Volume 44 Number 23 - 9 November 2019
By Marc Sonnery
The 36th edition of Italy’s equivalent of Retromo-
bile in France and Techno-Classica in Germany took
place October 24-28. More than 130,000 visitors at-
tended from all over Europe and beyond.
Padova is a large, historic and wealthy city in Ita-
ly’s north eastern Veneto region just 40 kilometers from
Venice thus beneting from its international Marco
Polo airport. It is less than two hours drive northeast
of Maranello.
As ever in Ferrari’s homeland there were many
historic and recent Ferraris on display or for sale.
The highlight of the whole show however was a Bar-
chetta themed exhibition which grouped a very nice se-
lection of historic ones to salute the current limited edi-
tion Monza SP1 and SP2. One Monza sat in the center
of the purposely dimly lit hall setting an evocative mood.
The earliest example was the 1950 166 MM Tour-
ing Barchetta S/N 0064 M owned by British collector
Clive Beecham. It was just back from the superb UK
and Italy raid organized by Touring gathering a signif-
icant number of 166 Touring-bodied cars. This has also
been shown at the MoMA museum in New York City in
1993. It has quite a history.
It was sold new in deep blue metallic to the future
head of Fiat and later owner of Ferrari, Gianni Agnelli, in
1950. The Turin industrial empire scion owned it for two
years before it was sold to Belgian Viscount Hendecourt.
A year later in May 1953 it won the Coupe de Spa
with Belgian star Olivier Gendebien at the wheel. The
pair would race it with less success in a couple of rallies
and two more Spa races in 1954. Their compatriot Pierre
d’Haveloose bought it and did a couple of hillclimbs in it
before it was bought for the 1957 season by construction
magnates Armand and Jean Blaton, alias “Beurlys”.
After a couple of other owners it ended up in the
Tommaso Vesentini Photo
Tommaso Vesentini Photo
hands of Belgian importer Jacques Swaters in 1967. In
1980 he had it restored to its original color which must
be noted had been a very discrete two-tone color with
dark green metallic on the lower part of the body. It then
took part in major events including the Mille Miglia, Spa
Ferrari Days, FF40 in Brussels, the 50th anniversary of
Ferrari in Rome, and the 60th in Maranello, before being
sold in 2012 to London-based Beecham.
Regal appearances continued with Beecham. It
took part in the Windsor Castle Concours d’Elegance,
the Mille Miglia and won Best of Show at Lo Stile Mille
Miglia. In 2015 came its greatest award in concours,
the Coppa d’Oro at Villa d’Este; Ferrari royalty indeed.
The next one in the exhibit certainly was major:
1953 375 MM PF Spyder S/N 0362 AM. Sold new to
Tony Parravano and raced by Jack McAfee who won
the SCCA National in it at Golden Gate Park near
San Francisco, CA, weeks after setting a 172 mph top
speed at the El Mirage Dry Lake record runs. He won
at Omaha and several times at Palm Springs.
It was then modied with a shorter chassis before
being bought by Frank Arciero who nished the job with
a non-original body. He had it raced by future star Dan
Gurney in 1958 and 1959 with victory at Pomona.
There was an engine swap, whether because of a
failure or for more power, and a Maserati Indy 500 en-
gine was installed. The 4.2 liter unit had plenty of grunt
and Gurney, his friend Skip Hudson, and Bob Bondu-
rant scored several podiums in the 1959 to 1961 seasons.
In 1968 an epic restoration began. It was sold to
California experts Chuck Betz and Fred Peters, true
characters who had a legendary knack for nding rare
early cars or parts, even in the most remote Midwest-
ern towns.
What they initially bought was a rolling chassis
with no engine. The restoration was completed 44
years later in 2012.
Page 2 - 9 November 2019
For years and years they sought original 375 MM
parts, in some cases knowing where they were but not
being able to buy them. One mother lode of 0362s origi-
nal parts was nally acquired in 1986, and a complete
correct body was made. The Parravano family provided
precious period photos which were of huge help. Final-
ly a proper 375 MM engine, 0376 AM, was installed.
Perhaps the most complex, time consuming resto-
ration on record, it stood as a tribute to the determina-
tion and savvy of the pair.
Deservedly it won the Concours on the Avenue
Best of Show award in Carmel in 2013 and was sold at
the Mecum Monterey auction in 2014.
Now owned by German Michael Stehle it is none
other than the car in which Charles Leclerc rode in for
the driver’s parade before his historic win at Monza
this September; perhaps it brought him luck?
One that lived a much simpler life never leaving
its homeland is the bright yellow 1954 500 Mondial
PF Spyder, S/N 0410 MD. Seen in recent years at the
Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari in Modena.
It was sold new right in Modena to S.A.I.P.A. Srl
and raced by Gino Casarotto in 1955 and 1956 with-
out notable results. After a succession of owners it was
bought before the mid 1980s by famous collector Mario
Righini who has a private museum in his castle be-
tween Modena and Bologna in Anzola dell’Emilia.
Under the centuries-old arches it basks in the ad-
miration of visitors. Righini has had it at four Mille
Miglia, 1988 though 1992, and the Modena Cento Ore
Classic in 2005. No stories with this one, though it had
a raised body section behind the driver’s headrest in
early years which vanished long ago.
The 1953 340 MM Vignale Spyder S/N 0280 AM
was initially a factory team car which wrote two major
pages of history winning that year’s Giro di Sicilia with
Villoresi and Cassani. Two weeks later it triumphed
at the Mille Miglia with dapper industrialist Giannino
Marzotto who famously raced in suit and tie.
After various owners it ended up with the respected
Mario Camellini in Modena who was close to Enzo Fer-
rari and in fact became his very rst dealer. His son
Umberto now cares for it since 1987. He has raced it
numerous times on the Historic Challenge circuit, lend-
ing it to David Piper for the 1997 Monaco Historic GP.
In October of 1996 Michael Schumacher tested it
at Mugello. One wonders what our seven-time world
champion thought of the beast which had a reputation
as hard to tame in period. It won Best of Show at the
70th Anniversary Concorso.
Tommaso Vesentini Photo
Tommaso Vesentini Photo
Proudly showing its colors of white with blue cen-
ter, 1955 750 Monza Scaglietti Spyder S/N 0502 M
would spend its rst 30 years competing in the United
States, doing very well. Sold new to William Doheny of
Beverly Hills, CA, he entrusted Ernie McAfee behind
the wheel for what would be eight victories in Santa
Barbara and Palm Springs that year.
Temple Buell bought it for 1956 and had it driv-
en by Dabney Collins mostly and by Masten Gregory,
though without wins. Its career wound down and it
suffered the ignominy of receiving a Chevrolet engine
in 1959 when the original engine either failed or was
deemed lacking.
It soldiered on in various races until 1966. Jim Hall
at some point in the 1970s owned the engine and the
then owner of the car, Bruce Lavachek, was able to buy
it and reunite it with the car though he did not restore
it which it needed badly.
It then left the USA for England where Hall & Fowl-
er restored it in the 1990s. In 1997 it was sold to Bruce
Perrone of Pittsburgh, PA. He had it restored again in
Modena, then showed it numerous times at the Cavalli-
no Classic. It was sold to German Detlef Fischer in 2007.
Last, but not least, was the awe inspiring 1955 857
Sport Scaglietti Spyder S/N 0578 M /203 M. One of four
built this one started life as a 750 Monza Scuderia Fer-
rari car, nishing 2nd in the Monza Supercortemaggiore
with Mike Hawthorn, and a win at Mugello, which was
at that time a temporary road course made of local roads.
There it was driven by Umberto Maglioli who also
won the Aosta Gran San Bernardo hillclimb that sum-
mer. It was a test mule receiving different engines be-
fore being modied in late summer of 1955 into a 857
Sport. The nal engine evolution brought it to 3.4 liters,
the maximum displacement reached by this engine type,
named after each cylinder’s capacity. Gendebien and Hill
came second in it at the 1000 km Buenos Aires in 1956.
After a DNF at Sebring in 1956 with de Portago
and Kimberly, it went on on a globe trotting career
in New Zealand during 1957 (no podiums) then was
sold to Swedish driver Rune Bertilsson. It was raced
by John Kvarnström in Finland and Sweden includ-
ing some frozen lake ice races with a 4th at Helsinki.
After its retirement and a slew of owners it received
engine 0584M early this century and is now owned by
Brit Marc Newson.
Also shown was a 550 Barchetta, the last exhibit
9 November 2019 - Page 3
Andy Cohen
October 11, 1946 - October 26, 2019
By Jim Weed
Andy Cohen, founder of Beverly Hills Motoring
Accessories and car salesman to the rich and famous
passed away unexpectedly October 26.
Cohen began his high-end accessories company in
1976 selling car covers and mats for luxury automo-
biles. Fine leather driving gloves along with Serengeti
sunglasses were offered next to quality waxes and pol-
ish designed to bring an upscale clientele the nest
products to make both car and customer look good. The
company was sold in 1998 but has returned to the Co-
hen family with son, Kevin Cohen, reviving and updat-
ing the original concept.
Cohen turned to selling exotic and luxury automo-
biles. His lists of clients run from the famous to just the
merely rich. He had a wealth of knowledge on Ferraris
and would often contact the FML to verify and share
history on Ferraris he was brokering.
Cohen was also involved in civic affairs in his Mal-
ibu hometown. With his contacts he could pull people
together to help solve local problems.
Even the massive California res in 2018 respected
Andy Cohen; they came close to, but stopped short of
his Malibu house overlooking the Pacic Ocean.
Andy Cohen was a class act; always a gentleman
and he will be sorely missed. Cavallino and Pebble
Beach will be a little sadder without his smiling face
and whatever special Ferrari he is representing.
I found a couple of quotes I felt exemplied the es-
sence of Andy Cohen.
Success: “You have to do what you love to do.”
Best Automotive Advice: “Whenever you purchase
a vintage car, spend more money and buy the best one
you can.”
Parting Advice: “Do what you love. Love your fam-
ily and pay attention to them no matter how busy you
are. Be happy and be positive.”
Words to live by…
He is survived by three children; sons Chad and
Kevin and daughter Chaya.
closing the time loop.
Exiting that amazing hushed gathering of Barchet-
ta was like leaving the proverbial womb but there was
a whole show to enjoy.
Tommaso Vesentini Photo
Padova, as it is nicknamed by non-Italians, is re-
nowned for what you may encounter when turning into
another alley. Discovering a 250 GTE police car should not
have come as a surprise; it must have been quite daunting
to be pulled over by the impressive black machine.
La Fondazione Gino Macaluso showed a stunning
275 GTB/4 next to its cousin, a Bizzarrini Stradale, two
high points of 1960s design.
Dealers are always present in numbers and this
year Max Girardo’s rm made its debut at Padova with
a superb y yellow Daytona Spyder S/N 14403. Sold
new by Chinetti to the Halsey family in exclusive Bryn
Mawr, PA, it stayed with them until 1990.
It was then restored. After receiving awards at the
Cavallino Classic in later years it came back to Europe
in 2013 where it was repainted in its original y yellow
by Cremonini near Modena. They are reputedly the
best automotive paint shop anywhere. It comes com-
plete with Red Book Classiche certication.
Local and international dealers dealers offered ev-
erything from a 308 GTB to a 488, 550 Maranellos and
an F40. A silver with tan 250 GT PF Coupe stood out.
Italy’s rich motorsport and GT heritage is always
present with lots of small engine oddities from long
gone marques that built but a handful of cars. An Er-
mini single-seater seemed to have very much taken its
design cues from a 166 Spyder Corsa, looking like its
smaller sibling. Fiat-based specials abounded.
Italian auction house Finarte traditionally organiz-
es an auction during the show. Much amusement was
caused by the estimation of a Maserati 3500 GT project
(needing absolutely everything) purported to have been
used by the late ve time world champion Fangio as a
daily driver during his time racing for the trident.
On the basis of a letter by Fangio, the estimate was
double what the best perfectly restored 3500 GT would
cost...predictably high bidding stopped well short and
supposedly reached €400,000, no doubt a bid by the
ever invisible Mr. Chandelier.
It was quite a poor auction with a vast majority of
the cars unsold, but saved by the sale of a 1947 Alfa
Romeo 6C - 2500 SS cabriolet for €639,059.
Offerings were found outside as well as about
5,000 classics on offer from private owners, including
cute as can be microcars which looked like escapees
from a cartoon.
The outside lot is very much a tradition at Padova
with northern Europeans; Germans, Dutch and Swiss
in particular, showing up with a atbed or, if optimis-
tic and brave, driving home in their new acquisition
instead of ying.
This writer’s favourite part is back inside. The
memorabilia is the best on offer in any show; better
than its French and German siblings as many of the
vendors don’t bother taking part in shows outside of
Italy with their treasure stash and Italians denitely
lead the pack for their own nation’s goods.
Here you can get your hands dirty by leang
through hundreds of period brochures and photos,
race posters and magazines; rare old books sometimes
signed by great drivers; garage shields, driver’s hel-
mets, overalls, pins and of course scale models from
old and extremely rare to brand new and incredibly de-
tailed, are just a sampling.
You may nd a rare old treasure that you just have
to take home despite costing an arm and two legs.
Passion, after all, is irresistible.
Next year’s edition will be October 22-25, 2020.
Page 4 - 9 November 2019
250 GT ELLENA, S/N 0861 GT (1958). Black and silver with green leather.
Matching numbers, restored. Elegant and timeless. $615,000. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
250 GT PF COUPE, S/N 1007 GT (1958). Shell gray with blue leather. Ordered
new by special Ferrari customer Guido Vitale, co-founder of Wax & Vitale, which
imported, among other things, Enzo’s favorite Scotch, Johnny Walker. Numerous
special interior and exterior features. Through expert restoration and continuous
care, this exceptional car is ready for any show eld, vintage tour, or simply to
enjoy for the unique piece of automotive history and exquisite design it represents
today. $795,000. 4418
Exclusive Motorcars, Los Angeles, CA,, 310-558-3300 or
250 GT PF COUPE, S/N 1147 GT (1959). Grigio scuro with black leather. Match-
ing numbers. Much recent cosmetic and mechanical work including rebuilt brake
system and Patrick Ottis rebuilt 212 hp engine. Runs and drives very well. Driver
presentation with recent repaint in original color. Partially restored engine bay
which is correct and complete. Series II disc brakes. A solid car that is ready for
an investment minded owner to take it to the next level. Massini report and build
sheets. Reproduction tool roll with select original tools. $525,000. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
250 GT PF COUPE, S/N 2081 GT (Sep. 1960 prod.). Blue with ivory interior.
Extremely original, and the very last PF Coupe to leave the factory. Matching
numbers car with superb documentation including a dealer note from M.G. Crep-
aldi in Milan, a SEFAC purchase contract, a factory delivery note, and a provi-
sional contract signed by Enzo Ferrari. Running and driving and the ideal example
for restoration. 50,000 miles. $425,000. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
250 GTE 2+2
250 GTE 2+2 SERIES II, S/N 3547 GT (1962). Burgundy with cream leather.
Beautiful matching numbers example. It runs and drives fantastic. The engine has
just recently been completely rebuilt. Marcel Massini report. $495,000. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
250 GTE 2+2 SERIES II, S/N 3653 GT (1962). Red with cream interior. Match-
ing numbers example and the rst of just two units to leave the factory painted in
Oro Chiaro. The original interior was beige Connolly leather. Just out of over 40
year ownership and accompanied by its Massini report. Runs and drives but needs
service as it has been sitting in storage and off the road for several years. Delivered
to Belgium, imported to the US in the late 1960s, under the same ownership since
1978. $299,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
250 GTE 2+2 SERIES III, S/N 4859 GT (1963). Black with black interior. Origi-
nally Grigio Argento with Rosso Connolly leather. New to Italy, imported to the
US in the early 1970s. An excellent original matching numbers car and a wonder-
ful example for restoration offered for the rst time in nearly 50 years. Marcel
Massini history report. The motor is currently out but will be installed inside the
car for transportation. $267,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
250 GT PF CABRIOLET SERIES II, S/N 2135 GT (1960). Grigio Ferro with
natural leather. Recently completed three-year restoration winning Platinum at
Cavallino 2017 including the Wayne Obry Excellence in Restoration award.
Complete chassis, engine, drivetrain overhauls, new Borranis, new leather, all soft
trim and black top. Renished steering wheel, instruments, new chrome, etc., etc.
Matching fully restored factory hardtop included. Classiche certied with red
book. $1,550,000. 4419
Farland Classic Restoration, [email protected] or Bill Orth, 303-877-6477 (CO)
250 GT/L, S/N 5117 GT (1963). Pino Verde Metallizzato with tobacco interior.
Matching numbers. Classiche Red Book certication. FCA Platinum, Massini re-
port, extensive documentation. 125th of 350 built. Simply beautiful. $1,750,000.
Mr. Kelly Strong, Automobiles Etcetera, Kelly.strong@automobilesetcetera.
com, 514-795-5277 (Quebec, Canada) 4420
330 GT 2+2
330 GT 2+2, S/N 4085 GT (1962). Ivory with black leather. Prototype built in Au-
gust of 1962. Retained by the factory for two years and believed to have been used
as Enzo Ferrari’s personal car. Over $285K invested into restoration. $495,900.
Daniel Schmitt & Co., St. Louis, MO,, [email protected],
314-291-7000 4419
330 GT 2+2 SERIES I, S/N 5973 GT (1964). Pinot Verde with caramel leather. A
no expense spared nuts and bolts restoration carried out to the highest standards by
world renowned Automotive Restorations headed by Steve Babinsky. Matching
numbers, Platinum award winner. Chrome Borrani wire wheels with period-cor-
rect Pirelli tires. Tools and books. 68,521 miles. $450,000. 4423
Chuck Reimel,, [email protected],
484-683-1340 (PA)
*330 GT 2+2 SERIES II, S/N 7613 GT (1965). Grigio Notte with nero leather.
Sold new in December 1965 by Crepaldi. Its rst owner kept it for nearly 40 years,
selling it in 2004 to an owner in Monaco. Four total owners, imported to Califor-
nia in 2014, where it has remained since. Retrimmed interior, one repaint in the
1990s in the original color. Matching-numbers. Thorough service by Geoff Provo
in 2019, including all uids (engine, transmission, and differential oil, brake uid,
coolant), and new spark plugs. Brake calipers also rebuilt, new pads tted, and the
cooling system restored with recored radiator, new hoses, and new thermostat.
Compression was also checked and miscellaneous minor adjustments performed.
85,228 km. $250,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
330 GT 2+2 SERIES II, S/N 8321 GT (Mar. 1966 prod.). Burgundy with original
Connolly leather. A California car since it was imported from Belgium in the
1970s, it has remained in California for the last 40 years under the same ownership
and has been sitting in storage. Original matching numbers example. Originally
blue and with factory power windows. Factory build sheet, factory invoice, and
Massini history report. Ideal restoration candidate. $229,500
. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
330 GT 2+2 SERIES II, S/N 10043 GT (1967). Red with black leather. Interior
almost like new. Single-headlight car is a matching numbers example just out of
40 year ownership. Very late Series II car, only about 20 left the factory after this
car. Power steering, power brakes, and power windows from the factory. Original
color was light metallic green, painted Rosso Nearco in 1975 and repainted in
1981 with the bumpers re-chromed in 1982. Presentable driver, could use some
paint work to be taken to the next level but is in very good condition overall with
nice straight body panels. 99,000 km. $325,000. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
330 GTC
330 GTC, S/N 10513 (1967). Charming, unrestored condition, with beautifully
preserved original leather upholstery. Massini report. Original jack kit. 52,000
km/32,375 miles. $567,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
275 GTB/4
275 GTB/4, S/N 10613 (1967). Originally supplied through Luigi Chinetti Motors
to West Coast distributor Bill Harrah’s Modern Classic Motors and delivered new
into California with the Black Plate WVE 518 which is still present today. Second
owner 1973 – 2005; the next dozen or so years residing in a spectacular coachbuilt
Ferrari collection, and in 2018 going to only its fourth owner who commissioned
a complete refurbishment tallying nearly $400,000 by Patrick Ottis and Perfect
Reections, which included a complete engine rebuild, bare metal repainting,
complete new interior, and now colored in stunning Grigio Ferro metallizzato
with House of Lords red leather and gray rugs. Owner’s manuals and leather wal-
let, tool roll and jack, and a Massini history report. $3,050,000. 4422
Copley Motorcars, Needham, MA,, copleycars@, 781-444-4646
365 GT 2+2
365 GT 2+2, S/N 13049 (1969 USA prod.). Red with black leather. Originally
silver. Recent service to get it running after being found stored for 24 years in a
heated garage, and very presentable cosmetically. $229,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
9 November 2019 - Page 5
365 GT 2+2, S/N 12861 (1969 Euro. prod.). White with black leather. Originally
Grigio Ortello. Delivered new in Italy. Matching numbers. Approximately 600
miles have been added over the past three years, during which time both distribu-
tors have been rebuilt and a tune-up was performed. An excellent driver quality
example that presents itself very nicely. $189,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
365 GT 2+2, S/N 13695 (1970 USA prod.). Marrone Colorado with cream leath
er. A/C, Borranis. Books and records. $268,500. 4418
Heritage Classics, Beverly Hills, CA,, 310-657-
365 GTC
365 GTC, S/N 12315 (1969 Euro. prod.). Red with tan leather. Older high qual-
ity restoration which is mellowing nicely. Factory A/C and Borrani wire wheels.
Handsome presentation, interior with excellent t and nish. Clean engine com-
partment. Awarded Platinum status twice. Factory jack kit, jack bag, accessory
belts. $649,500. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
365 GTB/4
365 GTB/4, S/N 14079 (1971 USA prod.). Red with black interior. Lifelong
California blue-plate car in single ownership since 1974. Owned and cherished
by a Los Angeles area doctor until his passing, the car remained in the family
ownership for 41 years. Has been in storage and the last registration date is from
2008 so it will need some servicing. The interior is exceptionally beautiful and
shows like new. There is also a beautiful toolkit in the trunk and the body number
found on the trunk lid lip. Offered on the California pink slip issued in 1974.
$565,000. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 718-545-0500 (NY)
365 GTC/4
365 GTC/4, S/N 14785 (1971 Euro. prod.). Red with black leather. Cromodora
mag wheels. An Italian delivery that came to the US after an extended stay in
Canada. Extensively refurbished in the late 1980s and used little since. Very
good condition. We have just serviced the car. Runs and drives great. Partial tool
roll and jack. 83,007 km/51,500 miles. $229,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
365 GTC/4, S/N 15655 (June 1972 USA prod.). Red with black interior. Deliv
ered in oro kelso. Massini history report. With original owner and gold until late
1970s, when it was repainted red. Interior, glass, trim and accessories all original.
The underside appears nicely detailed and in original condition, along with the
engine bay and luggage compartment. An original knockoff spanner resides in
the rear compartment. Recent service with new distributor, plugs and wire and
compression test performed with good results. 45,000 miles. $225,000. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
365 GTC/4, S/N 15789 (1972 CDN prod.). Burgundy with tan leather. A won
derful original example that could benet from straightforward recommission-
ing, the motor runs but will need servicing. The paint and interior are also show-
ing their age at this point and the car could use cosmetic attention. $199,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
365 GTC/4 S/N 16129 (1972 Euro. prod.). Red with black leather. Runs and
drives well but would benet from servicing at this point. Correct yet non-match
ing numbers powertrain installed. $167,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
365 GT4 2+2
365 GT4 2+2, S/N 18715 (Sept. 1975 Euro. prod.). Blu Ribot with beige leather.
All interior electronics appear to be working, including the clock, Blaupunkt
Frankfurt radio, windows and A/C fan speeds. All glass shows original etchings,
along with the front windshield recommended tire pressures decal for the Mi
chelin XWXs on the Cromodora 7.5x15” wheels. The undercarriage is remark-
ably solid. Engine and luggage compartments are tidy, noting both bonnet pads
have been removed and do accompany the sale, along with several other small
original parts. Correct jack, wrench and lug nut socket in roll, along with a Euro-
pean emergency triangle and wheel spanner for the Rudge knockoffs. Out of long
term storage, highly original, very solid and nicely detailed. 108,568 kms (67,461
miles). $89,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
365 GT4/BB, S/N 18171 (1974 Euro. prod.). Rosso corsa. Nero Daytona seats.
Completely sorted mechanical and electrical, engine out service 2015, new inte
rior 2014. Matching numbers, Classiche certied. Massini report indicates car
was shown on Ferrari stand during the XLV International Motor Show of Geneva
March 1975, new from factory clutch and cam shafts, full mechanical records, all
work performed by Ferrari Greenwich, CT. Shown and won its class Greenwich
2015, 2nd place of Great Ferrari Class Concorso Italiano 2017, also shown at
Quail 2017. Beautiful car, amazing to drive, and in fantastic condition. 70,324
km. $605,000. 4419
Jeff, 914-924-0710 (NY)
HEADQUARTERS +1 519 352 4575
UK +44 (0) 20 7851 7070
NEW YORK +1 212 894 1562
CALIFORNIA +1 310 559 4575
1971 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Berlinetta by Scaglietti
Chassis no. 14239
RM Auctions Arizona Inc. Lic. No. L00008641/Licensed Auctioneer Maarten ten Holder
28_AZ20_FerrariMarketLetter.indd 1 2019-11-01 8:52 AM
fml 6 ID 12
Page 6 - 9 November 2019
512 BB, S/N 27167 (1979 Euro. prod.). Red with black leather. Red Daytona seat
stripes, black carpeting. Black Boxer trim. Sold new through Auto Becker in Dus-
seldorf, Germany, imported by Amerispec. Over $230,000 has been spent on res-
toration and servicing. Complete cosmetic restoration with full bare metal repaint,
comprehensive mechanical engine out service and mechanical system rebuild
where needed. In superb condition throughout and drives exceptionally well.
Original books and tools. 16,400 km. $299,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
512 BB, S/N 30931 (1980 Euro. prod.). Nero with beige leather. Beige Daytona
seats with black seat inserts. Books and tools, along with detailed service le in-
cluded with vehicle. 9,767 miles. $344,000. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
512 BB, S/N 35873 (1981 Euro. prod.). Red with beige interior. Imported by Hol-
lywood Sports Cars; I purchased this car in 1985. Winner Hi-Performance Award,
2017 Bay Harbor Vintage Car and Boat Festival, Petoskey, MI. 8,047 miles.
$299,000. 4420
Larry Evans, 989-331-2020 (MI)
512 BB, S/N 37797 (1981 Euro. prod.). Blue Sera with tan leather. Black Daytona
seat stripes, black carpeting. Documented by Massini. Imported to the United
States in late 1981, this superb carbureted version had been with only one owner
in California from new through 2015. Always well-maintained and serviced prop-
erly regardless of its limited use. In the past few years this 512 BB has been the
subject of a complete cosmetic restoration and comprehensive mechanical engine
out service and mechanical system rebuild where needed, carried out by an East
Coast Ferrari specialist. Complete with books and an extensive record le from
new as well as the restoration le. 34,000 miles. $299,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
400i 5-SPEED, VIN ZFFEB07B000036693 (1981 Euro. prod.). Gray with beige
interior. Very original. Runs and drives very well but could use some minor cos-
metics. $59,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
400i AUTOMATIC, VIN ZFFEB06B000052539 (1984 Euro. prod.). Rosso cor-
sa with tan interior. MOMO steering wheel, A/C, P/W, power steering. Solid
wheels and over $5,000 in service receipts for work done as recently as Sept.
2018. Clean Carfax, an excellent original blue plate California car which is me-
chanically sound. 57,687 miles. $39,950. 4422
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272
512 BBi, VIN ZFFJA09B000040999 (1982 Euro. model). Rosso corsa with
black Interior. Major service to be performed prior to delivery. Classiche pend-
ing. 8,550 km. $369,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
512 BBi, VIN ZFFJA09B000044035 (1982 Euro. model). Rosso corsa with nero
8500 leather. Black carpets. Classiche Red Book certied. Outstanding car, runs
and drives perfectly and needs nothing. Engine-out complete belt service 350
miles ago. Amerispec-converted car is now back to factory bumpers. Built by
Ferrari in December 1982 to updated 1983-1984 conguration. 30 pages of im
port records and many service records back to 1986. Four new tires 100 miles
ago. Books, tools, jack kit, car cover. 19,716 miles. $272,000. 4419
Dick Fritz, [email protected], 203-312-4440 (NY)
512 BBi, VIN ZFFJA09B000048165 (1983 Euro. model). Red with tan leather
and rare tan dash. Recently fully serviced, refurbished and detailed to excellent
condition throughout. New Michelin TRX tires, Pioneer stereo with equalizer,
safety triangle, bulb case, and jack kit. 18,218 km/11,300 miles. $289,500.
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL) 4421
512 BBi, VIN ZFFJA09B000048563 (1983 Euro. model). Rosso corsa with tan
leather. Super clean and stunning inside and out. Runs and drives excellently but
would benet from servicing. 25,000 miles. $197,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
512 BBi, VIN ZFFJA09B000050599 (1984 Euro. model). Rosso corsa with nero
leather. Seats have red cloth inserts with black leather stripes. Sold new by Ron
Tonkin Gran Turismo, owner ew to Italy for factory delivery and drove this car
on Italian roads for a couple of months before shipping home. 100% original as
it left the factory, excellent unrestored condition, paint is excellent as is the leath
er interior. Like new after 35 years of one owner history from factory delivery to
today. All books and tools. 17,306 miles. $349,900. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSA17AXF0056273 (1985 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. Early ying mirror model with great sounding aftermarket ex-
haust, otherwise all original. All books and tools, services up to date. 19,760
miles. $112,500. 4423
Jack, NJB Automotive,, 614-855-0425 or 614-891-
5678 (OH)
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFTA17B000057551 (1985 Euro. model). Red with tan
interior. Single ying mirror. A three owner car with a clean Carfax. Mechani
cally sound and drives well but could use servicing at this point. Accompanied by
its tool kit. 21,000 miles. $79,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A8J0074603 (1988 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan leather. May 2019 major engine-out belt service. Exceptional original
cosmetic condition. Original Ferrari manuals and tools. 21,200 miles. $125,000.
Northwest European, Jason Harris,, [email protected],
206-355-7727 (WA) 4418
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A1J0075057 (1988 USA model). Rosso corsa
with beige interior. Classiche certication. Fresh belt service. 23,740 miles.
$149,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A6J0077578 (1988 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. Sold house-lost garage! Mint condition, stored in temperature/
humidity-controlled garage. Recent major belt service. No expense spared on
anything. Kinesis polished 2-piece rims & Nitto Z-rated tires (have original rims
and tires). Kenwood stereo with 10 disc CD changer and 500-watt power booster.
Spare set of Ferrari-logo oor mats, car cover, original tool set, jack, spare tire
and books. 18,406 miles. $124,750. 4418
Steve Barney, Sport Auto, Summereld, NC, 336-643-9595
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A2K0079507 (1989 USA model). Rosso corsa
with beige interior. Original spare. Fresh major service. Tool kit. 16,448 miles.
$200,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A5K0080408 (1989 USA model). Black with
tan interior. One owner. Immaculate in and out. No accidents. Fluid services
done recently. New battery. Belt services done at 10,000 miles. Kept in con
trolled temperature environment. No snow or salt exposure. All original books
and tools. 13,270 miles. $145,000. 4420
Zach Zacharias, [email protected] (OH)
9 November 2019 - Page 7
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A9L0087251 (1990 USA model). Rosso corsa
with beige leather. Classiche certication. Fresh belt service. 14,432 miles.
$139,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
TESTAROSSA, VIN ZFFSG17A8L0087290 (1990 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. Original spare. Fresh major service. 19,607 miles. $200,000.
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
412 5-SPEED, VIN ZFFYD25B000062939 (1986 Euro. prod.). Gray metallic
with tan interior. Runs and drives very strong, one repaint in original color. Inte-
rior needs work, dash top shrunk, seats dry and worn, missing all speaker grilles.
42,404 km. $80,000. 4420
Paul Forbes, 714-244-2390 (CA)
412 5-SPEED, VIN ZFFYD25B000063377 (1986 Euro. prod.). Rosso corsa with
beige interior. Original paint and leather interior. Imported by Shelton Ferrari.
Believed to be three owners, clean Carfax. Service history available. One of the
best of its kind. Correct tool kit, jack, two keys, spare parts catalog, owner’s man-
ual with warranty card. 43,000 km. $110,000. 4420
Curtis Popp, Hilltop Motorcars, Sacramento, CA,, Cur-
[email protected], 916-207-9106
412 AUTOMATIC, VIN ZFFYD24B000065095 (1986 Euro. prod.). Grigio with
white interior. New TRXs, stainless exhaust and well-serviced since new. Two
Southern owners. Books, records, tools, EPA/DOT. 29,000 miles. $62,500.
David, [email protected], 214-533-9353 (TX) 4419
512 TR
512 TR, VIN ZFFLG40A8N0092086 (1992 USA model). Rosso corsa with cuoio
leather. 19,431 miles. $199,950. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
512 TR, VIN ZFFLG40A3R0097038 (1994 USA model). Red with black interior.
Factory upgrade M differential when manufactured, NOS luggage, Tubi and orig-
inal exhaust. Pristine, no hits or dings, no rain. Never tracked, serviced only by
Ferrari. Jack, tools, books. 9,500 miles. $345,000 OBO. 4422
Ara, 781-910-0922 (MA)
512 TR, VIN ZFFLG40AXN0092106 (1992 USA model). Bianco Avus with nero
interior. Very good condition, ready for Classiche certication. Clean Carfax and
AutoCheck reports. 17,968 miles. $249,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
456 GT and GTA
456 GT, VIN ZFFSP44A0S0100831 (1995 USA model). Verde Silverstone with
tan interior. Matching numbers, original colors. New OEM tires and wheels have
been restored to new. Leather shrinkage corrected on front dash and rear deck. Fac-
tory original stereo, no modications other than Tubi exhaust system. Recent major
service by marque specialist. All books, tools, keys. 34,000 miles. $85,000.
Curtis Popp, Hilltop Motorcars, Sacramento, CA,, Cur-
[email protected], 916-207-9106
456 GTA, VIN ZFFWP50A2V0105868 (1997 USA model). Black with tan inte-
rior. Air conditioning and power windows. Excellent original California car which
is mechanically sound. 89,890 miles. $33,500. 4422
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272
456 GTA, VIN ZFFWP50A0V0106369 (1997 USA model). Green with tan leath-
er. A super clean example that runs and drives fantastic. Superb paint and leather
interior. Mechanically excellent. A gorgeous car in near-new condition. Factory
books. 9,800 miles. $59,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZS49A3V0109906 (1997 CDN model). Argento
Nürburgring with blue leather. Tubi exhaust. Pristine condition. One owner.
30,000 miles. $105,000. 4421
Joseph, 604-980-0843 (N. Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A4W0109927 (1998 USA model). Nero Day-
tona with beige interior. Fresh major service. Classiche possible. 18,582 miles.
$139,999. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A2W0110686 (1998 USA model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. Fresh major service. Classiche pending. 9,649 miles.
$199,999. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
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*550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A0W0110704 (1998 USA model). Grigio
Titanio with nero leather. Extensive recent servicing, records available. Recent
Platinum award winner. 9,600 miles. $129,500. 4423
Chuck Reimel,, [email protected],
484-683-1340 (PA)
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A0X0114656 (1999 USA model). Black with
beige Daytona seats and black carpets. 26,300 miles. $139,500. 4418
Steve Barney, Sport Auto, Summereld, NC, 336-643-9595
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A6X0115178 (1999 USA model). Blu Pozzi
with medium blue interior. Power Daytona seats, quilted rear shelf and headliner.
Scuderia shields, sport exhaust. Fresh annual timing and belt service with tires by
Bobileff Motorcar Co. Fresh navy dash leather and all ‘stickies’ done. Maintained
by Bobileff for many years. Books and tools. 37,608 miles. $129,900. 4422
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@bo-, 858-622-1600
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZR49A7X0117036 (1999 USA model). Yellow
with black leather. Heavily optioned with power Daytona seats, rare factory car-
bon accents, diamond quilted rear shelf and headliner. Red brake calipers and
Tubi exhaust. History from day one including extensive service le. Excellent
condition. 37,800 miles. $119,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZS49A6Y0117941 (2000 USA model). Rossa
corsa with beige interior. Black dash top. Red brake calipers, clear bra, full-size
spare, factory luggage. Major services all current with records from new. Fabu-
lous overall condition. Books, all seven manuals, factory literature, tool kit, jack
kit, two keys/fob, factory car cover. 9,280 miles. $145,000. 4421
Gary Simmons, [email protected], 913-915-6789 (KS)
550 MARANELLO WSR, VIN ZFFZR49B000118697 (2000 European model).
Rosso corsa with nero leather. One of only 23 LHD World Speed Record cars, of
which only ve were specied in rosso corsa. The sole example ordered with nero
leather seating and red stitching. A true collector car in mint condition, stored in
Manchester, England. Expertly maintained by three previous owners (Italian,
British and American). Photos available. 30,450 km. $269,000. 4418
550 MARANELLO, VIN ZFFZS49A9Y0120817 (2000 USA model). Azzurro
California with cuoio leather. Power Daytona seats, quilted leather headliner and
rear shelf, Alpine stereo system. Scuderia shields, silver brake calipers. 43,547
miles. $124,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
550 BARCHETTA, VIN ZFFZR52A610123692 (2001 USA model). #020/448.
Rosso corsa with beige interior. Serviced regularly with the most recent service
Feb. 2018, at Ferrari of Newport Beach, about 150 miles ago. Tubi mufers. Orig-
inal books and manuals, Ferrari car cover, soft top, trickle charger, two keys/re-
motes and tools. 14,067 miles. $348,800. 4422
CopleyWest, Newport Beach, CA,, pat@copleywest.
com, 949-836-8844
550 BARCHETTA, VIN ZFFZR52A310124248 (2001 USA model). #270/448.
Rosso corsa with nero interior. Interior carbon treatments. Excellent condition.
PPI performed 2018 by Ferrari Salt Lake City. 8,173 miles. $325,000. 4419
Jeff, 914-924-0710 (NY)
550 BARCHETTA, VIN ZFFZR52A810124343 (2001 USA model). #365/448.
Blu Pozzi with Pelle Rosso Bordeaux leather. Large carbon ber racing seats, blue
carpeting, blue steering wheel and upper dashboard, carbon ber interior package,
CD changer. Fiorano Handling package, Scuderia shields, red brake calipers, re
extinguisher, small spare wheel kit, modular wheels. Classiche certied, concours
quality, prepped by well-known Ferrari specialists Motion Products. All books,
tools, keys, accessories and convertible top. 8,000 miles. $395,000. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
456M GT and GTA
456M GTA, VIN ZFFWP50A1X0115410 (1999 USA model). Grigio Ingrid with
tan leather. A gorgeous car and an excellent driver. Runs and drives very well.
Could use servicing but very honest overall. Books and tools. $49,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
456M GTA, VIN ZFFWL50A810122745 (2001 USA model). Grigio titanium
with blu scuro leather. A gorgeous example that runs and drives excellently. Clean
Carfax. Straight, clean and honest throughout. 25,000 miles. $56,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
456M GT, VIN ZFFWL44A820127059 (2002 USA model). Grigio alloy with
crema interior. Dark blue upper dash and steering wheel. Tubi exhaust (improved
version) plus standard exhaust. Speedline 18” LM-1 modular wheels with four
new Michelin PS2 tires plus standard wheels with Pilot Sport tires. 3M clear
shield. 45K service just completed. All documentation, from original order, win-
dow sticker and complete maintenance history. All books and tools plus extensive
added literature, including 712-page factory-printed full service manual. All car
and seat covers. One-of-a-kind, original-owner car. 48,200 miles. $48,000. 4420
Doug Teague, [email protected], 540-349-8768 (VA)
575M MARANELLO F1, VIN ZFFBV55A920126970 (2002 USA model). Blu
Pozzi with cuoio interior. Daytona style seats. Red brake calipers, Scuderia
shields, Pirelli tires. 40,425 miles. $99,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
575M MARANELLO F1, VIN ZFFBV55A220127586 (2002 USA model). Gri
gio Titanium with black leather. Power Daytona seats. Fully serviced with fresh
timing belts and annual service, maintained by Bobileff Motorcar Co., nearly
since new. 12,065 miles. $119,900. 4422
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@, 858-622-1600
575M MARANELLO F1, VIN ZFFBV55A820127771 (2002 USA model). Yel
low with black leather. 1,050 miles. $169,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
575M MARANELLO, VIN ZFFBV55A920128671 (2002 USA model). Blu
Pozzi with saddle leather. One of just 246 produced with a 6-speed manual gear
box. Absolutely stunning condition. Books and tools. 21,000 miles. $319,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
575M MARANELLO F1, S/N ZFFBV55A120129443 (2002 CDN model). Nero
with cuoio interior. Power Daytona seats, factory hi- sound system. New
through Ferrari of Ontario and residing in an expansive Ferrari collection until
the summer of 2015. Impeccable condition throughout. Original owner’s manu
als and leather wallet, spare keys and key fobs, radio and alarm code cards, orig-
inal tool kit. 6,275 km/4,170 miles. $134,800. 4419
Copley Motorcars, Needham, MA,, copleycars@, 781-444-4646
575M MARANELLO F1, VINZFFBV55A730133420 (2003 USA model). Gri
gio Ingrid with camel leather. Just serviced. Clean Carfax. Books, tools. 5,900
miles. $109,000. 4422
Rocky Santiago,, [email protected], 405-843-
6117 (OK)
575M MARANELLO, VIN ZFFBV55A630134042 (2003 USA model). Red
with tan interior. Daytona sseats with red inserts. One of about 209 factory
6-speed equipped cars delivered new to the US marketplace. Full timing belt
service up to date with records. Absolutely beautiful. Books, tools, and clean
Carfax report. 28,000 miles. $267,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
575M MARANELLO F1, VIN ZFFBV55A150140527 (2005 USA model). Ros
so corsa with cuoio interior. Daytona style seats. Yellow brake calipers. Major
service 2016. Well documented. Has all property. 33,101 miles. $126,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A550139972 (2005 USA model). Grigio
Ingrid with blue leather. Power seats, Bose hi- audio system. Silver brake cali-
pers, parking sensors. Fresh belt service, well maintained and clean Carfax.
10,455 miles. $94,500. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected] (MA)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A850141697 (2005 USA model). Argento
Nürburgring with black and gray interior. Power seats, aluminum dash trim,
leather rear shelf, Navigation, Pioneer stereo system with Bose speakers, 6-disc
CD changer, Bluetooth. Red brake calipers, rear parking sensors. Cambelt ser-
vice May 2018. Books and tools, two keys. 11,000 miles. $104,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A450143561 (2005 USA model). Grigio
Ingrid with Iroko leather. Cuoio stitching, Grigio Scuro seat piping, cuoio car
pets, upper dashboard, steering wheel, tunnel elements, headliner and parcel
shelf in Iroko, Satellite/Navigation, Bluetooth. Red brake calipers, run at tires,
rear parking sensors, Scuderia shields. 28,430 miles. $99,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A060147687 (2006 USA model). Nero
with nero interior. LaSalle warranty remaining, current major, new Michelin
tires, QuickSilver exhaust, 20” Challenge wheels. 19,290 miles. $100,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A460148485 (2006 USA model). Grigio
Silverstone gray interior. Power seats, aluminum dash trim, leather rear shelf,
Kenwood sound system with Bose hi- speakers, 6-disc CD changer, iPod con
nect, Navigation, Bluetooth. Tubi exhaust, rear parking camera, Scuderia shields,
Challenge/Monolithic Wheels, silver brake calipers, rear parking sensors. Cam-
belt service Aug 2016. Books and tools, two keys. 19,000 miles. $94,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
9 November 2019 - Page 9
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFAA54A960148479 (2006 USA model). Nero
Daytona with nero interior. Scuderia shields. Recent major service. Original tool
kits and VIP booklet. 21,277 miles. $100,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFJB54A880161367 (2008 USA model). Nero
Daytona with cuoio interior. One to One factory order, ball-polished Monolithic
wheels, red brake calipers, Scuderia shields. 20,215 miles. $128,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
612 SCAGLIETTI F1, VIN ZFFJB54A290165724 (2009 USA model). Nero
Daytona with nero leather. 6,995 miles. $159,000. 4423
Foreign Cars Charlotte, Charlotte, NC,, 855-
SUPERAMERICA F1, VIN ZFFGT61A650142457 (2005 USA model). Argento
Nürburgring with Nuovo Cuoio interior. Daytona style seats, high power hi-
sound system with 6-disc CD changer, yellow tach. Fiorano Handling package,
Scuderia shields. Well maintained. 3,493 miles. $339,950. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
SUPERAMERICA F1, VIN ZFFGT61B000146649 (2006 Euro. model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. Daytona seats, dedication plate, Fiorano Handling pack-
age, yellow tach. Scuderia shields and space saver tire kit. Classiche certied and
fully serviced. 8,285 km/5,148 miles. $275,000. 4423
Chuck Reimel,, [email protected],
484-683-1340 (PA)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A270153410 (2007 USA model). Giallo
Modena with beige leather. Power Daytona style seats, carbon ber driver zone,
dedication plate, electrochromic mirrors, iPod connection, yellow tach. Two-tone
body is nished in silver along the A- and B-pillars with a black stripe along the
hood and a black roof top, yellow brake calipers, Scuderia shields, rear parking
sensors, 20” Monolithic rims. 7,773 miles. $149,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A270154220 (2007 USA model). Rosso
Fiorano with beige leather. Daytona style seats with bordeaux stitching, carbon
ber steering wheel + LEDs, Bose hi- sound system, 6-disc CD changer, yellow
tach. Aluminum brake calipers, 20” Monolithic rims. 13,149 miles. $158,950.
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA) 4419
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A680159843 (2008 USA model). Nero
with nero interior. Carbon ber throughout. 20” Challenge wheels. Major service
in 2018. 20,106 miles. $142,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A580162135 (2008 USA model). Nero
with nero leather. Power Daytona style seats, carbon ber driving zone + LEDs,
Bose hi- sound system, iPod connection, giallo tach. Yellow brake calipers, car-
bon ceramic brakes, Scuderia shields, front and rear parking sensors, monolithic
20” wheels. 3,745 miles. $169,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A490165643 (2009 USA model). Nero
with sabbia leather. Carbon ber sport seats with Daytona stripes, carbon ber
upper dash and center console, leather rear shelf, Navigation, built-in Passport
radar, yellow tach. Factory Challenge wheels, yellow brake calipers, Scuderia
shields. Service Sept. 2018. Factory car cover, books, tools, one key. 9,000 miles.
$159,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFFFC60A490167019 (2009 USA model). Rosso
Scuderia with crema leather. Over $300,000 list. Power Daytona seats, carbon ber
steering wheel + LEDs, leather rear shelf, Bose hi- sound system, yellow gauges.
Yellow brake calipers, carbon ceramic brakes, Scuderia shields, 20” monolithic
rims. Clean Carfax. Excellent condition throughout. 29,037 miles. $129,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954 522-9900 (FL)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFF60FCA6A0172764 (2010 USA model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. 8,500 miles. $192,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFF60FCA3A0173533 (2010 USA model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. Power seats with rosso safety belts, carbon ber driver
zone + LEDs, silver dedication plate, carbon ber: central bridge, cup holder,
dashboard inserts. Red brake calipers, run-at tires on 20” diamond forged wheels,
Scuderia shields, carbon ber: lter box cover, engine covers, rear diffuser, under
door cover, exterior sill kick, front spoiler and wheel cups. 7,036 miles.
$179,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFF60FCA1A0174289 (2010 CDN model). Nero
Daytona with cuoio interior. 15,516 miles. $175,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
599 GTB FIORANO F1, VIN ZFF60FCA1A0174292 (2010 USA model). Bianco
Fuji with red interior. Carbon interior package, leather boot. Clear vinyl protective
lm on front, HGTE. Acquired from original owner at 900 miles through Ferrari
of Newport Beach, CA, where it has been serviced by the same technician. 0 miles
on recent annual service. All records available along with oil analysis for every oil
change. Ferrari certied. Long list of options, MSRP over $427,000. Gorgeous.
Pictures upon request. $229,000. 4422
Gordon, [email protected], 760-636-0306 (CA)
599 GTO
599 GTO, VIN ZFF70RCAXB0177201 (2011 USA model). Red with black leath-
er. Daytona style seats, red safety belts, carbon ber rear bench trim, iPod connec-
tion, white tach. Racing livery, carbon door sills, yellow brake calipers, rear park-
ing sensors and $9,000 carbon ber side mirrors. Exceptionally clean. Books,
tools and a fresh service. 2,900 miles. $659,000. 4419
Mike Haber,, 215-633-0775 (PA)
599 GTO, VIN ZFF70RCA8B0177343 (2011 USA model). Rosso corsa with nero
leather and Alcantara interior. Power seats, carbon ber dash inserts and rear deck,
Alcantara headliner, dedication plate, Bose hi- audio system, iPod connector in
glove box, Telematic Navigation, carbon ber tach. Red brake calipers, heat insu-
lating windscreen, parking sensors, re extinguisher, 20” spare, carbon ber door
sills, headlight buckets and center caps. Maintained by Ferrari dealer, Jan 2019
$18K service. One owner, clean Carfax. Car in San Francisco, CA. 9,344 miles.
$599,000. 4420
Rubio Premier Motors, Westhampton, NY, 631-288-0890
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA1C0184796 (2012 USA model). Grigio Abu Dhabi with Tes-
ta Di Moro semi-aniline leather. Power seats with Grigio Chiaro stitching, interior
Alcantara inserts, privacy rear windows, high power hi- sound system with rear
seat entertainment. AFS system, aluminum brake calipers, front chrome grille,
suspension lifter, protective lm and ceramic coating, sport exhaust pipes, Scude-
ria shields, dual front parking camera, front and rear parking sensors, 20” diamond
nish sport wheels. Always serviced at Ferrari of Atlanta. 22,750 miles.
$149,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA8C0187677 (2012 USA model). Rosso corsa with cuoio inte-
rior. Very well equipped with Daytona seats and carbon ber throughout. Suspen-
sion lifter, 20” forged diamond wheels, sport exhaust pipes. 18,696 miles.
$140,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, [email protected],
770-457-2699 (GA)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA8C0187694 (2012 CDN model). Grigio Silverstone with
cuoio interior. Scuderia shields. 18,899 km. $165,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA8E0196558 (2014 USA model). Blu Tour de France with
Cuoio Toscano semi-aniline leather. Power Daytona style seats with Beige Chiaro
stitching, Cavallinos stitched on headrests in rosso, carbon ber driver zone +
LEDs, carbon ber central bridge and dashboard inserts, crema Alcantara inserts
to interior, semi-aniline leather upper zone, headliner and boot upholstery, high
power hi- sound system. 20” forged painted rims, yellow brake calipers, front
grille with chrome edges, exterior sill kick in carbon, sport exhaust pipes, Scuderia
shields, dual view front parking camera. Ferrari Genuine Maintenance to July 17,
2020. 20,022 miles. $149,900. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,, 888-
707-1318 (CA)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA3E0198122 (2014 CDN model). Grigio Silverstone with
cuoio interior. Diamond stitched seats. Scuderia shields, panoramic roof. 24,382
km. $198,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA4E0198792 (2014 USA model). Triple layer Bianco Italia
with nero interior. Rosso Alcantara seat inserts/piping, Bianco contrast stitching in
diamond pattern on seats, Cavallinos stitched on headrests in Bianco, premium
JBL sound system, nero tach. Black brake calipers, front grille with chrome edges,
exterior sill kick in carbon ber, outer mirror black inserts, sport exhaust system,
privacy rear windows, 20” forged diamond wheels, carbon ber wheel caps. 9,642
miles. $164,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA0E0200022 (2014 USA model). White with brown leather.
14,341 miles. $147,776. 4423
Foreign Cars Charlotte, Charlotte, NC,, 855-
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA5F0208280 (2015 CDN model). Nero Daytona with cuoio
interior. Daytona seats. Scuderia shields. 12,042 km. $226,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
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FF, VIN ZFF73SKA3F0209833 (2015 USA model). Grigio Silverstone with
cuoio leather. Nero stitching including Cavallinos on headrests, interior and exte-
rior electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, diamond pattern headliner. 20” forged
dark painted rims, yellow brake calipers, Scuderia shields, suspension lifter, sport
exhaust pipes. 3,658 miles. $169,900. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
FF, VIN ZFF73SKA3G0217710 (2016 USA model). Black with nuovo cuoio
leather. $363,000 list. Special order semi-aniline, power Daytona style seats, yel-
low gauges. Yellow brake calipers, 20” diamond nished forged wheels. Carbon
and more carbon, many more shamefully expensive options. Clean Carfax. One
owner. 6,623 miles. $173,000. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954 522-9900 (FL)
*F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA5D0194283 (2013 USA model). Rosso Formu-
la 1 2007 with nero leather. Power Daytona seats with rosso stitching including
Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon ber dash in-
serts, central tunnel, cup holder and inner sill trim, lower dash and door panels in
Alcantara, JBL upgraded sound system, rear privacy glass. Carbon ber under
door cover and front spoiler, sport exhaust, dark nished wheels, Scuderia shields,
front axle lift, adaptive lights. One owner car has been routinely serviced and is
complete with cover, battery charger, two keys, and complete books. 9,983 miles.
$234,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
F12berlinetta VIN ZFF74UFA6E0197002 (2013 USA model). Grigio Titanium
with chocolate interior. Large carbon ber racing seats with grigio medio stitching
including Cavallinos on headrests, Alcantara seat inserts, grigio medio vertical
stripe on seats, lower dashboard and rear shelf in Alcantara, carbon ber steering
wheel + LEDs, carbon ber door panel, JBL hi- sound system. Sport sill covers,
front and rear parking cameras, 20” forged dark grey wheels, yellow brake cali-
pers, Scuderia shields. One owner California car. Books, car cover, driver’s seat
cover, and tools. 6,500 miles. $229,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA6E0198392 (2014 USA model). Grigio Titanio
with nero leather. Power Daytona seats, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, car-
bon ber cup holder, leather headliner, Satellite radio, Bluetooth, Ferrari iPod
connectivity, yellow tach. Scuderia shields, rear parking camera, AFS lighting
system, yellow brake calipers, suspension lifter, front and rear parking sensors,
20” factory forged wheels. Brakes at 20% wear. 7-year Ferrari maintenance.
Looks and drives like a 5K mile car. One key, owner manuals and tools. 32,000
miles. $209,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA5E0198660 (2014 USA model). Nero Daytona
with rosso leather. Carbon ber driving zone + LEDs, Bluetooth, Navigation, red
tach. Red brake calipers, Scuderia shields, front and rear parking sensors, front
dual angle camera, rear parking camera. 5,805 miles. $239,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA7E0199552 (2014 USA model). Nero DS with
Rosso interior. Power Daytona style sport seats with black stitching in diamond
pattern, Rosso safety belts, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, upgraded 1 DIN
infotainment system with 7” touchscreen that is Android and Apple device com-
patible via USB or Bluetooth, iPod connection, yellow tach. Red brake calipers,
front and rear parking sensors, ball-polished Challenge wheels. 7,216 miles.
$259,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA6E0199722 (2014 USA model). Giallo Modena
with nero interior. Carbon ber racing seats, yellow stitching and safety belts, dual
interior with Alcantara, carbon ber driver zone, electrochromic mirrors, Home-
Link, carbon ber traveler’s bench, premium JBL sound system. Yellow brake
calipers, carbon ber front spoiler and fog lamp, carbon ber underdoor cover,
rear parking camera. 4,937 miles. $249,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA5E0199730 (2014 USA model). Rosso corsa with
beige leather. Carbon ber driving zone + LEDs, beige carpets, Navigation yellow
tach. Scuderia shields, red brake calipers, front and rear parking sensors, 20”
wheels. 3,003 miles. $254,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA5E0202710 (2014 USA model). Argento Nürbur-
gring with nero leather. Power seats with diamond stitching and Alcantara trim,
rosso safety belts and stitching including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber
driver zone + LEDs, interior and exterior electrochromic mirrors, carbon ber:
central bridge, dash inserts, cup holder, door panel trim and rear bench, nero Al-
cantara central tunnel and upper part, rosso Alcantara lower dash and rear wall,
passenger display, high power hi- sound system, white tach. AFS system, red
brake calipers, under door cover, chromed front grille, exterior sill kick in carbon,
suspension lifter, Scuderia shields, parking camera, 20” forged painted rims, Mi-
chelin tires, 20” spare wheel kit. 5,772 miles. $239,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA3E0200132 (2014 USA model). Blu America with
tan interior. Power Daytona style seats with blue stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, blue safety belts, dark blue leather and carbon ber steering wheel +
LEDs, interior and exterior electrochromic mirrors, Blu Scuro upper dashboard
and leather headliner, painted dash inserts, leather parcel shelf, HomeLink, high
power hi- sound system, Satellite radio, passenger display. AFS system, front
grille with chrome edges, suspension lifter, Scuderia shields, parking camera, 20”
forged diamond rims, Pirelli tires. 12,566 miles. $239,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA8F0204422 (2015 USA model). Nero with crema
leather and nero Alcantara interior. Large carbon ber racing seats, Cavallinos
stitched on headrests in nero, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon ber dash
board inserts, central bridge, cup holder, luggage bags, high power hi- sound sys-
tem. AFS lighting system, red brake calipers, heat insulating windscreen, dual view
front parking camera, rear parking camera, suspension lifter, sport sill cover, 20”
forged painted wheels, carbon ber: rear diffuser, exterior sill kick, wheel caps, front
spoiler. Carbon ber Scuderia shields added by dealer. 5,081 miles. $259,900.
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600 4423
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA7F0204914 (2015 USA model). Argento Nürbur-
gring with nero interior. Power seats, red stitching, carbon ber. Red brake cali-
pers, suspension lifter. 12,009 miles. $268,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA1F0209963 (2015 USA model). Nero Daytona
metallic with cuoio leather. Power seats and Scuderia shields. One year power
warranty from date of purchase. 5,489 miles. $234,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
F12berlinetta, VIN ZFF74UFA0F0211395 (2015 USA model). Blu Tour de
France with sabbia/nero leather. Power Daytona seats, HomeLink, high power
hi- sound system with CD, passenger display, red tach. AFS headlights, suspen-
sion lifter, parking camera, red brake calipers, forged diamond wheels. Tons of
carbon ber inside and out, lots of Alcantara. Maintenance until July 2022. MSRP
$399K. One owner. 8,115 miles. $233,900. 4422
Fox Motorsports, Grand Rapids, MI,, info@foxmo-, 616 774-2640 (MI)
LAFERRARI, VIN ZFF76ZFA2E0207774 (2014 USA model). Nero with Iroko
leather. Cuoio piping, carbon ber dash components. Grigio Ferro roof, Rosso
Corsa horizontal bonnet stripe, carbon ber exterior components. Delivered new
January 2015 via Ferrari of Newport Beach, CA. Complete with all original own-
er’s manuals, original window sticker and still with its original Southern Califor-
nia owner. 1,675 miles. $2,995,000. 4422
CopleyWest, Newport Beach, CA,, pat@copleywest.
com, 949-836-8844
F12tdf, VIN ZFF81BFA5G0219141 (2016 USA model). Giallo Triplo Strato with
cuoio Alcantara. Large carbon ber racing seats with Cavallinos stitched on headrests
in nero, Iroko Alcantara interior trim on seats and boot carpet, interior details in nero,
carbon ber dashboard inserts and rear bench trim, JBL premium sound system, yel-
low tach. AFS lighting system, red brake calipers, suspension lifter, anti-stone chip-
ping lm, carbon ber fog lamp and under door cover. 77 miles. $1,199,900.
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600 4423
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA9H0223703 (2017 USA model). Bianco Avus
with nero leather. Power seats with contrast stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, high power hi- system, passenger
display. Adaptive front lights + SBL, yellow brake calipers, suspension lifter,
sports exhaust pipes, dual view parking camera, Scuderia shields, chrome painted
wheels. Factory warranty through Feb. 28, 2020 and maintenance until Feb. 28,
2024. 828 miles. $309,585. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA7J0228064 (2018 USA model). Grigio Titanio with
Blu Sterling interior. Power seats with yellow stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, leather parcel shelf, passenger display,
hi- stereo system, luggage net, yellow tach. Suspension lifter, adaptive headlights,
yellow brake calipers, chrome grille bars, black exhaust tips, Scuderia shields. One
owner. Books, tools, cover, compressor, battery charger. 3,400 miles. $249,000.
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA) 4423
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA8J0229630 (2018 USA model). Grigio Ingrid
with cuoio leather. Nero stitching, upper part in cuoio leather, leather headliner,
high power hi- sound system, passenger display, aluminum tach. Front grille
with chrome edges, yellow brake calipers, suspension lifter, Scuderia shields,
chrome painted standard wheels. Factory warranty to Nov. 10, 2020 and Genuine
Maintenance to Nov. 10, 2024. 7,143 miles. $245,000. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
9 November 2019 - Page 11
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA1J0229792 (2018 USA model). Bianco Avus
with Iroko leather. Power seats with white stitching, Navigation, passenger dis-
play, white tach. Aluminum brake calipers, 20” forged diamond wheels, Scuderia
shields. 250 miles. $259,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA8J0229806 (2018 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. 1,725 miles. $229,000. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA8J0230065 (2018 USA model). Bianco Italia
with Beige Tradizione leather. Power seats with white stitching including Caval-
linos on headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, Apple CarPlay, high power
hi- sound system, aluminum tach. Adaptive front headlights, aluminum brake
calipers, front air vents in carbon ber, front grille with chromed edges, suspen-
sion lifter, sport exhaust pipes, Italian ag, Scuderia shields, dual view front park-
ing camera, 20” forged diamond rims. One owner car supplied and serviced by us.
66 miles. $299,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA7J0234334 (2018 USA model). Bianco Italia
with Blu Medio leather. 70th Anniversary livery #16. Cavallinos stitched on head-
rests, Alcantara tunnel inserts and carpets, dedication plate, nero leather parcel
shelf, passenger display, high power hi- sound system, Apple CarPlay, 128GB
HD expansion, white tach. Black brake calipers, suspension lifter, HELE, Scude-
ria shields, dual view front parking camera, 20” forged diamond rims, black pan-
oramic roof end section. 118 miles. $390,900. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA4J0236901 (2018 USA model). Argento Nürbur-
gring with charcoal leather. Power seats with Grigio Chiaro stitching, high power
hi- sound system, yellow tach. 20” forged painted rims, aluminum brake calipers,
suspension lifter, Scuderia shields. Ferrari factory warranty to Dec. 27, 2021 and
Genuine Maintenance to Dec. 27, 2025. 66 miles. $331,832. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA5K0238173 (2019 USA model). Blu Tour de
France with cuoio interior. Power seats, yellow tach. 20” forged painted rims,
aluminum brake calipers, Scuderia shields. One owner car, delivered through our
store. Clean Carfax and AutoCheck reports. 1,325 miles. $289,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA8K0238197 (2019 USA model). Nero Daytona
metallic with Iroko leather. Contrasting stitching in cuoio including Cavallinos on
headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, passenger display, high power JBL
sound system. Scuderia shields, exterior sill kick in carbon ber, 20” forged dia-
mond wheels, yellow brake calipers, HELE technology, Michelin tires. Dealer
installed window tint 20%. 716 miles. $279,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA8K0244372 (2019 USA model). Rosso corsa
with nero leather and Alcantara. Red seat belts and stitching, including Cavallinos
on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, interior Alcantara inserts in red,
Apple CarPlay, red tach. 20” forged dark painted rims, yellow brake calipers,
front grille with dark edges, Scuderia shields, black ceramic exhaust pipes, Italian
ag, surround camera view, and advanced front driving camera. One owner, or-
dered through our store. Clean Carfax and AutoCheck reports. 401 miles.
$299,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
*GTC4LUSSO, VIN ZFF82WNA5K0246547 (2019 USA model). Nero Dayto-
na metallic with cuoio leather. Cavallinos stitched on headrests, carbon ber driv-
er zone + LEDs, carbon ber central bridge and dashboard inserts, mats with logo,
Apple CarPlay, panoramic roof. Adaptive front lights + SBL, aluminum brake
calipers, front grille with dark edges, carbon ber air diffuser, suspension lifter,
black ceramic exhaust pipes. Full front protective lm installed and radar detec-
tion. 288 miles. $389,500. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA7J0232310 (2018 USA model). Rosso corsa
with Rosso Ferrari leather. Large carbon ber racing seats with white stitching
including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, mats with
logo, nero leather headliner, white tach. 20” forged wheels, red brake calipers, rear
parking camera, Scuderia shields. 1,997 miles. $369,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, (248) 538-9600
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA5J0232676 (2018 USA model). Bianco Avus
with nero interior. 676 miles. $374,886. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
1, 2, 3...
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Page 12 - 9 November 2019
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA0J0235940 (2018 USA model). Giallo Triplo
Strato with nero leather. Power seats with yellow stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, yellow seat belts, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, charcoal Alcantara
lower dashboard, rear wall, parcel shelf, central tunnel, headliner, upper A-pillar and
door panels, high power hi- sound system, yellow tach. Matte black forged racing
wheels, yellow brake calipers, carbon ber under door cover and rear diffuser, adap
tive front lights, suspension lifter, black ceramic exhaust pipes, front and rear park-
ing cameras, Scuderia shields. Factory warranty to June 9, 2021 and maintenance to
June 9, 2025. One owner car supplied and serviced by us. 513 miles. $469,000.
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA) 4419
*812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA1K0241070 (2019 USA model). Rosso
70th Anniversary with nero interior. Power seats with Rosso Ferrari inserts and
stitching including Cavallinos on headrests, high power hi- sound system, Satel-
lite radio. 20” forged painted rims, adaptive front lights, suspension lifter, front
and rear parking camera, Scuderia shields, anti-stone chipping lm, HELE. 190
miles. $389,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA6K0241484 (2019 USA model). Nero with
nero interior. Large carbon ber racing seats, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs,
carbon ber dashboard inserts, interior details in nero Alcantara, mats with logo,
high power hi- sound system. Matte black forged racing wheels, black brake
calipers, black rear diffuser, black ceramic exhaust pipes, rear parking camera,
Scuderia shields, exterior sill kick in carbon. 1,352 miles. $389,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, (248) 538-9600
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA8K0241678 (2019 USA model). Red with
black leather. Well-optioned car has a ton of factory carbon. One owner car. 130
delivery miles. $409,900. 4419
Mike Haber,, 215-633-0775 (PA)
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA6K0241713 (2019 USA model). Rosso corsa
with nero interior. Large carbon ber racing seats with red seat belts and stitching
including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, steering wheel
grip in red leather, door panels, central tunnel, lower dashboard and headliner in red
Alcantara, power hi- sound system, yellow tach. 20” forged diamond rims, red
brake calipers, adaptive front lights + SBL, suspension lifter, black ceramic exhaust
pipes, parking camera, Scuderia shields, exterior sill kick in carbon. Factory war
ranty to Jan. 18, 2022, maintenance to Jan. 18, 2026. 506 miles. $409,000.
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA9K0241933 (2019 USA model). Nero with
nero leather. Power Daytona style seats with rosso stitching including Cavallinos
on headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon ber central bridge, Alcan-
tara central tunnel, door panels and interior trim, high power hi- sound system,
red tach. Matte black forged racing wheels, red brake calipers, carbon ber wheels
cup, suspension lifter, adaptive front lights with static bending lamps, black ce-
ramic exhaust pipes, parking camera, heat insulating windscreen, Scuderia
shields, exterior sill kick in carbon. Factory warranty to Jan. 26, 2022 and mainte-
nance to Jan. 26, 2026. 662 miles. $419,900. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
*812 SUPERFAST, VIN ZFF83CLA5K0246238 (2019 USA model). Bianco
Avus with Rosso Ferrari interior. 46 miles. $384,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
246 GT, S/N 01208 (1970 Euro. prod.). Rosso corsa with black leather. Great
paint, like new leather with Daytona inserts, carpets, mouse fur, and new chrome.
One owner since 1980. Recently restored by a prestigious Ferrari shop. $399,000.
Exclusive Motorcars, Los Angeles, CA,, 310-558-3300 or
310-908-6100 4418
246 GT, S/N 02508 (1971 Euro. prod.). Blue with tan interior. Very original Cali-
fornia car that’s been under the same ownership for the last 25 years. $269,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY) 4423
246 GT, S/N 03236 (1972 USA prod.). Azzurro Hyperion Metallico with tan inte-
rior. Completely untouched, runs and drives beautifully. Engine compression ri-
vals that of a new Dino. Mouse-hair interior dash trim is in excellent condition.
Car shifts smoothly with no transmission issues. Original owner sold the car to his
neighbor, who owned it for the last two years and presented it in the Greenwich
Concours d’Elegance winning the best preservation award in 2015. All service
records and original registration, original manual, books, rare Ferrari yellow cloth,
chalk and original tool kit with jack. 14,000 miles. Reduced to $450,000. 4418
Cooper Classics Ltd.,, 212-929-3909 (NY)
246 GT, S/N 03532 (Mar. 1972 USA prod.). Dark blue with gray leather. Factory
power windows and air conditioning, Cromodora wheels. Recently discovered in
long-term, single family ownership. 2018 the carburetors were rebuilt, the brakes
were reconditioned with new pads, pins, and hoses, and the master cylinder and
calipers were rebuilt and the rotors resurfaced by marque experts at GTO Engi-
neering in Los Angeles. Could be enjoyed in its current presentation or is the
ideal basis for full restoration. 26,000 miles. $267,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
246 GT, S/N 03660 (1972 USA prod.). Silver with blue leather. Daytona inserts.
The owner had a personal shop which completely restored the car. It has fresh
paint, new leather, and new trim as necessary. Major tune and a mechanical fresh-
ening nished the job. 49,300 miles. $369,500. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected] (MA)
246 GT, S/N 04772 (1972 Euro. prod.). Sky 952 Blu (Fiat color) with beige inte-
rior. Originally white with nero. Thoroughly restored over the last 10 years. Re-
built engine and suspension, new leather seat coverings with Daytona style in-
serts, new mouse hair dash material, new wire harness and a new clutch. 30,807
km. $370,000. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
246 GT, S/N 04984 (1972 Euro. prod.). Verde Pino Metallizzato. Originally de-
livered to Italy. One owner for over 35 years, documented by Massini. Books,
tools, and extensive records/history le. $279,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
246 GTS, S/N 04460 (1972 USA prod.). Fly yellow with black leather. California
car under the same ownership for the last 25 years. Factory colors, power win-
dows, and air conditioning. Mechanically sound and extremely attractive. It does
need some paintwork on the passenger side door and in a few other small areas.
Very nice interior. A straight and solid car. Books, tools, and spare. $299,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY) 4423
246 GTS, S/N 08074 (1974 USA prod.). Originally Rosso Cordoba metallic, now
has a presentable older repaint in red. Tan and black leather Daytona seats. Fac-
tory air, p/w, Campagnolo wheels. Wide fender ares. Gorgeous original example
that runs and drives wonderfully. Jack and tonneau cover. $429,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GT4
308 GT4, S/N 10088 (1975 USA prod.). Burgundy with black interior. Excellent
original car that’s been sitting in a garage for the last ve years waiting for a
straightforward recommissioning. $29,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GT4, S/N 14642 (1978 USA prod.). Red with beige leather. Boxer trim. Final
series GT4 with sun roof, updated A/C and dash. Drives great and looks great.
59,082 miles. $64,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
308 GTB
308 GTB FIBERGLASS, S/N 19409 (May 1976 USA prod.). Red with tan leath-
er. In excellent original condition and mechanically superb. Life-long California
car. Tool roll, jack, and owner’s manual. 76,000 miles. $167,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GTB FIBERGLASS, S/N 19555 (June 1976 USA prod.). Red with tan inte-
rior. Runs and drives excellently and is very presentable with only some fading to
the paint and usual wear to the driver’s seat. Original car that comes accompanied
by its factory books, tool roll, and service records. 30,000 miles. $149,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GTB, S/N 20435 (1976 USA prod.). Rosso corsa with tan leather. Originally
y yellow. Major engine service (including timing belt) March 2015 by Ferrari
specialist Mike Spencer roughly 500 miles ago. Original (now removed but in-
cluded) emissions components, tool roll with partially complete set of tools, jack,
spare belts, tire tools. $69,500. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
308 GTB, S/N 20451 (1976 USA prod.). Oro Chiaro with tan leather. Fantastic origi-
nal example just out of 25 years ownership, runs strong but would benet from ser-
vicing and minor cosmetics. Books, tools, jack, and spare. 55,000 miles. $79,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY) 4423
308 GTB, S/N 21821 (1977 USA prod.). Yellow with black leather. This excellent
original example has been sitting for 20 years and is ready for servicing and minor
cosmetics. Books and tools. 66,000 miles. $49,500
. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GTB, S/N 22319 (Sept. 1977 USA prod.). Rosso corsa with tan interior. Air
conditioning, power windows, solid wheels and includes the spare tire and tool
kit. Very clean and presentable and mechanically sound. 75,972 miles. $49,950.
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272 4422
308 GTB, S/N 23155 (1977 USA. prod.). Yellow with black interior. Timing belt,
brakes, carburetors rebuilt, tune-up, hoses and gaskets, rebuilt struts, all done recent-
ly and under service with Norwood’s for over 10 years. Original wheels with new
XWX tires. Stunning example from my personal collection. 28,000 miles. $78,500.
Andrew Fuld, [email protected], 817-808-7722 (TX) 4420
308 GTB, S/N 30477 (1979 USA prod.). Red with black interior. Classiche Certi-
ed. Extremely well taken care of and all original car, it even has the plastic still
on the door pockets. Fully serviced including belts, tensioners, plugs, full brake
service including caliper rebuild, and a full uid ush throughout. Original win-
dow sticker, retail order, tool roll, jack, books, spare, and original radio. 11,000
miles. $145,000. 4418
Cooper Classics Ltd.,, 212-929-3909 (NY)
9 November 2019 - Page 13
308 GTS
308 GTS, S/N 25725 (Sept. 1978 CDN prod.). Black with red interior. A wonder-
ful example, a strong performer. Complete documentation, including all books,
tools and records. 31,000 miles. $62,950. 4418
Bryan Circosta,, [email protected], 703-
932-1200 (VA)
308 GTS, S/N 26263 (1978 USA prod.). Rosso corsa with Beige Tradizione inte
rior. Bought new at Hollywood Sports Cars in Los Angeles, January 22, 1979
with 42 miles on the odometer and has been with the same owner ever since.
Recently serviced, well maintained and completely original except for new leath
er on seats, added later a rear cross bar spoiler, wheels repainted with red inserts,
and upgraded stereo with CD. Original window sticker, books, tools and records.
50,770 miles. $69,500. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
308 GTS, S/N 28729 (1979 USA prod.). Red with black interior. Under the same
ownership since the early 80s. An excellent original car. 40,000 miles. $49,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY) 4423
308 GTS, S/N 28775 (1979 USA prod.). Red with crema interior. Originally sold
by Chinetti Motors and serviced at authorized dealers. Platinum level concours
level 308. Books, tools and documented registrations. 13,000 miles. $89,900.
Mike Haber,, 215-633-0775 (PA) 4419
308 GTS, S/N 28803 (1979 USA prod.). Blue with tan leather. Collectible carbu
reted example with beautiful color combination. Superb driver and an excellent
original car. 48,000 miles. $59,500. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GTS, S/N 30237 (Nov. 1979 USA prod.). Rosso Rubino with beige interior.
24,200 miles. $88,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
308 GTBi
308 GTBi, VIN ZFFAA01A3A0033487 (Aug. 1980 USA prod.). Rosso Chiaro
with black leather. A/C, P/W. Numbers matching. Original books, tools, and win-
dow sticker. 4,192 miles. $109,900. 4419
Daniel Schmitt & Co., St. Louis, MO,, [email protected],
308 GTBi, VIN ZFFAA01A9B0035603 (1981 USA model). Black with black
interior. Repainted but can use a wet sand, interior like new. Serviced. Books,
tools. 17,500 miles. $79,500. 4419
Steve Waldie, [email protected], 609-577-7976 (NJ)
308 GTSi
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A6B0034603 (1981 USA model). Rosso corsa with
beige interior. 21,587 miles. $89,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A1B0036601 (1981 USA model). Rosso corsa with tan
leather. Tan carpeting, factory air conditioning and power windows. Factory deep
front spoiler and updates with 16” factory wheels. Always maintained and ser
viced properly. Recent thorough engine-out service by Auto Elite. Runs, drives,
shifts exceptionally well. Original books, keys, factory jack and service history.
22,000 miles. $64,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A1B0036615 (1981 USA model). Nero with nero inte
rior. All original. Full major service Winter 2016. 43,653 miles. $59,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02AXC0038767 (1982 USA model). Rosso Chiaro with
black leather. Multiple Ferrari Club of America platinum award winner. Classi
che certied. Single owner until 2014. Special ordered with factory Boxer trim
and a larger front spoiler. 3,575 miles. $109,900. 4419
Daniel Schmitt & Co., St. Louis, MO,, [email protected],
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A0C0039653 (1982 USA model). Black with black
leather. A/C, P/W, polished TRX alloys. Jack in bag, handbook. 47,824 miles.
$54,500. 4418
Heritage Classics, Beverly Hills, CA,, 310-657-
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A8C0040081 (1982 USA model). Red with black inte
rior. Engine rebuilt at 33,000 miles by FAF Motorcars. Top notch paint, excellent
interior. Ignition rotors updated 2010. 42,200 miles. $70,000. 4418
Dave Demko, [email protected], 484-645-2328 (PA)
308 GTSi, VIN ZFFAA02A5C0040491 (1982 USA model). Red with tan interi
or. A good original car that’s been sitting and is in need of servicing. $49,500.
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFLA13B000044483 (1983 Euro. model). Rosso corsa with
soft tan leather. Ferrari dealer restoration and service ($40,000+), with originality
and patina preserved as much as possible. Euro spec: European gears, Vitaloni-
style mirrors, ash-to-pass driving lights, space saver tire, lighter and smaller front
and rear bumpers, rear engine cover has only left and right grille louvers, etc.
Winner of the Robert Tallgren Memorial Trophy Award 2018. Platinum award
from the Celebration Exotic Car Festival 2019. Above average award winning
308. 65,025 km/ 40,380 miles. $76,854. 4423
Stan, [email protected], 407-716-5981 (FL)
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFMA13A0D0047433 (1983 USA model). Rosso corsa with
nero leather. Factory Boxer trim. Classiche certied, service records. 22,250
miles. $150,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, [email protected],
770-457-2699 (GA)
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFLA13B000048021 (1983 Euro. model). Red with crema
interior. Owned by me since 1991. Recent $20k maintenance. Very original.
37,000 miles. $67,500. 4418
Michael, [email protected] (WA)
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFUA13A6E0050127 (1984 USA model). Red with tan interi-
or. A beautiful, well-maintained example. All books, tools. 64,447 miles. $64,950.
Bryan Circosta,, [email protected], 703-932-
1200 (VA) 4418
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFUA13AXE0050289 (1984 USA model). Bianco with
black interior. Extensive records, last belt service 2015. Exceptional condition.
Has all property including original window sticker. 27,995 miles. $150,000.
Merlin Auto Group,, [email protected],
770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFUA13A6F0053675 (1985 USA model). Black with black
interior. Last belt service September 2019. Exceptional condition. 10,200 miles.
$110,000. 4420
[email protected], 630-738-8180 (IL)
*308 GTS QV, VIN ZFFLA13S000053887 (1984 Swiss model). Red with tan
interior, new seats. Well known in Philadelphia area, awarded numerous local
Platinum awards. Gold at Cavallino 2007, Platinum 2008 (96.5 points) and Silver
2009. Body bushings replaced and shock absorbers rebuilt during engine out.
Tires about three years old, cam belt and tensioner bearings will be replaced by
Algar after sale. Purchase includes all records, tools, jack, and electrical box; wal-
let with 308 QV Owner’s Manual (pouch) - English including factory lubrication
recommendations; circuit electric wiring diagram 308 QV US 1983, sufciently
accurate; Ferrari service time schedule car type 308 QV. Car has 53,000 miles;
engine has 7,000 miles on motor rebuilt by Charlie Pierson. $125,000. 4423
John Pearson, [email protected] (PA)
328 GTS
328 GTS, VIN ZFFWA20B000059899 (1985 Euro. prod.). Rosso corsa with
black interior. MOMO steering wheel, A/C, P/W. Solid wheels and includes the
jack, spare tire and a binder with over $20,000 in service records documenting the
cars maintenance history. Clean Carfax. A very presentable and excellent week-
end driver which is mechanically sound. 85,557 miles. $49,950. 4422
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272
*328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A6G0060893 (1986 USA model). Black with tan inte-
rior. An all original, very well kept and maintained example, all services current.
All books and tools. 49,950 miles. $85,000
. 4423
Jack, NJB Automotive,, 614-855-0425 or 614-891-
5678 (OH)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A0G0061375 (1986 USA model). Rosso corsa with nero
interior. 33,584 miles. $88,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, [email protected],
770-457-2699 (GA)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A3G0061855 (1986 USA model). Black with black in-
terior. Nakamichi AM/FM/cassette, Pioneer six-pack CD player. Second owner
(since 1989). Maintained in Utah. Belts and valve adjustment 750 miles ago.
Tools, books, original full size spare tire. 36,841 miles. $74,500. 4422
Jack Lierman, 801-598-0366 (UT)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A0G0062185 (1986 USA model). Rosso corsa with beige
interior. All original. Full major service. Classiche certied. 13,000 miles. $117,900.
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A2G0063077 (1986 USA model). Giallo Modena with
brown interior. Belt service 2016. Two owners, rare color combination. 36,111
miles. $90,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, [email protected],
770-457-2699 (GA)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A2H0066871 (1987 USA model). Rosso corsa with
beige leather. Pristine. Serviced at Ferrari of Atlanta for many years, and is in ex-
cellent mechanical condition. Owned by one of our local Ferrari customers, free of
paint work and has never been in an accident. 27,735 miles. $79,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
Page 14 - 9 November 2019
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A7H0073721 (1987 USA model). Rosso corsa with
beige interior. Excellent service history. 23,779 miles. $98,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A1J0076295 (1988 USA model). Rosso corsa with tan
interior. Mint condition with all services and records. Past winner at New York
FCA . A/C and brakes updated to current uid types. Original full size spare tire.
Original tools, jack, manuals, service book and more. 16,700 miles. $91,000.
Bill Jenkins, 330-242-4605 (FL) 4423
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A5J0077188 (1988 USA model). Red with tan leather.
Convex wheels and many other updates. Good history, clean Carfax, concours
condition. 15,300 miles. $129,500. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected] (MA)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20AXJ0078028 (1988 USA model). Red with tan leather.
Lovingly cared for by its four previous owners. An all original 328 and has been
authenticated by Ferrari. Red certication book, owner’s manuals, tools and a
great service history. Belt service was done at 19,000 miles by Ferrari Long Is-
land. 19,300 miles. $89,900. 4419
Mike Haber,, 215-633-0775 (PA)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A8J0078349 (1988 USA model). Rosso corsa with tan
leather. Flawless paint, excellent interior. New tires and fresh belt service includ-
ed. Same owner since 1996. Books, tools. 14,900 miles. $91,500. 4420
Motor Classic & Competition Corp., [email protected], 914-997-
9133 (NY)
328 GTS, VIN ZFFXA20A1K0080610 (1989 USA model). Red with black leath-
er. Completely original, as delivered new. Full service including timing belts in
2012 and again in May 2019. This 328 is likely the single most original, lowest
mileage example in the world. Full books, record and tools. 128 miles. $195,000.
Bill Noon, Symbolic International,, bill@, 619-840-7811 (CA) 4419
3.2 MONDIAL CABRIOLET, VIN ZFFXC26A8H0071817 (1987 USA model).
Bianco with crema interior. Showing 16,327 miles. $29,900. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
F40, VIN ZFFMN34A0N0093103 (1992 USA model). Red with red interior.
Classiche certied, dealer serviced. Books, tools, binder from Ferrari. 3,000
miles. $1,895,000. 4419
Steve Waldie, [email protected], 609-577-7976 (NJ)
MONDIAL T COUPE, VIN ZFFFD32A5K0081801 (1989 USA model). Nero with
tan leather. Rare coupe with sunroof. Extensive records. 40,292 miles. $75,000.
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
MONDIAL T CABRIOLET, VIN ZFFFC33A1K0082378 (1989 USA model).
Red with tan interior. Major engine-out timing belt service including valve adjust-
ment and all uids at 35,000 miles June, 2015. New clutch at 27,606 miles. Fuse/
relay box rebuilt. Tubi exhaust, battery tender. 37,000 miles. $39,500. 4420
Doug Pirrone, [email protected], 631-421-2690 or 631-423-
1010 (NY)
Rosso corsa with tan interior. A/C, P/W, solid wheels, soft top with boot. Clean
Carfax. Tool kit. 39,971 miles. $39,500. 4422
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272
MONDIAL T CABRIOLET, VIN ZFFRK33A9N0091480 (1992 USA model).
Red with beige leather. Well-kept excellent original condition with clean Carfax.
Drives great. 26,938 miles. $54,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
MONDIAL T CABRIOLET, VIN ZFFRK33A3N0091538 (1992 USA model).
Rosso corsa with nero leather. Fresh major service. 21,114 miles. $80,000.
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
348 TB
348 TB, VIN ZFFFG35A8L0086706 (1990 USA model). Rossa corsa with beige
interior. From a local collection that focuses on perfection and low mileage vehi-
cles… shows like it did coming off the production line in Maranello. The paint,
leather and trim have held up “as new”. The authorized Ferrari dealer in Illinois
performed a full service including timing belts and installed new tires in March,
2017, and it has been driven about 50 miles since. Books, tools and original 348
brochure. 5,958 miles. $79,800. 4422
CopleyWest, Newport Beach, CA,, pat@copleywest.
com, 949-836-8844
348 TB, VIN ZFFRM35A3N0091708 (1992 CDN model). Rosso corsa with
beige interior. 57,802 km. $61,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
348 TS
348 TS, VIN ZFFFG36A2L0087431 (1990 USA model). Rosso corsa with tan
interior and carpets. Rare original Ferrari folding cloth top along with the original
TS top. New Conti extremes, new Alpine stereo. No sticky interior pieces. Great
show history, in both regional and national Ferrari Club of America events (tro-
phies do not go with car). Complete Algar service le. New clutch and belts by
Algar July 2015. Interesting Ferrari trades considered. All books, tools, covers.
23,852 miles. $69,950
. 4419
713-828-0049 (TX)
348 TS, VIN ZFFRG36A1M0089489 (1991 USA model). Rosso corsa with tan
interior. Major belt service 2017. Excellent condition. Original books. 26,077
miles. $90,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
348 TS, VIN ZFFRG36A2N0090829 (1992 USA model). Giallo with nero inte-
rior. Tubi exhaust, carbon ber door sills, body colored targa top. 30,407 miles.
$72,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
348 TS, VIN ZFFRG36A8N0090902 (1992 USA model). Rosso corsa with nero
interior. Fresh engine-out major service and clutch rebuild in Dec. 2018. 33,792
miles. $75,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
348 TS, VIN ZFFRA36A6N0093430 (1992 CDN model). Rosso corsa with beige
interior. 39,873 km. $66,900
. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
348 SPIDER, VIN ZFFRA43A0R0097263 (1994 CDN model). Rosso corsa with
beige interior. 29,000 km. $85,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
348 SPIDER, VIN ZFFRG43A5R0098567 (1994 USA model). Yellow with
black leather. Black powder-coated stock wheels with Pirelli P Zero tires, 348
Series special front lip, carbon interior trim. Looks fantastic. Clean Carfax. 13,255
miles. $59,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954 522-9900 (FL)
348 SPIDER, VIN ZFFRG43A7S0099600 (1995 USA model). Rosso corsa. Re-
cent belt service. Original books, service records. 24,598 miles. $82,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
348 SPIDER, VIN ZFFRG43A2S0099648 (1995 USA model). Rosso corssa with
tan interior. Major belt service 2016. New clutch at 24k miles. Same owner for 16
years, MSRP $122k. Original books and sticker. 25,714 miles. $88,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
F355 and 355 F1 BERLINETTA
F355 BERLINETTA, VIN ZFFPR41A2S0101192 (1995 USA model). Giallo
with nero interior. 6-speed. Recent major service. 48,617 miles. $88,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA
F355 BERLINETTA, VIN ZFFXR41A1V0109045 (1997 USA model). White
with tan interior. Gated 6-speed transmission, unique and absolutely gorgeous.
Books and tools. 26,848 miles. $89,950. 4418
Bryan Circosta,, [email protected], 703-932-
1200 (VA)
F355 and 355 F1 GTS
355 F1 GTS, VIN ZFFXR42A6W0111714 (1998 CDN model). Yellow with
black interior. New header pipes, hi-ow cats and Tubi mufer. New clutch and
water pump. Immaculate condition. Two owner car. 37,000 km. $79,000. 4421
Joseph, 604-980-0843 (N. Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
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9 November 2019 - Page 15
355 F1 GTS, VIN ZFFXR42A5X0115657 (1999 USA model). Argento Nür-
burgring with nero leather. 6-disc CD changer. Red brake calipers, rear Chal-
lenge grille, Scuderia shields, painted removable hardtop. 13,872 miles.
$79,950. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
F355 and 355 F1 SPIDER
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFPR48A8S0103342 (1995 USA model). Red with black
leather. 6-speed. Prancing Horse embroidered mats, Alpine stereo. Performance
exhaust. Recent service. Sticky addressed. A great car. 27,785 miles. $68,500.
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL) 4421
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFPR48A2S0103515 (1995 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. 6-speed. New hides on seats. Scuderia shields, Challenge
grilles, Capristo exhaust. Multiple trophies. Engine out service at 42,350 miles.
A head turner for sure. Original tool kit, books, service records, seat covers and
car cover. 44,500 miles. $59,000. 4418
Mickey, 203-434-1226 (CT)
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A5T0104563 (1996 USA model). Silver with
black leather. 6 speed. Excellent, has remained in our family since new. Accident
free, meticulously maintained. Engine headers and valve guides replaced. Inte-
rior sticky parts all restored. No leather shrinkage. Top mechanism parts replaced
or repaired. Algar Ferrari just completed May 2019: engine-out cam belt service,
catalyst protection, ECUs thermocouples, belt tensioner bearings and water
pump. Manuals, leather tool kit. 20,000 miles. $79,500. 4423
James W. Keenan, 973-800-3253 (PA)
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A4W0111721 (1998 USA model). Bianco Avus
with red leather. Originally yellow with black interior. Mini restoration includ-
ing: new roof, baremetal paint and new Autolux leather seats and console. Fresh
service, upper engine reseal, new engine and transmission mounts, new wind-
shield, CV boots, sparkplugs, leads, new exhaust manifolds, new catalytic con-
vertors, new top and tonneau cover. Like a new car, no issues, but the paint shop
lost photos of the work done. Cambelt service Mar. 2018. Books, tools, records,
spare key and fob. 28,000 miles. $89,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A3W0111888 (1998 USA model). Red with tan
leather. 6-speed, Tubi exhaust, rear Challenge grille. Complete major service
with tires 500 miles ago by Bobileff Motorcar Co. Books, tools. 27,830 miles.
$89,900. 4422
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@, 858-622-1600
355 F1 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A9X0114583 (1999 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. Good compression, 85% clutch remaining, major service due.
21,120 miles. $68,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
355 F1 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A6X0114900 (1999 USA model). Nero with red
interior. Power seats, carbon ber center console, P/W, A/C. The top is due for a
service. It also includes over $55,000 in service records for a complete major
service done less than a year ago. An extremely clean and presentable car which
is mechanically sound. 36,035 miles. $59,500. 4422
Beverly Hills Car Club, Beverly Hills, CA, Alex Manos, 310-975-0272
F355 SPIDER, VIN ZFFXR48A5X0115441 (1999 USA model). Grigio Ingrid
with sabbia leather. Black leather dash, black carpeting. Black soft top, Tubi ex-
haust. Platino award FCA Concours. Excellent condition throughout. All factory
issued books, manuals, leather tool case, tonneau and document pouch and ser-
vice records. 23,000 miles. $94,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,
-, 631-425-1555
model). #25/100. Rosso corsa with tan interior. Black top. In well-known LA
collection for 15 years. One of the nicest F355s and a multi-award winner, in-
cluding the Ferrari National Coppa Bella award. Complete engine-out service
June 2019 at a cost of $12,000. Full tool kit, tonneau cover, tire ination kit, all
books and service records. $139,000. 4418
Mike Sage, [email protected], 818-324-3019 (CA)
360 MODENA and 360 MODENA F1
360 MODENA F1, VIN ZFFYS51A9X0118898 (1999 CDN model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. Fresh belt service. 65,000 km. $74,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
360 MODENA F1, VIN ZFFYU51AGY0120233 (2000 USA model). Rosso
corsa with tan interior. Red brake calipers, battery tender. Flawless car ready to
be driven. Only serviced by authorized dealer Miller Motors of Greenwich, fresh
belts and major service ($16K) at 10,000 miles. Books, tools, service records,
two keys. 12,500 miles. $98,300. 4418
Vincenzo Capasso, [email protected] (CT)
360 MODENA F1, VIN ZFFYU51A440137168 (2004 USA model). Argento
Nürburgring (silver) with beige interior. Power seats, leather headliner. Red brake
calipers, Scuderia shields, re extinguisher, front and rear Challenge grilles,
space saver spare wheel kit, Clear Bra. Recent service August 5, 2019. Last belt
service July, 2017, at Ferrari of Washington. Books and tools, records, keys and
remote fobs, cover. 16,800 miles. $79,800. 4423
Dave Olimpi, Middleburg, VA,, david-
[email protected], 540-729-0354
360 MODENA F1, VIN ZFFYU51A840138145 (2004 USA model). Rosso corsa
with natural leather. 15,549 miles. $86,700. 4423
Foreign Cars Charlotte, Charlotte, NC,, 855-
360 SPIDER and 360 SPIDER F1
360 SPIDER, VIN ZFFYT53A210123541 (2001 USA model). Rosso corsa with
nero interior. 6-speed. Power Daytona style seats with rosso stitching, 6-disc CD
changer. Battery pre-wiring charger, rear Challenge grille, Scuderia shields, nero
soft top. 14,344 miles. $124,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A310125704 (2001 USA model). Argento Nür
burgring with dark blue interior. Power Daytona seats. Rear Challenge grille and
dark blue top. Fresh belt and idler bearing service, new tires and brakes. No sticky
switches. Trades considered. 22,600 miles. $79,900. 4418
Dave C., 516-946-7771 (NY)
360 SPIDER, VIN ZFFYT53AX20128259 (2002 USA model). Grigio Ingrid
with crema interior. Gated 6-speed transmission. Absolutely stunning. Books and
tools. 13,709 miles. $109,950. 4418
Bryan Circosta,, [email protected], 703-
932-1200 (VA)
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A920128964 (2002 CDN model). Giallo Mode
na with black interior. Fresh belt service. 39,800 miles. $85,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
360 SPIDER, VIN ZFFYT53A330131196 (2003 USA model). Giallo with nero
interior. 6-speed manual transmission. Major service June 2019. 11,737 miles.
Adoption cost $109,999. 4423
Bob Cutrupi, [email protected], 732-858-1447 (NJ)
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A830132098 (2003 USA model). Blue Sera me
tallic with bianco interior. Scuderia shields, Challenge grille, Tubi exhaust, Tubi
headers, high ow cats. Sticky No More completed. Recent belt service. New
tires. Pristine. 18,703 miles. $72,000. 4420
Tom, 301-910-3393 (VA)
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A040135644 (2004 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan interior. Power Daytona seats, lots of carbon ber on interior, hi- sound
system. Scuderia shields, modular wheels, rear Challenge grille. Maintenance and
fresh service by Bobileff Motorcar Company. Books, tools, records. 28,539
miles. $92,000. 4422
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@bo
-, 858-622-1600
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A940135805 (2004 USA model). Rosso corsa
with beige interior. Fresh belt service. 18,781 miles. $96,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A840136184 (2004 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. Daytona-style seats. Red brake calipers, Tubi exhaust. New convertible
top. Complete with tools. 16,441 miles. $90,000. 4421
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA)
*360 SPIDER, VIN ZFFYT53A740137990 (2004 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. Power Daytona style seats, nero leather rear shelf, high power hi- sound
system with subwoofer and 6-disc CD changer. USA battery charger, rear Chal
lenge grid, front Challenge style grille, Scuderia shields, modular wheel rims,
Tela color soft top, space saver wheel kit. 43,863 miles. $119,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
360 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFYT53A140138455 (2004 USA model). Rosso corsa
with tan. Power seats, tan roll bars, CD changer. Scuderia shields, red brake cali
pers. One owner, full service August 2019. Books, tools, factory car cover, origi-
nal window sticker, two keys. 1,700 miles. $119,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
Rosso Scuderia with nero and rosso Alcantara. Carbon ber racing seats with red
stitching, Alcantara upper dash, factory carpets, factory radio, yellow tach. Car-
bon ber engine bay, carbon ceramic brakes, black brake calipers. 9,821 miles.
$209,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
Page 16 - 9 November 2019
CHALLENGE STRADALE, VIN ZFFDU57A940139651 (2004 USA model).
Rosso Scuderia with black leather. 12,731 miles. $211,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
F430 and F430 F1
F430 F1, VIN ZFFEW58A950142564 (2005 USA model). Rosso corsa with nero
interior. Power seats with red stitching. Red brake calipers, Scuderia shields, re
extinguisher. Stoneguard and skid plates since new. Service history from day one,
PDI to most recent service this year. Flawless two owner local car that is 100%
complete with all books, tools, both keys, car cover and Ferrari ashlight. 13,000
miles. $99,900. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
F430, VIN ZFFEW58A550143744 (2005 USA model). Argento Nürburgring
with cuoio interior. 6-speed manual. Yellow tach, Scuderia shields, Michelin Pilot
Super Sport tires. Books, tools, compressor, battery charger, both keys. 21,500
miles. $169,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
F430 F1, VIN ZFFEW58A850144421 (2005 USA model). Grigio Silverstone
with Bordeaux leather. Power Daytona seats, leather headliner and rear shelf, CD
changer, yellow tach. Carbon ceramic brakes, full 3M-style clear paint protection,
Scuderia shields, red brake calipers. Books, VIP delivery book, tools, copy win-
dow sticker, two keys. 6,000 miles. $111,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
F430, VIN ZFFEW58A960144882 (2006 USA model). Blu Tour de France with
tan leather. 6-speed. Under a custom-made false oor in the luggage compartment
is a powerful Alpine IVA-D310 multimedia system and 6-disc CD changer cou-
pled to a matching Alpine dash unit with a deployable screen for navigation,
backup camera view and audio selection. Pirelli P Zero Rosso tires. Original and
Meisterschaft exhaust systems. One minor incident on Carfax, properly repaired.
New clutch at 12,000 milees. Serviced by Ferrari dealer Spring 2019. Original
keys, tool kit, tire compressor, all books in leather wallet, tted windshield sun
blocker, red soft car cover with Ferrari logo. 17,9XX miles. $150,000. 4422
Conrad Zumhagen, [email protected], 734-645-5778 (MI)
F430, VIN ZFFEW58A660149506 (July 2006 USA model). Rossa corsa with tan
interior. 6-speed. Power Daytona seats with black inserts and black stitching, up-
per carbon ber, leather headliner, rear shelf and door sills, hi- stereo. Scuderia
shields, front and rear parking sensors, carbon ceramic brakes, ball-polished
wheels. Near perfect car out of long term collection. Serviced and recalls done.
Books, charger, tools and cover. 10,800 miles. $219,000. 4418
Wes, [email protected], 210-913-2076 (TX)
F430 SPIDER and F430 SPIDER F1
F430 SPIDER, VIN ZFFEW59A070151218 (2007 USA model). Black with tan
Daytona seats. 6-speed. Ball-polished wheels and new tires. Original window
sticker shows MSRP $227,000. All books, records, two keys, cover, tools. Very
nice car. 23,000 miles. $210,000. 4418
John, 412-596-9354 (PA)
F430 SPIDER F1, VIN ZFFEW59A370154050 (2007 CDN model). Giallo with blu
scuro interior. Power seats. Scuderia shields. History available. 25,875 miles.
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
430 SCUDERIA, VIN ZFFKW64A680160877 (2008 USA model). Argento Nür-
burgring with red leather and black tech interior. Carbon steering wheel + LEDs,
red leather rear shelf, factory radio, yellow tach. Factory racing stripes, US 1 car-
bon ber package, carbon front splitter, Scuderia shields, red brake calipers, red
leather A and B pillars, fully trimmed boot, factory re extinguisher. Complete
tools, owner manuals, two keys. 6,000 miles. $214,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
*SCUDERIA SPIDER 16M, VIN ZFFKW66A390168269 (2009 USA model).
Black with black interior. 3,601 miles. $319,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
SCUDERIA SPIDER 16M, VIN ZFFKW66A790168548 (2009 USA model).
Rosso with nero interior. 4,276 miles. $309,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA2A0169511 (2010 USA model). Nero with
black leather. Power Daytona style seats with red stitching, black carpeting, car-
bon ber driver zone + LEDs, touch-screen Navigation, Bluetooth, iPod connec-
tion, Satellite radio, yellow tach. 20” diamond nish sport wheels, red brake cali-
pers, AFS system, Scuderia shields, MagneRide dual mode suspension, Xenon
HID headlamps, front and rear parking sensors and space saver wheel kit. Original
tools, keys/remotes and Ferrari battery tender. 20,000 miles. $99,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
*CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA0A0169586 (2010 USA model). Rosso
corsa with beige interior. 17,413 miles. $99,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA5A0170247 (2010 USA model). Rosso corsa
with cuoio interior. Very well equipped with diamond pattern seats. 20” diamond-
nish sport wheels, MagneRide dual mode suspension. 11,950 miles. $110,000.
Merlin Auto Group,, sales@merlinautogroup.
com, 770-457-2699 (GA) 4421
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJAXA0171684 (2010 USA model). Blu Pozzi
with cuoio leather. Power seats, Satellite radio, iPod connection. Scuderia shields,
black brake calipers, TPMS. Impeccable, professionally maintained. Clean Car-
fax. 9,155 miles. $94,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA3A0171784 (2010 USA model). Nero with
beige interior. Dealer serviced at 8,543 miles. 8,573 miles. $106,000. 4420
Private seller, Barrington, IL, 847-381-0399 Mon-Fri 8-5pm
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA5A0172340 (2010 CDN model). Blu Tour de
France with cuoio interior. Daytona seats. Scuderia shields. 20,500 km. $98,900.
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA8B0176450 (2011 USA model). Nero Daytona
Metallic with cuoio leather. Power seats with nero diamond pattern stitching on front
and rear seats and door panels, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, high power hi-
sound system. Scuderia shields, AFS headlights, red brake calipers, MagneRide dual
mode suspension, front and rear parking sensors. 20,563 miles. $104,900.
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA8B0181146 (2011 USA model). Grigio Sil-
verstone metallic with cuoio interior. Power seats with nero stitching, interior and
exterior electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, Satellite radio, yellow tach. Red
brake calipers, Scuderia shields, black external A-pillars. Two owner car. All ser-
vices are up to date. 12,169 miles. $105,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA7C0185562 (2012 CDN model). Blu Pozzi
with cuoio interior. Daytona seats. Scuderia shields. 21,500 km. $112,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65LJA7C0185822 (2012 USA model). Nero with
nero interior. Power Daytona style seats with Alcantara stripes, red stitching, car-
bon ber driver zone + LEDs, interior and exterior electrochromic mirrors, leather
headliner, HomeLink, high power hi- sound system, Satellite radio, iPod connec-
tion, yellow tach. AFS system, red brake calipers, carbon rear molding, Scuderia
shields, front and rear parking sensors, 20” diamond nish sport wheels. 19,445
miles. $109,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65TJA0D0192547 (2013 USA model). Grigio Sil-
verstone with gray interior. Yellow stitching and seat belts, yellow tach. Yellow
brake calipers, Scuderia shields, 20” upgraded wheels. Stoneguard and front and
rear radar included. Two owner local car sold and serviced by Ron Tonkin. 100%
complete books, tools, car cover and keys. 8,200 miles. $124,900. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
*CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65TJA6E0199844 (2014 USA model). Rossa
corsa with tan leather. 8,737 miles. $127,999. 4423
Foreign Cars Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 855-
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65TJA3E0202019 (2014 USA model). Grigio Sil-
verstone with nero leather. Power seats with Grigio Chiaro stitching, aluminium
driver and passenger footrests, interior and exterior electrochromic mirrors,
HomeLink, yellow tach. Scuderia shields, parking camera, front and rear parking
sensors, 20” forged diamond rims. Ferrari Genuine Maintenance to Apr. 30, 2021.
3,062 miles. $143,000. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65TJA8E0197495 (2014 USA model). Bianco
Avus with cuoio leather. Power seats with diamond pattern stitching, interior and
exterior electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, Satellite radio, white tach. 20” dia-
mond nish sport wheels, Scuderia shields, parking camera, front and rear parking
sensors. 11,088 miles. $119,879. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
Nobody has advertised more Ferraris than the
Ferrari Market Letter
9 November 2019 - Page 17
*CALIFORNIA 2+2, VIN ZFF65TJA4E0202191 (2014 USA model). Nero
with nero interior. Certied Pre-Owned. 3,315 miles. $129,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA2A0175890 (2010 USA model). Rosso corsa with
tan interior. Daytona seats with black inserts, electrochromic mirrors, Satellite
radio. Scuderia shields, red brake calipers. Pristine condition throughout. 4,230
miles. $183,900. 4419
Steve Balen, 570-688-8560 (PA)
458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA6Z0176234 (2010 USA model). Fly yellow with
black interior. Yellow stitching. Red brake calipers. Recent service. 8,800 miles.
$159,000. 4423
Jack, NJB Automotive,, 614-855-0425 or 614-891-
5678 (OH)
458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA9B0177010 (2011 USA model). Rosso corsa with
beige leather. Power Daytona style seats with red stitching, black carpets, high
power hi- sound system, yellow tach. Red brake calipers, Scuderia shields, 20”
forged painted rims, TPMS. Exceptional throughout. Original books, tools, cover,
keys and remotes, Ferrari welcome packet and service records. 5,000 miles.
$179,500. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
*458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA8C0187755 (2012 USA model). Giallo Modena
with nero interior. 718 miles. $189,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA6D0190719 (2013 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. Carbon ber racing seats with red accents, red stitching, red seatbelts,
carbon ber interior trim, Alcantara upper dash and headliner, hi- sound system,
Navigation, Satellite radio, Bluetooth, red tach. Red brake calipers, front axle lift,
Scuderia shields. Recent 7th year service, cosmetically excellent. Books, tools,
cover, compressor, battery charger, both keys. 6,560 miles. $199,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
458 ITALIA, VIN ZFF67NFA0D0194913 (2013 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. Carbon ber racing seats with Grigio Chiaro stitching including Cavalli-
nos on headrests, carbon ber racing package, leather headliner, electrochromic
mirrors with HomeLink, Satellite radio, Bluetooth connectivity, iPod connection,
white tach. AFS system, yellow brake calipers, suspension lifter, sport exhaust
pipes, Scuderia shields, parking camera, front and rear parking sensors, 20” forged
dark painted rims. Clean Carfax and Autocheck reports. 9,126 miles. $199,000.
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA) 4419
458 SPIDER, VIN ZFF68NHA9E0197191 (2014 USA model). Rosso corsa with
nero leather. Daytona seats with red inserts, red stitching, JBL audio system, yel-
low rev counter. 20” sport wheels with dark nish, parking sensors, Scuderia
shields. 2,890 miles. $239,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
*458 SPIDER, VIN ZFF68NHA0F0204806 (2015 USA model). Blu Mirabeau
Metallic with Blu Scuro interior. 6,300 miles. $239,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
458 SPIDER, VIN ZFF68NHA8F0207243 (2015 USA model). Black with nero
interior. 11,593 miles. $219,731. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
458 SPIDER, VIN ZFF68NHA1F0211943 (2015 USA model). Nero with beige
leather. Alcantara upper zone and headliner. Scuderia shields, sport exhaust pipes.
11,382 miles. $199,000. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
458 SPECIALE, VIN ZFF75VFA2E0202988 (2014 USA model). Bianco Avus
nero interior. Carbon ber racing seats, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, Nav-
igation, white tach. Scuderia shields, carbon ber side nolders, black painted
wheels, yellow brake calipers, factory painted stripes. 4,050 miles. $329,995.
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL) 4422
458 SPECIALE, VIN ZFF75VFA7F0204804 (2015 USA model). Nero with nero
Alcantara interior. Carbon ber racing seats with black stitching including Caval-
linos on headrests, mats with logo, electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, Naviga-
tion, Bluetooth, Satellite radio, integrated audio system, Ferrari telemetry. AFS
light system, black brake calipers, titanium exhaust pipes, Scuderia shields, park-
ing camera, rear parking sensors, NART racing stripe, 20” forged dark painted
rims, carbon ber: front aps, engine cover, rear diffuser, front air vents, side
nolders, and wheel caps. Full body clear bra. Factory warranty to Sept. 27, 2019
and maintenance to Sept. 9, 2021. New through our store, clean Carfax and Auto-
Check reports. 4,155 miles. $399,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
458 SPECIALE, VIN ZFF75VFA7F0212823 (2015 USA model). Alluminio
Opaco with black Alcantara. Carbon ber racing seats, yellow seatbelts, addi-
tional Alcantara interior trim, HomeLink, NAV, Bluetooth. Carbon ber engine
covers, Silverstone gray brake calipers, Scuderia shields, front axle lift, titanium
exhaust pipes, Ferrari telemetry, AFS, parking sensors and camera. Factory war-
ranty until Sep. 2020 and 7-year maintenance plan. Books, tools, cover, compres-
sor, and battery charger. 4,334 miles. $393,000. 4423
ISSIMI Inc.,, [email protected], 510-693-9118 (CA)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA7F0211362 (2015 CDN model). Blu Tour de
France with sabbia interior. Blue piping. Scuderia shields. 19,871 km. $146,900.
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA1F0211566 (2015 USA model). Black
with dual tone black and chocolate interior. Charcoal stitching including Cavalli-
nos on headrests, aluminum driver and passenger footrests, logo factory oor
mats. 20” wheels, Scuderia shields, yellow brake calipers. StoneGuard installed
from windshield forward. One owner. 100% complete with all books, tools, keys
and car cover. 2,075 miles. $159,999. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA1G0219023 (2016 USA model). Blue
California with cuoio leather. Power seats with blue diamond pattern stitching and
Cavallinos stitched on headrests, blue carpeting, aluminum foot rests, leather
headliner, Navigation, Satellite radio, Bluetooth, Apple CarPlay. 19” light alloy
wheels, front and rear parking sensors, chromed front grille, Scuderia shields.
MSRP $257,281. Original books, tools, keys/remotes. 2,000 miles. $169,500.
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555 4420
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA1H0219802 (2017 USA model). Nero
with nero leather. Power seats with yellow stitching including Cavallinos on head-
rests, electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, Apple CarPlay, yellow tach. 20” forged
dark painted rims, yellow brake calipers, Scuderia shields, parking camera. 10,083
miles. $166,300. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA4H0221009 (2017 USA model). Silver-
stone with nero leather. White contrast stitching, carbon ber steering wheel +
LEDs, Navigation, yellow tach. Scuderia shields, front and rear parking sensors,
yellow brake calipers, 20” factory aluminum wheels. 2,904 miles. $179,995.
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL) 4422
Page 18 - 9 November 2019
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA9H0220129 (2017 USA model). Bianco
Avus with Rosso Ferrari interior. Power seats with nero piping and nero stitching
including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, carbon
ber central bridge, interior and exterior electrochromic mirrors, HomeLink, alu-
minum driver and passenger footrests, white tach. Red brake calipers, Scuderia
shields, 20” forged painted rims, Bridgestone tires. 9,363 miles. $160,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA2H0220330 (2017 USA model). Giallo
Modena with nero leather. Yellow tach. Yellow brake calipers, front grille with
chromed edges, Scuderia shields, 20” forged painted rims. Factory warranty to
Aug. 19, 2019 and maintenance to Aug. 19, 2023. One owner car with clean Car-
fax and AutoCheck reports. 5,790 miles. $162,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA5H0224503 (2017 USA model). Rosso
corsa with beige leather. Heated seats with red stitching, carbon ber steering
wheel + LEDs, beige lower dash and center console, black carpets, yellow tach.
Yellow brake calipers, Scuderia shields, parking camera, 20” forged dark painted
wheels. 4,035 miles. $179,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
CALIFORNIA T 2+2, VIN ZFF77XJA5H0224713 (2017 USA model). Rosso
corsa with Beige Tradizione leather. Carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs. Han-
dling Speciale package, Scuderia shields, parking camera, 20” forged painted
rims, red brake calipers. Ferrari factory warranty to Apr. 27, 2020 and Genuine
Maintenance to Apr. 27, 2024. 8,830 miles. $172,500. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
488 GTB
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA2H0226553 (2017 USA model). Bianco Avus with
Rosso Ferrari interior. Power seats with nero stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, Rosso Ferrari steering wheel, carbon
ber central bridge, mats with logo, premium hi- sound system, yellow tach.
Black roof, Rosso Scuderia brake calipers, Scuderia shields, parking camera, sport
exhaust pipes, front and rear parking sensors, glossy painted wheels. Carbon ber
rear air ducts and side air splitter. 2,227 miles. $269,950. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA3J0231024 (2018 USA model). Rosso corsa with
cuoio leather. Power Daytona seats, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon ber
dash inserts and central bridge, leather rear shelf. Suspension lifter, Scuderia
shields, titanium exhaust, AFS lighting system, sport sill cover, yellow brake cali-
pers. Factory warranty to Nov. 2020. One owner, MSRP $323,308. Books, tools,
car cover, battery charger and two keys. 900 miles. $279,900. 4418
Black Horse Motors,, sales@blackhorsemotors.
com, 239-280-0403 or Darren, 239-273-3706 (FL)
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA8J0231424 (2018 USA model). Bianco Avus with
charcoal interior. Large Goldrake racing seats with Grigio Chiaro stitching includ-
ing Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, white tach. AFS
light system, front suspension lifter, sport exhaust pipes, Scuderia shields, parking
camera, sport sill cover, 20” forged diamond rims. Factory warranty to Jan. 26,
2021 and maintenance to Jan. 26, 2025. One owner, clean Carfax and AutoCheck
reports. 136 miles. $289,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA)
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA3J0231427 (2018 USA model). Bianco Avus with
Rosso Ferrari leather. Large Goldrake racing seats with white stitching including
Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, vehicle personaliza-
tion plaque, yellow tach. Carbon ber: front spoiler, side air splitters and rear air
ducts, 20” forged dark painted rims, gold brake calipers, suspension lifter, AFS
lighting system, sport sill cover, Scuderia shields, parking camera. Full factory
warranty until Dec. 9, 2020 and maintenance program until Dec. 9, 2024. 1,974
miles. $289,900. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA2J0232018 (2018 USA model). Rosso corsa with nero
leather. Power seats with red stitching including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon
ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon ber central bridge, dashboard inserts and under-
door cover, premium hi- sound system, yellow tach. 20” forged diamond wheels,
suspension lifter, red brake calipers, sport exhaust pipes, Scuderia shields, front
and rear parking sensors. 2,446 miles. $261,178. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
488 GTB, VIN ZFF79ALA9J0233523 (2018 USA model). Blu Corsa with nero
leather. Daytona seats with Alcantara inserts, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs,
white tach. Scuderia shields, front and rear parking sensors, sport exhaust pipes,
silver brake calipers. 1,067 miles. $249,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
488 GTB
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA9H0222206 (2017 USA model). Grigio Scuro
with rosso interior. 8,682 miles. $324,500. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected] (MA)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA9G0218901 (2016 USA model). Blu Tour de
France with cuoio leather. Carbon ber racing bucket seats with blue stitching,
carbon ber driver zone, passenger display, yellow tach. Yellow brake calipers,
Scuderia shields, power folding mirrors. 2,754 miles. $289,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
*488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA3H0220239 (2017 USA model). Giallo Mode
na with nero leather. Power seats with giallo diamond stitching, giallo safety
belts, and Cavallinos stitched on headrests in giallo, carbon ber driver zone +
LEDs, carbon ber central bridge and dashboard inserts, mats with logo, premi
um hi- sound system, yellow tach. AFS system, nero roof, black brake calipers,
exterior sill kick in carbon, suspension lifter, Scuderia shields, front and rear
parking camera, front and rear parking sensors, 20” forged diamond rims, Mi
chelin tires. 4,465 miles. $299,900. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA2H0221589 (2017 USA model). Rosso corsa
with Beige Tradizione leather. Large Goldrake style carbon ber racing seats
with Cavallinos stitched on headrests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, carbon
ber central bridge and dash inserts, oormats with 488 Spider logo, JBL pre
mium sound system. Red brake calipers, Scuderia shields, rear parking camera,
Michelin tires. 1,950 miles. $299,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, 248-538-9600
*488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMAXH0222733 (2017 USA model). Rosso corsa
with nero interior. Certied Pre-Owned. 1,118 miles. $269,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA5H0222932 (2017 USA model). Blu Corsa with
nero leather. Daytona style seats with blue seat belts, carbon ber driving zone +
LEDs, carbon ber dash inserts. Scuderia shields, blue brake calipers, suspension
lifter, parking sensors. 3,401 miles. $269,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA3H0227546 (2017 USA model). Rosso corsa me
tallic with nero leather. Power Daytona-style seats with red stripes, red stitching
including Cavallinos on headrests, red seatbelts, carbon ber driver zone +
LEDs, carbon ber interior and exterior trim packages, mats with logo, premium
hi- sound system, Apple CarPlay, red tach. AFS system, yellow brake calipers,
front suspension lifter, sport exhaust tailpipes, Scuderia shields, front and rear
parking camers and sensors, 20” forged diamond rims. One owner sold new by
us with MSRP $415,912. Excellent condition throughout. 1,798 miles.
$319,900. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA8H0228126 (2017 USA model). Nero with nero
interior. Large Goldrake carbon ber racing seats with bianco stitching including
Cavallinos stitched on headrests, carbon ber interior racing package, electro
chromic mirrors, HomeLink, Apple CarPlay, premium JBL sound system with
passenger display, white tach. Adaptive front headlamps, aluminum brake cali
pers, suspension lifter, Scuderia shields, rear parking cameria, titanium exhaust
pipes, 20” forged dark rims with Michelin tires, anti-stone chipping lm, carbon
ber: rear air ducts, side air splitter, exterior B-post, exterior sill kick. 2,061
miles. $299,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, (248) 538-9600
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA9H0228409 (2017 USA model). Giallo Modena
with nero interior. Power Daytona racing seats with yellow stitching including
Cavallinos on headrests yellow center seat stripe and seat belts, electrochromic
mirrors, mats with logo, HomeLink, premium hi- sound system. AFS light sys
tem, yellow brake calipers, exterior sill kick in carbon, carbon ber racing pack-
age, suspension lifter, sport exhaust pipes, parking camera, front and rear parking
sensors, sport sill cover, 20” forged diamond rims. Factory warranty to July 25,
2020 and maintenance to July 25, 2024. Ferrari Approved Certied Pre-Owned.
New through our store. Clean Carfax and AutoCheck reports. 3,697 miles.
$299,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected],
888-647-4158 (CA)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA2J0229519 (2018 USA model). Black with black
leather. Large Daytona racing seats, yellow stitching with Cavallinos on head
rests, carbon ber driver zone + LEDs, yellow tach. Adaptive front light system,
yellow brake calipers, suspension lifter, Scuderia shields, 20” forged rims. 1,128
miles. $295,500. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected] (MA)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA1J0230127 (2018 USA model). Giallo Modena
with nero leather. Power seats with yellow stitching, carbon ber steering wheel
+ LEDs, Navigation, yellow tach. Scuderia shields, red brake calipers, carbon
ber side air ducts, 20” forged painted wheels, parking sensors. 1,955 miles.
$309,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA7J0234490 (2018 USA model). Triple layer yel
low with nero interior. Goldrake racing seats, yellow stitching including Caval-
linos on headrests, carbon ber racing package, electrochromic mirrors, Home-
Link. Protective lm, sport exhaust pipes, heat insulating windscreen, Scuderia
shields, parking camera, front and rear parking sensors, 20” forged dark painted
rims, carbon ber: rear air ducts, outer B-post trim, front spoiler, under door
cover. One owner. 3,959 miles. $299,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
9 November 2019 - Page 19
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA3J0233868 (2018 USA model). Nero with Rosso
Ferrari leather. Sport seats with black stitching, red leather center console, red
leather door inserts, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, Navigation, red tach.
Parking sensors, 20” matte black wheels, red brake calipers. 856 miles.
$309,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA3J0235393 (2018 USA model). Grigio Ferro with
nero leather and Alcantara interior. Large Goldrake racing seats with rosso stitch
ing including Cavallinos on headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, red
tach. Scuderia shields, 20” forged dark painted rims, carbon ber rear air ducts,
suspension lifter, AFS system, front and rear parking sensors, rear parking cam-
era and sport exhaust pipes. Factory warranty to May 18, 2021 and maintenance
to May 18, 2024. 2,742 miles. $325,000. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA0J0235755 (2018 USA model). Bianco Avus
with Blu Sterling interior. Power seats with diamond pattern stitching in Bianco,
Cavallinos stitched on headrests in Bianco, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs,
premium JBL sound system. AFS light system, suspension lifter, blue brake cali
pers, rear parking camera, front and rear parking sensors, 20” forged diamond
wheels, carbon ber: rear air ducts, side air splitter, exterior sill kick. 774 miles.
$319,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, (248) 538-9600
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA7K0238475 (2019 USA model). Giallo Triplo
Strato with nero leather. Large Goldrake racing seats with yellow stitching in
cluding Cavallinos on headrests, yellow safety belts, carbon ber steering wheel
+ LEDs, premium hi- sound system, yellow tach. Yellow brake calipers, carbon
ber side air splitter, B-post trim, and rear air ducts, Scuderia shields, sport ex-
haust pipes, front and rear parking sensors, standard wheels (wheels in photo
purely for effect). Factory warranty to Sept. 29, 2021 and maintenance to Sept.
29, 2024. 354 miles. $359,000. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,,,
888-707-1318 (CA)
*488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA8K0239666 (2019 USA model). Rosso corsa
with cuoio interior. 582 miles. $339,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
488 SPIDER, VIN ZFF80AMA4K0242130 (2019 USA model). Grigio Titanio
with Bordeaux interior. Power Daytona style seats, Apple CarPlay. Scuderia
shields, suspension lifter, heat insulating windscreen, AFS system, gray brake
calipers, clear bra, carbon ber: side air splitter, B-post trim, under door cover.
Brand new! 30 miles. $358,376. 4420
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected]
GTC4LUSSO T, VIN Z ZFF82YNAXJ0233903 (2018 USA model). Grigio
Ferro metallic with nero leather. Power seats, Apple CarPlay, passenger display,
Navigation, aluminum tach. Scuderia shields, rear parking camera, front and rear
parking sensors, 20” forged painted wheels. 1,851 miles. $219,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
GTC4LUSSO T, VIN ZFF82YNA5J0233906 (2018 USA model). Blu Tour de
France with Beige Tradizione leather. Power seats, Navigation, premium hi-
sound system with passenger display, white tach. Scuderia shields, 20” forged
diamond wheels, rear parking camera, yellow brake calipers,sport exhaust. 409
miles. $229,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
GTC4LUSSO T, VIN ZFF82YNA3J0237663 (2018 USA model). Rosso corsa
with nero leather. Power seats with rosso stitching, carbon ber steering wheel +
LEDs, mats with logo, high power hi- sound system. 20” forged painted rims,
red brake calipers, suspension lifter, sport exhaust pipes, Scuderia shields. Fer
rari factory warranty to Dec. 27, 2021 and Genuine Maintenance to Dec. 27,
2025. 63 miles. $295,425. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
488 PISTA, VIN ZFF90HLA6K0239602 (2019 USA model). Rosso corsa with
nero interior. 401 miles. $519,000. 4420
Algar Ferrari of Philadephia, Bryn Mawr, PA,, sales@, 800-620-2939
488 PISTA, VIN ZFF90HLA3K0242277 (2019 USA model). Giallo Modena
with black Alcantara interior. Racing seat lifter, yellow stitching and safety belts,
mats with logo, Radio/Navi system, Bluetooth, integrated audio system. Yellow
brake calipers, black ceramic exhaust pipes, re extinguisher, racing stripe, 20”
forged dark painted rims, carbon ber: rear molding, side air splitter, engine cov
ers, front airvents. Exceptional throughout and showroom new. Remainder of
factory warranty and maintenance service. One owner. Original books, tools,
keys and remotes. 98 miles. $525,000. 4420
Autosport Designs, Inc., Tom Papadopoulos, Long Island, NY,, 631-425-1555
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA7K0237891 (2019 USA model). Grigio Ti-
tanio with cuoio interior. Power seats with Cavallinos stitched on headrests in
Bianco, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, mats with Portono logo, aluminum
driver and passenger footrests, premium JBL sound system, aluminum tach. Red
brake calipers, carbon ber wheel caps, front grille with chrome edges, sport ex-
haust pipes, rear view parking camera, MagneRide dual-mode suspension. Retired
demo. 1,739 miles. $264,900. 4423
Cauley Ferrari, West Bloomeld, MI,, info@cauley.
net, (248) 538-9600
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA1K0238311 (2019 USA model). Grigio Sil-
verstone with Rosso Ferrari leather. Power seats, carbon ber steering wheel +
LEDs, rosso center console, lower dash, door inserts, high power hi- sound sys-
tem. Magneride suspension, 20” forged wheels, Scuderia shields, parking camera,
red brake calipers. 1,977 miles. $269,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
*PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA8K0239374 (2019 USA model). Nero
with nero interior. 169 miles. $253,900. 4423
Foreign Cars Italia, Greensboro, NC,, 855-400-
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA1K0239393 (2019 USA model). Argento Nür-
burgring with Rosso Ferrari interior. Power seats with black stitching, carbon ber
driver zone + LEDs, high power hi- sound system, yellow tach. Red brake cali-
pers, 20” forged dark painted rims, Scuderia shields, black ceramic exhaust pipes,
parking camera, MagneRide suspension, heat insulating windscreen. Factory war-
ranty to Nov. 20, 2021 and maintenance to Nov. 20, 2025. One owner, ordered
through our store. Clean Carfax and AutoCheck reports. 520 miles. $249,000.
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected], 888-
647-4158 (CA) 4419
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA7K0240158 (2019 USA model). Bianco Avus
with Blu Medio leather. Power seats with blue belts, HomeLink. Blue brake cali-
pers, rear parking camera, MagneRide dual mode suspension, 20” forged wheels,
Scuderia shields, sport exhaust. 3,154 miles. $259,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA8K0240511 (2019 USA model). Bianco Avus
with rosso leather. Power seats, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, hi- audio
system. Magneride dual mode suspension, yellow brake calipers, parking camera,
Scuderia shields. 602 miles. $259,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
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Page 20 - 9 November 2019
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA1K0241158 (USA model). Rosso corsa with
nero leather. Power seats with red stitching, HomeLink, Navigation, yellow tach.
Red brake calipers, 20” sport wheels with silver nish, Scuderia shields, Magne-
Ride dual mode suspension. 708 miles. $259,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
*PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA9K0241540 (2019 USA model). Bianco
with red leather. Power seats with contrast stitching including Cavallinos on
headrests, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, electrochromic mirrors, mats with
logo, hi- sound system, white tach. 20” forged wheels, red brake calipers, car
bon front air intakes, Scuderia shields, black ceramic exhaust pipe, front and rear
parking cameras, adaptive lights, MagneRide suspension, heat insulating wind-
screen. 4,032 miles. $274,990. 4423
Ferrari of Atlanta,, sales@ferrariofatlanta.
com, 678-802-5000 (GA)
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPA1K0242004 (2019 USA model). Grigio Sil
verstone with cuoio leather. Black piping and stitching, including Cavallinos on
headrests, A-pillar in cuoio Alcantara, electrochromic mirror, yellow tach. 20”
forged diamond rims, Silverstone brake calipers, Scuderia shields, front grille
with chrome edges, parking camera. Factory warranty to Feb. 28, 2022, and
maintenance to Feb. 28, 2026. 1,222 miles. $229,000. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected],
888-647-4158 (CA)
PORTOFINO 2+2, VIN ZFF89FPAXK0242177 (2019 USA model). Grigio Ti
tanio with cuoio leather. Power seats, carbon ber steering wheel + LEDs, carbon
ber central bridge, aluminum tach. MagneRide dual mode suspension, Scuderia
shields. 1,129 miles. $259,995. 4422
Naples Motorsports, Ron Ward, 239-776-1310 (FL)
F355 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFXR41A0V0108145 (1997 USA model). Black
with red interior. Dual racing seats. Sport exhaust, front splitter, rear wing. Col-
lector kept. Excellent body. Great car for club events, retired series, or just col-
lecting. 9,766 miles. $159,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
360 MODENA F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFYR51B000123436 (2001). Car is at
Ferrari of Houston and it is ready to run. $75,000. 4418
Joseph M Bruno, Sr., [email protected], 504-525-1335 (LA)
360 MODENA F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFYR51B000131573 (2003). Grigio
with nero interior. Factory built race car. Roll cage, re extinguisher. $84,900.
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
F430 F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFEX63X000145776 (2006). Giallo with nero
interior. Factory built race car. XL race seat. Roll cage, re extinguisher.
$105,900. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
F430 F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFEX63X000146328 (2006). Yellow with red
interior. Roll cage, quick release steering wheel, and full harness. Completely
rebuilt after its Challenge career. Ready for track day and club racing. 142 F430
Challenge cars were built, only about half survive. $84,500. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954 522-9900 (FL)
F430 F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFEX63X000151751 (2006). Factory built race
car with enclosed dual axle Trailex trailer. Body is brushed titanium with trunk,
top and rear deck wrapped in black carbon ber, with red trim. Excellent condi
tion with new re system in cockpit and engine compartment, new seats and belts
and AIM tracking system. Equipped with a transponder, removable steering
wheel and integrated air jacks. Eight matched wheels --- the best looking F430C
out there and runs great, this is a fast car! An executive race car which was only
running 3-4 club weekends per year and kept in air conditioned storage.
$55,000. 4422
Ted Priem, [email protected], 952-412-6720 (MN)
F430 F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFEX63X000152244 (2007). Rosso corsa with
red and black interior. One of 142 factory-built F430 race cars. Incredible perfor
mance, ideal opportunity to participate in premier historic racing venues in a
technically advanced and easy to drive modern Ferrari. $84,500. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
F430 F1 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFFEX63X000159383 (2008). Bianco Avus with
nero interior. Sold for track use only. $109,950. 4419
Ferrari Westlake,, [email protected],
888-647-4158 (CA)
458 CHALLENGE, VIN ZFF71NXX000177846 (2011). Rosso corsa with black
interior. Introduced in 2010, the 458 Challenge can lap the Fiorano test track in
1:16.5, two seconds faster than its F430 Challenge predecessor and only 0.2 sec
onds slower than the FXX! Weight reduced from the standard 458 Italia through
the use of thinner body panels, carbon ber body panels, and polycarbonate win-
dows and windshield. The interior cockpit has been stripped of any unnecessary
weight, features carbon ber seats, and utilizes a roll cage for additional stiffness
and safety. Free-ow race exhaust system, air-jack mount on the rear of the car,
racing fuel ller cap, lightweight forged racing wheels, and front and rear tow
hooks. $117,500. 4422
Ferrari South Bay,, [email protected],
888-707-1318 (CA)
TR/59 REPLICA, S/N 6481 GT (1964). Museum quality example. One of the ve
Jim Rose cars. Flawless aluminum body mated to matching numbers 330 motor
and chassis. Six Weber carburetors. Five speed gearbox. Polished Borrani wire
wheels. Purchased in 1994 by current owner and later meticulously sorted and
restored by Ron Sparling. Always displayed in a conditioned environment. Photos
available. $385,000. 4419
Marc, 239-293-8351 (FL)
250 ENGINE PARTS. Type 168/128 CYLINDER HEADS, matched pair of orig-
inals—not repops, magnauxed, all new valves, springs, needle bearing rockers,
etc. Also 14-stud cam covers, fresh professional wrinkle nish, throttle bosses on
left cover, concours quality. Set of three correct intake manifolds for these heads
plus two used oil ll/breather caps. $48,500 for all, plus shipping. 4419
Farland Classic Restoration, Bill Orth, [email protected], 303-877-6477 (CO)
RETIREMENT SALE: 250 GTE Series I engine. Partially assembled. For details
please contact:
Suzie Pilkington, [email protected] (UK) 4422
ENGINE FOR SALE, S/N 1833 GT. Tipo 128F, from 250 GT Pininfarina Cab-
riolet, Series II. Complete from air cleaner to proper exhaust, rebuilt, and up-
graded with new, complete, competition type heads from GTO Engineering.
Original complete heads included. This is the original engine for 250 Cabriolet,
S/N 1833. $200,000 OBO. 4422
Phil T., [email protected] (CA)
WANTED: Ferrari 250 engine with Numero Interno 594 F -- complete or any
parts thereof. Even if it’s installed in another car, that’s okay -- I’d take the whole
package! I would also consider a complete Tipo 168 engine. 4421
PARTING OUT an almost complete 1989 Testarossa engine that was running
when removed. Lots of NLA parts, fuel distributors, block, heads, valve covers,
plenums, pistons, rods, crank, crank pulley, fuel lines, intake. Much more!
Steve Waldie, [email protected], 609-577-7976 (NJ) 4419
2003 ENZO COMPLETE ENGINE with approx. 7,500 miles. All parts are good,
camshafts, pistons, cylinder etc. Complete with valve/cam covers and engine
cover. No leaks and runs well. $110,000. F355 ENGINE. 360 CHALLENGE
STRADALE ENGINE. ENGINE 250 GT, S/N 4925. Everything is brand new,
including the water pump. 4421
Lyle Tanner, [email protected], 231-252-4485 (MI)
355 CORE ENGINE: complete with heads, sump and valve covers, fully assem-
bled. 1995 version, turns over, looks lightly used in the orices, but should be
opened and serviced. Indoor storage for years, no known history. MAY have been
a spare for the Murphy--Canepa #28 Challenge car S/N 104405 because other
items that were with it are from that car. (see Miscellaneous ad) Photos available.
$5,500 plus shipping. 4419
[email protected], 303-877-6477 (CO)
GTE; F40 (used)/F40 (new); Michelotto F430 GT2 engine; LaFerrari; 488; 812
Superfast; 458 Speciale; 328; Testarossa. ALL POA. Two Daytona transaxles –
rebuilt. POA. For more details, e-mail:
ENGINES FOR SALE FOR 360. Units running in car and out of car, with or
without F1 transmissions and accessories. Call for needs. 4418
Dave C., 516-946-7771 (NY)
CAVALLINO magazine. COMPLETE SET nos. 1-231. All in excellent condition.
246 GT-GT/S “Repair and Workshop Manual” published by Ferrari. Translated
from the Italian by Angelo Wallace. 365 GTB/4 “Assembly Data and Repair In-
structions Manual” published by Ferrari. Translated from the Italian by Angelo
Wallace. 4420
[email protected], 201-953-2600 (NJ)
512 TR FACTORY PARTS manual in new condition, $500. 512 TR owner’s
manual and owner’s warranty and service book in new condition. The warranty
book is lled out for VIN number ZFFLG40A0N0091644. 4419
Glenn Farrell, gfarrell@y, 207-363-8053 (ME)
MEMORABILIA: F40 LEATHER pouch and books, 4421
Lyle Tanner, [email protected], 231-252-4485 (MI)
HOBBYIST COLLECTOR DOWNSIZING: very rare Ferrari sales brochures, M-P
33 166 Inter Coupe, M-P 38 166 MM II, M-P 47 166 2+2 II. Offers over $3,800
each, will not respond to lowball offers. Complete set of Ferrari yearbooks, 1949 –
present. Some driver signed, offers. Complete sets of Cavallino, Forza, Rosso Fer-
rari, and Ferrari World, as well as individual copies – reasonable prices.
Alan, [email protected], 301-602-6163 (MD)
THREE DENNIS HOYT SCULPTURES: one-off interpretation of the 312 Fer-
rari Formula 1 car. One-off right headlight/fender interpretation wind-sculpted
1959 250 TR. #9 of 30 250 GTO center airvents on the nose. E-mail for photos.
Will sell individually, inquire for price. 4422
Jim Arnieri, [email protected], 307-752-7980 (WY)
9 November 2019 - Page 21
1981/1982 308 OWNER’S WARRANTY and service book and owner’s manual
(two books total), $300; 512 BBi owner’s manual, $300; 355 F1 owner’s manual,
$300; 2005 F430 Spider owner’s manual, $300. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
THE COBRA-FERRARI WARS 1963-1965, 2nd edition. Signed by the author. The
great GT cars and drivers of the mid-1960s. From the book [Bob Bondurant]: “I
arrived in Sicily not speaking a word of Italian. My guide was one of the other
drivers, Enzo Arena. He picked me up at the hotel, but he didn’t speak any Eng-
lish. So we stopped and got an Italian-English dictionary. We were driving to the
circuit reading this dictionary. I would hand it over to him, and he would be read-
ing and driving, back and forth, just missing donkeys, carts and scooters.”$49.95
includes shipping in the U.S. 4423 or PayPal [email protected] (AZ)
DINO 246 GT Chassis Service Manual Abstract, No 61/72. Good with cover
wear. $1,100. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
FERRARI YEARBOOKS, 1947 reprint, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967,
1968-1969-1970, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1998, 1999, 2004. 4419
Dick Fritz, [email protected], 518-962-4423 (NY)
FERRARI OWNERS MANUALS for all models, from all years. Bought out a
business, 20 years strong. Selling lots of stuff. 4419
Steve Waldie, [email protected], 609-577-7976 (NJ)
FERRARI YEARBOOKS: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993,
1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1984/1985 (by Grache, Milan), 1979 (by Arexons),
1978 (by Arexons), 1977 (by Auto Chic), 1975 (by Vincitori), 1970/1969/1968,
1967, 1966, 1963 (reprint in 1978), 1960, 1959, 1950, 1949 (reprint in 1969 by
Richard Merritt). 4418
Jay Lawrence, [email protected], 617-645-8252 (MA)
LARGEST SELECTION of Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini and other marques
literature and gifts. Over 500 different brochures. Over 100 workshop manuals
and owner’s handbooks. Over 200 Ferrari related books. Over 1,000 Ferrari re-
lated magazines and hundreds more on other marques. Over 1,000 publications
from Ferrari clubs around the world; plus programs and regalia from FCA annual
meets. Over 200 built models and model kits in a variety of scales. A large selec-
tion of posters, including many original Ferrari factory issued posters. Ferrari art-
work and a variety of gift ideas for the Ferrari fan and automotive enthusiasts in
general. Plus, lots more rare, vintage and unique stuff! 4418
[email protected], 630-926-5111 (IL)
FERRARI DINO dealer sign; 1960s Ferrari Service dealer sign; 1970s Ferrari
Sales/Service dealer sign. All with cabinet kits. Service manuals for 250 Lusso,
250 GTE, 275 GTB/GTS, 330 GT 2+2, 365 GTB/4 and GTS/4, 246 GT and GTS,
and 308 GT4. English language, spiral bound reprints. $55, two or more $50 each
including shipping. CAVALLINO: complete collection from issue #1 through 200.
All are original issues in excellent condition, $1,000 plus shipping. FCA PRANC-
ING HORSE: complete collection from #1 through 185. Issues #1 - 33 are reprints,
$450 plus shipping. E-mail or call for more information or with questions. 4418
William Locke, [email protected], 716-386-2107 (NY)
Vintage Ferrari model collection: the nest group to be offered in decades and
impossible to replicate today! 59 models, gathered between 1975 and 1989. All
original and mint, some “pro-built”, some “pro-detailed”; includes antique display
case. Iconic Ferrari posters: 250 SWB & GTO Tourist Trophy, Vignale Spyder,
Anderloni 166 design studies, Baracca memorial, Factory F-1 Champions set, and
event posters including Le Mans, Targa Florio, etc. Nardi ceramic ash tray, silk
scarf; Factory horse head scarf. Everything is on the site with color photos and
sizes. Email for more info to:
E. A. Singer,, [email protected] (CA) 4419
VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE AT! Search for “Ferrari”. Hundreds
of historic memorabilia. 4419
Jacques Vaucher, 830-864-5040 (TX)
FERRARI BROCHURES: 275 GTS, 275 GTB, 330 GT, 512 BB, 308 QV. 1964
Yearbook. Manuals: 512 carb, 308 GTSi, 400i. Magazines: Prancing Horse col-
lection, Cavallino, Forza. 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
The Spyder California, A Ferrari of Particular Distinction, by George M. Carrick;
original 1976 rst edition--in perfect condition--never opened! $290/OBO. 4419
Terry Clark, [email protected], 864-506-2691 (SC)
FOR SALE: 40 YEARS of FCA publications, Cavallino and Forza including rst
issues. Many trinkets, memorabilia, models, etc. Will separate. Email me with
your interests:
DISPOSING of Ferrari magazine and book collection. A few issues are missing in
these: Cavallino, 1978 (Vol 4) to 1996 (Vol 180); Ferrari Market Letter, Volume
13 (June 1988) to Volume 27 (Nov 2002); Volume 32 (Dec 2007) to Volume 35
(August 2010); Prancing Horse, Volume 36-87. Also, most Ferrari books during
this period. Make me a reasonable offer. 4418
365 GTB/4 ‘DAYTONA’, S/N 17005, warranty booklet, original leather pouch
and parts manual. Daytona 365 GTB/4 by Braden and Roush. 2004, 2015 FCA
National Meet memorabilia. Forza magazine, large selection, individual issue or
in bulk, cheap! 250 brochures, including Spyder California. Dino 246 manuals
and pouch. 4422
F40 BOOKS, MANUALS, and leather wallet. 4420
PLATINUM CONCOURS QUALITY manual pouch sets available for inside and
outside plug 250, all 275, 330 and 365, Dino and more. 100% original Ferrari
items only. Complete your classic Ferrari to factory delivered standard today!
Theodore Winstone, [email protected], 0044 7540845902 (GB) 4421
CAVALLINO magazines -- SPECIAL YEAR-END PRICING. Buy three, four or
ve copies of issues 183 through 216 (please, just one copy per issue per order).
The prices are $12 for three, $14 for four or $16 for ve (PLUS shipping of your
choice). They are brand new and unopened. First-come, rst-served. Please send
me the numbers of the issues you want and I’ll let you know what’s available. If
you want to buy all of the issues, please contact me for a bulk price. 4421
in purchasing partial or complete collections of Ferrari models, memorabilia and
publications, manuals, books, magazines, Cavallino, Forza, Italian Style, Ferrari
Story, etc., maintenance manuals and sales literature, etc. 4418
[email protected], 630-926-5111 (IL)
ER LISTS, etc. I am a private collector willing to pay top dollar for early Ferrari
pieces for my collection. Please call or e-mail with any items from the early days
thru the late 1960s. 4418
Kenneth Goldman, [email protected], 781-326-7750 (MA)
BUYER for important, vintage auto-related posters; marque, race/events, com
memorative 1895 to late 1960s. Please, vintage only; happy to trade! 4419
E. A. Singer,, [email protected] (CA)
WANTED: Ferrari literature and manuals. 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
LEATHER OWNER’S MANUAL POUCH from 1960s, yellow dust cloth and
warranty booklet. 4422
W64A390168324 for possible purchase. 4419
Steve Goldenberg, [email protected], 614-778-8989 (OH)
ONE TO ONE 612 SCAGLIETTI … factory information wanted. How many
were produced? 4422
Cooper Weeks, [email protected], 816-931-6231 (MO)
FOR 365 GTB/4 ‘DAYTONA’, S/N 13999: need any information regarding pre-
vious ownership. Was in California from 1971-1989. 4422
BECKER EUROPA II stereo AM/FM radio, model # 467. TESTAROSSA elec-
tronic speedometer, 200 MPH OEM by Veglia, 695 miles. 4420
[email protected], 201-953-2600 (NJ)
250 PARTS: THREE WEBER 40 DCZ 6 carbs, PF Cab Series II factory hardtop;
restored Magneti Marelli dynamo DN63B; NOS 250 inside plug pair of exhaust
headers; NOS 42 mm splined hub for right rear axle; 250 fan assembly suitable
for Lusso. Lusso front bumpers; GTE rear license plate frame, BOM ashtray
without lid; BOM ashtray with crossed ags. New 250 head studs; ve original
condition Borrani wheels #RW 3591; set of ve Borrani #RW 3801 wheels in
very good condition; 250 SWB headlight rim NOS. 4420
[email protected], 214-707-1046 (TX)
575 LUGGAGE set, 430 Scuderia luggage set, LaFerrari black luggage set, La
Ferrari red luggage set. Windshields: we can provide windshields for Ferraris
from the 1950s to the 1980s. Please specify if you want clear or tinted. 4421
Lyle Tanner, [email protected], 231-252-4485 (MI)
BORRANI WHEELS: matched set of ve new RW 3591 15 x 5.5” wheels
mounted with new 185 x 15 Pirelli Cinturatos, all from Motion Products, Inc.,
with less than 100 miles. $16,500 plus shipping. 4419
Farland Classic Restoration, Bill Orth, [email protected], 303-877-6477
F40 factory speedometer in the original box. Ordered new in 1992 with US ve
hicle. Best offer. ENZO luggage, three-piece, $15,000. F430 car covers with
steering wheel and seat covers, $550 per set. 4419
Rick Black, Beverly Hills, CA, [email protected], 310-400-4200
MISCELLANEOUS: set of four rare Daytona Campagnolo magnesium race
wheels, 8 x 15 and 9 x 15, with recent Pirelli 235 x 60 P600 tires, chrome trim
rings, excellent condition, silver paint. $16k rm. Two Cromodora Daytona
wheels, 9 x 15, with trim rings, BFG tires. $5,000 for the pair. Three ear Daytona
knockoffs, freshly chromed, set of four, $2.5k. Stiff front sway bar (25 mm diam
eter vs. stock 22 mm) for Daytona, $950. Set of 12 NOS Borgo high compression
pistons for 365 V-12, $4,800. Dinoplexes for Daytona, small size, three working,
$1,500 lot, and three not tested, $900 lot. Eddie Weiss large aluminum hex wheel
nuts for Daytona with wrench, $900. New Metal Master metallic brake pads for
Daytona. New rear light assemblies for Daytona. 4421
Marshall Buck, [email protected], 310-836-4390 (AZ)
Page 22 - 9 November 2019
TWO NEW FACTORY F40 European seats. $20,000. 4422
Dr. Marvin Brame, [email protected], 336-414-6792 (NC)
308/328 TOOL ROLL, complete and in new condition, $750; F430 complete tool
kit, $500; original 308 metric wheels off a 1981 GTB, $800 OBO; F355 Spider car
cover in original red bag, $500; 2010-14 California wind stop, never used, $400;
246 Dino headlight covers, new, make offer; 456 one piece tan luggage, $100.
Email for photos. 4420
[email protected], 360-907-0823 (WA)
MISCELLANEOUS: 275 camshafts, one repaired and one good, used headline
covers, offers invited. Three Everest wrenches, size 16/17, 18/19 and 20/22, $300.
348 US version owners book, offers. 4422
Rocky Santiago,, [email protected], 405-843-
6117 (OK)
MISCELLANEOUS: TWO 1982-1985 (?) Magneti Marelli digiplex MED 803-A
from German 308 GTS QV. 308 exhaust mufer, used, very good; upper leather
seat cover, tan,308; 308 smog pump bracket. Various Ferrari tools. Red satin seat
covers and steering wheel cover; Dino turn signal steering wheel switch. Recaro
Ideal C seats; key chains, etc. What do you need? 4423
Stan, [email protected], 407-716-5981 (FL)
F12 4-PIECE LUGGAGE SET. Black with yellow stitching. $5,000. F430 set of
four Challenge style wheels with tires and titanium lugs. $5,000. 4423
Chuck Reimel,, [email protected],
484-683-1340 (PA)
SET OF FOUR two-eared Boano knock-offs, with hammer, $1,000. Two shift
forks for Boano and a miscellaneous gear, $200. 250 GT Boano exhaust, $2,000.
250 Lusso tool kit, nice condition and mostly complete. Known missing items are
hub puller and spark plug wrench, $12,500. 308 GTS or QV wheels, Cromodora
Star mags, set of four, $600. Rear bumper center section in good original condi-
tion. Body number stamping 386. Suitable for both 275 GTB, 275 GTB/4, and 250
GT Lusso. 4423
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
488 WHEELS, base model in silver; no tires. $2,500. 4422
Ferrari Québec,, 514-337-7274 (Montreal, Canada)
FOR 360: parting out multiple cars. Sheet metal, mechanical, electrical, hardware.
Call for needs. 4418
Dave C., 516-946-7771 (NY)
FOR DAYTONA: COMPLETE TUBI stainless steel exhaust system. All eight
pieces, like new, used only once, European style headers. Pictures available. Total
new over $20,000. Make offer! 4422
Jack, 801-598-0366 (UT)
FERRARI BRIEFCASE TOOL KIT for early 1970s cars. European headlights
#50W QI H4, to replace non-original sealed beam lights. Fits: Boxer, Daytona,
365 GTC/4, Testarossa, 512 TR, 400, 412, 308 GT4, Mondial. Dino 246 starter
motor, gone through with new solenoid, $685. 512 BB and 512 BBi front hood in
primer, $6,800. 360 Modena factory red car cover, $460; 360 Modena factory tool
kit, $895; Testarossa hood, damaged but repairable, $5,300; Testarossa headlight
buckets, left and right, $4,800 for the pair; 512 BB and 512 BBi factory mufer
systems. I only have a few left; priced according to condition. TWO Ferrari fac-
tory catalytic converters which t TR, 328, 308 QV, Mondial QV, Mondial 3.2,
Mondial t. Part #121385, $3,200 for the pair. Ferrari 360 left and right tail pipe
sections part #178769, 178770, $2,900 for the pair. 4419
Dick Fritz, [email protected], 518-962-4423 (NY)
F430 SEATS: black power Daytona pair; tan power Daytona pair. 19” OEM F430
wheels; 19” OEM 430 Scuderia wheels; 19” OEM 360 Stradale wheels. Ferrari
tool kits, jack kits, covers, oor mats, miscellaneous parts and more for 308, 328,
Testarossa, Mondial, 355, 348, 360, 430, 599, 550, 575, plus so much more. Var-
ious Ferrari exhaust systems and cats for several years and makes. Various factory
and aftermarket wheels for many Ferrari models. If you’re looking for something
in particular, we may have it! 4419
Steve Waldie, [email protected], 609-577-7976 (NJ)
DINO: two rear light sockets, used; USA model air pump, used; voltage regulator,
new; steering rack assembly, wheel to wheel, used; A/C dryer, used; coil, used;
one set of brake pads, front and rear, new; front amber parking light assembly
USA, used; radiator cap, used; two distributor caps, used; door edge light assem-
bly, used; Dino nose badge, new. GENERAL: Prancing Horse horn button, new;
Prancing Horse wheel inserts, new; Ferrari nose badge, new; chrome Prancing
Horse, 3” tall, new. 4418
Jay Lawrence, [email protected], 617-645-8252 (MA)
NOW IN STOCK: the 600-16 Pirelli Stella Bianca. Michelin and Pirelli Cinturato
205/70VR14, 205VR14, 185VR15, 205VR15, 205/70VR15, 215/70VR15,
225/70VR15, 185VR16. ALL Pirelli and Michelin sizes available. Take-offs and
lightly used Ferrari sizes also available. Largest selection of Ferrari tires any-
where. Best service, best selection, best prices. 4420, 800-952-4333, 562-595-6721 (CA)
308 or 328 TARGA TOP with storage bag, in excellent condition. $7,500 FIRM.
805-245-1272 (CA) 4420
BACKUP LIGHT ASSEMBLY for 275 GTB or 275 GTB/4. $300. 4422
Cooper Weeks, 816-931-6231 (MO)
NEWCO PRODUCTS: We are adding new items all the time and our new website
should be up soon. Our new black screw assortment is upcoming with 24 compart-
ments of impossible to nd screw and washers, stay tuned! I made more of the
Cavis-style green hose and we have a huge range to choose from in many sizes.
The new 33mm shims are coming from Italy in October! Just cad-plated more
yellow insert nylocs and acorns. LOBO bolts in black oxide, Cad 1, or black zinc.
Fresh batch of yellow and brown hoses for fuel and oil and SALVA ttings, don’t
forget to order collars for the hoses, customers love them. Thank you, Pebble
Beach customers, for our services and wins! Tons of items; see our web site.
Neil or Daisy,, [email protected], 818-341-
9216, 8-4 M-F (CA) 4420
STOCK IS BEST! Low mileage original equipment mufers. 246, 308, Testa-
rossa, 355 (both 2.7 and 5.2), 360 with or without tips, 456, 550, F40 and F50.
Your Ferrari is worth more with original exhaust. 246 ywheels reground to O.E.
step, with new ring gear tted. 330 GT/GTC camshafts. Good used condition. No
distributor drives. $1,500 the pair. 330 GT/GTC camshaft with distributor drive,
part #17904. 7/12 bank. One bad lobe. $600. Daytona 7-12 inlet camshafts. NOS.
NOT a regrind. Two available, $1,000 each. 275 GTB/4 camshaft cores, three
available. $150 each. NOS fuel log. Fits 250 with 46 DCF. Absolutely perfect.
$1,500. SUN 504 distributor machine, two available. 4419
Bill Martensen, 831-331-3352 (CA)
DAYTONA / DINO license plate frames, $450; DAYTONA SHOCK PRINTING
$500; Looking for a part and can’t nd it? Check We also
fabricate some hard-to-nd parts. ANSA exhaust systems rebuilt. All internal
components exactly duplicated and renished, giving the proper Ferrari sound.
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@bo-, 858-622-1600 4422
less, $4,500; brand new 400i exhaust system, $3,800; red Ferrari ofcial car cov-
ers in original Ferrari bag, $175 each; four Daytona/GTC4 Borrani wire wheels,
excellent condition, with used XWX tires mounted, size 215-70x15, $5,900; four
early 212-225 new wire wheels with new Dunlop tires, $8,800; one Daytona Ansa
exhaust, NOS with two center mufers only, $400; four like-new rear mufers for
550 Maranello $500 each; complete toolkit, bag and jack for 365 GTB/4 “Dayto-
na”, $11,000. Halda speed device for late 50s, early 60s type, totally restored,
$2,300; 500 SA crankshaft, OEM, never used, $2,900. 4418
Joni Bundy, 858-756-2236 (CA)
400/412 RADIATOR. Bosch Jetronic ECU for 328, 3.2 Mondial. 308 bell hous-
ing; 308 GTSi/Bi air lter box. 328/Mondial complete gear set. FOUR Daytona
Borrani: two 8” (4301), no tires and two 9” (4300) with tires. 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
1981-82 MONDIAL 8 USA VERSION MUFFLER, made by Ferrari, part no.
115799. Purchased new by me Jan. 1999 from Algar Ferrari, Philadelphia, PA.
Brand new, never used. Make offer. 4421
1958 FERRARI 250 TDF SIGLA front windshield in box, brand new. Never in-
stalled. $3,500 OBO. 4420
Gabriel Sports Car, Inc., Yonkers, NY, [email protected], 914-965-
9 November 2019 - Page 23FOR 365 GTB/4 “DAYTONA”: new outside rear view mirror, $300; NOS,
unused factory dry sump tank, $500; NOS windshield surround, $400. 355
GTC/4: six new door jam lights, part no. 960291200, $65 each; NOS factory
tool kit; NOS factory door weatherstripping for both doors, $750. 250 SWB:
slightly damaged but useable headlight surround; outside ller gas cap assem-
bly. BOXER: four rear view mirrors (two Vitaloni and two Californias), $150
ea.; factory NOS metal back plate for rear license plate, part no: 253 75 53000,
$125; NOS rear license plate assembly, with bulb, $150. 400 series: used rear
bumper, good, $350; NOS tan inside visors, $200. 4419
Terry Clark, [email protected], 864-506-2691 (SC)
ODDBALL LEFTOVERS: Set of 330/365 intake manifolds, $900; full set of
330 cylinder liners, used, standard bore, $450; early 330 ywheel, used, $150;
275 GTS license light cover and lens, used, $50; set of Daytona jets (120 and
5059), $50; new EL106553 exhaust valves (two), $150; V12 lower clutch in-
spection cover, used, $35. All plus shipping. 4419
[email protected], 303-877-6477 (CO)
PLATINUM CONCOURS QUALITY tool kits available for inside and outside
plug 250, all 275, 330 and 365, Dino and more. 100% original Ferrari items
only. Complete your classic Ferrari to factory delivered standard today! 4421
Theodore Winstone, [email protected], 0044 7540845902 (GB)
RETIREMENT SALE: massive collection of 250, 275 and 330 parts accumu-
lated over 50 years. Includes engine components, gearboxes, Weber carbure-
tors, instruments, accessories, lights, brakes, body panels, steering and suspen-
sion parts etc. Photo inventory available. 4422
Suzie Pilkington, [email protected] (UK)
NOS 365 GTB/4 ‘DAYTONA’ PARTS: one crank shaft; four P6 heads; two
heads; one ring gear; one oil reserve tank; one right fender; one trunk lid; one
limited slip unit; one set front splines; one set axles; one set rear uprights; one
set front hubs; one set rear hubs; one alternator; one shift gate; one gear selector
stick; one 10.33 ring/pinion - used, good condition; one starter motor - used,
good condition; one set Comp wheels - two front, two rear. 4419
ORIGINAL METALLIC GOLD DUST for Formula 1 and 2 wheels from late
1960s. Enough for at least four wheels. Email for more info:
E.A. Singer, [email protected] (CA) 4419
TESTAROSSA parts for sale: pair of “test pipe” catalytic converter replace-
ments, never installed, $300. 512 TR gear change selector, complete, $1,200;
center console seat belt retractors, $200; passenger side door panel, nero, $250.
Also: Borrani 3801 wheel, restored, $1,100. 4422
Phil T., [email protected] (CA)
360 CHALLENGE racecar gearbox, freshly rebuilt, 00 kms. Selection of F40
wheels for sale with many F40 spare parts. Selection of classic and modern
Ferrari seats in stock, 348/355 race seats, F40 seats. Ferrari Schedoni luggage
sets for 575 Superamerica; for LaFerrari; for Enzo. All POA, for more details
DINO TOOLS: set of 3-eared Borrani knockoffs. Daytona spark plug wrench-
es; original 365 GTB/4 hood strut; 275/365 jacks; 250/275/330 Foredit wind-
shield washer bag; 250, 275, 500 SA large ashtray with ags, excellent condi-
tion; CIMA jack; NOS clocks, original, for 250/275/365/Dino/Daytona, with
original clock tags attached; 190 mm pliers for 250/275/365, unrestored or
restored to concours condition; NOS 275/330 parachute seat belts including
rare shoulder belt and original mounting hardware; 275 GTB/4 tool kit, origi-
nal, complete, show quality; 275 GTB/GTB-4 blue jack kit; 250 inside plug
tool kit, ultra rare; 275 GTB/GTB-4 tool kit, concours condition; Cheney hose
clamps; 275, 330, 365 GTB/4 steering wheels, original, restored to Pebble
Beach quality; Dino 206/246 tool kits; Pantera and Lamborghini hood struts.
Too much to list!
FOR 1986 US VERSION TESTAROSSA: ying mirror, Rossa Corsa, no mir-
ror glass, $900; ying mirror, Rossa Corsa, very good paint, $1,250. Six piece
Schedoni tan luggage with tags and keys, very nice condition, $6,750. Original
1986/1987 wiring diagram manual, $300. Used window motor and cable driver
side, $350. Delco Remy remanufactured alternator, $400. Two original front
wheels 8.00Jx16”, $1,500 for the pair; one original rear wheel 10.00Jx16”,
$900. PLUS SHIPPING. 4422
WANTED: SCHEDONI luggage set for 430 Scuderia as well as a set for the
Scuderia Spider 16M. Would prefer a complete set, unused with dust covers.
Also want 355 Serie Fiorano three-piece factory luggage set in black. Will con-
sider any or all Fiorano marked pieces. 4418
Wes, [email protected], 210-913-8552 (TX)
MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: 308 tool kit, jack with leather pouch. 4421
Joseph, 604-980-0843 (N. Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
WANTED: Ferrari tool kits and parts. 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
WANTED FOR 365 GTB/4 ‘DAYTONA’: 8/10 Dino wrench, Daytona spark
plug wrench. Briefcase tool kit. Also, 275/330/365 shift gate, 3 screwhole ver-
sion. New or good used acceptable. 4422
FERRARI BODY PARTS AVAILABLE: We can supply almost all front and
rear bumpers, grilles, under shields and front sub frames for all Ferrari models
produced from the 348 to the 488. They will be presented to you as originals or
reproductions since many of these parts are no longer available. 4421
Lyle Tanner, [email protected], 231-252-4485 (MI)
FERRARI FINDER: During the process of collecting and trading Ferraris I have
located hundreds of Ferraris, many unadvertised. Please call with your needs,
straight advice gladly given. Thanks! 4421
[email protected], 310-274-7440 (CA)
DEBBIE MOTORS. Automobile services. Local in Beverly Hills, CA. Special
izing in Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini. 4420, 310-600-5603 (CA)
RADCLIFFE MOTORCAR COMPANY, Baltimore’s premier facility for ser
vice and restoration of Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Maserati. Proudly serving the Euro-
pean and American collector car community. 4421
Richard Garre,, 410-517-1681 (MD)
ations, material damage appraisals, pre-purchase inspections, diminution of
value, certied expert testimony - trials/arbitrations. The only F.I.A., OR-
DINEX, ASE, ICAR and IAAA certied/registered Ferrari appraiser in North
America. Ferrari S.p.A. & NA appraiser of record. 40+ years experience. Known
worldwide - 4422
Lance S. Coren, C.A.A., C.M.A., 559-299-0429 (CA)
INTERSTATE MOTORSPORT is your one stop shop. All diagnostic tools,
state of the art facility, ultrasonic tank, machine shop, service, storage, sales and
professional detail. Want to buy, appraise or consign your running (or NOT)
Ferrari. Discrete transactions, fast money. 30 years in business, will travel any
where; ship anywhere. 4419
Steve Waldie, [email protected], cell 609-577-7976 or ofce
FERRARI SERVICE: specializing in all services related to Ferrari, classics to
modern, mechanical, interior and coachwork. SD1, SD2 and Leonardo diagnos
tic systems, highest quality work. Fair and reasonable prices. Call us for accurate
quotes, references and advice. Pick up and delivery anywhere. 4423
Jack, NJB Automotive,, 614-855-0425 or 614-891-
5678 (OH)
WOULD YOU LIKE to buy your next late model pre-owned Ferrari, Porsche or
other exotic at a wholesale price? As a dealer we have such access. Call us:
Doug Pirrone, [email protected], 631-421-2690 or 631-423-
1010 (NY) 4420
CLES, and other motor vehicle property damage. I represent Ferrari owners.
Mike Shoemaker, trial attorney, Houston, TX,,
713-898-9518 4418
MOHR IMPORTED CARS. Buying, selling, consigning in Monterey since
1983. Just about the heart of it all in the U.S. Advice on purchasing and servicing
Ferrari gladly given. 4418
Al Mohr, Mohr Imports,, 831-905-3909 (CA)
BOBILEFF MOTORCAR COMPANY, sales, service, parts nder and restora
tions. Pre-purchase inspections on new or older Ferraris. 4422
Bobileff Motorcar Company, San Diego, CA,, garyb@, 858-622-1600
MARELLI DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE: complete Marelli distributor service.
Quick turnaround. 4420
Dave North, [email protected], 862-823-1182 (NJ)
MARIO AND SON CLASSIC CAR Paint and Body: established in 2012, Mario
Perez has 25 years experience working with some of the nest classic/vintage
cars. Mario learned his craft by working many years side by side with one of the
very best paint and body masters in the business, Nick Harris of Nick’s Old Car
Specialty located in Redlands. While working for Nick Harris they painted many
cars that went on to Pebble Beach. Mario and Son Classic Car Paint and Body is
located in Hesperia, CA, in a 6,000 square foot shop. Recent work includes a
Ferrari 330 GTC, 400i, Lamborghini Miura and Espada, Maserati Ghibli Spyder,
Coupe, and Sebring. Free estimates, can pick up within 200 miles. 4421 for photos and videos; call Mario at
909-782-1948 (CA)
MASTER ENZO-ERA FERRARI technician wanted. Must be highly skilled in
V-12 engine rebuilding as well as all mechanical aspects of the classics. Top
dollar paid. References. Must be willing to relocate to Mt Shasta, California.
Please contact:
Terry Price, Legendary Motorcars, Inc., 18705 Old Highway 99, Gazelle,
CA, 96034 or call 530-905-0316 4423
EXPERIENCED BODYMAN wanted to work on vintage sports + GT+ racing
cars. High line shop seeking individual with prior knowledge/experience of vin
tage Italian craftsmanship. Flexible work schedule available, PT/FT. 4420
Gabriel Sports Car, Inc., Yonkers, NY, email resume to info@gabrielsports- or fax 914-965-4543
Page 24 - 9 November 2019
EXPERIENCED TECHNICAN wanted, with knowledge of carburetion, multi-
cam engines, gearbox and transaxle rebuilding, to work on vintage Ferrari and
other sports, racing and GT cars. Seeking self-starter with tools and references.
Motor Classic & Competition Corp., Bedford Hills, NY, fax resume to 914-
997-9136 4420
EXPERIENCED METAL SHAPER/panel fabricator wanted, capable of build
ing sports car bodies in aluminum. Seeking a self-starter with tools and refer-
ences. 4420
Motor Classic & Competition Corp., Bedford Hills, NY, fax resume to 914-
WANTED: SCUDERIA SPIDER 16M. Must be Rosso Scuderia with Italian ag
livery stripe. Less than 10,000 miles with iPod option. Options are negotiable.
Wes, [email protected], 210-913-8552 (TX) 4418
ALL PRE-1980 FERRARIS wanted by discreet buyer with instant cash or
trades, any condition, anywhere. Finders fee gladly paid. Please call, many
thanks! 4421
[email protected], 310-274-7440 (CA)
REIMEL MOTORCARS is seeking well maintained Ferraris, collectible models
or current models, for inventory. We are located about 20 miles west of Philadel
phia and specialize in exotic and unique vehicles. If you are looking to sell your
Ferrari, please contact:
Chuck Reimel,, [email protected],
484-683-1340 (PA) 4423
FERRARIS WANTED, 1947-PRESENT DAY. For private collection. Any
competition and road cars, any condition. Will travel immediately. 4418
Richard, [email protected], 561-405-5339 (FL)
LOOKING FOR A 6-SPEED 360 SPIDER, 2003-2005 model year. Black with
black interior. Will pick up anywhere in the U.S. Please help me nd one!
Keith Danon, 619-224-7583 or 619-223-5732 (CA) 4421
WANTED: 246, 250, 330, 275, 365 series, all Ferraris from 1950 to 2005. Any
condition, top price paid. Will pick up from anywhere in USA. 4423
Peter Kumar, [email protected], 800-452-9910 (NY)
WANTED: FERRARI 246, 250, 275, 330, 365 and 512. Any condition, dead or
alive, top dollar paid! Finder’s fee paid. 4421
Alex Manos, [email protected], 877-912-0007 (CA)
FERRARIS wanted in any condition. 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
WANTED: F430 SPIDER, 6-speed. 4420
Motor Classic & Competition Corp., [email protected], 914-997-
9133 (NY)
WE NEED 308 QVs, 328s, and newer Ferraris. 8- and 12-cylinder. We will
purchase outright or consign at our Fort Lauderdale showroom. No high mile,
rough or projects please. 4421
Steve Ahlgrim, Motorcar Gallery, [email protected], 954-522-
9900 (FL)
FERRARI WANTED - 575 Superamerica. Must be 6-speed. A proper price and
you have a buyer. 4418
TRADE WANTED: 2014 BENTLEY Continental GT V8. Special-order Blue
Crystal with saddle interior. Optional 21” wheels. 24K two-owner miles. Nor-
Cal car from day one. Clean Carfax, no paintwork ever, clear bra. Always
dealer serviced. Photos available. Trade for Ferrari. 4419
1947 MONK HAIDA by legendary yacht designer Ed Monk Sr; fully restored.
SUPERLATIVE WINE CELLER with 350 cases spanning over a century. Old
vintages to recent releases, from Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Germany,
Italian, Port, Sherry, First Growths, Domestic, DRC, and Tête de cuvée. WILL
Cosmopolitan Motors, LLC, Bremerton, WA, www.cosmopolitanmotors.
com, 206-467-6531
1988 LAMBORGHINI JALPA, red with tan interior, red piping. 13,500 kms.
One owner, alway garaged and well maintained, possibly the last Jalpa built.
Photos available. WILL TRADE FOR FERRARI. 4418
Joe Phillips, [email protected], 251-747-2696 (AL)
LAMBORGHINI Miura and Espada, Maserati 3500 GT and Vignale Spyder,
Ghibli Spyder, ISO Grifo, etc. Will trade for FERRARI(s). 4421
[email protected], 310-274-7440 (CA)
USA, European or Asian specications. QUID PRO QUO. Also have 2013
USA 458 Spider, black with black interior, 1,280 miles; 2013 USA 458 Spider,
yellow with black interior, 1,800 miles; 2008 Mercedes SLR, black with black
interior, 800 miles; 2016 Lamborghini Aventador, white with tan interior, 1,300
miles; 2014 Lamborghini Aventador, blue with black interior, 1,650 miles;
2015 McLaren 650 Spider, orange with black interior, 1,100 miles; 2015 Bent-
ley GTC, white with black interior, 2,100 miles. Will trade up, down or side-
ways for Ferrari(s). 4419
Rick Black, Beverly Hills, CA, [email protected], 310-400-4200
1987 PORSCHE 911 Turbo. Black with black leather, Blaupunkt Reno stereo,
alarm, sunroof, catalytic converter. 43,408 miles. 1987 Porsche 911 Turbo.
Black with tan leather, heated seats, sunroof, velour carpeting in the luggage
compartment. Clutch and original 4-speed transmission engage smoothly and
the car drives as it should. 29,397 miles. WILL TRADE FOR FERRARI.
Call or text Barry Lundgren, 508-726-3315 or email [email protected]
(MA) 4420
250 GT LWB BERLINETTA, S/N 1031 GT (1958). Giulietta Blue and maroon
with Havana interior. Pebble Beach Award winner, matching numbers, restored
by Patrick Ottis. Period competition history including 4th overall in the 1958
TdF. 1971 Maserati Ghibli SS 4.9. Metallic blue with cream leather. Well-pre-
served and very rare. One owner for 47 years. 1976 Lamborghini Countach
LP400. Metallic blue with blue cloth and white leather. One of only 160 Peri-
scopica. Matching numbers, comprehensively restored. 1982 Lamborghini
Countach LP400S Series II Low Body, red with tan leather. Exceptionally
original with 18,000 km. $35,000 recent work. 1983 Lamborghini Countach
LP5000S, white with black leather. Matching numbers, over 30 years of single
ownership. Complete engine rebuild. 1967 Lamborghini 400 GT 2+2, silver
with tan leather. 1974 Maserati Bora. Red with black leather. 20,000 miles. A
superbly preserved survivor with recent mechanical work. Award-winning car.
1977 Maserati Bora 4.9. Silver with red leather. Preservation grade. 11,000
miles. Certied by Maserati Classic. Ferrari trades entertained. 4421
Fantasy Junction,, 510-653-7555 (CA)
TRADE WANTED: 360 SPIDER, VIN ZFFYT53A310125704. See classied
ad. Interesting Ferrari or other antique or exotic trade, up or down. 4418
Dave C., 516-946-7771 (NY)
TRADE WANTED: 1984 Porsche 911 Targa; 1992 Porsche 968 convertible;
1975 Fiat 130 coupe; 1987 Maserati Biturbo Spyder; 1982 Porsche 928 5-speed;
1969 Jaguar XKE Roadster project; 1961 Corvette Roadster; 2001 Porsche
Boxster; 1989 Yamaha RZ350; 1954 Jaguar XK120 xed-head coupe; 1959
Pontiac Bonneville convertible. Will trade for FERRARI(s). 4418
Forza,, [email protected], 860-350-1140 (CT)
ster, red; 1994 Speedster, black; and a 1988 slantnose turbo cabriolet. Generous
allowance for Ferrari trades. 4421
Motorcar Gallery,, 954-522-9900 (FL)
9 November 2019 - Page 25
Give us your COMING EVENT details!
email: Cathy@FerrariMarketLe
NOVEMBER 10-13: The Dino Rally to the Grand Canyon. Stay three
more days after the International Meet and let local club members
show you the back roads that our FCA regularly drive.
NOVEMBER 16: Concorso Ferrari Palm Beach 2019, Abacoa Golf
Club, Jupiter, FL.
NOVEMBER 17: Brazilian Grand Prix, São Paulo
NOVEMBER 30: RM Sotheby’s Abu Dhabi sale, Yas Marina Circuit,
Abu Dhabi.
DECEMBER 1: Ferrari Festival presented by Ferrari of Houston, 4444
Westheimer Road, Houston, TX. Showcasing some of Houston’s nest
Ferraris plus raise funds to support Texas Children’s Cancer Center.
Ferrari of Houston, 713-772-3868
DECEMBER 1: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Yas Marina
DECEMBER 6-8: Raduno Classico, Austin, TX. Second annual event
in the beautiful Texas hill country. Open to classic European, Ameri-
can and Japanese cars up to 1989. To register:
DECEMBER 7: Bonhams Bond Street Sale, New Bond Street, Lon-
don, England.
JANUARY 2-12, 2020: Kissimmee auction, Osceola Heritage Park,
Kissimmee, FL. Over 3,500 vehicles.
JANUARY 16, 2020: The Scottsdale Auction, The Westin Kierland
Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, AZ.
JANUARY 16-17, 2020: The Arizona sale, Arizona Biltmore Resort &
Spa, Phoenix, AZ.
JANUARY 17-18, 2020: The Scottsdale Auctions, Scottsdale Fashion
Square, 4700 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ.
JANUARY 22-26, 2020: Cavallino 29, The Breakers, West Palm
Beach, FL. Celebrating 60 years of the 250 GTE 2+2.
FEBRUARY 5, 2020: The Paris sale, Place Vauban, Paris, France.
FEBRUARY 7-9, 2020: 14th Annual Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance,
Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, FL.
FEBRUARY 8, 2020: Cars on Fifth, 5th Avenue South, Naples, FL.
Organized by the Naples Chapter of the FCA. 10 am to 4 pm.
FEBRUARY 8, 2020: Concours in the Hills, Fountain Park, 12925 N.
Saguaro Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ. A fun and relaxed car show open to
all makes and models. Benetting Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
MARCH 5, 2020: The Amelia Island Auction, Fernandina Beach Golf
Club, Fernandina Beach, FL.
MARCH 5-8, 2020: The 25th Annual Amelia Island Concours
d’Elegance. Honoring Roger Penske and celebrating the splendid
shapes of Sergio Scaglietti’s legendary cars on the 100th anniversary
of his birth.
MARCH 6, 2020: The Amelia Island Auction, Racquet Park, Omni
Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, FL.
MARCH 6-7, 2020: The Amelia Island sale, The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia
Island, FL.
MARCH 15, 2020: Australian Grand Prix
MARCH 17-21, 2020: Glendale auction, State Farm Stadium, Glen-
dale, AZ.
MARCH 22, 2020: Bahrain Grand Prix
APRIL 2-5, 2020: Celebration Exotic Car Festival. Following two ex-
hilarating track days and racing at the world famous Daytona Interna-
tional Speedway, the event moves to Celebration, Florida, showcasing
North America’s largest collection of exotic cars, race cars, Hollywood
movie cars, and iconic actors and celebrities, coming together to help
children with life threatening medical conditions. Sunday morning,
participate in the acclaimed road rally, starting with police escort.
APRIL 3-5, 2020: Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama, Barber Motor-
sports Park, Birmingham, AL.
APRIL 5, 2020: Vietnam Grand Prix
APRIL 18, 2020: Cars on Kiawah, Ocean Park, Kiawah Island, SC.
Fifth annual display of over 250 of the region’s most outstanding auto-
mobiles. Admission is free!
APRIL 19, 2020: China Grand Prix
APRIL 19, 2020: La Jolla Concours d’Elegance, La Jolla Cove at El-
len Browning Scripps Park, La Jolla, CA. Featuring various types of
ne automobile gems in the diamond of the West Coast.
MAY 3, 2020: Netherlands Grand Prix
MAY 3, 2020: Greenbrier Concours d’Elegance, The Greenbrier,
White Sulfur Springs, WV. Enjoy a weekend celebration of rich auto-
motive history with some of the most incredible cars in the world.
MAY 10, 2020: Spanish Grand Prix
MAY 13-17, 2020: 60th Anniversary Celebration of the 250 GTE 2+2.
Five day spring tour through the Pennsylvania countryside, with op-
portunities to stop along the way. It will nish with participation in the
Ferrari Club of America’s Pennsylvania Concours.
David Wheeler, [email protected]
MAY 24, 2020: Monaco Grand Prix
MAY 31, 2020: Greenwich Concours d’Elegance, Roger Sherman
Baldwin Park, Greenwich, CT. One of the premier concours in the
country and the largest in the Northeast.
Deadlines are the close of business, 5 p.m. Eastern Time, on the
closing dates listed, and apply only to classied and “camera
ready” display ads. Display ads requiring development must be
submitted earlier to allow us time to do the work.
Issue Closing Date Cover Date
Vol. 44 No. 24 THURSDAY 14 Nov 2019 23 Nov 2019
Vol. 44 No. 25 THURSDAY 28 Nov 2019 7 Dec 2019
Vol. 44 No. 26 THURSDAY 12 Dec 2019 21 Dec 2019
Vol. 45 No. 1 THURSDAY 26 Dec 2019 4 Jan 2020
Vol. 45 No. 2 THURSDAY 9 Jan 2020 18 Jan 2020
Now 6 Months Ago 1 Yr Ago 2 Yrs Ago 3 Yrs Ago
4410 Change 4323 Change 4223 Change 4123 Change
from 4423 from 4423
from 4423
from 4423
Page 26 - 9 November 2019
250 PF CPE 599,268 610,323 -1.81% 633,071 -5.34% 607,213 -1.31% 730,619 -17.98%
250 GTE 411,072 440,672 -6.72% 429,618 -4.32% 389,121 5.64% 422,053 -2.60%
250 GTL 1,482,705 1,659,932 -10.68% 1,713,806 -13.48% 1,766,387 -16.06% 2,157,039 -31.26%
330 GT 2+2 249,215 279,596 -10.87% 259,525 -3.97% 278,880 -10.64% 326,967 -23.78%
275 GTB 2,180,193 2,280,440 -4.40% 2,355,101 -7.43% 2,218,468 -1.73% 2,341,959 -6.91%
330 GTC 585,237 585,812 -0.10% 580,437 0.83% 693,120 -15.56% 772,253 -24.22%
275 GTB/4 2,710,765 2,965,204 -8.58% 2,878,718 -5.83% 3,110,053 -12.84% 3,106,849 -12.75%
365 GT 2+2 232,691 240,947 -3.43% 259,276 -10.25% 256,134 -9.15% 308,625 -24.60%
365 GTB/4 682,698 651,185 4.84% 676,420 0.93% 752,209 -9.24% 812,413 -15.97%
365 GTS/4 2,269,322 2,230,365 1.75% 2,208,869 2.74% 2,489,033 -8.83% 2,708,557 -16.22%
365 GTC/4 221,319 243,138 -8.97% 245,279 -9.77% 289,687 -23.60% 401,935 -44.94%
365 GT4 2+2 85,533 80,332 6.47% 76,388 11.97% 86,221 -0.80% 58,504 46.20%
365 GT4/BB 447,520 470,515 -4.89% 484,136 -7.56% 430,414 3.97% 457,588 -2.20%
400 GT & A 34,300 32,180 6.59% 31,961 7.32% 39,071 -12.21% 42,417 -19.14%
512 BB 293,912 353,450 -16.84% 330,625 -11.10% 338,715 -13.23% 372,800 -21.16%
400i GT & A 38,406 42,489 -9.61% 40,485 -5.14% 45,090 -14.82% 40,808 -5.89%
512 BBi 231,391 232,574 -0.51% 250,767 -7.73% 326,170 -29.06% 365,132 -36.63%
TR 85-87 98,923 103,961 -4.85% 105,852 -6.55% 129,670 -23.71% 157,076 -37.02%
TR 88-91 125,556 126,918 -1.07% 125,660 -0.08% 133,963 -6.28% 149,836 -16.20%
412 GT & A 49,869 43,390 14.93% 44,331 12.49% 46,390 7.50% 39,626 25.85%
512 TR 174,678 182,176 -4.12% 196,343 -11.03% 257,525 -32.17% 267,357 -34.66%
456 GT 48,594 47,222 2.91% 49,784 -2.39% 48,016 1.20% 47,111 3.15%
F512 M 418,519 440,267 -4.94% 422,200 -0.87% 438,081 -4.47% 494,040 -15.29%
F50 2,077,227 2,106,516 -1.39% 2,078,818 -0.08% 1,948,250 6.62% 1,833,838 13.27%
550M 114,423 120,096 -4.72% 126,790 -9.75% 137,182 -16.59% 121,912 -6.14%
550 BARCHETTA 366,929 368,140 -0.33% 384,039 -4.46% 422,154 -13.08% 579,093 -36.64%
456M GT & A 56,036 55,818 0.39% 55,634 0.72% 54,214 3.36% 58,790 -4.68%
575M MARANELLO 127,636 129,540 -1.47% 127,057 0.46% 127,575 0.05% 113,032 12.92%
ENZO 2,495,150 2,450,445 1.82% 2,512,720 -0.70% 2,124,905 17.42% 1,937,057 28.81%
612 SCAGLIETTI 111,286 102,376 8.70% 102,889 8.16% 127,068 -12.42% 129,856 -14.30%
SUPERAMERICA 405,252 424,100 -4.44% 405,051 0.05% 513,647 -21.10% 480,499 -15.66%
599 GTB FIORANO 178,800 177,042 0.99% 178,090 0.40% 194,491 -8.07% 195,209 -8.41%
FF 159,195 159,924 -0.46% 170,626 -6.70% 197,279 -19.30% 216,923 -26.61%
F12berlinetta 236,923 251,701 -5.87% 267,294 -11.36% 294,229 -19.48% 340,706 -30.46%
246 GT 317,318 330,988 -4.13% 294,688 7.68% 307,964 3.04% 345,245 -8.09%
246 GTS 336,824 367,966 -8.46% 333,321 1.05% 360,048 -6.45% 385,653 -12.66%
308 GT4 54,349 51,468 5.60% 54,198 0.28% 45,403 19.70% 44,723 21.52%
308 GTB FG 178,284 184,162 -3.19% 190,016 -6.17% 206,666 -13.73% 237,483 -24.93%
308 GTB 70,608 77,814 -9.26% 82,675 -14.60% 118,016 -40.17% 92,029 -23.28%
308 GTS 64,437 59,125 8.98% 58,410 10.32% 69,144 -6.81% 67,396 -4.39%
308 GTSi 56,886 56,833 0.09% 61,174 -7.01% 67,492 -15.71% 67,332 -15.51%
308 GTB QV 75,360 71,408 5.53% 69,873 7.85% 75,673 -0.41% 60,888 23.77%
308 GTS QV 73,830 73,242 0.80% 68,500 7.78% 63,243 16.74% 65,568 12.60%
MON QV CPE 31,087 31,341 -0.81% 32,289 -3.72% 31,190 -0.33% 29,723 4.59%
MON QV CAB 30,860 31,751 -2.81% 32,557 -5.21% 30,598 0.86% 31,500 -2.03%
288 GTO 2,414,609 2,373,205 1.74% 2,252,215 7.21% 2,147,562 12.43% 2,403,100 0.48%
328 GTB 96,929 103,332 -6.20% 94,706 2.35% 75,790 27.89% 74,007 30.97%
328 GTS 92,187 93,064 -0.94% 92,059 0.14% 82,978 11.10% 85,566 7.74%
3.2 MON CPE 34,745 34,660 0.25% 34,328 1.21% 33,394 4.05% 35,399 -1.85%
3.2 MON CAB 32,304 35,239 -8.33% 33,193 -2.68% 36,478 -11.44% 37,284 -13.36%
F40 1,268,280 1,303,352 -2.69% 1,265,212 0.24% 1,424,283 -10.95% 1,445,717 -12.27%
MON T CPE 40,078 37,550 6.73% 36,468 9.90% 40,103 -0.06% 39,168 2.32%
MON T CAB 44,258 45,206 -2.10% 43,981 0.63% 42,757 3.51% 43,993 0.60%
348 TB 53,732 54,303 -1.05% 52,302 2.73% 53,380 0.66% 49,140 9.34%
348 TS 54,129 54,715 -1.07% 51,709 4.68% 53,063 2.01% 54,094 0.06%
348 SPIDER 59,605 64,179 -7.13% 62,042 -3.93% 52,973 12.52% 50,843 17.23%
355 BERLINETTA 69,347 69,101 0.36% 69,090 0.37% 63,593 9.05% 61,435 12.88%
355 GTS 72,608 73,538 -1.26% 72,018 0.82% 73,316 -0.97% 64,438 12.68%
355 SPIDER 73,617 77,038 -4.44% 76,551 -3.83% 69,768 5.52% 69,704 5.61%
360 MODENA 68,858 69,626 -1.10% 71,025 -3.05% 73,504 -6.32% 76,007 -9.41%
360 SPIDER 84,724 87,299 -2.95% 86,925 -2.53% 92,764 -8.67% 100,445 -15.65%
CHALLENGE STRADALE 197,038 193,381 1.89% 199,505 -1.24% 203,024 -2.95% 206,132 -4.41%
F430 132,210 129,036 2.46% 128,737 2.70% 125,720 5.16% 119,102 11.01%
F430 SPIDER 151,064 145,740 3.65% 146,140 3.37% 139,174 8.54% 135,973 11.10%
F430 SCUDERIA 196,482 201,039 -2.27% 205,722 -4.49% 211,993 -7.32% 192,379 2.13%
SCUDERIA SPIDER 16M 305,398 308,650 -1.05% 299,169 2.08% 317,476 -3.80% 239,502 27.51%
CALIFORNIA 108,448 115,907 -6.44% 122,225 -11.27% 132,139 -17.93% 152,430 -28.85%
458 ITALIA 174,367 180,447 -3.37% 187,477 -6.99% 199,303 -12.51% 217,162 -19.71%
458 SPIDER 202,887 211,620 -4.13% 216,201 -6.16% 233,263 -13.02% 270,908 -25.11%
9 November 2019 - Page 27