MSAA Online Assessment System User Guide for Test
Prepared for:
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Table of Contents
MSAA Online Assessment System User Guide for Test Administrators 1
Document Overview 2
Roles and Responsibilities 2
Test Administrator Overview 3
Additional Support 3
What Is the MSAA Online Assessment System? 3
MSAA Online Assessment System Website 3
Troubleshooting 4
How to Access the MSAA Online Assessment System 5
Receiving your Welcome email 5
How to Log In 5
Account Lockout 5
Dashboard 6
Test Status Summary 7
My Students 7
Sample Items 7
Before Testing 8
Step 1: Access and Complete Training Modules 8
Step 2: Complete End-of-Training Final Quiz 9
Step 2: Complete Student Profile 10
Step 3: How to update student grade assignment 10
Step 4: Complete the LCI (Learner Characteristics Inventory) tab 11
Step 5: Accommodations: Before Test 12
Step 6: Student Response Check (SRC) 12
Administer and Navigate the Test 15
Testing more than one student at a time 16
Access Directions for Test Administration (DTA) 16
Print Test 17
Navigating the Online Test 18
How to use the Toolbar Buttons 19
How to use Accessibility Features 21
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Starting, Pausing, Resuming, Closing and Submitting Tests 24
How to Start a Test 24
How to Pause and Resume a Test 25
What to do at the End of Session 26
How to Submit a Test 27
When to Submit a Test 28
How and When to Close a Test 28
Indicating Student Score on Constructed-Response (CR): Mathematics Items 28
How to administer Constructed-Response: Writing Items 28
Writing: Capture and Upload Writing Evidence 29
When to Capture and Upload Student Evidence 29
Capture Evidence Using Webcam 29
How to capture evidence if you don’t have a webcam 31
How to Convert a PDF into a JPG file. 34
After Testing 34
Accommodations: After Test 34
End-of-Test Survey 36
Returning Test Materials to Measured Progress (Maryland only) 36
Appendix A: Accessibility Features and Assistive Technology Compatibility 37
Accessibility Features 37
Accessibility Features: Computer, Laptop, or Tablet Administration 37
Accessibility Features: Paper Administration 38
Assistive Technology Compatibility 40
Appendix B: Technology Requirements 42
Devices 42
Operating System 42
Browser 42
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Document Overview
This User Guide describes the MSAA Online Assessment System features and provides Test
Administrators an overview of the MSAA testing process, support resources, and step-by-step
directions to perform various functions before, during, and after test administration.
Roles and Responsibilities
Users in the MSAA Online Assessment System are assigned either the role of Test Administrator or Test
Coordinator. Test Coordinators are responsible for managing the administration of the MSAA test.
Test Administrators are responsible for administering tests to students.
The chart below outlines common actions in the MSAA Online Assessment System and who is
permitted to perform them. Note that test administrators can no longer close a student’s test or edit
student demographic information. Please refer to State Specific Policies on page 1 of the Test
Administration Manual .
School Test
District Test
State Test
Start, Pause, Resume &
Submit Tests
Print DTA & Paper Test X X X X
Complete Student LCI, SRC
and Accommodations Tabs
Add or Edit TA
Close a Test
Add Classroom
Add or Edit TC
Add Student or Edit Student
Demographic Information
Technical Support
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Test Administrator Overview
The chart below shows the steps in the testing process, and the page number where each section can
be found in this guide.
Additional Support
For additional support or questions about the information in this User Guide, please contact:
MSAA Help Desk
Phone: (866) 834-8879
What Is the MSAA Online Assessment System?
The MSAA Online Assessment System is the system used to administer the Multi-State Alternate
Assessment based on Alternate Achievement Standards (AA-AAS) to participating students.
MSAA Online Assessment System Website
You can access the system using the following link:
Access the MSAA Online Assessment System
Page 2
Receive your Welcome Email
Log in to the MSAA Online Assessment System
Complete Test Administration Training
Page 3
Watch the Test Administration Training Modules
Take the Test Administration Training Final Quiz
Access Student Information
Page 4
Review your students in My Students
Access and complete Student Profiles
Prepare to Administer the Test
Page 11
Read the Directions for Test Administration (DTA)
Prepare Test Materials
Use Sample Items to test Assistive Technology and assessment features
Administer the Test
Page 19
Start tests, pausing and resuming as needed
After all tests are completed, make sure each test is Submitted or Closed
Complete the Accommodations-After Test section of the Student Profile
Complete the End of Test Survey for one student
Page 36
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Test Administrators Contact your Test Coordinator when:
You have “How do I…?” questions and you can’t
find the answer in the TAM, User Guides, or
Technology Requirements (at the bottom of
MSAA home page):
changing demographic information
closing a test
ordering paper materials
You do not have a user account. For example, you
receive the message, “Sorry, unrecognized
username or password” and cannot resolve the
issue with the “Request New Password” button.
The wrong name is associated with your
email address.
Your student’s test is in progress with
another TA and cannot be opened.
You do not have the necessary MSAA System
permissions to make your requested change.
For example, you need to be assigned to a
different (or additional) school or district.
Test Administrators and Test Coordinators Contact the MSAA Service Center when:
You need to make one of the following requests:
Test Grade Change
Unlock Test
You encounter an error or unusual behavior
in the MSAA Online Assessment System.
You have trouble converting a PDF file to
JPEG format for the writing prompt.
When contacting the MSAA Service Center, be
prepared to provide the following:
1. Your contact information (name; state,
district, and school; phone, e-mail)
2. Student name and state ID number when
calling. Do not provide student names
when e-mailing
3. Any error messages that appeared
4. Operating system and browser
Test Coordinators Contact your State MSAA Coordinator when:
You do not have the necessary MSAA System permissions to make your
requested change.
You need to be assigned to a different or additional school or district
You do not have access to the appropriate Orgs (Districts/Schools)
A new student needs to be added to the system
You have test administration or policy questions:
Scoring procedures for constructed-response items
Recording student responses into the MSAA Online Assessment
Clarifying administration requirements
How to access assessment features or accommodations
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
How to Access the MSAA Online Assessment System
This section prepares you to access the MSAA Online Assessment System for the first time.
Receiving your Welcome email
When a new user account is created in the MSAA Online Assessment System, the user will receive an
automated welcome email from MSAAServic[email protected] (as seen below) that
contains a temporary URL.
Click the link in the welcome email to gain access to the MSAA Online Assessment System. You will be
asked to create a new password for your account. Please note that the password link in the welcome
email can only be used once.
How to Log In
Once your user account is created and you have set your password, you can access the MSAA Online
Assessment System using the URL
. The Log In page will appear as
seen below. Enter your email address and password, and click Log In to access the secure MSAA Online
Assessment System.
Account Lockout
A user’s account will become locked for one hour after five failed attempts to log in. The account can
be unlocked in two ways:
1. Wait an hour and the account will become unlocked (be sure to wait the full hour)
2. Unlock the account immediately by requesting a new password:
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
o select Request New Password from the Log In screen
o follow the onscreen instructions; you will receive a password reset link via email.
The dashboard is the homepage for the MSAA Online Assessment System. Once logged in, you can
navigate within the system using the top navigation bar or by clicking on the blocks at the bottom of
the screen. You can return to the dashboard by clicking the “Dashboard” tab in the navigation bar.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Test Status Summary
This page provides you with a summary of student tests to track and monitor testing progress
during test administration. You may only access tests that are assigned to students who pertain
to your role’s permissions. For example, if you have access at the school level, you will see test
summary information for all students in the school. If you only have access to a single
classroom, you will only see test summary information for the students in that classroom. The
Test Status Summary screen is shown below.
My Students
Use this page to access student profile information (demographics, LCI, accommodations, and
SRC), access test materials (e.g., the DTA), and start/resume the student tests.
Only students assigned to you will be on your My Student list.
Sample Items
This page provides online access to sample items that may be used to become familiar with
navigating the online system, check compatibility of a student’s assistive technology devices,
and practice administering test items with students. Any student responses to the sample items
are not saved. All users have access to the same set of sample items at any time. There are sets
of items for math and reading for each grade band.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
To access the DTAs for the
sample items, click on the
link as shown here
To view the sample items
Click on Actions.
Select Start Test.
To print the sample items:
Click on Actions.
Select Download
Before Testing
This section describes the steps to be completed before administering the test to students.
Step 1: Access and Complete Training Modules
Access the training modules in the Test Administration Training tab. As you complete each
module, the next module in the training will be unlocked. Once all modules are complete, you
must take the end-of-training final quiz and attain a score of 80% correct or higher. You will
then be able to access test materials.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Step 2: Complete End-of-Training Final Quiz
When all modules have been marked as completed, the Start Final Quiz button becomes
unlocked. Click on the Start Final Quiz button
Read the questions and select the correct answer. Click the Next or Previous buttons to proceed
through the final quiz.
When you are ready to resume the
final quiz, select the Resume Final Quiz
button on the Training main page.
When you Submit the final quiz, the
system will display your Final Quiz
results immediately. When you pass
the quiz, your user profile will be
updated with a Training Complete
status and you will be able to access
test materials and student tests.
Click OK to return to the home page.
If you do not attain at least 80% on the
end-of-training final quiz, the results
display your score with a message
similar to what is displayed here.
Click OK to return to the main Training
page to review the modules again.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Step 2: Complete Student Profile
Before administering tests to students, you must verify the student’s grade level is correct in
the demographics tab. TAs are no longer able to change any demographic information,
including a student’s grade level. TAs must also complete the LCI, Accommodations-Before Test,
and the SRC tabs in the Student Profile before access to test materials is granted.
In My Students, find the student
in the list and click on the Student
ID number.
The Demographics tab displays
the demographic information for
the student. TAs cannot change
any demographic information in
the Demographics tab. TAs should
only confirm the student’s grade
level. If you have any questions,
contact your Test Coordinator.
Step 3: How to update student grade assignment
If a student’s grade is incorrect in their student profile, contact your test coordinator before
administering the test to the student. Your test coordinator will update the student’s grade and
request a new test be assigned for the correct grade level.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Step 4: Complete the LCI (Learner Characteristics Inventory) tab
Information from the Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) provides a description of the
educational, communication, and linguistic characteristics of the student. To complete the LCI,
follow the steps below.
Click on the LCI tab
Answer the questions by
selecting the option that best
describes the student.
Please preview the LCI questions
before answering them so you
may obtaininformation from
school records if necessary, prior
to completing the LCI.
All fields are required. You
must enter a selection for
each topic.
Only one response per topic is
Note: if you select “Low
Vision” or “No functional use
of Vision…”, the audio player
embedded in the Online Test
System will adjust to include
audio files that describe the
visual elements of each test
item if the student will use
Audio Player during testing.
After you have completed the
tab, click the Save button at the
bottom of the screen.
The system will provide
confirmation that the updates
have been saved.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Step 5: Accommodations: Before Test
The Accommodations-Before
Test tab MUST be completed
before you start the student test.
Note: All accommodations
selected should be documented
in the student’s IEP.
If the student does not need any
accommodations, please select
the last option: “Check this box if
the student does not need any
Step 6: Student Response Check (SRC)
The purpose of the Student Response Check (SRC) is to ensure that the TA clearly understands a
student’s response he or she has indicated for a test item. The SRC provides information that is
used to determine if there are communication barriers to participating in the MSAA assessment
for students whose communication mode(s) are inconsistent and not always understood by
others. If a student’s response to a test item is not clearly observable, or understood by the TA
or scribe, then the TA or scribe cannot enter the student’s response in the MSAA System.
Ending the testing experience for the student after the SRC is also called the Early Stopping
Rule. This means that the student does not have a clear and reliable mode of communication in
order to continue testing.
The SRC is a content-neutral task during which a student is asked to demonstrate their
preferred mode(s) of communication. A student may use as many, or as few,
communication modes as they are comfortable with and use on a daily basis.
Student answers to the items on the Student Response Check are not scored.
Not all students will need to have the SRC administered because they already have a consistent
mode of communication that is readily understood by the TA.
Observable Response Mode: a predictable and consistent behavior or movement that is able to
be understood by a communication partner as intentional communication (modalities may
include use of eye-gaze, reliable gestures, sign language, partner-assisted scanning, scanning on
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
a device, direct-selection from an array of choices, activation of a voice-output device, use of a
speech-generating device, or use of other reliable means):
demonstrating the intent toward the task
responding or sharing information about the stimulus (test item)
Assigning meaning to habitual or uncontrollable motor movement or vocalization without
communicative intent are not considered response modes.
Using the Flowchart and Administering the SRC
The flowchart (Figure 1) on the following page should be used to determine when to administer
the SRC and when TAs should contact their district or school test coordinator to close the test
and apply the Early Stopping Rule. TAs do not have the permission to close the test and apply
the Early Stopping Rule. TAs must discuss the results of the SRC with district or school test
coordinators to ensure that the Early Stopping Rule is applied appropriately. Remember, in
many cases it will not be necessary to administer the SRC because many students have a
consistent mode of communicating.
TAs can administer the SRC using a paper version downloaded from the MSAA Online
Assessment System or using the computer and a mouse. The computer administration is
recommended for students who can use a mouse and computer but it is not required.
Reminders when administering the SRC:
The student’s responses do not need to be correct; a response just needs to be
The student may use as many, or as few, communication modes as necessary.
The response mode(s) should be used on a daily basis by the student. Not all
response modes may be listed. If the student’s preferred response mode is not
listed, please enter that mode in the Other box in the SRC tab.
The Early Stopping Rule cannot be applied based on a student’s behavior,
stamina, knowledge of the content, or frustration level.
Conduct the SRC on more than one occasion to ensure valid application of the
Early Stopping Rule.
The lack of an observable response mode is the only reason the Early
Stopping Rule can be applied. Once the Test has begun for a student, the Early
Stopping Rule cannot be used. Refer page 18 of the Test Administration
Manual for information regarding Timing and Scheduling and Creating a
Comfortable and Secure Testing Environment to support a student refuses to
participate in testing. If the student continues to refuse to participate, contact
your TC and/or State MSAA Coordinator.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Figure 1: The Student Response Check Flowchart: When to Apply the Early Stopping
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
In the Student Profile, click on the
Conduct the Student Response
Check by:
1. Using the computer.
2. Using a paper version by
clicking “Paper Student Response
Online Administration
An introduction to the SRC with
general directions about how to
proceed will appear.
Please refer to the Test
Administration Manual for
instructions on how to administer
the Student Response Check.
To record all of the response
modes the student will use
during testing by clicking next to
the response mode and then
“yes” or “no” to verify.
Click Save at the bottom of the
A confirmation that the
information has been saved will
be displayed
Administer and Navigate the Test
This section describes how to locate, start, resume a test, and perform other test actions
available in the MSAA Online Assessment System. All actions will be launched from the same
area within the system. The actions available include the following:
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Start Test (or Resume Test) launches the online test for the selected student and test.
Open Test in PDF opens the PDF file for printing a paper copy of the test for the selected
TA Directions opens the DTA in PDF format. The PDF can be printed.
Go to Student Profile This option is an alternate way to access the student profile.
Testing more than one student at a time
The MSAA Online Assessment System does not allow a user to have more than one test in
progress at a time. If you have a test in progress on your account, you will not be able to launch
another test until the open test has been paused. You will either need to close the current test
if it is on your account (class roster) or you will need to contact the TA listed in the “Test
Administrator” column of the My Students page so they can pause the test. Only then will you
be able to resume test. If you are unable to pause the test because the browser was closed
without saving and exiting the test, contact the MSAA Service Center for assistance.
Access Directions for Test Administration (DTA)
TA Directions this option refers to the DTA.
From the Actions button, select TA
Note: You will need to have Adobe
Reader installed on your computer
or laptop in order to open the file.
Confirm the student’s name and
Click on Download Examiner
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
The PDF document will open. You
can print or view it on a separate
device while administering the test
on another computer.
Print Test
Note: The MSAA Online Assessment System does not allow you to access the test materials
unless you have completed the Test Administration Training and passed the end-of-training
final quiz.
Using a paper version is only for
students who have this
accommodation in their IEP,
consistent with state policy.
NOTE: You will need to have
Adobe Reader installed on your
computer or laptop.
Select Open Test in PDF from
the Actions button.
Verify the student name and
test grade
If correct, click on Download
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
The PDF document will open
and can be printed.
Navigating the Online Test
Students do not have direct access to the MSAA Online Assessment System; they are not
provided with usernames or passwords. TAs will log into the MSAA Online Assessment System
and start each students test.
To start the test:
Click on My Students from
the navigation panel.
Locate the student in the list
and click on Actions>Start
Confirm the student name
and test grade are correct.
If the student and test grade
are correct, select the Begin
Test Now button.
If the wrong student test was
selected, click the Go Back
button to return to the My
Students page. Repeat
process to find the correct
If the student’s test grade is
incorrect, contact your test
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
How to use the Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar located at the very bottom of the item displays (left to right):
Top Row:
Read Again Returns to first screen of item or passage.
Previous button moves back one screen.
Next button moves forward one screen.
Bookmark - mark an item to be reviewed at a later time.
Question List a question summary page showing answered and unanswered items.
Toggle button (full screen mode)
Help Brings up MSAA Service Center contact information
Bottom Row:
Student Name
Name of Test/Session/Current question # out of total # of questions.
Upload Evidence upload images of student work, only available on constructed-
response writing items.
Save & Exit saves the test and exits out of the test. Test may be resumed later.
Previous and Nextthese buttons will
move you sequentially through the
questions and the test.
The item count section below these
buttons will change based on where
the student is in the test.
Read Again: Audio Player Tool
If the student is using the Audio Player
Tool and wants to hear the item read
again, click the Read Again button. If
the audio player is not enabled, this
button will display the first screen of
item or passage.
Question List button provides a
summary of the questions and
whether or not they have been
answered and/or bookmarked for
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Click on the Item # in the Items column
to go directly to the item or click on
Read Again to go to the ELA passage
associated with the item.
Toggle button this button provides
full-screen mode for viewing the item
and is highly recommended. In Full
Screen Mode, no internet tabs or
address bars are visible. Click the
toggle button again to exit Full Screen
Support button will provide you with
the Service Center phone number
should you experience technical
difficulties and/or need assistance.
Answer a Question
Each answer option will have a button
on the left side. To answer a question:
Click anywhere in the white
area by the answer option, or
click directly in the button next
to the answer option.
To change an answer, click in
another answer tile or button.
Select the Next button to move
on to the item in the test.
Responses are automatically
saved when the Next or
Previous buttons are clicked.
Items can be left blank. Click
Next or Previous to proceed
through the test.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
How to use Accessibility Features
Practice using these features with the sample items to become familiar with them before you
administer the Test to students. The section below lists the accessibility features that are
available and shows the functionality for each option.
Alternate Color Themes
Answer Masking
Audio Player
Line Reader Tool
Increase/Decrease Size of Text and Graphics
Below is a screen shot of the Accessiblity Features menu that can be found by clicking on the
student’s name when the test is open. In the menu, click a feature to enable it. Click again to
turn off the feature.
When Alternate Color Themes is
clicked, a new menu appears with
the different color theme options.
Select an option by clicking on it.
You will see a checkmark by the
selected theme.
When you select a new theme, the background color and font color change the text
provided in the online test.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
When the new color theme is selected, all items in the test will appear with the same
background and font color theme, as shown in the example below.
Answer Masking: When the Answer Masking feature is selected, all answer options for
items will appear shaded, as shown in the example below.
You will see the selected answer displays, while the other answer choices remain hidden.
Click “Hide” to mask the answer again.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Audio Player
Text is read aloud digitally to the student. The Audio Player tool reads each line
automatically but can be paused, resumed, and made to repeat segments.
When Audio Player is selected, an Audio Player tool opens in the toolbar. The player tool
is available as long as Audio Player is selected. You can pause, play, and replay as needed
using the player tool.
If audio is not available for an item,
the No Audio Available message
will display.
When the Line Reader feature is
selected, all items in the test will
appear with line reader on.
The Line Reader feature allows
focused attention to one or a few
lines at a time.
To move the line reader, use the
mouse or the up and down arrow
buttons on the keyboard.
When Magnification is selected, a
magnification bar will appear on the
item. The content that is within the
bar will be magnified.
To move the magnification bar, use
the mouse or the up and down
arrow buttons on the keyboard.
When the Magnification feature is
selected, all items in the test will
appear with the magnifier tool.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Starting, Pausing, Resuming, Closing and Submitting Tests
How to Start a Test
From My Students, locate the
student test you wish to start and
click the Actions button, then Start
The Start Test option will appear on
the drop down menu only if the test
has not been started.
If the test has been started and is
currently Paused, this option will
change to Resume Test.
If the test is currently being
administered, then neither Start
Test nor Resume Test will appear in
the Actions Menu, and the test will
show as In Progress.
Resume Test
Click on Actions.
Select Resume Test.
This option is available if the test
was saved/exited but not submitted
after being started. The test status
will be Paused. The test may be
resumed at any point during the test
If all of the tasks in the “Before Testing” section of this guide have not been completed, the
MSAA Online Assessment System may display the following messages when attempting to
launch a test.
Start Test Warnings/messages:
1. Training A pop-up message appears, stating that the required training and final quiz
must be completed and passed. Please contact your Test Coordinator if you feel this
message is an error.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
2. Student Profile If you did not complete the LCI, Accommodations-Before Test, and SRC
tabs in the Student Profile, a warning notice will appear stating that those sections must
be complete before beginning the test. Click Cancel and return to the student profile as
described in the Before Test section to complete the tabs. Once completed, the tests for
that student can be launched.
If all requirements have been met, a
window with the student and test
information displays.
Confirm it is the correct student/test
and click Begin Test Now.
How to Pause and Resume a Test
To pause a test, click Save & Exit in
the Navigation Toolbar. A prompt
window will ask you to confirm you
want to save and exit the test.
When you Resume Test, the test
will resume at the item you exited
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
What to do at the End of Session
Each content area test has multiple sessions. You will know when you are reaching the end of
the session by reading the Item Count text below the Previous/Next buttons.
When you click Next while on the last question in the session, a prompt will appear notifying
you “You have reached the end of your Session.” as seen below.
Should you choose to proceed with
the test by clicking the Finish Session
button you will be asked to confirm
that you wish to submit the session for
If you have made an error by selecting
this option, and you still wish to review
the items, click Cancel to return to the
session that just ended.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
How to Submit a Test
You will receive a Congratulations
message that the end of the test has
been reached and it is now ready to
Click the Submit button.
NOTE: If you or a student accidentally
close your browser before you Submit
the test, you can navigate back to this
page to submit the test by resuming
the test from My Students.
Click OK.
The student’s test has now been
submitted, and you will be returned
to the My Students page.
The test is now considered complete.
When you have reached the end-of-
session page for the last session in the
test you have three options:
1. Review Session will allow you to
go back and review items in the
2. Submit Session will complete the
session and submit the entire test
for scoring
3. Save & Exit will allow you to
pause the test and come back
If you and the student are ready to
complete and submit the test for
scoring, click the Submit Session
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
When to Submit a Test
When test is complete, it is critical that TAs submit the test. Once a test is submitted:
The test status will change from In Progress to Submitted on the My Students page,
indicating that student responses have been received.
The Go To Survey link in the Actions Menu will be enabled.
All tests must be submitted by May 12, 2017 at 8:00pm Eastern Time or they will not
be scored.
How and When to Close a Test
Only Test Coordinators may close tests. The only reason a test may be closed is after the
Student Response Check is complete. Review pages X-X in the TAM for specific instructions on
when and how to administer the Student Response Check.
Indicating Student Score on Constructed-Response (CR): Mathematics Items
When presented with these items, you must indicate in the MSAA Online Assessment System if
the student provided or did not provide the correct answer based on the scoring rubric in the
This is an example of the answer
responses for a CR mathematics
completion item. Click anywhere in
the tile or in the radio button of the
applicable response.
How to administer Constructed-Response: Writing Items
The CR writing item requires students to produce a permanent product in response to a writing
prompt. The CR writing item is presented in a standardized, scripted sequence of steps. The
student or TA must record the response to the prompt on the response templates that are in
the MSAA Online Assessment System, even when evidence is captured on a web cam or
For the CR writing item, students may enter their writing product into the response template in
the system. If the student has the scribe accommodation, then the scribe may type the student
writing product into the MSAA Online Assessment System.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Writing: Capture and Upload Writing Evidence
There are two ways to capture student evidence for the CR writing in the MSAA Online
Assessment System:
1. Use the computer webcam to capture an image of the evidence.
2. Scan the evidence using a scanner, and upload the file as an attachment.
When to Capture and Upload Student Evidence
The Upload Evidence button will become available in the toolbar on CR writing items for the
upload of student evidence. Writing evidence will be uploaded for only Constructed Response
Writing items.
It is important to upload the evidence before the session is submitted. Once the session is
submitted, you cannot get back to that item to upload evidence.
Capture Evidence Using Webcam
When you are administering the
writing item, the Upload Evidence
button will become available.
Click on this button to begin the
evidence upload process.
Select the Use Webcam button.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
The screen will provide a window
that will display whatever you place
in front of your computer’s
Position the camera or document in
a way in which the evidence can be
clearly seen. When ready, click the
Take Snapshot button.
The screen will display the “photo”
of the evidence.
If you are not satisfied with the
captured image, click the Retake
button and repeat the process.
NOTE: Do not include the student or
the TA in the picture.
If the image is acceptable, click the
Upload button.
A confirmation message will appear
if the file was uploaded successfully.
Click OK.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
You will be returned to the
Uploaded Evidence screen, and the
files you uploaded will now be
listed. These files can be reviewed
or deleted.
How to capture evidence if you don’t have a webcam
1. If the computer you are using does not have a webcam to use for capturing evidence,
you will upload evidence files from your computer.
2. When the student completes the writing product, pause the test (use Save & Exit) while
the item is displayed on the screen.
3. Capture the evidence/student work using a scanner or camera. Please note the
a. Some large-scale printers have built-in scanning functionality.
b. A school-issued camera may be able to provide an image in the appropriate file
c. The only acceptable evidence file formats are: *.JPG, or *.JPEG.
*.PDF and *.PNG formatted files will not be successfully uploaded.
4. Save the files to the computer where you will resume the student test.
a. Two possible ways to save the files to a specific computer are by emailing the
files to yourself and logging in from that computer to download the emailed
files, or by saving the files on a shared server space which you are able to access
from any work station.
NOTE: If the writing response you upload contains identifying student information, such as the
student’s name, please ensure that you are handling the evidence according to the security
guidelines outlined in the Test Administration manual.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
When you are administering the
writing items, the Upload Evidence
button will become available.
Click on this button to begin the
evidence upload process.
A pop-up window provides you with
two options to capture evidence.
Select the Attach File button for
scanned documents.
A File upload prompt will appear.
Click Choose Files or drag and drop
evidence files into the upload file
Select the file(s) that contain the scanned image, and click Open.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
The file names will display in the
upload prompt and can be viewed
by clicking the file name. Click the
Upload button when you are ready.
The system will provide you with a
confirmation of successful upload.
Click OK
You will return to the Uploaded
Evidence screen, and the files you
uploaded will now be listed. These
files can be reviewed or deleted.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
How to Convert a PDF into a JPG file.
Save .PDF files as .jpg or .jpeg
PDF files will be rejected by the
MSAA Online Assessment System.
If your scanner saves images as a
.pdf file by default, you must open
the .pdf, click Save As, and select
one of these formats, .png, .jpg or
.jpeg from the Save As Type field.
Once the document is saved in an
accepted format, upload the
evidence following the steps above.
After Testing
Accommodations: After Test
Once you have administered and submitted or closed the student’s tests, return to the student
profile to record the accommodations that the student actually used during the Test.
In My Students, find the student
in the list and click on his or her
Student ID number.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Click on the Accommodations:
After Test tab.
Select the accommodations that the student actually used during the Test. Select the last
option if the student did not use any accommodations during testing.
Click Save. The system will display
a confirmation about the update
on the top of the page.
Please select the accommodation/s that the student actually used during the test. If the student did not use any accommodations,
select the last box.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
End-of-Test Survey
After test administration is complete for all students, complete one End-of-Test Survey.
In My Students, when the test status for a
test is submitted or closed, click on Actions
and select Go to survey.
Returning Test Materials to Measured Progress (Maryland only)
Paper copies of Directions for Test Administration (DTA) and Large Print Test Books ordered
from Measured Progress by educators in Maryland are secure and must be returned. Each
shipment of test materials will include a box to be saved for return shipping as well as a UPS
shipping label. Pack the materials in the return box and apply the shipping label. The one-day
UPS pickup date for test materials is May 19, 2017.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Appendix A: Accessibility Features and Assistive Technology
Accessibility Features
On the following pages are lists of accessibility features that may be helpful for students taking
the computer, laptop, or tablet administration or for those students for whom a hybrid
administration is appropriate.
Accessibility Features: Computer, Laptop, or Tablet Administration
Masking Tool
The embedded Answer Masking tool allows students and TAs to electronically
cover and reveal individual answer options as needed.
Line Reader
The embedded Line Reader tool allows the entire item to be shaded, and an
adjustable box allows attention to be focused on one line or a few lines at a
time. The box can be adjusted by the student or the TA.
Alternate Color
Theme Tool
The student or TA can change the onscreen background color and/or text
color based on need or preference. The options are:
White background
with black text
Light blue
background with
black text
Black background with
white text
Cream background
with black text
Light magenta
background with
black text
Dark blue background
with light blue text
Audio Player
The embedded Audio Player reads each line automatically and can be paused,
resumed, and made to repeat segments as needed. The pace of reading can
be controlled by the student or TA so that text may be slowed or sped up
depending on student needs.
Read Aloud by
The TA may read the directions, answer options, or passage as often as is
reasonable to obtain a student’s response to an item. All text must be read to
students exactly as written, with no paraphrasing or word substitution.
Text Read
Aloud by TA
Alternative text includes descriptive statements for graphics (e.g., tables,
charts, graphs, timelines, etc.) that may need to be described verbally in
order for the student to understand. Alternative text can be read by the
embedded Audio Player or the TA. If the TA will read the alternative text, it is
included in the DTA and should be read as indicated.
To increase the volume on the computer, laptop, or tablet, use the built-in
volume control options. Students may need headphones depending on
testing location.
The embedded magnification tool increases the size of the text and graphics
only in the selected area. The magnification tool is attached to the cursor so it
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
will highlight any section the mouse hovers over.
Decrease Size
of Text and
Computers, laptops, and tablets provide zoom-in and zoom-out functions.
Projection systems, video magnifiers, and smart boards may also be used to
increase the size of the text and graphics. Zoom may also be used to reduce
the size of the text or graphics in order to view more item information on one
Directions for the use of manipulatives are described in the DTA; to the
extent possible, these should be the tools the student uses during instruction.
Manipulatives are not provided by MSAA because not all students use the
same tools. Possible manipulatives and tools required for testing include:
1. Ruler, thermometer, clock, abacus, talking calculator, raised line
graph/grid paper, tiles, blocks, etc.
2. Calculator. Each item includes information for the TA on whether a
calculator is allowable. Most items do allow the use of a calculator, but
it is important to note which ones do not.
Tactile Graphics
Tactile graphics are raised versions of print graphics that are adapted for the
sense of touch (Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010, Braille
Authority of North America). An example is the raised lines on a simplified
image of the parts of a flower or on a mathematical graph.
Tactile graphics may be used during the Test if they are already used by the
student on a regular basis. Review the vocabulary lists for ELA and
Mathematics prior to testing to ensure that students have time to learn and
become familiar with any new tactile graphics. TAs are responsible for
creating any tactile graphics the student may require. Refer to page 23 for
Accessibility Features: Paper Administration
Answer Masking
For students who require answer masking on the paper version of the
Test, TAs should use paper or cards to cover and reveal individual answer
options as needed.
Line Reader
The TA or student can use two pieces of paper to limit
attention to one or
a few illuminated lines at a time, while blocking out the rest of the test
Alternate Color
Acetate overlays in the color preferred by the student should be used.
Another option is to print the Test on paper that is the col
or preferred by
the student.
e Size of Text and
Paper versions of the Test can be projected by document projection
devices or interactive white boards as needed by the student.
Increase Volume
TAs can adjust the volume of their v
oice as necessary.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Any handheld magnification device normally used by the student is
Read Aloud by TA
The TA may read the directions, answer options, or passage as often as is
reasonable to obtain a student’s response to an item
. All text must be
read to students exactly as written
, with no paraphrasing or word
Read Aloud by TA
Alternative Text
Alternative text includes descriptive statements for graphics (e.g., tables,
charts, graphs, timelines,
etc.) that may need to be described verbally in
order for the student to understand.
Alternative text is included in the DTA
and should be read aloud by the TA as needed.
for Mathematics
Directions for the use of manipulatives are described in the DTA; to the
extent possible, these should be the tools the student uses during
instruction. Manipulatives are not provided by MSAA because not all
students use the same tools. Possible manipulatives and tools required for
testing include:
1. Ruler, thermometer, clock, abacus, talking calculator, raised line
graph/grid paper, tiles, blocks, etc.
2. Calculator. Each item includes information for the TA on whether a
calculator is allowable. Most items do allow the use of a calculator,
but it is important to note which ones do not.
Tactile Graphics
Tactile graphics are raised versions of print graphics that are adapted for
the sense of touch (
Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010,
Braille Authority of North America). An example is the raised lines on a
image of the parts of a flower or on a mathematical graph.
Tactile graphics may be used during the Test if they are already used by
the student on a regular basis. Review the vocabulary lists for ELA and
Mathematics prior to testing to ensure that student
s have time to learn
and become familiar with any new tactile graphics. TAs are responsible for
creating any tactile graphics the student may require. Refer to page 23 for
Tactile Symbols
Tactile symbols are concrete representations of objects or concepts
developed for individuals who are blind or have a practical need for a
graphic language system. For example, a seed within a textured triangle
can represent a plant or a textured slanted line with a series of dots can
represent a graph.
symbols may be used during the Test if they are already used by
the student on a regular basis. Review the vocabulary lists for ELA and
Mathematics prior to testing to ensure that students have time to learn
and become familiar with any new symbols. TAs a
re responsible for
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
creating any tactile symbols the student may require. Refer to page 23 for
Accessibility Features: Paper Administration (Cont.)
An object or part of an object may be used to represent a person, place,
object, or activity. For example, a silk flower petal, leaf, and stem may
represent parts of a flower or interlocking centimeter blocks may represent
graphed numbers.
Object replacement may be used during the Test if it is already used by the
student on a regular basis. Please review the vocabulary lists for ELA and
Mathematics prior to testing to ensure that students have time to learn and
become familiar with any new objects. TAs are responsible for creating any
objects the student may require. Refer to the following section for
Assistive Technology Compatibility
The MSAA System supports a variety of assistive technology (AT) devices. In general, the
following assistive technology types are expected to be compatible with the MSAA system*:
a. Text-to-speech
The MSAA System supports text-to-speech devices. The text-to-speech devices should be
tested with the sample items prior to administering the test to students.
b. Alternate keyboards
In general, alternate keyboards should be compatible as a basic USB keyboard. The
keyboards should be tested with the sample items prior to administering the test to
c. Switch-based navigation and answer selection
Switch-based navigation systems have been tested and should be compatible with the
MSAA System. Please test the device using the sample items prior to administering the
test to students.
d. Eye-gaze
We anticipate eye-gaze devices to be compatible with the system and have tested some
devices to assure compatibility.
* Refreshable Braille display is not supported by the MSAA Online Assessment System.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Keyboard-Only Navigation Shortcuts
Keyboard Navigation
PC Shortcut Key Mac Shortcut Key
PREVIOUS CTRL + left arrow CTRL + <
CTRL + right arrow
CTRL + >
SCROLL UP CTRL + Up Arrow CTRL + Option + Up Arrow
CTRL + Down Arrow
CTRL + Option + Down Arrow
CTRL + Minus Key (-)
CTRL + Plus Key (+)
CTRL + ?
CTRL + ?
Attach File
Choose File/Browse
Description Box
File Attachment
Retake Snapshot
Take Snapshot
Web Camera
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
Appendix B: Technology Requirements
Desktop computers, laptops, tablets and other devices can be used to administer the
assessment. The devices listed below, are supported when used with the browsers listed in the
Browser section below.
a. iPad Mini
b. iPad 2
c. Windows Surface
d. Chromebook
Operating System
The supported operating systems for each device are listed below. As long as the operating system runs
the latest version of the supported browsers, the assessment should be delivered successfully
Windows Computer
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
Mac (Apple OS X) Computer
10.7 (Lion), - 10.11 (El Capitan)
iPad Mini
iOS 8.4
iPad 2
iOS 9.3.4
Windows Surface
Windows RT 8.1
Chrome OS 49.2623.95
You will access the test and test materials using a browser installed on your laptop, computer or tablet.
It is important that you have the latest version of at least one of the browsers listed below for the
smoothest administration of the Test.
If you don’t know what browser you are using and which version it is, go to the Google site and it will automatically provide that information. You can also upgrade your browser
to the latest version from this page for free. If you experience problems with loading the assessment, log
out, then log in with a different browser. Below are the supported browser versions.
MSAA System User Guide for Test Administrators
To Install
26 and above
24 and above
Internet Explorer & Edge
IE11 and above
Already installed on all Windows