Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Gracelands Nursery School
Jakeman Nursery School
Local Committee Approved: 20 October 2022
Full Governing Body Approved: 14 November 2022
Date Policy Adopted: 20 October 2022
Date for next renewal: Autumn Term 2024
Chair of Governors: Sean Delaney
Executive Head Teacher: Samantha Richards
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Rationale ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Aims................................................................................................................................................. 2
Rights Respecting School ................................................................................................................ 2
Process ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Admission Form Information .......................................................................................................... 3
Procedures for uncollected children ............................................................................................... 3
Procedures after CASS are contacted ............................................................................................. 4
Safety measures .............................................................................................................................. 5
Missing Child Procedures ................................................................................................................ 6
APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................................... 9
From time to time parents or carers may have difficulties in arriving at the end of the session
to collect their children. This may happen for a variety of reasons and in isolated incidents,
the nursery will always attempt to contact parents and care for the child until the parent can
collect him/her. However, in the event that a parent may not be contacted, or when a child is
repeatedly uncollected, the nursery must have procedures in place to support the child and
To ensure that a child is cared for appropriately in the event that no authorised adult is
available to collect him/ her.
To identify clearly for staff, parents and governors the procedures that will be followed in
the event that a child is not collected.
• To share procedures with adults, parents and carers
Rights Respecting School
This policy is in accordance with the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child (UNCRC).
Article 7 Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality,
and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.
Article 9 - Children must not be separated from their parents against their will unless it is in
their best interest.
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Article 11 - Governments must do everything they can to stop children being taken out of
their own country illegally by their parents or other relatives, or being prevented from
returning home.
This process has been endorsed by Directorate for People Children’s Social Care, the Police
and Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board.
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult, we will ensure that the child
receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.
We inform parents/ carers of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they
will be reassured that their child will be properly cared for.
Admission Form Information
Parents of children at the setting are asked to provide specific information which is recorded
on our Admissions Form, including:
• Home address and telephone number
• Place of work and telephone number (if applicable)
• Mobile telephone number
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of adults (minimum two additional to parents/
carers) who are authorised by parents to collect their child, for example grandparent or
• Information about any person who does not have legal access to the child
• Who has parental responsibility for the child
• Any change of contact details
Parents/ carers’ contact details are checked each term and parents/ carers are asked to notify
us immediately of any changes to these details.
Jakeman and Gracelands Nursery Schools will make it clear to parents/ carers in writing the
normal finish times for the school/ activity or the arrangements for children to be collected
at the end of the school day/ activity. Any changes will be notified to parents/ carers in
writing. This will include notification of any additional financial charge for top-up sessions.
Procedures for uncollected children
Parents should be aware that only adults of 18 years and over are allowed to collect children.
In the event that a child is not collected at the end of the session we follow the set of
procedures listed below:
• We will contact the parent/ carer by telephone if parent is more than 15 minutes late
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
• If unable to contact parent/ carer, we will contact the named people who are authorised to
collect the child
If contact cannot be made with parent/ carer or unauthorised person at the first attempt,
we will continue to call up to one hour after the agreed collection time
Where known, we will also contact other settings that siblings attend to see if they are
experiencing the same problem
If the child has not been collected and it has not been possible to contact a parent or named
carer, 1 hour after the agreed finish time for the school day/ activity a phone call will be
made to the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888. CASS will act
in a coordinating role in the first instance
If the child has an allocated social worker, the school will contact the social worker or the
allocated team manager via Children’s Information and Advice Service (CIAS) (303 1888
option 2) instead of contacting the CASS
The school will organise a rota to allow at least two staff to stay until responsibility for the
child is handed over
• The DSL will maintain a record of incidents where parents do not collect a child from school
or other activities. Any child welfare concerns arising out of such an incident(s) will be dealt
with in accordance with the child safeguarding procedures of the school
Note that the CIAS switchboards close at 5.15pm (4.15pm Friday) after which the
Emergency Duty Team must be contacted.
The contact details for CIAS and the Emergency Duty Team are as follows:
Children’s Information and Advice Service- Tel No 0121 303 1888
Emergency Duty Team- Tel No 0121 464 9001
Procedures after CASS are contacted
1) CASS will give advice and may carry out appropriate checks and make further attempts to
contact the parent/ carer. If there are any concerns about the welfare of the parent/ carer,
CASS will, on a case by case basis ask the local police to visit the home address.
2) If an appropriate relative or carer is located, s/he will be asked to collect the child from the
school. If there is a genuine reason for the relative or carer being unable to do this, CASS will
liaise with school about possible arrangements for the child to be taken to the address though
this will occur only under exceptional circumstances.
3) In making decisions, Social Care Services and the school will prioritise interim care
arrangements that best meet the child’s personal and emotional needs.
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
4) If the combined attempts to contact a parent or appropriate carer by the School or CASS
remain unsuccessful hours after the normal end of the school day/ activity, Social Care
Services will normally make a decision to assume care of the child and arrange for him/ her
to be taken to a place of safety.
a) For children with health care requirements it is expected that the health care plan will
include a risk assessment and plan to meet the needs of a child not picked up or dropped off
at home by home-to-school transport.
5) CASS will confirm the arrangements with the school and with those caring for the child at
that time, before the CASS closes and also hand this information over to the EDT team. The
Emergency Duty Team will continue to liaise with the school as appropriate until an
appropriate placement is identified.
6) Plans for transporting the child will take into account staff availability out of hours, the
need for adequate insurance cover, appropriate gender balance, in car safety, and any
information about special needs or behavioural difficulties etc. provided by the school/
organisation. Where possible, two adults should be present. If there is a shortage of staff,
or adequate arrangements a mini cab could be used with a suitable escort.
7) The school will send a letter to the parent/ carer notifying them of the incident and of the
arrangements that were made to care for the child. Concerns about the child’s welfare
Appendix A.
8) The Executive Head Teacher / Member of the Senior Leadership Team should meet with
the parent on the next working day and outline the actions that the school had to take and
why. This will include informing the parent of any arising financial issues and agreeing a
payment plan.
9) Where more than one incident occurs, repeated episodes on late collection with
notification or where there are reasons for concern regarding the ability of parent(s)/
carer(s) to collect their child, the Executive Head Teacher / Member of the Senior
Leadership Team will:
a) Initiate a discussion between the school and the parent to identify a strategy for
addressing these concerns.
b) Where agreement cannot be reached with parents or in cases where there are child
protection concerns, a referral to CASS will be completed and Social Care Services
will be invited to contribute to identifying the strategy for addressing the concerns
and safeguarding the child.
Safety measures
All children attending Jakeman or Gracelands Nursery Schools must complete the relevant
documentation when requesting absence for a holiday or trip abroad - Appendix B and C.
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
In addition to the above, to ensure the continuous safety and security of all children within
our organisation we undertake to do the following:
Ensure that all gates and entry/ exit doors are fitted with appropriate locks/ handles and/
or security devices placed at such a height as to ensure that children do not have
unauthorised access, in order to ensure that children do not leave the premises
unsupervised, and intruders are unable to gain access
Request all visitors provide appropriate identification and state the reason for their visit
prior to admittance. We record the name of each visitor and their company details or reason
for visiting us on our visitor sheet. Visitors will also be issued with an identification pass and
a visitor lanyard
• All children are to be signed into and out of the nursery schools through registration carried
out by key workers. The time of arrival and collection is also recorded in the late book if
different to usual school hours.
Missing Child Procedures
In the event of a missing child, the following procedures will apply:
• The police will be called immediately
• A thorough search of the area the child was last seen in will be conducted.
All staff present at the time of the incident or when the child was last seen will be contacted
to gain all relevant information
• Attempts will be made to contact the parent/carer (as advised by the police)
• Any available CCTV footage will be examined
• A safeguarding incident report will be completed
• We will inform OfSTED on 0300 123 1231
We contact the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) 0121 303 1888 or, in the event
of a concern out of hours, we contact the emergency duty team on 0121 464 9001. This
policy will be reviewed on a two yearly basis and whenever significant changes to the
systems and arrangements take place.
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Dear ___
Late collection
On…..…………………(day and date), your child(ren) …………………… were not
collected/ received at the end of the school day, and we were unable to contact you
or your named carer(s). As a result, in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of
your child(ren), we implemented the ‘procedure for dealing with children not
collected/received at the end of the school day’.
This procedure, which has been agreed by our school, Children’s Social Care
Services, the Police and the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board, involved us
contacting Social Care Services in order that arrangements could be made to ensure
your child was safe.
I hope that the reasons for your child not being collected are not serious. It is
important that this situation does not arise again. Therefore please come to school
on ________________, at __________ to meet with _____________.
If you wish to find out what action was taken by Children’s Social Care you can
contact them on 0121 303 1888 for further information.
Yours sincerely
Samantha Richards
Executive Head teacher
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Name of Child: Date of Birth:
Name of Parent/s / Carer/s:
Current Address:
Telephone Number/s:
Date holiday commences: Date of planned return to school:
Holiday Destination:
Contact Number Whilst Away:
Other Relevant Information:
Printed Name of Parent/s or Carer/s:
Signature of Parent/s or Carer/s:
Signed Office Admin All information entered onto the MIS system?
More than 2 weeks Inform the EY Service Duty Manager 0121 675 4996/ 1943
to obtain a missing child form.
Date of Call: Name of Officer:
Advice Given:
Signed DSL:
Uncollected and Missing Children Policy 20 October 2022 LC, 14 November 2022 FGB
Name of Child: Date of Birth:
Name of Parent/s or Carer/s:
Current Address:
Telephone Number/s:
Date Started Nursery: Proposed Leaving Date:
Future Address:
Telephone Number:
Intention for Future Education:
Name and Address of Future School:
Email Address:
Contact with School:
Flight Tickets Seen:
Printed Name of Parent/s or Carer/s:
Signature of Parent/s or Carer/s:
Admin Team Signature all information added to MIS system?
Signature of DSL:
More than 2 weeks Inform the EY Service Duty Manager 0121 675 4996/ 1943
to obtain a missing child form
Date of Call: Name of Officer:
Advice Given:
Signed DSL: