Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
August 2020
Risk, resilience,
and rebalancing
in global
value chains
McKinsey Global Institute
Since its founding in 1990, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has sought to develop a
deeper understanding of the evolving global economy. As the business and economics
research arm of McKinsey & Company, MGI aims to help leaders in the commercial,
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MGI research combines the disciplines of economics and management, employing the
analytical tools of economics with the insights of business leaders. Our “micro-to-macro”
methodology examines microeconomic industry trends to better understand the broad
macroeconomic forces affecting business strategy and public policy. MGI’s in-depth
reports have covered more than 20 countries and 30 industries. Current research
focuses on six themes: productivity and growth, natural resources, labor markets, the
evolution of global financial markets, the economic impact of technology and innovation,
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of global competition, Chinese innovation, and digital and financial globalization.
MGI is led by three McKinsey & Company senior partners: co-chairs James Manyika and
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Jan Mischke, Sree Ramaswamy, Jaana Remes, Jeongmin Seong, and Tilman Tacke are
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addition, leading economists, including Nobel laureates, advise MGI research.
This report contributes to MGI’s mission to help business and policy leaders understand
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with all MGI research and reports, this work is independent and reflects our own views.
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Risk, resilience,
and rebalancing in
global value chains
Susan Lund, Washington, DC
James Manyika, San Francisco
Jonathan Woetzel, Shanghai
Ed Barriball, Washington, DC
Mekala Krishnan, Boston
Knut Alicke, Stuttgart
Michael Birshan, London
Katy George, New Jersey
Sven Smit, Amsterdam
Daniel Swan, Stamford
Kyle Hutzler, Washington, DC
August 2020
Manufactured goods take lengthy and complex journeys through global value chains as raw
materials and intermediate inputs are turned into the final products that reach consumers.
But global production networks that took shape to optimize costs and efficiency often
contain hidden vulnerabilities—and external shocks have an uncanny way of finding and
exploiting those weaknesses. In a world where hazards are occurring more frequently and
causing greater damage, companies and policy makers alike are reconsidering how to make
global value chains more resilient. All of this is occuring against a backdrop of changing cost
structures across countries and growing adoption of revolutionary digital technologies in
global manufacturing.
Applying MGI’s micro-to-macro methodology, this report considers the issues and investment
choices facing individual companies as well as the implications for global value chains, trade,
and national economies. It builds on a large multiyear body of MGI research on topics such
as global value chains and flows, manufacturing, digitization, and climate risk. This includes
major reports such as Manufacturing the future (2012), Global flows in a digital age (2014),
Digital globalization (2016), Making it in America (2017), Globalization in transition (2019),
and Climate risk and response (2020), among others. This work also draws on McKinsey’s
on-the-ground experience in operations, supply chain management, and risk across
multiple industries.
Our past research highlights important structural changes in the nature of globalization;
goods producing value chains have become less trade-intensive, even as cross-border
services are increasing. The share of global trade based on labor-cost arbitrage has been
declining over the last decade and global value chains are becoming more knowledge-
intensive and reliant on high-skill labor. Finally, goods-producing value chains are becoming
more regionally concentrated. This report extends that research to better understand supply
chain risk and resiliency. While the COVID pandemic has delivered the biggest and broadest
value chain shock in recent memory, it is only the latest in a series of disruptions that has
exposed value chains and companies to damages.
The research was led by SusanLund, an MGI partner based in Washington, DC;
JamesManyika, MGI’s co-chair, based in San Francisco; JonathanWoetzel, an MGI director
based in Shanghai; EdBarriball, a Washington, DC–based partner who specializes in
manufacturing, supply chain, and logistics; MekalaKrishnan, an MGI senior fellow, based in
Boston; KnutAlicke, a Stuttgart-based partner with expertise in manufacturing and supply
chains; MichaelBirshan, a London-based senior partner who focuses on strategy and risk;
KatyGeorge, a New Jersey–based senior partner with expertise in manufacturing, operations
strategy, and operating model design; SvenSmit, MGI’s co-chair, based in Amsterdam;
and DanSwan, who leads McKinsey’s global supply chain practice. The project team, led
by KyleHutzler, included BaderAlmubarak, DjavanehBierwirth, MackenzieDonnelly,
DhirajKumar, KarolMansfeld, PalakPujara, and StephanieStefanski. HenryMarcil also
provided leadership, insight, and support.
Many McKinsey colleagues contributed to this effort, and our research benefited
immensely from their industry expertise and perspectives. We are grateful to IngoAghte,
EmreAkgul, AykutAtali, XavierAzcue, CengizBayazit, StefanBurghardt, OndrejBurkacky,
AnaCalvo, BobCantow, StephenChen, JeffreyCondon, AlanDavies, ArnavDey,
ReedDoucette, HillaryDukart, ElenaDumitrescu, PhilDuncan, KimElphinstone, AnkitFadia,
IgnacioFelix, TacyFoster, KevinGoering, ArvindGovindarajan, PaulHackert, WillHan,
PhilippHärle, LizHempel, DrewHorah, ToreJohnston, RoosKarssemeijer, PeteKimball,
TimKoller, VikKrishnan, RandyLim, Karl-HendrikMagnus, YogeshMalik, AdrianMartin,
BrendenMcKinney, Ricardo Moya-Quiroga, MikeParkins, ParagPatel, FernandoPerez,
ii McKinsey Global Institute
MoiraPierce, JoseMariaQuiros, SreeRamaswamy, RafaelRivera, SeanRoche, PeterRussell,
PaulRutten, JulianSalguero, HamidSamandari, EmilyShao, SmritiSharma, AnnaStrigel,
KrishSuryanarayan, NicoleSzlezak, VaibhavTalwar, and BillWiseman.
We would also like to thank LauraTyson, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School
at Haas School ofBusiness, University of California, Berkeley, who served as our academic
adviser. We also thank VinodSinghal, Charles W. Brady Chair at the Georgia Tech Scheller
College of Business, and BrianJacobs, associate professor at the Pepperdine Graziadio
Business School, for their insights in the early stages of this effort.
This report was produced by MGI executive editor LisaRenaud, editorial production
manager JuliePhilpot, and senior graphic designers MarisaCarder and PatrickWhite. We
also thank our colleagues DennisAlexander, TimBeacom, NienkeBeuwer, LauraBrown,
AmandaCovington, CathyGui, PeterGumbel, ChristenHammersley, DeadraHenderson,
RichardJohnson, DaphneLautenberg, RachelMcClean, LaurenMeling, LaurenceParc,
RebecaRobboy, DanielleSwitalski, and KatieZnameroski for their contributions and support.
This report contributes to MGI’s mission to help business and policy leaders understand
risks our society and the global economy face and how to build resilience against them. As
with all MGI research, this work is independent, reflects our own views, and has not been
commissioned by any business, government, or other institution. We welcome your comments
on the research at MGI@mckinsey.com.
James Manyika
Director and Co-chair, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
San Francisco
Sven Smit
Director and Co-chair, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
Jonathan Woetzel
Director, McKinsey Global Institute
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
August 2020
iiiRisk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
© Out of the Box/Stocksy
In brief vi
Executive summary 1
1. Understanding shocks and evaluating exposure 21
2. Vulnerabilities within companies and value chains 33
3. The high cost of disruptions 51
4. Geographic rebalancing of trade flows 59
5. Building resilience 73
Technical appendix 87
Bibliography 95
In brief
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing
in global value chains
Intricate supplier networks that span
the globe can deliver with great
efficiency, but they may contain
hidden vulnerabilities. Even before
the COVID19 pandemic, a multitude
of events in recent years temporarily
disrupted production at many
companies. Focusing on value chains
that produce manufactured goods,
this research explores their exposure
to shocks, their vulnerabilities, and
their expected financial losses. We
also assess prospects for value chains
to change their physical footprint
in response to risk and evaluate
strategies to minimize the growing cost
of disruptions.
Shocks that affect global production
are growing more frequent and
more severe. Companies face a range
of hazards, from natural disasters
to geopolitical uncertainties and
cyberattacks on their digital systems.
Global flows and networks offer
more “surface area” for shocks to
penetrate and damage to spread.
Disruptions lasting a month or longer
now occur every 3.7 years on average,
and the financial toll associated with
the most extreme events has been
climbing. Shocks can be distinguished
by whether they can be anticipated,
how frequently they occur, the breadth
of impact across industries and
geographies, and the magnitude of
impact on supply and demand.
Value chains are exposed to
different types of shocks based
on their geographic footprint,
factors of production, and other
variables. Those with the highest trade
intensity and export concentration
in a few countries are more exposed
than others. They include some of
the highest-value and most sought-
after industries, such as communication
equipment, computers and electronics,
and semiconductors and components.
Many labor-intensive value chains,
such as apparel, are highly exposed to
pandemics, heat stress, and flood risk.
In contrast, food and beverage and
fabricated metals have lower average
exposure to shocks because they
are among the least traded and most
regionally oriented value chains.
Operational choices can heighten
or lessen vulnerability to shocks.
Practices such as just-in-time
production, sourcing from a single
supplier, and relying on customized
inputs with few substitutes amplify
the disruption of external shocks and
lengthen companies’ recovery times.
Geographic concentration in supply
networks can also be a vulnerability.
Globally, we find 180 traded products
(worth $134 billion in 2018) for which
a single country accounts for the vast
majority of exports.
Value chain disruptions cause
substantial financial losses. Adjusted
for the probability and frequency of
disruptions, companies can expect to
lose more than 40 percent of a year’s
profits every decade on average. But
a single severe event that disrupts
production for 100 days—something
that happens every five to seven
years on average—could erase almost
a year’s earnings in some industries.
Disruptions are costly to societies,
too: after disasters claim lives and
damage communities, production
shutdowns can cause job losses and
goods shortages. Resilience measures
could more than pay off for companies,
workers, and broader societies over
the long term.
The interconnected nature of value
chains limits the economic case for
making large-scale changes in their
physical location. Value chains often
span thousands of companies, and their
configurations reflect specialization,
access to consumer markets around
the world, long-standing relationships,
and economies of scale. Primarily
labor-intensive value chains (such as
apparel and furniture) have a strong
economic rationale for shifting to new
locations. Noneconomic pressures
may prompt movement in others, such
as pharmaceuticals. Considering
both industry economics and national
policy priorities, we estimate that 16
to 26 percent of global goods exports,
worth $2.9 trillion to $4.6 trillion, could
conceivably move to new countries
over the next five years if companies
restructure their supplier networks.
Building supply chain resilience
can take many forms beyond
relocating production. This includes
strengthening risk management
capabilities and improving
transparency; building redundancy
in supplier and transportation
networks; holding more inventory;
reducing product complexity; creating
the capacity to flex production across
sites; and improving the financial and
operational capacity to respond to
shocks and recover quickly from them.
Becoming more resilient does not have
to mean sacrificing efficiency. Our
research highlights the many options
for strengthening value chain resilience,
including opportunities arising from
new technologies. Where companies
cannot directly prevent shocks,
they can still position themselves to
reduce the cost of disruption and
the time it takes to recover. Companies
have an opportunity to emerge
from the current crisis more agile
and innovative.
Companies can build resilience by improving supply chain management
and transparency, minimizing exposure to shocks,
and building their capacity to respond
of one year's EBITDA
every decade.
Investing to minimize
these losses can pay
o over the long term
Companies can
expect to lose
Fragility in key areas
Demand planning and inventory
Supplier network structure
Transportation and logistics
Balance sheet
Product and portfolio complexity
Unexpected events that
cause disruption
Force majeure
Malicious actors
Value chain risk
Shock exposure
Supply chain disruptions are costly
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing
in global value chains
Less exposed More exposed
Food and
Some value chains are more exposed to shocks than others
Based on geographic footprint, factors of production, and other characteristics
4.9 years
3.7 years
2.8 years
2.0 years
2+ months
1–2 months
2–4 weeks
1–2 weeks
. . . occurs at
this interval
A disruption of
this length . . .
climate change
nancial crises
Acute climate
Supply chain shocks are becoming more frequent and severe
© Miguel Navarro/DigitalVision/Getty Images
In recent decades, value chains have grown in length and complexity as companies expanded
around the world in pursuit of margin improvements. Since 2000, the value of intermediate
goods traded globally has tripled to more than $10 trillion annually. Businesses that
successfully implemented a lean, global model of manufacturing achieved improvements in
indicators such as inventory levels, on-time-in-full deliveries, and shorter lead times.
However, these operating model choices sometimes led to unintended consequences if
they were not calibrated to risk exposure. Intricate production networks were designed for
efficiency, cost, and proximity to markets but not necessarily for transparency or resilience.
Now they are operating in a world where disruptions are regular occurrences. Averaging
across industries, companies can now expect supply chain disruptions lasting a month or
longer to occur every 3.7 years, and the most severe events take a major financial toll.
This report explores the rebalancing act facing many companies in goods-producing value
chains as they seek to get a handle on risk. Our focus is not on ongoing business challenges
such as shifting customer demand and suppliers failing to deliver, nor on ongoing trends
such as digitization and automation. Instead, we consider risks that manifest from exposure
to the most profound shocks, such as financial crises, terrorism, extreme weather, and,
yes, pandemics.
The risk facing any particular industry value chain reflects its level of exposure to different
types of shocks, plus the underlying vulnerabilities of a particular company or in the value
chain as a whole. We therefore examine the growing frequency and severity of a range of
shocks, assess how different value chains are exposed, and examine the factors in operations
and supply chains that can magnify disruption and losses. Adjusted for the probability and
frequency of disruptions, companies can expect to lose more than 40 percent of a year’s
profits every decade, based on a model informed by the financials of 325 companies across
13 industries. However, a single severe shock causing a 100-day disruption could wipe out
an entire year’s earnings or more in some industries—and events of this magnitude can and
do occur.
Recent trade tensions and now the COVID19 pandemic have led to speculation that
companies could shift to more domestic production and sourcing. We examined the feasibility
of movement based on industry economics as well as the possibility that governments might
act to bolster domestic production of some goods they deem essential or strategic from
a national security or competitiveness perspective. All told, we estimate that production of
some 16 to 26 percent of global trade, worth $2.9 trillion to $4.6 trillion, could move across
borders in the medium term. This could involve some combination of reverting to domestic
production, nearshoring, and shifting to different offshore locations.
Moving the physical footprint of production is only one of many options for building resilience,
which we broadly define as the ability to resist, withstand, and recover from shocks. In fact,
technology is challenging old assumptions that resilience can be purchased only at the cost
of efficiency. The latest advances offer new solutions for running scenarios, monitoring
many layers of supplier networks, accelerating response times, and even changing
the economics of production. Some manufacturing companies will no doubt use these tools
and devise other strategies to come out on the other side of the pandemic as more agile and
innovative organizations.
Executive summary
1Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
With shocks growing more frequent and severe, industry value chains
vary in their level of exposure
The COVID pandemic has delivered the biggest and broadest value chain shock in recent
memory (see BoxE1, “Globalization before and after COVID19”). But it is actually the latest
in a long series of disruptions. In 2011, for instance, a major earthquake and tsunami in Japan
shut down factories that produce electronic components for cars, halting assembly lines
worldwide. The disaster also knocked out the world’s top producer of advanced silicon wafers,
on which semiconductor companies rely. Just a few months later, flooding swamped factories
in Thailand that produced roughly a quarter of the world’s hard drives, leaving the makers of
personal computers scrambling. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey, a Category 4 storm, smashed
into Texas and Louisiana. It disrupted some of the largest US oil refineries and petrochemical
plants, creating shortages of key plastics and resins for a range of industries.
This is more than just a run of bad luck. Changes in the environment and in the global economy
are increasing the frequency and magnitude of shocks. Forty weather disasters in 2019
caused damages exceeding $1 billion each—and in recent years, the economic toll caused
by the most extreme events has been escalating.
As a new multipolar world takes shape,
we are seeing more trade disputes, higher tariffs, and broader geopolitical uncertainty.
The share of global trade conducted with countries ranked in the bottom half of the world for
political stability, as assessed by the World Bank, rose from 16 percent in 2000 to 29 percent
in 2018. Just as telling, almost 80 percent of trade involves nations with declining political
stability scores.
Increased reliance on digital systems increases exposure to a wide variety
of cyberattacks; the number of new ransomware variations alone doubled from 2018 to
Interconnected supply chains and global flows of data, finance, and people offer
more “surface area” for risk to penetrate, and ripple effects can travel across these network
structures rapidly.
To understand the full range of potential disruptions and avoid the trap of “fighting the last
war,” companies must look beyond the latest disaster. Not all shocks are created equal.
Some pass quickly, while others can sideline multiple industry players for weeks or even
months. Business leaders often characterize shocks in terms of their source. These may
include force majeure events, such as natural disasters; macropolitical shocks, such as
financial crises; the work of malicious actors, such as theft; and idiosyncratic shocks, such as
unplanned outages. But characteristics beyond the source of a shock determine its scope
and the severity of its impact on production and global value chains.
Exhibit E1 classifies different types of shocks based on their impact, lead time, and frequency
of occurrence. In a few cases, we show hypothetical shocks like a global military conflict or
a systemic cyberattack that would dwarf the most severe shocks experienced to date. While
these may be only remote possibilities, these scenarios are in fact studied and planned for
by governments and security experts. The impact of a shock can be influenced by how long
it lasts, the ripple effects it has across geographies and industries, and whether a shock hits
the supply side alone or also hits demand.
Eye of the Storm, “Earth’s 40 billion-dollar weather disasters of 2019,” Scientific American blog entry by Jeff Masters,
January 22, 2020; and Matteo Coronese et al., “Evidence for sharp increase in the economic damages of extreme natural
disasters,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 2019, Volume 116, Number 43.
World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators 2018 (political stability and absence of violence/terrorism).
Anthony Spadafora, “Ransomware mutations double in 2019,” TechRadar, August 20, 2019.
of global trade involves nations
with declining political stability
scores from the World Bank
McKinsey Global Institute
Digital globalization: The new era of global flows, McKinsey Global Institute, March 2016.
All of the structural trends described here are explored in Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2019.
Defined as exports from a country where GDP per capita is one-fifth that of the importing country or less. Even if we vary the ratio of GDP per capita of the exporter
and importer, we continue to see a decline in labor-cost arbitrage in value chains producing labor-intensive goods.
See Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2019.
Globalization before and after COVID‑19
Trade flows ultimately reflect where
countless companies decide to invest
and make, buy, or sell things—as well as
the intermediaries and arrangements
they set up to do this as productively as
possible. Trade in manufactured goods
soared in the 1990s and early 2000s,
propelled by China’s entry into the WTO
and the search by multinational
companies for lower-cost inputs and
wages. Digital communication lowered
transaction costs, enabling companies
to do business with suppliers and
customers halfway around the world.
Overall, goods trade grew at more than
twice the rate of global GDP growth
over this period. MGI’s analysis finds
that, over a decade, all types of flows
acting together have raised world GDP
by 10.1 percent over what would have
resulted in a world without any cross-
border flows.
The 2008 financial crisis interrupted
those trends, causing global trade flows
to plummet. When the global economy
recovered, they stabilized but did not
return to their past growth trajectory.
As described in MGI’s 2019 research,
this was largely because China and
other emerging economies reached
the next stage of their development.
They initially participated in global value
chains as assemblers of final goods, but
increasingly became the world’s major
engine of demand growth and started
to develop more extensive domestic
supply chains, decreasing their reliance
on imported inputs. As a result of
these developments, a smaller share of
the goods produced worldwide is sold
across borders.
The latest wave of manufacturing
technologies also meant shifting
dynamics within global value chains;
only 13 percent of overall goods trade
in 2018 involved exports from a low-
wage country to a high-wage country.
In all except the most labor-intensive
industries, companies started to base
location decisions on other factors,
including access to highly skilled talent,
supplier ecosystems, infrastructure,
business environment, and IP
protection. Another long-term evolution
is the regionalization of production
networks. Long-haul trade between
regions took off in the 1990s and
early 2000s as global supply chains
lengthened. But recently, trade has
become more regionally concentrated,
particularly within Europe and Asia
Pacific. This has enabled companies
to serve major markets quickly and
responsively. With rising complexity of
global production, as well as concerns
over trade disputes pre-COVID, supply
chain risk and resilience have also been
emerging as increasing considerations
on companies’ radars.
In the wake of the pandemic, travel,
tourism, and migration may take years
to return to previous levels. Trade in
goods has taken a substantial hit,
falling by 13 percent in the first three
months of 2020. But much of this is
due to a sharp contraction in demand
that should eventually reverse when
the virus is contained and economies
recover. In the meantime, cross-border
digital flows continue to take on greater
importance as the connective tissue of
the global economy.
COVID19 seems to be accelerating
some of the trends that were already
manifesting within the world’s value
chains, including the regionalization
of trade and production networks,
the growing role of digitization, and
the focus on proximity to consumers.
The increasing use of automation
technologies in manufacturing is
lessening the importance of low labor
costs—and more automated plants
could be more resilient in the face of
pandemics and heat waves (although
potentially more vulnerable to
Companies and governments alike
are reassessing the way goods flow
across borders, and they may still
make targeted adjustments to shore
up the places where they see fragility.
But the pandemic has not reshaped
the world’s production networks in
dramatic ways thus far. After all, global
value chains took on their current
structures over many years, reflecting
economic logic, hundreds of billions
of dollars’ worth of investment, and
long-standing supplier relationships.
A major multinational’s supplier
network may encompass thousands
of companies, each with its own
specialized contribution.
Tariffs and tax policies are often
used by governments to try to
shift where things are made. But
many considerations go into where
companies place manufacturing and
where they source. These include
growth in consumer demand, speed
to market, changing labor and
input costs, new technologies, and
the availability of specialized workforce
skills. Risk and resilience now feature
prominently on that list as well—and
even though the costs of risk are
growing, they do not imply the end of
globalization’s opportunities.
3Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
This analysis reveals four broad categories of shocks. Catastrophes are historically
remarkable events that cause trillions of dollars in losses. Some are foreseeable and
have relatively long lead times, while others are unanticipated. Shocks that offer at least
some degree of advance warning include financial crises, major military conflicts, and
pandemics such as the one gripping the world today. Another set of catastrophes includes
extreme weather, geophysical natural disasters, and major terrorist attacks. It may be
possible to anticipate the frequency and magnitude of these events by looking at larger
patterns and probabilities; hurricanes strike in the Gulf of Mexico every year, for example.
But the manifestation of a specific event can strike with little to no warning. This includes
some calamities that the world has avoided to date, such as a cyberattack on foundational
global systems.
Exhibit E1
Disruptions vary based on their severity, frequency, and lead time
and they occur
with regularity.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Meteoroid strike
Financial crisis
Acute climatological
event (hurricane)
Extreme terrorism
(eg, dirty bomb)
Acute climatological
event (heat wave)
(eg, supplier
Major geo-
Solar storm
Systemic cyberattack
Trade dispute
Foreseeable catastrophes
Magnitude of estimated cost of shock, $
10s of
100s of
billions Trillions
10s of
Ability to anticipate (lead time)
None Days Weeks Months or more
business disruptions
Unanticipated catastrophes
Foreseeable disruptions
Magnitude and ability to anticipate
Expected frequency of
a disruption, by duration, years
Based on expert interviews, n = 35
Has not (yet)
occurred at scale
ES and report
Shocks that have not occurred either at scale (eg, extreme terrorism, systemic cyberattack, solar storm) or in modern times (eg, meteoroid strike,
Based on experience to date; frequency and/or severity of events could increase over time.
4 McKinsey Global Institute
Disruptions are serious and costly events, although on a smaller scale than catastrophes.
They, too, can be split into those that telegraph their arrival in advance (such as the recent
USChina trade disputes and the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union)
and unanticipated events such as data breaches, product recalls, logistics disruptions,
and industrial accidents. Disruptions do not cause the same cumulative economic toll
as catastrophes.
Companies tend to focus much of their attention on managing the types of shocks they
encounter most often, which we classify as “unanticipated disruptions.” Most companies now
consider cybersecurity part of their overall risk management processes, for example. Some
other shocks such as trade disputes have made headlines in recent years and, as a result,
companies have started to factor them into their planning. But other types of shocks that
occur less frequently could inflict bigger losses and also need to be on companies’ radars.
The COVID pandemic is a reminder that outliers may be rare—but they are real possibilities
that companies need to consider in their decision making.
Shocks may emerge within or from outside the affected supply chain ecosystem. Disruptions
that are internal to the ecosystem, such as a supplier bankruptcy or unexpected plant shut-
down, are often preventable. By contrast, companies cannot hold off external disruptions
such as pandemics and natural disasters—but they can assume a posture focused on
minimizing their impact. Managing each of these shocks requires companies to analyze
their exposure and vulnerability and put different types of resilience measures in place.
For example, shocks that come with long lead times may require establishing early warning
systems. Those that are difficult to anticipate may require more backup capacity and
inventory that can be activated once a shock occurs.
All four types of shocks can disrupt operations and supply chains, often for prolonged
periods. We surveyed dozens of experts in four industries (automotive, pharmaceuticals,
aerospace, and computers and electronics) to understand how often they occur. Respondents
report that their industries have experienced material disruptions lasting a month or longer
every 3.7 years on average. Shorter disruptions have occurred even more frequently.
We analyzed 23 industry value chains to assess their exposure to specific types of
shocks. The resulting index (ExhibitE2) combines multiple factors, including how much of
the industry’s current geographic footprint is found in areas prone to each type of event,
the factors of production affected by those disruptions and their importance to that value
chain, and other measures that increase or reduce susceptibility. For example, heat waves
affect some regions more than others. Within them, labor-intensive value chains are at
comparatively higher risk—and within that group, those with the highest concentration of
workers in outdoor or non-climate-controlled settings are most exposed to disruption.
This is an assessment of value chain exposure to shocks; it does not consider vulnerability, or an industry’s degree of
resilience against the shocks to which it is exposed. For instance, while semiconductor production is common in places
that are earthquake prone, engineering standards may mean that factories are built to withstand them.
Shocks lasting a month
or more occur every
5Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit E2
Rank of exposure (1 = most exposed)
Value chain
Chemical 11 16 4 6 19 16 8
Pharmaceutical 19 23 2 17 23 19 4
Aerospace 8 2 1 18 20 21 5
Automotive 14 6 9 12 21 18 6
Transportation equipment 4 5 12 7 13 5 15
Electrical equipment 16 17 11 9 15 15 10
Machinery and equipment 18 9 10 20 17 20 7
Computers and electronics 6 15 5 4 14 14 9
Communication equipment 1 13 3 2 16 7 2
Semiconductors and components 9 19 6 1 18 23 1
Medical devices 23 22 8 22 22 22 3
Furniture 13 3 21 14 4 12 17
Textile 7 7 22 11 3 2 21
Apparel 2 1 20 15 2 1 11
Fabricated metal products 21 14 18 19 6 17 15
Rubber and plastic 15 8 17 16 8 13 13
Food and beverage 19 21 14 13 12 6 22
Glass, cement, and ceramics 10 11 16 5 5 11 20
Agriculture 17 20 19 23 1 4 14
Petroleum products 3 4 7 10 7 10 18
Basic metal 12 18 13 8 11 8 12
Mining 5 10 15 3 10 3 19
Wooden products 22 12 23 21 9 9 23
Each value chain’s exposure to shocks is based on its geographic footprint and
factors of production.
McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Based on geographic footprint in areas with high incidence of epidemics and high people inflows. Also considers labor intensity and demand
impact. Sources: INFORM; UN Comtrade; UN World Tourism Organization; US BEA; World Input-Output Database (WIOD).
2. Based on knowledge intensity, capital intensity, degree of digitization, and presence in geographies with high cross
-border data flows.
Sources: MGI Digitization Index; MGI LaborCube; Telegeography; US BLS.
3. Based on capital intensity and footprint in geographies prone to natural disasters. Sources
: INFORM; UN Comtrade; WIOD.
4. Based on footprint in geographies prone to heat and humidity, labor intensity, and relative share of outdoor work. Sources
: MGI Workability Index;
O*Net; UN Comtrade; US BLS.
5. Based on footprint in geographies vulnerable to flooding. Sources
: UN Comtrade; World Resources Institute.
6. Based on trade intensity (exports as a share of gross output) and product complexity, a proxy for substitutability and nat
ional security relevance.
Sources: Observatory of Economic Complexity; UN Comtrade.
Note: Overall exposure averages the six assessed shocks, unweighted by relative severity. Chart considers exposure but not mi
tigation actions.
Demand effects included only for pandemics.
6 McKinsey Global Institute
Read horizontally, the chart shows each value chain’s level of exposure to different types of
shocks, which can vary sharply. Aerospace and semiconductors, for example, are susceptible
to cyberattacks and trade disputes because of their high level of digitization, R&D, capital
intensity, and exposure to digital data flows. However, both value chains have relatively low
exposure to the climate-related events we have assessed here (heat stress and flooding)
because of the footprint of their production. By contrast, agriculture, textiles, apparel, and,
to a lesser extent, food and beverage, are labor-intensive. As a result, these value chains
are highly exposed to heat stress. Much of their activity also takes place in regions that face
disruption due to flooding.
Read vertically, the index shows which value chains are likely to be touched by specific types
of shocks. Pandemics, for example, have a major impact on labor-intensive value chains. In
addition, this is the one type of shock for which we assess the effects on demand as well as
supply. As we are seeing in the current crisis, demand has plummeted for nonessential goods
and travel, hitting companies in apparel, petroleum products, and aerospace. By contrast,
while production has been affected in value chains like agriculture and food and beverage,
they have continued to see strong demand because of the essential nature of their products.
In general, heat stress is more likely to strike labor-intensive value chains (and some resource-
intensive value chains) because of their relatively high reliance on manual labor or outdoor
work. Perhaps surprisingly, these same value chains are relatively less susceptible to trade
disputes, which are increasingly focused on value chains with a high degree of knowledge
intensity and high-value industries. Cyberattacks are more likely to affect value chains with
a high degree of digitization, such as communication equipment.
Overall, value chains that are heavily traded relative to their output are more exposed than
those with lower trade intensity. Some of these include value chains that are the most
sought after by countries: communication equipment, computers and electronics, and
semiconductors and components. These value chains have the further distinction of being
high value and relatively concentrated, underscoring potential risks for the global economy.
Heavily traded labor-intensive value chains, such as apparel, are highly exposed to pandemic
risk, heat stress (because of their reliance on labor), and flood risk. In contrast, the value
chains including glass and cement, food and beverage, rubber and plastics, and fabricated
metals have much lower exposure to shocks; these are among the least traded and most
regionally oriented value chains.
All in all, the five value chains most exposed to our assessed set of six shocks collectively
represent $4.4 trillion in annual exports, or roughly a quarter of global goods trade (led by
petroleum products, ranked third overall, with $2.4 trillion in exports). The five least exposed
value chains account for $2.6 trillion in exports. Of the five most exposed value chains,
apparel accounts for the largest share of employment, with at least 25 million jobs globally,
according to the International Labor Organization.
Even value chains with limited exposure to all types of shocks we assessed are not immune to
them. Despite recent headlines, we find that pharmaceuticals are relatively less exposed than
most other industries. But the industry has been disrupted by a hurricane that struck Puerto
Rico, and cyberattacks are a growing concern. In the future, the industry may be subject
to greater trade tensions as well as regulatory and policy shifts if governments take action
with the intent of safeguarding public health. Similarly, the food and beverage industry and
agriculture have relatively low exposure overall, as they are globally dispersed. Yet these value
chains are subject to climate-related stresses that are likely to grow over time. In addition to
disrupting the lives and livelihoods of millions, this could cause the industries to become more
dependent on trade or force them to undertake expensive adaptations.
International Labor Organization, “Employment by sex and economic activity—ILO modelled estimates,” ILOSTAT,
accessed June 20, 2020.
Will the world’s breadbaskets become less reliable?: Case study, McKinsey Global Institute, May 2020.
in global trade flows through the
five most exposed value chains
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
In addition to observing variations in exposure across industry value chains, it is important to
note that risk exposure varies for individual companies within those value chains. Similarly,
each company has unique vulnerabilities, as we discuss below. Some have developed far more
sophisticated and effective supply chain management capabilities and preparedness plans
than others.
Shocks exploit vulnerabilities within companies and value chains
Shocks inevitably seem to exploit the weak spots within broader value chains and specific
companies. An organization’s supply chain operations can be a source of vulnerability
or resilience, depending on its effectiveness in monitoring risk, implementing mitigation
strategies, and establishing business continuity plans. We explore several key areas of
vulnerability, including demand planning, supplier networks, transportation and logistics,
financial health, product complexity, and organizational effectiveness.
Some of these vulnerabilities are inherent to a given industry; the perishability of food and
agricultural products, for example, means that the associated value chains are vulnerable to
delivery delays and spoilage. Industries with unpredictable, seasonal, and cyclical demand
also face particular challenges. Makers of electronics must adapt to relatively short product
life cycles, and they cannot afford to miss spikes in consumer spending during limited
holiday windows.
Other vulnerabilities are the consequence of intentional decisions, such as how much
inventory a company chooses to carry, the complexity of its product portfolio, the number of
unique SKUs in its supply chain, and the amount of debt or insurance it carries.
these decisions can reduce—or increase—vulnerability to shocks.
Weaknesses often stem from the structure of supplier networks in a given value chain.
Complexity itself is not necessarily a weakness to the extent that it provides companies with
redundancies and flexibility. But sometimes the balance can tip. Complex networks may
become opaque, obscuring vulnerabilities and interdependencies. A large multinational
company can have hundreds of tier-one suppliers from which it directly purchases
components. Each of those tier-one suppliers in turn can rely on hundreds of tier-two
suppliers. The entire supplier ecosystem associated with a large company can encompass
tens of thousands of companies around the world when the deepest tiers are included.
ExhibitE3 applies network analytics to illustrate the complexity of the first- and second-
tier supply ecosystems for two Fortune 500 companies in the computer and electronics
industry. This is based on publicly available data and may therefore not be exhaustive.
multitiered, multinational networks span thousands of companies and extend to deeper tiers
that are not shown here. This illustration also underscores the fact that, even within the same
industry, companies may make materially different decisions about how to structure their
supply ecosystems, with implications for risk.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
SKUs are stock-keeping units, indicating a distinct type of product for sale.
We refer to supply chains when specifically discussing the tiers of vendors that provide inputs and services to create
products for a downstream company. We refer to industry value chains when discussing the broader end-to-end journey
from producers of raw inputs to distribution channels and, eventually, customers. The latter view is important because
companies increasingly consider proximity to customers when deciding where to base production; furthermore, customer
product usage data can form the basis of design improvements and after-sales services.
Data from the Bloomberg Supply Chain database, based on regulatory filings and other public disclosures. The database
does not capture all supplier relationships, but the results provide a relative overview of connectivity and network
structure compared to other companies with similar data availability.
McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit E3
Even within the same industry, companies can have very different supply chain structures—
and significant overlap.
Source: Bloomberg Supply Chain database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
1. Clustering is based on the clustering coefficient, which is calculated with network analysis of all supplier-customer relationships. The clustering
coefficient measures the degree to which nodes cluster together and form interconnected subgroups.
2. The level of network depth is measured through the network diameter, using network analysis of all supplier-customer relationships. The network
diameter is a measurement of network size that accounts for the overall structure by measuring the longest shortest path in the network.
Companies rely on complex, multitiered. and interconnected networks
Example: Semiconductors, computers and electronics, and communication equipment
Revenue, 2019 = $90 billion
Dell’s supplier ecosystem is more
clustered, meaning it is potentially more
exposed to bottlenecks
Revenue, 2019 = $51 billion
Lenovo’s supplier ecosystem is deeper,
meaning it has potentially less visibility
Known tier 1 and 2 suppliers
Dell only
Lenovo only
Suppliers of displays,
advanced optics, and
other glass components
service providers
Original equipment
Maritime trans-
port suppliers
service companies
and electronic
Suppliers of other
Mobile and
devices and
and plastics
Suppliers of displays,
advanced optics, and
other glass components
9Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Companies’ supplier networks vary in ways that can shape their vulnerability. Spending
concentrated among just a few suppliers may make it easier to manage them, but it also
heightens vulnerability should anything happen to them. Suppliers frequently supply each
other; one form of structural vulnerability is a subtier supplier that accounts for relatively little
in spending but is collectively important to all participants. The number of tiers of participating
suppliers can hinder visibility and make it difficult to spot emergent risks. Suppliers that are
dependent on a single customer can cause issues when demand shocks cascade through
a value chain. The absence of substitute suppliers is another structural vulnerability.
In some cases, suppliers may be concentrated in a single geography due to that country’s
specialization and economies of scale. A natural disaster or localized conflict in that part
of the world can cause critical shortages that snarl the entire network. Some industries,
such as mobile phones and communication equipment, have become more concentrated in
recent years, while others, including medical devices and aerospace, have become less so
(ExhibitE4). The aerospace value chain, for example, has diversified in part due to secure
market access.
Exhibit E4
Globalization has led to diversification of production across countries in some sectors,
but others have grown more concentrated.
Change in geographic concentration by sector, 200018, measured by change in Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of exports
Source: UN Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
1. A measure of concentration that is the sum of the square of each country’s share of exports.
Note: Data includes 5,444 unique final and intermediate products from 2018 trade data. The weighted average is weighted by the share of trade for
each product within each value chain. All other measurements of HHI are calculated using the raw, unweighted score.
Total export value, 2018, $
Resource-intensiveGlobal innovations Regional processingLabor-intensive
% change in HHI
Food and
Fabricated metal products
Computers and peripherals
Mobile and communication equipment
ES and report
10 McKinsey Global Institute
Even in value chains that are generally more geographically diversified, production of certain
key products may be disproportionately concentrated. Many low-value or basic ingredients
in pharmaceuticals are predominantly produced in China and India, for instance. In total,
we find 180 products across value chains for which one country accounts for 70 percent
or more of exports, creating the potential for bottlenecks. The chemicals value chain has
a particularly large number of such highly concentrated products, but examples exist in
multiple industries. Other products may be produced across diverse geographies but have
severe capacity constraints, which creates bottlenecks in the event of production stoppages.
Similarly, some products may have many exporting countries, but trade takes place within
clusters of countries rather than on a global basis. In those instances, importers may struggle
to find alternatives when their predominant supplier experiences a disruption. Geographic
diversification is not inherently positive, particularly if production and sourcing expands into
areas that are more exposed to shocks.
Over the course of a decade, companies can expect disruptions to
erase half a year’s worth of profits or more
When companies understand the magnitude of the losses they could face from supply chain
disruptions, they can weigh how much to invest in mitigation. We built representative income
statements and balance sheets for hypothetical companies in 13 different industries, using
actual data from the 25 largest public companies in each. This enables us to see how they fare
financially when under duress.
We explore two scenarios involving severe and prolonged shocks:
Scenario 1. A complete manufacturing shutdown lasting 100 days that affects raw
material delivery and key inputs but not distribution channels and logistics. In this
scenario, companies can still deliver goods to market. But once their safety stock is
depleted, their revenue is hit.
Scenario 2. The same as above, but in this case, distribution channels are also affected,
meaning that companies cannot sell their products even if they have inventory available.
Our choice to model a 100-day disruption is based on an extensive review of historical events.
In 2018 alone, the five most disruptive supply chain events affected more than 2,000 sites
worldwide, and factories took 22 to 29 weeks to recover.
Our scenarios show that a single prolonged production-only shock would wipe out between
30 and 50 percent of one year’s EBITDA for companies in most industries. An event that
disrupts distribution channels as well would push the losses sharply higher for some.
Industries in which companies typically hold larger inventories and have lower fixed costs
tend to experience relatively smaller financial losses from shocks. If a natural disaster hits
a supplier but distribution channels remain open, inventory levels become a key buffer.
However, the downstream company will still face a cash drain after the fact when it is time to
replenish its drawn-down safety stock. When a disruption outlasts the available safety stock,
lower fixed costs become important to withstanding a decline in EBITDA.
Shahzaib Khan and Andrew Perez, Eventwatch 2018 annual report, Resilinc, 2019.
products are predominantly
exported from a single country,
opening the door to bottlenecks
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Having calculated the damage associated with one particularly severe and prolonged
disruption, we then estimated the bottom-line impact that companies can expect over
the course of a decade, based on probabilities. We combined the expected frequency of value
chain disruptions of different lengths with the financial impact experienced by companies in
different industries. On average, companies can expect losses equal to almost 45 percent of
one year’s profits over the course of a decade (ExhibitE5). This is equal to seven percentage
points of decline on average. We make no assessment of the extent to which the cost of these
disruptions has already been priced into valuations.
These are not distant future risks; they are current, ongoing patterns. On top of those losses,
there is an additional risk of permanently losing market share to competitors that are able to
sustain operations or recover faster, not to mention the cost of rebuilding damaged physical
assets. However, these expected losses should be weighed in the context of the additional
profits that companies are able to achieve with highly efficient and far-reaching supply chains.
Companies can expect to lose almost
of one year’s profits over
the course of a decade
Exhibit E5
Net present value (NPV) of expected losses
over 10 years,
% of annual EBITDA
NPV for a major
$ million
NPV of expected
EBITDA margin, pp
Aerospace (commercial) 1,564 7.4
Automotive 6,412 7.3
Mining 2,240 8.4
Petroleum products 6,327 8.9
Electrical equipment 556 5.4
Glass and cement 805 6.2
Machinery and equipment 1,084 6.5
Computers and electronics 2,914 5.9
Textiles and apparel 788 7.8
Medical devices 431 8.7
Chemicals 1,018 5.7
Food and beverage 1,578 7.6
Pharmaceuticals 1,436 6.0
Expected losses from supply chain disruptions equal 42 percent of one year’s EBITDA
on average over the course of a decade.
Source: S&P Capital IQ; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
ES and report
Based on estimated probability of a severe disruption twice per decade (constant across industries) and proportion of revenue at risk due to a
shock (varies across industries). Amount is expressed as a share of one year’s revenue (ie, it is not recurring over modeled 10-year period).
Calculated by aggregating cash value of expected shocks over a 10-year period based on averages of production-only and production and
distribution disruption scenarios multiplied by probability of event occurring for a given year. Expected cash impact is discounted based on each
industry’s weighted average cost of capital.
Based on weighted average revenue of top 25 companies by market cap in each industry.
12 McKinsey Global Institute
Will global value chains shift across countries?
Today much of the discussion about resilience in advanced economies revolves around
the idea of increasing domestic production. But the interconnected nature of value chains
limits the economic case for making large-scale changes in their physical location. Value
chains often span thousands of interconnected companies, and their configurations reflect
specialization, access to consumer markets around the world, long-standing relationships,
and economies of scale.
We set out to estimate what share of global exports could move to different countries based
on the business case and how much might move due to policy interventions. To determine
whether industry economics alone support a future geographic shift, we considered a number
of factors. One is whether there is already some movement under way. Between 2015
and 2018, for instance, the share of trade produced by the three leading export countries
in apparel dropped. In contrast, the top three countries in semiconductors and mobile
communications increased their share of trade markedly.
Other considerations include whether the value chain is capital- or knowledge-intensive,
or tied to geology and natural resources. All of these make relocation less feasible. Highly
capital-intensive value chains are harder to move for the simple reason that they represent
hundreds of billions of dollars in fixed investments. These industries have strong economies
of scale, making them more costly to shift. Value chains with high knowledge intensity
tend to have specialized ecosystems that have developed in specific locations, with unique
suppliers and specialized talent. Deciding to move production outside of this ecosystem to
a novel location is costly. Finally, value chains with comparatively high levels of extraregional
trade have more scope to shorten than those that are already regionalized. We also consider
overall growth, the location of major (and rising) consumer markets, trade intensity, and
innovation dynamics.
With respect to noneconomic factors, we consider governments’ desire to bolster national
security, national competitiveness, and self-sufficiency. Some nations are focusing on
safeguarding technologies with dual-use (civilian and military) implications, which could affect
value chains such as semiconductors and communication equipment (particularly as 5G
networks are built out). In other cases, governments are pursuing industrial policies intended
to capture leading shares of emerging technologies ranging from quantum computing and
artificial intelligence to renewable energy and electric vehicles. This, too, has the potential
to reroute value chains. Finally, self-sufficiency has always been a question surrounding
energy. Now the COVID pandemic has driven home the importance of self-sufficiency in food,
pharmaceuticals, and certain medical equipment as well.
ExhibitE6 compiles these metrics for individual value chains and estimates what proportion
of production for export has the potential to move to new countries. We estimate that 16 to
26 percent of exports, worth $2.9 trillion to $4.6 trillion in 2018, could be in play—whether
that involves reverting to domestic production, nearshoring, or new rounds of offshoring to
new locations. It should be noted that this is not a forecast: it is a rough estimate of how much
global trade could relocate in the next five years, not an assertion that it will actually move.
The value chains with the largest share of total exports potentially in play are pharmaceuticals,
apparel, and communication equipment. In dollar terms, the value chains with the largest
potential to move production to new geographies are petroleum, apparel, and
In all of these cases, more than half of their global exports could potentially
move. With few exceptions, the economic and noneconomic feasibility of geographic shifts
do not overlap. Thus, countries would have to be prepared to expend considerable sums to
induce shifts from what are otherwise economically optimal production footprints.
The potential to move petroleum production is of course limited by the presence of geologic deposits. But if the price of oil
rises, exploration and extraction now considered uneconomic in some sites could become viable. New technologies, too,
could make it possible to expand into new locations.
of global exports could shift to
different countries due to economic
and noneconomic factors
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit E6
Value chain
$ billion
Share of
Total exports, 2018,
$ billion
Top 3 exporter share
change, 201518, pp
Capital intensity,
Knowledge intensity,
Product complexity
Intraregional trade,
Chemicals 86172 5–11 1,584 -1.4 72 26 5 57
Pharmaceuticals 236377 3860 626 0 58 41 5 40
Aerospace 82110 2533 333 -2.9 53 40 5 34
Automotive 261349 1520 1,730 -1.6 51 16 5 60
Transportation equipment 6089 2943 209 0 48 18 5 43
Electrical equipment 213319 2334 928 -2.5 43 23 5 54
Machinery and equipment 271362 1925 1,455 -2.2 36 19 6 50
Computers and electronics 165247 2335 708 -1.9 47 57 5 53
Communication equipment 227363 3454 673 9.5 51 45 5 46
Semiconductors and components 92184 9–19 995 10.5 62 39 5 81
Medical devices 100120 3745 268 0.1 47 29 5 40
Furniture 3774 2245 164 -5.7 40 15 4 55
Textiles 67134 2345 297 -3.2 34 15 4 55
Apparel 246393 3657 688 -8.1 30 18 3 43
Fabricated metal products 94141 2132 440 -3.5 33 16 5 57
Rubber and plastic 97145 2030 488 -2.7 40 16 5 60
Food and beverage 63125 5–11 1,149 -1.1 57 14 4 56
Glass, cement, and ceramics 2245 1121 209 -4.5 48 15 5 57
Agriculture 112149 2026 568 0.4 24 10 4 47
Wooden products 8–17 5–11 155 0.9 43 11 4 57
Basic metal 77153 6–12 1,250 -3.6 54 16 4 51
Petroleum products 212423 9–18 2,414 1.3 81 32 3 30
Mining 2957 6–13 452 3.8 72 16 3 49
Total Low
The potential for value chains to shift across borders over the next five years depends on
economic and noneconomic factors.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Observatory of Economic Complexity; UN
Comtrade; US Bureau of Economic Analysis; US Bureau of
Labor Statistics; World Input
-Output Database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Value of exports
with shift feasibility
(annual exports)
Low High
Drivers of economic
shift feasibility
Low High
Feasibility of
geographic shift
Low High
. Low-end sizing = global imports from outside importing country’s region average of economic and noneconomic feasibility. High-end sizing =
global imports from outside importing country’s
region maximum of economic and noneconomic feasibility. 2. Noneconomic factors take into
account goods deemed essential or targeted for national security or economic competitiveness considerations, based on propose
d and enacted
government policies and definitions of essential goods
. 3. Amount of capital compensation as a share of gross output. 4. Defined as share of
labor with a tertiary education
. 5. Product Complexity Index measures the relative substitutability of production across sites of products in value
. 6. Percent of total trade that takes place within same region as its importer. 7. Dependent on access to resources that are geographically
14 McKinsey Global Institute
In general, the economic case to move is most viable for labor-intensive value chains such
as furniture, textiles, and apparel. These value chains were already experiencing shifts away
from their current top producers, where the cost of labor has risen, to other developing
countries. The continuation of this trend could represent a real opportunity for some nations.
By contrast, resource-intensive value chains, such as mining, agriculture, and energy, are
generally constrained by the location of natural resources that provide crucial inputs. But
policy considerations may encourage new exploration and development that can shift value
chains at the margins.
The value chains in the global innovations category (semiconductors, automotive,
aerospace, machinery, communication, and pharmaceuticals) are subject to the most
scrutiny and possible intervention from governments, based on their high value, cutting-
edge technologies as well as their perceived importance for national competitiveness. But
the feasibility of moving these value chains based on the economics alone is low. For example,
the recent decision to site a new semiconductor fabrication plant in the United States was
contingent upon significant government subsidies.
Production networks have begun to regionalize in recent years, and this trend may persist
as growth in Asia continues to outpace global growth. But multinationals with production
facilities in countries such as China, India, and other major emerging economies are typically
there to serve local consumer markets, whether or not they also export from those places. As
prosperity rises in these countries, they are key sources of global growth that companies will
continue to pursue.
Four industry case studies illustrate what could drive the complexity of geographic
rebalancing of value chains
Pharmaceuticals. Overall, the pharmaceutical value chain has become less concentrated
and more globally dispersed over the past 20 years. But the manufacture of some
specific products is highly concentrated. While China and India export a relatively small
share (3 percent each) of overall pharmaceutical products by value, they are the world’s
key producers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and small-molecule drugs. In some
categories, such as antibiotics, sedatives, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, China is the world’s
dominant producer, accounting for 60 percent or more of exports. India is the world’s leading
provider of generic drugs, accounting for some 20 percent of global exports by volume, but
it relies on China for most of the active pharmaceutical ingredients that go into them. When
the flow of these ingredients dried up in the early stages of the COVID pandemic, India
temporarily placed export controls on dozens of essential drugs, including antibiotics.
Based on economics alone, there is little reason to believe that pharmaceutical production
will shift unless companies respond to the rise of new consumers in developing countries.
But many governments are weighing whether to boost domestic production of some key
medicines (as well as medical equipment). As a result, we estimate that 38 to 60 percent of
the pharmaceutical value chain could shift geographically in the coming years. However,
production of small-molecule drugs would likely need to be highly digitized and automated to
be viable in advanced economies; otherwise, the higher cost of doing business might lead to
higher drug prices.
Automotive. The auto industry has some of the most intricate value chains in the global
economy, and the most regionalized. Most exports of intermediate parts circulate within three
broad regions: Asia, Europe, and North America. The US auto industry is integrated with
Mexico and Canada; Germany has production networks in Eastern Europe; and Japan and
South Korea source from China, Thailand, and Malaysia. Despite the largely regional nature
of automotive production, OEMs rely on some imported Chinese parts—and the initial COVID
outbreak centered in Hubei Province quickly produced global ripple effects in the industry.
Up to
of global pharma exports
could shift to different
countries due to economic
and noneconomic factors
15Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Automotive is a prized industry from the standpoint of jobs, innovation, and competitiveness,
and nations have historically enacted tariffs, trade restrictions, and local content
requirements to try to attract and retain auto manufacturing. Trade disputes are an ongoing
concern, leading companies to build in more flexibility and redundancy. We estimate
that a relatively modest share of auto exports, between 15 and 20 percent by value, has
the potential to shift in the medium term, driven predominantly by noneconomic factors.
Semiconductors. While the United States designs advanced chips, their manufacturing
is highly concentrated in places like South Korea and Taiwan. Overall, Asia accounts for
more than 95 percent of outsourced semiconductor assembly and testing capacity. This
concentration brings potential risks. MGI research has found that companies sourcing
advanced chips from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, or other hubs in the western Pacific can
expect that hurricanes severe enough to disrupt suppliers will become two to four times more
likely by 2040.
Other dynamics can also invite potential complications. A single firm leads
production of lithographic machines, which place circuits on the wafers.
Economies of scale and high barriers to entry leave very little room for semiconductor
production to move on its own. A semiconductor fabrication plant can cost $10 billion or more
to build, and the industry requires specialized engineers. But geopolitical and trade tensions
could reshape the value chain in ways that market forces alone might not. National security
and competitiveness concerns could lead governments to take action, potentially shifting
an estimated 9 to 19 percent of trade flows.
Textiles and apparel. Apparel and textiles are highly traded, labor-intensive value chains
that are already moving. China has long been the dominant player, and it still accounts for
some 29 percent of apparel sold globally. But its wages are rising, and Chinese producers can
now focus on meeting domestic demand. In 2005, China exported 71 percent of the finished
apparel goods it produced. By 2018, that share was just 29 percent.
Relative to all other value chains, textiles and apparel feature the highest proportion of trade
that could feasibly shift due to purely economic factors (36 to 57 percent in apparel, and 23 to
45 percent in textiles). While some apparel production may nearshore to US and EU markets,
most would likely shift to Southeast Asian countries due to their comparative advantage in
labor and overhead costs. As China’s exports have plateaued, more apparel manufacturing for
export has moved to places such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ethiopia. Turkey is also a major
producer of clothing that is exported to Europe. But companies will need to mitigate against
natural disasters and future pandemics in these geographies. National needs for PPE could
cause some footprint changes as well.
Companies have a range of options for improving resilience
In a McKinsey survey of supply chain executives conducted in May 2020, an overwhelming
93 percent reported that they plan to take steps to make their supply chains more resilient,
including building in redundancy across suppliers, nearshoring, reducing the number
of unique parts, and regionalizing their supply chains (ExhibitE7). The respondents
included supply chain and operations’ executives representing diverse value chains,
such as pharmaceutical and medical products, automotive, advanced electronics
and semiconductors, consumer packaged goods, chemicals, and metals and mining,
among others.
When companies understand the magnitude of the losses they could face from supply chain
disruptions, they can weigh how much to invest in building resilience. Many options can boost
productivity at the same time, providing a win-win.
Could climate change become the weak link in your supply chain?, McKinsey Global Institute, August 2020.
For a broader discussion, see Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder,New York, NY: Random
House, 2012.
McKinsey Global Institute
Strengthen supply chain risk management and improve end-to-end transparency
Global manufacturing has only just begun to adopt a range of technologies, such as analytics
and artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced robotics, and digital platforms.
Companies now have access to new solutions for running scenarios, assessing trade-
offs, improving transparency, accelerating responses, and even changing the economics
of production.
Most companies are still in the early stages of their efforts to connect the entire value chain
with a seamless flow of data. Digital can deliver major benefits to efficiency and transparency
that are yet to be fully realized. Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble, for example, has
a centralized control tower system that provides a company-wide view across geographies
and products. It integrates real-time data, from inventory levels to road delays and weather
forecasts, for its own plants as well as suppliers and distributors. When a problem occurs,
the system can run scenarios to identify the most effective solution.
Creating a comprehensive view of the supply chain through detailed subtier mapping
is a critical step to identifying hidden relationships that invite vulnerability. Today, most
large firms have only a murky view beyond their tier-one and perhaps some large tier-two
suppliers. Working with operations and production teams to review each product’s bill of
materials can reveal whether critical inputs are sourced from high-risk areas and lack ready
substitutes. Companies can also work with their tier-one suppliers to create transparency.
But in cases where those suppliers lack visibility themselves or consider their own
sourcing to be proprietary information, risk management teams may have to turn to other
See, for example, Katy George, Sree Ramaswamy, and Lou Rassey, “Next-shoring: A CEO’s guide,” McKinsey Quarterly,
January 2014; and Kevin Goering, Richard Kelly, and Nick Mellors, “The next horizon for industrial manufacturing:
Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering,” McKinsey.com, November 2018.
Emma Cosgrove, “How P&G created a ‘ready-for-anything’ supply chain,” Supply Chain Dive, June 3, 2019.
Exhibit E7
Surveyed business leaders are increasing resilience in supply chains and production
through multiple strategies.
McKinsey survey of global supply chain leaders, May 2020.
McKinsey survey of business executives, May 2020.
Planned actions to build resilience
% of respondents
of global supply chain leaders are
planning to increase resilience
would increase resilience even at
expense of short-term savings
Nearshoring of own production
Dual sourcing of raw materials
Backup production sites
Increase inventory of critical products
Higher inventory along supply chain
Regionalizing supply chain
Nearshoring and expanding supplier base
Reducing number of SKUs in product portfolio
Increase number of distribution centers
Source: McKinsey survey of business executives, May 2020 (n = 605); McKinsey survey of global supply chain leaders, May 2020
= 60); McKinsey
Global Institute analysis
ES and report
17Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
information sources to do detective work.
After mapping upstream suppliers, downstream
companies need to understand their production footprint, financial stability, and business
continuity plans.
Minimize exposure to shocks
Targeted measures taken before an event occurs can mitigate the impact of a shock or speed
time to recovery.
As more physical assets are digitized, for example, companies will need to
step up investment in cybersecurity tools and teams.
One of the most important steps is building more redundancy into supplier networks.
on a single source for critical components or raw materials can be a vulnerability. In fact, even
if a company relies on multiple suppliers, they may be concentrated in the same place. Taking
the time to identify, prequalify, and onboard backup vendors comes at a cost. But it can
provide much-needed capacity if a crisis strikes.
Auditing and diversifying the supply chain
can have the added benefit of reducing carbon intensity, raising environmental and labor
standards, and expanding opportunities for women- and minority-owned businesses.
One way to achieve supply chain resilience is to design products with common components,
cutting down on the use of custom parts in different product offerings. Auto manufacturers
are perhaps the most advanced in this regard, having implemented modular manufacturing
platforms that share components across product lines and production sites.
Physical assets may need to be hardened to withstand natural disasters. In regions that are
vulnerable to worsening hurricanes and storm surges, this may involve installing bulkheads,
elevating critical machinery and utility equipment, adding more waterproof sealing, and
reworking drainage and valves.
Many factories that are not air-conditioned today will
need cooling systems to prepare for rising temperatures and potential heat waves in some
parts of the world. Plants located in earthquake-prone areas may need seismic retrofitting.
Companies can also build more redundancies into transportation and logistics.
When a shock does hit, companies need the ability to respond quickly
The shift to just-in-time and lean production systems has helped companies improve
efficiency and reduce their need for working capital. But now they may need to strike
a different balance between just-in-time and “just in case.” Having sufficient backup inventory
of key parts and safety stock is a critical buffer that can minimize the financial impact of
disrupted supplies. It can also position companies to meet sudden spikes in demand.
The ability to reroute components and flex production dynamically across sites can keep
production going in the wake of a shock. This requires robust digital systems as well as
the analytics muscle to run scenarios based on different responses. When the COVID
pandemic hit, Nike used predictive analytics to selectively mark down goods and reduce
production early on to minimize impact. The company was also able to reroute products from
brick-and-mortar stores to e-commerce sales, driven in part by direct-to-consumer online
sales through its own training app. As a result, Nike sustained a smaller drop in sales than
some of its competitors.
When disaster strikes, companies have to be laser focused on cash management. But those
at the top of a value chain also have a vested interest in preserving the supplier networks
on which they depend. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, some companies
accelerated payments or guaranteed bank loans to give key vendors a lifeline.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
May 2020; and Knut Alicke, Xavier Azcue, and Edward Barriball, “Supply-chain recovery in coronavirus times—plan for
now and the future,” McKinsey.com, March 2020.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
May 2020.
Petr Matous and Yasuyuki Todo, “Analyzing the coevolution of interorganizational networks and organization
performance: Automakers’ production networks in Japan,” Applied Network Science, February 2017, Volume 2, Issue 1.
Tom Linton and Bindiya Vakil, “Coronavirus is proving we need more resilient supply chains,” Harvard Business Review,
March 5, 2020.
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2020.
McKinsey Global Institute
Coming on the heels of Brexit and a flare-up in USChina trade tensions, the COVID
pandemic has forced businesses to focus on building resilience in their supply chains and
operations. Not everything that can go wrong actually does go wrong, but businesses and
governments cannot afford to be caught flat-footed when disaster strikes. Preparing for
future hypotheticals has a present-day cost. But those investments can pay off over time—
not only minimizing losses but also improving digital capabilities, boosting productivity, and
strengthening entire industry ecosystems. Rather than a trade-off between resilience and
efficiency, this rebalancing act might deliver a win-win.
19Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Ch 1 pic
© Mustafa Maki/EyeEm/Getty Images
1. Understanding
shocks and evaluating
For the past 25 years, revolutions in communication and transportation have enabled
companies to create truly global value chains. Producers of raw materials linked to the makers
of manufactured inputs and parts. They in turn linked to the makers of final products, then to
distribution channels that delivered to consumers around the world. More than 95 percent
of global trade flows through these tightly choreographed value chains. In the two decades
before the COVID19 pandemic struck, the value of intermediate goods exported across
borders tripled to more than $10 trillion annually.
But complexity can open the door to unwelcome visitors. These long and complex value
chains are efficient, but they are exposed to disruptions that are becoming more frequent
and more severe. Natural disasters are a big part of this list, but some hazards have nothing
to do with earth, wind, or fire. The list also includes trade disputes, cyberattacks, terrorism,
industrial accidents, and infrastructure failures. The pandemic, coming on the heels of Brexit
and USChina trade tensions, has forced businesses to focus urgently on building resilience
in their supply chains and operations.
Resilience starts with understanding the full range of what can happen and the damage that
can result. But not every global value chain is equally susceptible to every kind of threat. As
the world has just learned, unforeseen shocks can affect supply and demand in varying and
even contradictory ways. Demand can go into free fall for many classes of goods, even as
suppliers scramble to deliver enough medical products, groceries, and similar necessities.
This chapter begins by considering a wide array of potential shocks. We then consider
the characteristics and geographic footprint of 23 value chains to determine their relative
exposure to them. This analysis can help companies better understand their exposures and
prioritize resilience efforts. It can also assist policy makers in identifying potential bottlenecks
of products that are essential or important to economic competitiveness.
Value chain risk is a product of exposure to shocks plus vulnerabilities
within companies and broader value chains
The Roman philosopher Seneca said that luck is what happens when preparedness meets
opportunity. The inverse can be said about value chain risk. It is what happens when
an unforeseen event exploits weaknesses that were there all along. The risk facing any
particular industry value chain reflects its level of exposure to different types of shocks and
the underlying vulnerabilities in a particular company or the ecosystem as a whole (Exhibit1).
21Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
On the exposure side, shocks can arise from four main sources:
Force majeure events are extraordinary disruptions that bring business to a sudden halt.
These include disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, and volcanic
eruptions. Many of these events strike locally but cause wider ripple effects as production
and logistics networks become bottlenecked. A few, such as the COVID pandemic, are
truly global in scope.
Macropolitical shocks run the gamut from financial crises, trade disputes, abrupt
regulatory shifts, and recessions to military conflict and terrorism.
Malicious actors can wreak damage through cyberattacks, theft, and counterfeiting.
Idiosyncratic shocks more commonly affect one or several companies, although they
can have ripple effects. They include industrial accidents, labor disputes, IT outages, and
supplier bankruptcies. Price shocks for a key input are another common occurrence.
Vulnerability can stem from characteristics inherent to an industry value chain as well as
firm-level decisions. It can manifest in planning and supplier networks, where sole sourcing
seems efficient one day but suddenly results in bottlenecks when a crisis hits. It may show up
in transportation and logistics if companies depend on unreliable infrastructure. It may lurk
on balance sheets in the form of high leverage or low cash reserves that can leave a company
close to insolvent in any but the shortest disruptions. Product complexity can leave a company
dependent on custom inputs, and short sales windows can be devastating to miss. And
if a company’s supply chain management team is not effective, it may fail to spot brewing
threats ahead of time or have continuity plans in place. (See chapter 2 for a more in-depth
discussion of these and other vulnerabilities.)
Exhibit 1
Value chain risk stems from exposure to shocks and vulnerabilities in supplier networks
and business practices.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Value chain risk
Disruptions that cause operational
and/or financial impact
Shock exposure
Sources of disruption
Force majeure (eg, earthquake,
hurricane, pandemic)
Macropolitical (eg, conflict, financial
crisis, recession, trade dispute)
Malicious actor (eg, cyberattack, theft)
Idiosyncratic (eg, supplier bankruptcy,
IT outage, industrial accident)
Characteristics that make a
supply chain more or less resilient
Demand planning
Supplier network
Transportation and logistics
Financial health
Product complexity
Organizational effectiveness
22 McKinsey Global Institute
Shocks vary in frequency, lead time, and nature of impact
Not all shocks are created equal. Some pass quickly, while others can sideline multiple
industry players for weeks or even months. Business leaders often characterize shocks
according to their source (force majeure events, the macropolitical environment, or malicious
actors, for instance). But characteristics beyond the source of a shock determine its scope
and the severity of its impact on production and global value chains.
One key factor is lead time—that is, the amount of advance warning companies have before
an event strikes. Trade disputes, for example, reflect the buildup of economic imbalances,
diverging standards, or geopolitical tensions over months or even years, but earthquakes and
cyberattacks strike out of nowhere.
The nature of the event also matters. Some shocks last for a prolonged period. Some are
isolated, while others have ripple effects across geographies and entire industries. Shocks
with higher contagion potential are generally more severe, as they take a toll on larger parts of
the global economy.
Severity is also determined by whether a shock hits the supply side alone or also affects
customer demand. Events that affect both supply and demand simultaneously, such as
a pandemic and war, are most severe.
Exhibit2 illustrates how these dimensions vary for 13 different types of shocks. For most
of them, we show the most extreme example from the past two decades and its associated
toll. In a few cases, we show hypotheticals: global military conflict (since the world has
thankfully been spared from it since the 1940s) and a cyberattack that disrupts the Internet
or foundational payment systems. The latter would exceed the scale of any cybercrime or
cyberwarfare experienced to date, but we include it because of the ever-growing potential for
such an event.
The most severe shocks are long-lasting and spread across geographies and industries; they
affect supply, demand, and access to finance. Examples include major pandemics and military
conflicts. These highly damaging events can cause trillions of dollars in damage. Natural
disasters are slightly less damaging. They have historically caused hundreds of billions of
dollars of damage, both in property destruction and temporary dislocations to supply chains,
but their severity and frequency is growing. A more moderate set of shocks, with costs in
the tens of billions of dollars, tend to be broad but less intense. They include regulatory
changes and localized military conflicts. Finally, companies frequently encounter a host of
idiosyncratic shocks, such as IT outages, labor disputes, and industrial accidents. They are
typically firm-specific, with costs that rarely cross the threshold of macroeconomic concern.
However, input price shocks are common sources of disruption for many value chains—and
not all industries are equally able to pass these higher costs on to downstream customers.
This may occur because of trade disputes, natural disasters that create shortages, or swings
in commodity prices.
The COVID pandemic has had such an outsize impact precisely because of these
It is lingering for months without resolution and affecting almost every
country on earth. Shutdowns and stay-at-home restrictions, while necessary to protect
public health, not only halted production but depressed incomes and discretionary spending,
deepening the economic fallout and sending ripple effects across industries.
Indeed, its
main impact on some sectors is not a supply chain disruption but rather a collapse in demand.
While the ultimate economic losses are still unknown, they extend into the tens of trillions of
dollars, and more than 607,000 lives have already been lost as of this writing.
For more on the financial fallout from pandemics, see Oscar Jorda, Sanjay R. Singh, and Alan M. Taylor, Longer-run
economic consequences of pandemics, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, working paper number 20209, June
Dabo Guan et al., “Global supply-chain effects of COVID19 control measures,” Nature Human Behaviour, 2020, Volume 4.
Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center; data as of July 20, 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 2
$ billion
Lead time
Nature of impact Impact on …
Geographic breadth
of initial shock
Contagion across
Industry breadth of
initial shock
Contagion across
Physical capital
Intellectual property
world war
Japan earth-
quake and
tsunami, 2011
Katrina, 2005
9/11, 2001 160
trade dispute,
Horizon oil
spill, 2010
Hanjin ship-
ping bank-
ruptcy, 2016
Shocks vary based on their frequency, lead time, and nature of impact, with the most severe
events affecting both supply and demand.
Source: IMF; New York Times; Oxford Economics;
Ponemon Institute; World Economic Forum; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
1. Based on initial impact of shock, not including spread or knock
-on effects. 2. Cost impact based on World Economic Forum estimate for sum of
current total annual cost of global conflicts. 3. Cost impact estimate based on expected global GDP loss from Oxford Econ
omics and McKinsey
estimates and survey of executives. 4. The
Ponemon Institute, a security and data protection researcher, estimates that the average company’s
cost for every minute of internet downtime during a DDoS attack is $22,000, with cost for some companies reaching up to $100,
000 per minute of
downtime. Single
-day outage of connectivity for 5,000+ companies would cost ~$160 billion, a 7-day outage over $1 trillion. 5. Based on
New York
es estimate of sum of physical damage and direct economic impact. Does not include Homeland Security or war-related cost. 6.
Direct costs.
7. Includes,
eg, supplier bankruptcy, labor dispute, IT outage.
24 McKinsey Global Institute
Expect the unexpected
Exhibit3 groups different types of shocks based on the magnitude of their impact and
whether they can be anticipated. It shows historic examples from recent decades as well as
events that remain theoretical possibilities. We pair this with results from a survey of global
executives indicating how often shock events cause business disruptions.
For instance, the world has not yet experienced a truly large-scale cyberattack, although
experts have consistently warned about the potential for malicious actors to take down large
portions of the Internet, payment systems, or hard assets such as electrical grids. Such
a disruption could create trillions of dollars in losses.
According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, which specializes in cybersecurity issues, the average company loses more
than $20,000 per minute of downtime to distributed denial of service attacks. Damage from a hypothetical weeklong
disruption affecting several thousand companies would exceed $1 trillion. Cyber security on the offense: A study of IT
security experts, Ponemon Institute, November 2012.
Exhibit 3
Disruptions vary based on their severity, frequency, and lead time
and they occur
with regularity.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Meteoroid strike
Financial crisis
Acute climatological
event (hurricane)
Extreme terrorism
(eg, dirty bomb)
Acute climatological
event (heat wave)
(eg, supplier
Major geo-
Solar storm
Systemic cyberattack
Trade dispute
Foreseeable catastrophes
Magnitude of estimated cost of shock, $
10s of
100s of
billions Trillions
10s of
Ability to anticipate (lead time)
None Days Weeks Months or more
business disruptions
Unanticipated catastrophes
Foreseeable disruptions
Magnitude and ability to anticipate
Expected frequency of
a disruption, by duration, years
Based on expert interviews, n = 35
Has not (yet)
occurred at scale
ES and report
Shocks that have not occurred either at scale (eg, extreme terrorism, systemic cyberattack, solar storm) or in modern times (eg, meteoroid strike,
Based on experience to date; frequency and/or severity of events could increase over time.
25Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
A meteor striking a major city could deliver the explosive equivalent of nuclear weapons.
Such strikes are estimated to occur two or three times every 100 years.
In 2013, a meteor
the size of a six-story building broke up over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, injuring
thousands but doing less damage than it could have caused if its speed and trajectory had
been slightly different.
A major solar storm could zap much of the world’s electronics, as
when the nascent telegraph industry was hit by the 1859 Carrington Event; on a similar but
smaller scale, a flare in 1989 knocked Quebec’s power grid offline.
Other dire scenarios in
the realm of the theoretical include terrorism involving nuclear or biological weapons, viruses
more lethal and infectious than COVID, and a supervolcano eruption that blankets a vast
surrounding area with ash. The possibilities have all been subject to serious scientific and
governmental scrutiny, even if they exceed the threshold at which companies can reasonably
or economically prepare.
To assess the frequency of value chain disruptions, we surveyed dozens of experts with
decades of experience in four industries: automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and
pharmaceuticals. Their responses indicate that disruptions happen regularly, and restoring
damaged factories and logistics systems takes time. On average, a shock that stops supply
and production for one to two weeks occurs every two years. Even longer disruptions occur
with regularity. Disruptions that drag on for two months or longer happen every five years. As
discussed in chapter 3, the cost of these events, to companies and societies alike, is very high.
Shocks are growing more frequent and severe, reflecting structural
changes in the global economy
Disasters have always been with us. But the range of what is possible has grown, as has
the ability of these events to touch the world’s value chains either directly or indirectly. Now
that industry value chains are global and the world is more interconnected, there are more
avenues that allow shocks to travel from one part of the world to another—and to do so faster
than ever. Contagion can occur via any type of global flow. When the movement of goods or
services is disrupted, the effects of a bottleneck cascade downstream. Financial contagion
can be wide and instantaneous, given the dependence of all sectors on increasingly global
and digital financial services. International travelers carried the coronavirus to nearly every
country in the world in a matter of weeks. All sectors are digitizing, which exposes vital
corporate operations to breaches, malware, and IT outages.
As Earth’s temperatures rise, climate science tells us that acute events such as heat waves
and wildfires could become more intense, more frequent, or both. Climate change is also
creating a set of chronic hazards, such as rising heat and humidity levels and higher sea levels.
The destruction of habitat increases opportunities for viruses to jump from animals to people.
Global travel and cities with unprecedented density create the mechanisms for exponential
spread. Since 2000, the world has experienced broad outbreaks of SARS, swine flu, MERS,
Ebola, Zika, and avian flu. But these events have been dwarfed by the scope of the COVID
pandemic, which is unlikely to be the last novel contagious disease that spreads through
an interconnected world.
Paul Rincon, “US detects huge meteor explosion,” BBC News, March 18, 2019.
Explainer: What have scientists learned from the Chelyabinsk meteor,” Radio Free Europe, November 7, 2013, rferl.org/a/
“A super solar flare,” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, May 6, 2008, science.nasa.gov/science-news/
McKinsey Global Institute
Finally, an evolving and volatile geopolitical environment increases the potential for conflict,
whether through military confrontations, terrorism, trade disputes, intellectual property (IP)
theft, or divergent standards for technology, privacy, and other issues.
Protectionism has
taken root in some of the Western democracies that were once champions of free trade.
Borders have gone up again in Europe after decades of integration, and the full implications of
that are not yet clear. There is a real chance that tariffs and nontariff barriers will continue to
rise, reversing decades of trade liberalization. Companies have to be prepared to respond to
rapid shifts in regulatory policy, tax laws, and tariffs.
Industry value chains have different levels of shock exposure, based
on their geographic footprint and other factors
Value chains are exposed to this array of shocks in different ways. One of the biggest
determinants (although not the only one) is an industry’s geographic footprint. Countries
across South and Southeast Asia, for example, frequently experience flooding—a
phenomenon that is likely to worsen over time in the face of global warming. Earthquakes
often strike in countries such as Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey. Other countries
have recent histories of political instability and social unrest. Value chains heavily present in
these regions are therefore more susceptible to those specific shocks. The share of global
trade conducted with countries ranked in the bottom half of the world for political stability,
as assessed by the World Bank, rose from 16 percent in 2000 to 29 percent in 2018. Just as
telling, almost 80 percent of trade involves nations with declining political stability scores.
The factors of production that are central to a given industry will also influence how
a particular unexpected shock affects it. Capital-intensive value chains, for example, face
the possibility of heavy losses if their specialized plants and equipment are damaged by
conflict or natural disasters. Pandemics are a particular threat to labor-intensive industries
such as textiles and apparel.
We analyze 23 industry value chains to assess their exposure to six specific shocks (Exhibit4).
In narrowing down the range of shocks shown in Exhibit4, we omitted idiosyncratic
disruptions since they often affect only one or a handful of companies. We then chose
representative severe shocks from the remaining quadrants; they include diverse types of
events that affect different factors of production. To assess each industry’s relative exposure,
we consider its current geographic footprint and its factors of production. (See the technical
appendix for further details on methodology.) This does not account for the vulnerabilities
or resilience measures taken within those value chains. Subsequent chapters address
these topics.
See Richard Haas, The World: A Brief Introduction, New York, NY: Penguin Press, June 2020.
World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators 2018 (political stability and absence of violence/terrorism).
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 4
Rank of exposure (1 = most exposed)
Value chain
Chemical 11 16 4 6 19 16 8
Pharmaceutical 19 23 2 17 23 19 4
Aerospace 8 2 1 18 20 21 5
Automotive 14 6 9 12 21 18 6
Transportation equipment 4 5 12 7 13 5 15
Electrical equipment 16 17 11 9 15 15 10
Machinery and equipment 18 9 10 20 17 20 7
Computers and electronics 6 15 5 4 14 14 9
Communication equipment 1 13 3 2 16 7 2
Semiconductors and components 9 19 6 1 18 23 1
Medical devices 23 22 8 22 22 22 3
Furniture 13 3 21 14 4 12 17
Textile 7 7 22 11 3 2 21
Apparel 2 1 20 15 2 1 11
Fabricated metal products 21 14 18 19 6 17 15
Rubber and plastic 15 8 17 16 8 13 13
Food and beverage 19 21 14 13 12 6 22
Glass, cement, and ceramics 10 11 16 5 5 11 20
Agriculture 17 20 19 23 1 4 14
Petroleum products 3 4 7 10 7 10 18
Basic metal 12 18 13 8 11 8 12
Mining 5 10 15 3 10 3 19
Wooden products 22 12 23 21 9 9 23
Each value chain’s exposure to shocks is based on its geographic footprint and
factors of production.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Based on geographic footprint in areas with high incidence of epidemics and high people inflows. Also considers labor intensity and demand
impact. Sources: INFORM; UN Comtrade; UN World Tourism Organization; US BEA; World Input-Output Database (WIOD).
2. Based on knowledge intensity, capital intensity, degree of digitization, and presence in geographies with high cross
-border data flows.
Sources: MGI Digitization Index; MGI LaborCube; Telegeography; US BLS.
3. Based on capital intensity and footprint in geographies prone to natural disasters. Sources: INFORM; UN
Comtrade; WIOD.
4. Based on footprint in geographies prone to heat and humidity, labor intensity, and relative share of outdoor work. Sources
: MGI Workability Index;
O*Net; UN Comtrade; US BLS.
5. Based on footprint in geographies vulnerable to flooding. Sources: UN
Comtrade; World Resources Institute.
6. Based on trade intensity (exports as a share of gross output) and product complexity, a proxy for substitutability and nat
ional security relevance.
Sources: Observatory of Economic Complexity; UN Comtrade.
Note: Overall exposure averages the six assessed shocks, unweighted by relative severity. Chart considers exposure but not mi
tigation actions.
Demand effects included only for pandemics.
28 McKinsey Global Institute
Read horizontally, the chart shows each value chain’s level of exposure to different types of
shocks—and those results can vary sharply. Aerospace and semiconductors, for example,
are both susceptible to cyberattacks and trade disputes; semiconductors are also made in
earthquake-prone places. However, both value chains have relatively low exposure to climate-
related events. Agriculture and, to a lesser extent, food and beverage are huge sources of
jobs, and developing countries have high levels of participation. These value chains are highly
exposed to climate events.
Read vertically, the index shows which value chains are likely to be touched by specific types
of shocks. Pandemics, for example, have a major impact on labor-intensive value chains. In
addition, this is the one type of shock for which we assess the effects on demand as well as
supply. As we are seeing in the current crisis, demand has plummeted for nonessential goods
and travel, hitting companies in apparel, petroleum products, and aerospace. In general,
climate-related shocks are more likely to strike labor-intensive value chains (and some
resource-intensive value chains); cyberattacks are more likely to focus elsewhere. Perhaps
surprisingly, these same value chains are relatively less susceptible to trade disputes. This is
because the index takes a forward-looking view. The aim of trade policy has shifted away from
protecting large numbers of jobs and toward capturing or retaining more knowledge-intensive
and high-value industries.
Overall, value chains that are most traded relative to output are more exposed to value chains
which are least traded. These include the medical devices, communication equipment,
apparel, computer and electronics, and semiconductor and components value chains. These
value chains have the further distinction of being high value and relatively concentrated,
underscoring what is at stake for the global economy. From the vantage point of value chain
archetypes, labor-intensive value chains on average rank as the most exposed, due to their
high exposure to pandemic risk, heat stress (because of their reliance on labor), and flood risk
(since many of these value chains are located in areas with high exposure to flooding).
Finally, at the level of individual value chains, communications equipment has the highest
exposure to the full range of shocks that we assessed. As a heavily traded, geographically
concentrated value chain, it may be caught up in trade disputes—and most of its footprint
is in the Asia—Pacific region, which is vulnerable to earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons.
The centrality of intellectual property and digital assets also heightens vulnerability
to cyberattacks.
The value chain with the next highest exposure is apparel. In a pandemic, it is susceptible to
production shutdowns because of its labor-intensive nature as well as drops in consumer
demand. Furthermore, a large share of apparel exports come from countries subject to heat
waves and flooding. Petroleum products ranks as the third most exposed value chain to
the six shocks we have assessed. While a pandemic does not directly disrupt production in
this value chain, the severe drop-off in demand induced by a pandemic (which briefly sent
oil futures negative during the current pandemic) makes this value chain highly exposed.
The value chain is also exposed to cyberattacks given its high reliance on physical and digital
It is also in the top 10 most exposed value chains to geophysical events, heat stress,
and floods, based on the geography of its production.
Stephanie Kelly, “Oil price crashes into negative territory for the first time in history amid pandemic,” Reuters, April 19,
Drilling deep: a look at cyberattacks on the oil and gas industry. Trend Micro, December 12, 2019.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
All in all, the five value chains most exposed to our assessed set of six shocks collectively
represent $4.4 trillion in annual exports or roughly a quarter of global goods trade (led by
petroleum products, ranked third overall, with $2.4 trillion in exports); the five least exposed
value chains account for $2.6 trillion in exports. Labor-intensive value chains are followed in
having the highest overall average severity rank by global innovation value chains, many of
which are exposed to cyberattacks and trade disputes. Regional processing value chains are
among the least exposed, their production is globally dispersed and thus not concentrated in
areas exposed to a certain kind of shock, and they are also less exposed to cyberattacks and
trade disputes. Of the top five most exposed value chains, apparel accounts for the largest
share of employment, with at least 25 million employed globally, according to the International
Labor Organization.
While agriculture is relatively less exposed due to its dispersed footprint,
it is the largest source of global employment—and shocks in certain parts of the world could
disrupt the lives and livelihoods of millions.
Value chains that are the most traded—in terms of value and relative to output—and most
concentrated all have higher exposure scores on average. On average, the five largest value
chains by export, accounting for $8.4 trillion or more than 40 percent of exports, rank three
positions higher than the smallest value chains.
The five most traded value chains relative
to their gross output have an average overall exposure rank of eight; the five least traded
value chains have an average overall exposure rank of 18.
Finally, the value chains that have
the fewest countries responsible for 75 percent or more of exports have an average overall
exposure rank of 9 versus value chains with the most country participation at 15.
Even value chains with lower exposure to specific types of shock are not immune to them.
The pharmaceutical industry, for example, is generally less exposed overall than most others.
But it has recently been disrupted by a hurricane that struck Puerto Rico, and cyberattacks
are a growing concern. In the future, the industry may be subject to greater trade tensions and
to regulatory and policy shifts if governments take action to establish domestic production of
critical pharmaceutical supplies to safeguard public health. Finally, other shocks not included
in this analysis may be more salient for some value chains. Those operating in more politically
unstable regions, for example, may be more exposed to military conflict, terrorist attacks, or
sudden policy changes.
International Labor Organization, “Employment by sex and economic activity – ILO modelled estimates,” ILOSTAT,
accessed June 20, 2020.
The five largest by export are petroleum products; automotive; chemicals; machinery and equipment; and basic metals;
the five smallest are furniture; wooden products; glass, cement, and ceramics; transportation equipment; and medical
The five most traded are medical devices; communication equipment; apparel; computer and electronics; and
semiconductor and components. The five least traded are fabricated metal products; glass, cement, and ceramics;
wooden products; agriculture; and food and beverage.
Value chains with the fewest countries responsible for 75 percent of exports or more are communication equipment;
semiconductor and components; computers and electronics; aerospace; and pharmaceuticals. Value chains with the most
country participation are agriculture; food and beverage; basic metals; petroleum products; and wooden products.
in annual exports flows through the
five most exposed value chains
McKinsey Global Institute
Today’s accelerated news cycle gives the impression that supply chains are being disrupted
with greater frequency—and the data bears this out. But part of that is due to the fact
that multinationals are simply more exposed. As value chains have grown in length and
complexity, companies based in relatively stable countries now operate and source from many
more places with higher risk profiles. The previous era of globalization created intricately
interconnected supply chains, data flows, financial flows, people flows, and idea flows—all
of which offer more “surface area” for risk to penetrate. The following chapter examines
the vulnerabilities that exist within individual companies and broader value chain structures.
31Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Ch 2 pic
© Hakan Jansson/Maskot/Getty Images
2. Vulnerabilities
within companies
and value chains
Shocks have a way of zeroing in on vulnerabilities and exploiting them—and weak spots exist
not only within individual companies but also across broader value chains. Some are inherent
to the nature of a given industry and simply come with the territory. Smartphones, computers,
automobiles, and airplanes are immensely intricate products with many components, which
translates to complex supply chains. Because many food and agricultural products are
perishable, routine production and delivery delays can easily cause spoilage even in good
times. When any stressor is added, such as the possibility of Brexit’s necessitating new layers
of customs requirements, exporters can quickly find themselves in trouble.
However, some vulnerabilities result from intentional decisions. These include adopting lean
production models to improve efficiency and margins, holding minimal inventory, sourcing
from a single supplier, and making extensive use of customized inputs with few substitutes, for
example. These choices can improve efficiency or quality in the immediate term, but they can
have unintended consequences during a disruption. These are and remain potentially viable
operating decisions; the vulnerability arises when they are applied without a counterbalancing
emphasis on resilience.
One issue that affects most large companies is a lack of visibility into the deeper tiers of their
supply chain. Complexity itself is not necessarily a weakness to the extent that it provides
companies with redundancies and flexibility. But sometimes the balance can tip, and
excessively complex networks become opaque. A single large multinational can have tens of
thousands of suppliers in multiple tiers (Exhibit 5). Without full transparency, companies may
not realize how heavily reliant they are on subtier suppliers in shock-prone regions halfway
around the world. Vulnerability can also lurk within the balance sheet. High fixed costs, high
levels of debt, and low cash on hand can make it harder to maneuver and maintain solvency in
a crisis—and some of these patterns are common across broader industries. Organizational
weaknesses, too, can come back to bite individual companies in a crisis.
This chapter explores several key areas of vulnerability, including demand planning,
supplier networks, transportation and logistics, financial health, and product complexity.
An organization’s supply chain operations can be a source of vulnerability or resilience,
depending on its effectiveness in monitoring risk, implementing mitigation strategies, and
establishing business continuity plans. Finally, we have combed through publicly available
data to map the top-tier suppliers for two major corporations in the food and beverage
industry and two more in computers and electronics. These real-world examples illustrate
the complexity, layers, and hidden relationships that companies must sort out and manage in
their supplier networks.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
May 14, 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 5
The largest companies have thousands of suppliers globally.
Source: Bloomberg Supply Chain database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Analysis based on 668 out of 1,371 companies in MSCI index; excludes 57 companies that did not have public information available on tier-1
suppliers and 645 companies that provide services. This constitutes an incomplete estimate of customer-supplier relationships based on public
disclosures. Suppliers include providers of intermediate inputs, services, utilities, software, etc.
Median of simple average of tier-1 suppliers for each manufacturing industry considered.
Number of publicly disclosed tier
-1 suppliers of MSCI companies
Beyond the first tier, companies rely on a network of thousands of suppliers
Industries with the largest
number of tier
-1 suppliers
MSCI companies with the largest number of
publicly disclosed tier-1 suppliers
General Motors
Publicly disclosed tier-1 suppliers Tier-
2 suppliers and below
Food and beverage
industry median
industry median
industry median
General Motors
Arrow Electronics
34 McKinsey Global Institute
At the value chain level, manufacturing of some products has become
highly concentrated, creating the potential for bottlenecks
When most suppliers are concentrated in a single geography, a natural disaster or localized
conflict in that part of the world can cause critical shortages that snarl the entire network.
During the early weeks of the COVID pandemic, many consumer packaged goods companies
found out abruptly that some critical inputs largely come from Hubei Province.
Over the past two decades, globalization has reinforced country-level specialization in some
industries where clusters have formed, enabling companies to reap economies of scale
and hone their expertise.
Industries such as computers and mobile phones have become
more geographically concentrated as a result. But this can lead to bottlenecks when shocks
hit. Yet the opposite has happened in industries such as medical devices and aerospace
as more countries have begun to participate in the value chain (Exhibit6). Other products
may be produced in diverse geographies but have severe capacity constraints that create
bottlenecks if production is disrupted. Similarly, certain products may be exported by many
countries, but trade takes place within clusters of countries rather than on a global basis.
In those instances, importers may struggle to quickly source from another exporter when
their predominant supplier experiences a disruption. Last, diversification of production is not
inherently positive, particularly if the shifts are to areas that are more exposed to shocks.
The risk of concentration affects both downstream customers, whose inputs could dry up, and
upstream suppliers if those customers stop ordering. When a country is heavily reliant on one
major export industry, a sharp downturn in customer markets can have devastating effects.
The textile and apparel industry in Bangladesh, for instance, accounts for the vast majority of
the country’s exports. When consumer spending plummeted in the United States and Europe
during the COVID pandemic, clothing retailers canceled billions of dollars’ worth of orders.
This not only squeezed Bangladeshi suppliers but created widespread hardship for garment
workers whose incomes suddenly dried up.
Even in value chains that are generally more geographically diversified, the production of
certain key products may be disproportionately concentrated. While aerospace is generally
regionalized, engines, turbo propellers, and large aircraft are mainly produced in one country.
Many low-value or basic ingredients in pharmaceuticals are made in China and India. For
example, UN Comtrade data shows that China and India export 42 percent of global antibiotic
active pharmaceutical ingredient products (by value, not volume), with China dominating
export value in some specific types such as streptomycin (75 percent) and penicillin
(52 percent). Semiconductors and consumer electronics also feature some regionally
concentrated exports. For example, Taiwan exports 43 percent of global value in electronic
integrated circuits, and South Korea exports 50 percent of global value in semiconductor
memory products.
Mainland China exports three-quarters of all personal computers and
two-thirds of all cellphones. While generally regionalized in production, some food and
beverage products may also be highly concentrated. Canada exports 85 percent of global
value in frozen lobsters, which are found primarily along its Atlantic coastline. In total, we find
180 products (valued at $134 billion in 2018) that are exported almost exclusively by a single
country. This creates the possibility that shocks in those countries could lead to bottlenecks
until alternatives can be found (Exhibit7).
See, for example, Paul Krugman, “Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade,” Journal of
International Economics, November 1979, Volume 9, Issue 4; and “Scale economies, product differentiation, and the
pattern of trade,” The American Economic Review, December 1980, Volume 70, Number 5.
Elizabeth Paton, “‘Our situation is apocalyptic’: Bangladesh garment workers face ruin,” New York Times, March 31, 2020.
2018 exports for product codes HS854239(electronic integrated circuits) and HS854232 (semiconductor memory
products exported almost
exclusively by one country
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 6
Globalization has led to diversification of production across countries in some sectors,
but others have grown more concentrated.
Change in geographic concentration by sector, 2000
18, measured by change in Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of exports
Source: UN
Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
A measure of concentration that is the sum of the square of each country’s share of exports.
Note: Data includes 5,444 unique final and intermediate products from 2018 trade data. The weighted average is weighted by th
e share of trade for
each product within each value chain. All other measurements of HHI are calculated using the raw, unweighted score.
Total export value, 2018,
Resource-intensiveGlobal innovations Regional processingLabor-intensive
% change in HHI
Food and
Fabricated metal products
Computers and peripherals
Mobile and communication equipment
ES and report
36 McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 7
Medical devices
and electronics
Food and
Mobile and other
and electronic
Machinery and
Exports of some products are significantly concentrated and can be a key source
of vulnerability.
Source: UN
Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Nearly 200 products are exported almost exclusively by one country, creating potential bottlenecks
Distribution of export value HHI,
by product and value chain, 2018,
level export
25th percentile
75th percentile
Maximum (up to 60)
Potential bottleneck
China exports
of an antibiotic used
to treat conjunctivitis,
meningitis, typhoid
fever, and other
serious infections
Japan exports
of cyclohexanol, a
chemical used for
paints, plastics,
and varnishes
China exports
of personal
laptop computers
Germany exports
of machine tools for
heavy material
machine operations
37Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
At the company level, vulnerabilities can reside within five critical
Value chain risk exists when external shocks meet vulnerabilities in operations and supply
chains. Companies therefore need to scrutinize the places where cracks tend to form. We
identify at least five areas that can present vulnerabilities: demand planning and inventory
decisions, the structure of supplier networks, transportation and logistics, financial
fragility, and product complexity (see Box1, “Where executives see vulnerabilities in their
supply chains”).
Demand planning and inventory management
Insufficient demand planning and forecasting capabilities can be a major vulnerability.
Value chains differ in the extent to which demand planning is complicated by high levels of
unpredictability, seasonality, and cyclicality. These characteristics are not permanently fixed.
Apparel, for example, was once defined by distinct seasons with long lead times. Now much
of the industry has shifted toward fast fashion, requiring rapid-fire turnaround times to keep
up with fickle consumer fads that are often driven by social media influencers.
In electronics,
short product life cycles and spikes in consumer spending during short holiday windows
complicate demand planning.
Another aspect that can create vulnerability in a supplier network is inventory levels.
Inventory holding patterns vary across value chains. Sectors such as medical devices with
low inventory-to-sales ratios are vulnerable to disruptions, while those that tend to carry high
levels of inventories, such as fabricated metal products and computers and electronics, are
comparatively less exposed.
For many years, just-in-time manufacturing has been held up as the ultimate model of
efficiency. This workflow methodology is predicated on highly responsive suppliers and rapid
turns through each step in a production system, and one of its immediate benefits is freeing
companies from the costs of carrying large inventories. As soon as a shipment of parts arrives,
it is put to use and quickly sent out the door and onto the next step. But achieving perfectly
lean manufacturing leaves each participant along the value chain very little margin for error.
Supply disruptions can quickly spiral into bottlenecks that ripple across the network. A trend
toward regionalization may, ironically, increase the speed at which disruptions are felt; when
inputs are hours away by truck instead of days away by cargo ship, organizations may feel
safer holding lower inventories.
The state of fashion 2019, McKinsey & Company and the Business of Fashion, November 2018.
McKinsey Global Institute
Where executives see vulnerabilities in their supply chains
Even before COVID19 struck, businesses were reevaluating risk. When McKinsey surveyed
600 global executives in December 2019, 70 percent of them reported that they were
reconsidering their supply chain strategies and global footprint. Indeed, at the time, US
China trade tensions and the United Kingdom’s pending withdrawal from the EU were major
sources of uncertainty.
Since then, the COVID pandemic has led to a heightened sense of vulnerability. In a follow-up
survey in May 2020, one-third of respondents cited demand variability and the difficulty of
forecasting accurately as key issues (Exhibit8). This worry was especially pronounced among
respondents from the automotive and chemicals industries. Sole sourcing or the use of inputs
that could not be substituted was a concern for 28 percent of all respondents—and for half of
those from the pharmaceutical industry. Just over a quarter of executives pointed to long lead
times for inputs and low or just-in-time inventories as vulnerabilities.
Exhibit 8
(n = 651)
Demand variability
Sole sourcing/
nonsustainable inputs
Long input lead times
Lack visibility on
supplier risks
Risk-prone logistics
Aging plant and
Short shelf life of
200 3010 40
10 18
Business leaders cite multiple sources of supply chain vulnerability.
Automotive and
assembly (n = 200)
(n = 84)
Consumer and packaged
goods (n = 86)
Pharmaceuticals and
medical devices (n = 152)
Which of the following conditions currently makes your company most vulnerable to value chain disruptions
due to any cause, including COVID
-19?, % of respondents
Source: McKinsey survey of business executives, May 2020; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
39Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Supplier network structure
To assess its vulnerabilities, any company has to identify all of the players in its supply chain—
and that is not a trivial task. Most have some view of the potential risks in their direct tier-one
suppliers but are flying blind when it comes to the subtiers of the supplier network.
Not surprisingly, our analysis of public disclosures of major customer-supplier relationships
reveals that sectors that manufacture relatively complex products, such as automobiles,
aerospace, and computers and electronics, have the greatest number of tier-one suppliers on
average. Airbus, General Motors, and Volkswagen are among the companies with the largest
number of disclosed tier-one suppliers, but this only hints at their full complexity. For example,
General Motors has more than 850 disclosed tier-one suppliers in its or its suppliers’
regulatory filings; the company itself, however, has stated that as many of 18,000 suppliers
are part of its ecosystem, mostly from lower tiers not captured by our analysis.
Airbus has 1,676 publicly disclosed tier-one suppliers but states that it works with over 12,000
As many companies move to consolidate their tier-one suppliers, their networks
can also expand exponentially beyond tier one. Building on publicly disclosed data, we find
that companies can have seven to 17 times as many total suppliers as in tier one.
The way a supply chain is constructed can turn out to be a source of either vulnerability or
resilience—and there is no one-size-fits-all formula that will work for every company. Exhibit9
illustrates some of these characteristics.
Having many tier-one suppliers can be challenging for procurement and operations unless
the downstream company actively shapes a more coordinated and cohesive core group
into which all others feed. At the same time, relying on a narrow supply chain may cede
strategic leverage to key suppliers and create the possibility that one player going down
can snarl the entire network. Each company will have to determine the balance that suits its
management capabilities and its risk tolerance.
The depth of a supply chain refers to the number of tiers in the network, which is determined
by the number of steps it takes to transform primary inputs into a finished good. Often
the result of cascading outsourcing decisions, deeper supply chains with many tiers may be
more opaque and harder to trace. One survey found that at least one-third of supply chain
disruptions occur at the second and lower tiers.
Interconnectivity is another important characteristic to examine. Suppliers that are central
within production ecosystems deserve attention regardless of how much downstream
companies spend with them; if they falter, they could disproportionately disrupt the broader
supply chain network. Technology providers often fall into this category, functioning almost as
a common utility.
Companies also need to map their networks broadly, paying attention to both industry
competitors and adjacent industries. Consider two industries that both use the same
input. If supply becomes unexpectedly constrained, the smaller buyer may be squeezed
out as suppliers prioritize their largest customers. Similarly, one industry may depend
on the by-products of another. During the recent pandemic, ethanol production fell as
gasoline sales plummeted. This drove up the prices of CO2 used by the beverage industry in
carbonation—a trend that squeezed beer makers even in the face of spiking alcohol sales.
The presence of dependent suppliers—that is, vendors deriving most of their revenue from
a single customer—also affects the resilience of a supply chain. In automotive, for example,
key suppliers are typically affiliated with a single major automaker, which typically leads to
better collaboration and reporting practices. But a troubled downstream customer can have
devastating financial consequences for a universe of heavily dependent suppliers.
General Motors, “Our management approach to supply chain,” 2018, gmsustainability.com/manage/supply.html.
Airbus, “Be an Airbus supplier,” airbus.com/be-an-airbus-supplier.html
Rachael Elliott, Catherine Thomas, and Kamal Muhammad, Supply chain resilience report 2019, Business Continuity
Institute, 2019.
Stephanie Kelly and Lisa Baertlein, “Beer may lose its fizz as CO2 supplies go flat during pandemic,” Reuters, April 18,
Supplier networks may be
larger than tier one alone
McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 9
Creates resilience Invites vulnerability
Density of spending with
top suppliers or in single
Lower likelihood that supplier disruption
causes bottlenecks
Increases dependency on single suppliers
Extent to which suppliers
are sole source of
component or input
Many substitutes
No substitutes
Redundancies limit risk of disruption Higher likelihood that supplier disruption
causes bottlenecks
Interconnectivity between
Supplier disruptions unlikely to affect full
Supplier disruption can affect full network
Layers of subtier suppliers
Increases ability to spot risk in subtiers Lowers visibility into subtiers
Extent to which customer
can trace spending at
subtier level
Many subtiers known
Few subtiers known
Transparency Lack of transparency
Sub-tier suppliers that are
highly dependent on one
customer or are SMEs
Decreases likelihood subtier is vulnerable
to financial shocks
Higher subtier vulnerability to financial
The structure of supply chain networks can create or reduce vulnerability.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
? ? ?
41Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Transportation and logistics networks
As supply chains lengthen and become leaner, they have less margin for error in getting
the right inputs to the right place at the right time. Complex supply chains are inherently at
the mercy of logistics to move products through each step in the process and eventually to
deliver the end product to market. These services are valued accordingly: business logistics
spending in the United States equaled 7.6 percent of GDP in 2019.
Globally, the third-party
contract logistics market is valued at over $260 billion.
Greater physical connectivity facilitates the movement of goods between manufacturing
facilities and across borders. Since 2010, the median country experienced a 30 percent
improvement in their Liner Shipping Connectivity Index, a UN Council on Trade and
Development metric that shows the growing capacity and frequency of shipping services
across countries.
At the same time, container shipping is vulnerable to both business risks
(such as cargo theft, supplier bankruptcy, and even ship fires) and catastrophic events (such
as storms) that physically block logistics infrastructure and routes. In a 2019 survey of global
executives, 15.8 percent stated that transportation was one of the top five causes of supply
chain disruptions in their network.
The regionalization of global trade and supply chains may mitigate some vulnerabilities in
logistics, but not all (see Box2, “From long haul to regional”). Regional and local supplier
networks are more likely to rely on ground shipping, which is more susceptible to cargo theft
and localized disruptions such as blizzards. In 2019, 87 percent of cargo theft occurred during
truck shipping, compared to rail or sea freight or warehousing.
The World Bank assesses countries’ international logistics performance on six dimensions:
customs, infrastructure, ease of arranging competitively priced shipments, competence of
logistics services, ability to track and trace consignments, and timeliness of shipments. In
2018, Germany ranked as the best performer. The United States ranked 14th, and China,
belying its status as the world’s leading exporter, ranked 26th (due in part to its lower
customs scores).
Financial fragility
An individual company’s financial position may prove to be a vulnerability or a source of
flexibility when a shock hits. Companies burdened with heavy debt loads or operating with
little cash on hand may have limited room to maneuver during shocks and shutdowns.
Common financial patterns are apparent across entire value chains. Sectors such as
mining are more reliant on financial intermediation services, which makes them more
sensitive to financial crises; by contrast, makers of petroleum products are less dependent
on the financial sector. Debt and liquidity levels also vary meaningfully by industry.
Based on a review of the 2019 financials of large publicly traded global companies,
the automotive, machinery and equipment, and communication equipment sectors tend to
be more highly leveraged than sectors such as semiconductors and petroleum products.
The pharmaceutical, semiconductor and electronic components, and petroleum products
industries tend to have more cash on hand, while aerospace, automotive, communication
equipment, and agriculture are less liquid.
31st annual state of logistics report, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, 2020.
McKinsey Global Institute analysis; includes primarily air and sea freight forwarding.
UN Council on Trade and Development. The index is a function of the number of scheduled ship calls, deployed annual
capacity, number of regular shipping services, and number of direct country connections.
Rachael Elliott, Catherine Thomas, and Kamal Muhammad, Supply chain resilience report 2019, Business Continuity
Institute, 2019.
BSI & TT Club cargo theft report 2020, BSI Group and TT Club, 2020.
World Bank, Logistics Performance Index, 2018.
McKinsey Global Institute
However strong the financial position of a downstream company may be, relying on many
small-market-cap or financially fragile suppliers could open the door to disruptions, especially
in the case of sole-source suppliers. Small automotive suppliers flirted with bankruptcy when
orders dried up during the recent pandemic.
Many medical device companies rely on small
suppliers to sterilize medical equipment; if they go down, the critical final step before sending
the product to market cannot be completed. In crises, downstream companies are only as
strong as their supplier networks.
Product and portfolio complexity
Product characteristics can create inherent vulnerabilities. Some products have short life
cycles, for instance. Their makers can be disproportionately affected by disruptions that
prevent or delay product delivery to market, since they have limited options for storing and
selling products at a later date. The use of custom inputs or nonmodular manufacturing
processes can also leave companies unable to find readily available substitutes
or alternatives.
Product complexity can be measured by the relative level of capabilities, or skilled labor,
required to manufacture that good. The Observatory of Economic Complexity developed
a product complexity index based on the number of countries producing and trading a given
product, which infers relative comparative advantage of production by assuming products
produced in a smaller number of countries require a greater level of skill to produce, and
hence are more complex by nature.
Analyzing these index scores across global value chains
reveals that aerospace, automotive, machinery and equipment, and medical devices are
the most complex products. Labor- and resource-intensive value chains, such as apparel,
textiles, agriculture, and mining, are relatively less complex.
In recent decades, expanding product portfolios has created new revenue opportunities
but also introduced complexity. The retail landscape has added new channels, often with
their own product and packaging requirements. Consumer goods companies have rapidly
expanded their product portfolios and extended existing lines in a bid to gain shelf space
and capture fast-growing niche markets (such as wellness products and organic foods). This
strategy can drive growth, but it also strains demand planning and supply chain management.
One McKinsey study found that product portfolio complexity costs food and beverage
manufacturers as much as $50 billion in gross profit in the US market alone.
One global food
manufacturer increased its SKU count in North America by 66 percent in a three-year period,
adding line extensions and products customized as retail house brands without discontinuing
any of its older products.
As product portfolios become bigger, they involve more unique raw
inputs, limited-time offerings, small orders, specialized packaging requirements, and risk of
spoilage and waste. In good times, an overly complex product portfolio can create operational
drag and dilute value. But in a crisis, it suddenly becomes a real vulnerability. In response,
some food and beverage companies are now developing alternative recipes in case key
ingredients become unavailable, and are reducing the diversity of in-store product offerings
to further streamline manufacturing and logistics.
Nick Carey and Ben Klayman, “May is crunch time for US auto suppliers amid coronavirus shutdown,” Reuters, April 9,
Jesus Felipe et al., “Product complexity and economic development,” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, March
2012, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 3668.
Christina Adams, Raphael Buck, Gary Herzberg, Janine Mandel, and Curt Mueller, “Harnessing the power of simplicity in a
complex consumer-product environment,” McKinsey.com, June 2020.
Christina Adams, Kari Alldredge, Curt Mueller, and Justin Whitmore, “Simpler is (sometimes) better: Managing complexity
in consumer goods,” McKinsey.com, December 2016.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
From long haul to regional
Since reaching a nadir in 2012,
the share of trade occurring within
the same region has begun to rebound
(Exhibit10). As the cost of labor
increases in major offshoring centers,
companies are realizing the advantages
of bringing production closer to
home, if not moving toward domestic
production. Regional production
networks offer the possibility of better
collaboration between suppliers,
greater proximity to customers, and
reduced risk and cost of transportation.
In 2018, intraregional trade accounted
for 56 percent of all trade in Asia–
Pacific and 64 percent in Europe.
Among traded goods, automotive,
chemicals, and food and beverage
products are commonly imported
from regional partners; by contrast,
goods in aerospace, medical devices,
and pharmaceuticals are more
likely to go through long-haul trade.
Semiconductors, which are inputs
to the broader electronics sector,
are intensely traded within the Asia–
Pacific region.
Exhibit 10
2000 05
Trade is becoming more regional.
Source: ITC Trade Map; UN Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Share of intraregional goods trade in total trade
(exports + imports), 19952019, %
Intraregional goods trade
by value chain, 2018
Most regional value chains, %
Food and
and components
44 McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 24
Imports, 2018, %
From within region From outside region
Transportation equipment
Electrical equipment
Machinery and equipment
Computers and electronics
Communication equipment
Semiconductors and components
Medical devices
Fabricated metal products
Rubber and plastic
Food and beverage
Glass, cement, and ceramics
Wooden products
Basic metals
Petroleum products
Trade is becoming more regional (continued).
Source: ITC Trade Map; UN
Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Note: Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
Intraregional imports are highest in the EU
-27 and United Kingdom, followed by AsiaPacific
AsiaPacific North AmericaEU-27 and United Kingdom Rest of world
Exhibit 10 (continued)
45Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Network analysis can illuminate vulnerabilities for
individual companies
Companies often assess their supply chain vulnerabilities exclusively based on cost, focusing
on the most expensive inputs or suppliers to which they direct the largest share of spending.
But a cost-only lens may miss hidden vulnerabilities in the network.
Network analysis can reveal some of the hidden dependencies lurking within supply chains.
To show what is possible, we illustrate the first- and second-tier supply ecosystems attached
to four major Fortune 500 companies. Each one is a small universe populated by thousands
of suppliers. This exercise offers a visual representation of just how complex, multitiered,
and multinational these networks are—and it dispels the notion that supply chains can move
and reconfigure easily. It also reveals that even within the same industry, companies may
make materially different decisions about how to structure their supply ecosystems, with
implications for risk.
We compare supply chain networks for two consumer electronics companies, Lenovo and
Dell, and two food and beverage companies, Nestlé and Pepsi.
The comparison is based on
publicly available data on each company’s tier-one and tier-two suppliers.
However, these
are only partial pictures. The full ecosystems, encompassing all deeper tiers back to raw
materials, would be much larger, more complex, and harder to trace. Differences in business
lines make it hard to compare company network structures directly: Dell’s participation in
the cloud computing and virtualization software markets or Lenovo’s production of mobile
phones may introduce additional suppliers and network dynamics.
All four companies have complex and multitiered supply chains, with 2,700 to more than
7,000 tier-one and tier-two suppliers. Like the broader industry value chain in which they
operate, suppliers in the Lenovo and Dell networks tend to be concentrated in Southeast Asia.
By contrast, those in the Nestlé and Pepsi networks are more globally dispersed, reflecting
the more regional nature of food and beverage supply chains and more limited tradability.
Nestlé has the largest share of suppliers in the European Union, while Pepsi has the largest
share in the United States. Emerging economies (particularly Indonesia and countries in
central Africa) play a bigger role in the food and beverage networks, supplying raw and
intermediate agricultural inputs, such as palm oil.
Moving from the tier-one to the tier-two level, the geographic mix of suppliers stays relatively
similar for the consumer electronics companies, but the food and beverage companies add
more Chinese and South Korean suppliers. Overall, geographic concentration is marginally
higher at the tier-two level (Exhibit11).
See, for example, Yevgeniya Korniyenko, Magali Pinat, and Brian Dew, Assessing the fragility of global trade: The impact of
localized supply shocks using network analysis, IMF working paper number 17/30, February 2017; Benjamin B. M. Shao et
al., “A data-analytics approach to identifying hidden critical suppliers in supply networks: Development of nexus supplier
index,” Decision Support Systems, October 2018, Volume 114; Amanda J. Schmitt and Mahender Singh, “A quantitative
analysis of disruption risk in a multi-echelon supply chain,” International Journal of Production Economics, September
2012, Volume 139, Issue 1; and Petr Matous and Yasuyuki Todo, “Analyzing the coevolution of interorganizational networks
and organization performance: Automakers’ production networks in Japan,” Applied Network Science, February 2017,
Volume 2, Issue 1.
Lenovo is a Chinese multinational that sells a range of consumer electronics, including personal computers, smartphones,
servers, electronic storage, and televisions. In 2019, it generated $51 billion in revenue and sold 25 percent of all personal
computer units. Dell is a US multinational that sells personal computers, servers, data storage devices, televisions, and
other consumer electronics. In 2019, it generated $90 billion in revenue and held 20 percent market share in personal
computer unit shipments. Nestlé, a Swiss multinational, is the largest food company in the world. Its diverse product
portfolio includes bottled water, coffee and tea, confectionaries, snacks, and “medical food” (products designed to
meet the nutritional needs of patients with specific conditions). In 2019, it earned $92 billion in revenue. PepsiCo is a US
multinational food, snack, and beverage company that earned $67 billion in revenues in 2019.
Data from the Bloomberg Supply Chain database, based on regulatory filings and other public disclosures. The database
excludes private companies and may exclude some public companies. The results provide a relative overview of
connectivity and network structure compared to other companies with similar data availability.
McKinsey Global Institute
Lenovo and Nestlé have supplier networks that are more interconnected and centralized
than those of Dell and Pepsi. The latter two companies have more clustered networks. Pepsi
relies on the smallest number (89) of disclosed tier-one companies in the data set; each
of them has its own relatively integrated network of related suppliers. Different network
clusters correspond to steps in the value chain, such as raw inputs, manufacturing and
processing, logistics, and digital infrastructure. In an integrated supply chain, the shutdown
of one highly central supplier in a deeper tier can cause wider bottlenecks. In networks with
multiple, relatively disconnected clusters, the disruption of a tier-one supplier could have
disproportionate effects.
The number of tiers in a supply chain determine how much visibility is possible—and
the degree to which downstream companies can spot problems and respond to them before
events snowball. Both Lenovo and Nestlé appear to have supplier networks with more than
twice as many tiers as those associated with Dell and Pepsi.
Shared suppliers can exacerbate disruptions. Analyzing the connectedness, or centrality,
of each supplier across the four networks reveals some critical entities. If they encounter
trouble, it is more likely to spread by impeding transactions across multiple tiers, suppliers,
or both. Our analysis finds that 75 percent of Dell’s 20 most connected suppliers are shared
with Lenovo, and 70 percent of Lenovo’s 20 most connected suppliers are shared with Dell.
Foxconn, IBM, and Microsoft are hardware and software suppliers to both companies—and
are highly connected in both networks. Should one become disrupted, it would not only affect
Dell and Lenovo’s existing operations but also limit their ability to secure alternative sourcing.
47Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 11
Even within the same industry, companies can have very different supply chain structures
and significant overlap.
Source: Bloomberg Supply Chain database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Clustering is based on the clustering coefficient, which is calculated with network analysis of all supplier-customer relationships. The clustering
coefficient measures the degree to which nodes cluster together and form interconnected subgroups.
2. The level of network depth is measured through the network diameter, using network analysis of all supplier
-customer relationships. The network
diameter is a measurement of network size that accounts for the overall structure by measuring the longest shortest path in the network.
Companies rely on complex, multitiered. and interconnected networks
Example: Semiconductors, computers and electronics, and communication equipment
Revenue, 2019 = $90 billion
Dell’s supplier ecosystem is more
clustered, meaning it is potentially more
exposed to bottlenecks
Revenue, 2019 = $51 billion
Lenovo’s supplier ecosystem is deeper,
meaning it has potentially less visibility
Known tier 1 and 2 suppliers
Dell only
Lenovo only
Suppliers of displays,
advanced optics, and
other glass components
service providers
Original equipment
Maritime trans-
port suppliers
service companies
and electronic
Suppliers of other
Mobile and
devices and
and plastics
Suppliers of displays,
advanced optics, and
other glass components
48 McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 25
Even within the same industry, companies can have very different supply chain structures
and significant overlap (continued).
Source: Bloomberg Supply Chain database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Clustering is based on the clustering coefficient, which is calculated with network analysis of all supplier-customer relationships. The clustering
coefficient measures the degree to which nodes cluster together and form interconnected subgroups.
2. The level of network depth is measured through the network diameter, using network analysis of all supplier
-customer relationships. The network
diameter is a measurement of network size that accounts for the overall structure by measuring the longest shortest path in the network.
Companies rely on complex, multitiered, and interconnected networks
Example: Food and beverage, some consumer packaged goods
PepsiCo only
Nestlé only
Known tier 1 and 2 suppliers
Revenue, 2019 = $67 billion
PepsiCo's supplier ecosystem is more
clustered, meaning it is potentially more
exposed to bottlenecks
Revenue, 2019 = $92 billion
Nestle's supplier ecosystem is deeper,
meaning it has potentially less visibility
Exhibit 11 (continued)
Machinery and
Food and
and plastics
Food packaging
Logistics and
Factory and
Food and
Pulp and paper
Machinery and
Logistics and
and plastics
Food packaging
49Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Ch 3 pic
© Shannon Fagan/Photodisc/Getty Images
3. The high cost of
The natural disasters, industrial accidents, malicious acts, and other business disruptions
described in chapter 1 leave damage in their wake—and not just on corporate balance
sheets. First and foremost, many of these events can claim lives and cause physical damage
to communities.
Companies will naturally want to understand the implications for their own bottom lines, but
production shutdowns themselves can amplify societal harm beyond the damage caused
by the initial shock itself. An inability to get products to market can lead to shortages of vital
supplies in an emergency. The longer the shutdown, the greater the likelihood of lost jobs and
lost tax revenue for public services.
As noted earlier in this report, disruptions are mostly unexpected but occur with regularity.
An average large company will experience a month-long disruption every 3.7 years. In
this chapter, we quantify the resulting financial losses, not only to help business leaders
understand what to expect but also to help them weigh how to invest in resilience.
A single prolonged disruption can destroy half—or almost all—of a company’s yearly profits,
depending on the industry. Based on those results and the probability of actual occurrences,
we estimate that, on average, companies can expect disruptions to erase almost 45 percent
of one year’s profits over the course of a decade. These are not distant future risks; they
are current and ongoing patterns. On top of those losses comes the additional cost of
rebuilding damaged physical assets, not to mention the risk of permanently losing market
share to competitors that are able to sustain operations, recover faster, or seize on a crisis to
innovate successfully.
The good news is that companies can reduce those losses by taking preventive steps. We
model a shock hitting two hypothetical companies: one that accepts the ongoing cost of
being prepared, and one that does not. The financial results differ sharply, indicating that, in
a multiyear view, the cost of prevention can pay off.
For example, one study found that every $1 invested in adaptation to prepare for climate change could result in $2–$10
in net economic benefits. See Adapt now: A global call for leadership on climate resilience, Global Commission on
Adaptation, September 2019.
On average, companies can
expect to lose approximately
of a year’s earnings to shocks
over the course of a decade
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Supply chain disruptions strike the bottom line
We built representative income statements and balance sheets for hypothetical companies
in 13 different industries, using actual data from the 25 largest public companies in each.
This enables us to see how they fare financially when under duress. We explore two
possible scenarios:
Scenario 1. A supply chain disruption that shuts down production for 100 days. In this
scenario, distribution and logistics channels continue to function, so companies can still
deliver goods to market. But once their safety stock of inventory is depleted, their ability to
continue generating revenue halts.
Scenario 2. The same conditions as in Scenario 1, but also affecting distribution channels
to get products to market. This means that companies cannot sell their products even if
they have inventory available.
Our choice to model a 100-day disruption is based on an extensive review of historical
In 2018 alone, the five most disruptive supply chain events affected more than 2,000
sites worldwide, and factories took 22 to 29 weeks to recover.
Typhoon Mangkhut was one
such event, producing power outages and flooding in southeastern China’s manufacturing
The combination of heavy rains and environmental concerns over water pollution in that
same year forced a major aluminum plant in Brazil to halve capacity and reduce workforce
over multiple months, causing shortages and price spikes in aluminum.
Industrial accidents
can also cause prolonged disruptions. In 2012, an explosion at an Evonik plant in Germany
shut down production for six months, generating an industry-wide shortage of a specialty
resin used in auto manufacturing.
Modeling a shock of a 100-day duration also allows us to illustrate the differential impacts
across our two scenarios due to differences in inventory holding patterns and fixed cost
structures for all sectors. For shocks of shorter durations in which it is possible to sell-down
safety inventory, sectors whose inventory holdings satisfy demand throughout the length
of the shock will have no earnings impact. For longer shocks, having lower fixed costs has
greater influence on the earnings impact.
Our scenarios show that a supply chain disruption affecting production but not distribution
channels would wipe out between 30 and 50 percent of one year’s EBITDA for companies in
most industries. An event that disrupts both production and distribution channels would push
the losses sharply higher for some (Exhibit12).
While the first stress test looks at one severe shock event in isolation, we then consider
probabilities and calculate expected losses over a ten-year period (shown at the bottom of
Exhibit12). This view combines the frequency of value chain disruptions of different lengths
with the financial impact experienced by companies in different industries.
We based their characteristics on averages from three years of financial statements from the largest 25 companies in
each sector, based on the MSCI World Index.
See also Dmitry Ivanov, “Predicting the impacts of epidemic outbreaks on global supply chains: A simulation-based
analysis on the coronavirus outbreak (COVID19/SARSCoV2) case,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review, April 2020, Volume 136.
Shahzaib Khan and Andrew Perez, Eventwatch 2018 annual report, Resilinc, 2019.
A tale of two storms: supply chain risks in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence and Typhoon Mangkhut, DHL
Resilience360, 2018.
Terje Solsvik, “Russia, Brazil woes could lead to aluminum supply shortage: Hydro CEO,” Reuters, April 16, 2018.
David Simchi-Levi, Willian Schmidt, and Yehua Wei, “From superstorms to factory fires: Managing unpredictable supply-
chain disruptions,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2014.
In both scenarios, our model assumes no property damage, no ramp-up time after the shutdown period concludes, no
seasonality in sales, and a decline in demand equivalent to 20 percent of the worst revenue hit the particular industry has
experienced over the past 20 years. We assume a recovery of 25 percent of sales lost during the disruption period during
the remainder of the fiscal year. See the technical appendix for additional detail.
McKinsey Global Institute
Exhibit 12
Net present value (NPV) of expected losses
over 10 years,
% of annual EBITDA
NPV for a major
$ million
NPV of expected
EBITDA margin, pp
Aerospace (commercial) 1,564 7.4
Automotive 6,412 7.3
Mining 2,240 8.4
Petroleum products 6,327 8.9
Electrical equipment 556 5.4
Glass and cement 805 6.2
Machinery and equipment 1,084 6.5
Computers and electronics 2,914 5.9
Textiles and apparel 788 7.8
Medical devices 431 8.7
Chemicals 1,018 5.7
Food and beverage 1,578 7.6
Pharmaceuticals 1,436 6.0
Impact of a 100-day disruption,
Key variables
Scenario 1:
Upstream disruption,
still able to sell from
existing inventory
Scenario 2:
Disruption of both
production and
on hand,
Cost of
goods sold,
% of revenue
% of revenue
Aerospace (commercial) -56 -90 60 78 11
Automotive -39 -60 43 76 13
Chemicals -38 -45 18 68 16
Computers and electronics -50 -52 4 68 15
Electrical equipment -50 -61 30 69 13
Food and beverage -31 -34 11 49 25
Glass and cement -48 -53 11 66 15
Machinery and equipment -48 -55 17 68 16
Medical devices -32 -53 59 43 23
Mining -47 -53 15 78 18
Petroleum products -52 -54 8 75 19
Pharmaceuticals -12 -38 75 29 25
Textiles and apparel -43 -52 22 39 20
Supply chain disruptions can have major financial consequences.
Source: S&P Capital IQ; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
1. Model also considers differences in revenue at risk due to a disruption and a modest demand decline (based on historical e
2. Based on normalized financial statements of representative global companies within the industry and expert interviews rega
rding what proportion
of inventory is finished or
semifinished. 3. Based on estimated probability of a severe disruption twice per decade (constant across industries) and
proportion of revenue at risk due to a shock (varies across industries). Amount is expressed as a share of one year’s revenue
(ie, it is not recurring
over modeled 10
-year period). Calculated by aggregating cash value of expected shocks over a 10-year period based on averages of production-
and production and distribution disruption scenarios multiplied by probability of event occurring for a given year. Expected
cash impact is discounted
based on each industry’s weighted average cost of capital. 4. Based on weighted average revenue of top 25 companies by ma
rket cap in each
A supply chain disruption of 100 days could erase half or more of a year's earnings for companies in some industries
Given the probabilities of shock frequency, companies can expect losses exceeding 40% of one year’s EBITDA
on average every decade
53Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
We estimate that, on average, companies face expected losses equal to almost 45 percent
of one year’s profits over the course of a decade.
This is equal to seven percentage
points of expected decline in EBITDA on average over a ten-year period. These are not
just hypothetical future losses; they reflect the current and ongoing reality that companies
are already experiencing. Our modeling suggests that the financial losses for companies
in pharmaceuticals as well as food and beverage are lowest at the industry level. Those in
aerospace, automotive, and mining stand to sustain the largest losses from disruptions. We
make no assessment of the extent to which the cost of these disruptions has already been
priced into valuations. Modeling a 50-day shock results in an average expected earnings
impact of 35 percent of one-year’s EBITDA across the industries we sampled over a ten-year
period; a 25-day shock would result in an average expected earnings impact of 28 percent of
one year’s EBITDA over ten years.
It is important to note that individual companies within the sectors above may experience
better—or worse—results than the hypothetical businesses modeled here, depending on
their own exposure to shocks, the unique vulnerabilities within their operations and supply
chains, and the mitigation measures they have already taken. Our analysis does not take
those potential measures into account. The losses described here exclude the destruction of
shareholder value, which may persist for some time after the shock.
In addition, some external shocks may actually be positive for individual companies. Events
that strike one company’s operations and suppliers but not a competitor’s can boost
the latter’s market share, at least temporarily but perhaps permanently. Others may seize
on a crisis and innovate quickly and successfully under pressure in ways that support
ongoing growth.
Inventory is a critical buffer in the short term, but fixed costs come
into play during longer disruptions
Companies that hold larger inventories and have lower fixed costs tend to experience
relatively smaller financial losses from shocks. If a natural disaster hits a supplier but
distribution channels remain open, having a sufficient inventory of safety stock becomes
a key buffer. However, downstream companies that rely on their inventory to continue
selling in a crisis still face a cash drain after the fact when it is time to replenish drawn-down
safety stock.
How much inventory to hold is a company-specific decision, but certain holding patterns are
apparent across industries in the volume and relative share of inputs and parts, semifinished
goods, and finished goods.
For example, most inventory of finished goods in the apparel
industry is held by retailers (which our analysis does not capture). Some industries can exhibit
important geographic differences. European automakers typically sell through their own
dealerships; they therefore have more inventory on their books than their counterparts in
the United States, where independent dealers hold inventory. The computer and electronics
industry may have several days’ worth of inventory (or less) at any given time. By contrast,
companies in the pharmaceutical industry hold several months’ worth of finished goods.
These decisions reflect the complexity of production as well as the frequency of disruptions.
Industries that make products with shorter shelf lives will understandably hold less inventory,
for example. The cost of holding inventory as well as the ease and practicality from a physical
We aggregate the cash value of expected shocks over a ten-year period, using the average cash impact from variations of
Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 multiplied by a constant probability of the event’s occurring in a given year based on an average
of expert input for several industries. The expected cash impact is discounted based on each industry’s weighted average
cost of capital. For more details on our methodology, see the technical appendix.
Kevin B. Hendricks and Vinod R. Singhal, An empirical analysis of the effect of supply chain disruption on long-run stock
price performance and equity risk of the firm, November 2003.
For a broader discussion, see Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, New York, NY: Random
House, 2014; and Yossi Sheffi, The Power of Resilience: How the Best Companies Manage the Unexpected, Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2015.
To estimate inventories of finished goods, we use total inventories as reported on our sample companies’ financial
statements and then modify the proportion of finished versus semifinished goods based on expert interviews.
McKinsey Global Institute
standpoint are also factors. Pharmaceutical doses are obviously easier to store in bulk
than automobiles.
In more commoditized or less specialized supply chains, downstream players may be able to
easily acquire inputs of comparable quality from alternate sources, creating less incentive
to hold more inventory. But if they go down, the knock-on effects could touch multiple
downstream companies. For example, rare earths are typically acquired on a commodity
trading exchange or via commodity brokers, with no direct bilateral relationship between
the supplier and the customer. A disruption in upstream production could therefore limit
supply and raise prices so that all downstream companies are affected (unless they are
operating under a long-term contract with price guarantees).
When a disruption outlasts the available safety stock, lower fixed costs become important to
withstanding a decline in EBITDA. Industries with high fixed costs (such as pharmaceuticals)
are at a disadvantage when distribution is impossible because they cannot simultaneously
reduce variable costs during the disruption.
It pays to be prepared
Companies can take a number of steps to minimize the financial impact of disruptions
and speed time to recovery. (See chapter 5 for a fuller discussion of possible actions.) But
resilience typically requires investment or even accepting higher current operating costs
today to minimize potential losses in the future. It is therefore important to consider what kind
of returns those measures could yield in a crisis.
To illustrate the costs and payoff of enhanced resilience, we construct models of two
imaginary firms: PreparedCo and UnpreparedCo. They take opposite approaches to
dual-siting production, holding inventory, and carrying more comprehensive insurance
The underlying financials are based on averages for the automotive industry,
which is among the most heavily exported manufacturing sectors and a pacesetter in
supply chain management. But the insights hold across sectors. We subject both firms to
the same 50-day shock in which property damage compromises their own production and
distribution capabilities.
Our scenario assumes that a shock hits one factory from each company. But PreparedCo runs
two plants to manufacture a product that accounts for half of its revenue, while UnpreparedCo
relies on only one plant to do the same. The disruption therefore takes out 50 percent of
UnpreparedCo’s revenue but only 25 percent of revenue for PreparedCo. In addition to its
lower exposure, PreparedCo then has capacity to increase output in its unaffected factory by
25 percent. The ability to flex production across sites helps to minimize the impact on revenue.
In inventory, damage to UnpreparedCo’s factory destroys 50 percent of the company’s stock.
But because PreparedCo holds inventory at both of its factories, it loses only 25 percent.
Furthermore, PreparedCo held three times as much inventory as UnpreparedCo to begin with,
so it has more stock on hand to continue selling through the interruption.
Finally, PreparedCo is fully insured for its property damage, while UnpreparedCo is not. This
is admittedly an extreme assumption, but we make it to illustrate the mechanics of losses in
a simplified way. Insurance premiums represent higher ongoing costs for PreparedCo, which
we reflect in a higher cost of goods sold and an extra insurance line item.
Fixed costs reflect the inverse of the cost of goods sold (COGS) margin.
These are only a few of the possible resilience measures, as we discuss in Chapter 4. In selecting these three levers, we
are not asserting that they are the most appropriate for all industries. Some industries may have more opportunities to
make resiliency investments that also enhance productivity. Meanwhile, the structure of other industries may make it
infeasible to hold additional inventory. For more on these choices, see Florian Lücker, Ralf W. Seifert, and Işik Ber, “Roles
of inventory and reserve capacity in mitigating supply chain disruption risk,” International Journal of Production Research,
2019, Volume 57, Issue 4.
A more prepared company can reduce
the losses from a shock by some
23 pp
55Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
The cost of the shock to PreparedCo is 23 percentage points less than the cost to
UnpreparedCo (Exhibit13). UnpreparedCo’s cash ratio (cash balances to current liabilities) is
halved by the shock, due to more extreme EBITDA losses and the company’s need to rebuild
its physical plant without the offsetting support of an insurance payout.
As in our illustration described above, companies can conduct their own stress tests to
quantify their financial risk from disruptions. Key parameters to explore could include
measures of shock exposure (for example, days of disruption, number of facilities affected)
and measures of supply chain vulnerability and resilience (for example, inventory levels, levels
of insurance coverage, and ability to switch suppliers or ramp up production at alternate
locations). Such an exercise helps companies identify the most effective preventive measures
at their disposal and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the required investment.
Exhibit 13
A company with a resilient supply chain can reduce the EBITDA impact of a disruption by
23 percentage points.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Impact of a 50
-day supply shock with a demand hit
Analysis assumes differences in footprint, inventory patterns, and insurance
Index: Normalized to revenue = 100
Pre-shock EBITDA
Cost of
resilience investments
Impact of shock
Benefits of
resilience investments
Post-shock EBITDA
For example, higher cost of goods sold, higher insurance expense.
Note: This analysis reflects impacts to income statement only and does not reflect balance sheet impacts. Figures may not sum
to 100% because of
PreparedCo UnpreparedCo
56 McKinsey Global Institute
Some companies maintain a list of prioritized risks, and some go even further by modeling
them. But they often do so by looking at these shocks as discrete events. Now analytics tools
enable a more sophisticated approach that quantifies risks in the context of broader and
more integrated scenarios. This makes it possible to combine extreme one-off events with
knock-on effects and the ongoing business cycle, taking correlations into account. Scenarios
can also integrate a range of risk mitigation strategies to test which would be most effective.
The results can then inform strategic planning and capital allocation decisions.
Since the cost of disruptions is high and highly probable, it is time to rethink the returns from
investing in value chain resilience, which may pay off both today and over time. Our analysis
indicates that an average large company could invest up to 40 percent of one year’s EBITA in
resilience measures and still have a positive return on investment when viewed over a decade.
Chapter 4 considers one possible resilience measure that is currently garnering a great deal
of speculation: moving the physical location of production. Despite the current debate, this is
not always feasible, and it is only one option among many, as we outline in chapter 5.
Conor Kehoe, Cindy Levy, and Matt Stone, “Stress testing for non-financial companies,” McKinsey.com, June 2017.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Ch 4 pic
© Sigrid Olsson/PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections/Getty Images
4. Geographic
rebalancing of
trade flows
Even before the current pandemic, global value chains were evolving. Our 2019 report on
globalization outlined a number of structural shifts taking place over the past decade:
Trade in goods has been growing more slowly than world GDP. This reflects the rise of
consumers and supply chains in China and in other developing countries. These nations
are consuming more and increasingly able to make a wider range of more sophisticated
products. More of what is made in China is now sold there instead of being exported.
Low wages have become less important in determining where companies choose to
locate production. Overall, only 13 percent of globally traded goods are now exported
from low-wage to high-wage countries.
Other factors matter more than labor-cost
arbitrage, including access to skilled talent, proximity to major markets, supplier
ecosystems, resource scarcity, and the business environment.
Trade flows are becoming more regionalized within Asia, Europe, and North America.
This signals that some multinational companies are deciding that nearshoring may offer
the right balance of cost, speed, coordination, and resilience.
Cross-border data flows are the new connective tissue of the world economy. Much
of this traffic is generated by companies communicating and transacting with their global
operations, overseas suppliers, and international customers. The Internet of Things, cloud
computing, and data analytics are dramatically increasing global flows of data, which have
grown 320 times larger since 2005.
Today, with a heightened focus on risk, both business leaders and policy makers are
wondering whether to expect a significant shift in the geographic structure of global value
chains. This chapter attempts to answer that question from several angles. First, we consider
the feasibility of relocating value chains to new countries based purely on industry economics
and quantify what share of global exports could be in play. Second, we consider noneconomic
factors that might influence policy interventions. Finally, we offer illustrative industry case
studies to explain the complex dynamics at play and feasibility of relocation.
All told, we estimate that shifts in industry value chains could affect 16 to 26 percent of global
trade, worth $2.9 trillion to $4.6 trillion annually. This is not a forecast of how much production
will move, nor is it a recommendation of what should happen. It is a rough quantification of how
much could move across national borders in the next five years. The dynamics of rebalancing
could vary significantly across regions, however.
This chapter aims to provide critical context, considering why industry chains have evolved
into their current configurations. While the share of production that could plausibly move is
significant, value chains are complicated networks that cannot be uprooted and replanted
easily. In fact, most global manufacturing and trade appears relatively entrenched.
Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2019.
Defined as exports from a country whose GDP per capita is one-fifth that of the importing country or less. This share will of
course vary if the ratio is set differently, but at all levels, a decline in labor-cost arbitrage is apparent.
Analysis of TeleGeography data.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Some 16 to 26 percent of global trade could be subject to
geographic rebalancing
Global value chains continue to evolve, but they are stickier than many people realize.
As shown in chapter 2, one large multinational’s supplier network alone may encompass
hundreds or more of tier-one suppliers—and thousands more in the second tier and
other subtiers. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested in establishing value
chains as they exist today, and companies often work hand in hand with long-standing
trusted suppliers.
We set out to estimate how much of the trade flowing through global value chains could
feasibly move to new exporting countries based on industry economics alone. We then
consider the extent to which policy and regulatory changes could have further impact.
To examine the business case for geographic shifts, we consider several factors:
Shifts already unfolding. The market share among the top exporting countries is already
shifting in some industries. Between 2015 and 2018, for instance, the share of trade
produced by the three leading export countries in apparel clearly dropped. In contrast,
the top three countries in semiconductors and mobile communications increased their
share of trade markedly.
Capital intensity and economies of scale. Highly capital-intensive value chains are
harder to move for the simple reason that they represent hundreds of billions of fixed
investments. These industries have strong economies of scale, making them more costly
to shift.
Knowledge intensity and specialized supplier ecosystems. Value chains with high
knowledge intensity tend to have specialized ecosystems that have developed in specific
locations, with unique suppliers and specialized talent. Deciding to move production
outside of this ecosystem to a novel location is costly.
Access to natural resources. Resource-intensive value chains (agriculture, mining,
energy, wood products, and basic metals) are relatively fixed based on geology and
the environment. This makes them very difficult to shift in the short or medium term,
although in the long run, new resource discoveries and technologies can alter them.
Demand growth. One of the most important determinants of where multinational
companies locate production is access to consumer markets. An aging and more
prosperous China, for example, will likely drive further demand for medical devices,
supporting a greater presence of that industry in the country or elsewhere in Asia. Once
companies establish production for China’s market, they may choose to export from there
as well. Indeed, in a 2019 survey of American businesses in China, 50 percent said their
current model focuses on production for the Chinese market.
Product complexity and substitutability of inputs. Some complex products depend
on inputs that are made by only one or two suppliers in the world. This severely reduces
possibilities for moving production or sourcing. We use the product complexity index
from the Observatory of Economic Complexity, which measures whether a product is
produced in a few locations or many, as a proxy for the capabilities required to produce
that product.
More complex products require a greater level of capabilities to produce
and are more likely to be concentrated in a smaller number of countries with a relative
comparative advantage.
2020 China Business Climate Survey report, American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China
(AmCham China), 2020.
Jesus Felipe et al., “Product complexity and economic development,” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, March
2012, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 3668.
McKinsey Global Institute
Regionalization of the value chain. Regional production networks that have formed
near major consumer markets allow companies to increase the speed at which they can
get products to market and more nimbly respond to shifts in demand. Value chains that
already have comparatively low levels of intraregional trade may be more likely to move
geographically as firms seek to shorten transportation times and production cycles.
Trade intensity. Value chains that are not highly traded (that is, with predominantly
local production and consumption) are less likely to shift. This may be due to the weight
or perishability of the product. Shifts in these value chains will largely be based on
consumer demand.
In addition to looking at the business case, we also consider three noneconomic factors that
could cause policy makers to take steps to boost domestic production:
National security. Some nations have become more intent on protecting their industrial
base and safeguarding technologies with dual-use (civilian and military) implications.
This could lead governments to intervene in value chains such as semiconductors and
communication equipment (particularly as 5G networks are built out).
National competitiveness. Governments may deem some industries important to their
national competitiveness and economic development strategies. Some have announced
major industrial policies intended to capture leading shares of emerging technologies
ranging from quantum computing and artificial intelligence to renewable energy and
electric vehicles. This, too, has the potential to reroute value chains.
Self-sufficiency. The COVID pandemic has driven home the importance of self-
sufficiency across a range of fundamental areas, including food, pharmaceuticals, and
certain medical equipment.
Exhibit14 presents metrics on many of these dimensions for individual value chains and
summarizes their estimated potential to move across borders in the next five years. We find
that 16 to 26 percent of 2018 exports, worth $2.9 trillion to $4.6 trillion, could be in play. We
emphasize that this is not a forecast. It is a rough estimate of how much global trade could
relocate rather than an assertion that it actually will.
Labor-intensive value chains (such as textiles, apparel, and furniture) can feasibly move
for economic reasons but are less likely to be subject to policy pressures. In contrast,
resource-intensive value chains (such as mining, agriculture, and energy) have very limited
economic potential to shift in the medium term. But policy considerations may encourage new
exploration and development that can shift value chains at the margins.
The value chains in the global innovations category (semiconductors, automotive,
communications, and pharmaceuticals) are subject to the most scrutiny and possible
intervention from governments, although the feasibility of moving them based on
the economics alone varies.
of global exports could
conceivably move to different
countries in the medium term
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 14
Value chain
$ billion
Share of
Total exports, 2018,
$ billion
Top 3 exporter share
change, 201518, pp
Capital intensity,
Knowledge intensity,
Product complexity
Intraregional trade,
Chemicals 86172 5–11 1,584 -1.4 72 26 5 57
Pharmaceuticals 236377 3860 626 0 58 41 5 40
Aerospace 82110 2533 333 -2.9 53 40 5 34
Automotive 261349 1520 1,730 -1.6 51 16 5 60
Transportation equipment 6089 2943 209 0 48 18 5 43
Electrical equipment 213319 2334 928 -2.5 43 23 5 54
Machinery and equipment 271362 1925 1,455 -2.2 36 19 6 50
Computers and electronics 165247 2335 708 -1.9 47 57 5 53
Communication equipment 227363 3454 673 9.5 51 45 5 46
Semiconductors and components 92184 9–19 995 10.5 62 39 5 81
Medical devices 100120 3745 268 0.1 47 29 5 40
Furniture 3774 2245 164 -5.7 40 15 4 55
Textiles 67134 2345 297 -3.2 34 15 4 55
Apparel 246393 3657 688 -8.1 30 18 3 43
Fabricated metal products 94141 2132 440 -3.5 33 16 5 57
Rubber and plastic 97145 2030 488 -2.7 40 16 5 60
Food and beverage 63125 5–11 1,149 -1.1 57 14 4 56
Glass, cement, and ceramics 2245 1121 209 -4.5 48 15 5 57
Agriculture 112149 2026 568 0.4 24 10 4 47
Wooden products 8–17 5–11 155 0.9 43 11 4 57
Basic metal 77153 6–12 1,250 -3.6 54 16 4 51
Petroleum products 212423 9–18 2,414 1.3 81 32 3 30
Mining 2957 6–13 452 3.8 72 16 3 49
Total Low
The potential for value chains to shift across borders over the next five years depends on
economic and noneconomic factors.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Observatory of Economic Complexity; UN
Comtrade; US Bureau of Economic Analysis; US Bureau of
Labor Statistics; World Input
-Output Database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Value of exports
with shift feasibility
(annual exports)
Low High
Drivers of economic
shift feasibility
Low High
Feasibility of
geographic shift
Low High
1. Low
-end sizing = global imports from outside importing country’s region average of economic and noneconomic feasibility. High-end sizing =
global imports from outside importing country’s region maximum of economic and noneconomic feasibility. 2. Noneconomic fa
ctors take into
account goods deemed essential or targeted for national security or economic competitiveness considerations, based on propose
d and enacted
government policies and definitions of essential goods. 3. Amount of capital compensation as a share of gross output.
4. Defined as share of
labor with a tertiary education. 5. Product Complexity Index measures the relative substitutability of production across
sites of products in value
chain. 6. Percent of total trade that takes place within same region as its importer. 7. Dependent on access to resou
rces that are geographically
62 McKinsey Global Institute
Four case studies illustrate the way value chains have evolved and how
complex geographic rebalancing would be
Below we look at how four industry value chains are structured, the risks they face, how
they have responded to shocks in the past, and how they might evolve in the future. They
were chosen to represent a diverse range of industries, with varying economics and
policy pressures.
Pharmaceuticals: A globally diversified value chain in the political spotlight
Overall, the pharmaceutical value chain has become less concentrated and more globally
dispersed over the past 20 years (Exhibit15). But the COVID pandemic has highlighted
the fact that the manufacturing of some specific products is highly concentrated. Many
countries are concerned about securing their own access to vital treatments—and, eventually,
a vaccine. Industry economics alone point to only a modest possibility of shifts, but policy
interventions could redraw the map of pharmaceutical manufacturing more profoundly.
In rough terms, this heavily traded, knowledge-intensive value chain breaks down into
two complementary camps: one specializing in simpler small-molecule products (such as
antibiotics, aspirin, and other anti-inflammatories) and the other focusing on cutting-edge
large-molecule drugs or biologics that treat complex diseases such as cancer and multiple
sclerosis. Both types include intermediate production of active pharmaceutical ingredients as
well as finished dose forms of drugs.
Looking through the lens of value, exports of both intermediate ingredients and dosage-
ready drugs are dominated by advanced economies, including Germany, Switzerland,
the United States, and Ireland. One reason is that newer large-molecule therapies are under
patent and command higher prices per dosage. Collectively, they account for 30 percent of
pharmaceutical exports by value.
Many small-molecule products are older and no longer under patent, lending themselves
to cheaper generic formulations. Mostly developed in the 1980s or earlier, small-molecule
products include medications such as ibuprofen, ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure, over-
the-counter cold remedies, antibiotics, and generic forms of many drugs that have gone off
patent. As these products became commoditized, investment in new manufacturing capacity
shifted toward lower-cost locations where it is cheaper to build and operate new plants. Much
of this production occurs in hubs such as China, India, Singapore, and Ireland, which offer
some combination of lower overhead expenses, tax advantages, and clusters of expertise.
Some US manufacturing shifted to Puerto Rico. These locations typically implemented tax
and regulatory regimes and other policies specifically designed to attract pharmaceutical
manufacturing and create specialized industry clusters.
Some specific products are manufactured almost exclusively by one or two countries. While
China and India export a relatively small share (3 percent each) of overall pharmaceutical
products by value, they are the world’s key producers of active pharmaceutical ingredients
and small-molecule drugs.
In some categories, such as antibiotics, sedatives, ibuprofen, and
acetaminophen, China is the world’s dominant producer, accounting for 60 percent or more of
exports. India is the world’s leading provider of generic drugs, accounting for some 20 percent
of global exports by volume.
But it relies on China for most of the active pharmaceutical
ingredients that go into them. When the flow of these ingredients dried up in the early stages
of the COVID pandemic, India temporarily placed export controls on dozens of essential
drugs, including antibiotics.
Large-molecule therapies include blood products and vaccines.
UN Comtrade, 2018.
Pharmaceuticals, India Brand Equity Foundation, 2019, ibef.org/download/Pharmaceuticals-June-2019.pdf.
Vindu Goel, “As coronavirus disrupts factories, India curbs exports of key drugs,” New York Times, March 3, 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 15
Pharmaceutical manufacturing is global, with countries specializing by product.
Source: McKinsey/United Nations (disputed boundaries);
PharmSource; UN Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Pharmaceutical production is concentrated in the United States, Europe, India, and mainland China
Number of manufacturing facilities (including contract manufacturers)
No data
Active pharmaceutical ingredients, the building blocks of medicines and vaccines. Other APIs include alkaloids, hormones and steroids, vitamins,
and other chemical components not used in vaccines or antibiotics.
Note: The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by McKinsey & Company. Figur
es may not sum
to 100% because of rounding.
Human vaccines
100% =
Other APIs
Antibiotics APIs
China and India
(excluding China and India)
EU-27 and
United Kingdom
North America
Regions specialize in select types of pharmaceutical products
Global export value, select products, 2018 (%; $ billion)
64 McKinsey Global Institute
Based on economics alone, there is little reason to believe that pharmaceutical production will
shift unless it responds to the rise of new consumers in developing countries or to changes
in tax policies or other incentives. But in the wake of the pandemic, many governments are
revisiting whether they need to restore domestic production of some key medicines (as well as
medical equipment) to ensure public health. As a result, we estimate that 38 to 60 percent of
the pharmaceutical value chain could shift geographically in the coming years. If governments
choose to take action, they could do so through changes in tax policy, public purchasing,
a push to advance new technologies, or incentives for new plants and modernization of
existing plants. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies themselves may shift production to
avoid trade disputes or strengthen existing supply chain networks.
Production of small-molecule drugs would likely need to be digitized and automated to be
viable in advanced economies; otherwise, the higher costs of doing business might lead to
higher drug prices. Beyond requiring local production, governments can bolster national
resilience through other strategies, such as the regionalization of supply chains, maintaining
national stockpiles, or requiring pharmaceutical companies themselves to increase inventory.
Automotive: Regionalized value chains in flux
The auto industry has some of the most intricate value chains in the global economy,
and the most regionalized. Global auto exports amount to $1.7 trillion each year, of which
roughly 59 percent circulates within three broad regions: Asia, Europe, and North America.
Automotive is a prized industry from the standpoint of jobs, innovation, and competitiveness,
and nations have historically enacted policies to try to attract and retain auto manufacturing.
Policy, in addition to risk management, could drive future moves and additional
Although some parts may be sourced from suppliers halfway across the globe, the automotive
industry is characterized by regional clusters of production networks (Exhibit16). The United
States, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and China are the world’s largest hubs of automotive
production. They primarily source from suppliers in their immediate regions. The US auto
industry is integrated with Mexico and Canada; Germany has production networks in Eastern
Europe; and Japan and South Korea source from China as well as Thailand and Malaysia.
Regional clustering occurs in part because auto parts and vehicles are bulky and heavy,
making shipping expensive.
National policy and regulation have played a large part in influencing where production is
located. Virtually all countries impose tariffs and other trade restrictions on the automotive
industry due to its high value added and its ability to spur supporting activity in other
types of manufacturing and services. Local content requirements and unique safety and
environmental standards also tend to promote local production. Automotive production
in China relies on very few imported parts; the industry imported $40 billion worth of
intermediate inputs compared to nearly $600 billion in total car sales in 2018.
In North
America’s new USMCA trade agreement, 75 percent of a vehicle’s parts must be produced
within the region to qualify for free trade, an increase from the previous 62.5 percent.
UN Comtrade export data, 2018; and China National Bureau of Statistics, 2018.
Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada 12/13/19 text, Office of the
United States Trade Representative, 2019.
China’s annual exports of auto parts
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 16
Automotive production is widely distributed across regional hubs.
Source: IHS Markit; McKinsey/United Nations (disputed boundaries); UN
Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Note: The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by McKinsey & Company. Figures may not sum
to 100% because of rounding.
North America
EU-27 and
United Kingdom
mainland China)
Rest of
the world
Share of exports
Share of imports
Clusters in North America, Europe, and China produce most of the world’s parts and vehicles
Share of global exports and gross output of intermediate and final goods, 2018, %
Mainland China
Automotive imports and exports are relatively distributed among the top countries, pointing to regionalization
Intermediate and final goods, 2018, %
Germany Japan United
Mexico France South
China Canada Spain United
Italy All other
All other
66 McKinsey Global Institute
Despite the largely regional nature of automotive production networks, OEMs in other parts of
the world still rely on some imported Chinese parts. In 2018, China exported $44 billion worth
of automotive parts and inputs globally, of which $17 billion went to North America, $8 billion
to the EU, and $13 billion to the rest of Asia. Because of these dependencies, the initial COVID
outbreak centered in Hubei Province quickly produced global ripple effects in the industry.
Typically, a just-in-time manufacturing approach gives companies between two and 12 weeks
of buffer inventory. The impact of Chinese factory shutdowns was moderated by excess
inventory purchases that had only recently been made in anticipation of the Chinese New Year
holiday. Nevertheless, purchasing managers scrambled to find alternative suppliers within
and outside of China for critical parts, even if those parts had to be air shipped at greater
cost. Shortages of Chinese parts quickly snowballed, forcing the shutdown of assembly lines
from Brazil and Mexico to Europe and South Korea in February 2020. Hyundai and Kia, for
example, were not only more reliant than other automakers on Chinese parts but tended to
hold lower inventory of those parts.
The automotive industry has historically led the way in productivity-enhancing manufacturing
and logistics innovation—and it is now at the cutting edge of attempting to marry resilience
and productivity. Toyota, an early creator of lean manufacturing systems, has already
addressed lessons learned after the 2011 tsunami (see chapter 5). Trade disputes are
an ongoing concern, leading companies to build in more flexibility and redundancy. We
estimate that a relatively modest share of auto exports, between 15 and 20 percent by value,
has the potential to shift, driven predominantly by noneconomic factors.
Semiconductors: Highly specialized production hubs
Semiconductor components are lightweight, modular, and high-value-added products.
This combination lends itself to a heavily traded global value chain. But high barriers to
entry also make the industry entrenched. While the United States designs many advanced
chips, production is highly concentrated in South Korea and Taiwan, although the United
States, mainland China, and other regions also manufacture some chips and electronic
components (Exhibit17). Economies of scale and existing advantages leave very little room
for semiconductor production to shift on its own. But national security and competitiveness
concerns could lead governments to take action, potentially shifting an estimated 11 to
22 percent of trade flows.
Complex manufacturing of advanced chips is not easy to scale up. A semiconductor
fabrication plant can cost $10 billion or more to build, creating high barriers to entry.
The industry requires specialized suppliers and contractors as well as large numbers of highly
educated engineers with unique expertise. Two dominant hubs have emerged for making
the most advanced chips: Incheon Industrial Park in South Korea, and Hsinchu Science Park
in Taiwan. However, different stages of production have clustered in different geographies
depending on the skills and labor required. For example, while Asia–Pacific has nearly
80 percent of global wafer manufacturing capacity at an aggregate level, the United States
and Europe do have a significant amount of power semiconductor and CPU manufacturing.
Exports of electronic integrated circuits, meanwhile, tend to be concentrated in South Korea
and Taiwan, although this may not provide a complete picture of production for domestic
consumption or trade of subcomponents across the United States, Europe, and Asia–Pacific
prior to final assembly. Outsourced semiconductor assembly and testing capacity is the final
and most labor-intensive stage, which has migrated to low-cost countries. The Asia–Pacific
region accounts for more than 95 percent of this capacity.
Joyce Lee and Hyunjoo Jin, “Hyundai halts Korea production as coronavirus causes parts shortage,” Automotive News
Europe, February 4, 2020.
Building a semiconductor fab can cost
67Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 17
Semiconductor production is highly concentrated in AsiaPacific.
Source: Gartner; Harmonized System Code 8542 (electronics); McKinsey/United Nations (disputed boundaries); Semiconductor Indu
y Association,
State of the semiconductor industry report, 2020; UN Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
EU-27 and
United Kingdom
70% of the industry’s capacity for outsourced assembly and testing is in mainland China and Taiwan
% of global total by region, 2016
Exports of electronic integrated circuits
% of global total by region, 2019
1. Export figures are a proxy for production concentration and exclude production for domestic consumption as well as trade at more fine-scale levels
of production due to lack of data availability.
Note: The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by McKinsey & Company. Figures may not sum
to 100% because of rounding.
41 31 6 6 14 1 1
Korea Europe
StatesMainland China
20 18 15 12 8 5 7 9 5
South Korea
Nearly 80% of the world’s semiconductor production is located in various Asia
Pacific regions
Installed global wafer capacity, 2019, % (wafers per month)
Mainland China
and Taiwan
68 McKinsey Global Institute
This kind of geographic concentration brings potential risks. Previous MGI research has
found that companies sourcing advanced chips from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and other
hubs in the western Pacific can expect that hurricanes severe enough to disrupt suppliers
will become two to four times more likely by 2040.
Other dynamics can also invite potential
complications. A single firm leads production of lithographic machines, which place circuits on
the wafers.
Moreover, national policy priorities and trade tensions could reshape the semiconductor
global value chain in ways that market forces alone might not. Having announced plans
to become self-sufficient in chips to feed its growing computer and electronics and
communications industries, China is rapidly building its own semiconductor industry.
The United States has its own concerns about the competitiveness and national security
of its semiconductor industry. Despite the high costs of building a fabrication plant outside
of the established economic cluster in Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor recently announced
plans to construct one in Chandler, Arizona, with unspecified public support.
Japan recently imposed national security restrictions on the export of key chemicals used
in the manufacture of chips and displays to South Korea, leading some South Korean
manufacturers to turn to domestic suppliers.
While the stable and deeply integrated trade flows in this value chain are unlikely to shift
meaningfully in the near future, the convergence of government intervention and growing
awareness of risk among the makers of semiconductors could possibly produce greater
geographic diversification and new roles for participants in the longer term.
Textiles and apparel: Significant value chain shifts are already under way
Apparel and textiles are heavily traded, labor-intensive value chains with regional production
hubs. China has long been the dominant player, and it still accounts for some 29 percent of
apparel sold globally.
But its role is evolving. Today it is pursuing ambitions to upgrade and
modernize its apparel manufacturing capabilities to move into higher-value production—
and its wages are rising relative to the rest of the emerging world. At the same time,
the burgeoning Chinese middle class is flexing its new spending power. China is now one
of the world’s biggest markets for fashion, and it can use its vast production capabilities to
serve its own soaring domestic demand. In 2005, China exported 71 percent of the finished
apparel goods it produced. By 2018, that share was just 29 percent. Industry economics will
continue to drive shifts in these value chains, propelled by labor arbitrage as well as proximity
to markets to reduce production lead times and shipping costs. Manufacturing of final apparel
goods is expected to shift marginally more than textile production, and national security
needs for PPE could cause some footprint changes as well.
Although no other country has China’s scale and footprint, the apparel trade is on the rise
in other emerging economies—and recent technology advances in apparel manufacturing
have even opened the door for some types of global production to take place in higher-wage
countries, albeit in more automated form (Exhibit18).
This value chain starts with agricultural inputs, which are processed into intermediate textiles
and then made into final products.
Textile production is highly concentrated, with China
accounting for 35 percent of all exports (followed by India, at only 6 percent) and more than
half of all exports of specific products such as synthetic and cotton fabrics.
Could climate change become the weak link in your supply chain?, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2020.
Will Knight, “The US will help a Taiwan firm build a chip plant in Arizona,” Wired, May 15, 2020.
Kotaro Hosokawa and Ten Umekuni, “Korea Inc. ditches Japan chipmaking materials for homegrown supply,” Nikkei Asian
Review, May 23, 2020.
UN Comtrade, 2018 intermediate and final good exports.
According to 2018 UN Comtrade data, 72 percent of textile trade is in intermediate goods, whereas 97 percent of apparel
trade consists of final goods.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Exhibit 18
As China’s exports of textiles and apparel have declined, other emerging markets have
gained market share.
Source: ITC Trade Map; UN
Comtrade; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Rest of world represents $284 million in export value and experienced -1 percent growth from 2014 to 2019.
Based on a 2019 McKinsey survey of global procurement executives from fashion retailers and brands (n = 116).
Note: Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
Growth rate, 2014
19, %
Index: 100 = 2014
Procurement executives in the apparel industry expect more business to shift to Vietnam
and elsewhere in Southeast Asia
Anticipated near
-term change in share of apparel sourcing from select Asian countries
Southeast Asia
Strongly decrease (> -10 pp) Increase (> +3 pp)Stable (-3 to +3 pp)Decrease (-3 to -10 pp)
18171615 2019
$ billion
Cambodia 11
Vietnam 72
Bangladesh 44
Poland 14
Netherlands 26
Germany 48
Indonesia 17
Spain 24
Italy 63
Thailand 8
India 39
Turkey 28
Mexico 7
China 332
70 McKinsey Global Institute
Apparel manufacturing is growing more diverse. As China’s exports have plateaued, other
developing nations with lower wages are stepping in. Apparel exports from Bangladesh,
Vietnam, and Ethiopia have risen sharply over the past decade. Turkey is also a major
producer of clothing that is exported to Europe. In a 2019 McKinsey survey, 72 percent of
chief procurement officers at US and EU apparel companies said they were planning to
diversify their sourcing away from China in the near to medium term, turning to places such as
Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
The fashion industry’s reliance on textile manufacturers in developing countries makes it
particularly vulnerable to natural disasters and idiosyncratic risks. In 2013, the Rana Plaza
collapse in Bangladesh killed more than 1,100 garment factory workers and injured thousands
The disaster spurred the industry toward more active supply chain management and
transparency about working conditions.
During the COVID pandemic, clothing manufacturers initially faced the prospect of factory
shutdowns and worker illnesses because of the virus itself. But even as the outbreak receded
in Asia, the pandemic hit suppliers from another direction. The closure of retail stores in
the West and a sharp drop in consumer spending on apparel led to widespread cancellation
of purchase orders.
A McKinsey survey of executives from fashion retailers and brands
found that at least one-quarter of suppliers were in financial distress, and many expect
this proportion to grow in the coming months.
In response to the issue of financially fragile
suppliers, further consolidation is expected.
The pandemic could accelerate trends that were already under way in the fashion industry,
such as a shift from transactional to long-term supplier partnerships, an emphasis on
multicountry and nearshoring supply chain strategies, shorter lead times, smaller order sizes,
and digitization. Digitization offers multiple paths to reducing costs, analyzing market trends,
connecting with customers, and even advancing personalization. It can also make supply
chains more transparent, traceable, and agile. While digitizing involves up-front costs and
a learning curve, it can improve margins over the longer term—a critical imperative in a world
where consumers have come to expect low prices.
Relative to all other value chains, textiles and apparel feature the highest percent of trade
that could feasibly shift (36 to 57 percent in apparel and 23 to 45 percent in textiles). This
represents a range of $67 billion to $393 billion in value. While some apparel production
may nearshore to US and EU markets, the majority is expected to shift to Southeast Asian
countries due to their comparative advantage in labor and overhead costs. But companies will
need to mitigate against climate-related and pandemic shocks in these geographies.
McKinsey US and EU CPO survey, 2019.
Tansy Hoskins, “Reliving the Rana Plaza factory collapse: A history of cities in 50 buildings, day 22,” Guardian, April 23,
Jon Emont, “Retailers canceling apparel orders amid coronavirus torments clothes makers,” Wall Street Journal, May 5,
Achim Berg, Lara Haug, Saskia Hedrich, and Karl-Hendrik Magnus, “Time for change: How to use the crisis to make
fashion sourcing more agile and sustainable,” McKinsey.com, May 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Ch 5 pic
© FG Trade/E+/Getty Images
5. Building resilience
Today, much of the discussion in advanced economies about resilience revolves around
the idea of reverting to domestic production as a “flight to safety.” The geographic footprint
of production and supply chains does need to be reevaluated periodically as the environment
changes, and heavy dependence on one geography can be a vulnerability. But companies and
countries have a wide range of options at their disposal. Increasing local production is only
one of them—and it is not a guarantee of robustness in and of itself, nor is it always feasible.
The toolbox is much bigger than the current debate would seem to indicate.
Practical strategies for making supply chains more transparent and resilient have been widely
discussed for years, yet only a small group of leading companies have taken decisive action.
Cautionary tales about past disasters have rarely spawned industry-wide changes. As the old
saying goes, everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.
Yet this time really might be different. The price tag associated with disruptions has been
growing. Now the world finds itself living out a genuine worst-case scenario as the COVID
pandemic deals the global economy a major blow.
Companies not only have a renewed sense of urgency about addressing risk; they also have
a new way forward. The pandemic occurred at a moment when technology is leapfrogging
forward. Global manufacturing has only just entered a new era encompassing a range of
technologies such as analytics and artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced
robotics, and digital platforms. Companies now have access to new solutions for running
scenarios, assessing trade-offs, improving transparency, accelerating responses, and even
changing the economics of production.
The confluence of these trends may produce a more dramatic wave of change than
discrete disasters have spurred in the past. When companies understand the magnitude
of the losses they could face from supply chain disruptions, they can weigh how much to
invest in mitigation—and technology is now challenging old assumptions that resilience can
only be purchased at the cost of lean operations. Some manufacturing companies will no
doubt seize the moment in the current crisis and come out on the other side as more agile
and innovative organizations. One of the biggest opportunities would be scaling up new
digital manufacturing approaches to encompass the entire value chain rather than isolated
pilot plants.
Sébastien Miroudot, “Resilience versus robustness in global value chains: Some policy implications,” in COVID‑19 and
Trade Policy: Why Turning Inward Won’t Work, Richard Baldwin and Simon Evenett, eds., VoxEU, April 2020.
A large body of literature addresses resilience in supply chains. See, among others, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour
et al., “Sustainability of supply chains in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID19/SARSCoV2) pandemic: Lessons
and trends,” Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, June 2020; Masoud Kamalahmadi and Mahour Mellat
Parast, “Developing a resilient supply chain through supplier flexibility and reliability assessment,” International Journal
of Production Research, 2016, Volume 54, Issue 1; Masoud Kamalahmadi and Mahour Mellat Parast, “A review of the
literature on the principles of enterprise and supply chain resilience: Major findings and directions for future research,”
International Journal of Production Economics, January 2016, Volume 171, Part 1; and Christopher Martin and Helen Peck,
“Building the resilient supply chain,” International Journal of Logistics Management, July 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2.
See, for example, Katy George, Sree Ramaswamy, and Lou Rassey, “Next-shoring: A CEO’s guide,” McKinsey Quarterly,
McKinsey.com, January 2014; and Kevin Goering, Richard Kelly, and Nick Mellors, “The next horizon for industrial
manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering,” McKinsey.com, November 2018.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Below, we look at a range of approaches that fit into three categories (Exhibit19). The first set
includes foundational measures to build robust risk management capability and gain better
visibility into supply chains. The second category is about minimizing exposure to shocks.
The final set of actions is focused on building the operational and financial muscle to respond
and recover quickly when disruptions hit.
All of these potential actions should be considered in light of the costs and benefits they
deliver. These will vary for each company, given its own set of opportunity costs. Some
actions, such as adopting 3D printing, have the potential to enhance productivity and
resilience at the same time (in this case, by unlocking the value of mass customization while
reducing some of the complexity of SKU proliferation that exists today). Other actions are
principally about reducing expected disruption-related costs. Finally, some options may
create intangible benefits. These could include advancing sustainability and ethical sourcing
goals, building goodwill in the community, and making reliability part of the brand.
Strengthen supply chain risk management and improve end‑to‑end
It was not until after the 2008 financial crisis that the world’s major banks began to conduct
rigorous annual stress tests of their balance sheets to determine whether they could
withstand a severe recession. Today such stress testing is the norm.
Now, in the wake of
a series of shocks that have disrupted businesses around the world, many manufacturing and
industrial companies are considering similar approaches to supply chain risk.
Seren Morris, “FEMA ‘Waffle House Index’: What the closure of Waffle House says about COVID19 response,” Newsweek,
March 25, 2020.
Christopher Mazingo, Theodore Pepanides, Aleksander Petrov, and Gerhard Schröck, “Introducing a holistic approach to
stress testing,” McKinsey.com, June 2014.
Conor Kehoe, Cindy Levy, and Matt Stone, “Stress testing for nonfinancial companies,” McKinsey.com, June 2017; and
Sven Heiligtag and Susanne Maurenbrecher, “Applying stress tests beyond banking,” McKinsey.com, December 2017.
Exhibit 19
Companies can adopt a broad range of
resilience strategies.
Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Strengthen supply chain risk management
and transparency
Minimize exposure to shocks
Diversify supplier network and geographic footprint
Build alternatives in transportation and logistics systems
Strengthen critical suppliers or bring key production in-house
Simplify product design
Harden physical plant and infrastructure
Improve financial and operational
capacity to respond and recover
Increase inventory/safety stock
Flex production across suppliers, sites, and channels
Create cash-flow and balance sheet buffers
Build supplier financial health
74 McKinsey Global Institute
Only the largest and most advanced global companies have built permanent supply chain
risk management teams that proactively monitor for risk, assess the potential impact of
various scenarios, and establish robust business continuity plans to keep critical operations
running in the event of a disruption.
All of these areas require periodic review to ensure
that preparedness reflects how risks are evolving over time. Well before a shock hits, the risk
management team needs to ensure that key assets are protected and engage in drills
and ongoing employee education. If disaster does strike, a centralized nerve center can
coordinate all facets of response and recovery, from ensuring that employees are safe to
monitoring logistics routes (see Box3, “How Biogen got ahead of Hurricane Maria”).
See Knut Alicke and Anna Strigel, “Supply chain risk management is back,” McKinsey.com, January 2020.
Biogen & Resilinc case study: Proactive risk mitigation in hurricane season, Resilinc, February 2018, info.resilinc.
“FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, updates on some ongoing shortages related to IV fluids,” US Food and
Drug Administration news release, January 16, 2018.
Karen Langhauser and Meagan Parrish, “Puerto Rico pharma: Battered but unbroken,” Pharma Manufacturing,
September 2018; and Lisa Jarvis, “Hurricane Maria’s lessons for the drug industry,” Chemical and Engineering
News, September 2018, Volume 96, Issue 37.
How Biogen got ahead of Hurricane Maria
When Hurricane Maria decimated Puerto Rico in 2017, it struck a cluster of
pharmaceutical plants that at the time produced 10 percent of the US drug supply.
The hurricane crippled the island’s power supply for months, hampering production of
17 major drugs sold in the United States.
An effective risk management system at Biogen enabled the company to activate
its response days before the storm arrived. Drawing on experience with Hurricanes
Irma and Harvey, Biogen’s global risk team set up a natural disaster “war room” to
run scenarios and identify threats to its production facilities and its supply chain as
well as downstream clinical trials. As a result, Biogen was able to relocate essential
materials and shift some production from Puerto Rico to sites in Kentucky. It also
contacted alternative procurement sources ahead of the hurricane’s landfall, executing
a $1.3 million purchase for items at risk of shortages.
As a result, Biogen’s stock price recovered only two weeks after the hurricane hit. Not
all of its competitors fared as well. Many Puerto Rican plants remained down well into
2018. One of the most pronounced effects was a widespread shortage of IV bags in US
hospitals, since the island supplied roughly half of the nation’s supply.
The island’s entire pharmaceutical cluster absorbed some critical lessons from
the storm. When the supply of gases that are essential for maintaining sensitive
biologics ran dangerously low, companies set aside competition to work together
on sourcing and share resources. In the years since, they have strengthened their
connectivity and communication systems, repositioned backup supplies, and added
more generators. Some have even built their own cogeneration plants.
75Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Map your value chain in detail
One key to identifying risks, predicting disruptions, and responding to them is to know your
supply chain in detail. But most large firms have only a murky view beyond their tier-one
and perhaps some large tier-two suppliers. Many are surprisingly unfamiliar with suppliers
of critical components in deeper tiers.
Full transparency across the whole value chain,
from the production of raw materials to the customer, remains a holy grail for even the most
advanced companies.
Working with operations and production teams to review each product’s bill of materials can
reveal if critical inputs are sourced from high-risk areas and lack ready substitutes. A risk
index for each component and commodity, based on uniqueness and location of suppliers,
can be a useful tool.
Creating a comprehensive view of the supply chain through detailed subtier mapping is
a critical step to identifying hidden relationships that invite vulnerability. Companies can work
more closely with their tier-one suppliers to create transparency; after all, those suppliers
are likely to have similar concerns about their own vendors. However, some may lack visibility
themselves or may consider their sourcing to be proprietary information.
In these situations,
risk management teams may have to do some sleuthing or guesswork by triangulating from
a range of information sources and business data providers.
After mapping upstream suppliers, companies need to understand the production footprint
and financial stability of each participant in the value chain. Many are starting to do so: in one
recent survey, two-thirds of respondents reported asking key suppliers whether they have
business continuity plans in place.
Use the full potential of digital to monitor, connect, and collaborate across
the supply chain
For years, the manufacturing world has been hearing about the promising convergence
of technologies such as analytics, AI, robotics, connected sensors and controls, tracking
technologies, and augmented reality. These have the potential to make industrial settings
hyperefficient and reliable—and, eventually, they can connect the entire value chain with
a seamless flow of data.
Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble has invested heavily in digitizing its facilities
and its supplier network to achieve both efficiency and resilience. In the past, hundreds of
international facilities would make their own disaster planning and response decisions. Today,
a centralized control tower system gives a company-wide view of geographies and products.
It integrates multiple types of real-time data, from inventory levels to road delays and
weather forecasts, for its own plants as well as suppliers and distributors. When a problem
occurs, the system can run scenarios to identify the most effective solution.
In addition,
P&G has invested in more efficient and flexible production facilities. In its plant in the Czech
Republic, flexible machinery can be reconfigured to turn out different products at the touch of
a button, improving responsiveness.
The company has also deepened its use of automation
Thomas Y. Choi, Benjamin B. M. Shao, and Zhan Michael Shi, “Hidden suppliers can make or break your operations,”
Harvard Business Review, May 2015; and Benjamin B. M. Shao et al., “A data-analytics approach to identifying hidden
critical suppliers in supply networks: Development of nexus supplier index,” Decision Support Systems, October 2018,
Volume 114.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
May 2020.
Knut Alicke, Xavier Azcue, and Edward Barriball, “Supply-chain recovery in coronavirus times—plan for now and the
future,” McKinsey.com, March 2020.
Supply chain resilience report 2019, Business Continuity Institute, 2019, thebci.org/uploads/assets/e5803f73-e3d5-
For more on next-generation manufacturing technologies, see Global Lighthouse Network: Insights from the forefront of
the Fourth Industrial Revolution, World Economic Forum, December 2019; The great re-make: Manufacturing for modern
times, McKinsey & Company Manufacturing Practice, June 2017; and Digital manufacturing: Escaping pilot purgatory,
McKinsey & Company, July 2018.
Emma Cosgrove, “How P&G created a ‘ready-for-anything’ supply chain,” Supply Chain Dive, June 3, 2019.
Barrett J. Brunsman, “P&G’s second-oldest plant called ‘factory of the future,’” Cincinnati Business Courier, September
11, 2018.
McKinsey Global Institute
technologies in its megasize “factory of the future” in West Virginia and in a high-productivity,
fully “lights-out” facility in Taicang, China, in which machines work unattended by people.
General Motors uses a geographic information system that combines data from GM plants,
tier-one and tier-two suppliers, and logistics hubs with 24/7 incident monitoring. The system
maps the flow of parts and interactions between thousands of locations and players. When
a disruption hits, the company is able to trace where an affected part was set to move
upstream and which vehicle model it would affect. If the bottleneck appears serious, a crisis
management team can apply its contingency plans much sooner.
Minimize exposure to shocks
In a world where disruptions are increasing in both frequency and severity, companies cannot
afford to be purely reactive. Investing in targeted measures to shore up vulnerabilities before
an event occurs can mitigate the impact of a shock or speed time to recovery.
Some of
the options include diversifying supplier networks, strengthening critical suppliers, building
more robust transportation and logistics options, designing products for modularity and
shared components, and hardening physical structures and assets. The right set of actions
will depend on each company’s specific exposures, although some patterns are apparent
across broader industries (see Box4, “Supply chain leaders on resilience”).
Diversify your supplier network and geographic footprint
Many companies have come to rely on a single source for critical components or raw
materials. In some cases, they do so because they found only one supplier with the unique
capabilities to make the input they need. But in others, companies were aiming to streamline
purchasing or negotiate better pricing by going with a single supplier despite the fact that
others were available. This can be a major vulnerability, even if that supplier is domestic.
It creates the possibility of bottlenecks if that supplier goes down; it may also become
a constraint to ramping up to meet sudden spikes in demand.
Even if a company relies on multiple supplier firms, they may be concentrated in a single
geography because of the way specializations have developed. For instance, just five
regions (mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, and the United States) account
for three-quarters of global exports in semiconductors. China, Vietnam, the United
States, the Netherlands, and South Korea account for three-quarters of exports in
telecommunication equipment. Overall, we find 180 traded products, worth $134 billion in
2018, that were overwhelmingly produced in just one country.
Companies can diversify their supplier network to build in more flexibility and redundancy.
Sourcing from multiple or lower-risk geographies can minimize the odds that an isolated
natural disaster in one place can bottleneck the entire value chain.
Taking the time to
identify, prequalify, and onboard backup vendors can provide much-needed capacity when
a crisis strikes, shortening interruptions and avoiding the need for hasty decisions under
pressure. There is a cost associated with screening new suppliers and working with multiple
sources, but the end result is that companies are better able to shift production across
vendors, factories, and countries as circumstances dictate—and they can bounce back from
shocks faster than others.
Indeed, this is why dual sourcing was the planned action cited
most frequently by supply chain executives responding to a recent McKinsey survey.
Alexander Coolidge, “P&G promises mega ‘factory of the future’ as it shuts down old sites,” Cincinnati Enquirer, July 26,
2018; and “44 of the most advanced manufacturing factories in the world are lighting the way as learning beacons,” World
Economic Forum, July 2019, weforum.org/our-impact/advanced-manufacturing-factories-light-the-way-as-learning-
Yasaman Kazemi, “How GM maps and manages supply chain risk,” WhereNext Magazine, Esri, November 15, 2018; and
2018 sustainability report, General Motors, 2019.
Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, Susan Lund, and Daniel Swan, “Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?,” McKinsey.com,
May 2020.
Sébastien Miroudot, “Resilience versus robustness in global value chains: Some policy implications,” in COVID‑19 and
Trade Policy: Why Turning Inward Won’t Work, Richard Baldwin and Simon Evenett, eds., VoxEU, April 2020.
Tom Linton and Bindiya Vakil, “Coronavirus is proving we need more resilient supply chains,” Harvard Business Review,
March 5, 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
As companies audit and diversify, they can move closer to the goal of zero-carbon supply
chains with minimal environmental impact. In addition to focusing on sustainability, companies
can also take this opportunity to raise labor standards and transparency throughout their
supply chains and to increase opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses.
Diversification in sourcing does not necessarily point to a radical restructuring of value chains,
however. As discussed in chapter 4, their current configuration reflects economic logic,
hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of investment, and long-standing supplier relationships.
Companies with operations around the world have also chosen those locations to serve local
markets; exports may be only a secondary consideration. Many multinationals with a presence
in China are there to sell to its fast-growing industries and rising middle class, not to produce
goods and ship them to European or North American customers. However, the need to
diversify and move closer to end consumers is prompting companies to rethink where to
invest in new capacity or add backup sourcing.
Strengthen critical suppliers or bring production of key components in-house
Just as large companies need to build resilience in their own operations, they need to ask
whether their critical suppliers are prepared for all eventualities. These companies, too, must
focus on risk monitoring and planning, diversifying their own supplier bases, building financial
buffers, and investing in demand planning capabilities.
Large companies may consider investing to develop their suppliers’ capabilities or collaborate
alongside them on key components. Apple, for example, has invested $450 million in
Corning to support the development of glass used in its iPhones. The money comes from
the company’s $5 billion advanced manufacturing fund, which provides suppliers with capital
for R&D and upgrades; in return, Apple locks in supplies and favorable prices.
Vertical integration is the ultimate way to ensure continuity of a key input. In 2018, the iconic
British fashion brand Burberry acquired a major Italian supplier, CF&P, to ensure the delivery
and quality of leather goods. In the automotive industry, demand is growing for electric
vehicles, but automakers have faced difficulties in securing sufficient supplies of batteries.
This has led Volkswagen to invest €1 billion into its own state-of-the-art battery-making plant
in Germany and to acquire a 20 percent stake in Chinese battery maker Guoxuan.
The make-
versus-buy question is a complicated trade-off but one worth exploring, particularly in cases
where companies depend on scarce or unique inputs.
Another option many companies are also considering is co-locating more of their supply
chain in the same place to maximize their ability to collaborate, shift production across
sites, and reap the benefits of economic clusters and ecosystems. These benefits include
improved information flows and innovation in crisis times and in normal times; a larger pool
of specialized talent; and the emergence of service providers and other suppliers geared
toward a particular industry. However, the benefits of co-location have to be carefully
weighed against the risks of geographic concentration, and the ecosystem must have built-
in safeguards.
Build alternatives in transportation and logistics
When port facilities are damaged, roads are impassable, or flights are stopped, vital parts and
finished products can be stranded. In the COVID pandemic, it was difficult to transport goods
into lockdown areas. Many cargo flights were canceled, and trucking companies ran short of
drivers. Every form of logistics became snarled.
Avoiding this kind of scenario depends on having the right relationships in place and
alternatives mapped out well in advance. Companies can contract with multiple logistics
services and identify backup providers for every key route. One company that supplies
apparel to brands such as Hugo Boss and Nike, Esquel, found itself unable to export fabric
Verónica H. Villena and Dennis A. Gioia, “A more sustainable supply chain,” Harvard Business Review, March–April 2020.
Stephen Nellis, “Apple awards iPhone supplier Corning $250 million from US manufacturing fund,” US News & World
Report, September 17, 2019.
Alex Davies, “VW will make its own batteries to power an electric future,” Wired, May 15, 2019; and Julie Zhu and Yilei Sun,
“Volkswagen to buy 20% of Chinese battery maker Guoxuan amid electric push,” Reuters, January 16, 2020.
McKinsey Global Institute
from China to its factories in Vietnam during the initial COVID outbreak. But the company
activated its backup plan and pivoted to shipping through Hong Kong to keep production
When logistics providers are treated as partners over the long term, they can become
invaluable in a crisis when it comes to rerouting and expediting critical shipments.
Land O’Lakes turned to FourKites to implement a new model of selling excess capacity in
its own logistics and delivery fleet.
This maximizes utilization in good times and can also
become a lifeline for participating companies in a crisis. Digital platforms that offer real-time
visibility into available shipping capacity can provide dynamic matching, applying sharing-
economy principles to manufacturing logistics.
Move toward modular product design with standardized inputs
One way to achieve supply chain resilience is to design products with common components
and cut down on the use of custom parts for different product offerings. Nissan, for example,
fared better than some of its competitors in the aftermath of Thailand’s 2011 flooding because
it used common parts. When its Thai suppliers were inundated, the company was able to tap
other global suppliers to get replacement parts into Thailand and resume production.
Indeed, reducing the number of input SKUs has been an ongoing priority for many companies.
Makers of consumer packaged goods in particular have accelerated those efforts during
the pandemic. By streamlining product portfolios, they have been able to focus their
resources on ramping up production of their best sellers, although it is not clear if that
strategy will become permanent.
Harden physical assets to withstand natural disasters
Companies will consider the likelihood and frequency of weather- and climate-related
events when they are selecting a site to add new capacity or choosing a new supplier. But
factories are rigid assets with high sunk costs. When risk exposure rises near an existing
factory, adapting and shoring up the facility itself can be a more cost-effective solution than
moving it.
In regions that are vulnerable to hurricanes and storm surges, companies can install
bulkheads, elevate critical machinery and utility equipment above the maximum anticipated
flood line, improve waterproof sealing, and rework drainage and valves.
Plants located
in earthquake-prone areas may need seismic retrofitting and bracing. Many factories in
developing countries are not air-conditioned today. But as temperatures rise and heat waves
become more intense, cooling systems will be increasingly important for keeping workers
healthy and productive as well as protecting sensitive components.
In addition to examining their own physical assets, companies are exposed to risk if public
infrastructure fails. Preparing for blackouts and power outages has long been necessary
for companies in developing countries. Now, with aging power grids, intensifying storms,
and growing cyberthreats, facilities in advanced economies have to prepare to keep
operations running if power is out for an extended period. Companies can work closely with
local authorities to identify and address vulnerabilities in transportation, logistics, energy,
communications, and health infrastructure. Many of these systems need to be hardened
to withstand more extreme weather. In some cases, private investment in modernizing
infrastructure may pay off. Another option is participating in industry coalitions and public-
private partnerships to address these issues.
Edmund L. Andrews, “How to survive the disruption in global supply chains,” Fast Company, April 21, 2020.
FourKites, “Supply chain visibility: Beyond the expected,” blog entry by Naomi Newman, April 11, 2019.
Janet Pau et al., Building resilience in business and supply chains in Asia, Asia Business Council, February 2018.
One study found that every $1 invested in adaptation to prepare for climate change could result in $2–$10 in net economic
benefits. See Adapt now: A global call for leadership on climate resilience, Global Commission on Adaptation, September
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2020.
E. Somanathan et al., The impact of temperature on productivity and labor supply: Evidence from Indian manufacturing,
Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago, working paper number 201869, August 2018.
Could climate become the weak link in your supply chain?, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2020.
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Supply chain leaders on resilience
McKinsey conducted a survey of 60 supply chain executives at leading global companies in
May 2020. With the disruptions of the COVID pandemic fresh in their minds, an overwhelming
93 percent reported that they plan to take steps to make their supply chains more resilient. In
another survey, 44 percent said they would prioritize resilience over short-term profitability.
Overall, 53 percent of respondents plan to diversify their supplier network by qualifying
more vendors and building in redundancies. Forty-seven percent plan to hold more inventory
of critical inputs. Forty percent plan to nearshore their supply base, and 38 percent plan
to regionalize their supplier network—both strategies enable companies to build a more
collaborative production network and spot bottlenecks in production more quickly
Exhibit 20
Surveyed business leaders are increasing resilience in supply chains and production
through multiple strategies.
McKinsey survey of global supply chain leaders, May 2020.
McKinsey survey of business executives, May 2020.
Planned actions to build resilience
% of respondents
of global supply chain leaders are
planning to increase resilience
would increase resilience even at
expense of short-term savings
Nearshoring of own production
Dual sourcing of raw materials
Backup production sites
Increase inventory of critical products
Higher inventory along supply chain
Regionalizing supply chain
Nearshoring and expanding supplier base
Reducing number of SKUs in product portfolio
Increase number of distribution centers
Source: McKinsey survey of global supply chain leaders, May 2020 (n = 60); McKinsey survey of business executives, May 2020 (
n =
605); McKinsey
Global Institute analysis
ES and report
80 McKinsey Global Institute
Looking across industries, some key differences emerge. For instance, more than one-third
of all companies plan to build regional supplier networks for better coordination. But very
few companies in the semiconductor and advanced electronics industry plan on nearshoring.
This reflects the fact that this industry is well entrenched, with strong economies of scale.
The costs of replicating it in another location would be prohibitive. In contrast, two-thirds
of automotive companies plan to nearshore suppliers. Companies in the consumer and
packaged goods industry are more focused on simplifying their product portfolios and
regionalizing their supply chains. Construction and engineering firms predominantly view dual
sourcing as the way to reduce their vulnerability (Exhibit21).
Exhibit 21
The major resilience strategies vary by industry.
Source: McKinsey survey of global supply chain leaders, May 2020 (n = 60); McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Most cited options to improve supply chain resilience
% of respondents per industry sector (with at least 5 respondents)
Advanced electronics
and semiconductors
Consumer packaged goods
and food and beverage
Automotive and aerospace and
defense (OEM and supplier)
Chemicals and
advanced materials
Construction, engineering,
and infrastructure
Healthcare (pharmaceuticals
and medical devices)
and mining
3070 01060 40 205080
38 3355
33 15
64 25
Dual sourcing of
raw materials
Increase inventory
of critical products
Nearshoring and
expansion of
supplier base
supply chain
Reducing number
of SKUs in product
50 50
38 33
81Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
When a shock does hit, companies need the ability to respond
Some disruptions are unavoidable or occur on such a large scale that the effects are
pervasive. When such an event occurs, companies need to be able to respond quickly
and effectively.
Increase inventory and safety stock
The shift to just-in-time and lean production systems first engineered by Toyota in the 1980s
has helped companies improve efficiency and reduce their need for working capital, raising
profitability along the way. But a supply chain built for maximum efficiency may be more
fragile. Many companies—including Toyota—are now striking a new balance between just in
time and “just in case” (see Box5, “How Toyota strengthened its supply chain”). Our models
show that having sufficient backup inventory of key parts and safety stock is a critical buffer
that can minimize the financial impact of disrupted supplies. It can also position companies to
meet sudden spikes in demand.
See James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean
Production, New York, NY: Free Press, 2007.
Bill Canis, The motor vehicle supply chain: Effects of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, US Congressional
Research Service report R41831, 2011.
Hirofumi Matsuo, “Implications of the Tohoku earthquake for Toyota’s coordination mechanism: Supply chain
disruption of automotive semiconductors,” International Journal of Production Economics, March 2015,
Volume 161; and “Toyota taking massive effort to reduce its supply chain risk in Japan,” Supply Chain Digest, March
Chang-Ran Kim, “Toyota: supply chain will be ready by autumn for next big quake,” Reuters, March 2, 2012; and
Yoko Kubota, “Japan earthquakes rattle Toyota’s vulnerable supply chain,” Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2016.
How Toyota strengthened its supply chain
Toyota is often credited with inventing the concept of lean manufacturing, as
the principles underlying its famous Toyota Production System spread around
the world.
But the company has updated its approach in the wake of major disruptions.
After a magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in 2011, all of Toyota’s domestic
operations shut down for nearly two months. Production in the United States declined
by 30 percent due to a shortage of parts produced in Japan.
Profits plunged, and
Toyota vowed to revamp its supply chain.
To become more resilient, the company used a combination of four different tactics.
First, it standardized some components across vehicle models so that inventory could
be shared globally and production could be shifted flexibly across various sites. Second,
Toyota built a comprehensive database of thousands of its suppliers and the hundreds
of thousands of parts they held in inventory so it could quickly identify how to shift
components across sites when needed. Third, the company regionalized its supply
chains, so that disruptions at one location would not affect global operations. Finally,
Toyota identified roughly 1,000 parts that came from hundreds of single-source
suppliers and asked those vendors to disperse production of those parts to multiple
sites or hold extra inventory—several months’ worth in the case of specialized parts that
cannot be produced in multiple locations.
These moves appear to have paid off. When earthquakes struck Japan in 2016 and
2019, Toyota kept production stoppages to two weeks or less and avoided disruptions in
its worldwide operations.
82 McKinsey Global Institute
In a world where shocks are growing in frequency and intensity, companies may need to revisit
past calculations about how much inventory stock to carry. There are signs that this is already
under way. From 2017 to 2019, most value chains had lower inventory turnover than they did in
the period from 2010 to 2012 (Exhibit22).
Flex across suppliers, production sites, and customer channels
The ability to reroute components and shift production across sites can keep companies
going in the wake of a shock.
Auto manufacturers are perhaps the most advanced in this
regard, having implemented manufacturing platforms that share components across product
lines and production sites.
This type of modular approach not only reduces the number of
items that can become bottlenecks; it also enables carmakers to shift production dynamically
if they need to respond to tariffs or natural disasters.
To flex production, companies first need to have robust digital systems in place for real-
time tracking of inventory and shipments. They also need the analytics muscle to run
scenarios based on different responses. Nike, for example, has invested heavily in digitizing
its operations and supply chain, using RFID tagging to track goods from end to end.
The company relies on fully outsourced manufacturing, utilizing more than 500 factories
across 40 countries. To manage this complexity, Nike built an “express lane” manufacturing
system for visibility, speed, and flexibility. When the COVID pandemic hit, consumer demand
plummeted, leaving retailers with major inventory buildups. Predictive analytics helped Nike
quickly assess inventory relative to expected demand and selectively mark down goods
and reduce production early on to minimize impact. The company was also able to reroute
Yasuyuki Todo, Kentaro Nakajima, and Petr Matous, “How do supply chain networks affect the resilience of firms to
natural disasters? Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” Journal of Regional Science, March 2015, Volume 55,
Issue 2.
David E. Zoia, “Massive retooling readies Toyota Georgetown for another 30 years,” Wards Auto, July 10, 2017.
Exhibit 22
A trend toward holding more inventory is already under way.
-year moving average of inventory turnover across global MSCI sectors has declined since 2006
Source: S&P Capital IQ; McKinsey Global Institute analysis
Inventory turnover
Index: 100 = 2005
2006 10 15 2019
Implying higher inventories relative to sales.
Sector and number of companies
Automobiles and components 88
Household and personal
Food, beverage, and tobacco 151
Technology hardware and
Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology,
and life sciences
Materials 287
Capital goods 292
Consumer durables and apparel 87
Semiconductors and
semiconductor equipment
Energy 136
83Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
products originally destined for brick-and-mortar stores across China to warehouses for
e-commerce sales instead. At the same time, the company used its Nike Training Club app
to accelerate growth of its direct-to-consumer online sales, particularly in Greater China. As
a result, Nike sustained a smaller drop in sales than some of its competitors.
Some companies are willing to shoulder the costs of excess manufacturing capacity that
can be ramped up in the event of a disruption or a surge in demand. Other brands outsource
their manufacturing and may reserve or quickly purchase excess capacity as needed. This
can involve adopting a strategy made famous by Apple and outsourcing in full, or outsourcing
the manufacturing of specific specialized product lines.
Create cash flow and balance sheet buffers—for suppliers, too
Firms with strong balance sheets are better prepared to withstand shocks; highly leveraged
companies have little room to maneuver when revenue suddenly dries up. As our ongoing debt
and deleveraging research has documented, nonfinancial corporate debt has been mounting
for years.
At the beginning of 2020, it stood at an all-time high of $74 trillion—which means
that many companies were in a precarious state on the eve of the COVID pandemic.
major players have already filed for bankruptcy, and more are teetering on the brink.
During good times, companies can strengthen their balance sheets by reducing debt,
building reserves, and securing adequate credit lines.
Recent McKinsey research analyzed
the performance of 1,000 publicly traded companies and found that about 10 percent of them
materially outperformed the rest during the Great Recession and the years that followed.
One of the characteristics that set them apart was moving to create a financial safety buffer
before the financial crisis hit, which helped them shift into acquisition mode at the first sign
of recovery, using their cash to acquire assets that their competitors were divesting in order
to survive.
Other steps may help them guard against some known financial risks. Airlines, for example,
hedge against oil prices, while agricultural companies hedge against commodity price
fluctuations. Periodically reevaluating insurance coverage is also important.
When disaster strikes, companies have to be laser focused on cash management. But those
at the top of a value chain also have a vested interest in preserving the supplier networks
they depend on, prioritizing assistance for the suppliers that are most critical and hardest
to replace. During the global financial crisis and the Great Recession, some companies
accelerated payments or guaranteed bank loans to give key vendors a lifeline. Intel helped
suppliers create financial plans, find other customers or investors, and even provided liquidity
or took equity stakes in some cases.
Companies have numerous strategies available to mitigate risks and minimize disruptions.
But the time to commit to them is well before an event occurs. Once a crisis is in motion,
the options are much more limited for implementing a new technology system or finding
an alternative supplier. Investing in resilience takes discipline and a long-term view, but in
an increasingly volatile world, preparing for a wide range of eventualities is becoming a must.
NIKE, Inc. reports fiscal 2020 third quarter results,” March 24, 2020, news.nike.com/news/nike-inc-reports-fiscal-
Rising corporate debt: Peril or promise? McKinsey Global Institute, June 2018.
Bank for International Settlements data, Q4 2019, total credit to nonfinancial corporations.
Michael Birshan, Arno Gerken, Stefan Kemmer, Aleksander Petrov, and Yuri Polyakov, “The secret to unlocking hidden
value in the balance sheet,” McKinsey.com, March 2020.
Martin Hirt, Kevin Laczkowski, and Mihir Mysore, “Bubbles pop, downturns stop,” McKinsey Quarterly, May 2019.
Yossi Sheffi, “The financial crisis and the money supply chain,” Supply Chain Quarterly, December 2015.
global nonfinancial corporate
debt at the beginning of 2020
McKinsey Global Institute
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© FangXiaNuo/E+/Getty Images
Technical appendix
This appendix details the data sources and methodology used to conduct several key pieces
of analysis in this report.
Determining each value chain’s level of exposure to different types of shocks
Calculating the financial loss that an individual company could sustain in
a prolonged disruption
Comparing financial outcomes for companies with different levels of preparedness
Estimating the share of global trade that could move to new geographies
Determining each value chain’s level of exposure to different types
of shocks
We constructed an index that measures the forward-looking exposure of 23 value chains
to six different types of shocks: pandemics, cyberattacks, climate events including heat
stress and flooding, geophysical natural disasters (such as earthquakes), and trade disputes.
The results are shown in Chapter 1, Exhibit4. In selecting these shocks, we sought to analyze
those with high cost and little advance warning, those with high cost and longer lead times,
and those with moderate cost and longer lead times. While idiosyncratic business risks (such
as power outages and supplier bankruptcies) are the most common disruptions in most value
chains, we omit them from this analysis because their impact is often at the level of specific
companies rather than the entire value chain.
Each column of the exhibit ranks value chains in order of their relative exposure to particular
shock, with 1 being most highly exposed and 23 being least exposed. For example, digital-
and capital-intensive value chains like electronics rank among the most highly exposed to
cyberattacks, while less digital-intensive industries such as textile, apparel, and wooden
products are less susceptible.
To make these assessments for each shock, we begin by ranking each industry on a set of
constituent variables. We then average the results for the overall ranking for that shock.
We further create an overall exposure ranking by averaging each industry’s exposure ranking
across all six shocks. We do not weight them by severity, and we acknowledge that doing so,
or assessing additional shocks, might change this result.
Because value chains are ranked, the score of the most exposed industry is always 23, based
on the number of industries we assessed. If we had normalized relative to the maximum value
of any particular variable, the variance between the most and least exposed value chain would
differ based on the dispersion of the underlying metric. In other words, even if the underlying
variable scores range from 90 to 100, we generate a ranking of 1 to 23. This should not be
read as a statement that the most exposed value chain is always 23 times more exposed than
the least.
87Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
For each shock, we combine the following factors and sources:
Pandemics. This reflects the value chain’s geographic footprint (based on country share
of exports (as reported by UN Comtrade), its exposure to pandemics (using data from
INFORM, a global open-source risk assessment tool established jointly by the United
Nations and European Commission), and people inflows (using UN World Tourism
Organization data). We also consider the labor intensity of production, because pandemics
prevent people from working in crowded factory settings, and the effect on demand (as
measured by the change in enterprise value of publicly listed companies in each value
chain in the first quarter of 2020 in response to COVID19). Labor intensity is sourced from
the US Bureau of Economic Analysis for value chains in our global innovations archetype;
the World Input-Output Database is used for others.
Cyberattacks. We determine the potential for disruptions in each value chain based
on its knowledge intensity, level of digitization, footprint in countries with high levels of
cross-border data flows, and capital intensity. We use the share of the workforce with
a bachelor’s degree or higher in each value chain as a proxy for its knowledge intensity,
relying on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and MGI’s own LaborCube
database. For the level of relative digitization, we rely on the MGI Digitization Index, which
measures digital assets, utilization of technology, and use of digital tools by the labor
For the industry’s presence in countries with high levels of cross-border data
flows, we use data from TeleGeography, a telecom research service. Our inclusion of
capital intensity reflects a forward-looking perspective that companies will increasingly
incorporate the Internet of Things into their plants and equipment, making them more
vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Heat stress. For heat stress, we look at the labor intensity of different value chains, how
much work is done outdoors or with exposure to extreme temperatures required (based on
O*Net and US Bureau of Labor Statistics data), and how much of the value chain exists in
places that are highly exposed to rising temperatures (based on workability indicators in
MGI’s prior research on climate risk).
Acute flooding events. For flood risk, we consider how much of the value chain exists in
geographies with high flood vulnerability as reported by the World Resources Institute’s
2030 average urban damage due to riverine flooding score.
Geophysical natural disasters. This reflects the extent of a value chain’s geographic
footprint in geographies with a history of more frequent earthquakes and tsunamis as
reported by the INFORM database. We also consider each industry’s capital intensity.
Trade disputes. This reflects each value chain’s trade intensity relative to its output
and its product complexity (as reported by the Observatory of Economic Complexity).
The latter is used as a proxy for substitutability. These choices reflect the assumption that
trade disputes, which historically occurred in labor-intensive sectors such as agriculture,
now seem to be shifting into more complex value chains such as electronics and
pharmaceuticals as countries seek to minimize their dependence on imports and enhance
national security. The product complexity index is based on the ubiquity of the product
and the diversity of other products produced by the producing country; that is, products
that are produced by comparatively few countries that produce diverse goods will score as
higher complexity.
It is important to note that our assessment of exposure to each of these shocks is based on
each value chain’s physical footprint today; we make no assumption about how it might shift
in the future. It does not reflect the vulnerabilities within individual companies or broader
value chains, such as the propensity of companies in that industry to hold little inventory
or the relative financial strength of industry players. Nor does it consider any measures
See the following McKinsey Global Institute reports: Digital America: A tale of the haves and have-mores, December
2015; Digital Europe: Realizing the continent’s potential, June 2016; and Digital China: Powering the economy to global
competitiveness, December 2017.
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2020.
McKinsey Global Institute
that companies within the value chain may or may not have taken to inoculate themselves
against risk. It also excludes views on the quality of infrastructure or emergency services in
the nations where they are sited.
We use the value of exports as the basis for its geographic weighting, although we
acknowledge that value does not always correspond with the criticality of a component. For
instance, while active pharmaceutical ingredients account for relatively little of the value
of all final pharmaceutical exports, the latter cannot be produced without the former. This
implies that our assessment of a pharmaceutical value chain’s exposure may understate its
susceptibility to disruptions since the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and
other lower-cost, foundational inputs are concentrated in China and India.
Calculating the financial loss that an individual company could
sustain in a prolonged disruption
To understand the financial impact of shocks on companies in different industries, we
undertook an extensive modeling exercise. To begin, we created synthetic companies in each
industry, basing their characteristics on averages from three years of financial statements
from the 25 largest companies, based on listings in the MSCI World Index for each sector. We
then put these hypothetical companies through a two-scenario stress test.
The first scenario assumes a 100-day disruption to production, but distribution and sales
are still possible to the extent that companies have finished or semifinished inventory on
hand. The second scenario assumes the same production shutdown but adds disruption to
distribution channels as well, so that companies cannot earn revenue by tapping safety stock.
Revenue at risk and inventory assumptions were derived from a panel survey of industry
experts as well as actual company financials.
In both scenarios, our model assumes no property damage, no ramp-up time after
the shutdown period concludes, no seasonality in sales, and a decline in demand equivalent
to 20 percent of the worst revenue hit the particular industry has experienced over the past
20 years. We assume the shock puts 50 percent of revenue at risk and that variable costs
are 50 percent of the costs of goods sold (fixed costs being the residual and other line items
such as sales and general and administrative expenses). We assume a recovery of 25 percent
of sales lost during the disruption period during the remainder of the fiscal year. Inventory
rebuilding to pre-shock levels is assumed to take place over a three-year period, stretching
the cash flow impact.
The model’s mechanics affect income, cash flow, and balance sheet statements.
The mechanics of the model begin with revenue. Revenue impact is derived by calculating
the total length of the shock net of days of safety stock (under the first scenario, in which
distribution remains possible). Days of lost revenue are multiplied by the value of revenue at
risk per day; the total lost revenue figure is grossed down given the assumption that some
sales are recovered later in the year. After the decline in revenue, the cost of goods sold
declines on the assumption that half of those costs are variable. Other expenses, such as
administration and research and development costs, do not decline as revenue falls.
Changes in cash flow are based on the change in EBITDA; changes in cash items, such as
rebuilding finished goods inventory; changes in taxes due to decreased earnings; interest;
and changes in non-cash working capital. The latter is based on non-cash changes in
current assets minus changes in current liabilities. Changes in non-cash current assets is
based on changes in account receivables, which decline proportionately with revenues) and
changes in inventory (which declines proportionately with cost of goods sold). Changes in
current liabilities are based on account payables, which decline proportionately with account
receivables. The ending cash balance is calculated as the beginning cash balance minus free
cash flow. It assumes no changes in dividend payouts or debt profile.
89Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
We then combine the expected frequency of value chain disruptions of different lengths with
the financial impact experienced by companies in different industries to calculate expected
losses over a ten-year period from supply chain shocks. The net present value of expected
losses is calculated by aggregating the cash value of expected shocks over a decade. This
uses the average cash impact from variations of both scenarios, multiplied by a constant
probability of the event occurring in a given year (based on an average of expert input for
several industries). The expected cash impact is discounted based on each industry’s
weighted average cost of capital.
Real examples allowed us to back-test the model. For example, we looked at the 40-day
shutdown caused by a labor dispute at General Motors in 2019, which cost approximately
$4 billion during the fiscal year.
We modeled a similar 40-day disruption with one-third of
revenue at risk due to disruption (consistent with General Motors’s experience) and found that
our financial model produced a result consistent with the automaker’s actual experience.
As with any model, ours has important limitations. First, the stress test makes no assumptions
about a company’s relative vulnerability beyond the financial and inventory metrics used as
inputs to the model. Second, the model does not consider levers that companies might deploy
to mitigate the impact of a disruption, such as reducing overhead costs. Third, we assume that
a company will continue as a going concern and do not model second-order financial effects
such as the breach of covenants or inability to raise capital.
Comparing financial outcomes for companies with different levels
of preparedness
To illustrate the costs and returns associated with enhanced resilience, we construct models
of two hypothetical firms: PreparedCo and UnpreparedCo. The two companies take opposite
approaches to dual sourcing, inventory levels, and more comprehensive insurance coverage.
Apart from the use of these mitigation levers and assumptions regarding property damage,
the mechanics of the model used for this analysis are the same as that for the first scenario
described above. We assume production is disrupted but companies can continue selling
existing finished and semifinished goods until their inventory is exhausted. However, while
the analysis described above simulated a 100-day shock, this analysis assumes a 50-day
shutdown. 
The underlying financials used for the model are based on the automotive industry, but similar
outcomes would be observed regardless of sector. We assume that only a portion of each
company’s revenue is at risk due to the disruption; that is, we do not assume that a single
site is responsible for all of a company’s production, which is consistent with the automotive
industry in reality. Our assumption for the value of property damage is based on the industry’s
property, plant, and equipment, and proportional to the revenue at risk. 
The three mitigation levers we model are: insurance coverage on the property that is
damaged; PreparedCo holding three times more inventory than UnpreparedCo; and
PreparedCo splitting production across two sites, one of which is unaffected by the shock
and able to increase its output by 25 percent. We account for the cost of these decisions by
assuming that PreparedCo has roughly 5 percent lower EBITDA going into the event (modeled
in the form of higher costs of goods sold and a line item for insurance coverage based on
average rates for property insurance). 
When the shock hits, PreparedCo has more inventory on hand to continue selling goods for
longer. Increased output from its twin plant further reduces the impact of unfulfilled sales.
From a cash flow perspective, PreparedCo will experience a smaller drop attributable to
The assumptions for each industry are the following percentages: aerospace, 8.6; automotive, 8.7; chemicals, 8.5;
computers and electronics, 10.4; electrical equipment, 9.7; food and beverage, 7.7; medical equipment, 8.1; mining, 7.4;
petroleum products, 8.5; pharmaceuticals, 7.7; textiles and apparel, 8.8; glass, cement, and ceramics, 8.6; and mechanical
equipment, 8.8.
Michael Wayland, “UAW strike cost GM up to $4 billion for 2019, substantially higher than estimated,” CNBC, October 29,
McKinsey Global Institute
operations. Since we assume its damaged property is fully insured, it does not have the same
need to deploy cash for reconstruction that UnpreparedCo experiences. 
These mitigation levers are not exhaustive, nor are they necessarily the most appropriate
for every industry. They were selected for their broad applicability and clearly translatable
model mechanics. Alternative mitigation levers might include investment in organizational
effectiveness and redundancies in transportation and logistics. If the former were used,
the model might assume slightly higher costs of goods sold in return for fewer days of
downtime for PreparedCo. Similarly, if we were to model transportation and logistics impact,
we might assume that PreparedCo can begin selling down its safety stock instantaneously,
whereas UnpreparedCo would experience a delay of several days before it could begin selling,
amplifying its cash flow issues.
Estimating the share of global trade that could move to new
This analysis estimates the extent to which value chains could move to different countries due
to a combination of economic and noneconomic factors in the next five years. We emphasize
that this is not a forecast of what will move.
We consider eight economic factors that could influence the propensity of a value chain
to shift:
Shifts already unfolding. Value chains in which top exporting nations have recently
experienced higher change (in absolute terms) of market share are considered more
likely to continue doing so in the future. Data on market share is based on the top three
exporting nations from 201518, reported in absolute value of percentage points, and
sourced from UN Comtrade.
Capital intensity and economies of scale. Highly capital-intensive value chains are
harder to move for the simple reason that they represent hundreds of billions of fixed
investments. These industries have strong economies of scale, making them more costly
to shift. Capital intensity is based on US Bureau of Economic Analysis data as a proxy
for global innovations value chains (those producing the most intricate and knowledge-
intensive goods), and the World Input-Output Database, which defines the metric as
the amount of capital compensation as a share of gross output, for all other industries. In
cases where WIOD does not report at a disaggregated level, we used data on the value of
property, plant, and equipment relative to revenue from the US Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis as a directional guide for disaggregation.
Knowledge intensity and specialized supplier ecosystems. Value chains with high
knowledge intensity tend to have specialized ecosystems that have developed in specific
locations, with unique suppliers and specialized talent. Deciding to move production
outside of this ecosystem to a novel location is costly. Knowledge intensity is defined
as the share of labor with a tertiary education, using data from the US Bureau of Labor
Statistics and MGI’s own LaborCube as a proxy for global industries.
Access to natural resources. Resource-intensive value chains (agriculture, mining,
energy, wood products, and basic metals) are relatively fixed based on geology and
the environment. This makes them very difficult to shift in the short or medium term,
although in the long run, new resource discoveries and technologies can alter them.
Demand growth. One of the most important determinants of where multinational
companies locate production is access to consumer markets. Industries may reconfigure
production in geographies experiencing higher rates of economic growth to serve these
markets more efficiently.
91Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Product complexity and substitutability of inputs. Some highly complex products
depend on inputs made by only one or two suppliers in the world. This severely reduces
possibilities for moving production or sourcing. We use the product complexity index
from the Observatory of Economic Complexity, which measures whether a product is
produced in a few locations or many, as a proxy for the capabilities required to produce
that product.
More complex products require a greater level of capabilities to produce
and are more likely to be concentrated in a smaller number of countries with a relative
comparative advantage.
Regionalization of the value chain. Over the past decade, production networks
have become more contained within distinct regions (as opposed to reliant on long-
haul trade). This trend has more room to continue playing out in value chains that still
have comparatively low levels of intraregional trade today as firms seek to shorten
transportation times and production cycles. To determine the share of intraregional trade,
we use UN Comtrade figures for 2018, looking at the share of imports into any region from
outside the importing region relative to total trade in the value chain.
Trade intensity. Value chains that are not highly traded (that is, with predominantly local
production and consumption) are less likely to shift. This may be due to the weight or
perishability of the product. Shifts in these value chains will largely be based on consumer
demand. Trade intensity is based on the World Input-Output Database.
Value chains that score higher on propensity to shift across most of these individual factors
will consequently have a higher overall score.
In addition to considering industry dynamics, we separately consider noneconomic factors
that could cause some production to move. We base this assessment on expert interviews,
considering three factors:
National security. The extent to which experts believe that countries may use national
security justifications to induce or mandate domestic production.
National competitiveness. The extent to which experts believe that countries may
prioritize certain industries in their economic development strategies and seek to increase
local production.
Self-sufficiency. The extent to which experts believe that countries are concerned
with self-sufficiency in some products and may take steps to induce or mandate local
production. As an example, value chains such as pharmaceuticals may shift above and
beyond their economic rationale if countries seek to develop domestic production
capabilities in response to their experience with COVID.
In reviewing these noneconomic factors, we make no assessment of the merits of domestic
production in a given country. Nor do we assess the instruments or costs involved in creating
these outcomes (which may include subsidies, public investment, quotas, tariffs, regulatory
changes, and other measures).
We arrive at our low-end estimates by discounting the value of extraregional trade (i.e.,
all imports outside the region of the importing country) in a value chain by the average of
the economic and noneconomic scores. We come to the high-end estimate by discounting
the value of extraregional trade by the maximum of the economic or noneconomic score for
each value chain.
Jesus Felipe et al., “Product complexity and economic development,” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, March
2012, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 3668.
McKinsey Global Institute
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99Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
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Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains