Premium Support Scheme
Information guide
This guide provides details of the Australian
Government Premium Support Scheme (PSS)
Effective from 1 July 2020
The Premium Support Scheme is an Australian Government
scheme that helps eligible medical practitioners with the
cost of their professional indemnity insurance. MDA National
Insurance Pty Ltd (MDA National) administers the PSS for its
members on behalf of the Government. The subsidy amounts
are payable for each premium year to MDA National who
provide cover to you.
Please note that the current PSS applies to contracts of insurance made with
MDA National on or after 1 July 2020. Updates have been made to reflect changes
to the Medical Indemnity Subsidy Scheme effective 1 July 2021. If your contract of
insurance was made prior to 1 July 2020, the old PSS applies. For information on the
previous PSS please refer here.
Who is eligible
You may be eligible for the PSS if you
are an eligible medical practitioner for a
premium year and if you have a contract
of insurance with MDA National providing
cover for that year and one of the
following applies.
You have substantial insurance costs
for the premium period
This means if your gross indemnity costs
for the period exceed 7.5% of your private
practice income for the period. Your gross
indemnity costs include:
a) the indemnity premium, excluding any
risk surcharge;
b) any membership fee from MDA
National; and
c) any costs payable by you to MDA
National for retroactive cover or
run-off cover.
Gross indemnity costs DO NOT include:
GST or stamp duty on your contract
with MDA National;
capital contributions required from
you under MDA National rules;
payment of excess or deductibles;
costs for earlier premium periods;
charges imposed by an insurer for late
payment including premium, (excluding
any risk surcharge), membership fee,
and costs by you for retroactive cover
or run-off cover); or
any amount of premium for a policy
that primarily covers the employees
of a medical practitioner or an entity
that runs a medical practice (being a
company, partnership or other entity).
Your private practice income for a
premium year is the total of the gross
income received by you for your private
medical practice for which MDA National
provides cover or you are personally
liable for. It does not matter where the
private practice income is received from.
Private practice income includes:
Medicare benefits assigned to you;
payments by individual patients;
Veterans Affairs payments;
workers compensation scheme
payments by insurers for injuries.
You are a procedural general
practitioner practising in a rural area
This means you paid or are liable to pay a
premium for professional indemnity cover
with MDA National for that premium
period and:
where your practice includes any of
the following activities:
administration of anaesthetic;
a surgical procedure for which
hospital facilities are or would
normally be required;
an obstetric procedure;
accident and emergency medicine;
an invasive medical procedure,
except for the admission of
Implanon; and
most of the services provided by
you in the relevant period for which
medical benefits are payable under
the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth),
are provided in Monash Medical Model
(MMM) 3 to 7 as classified by the
Australian Government Department
of Health.
Note: If you practised in a rural area and
were eligible for a subsidy under the
previous PSS prior to 1 July 2020, you will
remain eligible if you continue to practice
in the same area from 1 July 2020 to
the end of the relevant period of the
application. Please note, if you move your
practice from this location, you will lose
your grandfathered eligibility. However, if
you move to a new rural or remote MMM
(3 to 7) area, you will be eligible under
the new MMM arrangements.
You qualified under the Australian
Government's Medical Indemnity
Subsidy Scheme (MISS)
If you received a subsidy under MISS for
the premium period ending 30 June 2020,
you will need to make an application
under the PSS for the premium period
commencing 1 July 2021 as the MISS
ceases to operate from this date.
Who is Not Eligible
You are not eligible for the PSS if you
are a medical practitioner in the
following scenarios:
Nil private practice income
your private practice income for the
premium period is nil.
Note: if your only practice in the premium
period is in the public sector and your
contract with MDA National provides
for retroactive and/or run-off cover only
in relation to incidents in the course of
your past private practice from which you
derived income, you may be eligible for
the PSS.
Low private practice income
The majority of your practice in the
premium period involves:
the treatment of public patients in
one or more public hospitals; and
your private practice income for the
premium year containing the period
is less than $1000; and
you are not indemnified in your
private medical practice under an
agreement with an organisation that
operates one or more public hospitals
that allows you to carry out private
medical practice in the period.
Practising outside Australia
in a premium year, you have practised
outside Australia and the external
territories for at least 6 months of
that year (counting as practice any
leave taken in the ordinary course
of practice).
Note: your overseas practice will not affect
your eligibility if it involves treatment of
Australian citizens or residents while on
a sporting, cultural or official tour, or any
aid work undertaken outside Australia as
this will be deemed to be practice within
Subsidy not paid
you have not paid MDA National or
another insurer for a subsidy that
MDA National or that insurer must
repay and MDA National or that
insurer has requested you repay
the amount.
How to apply
MDA National invites Members to
participate in the PSS prior to each
premium year. Eligible Members will
receive a PSS subsidy as a reduction
in their premium. You will need to fully
complete and return the PSS Estimate
Application form to elect to participate
in the PSS for each premium year. The
application form is available on the
Downloads section of our website
Application for advanced subsidy
Members wishing to participate in the
PSS prior to or during the premium
year must complete the PSS Estimate
Application form and include their
estimated gross indemnity costs for the
following premium year. If they meet
the eligibility criteria they will receive
an advance subsidy. The advance PSS
subsidy may be applied on the initial
offer of insurance or renewal if the
application is received prior to the offer
or renewal being generated. Otherwise, if
the premium is paid in full a refund will
be issued.
In the application form, you will be
required to confirm whether, if you are
eligible, you are willing for the PSS to
be paid to MDA National to help you
meet the cost of purchasing medical
indemnity insurance.
For the subsidy to be paid, you will need
to give information to MDA National
about your private practice income for
the relevant period, among other details.
You will also need to provide the Chief
Executive Officer of Medicare information
about your private practice income for the
relevant period, amongst other details.
If an over-payment of the subsidy is made
to MDA National, you will need to pay
us the amount we must pay to cover the
repayment of that amount.
Application after premium year
Once your actual gross indemnity costs
and private practice income are known,
you are required to complete and return
a statutory declaration to us disclosing
these figures within 12 months of the end
of the premium year.
Failure to provide a statutory declaration
within the deadline will mean that you
cease to be eligible for the PSS payment
for that premium year and you will be
required to repay the full subsidy to
MDA National.
How the PSS is calculated
Any Member who meets the basic
eligibility criteria (not taking into account
the procedural general practitioner
eligibility) qualifies for the PSS calculated
as follows:
60% of the amount by which your gross
indemnity costs (your premium) exceeds
7.5% of your private practice income.
For example:
Estimated or actual
private practice income
Gross indemnity
costs excluding tax
Basic PSS calculation
7.5% of ppi $7,500
(Gross indemnity costs
and 7.5% of ppi)
PSS payment at 60%
of difference
Rural procedural general practitioner
If you are a general practitioner who
is liable to pay a higher premium for
medical indemnity cover for procedural
general practice in an area classified
as a MMM area 3 to 7 by the Australian
Government Department of Health, you
qualify for the PSS calculated as follows:
75% of the difference between your
gross indemnity costs and that amount
of the lowest gross indemnity costs for
that period for a non-procedural general
practitioner for that period, who has
professional indemnity cover with us, is
practising in the same State or Territory
and has the same private practice income
for the period in the same range as
determined by us.
For the purpose of calculating your gross
indemnity costs, we need to determine
if you perform procedures that are non-
therapeutic cosmetic in nature. That
is, the procedure is not a medical or
professional service described in the
general medical services table under
the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth), and
is not a health service specified in a
determination under section 3C(I) of that
Act (which is a mechanism for including
medical and professional services items
or classes of items in the General
Medical Services Table). If your gross
indemnity cover for procedural general
practice is increased solely to cover
your performance of non-therapeutic
cosmetic procedures, then the increase in
premium for the extended services is not
to be included in your premium for the
purposes of calculating your PSS subsidy.
Eligible on different grounds in
the same period
If you are eligible under the PSS on more
than one ground, the amount of the
subsidy is the greater of the amounts
under the applicable grounds.
Public sector calculation
If you are eligible because you only work
in the public sector and do not receive
income from private practice but have
run-off or retroactive cover for prior
private practice, your estimated or actual
private practice income will be zero. The
PSS calculation will be 60% of your gross
indemnity costs.
If you previously received a
MISS subsidy
If you previously received a subsidy under
the MISS you will be required to apply for
the PSS as the MISS ceases to operate
from 1 July 2021.
Use our PSS calculator to assist you in
determining your eligibility for the PSS.
Ceasing to be eligible
You will cease to be eligible for the
PSS if:
you fail to pay the premium for which
you are responsible within a premium
you have not provided a statutory
declaration confirming your actual
private practice income within the
timeframe specified;
you have not repaid any overpayment
of a PSS subsidy within the timeframe
you have an outstanding debt for an
overpayment of a PSS subsidy for a
previous premium period; or
MDA National or Medicare Australia
believe that inaccurate information
has been provided.
If you are deemed no longer eligible for
the PSS, you must repay to MDA National
any PSS subsidy that you are not entitled
to within the timeframe specified by us.
If you have any queries, please
contact our Member Services team
on 1800 011 255.
For more information on the PSS please
refer to the Australian Government
Department of Health website.
The MDA National Group is made up of MDA National Limited ABN 67 055 801 771 and MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (MDA National Insurance)
ABN 56 058 271 417 AFS Licence No. 238073. Insurance products are underwritten by MDA National Insurance. Before making a decision to buy or
hold any products issued by MDA National Insurance, please consider your personal circumstances, and read the Product Disclosure Statement
and Policy Wording available at 214.13
1800 011 255