The Graduate / Professional School
Application Process Demystified
The Basics
Suggested Outline
Paragraph 1 Motivation for Graduate / Professional Program
Consider an attention grabber / thought provoking first sentence
Be creative
Why do you want to pursue this discipline?
Give a clear sense of your current interests and your goals for
developing them
Career goals can be mentioned here this is the reason for apply in
the end
Paragraph 2 Academic Interests and Personal Achievements
This is evidence to support your claim in your opening paragraph
What are your pertinent academic accomplishments / skills?
What have you done that is relevant to this program choice?
Research experiences, class projects, internships, externships, etc.?
Have your achievements solidified your interests?
How have you gone above and beyond to gain knowledge in
this subject?
The Basics
Suggested Outline Continued
Paragraph 3 Important Background Experience
What experiences have contributed to your personality
Highlight experiences that have taught you something (e.g.
communication skills, team leader / player, problem solving,
Ideally you should demonstrate how the experience translates to your
likelihood of being a successful graduate / professional student
Paragraph 4 Why Should You Be Accepted
Why would you make an ideal graduate / professional student in XYZ
Why is XYZ Program the ideal program for you?
Briefly explain any inconsistencies in your transcript, test scores, path
The Basics
Suggested Outline Continued
Paragraph 5 Closing Statement
Briefly restate why you want to pursue this path in this program
Restate key points (e.g. relevant experiences, accomplishments)
End on a positive note
Use Transitions and Resolutions!
Transitions start a paragraph with a statement that presents the
theme of the paragraph AND connects it to the previous paragraph
Resolutions end a paragraph that allows you to transition to the
next paragraph
Writing an Effective Personal Statement
Research the program, school, university
Follow the Program Guidelines for the Personal Statement
Self Reflect and Start Writing!
Why are you choosing this path?
What have you done to prepare for graduate school?
Why are you applying to THIS program?
Why are you a good FIT for THIS program?
Paint a picture by telling your story
Be confident and show your passion
Demonstrate your knowledge in the field
Include details of research projects, shadowing experiences, etc.
Explain inconsistencies in your academics / path
Or include as an addendum (ask the admissions office what they
Ask your letter writers to address your inconsistencies if
Explain your career goals and path
Read, revise, repeat
Send to your letter writers!
And utilize your university Writing Center!
Edit over and over again!
Writing an Effective Personal Statement
The Do’s And Dont's of
Writing an
Effective Personal Statement
Writing an Effective Personal Statement
Write a narrative of your resume Tell them something new
Use the same statement for multiple applications
Dear Diary… TMI!
Use clichés or overuse your thesaurus
Broach controversial subjects.. unless…
Speak of money… unless..
Plead and beg
Complain stay confident, accept responsibility for speed
bumps along the way, and be positive
Writing an Effective Personal Statement
The Caveats!
Broach controversial subjects.. unless…
The topic of religion or politics is relevant to the program you are
applying to.
State facts, not opinion
Speak of money… unless..
You are applying to an MBA or MPA program / Finance program,
or similar program where the topic is relevant.
State facts, not opinion
The Graduate / Professional School
Application Process Demystified
Any Questions?