Jane M. Bowles PhD
Originally prepared for a workshop in Plant Identification for the
Ministry of Natural Resources in 1982.
Edited and revised for the
UWO Herbarium Workshop in Plant Collection and Identification, 2004
© Jane M. Bowles, 2004
The history of plant nomenclature:
Humans have always had a need to classify objects in the world about them. It is the only means
they have of acquiring and passing on knowledge. The need to recognize and describe plants has
always been especially important because of their use for food and medicinal purposes. The
commonest, showiest or most useful plants were given common names, but usually these names
varied from country to country and often from district to district. Scholars and herbalists knew the
plants by a long, descriptive, Latin sentence. For example Cladonia rangiferina, the common
"Reindeer Moss", was described as Muscus coralloides perforatum (The perforated, coral-like moss).
Not only was this system unwieldy, but it too varied from user to user and with the use of the plant.
In the late 16th century, Casper Bauhin devised a system of using just two names for each plant, but
it was not universally adopted until the Swedish naturalist, Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) set about
methodically classifying and naming the whole of the natural world.
The names of plants:
In 1753, Linnaeus published his "Species Plantarum". The modern names of nearly all plants date
from this work or obey the conventions laid down in it.
The scientific name for an organism consists of two words:
i) the genus or generic name,
ii) the specific epithet.
The generic name and specific epithet may be from any source, but they are always treated as Latin.
The generic name is usually a noun. For example, the name Quercus is simply Latin for oak. The
specific epithet is usually an adjective, but can be another noun or the name of a person. Thus in
Quercus rubra, “rubra” means red; in Quercus prinus, “prinus” is another noun for another sort of
oak, and Quercus muehlenbergii is named after the eighteenth century minister and botanist G.H.E.
The correct form of plant names:
The scientific names of plants should always be underlined or written in italics. The generic name
is always written with a capital initial letter, and the specific epithet should always have a lower case
initial letter. (Sometimes specific epithets honoring people are given a capital letter, but a small
letter is always correct and therefore safer). The name is only correct and complete if it is followed
by the name of the person or people who first described it or assigned the name to it. Often, for
convenience, these names are abbreviated. For example, “L.” always stands for Linnaeus. The
correct names of the Red Oak, Chestnut Oak and Chinquapin Oak are:
Quercus rubra L.
Quercus prinus L. and
Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.
The fist two species were described by Linnaeus, but the third was named by George Engelman
(1809-1884), the German-American botanist whose collections are in the Missouri Botanical
Gardens, St. Louis.
Once a plant has been given its full, correct name in a text, further references to it (provided they are
unambiguous) may be shortened to the initial letter of the generic name followed by the specific
epithet. The authority may be dropped. Thus the three oak species may now be referred to as Q.
rubra, Q. prinus and Q. muehlenbergii.
Plant classification:
Plants are classified according to their assumed relatedness. A unit of classification, at whatever
level, is called a taxon (plural taxa). There is a strict hierarchy of taxa of which the species is the
lowest natural unit. The hierarchy is: species, genus, family, order, class and division. There are,
however, several possible subgroups at each level. An example from Radford et al. (1974) illustrates
ascending ranking:
"Quercus alba L., Quercus laevis Waiter, Quercus falcata Michaux and Q. bicolor Willdenow are
four species in the genus Quercus. Quercus L., Fagus L. and Castanea Miller are three genera in the
family Fagaceae; Fagaceae and Betulaceae are two families in the order Fagales. Fagales, Urticales
and Piperales are three of the many orders in the sub-class Dicotyledonidae in the class
Angiospermopsida, which is in the sub-division Spermatophytina in the division Tracheophyta."
Field botanists are mostly concerned with the sub-class and at the family level and below.
The use of common names:
Latin names often seem long and unpronounceable, and the system of naming (nomenclature) is
complicated and involved. So why use them? Why not use common or vernacular names that are
easy to remember and usually have a meaning in everyday language? Some of the reasons are listed
1. Common names are not universal. They are usually only applicable to a single language. Thus
the same plant may have numerous common names. Canadian government employees should be
aware that the Chinquapin Oak is also known as Chene a Chinquapin and Chene Jaune.
2. In most parts of the world only a very small proportion of the species have any common names.
Insistence on calling plants by common names usually means that the scientific name is translated
or species are lumped under a generic name. The resulting names are often as cumbersome as the
Latin descriptions used until Linnaeus' time. Carex aenea Fernald (or simply Carex aenea) is
certainly no harder to remember than "Fernald's Hay Sedge" which is one of its common names.
3. The convention of a generic name and a specific epithet is not used for common names.
Sometimes closely related plants have completely different names. For example, in the genus
Eupatorium, E. maculatum L. and E. purpureum L. are known respectively as Spotted Joe-Pye
Weed, and Sweet Scented Joe-Pye Weed, but E. fistulosum Barrat goes under the name of
Trumpetweed, E. rugosum Houtt. is known as White Snakeroot and E. perfoliatum L. is also called
Boneset . There is no indication from the name that they are all in the same genus.
4. It is quite common that two unrelated species have the same common name. For example, two
common woodland plants are Snowberry and Creeping Snowberry. The first, Symphoricarpos albus
(L.) Blake is a relative of the honeysuckles, whereas Creeping Snowberry (Gaultheria hispidula
(L.)Muhl.) is in the Ericaceae or Heath Family.
The case against common names is exemplified by the genus Pyrola, common plants of the northern
woodland. The common names for Pyrola are Shinleaf or Pyrola. The name Shinleaf on its own
implies one particular species, Pyrola elliptica Nuttal, but may also refer to the genus. Pyrola
asarifolia Michaux is known not only as Pink Pyrola or Pink Shinleaf, but also as Bog Wintergreen.
The name Wintergreen also applies to at least five other genera. Wintergreen (Gaultheria
procumbens L.) is also known as Checkerberry. Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh has the common
names Spotted Wintergreen or Striped Wintergreen, and Monesis uniflora (L.) Gray is called
One-flowered Wintergreen or One-flowered Pyrola. These three, at least, are in the same family.
Less closely related are Trientalis borealis Rafinesque, which is known both as Chickweed
Wintergreen and Starflower, and Polygala paucifolia Willdenow, which is called Fringed Polygala
and Gaywings as well as Flowering Wintergreen.
The meaning and origin of plant names:
One of the reasons why people shy at scientific names is that they are unfamiliar, and sometimes
rather long and they may seem difficult to pronounce. Understanding and therefore remembering
names of plants becomes much easier, simpler, and more interesting, if the meaning or the origin the
name is known. Many of the specific epithets are very common. They describe color, shape of
leaves, habit, number of parts, size, habitat, place of origin and so on. Most of these are Latin, but
unfortunately, to confuse the issue, some are Greek. For example, epithets describing four leaves
could be either quadrifolius (Latin) or tetraphyllus (Greek), they both mean "four-leaves".
Nevertheless, many of the Greek and Latin words which go to make up species epithets are the
origins of many English words, and the meaning of names can often be interpreted by someone with
no Classical background. A list of words common in species epithets is given in Appendix I.
Specific epithets which honour people may be recognized because they end in ‘ii’ if the name ends
with a consonant, ‘i’ if the name ends with a vowel except a, and ‘e’ if the name ends with an a.
Naming a plant after a colleague was (and is) a good way of complimenting him or her, especially
as, if he or she was a botanist, the favour might be returned. The names of some North American
species of the genus Sphagnum conjure up a wonderful image of a mid-nineteenth century
bryological ring:
Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow;
Sphagnum russowii Warnstorf;
Sphagnum warnstorfii Russow; and
Sphagnum wulfianum Girgensohn.
Generic names are not always so easy to interpret, but there is no reason why Carex should be more
difficult to learn that Sedge, or Prunus than Cherry or Pinus than Pine. Linnaeus showed unlimited
imagination in inventing names for the plants he was cataloguing. Many, such as Quercus, retained
their ancient Latin names, others merely described some aspect of the plant. Aster, for example,
means "star" and clearly describes the flowers. Sometimes Linnaeus was much more fanciful. Bog
Rosemary, known at that time as Erica palustris pendula...., caught his attention. He imagined that
the beautiful flesh-pink flowers imitated the
"beauty of a fine female complexion". The
plant, growing on hummocks in the middle of
bogs, reminded him of Andromeda,
legendary princess of Ethiopia, whose beauty
lasted only as long as she was a virgin. In
order to save her country from a terrible flood
she was chained to a rock and left to be
ravaged by a dreadful sea monster. Linnaeus
saw the sea monster in the toads that
inhabited the bogs in which he found the
plant. He named the genus Andromeda after
the distressed virgin (Black, 1979).
Often Linnaeus named new genera after friends and colleagues. In 1748, on Linnaeus'
recommendation, the Swedish Royal Academy sent Peter Kalm, a former student, on a collecting
trip to North America. When he returned in 1751 Linnaeus honoured him by naming the Laurels
‘Kalmia’ after him. One of his favourite plants, the beautiful and delicate Twinflower, Linnaeus
kept for himself and named Linnaea borealis L.
Word endings:
Because plant names are Latin or Latinized, unlike English words, they have a gender. In most cases
the ending of the generic noun indicates its gender. For example, nouns ending in -a are always
feminine, those ending in -us are often masculine, and -um indicates neuter. In Latin, an adjective,
or other modifier, has to have the same gender as the noun it modifies, so that the ending of the
specific epithet usually agrees with ending of the generic noun, for example, Kalmia ployfolia,
Lathyrus latifolius and Vaccinium angustifolium. Most plant names, however, are feminine,
including many whose generic name ends in -us. The commonest endings are listed below:
Noun: masculine feminine neuter
Endings: -us -a -um
-er -ra -rum
-is -is -is
-r -ris -re
Some endings remain the same for all three genders, so that the specific name is the same regardless
of the gender of the noun. Some examples are -ans, -ens, -x, and -or (Radford et al. 1974). Not all
plant names obey these rules, however, and exceptions can always be found.
The purposes of collecting:
Today there are two main reasons for collecting plants. The first is to obtain records and specimens
of plants, either for a personal collection or to be stored in an herbarium. Properly run herbaria
where specimens are suitably stored and catalogued have great scientific value. They are almost
always pleased to accept good, correctly labeled specimens and are generally willing to allow serious
workers access to their collections. The merits of personal collections are less obvious. Small
collections of common plants can have great value as reference for identification. Wide scale
gathering of rare of endangered plants for personal collections should be discouraged however. In
England, over-enthusiastic collection by amateurs, together with loss of habitat has caused the
extinction or near-extinction of a number of plants, especially orchids. It is now illegal to pick or
collect any plant in many jurisdictions without the consent of the landowner. Increasingly many
areas in the world require a permit for plant collecting. You should always check with the landowner
and the law before collecting plants.
The second major reason for plant collecting is in order to later identify an unknown specimen
encountered during fieldwork. Often these specimens consist of small, atypical plants with no
flowering or fruiting parts. As herbarium specimens they are often next to useless. Nevertheless,
any vegetation survey should include, where possible, collection of at least one specimen of each
species encountered. This is known as the voucher collection and should either be kept by the
worker for future reference if needed, or stored in a local herbarium.
What to look for in a specimen:
Specimens for collection should be as complete as possible. Ideally flowers and fruit should be
included, as well as vegetative parts. Clearly, in most cases, this is impossible since ripe fruit and
flowers do not usually occur at the same time. Often, however, remains of growth from the previous
year can be found at the base of the plant or on another specimen nearby. Only collect fruits or seeds
if you are certain that they belong to the same plant or the same species.
Specimens should be typical and healthy, with at least some fully expanded leaves where possible.
Avoid taking diminutive individuals because they fit into a press more easily or are easier to reach.
Take the plant from its typical habitat. If a species normally grows in woodland, do not collect
specimens growing by the roadside or in a clearing. Sometimes leaf shape, flower colour and other
characters are completely altered on plants growing in full sunlight.
What to collect:
The whole of small vascular plants should be collected including the underground portion. Roots,
trailing or underground stems and storage organs are often helpful (and sometimes essential) in
identifying specimens. A strong knife or small trowel is helpful for digging out a plant. Excess soil
can be shaken off, or washed off carefully if water is available.
Mosses and lichens should also be taken whole. Where they grow in mats a good handful should
be removed. Ideally the specimen should be pure, not mixed with other species. Sometimes it is
necessary to pick out individual plants one by one. In this case at least half a dozen to a dozen
specimens should be taken. Mosses and lichens growing in cushions or clumps, or closely growing
on the substrate should be cut away with some of the substrate. Thus the specimen consists of bark,
rotting wood, soil, humus and so on as well as the plant. This ensures that the growth form of the
plant is retained. Soil can be removed much more easily once the specimen has dried. Again "clean"
specimens containing only one species should be aimed at, though this is sometimes impossible. If
fruiting bodies are available, these too should be collected or identification may be impossible.
When taking the whole plant is out of the question, specimens containing all essential features (all
leaf types, twigs, flowers, fruits and so on) must be cut from the plant. If the species is a large herb
such as a thistle, the specimen should include basal leaves as well as enough stem to show the range
of stem leaves and flowering and fruiting material. Shrubs and old and new twigs, buds where
possible and fruit and/or flowers. If lower and upper leaves are different, or there is significant
variation between a shaded and unshaded side of a tree, then collections should be made from both.
To minimize damage to parent trees and to specimens, twigs should always be cut off cleanly with
a sharp knife or pruners. Breaking the twig can strip the bark and ruin a specimen or cause
unnecessary harm to the tree or shrub from which it was taken.
How to collect:
Ideally, collections of vascular plants should be put immediately into a field press, because this
produces the best looking specimens. A traditional field press is described by Savile (1979). Field
presses are rather bulky to carry around and may prove impractical in some cases. I use a collecting
scroll made of a rolled-up strip of plastic table covering. Starting at one end, the plants are rolled
into the scroll one by one. The collecting scroll is described by Bowles (1986).
Collecting into plastic bags is another option. A range of bag sizes should be available. Small plants
can be placed singly, or two or three together if necessary, in a suitably sized bag. Plastic bags are
not recommended for serious collecting because the risk of damaging the specimen is very great.
Petals are likely to be knocked off, and stems will almost certainly be bent or broken. Collecting
into a field press or a traditional vasculum, a sort of metal satchel, prevents this. The bag should
then be blown up by mouth and knotted to seal it, or use a zippered bag. Blowing up the bag adds
a small amount of moisture and helps to cushion the contents. Full bags can be carried in a larger
bag or rucksack. Care should be taken to keep collections as cool as possible and prevent them from
being crushed.
With each plant, and firmly attached to it if several plants are collected together, should be a label
bearing a collection number which corresponds to numbered notes in the collecting book. Jewelers
tags are an excellent means of labeling plants. The label is often left on the dried specimen, but can
be used again.
Mosses and lichens should always be collected in paper bags or envelopes. These have the advantage
of allowing the plant to be dried in the same bag. Notes can be written directly on the bag.
Notes to take:
Every specimen should be accompanied by comprehensive notes retained in a collecting note book.
These notes may not only aid in identification of the material, but will later be used to complete the
information on the herbarium label. It is far better to take too many notes than too few, and is
dangerous to trust information to memory, especially as there may often be several months or more
between collection and processing. The notes should contain the following information.
1. Collection number: This is a serial number specific to a collector and a specimen. The number
may start at 1 and continue through the collector's life time. Other people augment the serial number
with notes of name, place, date and so on. For example, JS/ONT/82/237 may be specimen #237
collected by John Smith in Ontario in 1982. This kind of number is sometimes easier to interpret,
and new numbers can be started for new collections.
2. The name of the plant: This is important as it helps the collector remember the individual
specimen even if the labels are accidently lost or mixed. Even if the collector has no idea what the
specimen is, it is sometimes useful to give a completely arbitrary name such as "Lacy Moss" or "Big
Leaf". This has a double advantage in vegetation surveys in that this name can then be applied to
other specimens of the same species if they are encountered before the material has been identified.
This way there is no need to collect the plant more than once or try to remember if it is "Unknown
#34" or "Unknown #35"
3. Locality: This should be as detailed as possible, including the name of towns, roads lakes and
so on in the vicinity, as well as Township, County or District. The latitude and longitude or the
UTM Grid Reference and Map Number are also important. Handheld GPS units make recording
accurate locations much easier than it used to be.
4. Description: This should include everything about the plant that is not obvious on the
herbarium specimen. Essential items are the height, type of bark, whether the stem is upright,
sprawling or drooping, obvious smells, whether the plant is clumped, single or growing in patches,
and the presence of creeping or underground stems. Flower and fruit colour should also be noted
as these often fade on dried specimens.
5. Habitat: This should include the general habitat as well as more specific details of micro-habitat.
Important points are type of soil or other substrate (sand, clay, granite, dead wood, other vegetation),
associated species, moisture and aspect (fully exposed on a south facing bank; in a damp hollow
under dense scrub, etc). The more careful and detailed such notes are the more useful they become.
6. Date.
7. Names of collector(s).
8. Notes: Space should be left to note the name of the person who makes the final determination
(identification), the date on which it is made and the place were the specimen is sent or stored. The
receiving herbarium will add their own accession number to the specimen.
Some herbaria and professional collectors have form-style collecting books with printed serial
numbers. Carbon copies of field notes are made on perforated pages. These pages are torn out and
placed with specimens when they are pressed. The original is retained in the notebook and kept for
records. Even without a printed notebook, collecting and note taking can be done very efficiently
if a constant format is used.
Pressing and drying vascular plants:
The most important thing to do with freshly collected material is to dry it out as fast as possible. This
prevents fungal infections and preserves colour.
Vascular plants must be pressed and dried as soon as possible after they are collected. Usually this
means that plants should be pressed the day they are collected. It is an important aspect of plant
collecting that enough time be left at the end of the day to process the specimens. If this includes
identification, this stage may be quite slow . When plants have to be left overnight they should be
put in a cool place. Sometimes woody specimens can be placed in water for a day or so to force buds
or restore wilting leaves.
The plant press:
The plant press is designed so that plants can be dried quickly while being pressed flat. It consists
of two cross-slatted wooded frames about the size of a folded newspaper. Plant specimens are laid
in folded newspaper between layers of blotter, foam sheets and corrugated cardboard. The
newspaper provides a folder for the plant. The paper, blotter and foam draw the moisture away from
the specimen. The cardboard allows air circulation within the press to speeds up the drying process,
and helps keep the specimens flat. Plants in their newspaper folders are piled in layers of
alternating padding and cardboard on one of the wooden frames. When laying out of the specimens
is complete, the second frame is laid on top of the pile which is compressed and strapped as tightly
as possible with two adjustable straps. Standing on the press while you fasten the straps helps get
them properly tight. You have to be a bit of a acrobat to do this by yourself, but it is quite possible.
The press is then placed to dry in warm (not hot), dry, circulating air. After 24 hours the paper and
blotters should be changed to enhance the drying process. The straps have to be tightened
periodically as the plant material shrinks. After this, the specimens may be left undisturbed for
several months or weeks until they are completely dry. Often the press will be emptied soon after
the specimens are dry, so that the card, blotters and foam can be reused. Dried specimens can be
stored and transported in their newspaper folders in a cardboard carton.
Herbaria have special drying cabinets in which the presses are dried. In the field drying is not so
easy, but it should have priority as specimens are easily ruined if they remain damp. A press left
upright on a rock, or kept on a car roof rack, where air can circulate will dry much faster than one
left lying in a tent, vehicle or room. Heaters in motel rooms on low heat can also be pressed into
effective service. However drying specimens too fast can result in scorching and shriveling. Portable
driers that use light bulbs or candel lanterns for heat are rather bulky, but a good idea if space and
weight are not a problem. For fuller information on drying and maintaining presses see Savile
Laying out the specimens for pressing:
Two important points should be borne in mind when plants are prepared for the press. These are i)
that the dried specimen should fit neatly onto a standard herbarium sheet of 420 x 297 mm and ii)
that as many features as possible should be visible on the mounted specimen.
There are a number of tips which, if followed, will help towards producing attractive and worthwhile
mounted material. With experience, all collectors develop their own techniques.
If a specimen is too tall to fit in the press or on the herbarium sheet, make a zig-zag bend in the
stem. This shortens the effective length of the specimen without any of the material being lost.
Plants with many long, narrow leaves such as grasses will bend and press more neatly if a piece of
paper with a slit in it is placed over the elbow of the bend to hold all the leaves together.
Too many leaves on a herbarium sheet look untidy and can obscure detail. Where it can be done
without destroying information, snip off some of the leaves, but ALWAYS leave part of the petiole
so that it is evident that leaves have been removed.
Branches that are not naturally flat can be made easier to press if the angles or twigs are bent in the
appropriate direction before the plant is laid on the newspaper. Care should be taken not actually
to sever twigs or leaves.
The specimen should be laid out so that there is minimum of overlap between parts. Sometimes this
involves spreading the plant unnaturally. Start near the folded edge of the newspaper and hold the
parts in the desired position. Fold over enough newspaper to cover these parts and hold it down with
the flat of the hand. Then move to the next portion of the plant, arrange it and fold down a few more
centimeters of newspaper. Continue until all the newspaper is folded down and the flats of two hands
can cover the whole sheet. You will find that you sometimes need all three hands as well as your
chin for this process, but it will be worth it when you finally see the specimen mounted.
When stems are very thick they can be sliced lengthwise so that they are less bulky. Leaves of plants
with thick stems do not always get sufficiently pressed and may tend to wrinkle. Using foam sheets
helps prevent this because the foam molds itself around the specimen and ensures an even pressure
throughout. The end of woody stems should be sliced diagonally so that the colour of the wood and
pith are displayed.
Leaves or petals which have wilted, or are folded over, will not always lie flat for pressing. A piece
of wet newspaper will "stick" them in place. By the time the newspaper is dry the leaf will have
stabilized and cause no more trouble. On every mount, the back of at least one leaf should always
be visible. Sometimes this involves twisting a petiole to obtain the desired effect.
If there are several flowers on a specimen, some should always be pressed open and flat so that the
inside is displayed. This can usually be achieved by careful, deliberate pressure with the thumb
before the newspaper is folded shut.
Loose seeds and fruit can be placed in a small paper packet and pressed with the specimen. Later this
packet will be glued to the herbarium sheet. Some conifers loose most of their needles on dried
specimens. Once the material is dried, the needles can be shaken off and placed in a packet.
Once plants are pressed, changing the paper after the first 24 hours not only enhances drying, but
allows the collector to make cosmetic adjustments to the specimen while it is still supple. Folded
leaves are the main problem. These can be prised open with a mounted needle and pressed flat the
second time round. Sometimes petals stick to the newspaper as they dry and are impossible to
remove without damage once they have become brittle. Changing the newspaper before the flower
has dried completely helps to prevent this.
Pressing plants can be a long and laborious process. It will take considerably less time if you avoid
reading all the advertisements and news items in the old newspapers. Sometimes, however, these
can help considerably in elevating boredom!
A specimen without a label is worthless.
Mounting specimens:
Once material is pressed and thoroughly dried, it is mounted on herbarium sheets. The standard size
for these sheets is 420 x 297 mm. They should be made from stiff , acid-free, paper or cardboard of
good quality so that they will not turn yellow or crack with age.
Specimens should be laid on the sheet in an attractive, space-filling way. Space should be left in the
lower right hand corner for the herbarium label. The sheet should be as full as possible without
being crowded. When the arrangement is satisfactory, the specimen may be stuck to the sheet.
Traditional methods require pasting the plant onto the sheet and reinforcing it with strips of tape or
plastic stripping. The disadvantages are that pasting does not allow easy removal of parts for
examination; tape is unsightly and may obscure important details; the ingredients for plastic
stripping are highly carcinogenic, and in the presence of moth balls the plastic may become tacky.
One easy, cheap, efficient and attractive method of mounting plants is to use special herbarium glue.
. This is a white glue contains no ingredients which are likely to harm or alter the specimen, it is
strong, and dries transparent. Elmers Glue-all is not quite as good, but makes a reasonable
substitute. It can be dabbed along stems, through roots, under leaves and below flowers and it dries
in less than an hour. Specimens should be glued so that there are no loose parts and then dried flat
with weights where necessary.
Many herbaria have their own preferred method of mounting specimens and prefer to mount material
themselves. Before you donate material check with the herbarium.
The label:
Most herbaria have printed labels about 8 x 10 cm which are filled in and glued to each herbarium
sheet. A typical label is shown on the next page. Such a label provides room for all the essential
information noted by the collector at the time of gathering, plus a catalogue number for the plant in
the herbarium register. Most herbaria now keep specimen records in a database and have programs
which create labels automatically. Before collecting and donating specimens to a herbarium, you
should find out the field names, sizes and codes for the database they use so that you can provide
information in a consistent format.
Mosses and Lichens:
If mosses and lichens have been collected in paper bags or packets, they can be spread out to air dry
either on or in the packets. Some of the larger species should be pressed lightly in a newspaper
folder so that they are not so bulky when packaged, but mosses and lichens should never be placed
in a press for vascular plants. Although mosses are not particularly susceptible to mold if they are
allowed to remain damp, they may continue to grow in the package, and the new growth is often very
different from normal tissue and may confuse the identification.
PLANTS OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locality: Lat: Long:
Collector: #: Date:
Det. by: Date:
Bryophytes do not need to be pressed to prevent their wilting because soaking the dried specimen
in water will restore it to its original form, and may even allow growth to re-continue. Lichens are
changed very little on drying.
Herbarium packets:
Once moss and lichen specimens are dry they may be stored permanently in specially made
herbarium packets. These should be made of good quality, 100% rag, 21 x 27 cm bond paper that
will not yellow or become brittle. This paper is folded as shown in Figure 3. If the packets are folded
around a 10 x15 cm index card they will be stiffer and of uniform size. They may be stored in card
index boxes or shoe boxes. Information may be written directly on the front of the envelope or on
an herbarium label pasted onto it. The advantages of these packets over paper bags or commercial
envelopes is that they can be opened flat for examination of the specimen.
The specimen:
Before identification of a plant can begin it is necessary to have the best possible specimen. Nearly
all classifications and keys are based on the sexual parts of the plant (the flowers and the fruit). One
of the main reasons for this is that floral parts tend to remain much more stable through time and
under different environmental conditions than do the vegetative parts, and they better reflect the true
relationships of plants. However, all parts, including underground organs may be needed for
positive identification. A flower and a leaf would not be enough if the key called for stem and root
characters. Notes about the plant should provide details of habit, growth form and so on (see Chapter
1). Bryophyte and lichen specimens should include capsules and fruiting bodies where possible.
It is best to use fresh material for identification. When this is out of the question and preserved
specimens have to be identified, the importance of good pressing and mounting techniques will be
made very clear.
Equipment needed:
The most obvious need is a good reference book or books. The best books have at least elementary
keys. Line drawings or detailed paintings are more useful than most professional taxonomists would
care to admit. Colour photographs, although attractive, and showing the plant in its natural habitat,
are often next to useless because they cannot show the range of detail which can be incorporated into
a drawing.
Another essential piece of equipment is a hand lens, dissecting microscope, or some kind of
magnifier. Even on large plants with big flowers, some of the features are very small and positive
decisions can only be made if all the features are clearly visible.
Other equipment, although not vital, will make life easier. Included in this category are very fine
forceps, two mounted needles and a sharp scalpel or razor blade. In addition, lichens may be
impossible to identify without three chemicals and droppers for spot testing. These chemicals are
concentrated potassium hydroxide, calcium hyperchlorite (bleach) and phenylenediamine. Clear
instructions for making up these chemicals are given in Hale (1980). As most bryological keys are
based on cell characteristics, determinations are limited unless a compound microscope, glass slides,
cover slips and a stain such as methylene blue are available. Obviously this equipment cannot be
carried in the field, and many bryophytes, once they are known, can be recognized under a hand lens.
One very useful piece of equipment which is, unfortunately, not always available, is an
experienced botanist who knows the flora and can confirm identifications. Botanists usually
have a stock of salient features by which they can recognize plants even without flowers or fruit.
These characters are not always clearly stated in reference books. It follows that a note book and
pencil will always prove useful.
Apart from flipping through a picture book or asking a expert, keys are the most direct way of
identifying plants. A botanical key is a series of specially arranged statements. Working through
a key separates plants with and without keys characters and gradually narrows down the number of
possibilities. Eventually, if all goes well, the number of possibilities is reduced to one and the
specimen is identified. A very simple example, based on Gleason (1978) illustrates the principle of
a key. It relies on the fact that Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora L.) is the only North American
species without chlorophyll and with a singular, regular flower:
Plant without green colour
Flowers regular, radially symmetric
Flowers solitary, one to a stem ..............................Indian pipe
Flowers several on each stem ......................... Some other species
Flowers irregular ......................................... Some other species
Plant with green colour .............................................All other species
This is an indented key and probably the most common type used in floras. Each pair of mutually
exclusive sentences is printed in the same column, beginning with the same word. When the pair
is far apart on the same page or on different pages a letter is used in front of each statement so that
both members of a pair are easily recognized. Indentation continues with each successive sentence
until the end point is reached.
Another type of key uses the same principle, of pairs of statements, but they are arranged
differently. Statements are numbered and lettered (83a, 83b), and are printed together. At the end
of each statement is another number which indicates the next pair of statements to be considered.
This type is of key is used particularly when long descriptions or pictures are included in the key.
Sometimes both sorts of keys are combined.
Keys in which only one character at a time is considered are called monothetic. They are of limited
use because sometimes the character in question is not visible. Most keys are polythetic where
possible and contain statements which consider a number of characters.
Keys can be extremely frustrating to use at first. They may call for features which your specimen
does not have, or demand a decision on pairs of statements like:
Stem more or less hairy, sometimes not.
Stem hairless or nearly so.
Sometimes an educated guess has to be made and steps retraced if the first choice leads nowhere.
To find that a species description bears no resemblance to a carefully keyed out specimen can be very
discouraging. Nevertheless, keys are the quickest and most accurate means of identifying unknown
plants. Use of keys becomes easier with practice and familiarity. Careful examination of the
specimen and full consideration of both statements always makes key use easier. Finding that a
particularly difficult specimen actually matches its description is a reward in itself.
Technical terms:
One of the main reasons why keys and plant identification guides appear so difficult to use is
because of the large number of technical terms involved. This is unavoidable. Any subject in any
field is filled with technical terms, and in order to master the subject, the terms must be understood.
The purpose of using such terms is not, as you might suppose, to confuse the masses, but to be very
precise about descriptions. The following passage from Mark Twain "A Tramp Abroad" , taken
from Crum (1976) superbly illustrates the need for special terms in order to precisely describe
harnessing a horse:
"The man stands up the horses on each side of the thing that projects from the front end of
the wagon, throws the gear on top of the horses, and passes the thing that goes forward
through a ring, and hauls it aft, and passes the other thing through the other ring and hauls
it aft on the other side of the horse, opposite to the first one, after crossing them and
bringing the loose end back and then buckles the other thing underneath the horse, and takes
another thing and wraps it around the thing I spoke of before, and puts the other thing over
each horse's head, and puts the iron thing in its mouth, and brings the ends of these things
aft over his back, after buckling another one round under his neck, and hitching another
thing on the thing that goes over his shoulders, and then takes the slack out of the thing I
mentioned a while ago and fetches it aft and makes it fast to the thing that pulls the wagon,
and hands the other thing up to the driver."
The great thing is not to be afraid of new terms, and to learn to feel comfortable using them.
All floras have their own glossaries. Although it may be slow work to start with, you will soon
become familiar with the more common terms. Appendix II defines and illustrates some of the more
common descriptive terms used in keys and floras. The structure of plants and names of parts is also
Unidentifiable plants:
Some plants do not seem to be identifiable even if they are carefully keyed out and all the essential
parts are present. These plants should be sent to an expert for determination. If a likely candidate
is not known locally, the specimen will have to be sent away. It may be sent directly to a local
herbarium, but usually it pays to find out who is the best person to identify the particular plant or
plants you have, and whether they would be willing to do your determinations. Sometimes this
service has to be paid for, but usually it is done free if the specimen is donated to the person or
Other specimens are unidentifiable because they are incomplete. Usually the best method is to
compare the unknown with all the known plants of the same survey and see if the characters match.
A local expert may recognize the specimen, but usually botanists and herbarium staff are unwilling
to tackle incomplete specimens. In the last resort the species may have to remain unknown and
appear as "Carex sp." or "Moss 83" in reports.
Black, D. (1979) Carl Linnaeus Travels. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. pp 108.
Borror, D.J. (1960) Dictionary of word roots and combining forms. Mayfield, Pale Alto, California.
pp 134.
Bowles J.M. (1986) The collecting scroll: a practical alternative to the field press. The Plant Press
4 (3): 74-75.
Crum, H. (1976) Mosses of the Great Lakes forest. University Herbarium, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
pp 404.
Gleason, H.A. (1978) The new Britton and Brown illustrated flora of the northeastern United States
and adjacent Canada. Volume 1. Hafner Press, New York. pp 482.
Hale, M.E. (1980) How to know the mosses and lichens. Wm. C. Brown CO., Dubuque, Iowa. pp
Kastner, J. (1978) A world of naturalists. John Murray Ltd., London. pp 350.
Radford, A.E., W.C. Dickison, J.R. Massey and C.R. Bell (1974) Vascular plant systematics. Harper
and Row, New York. pp 891.
Savile, D.B.O. (1973) Collection and care of botanical specimens. (2nd Edition). Agriculture
Canada, Research Branch, Publication ~113. pp 128.
The majority of specific epithets are a description of some aspect of the plant. Often the epithet
is a composite of two words: a descriptive prefix pertaining to colour, number, shape and so on, and
a suffix, usually the name of the part referred to. Other epithets consist of a single word relating to
habitat, size, locality, season and so on. Below are some of the more common words found in
species names. The letters G. or L. refer to the Greek or Latin origin of the word. For more
comprehensive lists see Radford et al. (1979) or Borror (1960).
Words pertaining to number
uni- one L.
mono- one G.
bi- two L.
di- two G.
tri- three G.
quadri- four L.
tetra- four G.
quinque- five L.
penta- five G.
sex- six L.
hexa- six G.
septem- seven L.
hepta- seven G.
octo- eight G., L.
novem- nine L.
ennea- nine G., L.
decem- ten L.
deca- ten G.
haplo- single G.
diplo- double G.
pauci- few L.
oligo- few G.
multi- many L.
poly- many G.
Words pertaining to shape and size
angusti- narrow L.
brachy- short G.
brevi- short L.
fill- thread-like L.
fimbri- thread-like G.
glosso- toungue-like G.
grandi- big L.
hetero- different G.
lepto- slender G.
longi- long G.
lanci- lance-shaped L.
lati- wide, broad L.
macro- big, giant G.
mega- very big G.
micro- small G.
ovi- egg-shaped L.
pachy- thick G.
parvi- small L.
platy- wide, broad L.
tenui- slender, thin L.
aeneus brassy, bronze
albus white
aureus golden yellow
brunnescens becoming brown
candidus shining white
flavus yellow
glaucus bluish grey
lividus lead coloured
luteus deep yellow
niger black
purpureus purple
roseus pink, rosy
rubus red
rufus reddish
violaceus violet
virens green
agrestis of cultivation
alpinus of the Alps
aquaticus of water
campestris of fields
fluviatilis of rivers
fontinalis of springs
lacustris of lakes
littoralis of shores
maritimus of the sea
montanus of mountains
nemorosus of woodlands
palustris of marshes
pratensis of meadows
riparius of river banks
saltuensis of forests
sativis of cultivation
sylvaticus of woods
terrestris of dry ground
aborescens tree like
erectus erect
fruticosus shrubby
patens spreading
procumbens flat, sprawling
repens creeping
reptans creeping
stoloniferus with stolons