We are here to nurture you. If you feel any discomfort, please feel at ease in letting us know
Client Name
Date of Birth Gender
Phone Email
How did you hear about us __________________________________________________________
Have you ever had any major illnesses, injuries, or surgeries? If so, explain:
Also, please circle any conditions; current or past.
Muscle or joint pain Numbness/Tingling Contagious diseases
Bruise easily High/Low blood pressure Stroke, heart attack
Varicose veins/Blood clots Shortness of breath, asthma Cancer
Neurological Epilepsy/Seizures Headache/Migraines
Dizziness Sciatica Spinal injuries/Scoliosis
Broken bones Allergies Trauma
Diabetes Arthritis (rheumatoid/osteo) Dental history
Other (please explain):
What are your expectations today?
How do you feel today?
Are you under the care of a health professional?
List all medications and supplements that you currently take:
Occupation and hobbies:
Women only: Are you pregnant? How many weeks?
Hold Harmless Agreement:
I understand that feedback is essential during massage. It is my responsibility to discuss
all physical conditions and inform the therapist of any changes after the initial session. I
understand that massage involves neither diagnosis nor treatment of any condition, and
is not a substitute for my medical care. Session(s) will consist of Therapeutic massage and
draping will be used at all times. I hereby release, waive, covenant not to sue, discharge,
and hold harmless Living Tree Wellness, its agents, contracted therapists, and
Signature____________________________________________________ Date___________________
(Parent or guardian if under the age of 18)