1. General. This TAB A accompanies MOD 17, Section 15.C. and provides amplification of the minimal
standards of fitness for deployment to the CENTCOM area of responsibility (AOR). Individuals possessing
a disqualifying medical condition must obtain an exception to policy in the form of a medical waiver prior
to being medically cleared for deployment. The list of deployment-limiting conditions is not
comprehensive; there are many other conditions that may result in denial of medical clearance for
deployment based upon the totality of individual medical conditions and the medical capabilities present
at that individual’s deployed location. “Medical conditions” as used here also include those health
conditions usually referred to as dental and behavioral health.
A. Uniformed Service Members must meet Service standards of fitness according to Service
regulations and policies, in addition to the guidance in the parent MOD 17. See MOD 17
REF E, F, G, H, I, JJ.
B. DoD civilian personnel with disqualifying medical conditions could still possibly deploy based
upon an individualized medical assessment and approved medical waiver from the
appropriate CENTCOM waiver authority. All personnel must be able to perform the duties of
their position.
C. DoD Contract personnel will be evaluated for fitness according to MOD 17 and DoDI 3020.41
(REF J).
D. The final authority of who may deploy to the CENTCOM AOR rests with the CENTCOM
Surgeon and/or the Service Component Surgeons’ waiver authority, not the individual’s
medical evaluating entity, deploying platform, or Commander.
E. Regardless of underlying diagnosis, waivers for disqualifying medical conditions will be
considered only if all the following general conditions are met:
1. The condition is not of such a nature or duration that an unexpected worsening or
physical trauma is likely to have a grave medical outcome or negative impact on
mission execution.
2. The condition is stable and reasonably anticipated not to worsen during the
deployment in light of the physical, physiological, psychological, and nutritional effects
of assigned duties and location.
3. The condition does not require frequent clinical visits (more than quarterly), ancillary
tests, or significant physical limitations, and does not constitute an increased risk of
illness, injury, or infection.
4. There is no anticipated need for routine evacuation out of theater for continuing
diagnostics or evaluations.
5. The condition is expected to remain stable without consistent medication resupply.
The CENTCOM formulary is a deployed formulary, and not all medications are
available in theater. Medication resupply can be delayed in Theater and is fulfilled
through the Tricare Mail Order Program (TMOP). If the medication is a Controlled
Substance, delays in medication resupply are common. Medication must have no
special handling, storage, or other requirements (e.g., refrigeration, cold chain, or
electrical power requirements). Medication must be well tolerated within harsh
environmental conditions (i.e. heat or cold stress, sunlight, etc.) and should not cause
significant side effects in the setting of moderate dehydration.
6. Individuals must be able to perform all essential functions of their position in the
deployed environment, with or without reasonable accommodation, without causing
undue hardship. In evaluating undue hardship, the nature of the accommodation and
workplace environment must be considered. Further, the member’s medical condition
must not pose a significant risk of substantial harm to the member or others taking
into account the condition of the relevant deployed environment, with particular
consideration of areas of armed conflict in the AOR. See REF I.
7. The medical condition does not prevent the wear of personal protective equipment,
including protective mask, ballistic helmet, body armor, and chemical/biological
protective garments.
8. The medical condition does not prohibit required theater immunizations or
9. The medical condition is not anticipated to significantly impair duty performance
during the duration of the deployment.
10. The diagnosis, management, and/or treatment of medical conditions does not place
an unreasonable burden on deployed medical assets, operational assets, or
complicate the evaluation of other reasonably-anticipated illnesses or injuries.
11. The individual has not been previously medically evacuated for the same condition.
2. Evaluating providers must consider that in addition to the individual’s assigned duties, severe
environmental conditions, extremes of temperature, high physiologic demands (water, mineral, salt, and
heat management), poor air quality (especially particulates), limited dietary options, sleep
deprivation/disruption, and emotional stress may all impact the individual’s health. If maintaining an
individual’s health requires avoidance of these extremes or conditions, they should not deploy.
3. Evaluation of functional capacity to determine fitness in conditions of physiologic demand is
encouraged for conditions which may impair normal functionality. The evaluating provider should pay
special attention to any conditions which may present a hazard to the individual or others and/or preclude
performing functional requirements in the deployed setting. Also, the type, amount, suitability, and
availability of medications in the theater environment must be considered as potential limitations. Pre-
deployment processing centers may vary in medical examination/screening procedures; individuals
should contact their respective mobilization site for availability of a processing checklist.
4. The guidance in this document should not be construed as authorizing use of defense health program
or military health system resources for health evaluations unless otherwise authorized. Generally,
Defense Health Agency and Military Health System resources are not authorized for the purpose of pre-
deployment or travel medicine evaluations for contractor employees IAW REF J. Local command, legal,
contracting and resource management authorities should be consulted for questions on this matter.
5. Shipboard operations which are not anticipated to involve operations ashore are exempt from the
deployment-limiting medical conditions listed below and will generally follow Service specific guidance.
However, sovereign laws of some nations within the CENTCOM AOR may prohibit entry of individuals
with certain medical conditions. Contingency plans for emergency evacuation of individuals with
diagnoses that could result in or complicate medical care in theater following evacuation should be
coordinated with and approved by the CENTCOM Surgeon prior to entering the AOR.
6. Per general guidance from MOD 17, section 15.C:
A. All personnel (uniformed service members, government civilian employees, volunteers, and
DoD contractor employees) deploying to theater must meet medical, dental, and behavioral
health fitness standards for deployment and possess a current Periodic Health Assessment
(PHA) or physical. Fitness specifically includes the ability to accomplish tasks and duties unique
to a particular operation and the ability to tolerate environmental and operational conditions of the
deployed location.
B. The existence of a chronic medical condition may not necessarily require a waiver to deploy.
Personnel with existing conditions, other than those outlined in this document, may deploy if
1. An approved medical waiver, IAW Section 15.C.3, is documented in the medical
2. The conditions in Para. 1.D.1-1.D.10 are met. To determine stability and assess need
for further care, for most conditions 60 days is considered a reasonable timeframe,
subject to the examining provider’s judgment. The exception to this is noted in paragraph
7.G. Behavioral Health Conditions.
7. Documented medical conditions precluding medical clearance. A list of all possible diagnoses and their
severity that may cause an individual to be non-deployable would be too expansive. The medical
evaluator must carefully consider whether the climate, altitude, nature of available food and housing,
availability of medical, behavioral health, dental, surgical, and laboratory services, or whether other
environmental and operational factors may be hazardous to the deploying person’s health. The following
list of conditions should not be considered exhaustive. Other conditions may render an individual
medically non-deployable (see paragraph 6). Medical clearance to deploy with any of the following
documented medical conditions may be granted, except where otherwise noted, IAW MOD 17, Section
15.C. If an individual is found deployed with a pre-existing non-deployable condition and without a waiver
for that condition, a waiver request to remain deployed should be submitted to the respective Component
Surgeon. If the waiver request is denied, the individual will be redeployed out of the CENTCOM AOR.
Individuals with the following conditions and/or therapeutic interventions will not deploy without
an approved waiver:
A. Specific Medical Conditions / Restrictions:
1. Moderate or severe persistent asthma, or other respiratory conditions that have a
Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second (FEV1) < 50% of predicted, that have required
hospitalization or emergency room visit in the past 12 months, or that require daily
systemic (not inhaled) steroids. Mild intermittent and mild persistent asthma with an
Asthma Control Test >19 does not require waiver.
2. Seizure disorder, either within the last year or currently on anticonvulsant medication
for prior seizure disorder/activity. Persons on a stable anticonvulsant regimen, who have
been seizure-free for one year, may be considered for waiver.
3. Diabetes mellitus, type 1 or 2, on pharmacotherapy or with HgA
C > 7.0.
a. Type 1 diabetes or insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes.
b. Type 2 diabetes, on oral agents only, with no change in medication within the
last 60 days and HgA1C ≤ 7.0 does not require a waiver if a calculated 10-year
coronary heart disease risk percentage (see paragraph 7.B.7) is less than 15%.
If the calculated 10-year risk is 15% or greater, further evaluation is required prior
to waiver submission. See 7.B.7.
c. Newly diagnosed diabetics will require demonstrated stability, either on oral
medications or with lifestyle changes, before a waiver will be considered.
Confirmation of complete initial diabetic evaluation (eye exam, foot exam,
nutrition counseling, etc.) is required.
4. History of heat stroke or rhabdomyolysis. Those without multiple episodes, persistent
sequelae or organ damage, or episodes within the preceding 24 months may be
considered for waiver. Waiver should include circumstances of the event(s), and
functional assessment of current ability to perform rigorous duties in an environment
similar to the deployed location.
5. Meniere’s disease or other vertiginous/motion sickness disorder, unless well controlled
on medications available in theater.
6. Recurrent syncope for any reason. Waiver request should include the etiology and
diagnosis of the condition.
7. History of stinging insect allergy causing generalized symptoms, IAW Ref JJ.
a. Local swelling, itching, or redness contiguous with the sting site and exhibiting
no signs of anaphylaxis or systemic reaction do not require waiver. Generalized
cutaneous-only reactions that occurred prior to the 16
birthday also do not
require waiver.
b. Severe systemic and anaphylactic reactions, as well as cutaneous reactions
defined as generalized rash or swelling in locations not contiguous with sting site
- occurring after the 16
birthday, should be referred to an allergist for testing.
c. Negative testing results indicate no further therapeutic action is required,
however a waiver should still be submitted for review.
8. Endocrine conditions that are unstable, require laboratory monitoring or specialty
consultation, or require more than routine follow-up. Waiver is not required if condition is
stable, treatment medications are within clinically appropriate dose and effect
parameters, have no special storage requirements, and do not produce side effects
which interfere with the normal performance of duties or require additional medications to
manage side effects. If treatment consists of CSA schedule I-V, such as testosterone, a
waiver for that medication is required, see section I, 8 below.
9. Any musculoskeletal condition that significantly impairs performance of duties or
activities of daily living in a deployed environment. If there are concerns, an official
functional capacity exam (FCE) should be performed and results included with the waiver
10. Migraine headache, when frequent or severe enough to disrupt normal performance
of duties. Waiver submission should note history, frequency, severity, and functional
impact of headaches, with or without treatment, success of abortive therapies, as well
previous and current treatment regimens. Neurology evaluation and endorsement
11. Nephrolithiasis, requiring clinical evaluation or intervention in the preceding 12
months, or with most recent imaging showing multiple stones or a single stone >5mm in
size, or a history of more than two episodes in a 12 month period in the last 3 years.
12. Chronic Kidney Disease. A documented prolonged period of stability for Stage I and
Stage II is expected prior to granting a waiver.
13. Pregnancy.
14. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Should be diagnosed with polysomnography
(PSG), with a minimum of 2 hours of total sleep time. For moderate and severe OSA, a
compliance report demonstrating at least 4 hours of use per night for greater than 70% of
nights over a 30-day period must be documented. Individuals treated with an oral
appliance require polysomnography that indicates OSA is controlled with its use.
Complex OSA, central sleep apnea, or OSA that requires advanced modes of ventilation
such as adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) or average volume assured pressure support
(AVAPS) is non-deployable.
a. Mild OSA (diagnostic AHI and RDI < 15/hr): No waiver required.
b. Individuals using PAP therapy should deploy with a machine that has
rechargeable battery back-up and sufficient supplies (air filters, tubing and
interfaces/masks) for the duration of the deployment.
15. History of clinically diagnosed traumatic brain injury (mTBI/TBI) of any severity,
including mild. Waiver may not be required, but pre-deployment evaluation, which may
include both neurological and psychological components, is required per ref X.
a. Individuals who have a history of a single mild Traumatic Brain Injury may
deploy once released by a medical provider after 24-hours symptom free.
b. Individuals who have sustained a second mTBI within a 12-month period, may
deploy after seven days symptom free and release by a medical provider.
c. Individuals who have had three clinically diagnosed TBIs (of any severity,
including mild) must have neurological and psychological evaluation completed
prior to deployability determination.
16. Weight > 136 kg (300 lb)
17. Asplenia, either actual or functional secondary to other medical condition. Waiver
request should include verification of immunization against encapsulated bacterial
pathogens (pneumococcus, meningococcus, Haemophilus influenza).
18. Gout, with two or more flares in the preceding year.
19. Multiple Sclerosis. Waiver requests should address stability of condition, current
limitations. increased vulnerability to heat injury, and possible requirement for medication
20. Any medical condition (except OSA-see 14 above) that requires durable medical
equipment or appliances (e.g., nebulizers, catheters, spinal cord stimulators), or that
requires periodic evaluation/treatment by medical specialists not readily available at any
theater location.
21. Conditions requiring service animals or comfort animals. Does not apply to Military
Working Dogs/Contract Working Dogs (see MOD 17, section 15.C.1.G.). Animals
deployed to support behavioral health operations must deploy from CONUS as part of an
official program with full logistic support and uniformed handlers.
B. Cardiovascular Conditions:
1. Symptomatic coronary artery disease.
2. Myocardial infarction within one year of deployment.
3. Coronary artery bypass graft, coronary artery angioplasty, carotid endarterectomy,
other arterial stenting, or aneurysm repair within one year of deployment.
4. Cardiac dysrhythmias or arrhythmias, either symptomatic or requiring medication,
electro-physiologic control, or automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator or other
implantable cardiac devices.
5. Heart failure or history of heart failure.
6. Blood pressure and lipids should be considered and treated in the context of overall
cardiac risk, for which a waiver may be required (see B. 7). Isolated hypertension or
lipids do not require separate waiver except in the following circumstances:
a. Hypertensive urgency or emergency within previous 90 days.
b. 3 day average SBP > 140, DBP > 90.
c. Total Cholesterol >300, or Triglycerides >1000.
7. Non-uniformed personnel who are 50 years of age or older must have a 10-year CHD
risk percentage calculated (online calculator is available at http://tools.acc.org/ASCVD-
Risk-Estimator/). If the individual’s calculated 10-year CHD risk is 15% or greater, the
individual should be referred for further cardiology work-up and evaluation, to include
some form of functional assessment (i.e. graded exercise stress test with a myocardial
perfusion scintigraphy (SPECT scan) or stress echocardiography as determined by the
evaluating cardiologist). Results of the evaluation and testing, along with the evaluating
cardiologist’s recommendation regarding suitability for deployment, should be included in
the waiver request.
C. Infectious Disease:
1. Confirmed Blood-borne diseases (i.e. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C) which may be
transmitted to others in a deployed environment. Waiver requests for persons testing
positive for a blood borne disease, including positive antigens and viral load positive
members, should include a full test panel for the disease, including all antigens,
antibodies, viral load, and appropriate tests for affected organ systems.
2. Confirmed HIV infection. Individuals that are asymptomatic with undetectable viral
load may deploy dependent on host nation requirements.
a. Host nation entry or residence requirements can be found at:
b. Host nation restrictions cannot be waived through the MOD17 waiver process
3. History of active tuberculosis (TB). Must have documented completion of full treatment
course prior to deployment. Those currently on treatment for TB disease may not deploy.
4. A CENTCOM waiver cannot override host or transit nation infectious disease or
immunization restrictions. Active duty must comply with status of forces agreements;
civilian deployers should contact the nation's embassy for up-to-date information.
D. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Dental Conditions:
1. Vision loss. Best corrected visual acuity which does not meet minimum occupational
requirements to safely perform duties. Bilateral blindness or visual acuity that is unsafe
for the combat environment per the examining provider.
2. Refractive eye surgery. Personnel who have had laser refractive surgery must have a
satisfactory period for post-surgical recovery before deployment. There is a large degree
of patient variability which prevents establishing a set timeframe for full recovery. The
attending ophthalmologist or optometrist will determine when recovery is complete.
a. Personnel are non-deployable while still using ophthalmic steroid drops post-
b. Personnel are non-deployable for three months following uncomplicated
photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) or laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK), or
one month for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) unless a waiver is
c. Waiver request should include clearance from treating ophthalmologist or
3. Hearing loss. Service members must meet all Service-specific requirements or have
completed a medical board and found fit for duty do not require a waiver. Individuals with
sufficient unaided hearing to perform duties safely, hear and wake up to emergency
alarms unaided, and hear instructions in the absence of visual cues such as lip reading
do not require waiver. If ability to perform duties is in question, Speech Recognition In
Noise Test (SPRINT) or equivalent testing should be included to verify this ability.
4. Tracheostomy or aphonia.
5. Patients without a dental exam within 12 months of deployment, or those who are
likely to require evaluation or treatment during the period of deployment for oral
conditions that are likely to result in a dental emergency. Individuals being evaluated by a
non-DoD civilian dentist should use a DD Form 2813, or equivalent, as proof of dental
6. Orthodontics requiring follow-up or adjustment while deployed. Those with wires in
neutral force and are cleared by the treating orthodontist do not require waiver.
E. Cancer:
1. Cancer for which the individual is receiving continuing treatment or which requires any
subspecialist examination and/or laboratory/imaging testing during the anticipated
duration of the deployment.
2. Precancerous lesions that have not been treated and/or evaluated and that require
treatment/evaluation during the anticipated duration of the deployment.
3. Cancers which have not been in complete remission for at least a year
1. Inflammatory bowel disease, including, but not limited to: Crohn’s disease; ulcerative
colitis; ulcerative proctitis; regional enteritis; granulomatous enteritis.
2. Chronic hepatitis with impairment of liver function.
3. The presence of any ostomy (gastrointestinal or urinary).
G. Surgery:
1. Any medical condition that requires surgery or for which surgery has been performed
and the patient requires ongoing treatment, rehabilitation or additional surgery/revision.
2. Individuals who have had surgery requiring follow up during the deployment period or
who have not been cleared/released by their surgeon (excludes minor procedures).
3. Individuals who have had surgery (open or laparoscopic) within 6 weeks of
4. Special dietary and hygienic requirements resulting from surgery cannot be reliably
accommodated and may be independently disqualifying.
H. Behavioral Health Conditions: Diagnostic criteria and treatment plans should adhere to
the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5
as of writing) and current professional standards of care. Waiver submission should
include information on applicant condition, including history and baseline symptoms
of known disorders, severity of symptoms with and without treatment, and likelihood
to recur or deteriorate in theater if exposed to operational activity. The deployed
operational environment is notable for lack of support systems, inability to practice
external coping mechanisms, unpredictability, long and stressful work periods, sleep
disruption, lack of privacy, lack of control, and exposure/re-exposure to traumatic and life-
threatening events. See reference KK. Waiver required for all conditions listed below
(list is not inclusive).
1. Behavioral health disorders without demonstrated clinical stability of at least 3 months,
as defined by unchanged treatment, well controlled symptoms, and no expectation of
incapacitation if the condition should relapse or recur.
2. Psychotic and bipolar-spectrum disorders are strictly disqualifying.
3. Any DSM 5-diagnosed behavioral health disorder, to include personality disorders,
with residual symptoms, or medication side effects, which impair social and/or
occupational performance.
4. Any behavioral health condition that poses a substantial risk for deterioration and/or
recurrence of impairing symptoms in the deployed environment.
5. Any behavioral health condition that requires periodic (beyond quarterly) counseling or
6. Chronic insomnia that requires regular or long-term use of any sedative hypnotics /
amnestics, benzodiazepines, and/or antipsychotics. PRN, or as needed, use of
medication for this diagnosis must clarify frequency of actual use.
7. Anxiety disorders requiring use of benzodiazepines for management, or featuring
symptoms of panic or phobia.
8. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, when causing impairment or not completely treated,
or when therapy includes use of benzodiazepines without additional anxiety diagnosis.
Waiver submission should note if condition is combat-related, and, if so, comment on
impact that return to the operational environment could have on applicant well-being and
9. Gender dysphoria, when distressing enough to require treatment. Transgender
without history of, or current requirement for, transition, and not associated with
significant gender dysphoria is not disqualifying and does not require waiver. Underlying
behavioral health, endocrine, and/or surgical issues (as applicable) should be stable and
resolved, and all Service requirements must be met, to include the involvement of, and
clearance by, Service Central Coordination Cell if transition is required. See Ref LL.
Transitioning personnel’s treatment course should be complete, with DEERS marker
change, and an adequate Real Life Experience (RLE) period should have occurred to
ensure stability. Due to complex needs, those requiring or actively undergoing gender
transition are generally disqualified until the process, including all necessary follow-up
and stabilization, is completed.
10. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa.
11. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Evaluation and diagnosis should be appropriate per DSM 5 criteria, particularly if Class II
stimulants are used for treatment. Specific clinical features or objective testing results
should be included in waiver application for stimulant use. Dosages for medications
should likewise be appropriate per DoHHS-CMS standards (REF MM), and justified by
clinical presentation. Uncomplicated ADD/ADHD stable (treated with 0-1 non-controlled
substance medication) for greater than 3 months without social or occupational impact do
not require a waiver. Substantiated cases not meeting those criteria but with appropriate
dosing may be adjudicated at the Service Component level, provided additional BH
conditions or diagnoses requiring waiver are not present.
12. Behavioral health related hospitalization or self-mutilation within the last 12 months.
13. Suicidal Ideation, behavior or suicide attempt with the last 12 months is strictly
14. Substance use causing social or occupational disruption or impairment, including
enrollment in a substance abuse program (inpatient or outpatient, service specific
substance abuse program) within the last 12 months, measured from time of discharge /
completion of the program.
a. A post-treatment period of demonstrated stability is required, the length of
which will depend on individual patient factors.
b. Substance use disorders (SUD), not in remission and/or actively enrolled in
Service Specific substance abuse programs are not eligible for waiver.
c. SUD requiring regular use of reversal agents or antagonists (Naloxone,
Suboxone, Methadone) cannot be supported. Single-dose issuances of
Naloxone are not intrinsically disqualifying, but require clarification of underlying
SUD issues.
d. Alcohol use disorder requiring pharmacotherapy for maintenance (Disulfiram,
Naltrexone, Acamprosate) cannot be supported.
e. Alcohol use disorders requiring random testing or other monitoring are
15. Use of antipsychotics or anticonvulsants for stabilization of DSM IV or DSM-5
16. Use of 3 or more psychotropics (e.g. antidepressants, anticonvulsants,
antipsychotics, benzodiazepines) for stabilization or any psychotropics which require a
psychiatrist or other specialist to manage.
17. Behavioral health disorders newly diagnosed during deployment do not immediately
require a waiver or redeployment. Disorders deemed treatable, stable, and having no
impairment of performance or safety by a credentialed mental health provider do not
require a waiver to remain in theater.
a. Exceptions include diagnoses featuring manic, psychotic, or significant suicidal
features as determined by local medical personnel. These individuals should be
redeployed at soonest opportunity via medical evacuation with appropriate
escorts and per TRANSCOM guidelines.
b. Diagnoses requiring the prescription of CSA-scheduled controlled substances
will require an approved waiver to obtain routine refills of medication.
I. Medications – Recently discontinued medications are considered to have had valid
clinical indications, and should include verification of control of underlying conditions and
reason for cessation. Medications included as “PRN”, or as needed, must include a
description of typical use. Any of the following medications (specific medication or class
of medication) is disqualifying for deployment, unless a waiver is granted:
1. Any medication which, if lost, misplaced, stolen, destroyed, or unable to be resupplied,
would result in significant worsening or grave outcome for the affected individual before
the medication could be reasonably replaced.
2. Any medication requiring periodic laboratory monitoring, titrated dosing, or special
handling/storage requirements, or which has documented side effects, when used alone
or in combination with other required therapy, which are significantly impairing, or which
impose an undue risk to the individual or operational objectives.
3. Blood modifiers:
a. Therapeutic Anticoagulants: warfarin (Coumadin), rivaroxaban (Xarelto),
apixaban (Eliquis).
b. Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors or Reducing Agents: clopidogrel (Plavix),
anagrelide (Agrylin), Dabigatran (Pradaxa), Aggrenox, Ticlid (Ticlopidine),
Prasugrel (Effient), Pentoxifylline (Trental), Cilostazol (Pletal), Ticagrelor
(Brilinta). Note: Aspirin use in theater is to be limited to individuals who have
been advised to continue use by their healthcare provider for medical reasons;
such use must be documented in the medical record.
c. Hematopoietics: filgrastim (Neupogen), sargramostim (Leukine),
erythropoietin (Epogen, Procrit).
d. Antihemophilics: Factor VIII, Factor IX, Factor Xa.
4. Antineoplastics (oncologic or non-oncologic use): e.g., antimetabolites (methotrexate,
hydroxyurea, mercaptopurine, etc.), alkylators (cyclophosphamide, melphalan,
chlorambucil, etc.), antiestrogens (tamoxifen, etc.), aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole,
examestane, etc.), medroxyprogesterone (except use for contraception), interferons,
etoposide, bicalutamide, bexarotene, oral tretinoin (Vesanoid).
5. Immunosuppressants: e.g., chronic systemic steroids.
6. Biologic Response Modifiers (immunomodulators): e.g., abatacept (Orencia),
adalimumab (Humira), anakinra (Kineret), etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade),
leflunomide (Arava), azathioprine (Imuran), etc.
7. Any CSA Schedule I-V controlled substance, including but not limited to the following:
a. Benzodiazepines: lorazepam (Ativan), alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam
(Valium), flurazepam (Dalmane), clonazepam (Klonopin), etc.
b. Stimulants: methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta),
amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine),
dexmethylphenidate (Focalin XR), lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), modafinil
(Provigil), armodafinil (Nuvigil), etc.
c. Sedative Hypnotics/Amnestics: zolpidem (Ambien, Ambien CR), eszopiclone
(Lunesta), zaleplon (Sonata), estazolam (Prosom), triazolam (Halcion),
temazepam (Restoril), etc. Note: single pill-count issuances for operational
transition do not require a waiver.
d. Narcotics/narcotic combinations: oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, Roxicet),
hydrocodone (Lortab, Norco, Vicodin), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine
(Demerol), tramadol (Ultram), etc.
e. Cannabinoids: marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), dronabinol (Marinol),
cannabinol (CBD oil), etc. Note that possession or use may be a criminal offense
f. Anorexiants: phendimetrazine (Adipost), phentermine (Zantryl, Adipex-P), etc.
g. Androgens and Anabolic Steroids: testosterone (Axiron, AndroGel, Fortesta,
Testim), oxymetholone (Anadrol-50), methyltestosterone (Methitest), etc.
8. Antipsychotics, including atypical antipsychotics: haloperidol (Haldol), fluphenazine
(Prolixin), quetiapine (Seroquel), aripiprazole (Abilify), lurasidone (Latuda), ziprasidone
(Geodon), olanzapine (Zyprexa), etc.
9. Antimanic (bipolar) agents: e.g., lithium.
10. Anticonvulsants, used for seizure control or behavioral health diagnoses.
a. Anticonvulsants (except those listed below) which are used for non-behavioral
health diagnoses, such as migraine, chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and post-
herpetic neuralgia, are not intrinsically deployment-limiting as long as treated
conditions meet the criteria set forth in this document and accompanying MOD
16. No waiver required. Exceptions include:
b. Valproic acid (Depakote, Depakote ER, Depacon, divalproex, etc.).
c. Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Tegretol XR, etc.).
d. Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
11. Dopamine agonists: Ropinirole (Requip), pramipexole (Mirapex), etc.
12. Botulinum toxin (Botox): Current or recent use to control severe pain.
13. Insulin
14. Injectable medications of any type require waiver, excluding medroxyprogesterone
acetate (Depo-Provera) and EpiPens. Strongly recommend requesting waiver over
modifying route of administration when treatment is stable and effective.
8. CONTACTS FOR WAIVERS (See also MOD 17, Para. 15.C.3.C.)
813.529.0361/0348; DSN: 312.529.0361/0348
B. AFCENT. SG.CLINOPS@AFCENT.AF.MIL; CML: 803.717.7101; DSN: 313.717.7101
DSN: 312.889.7946
D. MARCENT. MARCENT.WAIVERS@USMC.MIL; CML: 813.827.7175; DSN: 312.651.7175
E. NAVCENT. C5FMEDW[email protected]VY.MIL; CML: 011.973.1785.4558; DSN: 318.439.4558
F. SOCCENT. SOCCENT[email protected]; CML: 813.828.7351; DSN: 312.968.7351