July 2018
208 South LaSalle Street
Suite 1300
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone 312-660-1370
Fax 312-660-1505
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
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ACRONYMS AND TERMS ............................................................................................................................... 4
INFORMATION ON THE PRO BONO PROGRAM ........................................................................................ 5
THE NATIONAL IMMIGRANT JUSTICE CENTER ...................................................................................................................5
NIJC’S CLIENTS .................................................................................................................................................................5
WHAT PRO BONO ATTORNEYS CAN EXPECT FROM NIJC .................................................................................................6
WHAT NIJC EXPECTS FROM PRO BONO PARTNERS ...........................................................................................................6
OBTAINING A CASE ............................................................................................................................................................7
FIRST STEPS ........................................................................................................................................................................7
THE BASICS OF ASYLUM LAW .................................................................................................................... 9
BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................................................................9
JURISDICTION OVER ASYLUM APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................. 10
LEGAL TEST FOR ASYLUM/REFUGEE PROTECTION ......................................................................................................... 10
Legal Test For Well-Founded Fear ..................................................................................................... 11
Definition of Persecution .................................................................................................................... 11
Government Actor .............................................................................................................................. 12
The Nexus ........................................................................................................................................... 12
The Five Protected Grounds for Asylum ............................................................................................ 13
Past Persecution .................................................................................................................................. 16
Internal Relocation .............................................................................................................................. 16
Future Fear Only Claims ..................................................................................................................... 17
ALTERNATIVES TO ASYLUM ..................................................................................................................... 18
WITHHOLDING OF REMOVAL .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Legal Standard for Withholding of Removal ...................................................................................... 18
CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE ................................................................................................................................... 19
Definition of Torture ........................................................................................................................... 19
CAT Standard of Proof ....................................................................................................................... 20
Procedure for Raising CAT Claims .................................................................................................... 20
VOLUNTARY DEPARTURE ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Master Calendar Hearing .................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion of the Merits Hearing ....................................................................................................... 22
BARS TO ELIGIBILTY FOR ASYLUM, WITHHOLDING AND CAT ...................................................... 23
THE ONE-YEAR FILING DEADLINE ................................................................................................................................. 24
THE TERRORISM BARS .................................................................................................................................................... 25
FLOW CHART: STEPS IN THE ASYLUM PROCESS ................................................................................ 27
THE ASYLUM PROCESS ............................................................................................................................... 28
DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 28
PREPARING THE ASYLUM CASE ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Step One: Interviewing The Client .................................................................................................... 29
Step Two: Preparing the I-589 ............................................................................................................ 31
Step Three: Drafting the Affidavit ...................................................................................................... 32
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
Step Four: Obtaining Witnesses ......................................................................................................... 32
Step Five: Compiling Corroborative Evidence .................................................................................. 34
Step Six: Preparing the Cover Letter or Pre-Hearing Brief ............................................................... 36
FILING THE APPLICATION AND PRESENTING THE CASE .................................................................................................. 37
The Affirmative Process ..................................................................................................................... 37
The Defensive Process ........................................................................................................................ 39
THE APPEAL TO THE BIA ............................................................................................................................................... 54
FEDERAL COURT REVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 55
ADVISING THE CLIENT AFTER ASYLUM IS GRANTED ....................................................................... 56
DERIVATIVE ASYLUM FOR SPOUSE AND CHILDREN ....................................................................................................... 56
ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT AND A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .............................................................................. 57
PUBLIC BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
TAXES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
RIGHT TO TRAVEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 59
LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENCE STATUS ..................................................................................................................... 59
CITIZENSHIP .................................................................................................................................................................... 60
SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................... 60
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 61
OBTAINING EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION .................................................................................................................. 61
Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................ 62
When To File ...................................................................................................................................... 62
What To File ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Where to File ....................................................................................................................................... 63
Renewals ............................................................................................................................................. 63
Timeline for Adjudication ................................................................................................................... 64
When Employment Authorization Terminates ................................................................................... 64
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS .................................................................................................................. 65
ORR FILE REQUESTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
FORENSIC EXAMINATION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 66
CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 67
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES ............................................................................... 68
LEGAL RESOURCE MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 69
SOURCES FOR CASE PREPARATION ................................................................................................................................. 69
SOURCES FOR DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 69
GLOSSARY OF IMMIGRATION TERMS ..................................................................................................... 70
APPENDIX OF SAMPLE FORMS AND DOCUMENTS .............................................................................. 78
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
2018 Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
National Immigrant Justice Center
Please Note: This manual is a brief guide to asylum practice and does not purport to
discuss all aspects of immigration practice related to asylum proceedings. Additional
sources should be consulted when more complex questions regarding current law and
procedure arise. Many of these resources are referenced in this manual.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
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AG Attorney General
AO Asylum Officer
BIA Board of Immigration Appeals
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
CAT Convention Against Torture
CIR Comprehensive Immigration Reform
DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
DHS Department of Homeland Security
EOIR Executive Office for Immigration Review
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
IIRIRA Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
IJ Immigration Judge
INA Immigration and Nationality Act
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident
NOID Notice of Intent to Deny
NTA Notice to Appear
SSA Social Security Administration
TA Trial Attorney
TPS Temporary Protected Status
TVPRA Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
UAC Unaccompanied Alien Child
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
USC United States Citizen
USCIS United States Citizenship & Immigration Services
VAWA Violence Against Women Act
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
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The National Immigrant Justice Center
Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center is a Chicago-based nongovernmental
organization dedicated to ensuring human rights protections and access to justice for all immigrants,
refugees and asylum-seekers through a unique combination of direct services, policy reform, impact
litigation and public education.
NIJCs asylum pro bono project was founded in 1985 and provides legal representation to low-
income non-citizens seeking asylum in the United States. The project is now one of the leading asylum
representation programs in the country, handling hundreds of affirmative and defensive asylum cases
every year before the Chicago Asylum Office, the Chicago Immigration Court, the Circuit Courts of
Appeals, and the Supreme Court.
NIJCs pro bono program relies almost entirely on volunteer attorneys, the great majority of
whom have no previous experience in immigration or asylum law. NIJC assists its pro bono partners by
providing training, materials, support services, and consultations. Largely as a result of the efforts of its
pro bono partners, NIJC has helped thousands of asylum-seekers from more than 60 nations begin new
lives in the United States. NIJC’s asylum project has become a national model for organizations
providing immigration legal services.
For more information visit
NIJC’s Clients
NIJC’s asylum clients are men, women and children who have fled civil wars, violence, and
persecution around the globe. Many have survived state-sponsored torture and other persecution. Other
clients have been subjected to severe human rights abuses by non-state agents such as guerilla groups and
private citizens whom the government in the country of origin is unwilling or unable to control. Through
NIJC’s asylum project, pro bono attorneys have saved the lives of clients fearing political, racial, ethnic
and religious persecution, gender-based violence, and abuse and discrimination based on sexual
NIJC provides representation to asylum-seekers in affirmative and defensive proceedings. Many
of NIJC’s clients are already in removal proceedings at the immigration court - the last step before the
United States government will deport them to their countries or origin. In these adversarial proceedings
before an immigration judge, an individual who has an attorney has a significantly better chance of
winning asylum than an individual who is pro se.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
What Pro Bono Attorneys Can Expect From NIJC
NIJC understands the majority of its pro bono attorneys have limited immigration law experience.
NIJCs pro bono partners report that asylum cases are the most interesting, challenging, and rewarding
cases of their careers. Attorneys who accept an NIJC case for pro bono representation can expect that
NIJC will provide the support and assistance necessary to capably represent NIJC clients.
NIJC provides pro bono attorneys with:
basic asylum trainings offered about once every three months. NIJC offers advanced asylum
trainings on emerging issues in asylum law several times a year. NIJC may also provide specialized
training sessions upon request. NIJC trainings are typically recorded as webinars and archived. They
are available through NIJC’s web page:
information regarding immigration law, practice, and procedure; sample applications, motions, and
pleadings; documentation; and other case resources.
consultation with experienced NIJC practitioners regarding case-related questions, theories, and trial
strategies. NIJC attorneys remain current on immigration law, policy, and practice, and frequently
serve as faculty at local and national immigration law trainings.
professional liability insurance. NIJC carries comprehensive professional liability insurance, which
specifically covers its pro bono attorneys.
involvement in ground-breaking legal issues and opportunity to interact with clients from different
cultural, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds.
unique litigation experience, with opportunities to represent clients before a federal agency or the
U.S. circuit courts of appeals.
exceptional legal experience that will enhance a pro bono attorney’s career development.
What NIJC Expects from Pro Bono Partners
NIJC clients’ lives are quite literally at stake in asylum proceedings. For that reason, NIJC treats
every case very seriously asks that pro bono partners to do the same.
NIJC asks that pro bono attorneys agree:
to attend the next available NIJC training, if the attorney has not already attended a training.
to provide representation on a case for its duration. This means through completion of the
adjudication on the merits of the claim, and if necessary, at the appellate level before the Board of
Immigration Appeals (BIA). When federal court appeals become necessary, NIJC asks that the
representing firm consider remaining involved.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
to transfer representation of the case to another attorney in the partner firm if the pro bono attorney is
compelled to withdraw representation for any reason other than the emergence of a conflict of interest
or a termination of representation due to client misconduct. NIJC is unable to absorb pro bono cases
in-house, except in very limited circumstances.
to inform NIJC of any transfer of representation within the firm or of the addition of attorneys to the
legal team assigned to the case.
to keep NIJC informed of the status of the case. NIJC maintains an agreement with every client
referred for pro bono representation and remains “of counsel. Many federal asylee benefits are only
available for a very short period of time after the asylum approval, so it is critical that pro bono
partners inform NIJC of case adjudications immediately.
to contact NIJC if the client appears eligible for another immigration benefit. Pro bono attorneys
should understand that applying for other immigration benefits may impact the client’s case.
to contact NIJC if the client requests assistance regarding other legal matters. NIJC’s involvement in
the case is limited to asylum matters. NIJC is unable to provide technical support on other legal
matters. If a client becomes eligible for another immigration benefit, NIJC may execute a
supplementary retainer with the client to assist in seeking that benefit.
to contact NIJC before speaking with the media or any members of Congress about the case. NIJC is
actively involved in immigration policy and advocacy efforts at the state and national levels, and with
local and national media. Coordinating with NIJC will ensure that any advocacy efforts achieve the
best possible result for the client.
Obtaining a Case
NIJC circulates a list of descriptions of asylum cases in need or representation via email every
month. To obtain a case from this list, prospective pro bono partners should contact Anna Sears, NIJC’s
Asylum and Pro Bono Project Supervisor at (312) 660-1307 or
. Once a
pro bono attorney has accepted an asylum case for representation, NIJC will send a copy of the client’s
file and contact information to the attorney.
Because asylum cases are very resource and labor intensive, NIJC typically assigns these cases
only to attorneys affiliated with law firms. Solo practitioners wishing to volunteer with NIJC should
contact Anna Sears to learn about other opportunities.
First Steps
NIJC recommends pro bono attorneys take the following steps upon receipt of a case:
Contact the client. NIJC advises the client when her case has been assigned to a pro bono attorney.
Often, clients have waited months for assignment to an attorney and are eager to hear from their new
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Review the file in full. NIJC attempts to obtain relevant documentation from clients prior to case
acceptance and will share these documents when assigning a case to a pro bono attorney. Upon review of
the file, pro bono attorneys will likely identify additional documents that would be useful in supporting
the asylum claim and should begin working with the client to obtain these documents.
Review the Notice to Appear. If the client’s case is before the immigration court, the judge will require
a response to the charging document known as the Notice to Appear (NTA) at the initial hearing.
Carefully review the allegations and charges on the NTA with the client to ensure accuracy. Errors on the
NTA can be extremely detrimental and should be discussed with the government trial attorney and the
judge at the hearing.
Review any pre-existing asylum applications. If the client applied affirmatively with the asylum office
and was referred to the immigration court, be sure to review the existing application carefully with the
client. Often, language barriers and the absence of counsel at the affirmative stage result in the inclusion
of erroneous information in the first application. The immigration court record will contain any
previously filed asylum application and errors in the application may generate problems in the court
adjudication. Minor corrections can be made to the application in the form of written or oral
amendments. If the original application contains significant errors, the pro bono attorney may wish to
request leave from the court to file a superseding application. Bear in mind that any inconsistent
information contained in a previous application will need to be explained to the court and may be
included in the judge’s credibility assessment.
Submit a FOIA request to obtain the client’s full immigration file and, if applicable, an ORR
request to obtain an unaccompanied child client’s shelter records. If the client was referred to the
court from the asylum office, was subject to a credible fear determination upon entry to the United States
or has any time applied for any immigration benefits or given statements to immigration officials, the pro
bono attorney should request a copy of the client’s government immigration file through the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). The response to a FOIA request may reveal documents in the government file
that could be used for impeachment purposes during the client’s trial. FOIA requests from clients in
removal proceedings receive expedited treatment. For clients not in removal proceedings, a response may
take a year or more. Attorneys representing unaccompanied immigrant children should also file an Office
of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) file request to obtain the records from the child’s stay in an ORR shelter.
See the “Additional Information” section of this manual for FOIA and ORR file request instructions.
Review the Court Practice Manuals. If the client’s case is before the immigration court, the
Immigration Court Practice Manual, available at, describes the procedures and
requirements for immigration court practice. The Practice Manual is binding on all parties who appear
before the immigration court, unless the immigration judge directs otherwise in a particular case. If a
client’s case is before the Board of Immigration Appeals, review the BIA Practice Manual, also available
File an Appearance and Register with EOIR. If the client’s case is before the immigration court,
register with the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and file an E-28 appearance form with
the Court and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of the Chief Counsel as soon as
possible. Since June 10, 2013, all attorneys practicing before EOIR (which includes the immigration
courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals) must register with EOIR. Registration includes both an
online and in-person component. Attorneys with cases currently pending before the Court who have not
yet completed the registration process must do so immediately.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
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Federal law provides that any individuals who have suffered or fear persecution in their home
countries based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group can apply for asylum
in the United States. This right to seek protection is set forth in the 1951 United Nations Convention
Relating to the Status of Refugees and implemented in the 1967 United Nations Protocol Relating to the
Status of Refugees. The U.S. Congress codified refugee and asylee protection in 1980 through the
Refugee Act.
To qualify for asylum, the applicant must be physically present in the United States. Asylum may
be granted to an applicant who establishes past persecution or a well-founded fear of future persecution in
the country of origin on account of the applicant’s race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or
membership in a particular social group. The persecution must be inflicted by the government of the
country of origin or an entity the government is unwilling or unable to control. Additional factors, such
as the ability to relocate within the country of origin or firm resettlement in another country, may make
asylum nonviable. Asylum is a discretionary benefit. In exercising discretion, the adjudicator can take
into account negative factors, including violations of immigration law or criminal law.
A grant of asylum conveys significant benefits to the recipient. Unless an asylee commits a
serious crime or otherwise violates her status, she cannot be removed from the United States unless the
government can show that there has been a “fundamental change in circumstances [in the home country]
relating to the original claim…” such that she may no longer be in danger upon return. 8 C.F.R. §
. An asylee is authorized to work and may apply to adjust status and obtain lawful permanent
residence (LPR) status one year after the grant of asylum. Further, an asylee is able to petition for and
provide asylee status to her spouse and any unmarried children who were under the age of 21 at the time
the asylum application was received by the government. These family petitions must be filed within two
years of the grant of asylum.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
(USCIS), adjudicates affirmative requests for asylum. The Department of Justice, through the Executive
Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) holds jurisdiction over asylum applications pending in removal
The asylum regulations are the same for applications before the asylum office and the immigration court, but are
found in separate sections of the CFR. Asylum regulations relating to application before USCIS/the Asylum Office
are found at 8 C.F.R. § 208, while the regulations relating to asylum applications before the immigration court are
found at 8 C.F.R. § 1208. For simplicity’s sake, this manual will refer to the Department of Homeland Security
regulations at 8 C.F.R. § 208.
National Immigrant Justice Center
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Jurisdiction Over Asylum Applications
Generally, jurisdiction over an asylum application is determined by whether or not the applicant
is in removal proceedings.
An asylum-seeker who is not in removal proceedings applies for asylum
affirmatively with the USCIS asylum office regardless of whether she entered the United States with
permission or remains in lawful status. If USCIS declines to approve the asylum application and the
applicant is not in some form of lawful immigration status, the application is referred to the immigration
court and removal proceedings commence. At this point, jurisdiction over the asylum application shifts to
the immigration court.
If an individual is arrested by the DHS or otherwise placed in removal proceedings (e.g. upon
referral from USCIS), she must apply for asylum defensively with the immigration court. There the
asylum application serves as a defense against removal and the court has exclusive jurisdiction.
Legal Test for Asylum/Refugee Protection
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) sets forth the legal test for asylum eligibility. If an
asylum applicant meets the definition of a refugee, the application may be granted. A refugee is defined as:
Any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality or, in the case of a
person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually
resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail
himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded
fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular
social group, or political opinion.
There are a few limited exceptions to this rule. The exception pro bono attorneys will encounter most frequently is
for unaccompanied immigrant children (UICs). Pursuant to the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
of 2008 (TVPRA), the Asylum Office has initial jurisdiction over all asylum applications filed by an individual
previously deemed to be an “unaccompanied alien children,” so long as DHS has not rescinded the individual’s
unaccompanied status. “Unaccompanied alien children” refers to children who do not have lawful immigration
status in the United States, who have not attained 18 years of age, and who do not have a parent or legal guardian in
the United States. 6 U.S.C. § 279(g)(2). This jurisdictional provision applies even if the individual is no longer a
child, has been reunited with her parents, and/or , is already in removal proceedings. More information regarding
the TVPRA and working with UICs can be found in Appendix Q of this manual. If a client has not previously been
identified as a UIC by NIJC, but the pro bono attorney thinks the client should be considered an unaccompanied
alien child, the attorney should contact NIJC.
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Executive Office for Immigration
Review (EOIR)
Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) which houses the
Asylum Office (AO)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) – which houses the Office of Chief
Counsel (OCC)
Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)
National Immigrant Justice Center
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INA §101(a)(42)(A). Accordingly, individuals may qualify for asylum if they can prove:
1. a well-founded fear
2. of persecution
3. perpetuated by the government or an entity the government cannot or will not control
4. on account of
5. one of the five protected grounds
Legal Test For Well-Founded Fear
In order to establish a “well-founded fear” of persecution, an asylum applicant need only show a
reasonable possibility that she will be persecuted. INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca, 480 U.S. 421 (1987). An
applicant who establishes past persecution by the government (or an entity the government cannot or will
not control) on account of one of the five protected grounds has met that test and established a rebuttable
presumption that she has a well-founded fear of future persecution. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(1).
An applicant can also established asylum eligibility by demonstrating an independent well-
founded fear of future persecution, i.e., a reasonable possibility that she will be persecuted by the
government (or an entity the government cannot or will not control) on account of one of the five
protected grounds. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(2); Ayele v. Holder, 564 F.3d 862, 868 (7th Cir. 2009).
The Supreme Court has stated that the following is sufficient to establish a well-founded fear:
1. “having a fear of an event happening when there is less than a 50% chance that it will take
place, and
2. “establishing a 10% chance of being shot, tortured, or…otherwise persecuted.”
Cardoza-Fonseca, 480 U.S. 421.
Definition of Persecution
Neither the INA nor accompanying regulations define persecution. Guidance concerning
persecution is thus found exclusively in case law. The most recent, and generally most useful, definition
of asylum in Seventh Circuit case law can be found in Stanojkova v. Holder, 645 F.3d 943 (7th Cir.
2011). In this decision, the Seventh Circuit divided persecution into three types:
1. “The use of significant physical force against a person’s body,”
2. “the infliction of comparable physical harm without direct application of force (locking a
person in a cell and starving him would be an example),” or
3. “nonphysical harm of equal gravity” such as “refusing to allow a person to practice his
religion . . . a common form of persecution even though the only harm it causes is
Stanojkova, 645 F.3d at 948. In Stanojkova, the Court also noted that a credible threat to inflict grave
physical harm would also constitute persecution under the second prong. Id.
When determining whether an individual suffered past persecution, the adjudicator must consider
the cumulative significance of the record as a whole, rather than each event in isolation. Nzeve v. Holder,
582 F.3d 678 (7th Cir. 2009). As a result, various types of harm that generally do not amount to
NIJC recommends that attorneys structure their legal memoranda or briefs around these five elements.
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persecution in isolation may be considered persecution when taken in the aggregate. Such harms might
1. arbitrary interference with a person’s privacy, family, home or correspondence;
2. enforced social or civil inactivity;
3. passport denial; and/or
4. constant surveillance.
Government Actor
In order to qualify for asylum, an applicant must establish that the persecution she suffered or
fears was or will be perpetrated by either the government or a group the government cannot or will not
control. Balogun v. Ashcroft, 374 F.3d 492, 499 (7th Cir. 2004). Thus, an applicant can establish asylum
eligibility by showing her persecution was inflicted by a group – or even society at large that the
government refuses to control because it condones or tolerates the groups’ activities (such as women who
perform female genital mutilation, abusive spouses, or paramilitary groups) or by a group that the
government cannot control because the group is too powerful (such as gangs or guerilla groups). The
Board of Immigration Appeals has found that an applicant established asylum eligibility based on
persecution by a non-government entity even where she did not request governmental protection because
the evidence demonstrated that if she had requested help, the authorities would have been unable or
unwilling to control her persecutor and requesting protection would have placed the applicant at a greater
risk of harm. Matter of S-A-, 22 I&N Dec. 1328, 1335 (BIA 2000).
The Nexus
An applicant must show a nexus between the persecution and one of the protected grounds of
asylum: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. In
addition, the applicant must establish that the protected ground(s) “was or will be at least one central
reason for persecuting the applicant.” INA § 208(b)(1)(B)(i); Shaikh v. Holder, 702 F.3d 897 (7th Cir.
To meet this “one central reason” requirement, applicants should demonstrate a clear nexus
between the persecution and the protected ground and should take care to consider and highlight all direct
and circumstantial evidence in the case that demonstrates nexus.
Nexus can be established through either direct or circumstantial evidence. Martinez-Buendia v.
Holder, 616 F.3d 711, 715 (7th Cir. 2010). For example, “[i]f political opposition is the reason an
individual refuses to cooperate with a guerilla group, and that individual is persecuted for his refusal to
cooperate, logic dictates that the persecution is on account of the individual’s political opinion.” Id. at
718; see Jabr v. Holder, 711 F.3d 835 (7th Cir. 2013). For claims involving harm by non-state actors, it’s
The Attorney General’s June 2018 decision in Matter of A-B-, 27 I&N Dec. 316 (BIA 2018) makes it likely that in
claims involving harm by non-state actors, asylum offices and judges will focus heavily on the question of whether
the government is unable or unwilling to control the persecutor. Attorneys with non-state actor asylum and
withholding claims should review NIJC’s practice advisory, “Applying for Asylum After Matter of A-B-” at
more information on responding to this asylum element in light of the A-B- decision.
The REAL ID Act (P.L. 109-13) added the “one central reason” burden of proof to asylum claims. Therefore, this
burden only applies to asylum applications filed on or after May 11, 2005.
National Immigrant Justice Center
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particularly important to clearly connect the persecution to the protected ground and distinguish it from
“personal” reasons. See e.g., A-B-, 27 I&N Dec. at 339.
It is important to note that the nexus element is distinct from the protected grounds and the two
elements require separate analyses. Thus, the question of whether an applicant holds a political opinion
or belongs to a particular social group is completely separate from the question of whether the applicant
was persecuted on account of her political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
The Five Protected Grounds for Asylum
The first three protected grounds of asylum (race, religion, and nationality) have well-accepted
definitions. The latter two protected grounds (membership in a particular social group and political
opinion) are more expansive and controversial in application.
The term “race” includes “all kinds of ethnic groups that are referred to as ‘races’ in common
usage.” United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for
Determining Refugee Status ¶ 68 (1992) (UNHCR Handbook). For example, ethnic Albanians and
Chechens would qualify as “races” under this definition.
Persecution on account of religion can include the prohibition of public or private worship,
membership in a particular religious community, or religious instruction. UNHCR Handbook ¶ 72.
Serious discrimination towards a person because of her membership in a particular religion or religious
community may also constitute persecution on account of religion. Id.
The term "nationality" includes citizenship or membership in an ethnic or linguistic group and
oftentimes overlaps with "race." UNHCR Handbook ¶ 74.
An applicant’s actual political opinion may constitute a protected ground. Additionally, a political
opinion imputed onto the applicant may be recognized to establish a protected ground. An “imputed opinion
is an opinion that the persecutor believes the applicant to hold.
The refugee definition at INA §101(a)(42)(B) also specifically provides that persecution on
account of political opinion includes persons persecuted due to coercive population control programs,
such as forced abortion, forced sterilization, or fear of persecution because of refusal to participate in such
National Immigrant Justice Center
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“Particular social group” is a broad and evolving concept. Generally, it is understood as a group
of people who share or are defined by certain immutable characteristics such as age, class background,
ethnic background, family ties, gender, and sexual orientation.
The Board of Immigration Appeals has said that members of a particular social group must share
a “common immutable characteristic.Matter of Acosta, 19 I&N Dec. 211, 222 (BIA 1985). That
characteristic should be something the group cannot or should not be required to change. Id. The Acosta
immutable characteristics test was the accepted definition of “membership in a particular social group”
for more than two decades, until the Board added the additional requirements of “social visibility” and
“particularity” to the particular social group definition in 2008. See Matter of S-E-G-, 24 I&N Dec. 579
(BIA 2008); Matter of E-A-G-, 24 I&N Dec. 591 (BIA 2008). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit then issued several decisions that invalidated the social visibility requirement and broadened the
particular social group definition. See Escobar v. Holder, 657 F.3d 537 (7th Cir. 2011); Sarhan v.
Holder, 658 F.3d 649 (7th Cir. 2011); Ramos v. Holder, 589 F.3d 426 (7th Cir. 2009); and Gatimi v.
Holder, 578 F.3d 611 (7th Cir. 2009).
In 2013, the Seventh Circuit issued a critical en banc decision regarding the particular social
group definition. In Cece v. Holder, 733 F.3d 662 (7th Cir. 2013), the Court explained that the immutable
characteristic forming the basis of a particular social group can include “a shared past experience or status
[that] has imparted some knowledge or labeling that cannot be undone.” Id. at 670. Cece also clarified
that the breadth of a group is irrelevant to whether the group is viable for asylum purposes, stating, “[i]t
would be antithetical to asylum law to deny refuge to a group of persecuted individuals who have valid
claims merely because too many have valid claims.” Id. at 673-75. Thus, a group “defined by gender
plus one or more narrowing characteristics” can constitute a particular social group. Id. at 676.
In 2014, the Board issued two precedential decisions clarifying and reaffirming the particularity
and social visibility (renamed as “social distinction”) requirements. Matter of M-E-V-G-, 26 I&N Dec.
227 (BIA 2014); Matter of W-G-R-, 26 I&N Dec. 208 (BIA 2014). According to the Board, the
particularity requirement means that a group must be discrete and have definable boundaries; it cannot be
made up of broad and diverse members. M-E-V-G-, 26 I&N Dec. at 239. To prove social distinction, the
group need not be literally visible, but society must recognize the group as such. Id. at 240.
For several reasons, including the Seventh Circuit’s repeated assertions that a social group need
not be socially visible or narrowly defined, the BIA’s unreasonable interpretation of “membership in a
particular social group,” and the fact that the BIA in M-E-V-G- and W-G-R- did not explicitly assert an
intention to overrule prior circuit case law, NIJC strongly believes that M-E-V-G- and W-G-R- are not
binding in the Seventh Circuit. It appears the Seventh Circuit agrees. In numerous precedential decisions
issued after M-E-V-G- and W-G-R-, the Seventh Circuit did not reference the BIA’s social distinction or
particularity requirements or even mention the BIA’s two new decisions. Rather, the Seventh Circuit
continues to emphasize that additional requirements like narrowness and homogeneity are not part of its
particular social group test and that the Seventh Circuit follows a pure, Acosta-only interpretation of the
particular social group definition. See e.g., Salgado Gutierrez v. Lynch, 834 F.3d 800, 805 (7th Cir. 2016)
(rejecting breadth and homogeneity as requirements for establishing a particular social group); Lozano-
Zuniga v. Lynch, 832 F.3d 822, 827 (7th Cir. 2016) (“This circuit defines social group as a group “whose
membership is defined by a characteristic that is either immutable or is so fundamental to individual
identity or conscience that a person ought not be required to change.”); see also Sibanda v. Holder, 778
F.3d 676 (7th Cir. 2015); R.R.D. v. Holder, 746 F.3d 807 (7th Cir. 2014); N.L.A. v. Holder, 744 F.3d 425
(7th Cir. 2014). Thus, NIJC pro bono attorneys currently presenting particular social group-based
asylum claims before the Chicago Asylum Office and Immigration Court should follow Seventh
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Circuit not BIA – case law regarding the particular social group definition, but should be prepared
to explain why Seventh Circuit case law, rather than BIA case law, is binding. More information about
the current state of particular social group case law and best practices for presenting particular social
group-based asylum claims, including NIJC’s Particular Social Group Practice Advisory, are available on
NIJC’s website at
Finally, in 2018, the Board issued a decision holding that an asylum seeker must “clearly indicate
the exact delineation of any particular social group(s) to which she claims to belong” and determining that
the BIA would not consider a new social group for the first time on appeal. Matter of W-Y-C- & H-O-B-,
27 I&N Dec. 189, 191 (BIA 2018) (internal citations omitted). Although Seventh Circuit law may
provide more protection to social group claims that evolve on appeal than the BIA does, see Cece, 733
F.3d at 670-71, it’s important that attorneys present all potential social groups before the immigration
judge (and argue all asylum elements as to each social group), while being careful not to include so many
particular social group claims that the weak claims detract from the strong ones
As the sharp contrast between BIA and Seventh Circuit decisions makes clear, particular social
group case law has changed dramatically in recent years and continues to evolve. Because particular
social group case law has grown more restrictive, asylum claims based on membership in a particular
social group have become increasingly complex. It is therefore crucial that attorneys representing
NIJC clients with particular social group-based asylum claims contact NIJC to strategize the best
social groups for their client.
Asylum Claims Involving Gender Violence
Women often experience human rights abuses that are particular to their gender. These include rape,
molestation, domestic violence, female genital mutilation/circumcision, forced marriage, honor killing, sexual
harassment and sexual slavery. Of the five protected grounds for asylum, women typically experience these forms
of persecution because of their membership in a particular social group related to their gender. Many adjudicators
reject gender-based social groups on policy grounds as being too broad or as creating floodgate concerns.
Consequently, it can be a challenge for attorneys to convince some adjudicators to recognize these claims.
In Matter of Acosta, 19 I&N Dec. 211(BIA 1985), the seminal case regarding membership in a particular
social group, the Board defined the term “particular social group” as a group that shares a characteristic that
members cannot change or should not be required to change. In Acosta, the Board explicitly listed gender as an
example of an immutable characteristic that can form the basis of a particular social group. Therefore, under the
Acosta test, gender alone should be sufficient to form a cognizable social group. Moreover, as the Seventh Circuit
clarified in Cece, there is no requirement that a particular social group be narrowly defined. Like the other protected
grounds, membership in a particular social group is determined by the shared trait and not limited by number.
The status of gender-based claims at the BIA is more convoluted. Although the BIA now requires more
than the Acosta test to establish membership in a particular social group (see supra), in August 2014, the BIA held
in that married women in Guatemala who are unable to leave their relationship can be a viable particular social
group. Matter of A-R-C-G-, 26 I&N Dec. 388 (BIA 2014). The BIA specifically declined to address the question of
whether the broader group of Guatemalan women could also constitute a particular social group. A-R-C-G-, 26 I&N
Dec. at 395 n.16. In June 2018, however, the Attorney General overruled A-R-C-G- based on alleged errors the BIA
made in the decision. Matter of A-B-, 27 I&N Dec. 316 (A.G. 2018). Significantly, the Attorney General did not
state that the A-R-C-G- group could never be viable, although that intent was made clear in the extremely negative
dicta throughout the decision. For more information about the A-B- decision and best practices for responding to the
decision in asylum cases, please see NIJC’s practice advisory, “Applying for Asylum After Matter of A-B-” at
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Historically, advocates representing women with gender-based claims often created complex and elaborate
social groups for their clients in an attempt to avoid the perception that the group is overly broad. NIJC encourages
pro bono attorneys to avoid this practice and to instead make particular social group arguments based on Acosta, in
which the only requirement for a cognizable social group is that the group be based on an immutable characteristic
that the group’s members cannot or should not be required to change. NIJC hopes that as more advocates create
social groups based on a pure reading of Acosta, adjudicators will begin to accept them as viable and move away
from the current scheme of overly narrow and often convoluted particular social group construction.
NIJC has numerous materials related to gender-based asylum claims, including webinars and sample briefs,
on NIJC’s website at
Attorneys are encouraged to peruse these documents and utilize the legal arguments in their own filings.
Past Persecution
If an applicant establishes that she experienced past persecution on account of a protected ground
by the government or an entity the government cannot or will not control, she is presumed to possess a
well-founded fear of future persecution. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(1). At that point, the burden shifts to the
government to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that conditions in the country of origin have
changed such that the applicant no longer has a well-founded fear, or that it would be reasonable for the
applicant to move to another part of the country to avoid persecution. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(1)(i).
If the government succeeds in establishing changed country conditions or the reasonableness and safety of
internal relocation, the applicant may still be afforded so-called “humanitarian” asylum protection if she
can demonstrate (a) compelling reasons for being unwilling or unable to return arising out of the severity
of the past persecution or (b) a reasonable possibility of suffering other serious harm. See 8 C.F.R. §
208.13(b)(1)(iii); Kholyavskiy v. Mukasey, 540 F.3d 555, 575-76 (7th Cir. 2008); Matter of L-S-, 25 I&N
Dec. 705 (BIA 2012); Matter of S-A-K- & H-A-H-, 24 I&N Dec. 464 (BIA 2008); Matter of Chen, 20
I&N Dec. 16. (BIA 1989). The “other serious harm” must rise to the level of persecution, but it need not
be based on one of the five enumerated grounds. Id.; L-S-, 25 I&N Dec. 705. This form of asylum is
only available to asylum applicants who establish past persecution on account of a protected ground by
the government or an entity the government cannot or will not control. It is not available for withholding
of removal applicants.
Internal Relocation
If an applicant has a presumed well-founded fear of future persecution based on past persecution,
the government may overcome the presumption by establishing by a preponderance of the evidence that
the applicant could avoid future persecution by relocating to another part of the home country and that
such relocation is reasonable. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(2)(ii). If the applicant has not suffered past
persecution, it is the applicant’s burden to demonstrate she could not avoid persecution by relocating
and/or that relocating would not be reasonable. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(3)(i). However, if the feared
persecutor is the government, relocation is presumed unreasonable unless the government can prove
otherwise by a preponderance of the evidence. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(3)(ii).
In determining whether the applicant could relocate, the adjudicator must first examine whether
safe relocation is possible, and if so, whether it would be reasonable to expect the applicant to relocate.
Oryakhil v. Mukasey, 528 F.3d 993, 998 (7th Cir. 2008). The reasonability of internal relocation should
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be examined in light of ongoing civil strife; government infrastructures; geographical limits; and social or
cultural constraints. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(3).
Future Fear Only Claims
If an applicant has not suffered past persecution or if her future fear of persecution has been
rebutted, the applicant must establish an independent well-founded fear of future persecution. In a future-
fear only claim, an applicant must demonstrate the same asylum elements as an applicant with a past
persecution claim: persecution by the government or an entity the government cannot or will not control
on account of a protected ground. However, because the asylum claim is only forward looking, the
applicant must also demonstrate both a subjective and objective fear of persecution. Cardoza-Fonseca,
480 U.S. 421; Ayele, 564 F.3d at 868.
To satisfy the subjective component in a future fear only claim, the applicant must show that she
genuinely fears returning to her country of origin. The objective prong of a future fear-only claim can be
established one of two ways. First, the applicant can establish that a reasonably possibilityor at least a
10 percent chance - exists that she will be “singled out individually for persecution” by the government or
an entity the government cannot or will not control on account of a protected ground. 8 C.F.R. §
208.13(b)(2)(iii); Ayele, 564 F.3d at 868. Second, the applicant can establish that “there is a pattern or
practice” in her home country “of persecution of a group of persons similarly situated to the applicant on
account of” the protected grounds and the applicant establishes her “inclusion in, and identification with,
such group of persons such that . . . her fear of persecution upon return is reasonable.” 8 C.F.R. §
208.13(b)(2)(iii); Ayele, 564 F.3d at 868.
In most cases, applicants will claim asylum eligibility based on the possibility that they will be
singled out for persecution upon return to their home country, rather than making a “pattern or practice”
claim. Pattern or practice claims are extremely difficult to win because few situations of persecution rise
to the high level of a “systematic, pervasive, or organized effort to kill, imprison or severely injure
members of the protected group” necessary to establish a “pattern or practice of persecution” Ingmantoro
v. Mukasey, 550 F.3d 646, 651 (7th Cir. 2008). The burden of proof for “pattern or practiceclaims is
high and extremely difficult to meet “because once the court finds that a group was subject to a pattern or
practice of persecution, every member of the group is eligible for asylum. Ahmed v. Gonzales, 467 F.3d
669, 675 (7th Cir. 2006). It is also important to note that the “pattern or practice” claim is different from
a claim that an applicant will be individually targeted based on membership in a particular social group.
As with an asylum claim based on past persecution, an applicant with an independent fear of
future persecution is not eligible for asylum if she could avoid persecution by relocating to another part of
her country of nationality, “if under all the circumstances it would be reasonable to expect the applicant to
do so.” 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(2)(ii). If the persecutor is a government or is “government-sponsored,” it is
presumed that internal relocation would not be reasonable. 8 C.F.R. § 208.13(b)(3)(ii).
Like the “unable or unwilling to control” element, the Attorney General’s decision in A-B- makes it likely that the
relocation element will now be a significant issue in all claims involving harm by non-state actors. Attorneys with
non-state actor asylum and withholding claims should review NIJC’s practice advisory, “Applying for Asylum After
Matter of A-B-” at
particular-social-group for more information on responding to this asylum element in light of the A-B- decision.
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Withholding of Removal
Another protection available to individuals fleeing persecution is withholding of removal. INA
§241(b)(3). Withholding of removal is a non-discretionary form of relief from removal that is available
to applicants who establish it is more likely that not they will face persecution in their country of
removal by the government or an entity the government cannot or will not control on account of one of
the protected grounds (i.e. race, religion, nationality, political opinion, membership in a particular social
group). Withholding may be an appropriate alternative to asylum if an applicant: 1) is ineligible for
asylum based on one of the bars listed below, including the one-year filing deadline; 2) has a reinstated
removal order; or 2) there are negative factors in the applicant’s past such as a criminal history that are
not felonious but which make discretionary grant of asylum questionable.
The application for withholding of removal is the same as the application for asylum (Form I-
One automatically applies for both forms of relief concurrently when submitting the asylum
application. Because withholding of removal means that an individual’s removal has been withheld,
withholding can only be granted after an immigration judge orders an individual removed. In a
withholding case, the immigration judge will typically issue a decision ordering the applicant removed
and then state that he is ordering that removal be withheld.
The benefits attendant to a grant of withholding of removal are limited. An individual who is
granted withholding of removal cannot be removed from the United States to the country from which she
was fleeing persecution, but can be removed to a safe third country if one is available. The individual can
obtain work authorization – which is renewable annually. However, she may not petition to extend status
to a spouse or children and any spouse or children in the United States with her may not be included as
derivative beneficiaries on her application. Also, the individual is not permitted to adjust status to legal
permanent residency, apply for citizenship, or travel outside the United States.
Legal Standard for Withholding of Removal
In order to satisfy the test for withholding of removal, an individual must show a clear probability
of persecution by the government or a group the government cannot or will not control on account of one
of the protected grounds. INS v. Stevic, 467 U.S. 407 (1984). This is a more difficult burden (P>50%) to
meet than for asylum. As in asylum law, however, if an individual can show she suffered persecution in
the past, she benefits from a rebuttable presumption of future persecution. Withholding of removal is
mandatory if the individual meets the above clear probability test and establishes that she is not barred.
Although an individual can technically request withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture (CAT)
relief before the asylum office, the asylum office cannot grant those forms of relief. In order for withholding of
removal or CAT relief to be granted, an immigration judge must first order the individual removed. Matter of I-S- &
C-S-, 24 I&N Dec. 432 (BIA 2008).
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Convention Against Torture
The United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment (“CAT”)
prohibits the return of a person to a country where substantial
grounds exist for believing that she would be subjected to torture. Matter of Y-L-A-G-, R-S-R-, 23 I&N
Dec. 270 (A.G. 2002); see also Matter of S-V-, 22 I&N Dec. 1306 (BIA 2000). A CAT claim may be
raised even after a final order of removal/deportation has been issued. Additionally, unlike asylum and
withholding of removal, an applicant for CAT relief is not required to establish her fear of torture is on
account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a social group.
Regulations create two separate types of protection under CAT. See 8 C.F.R. §§ 208.16, 208.17.
Attorneys requesting CAT relief should be sure to request both types of CAT protection. The first
type of protection is withholding of removal under CAT. Withholding under CAT prohibits the return of
an individual to her home country. It can only be terminated if the individual’s case is reopened and DHS
establishes the individual is no longer likely to be tortured in her home country. The same bars to
withholding of removal exist for withholding of removal under CAT.
The second type of protection is called deferral of removal under CAT. There are no bars to
deferral of removal under CAT. As a result, individuals will typically only receive deferral under CAT if
they would likely be subject to torture, but are ineligible for asylum or withholding of removal due to the
persecutor bar, the terrorism bar, or one of the crime-based bars. Deferral of removal under CAT is
terminated more quickly and easily than withholding of removal. DHS may continue to detain an
individual granted deferral of removal under CAT.
Like withholding of removal, CAT relief can only be granted after an immigration judge has
ordered an individual removed. Also like withholding, the benefits of CAT are limited. An individual
granted CAT relief cannot be removed from the United States to the country where she fears torture, but
can be removed to a third country if one is available. The individual may not adjust her status to legal
permanent residency or extend her status to family members. CAT holders can generally obtain work
Definition of Torture
Torture is defined as any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is
intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information
or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having
committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of
any kind . . . when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or
acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in official capacity. CAT, Art. 1., 8 C.F.R. §
208.18. The BIA has found that torture “is an extreme form of cruel and inhuman punishment and does
not extend to lesser forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.” Matter of J-E-, 23
I&N Dec. 291 (BIA 2002). The BIA has also found that indefinite detention, without further proof of
torture does not constitute torture under this definition. Id.
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,
opened for signature February 4, 1985, G.A. Ros. 39/46, U.N. GAOR Supp. No. 51, at 197, U.N. Doc.
A/RES/39/708(1984), reprinted in 23 I.L.M.1027 (1984), modified in 24 I.L.M. 535 (1985).
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The torture feared must be carried out by their government or someone acting with the
acquiescence of the government. Acquiescence has been narrowly defined and must include awareness of
the torture and failure to intervene thereby breaching a legal responsibility. Matter of S-V-, 22 I&N Dec.
1306 (BIA 2000). However, the individual “need not show that multiple government officials are
complicit in order to be entitled to relief. Rodriguez-Molinero v. Lynch, 808 F.3d 1134, 1138 (7th Cir.
2015). In addition, “[i]t is irrelevant whether the police were rogue (in the sense of not serving the
interests of the [country of removal] government) or not.Id. at 1139. The individual also does “not
have to show that the entire . . . government is complicit in the misconduct of individual police officers.”
Id. Finally, governmental efforts to prevent violence do not mean that the government would not
participate in or acquiesce to torture: “it is success rather than effort that bears on the likelihood of . . .
being killed or tortured if removed.” Id. at 1140.
CAT Standard of Proof
The standard of proof under the CAT is higher than the standard for asylum. The alien must
prove that it is “more likely than not” she would be tortured if forced to return. Matter of G-A-, 23 I&N
Dec. 366 (BIA 2002). What this standard means in practice in the Seventh Circuit is not completely
clear, as the Seventh Circuit explained in Rodriguez-Molinero:
The [more likely than not] phrase . . . cannot be and is not taken literally. . . . It would
contradict the Convention. . . . It would dictate that while an alien who had a 50.1 percent
probability of being tortured . . . would be granted deferral of removal, an otherwise
identical alien who had “only” a 49.9 percent probability of being tortured would be
removed – an absurd distinction. And it is not enforceable. The data and statistical
methodology that would enable a percentage to be attached to a risk of torture simply do
not exist. All that can be said responsibly on the basis of actually obtainable information
is that there is, or is not, a substantial risk that a given alien will be tortured if removed
from the United States.
808 F.3d at 1135-36.
The evidentiary proof required for CAT is very similar to the proof for asylum or withholding
claims. All relevant considerations are to be taken into account, including, where applicable, the
existence in the State concerned of a “consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human
rights.” S-V-, 22 I&N Dec. at 1313.
Procedure for Raising CAT Claims
Individuals seeking relief under the CAT must bring their claims before an immigration judge.
The attorney requests relief under withholding of removal and CAT by checking the “CAT” box in the
upper right-hand corner of the first page of the I-589 and by selecting CAT in response to the question
regarding protected grounds. When applying for CAT relief, the attorney should be sure to provide
evidence demonstrating that the client meets the definition of torture under 8 C.F.R. § 208.18. The
attorney should also be sure to thoroughly brief the CAT elements in her brief because the elements are
significantly different from the asylum elements.
In nearly every case, NIJC strongly recommends that an attorney request CAT relief. If a
client has already filed for asylum, but did not request withholding of removal and CAT, the pro bono
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attorney should amend and supplement the application. Since CAT relief is not as beneficial as asylum,
NIJC recommends that CAT be sought in the alternative, while concurrently seeking asylum. Pro bono
attorneys with concerns about requesting CAT relief for their NIJC client should contact NIJC.
Voluntary Departure
Voluntary departure permits a removable individual to depart from the United States at her own
expense within a designated amount of time in order to avoid a final order of removal. INA § 240B.
Voluntary departure is not available in all cases. INA § 240B(c). Generally, NIJC does not recommend
that individuals who maintain a fear of persecution or torture seek voluntary departure.
Voluntary departure may be appropriate in certain instances and may be preferable to a removal
order. If an individual is issued a removal order she may be barred from reentering the United States for
up to ten years and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties if she reenters without proper
authorization. In addition, an individual with a removal order is barred for ten years from applying for
cancellation of removal, adjustment of status, and other immigration benefits. If the individual receive
voluntarily departure and departs within the time ordered by the court, she will not be barred from legally
reentering in the future and does not face the bars to relief that an individual with a removal order would
face. However, if an individual receives a grant of voluntary departure and subsequently fails to timely
depart, the legal repercussions are worse than those attendant to a removal order. INA §240B(d). If
individual receives voluntary departure and subsequently moves to reopen her removal proceedings, the
grant of voluntary departure is automatically revoked. 8 C.F.R. § 1240.26(e)(1).
An individual may apply for voluntary departure either prior to the master calendar hearing or at
the conclusion of proceedings.
Master Calendar Hearing
If the application for voluntary departure is prior to, or at the master calendar hearing, the
individual must show that she:
1. Waives or withdraws all other requests for relief;
2. Concedes removability;
3. Waives appeal of all issues;
4. Has not been convicted of an aggravated felony and is not a security risk;
5. Shows clear and convincing evidence that she intends and has the financial ability to depart; and
6. Presents to DHS a valid passport or other travel document sufficient to assure lawful entry into
the country of return, unless such document is already in the possession of the DHS or is not
needed in order to return to the country in question.
If the individual is able to meet these requirements, then the immigration judge may grant a
voluntary departure period of up to 120 days at the time of the Master Calendar hearing. See INA §
240B(a), 8 C.F.R. § 1240.26. The judge may not grant voluntary departure beyond 30 days after the
Master Calendar at which the case is initially scheduled, except pursuant to a stipulation from the DHS. 8
C.F.R. § 1240.26(b)(E)(ii).
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Conclusion of the Merits Hearing
An individual may also apply for voluntary departure after the conclusion of proceedings,
provided that the individual meets the following requirements:
1. Shows physical presence for one year prior to the date the Notice to Appear is issued;
2. Shows good moral character for five years prior to the application;
3. Has not been convicted of an aggravated felony and is not a security risk;
4. Shows clear and convincing evidence that she intends and has the financial ability to depart;
5. Pays the bond required by the judge (of at least $500); and
6. Presents to the DHS a valid passport or other travel document sufficient to assure lawful entry
into the country of return, unless such document is already in the possession of the DHS or is not
needed in order to return.
8 C.F.R. § 1240.26(c). If the individual establishes these requirements, the immigration judge
may grant voluntary departure for a period of up to 60 days. See INA § 240B(b); 8 C.F.R. §1240.26(e).
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Pro bono attorneys who identify any of these conditions
in their cases should contact NIJC.
under CAT?
One-Year Filing Deadline Bar: See explanatory section below.
INA §208(a)(2)(B); 8 C.F.R. §§ 208.4, 208.34.
Persecutor Bar: Individuals who have persecutor another on
account of one of the protected grounds. INA § 208(b)(2)(A)(i).
Terrorism Bar: See the explanatory section below. INA §
Particularly Serious Crime (PSC) Bar: Individuals convicted of a
particularly serious crime. For asylum purposes, any aggravated
felony (as defined under immigration law, see INA § 101(a)(43))
constitutes a PSC. For withholding/withholding under CAT
purposes, an aggravated felony constitutes a PSC if the aggregate
term of imprisonment sentenced was at least five years.
Immigration judges also have the authority to define non-
aggravated felony crimes as PSCs. See NIJC’s Detention
Supplement for more information regarding the impact of a
criminal history on applications for asylum and withholding of
removal. INA §§ 208(b)(2)(A)(ii), 208(b)(2)(B), 241(b)(3)(B)(ii).
Serious Non-Political Crime Outside the U.S. Bar
INA § 208(b)(2)(A)(iii).
“Danger to the Security of the United States” Bar
INA § 208(b)(2)(A)(iv).
Firm Resettlement Bar: Individuals who are firmly resettled within
the meaning of 8 C.F.R. §208.15. INA §208(b)(2)(A)(vi); Matter
of D-X- & Y-Z-, 25 I&N Dec. 664 (BIA 2012); Matter of A-G-G-,
25 I&N Dec. 486 (BIA 2011).
Previous Asylum Denial Bar: Individuals who previously filed for
asylum and were denied. INA § 208(a)(2)(C)
Safe Third Country Bar: Individuals who may be removed
pursuant to a bilateral or multilateral agreement to a safe third
country, unless the Attorney General finds it in the national
interest to grant asylum. INA §208(a)(2)(A). At present, the
United States only has a safe third country agreement with
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The One-Year Filing Deadline
All applicants must file their asylum applications within one year of their entry into the United
Applicants must prove by clear and convincing evidence that they have filed their asylum
application within one year since their arrival in the United States or to the satisfaction of the Asylum
Officer or immigration judge that they qualify for an exception to the deadline. See 8 C.F.R. §
208.4(2)(A). Regulations provide that the one-year deadline assessment should be made on a case by
case basis by the immigration judge or the Asylum Officer. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.4(a)(2) and (a)(5); Matter
of T-M-H- & S-W-C-, 25 I&N Dec. 193 (BIA 2010). The one-year deadline is extremely harsh, but there
are some exceptions, as follows:
1. If there are “changed circumstances” or circumstances materially affecting the applicant’s
eligibility for asylum, for example:
a. changes in the applicant’s country; or
b. changes in the applicant’s circumstances, e.g., changes in U.S. law or conversion to
another religion.
The burden is on the applicant to prove the changed circumstances. The applicant must file the
application within a reasonable time after the applicant becomes aware of the change in circumstances.
2. If there are “extraordinary circumstances” that the applicant had no control over that kept the
applicant from filing for asylum within a year of entry into the United States. For example:
1. serious illness;
2. a long period of mental or physical problems, including those due to violence against the
applicant or persecution suffered;
3. the applicant is under age 18 and living without parent or legal guardian; Matter of Y-C-,
23 I&N Dec. 286 (BIA 2002)
4. ineffective assistance of counsel, i.e., the applicant had a lawyer but the lawyer did not
provide notice of the one-year deadline;
5. the applicant was in some other lawful status until a reasonable period before the asylum
application was filed.
6. the application was filed within one year of arriving, but was returned for some reason
and soon filed again.
The burden is on the applicant to prove extraordinary circumstances. The circumstances must be directly
related to the applicant’s failure to file the application within one year. See 8 C.F.R. §208.4(a)(4). The
applicant must also file the application within a “reasonable” time (generally interpreted to mean less than
six months) after the she becomes aware of the change in circumstances.
For asylum applicants who entered the United States prior to April 1, 1997, the deadline for applying was April 1,
Pursuant to the TVPRA, unaccompanied alien children are not subject to the one-year filing deadline. However, it
is unclear whether unaccompanied children must meet the one-year deadline once they are reunified with a parent or
legal guardian or turn 18. For that reason, NIJC strongly recommends that attorney representing former or current
unaccompanied children still file their client’s asylum application prior to the one-year filing deadline.
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For affirmative applications filed directly with USCIS, the Asylum Office will consider the date
USCIS received the application as the filing date for purposes of determining whether the application was
filed within one year. However, if the applicant can show by clear and convincing evidence that she
mailed the application within one year, the mailing date shall be considered the filing date. See 8 C.F.R. §
For defensive applications filed with the immigration court, the day the application is received by
the court at the court window, by mail, or in open proceedings will be considered the filing date.
To timely file an asylum application, USCIS or the immigration court must receive the
application the day before the date of entry, in the following year. For example an applicant who enters on
February 1, 2016 must make sure his application is received by January 31, 2017. Applications received
on February 1 will not be considered timely.
The Terrorism Bars
Since 2001, Congress has enacted several pieces of legislation that purport to keep terrorists from
gaining immigration status in the United States but, in practice, result in the denial of protection to many
victims of terrorist activity. The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272 and the
REAL ID Act of 2005 (Pub. L. No. 109-13, 119 Stat. 231) amended the INA to expand the definitions of
classes of people subject to the terrorism related inadmissibility grounds. See INA §212(a)(3)(B).
A collection of people may be considered a terrorist organization if they are a “group of two or
more individuals, whether organized or not, which engages in, or has a subgroup which engages in”
terrorist activities. INA §212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(III). Terrorist activity includes any “threat, attempt, or
Prior to September 2016, an asylum application for an individual in removal proceedings would not be considered
filed until it was received in open court. In September 2016, the Executive Office for Immigration Review issued a
memorandum announcing that it would now accept asylum application as filed by mail and at the immigration court
window. The memorandum can be found here:
Practice Tip:
If a client does not have proof of her date of entry, her pro bono attorney should file the I-589 within
one year of a date before she entered the United States for which she does have proof. E.g., if the
client has proof of a date she was in Mexico before she entered the United States; file the I-589 before
that date.
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conspiracy” to use “any…explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device (other than for mere
personal or monetary gain), with intent to endanger…the safety of one or more individuals or to cause
substantial damage to property.” INA §212(a)(3)(B)(iii)(V). To be terrorist activity, the act must be
“unlawful under the laws of the place where it is committed (or which, if it had been committed in the
United States, would be unlawful under the laws of the United States or any State).” INA
The definition of engage in terrorist activity was also expanded to include material support to a
terrorist organization (under the new, broad terrorist organization definition). As a result, people who
support groups considered to be terrorist organizations are barred from asylum, withholding of removal,
and withholding under CAT. Thus far, the Board has not recognized any defenses to this bar. Duress,
infancy, self-defense and mental incapacity do not excuse material support. Being held hostage in one’s
home while members of a guerilla group lodge for the night could trigger the bar. Paying a ransom to
avoid the assassination of a family member could trigger the bar. The statutory language, as one BIA
Board member observed, is “breathtaking in its scope.” S-K at 948. (Osuna, J., concurring).
Under this framework, pro-democracy groups who struggle against dictatorships may be
considered terrorist groups because the actions they take against the regime oppressing them are against
the law in the place where the actions they take. Government attorneys have conceded that under this
definition, U.S. Marines operating in Iraq before the fall of Saddam Hussein would have qualified as a
terrorist organization. Matter of S-K-, 23 I&N Dec. 935 (BIA 2006), Oral Argument Transcript at 25.
Although it is possible to obtain an exemption from the Department of Homeland Security for
some activity under the terrorism related inadmissibility grounds, these exemptions are difficult to obtain
and are granted at the unreviewable discretion of the DHS. A list of the exemptions currently available
can be found on NIJC’s website at
Attorneys representing asylum-seekers must keep these expanded definitions of terrorist activity
in mind. Facts that previously would have bolstered applicants’ claims for asylum and demonstrated
persecution can now make them ineligible for asylum. Pro bono attorney working with clients who
presents facts that might trigger these bars should contact NIJC. More information about the terrorism
bars can be found on NIJC’s website at
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There are two ways to apply for asylum: affirmatively and defensively
. A person who is
physically present in the United States can affirmatively request asylum in the United States by filing an
application with USCIS. An individual who has been served with a Notice to Appear (NTA), placing her
in removal proceedings may file an asylum request defensively before the immigration court. Asylum
applications filed in removal proceedings are called “defensive” applications because the application is a
defense to removal. Even if the applicant first applied for asylum with USCIS, the application becomes
defensive once the asylum applicant is in removal proceedings.
Documentary Requirements
A complete application for asylum, filed affirmatively or defensively, includes the following:
Asylum Office (affirmative)
(file with the Nebraska Service Center)
Immigration Court (defensive)
TVPRA cover sheet
and ORR release form
(for unaccompanied children’s cases only)
Appearance form: E-28
Appearance form: G-28
Skeletal application for Asylum (I-589)
Skeletal application for asylum (I-589) and 1
passport photo
1 copy of the I-589 for each derivative, 1
copy for your records, 1 copy served on DHS
1 copies, plus an additional copy for each
No filing fee!
No filing fee!
Then one week before the interview, file:
(with the Chicago Asylum Office)
Then prior to merits hearing, file:
Legal memo
A detailed client affidavit/declaration with a
translator’s certificate if necessary
A detailed client affidavit/declaration with a
translator’s certificate if necessary
Annotated Index
Annotated Index
Supporting Documentation, including
- Identity Documents, Expert Affidavits
(possibly), and Other Corroboration
Supporting Documentation, including
- Identity Documents, Expert Affidavits
(possibly), and Other Corroboration
Evidence of claimed relationship for all
included family members
Evidence of claimed relationship for all
included family members.
Certificate of service on DHS
As previously noted supra, pursuant to the TVPRA, the Asylum Office has initial jurisdiction over all asylum
applications filed by individuals previously deemed unaccompanied alien children, even if the child is already in
immigration proceedings, so long as DHS has not rescinded the individual’s unaccompanied status.
Available on NIJC’s website at
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Preparing the Asylum Case
Asylum interviews and hearings are generally quite simple and straightforward compared to civil
trials. The typical NIJC asylum interview lasts two to three hours and involves the Asylum Officer
questioning the client regarding her claim. A typical asylum hearing consists of the testimony of the
client, additional testimony from an expert witness, and brief opening and closing statements. Additional
witnesses are valuable if they can be obtained, but often there are simply none available. Despite the fact
that the interviews and hearings are generally straightforward, asylum hearings do, in fact, require a great
deal of preparation. Moreover, asylum law has grown increasingly complex in recent years and in most
cases, attorneys should expect to conduct significant legal research to support their arguments regarding
their client’s eligibility for relief.
NIJC strongly recommend that pro bono attorneys begin case preparation by reading background
material on the recent history of their client's country. Attorneys will save a lot of time and minimize the
chances of confusion or error by having a basic understanding of the political and military conflicts in the
client’s country before beginning case preparation.
Step One: Interviewing The Client
Many pro bono attorneys underestimate how much time with the client is necessary to adequately
prepare the client’s affidavit and testimony. Interviewing the client, in the process of preparing the I-589
and affidavit and in preparation for hearing testimony, is the most difficult and critical part of handling an
asylum case.
In interviewing asylum clients, pro bono attorneys may encounter problems they are not
accustomed to in dealing with other sorts of cases. For example, clients in asylum cases rarely speak
English and are sometimes uneducated or unsophisticated. Additionally, many clients suffer from Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder or other psychological and emotional problems that make it difficult for them
to fully tell their story to anyone.
Pro bono attorneys should also be aware that they may need to use a different style of
interviewing when interviewing clients in asylum cases. Lawyers in this country often have a style of
interviewing that can be threatening to NIJC clients. An intense, rapid-fire approach, bearing down hard
on minor inconsistencies, may be very frightening to clients seeking asylum. As a result, a more gentle
approach may be required.
Most pro bono attorneys will find that communication with their asylum clients is very different
than communication with their business clients. Asylum clients often do not have regular access to the
internet and/or may not have an email address. Many clients prefer to text rather than to speak over the
phone and may not be used to leaving voice mail messages. Unless a client indicates that she prefers
substantive communication to occur via email, NIJC strongly encourages pro bono attorneys not to
Practice Tip:
Whether a client has an affirmative or defensive case, the attorney should have her sign the USCIS appearance
form (G-28) as soon as representation begins. That way, if the client is detained or the pro bono attorney needs
to urgently contact USCIS about the case, the attorney will be able to do so immediately.
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conduct substantive communication regarding the client’s case over email since it will be difficult to
judge a client’s comprehension of the matter being discussed and a client may not feel comfortable
expressing her lack of comprehension.
Establishing trust with the client is essential in asylum cases. The majority of NIJC clients come
from countries whose legal systems are corrupt and inept at best. As a result, they are generally
unfamiliar and suspicious of the legal proceedings that they find themselves in. This suspicion makes it
difficult for asylum-seekers to trust their attorneys, let alone the judge rendering a decision in their case.
Part of the pro bono attorney’s job is attempting to overcome this built-in distrust.
NIJC recommends that at least in initial sessions, pro bono attorneys begin by helping the client
relax and trust them. Attorneys should be as friendly as possible, explain things thoroughly, and urge the
client to ask questions. Pro bono attorneys may find it helpful in establishing trust with their client to
share something about themselves. Sometimes the best way to begin a relationship with an NIJC client is
to offer coffee or refreshments and simply sit and chat for a few minutes. Attorneys should remember
that as human beings, they have many mutual interests in common with their clients – family, friends, etc.
Seek these out and state them.
Cultural differences may also create challenges in the process of case preparation. For example,
some NIJC clients are from very rural areas and many are poor or have limited education. They
frequently come from cultural settings in which, for example, calendars or clocks have little value.
Clients frequently may not be able to remember what month or even what year an event happened. Since
such gaps can create serious credibility problems, pro bono attorneys may have to be creative about
establishing a foundation for specific testimony. For example, incidents may need to be tied to whether
or not it was the rainy season or other events to which the client can relate the occurrence.
Another cultural barrier may be the client's natural reticence about answering questions fully and
honestly. Often, a client's only experiences in dealing with well-dressed interrogators sitting behind desks
in business offices have been unpleasant and threatening. They may withhold information at first or may
modify their story, or concoct one completely, based on their assumptions about what their attorney wants
or expects to hear. With patient interviewing and a careful building of trust, a different yet accurate and
more credible story may emerge.
Finally, a more difficult problem may be the presence of psychological barriers, which make case
preparation and presentation difficult. A substantial percentage of NIJC clients have been found to be
suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other psychiatric disturbances, as a result of
what they have witnessed or suffered in their home country. From the attorney's point of view, these
problems may manifest themselves in a variety of ways. For example:
The client may have difficulty describing traumatic events and may find the experience so
distasteful that she simply does not show up at the next appointment or resists efforts to go over
the story again;
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The client may display inappropriate behavior or affect while talking about things that happened
to her. The most obvious and best-known example is the tendency of many people to relate
horrifying events in a flat, seemingly emotionless voice; or
The client may be suffering from other problems, such as depression or substance abuse, related
to or stemming from PTSD or other psychological condition.
NIJC is associated with the Marjorie Kovler Center, which provides counseling and social
services for victims of torture.
Many NIJC clients are Kovler Center clients as well. NIJC strongly
recommends that pro bono attorneys alert NIJC staff if they observe behavior in their clients that suggests
the presence of emotional disturbances, so that NIJC can refer the client to the Kovler Center, or provide
referrals to other resources, for evaluation and treatment if necessary and appropriate.
Interviewing a client through an interpreter is slow and time-consuming. Some standard legal
expressions do not translate well into other language and some forms of expressions or questions may be
misunderstood. Avoid using legal terms where possible. If the interpreter is a volunteer, the interpreter
may have little experience dealing with lawyers. In addition, if the interpreter comes from a different
country than the client, differences in dialect or use of certain words can be very critical. Be sure that
both the interpreter and the client understand the confidential nature of these interviews. The use of a
confidentiality agreement for outside interpreters is recommended.
Step Two: Preparing the I-589
After interviewing the client, the first thing pro bono attorneys should typically do is complete the
Form I-589 asylum application. Although some clients will prepare a draft I-589 application on their
own, the I-589 is a legal document and the final version should be prepared by the attorney in
consultation with the client. Although the form is fairly straight-forward, there are a number of important
guidelines to keep in mind:
Be sure to check the Convention Against Torture box on the first and fifth page of the I-589
Include an answer to every question. If the question does not apply or the answer is unknown,
write “n/a” or “unknown” rather than leaving the answer blank.
If the client has a spouse or child who is not in the United States, be sure to check the “no” box in
response to the question asking if the spouse or child should be included in the application.
In response to the substantive questions beginning on page five, simply provide skeletal answers
that summarize the response in two – three sentences and then state “affidavit will follow with
more information.” There is no benefit to providing a lengthy response to these questions rather
than in the affidavit, and it is typically better for the client’s case if the entire story is provided in
the client’s affidavit, rather than in piecemeal fashion in the I-589.
The Kovler Center only accepts cases involving harm inflicted by the government or with the government’s
acquiescence. For other cases, please contact NIJC staff.
See Appendix M for information regarding obtaining and working with an interpreter.
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Step Three: Drafting the Affidavit
The affidavit is the most important part of an asylum case. Because the client’s credible
testimony can be sufficient to sustain her burden of proof, the affidavit is often the most significant piece
of evidence in support of the case. See INA § 208(b)(1)(ii). To establish the client’s credibility, it’s
important to include sufficient detail in the affidavit and to answer the who, what, where, when, why, and
how of the client’s claim. At the same time, it’s also crucial not to include the kinds of details that the
client may not remember at the time of the interview or hearing. For example, it’s best to avoid include
exact dates or numbers and to use words like “approximately,” “around,” and “about.” This is because
even small inconsistencies can seriously impact the client’s case. An asylum officer or immigration judge
may make a credibility determination based on the totality of the circumstances, and all relevant factors,
(1) Demeanor, candor or responsiveness of the applicant or witness
(2) Inherent plausibility of the applicant or witness’s account
(3) Consistency between applicant’s or witness’s written or oral statements, whenever
made and whether or not under oath, but considering the circumstances under which
they were made
(4) Internal consistency of each statement
(5) Consistency of such statements with evidence of record and U.S. State Department
(6) Any inaccuracies or falsehoods contained in the statements, whether or not material
to the asylum claim.
INA § 208(b)(1)(B)(iii). Because the affidavit is so important to the asylum case and drafting the
affidavit often requires the client to discuss traumatic and sensitive information, the attorney should plan
to spend at least four five meetings with the client to prepare the affidavit. Attorneys can find more tips
and best practices for drafting an asylum affidavit on NIJC’s website at
Finally, when establishing a client’s credibility, it’s important that the attorney be aware of the
client’s immigration history and past statements made to governmental agencies related to the client’s
immigration case. Therefore, as noted on page 8, one of the first things an attorney should do after
accepting an NIJC asylum case is to file a FOIA request with USCIS (as well as an ORR file request if
the client entered the United States as an unaccompanied child and was previously detained in ORR
custody). See the “Additional Information” section of this manual for FOIA and ORR file request
Step Four: Obtaining Witnesses
Pro bono attorneys should attempt to obtain additional witnesses besides the client (friends,
family, cultural groups, churches). In affirmative (asylum office) cases, witnesses rarely testify at the
interview itself. Instead, attorneys who have obtained witnesses will simply submit their declarations or
affidavits with the rest of the asylum application package. In defensive (immigration court) cases, pro
bono attorneys can choose to simply provide witness affidavits with their pre-hearing materials and have
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the witness available for testimony at the request of the judge or, if appropriate, they can choose to have
their witnesses testify in court along with the client.
Material witnesses, such as friends, family members, or others who can corroborate some or all of
the client's story, are very important. In some cases, there may not be any such witnesses available, either
because the client does not have access to anyone who can be a useful witness or those who could testify
are fearful of doing so. Even if a client initially states that there are no witnesses who can corroborate her
claim, the attorney should brainstorm with the client to think of creative options for finding witnesses.
Expert witnesses have been critical elements in many successful NIJC cases in the past and pro
bono attorneys should make a strong effort to obtain such witnesses, particularly if their case is before the
immigration court. It is not unusual for an immigration judge to expect that an asylum applicant have an
expert witness to support her case.
Pro bono attorneys should carefully scrutinize the content of a witness's testimony. Testimony
should focus on the specific elements of the client's claim. It is not enough that a witness offer general
testimony. The witness must be able to specifically corroborate elements of the client's own testimony.
In NIJC’s experience, such witnesses are most useful when they are truly experts, such as
academics or professionals with substantial scholarly credentials, and when they are not blatantly
partisan. Sometimes, pro bono attorneys offer as expert witnesses, people who have traveled extensively
in their client’s country or are active in political or advocacy organizations with a pronounced point of
view about that particular country. Such witnesses' credentials as "experts" are often problematic. In the
event that a witness's "expertise" is called into question at the hearing, pro bono attorneys should be
prepared to argue on behalf of the expert’s credentials or, if unsuccessful, to go forward effectively if the
witness is not accepted. Even if the trial attorney does not object to a particular witness, the immigration
judge may refuse to allow such testimony on his own motion. Additionally, sometimes, even if allowed
to testify, a witness's political bias is so strong and so obvious that their testimony carries little weight
with the judge.
If a pro bono attorney’s client is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or other
psychological problems that may affect the credibility of her testimony, the attorney should consider
having a psychologist testify at the hearing, or at a minimum, submitting an affidavit from the
psychologist describing the client's symptoms in detail. Similarly, it may be helpful to have a doctor or
other qualified expert testify if the client has been tortured or beaten.
If a witness is not made available to testify in court, DHS may object to the admission of the witness’s affidavit.
Because the Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply in immigration court and the standard for the admission of
evidence is so low, simply responding that the objection goes to the weight to be given the evidence and not its
admission will suffice. The judge will likely give less weight to witness affidavits when the witness is not available
to testify. However, there are often strategic reasons why an attorney will not want to make a witness available to
testify, despite the diminished weight given to the affidavit.
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Step Five: Compiling Corroborative Evidence
Asylum cases are often made more challenging by the paucity of evidence available to support
the client's claim. However, even if a client has little in the way of “standard” evidence to support a
claim, such as police reports or witness statements, an attorney can work with her client to find creative
ways to corroborate a claim.
The client is largely responsible for persuading the judge that she is credible and truthful.
However, the immigration courts increasingly demand corroborative evidence, making it the second most
important part of an asylum claim, after the client’s affidavit. Pro bono attorneys should present such
evidence in order to provide general objective support for the client's testimony and bolster her asylum
The following are general types of corroborative evidence:
1. The client’s personal documents, such as evidence of particular race, religion, nationality,
political party, ethnic or social group, or evidence that reveals facts about applicant, such as
citizenship, education, family relationships, employment, and status in society;
2. Official records that support the client’s story, such as an arrest warrant, conviction document or
other police records of arrest, documents showing detention or charges, medical records of
injuries, death certificates;
3. Statements from individuals who know of the persecution the client suffered or fears, or who
have suffered similar harm;
4. Documentation from newspapers or official reports of human rights organizations that speak to
the client's particular situation.
5. Maps, pictures, and other visual evidence that establishes the context and circumstances of the
client’s claim.
Attorneys should remember that an immigration judge may grant asylum based on the testimony
of the applicant alone, but only where the testimony is “credible, is persuasive and refers to specific facts
sufficient to demonstrate that the applicant is a refugee.” INA § 208(b)(1)(B)(ii). Furthermore, an
immigration judge may require additional evidence to corroborate otherwise credible testimony “unless
the applicant does not have the evidence and cannot reasonably obtain the evidence.”
Id. The judge
Items in section in paragraph #2 may be authenticated by a U.S. Embassy or by other means available. On
occasion, the trial attorney will ask that the client submit any original foreign documents, such as police records,
birth and death certificates, and medical records, to DHS for forensic analysis. In many cases, the judge will not set
a date for the client’s merits hearing until such documents have been submitted for forensic analysis. Please see
page 65 for more information about the forensic analysis process.
NIJC’s website provides several country condition resources, including a regularly updated list of articles
regarding conditions in Central America and Mexico:
An immigration judge finding regarding the availability of corroborating documents is a finding of fact. “No
court shall reverse a determination made by a trier of fact with respect to the availability of corroborating evidence,
as described in sections 208(b)(1)(B), 240(c)(4)(B), or 241(b)(3)(C), unless the court finds, pursuant to section
242(b)(4)(B), that a reasonable trier of fact is compelled to conclude that such corroborating evidence is
unavailable.” INA § 242(b)(4).
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does not need to provide notice of the need for corroborating evidence. When determining whether the
applicant has met her burden of proof, the judge may weigh the credible testimony along with other
evidence in the record. Id.
Based on these corroboration requirements, pro bono attorneys should be prepared to gather all
corroborating evidence reasonably available to support a client’s claim and, where unavailable, a clear
explanation as to why the client is unable to obtain the evidence. Whenever possible, the unavailability of
evidence should also be supported by corroborating evidence. For example, a client reports that she was
arrested together with a close friend. The friend is still in Togo, but remains arbitrarily detained. The
client should attempt to obtain a letter, affidavit, or news report that the friend remains in detention, which
would explain why the friend’s own affidavit is unavailable.
However, before filing any corroborating documents with the court or the DHS, the attorney
should ensure that the client can establish the documents’ origin, chain of custody, and authenticate the
documents. The client should identify the document and explain how she obtained it. If the document
was mailed from another country, the envelope that it arrived in should be saved and submitted with the
asylum filing. Pro bono attorneys who have any doubts about the reliability of a document should
consult with NIJC prior to filing it with the court. Any document presented to court could be examined
by the federal forensic document lab.
Where an immigration judge requests specific corroborating evidence at a merits hearing,
attorneys should consider requesting a continuance to allow the client opportunity to obtain the evidence
for the court.
Please note that all documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation of the
document in English. The translation should be properly certified. Certification can be accomplished by
attaching a signed “Certificate of Translation” which affirms that the translator was fluent in both English
and the original language and translated the documents to the best of their ability (see Appendix J for a
sample certificate).
For affirmative proceedings, pro bono attorneys should not file original documents with USCIS.
Instead, bring original documents such as birth certificates, travel documents and marriage certificates to
the asylum interview. The asylum officer may wish to inspect them.
In defensive proceedings, the pro bono attorney should make all original documents that will be
submitted in support of the asylum application available to the trial attorney, along with translations if the
original documents are in a foreign language. DHS may wish to submit certain original documents, such
as birth, marriage, and death certificates; school, police, and medical records; identity cards; and other
government issued document to the federal forensics document lab for evaluation. Please see page 65 of
this manual for additional important information regarding the forensic examination of documents.
DHS will not submit original affidavits, letters, newspapers or similar documents to the forensic document lab, so
it is not necessary to submit these documents to DHS prior to the merits hearing. In addition, as noted on pages 65-
66, pro bono attorneys should not submit the client’s passport to DHS unless DHS specifically requests it because
the client will not be able to get these original documents back from DHS until her case is completed.
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Step Six: Preparing the Cover Letter or Pre-Hearing Brief
Because the asylum office interview is a non-adversarial process, NIJC recommends that pro bono
attorneys submit a legal memorandum in the form of a cover letter with the asylum package, rather than a
lengthy trial memorandum or brief. The purpose of the cover letter is to summarize the client’s claim and
eligibility for asylum in a concise manner. Asylum officers report that the applicant’s cover letter is most
useful to them when it provides a clear overview of the claim because they can then use portions of the letter
in their assessment report as to why the asylum office should approve the application. Accordingly, the cover
letter should not be lengthy (less than 10 pages) and should primarily articulate the facts that establish the
client’s asylum eligibility. Pro bono attorneys may find case citations useful in their cover letters for
complicated or novel legal arguments, but otherwise may generally omit them.
In addition to the cover letter, the asylum package should contain, at a minimum, an annotated
index of supporting documents, the client’s affidavit and other supporting documents. The index should
set forth the case, highlighting the focus of the material that supports the legal argument. Pro bono
attorneys may consider organizing the index according to subheadings that support the arguments in the
case and highlighting key evidence in the index in yellow to be sure the asylum office reviews the key
In defensive cases, the pro bono attorney will submit a pre-hearing document package prior to the
client’s merits hearing before the immigration court. This package will contain, at a minimum, a pre-hearing
brief, an annotated index of supporting documents, affidavits and other supporting documents, and a witness
list. Pursuant to the Immigration Court Practice Manual, these documents must be filed no later than 15 days
prior to the merits hearing, unless the judge has directed the attorney otherwise.
Under 8 C.F.R. §1003.21(b), and Immigration Court Practice Manual chapter 4.19, each party is
directed to file a pre-hearing brief. The pre-hearing brief should include a statement of the facts, the
applicable law, an analysis of the facts based on the law, and a conclusion, as well as copies of any
affidavits and supporting documents, and a list of proposed witnesses. An annotated index of supporting
documents is critical. Such an index should set forth the case, highlighting the focus of the material that
supports the legal argument. Pro bono attorneys may consider organizing the index according to
subheadings that support the arguments in the case and highlighting key evidence in the index in yellow,
as this may be all that the judge reads.
Please see Immigration Court Practice Manual Chapter 4.19 for additional requirements regarding
the pre-hearing brief, and Chapter 3 for information regarding the proper way to index, paginate, and tab
the pre-hearing document package. In addition, please note that Chapter 4.19(b) encourages parties to
limit their briefs to 25 pages. The court may also limit the total number of pages for all the documents
Attorneys can find more tips and best practices for drafting asylum office cover letters and immigration court
briefs on NIJC’s website at
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Practice Tip:
NIJC strongly recommends that pro bono attorneys not list their own mailing address as the client’s
mailing address on immigration forms. USCIS often sends correspondence to the client at the listed
mailing address, months or years after representation has ended.
Moreover, if the attorney has
submitted a G-28 appearance form with the application, USCIS will serve a copy of all
correspondence on the attorney.
NIJC is generally able to review pre-hearing briefs so long as the pro bono attorney provides the
brief to NIJC staff no less than five business days before the attorney intends to file it with the court.
Even if pro bono attorneys choose not to submit the brief to NIJC for review, NIJC strongly encourages
attorneys to discuss legal arguments with NIJC prior to filing to ensure all critical arguments are
preserved at the immigration court stage in case the asylum claim must be appealed Please provide NIJC
with a final copy of the pre-trial brief.
Filing the Application and Presenting the Case
The asylum filing process differs depending on whether the applicant has an affirmative or
defensive case. Affirmative asylum applicants generally file a skeletal I-589 asylum application first and
then submit all supporting documents one week prior to the asylum office interview. Defensive
applicants generally file the I-589 application first and then file all the supporting documents prior to the
merits hearing.
The Affirmative Process
A pro bono attorney representing an affirmative asylum applicant will file the client’s asylum
package with the Nebraska Service Center. Mailing information for the USCIS Nebraska Service Center
(including information for overnight/courier delivery) can be found on page 68 of the manual.
The affirmative application package must contain the original application with one passport-style
photograph; two extra copies; and a copy of the entire original package for each derivative applicant, with
a passport photograph of each derivative. For example, a principal applicant with two derivative children
(in the United States) would need to file her original application, two copies, and then an additional copy
for each child with the child’s passport photo. NIJC recommends that attorneys simply file the I-589
application with the passport photograph, the requisite number of copies, and the attorney’s G-28
appearance form with the Nebraska Service Center. Then, one week prior to the interview date, the
attorney can file all supporting documents (including a legal memorandum, the client’s affidavit, an
annotated index, corroborating evidence, country condition reports, and any other supporting
documentation) directly with the Chicago Asylum Office. This helps to ensure that the Chicago Asylum
Office receives the full asylum application package and that documents are not misplaced or improperly
rearranged during the file transfer from Nebraska to Chicago.
Two to three weeks after the Service Center receives an application, it will send the applicant
(and the attorney, if a G-28 was included with the application) a receipt notice and a fingerprint
appointment notice. The applicant and attorney will later receive an interview notice, approximately two
weeks prior to the interview itself. The timing of the interview notice depends on whether or not the
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applicant is an unaccompanied child and the extent of the backlog at the Chicago Asylum Office. Please
see below for a chart regarding asylum office timing.
Asylum Office Case Timing
Day 1:
Asylum application received by Nebraska Service Center (clock starts to run).
Day 10-20:
Receipt and biometrics issued
Applicants who filed after January 2018
All Other Applicants
1 – 2 months later: Receive interview
notice approx. 2 weeks before the
interview date (some interviews are still
The interview timeline for applications filed before 2018 is
uncertain. Please review the asylum office scheduling update
at for more
1 week before the
File supporting documents
2 weeks after notice:
~10 days – 6 months
If an asylum applicant is filing affirmatively, USCIS will send a fingerprint appointment notice to
the applicant without any prompting from the applicant or the pro bono attorney. USCIS will mail the
notice approximately two – three weeks after it receives the I-589 application and the notice will instruct
the applicant to go to a specific Application Support Center (ASC) to take her fingerprints. NIJC
recommends that pro bono attorneys advise their clients of this process and instruct the clients to contact
the attorney when she receives a date for fingerprinting.
Many of NIJC’s asylum clients have not resided in the United States long enough to have
established a criminal record here. If a pro bono attorney believes that a client may have a criminal
record, the attorney should contact NIJC. NIJC may recommend that the attorney and client send a
separate request to the FBI, so that they will know what is in the record.
The pro bono attorney should accompany her client to the interview; however, attorneys have
very limited roles. The asylum officer will question the client regarding the veracity of the contents of the
application and her claim for asylum. At the end of the interview, the attorney will be allowed to present
a short closing argument on behalf of the client.
The asylum office interview is informal and usually occurs in an office. If the client is not fluent
in English, the pro bono attorney must arrange for an interpreter to attend the interview. The asylum
office will not provide an interpreter. The pro bono attorney may not serve as the interpreter. In addition,
NIJC strongly recommends that a family member of the applicant not serve as the interpreter during the
interview either.
Normally, the asylum officer first tries to make the applicant feel comfortable and will confirm
that that information obtained during the interview is confidential with the U.S. government. The officer
reviews the asylum application with the applicant to ensure that all the information is correct and
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accurate. If any information on the application requires changes or updates, the attorney should raise the
changes before the asylum officer begins the review process. If the application requires significant
changes or updates, NIJC recommends that the attorney prepare a written list of the changes or updates
and submit the list to the officer at the beginning of the interview.
The asylum officer will ask the client questions that most often will come directly from the
client’s affidavit regarding her experiences and the reasons she fears returning to her home country.
Sometimes the questions are open-ended, i.e., “why are you afraid to return to Kenya?” Other times, the
questions are specific, i.e., “what happened to you on October 6, 1999?” Most asylum interviews last
anywhere from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours.
The role of the attorney during the asylum interview is very limited. The pro bono attorney may
interrupt the interview if she feels that the applicant did not understand the question or if a question is
inappropriate. The attorney should ask to stop the interview and speak to a supervisor if the interviewing
officer’s behavior is inappropriate. The attorney should also take detailed notes during the interview
because this will be the only record of the interview the attorney will have if the applicant’s case is
referred to court. At the end of the interview, the attorney will be asked or can request to make a short
closing statement on behalf of the applicant. During the closing statement, the attorney should explain to
the asylum officer why the client is eligible for asylum and the enumerated grounds applicable to the
client’s claim. The attorney should also direct the asylum officer to any document that is particularly
supportive of the applicant’s case or that the attorney believes should be given particular attention.
In some cases, at the end of the interview, the asylum officer will request that the applicant return
in approximately 10 days to pick up her decision. In most cases, however, the asylum officer provides the
applicant with a notice stating that the decision will be mailed. When the applicant and attorney go to the
asylum office to pick up the decision, the applicant must bring a photo ID and the notice given to her by
the asylum officer after her interview indicating the time and date the decision will be ready for pick up.
At that time, the applicant and attorney will simply pick up the decision from the receptionist at the
window. They will not meet with an asylum officer, but it is still important that the attorney accompany
the client to pick up the decision to ensure that all the paperwork is correct and that the client understands
the decision. The Chicago Asylum Office approves approximately 40% of the asylum applications
reviewed. Asylum applications that are not approved are referred to the immigration court for de novo
The Defensive Process
To practice before the immigration court, attorneys must first register with EOIR’s E-Registry
system. All attorneys currently practicing before EOIR must complete the E-Registry process
immediately or risk suspension before EOIR until the registration process has been completed.
To register, attorneys must first complete an online profile and will then receive a unique EOIR
ID number which they must use when completing the E-28 appearance form.
After completing the
online registration, attorneys must appear in person at the immigration court to complete the identification
The multiplicity of forms in immigration practice is staggering. The E-28, a green form, is similar in content to
the E-27, a yellow form. Form G-28 is only for use in DHS administrative proceedings, not in the immigration
courts. The form E-28 must be filed in proceedings before the immigration judge. And the form E-27 must be filed
in appeal proceedings before the BIA- even if the same attorney has a form E-28 on file in the same case.
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verification process. For more information about the E-Registry system and the identification verification
process, please see
An attorney should complete the registration process as soon as possible after accepting a
defensive asylum applicant for representation so that she can file her appearance with the Court and begin
to receive any Court correspondence. All attorneys representing a client in court must file an E-28
appearance form with the Court electronically or in hard copy (on green paper) and serve a copy
electronically or in hard copy on the trial attorney.
If the asylum office referred a pro bono attorney’s client to the immigration court, the judge
should already have a copy of the I-589 application package from the asylum office in the court file. If,
however, the client is in immigration court removal proceedings and has not yet filed for asylum, she
must submit her I-589 asylum application with the court within one year of her arrival in the United
As previously noted, since September 2016, defensive asylum applications can be filed during a
Master Calendar (status) hearing, at the immigration court window, or by mail. (More information about
this change in policy can be found in EOIR’s policy memorandum at
purposes of the one-year deadline, “filed by” means received by the immigration court. As with any
document filed with the immigration court, the attorney must include a certificate of service with the
asylum application and serve a copy of the application (preferably by email) on the Office of Chief
Prior to September 2016, asylum applications were only deemed filed when they were received in open court. As
a result, and due to a class action settlement related to this issue and the asylum clock, individuals were permitted to
“lodge” an asylum application at the court window prior to a Master Calendar hearing date. To “lodge” an asylum
application, an individual or attorney would present a completed asylum application at the court window, a clerk
would stamp the date and “lodged” on the application, and return it to the individual or attorney. A copy of the
application was not kept in the client’s court file. Although judges were instructed to consider the lodging date
when determining whether an individual who did not timely file the asylum application during a hearing could meet
an exception to the one-year filing deadline for asylum, individuals who did not have a court hearing prior to their
one-year deadline were left in an uncertain position regarding the one-year deadline. Thus, for clients who were not
scheduled for a Master Calendar hearing until after their one-year deadline, NIJC and pro bono attorneys regularly
“lodged” clients’ asylum applications and then filed a motion requesting that the Court accepted the lodged date as
the filing date. If an attorney is representing a client whose asylum application was “lodged” with the Court prior to
September 2016 and the attorney is unclear whether or not the application was filed with the Court, please contact
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The “Master Calendar” hearing is a preliminary hearing at which the non-citizen pleads to the
charges on the Notice to Appear (NTA) and formally requests the type of relief sought. The Master
Calendar hearing functions much like an arraignment in criminal proceedings. Unless there are
complications in the case, the Master Calendar hearing is normally a routine proceeding that usually takes
less than one hour to complete, although the attorney and client may have a significant wait before the
hearing begins.
a. Notice of the Hearing
The immigration court will send the client written notice of the date and time for the Master
Calendar hearing. If the asylum office recently referred the client to the court, the Notice to Appear will
also serve as the hearing notice and will list the hearing date and time. Pro bono attorneys sometimes
have short notice of these hearings, but little or no preparation is required.
Follow any filing requirements from the immigration judge and review the EOIR Immigration
Court Practice Manual.
Translate and provide a certificate of translation for all foreign language documents
Tab all documents using letters. Consecutively paginate all documents beginning with Tab A.
Provide an annotated index
Two-whole punch the top of all documents
Do not secure the filing with any type of binding. Use a binder clip if necessary.
Print on one side only.
File original copy of all signed documents with the Court. Retain original photographs and
identity documents unless instructed to produce them.
Include a certificate of service and serve a copy on the Office of Chief Counsel (via their
eService portal, mail, or the OCC dropbox at 525 W. Van Buren). For more information about
the eService portal, please go to
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b. Where
Master Calendar hearings are held at the Chicago Immigration Court, 525 W. Van Buren Street,
Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60607.
c. Arriving at the Court
To appear for a Master Calendar hearing for a non-detained client, pro bono attorneys should
bring their client to the Chicago Immigration Court at least a few minutes before the scheduled hearing
time. A bulletin board in the waiting room will contain a list of the names and “Alien Numbers” of
individuals with scheduled hearings. Pro bono attorneys must sign their name and the client’s name and
A-Number on the sign-in sheet on the bulletin board. NIJC also recommend that pro bono attorneys
check in with the clerk at the window. The judge's clerk will call the attorneys and escort them to the
judge's courtroom. Although the court lists specific times for Master Calendar hearings on the hearing
notices, the judges hear Master Calendar hearings on a first-come, first-serve basis in the morning and
then in the afternoon. NIJC recommends that pro bono attorneys and their clients arrive early to court to
be among the first to sign up for the calendar call; this will help to minimize the waiting time in court.
If the pro bono attorney has not already filed an appearance, the attorney should do so at the
Master Calendar hearing, by bringing two, completed copies of form E-28 to court or obtaining two
copies from the clerk’s window, filling them out, and serving one on the trial attorney and one on the
judge. However, the attorney must have completed the e-registry process prior to the hearing date in
order to file an appearance. Please see page 39 for more information about e-registry.
d. Attendance of the Client
Please note that the client must attend all hearings before the immigration court, including the
Master Calendar hearings; the attorney cannot appear alone. The judge can order the client removed in
absentia, if she fails to appear. Also, every person who has been issued an NTA must attend. This
applies to small children as well; their parents cannot attend for them. The pro bono attorney may ask the
immigration judge to waive the presence of children at future hearings as long as they are represented, but
it is discretionary and not routinely or automatically granted. If there is a compelling reason why a client
cannot appear in person, the attorney can file a motion to waive appearance in advance of the hearing, but
there is no guarantee that such a motion will be granted. It is not advisable to do so, except perhaps in the
case of children.
e. The Immigration Judge
The judge who presides over the client’s Master Calendar hearing will also be the judge who
conducts the hearing on the merits and decides all motions. (In contrast, the trial attorney present at the
client’s Master Calendar hearing will most likely not be the same trial attorney for the client’s merits
hearing.) Pro bono attorneys should note that their hearing strategies and their client’s chances of success
depend in large part on which judge hears their case. In Chicago, there are currently eight immigration
judges, each with a different personality, attitude toward asylum seekers, and “track record.” After
See NIJC’s Detention Supplement for information regarding the location of immigration hearings for detained
Fortunately for NIJC pro bono attorneys, persons represented by counsel are called to appear before the court
first; unrepresented people are heard afterwards.
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appearing at a Master Calendar hearing, pro bono attorneys should confer with NIJC about the judge
presiding over their case.
f. Interpreters
In Chicago, the court clerks act as interpreters when the respondent’s language is Spanish. For
other languages or dialects, the court uses contract interpreters, whose quality and reliability is highly
variable. At the merits hearing, the interpreter will be in person. However, the court does not provide an
in-person interpreter for non-Spanish languages at the Master Calendar hearing because there is typically
little, if any, communication with the client. If a non-Spanish interpreter is needed at the Master Calendar
hearing, the judge will use a phone interpretation service. If interpretation is impossible in court for the
Master Calendar hearing and necessary for the client, attorneys may request a continued hearing.
In addition, at the Master Calendar hearing, pro bono attorneys should state for the record
whether they will require an interpreter at the merits hearing and specify whether a particular dialect is
required. For languages like Arabic where the dialect can differ dramatically country-to-country, NIJC
recommends that the attorney specify the country as well as the language (e.g. Moroccan Arabic). If the
pro bono attorney suspects at any time that the interpreter and client do not understand each other or that
interpretation errors have occurred, the attorney should be sure to make the court aware of the problem
and object where appropriate. If necessary, request a continuance so that the court can find a new
a. The Beginning of the Hearing
When the attorneys case is called, the immigration judge is likely to talk with her off the record
to determine the attorney’s intentions and to straighten out any procedural problems. At that time, the
attorney can advise the judge that she is an NIJC pro bono attorney. On the record, through an interpreter
where necessary, the judge will state the nature of the proceedings and ask the client if she understands
what is happening.
b. Determining Representation by Counsel
The judge will first ask the client if the attorney is her representative. If an individual appears
without counsel, the judge will usually ask the individual if she would like a continuance in order to seek
legal counsel.
c. Establishing Receipt of the Notice to Appear
The judge will ask the attorney or the client if the client has received a copy of the NTA. If not,
she should say so and ask for a copy. The judge will often grant continuances so that the attorney can go
over the NTA with the client to determine whether the charges are correct—and if there is any question,
even remotely, about their accuracy, then the attorney should seek a continuance.
d. Admitting or Denying the Charges and Conceding Removability
If the attorney has the NTA, the judge will ask the client to either admit or deny the specific
charges in the NTA—namely, that she entered without inspection on a certain date or overstayed her visa
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and is removable.
The attorney will also be asked to either contest or concede removability as charged
on the NTA. In order to be eligible to apply for asylum, the client, through the attorney, must admit
removability under one of the grounds. However, if there is more than one charge of removability,
discuss it with the client and with NIJC staff.
e. Designating a Country of Removal
Next, the judge will ask if the client wishes to designate a country of removal. In asylum cases,
the pro bono attorney should state that she does not wish to do so. The judge will then identify the
client’s home country as the country of removal.
If the trial attorney or judge designates a country other than the one from which the client is
seeking asylum, the attorney should register her opposition on the record and request leave to designate
the country from which asylum is sought.
f. Stating the Client’s Desire to Apply for Asylum
The attorney or the client will then state for the record that the client wishes to apply for asylum,
withholding of removal and/or CAT.
g. Setting a Date for Submission of the Written Asylum Application
If the client has not yet filed an asylum application, the judge will usually set a date for
submission of the completed written asylum application. The pro bono attorney should be sure that the
date the judge sets for submission of the I-589 application is prior to the client’s one-year filing deadline.
In Chicago, judges generally grant 30 to 45 days to submit the written application. NIJC encourages pro
bono attorneys to ask for extra time (an additional 15-30 days), stating that they are pro bono volunteers
with busy caseloads. It is generally relatively easy to get 45 days instead of 30. Unless the judge
specifically asks for additional documents, the attorney must only submit the I-589 asylum application at
the specified date and not any supporting documentation. Moreover, NIJC recommends that attorneys not
submit any additional supporting documentation unless specifically ordered by the judge so that the client
is not tied to any statements or documentation before the attorney and client have had sufficient time to
develop the case.
If the client previously filed for asylum with the asylum office and is now renewing her
application before the immigration court, the judge will likely indicate that any amendments to the I-589
asylum application should be tendered to the court at the same time as other pre-trial submissions prior to
the merits hearing. There is no need to submit a new I-589 application if the client has already filed one
Often, NIJC clients were first detained in Texas or California, and as part of changing venue to Chicago, they
have already pleaded to the charges in the NTA, admitted to removability, and possibly, submitted a written asylum
application. In such cases, appearance at the local Master Calendar will involve nothing more than simply setting a
merits hearing date and, occasionally, a deadline for submission of supplementary documentation with the asylum
Clients who have reasonable grounds to challenge removability are unlikely to become NIJC clients under the
asylum project; rather, they would be referred to other projects within NIJC or other agencies. However, if in the
course of interviewing the client some fact is revealed that may impact the client’s removability, the pro bono
attorney should consult with NIJC staff.
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and the judges prefer that attorneys do not submit new applications unless the initial application is
illegible or was prepared without the client’s knowledge of the information provided in the application.
h. Setting the Date and Amount of Time for the Merits Hearing
The date of the hearing on the merits of the claim will generally be several months to three years
distant. The immigration judge may ask whether the pro bono attorney and client would like an expedited
or non-expedited hearing date. Some asylum applicants have the right to request an expedited hearing
because the law states that the court must adjudicate an asylum applicant’s claim within 180 days from
the date the asylum application is received by either USCIS or the immigration court (if applicant did not
previously file with the USCIS). INA § 208(d)(5)(A)(iii).
If a client opts for an expedited hearing, then the immigration judge will only offer one expedited
date. The client and attorney can either accept that date or decline and take a non-expedited date instead.
Certain judges only offer a 45-day expedited hearing date as a matter of policy, which can make it
difficult for the attorney to accept the expedited date. It is therefore important for the attorney to speak to
NIJC prior to the master calendar hearing to determine the judge’s practice. It is also crucial that the
client understand the importance of being fully prepared for asylum hearings and that the attorney
recommend to the client that she waive her right to an expedited hearing if the expedited date will not
allow for enough preparation time. If the client waives her right to an expedited hearing, the judge will
likely schedule the client for a hearing date one to three years into the future and the client may NOT be
eligible for employment authorization during this time. As a result, the attorney MUST discuss these
possibilities with the client BEFORE the hearing so that the client is prepared at the time of the Master
Calendar hearing.
After the attorney asserts whether she wants an expedited or non-expedited hearing date, the
judge usually asks how much time will be necessary to complete the hearing. Pro bono attorneys should
ask for at least three or four hours, and should do not hesitate to ask for more time if they really think they
will need it. Pro bono attorneys will find that three is the bare minimum for presenting a thorough case.
Unfortunately, the judges are rather hesitant to schedule more than four hours for a hearing and typically
will refuse to set a hearing for more than four hours. Once the hearing date is set, the Master Calendar is
If the pro bono attorney is representing a detained client, the attorney and client will receive an
expedited hearing date. Detained individuals typically have their final hearing date set for one or two
months in advance.
Merits hearings in asylum cases are formal, adversarial, evidentiary hearings on the record. Trial
attorneys act as “prosecutors,” attempting to disprove the applicant’s eligibility for asylum. Witnesses are
sworn, and both sides have the opportunity for direct and cross-examination. Immigration judges are usually
also very involved in questioning the client.
Pursuant to an EOIR policy memorandum, applicants who first file for asylum with the asylum office are only
eligible for an expedited hearing if there were less than 75 days on the applicant’s asylum clock on the date of the
referral. However, an applicant who is not eligible for an expedited hearing may still be eligible for employment
authorization if she does not otherwise cause a delay in her case. See Appendix L, EOIR’s Operating Policies and
Procedures Memoranda regarding the asylum clock.
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Removal hearings are excellent “training courses” for new litigators, since they are formal,
contested trials, but at the same time there is minimal discovery or motion practice, and rules of evidence
and procedure are relatively relaxed.
a. Preparing the Client to Testify
It is important that pro bono attorneys explain the hearing process in detail to their clients, so that
they understand what will occur and what is expected of them at the hearing, as well as the potential
outcomes. Pro bono attorneys may wish to encourage their clients to dress nicely for the hearing.
Additionally, pro bono attorneys should be aware that it is very common for witnesses to vary
their testimony on the stand from what they have stated in their pre-hearing preparation interviews. They
often fail to testify about certain things, sometimes key elements, and/or may suddenly state new facts
that the attorney has never heard before. In addition, all witnesses, particularly asylum applicants, are
generally very nervous and thus likely to forget certain things. For example, clients often forget dates or
even years in which events happened. Though this is quite normal human behavior, both trial attorneys
and immigration judges tend to think that if a client cannot remember in which year an important event
occurred, then the client is not credible.
Remember, as explained supra, an immigration judge can
make a credibility determination based on a wide range of factors. See INA § 208(b)(1)(B)(iii).
As a result of this credibility standard and the likelihood that the client’s testimony may vary on
the stand, pro bono attorneys must try to convince the client in advance of the importance of remembering
the details of her case and testifying to them to the best of her recollection. NIJC recommend that pro
bono attorneys run through at least one mock hearing with their client with both a direct and cross-
examination. After building trust with the client, it is important that pro bono attorneys mentally prepare
their client to face seemingly hostile questioning from the trial attorney and judge.
In addition to preparing the client to face questioning from the trial attorney and judge, there are
several other things that pro bono attorneys can do to better prepare their client to meet the credibility
(a) File a FOIA with USCIS (and an ORR file review request if the client is an unaccompanied
child): please see the “Additional Information” section of this manual for instructions
regarding the FOIA and ORR record review requests.
(b) Review the court file: attorneys can request to review the immigration court’s file and listen
to any prior hearings. Note that the immigration court’s file may be different from the DHS
file, so it is wise to both review the court file and request a FOIA of the DHS file.
(c) Discuss and review prior asylum applications and affidavits: pro bono attorneys should
review the accuracy of preexisting asylum applications and/or client affidavits, especially if
the pro bono attorney began representation after the asylum office referred the client’s case to
court. Attorneys should inquire as to how past applications were prepared and whether the
contents were reviewed with the client in her native language prior to submission. Attorneys
should also discuss the use of and competency of any interpreters prior to representation.
Where an immigration judge failed to make an explicit credibility finding, the respondent and any witnesses enjoy
a rebuttable presumption of credibility. INA § 208(b)(1)(B)(iii).
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(d) Know and prepare witnesses: the immigration judge can consider witness behavior when
determining the client’s credibility. Before putting anyone on the stand, attorneys should
prepare the witness as she would her client.
b. Fingerprints
Unlike the affirmative process, in defensive asylum proceedings (before the immigration court),
the applicant and her attorney are responsible for requesting a fingerprint appointment, unless the
applicant is detained or was previously fingerprinted related to the asylum application. Please see below
for a chart regarding when an attorney should submit a fingerprint appointment request for a client.
If the client:
Should the attorney request a fingerprint appointment?
Is applying for asylum before
the asylum office.
No. USCIS will automatically send a fingerprint appointment notice
to the client after the asylum application is filed.
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court after the
asylum office referred the case
to the court.
The Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) has not yet been able to clarify
whether fingerprints from the asylum office process can be re-used in
court. To be on the safe side, the attorney should request a fingerprint
appointment by following the instructions below. The request should
be made as soon as possible after the client is referred to the
immigration court.
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court and is
No. DHS is responsible for ensuring that detainees are fingerprinted
prior to the detained merits hearing.
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court and never
applied for asylum before the
asylum office.
Yes. The attorney must request a fingerprint appointment by
following the instructions below. The request should be made as soon
as possible after the asylum application is received in open court, but
no later than 180 days before the merits hearing.
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court, never
applied for asylum before the
asylum office, but was
fingerprinted when she was
apprehended at the border.
Yes. In order for OCC to re-run a client’s fingerprints, the client must
have had her fingerprints taken at an Application Support Center
(ASC) and fingerprinting at the border does not occur at ASCs. The
attorney must request a fingerprint appointment by following the
instructions below. The request should be made as soon as possible
after the asylum application is received in open court, but no later than
180 days before the merits hearing.
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court, never
applied for asylum before the
asylum office, but was
fingerprinted at an ASC when
she applied for an employment
authorization document.
Yes. OCC has asserted that they can only use a client’s fingerprints
when they were taken specifically related to the application for relief
that is before the court. The request should be made as soon as
possible after the asylum application is received in open court, but no
later than 180 days before the merits hearing.
See Appendix D, May 19, 2016 FAQ: Agreement between U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): Fingerprint Check Refresh Requests.
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If the client:
Should the attorney request a fingerprint appointment?
Is seeking asylum before the
immigration court, never
applied for asylum before the
asylum office, but submitted a
fingerprint appointment request
four years ago after filing for
asylum with the court, and was
fingerprinted by an ASC.
No. The OCC trial attorney will simply re-run the client’s fingerprints
prior to the merits hearing. If, for some reason, the trial attorney
cannot use those fingerprints, OCC will coordinate with USCIS to
issue a fingerprint appointment to the client.
To request a fingerprint appointment, the pro bono attorney must send a copy of the instructions
for providing biometric and biographic information (located at Appendix D) with the first three pages of
the I-589 and a G-28 to the Nebraska Service Center. This should be done immediately after the asylum
application is received in open court (or immediately after the first master calendar hearing if the client
was referred to court by the asylum office), but must be done no later than 180 days before the scheduled
merits hearing. The Service Center will issue an appointment notice directing the client to appear to be
fingerprinted at the Application Support Center closest to her home address.
When the client goes to the ASC to get her fingerprints taken, the ASC will date stamp the
client’s fingerprint appointment notice as proof that it took her fingerprints. NIJC recommends that pro
bono attorneys make a copy of this stamped notice and bring it to the merits hearing in case there are any
questions as to whether the client attended her fingerprints appointment. After the ASC takes the client’s
fingerprints, DHS will then send the fingerprints to the FBI in order to obtain the applicant's record.
If an attorney has submitted a fingerprint appointment request and after one month, the Nebraska
Service Center has not yet responded, please contact NIJC. If the attorney was responsible for
requesting a fingerprint appointment for a client and the client has not been fingerprinted by the
time of the merits hearing, the immigration judge cannot issue a decision. Furthermore, the judge
can consider the application abandoned and deny the client asylum.
Due to the extremely negative consequences of failing to obtain a fingerprint appointment, NIJC
recommends that after accepting an NIJC asylum case, the attorney immediately determine whether a
fingerprint appointment is necessary and if it is, file the request as soon as possible.
c. Contacting the Trial Attorney Prior to the Merits Hearing
NIJC recommends that pro bono attorneys attempt to contact the trial attorney at 312-542-8200
one or two days in advance of the hearing to explore any pre-hearing agreements that might be reached,
particularly if the attorney has a strong or compelling case. This conversation will be helpful in
determining what the trial attorney sees as the weakness in the case.
On occasion, NIJC pro bono attorneys have been successful in obtaining stipulations from trial
attorneys that clients are eligible for asylum or that past persecution occurred etc. (although the judges
believe firmly they are not bound by agreement between the DHS and the respondent, and may not accept
such stipulations). It is generally unlikely that the trial attorney will stipulate to anything in most cases
because she will be principally concerned with the issue of credibility and probably will not stipulate to
anything until she has observed the client's testimony and conducted some cross-examination. In that
case, the pro bono attorney may find it useful to ask the trial attorney at the close of the hearing if she will
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stipulate to eligibility and not oppose asylum or, failing that, if she will waive appeal if the client wins,
thus ending the case immediately.
a. Rules of Procedure
Merits hearings in immigration court are comparable to administrative law proceedings in other
federal or state agencies. However immigration proceedings are not governed by the Administrative
Procedures Act (APA), and tend to be more informal than those governed by APA standards.
b. Rules of Evidence
In immigration court, the Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply; rather, the test is whether the
evidence is “probative and its admission is fundamentally fair.” Doumbia v. Gonzales, 472 F.3d 957, 962
(7th Cir. 2007). Formal presentation of evidence is generally not required. Judges will simply admit
documents or physical evidence, sometimes permitting argument but rarely requiring formal
authentication. Similarly, objections to evidence, particularly hearsay objections, are rarely made or
upheld depending on the trial attorney and judge.
Generally, this very flexible view of the rules of evidence works to the advantage of the client.
Asylum applicants are rarely able to offer evidence beyond their own testimony that would stand up to
rigorous rules of evidence. For example, it is generally understood that producing a third-party declarant
or formally authenticating a document is simply out of the question, particularly in the case of an asylum
applicant who fled for her life. Thus, many kinds of evidence that would present difficult issues in other
courts may be easily admissible in immigration court.
The client and other witnesses may testify freely about what other people told them. Letters from
friends or family members may often be introduced with little difficulty (though not always), as long as
they are accompanied by translations. Documentary evidence, such as newspaper articles and general
treatises are routinely admitted without objection. Thus, pro bono attorneys should not shy away from
attempting to admit any evidence as long as an argument can be made that it is probative of the client's
claim in some fashion. Needless to say, however, the immigration judge will give all of the evidence the
weight that she thinks it deserves. Particularly marginal evidence may be admitted by the judge but
viewed with a great deal of skepticism.
c. The Record
As with the Master Calendar hearings, the formal record of the case is made on digital recording
system, controlled by the Judge, who may stop and start recording at will. Although it has not often been
a problem in Chicago, attorneys should be alert for instances of judges capriciously turning the recording
off. If necessary, pro bono attorneys should be ready to restate objections on the record and clearly note
that the judge turned off the recorder inappropriately. Remember that the digital recording system is the
official record of what goes on in the courtroom. Attorneys are not permitted to bring their own
stenographer or otherwise make their own record of the hearing.
Upon request, the court will make a cd copy of the hearing recording for attorneys. However, prior to 2010, the
court used a tape recorder to record hearings. The court will also make copies of hearing tapes if the attorney
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It is always a good idea to make certain that names of people, places, and organizations are
spelled clearly for the record. Transcriptions of hearing tapes are often of poor quality, and transcribers
frequently have a difficult time transcribing words in foreign languages or anything associated with other
countries. For languages that do not use a Roman alphabet, such as Pushto, Farsi, or Chinese, phonetic
spelling will have to be used. It should be noted for the record that the spelling is phonetic and
d. The Immigration Judge
Judges in asylum hearings play a very active role and almost always engage in extensive direct
and cross-examination of the client. Currently, there are eight immigration judges in Chicago, although
several judges only preside over detained cases. Each conducts hearings in her own particular style.
Attorneys are strongly encouraged to attend a merits hearing held before the judge in their case, for
purposes of gauging how she conducts proceedings. If it is not possible to attend a hearing before a
particular judge, pro bono attorneys should, at a minimum, consult with NIJC.
e. The DHS Trial Attorney
DHS is represented by one of the trial attorneys from the local Office of the Chief Counsel. The
DHS trial attorney represents the government and generally plays an adversarial role at the merits hearing.
As previously indicated, NIJC recommends that pro bono attorneys contact the Chief Counsel’s Office
prior to the hearing to obtain the identity of the trial attorney assigned to their case and to discuss the
merits of their case.
f. Interpreters
As previously noted, if a respondent speaks Spanish, an immigration court clerk will act as the
interpreter during the client’s hearing. For other languages, the court uses contract interpreters of varying
quality. For the merits hearing, pro bono attorneys may wish to have their own interpreter or someone
familiar with the client’s language present to signal errors in translation that can be corrected or objected
to during the proceedings.
g. General Logistics of the Hearing
In most courtrooms, the respondent and her attorney sit at the table on the right side of the room
(facing the judge's bench), while the trial attorney sits on the left. How testimony is conducted depends
on the judge. Some require the witnesses to take the witness stand next to the bench, while others permit
the client to remain seated next to the attorney. Some judges ask attorneys to conduct examinations from
a podium, while others do not.
Removal hearings are open to the public, although there are almost never any spectators other
than the persons connected with the case. However, asylum hearings can be closed to the public at the
request of the respondent. Witnesses in either kind of proceeding are almost always excluded from the
courtroom on the government's motion.
provides the court with blank tapes, but due to problems with recording speeds, pro bono attorneys who wish to
listen to hearings held prior to 2010 will likely need to listen to the hearing tapes on the court’s tape recorder.
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a. Arriving at the Court
Asylum hearings usually begin promptly, so pro bono attorneys and their client should arrive at
the Chicago Immigration Court well in advance of the scheduled time. After arriving at the immigration
court, the pro bono attorney should first report to the clerk at the window to acknowledge that the client is
present and ready to go for a hearing before a particular judge. The clerk will ask the attorney and her
client to wait until the courtroom is opened.
b. Off the Record Formalities
Before the start of the hearing, the judge will generally engage in a substantial amount of off-the-
record conversation, reviewing the file, identifying exhibits, and clarifying issues, such as the status of
previously filed motions, or the number of witnesses the respondent will call.
c. Correcting and Updating Information
At the beginning of the hearing on the record, the judge generally gives the respondent’s attorney
a chance to update or correct any information on the asylum application or other materials previously
submitted. It is important to make certain that names, addresses, dates, A-numbers, etc. are up-to-date
and correct. In addition, where the attorney knows there will be substantial or even minor inconsistencies
between testimony and earlier submissions, such as statements given to a DHS officer or statements made
during the credible fear interview, an attempt should be made at this point to correct inaccuracies and to
state clearly the reasons for the inaccuracies.
If the asylum application or other previously filed materials contain substantial errors or incorrect
information, or if the previous application needs substantial updates, NIJC recommends that attorneys
submit a “notice of amendments” with their other pre-hearing submissions. This notice should list the
errors, the correct information and possibly, an explanation as to why the errors occurred.
Oftentimes asylum applicants have submitted their own pro se applications before seeking NIJC’s
assistance, and these applications may have substantial errors. For example, many clients have
unwittingly filed boilerplate applications prepared by unethical "notarios" or signed applications whose
contents they know nothing about. Additionally, some clients initially file applications containing asylum
claims that they believe are more acceptable to judges and lawyers, but which subsequently turn out to be
fabrications. If this is the case, the attorney should offer correct information and a strong explanation for
the inconsistencies as early as possible--before the hearing by means of a detailed affidavit from the client
if possible and affirmatively through the client's own testimony.
d. Identifying and Admitting Exhibits
Next, the judge will go through the process of admitting exhibits. Generally, the Notice to
Appear and related materials have already been admitted as initial exhibits and the asylum application
along with all attached materials will be identified and admitted as a group exhibit. The judge will simply
identify all offered exhibits and ask if there are any objections. There are generally no objections to this,
but if the trial attorney does object to a particular piece of evidence, the judge will usually permit brief
arguments and rule quickly. Occasionally, specific items such as expert witness affidavits or curriculum
vitae, or pieces of direct evidence, such as letters or documents, will draw objections that the judge is not
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comfortable ruling on at that point. In that situation, the judge may instead reserve her ruling until the
attorney presents the evidence during the hearing.
e. Opening Statements
Most of the judges at the Chicago Immigration Court will permit opening statements, although
the judge may indicate that she does not think an opening statement is necessary. Opening statements,
where permitted, can be helpful in reminding the judge of the issues in the case before testimony begins.
Pro bono attorneys should be aware that opening statements in immigration court are extremely brief no
more than one or two minutes – and should simply summarize the client’s case.
f. Direct Examination
Examination of witnesses in immigration court is largely the same as in other courts. The
respondent’s attorney offers her case first, conducting direct examination, then the trial attorney conducts
a cross-examination, and then the respondent’s attorney can redirect where necessary. Generally,
witnesses must be present in court. However, if the expert witness is located in another part of the
country or the world and the cost of obtaining the expert is prohibitive, most of the immigration judges
allow telephonic testimony by expert witnesses.
Attorneys should be well prepared for direct examination and the client should be well rehearsed
in how to conduct herself. The client should be advised to answer questions succinctly without engaging
in long narratives, and should state clearly when she does not understand a question. NIJC recommends
that attorneys practice direct examination with the client numerous times so that the client feels well-
prepared during the hearing.
Since asylum hearings are brief, typically scheduled for three or four hour time slots, pro bono
attorneys should prepare direct examination with an eye on the clock.
Attorneys should get preliminary
information out as quickly as possible and eliminate duplicative information.
Trial attorneys will object to leading questions in the direct examination and the judge will
generally sustain the objection. To avoid time-consuming arguments regarding leading questions, pro
bono attorneys should simply prepare the client in advance on how to answer non-leading questions. It
may be helpful to prepare a written question and answer sheet with the client, reviewing for accuracy.
Check it against the written asylum application and the client’s affidavit (as well as corroborated
evidence.) However, do not have the client memorize a prepared direct examination because it can make
the real direct examination sound scripted and the client seem less credible.
g. Cross-Examination
After direct examination, the trial attorney will conduct cross-examination, generally focusing on
credibility. Again, though there are essentially no rules of procedure or evidence, pro bono attorneys
should raise objections when the questioning is inappropriate. Generally, the trial attorney's cross-
Some judges are willing to schedule additional hearing time at a later date if it becomes clear that testimony will
not be completed by the end of the allocated time period. Other judges, however, will absolutely not continue the
hearing and will instead close the case and issue their decision regardless of how incomplete the evidence.
Attorneys should consult with NIJC about the practices of individual judges.
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examination is minimal. Redirect is permissible and strongly recommended where cross-examination has
raised damaging issues.
h. Examination by the Immigration Judge
All the immigration judges will usually conduct their own extensive examination, generally after
both attorneys complete direct and cross. Some judges, however, will interrupt direct and cross-
examination repeatedly and extensively, which can disrupt the flow of the attorney's questions and rattle
the client. The judge's examination can present serious problems, since very often the questions are such
that, if they were asked by an attorney in any other court proceeding, they would be subject to strong
objections. However, since the judge is doing the questioning, and typically believes she has a duty to
actively question the respondent, there may be little pro bono attorney can do about it. Where questions
are inappropriate or offensive, the attorney should attempt to state her objections on the record and make
note of the issue for purposes of an appeal, if necessary. In extreme cases, the attorney might wish to
attempt to instruct the client, on the record, not to answer a particular question, most likely based on the
Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. However, the judge is nonetheless likely to insist that
the client answer the question anyway, and the attorney must weigh the value of such aggressive tactics
against the probability that it might affect the judge's decision negatively.
Sometimes the judge's questions are not inappropriate or offensive, but may simply be confusing.
Questions previously asked may elicit inconsistent, incoherent, or non-responsive answers. One remedy
may be to respectfully suggest to the judge a different manner of wording the question or to simply
suggest to the judge that the client is confused or may not have understood the translation of the question.
Another remedy may be to request an opportunity to conduct a brief additional redirect after the judge has
completed his questioning, in order to clarify any confusion or explain any inconsistencies or issues
affecting the judge's estimate of the witness' credibility.
i. Closing Statements
Most judges permit closing statements, though they will rely on pre-hearing briefs and their notes
of the client’s testimony. Where testimony in the hearing has raised specific questions of law or fact, the
pro bono attorney may wish to ask for the opportunity to address them very briefly on the record.
Typically, the judge will issue her oral decision immediately at the close of the case. She may
simply discuss what her decision would be and on what grounds she has decided, or she may recess the
hearing for half an hour and return with a decision which will be read into the record. When the
immigration judge issues her decision, whether favorable or unfavorable, the client receives only a minute
order form filled out and signed by the judge.
Other times, the immigration judge may continue the case for a period of time in order to produce
a written decision--generally, when a novel or highly debatable point of law is at issue. However, this is
less common.
When the judge is orally rendering his decision, the attorney should pay careful attention and
make note of the bases for the decision, and any areas where the judge misstates, misinterprets, or
overlooks evidence or matters of law. If the client loses, the pro bono attorney must fill out a Notice to
Appeal, stating specific grounds justifying the appeal, not just a general statement of boilerplate language.
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After the judge issues an oral decision, each side will be asked whether they choose to reserve
appeal. If the client wins, the trial attorney will in most cases reserve appeal--and on many occasions,
they actually do file a Notice of Appeal.
After the hearing on the merits, please notify NIJC of the outcome as soon as possible to
ensure that the client is able to access certain asylee benefits. If the client receives a final grant of
asylum, NIJC asks that the pro bono attorney email a copy of the client’s affidavit, I-589 asylum
application, pre-hearing brief or memorandum, and the asylum office or immigration judge’s decision to
Anna Sears at
for NIJC’s records.
The Appeal To The BIA
An unsuccessful asylum applicant may appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), an
administrative body in Falls Church, Virginia. NIJC’s policy is that if the judge has denied asylum and a
reasonable and non-frivolous ground for appeal exists, the pro bono attorney should pursue it.
The appeal requires a simple Notice of Appeal, articulating the grounds for appeal, that must be
filed within 30 days of an oral decision or mailing of a written decision, and a $110 filing fee.
Notice of Appeal – and all correspondence to the BIA – must include a certificate of service stating that
service was made in the Office of the Chief Counsel.
Approximately two – four months after the filing of the Notice of Appeal, the BIA will send a
transcript and briefing schedule to both parties. The pro bono attorney will file a written brief after
receiving the transcript. The brief is normally due within 21 days of receipt of the transcript. An
extension of 21 days may be requested prior to the expiration of this due date.
When drafting a BIA appeal brief, pro bono attorneys should be aware that the BIA frequently
denies asylum appeals and it is likely that the client will have to pursue a petition for review before the
Court of Appeals. As a result, the BIA appeal brief must fully exhaust all appealable issues and it is
extremely important that all BIA appeal briefs are reviewed by NIJC prior to filing. Pro bono
attorneys should provide NIJC with a draft of the brief at least five business days before they intend to
file. NIJC also asks that attorneys provide a copy of the final product that they filed. Once the appeal to
the BIA is decided, please notify and provide NIJC with a copy of the opinion so that next steps can be
The BIA has limited fact-finding ability on appeal, which heightens the need for immigration
judges to include in their decisions clear and complete findings of fact that are supported by the record
and are in compliance with controlling law. Matter of S-H-, 23 I&N Dec. 462 (BIA 2002); Matter of
Villanova-Gonzalez, 13 I&N Dec. 399 (BIA 1969) and Matter of Becerra-Miranda, 12 I&N Dec. 358
(BIA 1967), superseded by Matter of S-H-.
If an applicant was denied asylum, but granted voluntary departure, and files an appeal of the asylum denial, she
must provide the BIA proof that she has posted her voluntary departure bond within 30 days of filing her notice of
appeal. If the applicant does not provide the BIA with timely proof that she posted bond, the BIA will not reinstate
her voluntary departure period in its final order. 8 C.F.R. § 1240.26(c)(3)(ii).
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Federal Court Review
If the BIA decides against the client, she may be entitled to file a petition for review before the
Court of Appeals in the circuit in which the case was originally tried, i.e. the Seventh Circuit for cases
tried before the Chicago Immigration Court. If the BIA denies the client’s appeal, NIJC’s Litigation
Project will work with the pro bono attorneys to determine if filing a petition for review is a viable option
for the client. Petitions for review of BIA decisions must be filed within 30 days of the issuance of the
BIA decision. However, there may be earlier deadlines related to the client’s removability that could
necessitate filing the petition prior to the 30 day deadline. Moreover, in some cases, the pro bono
attorneys may need to file a motion for a stay of the client’s removal if DHS is attempting to remove the
client. Given the numerous issues that can arise following the BIA’s denial of a client’s appeal, it is
crucial that pro bono attorneys work closely with NIJC at this stage.
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* * *
When asylum is granted
, it means that the asylee can live and work legally in the United States
and will eventually have the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent resident (LPR) status and
citizenship. However, DHS can, at any time, reopen the case and attempt to terminate asylum and seek
the removal of the asylee if it is determined that any one of a number of conditions are met: that country
conditions have fundamentally changed such that that the asylee no longer need fear persecution; that the
asylee participated in the persecution of others; that the asylee committed a particularly serious crime and
constitutes a danger to the community; that the asylee committed a serious non-political crime outside of
the United States; that the asylee poses a threat to the security of the United States; that the asylee was
firmly resettled outside the United States prior to her arrival; that the asylee may be removed pursuant to a
bi-lateral agreement to a safe third country that will provide protections; that the asylee has voluntarily
returned to her home country; or, that the asylee has acquired a new nationality.
Practically speaking, attempts to revoke asylum are rare without new evidence that the asylee has
committed a serious crime in the United States or fraudulently obtained asylum. It is important to note,
however, that asylum is not a permanent, guaranteed status for life in the United States. For that reason, it
is essential to encourage all asylees to begin the process of applying for lawful permanent residence one
year from the date on which they were granted asylum.
Please see below for more information.
Derivative Asylum for Spouse and Children
In affirmative cases, “immediate family memberspresent in the United States and “included” in
the original asylum application automatically receive asylum when the asylum office grants asylum to the
principal applicant. In defensive cases, immediate family members” present in the United States who
are in removal proceedings with the principal applicant (i.e., have received an NTA) and are” included” in
the application automatically receive asylum when the judge grants asylum to the principal applicant.
“Immediate family members” include the asylee's legal spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of
age. If the client and her spouse have a common-law marriage, which is very common in many countries,
the pro bono attorney should strongly encourage them to legally marry in the United States prior to the
date on which the asylum office or judge adjudicates the client’s claim. Only those formal relationships
that exist on the date on which asylum is granted entitle spouses and children to derivative benefits.
The Child Status Protection Act
In 2002, Congress enacted the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA), which provides limited protections to persons
who “age-out” of immigration benefits, that is, attain the age of 21 while awaiting the processing of an immigration
application for which their eligibility is contingent upon being under 21. Under the CSPA, a number of protections
are afforded specifically to children of asylum applicants. Children who are under 21 at the time an asylum
application is filed by their parent are entitled to asylum status if they turn 21 before the application is adjudicated.
Pro bono attorneys should take into account the age of an asylum applicant’s children when preparing to file an
application, and consult NIJC staff for advice.
Please see Appendix N for answers to frequently asked questions regarding post-win benefits.
8 C.F.R. §208.24
See INA §209, 8 U.S.C. §1159 and 8 C.F.R. §§209.1, 209.2.
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If immediate family members are present in the United States, but were not “included” in the
asylum application (or in a defensive case, if they were not in removal proceedings), an asylee can file an
I-730 Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition with USCIS to obtain asylee derivative status for the family
If the client’s immediate family members are outside the United States, the client must also file
an I-730 form with USCIS. These petitions currently take about one year to adjudicate before being
forwarded to the consulate. The U.S. Consulate then processes the application and issues visas for
qualifying relatives. The length of time consumed by this part of the process varies from consulate to
consulate throughout the world. The spouse and/or children will be admitted into the United States as
asylees with benefits and rights similar to those of the principal asylee, often including the right to apply
for legal permanent residence and eventually, citizenship.
The asylee must petition for immediate relatives within a two-year period after being granted
asylum. Once the two-year period has passed, asylees can no longer petition for their immediate family
members. As a procedural matter, NIJC asks that pro bono attorneys refer clients back to NIJC prior to
the filing of I-730 family petitions. This ensures that NIJC is able to screen clients for this benefit since
there are frequently legal complications that make these applications challenging. For example, USCIS
may require DNA testing for the asylee petitioner and her derivative children or discover unexpected
issues related to the family members that can make them ineligible for asylee derivative status.
NIJC currently serves clients seeking to file I-730 petitions in-house and through an I-730 clinic
that NIJC conducts with a partner law firm. NIJC’s capacity to provide technical support on I-730 cases
is limited to these clinics. Pro bono attorneys should be aware that NIJC does not maintain retainer
agreements with former asylum clients once asylum has been granted. As a result, NIJC is unable to
assist pro bono attorneys who choose to file I-730 petitions themselves.
Eligibility for Employment and a Social Security Number
Asylees are automatically eligible to work in the United States and DO NOT need an
Employment Authorization Document (EAD). An asylee is eligible for an unrestricted social security
card that, along with proof of identity, is sufficient to establish that she is eligible to work in the United
States. An asylee can obtain an unrestricted social security card by bringing proof of the asylum grant to
the Social Security Administration (SSA), along with proof of identity, and applying for the card.
Individuals who obtained asylum through the asylum office can show the original asylum office
decision and/or their new I-94 (which is issued with the asylum office decision) as proof of their asylum
status. For individuals who obtain asylum in court, the SSA typically will not accept the court order as
proof of their asylum status. These asylees will need to first obtain a new I-94 card from USCIS that lists
their status as asylees. Please see Appendix N for more information about requesting an asylee I-94 card.
Asylees can only obtain the unrestricted social security card following a final grant of asylum, so
if the judge grants asylum, but DHS reserves appeal, the client is not eligible for an unrestricted social
security card. Asylees with final grants should wait approximately ten days to two weeks following the
grant to request an unrestricted card, and they will receive the cards in the mail roughly two weeks after
they have applied. SSA will provide a letter detailing this process upon application, and this letter will be
sufficient for applying for public benefits as an asylee.
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While no asylee is required to possess an EAD, many asylees do not possess sufficient proof of
identity to easily obtain identity documents, including state IDs or Driver’s Licenses. Accordingly, many
asylees who do not possess a valid passport or other government-issued picture/signature identity card
choose to apply for an EAD. An EAD is offered free of charge to asylees upon initial application, but
subject to a fee for subsequent renewal applications (although no renewals should be necessary).
Clients who obtain asylum from the asylum office will automatically receive an EAD in the mail
following the grant of asylum. Clients who obtain asylum through an immigration judge and wish to
have an EAD will need to file an I-765 application to obtain the EAD.
Pro bono attorneys should inform their clients that if they obtain an EAD after receiving asylum,
the clients should not use the EAD as a substitute for an unrestricted social security card and a state-
issued ID card. The latter two documents should be used, as soon as they are available, as proof of
eligibility to accept employment in the United States when completing an I-9 form with a potential
Some potential employers illegally require that asylees present an EAD as proof of employment
eligibility. Such a demand is document abuse, and should be reported to the Office of Special Counsel for
Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices.
Public Benefits
Asylees are entitled to certain public benefits. For the first seven years after being granted
asylum, asylees are eligible for Social Security Income, Medicaid, and Food Stamps, and a variety of
other benefits and services. Eligibility for many of these programs may extend past the first seven years.
However, most of these programs themselves are time-limited, and individuals may only be able to
receive benefits for periods of three months to a year, depending on the programs. Other programs may
be available continuously.
Once an NIJC client receives a final grant of asylum, NIJC will refer clients who reside in the
Chicago metropolitan area to the local refugee resettlement agency who will assist the client with the
benefits process. Clients residing outside of Chicago will need to locate the asylee benefits agency
closest to their residence and can contact NIJC for assistance. To be eligible for benefits, the client must
have an intake interview with the resettlement agency within 30 days of the asylum grant, so it is crucial
that attorneys notify NIJC as soon as their clients receive asylum. Clients with cases on appeal or who
possess a conditional approval or a recommended approval are not eligible for benefits until the appeal is
complete or a final approval is granted.
In addition to administering benefits programs and providing general public benefits counseling,
these agencies often provide English classes, employment training and placement programs, mental health
programs, youth and elderly services, and referrals to other social service agencies as necessary.
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Asylees are required to report all income earned in the United States to the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) and to pay taxes on that income. Asylees must therefore submit yearly income tax reports
to the IRS.
Right To Travel
An asylee is eligible to travel outside the United States. Before leaving the United States,
however, asylees must obtain advance permission to re-enter the country. An asylee can receive such
authorization by applying for a Refugee Travel Document. Asylees who wish to apply for a Refugee
Travel Document should make an appointment with NIJC’s Immigrant Legal Defense Project for
Even with a Refugee Travel Document, it is essential that the asylee not return to her home
country until she has become a lawful permanent resident and preferably, until she is a U.S. citizen. If the
asylee does return to her home country, DHS could refuse to allow her to reenter the United States on the
grounds that she implicitly no longer fears persecution. Moreover, other factors could make an asylee
ineligible to reenter the United States even with a Refugee Travel Document.
Asylees should always
consult with an attorney before traveling outside of the United States. NIJC discourages foreign travel of
any kind until asylees become LPRs.
Lawful Permanent Residence Status
One year from the date of the asylum grant, the asylee is eligible to submit an application for
adjustment of status to become a lawful permanent resident. It typically takes approximately one year for
asylees to gain LPR status after they file their applications.
The grant of LPR status is discretionary and USCIS can deny adjustment of status for asylees for
a number of reasons, particularly if USCIS believes that the asylee no longer meets the definition of a
“refugee.” This could occur in a case where conditions in the asylee's home country have improved to
such an extent that she no longer fears persecution. In practice, this provision is rarely invoked; for most
asylees, adjustment is virtually automatic.
Derivative spouses and unmarried children under 21 are also eligible for adjustment of status to
lawful permanent residence as long as they can demonstrate that the relationship through which they
received derivative status (i.e. spouse or unmarried, minor child) continues through such time as their
application for adjustment is granted.
Unfortunately, this means that derivative asylees do not always have the right to lawful
permanent residency. If the relationship has been severed, by, for instance, a divorce, the spouse who has
derivative status is not eligible for adjustment of status.
An asylee who accrued one year or more of unlawful presence before applying for asylum could trigger a 10-year
bar to reentry if she leaves the United States before obtaining permanent residency.
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As with I-730 petitions, NIJC asks that pro bono attorneys refer clients back to NIJC prior to the
filing of asylee adjustment applications and not file them on their own. This ensures that NIJC is able to
screen clients to make sure that they are still eligible to adjust their status.
NIJC also serves asylees seeking to adjust their status in-house and through a clinic that NIJC
conducts with a partner law firm. NIJC’s capacity to provide technical support on asylee adjustment
cases is limited to these clinics. Pro bono attorneys should be aware that NIJC does not maintain retainer
agreements with former asylum clients once asylum has been granted. As a result, NIJC is unable to
assist pro bono attorneys who choose to file asylee adjustment applications themselves.
Five years after an asylee receives permanent residence (“green card” status), she may apply to
become a U.S. citizen. This status will afford the full protections under the law, and permanent, virtually
irrevocable status in the United States. NIJC strongly recommends that individuals seek legal
representation when applying to become a U.S. citizen. Individuals who would like assistance with the
naturalization process can make a consultation appointment with NIJC.
Selective Service Registration
All males in the United States between 18 and 26 years of age are required to register for the
draft. Asylees and asylum-seekers are not exempt. Failure to register may have implications for the
client when he applies to become a U.S. citizen. Information about the Selective Service can be found at
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Obtaining Employment Authorization
Although employment authorization is not an asylum applicant’s automatic right, an asylum
applicant may be authorized to work. See INA §208(d)(2). The employment authorization document can
be used not just for employment purposes, but also as a form of government identification and to obtain a
restricted social security number. As a result, a parent may want to apply for employment authorization
for a young child, even if the child cannot work.
An asylum applicant’s ability to obtain employment authorization depends upon her “asylum clock.” The
asylum clock is an electronic tracking system managed by the asylum office and the Executive Office for
Immigration Review (EOIR), which tracks how many days have elapsed since an asylum applicant filed a
complete asylum application (form I-589) with the asylum office or the immigration court. It can be
stopped and started depending on what happens in the course of the application period. An asylum
applicant becomes eligible to file for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) 150 days after
filing a “complete” asylum application and can receive an EAD 180 days after filing a “complete” asylum
The asylum clock starts at the time the asylum application is “filed.” An application is
considered “filed” on the date it is received by USCIS if the applicant is filing for asylum affirmatively,
or on the date it is received by the court (whether by mail, at the court window, or in open court) if the
applicant is filing for asylum defensively.
However, the asylum clock stops any time that the applicant
causes a delay in the adjudication of her case and may not be restarted, making the applicant ineligible for
employment authorization.
Pro bono attorneys should know that if they or their client ask for a continuance at any time or for
any reason, the “clock” will likely stop. If the client did not accrue 180 days on the clock before it
stopped the client may not be eligible for employment authorization because the 180 days required will
not be reached. Attorneys should also be aware that declining an expedited hearing date offered by the
immigration judge at a Master Calendar hearing is considered a case delay caused by the applicant and
stops the asylum clock.
For persons granted asylum, it is not necessary to obtain employment authorization. Persons
granted asylum will be able to obtain an unrestricted social security number which they can present as
proof of status to work.
Appendix N and the “Attorney Resources” section of NIJC’s website,, contain answers
to frequently asked questions regarding employment authorization.
Prior to September 2016, when the Executive Office for Immigration Review announced that asylum applications
could be filed at the court window or by mail, individual could also start the asylum clock by “lodging” their asylum
application. See fn 20 on page 40 for more information on lodging.
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The following represents the law to be applied to individuals who have applied for asylum on or
after January 4, 1995. Attorneys with additional questions regarding the asylum clock may find it useful
to review the December 2013 EOIR memoranda regarding the clock.
Eligibility for employment authorization is defined in the negative. See 8 C.F.R. § 274a.12(c)(8),
§ 274a.13(a), § 208.7. An asylum applicant must demonstrate all of the following:
1. That she has NOT been convicted of an “aggravated felony.” See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a)(1).
2. That she has NOT failed to appear for an asylum interview or a hearing before an immigration
judge (unless the applicant demonstrates exceptional circumstances for having failed to appear).
See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a)(4).
3. That she has NOT had her asylum application denied by an asylum officer or by an immigration
judge within 150 days after applying for asylum. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a)(1).
4. That she has NOT asked for a continuance in immigration court before 180 days since the filing
of the application. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a)(2).
When To File
The applicant’s attorney should file “no earlier” than 150 days after the date when she filed her
completed asylum application. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a) and § 274a.12(c)(8). If USCIS returns the asylum
application as incomplete, the 150-day period does not begin to accrue until the USCIS receives a
completed application. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a). One exception to the 150-day requirement does exist: an
applicant who has been recommended for approval by the asylum office may apply for employment
authorization when she receives notice of the recommended approval. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(a).
What To File
To apply for work authorization, pro bono attorneys will need to file an Application for
Employment Authorization (Form I-765). Note that each family member living in the United States who
is included on the applicant’s asylum application may submit an I-765. This means that even if the
client’s child is not of legal age to work, an application may be filed on that child’s behalf so that she may
get a social security number for future income tax reporting or for other purposes, such as school
This memorandum can be found on NIJC’s website at
representing-asylum-seekers and at
National Immigrant Justice Center
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Along with the form I-765, the applicant must submit proof that the asylum application has been
filed with the USCIS or immigration judge, lodged with the immigration judge, or that it is pending
before BIA or federal court.
There is no fee required for the applicant’s first application for employment authorization. After
the first application and for renewing employment authorization, the filing fee is $410.00. If the applicant
can demonstrate an “inability to pay” the filing fee, then she may file a fee waiver request. See 8 C.F.R.
§103.7(c). To request a fee waiver, the attorney should submit form I-912. The attorney may also want
to include an affidavit from the applicant with additional details regarding her inability to pay the filing
The applicant must also submit two, color passport style photographs. The applicant’s name and
“A” number should be lightly printed on the back of both photos in pencil. In addition, the photographs
should be inserted into a sealed envelope and paper-clipped to the I-765 application.
Attorneys who choose to file their client’s I-765 application electronically are not required to
submit standard photographs, but must make an appointment at a local Application Support Center for the
electronic capture of the client’s photograph, fingerprints and signature. For more information, visit
Where to File
The I-765 application must be filed at the appropriate USCIS facility (i.e. the Service Center with
jurisdiction over the residence of the applicant). For applicants living in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin,
the appropriate USCIS Service Center is:
(U.S. Postal Service deliveries) (Courier service deliveries)
USCIS Dallas Lockbox USCIS Dallas Lockbox
Attn: I-765 Attn: I-765
P.O. Box 650888 2501 S. State Hwy. 121 Business
Dallas, TX 75265-0888 Suite 400
Lewisville, TX 75067
Please note that USCIS may change the filing requirements for I-765 applications, so attorneys
should be sure to check USCIS’s webpage before filing to ensure that they have the most up-to-date
Due to a change in policy in October 2016, employment authorization is now valid for two years.
(Individuals granted employment authorization prior to this time may only have authorization valid for
one year.) It is renewable while the asylum application is being decided and, sometimes until the
completion of any administrative or judicial review of the asylum application. See 8 C.F.R. § 208.7(b).
Generally, an application to renew employment authorization cannot be filed more than 180 days before
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the prior authorization is set to expire. Given the delays in approving employment authorization renewal
applications, NIJC strongly recommends that attorneys file the renewal application at the 180-day point to
avoid any gaps in employment authorization, which can result in loss of employment and other financial
hardships for clients.
To renew, pro bono attorneys must file an I-765 form with the $410.00 filing fee (unless she is
filing a fee waiver request) along with proof that the applicant continues to pursue her asylum application.
Such proof depends upon the stage of the applicant’s asylum application. A copy of the following may be
appropriate proof:
1. For proceedings before immigration judge:
The asylum denial, referral notice, or charging document and the most recent hearing
notice; OR
2. For applications pending at the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA):
A BIA receipt of timely appeal; OR
3. For claims pending in federal court:
The petition for review or habeas corpus date stamped by the appropriate court.
Timeline for Adjudication
It usually takes 90-plus days for an applicant to get an employment authorization card issued.
The applicant will first receive a Notice of Receipt of the I-765 application. Once her I-765 application is
approved, then the applicant will receive a Notice of Approval.
If USCIS takes more than 90 days to adjudicate an employment authorization application, the
attorney can place an inquiry with the USCIS Customer Service line, noting the financial hardship to the
client. In certain situations, contacting the client’s congressional representative may also be useful. NIJC
asks that attorneys contact NIJC first if they anticipate needing to contact a congressional representative.
When Employment Authorization Terminates
Employment authorization terminates after the applicant’s asylum application is denied. The
following represents when employment authorization terminates, depending upon who terminated the
asylum application.
The employment authorization shall terminate either at the expiration of the employment
authorization document OR 60 days after the denial of asylum, whichever is longer. See 8 C.F.R.
§208.7(b)(1). Note that “denial” is not the same as referral. If the asylum office refers an asylum case to
the immigration court, the individual can continue to renew her employment authorization.
The employment authorization terminates upon the expiration of the EAD, unless the applicant
has filed an appropriate request for administrative or judicial review. See 8 C.F.R. §208.7(b)(2).
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Freedom of Information Act Requests
NIJC recommends that all pro bono attorneys file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
with the DHS to obtain copies of the client’s file because DHS may have documents that the client does
not have or that the client has forgotten. For example, if DHS stopped the client at the border, DHS may
have documents regarding statements the client made at that time, which contradict statements she makes
during the hearing. The client may also have previously filed for some other immigration benefit, but
neglected to tell her attorney or NIJC. Without the FOIA request, pro bono attorneys will not know about
these documents until the asylum officer or trial attorney uses them for impeachment purposes during the
asylum interview or merits hearing.
Clients in immigration court removal proceedings are eligible for expedited or “Track Three”
processing of the FOIA request. It generally takes DHS a few months to respond to a Track Three FOIA
request and DHS generally responds more quickly to a faxed request. Depending on the time frame of the
case, pro bono attorneys may need to file the request as soon as they accept the case. It typically takes
DHS one year or more to respond to non-expedited (not in removal proceedings) FOIA requests.
USCIS FOIA requests can be sent via mail, email or fax. To submit the request by mail, send it
FOIA Officer
Department Of Homeland Security
National Records Center
P.O. Box 648010
Lee’s Summit MO 64064-8010
The fax number for Track Three requests is 816-350-5785 and the email address is
Clients who are not in removal proceedings are not eligible for expediting processing and as a
result, it typically takes DHS approximately one year to respond to the FOIA request. However, because
it’s currently taking two three years to receive an asylum office interview, filing a FOIA request is still
ORR File Requests
Unaccompanied immigrant children who were previously detained in an Office of Refugee
Resettlement shelter will have accumulated a file of documents related to their time in ORR custody,
including counselor and caseworker notes, medical records, and other personal information. Sometimes,
these records can support a child’s asylum claim by corroborating the child’s description of past trauma.
In other cases, a child may have been reluctant to reveal information about her background to strangers so
soon after crossing the U.S. border and her ORR file may therefore contain information that is
inconsistent with her asylum claim. For all these reasons, NIJC strongly recommends that attorneys
representing unaccompanied children file a request for the client’s ORR file shortly after representation
begins. It often takes three six months for ORR to provide the client’s file after the request is made.
Please see Tab S for instructions on requesting a client’s ORR file.
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Forensic Examination of Original Documents
If the client is in removal proceedings, the pro bono attorney should make the trial attorney aware
of all original documents that will be submitted in support of the asylum application. The attorney can
accomplish this by indicating which documents are original documents in the annotated index that the
attorney will submit with the client’s pre-hearing filing. NIJC recommends that the pro bono attorney
only submit copies of these documents – and not originals – to the judge or DHS, and then make the
originals available for review at the merits hearing. DHS may wish to submit these documents to the FBI
Forensics Document Lab for evaluation and will notify the attorney if it wants to do so.
Sometimes, the trial attorney may not ask for original documents until the merits hearing, but
then may ask the judge for a continuance in order to obtain the results of the forensic analysis. If the
continuance is unreasonable or if the pro bono attorney feels the judge has continued the case for an
excessive period of time to obtain the forensic results, NIJC suggests that the pro bono attorney oppose
the continuance as inappropriate or as creating a significant hardship for the client.
NIJC strongly recommends that pro bono attorneys not submit a client’s passport to DHS as an
original document unless the judge or trial attorney has specifically requested the passport. Often, the
passport is a client’s only form of identification and once DHS obtains the client’s passport, DHS will not
return it to the client until proceedings have ended.
For concerns about the confidentiality of the asylum application and supporting documents and
procedures for oversees investigations, see Bo Cooper, INS Memorandum: Confidentiality of Asylum
Applications and Overseas Verification of Documents and Application Information (June 21, 2001).
Practice Tip:
For the purpose of forensic analysis in immigration court, the term “original documents” generally includes
birth, marriage and death certificates; school, police, and medical records; identity cards; and other
government-issued documents. The term does not generally include affidavits, letters from witnesses,
newspaper articles or other similar documents. Pro bono attorneys should contact NIJC if they have
questions as to whether a particular document constitutes an “original document.”
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For Non-Detained Asylum Cases:
Ashley Huebner,
Associate Director of Legal Services
Phone: 312.660.1303
Fax: 312.660.1505
For Detained Asylum Cases:
Hena Mansori
Supervising Attorney
Phone: 312.660.1367
Fax: 312.660.1505
For LGBT Asylum Cases:
Aneesha Gandhi
Supervising Attorney
Phone: 312.660.1394
Fax: 312.660.1505
For General Pro Bono Questions:
Anna Sears,
Asylum and Pro Bono Project Coordinator
Phone: 312.660.1307
Fax: 312.660.1505
The National Immigrant Justice Center is located at
208 S. LaSalle, Ste. 1300 Chicago, IL 60604.
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Chicago Office of Asylum
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
181 W. Madison Street, Suite 3000
Chicago IL 60602
Phone: 312-849-5200
Fax: 312-849-5201
DHS-ICE Chief Counsel
525 W. Van Buren Street, Ste. 701
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312-542-8200
eService portal registration:
eService portal:
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Chicago Immigration Court
525 W. Van Buren St, Ste. 500
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312-697-5800
Immigration Judges
Judge Samuel B. Cole
Judge Kathryn De Angelis
Judge James Fujimoto
Judge Jennie L. Giambastiani
Judge Elizabeth G. Lang
Judge Patrick M. McKenna
Judge Jennifer I. Peyton
Judge Robin J. Rosche
Judge Kaarina Salovaara
Judge Eva S. Saltzman
Nebraska Service Center
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box (Insert Correct Box Number)
Lincoln, NE (Insert Correct Zip Code)
Overnight/Courier Mail:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Nebraska Service Center
850 S Street
P.O. Box (Insert Correct P.O. Box Number)
Lincoln, NE xxxxx
Box Number for Asylum: 87589
Zip Code for Asylum: 68501-7589
Board of Immigration Appeals
Office of the Chief Clerk
5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2000
Falls Church, VA 20530-0001
Phone: 703-605-1007
Important Websites
Online applications:
Executive Office for Immigration Review:
EOIR Automated Information Line
(For information regarding the client’s hearing
and her employment authorization clock)
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Sources For Case Preparation
EOIR Virtual Law Library:
Immigration Court Practice Manual:
UNHCR Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status (1992), available at
UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection:
Gender-Related Persecution:
Membership in a Particular Social Group:
Religious-Based Refugee Claims:
Internal Flight or Relocation Alternative:
Sources For Documentation
Amnesty International:
Amnesty International USA:
Human Rights Watch,
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
United States Department of State:
World Organization Against Torture:
Resources for Central American/Mexican Asylum Claims:
NIJC active list of Central American/Mexican country conditions documents
List of country condition resources compiled by the Central America/Mexico working group
Resources published and compiled by the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at UC Hastings
Translated Articles Archive from the Freedom of Expression Project at the Trans-Border
Institute, University of San Diego
Please see NIJC’s website
for additional asylum-related materials, including recorded trainings, sample briefs,
and immigration legal updates
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“A” Number: An eight digit number (or nine digits, if the first number is a zero)
beginning with the letter "A" that the DHS gives to some non-citizens.
(Please note that EOIR now requires all A Numbers to be submitted as
nine digit numbers. If the client’s A Number only has eight digits, add a
“0” to the beginning of the number.)
Adjustment of Status: A process by which a non-citizen in the United States becomes a lawful
permanent resident without having to leave the U.S.
Admission: The decision of the DHS to allow a non-citizen at the United States
border or international airport or seaport to enter the United States.
Admissible: A non-citizen who may enter the U.S. because he/she is not among the
classes of aliens who are ineligible for admission or has a waiver of
Affidavit of Support: A form (I-864) filed by a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident for a
non-citizen seeking lawful permanent residence.
Aggravated Felon: One convicted of numerous crimes set forth at INA § 101(a)(43). An
aggravated felony includes many crimes, but the most common are: (1)
drug trafficking--any crime involving distribution, importation or sale of
drugs, no matter the amount or the sentence; (2) the crime of theft,
robbery or burglary with one year sentence whether imposed or
suspended; and (3) the crime of violence with a one year sentence
whether imposed or suspended.
Alien: A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States.
Alien Registration
Receipt Card: The technical name for a "green card," which identifies an immigrant as
having permanent resident status.
Aliens Previously Removed: Ground of inadmissibility, for persons previously removed for anywhere
from five years to twenty years depending on prior circumstances.
Aliens Unlawfully Present: Ground of inadmissibility for three years for an individual unlawfully
present in the U.S. for more than 180 days but less than one year
commencing April 1, 1997 or for ten years if unlawfully present for one
year or more.
Asylee: A person who is granted asylum in the United States.
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Asylum: A legal status granted to a person who has suffered harm or who fears
harm because of his/her race, religion, nationality, political opinion or
membership in a particular social group.
Beneficiary: A person who will gain legal status in the United States as a result of a
visa petition approved by the DHS.
Cancellation of Removal: Discretionary remedy for an LPR who has been a permanent resident for
at least five years and has resided continuously in the United States for at
least seven years after having been admitted in any status and has not
been convicted of an aggravated felony, or anyone physically present in
the United States for a continuous period of not less than ten years, who
has been a person of good moral character during such period, has not
been convicted of certain offenses and who establishes that removal
would result in “exceptional and extremely unusual hardship” to the U.S.
citizen or LPR spouse, parent, or child.
Child: The term "child" means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of
age who is: (1) a legitimated child; (2) a stepchild; (3) a child
legitimated under the law of the child's residence or domicile, or under
the law of the father's residence or domicile; (4) an illegitimate child; (5)
a child adopted while under the age of sixteen; and (6) a child who is an
orphan. There is a significant amount of case law interpreting these
Citizen (USC): Any person born in the fifty United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the
U.S. Virgin Islands; or a person who has naturalized to become a U.S.
citizen. Some people born abroad are also citizens if their parents were
Conditional Permanent
Resident Status: A person who received lawful permanent residency based on a marriage
to a U.S. citizen, which was less than two years old at the time.
Conditional residents must file a second petition with the U.S. within two
years of receiving their conditional resident status in order to retain their
U.S. residency.
Consular Processing: The process by which a person outside the United States obtains an
immigrant visa at a U.S. consulate in order to travel to the U.S. and enter
as a lawful permanent resident.
Conviction: Formal judgment of guilt entered by a court or, if adjudication of guilt
was withheld, if a judge or jury has found the person guilty or the person
has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere and has admitted
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sufficient facts to warrant a finding of guilt and the judge has ordered
some form of punishment, penalty or restraint.
Credible Fear Interview: An interview which takes place if an alien who arrives in the United
States with false documents or no documents, and is therefore subject to
expedited removal, expresses a fear of persecution or a desire for asylum.
The purpose of the interview is to determine if the alien can show that
there is a significant possibility that he/she can satisfy the qualifications
for asylum.
Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA): A form of temporary relief from deportation announced by the
Obama Administration in July 2012 for certain young immigrants
who were brought to the United States as children and educated here.
Department of Homeland
Security (DHS): The federal department charged, in part, with implementing and
enforcing immigration law and policy.
Deportation: The ejection of a non-citizen from the United States. Prior to the Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), non-
citizens were ejected from the United States through deportation
proceedings. Now known as removal proceedings.
Detention: Asylum seekers who enter the U.S. without documentation may be
detained at a DHS detention facility until they pass a credible fear
interview or until the completion of their asylum hearing.
Entry: Being physically present in the U.S. after inspection by the DHS or after
entering without inspection.
Entry Without
Inspection (EWI): Entering the United States without being inspected by the DHS, such as a
person who runs across the border between the U.S. and Mexico or
Canada. This is a violation of the immigration laws.
Employment Authorization
Document (EAD): The I-688 card that the DHS issues to a person granted
permission to work in the U.S. The EAD is a plastic, wallet-sized card.
Executive Office for
Immigration Review (EOIR): The immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and one other
agency within the Department of Justice that decides immigration cases.
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Expedited Removal: An abbreviated removal procedure applied to aliens who arrive in the
United States with false documents or no documents.
I-94 Card: A small white paper card issued by the DHS to most non-citizens who do
not have green cards upon entry to the U.S. It is usually stapled to a page
of the non-citizen's passport. The DHS may also issue I-94 cards in other
circumstances. The I-94 card usually states the date by which the non-
citizen’s authorized stay in the United States expires.
Illegal Alien: See "Undocumented".
Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE): The agency within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for
overseeing detention and release of immigrants and the investigation of
immigration-related administrative and criminal violations.
Immediate Relative: The spouse, parent, or unmarried child under 21 of a U.S. citizen.
Generally speaking, the immigration laws treat immediate relatives better
than other relatives of citizens or legal permanent residents.
Immigrant: A person who has the intention to reside permanently in the United
States; usually a lawful permanent resident.
Immigrant Visa: A document required by the INA and required and properly issued by a
consular office outside of the United States to an eligible immigrant
under the provisions of the INA. An immigrant visa has six months
Immigration and Nationality
Act (INA): The immigration law that Congress originally enacted in 1952 and has
modified repeatedly.
Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS): Former branch of the United States Department of Justice charged with
enforcing the immigration laws. On March 1, 2003, the INS ceased to
exist. Responsibility for immigration policy and immigration functions
is now shared between the Department of Justice and the Department of
Homeland Security.
Immigration Judge: Presides over removal proceedings.
Inspection: The DHS process of inspecting a person's travel documents at the U.S.
border or international airport or seaport.
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Lawful Permanent
Resident (LPR): A person who has received a "green card" and whom the DHS has
decided may live permanently in the U.S. LPRs eventually may become
citizens, but if they do not, they could be deported from the U.S. for
certain activities, such as drug convictions and certain other crimes.
Native: A person born in a specific country.
National: A person owing permanent allegiance to a particular country.
Naturalization: The process by which an LPR becomes a United States citizen. A person
must ordinarily have been an LPR for five years before applying for
naturalization. A person who became an LPR through marriage to a U.S.
citizen and is still married to that person in most cases may apply for
naturalization after three years as an LPR.
Non-citizen: Any person who is not a citizen of the U.S., whether legal or
undocumented. Referred to in the INA as an "alien."
Nonimmigrant: A person who plans to be in the U.S. only temporarily, such as a person
with a tourist or student visa. A nonimmigrant will ordinarily have a visa
stamp in his/her passport, and an I-94 card which states how long the
person can stay in the U.S.
Nonimmigrant Visa: A document issued by a consular officer signifying that the officer
believes that the alien is eligible to apply for admission to the US for
specific limited purposes and does not intend to remain permanently in
the US. Nonimmigrant visas are temporary.
Notice to Appear
(NTA): Document issued to commence removal proceedings, effective April1,
Overstay: To fail to leave the U.S. by the time permitted by the DHS on the
nonimmigrant visa (as ordinarily indicated on the I-94 card), or to fail to
arrange other legal status by that time.
Parole: To permit a person to come into the United States who may not actually
be eligible to enter, often granted for humanitarian reasons, or to release
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a person from DHS detention. A person paroled in is known as a
Petitioner: A U.S. citizen or LPR who files a visa petition with the DHS so that
his/her family member may immigrate.
Priority Registration
Date (PRD): Everyone who files an I-130 Petition For Alien Relative receives a
priority registration date. Once a person's PRD becomes current,
meaning that a visa is available, he/she can apply for LPR status. This
may take a long time, as visa numbers often are not available for many
years after the I-130 is approved.
Refugee: A person who is granted permission to enter the U.S. legally because of
harm or feared harm due to his/her race, religion, nationality, political
opinion or membership in a particular social group. Unlike an asylum
applicant, a refugee must meet this definition while outside of the United
States and enters the United States with refugee status.
Relief: Term used for a variety of grounds to avoid removal from the United
Removal: Proceedings to enforce departure of persons seeking admission to the US
who are inadmissible or persons who have been admitted but are
Rescission: Cancellation of prior adjustment to permanent resident status.
Residence: The principal and actual place of dwelling.
Respondent: The term used for the person in removal proceedings.
Service Centers: Offices of the DHS that decide most visa petitions. There are four
regional Service Centers for the entire U.S.: the Vermont Service Center
(VSC); the Nebraska Service Center (NSC); the Texas Service Center
(TSC); and the California Service Center (CSC).
Stowaway: One who obtains transportation on a vessel or aircraft without consent
through concealment.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
Temporary Protected
Status (TPS): A status allowing residence and employment authorization to the
nationals of foreign states, for a period of not less than six months or
more than eighteen months, when such state (or states) has been
appropriately designated by the Attorney General because of
extraordinary and temporary conditions in such state (or states).
Trafficking Victims
Protection Reauthorization
Act (TVPRA) of 2008: A law which, among other things, changed the process by which
“unaccompanied alien children” apply for asylum. Pursuant to the
TVPRA, USCIS (the Asylum Office) has initial jurisdiction over all
asylum applications filed by unaccompanied alien children, even if the
child is already in immigration proceedings. The TVPRA went into
effect on March 23, 2009.
Alien Child (UAC): An unaccompanied alien child means a child who (A) has no lawful
immigration status in the United States; (B) has not attained 18 years of
age; and (C) with respect to whom (i) there is no parent or legal guardian
in the United States; or (ii) no parent or legal guardian in the United
States is available to provide care and physical custody. 6 U.S.C. §
Undocumented: A non-citizen whose presence in the U.S. is not known to the DHS and
who is residing here without legal immigration status. Undocumented
persons include those who originally entered the U.S. legally for a
temporary stay and overstayed or worked without DHS permission, and
those who entered without inspection. Often referred to as "illegal
United States Citizenship
And Immigration The agency within the Department of Homeland Security
Services (USCIS): responsible for adjudicating all applications for immigration
U-Visa A non-immigrant visa that allows non-citizen victims of crime to stay in
the U.S. and obtain employment authorization. After three years in U-
visa status, the non-citizen may be able to adjust status to obtain lawful
permanent residency. Certain family members of the U-visa holder may
also be eligible for derivative U-visa status.
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
Violence Against Women
Act (VAWA): Legislation passed by Congress in 1994, which contained certain
immigration provisions. The immigration law provisions allow a spouse
and children, or parents of children, who have been abused or subject to
extreme cruelty by their legal permanent resident or United States citizen
spouse or parent to immigrate without the assistance of the LPR or USC
spouse or parent, provided that they meet certain conditions.
Visa: A document (or a stamp placed in a person's passport) issued by a United
States consulate abroad to a non-citizen to allow that person to enter the
U.S. Visas are either nonimmigrant or immigrant visas.
Visa Petition: A form (or series of forms) filed with the DHS by a petitioner, so that the
DHS will determine a non-citizen's eligibility to immigrate.
Voluntary Departure: Permission granted to a non-citizen to leave the U.S. voluntarily. The
person must have good moral character and must leave the U.S. at his/her
own expense, within a specified time. A non-citizen granted voluntary
departure can reenter the U.S. legally in the future.
Waiver: The excusing of a ground of inadmissibility by the DHS or the
immigration court.
Work Permit: There is no single document in U.S. immigration law that is a "work
permit." Citizens, nationals, and lawful permanent residents are
authorized to be employed in the U.S. Certain nonimmigrant visa
categories include employment in the U.S. Other aliens in the U.S. may
have the right to apply for an Employment Authorization Document
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
* * *
Please click here to download the following documents from NIJC’s website:
Sample Forms and Letters
Asylum Application
Asylum Filing Checklist
Instructions and Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal (I-589)
Sample I-589 application
Notices of Appearance as Attorney
For Court (EOIR-28) (green paper)
For DHS/ICE/USCIS (G-28): ( (blue paper)
Request to Review Record of Proceeding or Hearing Tape
Fingerprint Request Forms
Fingerprint Appointment Instructions for Asylum Applications
May 19, 2016 FAQ: Agreement between U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): Fingerprint Check Refresh Requests
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request (
Sample Cover Letter for Track Three Request
FOIA Request Form G-639
Application for Employment Authorization (
Sample Cover Letter
Form I-765 and Instructions
Change of Address Forms
For DHS: (AR-11) (
For court and the BIA: (EOIR-33)
Notice of Appeal to the BIA (E-26)
Sample Notice to Appear
Sample Certificates of Translation for Foreign Affidavits and Documents
Sample Certificate of Service
National Immigrant Justice Center
July 2018
Resources for Case Preparation
EOIR’s Operating Policies and Procedures Memoranda:
16-01: Filing Applications for Asylum
13-02: The Asylum Clock
How to Find and Work with an Interpreter
Frequently Asked Questions:
Employment Authorization
Post-win Information
Guidelines for Immigration Court Cases Involving Unaccompanied Immigrant
Children and for Working with Kids
Guidelines for Facilitating Pro Bono Legal Services
Memoranda and Guidance for Representing Child Asylum Applicants
Mental and Medical Health Care for Asylum Clients
Office of Refugee Resettlement Authorization for Release of Records for UICs
Sample Documents
The following templates and sample documents are available online on NIJC’s website
) for registered users:
Sample Legal Memo/Cover Letter for the
Asylum Office
Sample Letter Requesting Adjustment of the
Client’s Asylum Clock
Sample Pre-hearing Briefing for Court
Sample Motion to Advance the Hearing
Sample Index of Exhibits
Sample Motion to Allow Telephonic Testimony
Sample Client Affidavits
Sample Notice of Amendments to I-589
Sample Country Expert and Medical Expert