Comparing the databases MSSQL
and MongoDB for the web-based
environment Ozlab
Anthony Nokrach
Faculty: Faculty for Health, Science and Technology
Subject: Computer Science
Points: 15 hp
Supvervisor: Leonardo Iwaya
Examiner: Johan Garcia
Januari 2018
© The author(s) and Karlstad University
En jämförelse mellan databaserna MSSQL och
MongoDB för den webbaserade miljön Ozlab
Anthony Nokrach
This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. All material in this report which is
not my own work has been identified and no material is included for which a
degree has previously been conferred.
Anthony Nokrach
Approved, 16-01-2018
Advisor: Leonardo Iwaya
Examiner: Johan Garcia
I would like to thank my supervisor Leonardo Iwaya, course coordinator Katarina
Asplund and family members for the great feedback and encouragement during the
process of this project.
The debate over whether software system should use a NoSQL or a SQL database, have
been going on for a long time, however there are still not that many studies defining
which of the two databases that is the preferable one. This essay presents a comparative
analysis of the databases MSSQL and MongoDB for the web-based environment Ozlab.
Ozlab allows users and developers to experiment with graphical user interfaces to
obtain acceptable design solutions. We compared MSSQL and MongoDB based on the
basic CRUD operations on both the databases, evaluating their performance and
sustainability with respect to the Ozlab environment. This analysis was based on
existing research experiments and my own experience using the MongoDB and MSSQL
databases. As a conclusion, our result show that MSSQL is the most suitable database
for the Ozlab environment.
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
2 Motivation and Goals ........................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Task ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Expectation ................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Motive ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.4 Related Work ............................................................................................................. 3
3 Background ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Ozlab .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 MongoDB .................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 MSSQL ...................................................................................................................... 8
4 Comparative Analysis ....................................................................................................... 9
4.1 MSSQL ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 MSSQL and Microsoft Visual Studio ...................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Basic CRUD operations in the MSSQL ................................................................................. 11 Insert ......................................................................................................... 11 Select ......................................................................................................... 12 Update ....................................................................................................... 12 Delete ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2 MongoDB ................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1 MongoDB and Microsoft Visual Studio ................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 Robo3T .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2.3 CRUD operations in the MongoDB ....................................................................................... 16 Create ........................................................................................................ 16 Read .......................................................................................................... 16 Update ....................................................................................................... 17 Delete ........................................................................................................ 17
4.3 The Insert, Select, Update and Delete benchmarks on MSSQL and MongoDB ..... 18
4.3.1 The insert performance .......................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 The Select performance.......................................................................................................... 19
4.3.3 Update performance ............................................................................................................... 21
4.3.4 The delete performance .......................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Comparison tables ................................................................................................... 25
5 Results .............................................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Create (Insert/Writing) ............................................................................................. 26
5.2 Select/Read .............................................................................................................. 27
5.3 Update ...................................................................................................................... 28
5.4 Delete ....................................................................................................................... 28
6 Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 30
6.1 The MSSQL ............................................................................................................. 30
6.1.1 The advantages with MSSQL ................................................................................................ 30 Visual Studio ............................................................................................. 30 Software System ....................................................................................... 30 Functionalities ........................................................................................... 31 The update performance in MSSQL ......................................................... 31
6.1.2 The disadvantages with MSSQL ............................................................................................ 32 Unstructured data ...................................................................................... 32 The select performance in MSSQL........................................................... 32 The update performance in MSSQL by id ................................................ 32
6.2 The MongoDB ......................................................................................................... 33
6.2.1 The advantages with MongoDB ............................................................................................. 33 Consistency ............................................................................................... 33 Open-Source ............................................................................................. 33 The update performance in MongoDB by id ............................................ 33 The Select/Read performance in MongoDB ............................................. 33 The delete performance in MongoDB ...................................................... 33
6.2.2 The disadvantages with MongoDB ........................................................................................ 34 Not Microsoft owned ................................................................................ 34 Non-relationship structure ........................................................................ 34 The update performance in MongoDB ..................................................... 34
6.3 The database for Ozlab environment ....................................................................... 35
7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 37
7.1 Facing and overcoming challenges .......................................................................... 37
7.2 Remarks ................................................................................................................... 38
References ............................................................................................................................... 39
List of Figures
Figure 1 The GUI page of the Ozlab environment. ............................................................ 6
Figure 2 A picture demonstrating a running MongoDB with documents representing
data/information. ............................................................................................ 7
Figure 3 A picture demonstrating a running MSSQL database with table, columns and
rows ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 A created University database in the SQL Server Management Studio ............ 10
Figure 5 A created database(University) from SQL Server Management with Microsoft
Visual Studio ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6 Directory command lines in windows terminal for data and log files ............... 13
Figure 7 Connection code to the MongoDB database in the programming language C#
from Microsoft Visual Studio. ..................................................................... 14
Figure 8 Connection between the client and server. ........................................................ 14
Figure 9 Creation of the MongoDB databases. ................................................................ 15
Figure 10 The Robo3T GUI platform displaying the ‘University’, ‘Students’ and
‘Programs’ databases. .................................................................................. 16
Figure 11 Diagram of the test result from the ‘Insert’ experiment in [3] ......................... 18
Figure 12 Diagram of the result from the ‘Select departments’ experiment in [3] .......... 20
Figure 13 Diagram of the test result from the Update Projects by Id’ experiment in [3].
...................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 14 Diagram of the test result from the ‘Update users by first name’ experiment in
[3]. ................................................................................................................ 23
List of tables
Table 1 Results from the ‘Writing/Insert’ performance in [27]. ...................................... 19
Table 2 Results from the ‘Reading performance’ experiment in [27]. ............................. 21
Table 3 Result from the ‘Delete performance’ experiment in [27]. ................................. 24
Table 4 Comparison of structure ...................................................................................... 25
Table 5 Comparison of user related aspects ..................................................................... 25
1 Introduction
Current applications and software systems place more demands for reliable and flexible
databases to manage large and medium size datasets. Most information system can have their
data structured in typical relational databases, but upcoming systems require changes in the data
structure paradigm. This is the case of “big data” applications that handled large amounts of
unstructured data. In this thesis, the MSSQL (Microsoft Structured Query Language) and the
MongoDB (Structural database), are analyzed and compared in the context of the Ozlab
software system. Ozlab is a tool for designing user interfaces, that allows users and developers
to easily improvise and test a variety of Graphical User Interfaces(GUIs), being useful for
discussing interaction with stakeholders and for demonstrating the intended behavior to the
software developers. Given that this research aims to evaluate which of these two databases is
the most suitable for the Ozlab environment regarding the database performance for their most
used operations (i.e., selection, insertion, update and deletion) and compatibility with the
existing integrated development environment (i.e., Microsoft Visual Studio)
This bachelor thesis is structured as follows. The motivation and goals of this thesis are
introduced in section 2. The relevant background about the Ozlab project, MSSQL and
MongoDB are discussed in section 3. The comparative analysis between the MSSQL and
MongoDB is presented in section 4, followed by the results in section 5. Lastly the discussion
about the advantages and disadvantages with using MSSQL and MongoDB for the Ozlab
environment, is presented in section 6. Followed by the conclusion about the project, in section
2 Motivation and Goals
This project was initiated by the research group within KAU’s department of Information
Systems, also main developers of Ozlab. Since the Ozlab software system contains information
of various kinds of datatypes, the developers of Ozlab would like to verify if an alternative
database would be more efficient for accessing, inserting, updating and deleting data. Therefore,
the goals for this project is to compare the performance of using the MongoDB(NoSQL) and
MSSQL(SQL) databases for the Ozlab environment, where Ozlab today are using the SQL
database for managing its information.
2.1 Task
The task is to study and compare two databases, MSSQL (a structured database) and MongoDB
(a non-structured database), to provide a consistent recommendation about the best alternative
for managing the information for the Ozlab environment. To do so, this analysis is based on the
review of existing comparative studies regarding relational and non-relational databases, as
well as our own benchmarks for the MongoDB and MSSQL regarding conventional database
operations (i.e., select, insert, update and delete)
2.2 Expectation
The expectation for this project was that using the MongoDB for the Ozlab environment would
make it simpler for accessing, insert and managing the data for Ozlab project because of the
non-structural design of MongoDB which often is used for managing and sorting databases for
systems that operates with larger amount of data.
2.3 Motive
This project was selected to enhance and develop the student’s skills and knowledge. The
exercise of a solid comparative analysis of technologies for real and fully developed systems is
recurrent practice in the industry that is constantly required to update its information system. In
this project, this is done by analyzing databases for applications and software systems,
considering the importance role of choosing an effective database. Lastly, we believe that by
researching and practicing with structural and non-structural databases such as the MSSQL and
MongoDB is also beneficial during the student’s career in information systems.
2.4 Related Work
For this project, the benefits of using a SQL and a NoSQL database for software applications
in the operations of updating, accessing and inserting data where analyzed. Given that, SQL
language was designed for a structural and relationship-based database, this kind of databases
are often used in software systems with well-defined data structures and that operate with
low/middle data volumes. On the other hand, MongoDB is a non-structural and non-relational
database that is often used in systems and applications that handle and store vast volumes of
data. For instance, MongoDB uses the map-reduce technique for processing large volumes of
data [3] [4].
Analyzing and comparing databases is important when adapting software systems/applications
to new databases that are available on the market. In [3], the authors provide a comparison
between an SQL and NoSQL databases (i.e., MongoDB) for a modest size structured system,
by evaluating the processing time of operations such as select, insert and update. The
experiment consists of four tests with 100 runs each, where they conclude that the MongoDB
have a superior performance for insertions, updates and simple queries, while instead the SQL
performed better when updating the non-key attributes and aggregate queries.
Similarly, in [4] the authors compare MongoDB and SQL databases by using a MongoDB
database application for the Taiwan Water Corporation, where they applied the Map Reduce
method for processing the information, by comparing the insert, reading and search
performance. In the report they concluded that the MongoDB does have a better efficiency than
the SQL database on these areas. The authors believe that the future trend for non-structural
databases will be based on integration both on new technologies and between other structural
databases, for better managing of application with a large amount of data. As in [3], have the
researchers in [27] estimated the performance between SQL and NoSQL databases. In this case,
the researchers estimated have the time (in milliseconds) taken to instantiate, write, insert, fetch
and delete data on a set of structured and non-structural databases.
3 Background
This section presents the relevant technologies and systems used and analyzed throughout the
research, i.e., (1) the Ozlab environment, and the database (2) MSSQL, and (3) MongoDB. All
the technologies are briefly explained, and their main characteristics emphasized, especially
regarding requirements on data handling and sorting, as well as the existing integration of Ozlab
with MSSQL and the possible use of MongoDB.
3.1 Ozlab
The Ozlab system is a GUI web-based environment that manages user interfaces and a platform
for developers to prototype their own design. The Ozlab environment enables for external
partners (researchers and practitioners) to experiment and elaborate with pre-implemented
(unwritten code) user interfaces before starting the implementation of general code.
The research group at Karlstad University’s department of Information Systems is responsible
for the design and development of the Ozlab environment. Ozlab, which has it origin from the
“Wizard-of-Oz” project, uses a method that allows the user to believe that he/she implements
their functions with the program, when they are only communicating with a test-manager that
action-responds to the user. The Ozlab system can be used by researchers/users both at home
or at their own respective workplaces [6]. Currently the Ozlab system utilizes the MSSQL
database for managing its data.
The Figure 1 below displays the first GUI components of the Ozlab environment.
Figure 1 The GUI page of the Ozlab environment.
3.2 MongoDB
MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores its data in JSON file objects, where the
programmer/developer conducts script commands through command lines on windows or
Linux (e.g., shell CLI) to manipulate and search the information in the database. MongoDB
differs from the SQL database, because instead of using a data-structure of tables, row and
columns when handling the data, it uses collections instead of tables and documents instead of
rows. The MongoDB database organizes its information through key-value pairs in which
uniquely primary keys are used to identify and pull data from the database [1]. The MongoDB
is designed and often used for applications and software systems with large volumes of non-
structured data/information [1][3].
The Figure 2 displays an image of a MongoDB database in windows terminal that possesses a
small amount of data.
Figure 2 A picture demonstrating a running MongoDB with documents representing
MSSQL is a proprietary software created by Microsoft Inc that uses the SQL language, which
normally is used when developing analytic statistic for applications and business intelligence
systems. MSSQL is a relational database, meaning that the handling of the information in the
database is based on the relationship the data stored in memory-optimized tables have for each
other [2]. SQL database is built in a way to capture the semantics of the database, where the
datatypes, characteristics and format are grouped together which makes the database structured.
The Figure 3 displays an example of an SQL database that contains tables with columns and
rows representing data.
Figure 3 A picture demonstrating a running MSSQL database with table, columns and
4 Comparative Analysis
The importance and understanding of data/information is critical when analyzing databases.
This section presents the fundamentals of operating with CRUD on the MSSQL and MongoDB
database, (1) MSSQL and the integration process with Microsoft Visual Studio, (2) MongoDB
and the integrations process with Microsoft Visual Studio, (3) The CRUD operations on
MSSQL database, (4) The CRUD operations on MongoDB database, (5) Comparison table
between MongoDB and MSSQL.
MSSQL often called SQL Server is a proprietary software with its first launch 1989 by
Microsoft Inc. MSSQL is a relational database that organize the data in a structural order with
a set of tables that contains data in a predefined category [22]. The tables in a SQL database are
structured in a way that the tables contain columns which includes a set of data values of a
certain datatype. For example, numeric and textual data, that is stored in rows for which are
defined in the columns. [22] [23].
4.1.1 MSSQL and Microsoft Visual Studio
Both the programming platform Visual Studio and the MSSQL database are created by
Microsoft, which facilitates for an effective cooperation between these two platforms.
Connection to the database.
When connecting a project in Visual Studio to the MSSQL database, you will first need to
create a database and a table in the SQL Server Studio Management. In Figure 4, I display an
image where I have created a database in the SQL Server Management Studio with the database
name ‘University ‘.
Figure 4 A created University database in the SQL Server Management Studio.
When a database has been created in the SQL, you can then connect the created database to the
Visual Studio project through the SQL Server Explorer in Visual Studio.
In Figure 5 I demonstrate an image where I have connected the database in SQL Server
Management Studio to the Microsoft Visual Studio.
Figure 5 A created database(University) from SQL Server Management with Microsoft
Visual Studio.
4.1.2 Basic CRUD operations in the MSSQL
CRUD which stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete are the basic functions used in a
database (i.e., insert, select, update and delete). I will in the following subsections describe how
the CRUD functions, operates in a SQL database. Insert
The insert function in a SQL database adds a new record in table with a unique id/primary key
by using the ‘INSERT’ statement. Where the columns in the created table has its own parameter
[9] [10].
12 Select
The Read function in the database reads the primary keys on every table, which helps the
database cooperate with the relationships methods used to find and read data that is generated
in the database. Methods such as ‘SELECT’, selects and find data from the database.
[9] [12] Update
The SQL update function renews the tables in the database based on the primary keys selected
through the ‘WHERE’ statements in the SQL code [9]. Delete
The delete statement/function removes one or more selected rows in the SQL database through
the ‘DELETE’ SQL statement. [9].
4.2 MongoDB
MongoDB is a non-structural database created by the MongoDB Inc, which stores its
information in a document-oriented structure. The MongoDB is an open-source database
published under the ‘GNU Affero General Public License’, which means that any users of the
product can inspect, modify and enhance the platform for its own purpose, under the terms of
MongoDB’s policy.
4.2.1 MongoDB and Microsoft Visual Studio
Before you integrate the MongoDB to a project in the Visual Studio, there are some pre-
adjustment that needs to be include in the process. First step is to create a data and a log folder
in the MongoDB folder where the information generated in the database will be stored. Second
step would be to create a directory to the data and log folder for the data to be stored by using
the command lines, in my case the windows terminal. The Figure 6 demonstrates an example
of how a directory command in the windows terminal could look like.
Figure 6 Directory command lines in windows terminal for data and log files.
The final step in the process is to connect the MongoDB database to the Visual Studio using
implementation code in programming language C#. In Figure 7, I demonstrate how the
connection implementation to the MongoDB database could like in C# Visual Studio. Where I
in the example below create a university, program and student database in MongoDB by using
C# code written in Visual Studio.
Figure 7 Connection code to the MongoDB database in the programming language C#
from Microsoft Visual Studio.
Figure 8 Connection between the client and server.
The first two code lines in Figure 8 represent the connection between the Mongo client and the
Figure 9 Creation of the MongoDB databases.
The image in Figure 9 represents the connection to the MongoDB and the creation of the
databases ‘University’, ’Programs’, ’Students’ which automatically will be created in the
MongoDB, alongside with the collections ‘university’, ‘program’ and ‘students’ for the
respective created databases.
4.2.2 Robo3T
Robo3T (formerly known as RoboMongo) is a free open-source GUI for the MongoDB
database where the platform facilitates for developers to manage and update the data created in
the application, instead of using the terminal to display the data in the MongoDB database [21].
In Figure 10, I show an image representing the Robo3T platform which contains a database,
collection and documents created in Visual Studio.
Figure 10 The Robo3T GUI platform displaying the ‘University’, ‘Students’ and
‘Programs’ databases.
4.2.3 CRUD operations in the MongoDB
I have in the previous subsections described how MSSQL operates with CRUD. I will in the
following subsections, describe how the MongoDB functions with the CRUD operations. Create
The insert function in MongoDB adds a document to a selected collection in the database. If it
occurs a situation where there is no collection for an added document to the database, then the
current document will become a collection. The following example of a code snip, implements
a document to a collection: Db.collection.insertOne() and db.collection.insertMany(). [9] Read
The read operations or queries in the MongoDB databases, selects documents from a single
collection by retrieving data that are stored in the MongoDB. The database adds a query by
using the db.collection.find() method/statement. The query process exists of a collection
identifier, query criteria and a modifier.
17 Update
When the database performs an updating on its machine, then the machine updates the existing
documents in a collection by methods with the example of db.collection.updateOne();,
db.collection.updateMany() or db.collection.replaceOne() [9]. Delete
Delete functions removes documents in a collection by using the methods
db.collections.deleteOne() or db.collection.deleteMany().
4.3 The Insert, Select, Update and Delete benchmarks on MSSQL and
Analyzing the performance of the insert and update function is an important area when studying
the efficiency of a database. In the project [3], the authors/developers made an experiment
between a relational database SQL and the non-relation database MongoDB to determine the
insert and update speed performance on the databases. The experiment consisted of three tables
representing a department, user, project and an additional table that manages M: N, where
queries involving more than one table requires a ‘JOIN’ function. All the objects in the
experiment have a relation to each other.
4.3.1 The insert performance
To make the experiment more credible, the researches have made 100-200 runs for each of the
separate tests. In Figure 11 they compare the insert average time in milliseconds between a
relational(MSSQL) and non-relational database (MongoDB) [3].
Figure 11 Diagram of the test result from the ‘Insert’ experiment in [3].
The Figure 11 above shows that there is no considerable difference between using a relational
and a non-relational database regarding the insert performance. The writing performance in [27]
measures the time taken to write key-value pairs from the bucket on the respective databases.
As shown in the Tables 1, 2 and 3 below, the time is taken on a set of NoSQL and SQL
databases, where the number of operations refers to the number of times a given operation is
executed in the test. I will in this case only focus on the MongoDB and MSSQL databases.
Table 1 Results from the ‘Writing/Insert’ performance in [27].
The result from the writing experiment in [27], shows almost the same result as the previous
experiment in [3]. Where in this the case, the MongoDB performs better than its counterpart
MSSQL as the number of operations increases.
4.3.2 The Select performance
The selecting performance is of fundamental importance both in a structural and non-structural
database where the user selects a table/collection in a database to find a requested data. In this
test the developers have divided the select operations into two categories: complex queries and
simple queries. The complex queries involved multiple objects, aggregated functions and nested
queries where the simple queries involved selecting data on only on object type [3].
In Figure 12, I show a diagram of the results from the selection speed test in milliseconds,
which is based on names on the “Departments” created by the developers in [3].
Figure 12 Diagram of the result from the ‘Select departments’ experiment in [3].
The diagram shows that the MongoDB outperforms the SQL database, which the researchers
believes is due to the structure on how the two databases stores the data. MongoDB uses
memory mapped files to store its data unlike the SQL database that must retrieve its data from
the disk [3].
The reading performance in [27] measures the time taken to read values corresponding to given
keys on the bucket from the respective databases. I will only focus on the MongoDB and
MSSQL databases that are displayed in Table 2 below.
Table 2 Results from the ‘Reading performance’ experiment in [27].
Table 2, from the experiment in [27], shows almost the same results as in the previous example
from [3], where MongoDB outperforms the MSSQL database, as the number of operations
increases. Which I believe is due to the index used by the MongoDB and its use of memory [3].
4.3.3 Update performance
Non-relational/non-structural and relational/structural databases operate differently when it
comes to the update performances. The SQL database operates with relations between the tables
which often contains foreign keys, primary keys and other constraint to the tables for example
UNIQUE and NOT NULL. [2]. The MongoDB(non-relational) stores its information using
collection, meaning that the collections have no constraint and that fields can contain different
datatypes [26].
Figure 13 shows a diagram displaying the ‘Update’ comparison between the MongoDB and
the SQL database. The diagram shows the comparison of the update speed in milliseconds on
“Projects” tables/collections based on the projects id references.
Figure 13 Diagram of the test result from the ‘Update Projects by Id’ experiment in [3].
The diagram shows that the MongoDB outperforms the SQL database when updating the
databases based on the Id. The explanation for the result could be due to the MongoDB having
a pre-built index on the primary on its data which is faster than SQL Servers primary key
clustered index [3]. Figure 14 shows where the MongoDB performs inferior to the SQL
database. The explanation is because of the MongoDB unstructured nature, which leads to
complex lockups on each data when updating item in the MongoDB [3]. The diagram shows
the comparison of the update speed in milliseconds on the “Frist Name”, which is not based on
the id references.
Figure 14 Diagram of the test result from the ‘Update users by first name’ experiment in
Here the diagram in Figure 14, shows that the SQL database outperforms the MongoDB
database, where the explanation for the result, is that the update experiment was on a non-
indexed column. Which forces the MongoDB to perform complex lockups on the item because
of the unstructured nature of the database [3].
4.3.4 The delete performance
Table 3, which represents the deleting experiment in [27], measures the time taken to delete
key-values pair from a bucket in the respective databases on the table, where I only focus on
the MongoDB and MSSQL databases.
Table 3 Result from the ‘Delete performance’ experiment in [27].
The Table 3 shows that the MongoDB database has a better deleting performance with both
small and large number of operations than its counterpart MSSQL database.
4.4 Comparison tables
In this section I compare the fundamental differences between MongoDB and MSSQL, by using
a comparison tables. In Tables 4 and 5 shows a comparison of the fundamentals between the
MongoDB and MSSQL.
None structural
Table 4 Comparison of structure.
High write loads
Low writes loads
Big data
Low data
Not Microsoft owned
Microsoft owned
Longer setup
Shorter setup
Free and Open-Source
Proprietary and Closed -
Table 5 Comparison of user related aspects.
Table 4 compares the areas on the structure between the two databases. For example, the content
of MSSQL is structured and relational, which enables the user to manage and manipulate the
data that the database possesses. MongoDB on the contrary, is non-structured and non-
relational which facilitates for its main purpose of storing large volume of data. Table 5 compare
the user related aspects between MSSQL and MongoDB. For example, The MSSQL is owned
and developed by Microsoft, which facilitates for a shorter setup, since the Ozlab project exists
in the Microsoft owned platform Visual Studio. MongoDB is open-source database, while
MSSQL is not.
5 Results
This section presents the results and experiences from using the CRUD operations on MSSQL
and MongoDB. (1) The create performance on MongoDB and MSSQL, (2) the read
performance on MongoDB and MSSQL, (3) the update performance on MongoDB and
MSSQL, (4) the delete performance on MSSQL and MongoDB.
5.1 Create (Insert/Writing)
Own experience on MSSQL
The insert procedure in the MSSQL database do not require much effort implementing, and
because the MSSQL and Microsoft Visual Studio both are created by Microsoft, leading to a
more efficient cooperation and interaction between the two platforms. One example is the SQL
platform in Visual Studio where SQL language statements can be implemented. The insert
procedure in MSSQL is performed using “INSERT INTO TableName (the identification of the
effected table) and ‘VALUE’ (the specified data that will be inserted)” statements.
Own experience on MongoDB
The insert process in the MongoDB database requires almost the same amount of effort
implementing as for the MSSQL database. The MongoDB requires more pre-installations
processes between the MongoDB and Microsoft Visual Studio than its counterpart MSSQL in
terms of directory commands in the terminal and folder creation for data and log files to be
stored. The insert statement for document in MongoDB is “db.collection.insert({}).”
Existing results from the literature
In reference with the insert speed experiment in [3], shows the research results, where the
MSSQL have almost the same insert speed performance in comparison with the non-structured
MongoDB database. The results from another insert experiment in [27], shows that the MSSQL
performs inferior to the MongoDB database, as the number of operations and data storage grows
The results from [3] are based on the average insert speed in milliseconds between MSSQL and
The results from [27] are based on the time taken to write key-value pairs to a bucket on a set
of NoSQL and SQL databases
5.2 Select/Read
Own experience on MSSQL
The reading and selecting procedures in MSSQL are quite structured and self-explanatory. The
information in the MSSQL database is divided into tables(Title), columns(Subtitles) and
rows(data), which facilitates unexperienced user to understand the concept of the database. The
select process in SQL is performed using “SELECT column (the name of the column) FROM
TableName (the name of the effected table);”
Own experience on MongoDB
Because of the non-structured nature of MongoDB, the way of reading data in the database can
be quite complex, when finding and searching for information in the database. To read a specific
data requires a searching for a whole document in a collection, by using the
“db.collection.find();” statement.
Existing results from the literature
The select experiment in [3], shows where the MSSQL database performance a slightly worse
in comparison with the non-structured MongoDB. The test results in [27], shows that the
MongoDB have a slightly more efficient reading performance than its counterpart MSSQL.
The results in [3] are based on the average time to perform select queries on a modest size
database based on the items Id.
The results in [27] are based on the time taken to read values corresponding to given keys on
the buckets in the databases.
5.3 Update
Own experience on MSSQL
The update procedure on the SQL language in MSSQL is very self-explanatory, is performed
using: “Update TableName’ (which indicates the table that is going to be updated)”, “SET (the
data that is going to be updated)” and the “WHERE”, to declare a more precise update
localization, usually the Id for the row in the table.
Own experience on MongoDB
Due to the non-structured nature of the MongoDB, is it important that the user identifies the
Objects Id reference when updating a collection. But the procedure is still just as self-
explanatory as its counterpart MSSQL and performs equally well as the MSSQL database on a
small data-storage. The update procedure in MongoDb is performed using:
Existing results from the literature
The update performance experiment in [3], shows where the MSSQL have a more efficient
update performance in comparison with its counterpart MongoDB, when updating data which
do not required an update procedure based on the items Id references.
The update experiment in [3], also shows that the MongoDB surpasses the MSSQL when the
update performance involves using the primary keys.
5.4 Delete
Own experience on MSSQL
Based on my own experience operating with MSSQL, my indications are that the delete
operation performs equally well as the MongoDB on a small data-stored database. The delete
procedure in MSSQL exists of “DELETE FROM TableName WHERE (The data which is
going to be deleted)”
Own experience on MongoDB
The results from my own interaction with the MongoDB database, is that the deleting process
performs equally well as the MSSQL on a small data-stored database. The delete procedure in
MongoDB is performed using: “db.collection.deleteOne(); ”
Existing results from the literature
Based on the results from the delete experiment in [27], which is based on the time taken to
delete key-value pairs from a bucket of data. Shows that the deleting performance in MSSQL
have a slight inferior performance compared to MongoDB.
6 Discussion
In this chapter, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages for using the two databases for the
Ozlab environment. I will analyze the areas where the two databases can make a difference for
the Ozlab project, in terms of flexibility and performance, that can be of a benefit when further
developing the Ozlab environment.
This chapter starts with, (1) the advantages and disadvantages with using MSSQL database,
followed by, (2) the advantages and disadvantages with using MongoDB database, and (3) the
conclusion of which of the two databases that would most appropriate for the Ozlab
6.1 The MSSQL
6.1.1 The advantages with MSSQL
The advantages with using MSSQL database is the relationship-based structured. That enables
the system to use the SQL statements to manipulate tables and columns to get a more precise
and satisfactory match of the information, that exist in a MSSQL database. Visual Studio
The MSSQL and Visual Studio are both created by Microsoft, allowing an effective cooperation
between the MSSQL database and the Ozlab project, which is implemented in the .Net Visual
Studio. The benefits with this cooperation is the small amount of connection code(C#) that is
needed between the MSSQL database and Microsoft Visual Studio programming platform. Software System
Based on the scientific research, some developers have indicated that the MSSQL database
functions more efficiently with software systems that do not maintain large amount of data. An
advantage for the Ozlab project, which for the moment do not need to handle larger volumes of
31 Functionalities
The MSSQL database has another advantage over MongoDB in the areas of searching
functionalities where the structured nature of MSSQL allows broad query statements in SQL
language to manipulate the data in the database.
Some examples of the SQL queries statements used on my own created database, that
demonstrate the benefits of using SQL when manipulating the information in the MSSQL
database are:
Inner-Join “SELECT Student.Name, Program.CourseName From Student INNER JOIN
Program on Student.ID = Program.ID;”
Which allows the database to connect two or more tables, in this case a connection of the
‘Student’ and ‘Program tables,’ which enables for a more precise, satisfactory and readable
searching match.
Full-join “SELECT Program.CourseName, Student.Name FROM Program FULL OUTER
JOIN Student ON Student.ID = Program.ID; “
Full-join statement returns all the data in the database that have a match with a value in either
the Student.ID table or the Program.ID table.
Union SELECT Program.Id FROM Program UNION ALL SELECT Student.Id FROM
The Union combines two or more selects statements in the table, in this case the program and
student table.
As shown on the examples above, shows the benefits of using the SQL queries to manipulate
the data in the MSSQL. The update performance in MSSQL
In Figure 14 taken from the research experiment in [3], shows the result where MSSQL have
a superior update performance in comparison with the MongoDB database.
6.1.2 The disadvantages with MSSQL
I have in the previous subsections discussed the advantages with using the MSSQL in relation
with the Ozlab environment. In this section, I will discuss the disadvantages with MSSQL. Unstructured data
MSSQL and relational databases in general does not function well when collecting large
volume of unstructured information that can be of any datatype [3]. The select performance in MSSQL
In Figure 12 and Table 2 taken from the research experiment in [3] [27], shows the result where
the MSSQL have an inferior selecting performance in comparison with its counterpart
MongoDB. The update performance in MSSQL by id
In Figure 13 taken from the research experiment in [3], does it show the result where the
MSSQL have an inferior update performance in comparison to the MongoDB.
6.2 The MongoDB
6.2.1 The advantages with MongoDB
Although that the NoSQL MongoDB is new to the market, the database is increasingly being
consider as a viable alternative to the MSSQL. In this section, I discuss the advantages of using
the MongoDB database in relation with the Ozlab environment. Consistency
The MongoDB database is built to operate well with large amounts of data [3], which leads to
a consistency of well-functioning cooperation between the database and the software system
when the data-storage expands. Open-Source
MongoDB is an open-source database that can be used for free in the implementation and
distribution of systems, which facilitates for new software systems that want to adopt a NoSQL
database rather than using the normally used SQL database. The update performance in MongoDB by id
In Figure 13 taken from the research experiment in [3] displays the result where the MongoDB
has a superior update performance based on the items Id in comparison to the MSSQL. The Select/Read performance in MongoDB
In Figure 12 and Table 2 taken from the research experiment in [3], shows the result where the
MongoDB has a superior selecting performance in comparison with its counterpart MSSQL. The delete performance in MongoDB
Table 3 which represents the results from the research experiment in [27], shows where the
deleting performance on MongoDB performs better than its counterpart MSSQL.
6.2.2 The disadvantages with MongoDB
I have presented the advantages with using the MongoDB in the previous subsections. In this
section, I will discuss the disadvantages with using the MongoDB in relation with the Ozlab
environment. Not Microsoft owned
Microsoft Visual Studio is created and owned by Microsoft, which MongoDB is not, in a
comparison to the MSSQL database. That leads to a separate maintenance where the developers
for the Ozlab project will have to use two or more platforms to implement, read and manage
the information generated in the Ozlab environment. Non-relationship structure
Because of the non-relationship structure, statements such as Full-join, Union and Inner-Join,
where you can connect two tables in the database to get a more satisfactory and precise match
of a query statement. Do not operate in the same way with the MongoDB system. The update performance in MongoDB
In Figure 14 taken from the research experiment in [3], shows the result where the MongoDB
has an inferior update performance to the MSSQL database when the data-storage in the
database grows larger. Where the explanation in [3] is that the non-structure nature of
MongoDB forces unindexed queries to perform complex lookups on each data item, when
making an update performance that is not based on the items Id.
6.3 The database for Ozlab environment
After a fair comparative analysis between the MongoDB and MSSQL databases, I have
concluded that the MSSQL is the most suitable database for the Ozlab environment. This
decision is based on the following reasons:
1. Data requirements and volume
The Ozlab environment is designed to work with well-structured data in relational
databases. It does not need to handle large volumes of unstructured data, which would
make MongoDB more beneficial.
2. Microsoft and Visual Studio
As mention earlier, because the MSSQL is developed by Microsoft, I believe that would
facilitate for further development of Ozlab environment, since the Ozlab system is being
developed in the Microsoft programming platform Visual Studio.
3. Shorter setup
The second reason is the shorter setup between the MSSQL, Ozlab and Microsoft Visual
Studio, that can be of benefit if the current database-connection between Ozlab system
and MSSQL would disintegrate (MSSQL | Ozlab Microsoft Visual Studio).
4. SQL language
Although the research experiments in [3] and [27] shows where the MongoDB
outperforms the MSSQL in terms of select and reading data. The SQL language offers
statements such as Full-join, Union and Inner-Join, where you can connect two tables
in the database to get a more satisfactory and precise match of a query statement.
5. SQL’s popularity and ongoing improvements
Since the first release of MSSQL (1989), the software systems popularity has increased
over the years and established a dominant place in the market place. Where the SQL
language and MongoDB database are used in large organizations for the example of
Google and Facebook [28] [29].
Another reason to keep using the MSSQL are the continuous investment and
improvements that are being made to the SQL standard, one, for example, is that SQL
now supports JSON as the JSON file format becomes a more popular data interchange
format. [28]
7 Conclusion
In this chapter, I discuss the overall conclusion of this comparative analysis for the Ozlab
environment, which includes: (1) the overall conclusion and content of this comparative
analysis, (2) the challenges and unforeseen events that I faced in this project, (3) a few important
remarks about the project in general.
This thesis has presented the databases MSSQL and MongoDB along with the Ozlab
environment. I have presented the structure of the MSSQL and MongoDB based on my own
implemented database content, through figures and textural explanations. I also demonstrated
how the two databases connects with the Microsoft Visual Studio. The CRUD operations for
MSSQL and MongoDB, that are implemented with example methods used on my own created
MSSQL and MongoDB database, alongside with test results from existing scientific CRUD
experiments. And lastly, in the essay explain the advantages and disadvantages of using
MSSQL and MongoDB for the Ozlab environment. The final section of the essay concludes
with me electing the database that I believe the Ozlab environment should use.
7.1 Facing and overcoming challenges
The challenges from this project
There have been numerous challenges in this project where I for example have been I forced to
find alternative ways of analyzing the two databases for the Ozlab environment, from what was
originally planned.
The lessons learnt from this project
This project allowed me to learn how to find alternative ways of handling situation when
projects cannot be executed as planned. I was also able to exploit the opportunity of learning
valuable knowledge about the differences between a non-structure and a structural database.
This project has provided me the knowledge of how to operate within these two databases as a
user and how the MSSQL and MongoDB can be integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio.
7.2 Remarks
I am grateful for the opportunity to write this comparative thesis about MSSQL and MongoDB
databases for the Ozlab environment and I‘am overall satisfied with this project and hoping to
continuously develop my competence and knowledge of managing databases for software
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