have an absolute title to the
property sold free and clear of all tax and municipal claims,
mortgages, liens, charges and estates of whatsoever kind, except
ground rents, separately taxed. Out of the proceeds of such
sale shall be paid the costs set forth in the upset price at
the prior sale, and the additional costs incurred relative to
this sale, including the fee for title search. The court order
may specify that no sale shall be made except to the county
unless a bid equal to such costs is offered. The remainder of
said proceeds shall be distributed by the office designated by
the county commissioners under section 205. After the purchaser
shall have paid over the purchase price, the bureau shall make
and deliver a deed in the manner hereinbefore provided.
(b) When aforesaid petition for sale is presented within
three (3) months after the date of the scheduled upset sale,
the court, in its order, shall direct that no further
advertisement is required. In cases where said petition is
presented after the three (3) month period has expired, the
court shall, in its order fixing a subsequent sale, direct that
the readvertisement of such sale need not be published three
(3) consecutive weeks, nor include a list and description of
the lands to be sold, but need only be advertised by one (1)
insertion in one (1) or two (2) newspapers as hereinbefore
provided for such advertisements, at least thirty (30) days
prior to the sale, and include the purpose, the time, the place
and the terms of such sale with a reference to the prior
(c) In any such petition for sale, the bureau may, if it
deems the same advantageous, request the court to fix the place
of sale at the property to be sold, and if the court is
convinced the taxing districts interested will be benefited
thereby, it shall order the sale to be held on the property to
be sold.
(d) The court may fix a common date and place of sale for
more than one property to be sold. ((d) added Nov. 29, 2004,
P.L.1296, No.161)
(612 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 612.1. County Commissioners May Bid and Purchase
Property; Costs Paid by Taxing Districts.--Whenever any property
shall be put up for public sale upon order of court, as provided
in section 612, the county commissioners are hereby authorized
to bid up to and including one dollar over and above all costs,
as prescribed in section 612, for said property at such sale
and if the property is sold to them for the county, the county
shall take and have an absolute title, free and clear of all
tax and municipal claims, mortgages, liens and charges and
estates of whatsoever kind, except ground rents, separately
taxed in the same manner and to the same extent as a private
purchaser would have taken. In such cases, the proportionate
share of said costs shall be paid to the county by the
respective taxing districts in proportion to the taxes due them
on such property. An amount equal to such costs due the county
from any taxing district may be deducted from any tax moneys
thereafter payable to such district under the provisions of
this act. Upon the sale thereafter of such property by the
county, the proceeds from the sale shall be distributed to the
taxing authorities in proportion to the taxes due them on such
property at the time of the last tax sale.
Any property purchased at such sale by the county may
thereafter by the county commissioners be (1) leased to any
taxing district to be used for public purposes; (2) used for
any suitable public purpose by the county; (3) sold in the same
manner as any other real property owned in fee simple by the
county; or (4) sold upon petition to the court of common pleas,
which shall fix a day not more than thirty (30) days thereafter
for a hearing and sale. At least five (5) days notice of such
hearing and sale shall be given to all the taxing authorities
having an interest therein, and notice shall also be given by
publication at least two times, with approximately ten (10)
days intervening, in at least one (1) newspaper of general
circulation published in the county and the official legal
journal of the county, setting forth the location of the
property that was acquired at a public tax sale, giving the
date and place, the terms of the proposed sale, and that the
property will be sold clear and free of all tax and municipal
claims, mortgages, liens, charges and estates, except separately
taxed ground rents, and the lowest amount which the county is
prepared to accept for the sale of the property.
If, after such hearing, the court is satisfied that the
proposed sale is proper and to the advantage of the county and
the other taxing districts interested, it shall allow any person
to offer more than the minimum price fixed by the county, or
other price, as the court may find proper, and enter a decree
approving such sale and directing a conveyance of such property
to the person or persons purchasing the same, upon the payment
of the purchase price and all costs of the proceeding. The title
conveyed shall be free and clear of all tax and municipal
claims, mortgages, liens and charges and estates of whatever
kind, except ground rents separately taxed.
(612.1 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 612.2. Combined Judicial Sales.--If the bureau has
more than one property on which it was unable to obtain a bid
sufficient to pay the upset price, it may, with the approval
of the interested taxing districts and in accordance with the
requirements of this subarticle, petition for, and the court
may authorize, a combined sale of two or more of the properties,
to be sold free and clear of all tax and municipal claims,
mortgages, liens, charges and estates, except separately taxed
ground rents, to the highest bidder, and that the purchaser at
such sale shall take and thereafter have an absolute title to
the properties sold free and clear of all tax and municipal
claims, mortgages, liens, charges and estates of whatsoever
kind, except ground rents, separately taxed.
(612.2 added Nov. 29, 2004, P.L.1296, No.161)
Section 612.3. Additional Costs for Rehabilitation and
Maintenance.--(a) Notwithstanding the limitations contained
in section 206, in the case of property exposed to upset sale
and not sold at upset sale, the bureau may incur, and may
recover as costs from proceeds prior to any distribution in a
subsequent sale to the extent authorized by this or any other
act, the following:
(1) Costs of rehabilitation and maintenance as may be, in
the sole discretion of the bureau, reasonably necessary to
address safety issues or restore or maintain the property in a
salable condition.
(2) Costs of rehabilitation and maintenance necessary to
ensure the property is maintained in compliance with property
maintenance codes.
(b) This section may not be construed as creating any
affirmative duty on the part of the county or bureau to
rehabilitate or maintain property or as imposing any liability
on a county or bureau for injuries to persons or property that
may occur on property subject to rehabilitation and maintenance
under this section.
(c) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Costs of maintenance," costs and expenses for materials and
services related to the upkeep or preservation of the condition
of the property, including ordinary and necessary repairs.
"Costs of rehabilitation," costs and expenses for
construction, stabilization, rehabilitation, demolition and
reasonable nonconstruction costs. The term includes
environmental remediation, architectural, engineering and legal
fees, permits, financing fees and insurance costs. The term
does not include construction of new structures.
"Property maintenance codes," municipal ordinances that
regulate the maintenance or development of real property. The
term includes building codes, housing codes and public safety
(612.3 added Dec. 17, 2015, P.L.448, No.77)
(c) Private Sale.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 613. Properties Not Sold Because of Insufficient
Bid May be Sold at Private Sale.--(a) At any time after any
property has been exposed to public sale and such property was
not sold because no bid was made equal to the upset price, as
hereinbefore provided, and whether or not proceedings are
initiated pursuant to sections 610 through 612.1, the bureau
may, on its own motion, and shall, on the written instructions
of any taxing district having any tax claims or tax judgments
against said property, agree to sell the property at private
sale, at any price approved by the bureau. Notice of the
proposed sale, stating the price and the property proposed to
be sold, shall be given to each such taxing district and to the
owner of the property. Notice shall also be given by publication
at least two (2) times, with approximately ten (10) days
intervening between each publication, in at least one (1)
newspaper of general circulation published in the county where
the property is located and in the official legal journal of
that county. The notice by publication shall set forth the
location of the property, the date and place of sale, the price
and terms of sale, and the provision that the property will be
sold free and clear of all tax claims and tax judgments. The
corporate authorities of any taxing district having any tax
claims or tax judgments against the property which is to be
sold, the owner, an interested party, or a person interested
in purchasing the property may, if not satisfied that the sale
price approved by the bureau is sufficient, within forty-five
(45) days after notice of the proposed sale, petition the court
of common pleas of the county to disapprove the sale. The court
shall, in such case, after notice to each such taxing district,
the owner, the bureau, the purchaser and any other person who
has joined in the petition, hear all parties. After such
hearing, the court may either confirm or disapprove the sale
as to it appears just and proper. If the sale is disapproved,
the court shall at the same time fix a price below which such
property shall not be sold and order that, if no private sale
can be arranged, the property be sold at public judicial sale
under this act. If more than one party agrees to pay the minimum
price set by the court, the court shall direct the bureau to
conduct an auction-style bid of the property among the parties
to the proceedings. If only one party agrees to pay the minimum
price set by the court, the bureau shall sell the property to
that party without the necessity of an auction.
(b) When an offer to purchase any such property has been
received, and the price has been disapproved by the bureau, the
bureau shall, on the written instructions of any interested
taxing district, submit by petition the proposed sale to the
court of common pleas of the county for approval. The court
shall, after affording the owner and each taxing district having
any tax claims or tax judgments against the property an
opportunity to be heard on such notice, as the court deems
appropriate, approve or disapprove the sale. If the court
approves the sale, it shall be consummated with like effect as
though it had been approved by the bureau and by all taxing
districts having said interest.
(613 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 614. Options.--(a) The bureau shall have the right
to accept option money to bind the private sale of any such
property at the price offered therefor, which shall be credited
to the purchase price when the sale is effected, or be retained
for the use of the taxing districts, if the purchase price is
not paid over. But if the purchase price is not approved or
confirmed, as hereinbefore provided, and the sale is not
consummated for that reason, the option money shall be returned
to the prospective purchaser.
(b) Before a petition is presented to court for a subsequent
sale, as herein provided, the bureau shall have the right to
accept option money from any person who agrees to bid a certain
agreed price for the property at the sale, and such money shall
be credited to the purchase price, if such person purchases the
property at the sale at a price not less than the agreed price.
If said person does not bid the amount agreed upon, or more,
or if the purchase price is not paid over, then the option money
shall be retained for the use of the taxing districts. But if
the property is sold to any other bidder for a price in excess
of the agreed offer, the option money shall be returned to the
person having deposited the same.
(c) Such option money shall be deposited in the county
Section 615. Deeds.--When the price for the private sale
of any said property has been finally approved or confirmed,
as hereinbefore provided, the bureau shall upon payment over
of the purchase price less the option money, if any, make to
the purchaser, his or their heirs or assigns, a deed in fee
simple for the property sold. Each such deed shall be in the
name of the bureau, as trustee grantor and shall be executed
and duly acknowledged before the prothonotary by the director.
Such deed shall convey title to the purchaser free, clear and
discharged of all tax claims and tax judgments, whether or not
returned, filed or entered, as provided by this or any other
(615 amended Jan. 18, 1952, 1951 P.L.2098, No.595)
(d) Mandatory Judicial Sale.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 616. Mandatory Judicial Sale.--If within the period
of ten (10) months after the date of the scheduled upset sale,
the bureau has not filed a petition for a judicial sale under
section 610 or the property has not been sold at private sale,
the bureau shall, within the next immediately following two (2)
months, file a petition for judicial sale of the property in
the manner set forth in section 610.
(616 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
(e) Miscellaneous.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 617. Errors as to Description; Names, etc., May be
Amended on Petition.--When a property has been sold under the
provisions of this act, and there are errors in the description
or in the spelling of any person's name, or other obvious errors
in the claim, or in the return to court, or in any petition
relative to the proceedings, or in the bureau's tax deed, such
error may be amended by a petition to court for a rule on all
parties interested to show cause why the records should not be
amended and such errors corrected. After hearing on the rule,
the court may make such order relative thereto as to it seems
just and proper.
(617 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 618. Repurchase by Owner.--(a) The owner shall
have no right to purchase the owner's property at a judicial
sale, a private sale or from the bureau's repository for unsold
property under the provisions of this act. ((a) amended June
30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
(a.1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if a property remains
unsold after an upset sale and on the docket of a bureau, the
bureau may accept full payment for the property from or on
behalf of the owner. Full payment shall include all delinquent
taxes returned to the bureau and any costs, penalties and
interest due at the time the owner appears to pay the taxes.
The bureau may not accept partial payments or enter into an
installment agreement with an owner whose property remains
unsold after an upset sale. The receipt of full payment pursuant
to this subsection shall discharge the tax claims entered
against the property. The subject property shall be removed
from further exposure to sale, and a note thereof shall be made
on the docket and index. ((a.1) added June 19, 2018, P.L.239,
(b) A change of name or business status shall not defeat
the purpose of this section.
(c) For the purpose of this section:
"Owner" means any individual, partner, shareholder, trust,
partnership, limited partnership, corporation or any other
business association or any trust, partnership, limited
partnership, corporation or any other business association that
has any individual as part of the business association who had
any ownership interest or rights in the property.
((c) amended June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
(618 amended June 18, 1998, P.L.501, No.69)
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 38 of 2018, which added
subsec. (a.1), provided that Act 38 shall apply to sales
conducted on or after the effective date of section 4.
Compiler's Note: Section 3 of Act 69 of 1998, which amended
section 618, provided that Act 69 shall apply to all
sales conducted on or after the effective date of Act
Section 619. Restrictions on Purchases.--(a) Deeds for any
property exposed for any sale under subarticle (b) of Article
VI shall not be exchanged any sooner than twenty (20) days nor
later than forty-five (45) days after any sale held under
subarticle (b) of Article VI.
(b) A municipality may, within fifteen (15) days before or
after any sale held under subarticle (b) of Article VI, petition
the court of common pleas to prohibit the transfer of any deed
for any property exposed for any sale under subarticle (b) of
Article VI which is located in that municipality to any
purchaser who is proven to meet any of the criteria set forth
in the municipality's petition. ((b) amended June 30, 2021,
P.L.180, No.33)
(c) (1) The petition of the municipality shall allege that
the purchaser has over the last three (3) years preceding the
filing of the petition exhibited a course of conduct which
demonstrates that a purchaser permitted an uncorrected housing
code violation to continue unabated after being convicted of
such violation and:
(i) failed to maintain property owned by that purchaser in
a reasonable manner such that it posed a threat to health,
safety or property; or
(ii) permitted the use of property in an unsafe, illegal
or unsanitary manner such that it posed a threat to health,
safety or property.
(2) A person who acts as an agent for a purchaser who sought
to avoid the limitations placed on the purchase of property by
this section shall be subject to the restrictions imposed by
this section.
(3) Allegations under this subsection shall be proved by a
preponderance of the evidence. In ruling on the petition, a
court shall consider whether violations were caused by malicious
acts of a current non-owner occupant and the control exercised
by a purchaser in regard to his ownership interest or rights
with other properties.
(d) A change of name or business status shall not defeat
the purpose of this section.
(e) As used in this section:
"Municipality," any county, city, borough, incorporated town,
township, home rule municipality, optional plan municipality,
optional charter municipality or any similar general purpose
unit of government which may be created or authorized by
"Purchaser," any individual, partner, limited or general
partner, shareholder, trustee, beneficiary, any other individual
with any ownership interest or right in a business association,
sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, S or C
corporation, limited liability company or corporation, trust,
business trust or any other business association.
"Uncorrected housing code violation," any conviction of a
violation of the local building, housing, property maintenance
or fire code which is not remedied within six (6) months of
"Violation," any conviction under a building, housing,
property maintenance or fire code which posed a threat to
health, safety or property, but not a conviction deemed by a
court to be de minimis.
(619 added Jan. 29, 1998, P.L.24, No.5)
Compiler's Note: Section 3 of Act 5 of 1998, which added
section 619, provided that section 619 shall apply to
all sales conducted on order the effective date of Act
Section 619.1. Additional Restrictions.--(a) Within twenty
(20) days following any sale under this act, a successful bidder
shall be required to provide certification to the bureau that
the person is not delinquent in paying real estate taxes to any
of the taxing districts where the property is located and that
the person has no municipal utility bills that are more than
one year outstanding.
(b) As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the following meanings:
"Certification," shall mean proof via receipts of paid real
estate taxes and municipal utility bills within the jurisdiction
or a notarized affidavit by the bidder evidencing payment of
such real estate taxes and municipal utility bills.
"Municipal utility bills," shall mean bills for services
provided by a utility which is wholly owned and operated by a
municipality or municipal authority. The term shall include,
but not be limited to, water, sewer and solid waste disposal
utility bills.
"Municipality," refers to any county, city, borough,
incorporated town, township, home rule municipality, optional
plan municipality, optional charter municipality or any similar
general purpose unit of government which may be authorized by
"Person," includes a corporation; partnership; limited
liability company; business trust; other association; government
entity, other than the Commonwealth; estate; trust; foundation;
or natural person.
(619.1 added Dec. 21, 1998, P.L.1008, No.133)
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 133 of 1998, which added
section 619.1, provided that Act 18 shall apply to all
sales conducted on or after the effective date of Act
(f) Repository for Unsold Property.
(Subarticle hdg. added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 625. Purpose.--It is the intent of this subarticle
to establish a procedure to minimize the number of properties
which the county, through the tax claim bureau, holds because
of delinquent tax claims, recognizing that some properties have
little or no value except perhaps to a neighboring property
owner and that holding such properties constitutes a cost to
the county and bureau.
(625 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 626. Unsold Property Repository.--If, after
conducting and exposing a property to a judicial sale under the
provisions of this act, whether prior to, at the time of or
after the effective date of this amendatory act, any property
remains unsold, it shall be placed in a category to be termed
"repository for unsold properties." A list of properties in
this category shall be maintained by the bureau and shall be
available during normal office hours to the general public.
From time to time, the bureau may publish a list of these
properties in a locally circulating newspaper.
(626 amended June 18, 1998, P.L.501, No.69)
Section 627. Sale of Property in Repository.--(a) The
bureau may, with the written consent of all the taxing districts
where the property is located, establish a minimum purchase
price and accept an offer of any price equal to or greater than
the minimum purchase price for property placed in the
"repository for unsold properties" without court approval and
published notice of sale. The bureau shall require, as a
condition of sale, that the purchaser provide an affidavit that
includes the information specified under section 502-A. Any
taxing district may not unreasonably withhold its consent to
the sale of the property and, if no consent is provided within
sixty (60) days of the date notice was received by the taxing
district, it shall be deemed that the taxing district consents
to the sale of the property. As a condition of its consent, a
taxing district may require that the purchaser:
(1) appear in person before the governing body of the
taxing district charged with reviewing repository bids; and
(2) provide all of the information required under
section 502-A.
((a) amended June 30, 2021, P.L.180, No.33)
(b) The property shall be conveyed to the purchaser upon
payment of the agreed price, free and clear of all tax and
municipal claims, mortgages, liens, and charges and estates of
whatsoever kind, except ground rents separately taxed. It shall
be the responsibility of the bureau to have the deed recorded
at the expense of the purchaser.
(627 amended June 18, 1998, P.L.501, No.69)
Section 628. Assessment Restrictions on Property Sold From
Repository.--Notwithstanding any other provisions of the various
assessment laws of this Commonwealth, the price for which
property is sold under this subarticle of the act only, shall
be deemed to be the fair market value of the property for tax
assessment purposes. The assessment and the consideration upon
which it was made shall not be changed unless any of the
following occurs:
(1) It is changed as part of a general county reassessment.
(2) It is sold as an individual parcel or as part of a
combined parcel.
(3) It is improved as provided for in the several assessment
laws of this Commonwealth.
(628 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 629. Notification of Sale.--The bureau shall notify
all affected taxing districts, the county assessment office and
any affected tax collector of the sale and of the restriction
on the assessment.
(629 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 630. Distribution of All Moneys Received.--Moneys
received under this subarticle shall be distributed as provided
for in section 205.
(630 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 631. County Demolition and Rehabilitation Fund.--(a)
A county of the first, second, second class A, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth class and home rule charter
county of any of these classes that imposes the fee authorized
under subsection (b) shall, by ordinance, establish a county
demolition and rehabilitation fund.
(b) The governing body of a county may, by ordinance, impose
a fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for the
sale of any property being sold in accordance with this act or
an action for mortgage foreclosure and shall provide a public
notice stating the establishment of the fee and its rate in
accordance with this act. In addition to the purchase price,
the bureau conducting the sale of the property in accordance
with this act or the sheriff in a mortgage foreclosure action
shall collect the fee authorized by this section at the time
of sale from the buyer as a condition of conveying title to the
property. The fee collected shall be deposited into a fund
established under subsection (a).
(c) An ordinance establishing a fund under subsection (a)
shall include all of the following:
(1) The method of custody, divestiture, disbursement and
application of money deposited into the fund consistent with
the laws of this Commonwealth and generally accepted accounting
(2) The manner of notifying the bureau, the sheriff and the
prothonotary of the sale of a property in accordance with this
act or a mortgage foreclosure action that a fund under
subsection (a) has been established and that the fee imposed
under subsection (b) shall be collected and deposited as
provided by this section.
(3) The fee imposed under subsection (b) shall apply to the
sale of a property for delinquent taxes or mortgage foreclosure
conducted in the calendar year beginning not less than ninety
(90) days after the effective date of the ordinance.
(4) Any other terms and conditions the county deems
reasonable and necessary for operation of a fund established
under subsection (a).
(d) A fund established under subsection (a) may be used
(1) by the county; and
(2) upon approval of the county commissioners or other
governing body, by a not-for-profit or for-profit corporation
that has a contract with the county or a taxing district,
redevelopment authority, land bank or other government entity,
for the demolition or rehabilitation of blighted property
located in the county.
(e) This section shall not apply to a property sold for
delinquent real property taxes to a nonprofit entity, land bank
or government entity or to a property acquired by the
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
(631 added July 8, 2024, P.L. , No.48)
(g) Ownership and Maintenance of Property.
(Subart. added June 19, 2018, P.L.239, No.38)
Compiler's Note: Section 4 of Act 38 of 2018, which added
Subarticle (g), provided that Act 38 shall apply to sales
conducted on or after the effective date of section 4.
Section 641. Limitation on Trusteeship.--(a) A county or
bureau shall hold property subject to sale under this act only
as trustee for the purpose of exercising only such control over
the property as may be necessary or implied in order to convey
the property or otherwise further the purposes of this act.
(b) A county or bureau shall not have any civil or criminal
liability or have any obligation for maintenance or for nuisance
remediation of a tax-delinquent property, regardless of whether
the property has been exposed to an upset sale or other sale
under this act, unless the county or bureau purchases the
property as provided in section 612.1. A trusteeship under this
act shall not be considered the care, custody or control of
real property under 42 Pa.C.S. § 8542(b)(3) (relating to
exceptions to governmental immunity).
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), a county or bureau may,
at its discretion and subject to section 612.3, rehabilitate
and maintain property of which the county or bureau is a trustee
without consent of the delinquent property owner. This
authorization shall not diminish the responsibility of a
delinquent property owner as provided in section 642.
(641 added June 19, 2018, P.L.239, No.38)
Section 642. Ownership Interests and Responsibilities of
Delinquent Property Owner.--(a) At the time a property that
is tax delinquent is exposed to, but not sold at, an upset sale,
legal title to the property shall remain with the delinquent
property owner until the bureau transfers the deed as trustee
grantor to a purchaser.
(b) Nothing in this act shall be construed to relieve a
delinquent property owner of civil or criminal liability or for
an obligation for maintenance or for nuisance remediation of
the tax-delinquent property to the extent the liability is
imposed by law or ordinance.
(642 added June 19, 2018, P.L.239, No.38)
Section 701. Property Heretofore Purchased by Taxing
Districts to be Turned Over to Bureau.--Where the county
commissioners, any taxing district or trustee for any taxing
districts have, prior to the time when this act became effective
in any taxing district, acquired any property at a tax sale or
a sale on a judgment for a tax claim, unless such property or
interest shall have been resold or used for a public purpose,
for which the property might otherwise have been acquired, such
commissioners, taxing district or trustees shall deliver
possession of such property to the bureau together with all the
pertinent information, as to when and how it was acquired, the
taxes for which it was offered for sale at the time, the party
which purchased it, the known mortgages, liens or estates, if
any, not discharged by such sale, and the taxes which would
have been levied against such property had it not been purchased
by the taxing district. Thereafter all rights and title to the
property, held by such taxing district or trustee, shall vest
in the county, as trustee, for all taxing districts having the
power to levy taxes against such property, if it were privately
owned, and the bureau shall become the agent of all taxing
districts having an interest in the management and control of
such property with the following powers and duties with respect
(701 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 702. Powers and Duties of Bureau as Agent.--The
property turned over to it, as provided in the preceding
section, shall not be subject to redemption and until finally
sold, as hereinafter provided, the bureau shall manage and
control the property for the trustee county with power, (a) to
lease the property for a period not exceeding one (1) year with
the usual privilege of renewal on termination thereof upon three
(3) months' notice, and any such lease may be on a royalty basis
for the purpose of extracting any minerals or oil or the cutting
of timber, (b) to make such repairs to the property as may be
reasonably necessary to restore and maintain it in a tenantable
condition, and to carry insurance on such property, (c) to
advertise the property for sale or for rent, (d) to appoint an
agent or agents who shall be a licensed real estate broker or
agent to collect the rentals, and pay such agents the customary
commissions for rent collection, (e) to harvest and sell the
crops or produce of the property, (f) to sell any scrap or
salvage resulting from repairs or alterations to buildings on
the property or from the demolition of buildings no longer safe
for occupancy, (g) to recover the cost of advertising, repairs,
alterations or demolition of buildings, the harvesting of crops
and the commissions of rental agents from the rental or sale
of the property or any crops or salvage therefrom, and (h) to
sell the property at private sale, to give options thereon and
receive option money, and to make deeds for such property when
sold in the manner provided by and subject to the provisions
of sections 613, 614 and 615 in so far as they may be
The bureau shall not in any case incur any expense for the
maintenance, repair or alteration of any such property in excess
of eighty per centum (80%) of the amount of rental to be
received for such property within a period of one (1) year,
under a lease entered into at or before the time such expense
is incurred.
(702 amended May 29, 1956, 1955 P.L.1814, No.603)
Section 703. Such Properties to be Sold Under Provisions
of Article VI.--(a) All properties so turned over to the bureau
which have not been sold at private sale, as hereinbefore
provided, may be sold at public sale by the bureau upon written
request of any taxing authorities having any tax claims or tax
judgments against the property. Such sale shall be made at the
time specified in the request and in the same manner as if the
property was being sold at a first sale on a tax claim, as
provided in Articles III and VI, except that it shall be a
simple public sale with no upset price, and shall divest only
the lien of tax claims and tax judgments. The purchaser of any
such property shall be given a deed, executed and acknowledged
as hereinbefore provided, which shall convey title free, clear
and discharged of all tax claims and tax judgments, whether or
not returned, filed or entered as provided by this or any other
act. The notices to be given of such sale, as required in
Article VI for an upset sale, as provided for in sections 605
through 612.1, shall state that there is no upset price and
that the sale shall divest only the lien of taxes and tax
(b) In lieu of the public sale provided for in the preceding
subsection, or if such sale is held but the property is not
sold due to the absence of any bid, the bureau, upon written
request of any such interested taxing authorities, may sell
such property upon petition to court for an order to sell clear
and free of all claims, liens, mortgages and estates in the
same manner with like proceedings and with like effect as if
said properties had been first exposed to public sale as
provided in Article VI but not sold because of insufficient
bid. The sale of properties turned over to the bureau under the
provisions of this article shall, except as herein otherwise
provided, be subject to all the provisions of Article VI in so
far as they may be applicable, and when sold at public sale by
order of court, as above provided, such properties shall be
sold free and discharged from all tax and municipal claims,
mortgages, liens, charges and estates whatsoever.
(703 amended July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 704. Validation of Title.--Each property to which
the county does not have title under the provisions of this
article shall be subject to Article VI unless title to these
properties which have been acquired under Article VII shall
have been ratified, confirmed and validated in the manner
provided by law for the validation of titles by the court of
common pleas of the county in which each property is located,
upon proof of title to the property. Any titles ratified,
confirmed and validated pursuant to this section shall not be
challenged or invalidated thereafter by reason of any defect
whatsoever in the acquisition or retention thereof,
notwithstanding any law or act of Assembly to the contrary.
(704 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 705. Duty of County and Bureau; Enforcement
Provision.--With respect to properties to which the county has
title under this article, it shall be the duty of the county
and of the bureau to perform every fiduciary duty imposed on
them by law, including, but not limited to, making a pro rata
distribution of rents, profits and issues of the properties to
the appropriate taxing districts according to the interest of
the taxing districts in the properties and the entitlement of
the taxing districts to the rents, profits and issues, and also
including, but not limited to, selling properties subject to
this article, if the sale is a good faith exercise of the
fiduciary duty imposed. A taxing district may enforce the
provisions of this section by an action at law or in equity,
or as otherwise provided by law.
(705 added July 3, 1986, P.L.351, No.81)
Section 801. Acts of Assembly Repealed.--The following acts
and part of acts are hereby repealed in so far as they apply
to taxing districts coming within the provisions of and
operating under this act.
The act, approved the third day of April, one thousand eight
hundred four (Pamphlet Laws 517), entitled "An act directing
the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes."
Section twenty-four of the act, approved the twenty-eighth
day of March, one thousand eight hundred fourteen (Pamphlet
Laws 352), entitled "An act establishing a fee bill."
The act, approved the thirteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred fifteen (Pamphlet Laws 177), entitled "An act to
amend the act, entitled 'An act directing the mode of selling
unseated lands for taxes, and for other purposes.'"
Sections one, two and five of the act, approved the
twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred
twenty-four (Pamphlet Laws 167), entitled "A further supplement
to the act, entitled 'An act directing the mode of selling
unseated lands for taxes, and for other purposes.'"
Sections five, six and seven of the act, approved the
fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred forty
(Pamphlet Laws 349), entitled "A supplement to an act, entitled
an act to incorporate a Turnpike Road company, passed fourteenth
February, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and for other
Section forty-one of the act, approved the twenty-ninth day
of April, one thousand eight hundred forty-four (Pamphlet Laws
486), entitled "An act to reduce the state debt, and to
incorporate the Pennsylvania canal and railroad company."
Section two of the act, approved the ninth day of March, one
thousand eight hundred forty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
seventy-eight), entitled "An act in relation to the sales of
unseated lands in the several counties of this commonwealth,"
and the amendments thereto.
Section thirty-two of the act, approved the twenty-fifth day
of April, one thousand eight hundred fifty (Pamphlet Laws 569),
entitled "An act relating to the bail of executrixes; to
partition in the orphans' court and common pleas; to colored
convicts in Philadelphia; to the limitation of actions against
corporations; to actions enforcing the payment of ground rent;
to trustees of married women; to appeals from awards of
arbitrators by corporations; to hawkers and peddlers in the
counties of Butler and Union; to the payment of costs in actions
by informers in certain cases; to taxing lands situate in
different townships; and in relation to fees of county
treasurers of Lycoming, Clinton and Schuylkill; to provide for
recording the accounts of executors, administrators, guardians
and auditors' reports; and to amend and alter existing laws
relative to the administration of justice in this commonwealth."
The act, approved the fifteenth day of May, one thousand
eight hundred seventy-four (Pamphlet Laws 192), entitled "An
act to make the redemption money paid by a lien creditor a prior
lien on the title of the debtor in the land that is redeemed."
The act, approved the thirteenth day of May, one thousand
eight hundred seventy-nine (Pamphlet Laws 55), entitled "An act
regulating the right of redemption of seated lands returned to
the county commissioners and sold for non-payment of taxes."
The act, approved the eleventh day of June, one thousand
eight hundred seventy-nine (Pamphlet Laws 151), entitled "A
supplement to an act, entitled 'An act to amend an act directing
the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, and for other
purposes,' approved the thirteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and fifteen, providing for special sales of such
lands, where the same have not been sold by the treasurer at
the last regular sales."
The act, approved the eighth day of July, one thousand eight
hundred eighty-five (Pamphlet Laws 268), entitled "An act
relative to the purchase of lands by county commissioners at
sales thereof for arrearages of taxes."
The act, approved the twenty-ninth day of May, one thousand
nine hundred thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws 280), entitled "An act
relating to delinquent taxes on seated lands, and prescribing
interest charges on nonpayment thereof; requiring the receivers
and collectors of county, city, borough, town, township, school
district and poor district taxes to make a return to the county
commissioners of such unpaid taxes, and providing for the lien
thereof; authorizing the county treasurers to collect such
taxes, and to sell seated lands at public sale for taxes
heretofore or hereafter returned as unpaid; and authorizing the
county commissioners to purchase such lands and resell the same
under certain circumstances," and the amendments thereto.
The act, approved the twenty-eighth day of July, one thousand
nine hundred forty-one (Pamphlet Laws 535), entitled "An act
providing for the redemption of real property purchased by
political subdivisions at tax sales upon the payment of the
amount charged against the same and costs by installment
payments, and prescribing the procedure therefor."
Section 802. General Repeal.--All acts and parts of acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby
Section 803. Effective Date.--The provisions of this act
shall become effective on the first day of January, one thousand
nine hundred forty-eight.