Teacher of Catering
Meopham School
Job Descripon
Person Specicaon
Working at Meopham Schoo
How to Find Us
Applicaon Process
Overview of Swale Academies Trust
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for expressing an interest in joining Meopham School. I hope you will take a look at our website at hps://
www.meophamschool.org.uk/ and take me to consider the informaon enclosed with this leer.
Meopham School is a vibrant and ambious 11-18 school with a strong community ethos. This helps create a supporve
and inspiring climate for success. Students at Meopham School are valued and nurtured as individuals. In April 2023
Ofsted awarded the school with a ‘Good’ grading in all areas, drawing aenon to the fact that “pupils are proud to
aend this inclusive and posive school. They value the supporve and nurturing relaonships they have with sta.
We have exceponally high standards where we value the hard work which makes it possible for every student and sta
member to full their potenal. We are proud that visitors to our school oen comment on the mature and courteous
manner in which our students present themselves.
We are proud that Meopham students are also curious in their learning, resilient in overcoming diculty, and are
condent in evaluang their own progress. As a consequence they are ambious to achieve academic and personal
success, both in school and the world beyond.
To achieve our vision, we place the recruitment, retenon and professional development of teachers as a top priority.
We therefore seek well-qualied, highly skilled, and enthusiasc teachers, who have the highest expectaons of both
themselves and the pupils in their classes. We want teachers who enjoy working with young people of all abilies and
diering needs.
Meopham School joined the Swale Academies Trust as an academy on 1st February 2013. This is made up of a group of
schools, both primary and secondary, located in Kent and East Sussex.
We are unique in that we have all the benets of a school in a rural seng, with the advantages of working as part of a
larger Trust. We are involved in extensive outreach work across schools in Kent, both within the Trust and beyond. This
means that we can oer you an invigorang professional environment in which to grow. We invite you to be part of our
future success.
If you become part of our team we believe we could oer you a number of benets. You would become part of
something successful. We can oer an exceponal package of professional development, ranging from an acclaimed ECT
inducon programme, training through the naonally recognised Outstanding Teacher Programme, a Masters’ Degree,
and support for aspiring leaders and headteachers through the suite of Naonal Professional Qualicaons.
Meopham School is commied to safeguarding and promong the welfare of children and young people, and expects
all sta and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts are subject to an enhanced DBS check. As a school dedicated
to the principle of equal opportunies, we aim to ensure that sta recruitment is fair and open to all regardless of age,
social class, disability, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientaon within the context of the detailed person specicaon.
If you wish to apply please visit Kent Teach to submit your applicaon as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving
your applicaon.
Mr Glenn Prebble Simon Cox
Head of School Execuve Headteacher
Job Title: Classteacher
Salary: MPS/UPS
Responsible to: Headteacher
Purpose of the job
The current School Teachers’ Pay and Condions Document describes the general professional dues which teachers
are expected to undertake in the course of their employment.
Teachers are also expected to perform parcular dues as may reasonably be assigned to them by the
For the purpose of this general job descripon these parcular dues are:
To plan and prepare courses.
To connuously review teaching methods, schemes of work and resources as necessary.
To advise and co-operate with the line-manager, other teachers and the Senior Leadership Team on the
preparaon and development of courses of study, teaching materials and resources, teaching programmes,
methods of teaching, assessment and pastoral arrangements.
To parcipate in meengs of the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or the administraon or
organisaon of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
To take part as required in the review, development and management of acvies relang to the curriculum,
organisaon and pastoral funcons of the school.
Professional Development etc.
To parcipate in any arrangement within an agreed naonal framework for the performance management of
performance and that of other teachers.
To parcipate in arrangements for further training and professional development as a teacher.
To contribute as appropriate to the selecon for appointment and professional development of other teachers
and support sta, including the inducon and assessment of new and newly qualied teachers.
To co-ordinate or manage the work of other teachers as appropriate.
To manage or supervise support sta as necessary.
To plan and prepare lessons.
To teach pupils assigned, including seng and prompt marking of work carried out by pupils in school or
To set relevant and sucient homework, according to the homework metable, and to ensure prompt marking of
the homework or coursework.
To assess, record and report on the development, progress and aainment of pupils, according to departmental
and whole-school policies.
To parcipate in the arrangements for preparing pupils for public examinaons. To assess pupils for the
examinaons and record and report these assessments.
To promote the general progress and wellbeing of individual pupils and of any class or group
To provide guidance and advice to pupils on educaonal and social maers and on their future educaon and
careers, including informaon about the sources of more expert advice on specic quesons.
To make records of, and reports on, the personal and social needs of pupils.
To provide or contribute to oral and wrien assessments, reports and references relang to individual pupils and/
or groups of pupils.
To maintain good order and discipline among pupils and to safeguard their health and safety both when
they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school acvies
Job Descripon
To aend assemblies and to supervise tutor groups while in assembly, unless the teacher wishes to opt out of any
religious aspect of assembly where this is against their beliefs.
To accurately register pupils at a.m. and p.m. registraon and during lessons and at any other me necessary
before, during or aer school.
To provide, as a Tutor, the individual contact, knowledge and support for pupils within the allocated tutor group
and to liaise with parents and other sta accordingly, as appropriate.
To contribute to the personal and social educaon of pupils generally and specically through the teaching of the
PSE programme to the tutor group.
To support all colleagues in ensuring that high standards of uniform and behaviour are maintained within the
To work with other colleagues to ensure that there is a consistent approach in ensuring pupils abide by the
school’s code of conduct and the same consistency in dealing with pupils who do not conform to school
To make relevant records and reports as necessary.
Parents and the wider community:
To communicate and consult with the parents of pupils when required.
To communicate and co-operate with other persons and outside agencies as required.
To parcipate in meengs arranged for any of the purposes described above.
To foster good relaonships with parents.
Resources and Accommodaon
To take responsibility for the care of resources, accommodaon and fabric of the school, parcularly when pupils
are present.
To allocate, as appropriate, equipment and materials in connecon with his/her teaching.
Policies and Sta Handbook
To ensure that all departmental and school policies are understood and complied with.
To ensure that they have read and understands the contents of the Sta handbook and complies with all the
requirements detailed in the handbook.
To parcipate in administrave and organisaonal tasks related to the above dues.
Health and Safety
To accept responsibility for own safety – as well as that of the pupils and colleagues with whom you
To undertake Health and Safety training oered.
To be aware of Health and Safety issues and the hazards associated with manual handling tasks, including the
cumulave eect of repeated manual handling operaons.
To follow any control measures and care plans required by the generic or individual risk
To be familiar with and use available equipment safely.
To be aware of your own limitaons and inform your employer of any circumstances that may alter ability to
perform manual handling tasks.
To report accidents and hazards.
To report deciencies in the employers Health and Safety protecon arrangements.
Job Descripon
Working Time
The following is extracted from the School Teachers’ Pay and Condions Document.
A teacher employed full-me shall be available for work for 195 days in any school year, of which 190 days shall be
days which they may be required to teach pupils in addion to carrying out other dues; and those 195 days will
be specied by the head teacher
Such a teacher shall be available to perform dues at such mes and such places as may be specied by the head
teacher for 1265 hours in any school year, those hours to be allocated reasonably throughout those days in the
school year on which they are required to be available for work.
Such a teacher shall work such addional hours as may be needed to enable them to discharge eecvely their
professional dues, including, in parcular, the marking of pupils’ work, the wring of reports on pupils and
the preparaon of lessons, teaching materials and teaching programmes. The amount of me required for this
purpose beyond the 1265 hours and the me outside the 1265 specied hours at which dues shall be performed
shall not be dened by the governors but shall depend upon the work needed to discharge the teacher’s
A summary of the directed me for teachers as allocated by the Headteacher is detailed in the sta
The Working Time Regulaons 1998
All teachers are subject to the EU Working Time Regulaons which are described in paragraph 114 of DfEE Circular No.
The dues / responsibilies of this post may vary from me to me according to the changing needs of the Trust
Job Descripon
Person Specicaon
Qualied Teacher Status or willingness to work towards this. E
A Degree E
Teaching of specialist subject across all three key stages. E
Skills and Abilies
Ability to communicate posively with children. E
Ability to work supporvely and collaboravely within a team. E
Ability to reect upon and improve your teaching pracce. E
Knowledge of the Naonal Curriculum. E
Understanding of the issues surrounding the safeguarding of children and commitment to child welfare and
A good understanding of the importance of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. E
A good understanding of how to assess pupil progress. E
A good understanding of how to plan and assess work for vulnerable groups, such as SEN pupils, pupil
premium pupils and gied and talented pupils.
Personal Qualies
Enthusiasm for your specialist subject. E
Ability to manage own workload. E
A commitment to own connuing professional development. E
Discounts with local and naonal retailers, cinemas and restaurants
Teachers Pension Scheme – with a generous employer contribuon
Employee Referral Recruitment Incenve
Access to training and development
Employee Assistance Programme – Wellbeing and advice
Cycle to Work scheme
On-site Parking
Working at Meopham School
Meopham School
Wrotham Rd, Meopham, Gravesend DA13 0AH
01474 814646
Closest Train Staon: Meopham Staon
Approx. 35 minute walk or 9 minute Bus
Closest Bus stop:
Secondary School -
223*, 305*, 306*, 308*, 311, 418R*, 418W*, 695*, VIGO1*
*go to/from Meopham Staon
Finding Us
Meopham Staon
Located in the heart of the village of Meopham, an area of outstanding natural beauty, we are commied to teaching
within tradional classroom spaces. Our £14 million main school building opened in Spring 2018. A second building is
currently under construcon, and is due for compleon in late Spring 2024. Once completed all teaching spaces will oer
state-of-the-art and inspiring modern learning environments.
Meopham School is parcularly proud of its highly consistent approach to teaching and learning. The Meopham ‘House
Style’ is our conrmaon of agreed principles of eecve teaching and learning. It is designed to support teachers at all
stages of their career to ensure that students in their care receive high quality learning opportunies.
It is our view that eecve lessons will have FIRE at their heart:
Include appropriate and eecve assessment and feedback opportunies;
Be fully inclusive and enable progress for all students;
Allow opportunies for retrieval of key idened knowledge and skills;
Smulate and encourage student curiosity, engagement and a love of learning.
“Leaders have high aspiraons for pupils and make sure that all experience eecve teaching overall.” (Ofsted April
Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and students benet from a wide suite of subjects designed to meet the needs of
tomorrows world. Essenal skills of literacy, oracy and numeracy are woven through lessons across the curriculum.
Across subjects, sta have strong subject knowledge and give clear explanaons of lesson content. This was especially
evident in teaching in the Sixth Form.” (Ofsted April 2023)
At Meopham School we value children of all abilies, and oer a fully inclusive environment. We understand that every
child is unique, and so we tailor our teaching and curriculum to help all students reach their full potenal. Our aim is
to ensure each pupil makes the greatest possible progress from their own individual starng point. To do this we use
targets as oors to help raise aspiraons, not ceilings to limit their ambions.
“Leaders idenfy well the needs of pupils with special educaonal needs and/or disabilies (SEND). These pupils are well
supported through the adaptaons that teachers make for them in lessons.” (Ofsted April 2023)
Meopham School Overview
The Applicaon Process
Applicaons will only be accepted from candidates compleng the appropriate applicaon form. All secons of the form
which are applicable to you must be completed as clearly and fully as possible.
Please note CVs will not be accepted in place of a completed applicaon form.
Applicaon forms can be found on the Kent-Teach website and applicaons should be made via this route. Alternavely,
completed SAT Applicaon Forms can be sent by email to [email protected]t or by post to the following address:
Mrs Diane Mills
Meopham School,
Wrotham Road,
DA13 0AH
The Shortlisng and Interview Process
Aer the closing date for this post a panel will conduct the shortlisng process. You will be selected for interview based
enrely on the contents of your applicaon form, it is therefore important that you fully read the Job Descripon and
Person Specicaon prior to compleng your form. Meopham School may complete online checks of any candidates as
part of the shortlisng process.
Aer the shortlisng process has been completed candidates who have been selected for interview will be informed,
and provided with full details of the interview programme. If you have not heard from us within 10 working days of the
closing date for this post, you have, on this occasion, unfortunately been unsuccessful.
All candidates who are invited to interview must bring the following original documents:
Documentary evidence of right to work in the UK
Visual idencaon which includes a photograph, usually a passport or driving licence
Documentary proof of current name and address
Where appropriate any documentaon evidencing change of name
Cercates of educaonal or professional qualicaons that are necessary or relevant for the post
Condional Oer
Any oer of employment will be condional upon a number of formalies, including, but not restricted to the following:
Vericaon of right to work in the UK
Receipt of two sasfactory references
Vericaon of identy checks and qualicaons
Sasfactory enhanced DBS check, as well as addional checks that may be appropriate if you have
worked or been resident overseas in the previous ve years
Sasfactory pre-employment health clearance
A check against the Teacher Service Register for any teaching prohibion or restricon orders where
you are applying for a teaching role or if you have previously held a teaching role in past
Our Trust has robust safer recruitment procedures to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children.
All individuals working in any capacity at our Trust will be subjected to safeguarding checks in line with the statutory
guidance Keeping Children Safe in Educaon.
Retenon of informaon
All informaon is stored securely and any informaon supplied by unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed through the
condenal waste system aer six months from the date of the interview, in accordance with our retenon of records
Privacy Noce
Please refer to the Trusts Privacy Noce for job applicants for informaon about how we use any personal data about
them we hold.
This can be downloaded here: hps://www.swale.at/page/?tle=Privacy+Noce&pid=33
Overview of Swale Academies Trust
Since its creaon in September 2010, Swale Academies Trust has developed into one of the South East’s leading Mul-
Academy Trusts.
Our purpose is to develop good and outstanding schools and ensure the rapid improvement of schools with
As the Trust has grown and developed, we connue to ensure that eecve school support and leadership is
maintained. The Trusts approach to school improvement is based on a combinaon of CPD, capacity building
and collaboraon, with a relentless focus on teaching and pupil progress, in order to eect rapid and sustained
improvements in outcomes for young people.q
The Trust is an organisaon which is driven by the belief that all children deserve a good quality educaon where they
are seen as individuals and above all are exceponally well cared for.
Swale Academies Trust - Schools
Beaver Green Primary School, Ashford
Istead Rise Primary School, Istead Rise
James Dixon Primary School, Bromley
Langney Primary Academy, Eastbourne
Parkland Infant School, Eastbourne
Parkland Junior School, Eastbourne
Regis Manor Primary School, Singbourne
Shinewater Primary School, Eastbourne
South Borough Primary School, Maidstone
Westlands Primary School, Singbourne
Meopham Secondary School, Meopham
Peacehaven Community School, Eastbourne
The Eastbourne Academy, Eastbourne
The Holmesdale School, Snodland
The North School, Ashford
The Singbourne School, Singbourne
The Turing School, Eastbourne
The Whitstable School, Whitstable
Westlands Secondary School, Singbourne
Central Support Services
Human Resource Team
Finance Team
ICT Team
Estate Management
Governance and Communicaons
Registered in England & Wales, COMPANY NUMBER: 07344732