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Nutritional Impact on Performance in Student-Athletes: Reality Nutritional Impact on Performance in Student-Athletes: Reality
and Perception and Perception
Sarah Sceery
Merrimack College
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Nutritional Impact on Performance in Student-Athletes: Reality and Perception
M.S. Health and Wellness Management
Sarah Sceery
Merrimack College
May 2017
Context: The sports nutrition field is experiencing incredible growth and development. Athletes
are often epitomized for optimal health yet are susceptible to many nutrition related risks that can
have a profound impact on both positive and negative performance gains. The student-athlete
population is of particular interest based on their nutrition knowledge and where information is
obtained. Little is known about their perception on nutrition overall. Objective: The purpose of
this study was to examine student-athlete perceptions of nutrition and their attitudes about how
nutrition impacts performance. Design: Qualitative semi-structured interviews were facilitated
with the study population. Participants: A total of 10 Division II student-athletes enrolled in
this study. Data Analysis: Data was analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Credibility was
established through member checks and written notes served as triangulation. Results: Several
themes and subthemes emerged from the data. Accessibility, knowledge, time and physical
feelings all tie into how student-athletes perceive the nutritional impact on performance and were
the primary themes. The subthemes, which further broke down the student-athlete perspectives
and perceptions on how nutrition can impact performance, included the traveling, costs and
resources in relation to accessibility, understanding versus utilization of nutritional knowledge
and the performance or hunger effects students attribute to the physical feelings of nutrition.
Conclusions: Student-Athletes believe nutrition is important for their overall health and
wellbeing. They perceive that it has the potential to positively or negatively impact performance.
However they do not always have the resources or knowledge necessary to consume nutrition
properly balanced to improve performance, therefore additional nutritional education is
There are many factors that influence health status and greatly impact everyday life. One
of the most modifiable and controllable areas is diet and nutrition. Diet is simply what you
consume and the quantities of how much you consume, therefore fueling the body and
profoundly impacting how an individual functions physically, mentally and even socially.
Nutritional choices determine and greatly effect health status. Maintaining a healthy and well-
balanced diet is essential for the overall health and wellness of all populations and
individualizing those nutritional needs based on behaviors is critical.
Nutrition currently sits at the forefront of major public health concerns with many
nutritional choices trending toward poor decisions, developing unhealthy habits and the
associated effects. Obesity is one of the largest health concerns of Americans, accounting for
increased risk of disease, mortality, morbidity and billions of health care dollars spent each year.
While obesity is the most common indicator of poor nutrition, other main stream diseases
including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke are all linked to nutritional factors as well.
In fact, 117 million individuals or close to one half of Americans have one or more chronic
diseases related to poor diet (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 2015, p.xi) therefore emphasizing the importance of intervention.
As these numbers are alarming, the general population are not the only population at risk
from poor nutritional habits. Athletes are a sub-population that are particularly affected by poor
nutrition which can have a substantial impact on both their health and physical performance. In
the case of athletes across all levels, a quality well-balanced diet is essential for proper health
and achieving performance goals (Nutrition and Athletic Performance, 2016). The athlete
population spans a large range of nutritional needs. Performance goals vary immensely between
different types of athletes, therefore emphasizing the importance of individualism. Furthermore,
proper nutritional supplementation and emphasis on balance is important for all athletes. Current
evidence supports the idea that nutrients such as protein, calcium, and iron can have significant
positive impacts on performance (Moran, McClung, Kohen, & Lieberman, 2013). However,
education and awareness around sports nutrition is largely lagging behind. This is especially true
and concerning in the case of student-athletes (Torres-McGehee et al., 2012 & Webber et
al.,2015). This literature review will examine the perceptions of nutrition on performance,
student-athletes nutritional knowledge and the factors that influence these decisions.
Why does Nutrition Matter for Athletes?
Athletes at all levels from recreational to the international competitive scale place
incredible demands on their bodies. Through the combination of physical work, energy
expenditure, time and recovery periods, by nature they are pushing their bodies to further limits.
In doing so, athletes therefore require additional energy and fuel through nutrients and ultimately
their diet. According to renowned Sports Nutritionist, Nancy Clark and her Sports Nutrition
Guidebook (2013), eating for every day active people must be different than those who are more
sedentary. In this case, athletes are assumed to be much more active individuals. Furthermore,
just as a medication plan or physical training regimen, these eating patterns, needs and
requirements are unique to every individual athlete or “active person.”
This concept of individualism is one that is essential when considering sports nutrition.
The Dietitians of Canada, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American College of
Sports Medicine (2016) highlight that nutrition plans must be individualized for athletes to
account for their own specific goals and uniqueness of the event, performance goals, practical
challenges, food preferences and responses to what works and ultimately what does not. The
differences are evident in the comparison of a 250lb offensive lineman versus a 115lb female
gymnast. Two incredibly unique individuals with different goals. One is not necessarily healthier
than the other or works any harder but what they put into their bodies to achieve those
individualized goals matters. Athletes walk a fine line between balancing to train hard enough to
reach those goals and avoiding the risk to injury. Nutrition and the benefits it can provide, fall
somewhere right in the middle (Nutrition and Athletic Performance, 2016). There is evidence to
support the fact that an increase in energy (calories) is important for maintaining a balance and
appropriate consumption of the right protein sources can have a profound impact on muscle
recovery, stimulation and synthesis and that caffeine may have a positive stimulus effect on
sustaining endurance (Moran et al., 2013). In addition, in order to maintain a balance and
modification the standard dietary guidelines of incorporating the micronutrients in fruits and
vegetables must not be forgotten (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 2015).
Nutrition in College Athletes
Led by Dietitians of Canada, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American
College of Sports Medicine (2016) these guidelines and research continue to improve and
expand in this area of health but there is room for growth for the athletes’ overall understanding
and implementation of these guidelines. A study done by Webber et al. (2015) on the diet quality
of collegiate athletes demonstrated that on average student-athletes only scored a 51 out of a
possible 100 on the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). The HEI is a measure of diet quality that
assesses how closely individuals follow the dietary guidelines outlined and is one of the most
popular tools to monitor diet quality in the US. A diet score of 80 is considered “good” while
51-80 is considered “fair”. Therefore, this study emphasizes both the need for nutrition
intervention and nutritional education for student-athletes.
In taking it one step further and actually assessing diets, a dietary recall done by
researchers on the eating habits of female collegiate athletes specifically found that energy and
carbohydrate intakes were far below the recommended minimum amount with only 9% of
participants meeting their energy needs. 75% of these Division I athletes did not even consume
the minimum carbohydrate requirements (Shrivcr, Betts & Wollcnbetg, 2012). With
carbohydrates often serving as a main source of energy, this is concerning for the short term
performance impacts and long term sustainability of athletes.
Furthermore, disordered eating is a large concern for this population. According to the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2015), disordered eating is defined as “a wide range of
irregular eating behaviors…” It is categorized as a descriptive term, not necessarily a diagnosis
but the phrase can lead to serious conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, risks of
the female triad and even abuse of supplement usage. A recent study by Achiro and Theodore
(2015) highlighted the increased use and dangers associated with supplement usage, highlighting
the trend as the newest form of disordered eating. The authors found that men who were body
conscious used supplements in an excessive manner resulting in forms of disordered eating. 29%
of the group studied were concerned about their use of supplements while 22% stated they used
supplements to replace meals. The prevalence of disordered eating in this area expands the
overall categorization of eating disorders, putting a greater number of athletes at risk.
Disordered eating poses physical and mental health risks to athletes and the prevalence of
disordered eating is high among the specific student-athlete population. The NCAA, which
functions as the largest oversight board and governing institution for college athletes, identified
that 25% of female athletes and close to 20% of male athletes have disordered eating symptoms
(Voelker, 2012). Another study concluded that a significant number of female collegiate athletes
suffer from eating disorders and many used exercise as an outlet. The disorder was seen at the
symptom level and subclinical, not necessarily requiring specific treatment yet still incredibly
problematic (Greenleaf, Petrie, Carter, & Reel, 2009). Adams, Goldufsky and Schlaff (2015)
highlight the gender differences of disordered eating, dietary behavior and inherent risks among
both populations. As disordered eating continues to expand, the high prevalence among college
athletes is concerning.
The concern and risk of disordered eating scales well beyond college athletics both from
the early stages of development and post-college in professional athletics. Older literature found
team settings and group dynamics of peer pressure can include these risk factors on both a
positive and negative level for high school athletes. An article focused on the concepts of
reduced risk behavior and increasing positive behavior draws attention to the ATLAS (Athletes
Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids) and ATHENA (Athletes Targeting Healthy Exercise &
Nutrition Alternatives) programs. “The ATLAS and ATHENA programs’ positive findings
support strengthen sports’ health-engaging mission by incorporating harm reduction and health
promotion curriculum into the athletic team setting (Elliot et al., 2006)”, highlighting both the
important influences an athletic team can have as well as the risks that can be associated with
sport and competition to succeed. The accuracy of this data is limited however due to self-report
behaviors of high schoolers which has the potential to be subjective. However while information
no longer exist on these programs, the article demonstrates the importance of calling attention to
this area and idea of how health promotion can be tied to athletic teams in the areas of disordered
eating and nutrition. No similar programs or interventions were found for collegiate athletes.
Specific literature was not explored in depth for professional athletes, the general assumption can
be made that they do not always receive adequate nutrition guidance based on media outlets,
influential studies and personal affiliation of the increased steroid usage, nutrition discussion and
drive to succeed by professional athletes.
Nutrition Influencing Factors
What must be noted and emphasized in evaluating the nutritional risks for student-
athletes is the component of influence and identifying the specific factors that influence
nutritional decisions. An evaluation of how actual food choices are made by student-athletes and
those things that influence their decisions play a key role in how they fuel their bodies, where
they obtain their nutritional information and personal perceptions as college students.
As Buckton and Combet (2015) highlight, healthy eating can be confused with diet and
weight management. This association between healthy eating and weight management is a
problem for the overall health population and relates back to the risk factors of disordered eating
for athletes. It is estimated that individuals make 220 food choices each and every day. These
choices are impacted by a substantial amount of internal and external factors highlighted by
physiological factors such as hunger, food and taste preferences and gastronomical discomfort
(Birkenhead & Slater, 2015). New diet evidence and trends around gluten now play a role more
than ever for athletes. While specific benefits are unclear around gluten free diet benefits on
performance, when it comes to preference more and more endurance athletes are choosing to
take this route (Lis, Stellingwerff, Shing, Ahuja, & Fell, 2015). The research reported in this
study has a likelihood of bias based on the self-report information and possibility that subjects
adhere to a gluten free diet based on a number of other factors. However, it is interesting to
consider the current trends and new influencing factors in sports nutrition.
Lifestyle and knowledge factors also play a role in decision making of both nutritional
and sport decisions. As highlighted by Birkenhead and Slater (2015):
“Motives for participating in sport may influence the importance placed on food choice
as personal goals may differ from an athlete with physique goals to another who enjoys
the freedom of eating whatever they desire…motivation to participate in sport may be
based on a lifestyle choice that influences food choice (p.1515).”
The choice to physically be active and partake in sporting activities may alter student’s food
choices linking the two closely together. This can have a large impact on how student-athletes
feel about nutrition and food choices.
Psychological factors of body image and weight control along with social and cultural
factors all are incredibly essential in evaluating the nutrition of student-athletes. One of the few
studies that actually examines the perceptions associated with nutrition for college athletes
focused on the concept of psychological factors. As Adams et al. (2015) highlighted, gender
differences of dietary behaviors occur, influencing nutrition. Females were more preoccupied
with body weight factors and “…more likely to report a great level of agreement with statements
relating to performance declines attributed to weight gain…” (p.21) while “males have a positive
perception of performance enhancement directly associated with supplement utilization” (p.22).
Understanding the influences of nutritional perceptions is important and perceptions also extend
beyond psychological factors. As Ono, Kennedy, Reeves and Cronin (2012) point out, food
choice and perception is not traditional nutritional science instead it is more anthropology,
sociology or physiology (p.99). The authors are able to formulate stronger conclusions based on
a mixed methods approach of both nutritional intake assessment, determining what and when the
athletes are eating, followed by qualitative interviews allowing for a comprehensive
understanding of their attitudes and perceptions of food choices. This understanding could better
define the need for increased nutritional guidance.
For college students, food selections are often based on taste, time, convenience and cost
rather than nutritional value. Two qualitative surveys looking specifically at collegiate football
players highlighted the fact that not only is time essential, and often what your meals are
structured around but it is also part of establishing a routine (Kicklighter, Koonce, Rosenbloom,
& Commander, 2010 and Long, Perry, Unruh, Lewis, & Stanek-Krogstand, 2011). The limitation
in this study, as well as several other pieces of literature found, is the narrow focus of the study
population on one specific sport. It can be assumed based on trends and general knowledge that
the idea of routine development is important but understanding that a sport like football may
have very different schedule routines or dynamics than other sports.
As demands on college athletes continue to increase and pressure surmounts to “be the
best” and “compete at the highest level” these routines become incredibly important and
structuring food into those routines matters. Socially, it is who you are eating with, who is
cooking and who you are around that impact food decisions. Often times, those social settings
are with teammates, coaches and athletic trainers, therefore playing an incredibly important role
in where nutritional information is obtained.
The role athletic trainers and coaches play in nutritional education is an essential one.
Athletic trainers and coaches have the significant ability to influence decisions (Torres-McGehee
et al., 2012 and Long et al., 2011). Based on multiple studies, it is evident that coaches, strength
and conditioning coaches and athletic trainers serve as a primary source of nutrition information
for student-athletes. These figures play a critical role in shaping an athlete on all aspects and
nutrition is part of that full package. Yet, there is a gap in knowledge of these sources that is
being provided. Torres-McGehee et al. (2012) also found that across Division I, II and III
schools, athletic trainers and strength and condition coaches have adequate knowledge but the
coaches do not. Furthermore a study done on international football players supports this idea
emphasizing that coaches often follow their own traditions and health beliefs, imparting that
wisdom on the team. In some cases, outside information from professionals is not even
welcomed in (Ono et al., 2012). The lack of resources and lack of sports dietitians is evident at
the college and professional level.
The research about sports dietetics in a college setting is limited. While the full article
was unable to be located, a summary of an comparative assessment done on self-efficacy of
NCAA athletes found that athletes at schools who had a sports dietician were more likely to seek
out nutritional information, demonstrated more knowledge about nutrition and felt more
confident making decisions (Wallinga et al., 2013). As the evidence-based research field of
nutritional impact on performance continues to grow, the area of Sports Dietetics is continuing to
become more popular and there is a demonstrated need (Nutrition and Athletic Performance,
2016). Similar to the medical field, it is clear that obtaining information from experts is more
beneficial for student-athletes than peers, the internet or social media. Because information
delivery is still derived from a variety of areas, it leads to an incredible gap in knowledge of
nutrition for the athletes.
Nutritional Knowledge
Where student-athletes obtain their nutritional knowledge, their personal nutritional
habits, internal and external influence factors all play a critical role in baseline nutritional
knowledge and ultimately how the nutritional impact on performance is perceived. The Torres-
McGehee et al. (2012) study found that only 9% of student-athletes studied across Division I,
Division II and Division III institutions had adequate nutrition knowledge while the cross-
sectional questionnaire used with Iranian College Athletes found that although nutrient
knowledge is prevalent, supplement knowledge is not and there are gaps in overall baseline
knowledge (Jessri, Jessri, Rashidkhani, & Zinn, 2010). An older study which focused on
triathletes used the General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire (GNKQ) to identify there is a
gap and also highlighted that there are limited studies on knowledge (Birkenhead, 2013). A
variety of studies ranging from 1981-2002 were found that supported this point yet the literature
around current data was limited. Conclusions however could be drawn between knowledge and
beliefs. Both health and specifically nutrition can have difference meanings for individuals and
athletes are susceptible to this generalization. As Birkenhead and Slater (2015) summarizes
“...beliefs about nutrition and level of knowledge may determine the importance placed on food
choices as influenced by the athlete’s understanding of the role of nutrition on health and sport
performance (p.1515).” For example, non-celiac athletes adopt the gluten free diet for perceived
health benefits even though there is no evidence based research to support this (Lis et al., 2015).
From a more general and broad perspective, further identifying what student-athletes know about
nutrition, how they feel it can impact their performance and the perceptions they have both
positively and negatively are important for educating this population.
Nutritional Behaviors
Understanding nutritional influencing factors, motivators and nutritional knowledge are
essential for this population and consideration for any type of intervention. Taking it one step
further to understand how each of these components actually impacts their behavior is also
important. In a study looking at behavioral intentions, Karpinski and Milliner (2016) use the
underlying constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior to help identify barriers to healthful
eating. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been explored across many health decisions with the
assumption that behavioral intention or intention to change, is the strongest predictor of actual
behavior, with a stronger intent resulting in a more likely behavior change. The three major
constructs that affect behavior intentions are attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior
control. The authors tested this theory among Division II athletes examining female and male
student-athletes intentions of eating healthy and found that attitude had the greatest influence yet
further exploration of attitudes around nutrition were needed. Furthermore, questions in their
cross-sectional survey related to nutritional motivation included concepts of endurance,
concentration and impact on performance, therefore supporting ideas generated for the guided
interview questions of this proposed study. While this specific proposed study will not
investigate behavior change, this concept supports the idea that attitudes and perceptions effect
change and understanding those constructs is essential for athletes to make proper nutrition
Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet that is individualized is critical for student-
athletes. Diet can not only reduce the risk of disease but also increase health gains and improve
performance. The literature and evidence around nutritional impact on performance continues to
develop and exist as a popular topic in the health field. Student-athletes and the athletic
population are an important example of where diet can directly impact performance gains or
losses in addition to having positive or adverse health effects. While research identifies and
highlights the many internal and external factors that can impact or influence an athlete’s
nutritional choices, how those factors can be modified and the nutritional education gap for this
population needs further work, resources and time. As Adams et al. (2015) summarize, “research
conducted with a heavily qualitative focus may serve beneficial in exposing the roots of body
weight perceptions and dietary behaviors among athletes” (p.23). Therefore this study is aimed at
identifying how and what student-athletes perceive about nutrition, their attitudes about the
performance impact and nutritional motivations.
Research Objectives
The purpose of this study was to examine student-athlete perceptions of nutrition and their
attitudes about how nutrition impacts performance. The three main aims were to identify how
student-athletes feel about nutrition, their beliefs on the relationship between nutrition and
performance and their nutritional motivations.
Research Design
This qualitative study was focused on exploring the knowledge, attitude and perception of
collegiate athletes about the nutritional impact on performance. Research was conducted through
voluntary interviews with Division II student-athletes at a Catholic College in the Northeast.
Comprehensive selection was used to recruit the entire student-athlete population. The sample
population was determined through non-random purposive selection based on the response
A total of 10 participants enrolled in the study. Data analysis was ongoing and based on a
project timeline no further additional participants were recruited. There were 7 females and 3
males. Athletic team representation included Track and Field, Women’s Lacrosse, Crew,
Baseball, Basketball, Hockey and Men’s Lacrosse. Table 1 includes further information about
the student participants.
Table 1. Student-Athlete Participants
Class Year
Athletic Team
Women’s Lacrosse
Women’s Lacrosse
Track and Field
Track and Field
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Lacrosse
Institutional review board approval was obtained before data collection. The principal
investigator sent an email to all head coaches who served as the gate keepers in January 2017.
Coaches were asked to forward the email to all of their student-athletes with the principle
investigator’s contact information (See Appendix A). Several participants responded directly to
the email. A reminder email to coaches was sent during the first week of February, which was
followed by individual conversations with coaches requesting their athlete’s participation.
Once participants enrolled in the study, the researcher conducted semi structured
interviews that lasted approximately 20-30 minutes. The interviewer used a guided interview
process to ensure consistency among participants. Guided interview questions can be found in
Appendix B. The interview instrument was developed using predetermined, semi-structured,
open-ended questions designed to address the gap in literature around student-athletes
knowledge and perception of the impact it has on performance. The interviews were conducted
in person when possible or over the phone. All in person interviews were recorded on a lap top
microphone for transcription. Audio interviews were transcribed by the investigator.
Data Analysis
A grounded theory approach was used to determine themes from the data. Initially transcripts
were read in their entirety to gain a sense of the data and identify concepts regarding the
participants’ knowledge and perception. Transcripts were then reread and coded with categories
that were later organized into more specific themes. These themes were used to analyze
relationships, trends and commonalities among student-athlete responses.
Data Creditability
Before data analysis, member checks with the interview participants were used to enhance
credibility. Each participant was emailed his or her transcript with a request to review it for
accuracy. All participants replied and only minor changes were necessary. Written notes from
the interviews served as triangulation.
An overview of major themes and subthemes is presented in Figure 1. These included
accessibility, knowledge, time and physical feeling in relation to student-athletes’ perception of
nutrition. In depth descriptions of each of these themes from the data are presented below.
Figure 1. Major Themes and Subthemes
Accessibility to proper nutrition plays a large role in determining student-athletes food choices.
Students define accessibility in different ways but the overall impact of access to proper nutrition
can positively or negatively affect what students believe.
Hunger Effects
Campus resources. As college students, many students do not have access to kitchens or
the ability to cook and store meals for themselves. They rely on the campus resources and dining
hall facilities. 80% of the student-athletes interviewed stated that they eat their primary meals in
the dining hall (Sparkys) while the other 20% was broken down between students who live at
home or off campus. The participants highlighted the benefits of eating in the dining hall as
always having consistency for nutrition. When asked about daily meals, J7 mentioned that he
knows “there is always at least salad, chicken and that is always a good go to option…” while R2
stated that “(Sparkys) is really good about always having some of the basics so I know I can
always get yogurt or take a banana or apple with me.” K1 was an outlier in this theme:
For a lot of people, going to the dining hall is easy. I wish I had a kitchen. When people
who have a kitchen are like ‘oh I don’t want to cook every night’, I wish I did because I
would make my own food and like that rather than go (to Sparkys) and have pasta again.
However while there is benefits to the dining hall, students also feel limited by the choices
offered on campus. As R2 later emphasized, “it is usually always the same thing…salad bar,
chicken, salad bar, chicken. Like, do I really want that again? Sometimes it is just a bin of apples
and I want more variety…” While many of the students discussed the availability of some
healthy choices, the lack of variety was prevalent. Furthermore, the availability of unhealthy
options was also discussed during the interviews “being here (at school), we don’t have that
many options. We have to resort to something else that is unhealthy to get a change” A3 noted.
Traveling. Regardless of sport, student-athletes spend a great deal of time traveling on
the road for practices, games and meets. They do not have a consistent living schedule on
campus each day. Athletes emphasized the impact that traveling can have on their daily
nutritional schedule. As L6 stated, “for away games we’ll get meal money and we’ll stop after
the game. A lot of times we don’t stop at the healthiest places which kind of sucks but we try to
do the best.” Similarly, C5 emphasized “when we have meets that are further away, it is even
harder to stay in your routine.” C5 went on to describe the challenge of traveling in relation to
campus resources:
When we go to meets, they let us fill the green box but it’s the night before and it has to
be refrigerated. So it’s nasty because it’s sitting all day. Freshman year my coach used to
buy deli meet and bread so we’d have that. Then the last two years, Sparkys would make
sandwiches for us but they’d put oreos and chips in the bag with an apple. And I was like
all I’m eating is deli meet and an apple, it’s a waste.
S8 further elaborated on the modification of meals while on the road stating “it becomes a real
challenge to follow a specific diet in season when we are traveling at least two or three times a
week. I just kind of have to make due…”This concept of traveling and inconsistencies alters the
student-athletes’ perception of accessibility.
Costs. The expense related to healthy foods was also discussed by participants both on
the road, with limited meal money, and as college students. When asked about where they ate the
majority of their meals, several athletes discussed a desire to eat healthier or grocery shop but
were limited by cost. As a senior, S8 has had more experiences off campus but shared that the
benefit outweighs the cost in her mind:
Prices really deter people because healthy stuff is more expensive. Type of mindset I take
is you have your car even to get around. You have options to get around that are cheaper
but you chose your car no matter what gas prices are. So it’s like you have your body for
your whole life. There are cheaper options to eat but what are you going to do for you
that’s best in the long run. So this will cost me a pretty penny to eat but what will help me
in the long run. I see my body as a vehicle in life. Like even when gas prices go up, we
still drive so even with food that’s how I see it too.
T4 acknowledged that cost factor and the benefit of living off campus emphasizing that by living
at home she could use more quality ingredients and was not working on a “college food budget”
whereas her teammate C5 in contrast notes that she “splurges once a week eating off campus to
get more protein.”
Nutritional knowledge is a second factor that plays a large impact on food choices and how
students feel about nutrition. Each of the participants believed they had some form of nutritional
knowledge. Some went as far as to indicate that they were still learning. R9 mentioned, “as the
new guy on the team I pick up a lot from the older guys, kind of following their habits and I’m
learning more than I knew before coming to school.” R2 acknowledged “I’ve definitely come a
long way since high school but I know there is much more to know about what I should be
eating.” The interviews resulted in a clear distinction and common misalignment between the
understanding and the utilization of nutritional knowledge.
Understanding. Levels of athletes’ understanding of nutrition varied from participant to
participant. Some athletes discussed what they knew about proper nutrition as well as sports
nutrition directly while others alluded to their knowledge through describing their daily diet and
if they feel it is balanced. J5 used nutritional language such as calories, supplementation and
associating carbohydrates with energy from the beginning of the interview. When asked about
his knowledge, he replied:
I know the basics because I’ve worked with nutritionist…I know if I don’t eat enough or
put enough into my body and get the necessary nutrients, one I’m going to lose some
weight and two I’m not going to feel as healthy and two I’m going to lose some weight. I
think it’s important to know your body, knowing how much you need to maintain and
know your body to feel healthy.
Influences of family life and habits were common among students. J7 later when on to state that
“…My dad was a college athlete. He is a similar build to me, a little bulkier but similar. He had
an idea of, he played basketball so a little different, but between running, lifting, time
commitment the overall there isn’t always enough time.” Family influences on knowledge were
prevalent in 70% of the conversations and were brought up by students when asked the initial
question of “Is nutrition something that you think about in relation to your overall health?” S8
really pinpointed the relationship between nutritional knowledge and overall health in
referencing her own family health issues “its one of those things that could have been prevented
if we were more educated on the food choices and what we put into our bodies every day. I feel
like it starts young in developing your habits, your kids habits and your kids habits.”
Other influences and sources of nutritional knowledge discussed were coaches, both
directly and inadvertently, teammates and the internet. When asked about obtaining nutritional
information, S8 who is a vegan athlete said “The internet. For sure. I have other friends who
have gone vegan as well so like they send me stuff, I follow instagrams, I have a protein chart
that highlights which plants I should highlight every day” Several athletes shared that they
believed they had a good understanding of nutrition but went on to discuss imbalanced daily
diets for example, although discussing following a vegan diet and placing emphasis on eating
healthy, S8 described her daily meals with substantially low amounts of protein. R2 noted early
in the interview that she believed eating a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats was
important and that she “definitely worked to follow.” Yet later went on to discuss her daily diet,
citing “(only) apples at times for breakfast and then pre-race usually have apples followed by
granola for protein” which do not align as strong nutrition choices for her needs.
Utilization. While there were misconceptions about what constitutes as a healthy diet
present in the interview results, the data also found that students did acknowledge using that
nutrition knowledge. Several students emphasized “junk foods” and “cheat” or “reward” foods
while others discussed the importance of using nutrition to their advantage. For C5 who has seen
incredible athletic gains throughout her college career and hopes to one day run professionally,
the education and using that knowledge helps her gain an edge:
Really didn’t think about (nutrition) until second semester of sophomore year. My
coaches brought it up and said maybe you should eat better. I started to do my own
research on things going in my own body. Just started to change from there. I want to be
healthy and feel good. Once I started changing, I felt better. Better at practice and better
overall…my performance improved so much…now for the past three years I’ve kept it
very consistent on what I eat...” going on to state that “I know I have goals and that keeps
me going.
Time was relative to almost every athlete both in the emphasis of time management and the
timing of meals. A3 mentioned that “lunch is hard because the middle of my day is lacrosse” and
teammate K1 noted time as the largest challenge of eating in the dining hall:
biggest thing is the times when they do have food at the dining hall based on when
your practices are. If we have 5-7 practice, they put food out at 4:30 for dinner and at that
point not even everything is out yet. You have to give yourself enough time to eat and
then not throw it right up after and that is probably the biggest challenge.
L6 on the other hand related time and nutrition to snacking time management, “it’s obviously a
tough thing. Being on a balanced schedule for eating, especially with games and practices. A lot
of times it has to be quick. Stuff like that.” R9 went on to elaborate that “when I eat has been one
of the largest adjustments coming to school and playing Division I hockey. You really have to
focus on when you are going to eat and what your meals will be based on practice, games or
whatever else we’re doing.” Time emerged as one of the most common discussion points in
students’ perception of overall nutrition.
Physical Feeling
Athletes categorized nutrition into two classifications, eating out of hunger and eating for
performance. While correlations are drawn between the two, there were varying opinions and
attitudes toward meals, timing and overall nutrition.
Hunger Effects. “I am always hungry” or “I can eat or snack at any time” were common
statements throughout the interviews with participants acknowledging how important planning
out their meals were. A3 joked several times about having a snack at any point during the day.
R2 mentioned that after a race, she is “so hungry that I just eats anything to fill back up.”
Similarly, K1 said that protein helps to curb hunger “It definitely helps from a hunger standpoint.
After I work out, I’m starving. Like after two hour practice I’m starving. The other night I went
back to room, Saturday after the scrimmage my parents took me out to dinner at Bertuccis so the
other night I had left over pizza and a protein shake for dinner instead of going to Sparkys and
that was good.” While these athletes emphasized planning their nutrition around being hungry,
they also noted how the food impacts their body. R2 discussed this in relation to eating
unhealthy. “When I was younger I used to eat so much junk food and I never had as much energy
as I have now. When I eat a lot of junk food now, I can feel it.”
Performance Effects. It was evident that the more seasoned or experienced athletes
made direct correlations to nutrition and performance. As L6 acknowledged, “you’re always
lifting or at practice. It’s really hard for nutrition to not be a part of that because of the way you
live. What you’re doing.” C5 made a conscious decision to start eating healthy for performance,
“I want to be healthy and feel good. Once I started changing, I felt better.” She attributes
nutrition directly to her success. “It gives me and edge over other people. Because a lot of
people have more natural talent than me but it puts me over the edge that much more….when I
step up on the line sometimes in a race, I’m like I know that I did more than you and diet is a part
of that.”
Furthermore the timing of the nutrition impact on performance effects was also present.
As T4 discussed, “I only started caring recently because I got injured and was out the whole year
last year and it was mainly a result of overtraining and overuse. I needed to start maintaining my
body and caring more.” Taking ownership and considering nutrition as an important factor in
overall health was a reoccurring theme with athletes. Yet there are challenges associated with
this. As A3 stated, “I am my own motivator to choose a better balance diet and good nutrition as
much as my knowledge can give me. But also being college I know I don’t have access to the
things I want or I know I need.
Student-athletes feel strongly that nutrition is important for their overall health and wellbeing.
They believe it can have positive or adverse effects on their performance however they do not
always have the tools or proper resources to eat a well-balanced diet. Furthermore, nutritional
decision making factors or their motivation to eat healthier is influenced by a variety of factors
and in college has the risk of being negatively swayed. The variances in their perception about
the effect on performance aligns with the guidelines produced by the Dietitians of Canada, the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American College of Sports Medicine (2016) and
Nancy Clark’s recommendations (2013), emphasizing individualistic needs and requirements.
Accessibility is a major theme for student-athletes, mirroring the challenges of healthy
eating as a college student (Kicklighter et al., 2010). Access to healthy, whole foods and a well-
balanced diet is a problem on college campuses with the lack of kitchens, dependency on dining
hall food and hours and cost. This becomes a barrier of limitation for students (Karpinski &
Milliner, 2016) with the perception that eating healthy foods can sometimes fall beyond their
control. Students feel strongly that nutrition is important but they cannot always get what they
need. While students expressed their desire to eat healthy, this was often difficult to accomplish.
This perceived barrier of control translates into two implications. The first is the necessity to
physically provide access to healthy foods or healthy food options for students. Through the
means of dining hall variety, meal times or increased travel meal budgets. The second is the
demonstrated need for overall education. Providing students with opportunities to learn how to
compose healthier meals in the dining hall where foods are accessible or how to maximize the
use of their kitchen or storage space at home. Removing this barrier of perceived control and
educating athletes on healthier could reduce negative beliefs about the dining hall food and their
lack of ability to consume proper nutrition.
Consistent with the themes identified by Torres et al. (2012) and Long et al. (2011),
student-athletes are under educated about proper nutrition, making healthy choices and how
nutrition impacts their performance. References to nutritional supplementation and well-balanced
meals demonstrated this gap in the knowledge. It was interesting to note that many of the
student-athletes did not actually site coaches, athletic trainers or strength and conditioning
coaches as a source of credible information and knowledge generation. While some sports were
stronger than others and later sited they obtained information from coaches, when first discussed
this group was not identified by students as an information source. In fact, several participants
noted they would never think to ask these resources. Instead, there were more references made to
family values, internet and teammates. While contrasting to the literature, both concepts illustrate
a further need for proper education around nutrition. Coaches were not included in this study
however if they do in fact have a greater baseline knowledge, student-athletes not only need to
know they can and should utilize their coaches as resources but coaches need to emphasize how
they can help. This open line of communication could amount to healthier athletes, increased
physical improvement and overall team strength.
In addition to the source of information, the utilization of nutritional knowledge varies. It
was not surprising to see how many students made references to poor nutritional choices,
identifying foods they considered “junk” or “bad”. This categorization demonstrates an
understanding of nutritional knowledge as a comparison to making food choices based on
psychological, anthropological, sociological and physiological factors (Ono et al., 2012 and
Adams et al., 2015). While there are certainly foods that could be and often are actually defined
by these terms, this categorization process has the risk to become more dangerous and lead to
disordered eating patterns (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015 and Birkenhead & Slater,
2015 and Buckton, et al., 2015). When food becomes socialized, especially in team settings
(Elliot et al., 2006) it can lead to adverse risks for students emphasizing the need for further
guidance and specific education for this population.
The more experienced or competitive athletes have a likelihood of utilizing their
knowledge to make proper choices and therefore see results. (Ono et al., 2012 and Long et al.,
2011). This was evident in the conversations with both C5 and J7 who clearly identify that what
and how they eat makes a significant difference in how they look, feel and perform in their
respective sports. It was interesting to note that these student-athletes acknowledged nutrition as
a key component of their athletic success and simultaneously have seen performance gains. In
the case of C5, over the course of the last three years when she began to monitor and focus on
nutrition, her 400m time has improved by close to 20%, a significant decrease for a sprinter
resulting in one of the fastest times in the US. While it is likely that a combination of other
training aspects may also attribute to this success, more experienced athletes identify nutrition as
being a key training component to successful performance.
Tied closely to accessibility, time is considered a major challenge for athletes. The
schedule of any college student is challenging to manage classes, activities, social aspects,
volunteering or work. Balancing a full practice and game schedule on top of those daily
undertakings can add immense stress and the necessity for careful navigation of time
management. In relation to nutrition as S8 stated “even finding the time to obtain and digest a
meal without getting sick running off to the next event is difficult.” Facing this challenge
impacts food choices and behavior patterns of healthy eating. As Kicklighter et al. (2010) found,
food selections are often based on time and establishing a routine is critical. While athletes
identify time as a significant challenge, references to routine and maintaining consistency prove
that it is not a challenge that cannot be overcome. Practice, games, lifting and classes cannot be
eliminated or lessened in most cases. Instead the focus must be placed on creating consistency
for athletes and how to link time and accessibility. Increased education in this area from coaches,
administration and teammates is important.
Physical Feeling
Athletes’ motivations for eating healthy are not uncommon from the literature which
discusses personal goals, physique goals and lifestyle factors (Birkenhead & Slater, 2015). It is
however interesting that the athletes motivations fall into the two categories of eating out of
hunger and eating for performance. This hunger component was not looked at in any of the
literature found yet it is a basic and common assumption. Nancy Clark (2013) and Moran et al.
(2013) do discuss why eating patterns and requirements for athletes are necessary but separate
these two ideas apart from one another. Considering the physical feelings of the impact food can
have on the body was not one of the components identified by Kicklighter et al. (2010) and Long
et al. (2011) in the food decision influences. This differentiation between eating for hunger and
eating for performance is important in identifying how to education student-athletes on proper
nutrition and making healthy choices around food consumption, quality and quantity. It is clear
that athletes can identify different physical feelings and this therefore translates into performance
As the demands on college athletes continue to rise and the landscape becomes more
competitive, how athletes perform is even more critical. No longer just based on talent, in order
to participate on college teams, remain free of injury and healthy and see time on the field, court
or ice, student-athletes must look to a variety of areas to be the best they can be. Sports nutrition
is a major component in maintaining overall health and achieving performance goals
physiologically. While student-athletes identify that nutrition is important, the lack of
accessibility, knowledge, time and how nutrition makes them feel hinders their ability to
maximize the nutritional benefits on performance. In order to further education student-athletes
on both short term and sustainable long term nutritional habits, additional education and
guidance is needed on campus in the form of sports nutritionists, facilitated sessions with
educators or coaches or an emphasis on the importance of proper nutrition.
This study explored only a small sample of the student-athlete population utilizing subjects from
one school. Interviewing students-athletes who all share the same facilities and similar resources
(Hockey is Division I) may have limited the results with regards to challenges. Furthermore,
despite the fact that a diverse range of sports and gender diversity was substantial, the participant
pool did not reach data saturation. The questions in this study were specifically geared only
toward student-athletes and their perceptions. Future research may provide expanded findings by
analytically comparing physical performance standards or athletic achievements to the
perceptions and attitudes of nutrition. Additionally, including coaches, athletic trainers or
strength and conditioning coaches in future research could allow for important developments in
the area of sports nutrition for college athletes.
Student-athletes believe nutrition is an essential part of their overall health. Their desire to
perform better or improve physical feelings can influence how they make nutritional decisions. It
is evident that there are perceived challenges of both accessibility and time in making proper
nutritional decisions which could be identified independently or linked with one another. The
physical feeling that athletes receive from food and as a result of eating food weighs into their
decisions and beliefs. The theme of knowledge is quite possibly the most important theme that
emerged from this study in the comparison to existing literature. There are significant gaps in
both the nutritional knowledge of student-athletes and coaches but also gaps in how they apply
the knowledge that does exist to positively impact performance.
The findings from this study highlight the need to further educate this population on developing
healthy, sustainable and positive eating habits to improve individual and team performance.
Resources should be invested both in the education setting for student-athletes from sports
dietetics professionals as well as from an administrative perspective.
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Appendix A
Draft Recruitment Email
Good Afternoon Coaches,
As part of my graduate work at Merrimack I will be looking at nutrition and student-athlete
perceptions. Thank you in advance for forwarding the email below to your student-athletes.
Sarah Sceery
Hello Student-Athletes,
I am reaching out to request your participation in a research study. As part of my capstone for the
MS in Health and Wellness Management program, I will be conducting a study on Merrimack
student-athlete's perception of nutrition and their attitudes about how nutrition impacts
In order to gather the data, I will be doing 30-45 minutes interviews with student-athletes
focused on nutritional knowledge, perceptions about nutrition and attitudes toward the impact it
can have on performance.
This study may be of no direct benefit to you, but it will improve our knowledge of how student-
athletes perceive nutrition and the impact it can have on performance. The interviews will be
recorded for data accuracy but if you prefer to only do the interview with written notes, we can
accommodate. The interview may help you to be more aware of your nutritional habits,
knowledge and resources on campus. There are no inherent physical risks in the procedures
themselves, and it is not anticipated that you will experience risks in completing the interview.
Participants will not be exposed to any more risk of harm or discomfort than those ordinarily
encountered in daily life. If you are not comfortable answering any of the questions, you are free
to discontinue the interview at any time. A decision not to participate or discontinue will not
adversely affect any interactions with the investigator or any representative/employee of
Merrimack College or impact your standing on your current team. Information will be used for
research purposes only and responses will be kept confidential. In addition, your name will not
be used in any reports or publications of this study.
If you would like to participate, please contact me directly to set up the interviews at
[email protected] or 978-837-5554. We can set up an in person interview on campus or
phone call based on your availability.
By responding to this email and scheduling an interview, you are agreeing to the procedures
outlined above. Thank you in advance for your support and assistance!
Appendix B
Guided Interview Questions
Class Year:
1. Is nutrition something that you think about in relation to your overall health?
2. Do you feel nutrition is important? Why or Why not?
3. Do you think you eat a balanced diet? What does your diet on a normal day look like?
4. Do you feel you know the difference between proteins, carbohydrates and fats?
5. Do you use any nutritional supplements or vitamins? What do you know about them?
6. What influences your nutritional decisions?
a. For example timing of meals, teammates, schedules
7. Does what you know about nutrition impact what you actually eat?
8. What do you normally eat before a game or practice? How about after? Do you notice if
you feel differently during practice or a game based on what you eat?
a. For example, do you have more energy or feel sluggish?
9. What foods or nutritional categories do you feel have an effect on your performance?
a. How do those things (i.e. protein, carbs, fat) factor into your own routine?
10. Where would you go if you needed nutrition information? Why?
11. Do you have challenges related to your diet as an athlete?
12. Where do you typically eat your meals?
a. In the dining hall
b. At an on campus dining location (such as The Den, Zekes, MAC)
c. At apartment/house
d. As a restaurant/take out