Version 3.4
14 Jun 24
All users, coordinators,
supervisors and final
approvers are to read the
document in its entirety to
ensure a thorough familiarity
with the program.
By enrolling into the United Services Military
Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), you have
demonstrated a desire to improve yourself.
Remember, this is a voluntary program. By participating or
certifying an Apprenticeship in USMAP, you are attesting that you
have read the National Apprenticeship Standard and this Program
Guide in their entirety. This program is a joint effort between the
Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Labor (DoL)
resulting in a serialized DoL certificate recognized nationally.
Defrauding a Federal Agency in uniform is in direct violation of
923.18 U.S.C. § 371 and Article 107 of the Uniform Code of Military
Justice (UCMJ). Fraudulent reporting/ certifications will result in
Apprenticeship cancellation and Commands will be contacted for
investigation assignment. It is imperative that all servicemembers
involved in this program read, understand, and follow program
guidelines as written.
This is a step-by-step guide to help you successfully
complete your apprenticeship.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
New Changes 1-2
Purpose of National Apprenticeship Standards 2
Objectives 2
Roles and Responsibilities 2-3
Requirements 3
Reservist Participation 3-4
Officer Participation 4
Two different Apprenticeship Methods 4-6
Time Based Method 4-5
Competency Method 5
What You CANNOT do 5-6
Audits 6-8
CAC Required 9
Trades 9
Selecting a Trade 9
Instructor Trade 9
Instructor vs Trainer 9
PART II Enrollment Process
Self Service Screen 10
Coordinator Tile 10
Time Based Process 10-32
How to enroll 10
Example 11-13
Work Processes Schedule 13-14
Sample 14
Apprentice Email 14
Components 14-15
Pre-Registration Credit hours 15
Rejections 16
Inactivation Status 16
Time Based 16
Competency Based 16
Cancellations 16
Continued Eligibility to Participate in USMAP Trades 17
Out of Rate/MOS Trade Enrollment 17
Reinstatements 17
Active Enrollment Screen 18
Summary Report 18
How to Divide Preregistration Credit Hours 19-20
Weekly Log Process 21-22
Table of Contents Continued
Rules of Reporting Hours 22-23
Tracking Your Hours 23
Shiftwork 23
Logging your Hours 24-26
Monthly 27-29
If Approver does not receive the automated email 29
Final Report (Time Based) 30
Certificate and Journeyworker Card 31-32
Competency Based Process 33-44
Requirements 33-36
How to Enroll 36
Apprentice email 36
Emails for Supervisor and Final Approver 37
Job Functions 38
Approval and Review 39
If Approver does not receive the email 39-40
Final Report (Competency Based) 40-41
If the Approver does not received email 42
Certificate and Journeyworker Card 42-44
This guide provides an overview and guidance on processes and procedures necessary for the successful
execution of the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP). This guide walks you
through the program.
New Changes
Effective 2 May 24, the USMAP Office is enforcing the Department of Labor policy that an
Apprentice must be enrolled in a Apprenticeship/Trade for at least one full year for ALL
Apprenticeship types. This includes both Time and Competency based trades.
Apprentices now have the option of enrolling in the Competency based Trades or in the traditional Time- based
Trades. Drilling Reservists are ineligible for the Competency based method. The E5 or above requirement has
been removed from Competency- Based trades.
(Time Based) If you have hours approved by a monthly report, your year requirement does not start over.
However, if you haven’t logged any hours, your year requirement will start over.
(Competency Based) If you have approved competencies, your year requirement does not start over. However, if
your competencies are still in a “submitted” or in a “working” status, your year will start over.
As of 1 January 2024, overrides will no longer be authorized for anyone.
Apprentices are authorized to log up to 10 hours a day to closely align with the DoD workday.
To avoid potential auditing issues, Supervisor (E7 and above) can send an email to usmap@navy.mil, if the
situation warrants logging 10 hours a day, due to deployment or exercise. The email must include the apprentice’s
DoD ID Number.
By providing this information, the USMAP Analyst can properly document the exception in the apprentice’s
record, ensuring accurate tracking of their hours and avoiding any potential auditing issues.
Two New Trades available. These are replacing the Counselor Trade (0569N):
Career Development Technician (1057D) is specially for:
Navy: Rated NCs, full-time Command Career Counselor (CCC) holding the 806R NEC, 807R NEC or
assigned as a Detailer at BUPERS. Detailers must contact the USMAP Office to be manually enrolled into
this trade.
Army: MOS 42A, 79S, 79T, 79V or assigned as Branch/Career Manager
Marines: MOS 8421 or Career Monitor (Detailer)
USCG: Assigned to a Career Development Advisor (CDA) or CSC/CMC billet
Two New Trades available. These are replacing the Counselor Trade (0569N): Continued
Sourcing Recruiter (3040D) is specifically for:
Navy: All Ratings but must be assigned to Recruiting Duty and hold one of the following NECs: 801R, 802R,
803R or 805R.
Army: All MOSs but must be assigned to Recruiting Duty. Also 79R and 79T.
Marines: All MOSs but must be assigned to Recruiting Duty. Also 8411, 8412, 8421, 8422.
USCG: All Ratings but must be assigned to Recruiting Duty.
Purpose of National Apprenticeship Standards
The purpose of establishing National Apprenticeship Standards for the United Services Military
Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), is to provide general policy and guidance to Commanding Officers
responsible for training, and development of a registered apprenticeship with the U.S. Department of
Labor, (DOL), Office of Apprenticeship (OA).
The ultimate objective of the National Apprenticeship Standards for the USMAP, besides establishing
the official standards of USMAP/DOL program, is to provide registered certification of the training of
the individual military service member and to achieve recognition for the military service member equal
to his/her civilian counterpart.
Registration of the National Apprenticeship Standards for the USMAP with the DOL/OA for the military
occupational specialties is mutually beneficial to the military services, to the individual service member,
and private industry. Acceptance of registered military apprentices and skilled craft workers by private
industry will enhance employment opportunities for military veterans, motivate military personnel to
advance within their occupational specialties while on active duty, and provide a source of skilled
personnel to meet national skilled work force requirements.
Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders
1. USMAP Office. The USMAP Office administers the program. The USMAP Office provides administrative,
programmatic, and policy oversight over the program as directed by DOL and the Department of Defense (DoD).
The USMAP Analysts provides advice and guidance in all USMAP matters and support the USMAP
2. Apprentice. An individual who is on active duty in the U.S. military, meets his or her Services qualification
requirements and has entered into an apprenticeship agreement for learning the skills of a recognized occupation
under the provisions of DOL. Ensure you have familiarized yourself with the contents of this manual and the
National Apprenticeship Standards.
3. Supervisor. The Supervisor MUST be in the apprentice’s chain of command and MUST supervise the
apprentice's working hours (Time Base Method) or job functions (Competency Base Method). The Supervisor
must review monthly reports (if enrolled in Time Base method) or Job Functions (if enrolled in Competency Base
method) submitted by the apprentice. The Supervisor MUST familiarize himself or herself with the contents of
this manual and the National Apprenticeship Standards.
4. Final Approver. The final approver MUST be a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s immediate chain of
command. Depending on the service, this can be the Division Officer, Department Head, a Warrant Officer, a
Company Commander or other commissioned officer presiding over the apprentice. For units without
commissioned officers (i.e. Coast Guard), can use the senior enlisted at the unit or supervising Government
Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Continued
Service (GS) civilian (GS9 or above). The Final Approver MUST familiarize himself or herself with the
contents of this manual and the National Apprenticeship Standards. Also, the Apprentice's Final Report
Approver cannot have approved any of the apprentice's Monthly Reports or individual Job Function. The
USMAP Coordinator cannot be the Final Approver for the entire command.
5. USMAP Coordinator. The primary goal of the USMAP Coordinator is to act as the Subject Matter Expert
(SME) for USMAP and be the “Go to person” for members of the command/unit on all questions, processes and
procedures regarding USMAP. The USMAP Coordinator may act as an advocate for the command/unit and
contact USMAP Analysts directly with questions and/or for clarification about the program and processes. An
apprentice is not prohibited from contacting the USMAP Office directly.
The USMAP Coordinator can now run a Command Information Report (formally known as UICs report). It is
designed to allow a command/unit to see how many apprentices are enrolled in the program, what apprenticeship
type and status. The report is not meant to track an apprentice’s hours.
Note: The Coordinator shall not act in the role of Supervisor or as Final Approver for the command/unit in
general approving all command/unit apprenticeship reports. Coordinators may be the Supervisor for their
own assigned subordinates but this is separate from their Coordinator role.
An USMAP Coordinator at a unit cannot require members to participate in USMAP but we encourage
commands/units establish one to ensure all Servicemembers enrolled in USMAP at their command/unit are
provided all the information and support to allow every opportunity for success.
USMAP Apprenticeship enrollment requirements:
1. Must be Active-duty enlisted service member. Active duty includes all service members covered by these
standards either who are on permanent active duty or who are members of the Selected Reserve, Guard or Air
National Guard performing in the capacity of their Uniformed Service duties. Members of the Reserve or
Guard must be currently on Active-Duty Orders for a minimum of 12 months to participate in USMAP.
2. Must have a minimum of 12 months remaining on enlistment contract.
3. Must be designated in a Rating/MOS applicable to an authorized apprenticeship trade.
4. Must have a working Common Access Card (CAC).
5. Must be assigned and working full time in requested Trade (not a collateral or extra duty) billet.
6. Must be working under supervision in occupation related to the trade selected.
7. Must have completed the required formal classroom instruction (training) hours for the trade.
8. Must fully read and agree and abide by the National Standards and USMAP reporting requirements.
Reservist participation in USMAP
ONLY Drilling Reservists currently on Active-Duty Orders for a minimum of 12 months may participate in
USMAP. The member must submit a copy of their orders by emailing them to the USMAP Office
([email protected]il) to confirm eligibility. The orders should clearly state the start and end date of activation AND
the primary duty/role of the member while on orders. If the primary duty/role is not stated in the orders, then
documentation from the command stating the primary duty/role of the member while on active duty should be
Reservist participation in USMAP Continued
provided to the USMAP Office. The stated Duty/Role must align with the trade enrollment requested. Service
members must notify the USMAP Office if orders are cancelled early to assess continued eligibility for
enrollment. Reservists will be allowed to enroll in TIME based trades only and are ineligible for
COMPETENCY based trades at this time.
Drilling Reservists will only be allowed to enroll in a trade that can reasonably be completed during the Active-
Duty Orders.
Reasonable trade limits apply as follows:
12 month orders = 3000 hour or less trades
18 month orders = 4000 hour or less trades
24 month or greater orders = 6200 hour or less trades.
Any deviations or exceptions must be routed up to the Director, USMAP for consideration.
Officer requesting enrollment into USMAP
Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers are not eligible to participate in USMAP. Commissioned and
Warrant Officers are regarded as Managers and Supervisors of Apprentice Workers, not an Apprentice
themselves. USMAP is an Enlisted only program, as documented on our website and per Department of Defense
Two different Apprenticeship Methods
Time Based: The Time-based Apprenticeship is the traditional model. It requires you to log 2,000 to 6,200 hours
to complete the trade by capturing your day-to-day work for those of any enlisted paygrade. The apprenticeship is
broken down into skill areas, known as a Work Processes Schedule (WPS), with a set number of hours for each skill
area. This apprenticeship program has two components Formal Classroom Instruction and On-the-Job Training.
1. Apprentice enrolls with Apprenticeship contract for total required hours with no maximum time limit to
2. Apprentice logs hours in weekly logs and then submits those logs in monthly reports to the Supervisor for
review and approval. It is imperative that the apprentice and supervisor ensures those hours are dispersed
across all skill areas as completed and they are not “over logging” hours all in one Skill Area. Although
apprentice may accumulate the required total hours for a trade, the minimum hours for each Skill Area must
be completed.
3. Approved monthly reports are processed and locked, with those approved hours subtracted from required total
needed for each Skill Area.
4. Apprentice submits a Final Report (all Skill Area required hours and Instructional hours are completed) to a
Final Approver. The final approver must be a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s immediate chain of
command. Depending on the service, this can be the Division Officer, Warrant Officer. Department Head,
Company Commander or another commissioned officer presiding over the apprentice. For units without
commissioned officers (i.e. Coast Guard) can use the senior enlisted at the unit or supervising Government Service
(GS) civilian (GS-9 or above). Also, the Apprentice's Final Report Approver cannot have approved any of the
apprentice's Monthly Reports or individual Competencies. The USMAP Coordinator cannot be the Final
Approver for the entire command.
5. The apprentice must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 Months before submitting their final report
for final approval.
6. Final report approved; Apprenticeship status changes to complete.
Time Based Continued
7. Apprentice can now retrieve completion documents (Certificate and Journeyworker Card) via USMAP website.
8. Enrollments are automatically canceled after 18 months of an apprentice not logging into USMAP.
Competency based: Competency-based enrollments are for more experienced service members. These
service members are expected to be able to demonstrate mastery of the competencies of their trade. Instead of
Skill Areas and hours (Time-Based method), the apprentice has Trade-specific Job Functions that contain
Competencies. When the Apprentice has "mastered" a Competency, they submit it to their supervisor for
approval. Drillings Reservists are not eligible for this type of apprenticeship. The apprentice must be
enrolled for a minimum of 12 Months (before completion can be accomplished) and must complete all
Competencies listed under each Job Functions.
1. You can submit competencies for approval as soon as your enrollment is approved However, you must be
enrolled for a minimum of 12 months (before completion can be accomplished) and must complete all Competencies
under each Job Function.
2. Apprentice submits “Competencies” as mastered for approval until all competencies are achieved for each “Job
3. Approved “Competencies” will reflect in record as approved.
4. The apprentice must wait for the 12 Month requirement before submitting their final report for approval.
5. After a year, the Apprentice submits a Final Report” (all “competencies” in all Job Functions have been
approved, and Instructional hours are completed) to a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s chain of command.
The final approver must be a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s immediate chain of command. Depending
on the service, this can be the Division Officer, Warrant Officer, Department Head, Company Commander or
another commissioned officer presiding over the apprentice. For units without commissioned officers (i.e. Coast
Guard) can use the senior enlisted at the unit or supervising Government Service (GS) civilian (GS9 or above).
6. Final report (report documenting completion of Apprenticeship requirements) approved; Apprenticeship status
changes to complete.
7. Apprentice can now retrieve completion documents (Certificate and Journeyworker Card) via USMAP website.
8. Enrollments are automatically canceled after 18 months of an apprentice not logging into USMAP.
NOTE: During the enrollment process, as you review and enter your work email and personal email if desired,
you will have the opportunity to switch from Time to Competency or from Competency to Time versions. Once
your email is entered and you click the “Register button your selection is set. Should you choose to cancel, you
will be afforded one more option to switch but once cancelled, any further changes must be requested by
contacting the USMAP staff via USMAP@navy.mil or usmap@livehelpnow.net.
What you CANNOT do in USMAP
Enroll in two trades you can ONLY enroll into one trade at a time.
Enroll or Log hours while attending a military course or school.
Log hours while studying for their college exam or attending college courses.
Logging in all your hours in ONE skill area per day.
Enroll in a trade when the apprentice has less than 1 year on your enlistment contract.
What you CANNOT do in USMAP Continued
Back date hours - The Department of Labor does not allow backdating of the initial enrollment in
any apprenticeship, time or competency. For Time based only, you only log hours from your
enrollment date forward.
(Time Based Only) Transfer hours from one trade to another. Each trade has its own Work Processes
Schedule (WPS) and enrollment period. Each regardless of type, is considered a standalone
Have the same person approve your monthly reports and then your final report. The
Supervisor and Final Approver for any apprenticeship must be two different people.
For Time Based method: Once your hours are approved, you cannot go back and edit any hours. Pay
attention to where you place your hours, ensure you do not over log hours in the Skills areas.
Can’t have an enlisted member be your final approver period. Must be a commissioned
The USMAP Staff routinely reviews our database of all current and completed apprenticeship trades. Any
enrollments noted for apprentice logging 10 hours a day 7 days a week consecutively for multiple weeks and
have not had a day off since reporting to his or her command, will be flagged for review and audit. All
Apprentices, Supervisors, and Final Approvers must ensure all logs are accurate and reflect actual work
completed by the apprentice. Flagged enrollments will be investigated and individuals completing or
approving fraudulent entries could result in individuals being held accountable, enrollments cancelled and
further participation in USMAP denied.
The USMAP Analyst will send the Apprentice along with his/her supervisor a warning email title “Notification of
USMAP Apprenticeship Audit.” Below is an example of the email with excessive logging:
Apprentice’s Name
The USMAP Office routinely reviews our database of all current and completed apprenticeship trades. Your time-
based Name of trade, which was completed date, has been flagged for excessive logging practices that are
inconsistent with DoD work hour norms, reflecting 8 hours a day/7 days a week for multiple consecutive months
without explanation.
Any enrollments noted for the Apprentice logging 8 hours a day/7 days a week consecutively for multiple weeks
without explanation will be flagged for review and audit. All Apprentices, Supervisors, and Final Approvers must
ensure all logs are accurate and reflect actual work completed by the Apprentice. Flagged enrollments will be
monitored and individuals completing and those approving fraudulent entries may be held accountable IAW
UCMJ and U.S.C., have enrollments cancelled, and further participation in USMAP be denied.
You are reminded that you agreed to abide by the US National Standards of Apprenticeship and the USMAP
Program Guide, which clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Apprentice, Supervisor, and the Final
Approver and you can only log hours related to each skill area that you actually performed specifically: “Time
you cannot log: Military duties, training not outlined in your WPS. For example: eating, working parties, sleeping,
standing non-job related watch, Command PT, medical appointments, etc.” (pg. 15 of the USMAP Program
Your supervisor and your final approver for the affected trade have been included in this email. Apprentices,
supervisors and final approvers are all recommended to review the Program Guide available on the USMAP
website under the resources tab. https://usmap.osd.mil
Audits Continued
ALL SUPERVISORS are reminded that by approving these logs you are attesting and validating that these hours
were actually worked in the areas of the trade as reported by the apprentice and assume responsibility of such as
their supervisor by approving any log.
As a reminder, this is a voluntary program. By participating or certifying a trade in USMAP, you are attesting that
you have read the National Apprenticeship Standard and this Program Guide in their entirety. This program is a
joint effort between the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Labor (DoL) resulting in a serialized
DoL certificate recognized nationally. Defrauding a Federal Agency in uniform is in direct violation of 923.18
U.S.C. § 371 and Article 107 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Fraudulent reporting/
certifications will result in trade cancellation and commands will be contacted for investigation assignment. It is
imperative that all service members involved in this program read, understand, and follow program guidelines as
I have included the Program Guide and the National Standards to this email for your convenience. Please review
them so you are aware of the Department of Labor and USMAP policies. Please contact the USMAP Office at
[email protected]il if you have any questions.
Flagged enrollments will be monitored and individuals completing and those approving fraudulent entries may be
held accountable IAW UCMJ and U.S.C., have enrollments cancelled, and further participation in USMAP be
Anyone whose records are flagged, are closely monitored throughout this program to ensure adherence to the rules
and standards of USMAP.
This program is for YOU! There is no need to fraud the system. YOU should be reporting the hours you actually
Example of a Fraudulent Record
This Apprentice (AOAN) attached to a ship doing Computer Operator Trade 8 hours a
day. Logging 8 hours Saturday through Friday, 8 hours a day (no lunch break, no pt, etc)
all in one skill area and the Supervisor above approved it. This should have been
Audits Continued
Red Flags to look for while reviewing the apprentice’s Record:
#1: The Apprentice is logging all 8 or 10 hours in one Skill Area.
#2: The Apprentice is logging hours 7 days a week even if he or she is not working
on those days.
#3: The Apprentice hasn’t had a day off since he or she has been at your command.
#4: The Apprentice was at formal military training, and they continued to log hours.
#5: The Apprentice is enrolled in a trade that is currently not aligned with their
current and permanent duty assignment. Example: Apprentice has PCS’d from
Instructor duty and didn’t finish the Instructor trade. The Apprentice continues to
log hours in the Instructor trade although they are not in an instructor billet at a
training command any longer and they completed the trade at the new duty station.
The new supervisor shouldn’t have approved any reports associated with that trade.
Again, the hours logged are not to be reflective of your workday. Instead, the hours logged shall be the
actual hours doing the specific tasks that align to the Trade’s Work Processes Schedule (WPS). Time
spent having meals, at PT, smoke pit, standing watch, etc. and all other activities that don’t align to a
WPS Skill Area do not get logged.
1. 1
If the Program Analyst catches the completed trade in time, he or she will cancel the trade on the spot
before it goes into the apprentice’s JST.
The apprentice will be given an option to wipe all the logs for that trade and be given a new enrollment
date so they will be able to log their hour from the new enrollment date forward. The apprentice logs the
hours he/she actually worked in the trade.
2. Repeat Offenders
A Second warning will be sent. You will have three business days from the warning date to submit a reason for
the continued offense. The USMAP leadership will determine the course of action which may include suspension
of current trade, cancelling the current trade, suspension from participating in the program, or permanent ban
from the program.
3. If the command has multiple Apprentices fraudulently logging hours, then the Director can pull the entire UIC
from participating in USMAP.
CAC required.
A valid DoD CAC is required to access your online logs in USMAP. An Apprentice will not be able to log hours
or complete competencies until the apprentice gets any CAC issue resolved.
(Time Base only) Paper logs may be used to record hours until an apprentice has access to transfer data online.
USMAP staff cannot enter paper logs on behalf of an apprentice. (For example: Submariners returning from det)
For Navy and Coast Guard, Trades are aligned to Ratings. For Marines and Army, Trades are aligned to their
primary MOS.
Trades are identified by a RAPIDS Code which is 4 numbers and a letter at the end. The letters stand for different
version of the Work Processes Schedule. Ensure you select the right trade.
For Time based Trades: Requirements for the on-the-job hours are trade related and will differ from trade to
trade. Trade hours CANNOT be transferred from one trade to another. The hours vary anywhere from 2000 to
6200 total On-the-Job-Training (OJT) hours.
For Competency based Trade: Apprentice submits “Competencies” as mastered for approval until all
competencies are achieved listed under each “Job Function.”
Every trade requires related formal instruction training necessary to provide apprentices with knowledge in
technical subjects related to the trade. The instruction may be classroom, technical schools, or other approved
means. “A” schools and MOS (Marines and Army) schools count regardless of length of school. This requirement
cannot be waived. The Classroom Instructional hours range from 144 to 453 depending on the Trade. Note:
These hours will not be reflected in the Apprentice’s USMAP record.
Selecting a Trade:
Apprentices are only authorized to choose a trade that is related to his or her Rate/MOS and his or her current
primary duty (what you do for your service). This is because you are required to perform a set number of hours of
OJT to complete the requirements for your trade. For USN Rates, some Trades have NEC requirements. Must
have the NEC in order to enroll into that trade. This requirement is for both Time Base and Competency Base.
For Competency Based Trades, the apprentice is required to perform specific job functions.
Instructor Trade: To enroll in this trade, you must currently be filling an Instructor Billet in a Training
Command (School House)/Training Center/Learning Center of Excellence.”
Detailed Requirements:
For Navy: Must hold one of the following NECs: 805A, 8MTS, 8RDC or 812A.
For Coast Guard: Must complete Instructor Development Course (IDC)
For Marines: Must complete Instructor Development Course (IDC).
For Army: Must complete the Army Basic Instructor Course (ABIC)
Instructor vs Trainer
What separates an Instructor from a Trainer?
Instructors- Teach courses as assigned, adhering to approved curriculum, instructor guides, and course outlines,
and in a manner designed to assist the student to achieve the specific objectives of the course.
Trainers - Are subject matter experts (SME) with specialized knowledge in a specific area. Often, their
competencies are developed through years of on-the-job experience and education in their field.
Time Based Process
Part II Enrollment Process
There are three tiles. First tile deals with the enrollments, second tile is your Coordinator information, and the
third tile is messages from the USMAP Office.
Coordinator Tile
This tile is populated by a database that the USMAP Office maintains when provided a copy of the coordinator’s
designation letter. Not all commands or units will have a designated USMAP Coordinator. In this case, tile will
be blank. NOTE - A service member does not need a unit coordinator to participate in USMAP.
Time Based Process
How to Enroll
To enroll into a trade, Click on “All Enrollments”
USMAP self-service screen after CAC authentication
Time Based Process Continued
To enroll into a new trade, click “START NEW REGISTRATION.” This page shows available trades you are
eligible to enroll in. You will only see the trades that are associated with your Rating (Navy/Coast Guard)/MOS
Note- If you are a prior apprentice, this page shows all the trades you have enrolled in and their status. If you have a
Cancelled apprenticeship, you can have it reinstated. You must send an email to usmap@livehelpnow.net or
[email protected]il requesting the specific trade to be re-instated.
An example is on the next page of trades available for an USN Electronics Technician (ET).
Time Based Process Continued
Install, set-up, rearrange, or remove switching,
distribution, routing, and dialing equipment used in
central offices or head-ends. Service or repair
telephone, cable television, internet, and other
communications equipment on customers' property.
May install communications equipment or
communications wiring in buildings.
1 year minimum
Computer Operator
Monitor and control electronic computer and peripheral
electronic data processing equipment to process
business, scientific, engineering, and other data
according to operating instructions. May enter
commands at a computer terminal and set controls on
computer and peripheral devices. Monitor and respond
to operating and error messages.
1 year
Repair, maintain, or install electric motors, wiring, or
1 year
Install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring,
equipment, and fixtures. Ensure that work is in
accordance with relevant codes. May install or service
street lights, intercom systems, or electrical control
1 year
Lay out, build, test, troubleshoot, repair, and modify
developmental and production electronic components,
parts, equipment, and systems, such as computer
equipment, missile control instrumentation, electron
tubes, test equipment, and machine tool numerical
controls, applying principles and theories of
electronics, electrical circuitry, engineering
mathematics, electronic and electrical testing, and
physics. Usually work under direction of engineering
1 year
Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing
network systems, such as local area network (LAN),
wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a
segment of a network system. Perform network
maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with
minimal interruption. ** (Alternate Title: Computer
Network Support Specialists)
1 year
Radio Mechanic
Test or repair mobile or stationary radio transmitting
and receiving equipment and two-way radio
communications systems used in ship-to-shore
communications and found in service and emergency
1 year
Time Based Process Continued
Below is a SAMPLE.
When you decide what trade and you want to log hours, click “Time”.
Each trade is broken into Work Processes or Skill Areas. These Skill Areas form an outline of the tasks
to be completed and the work hours required in each Skill Area. The outline of tasks is called a Work
Processes Schedule (WPS). The WPS also provides more information about the trade. It is simply a
breakdown of the work experience to be completed. Another way to look at a WPS is a blueprint to
complete the trade.
Below is a SAMPLE WPS. The WPS will be broken down into two parts, so you can better understand
At the top right of the page, the red arrow point to the button “Switch to Competency” button is used to switch a
trade to either “Time” or “Competency.” Once you switch, you can review if this is a more suitable option, or you
can switch back. Once you register, the Time or Competency version is set.
First part Trade information and description of the trade. 1038D is the RAPIDS code that identifies the trade.
This also shows the title of the trade, hours that are required, instructional hours and Type of apprenticeship.
The second part of the WPS is a breakdown of the work experience and hours to be completed. Again, look at this
as your blueprint to complete the trade.
Skill Areas form an outline of the tasks to be completed and the work hours required in each Skill Area. Skill
Areas are listed with the skill title, a brief description and the total hours required in for that specific Skill Area.
Central Office
Install, set-up, rearrange, or remove switching,
distribution, routing, and dialing equipment used in
central offices or head-ends. Service or repair
telephone, cable television, internet, and other
communications equipment on customers' property.
May install communications equipment or
communications wiring in buildings.
1 year minimum
Time Based Process Continued
Below is a SAMPLE of Skill Area on the WPS.
At the bottom of the page, this is where you enter your email. Then click on the “register” button.
Once you click “Register,” your enrollment application goes into the Pending file for the USMAP Office to
process. If approved, you will receive an automated approval email. If rejected for any reason, you will receive
an email and details why your enrollment was rejected. If you have any questions, contact the USMAP Staff at
[email protected]il or usmap@livehelpnow.net.
First Component of the Program
The first requirement is the completion of a formal classroom instruction that relates to the trade. The "Approved
Enrollment Email," will show Trade instruction hours completed, this will confirm that the Formal Classroom
Instruction hours are documented. If the hours are “0” you will need to complete formal instruction hours in order
to complete your Apprenticeship. Again, there is nothing that the apprentice needs to do with these
hours; they have been entered into your record by an USMAP Analyst as part of the enrollment
Each trade is
broken down into
Skill Areas.
Hours required per Skill
Time Based Process Continued
First Component of the Program Continued
Haven’t attended a Military School
(Navy and Coast Guard Only) If you see the statement, "Trade instruction hours you have completed: 0,"
this means your Formal Classroom Instructional Hours requirement is not completed. You may have enlisted
under the Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) Program in Aviation, Engineering or Surface,
struck for a rating, and did not attend an “A” school or any kind of rate training. Or, you may have had to
convert to another rate and have not attended the new rate "A" school or any other military training
relating to your new rate.
The Formal Classroom Instructional Hours CANNOT be waived. The Formal training hours must be
completed to earn the final certification and complete the trade.
If you did not attend military training, you may use formal related civilian training, such as vocational schools,
college classes, trade schools, or Military/Civilian Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) and correspondence
courses to fulfill the formal classroom instruction hours. You have the duration of the trade enrollment to complete
the formal classroom instruction hours. Contact the USMAP Office if you believe you have acquired these hours related
to the trade.
The Second Component is On the Job training (OJT).
OJT encompasses the skills and work experiences learned while doing the actual job. The amount of OJT hours
required to complete your apprenticeship is trade related and will differ from trade to trade. The OJT total work
hours are between 2,000 to 6,200 hours. These hours must be completed and documented.
Pre-Registration Credit Hours
Pre-registration credit hours are not awarded for trades requiring 2,000 OJT hours.
Pre-registration Credit hours are applied at initial enrollment per trade. Should the Trade be cancelled, and later
Reinstated, the previously awarded Pre-registration Credit hours that were awarded at initial enrollment will be
carried forward.
To be eligible for pre-registration credit, there must be at least 1 year from:
The date of completion of the Rating/MOS training which qualified you for the trade to the date of enrollment, or
The date of completion of the instruction/NEC/MOS that qualified you for the trade to the date of enrollment.
1000 hours will be awarded for each FULL year service post instruction completion, not to exceed 50% of the
total required hours but not reducing the required OJT hours below 2,000 hours. The DOL policy requires an
apprentice to log a minimum of 2,000 hours to complete a trade.
NOTE: Additional credit will NOT be awarded for advancement or attending additional trade schools after
Pre-registration credit hours are based on pay grade. NO
Pre-registration credit hours are based on how long the individual has been working on the job. NO
You should get credit because my co-worker and/or buddy received pre-registration credits. NO
Rejections (For both Time and Competency)
Below are reasons why you would be rejected from enrolling into a trade:
Does not have required instruction for the trade.
Not assigned NEC/MOS required for the trade.
Work assignment does not support requested trade.
Currently enrolled in formal training. Re-apply after completion.
Other (see additional comments). This could be that you don’t meet the requirements of the Trade.
For example: If you try and enroll in a trade that is specific for E4 and above and you are only an E3.
Demonstrated non-compliance with the program per the Dept of Labor Standards of Apprenticeship and DoD.
Inactivation and Cancellations (For both Time and Competency)
Inactivation Status
INACTIVATION is a temporary hold status of a trade, upon an apprentice’s request. Inactivation status has no
time limit but is granted to an apprentice that intends to return to complete the trade at a later date but is unable to
work in this trade due to such reasons as but not limited to:
- Nature of Current Assignment transfer to sea/shore duty.
- Medical reasons i.e. pregnancy, surgery, etc.
- Orders to light duty
- Hospitalization
- Pending completion of required instruction
Time Based Trades: Prior to requesting inactivation of a trade, apprentices should ensure that all logged hours
have been submitted and approved by their supervisor. The reason for a trade inactivation will be noted in the
comments of the trade enrollment. Though this trade is placed in an inactive status, you can enroll into a different
trade that may be more applicable to your situation. You may reinstate an inactivated trade at a time that your
situation, duty station and primary job allow you to resume the apprenticeship AND if you are not currently
Active in any other trade. You may contact the USMAP Office to discuss your best options at any time.
Competency based trades that are cancelled or inactivated and are subsequently reinstated will require the
apprentice to restart the minimum 12-month enrollment period requirement. Any completed competency tasks
may be subject to re-approval by unit supervisors and is at the discretion of the Apprentices’ command.
Cancellation of a trade can be done manually by the apprentice or by contacting the USMAP office. Cancellation
can also occur when determined by the USMAP Office that the apprentice is no longer eligible for participation in
that trade. A cancellation status for a trade is granted to an apprentice that has no intention of returning to
complete the trade. Following the cancellation of a previous trade, an apprentice may enroll in another qualifying
Trades are automatically cancelled after 18 months without log in activity. Email ([email protected]) a request to
reinstate a cancelled Trade to the USMAP Office.
A cancelled trade may be reinstated upon request, but circumstances and eligibility must be reviewed by an
USMAP Analyst on a case-by-case basis. The USMAP Analyst may request further information from the
apprentice to determine eligibility to reinstate a canceled trade.
Continued Eligibility to Participate in USMAP Trades
Trade eligibility for USMAP is determined by two major factors: the MOS/NEC/Rating and the current duty
assignment. It is common that a PCS transfer could render the Apprentice no longer eligible to continue
participation in the Trade. A common example is when an Apprentice, who was enrolled in the Electrician Trade
for example, is PCS transferred to Recruiting Duty. Obviously while assigned to Recruiting Duty the Apprentice
will no longer be working hours that would align to Skill Areas on the Electrician Work Processes Schedule
(WPS). In this example, when the Apprentice is no longer working in the Trade, they must contact the USMAP
Office at usmap@navy.mil and request that the current Trade be placed in an “Inactive” status. This will allow
the Apprentice to enroll in another eligible Trade. In the above case, the Apprentice would be eligible to enroll in
the Counselor or Computer Operator Trade while assigned to Recruiting Duty. A very similar example would be
when an Apprentice PCS transfers to Instructor Duty. They should have the current Trade placed in an “Inactive”
status and request to enroll in the Instructor or Computer Operator Trade while completing that tour.
Trades placed in an “Inactive” status will retain all approved hours and can be Reactivated when the Apprentice
returns to an assignment that aligns to the Skill Areas of the WPS.
Out of Rate (Navy/Coast Guard)/MOS (Army/Marines) Apprenticeship Enrollment:
Out of Rate/MOS apprenticeship enrollment is ONLY allowed when ALL of the following requirements are met:
You have the required Formal Classroom Instruction hours for the requested apprenticeship. You can’t enroll in
the trade until you have the completed the Formal Classroom Instruction hours for the Trade which ranges from
144 to 453. The Formal Classroom Instructional Hours CANNOT be waived. The Formal training hours
must be completed to earn the final certification and complete the trade. If you did not attend military
training, you may use formal related civilian training, such as vocational schools, college classes, trade
schools, or Military/Civilian Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) and correspondence courses to fulfill
the formal classroom instruction hours.
Command Statement letter signed by the Commanding Officer (The letter must state that you are performing the
duties in a permanent and full time assignment). A sample letter is available on the USMAP homepage, under the
“Resources” tab titled “Out of Rate Request Template
Once you have sent the Command letter along with a paper enrollment application (Apprentice Registration
Application that can be downloaded from the “Resources” tab on the USMAP homepage), an USMAP Analyst will
review for eligibility to manually enroll the apprentice in the trade and may request further documentation prior to
(Time Based) If you have hours approved by a monthly report, your year requirement does not start over.
However, if you haven’t logged any hours, then your year requirement will start over.
If you have previously received Pre-registration credit hours, those credit hours also will remain.
Preregistration credit is given AT THE TIME OF THE ORIGINAL ENROLLMENT ONLY if you were
(Competency Based) If you have approved competencies, your year requirement does not start over. However, if
your competencies are still in a “submitted” or in a “working” status, your year will start over.
How to Reinstate a Trade
As mention earlier: To have a Trade reinstated, you must send an email to ([email protected]il) or
Active Enrollment Screen
When you select “Active Enrollment,” the summary of hours appears.
Example is below.
If awarded, Preregistration Credit Hours, you will see a credit column titled “Credit” to distribute these hours.
The credit column is when you
are awarded Pre-Registration
Credit Hours
Time Based Process Continued
How to divide Preregistration Credit Hours
If you receive 50% preregistration hours, the system will distribute the hours automatically.
In the example below, Apprentice enrolled into a 4,000 hour Trade. The Apprentice received 2,000 preregistration credit
If you receive less than maximum hours (50%), the best way to distribute the hours is to take a look at your WPS.
Read each “Skill Area” and then determine the total of hours to be distributed.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to distribute preregistration credit hours awarded to you. (Always check the
enrollment approval email to check for preregistration credit hours)
To distribute the credit hours, click on “Distribute Credit.” In the below example, 1,000 hours of pre-registration
credit hours was awarded.
Hours remaining after
2000 Pre-registration
credit hours was
Time Based Process Continued
How to divide Preregistration Credit Hours Continued
After you have entered the hours, click “Save Changes.Below is what you will see.
NOTE: These hours cannot be changed once saved.
The Preregistration Credit Hours
for a “Skill Area” may not
exceed 50% of the hours required
for that “Skill Area”.
This shows you the maximum
pre-registration credit allowed for
this trade.
Time Based Process Continued
Weekly Log Process
Select “Weekly Logs”
This is the screen you will see:
Once the date is in the block, click “Save Changes.” This will create a weekly log. Example is on the next page.
Select week starting date from
calendar example (14Oct2023)
NOTE: All weeks must start on a
Saturday and end on the next Friday.
(If the calendar doesn’t work,
type the date in the Block.)
Member selects Weekly Logs
Time Based Process Continued
Weekly Log Process Continued
New weekly log created by selecting “Edit” to enter hours. (You can only start logging hours from the date of the
Rules of Reporting Hours
You record the hours you work according to your trade’s WPS. Each skill area is broken down by a letter of the
alphabet. Record the daily hours you work using the skill area A, B, C. See example above.
All weeks entered will start on Saturday’s date and end on a Friday’s date.
The hours logged are not to be reflective of your workday. The hours logged shall be the actual hours doing
the specific tasks that align to the Trade’s Work Processes Schedule (WPS). Time spent having meals, at
PT, standing watch, etc. and all other activities that don’t align to a WPS Skill Area should not be logged.
NOTE: Each Skill Area
starts With A B, C, etc.
Enter hours worked each
day in the skill areas that
corresponds to your WPS
Time Based Process Continued
Rules of Reporting Hours Continued.
“For individuals who already took advantage of our program in the past, you are no longer required to produce a
“weekly log” as of November 2019. Once you have amassed an entire month of logs, you must submit your
monthly report to your immediate supervisor. DO NOT wait until you have several months of logs before you
submit them to your immediate supervisor.”
Some Weekly Logs will run into the following month. In that case, you wouldn’t submit your monthly log
until the close of business the following Friday.
Members: Pay attention when logging your hours. Hours cannot be transferred. Once hours are
approved by a Monthly Report, they are locked into the Skill Areas that the hours were logged into. It is
common to over-log” required hours of a Skill Area as the hours worked during the workday determine in
which Skill Area they best align to.
USMAP is a windshield program, not a rear view. You can only log hours from the enrollment day
forward. The U.S. Department of Labor does not allow backdating, you can only log hours from the date of
You can’t log hours while attending a military course or school or studying for a test. The apprentice must
contact the USMAP Office to put the Trade in an Inactive Status until completion of the military course or
school. You must be physically doing work that aligns to the WPS.
Reminder: All Apprentices, Supervisors, and Final Approvers must ensure all logs are accurate and reflect
actual work completed by the apprentice. Flagged enrollments will be investigated and individuals
completing or approving fraudulent entries could result in individuals being held accountable, enrollments
cancelled and further participation in USMAP denied.
Tracking Your Hours
You are required to document the OJT hours worked for your trade. Enter hours worked for each skill area from the
WPS for the week. Hours must be logged in full- or half-hour increments (example: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, etc).
To help keep track of your hours, print a Work Experience Hourly Record Form (located on website under the
Resourcestab). As you work the skill areas, you can use it to document your daily hours as they happen. At the
end of the workday, all you have to do is transfer the hours from the document to the online Weekly log.
Time you cannot log: Military duties, training not outlined in your WPS. For example: eating, working parties,
sleeping, standing watch, Command PT, medical appointments, etc.
Remember, this is a voluntary program. By participating or certifying an Apprenticeship in USMAP, you
are attesting that you have read the National Apprenticeship Standard and this Program Guide in their
entirety. This program is a joint effort between the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Labor
(DoL) resulting in a serialized DoL certificate recognized nationally. Defrauding a Federal Agency in
uniform is in direct violation of 923.18 U.S.C. § 371 and Article 107 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ). Fraudulent reporting/ certifications will result in Apprenticeship cancellation and Commands will
be contacted for investigation assignment. It is imperative that all servicemembers involved in this program
read, understand, and follow program guidelines as written.
Shift work
If you work in shifts, for example: If you work a 3-2-2-3 schedule. You work Monday-Tuesday, Off: Wednesday-
Thursday, Work: Friday-Sunday. The following week will be the opposite. Off: Monday-Tuesday Works:
Wednesday-Thursday, Off: Friday-Sunday. Every week rotates out. You only should be logging hours that you
Time Based Process Continued
Logging Your Hours
As of 1 January 2024, overrides will no longer be authorized for anyone.
Apprentices are authorized to log up to 10 hours a day to closely align with the DoD workday.
To avoid potential auditing issues, Supervisor (E7 and above) can send an email to usmap@navy.mil, if the
situation warrants logging 10 hours a day, due to deployment or exercise. The email must include the apprentice’s
DoD ID Number.
By providing this information, the USMAP Analyst can properly document the exception in the apprentice’s
record, ensuring accurate tracking of their hours and avoiding any potential auditing issues.
However, if you don’t work 10 hours don’t log 10 hours.
REMINDER: Do not log 10 hours in each Skill Area. Match the hours to the skills you performed that
day. DO NOT LOG IN ONE SKILL AREA ALL DAY LONG. You perform different tasks all day long.
On Monday, you worked 2 hours performing tasks in Skill Area “A” (example: Preparing reenlistments, entering
data on an excel spreadsheet). So, you enter (hours in full or half-hour increments only). You would place 2.0 in
block “A” corresponding to Monday.
The next page is an example of logging hours. Click on the “Edit Week” button. The hours logged are not to be
reflective of your workday. The hours logged shall be the actual hours doing the specific tasks that align to the
Trade’s Work Processes Schedule (WPS). Saturday is the beginning of the week.
Below is the example of the screen when click “Edit Week.”
Time Based Process Continued
To add hours, just click on the “0.0”, a dark blue line will appear. See example below:
This is the screen you will see when you
click “Edit Week”
After you see the blue line, you can enter the
Time Based Process Continued
You enter the hours for the day column
After you have entered the hours, click “Save Changes.”
When you save the changes, this will take you back to the start of the week. See example on the below.
Time Based Process Continued
At the end of each month, you need to submit a monthly report to your Supervisor. Note: Do not submit until all hours
for the month have been entered and saved. Some months end mid-week but Apprentices should not submit the
Monthly Report of all Weekly Logs until the actual end of the final week, even if that final week includes days from the
next month. All Monthly Reports must include full weeks Saturday to Friday.
Click on “Submit Month for Review”
This is where you enter your Supervisor’s email. Ensure you type it correctly. Then click “Save Email Changes.”
Time Based Process Continued
Monthly Continued
If you receive Invalid Address Error, this error code is given when there is an invalid email address entered in your
“Personal Profile”. Review the email addresses you entered for “Member Work Email”, “Monthly Approver Email”, and
Final Approver Email”. Especially look for a typo, or a misplaced “.” or “@”.
Once you save the email changes, then click “Submit Month For Review.” Your supervisor will receive an email
from the USMAP automated system with an active link. The active link is only good for 14 days. After 14 days,
you will have to contact the USMAP Office to reject that report so you can resubmit it.
If you need to change your Supervisor’s email to another email, you have the capability to delete the old
one and replace it with the new one.
Once submitted, this is what the screen will look like.
The status has now changed to “Submitted” and you will notice that those weeks are now locked.
There are two ways to unlock your weeks. First way is if your supervisor rejects your monthly report, and the
second way is to send an email to usmap@livehelpnow.net. If rejected, the status will change to “Rejected.
Once your monthly report approved, you will receive an email from the USMAP automated system: Example is
on the next page.
Time Based Process Continued
Monthly Continued
Apprentice’s name, your monthly report has been approved.
Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center
640 Roberts Avenue Building 502
Pensacola, FL 32511-5155
Phone: 1-850-452-6699
DSN: 459
When you go the weekly log screen, it will look like this:
Keep logging until all Skill Areas are at zero. Once the Skill Areas are at zero, then you have to submit a final
report to a commissioned officer.
If the Approver does not receive the email
ALWAYS check with your supervisor to ensure he or she received an email from the USMAP automated system.
It is in your best interest not to wait this is how your reports will be approved. Sometimes, the USMAP automated
emails end up in the Junk Email folder due to server firewalls, ensure the supervisor checks his or her junk email
folder first. “If” your approver did not receive an email please adhere to the following steps to do so:
Step 1) You must contact the USMAP office by emailing USMAP@navy.mil and request that a Program Analyst
verify that an email was sent out to your approver. Sometimes your command server blocks the automated email,
so a Program Analyst at the USMAP Office will have to reject your reports.
Step 2) You will then resubmit your report(s) to your approver and again check with your supervisor to verify
whether he or she received the email with the link to approve your report. If they did not receive an automated
email continue to Step 3.
Step 3) Have your approver review your Monthly/Competencies or Final Report from your computer and if he or
she approves the hours you logged, have him or her email USMAP@navy.mil and request a Program Analyst at
USMAP to manually approve the submitted report on his or her behalf. To expedite the request, your DoD Id#,
Full Name, Rate/Rank, as well as the specific report(s) to be approved should be included in that email.
Time Based Process Continued
Final Report
Once all Skill Areas are zeroed out, you must submit your final report.
After you click “Submit Final Report,” this screen will appear.
Enter your Approver’s email. The final approver must be a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s immediate
chain of command. Depending on the service, this can be the Division Officer, Warrant Officer, Department Head,
Company Commander or other commissioned officer presiding over the apprentice. For units without
commissioned officers (i.e. Coast Guard) can use the senior enlisted at the unit or supervising Government Service
(GS) civilian.
Also, the Apprentice's Final Report Approver cannot have approved any of the apprentice's Monthly Reports or
individual Competencies. The USMAP Coordinator cannot be the Final Approver for the entire command.
If you need to change your Final Approver’s email to another email, you have the capability to delete the
old one and replace it with the new one.
If the final approver doesn’t receive the email, turn back to page 29 and follow the steps.
Once the final approver’s email saved, now click “Submit Final Report for Review.” This will send an email with
a link to your final approver.
Enter your Approver’s email. The Final approver must be a
commissioned officer in the apprentice’s chain of command.
Click “Save Email Changes.”
Time Based Process Continued
Certificate and Journeyworker Card
Once the approver has approved your final report, log back into your record and you will be able to print your own
Department of Labor Completion certificate and Journeyworker Card, and reprint as needed in the future as long
as you have a CAC to access your account.
Log back into your record. Click “Enrollments.”
This will bring up all the enrollments in your record. Find the Trade you just completed and click
“Completion Certificate.” Example is below.
Once you click “Completion Certificate” and the Department of Labor Completion Certificate will open on the
computer. On the Next page Example of DoL Completion of Certificate and journeyworker card.
Time Based Process Continued
Certificate and Journeyworker Card Continued
Note It is recommended that you print or save the trades Work Processes Schedule and keep it along with your
Department of Labor Completion Certificate. It might be useful once you transition to a civilian.
Notice! This is
not an USMAP
rather it is a
issued by the
Department of
Labor and should
be referred to as
Sample of a Department of
Labor Journeyworker Card
Competency Based Process
Competency based enrollments are for more experienced apprentices. Drilling Reservists are not eligible for
Competency based trades.
Instead of Skill Areas and hours (Time Based method), you have Trade-specific Job Functions that contain
Competencies. When you have "mastered" the competencies, you then submit them to your supervisor for
approval. You do not log hours or submit Monthly Status Reports, just the Competency. When all Competencies
are approved, you will have to submit a Final Report to a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s chain of
command. The USMAP Office must be that this individual be a commissioned officer such as a Department
Head, Warrant Officer, Division Officer, Company Commander or some other supervisor who presides over the
apprentice. For units without commissioned officers (i.e. Coast Guard) can use the senior enlisted at the unit or
supervising Government Service (GS) civilian (GS9 or above). The only time requirement is that you must be
enrolled in the trade for a minimum of one year before being eligible to submit the final report.
Must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 Months (before completion can be accomplished) and must complete
all Competencies under each Job Function.
You must be assigned as a full-time billet.
You may only enroll in an apprenticeship that aligns with the occupation you are performing.
You still must have the Formal Classroom Instructional hours. If the trade is NEC driven or MOS specific,
you must have the NEC or MOS for that trade.
How to Enroll
To enroll into a trade, Click on “All Enrollments
Competency Based Process Continued
This page shows all the trades you have enrolled in.
To enroll into a new trade, click “start new registration.” This page shows available trades you are eligible to enroll
in. You will only see the trades that are associated with your Rate (Navy/Coast Guard)/MOS (Army/Marines).
On the next page, these are the Competency trades available for an
USN Electronics Technician (ET)
Competency trades available for an USN Electronics Technician (ET)
When you decide what trade, click “Competency
Central Office
Install, set-up, rearrange, or remove switching,
distribution, routing, and dialing equipment used in
central offices or head-ends. Service or repair
telephone, cable television, internet, and other
communications equipment on customers' property.
May install communications equipment or
communications wiring in buildings.
1 year minimum
Install, set-up, rearrange, or remove switching,
distribution, routing, and dialing equipment used in
central offices or head-ends. Service or repair
telephone, cable television, internet, and other
communications equipment on customers' property.
May install communications equipment or
communications wiring in buildings.
1 year minimum
Computer Operator
Monitor and control electronic computer and peripheral
electronic data processing equipment to process
business, scientific, engineering, and other data
according to operating instructions. May enter
commands at a computer terminal and set controls on
computer and peripheral devices. Monitor and respond
to operating and error messages.
1 year
Repair, maintain, or install electric motors, wiring, or
1 year
Install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring,
equipment, and fixtures. Ensure that work is in
accordance with relevant codes. May install or service
street lights, intercom systems, or electrical control
1 year
Lay out, build, test, troubleshoot, repair, and modify
developmental and production electronic components,
parts, equipment, and systems, such as computer
equipment, missile control instrumentation, electron
tubes, test equipment, and machine tool numerical
controls, applying principles and theories of
electronics, electrical circuitry, engineering
mathematics, electronic and electrical testing, and
physics. Usually work under direction of engineering
1 year
Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing
network systems, such as local area network (LAN),
wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a
segment of a network system. Perform network
maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with
minimal interruption. ** (Alternate Title: Computer
Network Support Specialists)
1 year
Radio Mechanic
Test or repair mobile or stationary radio transmitting
and receiving equipment and two-way radio
communications systems used in ship-to-shore
communications and found in service and emergency
1 year
Competency Based Continued
At the top right of the page, the red arrow point to the button “Switch to Time” button is used to switch a trade to
either “Time” or “Competency.” Once you switch, you can review if this is a more suitable option or you can
switch back. Once you register, the Time or Competency version is set.
Again, you must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 Months (before completion can be accomplished) and you
must complete all Job Functions.
At the bottom of the page, you will enter your email. Preferably your military email. Then click on the “register”
This should be your military
email address
Competency Based Continued
Once you click “Register,” your enrollment application goes into the Pending file for the USMAP Office to
process. Once approved, you will receive an automated approval email.
Once you receive your approval email, log back into your record. Select “Active Enrollment” from drop
down menu under “My Enrollments”.
When you click on “Active Enrollment” the next screen is where you enter your Supervisor’s and Final Approver’s email.
Ensure you type it correctly. Then click “Save Emails”. This page also shows you the job functions you must perform for
your supervisor in order for them to approve these job functions.
Your immediate Supervisor at your command/unit should be designated as the Supervisor. The final approver
must be a commissioned officer in your immediate chain of command. Depending on the service, this can be the
Division Officer, Warrant Officer, Department Head, Company Commander or other commissioned officer
presiding over the apprentice. For units without commissioned officers (i.e. Coast Guard) can use the senior
enlisted at the unit or supervising Government Service (GS) civilian (GS9 or above).
When you feel you have mastered the individual competency, you should submit it to your supervisor’s email you
provided. If you need to change your Supervisor’s email to another email you have the capability to
delete the old one and replace it with the new one.
Competency Based Continued
Job Functions
Each Job Function contains Competencies that you must demonstrate mastery of the established trade. If you
need to obtain a copy of the job functions and competencies, go to the USMAP website (https://usmap.osd.mil),
Click on “Review Eligible Trades,” select your Branch of Service, Select a rating/MOS and this will automatically
filter the Select a Trade list to display related trades only. Find the trade you enrolled in and Click on the
Competency Based Work Process Schedule. You can save it to your computer or print it from the website.
Below is an example of Job functions with underlying competencies.
All job functions will start out as “Working.” Once you have mastered the competency, change “Working” to
“Submitted” by clicking on drop down arrow. You can submit multiple competencies for approval at the same
At the bottom of the page, click “Submit.” This will automatically send an email to your supervisor ONLY. The
email doesn’t go to the final approver.
This is a three-step process. The first step is to get all competencies approved by the supervisor. The second step
is after you have completed the one-year requirement, and all competencies have been approved then the third step
is you will submit your final report to your final approver, which MUST be a commissioned officer in your chain
of command.
Competency Based Continued
Approval and Review
The apprentice submits “Competencies” for approval until all competencies are achieved for each “Job Function.”
Once your supervisor approves or selects “Review Required,” you will receive the following email:
To: Member’s name
Subject: USMAP Competency approved
Member Name, your Competency report has been modified.
Please review competency statuses, the following changes have occurred.
Approved - Inspect electrical systems, equipment, or components to identify hazards, defects, or the need for
adjustment or repair, and to ensure compliance with codes.
Review Required - Connect wires to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components.
Approved - Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures, using hand tools or power tools.
Approved - Fasten small metal or plastic boxes to walls to house electrical switches or outlets.
Approved - Perform physically demanding tasks, such as digging trenches to lay conduit or moving or lifting
heavy objects.
If the Approver does not receive the email
ALWAYS check with your supervisor to ensure he or she received an email from the USMAP automated system.
It is in your best interest not to wait; this is how your competencies will be approved. Sometimes, the USMAP
automated emails end up in the Junk Email folder due to server firewalls, ensure the supervisor checks his or her
junk email folder first. “If” your approver did not receive an email please adhere to the following steps to do so:
Note: Do not change your supervisor email to another person email until you contact the USMAP Office.
Step 1) You must contact the USMAP office by emailing USMAP@navy.mil and request that a Program Analyst
verify that an email was sent out to your approver. Sometimes your command server blocks the automated email,
so a Program Analyst at the USMAP Office will have to reset your competencies.
This is an example where the
supervisor did not feel the
Competency was mastered.
This is an example where the
approver approved
This is an example where the
approver approved
Competency Based Continued
Step 2) An USMAP Analyst has to reset your competencies back to “Working” so you can resubmit to your
supervisor. Check with your supervisor to verify whether he or she received the email with the link to approve
your competencies. If they did not receive an email, go to step 3.
Step 3) Have your approver review your Competencies or Final Report from your computer and if he or she
approves the hours you logged, have him or her email [email protected] and request a Program Analyst at
USMAP manually approve the submitted report on his or her behalf. To expedite the request, your DoD Id#, Full
Name, Rate/Rank, as well as the specific report(s) to be approved should be included in that email.
Final Report
Both components, formal classroom instruction hours and all competencies are met and have been approved. The
apprentice submits “Final Report.”
NOTE: The final Report button will not appear in your record until you have
reached the 12 month requirement.
The final approver must be a commissioned officer in the apprentice’s immediate chain of command. Depending
on the service, this can be the Division Officer, Warrant Officer, Department Head, Company Commander or
other commissioned officer presiding over the apprentice. For units without commissioned officers (i.e. Coast
Guard) can use the senior enlisted at the unit or supervising Government Service (GS).
Also, the Apprentice's Final Report Approver cannot have approved any of the apprentice's Monthly Reports or
individual Competencies. The USMAP Coordinator cannot be the Final Approver for the entire command
Below is an example of Final Approver email block.
Once you completed the 1-year requirement, enter the final approver’s email, click “Save Emails” Once saved, use
the drop down to select “Submit Final Report.”
Example below is on the next page:
Competency Based Continued
Final Report Continued
After you select “Submit Final Report,” scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Submit.
When you click on “Submit,” this pop up will appear. An email has been sent to your final approver.
Once the final approver approves your final report, you will receive an email. Example is below:
From: usmap_donotreply@navy.mil <usmap_donotreply@navy.mil>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 10:19 AM
To: Apprentice email
Subject: USMAP Final Competency approved
Apprentices Rate and Full name, Enrollment ID: 123456
Your completion report for DRAFTER, ARCHITECTURAL (0126D) has been accepted and processed.
Congratulations on the completion of your trade. Your Department of Labor Certificate of Apprenticeship is now
available online.
This completion is posted to your JST transcripts under the ACADEMIC COURSE section as an electronic entry
usually within 24 hours. This is used as proof of completion for PROMOTION/SELECTION board purposes.
United Services Military Apprenticeship Program
Competency Based Continued
Final Report Continued
If the Approver does not receive the email
ALWAYS check with your supervisor to ensure he or she received an email from the USMAP automated system.
It is in your best interest not to wait this is how your trade is completed. “If” your approver did not receive an
email please adhere to the following steps to do so: Note: Sometimes our emails end up in the Junk Email folder
due to server firewalls.
Step 1) You must contact the USMAP office by emailing USMAP@navy.mil and request that a Program Analyst
verify that an email was sent out to your approver. Sometimes your command server blocks the automated email,
so a Program Analyst at the USMAP Office will have to reset your competencies.
Step 2) Have your approver review your Final Report from your computer and if he or she approves the
competencies, have him or her email USMA[email protected]l and request an USMAP Analyst manually approve the
submitted report on his or her behalf. To expedite the request, your DoD Id#, Full Name, Rate/Rank, as well as
the specific report(s) to be approved should be included in that email.
Certificate and Journeyworker Card
Log back into your record. Click “Enrollments.”
Competency Based Continued
Certificate and Journeyworker Card Continued
Use the drop down arrow and click “All Enrollments”
This will bring up all the enrollments in your record. Find the Trade you just completed and click
“Completion Certificate.” See below.
Once you click “Completion Certificate” and the Department of Labor Completion Certificate will open on the
When the Final Report (report documenting completion of Apprenticeship requirements) is approved; the
Apprenticeship status changes to complete. Then the apprentice can retrieve completion documents (Certificate
and Journeyworker Card) via USMAP website and reprint as needed in the future with CAC access.
Notice! This is not an
USMAP Completion
Certificate-rather it is
a certificate issued by
the Department of Labor
and should be referred to
as such.
Competency Based Continued
Certificate and Journeyworker Card Continued
Note It is recommended that you print or save the trades Work Processes Schedule and keep it along with your
Department of Labor Completion Certificate. It might be useful once you transition to a civilian.
Sample of a
Department of Labor
Journeyworker Card