Community Health Board
Community Health
Improvement Plan
Adopted: March 4, 2020
Section 1: Message from the Leadership Team……………………………………………..2
Section 2: Background of Dodge-Steele Community Health Board………………..3
Section 3: Overview of Process……………………………………………………………………..6
Section 4: Priority Health Focus Areas…………………………………………………………..9
Section 5: Improving Community Health……………………………………………………..16
Priority Health Issue: Mental Health and Substance Use
Priority Health Issue: Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle
Section 6: References………………………………………………………………………………….28
Message from the Leadership Team
Dear Community Members,
As the Dodge-Steele Community Health Board we work under Six Areas of
Responsibility to include:
Assure an adequate local public health infrastructure
Promote healthy communities and healthy behavior
Prevent the spread of communicable diseases
Protect against environmental health hazards
Prepare and respond to emergencies
Assure health services
Under this framework, every five years, we create a Community Health
Improvement Plan (CHIP) to address top health issues in our communities using
best practices in prevention. Over the past nineteen months a Core Planning
Team has worked to gather data and input from community members to
determine the top health issues. Thank you to those members who took the time
to create this plan that we can utilize to put prevention efforts in action to
achieve healthier communities for all. This CHIP will be reviewed on a regular
basis and adjusted as needed to be sure the action plan is on par with the goals
that are outlined. We hope that this plan proves to be clear, concise and used as
a resource for others to join in our efforts. Here’s to healthy Dodge and Steele
Dodge-Steele Community Health Board
Background of Dodge-Steele Community Health Board
Dodge and Steele Counties, which are located in the southeastern portion of
Minnesota are combined as a Community Health Board and have been working
collaboratively since the passage of the 1976 Community Health Services Act. The
Dodge-Steele Community Health Board consists of three members from each
County appointed by each County Board. Both public health agencies provide
services to promote healthier and safe living in their communities. Service areas
include disease prevention and control, immunization clinics, disease outbreak
investigation, family health programs, Women, Infants and Children (WIC),
Maternal Child Health (MCH), Family Home Visiting (FHV), Senior Programs, MN
Choices Assessments, Case Management, Emergency Preparedness for manmade
and actual disasters, healthy behavior education guided by the Statewide Health
Improvement Program (SHIP), MDH Family Home Visiting Grant, and community
health improvement priorities. Our strong partnerships with community
organizations, other counties, businesses, schools and The Minnesota
Department of Health help build healthier communities for individuals and
families in the counties of Dodge and Steele.
Promote wellness, prevent disease and protect the health of individuals, families
and communities.
The health of the entire population will be optimized through joint efforts of the
Dodge-Steele Community Health Board.
Evidenced-Based Practice
Holistic Care
Dodge County Public Health Department
The Dodge County Public Health Department exists to assure the health and well-
being of all people of Dodge County using the principles of planning, promotion,
prevention, early intervention and care. As such, public health is an investment in
healthy people and healthy communities. The department does this in a number
of ways embedded in the program areas below using strategies and tactics that
include: immunization clinics and annual flu clinics held in various locations around
the county; Women, Infant and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program,
physical screening and education program for pregnant women and children under
age five; home visiting for parenting, improved pregnancies and special needs
children; case management and care coordination for seniors; car seat distribution
and training; infectious disease and control; health promotion and prevention;
emergency preparedness; tobacco and obesity prevention, just to name a few. The
staff consists of 6 full time employees and 9 part time and contracted employees
with various professional backgrounds and skill areas.
Steele County Public Health Department
The Steele County Public Health Department exists to assure the health and well-
being of all people of Steele County using the principles of planning, promotion,
prevention, early intervention and care. As such, public health is an investment in
healthy people and healthy communities. The department does this in a number
of ways embedded in the program areas below using strategies and tactics that
include: immunizations clinics and annual flu clinics held in various locations
around the county; Women, Infant and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition
program and physical screening and education for pregnant women and children
under age five; assistance with medications, individual care, homemaker/home
health care services; car seat distribution and training; infectious disease and
control; health promotion and prevention; emergency preparedness; tobacco and
obesity prevention; and physical therapy, just to name a few. The staff consists of
27 permanent employees and 17 part time and contracted employees with
various professional backgrounds and skill areas.
Dodge County is primarily a rural county and was home to 20,762 people in 2017.
The County population is composed of a predominately white population (92.4%)
with Latinos making up the larger part of the minority population (5.5%). In
recent years the County has seen a rise in population and is forecasted to
continue to rise. The primary contributing factor to the rise in population is the
proximately and growth of the Rochester area, with more people choosing to live
in Dodge County and commute to work. Dodge County’s chief industry is
agriculture and also supports several large manufacturers. There are three Public
School Districts that provide pre-K-12 education. Mayo Family Clinic in the city of
Kasson provides clinical health for area residents. The County Seat lies in the city
of Mantorville.
Steele County is primarily a rural county and was home to 36,887 people in 2017.
The County population is composed of a predominately white population (85%)
with Latinos making up the larger part of the minority population (9.1%). The
County’s population remains steady and has a growing trend of immigrant
populations. Steele County’s primary industry is agriculture and also supports
several large manufacturers. There are four Public School Districts that provide
pre-K-12 education. Mayo Clinic Health Systems and Allina Hospital in the city of
Owatonna provide clinic health for area residents. The County Seat lies in the city
of Owatonna.
Health Inequities
Economically, Dodge County fairs a bit better than the Statewide averages in
median household income ($71,078) compared to Minnesota ($65,699).
Approximately 6.8% of children live in poverty with 5.7% of people living in
poverty. About 11.3% of the population utilizes Medical Assistance.
Steele County consistently falls below the Statewide economic ratings. The
median household income ($58,882) is well below the Minnesota average
($65,699). Approximately 14.4% of children live in poverty with 9.9% of people
living in poverty. Children living in poverty is significantly higher than the 13.4%
Minnesota average. About 19.4% utilize Medical Assistance.
When looking at the leading causes of deaths for Dodge and Steele Counties,
Cancer and Heart Disease top the list and contribute to a large amount of the
overall deaths recorded.
The conditions in which we live explain in part why some Americans are healthier
than others and why Americans more generally are not as healthy as they could
be. Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which
people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range
of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. When analyzing the
Social Determinants of Health during the planning process, it was evident that
disparities exist across both Dodge and Steele Counties. Some of those include:
lack of transportation, food security, barriers to accessing healthy foods, lack of
quality housing, housing stability and poverty. These health disparities then
contribute to health issues amongst our population such as obesity, chronic
diseases, mental health illness and substance use.
Overview of Process
To begin our Community Health Improvement Plan Process we gathered an
internal team that included Dodge and Steele County Public Health staff. The
initial meeting was in the beginning of May 2018. The group was given the charge
and purpose of the committee and made the decision to use parts of the MAPP
Process to conduct our work going forward. Subsequent internal meetings were
held in the Summer of 2018 and in July 2018 a Core Planning Team was formed.
The Core Planning Team met on a regular basis through February 2020. This
Team accomplished the work to form the basis and content of this Community
Health Improvement Plan.
The Team consisted of the following members:
-Dodge and Steele County Public Health
-Allina Owatonna Hospital
-Mayo Clinic Health System Owatonna
-United Way of Steele County
-Steele County Safe and Drug Free Coalition
CHIP Process Summary
May 2018
Dodge Steele Public Health
CHIP Initial Planning Team
Determined Partnership Group, Community Input
Sources, Selected MAPP process, Reviewed CHIP
Checklist, Reviewed CHIP Timeline
June 2018
Dodge Steele Public Health
CHIP Planning Team Meeting
Assigned roles, created CHIP contact list,
determined decision-making process, determined
data organization process, indicator selection
based on NACCHO (Demographics, Socioeconomic
characteristics, social determinants, behavioral
RF, morbidity & mortality, prepped agenda for
July Community Partnership Group Meeting
July 2018
Dodge Steele CHIP
Initial Dodge Steele CHIP
Core Planning Team Meeting
Reviewed 2020-24 CHIP /Allina CHA Timelines
Reviewed 2020-24 CHIP Checklist & deliverables
Reviewed 2015-19 CHIP (process, issues &
Reviewed 2020-24 CHIP MAPP Process,
Projected Top 2 Priorities of Obesity & MH
Compiled Data Sets
Cross Tabulation Grid Dot Exercise defined
indicators, identified data and gaps
Discussed Data Collection & Organization Process
August 2018
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Completed Cross Tabulation Grid Dot Exercise
Discussed Data sets, collection and organization
(Data source, Data Type (Quantitative/Qualitative,
Data Detail/ Trends)
September 2018
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Reviewed 2020-24 CHIP Checklist and deliverables
Reviewed 2015-19 Top 10 Issues
Discussed 2020-24 Projected Top 2 Health
Discussed emerging health issues & social trends
(opiates, E-cigarettes, housing, transportation,
end of life to screen time, work/life balance,
October 2018
Community partner contact
list created. Survey Monkey
sent to community partners.
Asked partners to identify 10 current/emerging +
Community assets/resources
October 2018
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Cross Tab Grid Data sharing & organization
October 2018
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Reviewed Survey Monkey Results
Cross Tab Grid Data Sharing
Categorized into Mental Health, Obesity, Healthy
Lifestyles, Health Care Access, Chronic Disease,
Dental, Substance Abuse, Social Determinants,
Prevention, Personal Safety, Health Equity,
Emerging issues, End of Life, Parenting,
Reviewed Hanlon Method
November 2018
Creation of Voters Guide
SHIP CLT Vote on Top 10
December 2018
Steele Co PH Vote on Top 10
Dodge Co PH & CLT Vote on
Top 10
January 2019
Hanlon Method
Reviewed Health Issue Dot Votes results from
Dodge Steele CLT’s and staff
Determined Top 10 Health Issues based on
Evaluated each method based on Hanlon Method,
weighing each issue based on size, seriousness
and effectiveness of interventions.
Ranked Health Issues 1-10 based on scores.
January 2019
Survey Monkey Vote Top 5
and Rank
January 2019
Meeting w/ Owatonna
School District re: MN
Student Survey
February 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Review Health Issue Dot Vote Results
Allina & UW shared their Top 5 Issues
Review Hanlon Method Issue Rankings
Review Survey Monkey Results
Apply Hanlon Method “PEARL” Test: Priority,
Economics, Acceptability, Resources, Legality
Calculate Priority Score for Health Issues
Initiate Planning Focus Groups
February 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Plan Focus Groups: Mayo Providers, Marnita’s
Table, Owatonna High School Students, Dodge
CLT, Steele CLT
May 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Plan Focus Group PPT
May 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP
Community Team Meeting
w/ Ann March
Reviewed Results Based Accountability
Community Meeting Process
May 2019
Dodge Steele Subcommittee
Attended Freeborn County Community Health
May 2019
Mayo Providers Focus Group
Focus Group
May 2019
Student Focus Group
Focus Group
June 2019
Marnita’s Table Focus Group
Focus Group
August 2019
Steele CLT Focus Group
Focus Group
August 2019
Dodge CLT Focus Group
Focus Group
August 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Plan Results Based Accountability RBA)
Community Forum
September 2019
Plan Community Forum
October 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Planned Community Health Forum
November 2019
Community Health Forum
November 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Follow up meeting to discuss results of
Community Health Forum
December 2019
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
Draft Final CHIP Plan
February 2020
Final Approval from
governing entities
March 2020
Submit CHIP Plan to MDH
March 2020
Dodge Steele CHIP Core
Planning Team Meeting
The Core Planning Team will continue to meet to
ensure that CHIP Action Plan is carried out and
look at any revisions that need to be made to the
plan in the future
Overview of MAPP Process
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is a community-
driven, strategic planning process for improving community health. Facilitated by
public health leaders, this framework helps communities apply strategic thinking
to prioritize public health issues and identify resources to address them. MAPP is
not an agency-focused assessment process; rather, it is an interactive process that
can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately the performance of local
public health systems. Throughout our work on this Plan, we utilized many of the
elements of MAPP to guide us in our process.
Priority Health Focus Areas
Over the past nineteen months local data was reviewed, focus groups were held,
and discussions held with community partners to identify the Top 10 Health
Issues for community members in Dodge and Steele Counties. They included
Voters Guides with summarized health data were utilized to assist in the identity
of the top 10 health priorities.
The top 10 identified health priorities (not in any specific order) are the
Emerging Health Issues
Health Equity
Healthy Lifestyle
Mental Health
Social Determinants of Health
Substance Use
Health Issue
Mental Health
-Crisis Response is underutilized in Dodge County
compared to surrounding counties
-11.8% Dodge County residents reported that they
delayed or did not seek help for a mental health issue
2016 Kasson-Mantorville Student
South Central Human Relations
2014 Community Health Needs
2018 MDH
Healthy Lifestyle
-2% 11
grade boys eat fruits & vegetables 3 times/day
-24.1% of Dodge County residents view timeas a big
barrier to physical activity
-45.4% of Dodge County residents do not utilize
2016 Kasson-Mantorville Student
2014 Community Health Needs
needed medical care (cost, transportation, insurance)
2014 Community Health Needs
2018 County Health Rankings
Chronic Disease
2018 MDH
dental exam in the last 12 months
2014 Community Health Needs
2018 MDH data portal
Substance Abuse
-14% of Dodge County residents smoke
-8% 11
grade females used prescription drugs at least
once that were not prescribed to them
2014 Community Health Needs
2018 County Health Rankings
2016 Kasson-Mantorville Student
Determinants of
-Free/Reduced Lunch:
Triton School District 37.2%
Kasson-Mantorville 17.2%
American Community Survey- US
Census Bureau
MDE Report Card
Personal Safety
2016 Kasson-Mantorville Student
Emerging Issues
2018 MDH
Parenting/ Family
2018 County Health Rankings
Prenatal Care
2018 MDH data portal
Health Equity
American Community Survey- US
Census Bureau
months (MN State 67.77%)
2018 MDH data portal
Health Issue
Steele County Indicators
Mental Health
-38% 11
grade girls report feeling depressed several days.
-1,342 ER visits for mental health (22% depression, 18%
anxiety, 15% alcohol)
2016 Steele Student Survey
2017 Owatonna Hospital
Emergency Department
-Steele County obesity rate 33%
-MN state obesity rate 24.8%
-Jumps to 50% ages 45-64 low income (<$34,000)
2018 Minnesota Department
of Health (MDH)
Healthy Lifestyle
-15% 11
grade girls are physically active 5 days per week.
-1% 11
grade boys eat fruits & vegetables 3 times per day.
-86.6% Breastfeeding initiation rates. (85% white)
2016 Steele Student Survey
2017 Allina & Steele Co WIC
-Free Clinic 139 visits in 2017. 230 so far in 2018.
(122 Latino, 13 Grass Camp residents)
-25% Allina patients Medicaid/PMAP. 28% Medicare (Within
ER Medicaid increases to 32%)
2017-2018 Free Clinic
2017 Owatonna Hospital
Business Office
Chronic Disease
-Free Clinic: 48 diabetic and 45 high blood pressure visits
2017 Free Clinic
-Free Clinic: 100 dental visits 2017. 200 wait listed.
2017-18 Free Clinic
Substance Abuse
-15% mental health related ER visits were for alcohol-related
disorders. (224 visits by 152 patients)
-46 DUI. 282 South Central Narcotic arrests
-14% students grades 8,9,11 report drinking an alcohol
beverage in the past 30 days.
2017 Owatonna Hospital
Emergency Department
2017 Owatonna Police Dept
2016 Steele Student Survey
Determinants of
-300 Homeless/ day (couch hopping, migrant, uninhabitable
housing. 100 are school children)
Poverty 9.4% (jumps to 47% Black in poverty)
-34-65% free/reduced lunch
2017 US Census Data
2017 MN Dept of Education
Personal Safety
-36% 11
grade males text and drive.
-11 deaths/ 26 severely injured due to inattentive driving.
-4 sexual assault ER visits.
2016 Steele Student Survey
2017 Owatonna Hospital
Emerging Issues
-Screen time, e-cigarettes
National and local trends
Aging/End of Life
-15% of patients admitted had a health care directive in their
medical record. That’s 717 patients out of 4,526 admitted
between 4/17/17 and 11/6/18.
The average length of stay in hospice is 3 days.
2017-18 Owatonna Hospital
Family Systems
-27% single parent homes
(Black 47%. Hispanic 34%. White 7%)
2018 Steele County
Health Rankings
Prenatal Care
-468 births in 2017. 7.8% premature births
2017 Owatonna Hospital
2016 MDH
Health Equity
93.7% white. 40% children eligible for free lunch.
92% High School Graduation rate. 25% Bachelor’s Degree.
Median income $58,140. ($36,300 Black. $60,400 White.
Hispanic $45,900)
2114 Food Shelf recipients/ month
2017 US Census Data
2018 Steele Co Food Shelf
-71.72% Steele County Immunization rates ages 24-35 months
(MN State 67.77%)
- 102 cases Chlamydia in 2017
2017-18 MDH
A Survey Monkey was sent out to an extensive list of Community Partners in
January 2019. Participants ranked the top health priorities they felt were most
important. This assisted our work group in narrowing down health priorities and
conducting a method in ranking those identified priorities.
The top identified health priorities that were chosen to be included in the
Community Health Improvement Plan are the following:
Mental Health and Substance Use
Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle
The process that was used to rank and prioritize health issues was the Hanlan
Method. Developed by J.J. Hanlon, the Hanlon Method for Prioritizing Health
Problems is a well-respected technique which objectively takes into consideration
explicitly defined criteria and feasibility factors. Though a complex method, the
Hanlon Method is advantageous when the desired outcome is an objective list of
health priorities based on baseline data and numerical values.
Focus Groups were conducted in Spring and Summer of 2019 to receive further
input on the top identified health priorities from community members and
partners. Those focus groups included the following:
Primary Care Providers at Mayo Clinic Health System
Community Event held in Owatonna
Owatonna High School Students
Dodge County SHIP Community Leadership Team
Steele County SHIP Community Leadership Team
Community Health Forum with Stakeholders
In November 2019, a Community Health Forum was held with key community
partners to address the top health priorities and begin to brainstorm potential
solutions or actions to take in the future. Questions that were asked of the focus
groups were the following:
-What do you feel are some of the contributing factors that are causing this
health issue? What can we do upstream to address the root causes?
-What assets, that already exist, do we have in our communities that could be
tapped in to address this health issue? What partners should be at the table?
-What solutions and/or ideas do you have to address this health issue?
The following information cards were given to each of the groups to assist in
giving a background and point to begin the conversations. The key takeaways
from the Forum were summarized and implemented in to the action plan of this
Obesity & Healthy Lifestyle
33-38% of
11th grade girls report feeling depressed several days.
2016 Dodge and Steele Student Survey
of Dodge County residents reported delaying or did not seek help for
mental health issues when they
needed it.
2014 Dodge Community Health Needs Assessment
of students in grades 8, 9, 11
report drinking an alcoholic beverage in
past 30 days
2016 Steele Student Survey
report binge drinking
past 30 days
2014 Dodge Community
Health Needs Assessment
Dodge County Public Health
Steele County Public Health
“There is a perception that mental health isn’t
an issue if someone isn’t diagnosed.”
2019 Dodge Focus Group
“We don’t like social media. It’s not our
life. No one’s
is perfect.
But we
don’t know how to stop.”
2019 Owatonna Student Focus Group
2019 Steele Student Survey
one in four
11th graders now use e-cigarettes.
Among 8th grade students, e-cigarette use
nearly doubled
from 2016 to 2019,
Mental Health & Substance
Lack of
asy access
and aLcohoL
care and insurance
ER visits were
mental health
(22% depression,
18% anxiety,
15% Alcohol).
2017 Owatonna Hospital Emergency Dept.
Obesity & Healthy Lifestyle
Only 15% of 11th grade girls
physically active 5 days per
2016 Dodge and Steele Student Survey
Dodge and Steele
obesity rate is 33%
Jumps to
ages 45-64 who
are considered low income
2018 Minnesota Department
of Health
Only 1% of 11th grade boys eat
fruits & Vegetables 3 times a
2017 Allina & 2016 Dodge and
Steele Student
45.4% of Dodge County residents
not use the walking/biking
2014 Dodge Community Health
Needs Assessment
Dodge County Public
Improving Community Health
Community Assets and Resources
Throughout the planning process, many community assets and resources were
identified in Dodge and Steele Counties. These vital assets and resources will be
important in improving the health of our communities and will likely be engaged
when implementing the action plan. Some of those identified are the following:
Nehemiah Family Services
Stage by Stage
Crisis Response for SE MN
Multiple Coalitions
Strong Business Presence
Human Services
Community Health Care Advisory Board
Allina Community Engagement Program
School Districts
South Central Human Relations Center-Mental Health Agency
Mayo Clinic Health System Owatonna
Owatonna Allina Hospital
Mayo Family Clinic Kasson
Safe and Drug Free Schools of Owatonna
Kasson Head Start
South Country Health Alliance
Dodge County Public Health
Steele County Public Health
SEMCAC Outreach
WIC (Women, Infants, Children)
Public Outreach
Steele County Free Clinic
The Center Clinic
Worksite Wellness Initiatives
Community Parks
Mayo Family Clinic
Safe Routes to School Program
Highway 14-four lanes
Local Law Enforcement
Crisis Resource Center
Good collaboration between agencies and schools
Close-knit Communities
Schools are center of the communities
Governmental programming
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon
Community Education
Parks and Recreation Programs
Transitional Housing
Yoga Studios/Health Clubs
Food Shelves
Local Businesses
Early Childhood Programs
State and National Priorities Alignment
The 2017 Minnesota Statewide Health Assessment is a frank look at the
challenges to health in Minnesota. It is a joint effort of the Healthy Minnesota
Partnership and the Minnesota Department of Health. The partnership is charged
with developing innovative public health priorities, goals, objectives and
strategies to improve the health of all Minnesotans, and to ensure ownership of
these priorities and strategies across the state. Based off the 2017 Assessment,
the Healthy Minnesota 2022 Statewide Health Improvement Framework was
built. The visionof the Framework is: All people in Minnesota enjoy healthy
lives and healthy communities. Below are the three priority areas that the
Framework outlines.
The World Health Organization calls health, “a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Everything in our lives our families, homes, neighborhoods, jobs, schools, the
land, water, and air must support our health.
Health is a resource for our everyday lives. If we are healthy, we can engage with
our family and friends, attend school, go to work, play, and be active participants
in society by volunteering, voting, and more. Each of us is part of multiple
communities, and our health results largely from our interactions with the people
and the places that surround us, including both the man-made and the natural
world. Because health comes from our interactions, health is something we shape
together, and each person’s health is affected by every other person’s health.
In December 2010, the Department of Health and Human Services launched
Healthy People 2020, which has four overarching goals:
•Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and
premature death;
•Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all
•Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and
•Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all
life stages
The Dodge-Steele Community Health Board, Community Health Improvement
Plan (CHIP) has been written to align with both the State of Minnesota and
National Health Priorities. The following Action Plan has been written in a format
to address the top priority health issues of Mental Health and Substance Use; and
Obesity and Health Lifestyle.
Dodge-Steele Community Health Board CHIP Action Plan
1: Mental Health and Substance Use
Goal #1 Increase community collaboration surrounding mental health and
substance use
Objective 1: Establish a Mental Health and Substance Use Coalition by 2021
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Locate and convene Community Partners for
initial meetings. Approach Behavioral Health
Connectivity Sub-Committee of the Community
Care Advisory Board for possibility of
expanding the group to take on Coalition work.
Assure Coalition has a representation of 6
community partners at a minimum.
Staff Time Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Health, Fernbrook
Family Center,
Steele County
Safe and Drug
Free Coalition
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Establish purpose of the Coalition December
Staff Time and Time from Partners Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Health, Fernbrook
Family Center,
Steele County
Safe and Drug
Free Coalition
Assess current resources and gaps December
Staff Time and Time from Partners Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Health, Fernbrook
Family Center,
Steele County
Safe and Drug
Free Coalition
Establish Sub-Committees to carry out action
items of Goal #1 and #2
Staff Time and Time from Partners Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Health, Fernbrook
Family Center,
Steele County
Safe and Drug
Free Coalition
Objective 2: Increase skills of mental health and substance use stakeholders by 10% by 2024
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Research training resources that can be
provided to mental health and substance use
professionals in the area
2024 Staff Time and Time from Partners Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Fernbrook Family
Center, Steele
County Safe and
Drug Free
Provide In-Person Trainings to area mental
health and substance use professionals in the
area that are easily accessible at minimum of
one training per year with the goal of 20
participants at each training
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Fernbrook Family
Center, Steele
County Safe and
Drug Free
Develop pre and post evaluations to determine
if an increase in skills and knowledge was
gained by participants engaged in the training
2024 Staff Time and Time from Partners Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Fernbrook Family
Center, Steele
County Safe and
Drug Free
1: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Goal #2 Increase community awareness to change community norms and
perceptions surrounding Mental Health and Substance Use
Objective 1: Improve utilization of services and increase knowledge of when and how to
access care amongst community members by 2024
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Mental Health and Substance Use Coalition will
develop an Education Guide: Stages/Resources
to know when and how to access
2022 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public Health,
Fernbrook Family Center,
Steele County Safe and
Drug Free Coalition
Mental Health and Substance Use Coalition will
develop and implement a plan to disperse the
Education Guide to a minimum of 20 agencies
and partners
2022 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public Health,
Fernbrook Family Center,
Steele County Safe and
Drug Free Coalition
Objective 2: Reduce stigma and negative perceptions surrounding mental health and substance
use by 2024 (collected via a community survey)
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Conduct Community Survey to establish
baseline on community norms and perceptions
2022 Staff Time and Funding Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Fernbrook Family
Center, Steele
County Safe and
Drug Free
Partner in the development of a region-wide
Resilience Campaign
2021 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Allina and Rice
County Chemical
Health Coalition
Partner in promoting Make it Ok Campaign 2021 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Health, Dodge
and Steele
Counties Family
Carry out SHIP Worksite Initiatives specific to
Mental Health and Substance Use
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Dodge-Steele Community Health Board CHIP Action Plan
2: Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle
Goal #1 Healthy Eating
Objective 1: Decrease Dodge and Steele Counties Obesity Rate from 33% to 22% by 2024
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Grow the number and capacity of existing SHIP
Worksites. Continue progress on worksite
policies to include promotion and access to
healthy eating.
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Continue to be an active member in the Steele
County Healthy Eating Coalition
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Steele County
Public Health
Partner with Mayo Clinic Health System
Women’s Morning of Well-Being Events
2024 Staff Time and Time from Partners Mayo Clinic
Health System
Annual Event
Participate in Community Health Fairs and
provide Healthy Eating Information
2024 Staff Time and Funding Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Grow the capacity of SHIP Health Care activities
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Steele County
Public Health,
Mayo Clinic
Health System,
Allina Owatonna
Continue efforts to increase the number of
participants that are active with the Mom-Baby
Team integrated in Allina Owatonna Hospital
and Mayo Clinic Health Systems to improve
breastfeeding rates and healthy eating habits.
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Steele County
Public Health,
Mayo Clinic
Health System,
Allina Owatonna
Dodge and Steele County WIC Programs will
provide education on the benefits of
breastfeeding to encourage this and improve
rates. Nutrition Education will be provided to
all participants to encourage healthy eating
habits early in life.
2024 Staff Time and Funding Dodge and Steele
Counties Public
2: Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle
Goal #2 Active Living
Objective 1: Increase Physical Activity amongst Community Members in Dodge and Steele
Counties by 10% by 2024
Action Steps By When Resources Needed Lead Agency Status with Dates
Grow the number and capacity of existing SHIP
Worksites SHIP Worksites. Continue progress
on worksite policies to include promotion of
physical activity.
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and
Steele Counties
Public Health
Grow the number and capacity SHIP Schools
and Communities projects to promote and
reduce barriers to physical activity.
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and
Steele Counties
Public Health
Participate in Community Health Fairs and
provide Active Living Information
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge and
Steele Counties
Public Health
Continue to be an active member in the Dodge
Refreshed Coalition
2024 Staff Time, Time from Partners,
Dodge County
Public Health
Minnesota Department of Health. 2017 Minnesota County Health Tables. Retrieved
Healthy People 2020:
National Association of County & City Health Officials: