Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Modernization (Mod) System
November 9, 2021
An FDIC Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) documents and describes the personally identifiable information
(PII) the FDIC collects and the purpose(s) for which it collects that information; how it uses the PII internally;
whether it shares the PII with external entities, and the purposes for such sharing; whether individuals have
the ability to consent to specific uses or sharing of PII and how to exercise any such consent; how individuals
may obtain access to the PII; and how the PII will be protected. The FDIC publishes its PIAs, as well as its
System of Records Notices (SORNs), on the FDIC public-facing website,
which describes FDICs activities that
impact privacy, the authority for collecting PII, and the procedures to access and have PII amended or
corrected if necessary.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency of the U.S. government that
protects the funds depositors place in banks and savings associations. FDIC makes available to the public on
its website and through publications a significant amount of information about FDIC activities and FDIC-
insured institutions. When individuals are unable to find the information they seek, they may file a request
for access to nonpublic FDIC records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). FOIA is a federal statute
that provides individuals with the right, enforceable in court, to access federal agency records, except to the
extent the records are protected from disclosure by any of the nine exemptions contained in the law or by one
of three special law enforcement record exclusions. FOIA was amended by the Electronic Freedom of
Information Act Amendments of 1996 (E-FOIA). Among other things, E-FOIA grants the public access to
certain government documents via computer telecommunications.
In addition, individuals may seek access or amendment to nonpublic FDIC records about themselves under
the Privacy Act of 1974 (PA). The Privacy Act is a federal statute that permits an individual to seek access to
agency records pertaining to himself or herself, provided the record is maintained within a “system of
records,” i.e., the record is retrieved by that individual requester’s name or personal identifier. Individuals
seeking access to their records under the Privacy Act must provide a copy of a government-issued photo ID
(e.g., a driver’s license) or be properly identity-proofed and authenticated through digital processes
the records are released. The FDIC is required to process and respond to such requests in a timely manner.
The FOIA Modernization (Mod) system resides on a cloud-based platform that is Federal Risk and
Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorized. This Software as a Service (SaaS) solution
leverages analytics, automation, and intelligent workflows to increase disclosure request processing
efficiency and accountability.
FOIA Mod automates compliance with several regulations, notably the 1966 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA), 1974 Privacy Act (PA), 1996 Electronic FOIA (E-FOIA) regulations, and the 2005 Executive Order
13392 for Improving Agency Disclosure of Information. It transforms traditional, cumbersome and labor
intensive FOIA and PA compliance into an automated, efficient electronic process.
The FDIC’s Legal Division will use the system to manage the processing of FOIA and PA requests, which
includes storing, retrieving, redacting, and delivering responsive documents to FOIA and PA requesters. It
also tracks and maintains FOIA processing statistics and fees, and generates reports on the number, type, and
disposition of FOIA requests processed, as required by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The system provides an online, public-facing portal where members of the public can submit and check the
status of their FOIA/PA requests. It also facilitates the publishing of FOIA responses to the FDIC public
reading room. Additionally, the system integrates with the Department of Justice (DOJ) National FOIA Portal
( and will be configured in future releases to integrate with an FDIC-approved Credential Service
Provider for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and authentication. Once the requester’s
identity is confirmed using the Credential Service Provider, the requester will be able to view their
Pub. L. No. 116-50, 133 Stat. 1073 (2019).
profile/request(s) within FOIA Mod and make changes to certain parts of their profiles and request(s) as
needed during the request process.
Individuals submit FOIA and PA requests to the FDIC through various communications methods, such as U.S.
mail, facsimile (fax), email, or online via FOIA Mod’s public-facing portal available on
Requesters may also submit a request to the FDIC through the National FOIA Portal ( operated by
the Department of Justice (DOJ) in accordance with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. These requests
include personally identifiable information (PII) about the requester, including their contact information
(name, address, telephone number, and email address), details about their request, and a copy of their
attestation/certification and proof of identification, as applicable. In addition, in future releases of the FOIA
Mod system, individuals who use the online portal to submit Privacy Act or combined FOIA/PA requests will
be required to provide certain identifying information to the Credential Service Provider in order to digitally
verify and authenticate their identity.
Upon receipt of a mail, email or fax request, the FDIC’s FOIA/PA staff manually enters information provided
by the requester into the FOIA Mod system, as well as scans any correspondence or documentation provided
by the requester. Requests submitted through the National FOIA Portal or FDIC’s online form are
automatically and securely uploaded to the system. FDIC FOIA/PA staff reviews requests and then, as needed,
tasks the appropriate FDIC Division/Office to conduct a search for the requested records. FDIC also may
obtain relevant records from other Federal regulatory agencies. Division/Office-level FOIA Coordinators or
FOIA Specialists within the Legal Division scan and upload responsive materials into the system. These
materials may consist of legal, administrative, resolution/receivership, or other nonpublic FDIC records, some
of which may contain PII about the requester and/or about other individuals mentioned or discussed in the
responsive records. Depending on the type and nature of the record, the responsive materials may include
PII. The final disposition of responsive materials, if any, is approved by appropriate delegated authority in
accordance with the requirement of the FOIA, Privacy Act, and applicable FDIC regulations.
If records responsive to the request exist and are located, FDIC FOIA/PA staff analyzes them for releasibility
and encloses them with a letter to the requester itemizing the records and identifying what, if any,
exemptions are claimed to withhold portions of the records either from the FOIA or PA. FDIC FOIA/PA staff
generally sends responsive materials to the requester via FOIA Mod secure email. Occasionally, responsive
materials may be sent via secure email (outside of the FOIA Mod system), mail, fax, encrypted CD, or via a
secure download to those using the public-facing web portal on the FDIC FOIA webpage. When no records
exist that are responsive to the request, the FDIC sends a letter to the requester advising them accordingly.
To learn more about filing a FDIC FOIA request, visit
In conducting this PIA, we identified potential privacy risks, which are outlined below. As indicated,
recommendations to mitigate those risks were addressed with stakeholders during the assessment. The
privacy risks are categorized within the following privacy functional areas:
Data Minimization
Use Limitation
Data Quality and Integrity
Data Minimization Risk: There is a risk of unnecessary or excess PII being included in correspondence or
other information submitted by requesters, as well as in responsive records collected by the FDIC to respond
to requesters. This risk may occur when requesters file their access requests and include sensitive personal
information about themselves or about other individuals in their request. Similar risks are presented by the
responsive documents in the system.
Mitigation: The FDIC’s Legal FOIA/PA Group has taken steps to minimize the amount of information that the
agency collects and maintains while processing requests. For example, the public-facing component of the
system only asks for the minimum amount of contact information necessary to communicate with requesters
and respond to requests. In addition, the Legal FOIA/PA Group does not ask requesters to provide sensitive
information, such as Social Security numbers. Furthermore, when the FOIA/PA Group receives documents in
response to a request, they redact any unnecessary PII from the documents when the information, if publicly
disclosed, would cause a “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
When a requester is seeking his
or her own information under the PA or as part of combined FOIA/PA request, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the
individual’s identity as required in 12 C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing the records to him/her. This includes
requiring requesters to submit a written attestation/certification and proof of identity, which are uploaded
and appended to the relevant requester record in the system. As a regular course of business, FOIA analysts
perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation and proof of identity appear to be legitimate
and match the information provided by the requester. All requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising
attorney prior to releasing records to the requester. Additionally, the system will be configured in future
releases to integrate with a Credential Service Provider for purposes of remotely verifying and authenticating
the identities of individuals who submit Privacy Act requests via the online FOIA Mod portal. No additional
mitigation actions are recommended.
Use Limitation Risk: There is a potential risk that PII maintained in the system could be used or accessed
Mitigation: To avoid unauthorized access or disclosure, system access is restricted (by software licenses) to a
limited number of FDIC staff who require system access to process FOIA and PA requests. Each user must
have a valid and current password. Only the user and designated FOIA staff with administrator rights can
change these passwords. In addition, all FOIA/PA Group staff are subject and must adhere to agency policies
and procedures for using and safeguarding PII. All FOIA/PA Group staff receive annual Information Security
and Privacy Awareness training, as well as system-specific and specialized training on FOIA and PA issues,
which helps ensure PII is handled and safeguarded appropriately. No additional mitigation actions are
Data Quality and Integrity Risk: There is a potential risk associated with data quality and integrity because
requester information may be manually entered into the system by FDIC staff.
Mitigation: Requester information is collected directly from the requesters to the greatest extent practicable.
Specifically, the public-facing component of the system allows users to enter their requests and contact
information directly into the system, and they have the ability to update their information at any time,
thereby helping to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of their information. In addition, the Legal FOIA/PA
Group checks the accuracy and timeliness of requester information (e.g., contact information, precise scope of
See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6).
the request, etc.) as necessary to ensure FDIC is able to contact and appropriately respond to a requester.
When a requester is seeking his or her own information under the PA or as part of a combined FOIA/PA
request, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the individual’s identity as required in 12 C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing
the records to him/her. This includes requiring requesters to submit a written attestation/certification and
proof of identity, which are uploaded and appended to the relevant requester record in the system. As a
regular course of business, FOIA/PA analysts perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation
and proof of identity appear to be legitimate and match the information provided by the requester. All
requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising attorney prior to releasing records to the requester.
Additionally, the system will be configured in future releases to integrate with a Credential Service Provider
for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and authentication for individuals who submit Privacy Act
requests digitally via the FOIA Mod portal. Further, the system has built-in data integrity checks to ensure
that certain fields are correctly populated. No additional mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 1.0: Information System
1.1 What information about individuals, including personally identifiable information (PII) (e.g.,
name, Social Security number, date of birth, address, etc.) and non-PII, will be collected, used
or maintained in the information system or project?
The system contains the following categories of personally identifiable information (PII) and non-PII:
Requester Information: When making written FOIA/PA requests, individual requesters
provide both required and optional contact information, including name, address, telephone
number, email address, and details about their request directly to the FDIC by mail, fax, or online
via the FOIA Mod portal available on
Upon receipt of an email, mail or fax
request, authorized FOIA/PA Group staff manually enters the information provided by the
requester into a new Requester File/Case Folder in the system. Request information submitted
online through the FOIA Mod portal is automatically and securely uploaded to the system for
response and tracking by the FOIA/PA Group. Requesters may also submit a request to the FDIC
through the National FOIA Portal ( operated by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in
accordance with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. (Note: Individuals wishing to submit and
check their requests online need to first register on the FDIC FOIA website, and create a
username and password.)
In addition, information regarding the amount of fees paid or outstanding for each request (i.e.,
invoice information) is entered into the relevant file in the system by authorized Division of
Finance (DOF) employees, who process payments for FOIA requests. All other payment
information is managed through DOF and not retained in the system.
Correspondence Log Information: In addition to the initial request, communications (e.g.,
letters, emails and facsimiles) to and from the requesting party may occur. Both the initial
request and additional information (e.g., copy of requester’s attestation/certification, proof of
identification, etc.) are manually entered or scanned into the system by authorized FOIA
Coordinators and Specialists in the Legal Division, FOIA/PA Group. Any additional
correspondence sent or received is added to the relevant requester record.
Responsive Materials: The system also stores copies of the materials that are responsive to the
request for information (e.g., documents, emails, records, etc.). Responsive materials are
gathered from FDIC Divisions and Offices at the request of the FOIA/PA Group. Responsive
materials also may be obtained from other Federal regulatory agencies. The materials are then
scanned and uploaded into the system by authorized Division/Office-level FOIA Coordinators or
by FOIA Specialists in the Legal Division, FOIA/PA Group. Materials may consist of legal,
administrative, resolution/receivership, or other nonpublic FDIC records, some of which may
contain PII about the requester or about other individuals mentioned or discussed in the
To learn more about filing a FDIC FOIA request, visit
responsive records. Depending on the type and nature of the record, the responsive materials
may include PII.
Note: Final disposition of responsive materials, if any, is approved by appropriate delegated
authority in accordance with the requirement of the FOIA, Privacy Act, and applicable FDIC
regulations. Responsive materials are sent to the requester via mail, fax, FOIA Mod secure email,
secure email (outside of the FOIA Mod system), encrypted CD, or via a secure download to those
using the public-facing web portal on the FDIC FOIA webpage.
Review Log/Case Folder Information: Once responsive materials are redacted, they are saved in
the appropriate Requester File/Case Folder in the system and reviewed/approved by the FOIA
Supervisor or his or her designee.
System User Information: The system also stores information on the identity of system users with
password-protected access, including the specific record requests they worked on. The system
maintains records showing who has access to the system, who are the active users, and what record
requests users have been assigned to process.
1.2 Who/what are the sources of the PII in the information system or project?
Data Source
Description of Information Provided by Source
Members of the public and FDIC employees and contractors may file FOIA and
Privacy Act requests with FDIC by email, mail, fax or online via the FOIA Mod
portal or the National FOIA Portal operated by DOJ, as detailed in Section 1.1.
These requests may include any of the information specified in Section 1.1.
FDIC Legal Division
FOIA/PA Group Staff
Upon receipt of a mail, email or fax request, authorized FOIA/PA Group staff
manually enter the information provided by the requester the system.
Authorized staff may enter or upload additional information into the system in
the course of processing and responding to the requests, such as information
required to verify the identity of the requester, as set out by 12 C.F.R. § 310.4,
or notes from staff discussions with requesters.
FDIC Divisions and Offices
FDIC Divisions and Offices provide records that may contain information about
individuals that are required to fulfill the request. These responsive documents
are gathered from FOIA/PA Group records and other FDIC Divisions and
Offices records, scanned and uploaded into, and stored in the system by the
Divisions respective FOIA Coordinator. These documents may be redacted to
protect certain information. Both original and redacted versions are stored in
the system.
FDIC General Counsel
If an initial request for records is denied, either in whole or in part, the
requester has the right to appeal the denial to the FDICs General Counsel (or
designee) within ninety (90) days after receipt of notification of the denial. The
information may contain additional information relevant to consideration of
the appeal. The appeal is received by the FOIA/PA Group staff, recorded in the
system, and referred to the Commercial Litigation Unit, which is responsible for
appellate review and for updating the system with information about the status
of the appeal. The appeal may also be submitted through the system.
FDIC Division of Finance
The Division of Finance provides the amount of fees paid or not paid by the
1.3 Has an Authority to Operate (ATO) been granted for the information system or project?
The FOIA Mod system is currently in development and the FDIC is working towards an ATO. The anticipated
date of an ATO for the system is December 10, 2021.
Section 2.0: Transparency
Agencies should be transparent about information policies and practices with respect to PII, and should provide
clear and accessible notice regarding creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination,
and disclosure of PII.
2.1 How does the agency revise its public notices to reflect changes in practice or policy that affect
PII or changes in its activities that impact privacy, before or as soon as practicable after the
Through the conduct, evaluation and review of PIAs and SORNs, the FDIC ensures notices are revised
to reflect changes in practice or policy that affect PII or changes in activities that may impact Privacy
as soon as practicable.
2.2 In the Federal Register, under which Privacy Act Systems of Record Notice (SORN) does this
information system or project operate? Provide number and name.
FDIC 30-64-0022, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request Records.
2.3 If the information system or project is being modified, will the Privacy Act SORN require
amendment or revision? Explain.
The FDIC conducts reviews of its SORNs every three years, or as needed, to determine if revisions are
2.4 If a Privacy Act Statement is required, how is the Privacy Act Statement provided to
individuals before collecting their PII? (The Privacy Act Statement provides formal notice to
individuals of the authority to collect PII, the purpose for collection, intended uses of the
information and the consequences of not providing the information.) Explain.
The FDIC ensures that its forms, whether paper-based or electronic, that collect PII display an
appropriate Privacy Act Statement in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and FDIC Circular
1213.1, FDIC Forms Management Program. FDIC’s Legal Division uses the system to track and
fulfill requests filed by members of the public seeking access to nonpublic FDIC records under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and requests from individuals seeking access under the Privacy
Act of 1974 (PA) to nonpublic FDIC records, if any, about themselves. Individuals seeking access to
records pertaining to them, as part of either a Privacy Act or combined FOIA/PA, must include
appropriate proof of identity. To establish proof of identity, requesters must send the FDIC either of
the following: a certification of a duly commissioned notary public attesting to his or her identity, or
an unsworn declaration subscribed to as true under the penalty of perjury. Requesters must also
attach a copy of a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, to their request. As a
regular course of business, FOIA analysts perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s
attestation and proof of identity appear to be legitimate and match the information provided by the
requester. All requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising attorney prior to releasing records
to the requester. This same process is followed for agency referrals. Additionally, the system will be
configured in future releases to integrate with a Credential Service Provider for purposes of
providing remote identity-proofing and authentication for individuals who submit Privacy Act access
and/or consent requests digitally via the FOIA Mod portal.
The FDIC notifies the public, including FOIA/PA requesters, and system users, about what
information is collected in the system, and how it is used and disclosed, through applicable system of
records notices that the FDIC publishes in the Federal Register and posted online. The FDIC’s website
also contains information on FOIA and the Privacy Act at
2.5 How does the information system or project ensure that its privacy practices are publicly
available through organizational websites or otherwise? How does the information system or
project ensure that the public has access to information about its privacy activities and is able
to communicate with its Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP)/Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)?
This PIA and the associated SORN, FDIC 30-64-0022, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act
Request Records, provide constructive notice of the FDIC’s information collection practices. The FDIC
Privacy Program page contains policies and information related to SORNs, PIAs, FDICs Privacy
Policy, and contact information for the SAOP, the Privacy Program Manager, the Privacy Act System of
Records Clearance Officer and the Privacy Program (Priv[email protected]). The Protecting Privacy
subpage discusses general practices related to the Privacy Act and PII. See
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Transparency
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable risks associated with transparency for FOIA Mod.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 3.0: Access and Amendment
Agencies should provide individuals with appropriate access to PII and appropriate opportunity to correct or
amend PII.
3.1 What are the procedures that allow individuals to access their information?
The FDIC allows individuals to correct or amend PII maintained by the FDIC, the procedures for
which are published in the SORN(s) listed in Question 2.2 of this PIA. Additionally, individual
requesters using the FOIA Mod portal on the FDIC FOIA webpage only have access to their own
registration and request information.
The FOIA & Privacy Act Group is responsible for processing all FOIA and Privacy Act requests
received by the FDIC. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, associations, or public or private
organizations may make a request on the FOIA website at
Requests also can be made by writing to the FDIC, Legal Division, FOIA/PA Group, 550 17th Street,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20429 or by sending the request by fax to 703-562-2797 or by email to
When a requester is seeking his or her own information under the PA, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the
individual’s identity as required in 12 C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing the records to him/her. To
establish proof of identity, requesters must provide either of the following: (1) a certification of a
duly commissioned notary public attesting to his or her identity, or (2) an unsworn declaration
subscribed to as true under the penalty of perjury. In addition, requesters must attach a copy of a
government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license. As a regular course of business, FOIA analysts
perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation and proof of identity appear to be
legitimate and match the information provided by the requester. All requests are carefully reviewed
by the supervising attorney prior to releasing records to the requester. This same process is followed
for agency referrals. Additionally, the system will be configured in future releases to integrate with a
Credential Service Provider for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and authentication
for individuals who submit Privacy Act access and/or consent requests digitally via the FOIA Mod
If an initial request for records is denied, either in whole or in part, the requester has the right to
appeal the denial within 90 days after receipt of notification of the denial.
3.2 What procedures are in place to allow the subject individual to correct inaccurate or
erroneous information?
The FDIC allows individuals to correct or amend PII maintained by the FDIC, the procedures for
which are published in the SORN(s) listed in Question 2.2 of this PIA. In addition, the FOIA Mod
portal enables the public to submit and view their FOIA and PA requests; download their requested
documents; and view documents in the FDIC’s online Public Reading Room. If an initial request for
records is denied, either in whole or in part, the requester has the right to appeal the denial.
3.3 How does the information system or project notify individuals about the procedures for
correcting their information?
The system enables the Legal Division to track and fulfill FOIA requests filed by members of the
public seeking access to nonpublic FDIC records, as well as requests from individuals seeking access
to or amendment of records about themselves, pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (PA).
Additionally, the FDIC has a process for disseminating corrections or amendments of collected PII,
the procedures for which are published in FDIC SORNs in accordance with the Privacy Act and FDIC
Circular 1031.1.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Access and Amendment
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable risks associated with access and amendment for FOIA Mod.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 4.0: Accountability
Agencies should be accountable for complying with these principles and applicable privacy requirements, and
should appropriately monitor, audit, and document compliance. Agencies should also clearly define the roles and
responsibilities with respect to PII for all employees and contractors, and should provide appropriate training to
all employees and contractors who have access to PII.
4.1 Describe how FDICs governance and privacy program demonstrates organizational
accountability for and commitment to the protection of individual privacy.
FDIC maintains a risk-based, enterprise-wide privacy program that is based upon sound privacy
practices. The FDIC Privacy Program is compliant with all applicable laws and is designed to build
and sustain public trust, protect and minimize the impacts on the privacy of individuals, while also
achieving the FDICs mission.
The FDIC Privacy Program is led by the FDICs Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Privacy
Officer (CPO), who also has been designated as FDICs Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP). The
CIO/CPO reports directly to the FDIC Chairman, and is responsible for ensuring compliance with
applicable federal privacy requirements, developing and evaluating privacy policy, and managing
privacy risks. The program ensures compliance with federal privacy law, policy and guidance. This
includes the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended; Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002, Section
522 of the 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Act, Federal Information Security Modernization Act of
2014, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) privacy policies, and standards issued by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The FDICs Privacy Program Staff supports the SAOP in carrying out those responsibilities through
the management and execution of the FDICs Privacy Program. The Privacy Program has been fully
integrated throughout the agency and is supported on a part-time basis by divisional Information
Security Managers located within the agencys divisions and offices.
4.2 Describe the FDIC privacy risk management process that assesses privacy risks to individuals
resulting from the collection, sharing, storing, transmitting, use, and disposal of PII.
Risk analyses are an integral component of FDICs Privacy program. Privacy risks for new and
updated collections of PII are analyzed and documented in Privacy Threshold Analyses (PTAs) and
PIAs. A PTA is used to determine whether a PIA is required under the E-Government Act of 2002 and
the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005. A PIA is required for: (1) a new information technology
(IT) system developed or procured by FDIC that collects or processes PII; (2) a substantially changed
or modified system that may create a new privacy risk; (3) a new or updated rulemaking that may
affect the privacy of PII in some manner; or (4) any other internal or external electronic collection
activity or process that involves PII.
4.3 Does this PIA capture privacy risks posed by this information system or project in accordance
with applicable law, OMB policy, or any existing organizational policies and procedures?
Privacy risks posed by the information system or project are captured in PIAs, when conducted in
accordance with applicable law, OMB policy, and FDIC policy (Circular 1360.19). PIAs are posted on
FDICs public-facing website,
4.4 What roles, responsibilities and access will a contractor have with the design and
maintenance of the information system or project?
Contractors may be employed to provide support and maintenance of this system. Due to the
contractors’ access to PII, contractors are required to take mandatory annual information security
and privacy training. Privacy and security-related responsibilities are specified in contracts and
associated Risk Level Designation documents. Privacy-related roles, responsibilities, and access
requirements are documented in relevant PIAs.
4.5 Has a Contractor Confidentiality Agreement or a Non-Disclosure Agreement been completed
and signed for contractors who work on the information system or project? Are privacy
requirements included in the contract?
Yes, Confidentiality Agreements have been completed and signed for contractors who work on the
information system or project. Privacy and security requirements for contractors and service
providers are mandated and are documented in relevant contracts.
4.6 How is assurance obtained that the information in the information system or project is used in
accordance with the practices described in this PIA and, if applicable, the associated Privacy
Act System of Records Notice?
Through the conduct, evaluation and review of PIAs and SORNs, the FDIC monitors and audits
privacy controls. Internal privacy policies are reviewed and updated as required. The FDIC Privacy
Program is currently in the process of implementing a Privacy Continuous Monitoring (PCM)
program in accordance with OMB Circular A-130.
4.7 Describe any privacy-related training (general or specific) that is provided to users of this
information system or project.
System-specific training is required for all users of the FOIA Mod system. This training has specific
information regarding the compromise of data, including PII, and how to prevent its misuse.
Additionally, the FDIC Privacy Program maintains an ongoing Privacy Training Plan that documents
the development, implementation, and update of a comprehensive training and awareness strategy
aimed at ensuring that personnel understand privacy responsibilities and procedures. Annual Security
and Privacy Training is mandatory for all FDIC employees and contractors and they are required to
electronically certify their acceptance of responsibilities for privacy requirements upon completion.
Specified role-based privacy training sessions are planned and provided by the FDIC Privacy Program
staff as well.
4.8 Describe how the FDIC develops, disseminates, and updates reports to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and other oversight bodies, as appropriate, to
demonstrate accountability with specific statutory and regulatory privacy program mandates,
and to senior management and other personnel with responsibility for monitoring privacy
program progress and compliance.
The FDIC Privacy Program develops reports both for internal and external oversight bodies through
several methods, including the following: Annual Senior Agency Official for Privacy Report (SAOP) as
required by FISMA; weekly reports to the SAOP; bi-weekly reports to the CISO, monthly meetings
with the SAOP and CISO; Information Security Managers Monthly meetings.
4.9 Explain how this information system or project protects privacy by automating privacy
The system includes automated checks to ensure that the data entered by FOIA/PA Group staff is
complete (e.g., mandatory fields are not left blank). In addition, privacy has been integrated within
the FDIC Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), ensuring that stakeholders are aware of,
understand, and address privacy requirements throughout the SDLC, including the automation of
privacy controls if possible. FDIC also has implemented technologies to track, respond, remediate and
report on breaches, as well as to track and manage PII inventory.
4.10 Explain how this information system or project maintains an accounting of disclosures held in
each system of records under its control, including: (1) Date, nature, and purpose of each
disclosure of a record; and (2) Name and address of the person or agency to which the
disclosure was made?
The FDIC maintains an accurate accounting of disclosures of information held in each system of
record under its control, as mandated by the Privacy Act of 1974 and FDIC Circular 1031.1
Disclosures are tracked and managed using the FDIC’s FOIA solution.
4.11 Explain how the information system or project retains the accounting of disclosures for the
life of the record or five years after the disclosure is made, whichever is longer?
The FDIC retains the accounting of disclosures as specified by the Privacy Act of 1974 and FDIC
Circular 1031.1.
4.12 Explain how the information system or project makes the accounting of disclosures available
to the person named in the record upon request?
The FDIC makes the accounting of disclosures available to the person named in the record upon
request as specified by the Privacy Act of 1974 and FDIC Circular 1031.1.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Accountability
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable risks associated with accountability for the system.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 5.0: Authority
Agencies should only create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII if they have
authority to do so, and should identify this authority in the appropriate notice.
5.1 Provide the legal authority that permits the creation, collection, use, processing, storage,
maintenance, dissemination, disclosure and/or disposing of PII within the information system
or project. For example, Section 9 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819).
The FDIC ensures that collections of PII are legally authorized through the conduct and
documentation of PIAs and the development and review of SORNs. FDIC Circular 1360.20, FDIC
Privacy Program,” mandates that the collection of PII be in accordance with Federal laws and
guidance. This particular system or project collects PII pursuant to the following laws and
regulations: Section 9 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819); Freedom of Information
Act (5 U.S.C. 552), the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C 552a), and 12 CFR parts 309 and 310. In addition,
the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 requires the Federal government to create a consolidated online
request portal that allows a member of the public to submit a request for records to any agency from
a single website. Further, the Creating Advanced Streamlined Electronic Services for Constituents Act
of 2019 (CASES Act)
requires Federal agencies to modernize the processes by which individuals may
request access to, and consent to the disclosure of, records protected under the Privacy Act, including
accepting access and consent forms provided in a digital format from individuals who are properly
identity-proofed and authenticated. Information related to FOIA/PA requests is collected,
maintained, used, and disseminated in accordance with FDIC SORN 30-64-0022, Freedom of
Information Act and Privacy Act Request Records.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Authority
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable risks associated with authority for FOIA.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.
Pub. L. No. 116-50, 133 Stat. 1073 (2019).
Section 6.0: Minimization
Agencies should only create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII that is directly
relevant and necessary to accomplish a legally authorized purpose, and should only maintain PII for as long as is
necessary to accomplish the purpose.
6.1 How does the information system or project ensure that it has identified the minimum
personally identifiable information (PII) elements that are relevant and necessary to
accomplish the legally authorized purpose of collection?
Through the conduct, evaluation and review of privacy artifacts, the FDIC ensures that the collection
of PII is relevant and necessary to accomplish the legally authorized purpose for which it is collected.
Only a minimal amount of PII is required online to register a requester and process a request. In
addition, the FDIC’s Legal FOIA/PA Group has taken steps to minimize the amount of information that
the agency collects and maintains while processing requests. For example, the system only asks for
the minimum amount of contact information necessary to communicate with requesters and respond
to requests. Also, the Legal FOIA/PA Group does not ask requesters to provide sensitive information,
such as Social Security numbers. Furthermore, when the FOIA/PA Group receives documents in
response to a request, they redact any unnecessary PII from the documents when the information, if
publicly disclosed, would cause an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
When a requester is
seeking his or her own information under the PA, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the individual’s identity
as required in 12 C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing the records to him/her. To establish proof of
identity, requesters must send the FDIC either of the following: (1) a certification of a duly
commissioned notary public attesting to his or her identity, or (2) an unsworn declaration subscribed
to as true under the penalty of perjury. In addition, requesters must attach a copy of a government-
issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license. As a regular course of business, FOIA analysts perform
quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation and proof of identity appear to be legitimate
and match the information provided by the requester. All requests are carefully reviewed by the
supervising attorney prior to releasing records to the requester. This same process is followed for
agency referrals. Additionally, the system will be configured in future releases to integrate with a
Credential Service Provider for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and authentication
for individuals who submit Privacy Act access and/or consent requests digitally via the FOIA Mod
6.2 How does the information system or project ensure limits on the collection and retention of
PII to the minimum elements identified for the purposes described in the notice and for which
the individual has provided consent?
Only a minimal amount of PII is required online to register a requester and process a request. Also,
through the conduct, evaluation and review of privacy artifacts, the FDIC ensures that the collection
and retention of PII is limited to the PII that has been legally authorized to collect.
6.3 How often does the information system or project evaluate the PII holding contained in the
information system or project to ensure that only PII identified in the notice is collected and
retained, and that the PII continues to be necessary to accomplish the legally authorized
FDIC maintains an inventory of systems that contain PII. On an annual basis, FDIC does an evaluation
of information in the system to ensure it is the same as in the PIA and not kept longer than its
retention period. New collections are evaluated to see if they are part of the inventory.
6.4 What are the retention periods of data in this information system? or project? What are the
procedures for disposition of the data at the end of the retention period? Under what
guidelines are the retention and disposition procedures determined? Explain.
See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6).
All information processed through the system is maintained exclusively in electronic form.
Procedures for disposition of the data at the end of the retention period are established in accordance
with FDIC Records Schedules in conjunction with National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) guidance. The system is configured to retain electronic data in accordance with the FDIC
Records Schedule. Data in the information system is not monitored. Additionally, records are
retained in accordance with the FDIC Circular 1210.1, FDIC Records and Information Management
Policy Manual, and the following FDIC Records Retention Schedule: “Electronic Information Systems
schedule, EIS1002.” Information related to the retention and disposition of data is captured and
documented within the PIA process. The retention and disposition of records, including PII, is
addressed in Circulars 1210.1 and 1360.9.
6.5 What are the policies and procedures that minimize the use of personally identifiable
information (PII) for testing, training, and research? Does the information system or project
implement controls to protect PII used for testing, training, and research?
The FDIC is in the process of developing an enterprise test data strategy to reinforce the need to
mask or utilize synthetic data in the lower environments whenever possible, and ensure all
environments are secured appropriately based on the impact level of the information and the
information system.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Minimization
Privacy Risk: There is a risk of unnecessary or excess PII being included in correspondence or other
information submitted by requesters, as well as in responsive records collected by the FDIC to respond to
requesters. This risk may occur when requesters file their access requests and include unnecessary or excess
personal information about themselves or about other individuals in their requests. Similar risks are
presented by the responsive documents.
Mitigation: The FDIC’s Legal FOIA/PA Group has taken steps to minimize the amount of information that the
agency collects and maintains while processing requests. For example, the system only asks for the minimum
amount of contact information necessary to communicate with requesters and respond to requests. In
addition, the Legal FOIA/PA Group does not ask requesters to provide sensitive information, such as Social
Security numbers. Furthermore, when the FOIA/PA Group receives documents in response to a request, they
redact any unnecessary PII from the documents when the information, if publicly disclosed, would cause an
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
When a requester is seeking his or her own information under
the PA or a combined FOIA/PA request, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the individual’s identity as required in 12
C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing the records to him/her. This includes requiring requesters to submit a
written attestation/certification and proof of identity, which are uploaded and appended to the relevant
requester record in the system. As a regular course of business, FOIA analysts perform quality checks to
ensure that the requester’s attestation and proof of identity appear to be legitimate and match the
information provided by the requester. All requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising attorney prior
to releasing records to the requester. Additionally, the system will be configured in future releases to
integrate with a Credential Service Provider for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and
authentication for individuals who submit Privacy Act access and/or consent requests digitally via the FOIA
Mod portal. No additional mitigation actions are recommended.
Privacy Risk: There is a potential risk that PII could be used in the test or lower environments beyond what
is necessary.
Mitigation: The FDIC is in the process of developing an enterprise test data strategy to mask or utilize
synthetic data in the test and lower environments whenever possible, and ensure all environments are
secured appropriately based on the impact level of the information and the information system.
See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6).
Section 7.0: Data Quality and Integrity
Agencies should create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII with such accuracy,
relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is reasonably necessary to ensure fairness to the individual
7.1 Describe any administrative and technical controls that have been established to ensure and
maximize the quality, utility, and objectivity of PII, including its accuracy, relevancy,
timeliness, and completeness.
PII stored in the system about requesters is collected directly from the requesters themselves (i.e.,
their FOIA and/or PA requests and related communications) or is generated and entered by the Legal
FOIA/PA Group. The Legal FOIA/PA Group checks the accuracy and timeliness of this information
(e.g., contact information, precise scope of the request) as necessary to allow FDIC to contact or
respond to a requester, as well as to ensure that FDIC staff are able to accurately interpret and handle
the request. Furthermore, as set out by 12 C.F.R. § 310.4, when the request is from an individual
seeking access to his or her own records under the Privacy Act, the Legal FOIA/PA Group may require
additional verification of that requester’s identity when reasonably necessary to assure that records
are not disclosed to someone other than the requester (or the requester’s representative). This
includes requiring requesters to submit a written attestation/certification and proof of identity,
which are uploaded and appended to the relevant requester record in the system. As a regular
course of business, FOIA analysts perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation
and proof of identity appear to be legitimate and match the information provided by the requester.
All requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising attorney prior to releasing records to the
requester. Additionally, the system will be configured in future releases to integrate with a
Credential Service Provider for purposes of providing remote identity-proofing and authentication
for individuals who submit Privacy Act access and/or consent requests digitally via the FOIA Mod
The Legal FOIA/PA Group does not correct the accuracy or timeliness of responsive documents that
are scanned into the system, including any PII that may be contained in such documents. The FDIC is
required under the FOIA to grant or deny access to responsive records “as is,” without alteration. The
accuracy and timeliness of the information (including any PII) contained in such records, would be
governed by other laws and authorities, if any, applicable at the time the agency compiles those
records (e.g., FDI Act, personnel laws, administrative or court evidentiary rules and procedures).
The system also has built-in data integrity checks to ensure that certain fields are correctly
populated. In addition, the FDIC reviews privacy artifacts for adequate measures to ensure the
accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness of PII in each instance of collection or creation.
7.2 Does the information system or project collect PII directly from the individual to the greatest
extent practicable?
Requester information is collected directly from the requesters to the greatest extent practicable.
Information also may be collected through FOIA referrals from other agencies. Requesters or their
representatives are responsible for providing accurate data to the FDIC or other agencies to process
their request. The FOIA/PA Group is responsible for verifying the accuracy and timeliness of initial
request information (e.g., contact information, precise scope of the request) that they input into the
7.3 Describe any administrative and technical controls that have been established to detect and
correct PII that is inaccurate or outdated.
Accuracy is critical to ensure the appropriate response to the request, as well as to ensure that the
identity of the individual seeking access to his or her own records under the Privacy Act. For
example, the identity of a PA or a combined FOIA/PA requester is appropriately verified by FOIA/PA
Group staff to prevent unauthorized disclosure. In addition, the FDIC reviews privacy artifacts to
ensure adequate measures to check for and correct any inaccurate or outdated PII in its holdings.
7.4 Describe the guidelines ensuring and maximizing the quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity
of disseminated information.
The FDICs guidelines for the disclosure of information subject to Privacy Act protections are found in
Part 310 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations.
7.5 Describe any administrative and technical controls that have been established to ensure and
maximize the integrity of PII through security controls.
The Legal Divisions FOIA Program Manager/Data Owner is responsible for the management and
oversight of the data. In addition, through its PTA adjudication process, the FDIC Privacy Program
utilizes the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 199 (FIPS 199) methodology to
determine the potential impact on the FDIC and individuals should there be a loss of confidentiality,
integrity, or availability of the PII. The Office of the Chief Information Security Officer validates the
configuration of administrative and technical controls for the system or project based on the FIPS
199 determination.
7.6 Does this information system or project necessitate the establishment of a Data Integrity
Board to oversee a Computer Matching Agreements and ensure that such an agreement
complies with the computer matching provisions of the Privacy Act?
The FDIC does not maintain any Computer Matching Agreements under the Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, and consequently does not
have a need to establish a Data Integrity Board.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Data Quality and Integrity
Privacy Risk: There is a potential risk associated with data quality and integrity because requester
information may be manually entered into the system by FDIC personnel.
Mitigation: Requester information is collected directly from the requesters to the greatest extent practicable.
Specifically, the system allows users to enter their requests and contact information into the system, and they
have the ability to update their information at any time, thereby helping to enhance the accuracy and
timeliness of their information. In addition, the Legal FOIA/PA Group checks the accuracy and timeliness of
requester information (e.g., contact information, precise scope of the request, etc.) as necessary to ensure
FDIC is able to contact and appropriately respond to a requester. When a requester is seeking his or her own
information under the PA or a combined FOIA/PA request, the FOIA/PA Group verifies the individual’s
identity as required in 12 C.F.R. § 310.4 before disclosing the records to him/her. This includes requiring
requesters to submit a written attestation/certification and proof of identity, which are uploaded and
appended to the relevant requester record in the system. As a regular course of business, FOIA analysts
perform quality checks to ensure that the requester’s attestation and proof of identity appear to be legitimate
and match the information provided by the requester. All requests are carefully reviewed by the supervising
attorney or his/her designee prior to releasing records to the requester. The system also has built-in data
integrity checks to ensure that certain fields are correctly populated. Additionally, the system will be
configured in future releases to integrate with a Credential Service Provider for purposes of providing remote
identity-proofing and authentication for individuals who submit Privacy Act access and/or consent requests
digitally via the FOIA Mod portal. No additional mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 8.0: Individual Participation
Agencies should involve the individual in the process of using PII and, to the extent practicable, seek individual
consent for the creation, collection, use, processing, storage, maintenance, dissemination, or disclosure of PII.
Agencies should also establish procedures to receive and address individuals privacy-related complaints and
8.1 Explain how the information system or project provides means, where feasible and
appropriate, for individuals to authorize the collection, use, maintaining, and sharing of
personally identifiable information (PII) prior to its collection.
When information is collected directly from the individual, the FDIC Privacy Program ensures that
Privacy Act (e)(3) statements and other privacy notices are provided, as necessary, to individuals
prior to the collection of PII. This implied consent from individuals authorizes the collection of the
information provided. Additionally, this PIA and the SORN(s) listed in 2.2 serve as notice of the
information collection. Lastly, the FDIC Privacy Program also reviews PIAs to ensure that PII
collection is conducted with the consent of the individual to the greatest extent practicable.
8.2 Explain how the information system or project provides appropriate means for individuals to
understand the consequences of decisions to approve or decline the authorization of the
collection, use, dissemination, and retention of PII.
When the FDIC collects information directly from individuals, it describes in the Privacy Act
Statement and other privacy notices the choices available to the individual and obtains implicit or
explicit consent with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of PII.
8.3 Explain how the information system or project obtains consent, where feasible and
appropriate, from individuals prior to any new uses or disclosure of previously collected PII.
It is not feasible or appropriate to get direct consent prior to any new use or disclosures of previously
collected PII. If applicable, the FDIC Privacy Program will update the relevant Privacy Act SORN(s) as
well as the relevant PIA.
8.4 Explain how the information system or project ensures that individuals are aware of and,
where feasible, consent to all uses of PII not initially described in the public notice that was in
effect at the time the organization collected the PII.
The system only uses PII for the purposes listed in Section 9.1. This PIA and the SORN listed in 2.2
serve as notice for all uses of the PII. Additionally, the FDIC ensures that individuals are aware of all
uses of PII not initially described in the public notice, at the time of collection, in accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974 and the FDIC Privacy Policy.
8.5 Describe the process for receiving and responding to complaints, concerns, or questions from
individuals about the organizational privacy practices?
The FDIC Privacy Program website,, instructs
viewers to direct privacy questions to the FDIC Privacy Program through the [email protected]
email address. Complaints and questions are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Individual Participation
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable risks associated with individual participation for FOIA.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 9.0: Purpose and Use Limitation
Agencies should provide notice of the specific purpose for which PII is collected and should only use, process,
store, maintain, disseminate, or disclose PII for a purpose that is explained in the notice and is compatible with
the purpose for which the PII was collected, or that is otherwise legally authorized.
9.1 Describe the purpose(s) for which PII is collected, used, maintained, and shared as specified in
the relevant privacy notices.
The intended use of the PII in the system is to enable the Legal Division to track and fulfill FOIA/PA
requests filed by members of the public seeking access to nonpublic FDIC records, as well as requests
from individuals seeking access to or amendment of records about themselves, pursuant to the
Privacy Act of 1974.
FOIA Division/Office Coordinators may also run reports of their FOIA activity for their supervisors to
allow for appropriate supervisory oversight and exercise of delegated authority. These reports
generally include PII, such as the name of the requester, description of the request, results of the
request (denied, granted), date of request, etc. In addition, FOIA Division/Office Coordinators may
provide their supervisors with copies of records that are potentially responsive for review and
approval prior to release to ensure those records are accurate and responsive to the request.
The FOIA/PA Group provides notice of potentially sensitive FOIA requests to authorized staff within
the Legal Division and Executive Management for awareness of operational impacts. The notice
includes the name of the requester, description of the request, and the date the response is due. In
addition, Executive Management is typically provided copies of records that are potentially
responsive to sensitive requests for review and approval prior to release.
9.2 Describe how the information system or project uses personally identifiable information (PII)
internally only for the authorized purpose(s) identified in the Privacy Act and/or in public
notices? Who is responsible for assuring proper use of data in the information system or
project and, if applicable, for determining what data can be shared with other parties and
information systems? Have policies and procedures been established for this responsibility
and accountability? Explain.
Through the conduct, evaluation and review of privacy artifacts, the FDIC ensures that PII is only
used for authorized uses internally in accordance with the Privacy Act and FDIC Circular 1360.9
Protecting Sensitive Information with the use of various privacy controls. Additionally, annual
Information Security and Privacy Awareness Training is mandatory for all staff and contractors,
which includes information on rules and regulations regarding the sharing of PII with third parties.
The Legal Division’s FOIA Program Manager/Data Owner is responsible for the management and
oversight of the data. Additionally, an audit trail process captures actions performed on any of the
data objects. An application-specific Security Awareness Training and a Corporate Security
Awareness and Privacy Orientation, which includes Rules of Behavior, are mandatory trainings for all
users of the system to assure proper use of data. Additionally, FOIA/PA staff in the FDIC’s Legal
Division have User IDs and password-protected access to the records as necessary to prepare
responses to FOIA/PA requests and appeals and to prepare periodic reports, as required by law. The
FDIC notifies the public, including FOIA/PA requesters, and FOIA Mod system users about what
information is collected in the system, and how it is used and disclosed, through applicable system of
records notices that the FDIC has published in the Federal Register and posted online.
9.3 How is access to the data determined and by whom? Explain the criteria, procedures, security
requirements, controls, and responsibilities for granting access.
All authorized FDIC users who have access to data in the system must have the approval of the FOIA
Program Manager/Data Owner in the FDIC Legal Division before access is granted to the system.
Additionally, the system’s functional security limits a user’s access to specific functions and regulates
a user’s ability to update data for a specific function. All access granted is determined on a need to
know basis. Guidelines established in the Corporation’s Access Control Policies and Procedures
document are also followed. However, there is some risk that requesters may include sensitive
personal information about themselves, or about other individuals in their request, when filing their
access request. Similar risks are presented by entering data into the system’s responsive documents.
This information could then be compromised by unauthorized access or disclosure.
Individual requesters using FOIA Mod only have access to their own registration and request
information. FDIC user access is controlled by the user group permissions. FDIC users’ access will be
restricted into the following user groups: Accounting (Division of Finance), FOIA Mod System
Administrators, FOIA Coordinators, FOIA Management (i.e., Supervisors), and FOIA Specialists. Each
user group will have specific system, file cabinet (document repository) and case function privileges
dependent on their respective roles.
9.4 Do other internal information systems receive data or have access to the data in the
information system? If yes, explain.
No other FDIC systems have a direct interface with FOIA. All responsive materials provided by other
FDIC Divisions and Offices are manually scanned and uploaded into the system by authorized FDIC
FOIA/PA Group staff.
9.5 Will the information system or project aggregate or consolidate data in order to make
determinations or derive new data about individuals? If so, what controls are in place to
protect the newly derived data from unauthorized access or use?
The system data is not consolidated in a way that would yield personally identifiable information not
already known in the system. The requester file in the system contains data entered/uploaded by the
Legal Division FOIA/PA Group staff, including responsive materials obtained from FDIC
Division/Programs or other Federal regulatory agencies.
9.6 Does the information system or project share personally identifiable information (PII)
externally? If so, is the sharing pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum
of Agreement, or similar agreement that specifically describes the PII covered and
enumerates the purposes for which the PII may be used. Please explain.
Data in the system is not shared with any other agencies, except in limited circumstances when it is
necessary to refer a FOIA request to another Federal agency’s FOIA office for a response. In such
cases, only that information which is relative and necessary to the referral is provided to the other
agency. Also, derived statistical data is sent to the Department of Justice for compliance reporting
purposes. No personal information about requesters is provided in these compliance reports.
9.7 Describe how the information system or project monitors, audits, and trains its staff on the
authorized sharing of PII with third parties and on the consequences of unauthorized use or
sharing of PII.
Data in the system is not shared with any other agencies, except in limited circumstances as
described above. Annual Information Security and Privacy Awareness Training is mandatory for all
staff and contractors, which includes information on rules and regulations regarding the sharing of
PII with third parties and the prevention of its misuse.
9.8 Explain how the information system or project evaluates any proposed new instances of
sharing PII with third parties to assess whether the sharing is authorized and whether
additional or new public notice is required.
The Legal Division FOIA Mod System Program Manager/Data Owner is contacted and responsible for
determining when to refer a FOIA request to another Federal agency for response. In such cases, only
that information which is relative and necessary for the agency to respond to the data owner's
request is referred to the agency. Additionally, the FDIC reviews privacy artifacts to evaluate any
proposed new instances of sharing PII with third parties to assess whether the sharing is authorized
and whether additional or new public notice is required.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Use Limitation
Privacy Risk: There is a potential risk that PII maintained in the system could be used or accessed
Mitigation: To avoid unauthorized access or disclosure, system access is restricted to a limited number of
FDIC staff who require system access to process FOIA and PA requests. Each user must have a valid and
current password. Only the user and designated FOIA staff with administrator rights can change these
passwords. In addition, all FOIA/PA Group staff are subject and must adhere to agency policies and
procedures related to FOIA and PA, as well as those for handling and safeguarding PII. All FOIA/PA Group
staff receive annual Information Security and Privacy Awareness training, as well as system-specific and
specialized training on FOIA and PA issues, which helps ensure PII is handled and safeguarded appropriately.
No additional mitigation actions are recommended.
Section 10.0: Security
Agencies should establish administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect PII commensurate with
the risk and magnitude of the harm that would result from its unauthorized access, use, modification, loss,
destruction, dissemination, or disclosure.
10.1 Describe the process that establishes, maintains, and updates an inventory that contains a
listing of all information systems or projects identified as collecting, using, maintaining, or
sharing personally identifiable information (PII).
FDIC maintains an inventory of systems that contain PII. On an annual basis, FDIC does an evaluation
of information in the system to ensure it is the same as in the PIA and not kept longer than its
retention period. New collections are evaluated to see if they are part of the inventory.
10.2 Describe the process that provides each update of the PII inventory to the CIO or information
security official to support the establishment of information security requirements for all new
or modified information systems or projects containing PII?
The FDIC Privacy Program updates the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) on PII holdings via
the PTA adjudication process. As part of the PTA adjudication process, the FDIC Privacy Program
reviews the system or project’s FIPS 199 determination. The FDIC Privacy Program will recommend
the appropriate determination to the CISO should the potential loss of confidentiality be expected to
cause a serious adverse effect on individuals.
10.3 Has a Privacy Incident Response Plan been developed and implemented?
FDIC has developed and implemented a Breach Response Plan in accordance with OMB M-17-12.
10.4 How does the agency provide an organized and effective response to privacy incidents in
accordance with the organizational Privacy Incident Response Plan?
Responses to privacy breaches are addressed in an organized and effective manner in accordance
with the FDIC's Breach Response Plan.
Privacy Risk Analysis: Related to Security
Privacy Risk: There are no identifiable privacy risks associated with security for the system.
Mitigation: No mitigation actions are recommended.