Osteopathic Licensure Requirements by State
April 2019
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Alabama Board of Medical Examiners & Medical Licensure Commission of Alabama
848 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: (800) 227-2606
Alabama Requirements
Qualifications of applicants.
The following constitute the requirements for the issuance of a certificate of qualification for a
license to practice medicine in this state:
All applicants for a certificate of qualification shall present a diploma or evidence of graduation
from any of the following institutions:
A college of medicine or school of medicine accredited by the Liaison Committee on
Medical Education of the American Medical Association.
A college of osteopathy accredited by the American Osteopathic Association.
A college of medicine or school of medicine not accredited by the Liaison Committee on
Medical Education which is approved by the Board of Medical Examiners. The board
may, within its discretion, withhold approval of any college of medicine not designated in
either a., or b., above which:
o Has had its accreditation withdrawn by a national or regional accreditation
organization; or
o Has had its authorization, certification, or licensure revoked or withdrawn by a
national or regional governmental supervisory agency; or
o Has been denied approval or has had its approval withdrawn by any national,
state, or territorial licensing jurisdiction based upon an evaluation of the college
of medicine or upon a finding of misconduct by the college; or
o The board has determined, has engaged in fraudulent, criminal, or other practices
which are inconsistent with quality medical education.
Applicants for a certificate of qualification who graduated from a college of medicine accredited
by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the American Medical Association or a
college of osteopathy accredited by the American Osteopathic Association shall present evidence
satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed one year of postgraduate or residency
training in any of the following programs:
A program listed in the directory of approved residency training programs published by
the American Medical Association.
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A program accredited by the American Osteopathic Association.
A program accredited by the Accreditation Committee of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Canada.
A program accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
All other applicants for a certificate of qualification who graduated from a college of medicine
not accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the American Medical
Association or a college of osteopathy not accredited by the American Osteopathic Association
shall present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed three years of
postgraduate or residency training in any of the following programs:
A program listed in the directory of approved residency training programs published by
the American Medical Association.
A program accredited by the American Osteopathic Association.
A program accredited by the Accreditation Committee of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Canada.
A program accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Applicants for a certificate of qualification shall achieve a passing score as determined by the
Board of Medical Examiners on any of the examinations listed below:
The United States Medical Licensing Examination.
o Applicants who are not dual degree candidates as specified in subparagraph
(3)a.2. below shall have achieved a passing score on Step 3 in not more than three
administrations, except that the board may approve one additional attempt to pass
Step 3 after demonstration by the applicant of additional educational experience
acceptable to the board. Applicants who are not dual degree candidates shall have
passed Steps 1, 2, and 3 within a seven-year period and shall not have attempted
to pass Steps 1, 2, and 3 a combined total of more than 10 times.
o Applicants who are not dual degree candidates as specified in subparagraph
(3)a.2. below and who are currently board certified by one or more of the
specialty boards recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the
American Osteopathic Association shall not be required to pass Steps 1, 2, and 3
in the time period as set forth in subparagraph (3)a.1.(i) above, however, these
applicants shall still be limited to a combined total of 10 attempts to pass Steps 1,
2, and 3 as set forth in subparagraph (3)a.1.(i) above.
Applicants who are dual degree candidates, pursuing the M.D. or D.O. degree and the Ph.D
degree in a field of biological sciences approved by the board in its rules, shall have achieved a
passing score on Step 3 in not more than three administrations, except that the board may
approve one additional attempt to pass Step 3 after demonstration by the applicant of additional
educational experience acceptable to the board. Applicants who are dual degree candidates shall
have completed Steps 1, 2, and 3 within a 10-year period except that the board may approve,
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within its discretion and at the request of the applicant, a longer period not to exceed 15 years.
The time period for completion of Steps 1, 2, and 3 begins when the applicant initially passes his
or her first step. The board shall not accept scores from a reexamination of a previously passed
step of the USMLE.
The Federation Licensing Examination.
The National Board of Medical Examiners Examination.
The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Examination or its successor
The Licensing Medical Council of Canada Examination.
Any other examination which is currently approved or which may later be approved by the
Board of Medical Examiners and which examines in the following branches of medical learning:
General medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, preventive medicine, jurisprudence, and any
other branches as the board may require.
Beginning January 1, 2000, the following requirements shall apply:
All applicants for initial licensure by examination shall achieve a passing score, as
determined by the Board of Medical Examiners, on the United States Medical Licensing
Examination or the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Examination or its
successor examination.
Applicants by endorsement licensed in another state, the District of Columbia, a territory
of the United States, or a province of Canada who completed any one of the licensing
examinations listed above prior to January 1, 2000, are eligible for licensure upon proof
of a passing score of such examination.
Applicants by endorsement licensed in another state or the District of Columbia, or a
territory of the United States, or a province of Canada whose licensing examination was
completed after January 1, 2000, shall achieve a passing score, as determined by the
Board of Medical Examiners, on the United States Medical Licensing Examination or the
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Examination or its successor
The board may establish by regulation acceptable combinations of the Federation
Licensing Examination, National Board of Medical Examiners Examination, and/or
United States Medical Licensing Examination through January 1, 2000, in satisfaction of
the examination requirement for a certificate of qualification.
Payment in advance to the board of the required application fee or examination fee, or both, in
amounts as established in the regulations of the board.
In addition to other requirements established by law and for the purpose of determining an
applicant's suitability for a certificate of qualification for a license to practice medicine, each
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applicant shall submit to a criminal history background check. Each applicant shall submit a
complete set of fingerprints to the State Board of Medical Examiners. The board shall submit the
fingerprints provided by each applicant for a certificate of qualification for a license to practice
medicine to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI). The fingerprints shall be forwarded by
the ABI to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a national criminal history record check.
Costs associated with conducting a criminal history background check shall be borne by the
applicant. The State Board of Medical Examiners shall keep information received pursuant to
this section confidential, except that such information received and relied upon in denying the
issuance of a certificate of qualification for a license to practice medicine in this state may be
disclosed as may be necessary to support the denial.
All applicants who have not passed a written state licensing examination, the examination
given by the National Board of Medical Examiners, the United States Medical Licensing
Examination, the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Examination, the
examination given by the Licensing Medical Council of Canada, the Special Purpose
Examination, or the Federation Licensing Examination within 10 years immediately
preceding the date of the application shall either:
o Achieve a passing score on the Special Purpose Examination.
o Be certified by or achieve a passing score on a recertification examination given
by one of the specialty boards approved by the American Board of Medical
Specialties or one of the specialty boards approved by the American Osteopathic
Association within 10 years immediately preceding the date of the application.
All applicants who graduated from a college of medicine not accredited by the Liaison
Committee of Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association shall achieve
a certification given by the Education Council for Foreign Medical Graduates.
Administration of examinations by the board.
o Applicants for a certificate of qualification who are applying for initial licensure
in the State of Alabama, and who meet all qualifications for administration of
Step 3 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination are eligible to take the
United States Medical Licensing Examination in Alabama.
o The following individuals are eligible to take the Special Purpose Examination in
a. Applicants who are applying for licensure in Alabama who are required
to take the examination under another provision of this section.
b. Individuals required to take the examination pursuant to an order or
directive of the State Board of Medical Examiners or the Medical
Licensure Commission.
Any individual eligible to take the Special Purpose Examination pursuant to paragraph a.
or b. of subdivision (2) who has not achieved a passing score within three administrations
shall no longer be eligible to take the Special Purpose Examination.
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Administrative requirements for examination by the board.
Each applicant shall pay an examination fee as established by the board for each
administration of the required examination. The examination fee is not returnable to an
unsuccessful applicant.
Examinations administered by the board may be given in Montgomery or at any other
location determined by the board.
Applicants who are required to take the Special Purpose Examination or the United States
Medical Licensing Examination administered by the board shall, in addition to the other
requirements of this section, be eligible to sit for and take the examination under the rules
established by the organization which created the examination.
The board may enter into personal service contracts with individuals, firms, or
corporations for the administration of any examination required by this section.
The board shall keep complete records of all examinations conducted, giving the name,
age, residence, college, date of graduation of the applicant examined, and the results of
the examination. These records shall be open to public inspection.
The board shall establish by rule or regulation the passing score for all examinations
administered by it under this section
Please visit Alabama Medical Practice Act for more information.
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State Medical Board
Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing
P.O. Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99801-0806
Phone: (907) 269-8163
Alaska Requirements
Sec. 08.64.205. Qualifications for osteopath applicants.
Each osteopath applicant shall meet the qualifications prescribed in AS 08.64.200(a)(3) (5) and
submit a certificate of graduation from the legally chartered school of osteopathy
approved by the board;
submit a certificate from a hospital approved by the American Medical Association or the
American Osteopathic Association that certifies that the osteopath has satisfactorily
completed and performed the duties of intern or resident physician for
o one year if the applicant graduated from a school of osteopathy before January 1,
1995, as evidenced by a certificate of completion of the first year of postgraduate
training from the facility where the applicant completed the first year of internship
or residency; or
o two years if the applicant graduated from a school of osteopathy on or after
January 1, 1995, as evidenced by a certificate of completion of the first year of
postgraduate training from the facility where the applicant completed the first
year of internship or residency and a certificate of successful completion of one
additional year of postgraduate training at a recognized hospital;
take the examination required by AS 08.64.210 or be certified to practice by the National
Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons or by the National Board of
Osteopathic Medical Examiners;
receive education in pain management and opioid use and addiction, unless the applicant
has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the board that the applicant does not currently hold
a valid federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration number; an applicant may
include past professional experience or professional education as proof of professional
Please visit Medical Statutes for more information.
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Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine & Surgery
1740 W Adams, Suite 2410
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (480) 657-7703
Arizona Requirements
32-1822. Qualifications of applicant; application; fingerprinting; fees
On a form and in a manner prescribed by the board, an applicant for licensure shall
submit proof that the applicant:
o Is the person named on the application and on all supporting documents
o Is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien.
o Is a graduate of a school of osteopathic medicine approved by the American
osteopathic association.
o Has successfully completed an approved internship, the first year of an approved
multiple-year residency or a board-approved equivalency.
o Has passed the approved examinations for licensure within seven years of
application or has the board-approved equivalency of practice experience.
o Has not engaged in any conduct that, if it occurred in this state, would be
considered unprofessional conduct or, if the applicant has engaged in
unprofessional conduct, is rehabilitated from the underlying conduct.
o Is physically, mentally and emotionally able to practice medicine, or, if limited,
restricted or impaired in the ability to practice medicine, consents to contingent
licensure pursuant to subsection E of this section or to entry into a program
prescribed in section 32-1861.
o Is of good moral character.
o Beginning September 1, 2017, has submitted a full set of fingerprints to the board
for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check pursuant to
section 41-1750 and Public Law 92-544. The department of public safety may
exchange this fingerprint data with the federal bureau of investigation.
An applicant must submit with the application the nonrefundable application fee
prescribed in section 32-1826 and pay the prescribed license issuance fee to the board at
the time the license is issued.
The board or the executive director may require an applicant to submit to a personal
interview, a physical examination or a mental evaluation or any combination of these, at
the applicant's expense, at a reasonable time and place as prescribed by the board if the
board determines that this is necessary to provide the board adequate information
regarding the applicant's ability to meet the licensure requirements of this chapter. An
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interview may include medical knowledge questions and other matters that are relevant to
The board may deny a license for any unprofessional conduct that would constitute
grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to this chapter or as determined by a competent
domestic or foreign jurisdiction.
The board may issue a license that is contingent on the applicant entering into a stipulated
order that may include a period of probation or a restriction on the licensee's practice.
The executive director may issue licenses to applicants who meet the requirements of this
A person whose license has been revoked, denied or surrendered in this or any other state
may apply for licensure not sooner than five years after the revocation, denial or
A license issued pursuant to this section is valid for the remainder of the calendar year in
which it was issued, at which time it is eligible for renewal
Please visit Arizona State Legislature for more information.
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Arkansas State Medical Board
1401 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 340
Little Rock, AR 72201-2936
Phone: (501) 296-1802
Arkansas Requirements
17-91-101. Osteopathic Physician Licensing Requirementd
The Arkansas State Medical Board shall accept for licensure by examination any person
o At least 21 years of age
o Is a citizen of the United States
o Is of good moral character
o Has not been guilty of acts defined in the Arkansas Medical Practice Act 17-95-
o Is a graduate of an osteopathic college of medicine whose course of study has
been recognized by the Department of Education of the American Osteopathic
o Has completed a one-year internship in a hospital approved by the American
Medical Association
Applicants for such a licensure shall pay the fees required by the Arkansas Medical
Practice Act
17-91-102 Examination
The examination given to the applicant shall be:
o The same examination given to all other applicants for medical licensure
o Given at the same time and place as the examination given to other applicants
o Graded as all other examinations
The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners develops examinations for
licensure of osteopathic physicians
17-91-103 Effect of Licensing
The license issued to a person meeting the qualifications set out in this chapter and
successfully passing the examination shall be the same license to practice medicine and
surgery in the state of Arkansas as is regularly issued by the Arkansas State Medical
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Board and shall entitle the holder thereof to practice medicine and surgery in the State of
Please visit Arkansas Medical Board for more information.
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Osteopathic Medical Board of California
1300 National Drive, Suite #150
Sacramento, CA 95834-1991
Phone: (916) 928-8390
California Requirements
ARTICLE 4. Requirements for Licensure [2080 - 2099]
Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of this article applicable to applications generally
shall apply to all certificates issued.
Every applicant for a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate shall comply with the requirements of
this article unless other specific requirements of this chapter are applicable to a particular class of
(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1313, Sec. 2.)
Each application shall be made upon a form provided by the Division of Licensing, and each
application form shall contain a legal verification to be signed by the applicant verifying under
penalty of perjury that the information provided by the applicant is true and correct and that any
information in supporting documents provided by the applicant is true and correct.
(Amended by Stats. 1986, Ch. 220, Sec. 8. Effective June 30, 1986.)
Each application shall include the following:
A diploma issued by an approved medical school. The requirements of the school shall
have been at the time of granting the diploma in no degree less than those required under
this chapter or by any preceding medical practice act at the time that the diploma was
granted. In lieu of a diploma, the applicant may submit evidence satisfactory to the board
of having possessed the same.
An official transcript or other official evidence satisfactory to the board showing each
approved medical school in which a resident course of professional instruction was
pursued covering the minimum requirements for certification as a physician and surgeon,
and that a diploma and degree were granted by the school.
Other information concerning the professional instruction and preliminary education of
the applicant as the board may require.
Proof of passage of the written examinations as provided under Article 9 (commencing
with Section 2170) with a score acceptable to the board.
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Proof of satisfactory completion of the postgraduate training required under Section 2096
on a form approved by the board.
An affidavit showing to the satisfaction of the board that the applicant is the person
named in each diploma and transcript that he or she submits, that he or she is the lawful
holder thereof, and that the diploma or transcript was procured in the regular course of
professional instruction and examination without fraud or misrepresentation.
Either fingerprint cards or a copy of a completed Live Scan form from the applicant in
order to establish the identity of the applicant and in order to determine whether the
applicant has a record of any criminal convictions in this state or in any other jurisdiction,
including foreign countries. The information obtained as a result of the fingerprinting of
the applicant shall be used in accordance with Section 11105 of the Penal Code, and to
determine whether the applicant is subject to denial of licensure under the provisions of
Division 1.5 (commencing with Section 475) and Section 2221.
Please visit California Legislative Information for more information.
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Colorado Medical Board
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 894-7690
Colorado Requirements
Colorado statutes (Section 12-36-107) set forth minimum qualifications for physician licensure.
These requirements include:
proof of graduation from medical school, passage of nationally recognized exams,
satisfactory completion of postgraduate education, and submission of reference letters
from previous practice locations.
CMB staff verifies the license status of new applicants, search for disciplinary action
taken by other state agencies, federal agencies and medical boards, and then forward the
applications to the Board for review.
The CMB uses this information to carefully screen physicians seeking licensure in
Colorado. In the opinion of the Board, it is much easier, effective, and beneficial to the
public to refuse an applicant who does not meet these criteria or possesses uncertain
training or competence, than it is to later remove the license due to poor medical practice.
The vast majority of applicants, however, are approved by the Board and licensed within
60 days of receipt of their application materials. The Board licenses 800 to 1,000 new
physicians each year.
The Medical Board does NOT routinely grant waivers of the postgraduate training
requirement. Only under very special and well documented circumstances will the
candidate for licensure be presented to the Board for consideration if all requirements are
not met. Please contact a licensing specialist for additional information on this topic.
Please visit Colorado Medical Board for more information.
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Connecticut Department of Public Health
Practitioner Licensing & Investigations Section
410 Capitol Avenue, MS# 12 APP
P.O. Box 3403087
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: (860) 509-7603
Connecticut Requirements
In order to be eligible for Connecticut physician licensure, all applicants must have:
Graduated with the M.D. or D.O. degree from a medical school accredited by the Liaison
Committee on Medical Education (LCME) or the American Osteopathic Association
Completed at least two (2) years of progressive, post-graduate medical training as a
resident physician in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA);
Successfully completed one of the following examinations:
o A State Board Licensing examination completed prior to June 1, 1979;
o United States Licensing Examination ( USMLE);
o National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME);
o Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX);
o National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME);
o The examination required to become registered as a Licentiate of the Medical
Council of Canada (LMCC); or
o An acceptable combination as outlined below if completed prior to 2000:
NBME Part I or USMLE Step 1
NBME Part II or USMLE Step 2
NBME Part III or USMLE Step 3
FLEX Component 1
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USMLE Step 3
NBME Part I or USMLE Step 1
NBME Part II or USMLE Step 2
Flex Component 2
Applicants who have completed the FLEX (Components 1 and 2) must have obtained a
passing score of 75 on each component. Applicants who have completed the FLEX (Day
1, 2 and 3) must have obtained a FLEX-weighted average of 75. Part(s) of the NBOME
plus segment(s) of FLEX or USMLE are not acceptable combinations for Connecticut
An applicant for licensure shall arrange for the submission of following documentation directly
from the source:
A completed application and fee in the amount of $569.75. Applications are only
accepted online. Please select this link to apply online;
Please note that $4.75 of the application fee covers the Department’s cost for querying
the National Practitioner Data Bank;
An official transcript of medical education verifying the award of an M.D. or D.O. degree
forwarded directly to this office from the educational institution*;
Verification of completion of at least two (2) years of progressive, post-graduate
residency training submitted directly from the Chief of Staff/Program Director of the
residency program(s). Please select this link for the required form*;
An official transcript of examination scores forwarded directly to this office from the
examination entity*;
Verification of any other state licenses held, current or expired, submitted directly to this
office from the source. Please contact the other state board first as a fee may be
required to complete the form (see this link for the required form);
The documentation requirements as identified with an asterisk above may be satisfied by
the submission of an official FCVS report submitted directly to this office. This is a
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voluntary program established by the Federation of State Medical Boards. The
Department reserves the right to reject any or all portions of the documentation
Please visit Department of Public Health for more information.
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Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline
Cannon Building, Suite 203
861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover, DE 19904
Phone: (302) 744-4500
Delaware Requirements
3.0 Licensure by Examination
All candidates for licensure by examination are required to pass the USMLE, National Boards,
FLEX or SPEX as outlined below:
3.1 FLEX Examination:
o 3.1.1 If FLEX was taken before June, 1985 applicant must have successfully passed
a FLEX examination (Component 1 and Component 2) and have attained a passing
score of a weighted average of seventy-five (75). After June, 1985 a passing score
of 75 must have been obtained on Component 1 and Component 2.
o 3.1.2 LCME is the equivalent to FLEX Component 1 and 2.
3.2 USMLE Examination:
o 3.2.1 The USMLE is designed to supersede and replace the FLEX and the National
Boards. If completed prior to the year 2000 acceptable combinations are acceptable
with a score of 75: National Board Part I or USMLE Part 1 and National Board Part II or USMLE Part 2 and National Board Part III or USMLE Part 3
Or FLEX Component 1 and USMLE Step 3
Or National Board Part 1 and USMLE Step 1 and National Board Part 11 and USMLE Step 2 and FLEX Component 2
o 3.2.2 Passing Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the examination must occur within 7
years. There shall be no more than six attempts to pass each Step without
demonstration of additional experience acceptable to the Board.
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3.3 Certain persons licensed in other states: Doctors with valid state licenses by
examination from other jurisdictions may be licensed at the discretion of the Board if this
examination took place before January, 1973.
Please visit Board of Medical Licensure & Discipline for more information.
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Board of Osteopathic Medicine
4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin C-06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3257
Phone: (850) 245-4161
Florida Requirements
General Licensure Requirements:
Graduation from an osteopathic medical school approved by the American Osteopathic
Association (AOA).
Successful completion of a 12-month rotating internship approved by the AOA or successful
completion of a residency approved by the Board upon a showing of good cause by the applicant
(see Rule 64B15-16.002, F.A.C.).
• Must pass all three (3) parts of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME)
exam within 5 years of application or licensure in another state, or a substantially similar exam
approved by the Board. The Board does not consider the USMLE or FLEX exams to be
comparable to the NBOME.
• If licensed in another state, have actively and continuously engaged in the practice of osteopathic
medicine for the period time after being initially licensed with interruption to practice totaling no
more than 2 years (or for a longer period of time if the Board determines that the interruption of
the osteopathic physician’s practice has not adversely affected the physician’s present ability and
fitness to practice osteopathic medicine).
• Meet all general licensure requirements set forth in 459.0055, F.S. relating to character, age, past
discipline, etc.
• File a completed application and pay all required fees. Refer to application instructions for a list
of specific documents and information needed.
Examination Requirements and Information:
Anyone applying for licensure must have passed all three parts of the examination
conducted by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) or other
substantially similar examination approved by the board.
If you have not taken and passed all three parts of the exam offered by the NBOME, you
must demonstrate to the Board that the exam you did pass is substantially similar to all
three parts of the NBOME. The board does not consider the FLEX or USMLE exams to be
substantially similar to the NBOME as neither of these exams has an osteopathic
component or osteopathic philosophies generally incorporated into the questions. If you
have taken parts I and II of the NBOME exam you may satisfy part III of the exam by
passing the COMVEX exam offered by the NBOME. For more information about the
NBOME click here: https://nbome.org/
If you were licensed in another state on the basis of that state’s licensure exam, you may
request the Board endorse those exam scores. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
demonstrate to the Board that the state licensing exam is substantially similar to all three
parts of the NBOME. You will need to request the state Board which administered the
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exam to send an official copy of your scores and a letter verifying that your license in that
state was issued on the basis of the state exam. The more information you can provide
regarding the exam, the better the chances the Board can determine the exam to be
substantially similar to the NBOME. At the very least, the following information MUST
be provided:
o The number of questions the exam contained
o The subjects the exam tested;
o Who or what entity created the exam;
o Whether there was an osteopathic component and emphasis;
o When was the exam administered and endorsed.
Please visit Board of Osteopathic Medicine for more information.
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Georgia Composite Medical Board
2 Peachtree Street, NW 6
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3465
Phone: (4040 656-3913
Georgia Requirements
Rule 360-2-.01 Requirements for Licensure
An applicant for a medical license must provide:
An affidavit that the applicant is a U.S. citizen, a legal permanent resident of the U.S. or
that he/she is a qualified alien or non-immigrant under the Federal immigration &
Nationality Act
An application that is complete, including all required documentation, signatures, seals and
Evidence of good moral character. Reference forms shall be valid for 6 months from the
date of signature.
Verification of licensure from every state on which the applicant has ever held a medical
Verification of a passing score on one of the following examinations approved by the
o Steps 1,2, & 3 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)
o Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX)
o FLEC Components I & II
o National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
o State Medical Board Examinations
o Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) for graduates of
Canadian medical school who completed post-graduate training in Canada
o National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME)
o Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX)
o The Certifying examination of the Puerto Rico Medical Board, for graduates of
Puerto Rican medical school who completed post-graduate training in Puerto Rico.
Verification of medical education by submitting an official transcript of all medical
education directly to the boar from the school where such education was taken.
o Transcript shall include the dates the applicant attended the school and the grades
received in all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the degree granted.
Verification of post-graduate/residency training as follows:
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o Graduated of approved medical schools must show completion of 1 year
postgraduate training in a program approved by the Accreditation Council for
Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the American Osteopathic Association
(AOA) or the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or the
College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).
Verification of residence in the U.S. for one year
The Board in its discretion may require an applicant for licensure to take and pass the
Special Purposed Examination (SPEX) prepared by the Federation of State Medical Board
of the U.S., or other Board-approved competency assessment.
Please visit Rules and Regulation of the State of Georgia for more information.
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Hawaii Medical Board
P.O. Box 3469
Honolulu, HI 96801
Phone: (808) 586-2699
Hawaii Requirements
§16-93-2 General requirements.
An application filed with the board shall be prepared in accordance with and contain the
information called for in the application form prescribed by the board, or any instructions
which may be issued by the board.
the applicant may be licensed by any of the following means:
o By examination;
o By endorsement; and,
o By reciprocity.
The applicant shall submit the following with the application:
o Verification of a Doctor of Osteopathy diploma from an AOA approved
o Verification of a Certificate of Completion of an osteopathic internship from an
AOA approved hospital or medical facility;
o Certificate of Competency from two licensed osteopathic physician and surgeon;
o Recent passport-sized photograph of the applicant; and
o Verification of any specialty postdoctoral awards. [Eff 8/15/64; ren 2.1, 8/7/70;
am and ren §16-93-2, 7/2/81; am and comp 2/4/83; am and comp 2/9/90] (Auth:
HRS §460-4) (Imp: HRS §460-6)
§16-93-3 Application for license by examination
In addition to the requirements of section 16-93-2(c), an applicant for license by
examination shall comply with the requirements of this section.
The applicant shall submit verification of eligibility for meeting the requirements of the
American Osteopathic Association (AOA) toward a certificate from the National Board
of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Inc., (NBOME). The evidence of eligibility shall
verify that the applicant meets the following:
o Evidence of a passing grade on the examination given by the NBOME or by the
Federation of State Medical Board of the United States, Inc., (FLEX). The passing
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score for the NBOME and FLEX is a score of 75 or more for each part of
component; and
o Verification of any other osteopathic licenses held in other jurisdictions. [Eff
8/15/64; am and ren 2.2, 8/7/70; am and ren §16-93-3, 7/2/81; am and comp
2/4/83; am and comp 2/9/90] (Auth: HRS §460-4) (Imp: HRS §460-4)
Please visit Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs for more information.
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Idaho Board of Medicine
Logger Creek Plaza
345 Bobwhite Ct, Suite 150
Boise, ID 83706
Phone: (208) 327-7000
Idaho Requirements
Any person seeking to be licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine or
osteopathic medicine and surgery in this state must successfully complete the following
requirements before a license will be issued:
Each applicant must submit a completed written application to the board on forms
furnished by the board which shall require proof of graduation from a medical school
acceptable to the board and successful completion of a postgraduate training program
acceptable to the board. The application shall require a fingerprint-based criminal history
check of the Idaho central criminal database and the federal bureau of investigation
criminal history database. Each applicant must submit a full set of the applicant’s
fingerprints on forms supplied by the board which shall be forwarded to the Idaho state
police and the federal bureau of investigation identification division for this purpose or for
the purpose of qualifying an applicant for an expedited license as the state of principal
license as provided in section 54-1847, Idaho Code. The board shall not disseminate data
acquired from a fingerprint-based criminal history check except as allowed by law.
Each applicant must pass an examination conducted by or acceptable to the board which
shall thoroughly test the applicant’s fitness to practice medicine. If an applicant fails to
pass the examination on two (2) separate occasions, he shall not be eligible to take the
examination for at least one (1) year, and before taking the examination again, he must
make a showing to the board that he has successfully engaged in a course of study for the
purpose of improving his ability to engage in the practice of medicine. Applicants who fail
two (2) separate examinations in another state, territory, or district of the United States or
Canada, must make the same showing of successful completion of a course of study prior
to examination for licensure.
The board may require an applicant to be personally interviewed by the board or a
designated committee of the board. Such an interview shall be limited to a review of the
applicant’s qualifications and professional credentials.
Please visit Idaho Statutes for more information.
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Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation
100 West Randolph, 9
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (888) 476-4858
Illinois Requirements
Section 1285.70 Application for a License on the Basis of Examination
Each applicant for a license to practice medicine in all of its branches on the basis of examination
must submit to the Division:
A fully completed application signed by the applicant, on which all questions have been
answered and all programs of medical education attended by the applicant have been
identified, including dates of attendance;
Proof that the applicant is of good moral character. Proof shall be an indication on the
application that the applicant has not engaged in any conduct or activities that would
constitute grounds for discipline under Section 22 of the Act. Applications of individuals
who answer affirmatively to any question on the personal history portion of the application
or who have engaged in activities that would constitute grounds for discipline shall be
forwarded to the Enforcement Division of the Division of Professional Regulation for
further investigation and action by the Medical Licensing Board as provided in Section
9(B)(4) of the Act;
An official transcript of a course of instruction in a college, university or other institution
as required by Section 1285.20(a);
Fee as required by Section 21 of the Act;
An official transcript and diploma or an official transcript and certification of graduation
from the medical education program granting the degree that shall be evidence that the
applicant has met the minimum medical education requirements of the Act;
Certification on forms provided by the Division that the core clerkship rotations were
completed in accordance with Section 1285.20 and proof of current ECFMG certification
as set forth in Section 1285.20(k) for those applicants who are applying under Section
11(A)(2)(a) of the Act;
Proof of satisfactory completion of an approved program of clinical training in accordance
with Section 1285.40;
Proof of the successful completion of the examination set forth in Section 1285.60. Scores
shall be submitted to the Division directly from the testing entity;
A certification from the jurisdiction of original licensure and current licensure stating:
o The date of issuance of the license; and
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o Whether the records of the licensing authority contain any record of disciplinary
action taken or pending;
Documentation of professional capacity, as set forth in Section 1285.95, for applicants who
have not been engaged in the active practice of medicine or have not been enrolled in a
medical program for 2 years prior to application; and
Verification of fingerprint processing from the Illinois Department of State Police (ISP),
an ISP live scan vendor whose equipment has been certified by ISP, or a fingerprint vendor
agency licensed by the Division. Out-of-state residents unable to utilize the ISP electronic
fingerprint process may submit to ISP one fingerprint card issued by ISP, accompanied by
the fee specified by ISP. Fingerprints shall be taken within the 60 days prior to application.
If an applicant for licensure as a physician to practice medicine in all of its branches has a Profile
from the Federation Credentials Verification Service of the Federation of State Medical Boards of
the United States, Inc., the applicant will be required to submit the following:
A Physician Information Profile that includes, but is not limited to, verification of medical
education, ECFMG Certification (if applicable), clinical training and complete
examination information. The information contained in the applicant's Profile shall be
reviewed by the Division in order to determine if the applicant meets the requirements for
licensure as set forth in the Act and this Part;
A fully completed Illinois medical application, on forms provided by the Division, signed
by the applicant, on which all questions have been answered;
Proof that the applicant is of good moral character. Proof shall be an indication on the
Illinois application that the applicant has not engaged in any conduct or activity that would
constitute grounds for discipline under Section 22 of the Act. Applications of individuals
who answer affirmatively to any question on the personal history portion of the application
or who have engaged in activities that would constitute grounds for discipline shall be
forwarded to the Enforcement Division of the Division of Professional Regulation for
further investigation and action by the Medical Licensing Board as set out in Section
9(B)(4) of the Act;
An official transcript of a course of instruction in a college, university or other institution
as required by Section 1285.20(a);
Individuals applying under Section 11(A)(2)(a)(i) of the Act shall also submit certification,
on forms provided by the Division, that the core clerkship rotations were completed in
accordance with Section 1285.20 of this Part;
Documentation of professional capacity, as set forth in Section 1285.95, for applicants who
have not been engaged in the active practice of medicine or have not been enrolled in a
medical program for 2 years prior to application;
A certification from the jurisdiction of original licensure and current licensure stating:
o The date of issuance and status of the license; and
o Whether the records of the licensing authority contain any record of disciplinary
action taken or pending;
Fees as required by Section 21 of the Act; and
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Verification of fingerprint processing from ISP, an ISP live scan vendor whose equipment
has been certified by ISP, or a fingerprint vendor agency licensed by the Division. Out-of-
state residents unable to utilize the ISP electronic fingerprint process may submit to ISP
one fingerprint card issued by ISP, accompanied by the fee specified by ISP. Fingerprints
shall be taken within the 60 days prior to application.
Proof of Waiver
The provisions of subsection (a)(8) shall be waived for a candidate for licensure to practice
medicine in all of its branches who makes application satisfactory to the Division under
Section 9 of the Act who submits proof of the successful completion of:
o the National Board of Medical Examiners examination subsequent to January 1,
1964; or
o the National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons
examination subsequent to June 1, 1973; or
o the Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX) in another state obtaining a FLEX
weighted average of 75 or more subsequent to June 1, 1968; or
o the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada examination (LMCC) subsequent
to May 1, 1970; or
o The Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX) in another state obtaining a score
of 75 or more in each Component in accordance with Section 1285.60.
Verification of the successful completion of the examinations described in subsection
(c)(1) shall show the scores achieved by the applicant on the examination. Scores shall be
submitted to the Division directly from the testing entity.
Each applicant for a license to practice as a chiropractic physician must submit to the Division:
A fully completed application signed by the applicant, on which all questions have been
answered and all programs of chiropractic education attended by the applicant have been
identified, including dates of attendance;
An official transcript of a course of instruction, prerequisite to professional training in a
college, university or other institution for those applying pursuant to Section 11(B)(2) of
the Act;
An official transcript and copy of diploma or official transcript and certification of
graduation from the education program granting the professional degree; the transcript
shall indicate that the applicant has met the minimum chiropractic education requirements
of Section 11 of the Act;
Proof that the applicant is of good moral character and has not engaged in any conduct or
activities that would constitute grounds for discipline under Section 22 of the Act.
Applications of individuals who answer affirmatively to any question on the personal
history portion of the application or who have engaged in activities that would constitute
grounds for discipline shall be forwarded to the Enforcement Division of the Division of
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Professional Regulation for further investigation and action by the Medical Licensing
Board as provided in Section 9(B)(4) of the Act;
Fee as required by Section 21 of the Act;
Proof of successful completion of Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV of the examination
pursuant to Section 1285.60(b) forwarded directly to the Division from the National Board
of Chiropractic Examiners;
Documentation of professional capacity, as set forth in Section 1285.95, for applicants who
have not been engaged in the active practice of medicine or have not been enrolled in a
medical program for 2 years prior to application;
Certification from the jurisdiction of original licensure and current licensure stating:
o The date of issuance of the license; and
o Whether the records of the licensing authority contain any record of disciplinary
action taken or pending; and
Verification of fingerprint processing from ISP, an ISP live scan vendor whose equipment
has been certified by ISP, or a fingerprint vendor agency licensed by the Division. Out-of-
state residents unable to utilize the ISP electronic fingerprint process may submit to ISP
one fingerprint card issued by ISP, accompanied by the fee specified by ISP. Fingerprints
shall be taken within the 60 days prior to application.
When the accuracy of any submitted documentation or the relevance or sufficiency of the course
work or training is questioned by the Division or the Medical Licensing Board because of lack of
information, discrepancies or conflicts in information given, or a need for clarification, the
applicant seeking licensure shall be requested to:
Provide information as may be necessary; and/or
Appear for an interview before the Licensing Board to explain the relevance or sufficiency,
clarify information or clear up any discrepancies or conflicts in information.
Within 60 days after issuance of the license, the physician shall complete a physician profile in
accordance with Section 1285.305.
Please visit Illinois Administrative Code for more information.
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Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
402 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: (317) 232-2960
Indiana Requirements
The applicant must not have a conviction for a crime that has a direct bearing on the
applicant’s ability to practice competently.
Possess the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy from a Board approved
medical school.
Successfully passed the examination for licensure.
Physically and mentally capable of, and professionally competent to, safely engage in the
practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine. The Board may request an applicant to
undergo an examination to determine such capability. The Board may also consider any
malpractice settlements or judgments against the applicant.
The applicant shall not have had disciplinary action taken against the applicant by another
licensing agency based on the applicant’s inability to safely practice medicine.
Submission of transcripts and diplomas from all medical schools, with translations if
Completion of 1 year of approved postgraduate training for U.S./Canadian graduates, and
2 years of approved postgraduate training for international medical graduates.
Please visit Indiana Professional Licensing Agency for more information.
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Iowa Board of Medicine
400 SW 8
Street, Suite C
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: (515) 281-5171
Iowa Requirements
6539.3(147,148) Eligibility for licensure.
Requirements. To be eligible for permanent or administrative medicine licensure, an applicant
shall meet all of the following requirements:
a. Fulfill the application requirements specified in rule 6539.4(147,148).
b. Hold a medical degree from an educational institution approved by the board at the time the
applicant graduated and was awarded the degree.
(1) Educational institutions approved by the board shall be fully accredited by an accrediting
agency recognized by the board as schools of instruction in medicine and surgery or osteopathic
medicine and surgery and empowered to grant academic degrees in medicine.
(2) The accrediting bodies currently recognized by the board are: 1. LCME for the educational
institutions granting degrees in medicine and surgery; and 2. AOA for educational institutions
granting degrees in osteopathic medicine and surgery.
(3) If the applicant holds a medical degree from an educational institution not approved by the
board at the time the applicant graduated and was awarded the degree, the applicant shall meet one
of the following requirements:
1. Hold a valid certificate issued by ECFMG;
2. Pass the MCCEE;
3. Have successfully completed a fifth pathway program established in accordance with AMA
4. Have successfully passed either a basic science examination administered by a United States or
Canadian medical licensing authority or SPEX; and have successfully completed three years of
resident training in a program approved by the board; and have submitted evidence of five years
of active practice without restriction as a licensee of any United States or Canadian jurisdiction;
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5. Have successfully passed either a basic science examination administered by a United States or
Canadian medical licensing authority or SPEX; and hold board certification by a specialty board
approved by ABMS or AOA; and submit evidence of five years of active practice without
restriction as a licensee of any United States or Canadian jurisdiction.
c. Have successfully completed one year of resident training in a hospital-affiliated program
approved by the board at the time the applicant was enrolled in the program. An applicant who is
a graduate of an international medical school shall have successfully completed 24 months of such
(1) For those required to have 12 months of training, the program shall have been 12 months of
progressive training in not more than two specialties and in not more than two programs approved
for resident training by the board. For those required to have 24 months of training, the program
shall have been 24 continuous months of progressive training in not more than two specialties and
in not more than two programs approved for resident training by the board.
(2) Resident training approved by the board shall be accredited by an accrediting agency
recognized by the board for the purpose of accrediting resident training programs.
(3) The board approves resident training programs accredited by: 1. ACGME; 2. AOA; 3. RCPSC;
and 4. CFPC.
(4) The board shall accept each 12 months of practice as a special licensee as equivalent to one
year of resident training in a hospital-affiliated program approved by the board.
(5) The board may accept a current, active ABMS or AOA board certification obtained through an
alternate pathway as equivalent to resident training in a hospital-affiliated program approved by
the board. The alternate pathway must be a minimum of 24 months completed at an institution
with a program approved by the board as specified in subparagraph 9.3(1)“c”(3).
d. Pass one of the licensure examinations or combinations as prescribed in rule 6539.7(147,148).
a. A military service applicant or a veteran may apply for credit for verified military education,
training, or service toward any experience or educational requirement for permanent licensure
under this subrule or may be eligible for permanent licensure through reciprocity as specified in
653Chapter 18. b. A physician who holds a valid Letter of Qualification asserting eligibility for
licensure through the IMLC is eligible for a permanent Iowa medical license.
Please visit Iowa Legislature for more information.
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Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
800 SW Jackson, Lower Level- Suite A
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: (785) 296-7413
Kansas Requirements
65-2873. License to practice healing arts by examination; prerequisites; postgraduate study;
use of title and degree.
Each applicant for a license by examination to practice any branch of the healing arts in
this state shall:
o Present to the board evidence of proficiency in the basic sciences issued by the
national board of medical examiners, the board of examiners of osteopathic
physicians and surgeons or the national board of chiropractic examiners or such
other examining body as may be approved by the board or in lieu thereof pass such
examination as the board may require in the basic science subjects;
o present proof that the applicant is a graduate of an accredited healing arts school or
college; and
o pass an examination prescribed and conducted by the board covering the subjects
incident to the practice of the branch of healing art for which the applicant applies.
Any person seeking a license to practice medicine and surgery shall present proof that such
person has completed acceptable postgraduate study as may be required by the board by
The board may authorize an applicant who does not meet the requirements of paragraph
(2) of subsection (a) to take the examination for licensure if the applicant:
o Has completed three years of postgraduate training as approved by the board;
o is a graduate of a school in which the graduates have been licensed in another state
or states which has standards similar to Kansas; and
o meets all other requirements for taking the examination for licensure of the Kansas
healing arts act.
In addition to the examination required under paragraph (3) of subsection (a), if the
applicant is a foreign medical graduate the applicant shall pass an examination given by
the educational commission for foreign medical graduates.
No person licensed to practice and actively engaged in the practice of the healing arts shall
attach to such person’s name any title, or any word or abbreviation indicating that such
person is a doctor of any branch of the healing arts other than the branch of the healing arts
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in which such person holds a license but shall attach to such person’s name the degree or
degrees to which such person is entitled by reason of such person’s diploma.
Please visit Statutes & Regulations for more information.
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Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure
310 Whittington Parkway, Suite 1B
Louisville, KY 40222
Phone: (502) 429-7150
Kentucky Requirements
Requirements for Medical/Osteopathic Licensure in Kentucky
1. All applicants’ must be a graduate from a medical school approved by the Board. All medical
schools located in the United States and Canada approved by the Liaison Committee on Medical
Education (LCME) or the Canadian Medical Association are approved by the Board. Medical
education obtained outside the United States or Canada is evaluated by the Board on an individual
basis and must be listed in the World Health Organization directory of medical schools.
2. All applicants must complete a minimum of two (2) years post-graduate residency training
approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the American
Osteopathic Association, or the National Joint Committee on Accreditation of Pre-registration
Physician Training Programs.
3. All applicants must provide written proof that he/she has received a passing score on an
examination approved by the Board as long as the applicant obtains a passing score within four (4)
attempts for each Step, Part, Component, or Level. The following examinations are acceptable:
• USMLE Steps 1, 2, 3
• NBME Parts 1, 2, 3
• NBOME Parts 1, 2, 3
• COMLEX Levels 1, 2, 3
• FLEX Component 1 and Component 2 (75 or above on each component)
• FLEX taken in one sitting with a FLEX weighted average of 75 or above
State Board Exam if taken prior to 1972 with overall average of 75 or above in one sitting
4. All applicants being endorsed must be in good standing with their original licensing state.
5. International medical graduates must possess permanent ECFMG certification or written proof
of being a diplomat of an approved American specialty board.
6. All applicants must be able to understandably speak, read, and write the English language.
Please visit Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure for more information.
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State Board of Medical Examiners
630 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: (504) 599-0503
Louisiana Requirements
Qualifications for Licensure - U.S./Canadian Graduates
Be at least 21 years of age and of good moral character;
Be a citizen of the United States or possess valid and current legal authority to reside and
work in the United States duly issued by the commissioner of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service;
Possess a Doctor of Medicine degree duly issued by a medical school approved by the
Board. The diploma must be in English.If not, must be accompanied by a certified
translation into English;
Completed a year of ACGME approved internship training in the United States or Canada;
Have taken and passed either the state board examination, National Boards Parts 1, 2, and
3, FLEX, USMLE, COMLEX-USA, NBOME or a combination thereof. (There is no limit
on step 1, four on Step 2 and four on step 3).
If a medical competency examination has not been taken within 10 years of application,
the applicant must be board certified or re-certified through the American Board of Medical
Specialties or the American Osteopathic Association within the past ten years or the
applicant must take and pass SPEX (Special Purpose Examination) administered through
the Federation of State Medical Boards, Inc or COMVEX-USA administered by the
National Board of Osteopathic Examiners.
Please visit State Board of Medical Examiners for more information.
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Maine Board of Osteopathic Licensure
142 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0142
Phone: (207) 287-24800
Maine Requirements
§2571. Licensure; qualifications; fees
An individual, before engaging in the practice of osteopathic medicine in this State, shall make
application for a license to the board, on a form prescribed by the board. The application must be
filed with the board at least 60 days before the date of examination together with a fee of not more
than $525. The applicant shall present a diploma granted by a school or college of osteopathic
medicine approved by the American Osteopathic Association. That applicant shall present
evidence of having completed an internship of at least 12 months in a hospital conforming to the
minimal standards for accreditation by the American Osteopathic Association, or the equivalency,
as determined by the board. All applicants shall provide reasonable and proper facts as the board
in its application may require. The board at its discretion may permit an applicant, who is otherwise
qualified to be examined during internship, a license to be withheld until successful completion of
internship. [2001, c. 492, §1 (AMD).]
All fees set in this chapter are nonrefundable application fees or administrative processing fees
payable to the board at the time of application or at the time board action is requested. Unless
otherwise specified, the board shall set the fees. [1991, c. 425, §2 (NEW).]
An applicant may not be licensed unless the board finds that the applicant is qualified and that no
cause exists, as set forth in section 2591-A, that would be considered grounds for disciplinary
action against a licensed physician.
Please visit maine Board of OSteopathic Licensure for more information.
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Maryland Board of Physicians
4201 Patterson Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Phone: (410) 764-4777
Maryland Requirements
.03 Licensure Qualifications for Initial Licensure.
A. Moral Character. The applicant shall be of good moral character.
B. Age. The applicant shall be 18 years old or older.
C. Fee. An applicant for initial licensure shall pay the initial application fee and any additional
charges set by the Board.
D. Education and Training. The applicant shall meet at least one of the following requirements:
(1) Have a doctor of medicine degree from a school of medicine accredited by LCME at
the time of the applicant's graduation and have successfully completed 1 year of
postgraduate training at an accredited training program;
(2) Have a doctor of osteopathy degree from a school of osteopathy in the United States,
its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico, or Canada that has standards for graduation
equivalent to those established by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and have
successfully completed 1 year of postgraduate training at an accredited training program;
(3) Have a doctor of medicine degree from any other medical school, have successfully
completed the requirements for and obtained ECFMG certification, and have successfully
completed 2 years of post-graduate training at an accredited training program; or
(4) Have a document stating that the applicant has successfully completed a fifth pathway
program as defined in Health Occupations Article, §14-308(a)(2), Annotated Code of
Maryland, have successfully completed all of the formal graduation requirements of a
foreign medical school except for the postgraduate or social service components as
required by the foreign country or its medical school, and have successfully completed 2
years of postgraduate training at an accredited training program.
E. On a case-by-case basis, the Board may consider full-time teaching in an LCME-accredited
medical school in the United States as an alternative to the accredited postgraduate clinical medical
education programs required in §D of this regulation.
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F. The Board may consider practice in another state of the United States or in Canada as an
alternative to the accredited postgraduate clinical medical education program required in §D of
this regulation if:
(1) There is a minimum of 10 years clinical practice in the United States or Canada, with
3 years being within 5 years of the date of the application; and
(2) The clinical practice occurred under a full unrestricted license to practice medicine.
G. Examination.
(1) An applicant for licensure in Maryland shall successfully complete at least one of the
following examination requirements:
(a) Achieve a passing score on all parts of the National Board of Medical Examiners
examination as evidenced by an endorsement of certification issued by the National
Board of Medical Examiners;
(b) Achieve a score as follows:
(i) At least 75 on each part of the FLEX examination;
(ii) A FLEX weighted average score of at least 75 on a FLEX examination
taken before 1985 and achieved in one sitting; or
(iii) A FLEX weighted average score of at least 75 on a FLEX examination
taken before 1985 and be currently certified by a member board of the
American Board of Medical Specialties;
(c) Achieve a passing score, as evidenced by receipt of either a Diplomate
Certification or a Certification of Completion issued by the National Board of
Osteopathic Medical Examiners after January 1, 1971, on:
(i) All parts of the examination of the National Board of Osteopathic
Medical Examiners (NBOME);
(ii) All levels of the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing
Examination (COMLEX); or
(iii) A combination of these examinations;
(d) Achieve the recommended passing score on all levels of the Comprehensive
Osteopathic Medical Licensing Exam of the National Board of Osteopathic
Medical Examiners;
(e) Achieve passing scores on any of the following examination combinations:
(i) NBOME Part 1 + NBOME Part 2 + COMLEX Level 3;
(ii) NBOME Part 1 + COMLEX Level 2 + COMLEX Level 3;
(iii) NBOME Part 1 + COMLEX Level 2 + NBOME Part 3;
(iv) COMLEX Level 1 + NBOME Part 2 + NBOME Part 3;
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(v) COMLEX Level 1 + COMLEX Level 2 + NBOME Part 3; or
(vi) COMLEX Level 1 + NBOME Part 2 + COMLEX Level 3;
(f) Achieve a passing score on all parts of the examination of any state board or the
District of Columbia Board of Medicine in the United States;
(g) Achieve a passing score on all steps of the United States Medical Licensing
Examination (USMLE);
(h) If completed before the year 2000, achieve passing scores on any of the
following examination combinations:
(i) USMLE Step 1 + NBME Part II + NBME Part III;
(ii) USMLE Step 1 + USMLE Step 2 + NBME Part III;
(iii) USMLE Step 1 + NBME Part II + USMLE Step 3;
(iv) NBME Part I + USMLE Step 2 + USMLE Step 3;
(v) NBME Part I + USMLE Step 2 + NBME Part III;
(vi) NBME Part I + NBME Part II + USMLE Step 3;
(vii) FLEX Component 1 + USMLE 3;
(viii) FLEX Component 2 + USMLE Step 1 + NBME Part II;
(ix) FLEX Component 2 + USMLE Step 1 + USMLE Step 2;
(x) FLEX Component 2 + NBME Part I + USMLE Step 2; or
(xi) FLEX Component 2 + NBME Part I + NBME Part II; or
(i) Achieve a passing score on each part of the applicable qualifying examination
of the Liceniate of the Medical Council of Canada.
(2) An applicant who fails any part, step, level, or component of the examinations or
combination of examinations listed in §G(1)of this regulation three or more times shall
meet one of the requirements listed in §G(3) of this regulation.
(3) An otherwise qualified applicant who passes the examination after having failed the
examination or any part of the examinations listed in §G(1) of this regulation or any part,
step, level, or component of any of the examinations listed in §G(1) three or more times
may qualify for a license only if the applicant:
(a) Has had no disciplinary action pending and has had no disciplinary action taken
against the applicant that would be grounds for discipline under Health Occupations
Article, §14-404, Annotated Code of Maryland and has successfully completed 2
or more years of a residency or fellowship accredited by the ACGME or the AOA
and has a minimum of 5 years of clinical practice of medicine:
(i) With at least 3 of the 5 years having occurred within 5 years of the date
of the application;
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(ii) In the United States or in Canada; and
(iii) That occurred under a full unrestricted license to practice medicine; or
(b) Is Board-certified.
(4) Notwithstanding §G(1) of this regulation, the Board shall require an applicant to pass
the SPEX examination or the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Variable-Purpose
ExaminationUSA (COMVEXUSA) if the applicant:
(a) Last passed a medical licensing examination more than 15 years before this
(b) Has never had specialty board certification or last passed a specialty board
certification examination given by a member board of the ABMS or the AOA more
than 10 years before this application;
(c) Has not had a full, unrestricted medical license in at least one state of the United
States or Canada within the 10-year period before this application; and
(d) Has not actively practiced clinical medicine in the United States or Canada for
at least 7 of the 10 years before this application.
(5) Notwithstanding §G(1) of this regulation, the Board may require an applicant to pass
the SPEX examination or the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Variable-Purpose
Examination USA (COMVEX USA) if the applicant meets one or more of the
conditions listed in §G(4) of this regulation.
H. Additional Requirements.
(1) Each applicant shall submit a chronological list of all activities beginning with the date
of completion of medical school through the date of application. The activities shall be
listed by month and year, account for all periods of time, and include but not be limited to
the following:
(a) All postgraduate training programs attended, regardless of whether the program
was completed or not;
(b) Each job held, regardless of whether the job was:
(i) Medically related or not; or
(ii) Compensated or not;
(c) Any other activity engaged in, including all periods of unemployment;
(d) An action, by a state licensing or disciplinary board, or a comparable body in
the armed services, denying an application for licensure, reinstatement, or renewal;
(e) An action taken against the physician's license, by a state licensing or
disciplinary board, or a comparable body in the armed services, including but not
limited to limitations of practice, required education, admonishment, reprimand,
suspension, or revocation for an act that would be grounds for disciplinary action
under Health Occupations Article, §14-404, Annotated Code of Maryland;
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(f) An investigation or charge brought against the physician by a licensing or
disciplinary body or comparable body in the armed services;
(g) A medical or health professional license for which the physician has applied if
the application was withdrawn for reasons that would be grounds for disciplinary
action under Health Occupations Article, §14-404, Annotated Code of Maryland;
(h) An investigation or charge brought against the physician by a hospital, related
institution, or alternative health care system that would be grounds for action under
Health Occupations Article, §14-404, Annotated Code of Maryland;
(i) Any limitation or loss in privileges by a hospital, related health care facility, or
alternative health care system that would be grounds for disciplinary action under
Health Occupations Article, §14-404, Annotated Code of Maryland;
(j) A plea of guilty or nolo contendere, a conviction, or receipt of probation before
judgment for a criminal act;
(k) A plea of guilty or nolo contendere, a conviction, or receipt of probation before
judgment for an alcohol or controlled dangerous substance offense, including but
not limited to driving while under the influence of alcohol or controlled dangerous
(l) An arrest which would provide a basis for investigation or charge which would
be grounds for disciplinary action under Health Occupations Article, §14-404,
Annotated Code of Maryland;
(m) A physical or mental condition that currently impairs the physician's ability to
practice medicine; and
(n) The filing or settling of a medical malpractice action in which the physician is,
or has been, named as a defendant within the past 5 years.
(2) An applicant shall submit the following additional information:
(a) Copies of the complaints, pleadings, and judgments in all malpractice claims if
the applicant has had 3 or more claims in the 5 years before the filing of the
application for licensure;
(b) Copies of all arrests, disciplinary actions, judgments, and final orders which
occurred or were issued within the 7 years before submitting the application for
licensure for driving while intoxicated, driving while under the influence of a
chemical substance or medication, or any license probation, suspension, or
revocation; and
(c) All medical licensure, certification, and recertification examination results and
the dates when these examinations were taken.
(3) On forms supplied by the Board, an applicant shall agree to release to the Board relevant
information from appropriate individuals, other institutions, and government agencies
including, but not limited to, the National Practitioner Data Bank, hospitals, and other
licensing bodies.
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(4) On forms supplied by the Board, an applicant shall allow the Board to release
information which is not statutorily protected.
(5) During the application process, an applicant for licensure shall have the duty to inform
the Board by electronic or first-class mail of any of the circumstances listed in §H(1) and
(2) of this regulation within 30 days of the occurrence of or notification about these
(6) If reasonable questions regarding an applicant's physical, mental, or professional
competency have been raised by the information provided on the application, the Board
may request additional information regarding the applicant's competency from the chief of
staff of a hospital where the applicant has practiced.
I. English Language Competency. The applicant shall demonstrate oral and written English
language competency as described in Regulation .04D of this chapter.
J. Speech Impairment. An applicant wishing to claim speech impairment shall submit
documentation of the impairment to the Board as described in Regulation .04E of this chapter.
Please visit Board of Physicians for more information.
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Board of Registration in Medicine
200 Harvard Mill Square, Suite 330
Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: (781) 876-8200
Massachusetts Requirements
Requirements for a full license for graduates of U.S. or Canadian medical schools
Pre-Medical Education: Completion of a minimum of two or more academic years at a
legally chartered college or university, which must include courses in biology, inorganic
chemistry, organic chemistry and physics, or their equivalent as determined by the Board.
Medical Education: Completion of four academic years of instruction, of not less than
thirty-two weeks in each academic year, in a legally chartered medical school, and receipt
of the degree of doctor of medicine or its equivalents. A waiver for substantial equivalency
of medical school education must be completed if any required or elective medical school
clinical study was completed offsite of the medical school and without supervision by the
medical school faculty.
Post-Graduate Medical Education: Completion of two (2) years of ACGME approved
or accredited Canadian post-graduate medical training.
Examination requirements for license applicants who have graduated from U.S., Canadian or
international medical schools
USMLE Steps 1, 2 and 3; or
FLEX Components 1 and 2; or
NBME Parts I, II and III; or
All parts of the MCCQE; or
All parts of the examination of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners; or
A state examination given prior to June 19, 1970.
Please visit Board of Registration in Medicine for more information.
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Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
P.O. Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 241-0199
Michigan Requirements
A fingerprint report and criminal background check are required. Fingerprints must be
taken using the instructions and ID numbers that are sent to the applicant after the license
application and fee are received and entered into the database.
Human Trafficking requirement Administrative Rule R 338.120: Proof of completion of
training to identify victims of human trafficking. This is a one-time training that is separate
from continuing education (CE). Licensees renewing in 2017 must complete training by
renewal in 2020; renewals for 2018 by 2021, and renewals for 2019 by 2022. Beginning
December 20, 2021, completion of the training is a requirement for initial license issuance.
Submit the osteopathic medicine license by examination application found at
with the appropriate fee to the Michigan Board. If also applying for a controlled substance
license, submit the additional fee listed on the application.
Certification of your examination scores must be submitted directly to this office from the
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME). You may request
certification from NBOME by visiting their website www.nbome.org.
Official transcripts confirming the completion of the requirements for a degree in
osteopathic medicine must be submitted directly to this office from a board approved
school of osteopathic medicine.
The Certification of First Year Postgraduate Training form, confirming satisfactory
completion of 1 year postgraduate clinical training approved by the American Osteopathic
Association (AOA) or the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME), must be submitted directly to this office from the Medical Director or
Superintendent where you completed your postgraduate clinical training. The form will not
be accepted by the board if completed or submitted more than 30 days before completion
of the first year of training.
Please visit Bureau of Professional Licensing for more information.
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Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
2829 University Avenue, S.E., Suite 500
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3246
Phone: (612) 617-2130
Minnesota Requirements
Domestic Graduate Requirements
Graduate of an accredited medical or osteopathic school located in the United States, its
territories, or Canada.
Successfully complete one year of U.S./Canadian graduate, clinical medical training in a
program accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) or the Royal College of
Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, or the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)
or other graduate training approved, in advance, by the board as meeting standards similar
to those of a national accrediting organization.
Successfully complete the USMLE, COMLEX, National Board, LMCC, FLEX or state
exam. Applicants licensed in another state must pass the SPEX exam within three attempts
if it has been more than 10 years since taking the initial licensing exam unless currently
certified by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, of the
American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Professional Education, of the Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Applicants must have passed steps 1, 2 and 3 within three attempts. Four attempts are
allowed ifcurrently licensed in another state and currently certified by a specialty board of
ABMS, AOABPE, RCPSC, or CFPC. USMLE Step 3 must be passed within 5 years of
Step 2 or before the end of residency training. Applicants must pass each step with passing
scores as recommended by the USMLE program. Combinations of FLEX, National Board,
and USMLE (as outlined in the USMLE bulletin) may be accepted by the Board as
comparable to existing exam sequences, but all exams must be passed within three attempts
and completed prior to the year 2000.
Applicants must have passed levels one, two and three with passing scores within three
Eligibility requirements for medical licensure in Minnesota based on the FLEX exam are as
Applicants who took and passed FLEX prior to 1985 must have passed in one sitting within
five attempts.
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Applicants who took and passed FLEX between 1985 and 1990 may pass in two sittings
providing it is within five attempts.
Applicants who have made up to five attempts to pass FLEX (some attempts before 1985
and some between 1985 and 1990, inclusive) may pass in two sittings between 1985 and
Applicants taking FLEX after 1990 may pass in two sittings within three attempts. The
latest score is the "official score". Passing score is a weighted average of 75 prior to 1985;
thereafter, the passing score is 75 on each component.
Please visit Minnesota Licensing for more information.
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Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure
1867 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite 200-B,
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone: (601) 987-3079
Mississippi Requirements
Rule 1.1 Licensure by Credentials.
The Board endorses licenses to practice medicine obtained in most states by written examination
prior to March 8, 1973. Subject to the provisions of Part 2605, Rule 1.2, all applicants for medical
licensure who took the FLEX between March 8, 1973, and January 24, 1985, must have passed
the FLEX taken in one three-day sitting with a weighted average of 75 or higher in order to obtain
licensure in Mississippi. The Board will not accept scores of more than one administration of the
FLEX which have been combined (factored) to provide a FLEX weighted average of 75 or higher.
From and after January 24, 1985, an applicant for medical licensure by reciprocity must have
passed both Components I and II of the FLEX with a score of 75 to be considered the passing
grade for each component. From and after June 1994, the Board shall endorse licenses to practice
medicine from applicants who have successfully taken Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the USMLE.
Those doctors of osteopathic medicine who graduated prior to June 1, 1973, will be considered
only if they took and passed the same written licensure examination given in that state at that time
to graduates of medical schools. A statement to this effect must be submitted to this Board from
that licensing board.
The Board may endorse Diplomates of the NBME; the NBOME (COMLEX), if examination
completed on or after February 13, 1973, or licentiates of the Medical Council of Canada.
The Board may consider licensure to a graduate of an international medical school who was
licensed in another state by written examination prior to March 8, 1973, if he or she is certified by
a board recognized by the ABMS.
In addition to the above requirements for licensure by credentials, an individual shall meet the
following requirements:
A. Applicant must be twenty-one (21) years of age and of good moral character.
B. Present a diploma from a reputable medical college or college of osteopathic medicine, subject
to the following conditions:
1. If the degree is from a medical college or a college of osteopathic medicine in the United
States or Puerto Rico, the medical college must be accredited at the time of graduation by
the LCME, a Joint Committee of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
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and the AMA or the College of Osteopathic Medicine which must be accredited by the
2. If the degree is from a Canadian medical school, the school must be accredited at the
time of graduation by the LCME and by the Committee on Accreditation for Canadian
Medical Schools.
3. If the degree is from an international medical school, the medical school must be in the
World Director of Medical Schools or its equivalent. A graduate from an international
medical school must either
(i) possess a valid certificate from the ECFMG or
(ii) document successful completion of a Fifth Pathway program and be currently
board certified by a specialty board recognized by the ABMS.
4. Any diploma or other document required to be submitted to the Board by an applicant
which is not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified translation thereof
into English.
C. If a graduate from a medical college or college of osteopathic medicine in the United States,
Canada or Puerto Rico, applicant must present documentation of having completed at least one (1)
year of postgraduate training in the United States accredited by the ACGME or by the AOA; or
training in Canada accredited by the RCPSC.
D. Applicants who graduated from an international medical school must present documentation of
having completed either:
1. three (3) or more years of ACGME-approved postgraduate training in the United States
or training in Canada approved by the RCPSC; or
2. one (1) year of ACGME-approved postgraduate training in the United States or training
in Canada approved by the RCPSC, be currently board certified by a specialty board
recognized by the ABMS and must have approval by the Board.
E. An applicant who otherwise possesses all of the qualifications for licensure by credentials, but
has not taken a medical proficiency examination or licensure examination within ten (10) years
prior to filing his or her application, must pass the SPEX or COMVEX* , unless the applicant:
1. Submits satisfactory proof of current certification by an ABMS and participating in
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) or AOA approved specialty board and participating
in Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC); or
2. Submits proof that the applicant's sole purpose for seeking licensure is to serve as the
Dean, Chairman of the Department or Faculty of an ACGME or AOA approved training
program. In such case, a license shall remain in effect so long as licensee is a member of
the faculty of the ACGME or AOA approved training program.
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F. Submit certified copy of either (i) a birth certificate or (ii) a valid passport. G. Complete an
application for medical license and submit it to the Board in a manner prescribed by the Board
with a recent passport type photograph. H. Submit fee prescribed by the Board. I. Submit
fingerprints for state and national criminal history background checks.
Please visit Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure for more information.
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Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
3605 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 4
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-0098
Missouri Requirements
(1) Every applicant for a permanent license as a physician and surgeon who is a graduate of a
medical college, approved and accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA) or
its Liaison Committee on Medical Education, or an osteopathic college approved and
accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), must present a certificate with
his/her application evidencing the satisfactory completion of one (1) year of postgraduate
training in a program which is approved and accredited to teach postgraduate medical
education by the accreditation counsel on graduate medical education of the AMA or the
education committee of the AOA
(2) (A) Applicant has received a passing score on any of the following:
a. 1. A licensing examination administered in one (1) or more states or territories of
the United States or the District of Columbia;
b. 2. Components 1 and 2 of the Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX) before
January 1, 1994; or
c. 3. Each of the three (3) Steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination
(USMLE) within a seven- (7-) year period. Applicant shall not be deemed to have
received a passing score on any Step of the USMLE unless applicant has received
a passing score on that Step within three (3) attempts. Failure to pass any USMLE
Step shall be considered a failure to pass that Step for purposes of Missouri
licensure, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the Step was administered; or
d. 4. One (1) of the hybrid combinations of FLEX, USMLE, NBME (National Board
of Medical Examiners), and NBOE (National Board of Osteopathic Examiners
(currently known as the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners))
examinations as set forth here, if completed before January 1, 2000
i. NBOE Part I, NBME Part I, or
ii. USMLE Step 1 plus NBOE Part II, NBME Part II, or
iii. USMLE Step 2 plus NBOE Part III, NBME Part III, or
iv. USMLE Step 3 or
v. FLEX Component I plus USMLE Step 3 or
vi. NBOE Part I, NBME Part I, or
vii. USMLE Step 1 plus NBOE Part II, NBME Part II, or
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viii. USMLE Step 2 plus FLEX Component 2
Please visit State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts for more information.
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Montana Board of Medical Examiners
P.O. Box 200513
301 South Park, 4
Helena, Montana 59620-0513
Phone: (406) 444-5773
Montana Requirements
Must be a graduate of a medical school approved by the American Osteopathic Association
(AOA) or the Council for Medical Education of the American Medical Association (AMA).
U.S. graduates must have successfully completed a Board-approved post-graduate residency
Foreign graduates must complete at least 3 years post-graduate training in an approved program
in the United States or Canada or been granted board certification by a specialty board which is
approved by AMA or AOA.
Foreign graduates must provide a certificate from the Educational Council for Foreign Medical
Graduates (ECFMG, www.ecfmg.org) and from the Fifth Pathway Program, if applicable.
Must have passed a licensing exam, approved by the Board, with a score of at least 75% on all
portions of the examination. Please refer to the Board statutes and rules (ARM 24.156.606) for
specific information regarding examination information and limits on attempts.
Must be of good moral character. FEES: $500.00 Application Fee Make payable to Montana
Board of Medical Examiners
Please visit Montana Board of Medical Examiners for more information.
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Department of Health and Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Phone: (402) 471-3121
Nebraska Requirements
88-003.01 Qualifications 88-003.01A
To receive a license to practice medicine and surgery by examination on the basis of education
received at an accredited school or college of medicine, an individual must meet the following
1. Age and Good Character: Be at least 19 years old and of good character;
2. Citizenship/Lawful Presence: Be a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully
admitted into the United States who is eligible for a credential under the Uniform
Credentialing Act, or a nonimmigrant lawfully present in the United States who is eligible
for a credential under the Uniform Credentialing Act;
3. Education: Have graduated from an accredited school or college of medicine;
4. Graduate Medical Education: Have successfully completed one year of approved
graduate medical education;
5. Examination: Have successfully passed a licensing examination; and
6. Experience: Meet one of the following within the three years immediately preceding the
application for licensure:
a. Have been in the active practice of the profession of medicine and surgery in
some other state, a territory, the District of Columbia, or Canada for a period of one
year; or
b. Have had at least one year of approved graduate medical education; or
c. Have completed continuing medical education approved by the Board; or
d. Have completed a refresher course in medicine and surgery approved by the
Board; or
e. Have completed the special purposes examination approved by the Board.
Please visit Department of Health and Human Services for more information.
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Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
2275 Corporate Circle, Suite 210
Henderson, NV 89074
Phone: (702) 732-2147
Nevada Requirements
NRS 633.311 Qualifications of applicants for license to practice osteopathic medicine.
Except as otherwise provided in NRS 633.315 and 633.381 to 633.419, inclusive, an
applicant for a license to practice osteopathic medicine may be issued a license by the
Board if:
o The applicant is 21 years of age or older;
o The applicant is a citizen of the United States or is lawfully entitled to remain and
work in the United States;
o The applicant is a graduate of a school of osteopathic medicine;
o The applicant:
Has graduated from a school of osteopathic medicine before 1995 and has
A hospital internship; or
One year of postgraduate training that complies with the standards
of intern training established by the American Osteopathic
Has completed 3 years, or such other length of time as required by a specific
program, of postgraduate medical education as a resident in the United
States or Canada in a program approved by the Board, the Bureau of
Professional Education of the American Osteopathic Association or the
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education; or
Is a resident who is enrolled in a postgraduate training program in this State,
has completed 24 months of the program and has committed, in writing, that
he or she will complete the program;
The applicant applies for the license as provided by law
The applicant passes:
o All parts of the licensing examination of the National Board of Osteopathic
Medical Examiners;
o All parts of the licensing examination of the Federation of State Medical
o All parts of the licensing examination of the Board, a state, territory or
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, and is certified by
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a specialty board of the American Osteopathic Association or by the American
Board of Medical Specialties; or
o A combination of the parts of the licensing examinations specified in
subparagraphs (1), (2) and (3) that is approved by the Board;
The applicant pays the fees provided for in this chapter; and
The applicant submits all information required to complete an application for a license.
Please visit Nevada Legislature for more information.
2. An applicant for a license to practice osteopathic medicine may satisfy the requirements
for postgraduate education or training prescribed by paragraph (d) of subsection 1:
(a) In one or more approved postgraduate programs, which may be conducted at one or more
facilities in this State or, except for a resident who is enrolled in a postgraduate training program
in this State pursuant to subparagraph (3) of paragraph (d) of subsection 1, in the District of
Columbia or another state or territory of the United States;
(b) In one or more approved specialties or disciplines;
(c) In nonconsecutive months; and
(d) At any time before receiving his or her license.
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New Hampshire
New Hampshire Board of Medicine
Office of Professional Licensure & Certification
121 South Fruit Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-2152
New Hampshire Requirements
329:12 Qualifications of Licensees.
Applicants for licensure shall:
Pay a fee established by the board.
Submit an application in a form prescribed by the board which shall be verified by oath.
Submit a complete set of fingerprints and a criminal history record release form pursuant
to RSA 329:11-a.
Demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the board that the applicant:
o Is 21 years of age or older;
o Is of good professional character;
o Has completed at least 2 years of college course work or its equivalent.
o Has studied the treatment of human ailments in a medical school maintaining at the
time of such studies a standard satisfactory to the Accreditation Council for Medical
Education and has graduated from such school or has studied medicine in a medical
school located outside the United States which is recognized by the United Nations
World Health Organization (UNWHO) and had such studies confirmed by
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Certification;
o Has completed at least 2 years of postgraduate training approved by the
Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education, or its equivalent as
determined by the board. Each applicant who has graduated from an accredited
medical school prior to January 1, 1970, is required to have satisfactorily completed
at least 12 months in a graduate educational program approved by the Accreditation
Council on Graduate Medical Education, the Canadian Medical Association, or the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
o Has successfully passed one of the following sets of examinations:
National Board of Medical/Osteopathic Examiners examinations.
Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX).
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
Medical Council of Canada Examination (LMCC).
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The board may waive the examination requirement for any applicant who has satisfactorily passed
all examinations and requirements to become board certified by the American Board of Medical
Specialties (ABMS) or by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
Please visit New Hampshire Statutes for more information.
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New Jersey
Board of Medical Examiners
124 Halsey Street
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Phone: (973) 504-6200
New Jersey Requirements
Educational Requirements:
4 years in board approved osteopathic college
Postgraduate Training:
Graduated from medical school prior to July 1, 2003: 1 year AOA or ACGME-approved
program; graduated after July 1, 2003: 2 years of AOA or ACGME approved postgraduate
training and has signed a contract for a 3rd year (2 years must be in the same field or would,
when considered together, be credited toward the criteria for certification by a single
specialty board recognized by ABMS or AOA).
Examinations Accepted:
COMLEX, NBOME, USMLE, FLEX, individual state licensing examinations taken prior
to December 31, 1972
License Fee: $610
Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS): Will accept
Reciprocity or Endorsement: Applicants must start at beginning of application process. Interview
may be required. Special Licenses: None
Please visit American Osteopathic Association for more information.
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New Mexico
Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners
Toney Anaya Building
2550 Cerrillos Road, Second Floor
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Phone: (505) 476-4622
New Mexico Requirements
Application For Licensure
Application: All persons seeking licensure shall submit application on forms provided by the
board. All application forms must be verified under oath and shall contain but shall not be
limited to the following information and documents:
full legal name;
present mailing address;
date and place of birth;
date and location of all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate training, professional
training, medical training, degrees obtained, and field(s) of study;
certification of dean of osteopathic school with school seal affixed;
certification of one year of post-graduate training;
two letters of reference from two physicians who have known the applicant in a
professional and personal capacity for at least one year;
a photograph taken within the preceding six months attached to the application;
notarized copy of medical diploma;
notarized copy of internship certificate;
clearance from other state boards where licensed stating that license has not been subject
to disciplinary action;
clearance from the American osteopathic association, the federation of state medical
boards of the United States;
NBOE, FLEX, COMLEX or USMLE scores sent directly to the board.
Please visit Board of Osteopathic Medicine for more information.
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New York
New York State Education Department
Office of the Professions
P.O. Box 22063
Albany, NY 12201
Phone: (518) 474-3004
New York Requirements
General Requirements
Any use of the title "Physician" or practice of medicine within New York State requires
licensure. (However, under specified limitations defined in Section 6526 of New York State
Education Law, you may be exempt from licensure.)
To be licensed as a physician in New York State you must:
be of good moral character;
be at least 21 years of age; and
meet education, examination and experience requirements.
You must file an application for licensure and the other forms indicated, along with the
appropriate fee, to the Office of the Professions at the address specified on each form. It is your
responsibility to follow up with anyone you have asked to send us material.
Education Requirements
To satisfy the education requirements for licensure as a physician, you must present evidence of
both A and B below.
A. Preprofessional Education:
Satisfactory completion of 60 semester hours of college study from a New York State registered
program or the equivalent as determined by the New York State Education Department.
B. Professional Education:
1. Graduates of Registered or Accredited Medical Programs
Satisfactory completion of a medical program registered by the New York State Education
Department as licensure-qualifying* or accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical
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Education (LCME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and have received the
degree of Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, or the equivalent.
Postgraduate Training Requirements
I. Graduates of Registered or Accredited Medical Programs
If you graduated from a NYS- registered or LCME- or AOA-accredited medical program, you
must complete at least one year of postgraduate hospital training in an accredited residency
program approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the American
Osteopathic Association, or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Examination Requirements
The current examinations required for licensure as a physician in New York State are either:
Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)
Part I, Part II, and Part III of the examinations of the National Board of Osteopathic
Medical Examiners (NBOME)
Other Acceptable Examination Combinations (NBME, FLEX, USMLE)
Please visit State Department of Education for more information.
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North Carolina
North Carolina Medical Board
1203 Front Street
Raleigh, NC 27619-0007
Phone: (919) 326-1100
North Carolina Requirements
Educational Requirements:
Except for graduates of foreign medical schools, applicants must have graduated from a
medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the
American Osteopathic Association (AOA) or the Committee for the Accreditation of
Canadian Medical Schools.
Postgraduate Training: 1 year
Examinations Accepted:
COMLEX, NBOME, USMLE, FLEX, NBME, LMCC, MCQUE, state board written
exam Other Requirements: Physicians who have been out of clinical practice for 2 or
more years may be required to develop a “re-entry” plan as part of their application.
License Fee: $440 (includes criminal background record check fee - $38)
CME Requirements:
All physicians, except those holding a residency training license, shall complete at least
60 hours of AOA or AMA Category 1 CME relevant to the physician's current or
intended specialty or area of practice every three years. Beginning on July 1, 2017, every
physician who prescribes controlled substances, except those holding a residency training
license, shall complete at least three hours of CME, from the required 60 hours of
Category 1 CME, that is designed specifically to address controlled substance prescribing
practices. The controlled substance prescribing CME shall include instruction on
controlled substance prescribing practices, recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of
controlled substances, and controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management.
A physician who is continuously engaged in a program of recertification, or maintenance
of certification, from an ABMS, AOA or RCPSC specialty board shall be deemed to have
satisfied his or her entire CME requirement for that three year cycle. Any physician who
qualifies for the aforementioned exemption and who, as part of their recertification or
maintenance of certification process, completed CME that specifically satisfies the
controlled substance prescribing CME requirement is not required to take controlled-
substance prescribing CME beyond that included in their MOC process.
Please visit North Carolina Medical Board for more information.
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North Dakota
North Dakota Board of Medicine
418 E Broadway Avenue, Suite 12
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 328-6500
North Dakota Requirements
Every applicant for license shall file a completed application, on forms provided by the board,
showing to the board's satisfaction that the applicant is of good moral character and satisfies all
of the requirements of this chapter including:
Successful completion of a medical licensure examination satisfactory to the board;
Physical, mental, and professional capability for the practice of medicine in a manner
acceptable to the board; and
A history free of any finding by the board, any other state medical licensure board, or any
court of competent jurisdiction of the commission of any act that would constitute
grounds for disciplinary action under North Dakota law; the board may modify this
restriction for cause.
Possession of the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy from a medical school
located in the U.S., its possessions, territories, or Canada, approved by the Board or by an
accrediting body approved by the Board at the time the degree was conferred.
Successful completion of one year of postgraduate training in the U.S. or Canada in a program
approved by the Board or by an accrediting body approved by the Board.
Licensure by a state-constructed written examination in North Dakota or in another state; or
successful completion of one of the following licensing examinations or acceptable combinations
thereof: FLEX (Federation Licensing Examination), NBME (National Board of Medicine),
LMCC (Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada), USMLE (United States Medical
Licensing Examination), NBOME (National Board of Osteopathic Medicine), or COMLEX
(Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination). An applicant is permitted a
maximum of three attempts to pass each step or part or component of a licensing examination.
The examination requirements must be successfully completed within a seven (7) year period.
Upon review of an individual applicant, the board may allow an exception to this rule if it finds
that it is in the best interest of the state and the applicant:
Is validly licensed as a physician in another state;
Has practiced a minimum of ten years;
Has no disciplinary actions imposed by any other state medical licensing board
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Is certified by a specialty board recognized by the American board of medical specialties
or by the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada; and
Meets the requirement of section 50-02-11-02, regarding the time limit for examination
Please visit North Dakota Board of Medicine for more information.
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State Medical Board of Ohio
30 E. Broad Street, 3
Columbus, OH 43125
Phone: (614) 466-3934
Ohio Requirements
4731-6-14 Eligibility for licensure by examination.
The board shall issue its certificate to each individual who passes the medical and
osteopathic examination as provided in rules 4731-6-03, 4731-6-05 and 4731-6-07 of the
Administrative Code; who has completed the graduate medical education required by
sections 4731.091, 4731.092 and 4731.14 of the Revised Code; who demonstrates
proficiency in spoken English as required by section 4731.142 of the Revised Code; and
who has paid the certificate issuance fee required by section 4731.14 of the Revised
If the applicant passed the USMLE step 3 administered by the USMLE program or the
COMLEX-USA level 3 administered by the COMLEX-USA program for Ohio, the board
shall deny issuance of a certificate if it finds that the applicant does not meet the
requirements of section 4731.08, 4731.09 or 4731.091 of the Revised Code or the
applicable provisions of this chapter of the Administrative Code.
An applicant for a certificate to practice medicine or surgery, or osteopathic medicine and
surgery who has not previously held a license from another state is eligible for
consideration under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code without board examination in
Ohio if the applicant otherwise meets the eligibility requirements as set forth in sections
4731.09, 4731.091, 4731.14 and 4731.142 of the Revised Code for licensure by board
examination in Ohio and has passed one of the following examinations:
o One of the following examination sequences, with all steps, parts, levels or
components having been administered prior to January 2000. The score achieved
on each step, part, level or component must have equaled or exceeded the figure
established by the USMLE program, the national board of medical examiners, the
national board of osteopathic medical examiners or the federation as a passing
score for that step, part, level or component, respectively.
Part I of the national board of medical examiners examination or step 1 of
the USMLE, part II of the national board of medical examiners
examination or step 2 of the USMLE, and part III of the national board of
medical examiners examination or step 3 of the USMLE or component 2
of the FLEX; or
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Part I of the national board of osteopathic medical examiners examination
or level 1 of the COMLEX-USA, part II of the national board of
osteopathic medical examiners examination or level 2 of the COMLEX-
USA, and part III of the national board of osteopathic medical examiners
examination or level 3 of the COMLEX-USA.
o Component 1 of the FLEX and step 3 of the USMLE. The component and step
must have been administered prior to January 2000. A performance of seventy-
five or above must have been achieved on component 1. The performance
achieved on step 3 must have been recognized by the USMLE program as a
recommended passing performance; or
o USMLE steps 1, 2 clinical knowledge, 2 clinical skills and 3 or COMLEX-USA
levels 1, 2 cognitive evaluation, 2 performance evaluation and 3.
An applicant shall have passed the USMLE steps 1, 2 clinical knowledge,
2 clinical skills and 3 or COMLEX-USA levels 1, 2 cognitive evaluation,
2 performance evaluation and 3 within a ten-year period, and achieved a
recognized passing performance by the USMLE program on each step or
step component or NBOME on each level. No applicant shall have failed
any step or level more than five times.
The board may grant a good cause waiver to any applicant that does not
meet the requirements of paragraph (C)(3)(a) of this rule, if the applicant
meets the following:
Holds current specialty board certification from the American
board of medical specialties or the American osteopathic
association; or
Demonstrates good cause, as determined by the board, for not
having passed all three steps or levels within the ten year period,
and otherwise meets the requirements set forth in paragraph
(C)(3)(a) of this rule.
USMLE steps 1, 2 clinical knowledge, 2 clinical skills and 3 and
COMLEX-USA levels 1, 2 cognitive evaluation, 2 performance evaluation
and 3 cannot be combined to fulfill an acceptable testing sequence as
required by paragraph (C)(3)(a) of this rule; or
o Component 1 and 2 of the FLEX. Both components must have been administered
prior to January 2000. The score achieved on each component must have equaled
or exceeded the figure established by the FLEX program as a passing score for
that component.
Please visit Ohio Laws and Rules for more information.
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State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
4848 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 100
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: (405) 528-8625
Oklahoma Requirements
510:10-3-1. General licensure requirements
Licensure by Board required.
It is the general requirement in the State of Oklahoma that practitioners of osteopathic medicine
and surgery be licensed by the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners.
Postgraduate training.
One year of postgraduate training is a requirement for full licensure. This experience must be in
the form of a rotating internship or its equivalent, in an accredited internship or residency
program acceptable to the Board. To be deemed equivalent to a rotating internship and,
acceptable to the Board, a program must provide the following:
The program must provide the following core experience:
o One (1) month - General Practice
o Two (2) months - General Internal Medicine
o One (1) month - General Surgery
o One (1) month - Obstetrics/Gynecology
o One (1) month - Pediatrics
This core experience must be supplemented by three (3) months of Selectives and three
(3) months of Electives, accounting for a total of twelve (12) months. A Selective may be
defined as any core category or Emergency Medicine. An Elective may be any category
of experience chosen by the intern or resident.
If an applicant has completed an ACGME accredited residency training program, the
Board shall consider this standing as equivalent training.
510:10-3-3. Licensure by examination
Examination Requirements. To be consistent with the expressed public policy of the
State of Oklahoma affecting the licensure of osteopathic physicians and surgeons under
the provisions of the Osteopathic Medicine Act candidates for licensure must be
examined by a vehicle which tests the individual's basic osteopathic knowledge and skill
embracing the same philosophy as that in which the candidate was educated.
Postgraduate training. An applicant must take the National examination before
completing the required year of postgraduate training, provided that no license will be
issued until evidence of the satisfactory completion of that year is filed with the Board.
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National examinations; failure of examination. Any person seeking licensure as an
osteopathic physician and surgeon by taking the National examination must meet all
other requirements.
National examination. Candidates may be licensed upon the successful completion of
the examination sequence of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners or the
National Board of Medical Examiners. The candidate must submit proof of having
achieved a Minimum Total Passing Score or above on tests administered
through the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners or the National Board of Medical
Please visit State Board of Medical Examiners for more information.
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Oregon Medical Board
1500 SW 1
Avenue, Suite 620
Portland, OR 97201-5847
Phone: (971) 673-2700
Oregon Requirements
677.100 Qualifications of applicant for license.
An applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state, except as otherwise provided in
subsection (2) of this section, must possess the following qualifications:
Have attended and graduated from a school of medicine.
Have satisfactorily completed the following post-graduate requirement:
o Satisfactory completion of an approved rotating internship if a graduate of an
approved school of medicine;
o One year of training in an approved program if a graduate of an approved school of
medicine; or
o Three years of training in an approved program if a graduate of an unapproved school
of medicine.
Have complied with each rule of the Oregon Medical Board which applies to all similar
applicants for a license to practice medicine in this state.
Have provided evidence sufficient to prove to the satisfaction of the board that the
applicant is of good moral character. For purposes of this section, the lack of good moral
character may be established by reference to acts or conduct that reflect moral turpitude
or to acts or conduct which would cause a reasonable person to have substantial doubts
about the individual’s honesty, fairness and respect for the rights of others and for the
laws of the state and the nation. The acts or conduct in question must be rationally
connected to the applicant’s fitness to practice medicine.
If an applicant establishes that the applicant is of good moral character and has qualifications
which the board determines are the equivalent of the qualifications required by subsection (1)(a)
to (c) of this section, the applicant satisfies the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
Please visit Oregon Legislature for more information.
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State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
One Penn Center
2601 N. 3
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: (717) 783-4858
Contact: ST-OSTEOPATHI[email protected]
Pennsylvania Requirements
§ 25.241. Unrestricted license by examination.
To secure an unrestricted license for the practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery by
examination, the applicant shall meet the following educational and professional requirements.
The applicant shall have:
Graduated from an approved osteopathic medical college.
Received passing scores on Parts I, II and III of the National Board Examination. The
applicant shall pay the required examination fee at the direction of the National Board.
Received a passing score on the practical examination in osteopathic diagnosis and
manipulative therapy developed and administered by the Board or a designated
professional testing organization.
Successfully completed an approved internship.
Complied with the malpractice insurance requirements of the Health Care Services
Malpractice Act (40 P. S. § § 1301.1011301.1006) and regulations thereunder.
Completed an application obtained from the Board detailing education and experience
and indicating compliance with the applicable provisions of the act and this chapter,
submitted with the required fees.
Please visit Pennsylvania Code for more information.
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Rhode Island
Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908
Phone: (401) 222-5960
Rhode Island Requirements
§ 5-37-2. License to practice Qualifications of applicants Fee Reexamination.
(a)(1) Authority to practice allopathic or osteopathic medicine under this chapter shall be
by a license issued by the director of the department of health to any reputable physician
who intends to practice allopathic or osteopathic medicine in this state, and who meets
the requirements for licensure established in this chapter and regulations established by
the board or by the director. Applicants for licensure shall present satisfactory evidence
of graduation from a medical school or school of osteopathic medicine approved by the
board and in good standing, shall meet post graduate training requirements and any other
requirements that the board or director establishes by regulation, and shall pass in a
satisfactory manner any examination that the board may require. Any physician applying
for licensure shall pay a non refundable application fee and when applicable a
reexamination fee for each reexamination, in a total amount as set forth in § 23-1-54.
A license to practice allopathic medicine shall be issued to persons who have graduated
from a school of medicine, possess a degree of doctor of medicine (or meet the
requirements of subsection (b) of this section), and meet the requirements for licensure.
A license to practice osteopathic medicine shall be issued to persons who have graduated
from a school of osteopathic medicine and possess a degree of doctor of osteopathy and
otherwise meet the requirements for licensure. A license to practice osteopathic medicine
shall confer upon the holder the right to practice osteopathic medicine in all its branches
as taught and practiced in accredited colleges of osteopathic medicine. The holder of that
license shall be subject to the same duties and liabilities and entitled to the same rights
and privileges, which may be imposed by law or governmental regulation, upon
physicians of any school of medicine.
Qualification of Certain Other Applicants for License.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section an individual, who at the time of his or her
enrollment in a medical school outside the United States is a citizen of the United States, shall be
eligible to apply for a certificate pursuant to this section if he or she has satisfied the following
Has studied medicine in a medical school located outside the United States, which is
recognized by the World Health Organization;
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Has completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school except
internship and/or social service;
Has attained a score satisfactory to a medical school approved by the liaison committee
on medical education on a qualifying examination acceptable to the state board for
medicine, and has satisfactorily completed one academic year of supervised clinical
training under the direction of any United States medical school;
Has completed the post-graduate hospital training required by the board of applicants for
licensure; and
Has passed the examination required by the board of all applicants for licensure.
Satisfaction of the requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection is in lieu of the completion
of any foreign internship and/or social service requirements, and no such requirements are a
condition of licensure as a physician in this state.
Satisfaction of the requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection is in lieu of certification by
the educational council for foreign medical graduates, and this certification is not a condition of
licensure as a physician in this state.
No hospital licensed by this state, or operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state,
or which receives state financial assistance, directly or indirectly, requires an individual, who at
the time of his or her enrollment in a medical school outside the United States is a citizen of the
United States, to satisfy any requirements other than those contained in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii),
and (iii) of this subsection prior to commencing an internship or residency.
A document granted by a medical school located outside the United States which is recognized
by the World Health Organization issued after the completion of all the formal requirements of
that foreign medical school except internship and/or social service, upon certification by the
medical school in which this training was received of satisfactory completion by the person to
whom this document was issued of the requirements in paragraph (1)(iii) of this subsection, shall
be deemed the equivalent of a degree of doctor of medicine for purposes of licensure and
practice as a physician in this state.
No funds appropriated by the general assembly to any school or college of medicine shall be
disbursed until the director of the department of health has certified that this school or college
has established, and will maintain until December 31, 1989, a clinical training program as
contemplated by paragraph (1)(iii) of this subsection, to accommodate residents of this state
deemed qualified by that school or college of medicine consistent with that school's or college's
educational resources.
Please visit Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline for more information.
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South Carolina
South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners
110 Centerview Drive
Columbia, SC
Phone: (803) 896-4500
South Carolina Requirements
SECTION 40-47-32. Permanent licenses; requirements; examinations; post-graduate medical residency
training requirements; fee.
(A) To obtain a permanent license to practice medicine in this State an applicant shall comply with the
requirements of this section.
(B)(1) An applicant shall document to the satisfaction of the board graduation from a:
(a) medical school located in the United States or Canada that is accredited by the Liaison Committee on
Medical Education or other accrediting body approved by the board;
(b) school of osteopathic medicine located in the United States or Canada accredited by the Commission
on Osteopathic College Accreditation or other accrediting body approved by the board;
(c) medical school located outside the United States or Canada.
(2) An applicant who graduated from a medical school located outside of the United States shall:
(a)(i) possess a permanent Standard Certificate from the Education Commission on Foreign Medical
Graduates (ECFMG); and
(ii) document a minimum of three years of progressive postgraduate medical residency training in the
United States approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),
American Osteopathic Association (AOA), or postgraduate training in Canada approved by the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons, except that if an applicant has been actively licensed in another state
for the preceding five years or more without significant disciplinary action, the applicant need only
document one year of postgraduate residency training approved by the board; or
(b)(i) document successful completion of a Fifth Pathway program; and
(ii) complete a minimum of three years progressive postgraduate medical residency training in the United
States approved by the ACGME or AOA or postgraduate training in Canada approved by the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons or be board eligible or board certified by a specialty board recognized
by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the AOA, or another organization approved by
the board;
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(c) notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the board may waive the ECFMG or Fifth Pathway
requirement if the applicant is to have a full-time academic faculty appointment at the rank of assistant
professor or greater at a medical school in this State.
(C) An applicant shall document to the satisfaction of the board successful completion of:
(1) all parts of the National Board of Medical Examiners Examination in approved sequence;
(2) all parts of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Examination in approved sequence;
(3) the Federation Licensing Exam (FLEX) based on standards established by the board;
(4) the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) based on standards established by the
(5) the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) in approved sequence;
(6) the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA);
(7) a written state examination of another state medical, osteopathic, or composite board prior to 1976,
and current certification by a specialty board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties,
the American Osteopathic Association, or another organization approved by the board; or
(8) combinations of the FLEX, National Board of Medical Examiners, and USMLE acceptable to the
Composite Committee of the USMLE and approved by the board. These combinations may be accepted
only if taken before 1999.
(D) In addition to meeting all other licensure requirements, an applicant shall pass the Special Purpose
Examination (SPEX) or the Composite Osteopathic Variable-Purpose Examination (COMVEX), unless
the applicant can document within ten years of the date of filing a completed application to the board one
of the following:
(1) National Board of Medical Examiners examination;
(2) National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners examination;
(3) FLEX;
(4) USMLE;
(5) MCCQE;
(6) SPEX;
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(9) ECFMG;
(10) certification, recertification, or a certificate of added qualification examination by a specialty board
recognized by either the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the American Osteopathic
Association (AOA), or another organization approved by the board; or
(11) one hundred fifty hours of Category I continuing medical education in the three years preceding the
date of the application by an applicant who is currently certified by a specialty board recognized by the
American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association, or other organization
approved by the board, which certification is not time limited and does not require recertification by
examination. Such Category I continuing medical education must be approved by the American Medical
Association or American Osteopathic Association, or other national organization approved by the board,
as appropriate. Seventy-five percent of these hours must be related to the applicant's area of specialty.
This is the only exception to the ten year requirement of this subsection that does not require an
examination or reexamination.
(E) The additional examination required pursuant to subsection (D) must be waived if the applicant is to
practice in a position within the South Carolina Department of Corrections, the South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control, the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, the
South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, or the Disability Determination Services
Unit of the State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation. A license issued pursuant to this waiver is
immediately invalid if the individual leaves that position or acts outside the scope of employment within
the department. A change in agency may be approved upon presentation to the board of a copy of a
contract in which the individual has been offered a position within the South Carolina Department of
Corrections, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the South Carolina
Department of Mental Health, the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, or the
Disability Determination Services Unit of the State Agency of Vocational Rehabilitation.
(F) In addition to the following standards, the board shall establish minimum standards of performance to
be attained on examinations for an applicant to qualify for licensure:
(1) For FLEX examinations taken before June 1, 1985, the following standards apply:
(a) An applicant for permanent licensure shall obtain, in one sitting, a FLEX weighted average score of at
least seventy-five on the examination.
Please visit South Carolina Code of Laws for more information.
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South Dakota
Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners
101 N. Maine Avenue, Suite 301
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone: (605) 367-7781
South Dakota Requirements
Educational Requirements: Primary source verification from a Board approved AOA program
Postgraduate Training: Applicants as of July 1, 1987 must successfully complete an approved
residency program in its entirety which would be no less than 3 years.
Examinations Accepted: COMLEX, NBOME, USMLE, FLEX
License Fee: $400 (2-year renewal)
Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS): Highly recommended
Reciprocity or Endorsement: None
Please visit South Dakota Department of Health for more information.
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Department of Health
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 32743
Tennessee Requirements
Before engaging in the practice of osteopathic medicine, a person shall submit an application to
the secretary of the board for a certificate of fitness to practice osteopathic medicine on a form
prescribed by the board in writing or via online application, which includes:
The person's name, age, which shall not be less than eighteen (18) years, and residence;
The name of the school of osteopathic medicine from which the person was graduated,
which shall have been in good repute as such at the time of the issuing of the person's
diploma, as determined by the board;
The date of the person's diploma, evidence that such diploma was granted on personal
attendance and completion of the course of study approved by the board;
Such other information as the board may require; and
Sufficient evidence that the applicant is of good moral character.
(1) Each applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee as set by the board.
(2) On notice of acceptance, each applicant for examination shall pay an examination fee as set
by the board.
(3) Each applicant accepted by reciprocity will pay a reciprocity fee as set by the board.
Initial Licensure As An Osteopathic Physician
Consideration for initial licensure as a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine requires that the
applicant shall submit to the Board the following materials:
An application from the Board Administrative Office in which the applicant responds
truthfully and completely to every question or request for information along with all
documentation and fees to the Board Administrative Office. It is the intent of this rule
that all activities necessary to accomplish the filing of the required documentation be
completed prior to filing a licensure application and that all documentation be filed
simultaneously. This form will include the applicant’s name, current address, social
security number and age (which shall not be less than eighteen years of age).
A clear and recognizable, recently taken, bust photograph which shows the full head, face
forward from at least the top of the shoulders up. The photograph must be signed by the
A graduate transcript from an accredited osteopathic medical school in good standing
with the American Osteopathic Association at the time of graduation (or its successor).
The transcript must be submitted directly from the school to the Board Administrative
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Office. The transcript must show that the degree has been conferred based upon the
applicant’s good repute and personal attendance and must carry the official seal of the
Evidence satisfactory to the Board of successful completion of a one (1) year internship
or postgraduate year one (PGY-1) in a hospital approved by the American Osteopathic
Association, American Medical Association or its accreditation program for medical
education, or the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals. Such evidence
shall include the program director’s notarized verification of post graduate medical
training form included in the Board’s application packet.
Evidence of good moral character. Such evidence shall include at least two (2) letters
from physicians who know the applicant and can attest to his or her moral character and
professional capability. The letters must be original and on the physician’s letterhead.
Proof of United States or Canadian citizenship or evidence of being legally entitled to
live and work in the United States or evidence of citizenship and residency in a
N.A.F.T.A. participating country. Such evidence may include notarized copies of birth
certificates, naturalization papers or current H-1 visa status, or voter registration.
The applicable application fee and state regulatory fee as provided in rule 1050-02-.02.
All applicants shall submit or cause to be submitted a certificate of successful completion
of acceptable examination for licensure as governed by rule 1050-02-.06.
Please visit General Rules and Regulations Governing Practice of Osteopathy for more
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Texas Medical Board
333 Guadalupe
Tower 3, Suite 610
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 305-7010
Texas Requirements
To be eligible for a license under this chapter, an applicant must present proof satisfactory to the
board that the applicant:
is at least 21 years of age;
is of good professional character and has not violated Section 164.051, 164.052, or
has completed:
o at least 60 semester hours of college courses, other than courses in medical
school, that are acceptable to The University of Texas at Austin for credit on a
bachelor of arts degree or a bachelor of science degree;
o the entire primary, secondary, and premedical education required in the country of
medical school graduation, if the medical school is located outside the United
States or Canada; or
o substantially equivalent courses as determined by board rule;
is a graduate of a medical school located in the United States or Canada and approved by
the board;
has either:
o successfully completed one year of graduate medical training approved by the
board in the United States or Canada; or
o graduated from a medical school located outside the United States or Canada and
has successfully completed two years of graduate medical training approved by
the board in the United States or Canada;
has passed an examination accepted or administered by the board; and
has passed a Texas medical jurisprudence examination as determined by board rule.
All medical or osteopathic medical education an applicant receives in the United States must be
accredited by an accrediting body officially recognized by the United States Department of
Education as the accrediting body for medical education leading to the doctor of medicine degree
or the doctor of osteopathy degree. This subsection does not apply to postgraduate medical
education or training
Please visit Texas Medical Board for more information.
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Utah Department of Commerce
Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: (801) 530-6628
Utah Requirements
58-68-302. Qualifications for licensure.
An applicant for licensure as an osteopathic physician and surgeon, except as set forth in
Subsection (2), shall:
submit an application in a form prescribed by the division, which may include:
o submissions by the applicant of information maintained by practitioner data
banks, as designated by division rule, with respect to the applicant;
o a record of professional liability claims made against the applicant and
settlements paid by or on behalf of the applicant; and
o authorization to use a record coordination and verification service approved by
the division in collaboration with the board;
pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
be of good moral character;
if the applicant is applying to participate in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
under Chapter 67b, Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, consent to a criminal
background check in accordance with Section 58-68-302.1 and any requirements
established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
Rulemaking Act;
provide satisfactory documentation of having successfully completed a program of
professional education preparing an individual as an osteopathic physician and surgeon,
as evidenced by:
o having received an earned degree of doctor of osteopathic medicine from an AOA
approved medical school or college; or
o submitting a current certification by the Educational Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates or any successor organization approved by the division in
collaboration with the board, if the applicant is graduated from an osteopathic
medical school or college located outside of the United States or its territories
which at the time of the applicant's graduation, met criteria for accreditation by
the AOA;
satisfy the division and board that the applicant:
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o has successfully completed 24 months of progressive resident training in an
ACGME or AOA approved program after receiving a degree of doctor of
osteopathic medicine required under Subsection (1)(e); or
has successfully completed 12 months of resident training in an ACGME
or AOA approved program after receiving a degree of doctor of
osteopathic medicine as required under Subsection (1)(e);
has been accepted in and is successfully participating in progressive
resident training in an ACGME or AOA approved program within Utah, in
the applicant's second or third year of postgraduate training; and
has agreed to surrender to the division the applicant's license as an
osteopathic physician and surgeon without any proceedings under Title
63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, and has agreed the
applicant's license as an osteopathic physician and surgeon will be
automatically revoked by the division if the applicant fails to continue in
good standing in an ACGME or AOA approved progressive resident
training program within the state;
pass the licensing examination sequence required by division rule, as made in
collaboration with the board;
be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language and
demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board, if requested by the board;
meet with the board and representatives of the division, if requested for the purpose of
evaluating the applicant's qualifications for licensure;
o a contact person for access to medical records in accordance with the federal
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; and
o an alternate contact person for access to medical records, in the event the original
contact person is unable or unwilling to serve as the contact person for access to
medical records; and
establish a method for notifying patients of the identity and location of the contact person
and alternate contact person, if the applicant will practice in a location with no other
persons licensed under this chapter.
Please visit Utah State Legislature for more information.
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Vermont Secretary of State
Osteopathic Physicians
89 Main Street, 3
Montpelier, VT 05620-3420
Phone: (802) 828-2373
Vermont Requirements
§ 1831. Qualifications for licensure
To be eligible for licensure as an osteopathic physician, an applicant shall have attained
the age of majority and shall provide evidence, acceptable to the board, that he or she has
satisfactorily completed all of the following:
o A course of study in osteopathic education from an accredited school or college of
osteopathic medicine as evidenced by a graduation certificate.
o Documentation of no less than one year of an approved program of postgraduate
In addition to the requirements of subsection (a) of this section, an applicant shall pass
the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination - USA (COMLEX) or
the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or their successor or
equivalent examinations approved by the board unless the applicant is exempt from all or
a part of the examination under the provisions of section 1832 or 1832a of this title.
In addition to the requirements of this section, an applicant shall present evidence of good
character and competence relating to his or her fitness to practice osteopathic medicine
from the chief of service and two other active physician staff members at the hospital or
institution where the applicant was last affiliated, if the applicant has been affiliated with
a hospital or institution. The board may seek evidence relating to the character and
competence of the applicant from other sources. At the discretion of the board, the
applicant may present evidence relating to character and competence from different
§ 1832. Examination
The board or its designee shall administer examinations to applicants for licensure at least
twice each year if applications are pending. Examinations shall be designed and
implemented to ensure that all applicants are admitted to practice unless there is good
reason to believe that practice by a particular applicant would be inconsistent with the
public health, safety, and welfare; they shall not be designed for the purpose of limiting
the number of licensees.
Please visit Vermont Statutes for more information.
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Board of Medicine
9960 Maryland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463
Phone: (800) 533-1560
Virginia Requirements
18VAC85-20-120. Prerequisites to licensure.
Every applicant for licensure shall:
Meet the educational requirements specified in 18VAC85-20-121 or 18VAC85-20-122
and the examination requirements as specified for each profession in 18VAC85-20-140;
File the complete application and appropriate fee as specified in 18VAC85-20-22 with
the executive director of the board; and
File the required credentials with the executive director as specified below:
o Graduates of an approved institution shall file:
Documentary evidence that he received a degree from the institution; and
A complete chronological record of all professional activities since
graduation from professional school, giving location, dates, and types of
services performed.
o Graduates of an institution not approved by an accrediting agency recognized by
the board shall file:
Documentary evidence of education as required by 18VAC85-20-122;
A translation made and endorsed by a consul or by a professional
translating service of all such documents not in the English language; and
A complete chronological record of all professional activities since
graduation from professional school, giving location, dates, and types of
services performed.
18VAC85-20-140. Examinations, general.
A Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine who has passed the examination of the
National Board of Medical Examiners or of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical
Examiners, Federation Licensing Examination, or the United States Medical Licensing
Examination, or the examination of the Licensing Medical Council of Canada or other
such examinations as prescribed in §54.1-2913.1 of the Code of Virginia may be
accepted for licensure.
Please visit Virginia Board of Medicine for more information.
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Washington State Department of Health
20425 72
Avenue South, Building 2, Suite 310
Kent, WA 98032
Phone: (800) 525-0127
Washington Requirements
LicensesApplication requirements.
A license shall be issued by the secretary authorizing the holder to practice osteopathic
medicine and surgery. In order to procure a license to practice osteopathic medicine and
surgery, the applicant must provide the board evidence that a diploma has been issued to
the applicant by an accredited school of osteopathic medicine and surgery, approved by
the board. The application shall be made upon a form prepared by the secretary, with the
approval of the board, and it shall contain such information concerning said osteopathic
medical instruction and the preliminary education of the applicant as the board may by
rule provide. Applicants who have failed to meet the requirements must be rejected.
An applicant for a license to practice osteopathic medicine and surgery must furnish
evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she has served for not less than one year in a
postgraduate training program approved by the board.
In addition, the applicant may be required to furnish evidence satisfactory to the board
that he or she is physically and mentally capable of safely carrying on the practice of
osteopathic medicine and surgery. The board may require any applicant to submit to such
examination or examinations as it deems necessary to determine an applicant's physical
and/or mental capability to safely practice osteopathic medicine and surgery. The
applicant shall also show that he or she has not been guilty of any conduct which would
constitute grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of such license under the laws of
the state of Washington.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the board from requiring such
additional information from applicants as it deems necessary.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any applicant for licensure, or any
licensee, as a requisite of retaining or renewing licensure under this chapter, to be a
member of any political and/or professional organization.
Applicants for a license to practice osteopathic medicine and surgery must successfully
complete an examination prepared or approved by the board. The examination shall be
conducted in the English language, shall determine the applicant's fitness to practice osteopathic
medicine and surgery, and may be in whole or in part in writing or by practical application on
those general subjects and topics of which knowledge is commonly and generally required of
applicants who have obtained the doctor of osteopathic medicine and surgery conferred by
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accredited schools of osteopathic medicine and surgery approved by the board. If an examination
does not encompass the subject of osteopathic principles and practice, the applicant shall be
required to complete the board-administered examination. The board may prepare and administer
or approve preparation and administration of examinations on such subjects as the board deems
advisable. The examination papers of any examination administered by the board shall form a
part of the applicant's records and shall be retained as determined by the secretary for a period of
not less than one year. All applicants for examination or reexamination shall comply with
administrative procedures, administrative requirements, and fees determined as provided in
RCW 43.70.250 and 43.70.280.
Please visit Washington State Legislature for more information.
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West Virginia
West Virginia Board of Osteopathic Medicine
405 Capitol Street #402
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 558-6095
West Virginia Requirements
With the application, you will also need to:
Arrange for your National Board Scores to be sent directly to the Board office from
the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examinersin Illinois (1-773-714-0622).
Mail or upload a copy of your Medical School Diploma.
Download a Medical School Verification form.
o Fill in the top portion with the pertinent information.
o Copy and forward it to each medical school you have attended for them to complete and
return to our office.
Download a Postgraduate Education Verification form.
o Fill in the top portion with the pertinent information.
o Copy and forward it to each hospital where you participated in any postgraduate training
program for them to complete and return to our office.
Provide documentation of completion of the first year of postdoctoral training (copy
of Intern Certificate or Letter from Director of Medical Education program).
o One year of clinical training must be in a program approved by the American
Osteopathic Association, which may also include a program approved under the
Association's Resolution 42 procedure;
o Postgraduate clinical training in a program approved by the ACGME and 40 hours of
CME in osteopathic medicine with osteopathic manipulative treatment in courses
approved, and classified as category 1A by the AOA (with at least 25% of those hours on
hands-on osteopathic manipulation)
Download a License Verification form or visit www.veridoc.org to request verification of
licensure online.
o Fill in the top portion with the pertinent information
o Copy and forward it to all states in which you are, or have been licensed, in order for
them to complete and send the request to our office.
o Training licenses must also be verified as well as full DO licenses.
Mail or upload documentation of name change (e.g. marriage certificate or divorce
o Note: If your name has changed, and any of your licensure documentation (internship
certificate, medical school diploma, other licensure certificates, etc.) shows a different
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name, you will need to provide documentation of this change (e.g. marriage certificate or
divorce document).
Mail or upload a Malpractice Liability Claims form(s).
Upload a recent (within 60 days) passport quality color Photograph.
Submit a $400.00 Application Fee.
Submit a Processing Fee that is 2.25% of the total fee.
Effective July 1, 2017 any new applicant must obtain a Criminal Background
Check. Pursuant to West Virginia Code § 24 CSR 2-3.3.j. Present to one of the 31
IdentoGO Centers in West Virginia www.identogo.com or MorphoTrust in South
Charleston, West Virginia. Advise them the reports are to be sent to WV Board of
Osteopathic Medicine. The cost will be $44.50.
o There has been a recent informational update regarding the fingerprinting options.
o State and Federal reports are required.
o You will need the Service Code: 228QBF in order to process the fingerprints.
Please visit WV Board of Osteopathic Medicine for more information.
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Department of Safety and Professional Services
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 266-2112
Wisconsin Requirements
Every person applying for regular license to practice medicine and surgery shall make
application therefor on forms provided for this purpose by the board and shall submit to the
board the following:
A completed and verified application form.
Verified documentary evidence of graduation from a medical or osteopathic school
approved by the board. The board recognizes as approved those medical or osteopathic
schools accredited at the time of the applicant’s graduation therefrom by the American
Osteopathic Association, or the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, or their
Verification of satisfactory completion by the applicant of 24 months of postgraduate
training in one or more programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education, the American Osteopathic Association, or a successor organization;
or documentary evidence that the applicant is currently enrolled in a postgraduate training
program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the
American Osteopathic Association, or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada, or a successor organization and has received credit for 12 consecutive months of
postgraduate training in that program and an unrestricted endorsement from the
postgraduate training director that the applicant is expected to complete at least 24
months of postgraduate training
An unmounted photograph, approximately 8 by 12 cm., of the applicant taken not more
than 60 days prior to the date of application and bearing on the reverse side the statement
of a notary public that such photograph is a true likeness of the applicant.
A verified statement that the applicant is familiar with the state health laws and the rules
of the department of health services as related to communicable diseases.
Please visit Wisconsin Legislature for more information.
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Wyoming Board of Medicine
130 Hobbs Avenue, Suite A
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 778-7053
Wyoming Requirements
Section 4. Eligibility for licensure.
General requirements.
To be eligible for consideration for licensure, an applicant shall submit an application on
the form or forms supplied or approved in advance by the board.
Any application, to be eligible for consideration, shall be accompanied by the required
fee in immediately negotiable funds.
For an application to be considered complete, all documents, reports and related materials
must be received in the board’s office and meet all requirements set forth in the Act and
the rules adopted by the board.
References shall be submitted on a form approved, and contain information as specified,
by the board.
o Three (3) original references from physicians are required including at least two
(2) from physicians with whom the applicant has practiced medicine within the
past three (3) years. In exceptional circumstances the board may waive one (1) or
more of the required reference letters. References from physicians with whom the
applicant has a current or prospective financial, business or family relationship are
not acceptable.
o All references shall be on a form prescribed by the board, dated within six (6)
months of the application date and signed by the referring physician.
o If a submitted reference is incomplete or otherwise fails to provide sufficient
information about the applicant, an applicant may be required to submit one or
more references in addition to those required in subparagraph (A).
An application, to be considered, shall be complete in all respects no later than fifteen
(15) business days prior to the licensure interview date, should a licensure interview by
required by these rules.
The board shall issue a written notice of ineligibility to any applicant who does not meet
the eligibility requirements, or has otherwise failed to submit an application which meets
the requirements, of the act or these rules.
Applications shall remain on active status for six (6) calendar months from the date the
application document is received in the board office. The applicant is eligible for a
licensure interview with the board, if one is required by these rules, at any time within the
six (6) month period following the date the application is complete pursuant to Ch. 1,
Section 4(a)(iii) of these rules.
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Pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1621, any applicant for licensure shall verify his or her lawful
presence in the United States on a form approved or prescribed by the board.
Any applicant for licensure or renewal of licensure shall, pursuant to W.S. 33-1-114,
provide his or her Social Security number as part of any application for licensure.
o To be eligible for consideration for licensure, an applicant shall demonstrate in his
or her application that he or she meets each and all of the requirements of the act
including, but not limited to, those requirements set forth in W.S. 33-26-303, and
these rules.
o All applicants for physician licensure shall apply only through the F.C.V.S. and
supply additional information as requested by the Board
Please visit Board of Medicine Rules for more information.