Leading MBA Programs With
An Analysis of U.S. News Top 100
Business Schools
Edited by Eric Fryer and Doug Pinkham
Public aairs professionals have two major roles in business: to manage political risk and to create
market opportunities. As governments further regulate commerce, as technology transforms how
goods are produced and consumed, and as public expectations rise for companies to be good
corporate citizens, the public aairs function has become more important than ever.
Given this elevated role, one would assume that public aairs management would be in the
standard curriculum of every business school. But this is certainly not the case. Instead many
programs and faculty focus exclusively on traditional management strategies, rather than on “non-
market strategies” such as business government relations, public policy development, shared value
creation, corporate responsibility and stakeholder engagement. Fortunately, many leading schools
— including the two highest-rated ones in the U.S. — do provide coursework in these areas. In fact,
roughly one-half of the U.S. News and World Report top 100 MBA programs have met our criteria for
coverage of public aairs management topics.
From this complete list, the Council also identied particularly notable business schools with strong
programs in business-government relations and shared-value/corporate responsibility, as well as
schools with the most innovative public aairs curricula. Read more about these top programs.
The ranking of each MBA program, as listed in the 2021 MBA edition of US News and World Report, is
shown below. Based on our research, those business schools with coursework related to business-
government relations and/or shared value are displayed in boldface type. Course names, numbers,
and descriptions were taken directly from each respective university’s website, online course catalog
and/or online syllabi. Business schools with course descriptions unavailable online were contacted
multiple times. Any business school in the top 100 with public aairs-related curriculum that
believes it should be included in our analysis should contact Eric Fryer at [email protected]. This list
will be updated continuously as more information is received.
Both nonpartisan and nonpolitical, the Public Aairs Council is the leading association for public
aairs professionals worldwide. The Council’s mission is to advance the eld of public aairs and to
provide its 700 member companies, associations and other nonprots with the executive education
and expertise they need to succeed while maintaining the highest ethical standards. Learn more at
1. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
3. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
3. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
6. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
7. University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
8. Columbia University, New York City, NY
9. Yale University, New Haven, CT
10. New York University, New York, NY
11. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
12. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
12. Duke University, Durham, NC
12. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
15. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
16. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
17. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
18. University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
19. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
20. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
20. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
22. Emory University, Atlanta, GA
23. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
23. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
25. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
25. Rice University, Houston, TX
27. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
28. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
28. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
30. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
30. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
30. Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
33. University of Georgia, Athens, GA
33. University of Texas, Dallas, Richardson, TX
35. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
35. University of Rochester, Monroe County, NY
37. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
37. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI
39. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
40. Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
41. Penn State University, University Park, PA
41. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
41. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
44. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
44. University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD
46. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
46. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
48. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
48. Boston University, Boston, MA
48. University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
48. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
52. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
53. George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
53. Iowa State University, Ames, IA
53. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA
56. Auburn University, Auburn, AL
56. Baylor University, Waco, TX
56. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ & New Brunswick, NJ
56. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX
60. University at Bualo--SUNY, Bualo, NY
61. Northeastern University, Boston, MA
62. CUNY-Baruch College, New York, NY
62. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
62. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
62. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
62. College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
67. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
68. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
69. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
70. Howard University, Washington, D.C.
70. University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO
72. Babson College, Wellesley, MA
72. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
74. Chapman University, Orange, CA
74. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
74. University of Connecticut, Manseld, CT
77. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
77. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
77. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
80. Fordham University, New York, NY
80. Purdue University, West Lafayette, West Lafayette, IN
80. University of Denver, Denver, CO
83. Clemson University, Clemson, SC
83. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
85. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
85. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
85. University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
88. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
89. Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
89. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
89. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
92. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
92. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, TX
92. University of Mississippi, University, MS
95. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
95. University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
95. University of Houston, Houston, TX
98. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Stanford oers a host of programs on the strategic value of public aairs including innovative
coursework on subjects such as political risk, political economy and game theory.
POLECON 230: Strategy Beyond Markets
“We will learn how businesses can inuence political decision-making and develop frameworks
for political strategy. We will examine rms’ interactions with competitive rms, market
incumbents, customers, and institutions, including interest groups, legislatures, regulatory
agencies, courts, international organizations, and the public.”
POLECON 231: Strategy Beyond Markets: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Economies
“[We] will expand the list of topics considered to include managing political risk and protecting
the rm in the face of uncertain and discretionary regulatory environments.”
POLECON 239: Strategy Beyond Markets
“In many of the class sessions, we will draw on the newest theoretical and empirical research in
political economy, a eld that is particularly relevant for understanding relationships between
rms and governments.”
POLECON 515: Strategy Beyond the Market: Innovation in the Energy Industry
“The future of the energy industry is deeply intertwined with politics and the formation of policy.
What happens beyond the market shapes the rules of the game for market competition.”
POLECON 584: Managing Global Political Risk
“In today’s globalized world, business success hinges on understanding politics as well as
economic fundamentals.”
POLECON 660: Behavioral Political Economy
Most of modern political economy is based on theories of completely rational agents. This has
been an enormously fruitful modeling strategy… There are, however, well-known empirical
problems with this strategy. In particular, all humans are cognitively constrained: to take two
important examples, our conscious attention is sharply limited and our memories are quite
POLECON 680: Foundations of Political Economy
“This course provides an introduction to political economy with an emphasis on formal models
of collective choice, public institutions, and political competition.”
POLECON 681: Economic Analysis of Political Institutions
“This course extends the foundations developed in P680 by applying techniques of
microeconomic analysis and game theory to the study of political behavior and institutions.”
Faculty members include Ken Shotts, David S. and Ann M. Barlow professor of political economy;
and Steven Callender, Herbert Hoover professor of public and private management.
1. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
This MBA program oers students the option to partner with faculty and businesses on individual
advanced student projects after the rst year of core coursework. The business school also permits
students to take four elective courses from any of Penn’s other academic schools. Wharton MBA
electives include:
MGMT 625 - Corporate Governance (elective)
“ [In] the course of carrying out this role they are often called on to respond to the needs of
numerous other stakeholders, including customers, employees, government and society at
large.” See copy of 2019 course syllabus here.
MGMT 715 – Political and Social Environment of the Multinational Firm (elective)
“This course will teach you to manage eectively in challenging political and social
environments.” See copy of 2018 course syllabus here.
MGMT 720: Corporate Diplomacy (elective)
“This class provides an integrative perspective towards the management of these risks and
opportunities at the level of rm strategy but with implications for the stability of the economic
and political system in which a rm operates.” See copy of 2019 syllabus here.
Faculty members include: Aline Gatignon, assistant professor of management; Witold(Vit) Jerzy
Henisz, Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management in Honor of Russell E. Palmer, former Managing
Partner; and director of Wharton Political Risk Lab.
* 3. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Not enough relevant information was found.
* 3. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
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5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
MIT oers an MBA and MPA dual program in conjunction with Harvard University.
15.014 Applied Macro- and International Economics II
Course is part of the Management Economics subject area.
“Explores the basics of governmental intervention, focusing on areas such as the judicial system,
environment, Social Security, and health. Builds skills to determine what type of policy is most
15.218 Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Course is part of the Global Economics Management subject area.
“Discusses current global economic issues to develop the tools and frameworks to be able to
predict and plan for how governments will respond to dierent challenges in the future.”
15.219[J] Global Energy: Politics, Markets, and Policy
Course is part of the Global Economics Management subject area.
“Extends fundamental concepts in the social sciences to case studies and simulations
that illustrate how corporate, government, and individual decisions shape energy and
environmental outcomes.”
15.223 Global Markets, National Policies and the Competitive Advantages of Firms
Course is part of the Global Economics Management subject area.
“Provides conceptual tools for analyzing how governments and social institutions inuence
economic competition among rms embedded in dierent national settings. Public policies
and institutions that shape competitive outcomes are examined through cases and analytical
15.910 Innovation Strategy
Course is part of the Strategic Management subject area.
“Topics include “crossing the chasm” with new technologies, appropriating the returns from
innovation, platform strategy, and the role of intellectual property and government regulations.”
Key faculty members include: Valerie J. Karplus, professor of global economics and management.
6. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Harvard provides courses on creating competitive advantage through social impact, managing
political risk and recognizing global political risks and opportunities.
STRATEGY 1415: Creating Shared Value: Competitive Advantage through Social Impact
“This course is relevant for anyone who recognizes the growing importance of social issues to
corporate success and the power of companies to change the world. It oers an expanded vision
of corporate strategy and purpose by incorporating social impact as a source of competitive
MBA elective courses on the relationship on business, government and the global economy.
(Course #1151) Globalization and Emerging Markets (elective)
“GEM provides simple frameworks to understand the process of economic growth, to analyze
the nuances between dierent emerging markets, to identify and learn how to deal with political
risk, and to manage within a weaker or less formalized institutional environment.”
(Course #1130) Entrepreneurship and Global Capitalism (elective)
“The course is relevant to all future leaders operating in today’s global context, as it considers
the roles of entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors, inventors, philanthropists, and politicians.”
(Course #1166) Managing International Trade and Investment (elective)
“Markets and industries can vary dramatically between nations and, increasingly, political
and economic events across the globe shape the issues faced by managers and investors in
a vast array of industries. This course is about how to recognize and analyze the risks and
opportunities inherent in doing business or investing abroad.”
Faculty members include Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Andreas Andresen professor of business
administration; Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, professor of management; Sophus A. Reinert,
professor of business administration.
7. University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses
on public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 8. Columbia University, New York City, NY.
Not enough relevant information was found
9. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
First-year courses address nonmarket actors and strategies, causes and consequences of
macroeconomic events, public policy development and legal/regulatory issues.
State and Society
“This course explores the complex two-way interactions of rms and a broad range of
“nonmarket” actors in a variety of settings.”
The Global Macroeconomy
“This course develops a framework for understanding the causes and consequences of
macroeconomic events in real time, a useful input to the management of any enterprise, local or
global, prot or non-prot.”
Policy Design
“The purpose of this class is to teach you how to quantitatively evaluate public policies — we
want to move beyond enumerating reasons why policies might be good or bad and learn how to
measure costs and benets and weigh them against one another.“
Legal Context of Management
“This course will enhance the legal competency of EMBA students through a survey of critical
legal and regulatory issues aecting organizations.”
Key faculty members are Paul Bracken, respected thought leader and professor of management
and political science; and Michael Kraus, assistant professor of organizational behavior.
* 10. New York University, New York, NY.
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11. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
The University of Virginia oers an MBA program with electives that pertain to business-government
GBUS 8309- Management of Economic Growth and Society (elective)
“Students will examine how investments in developing economies in particular present rms
with opportunities to realize substantial nancial returns and contribute to economic growth but
are fraught with unique challenges and risks.”
GBUS 8330- Business-Government Relations (elective)
“Equips students to be the type of managers who understand government processes, are
politically aware, are mindful of the interaction between media, government, and business
and appreciate how business can gain strategic advantage by monitoring and working with
government at all levels.”
GBUS 8306- Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship (elective)
“Explores the multiple ways that an individual, company, or corporation participates
in ventures that impact social and/or environmental issues while simultaneously focusing on
nancial goals.”
Key faculty members include: Peter Debaere, professor of business administration; Kinda Hachem,
associate professor of business administration; and Peter D. Prowitt, professor of global economies
and markets.
12. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Dartmouth oers elective courses under the Ethics and Social Responsibility category that students
can take within the MBA program that are not part of the core curriculum:
Business and Society (elective)
“[This] introductory minicourse is designed to give students an integrated perspective on the
unique roles which government and business play in society.”
Impact Investing: Capital for Social Impact (elective)
“[This] course will examine the sources, markets, costs, risk and return tradeos, and
accountability mechanisms in the emerging markets for Social Impact Capital.”
Managing for Social Impact (elective)
“A recurring theme will be where and how business strategies and frameworks can helpfully be
applied or adapted by social-purpose organizations, and where they might have problematic
Key faculty include Curtis R. Welling, clinical professor of business.
12. Duke University, Durham, NC.
At Duke University, students have the opportunity to learn about leadership and ethics, and political
inuences on organizations.
MGRECON 780G- Global Managerial Economics
“Specic topics include the following: Logic of interventions by national governments;
international trade; empirical demand analysis; price discrimination strategies; pricing, entry and
regulatory issues with application to the pharmaceuticals industry; game theory; and tools for
the analysis of strategic interactions among large players”.
MGRECON 781- The Global Economy
“Particular attention is paid to understanding a variety of current global issues that are
important for rms.”
MGMTCOM 570- Eective Advocacy
“Students learn advocacy skills; manage communication; construct written and oral messages;
analyze and respond to complex communication situations; and anticipate and answer
challenges and counter arguments.”
Faculty members include Jonathon Cummings, professor of management and organization; and
Kimberly Wade Benzoni, professor of management and organization.
12. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 15. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Not enough relevant information was found.
16. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
UCLA’s business school explores the political environment for business, the art of inuence and
changing conditions facing companies in developing countries.
M293A. Political Environment of American Business
“Evaluation of certain criticisms made by business of American political system. Designed to
provide clearer understanding of principal features of American politics, especially as they
inuence business enterprise.”
285A. Leadership, Motivation, and Power
“Theoretical and practical approaches to inuencing and motivating people. Relative
eectiveness of various leadership styles, dierent motivation theories, and power tactics from
managerial point of view.”
297E. Business and Economics in Emerging Markets
“Analysis of changing economic, political, demographic, and sociocultural conditions in
developing countries as they aect the business environment.”
Faculty members include Sanford Jacoby, distinguished research professor in management and
organizations; and Michael R. Darby, Warren C. Cordner distinguished professor of money and
nancial markets.
* 17. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
18. University of Texas - Austin, Austin, TX.
This MBA program oers a business-government relations concentration. The following courses can
be selected by students who wish to pursue this concentration:
BGS 82- Corporate Political Strategy (concentration course)
“This course will explore the relationship between business and its external stakeholders
including elected ocials, regulators, mass public, public interest groups, NGOs, and activists in
the United States.”
BGS 380E- Global Political Economy (concentration course)
“Exploration of how rms can successfully integrate their traditional strategies with non-market
strategy in the global arena, including how to successfully engage with international non-market
actors such as foreign governments, regulators, political parties, NGOs, and the media.”
BGS 380D- Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (concentration course)
“A study of how the political and regulatory environment enables and constrains business
activity and how individual rms and groups of rms can ethically, yet eectively, lobby
legislatures, negotiate with regulators, create industry associations, make campaign
contributions, and engage in other political activity to gain competitive advantage.”
BGS 385 or BGS 385W Business, Government & Public Policy or Business, Government &
Public Policy (concentration course)
“Studies the relationship between business and government throughout the policy process and
examines the constitutional constraints that aect businesses across dierent political and legal
systems. Explores ethical issues of the role of business in the policy process.”
MAN 383- Advocacy (concentration course)
“This course focuses on research and theory related to the very practical issue of how one ‘sells’
ideas in organizations, politics, and life. Materials in the class integrate theories, research, and
popular sources on topics drawn from persuasion, marketing, leadership, and communication.
PA 383- Politics and Process (concentration course)
“...covers how public problems are framed and debated, and how policy solutions are
legitimated and implemented in the U.S. political system.”
Faculty include: Timothy Werner, associate professor of business, government and society.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 19. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
20. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 20. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
22. Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 23. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 23. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Not enough relevant information was found.
25. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
The Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy area of Georgetown’s MBA program is dedicated
to forging and disseminating an improved understanding of the rm and its interaction with the
external environment beyond the market.
BADM 600- Business and Public Policy in a Global Economy (core course)
“Analyze the eects of government policies on business and the eects of business on
government. Learn to forecast changes in government policy.”
Business and Government (core course)
“Examine the political economy of international business and the way rms compete in a
rules-based’ global economy, focusing on trade and investment.”
BADM 720- Political Risk Analysis (elective)
“To enhance the quality of our decision-making we need to understand how political events or
policy decisions can disrupt investment, trade, and commerce, threaten stability in any given
country and aect international relations. With a particular focus on recent events, students will:
learn to identify drivers of political risk, study dierent methods and analytical frameworks to
measure it, and analyze real world cases to manage it.”
BADM 732 - The Business of Lobbying (elective)
“…will critically examine American politics and government through the prism of interest group
participants to reveal how public policy formulated in our nation’s capital impacts business
interests around the country.”
Faculty members include Jerey Macher, professor and academic director of Georgetown Center for
Business and Public Policy; and John W. Mayo, professor of economics, business and public Policy.
25. Rice University, Houston, TX.
The MBA core curricula include courses in the fundamentals of business or corporate strategy,
business ethics/corporate social responsibility, and business-government relations. In the Executive
MBA Program, here are daytime electives that pertain to business-government relations:
MGMT 561 - Business-Government Relations (elective)
“Study of how public policy inuences the private competitive environment of the rm. Examines
the major political institutions and actors — Congress, the President, interest groups, the media,
and administrative agencies — that shape U.S. public policy. Students analyze business political
strategies and formulate several of their own.”
MGMT 600 - International Energy Simulation (elective)
“You will be assigned to one of about 15 teams including government, energy companies, media,
villagers, public policy institutions...”
MGMT 667 - Applied Capital Markets (elective)
“It builds on the basic principles of the structure of the banking system, capital market structures
and functions, funding and solvency issues, and also looks at current regulatory, political and
agency issues.”
MGMT 668 - International Trade & Business Strategy (elective)
“An overview of the economic and political environment of international trade, foreign
investment, and competitiveness, focusing on institutions that aect international commerce.”
MGMT 865 - Globalization of Business (elective)
“This course examines the increasing importance of trade and foreign direct investment and the
global political-economy to U.S. business.”
MGMT 866 - Public Policy Management & Advocacy (elective)
“This course demonstrates how organizations, especially corporations, set up processes for
identifying and managing public policy issues. Then, to help achieve their public policy objectives,
it discusses how corporations use best practices in engaging with stakeholders — governments,
media, communities and non-prot NGOs.”
MGMT 747 - Regulatory Environment of Business (elective)
“We will apply the methodology of neoclassical economic analysis to understand the
role and function of government and governmental decision-making; explore the intersection
between economics and the law”
Faculty members include: Nancy Sauer, lecturer in management and professor of business-
government relations; and Douglas A. Schuler, associate professor of business and public policy.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 27. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
28. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
28. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN.
The University of Minnesota does not incorporate business-government relations/public aairs into
its core curriculum, but incorporates it into several classes in its management concentration.
OLPD 6402- Integrative Leadership: From Theory to Practice (management concentration course)
“Strategic challenges linking business, government, and society locally [and] globally.”
MGMT 6305- The International Environment of Business (management concentration course)
“Introduction to international trade/nance theory and political economy. Institutional
governance of international trade/monetary policy, dierences in political-economic/
sociocultural systems.”
Faculty: Kathy Quick, associate professor of leadership and management.
* 30. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
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* 30. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.
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30. Washington University in St. Louis, St Louis, MO.
Its MBA program has several core courses related to business-government relations. Also, in the
nal two semesters, MBA students are required to take business-government relations capstone
MGT 5305 - The Global Business Environment in the 21st Century (core)
“[How] do institutions and government policy aect competitiveness and business opportunities
around the globe?”
Global Institutions and Values (core)
“Gain a solid grounding in the cultures, political systems and economies of the leading and
emerging countries of the world.”
Faculty include: Kirt T. Dirks, professor of leadership and vice chancellor of international aairs at
Bank of America.
* 33. University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
33. University of Texas, Dallas, Richardson, TX.
This MBA program oers various concentrations that contain business-government relations and/or
public aairs coursework. Additionally, the Jindal School of Management’s center for excellence, the
Institute for Corporate Governance, teaches public aairs and governance to MBA and MS students
in management. It also oers seminars and events for the Dallas business community at large.
ENGY 6332 Energy and Sustainability (concentration course)
“The course discusses major shifts in the global energy industry and the impact shifts in public
perception are having on international and domestic energy policies, the environment, and
corporate and government sustainability initiatives.”
ENGY 6335 Power Industry: Finance, Economics and Markets (concentration course)
“The course covers public/private utilities, costs, revenues, guarantees on returns as well as
government granted service area monopolies, franchised utilities, and independent power
IMS 6213 Global Politics in Business (concentration course)
“This course will provide a comprehensive study of global business and politics. It examines
regulatory compliance, ideology, government policies, ethical conicts, environmental and
resource issues at a global level”
ACCT 6287 Board Membership, Risk Management and Compliance (executive education course)
“This course will consider the functions of the board of directors. Topics include strategy, risk
management and compliance.”
Faculty include: Seung-Hyun Lee, professor of organizations, strategy and international
management; Clint Peinhardt, lecturer in global politics in business; Diane McNulty, clinical
professor, organizations, strategy and international management; and associate dean, external
aairs and corporate development.
35. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
Faculty members include: Gerry Keim, professor of management and entrepreneurship.
35. University of Rochester, Monroe County, NY.
Not enough relevant information was found.
37. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Its MBA program’s Social Impact Pathway provides students an understanding of the blurring lines
between nonprot and for-prot entities and the ways in which organizations engage in business
activities with goals of social impact.
AMIS 7250: Financial Statements of Nonprot and Governmental Organizations (required)
This course centers on nancial aspects of nonprot and governmental organizations,
beginning with their nancial reports. The course focuses on:
1. The nancial reporting concepts and standards that are applicable to nonprot and
governmental organizations;
2. Ratio and other summary indicators used to evaluate the nancial condition and nancial
performance of nonprot and governmental organizations
3. The analysis and interpretation of nancial statements of selected nonprot and
governmental organizations.
PUBAFRS 5595: Social Enterprise (required)
“A comprehensive introduction to the core concepts and key principles of social enterprise.
Social enterprises are dened as nonprot organizations that draw on market principles to
pursue their social mission as well as governments and businesses as well.”
PUBAFRS 7553: Nonprot Management and Governance (required)
“The purpose of this course is to provide students of nonprot management with the knowledge
necessary to operate in today’s complex organizational environment.”
BUSMHR 7543: Understanding Commercial and Social Franchising (optional)
“This course will explore the business and legal requirements of franchising in the United States
and internationally. It will provide students with an understanding of how to design and develop
consistent and sustainable commercial and social franchise systems.”
PUBAFRS 5592: Marketing for Nonprot and Public Organizations (optional)
“This course examines the marketing principles of mission-driven organizations, specically
nonprots and government agencies. Marketing is one tool available to managers to improve
organizational performance and encourage eective communication to stakeholders.”
PUBAFRS 7501: Grant Writing in the Public Sector (optional)
“An introduction to the public sector process of grant writing including techniques and
RURSOC 5580: Social Impact Assessment (optional)
“This course provides students with a broad understanding of the fundamental history,
concepts, methods, and theories of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) as part of environmental
policy and regulation in both US and International contexts.”
PUBAFRS 7554: Performance Measurement and Management in the Public Sector (optional)
“Federal, State, Local and quasi-governmental case studies will be examined on how elected
ocials and public/non-prot sector managers are using these tools to determine what
programs should continue to receive investment and which programs should be discontinued”.
PUBAFRS 6040: Public Budgeting and Finance (optional)
“The course examines the motivations for creating a public sector, contemplates budgets as
political, policy, and nancial documents and discusses methods for budgeting and budget
PUBAFRS 6010: Legal Environment and Public Organizations (optional)
“Provides students an understanding of the legal foundations of public aairs. Students use
legal reasoning to examine and analyze the constraints imposed on public policy making and
program management and implementation by the legal environment. “
Faculty members include: Joseph Alutto, distinguished professor emeritus, management and
human resources.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 37. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
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* 39. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
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* 40. Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.
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* 41. Penn State University, University Park, PA.
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41. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
This program oers a few core courses in business-government relations in various concentrations.
It also oers an international exchange program where students can learn about political and
economic trends and how they intertwine with businesses.
MNGT 6210 - Global Leadership Program
“An experience abroad in which students meet with local business and government leaders”.
FINA 6222 - Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
“[The] diculties of dealing with an economy that is evolving toward a new, high-productivity
paradigm characterized by government surpluses and private sector savings shortfalls.”
BUSE 6202 - Managerial Economics
“Topics include supply, demand, and market equilibrium. Also, competition, industrial
concentration, government regulation, optimal pricing strategies, and economic eciency.”
Faculty include Mea Ahlberg, adjunct professor of management and organizations; and Michael
Davis, clinical professor of strategy (and specializes in the intersection between government and
* 41. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
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44. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
44. University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD.
Students will “develop sophisticated analytical skills and a deep understanding of the way business
functions like marketing, nance and operations interact.” Business Management and Public Policy
combined degrees (MBA and MPP). Some coursework relating to business-government
relations and public policy
BUSM604 Managerial Economics and Public Policy
“Market failures and government intervention. Public policy processes aecting business
BUSM626 The Global Economic Environment
“Relationship between national and international economic environments. Determinants of
output, interest rates, prices and exchange rates. Analysis of eect of economic policies (scal,
monetary, trade, tax) on the rm and the economy.”
BUSM778 Introduction to Global Business Experience
“Introduction to the economic climate of the country and region, history political inuences on
business landscape, and specic opportunities and threats of doing business in the destination
Faculty members include: Rajshree Agarwal, professor in management and organization; and
Rachelle Sampson, associate professor of business and public policy.
46. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Arizona oers a singular core government relations course in the curriculum, mainly a global
business one that immerses students in a foreign country and its respective political and
governmental environment.
BNAD 596C Global Business Experience (core/elective)
“Students would then depart for an 8-10-day experience to an emerging market, engaged in
extensive interactions with business, government and other organizations.
FIN 531 Financial Intermediaries (elective)
“Financial markets and institutions; eects of economic conditions and government policy on
nancial institutions”.
MGMT 563 Doing Business with Africa: A Cultural Perspective (elective)
“... Designed to provide cultural grounding and competency in Africa for students and
professionals interested in conducting business and/or working with government agencies and
nonprot organizations in Africa.”
MKTG 560 International Marketing (elective)
“Marketing planning and strategies for foreign environments; cultural, political, economic factors
aecting the international marketer...”
ECON 527 Current Topics in Healthcare Economics and Policy (elective)
“This course uses the core principles and methods of health economics to analyze current
important issues in healthcare economics and policy.”
MIS 515 Information Security in Public and Private Sectors (elective)
“Components include national policy, threats, countermeasures and risk management among
MGMT 538 Healthcare Organization and Management (elective)
“This course focuses on the management and organization of health care delivery, particularly in
the United States.”
Faculty include: Lehman Benson III, associate professor, management and organizations;
Charity-Joy Acchiardo, lecturer, economies.
* 46. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN.
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48. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
The courses in this MBA program focus on leadership as well as the public and private sectors of
businesses as they relate to the public good and governmental aairs.
MGMT 2270- Ethics, Public Policy, and the “Sin Industries”
“There is also an external environment, i.e., those political and social forces that play in
formulating the strategy of the rm... The purpose of this course is to examine how business
(internal environment) and public policy (external environment) processes interact.”
BSLW 6651- Nonprots & Public Sector Organizations
“[Examines] nonprot corporations and governmental entities: federal, state, and local
throughout the American economy.”
BSLW 8801- Law Economics and Public Policy
“This interdisciplinary course employs law, economics, and public policy as essential — and
inseparable — frameworks for understanding many of the most critical and current challenges
facing our nation and world.”
Faculty members include: Thomas Wesner, associate professor of the practice in the department
of business law and society; and Richard McGowan, associate professor of the practice in the
department of nance.
48. Boston University, Boston, MA.
This Social Impact MBA program oers course electives that incorporate aspects of business-
government relations.
QSTOB 830- Leading the Mission-Driven Organization (elective)
“Such missions occur in the context of various organizations, including non-prot and for-prot,
philanthropic and religious, public and private, governmental and non-governmental. This
course focuses on leadership theories, frameworks, and practices that take seriously the nature
of workers.”
QSTMK 838- Behavior Change Practicum (elective)
“Every organization — be it government, private company or welfare agency — is in the business
of changing behavior. In this course, students will learn to apply insights from behavioral
economics to eectively produce it.”
QSTMK 867- Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing (elective)
“Practitioners must be pragmatic when engaging in marketing social change. Understanding
how to apply best practice, identify opportunities, address challenges, engage stakeholders and
innovate strategically are essential skills in this rapidly evolving sector.”
Faculty include Alan B. Cohen, research professor of markets, public policy, and law; and Ned Rimer,
senior lecturer of management and organizations.
48. University of California, Davis, Davis, CA.
This MBA program oers mostly elective courses pertaining to business-government relations.
276 Real Estate Finance and Development (elective)
“The course will have special lectures on wetlands and the political process, forces, moratoriums
and controls.”
202A Markets and the Firm (core)
“Examines the interaction of consumers, rms and government, and the eect this interaction
has on the use of resources and rm protability.”
202B Business, Government and the International Economy (elective)
“Examines the inuence of government and international factors on the business environment.”
215 Business Law (elective)
“Subject matter includes an introduction to the American legal system, legal reasoning,
contracts, agency, business organizations, and government regulation.”
291 Topics in Social Entrepreneurship (elective)
“As the traditional lines blur between nonprot enterprises, government, and business, it
is critical that business students understand the opportunities and challenges in this new
Faculty include: Mark Smith, lecturer of management and director of public policy at Western Region
for Ducks Unlimited (DU).
* 48. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
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* 52. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
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* 53. George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
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* 53. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
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* 53. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA.
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* 56. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
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56. Baylor University, Waco, TX.
While the school doesn’t oer core courses in public aairs, its economics electives oer courses
related to government and public policy.
ECO 5317 - Contemporary Government and Business Relations (elective)
“An examination of the many ways in which government and business interact. Topics
include the historical development of government regulations of business; the current
state of antitrust enforcement; issues involving multinational corporations…”
ECO 5320 - The Economics of Government (elective)
“Economic rationale and eect of various taxes, user pricing, and the role of government in the
allocation of resources, stabilization of the economy, and redistribution of wealth.”
ECO 5327 - E-Commerce Economics (elective)
“[The] economics of Internet advertising; intellectual property rights of digital products; national
and international public-policy issues of e-commerce”.
ECO 5330 - Problem Areas in International Economics (elective)
“Particular emphasis upon emerging problems relating to the international monetary system,
the trend toward economic regionalism, the growth of the less developed countries, and
economic relations between private enterprise economies and state trading enterprises.”
Faculty include Steve Green, professor of economics; and Timothy Kayworh, professor of
information systems and associate dean of graduate business programs.
56. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ & New Brunswick, NJ.
This MBA program oers several business-government relations courses that are either integrative
or core-course requirements.
22:373:623 | 22:373:628 (PT) Business, Ethics, and Society (core)
“A major priority of the course is to equip students to make thoughtful and eective arguments
as to how to deal with business issues as to which there is no obvious, clear answer, and in
which ethical, social, or political concerns are present.”
22:620:672 Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development (integrative course)
“The course will explore the many dimensions of urban entrepreneurship and economic
development through an exploration of the business and policy issues, the use of action
research methods and the development and completion of consulting projects.”
22:373:602 Management and Public Policy (elective)
“Examines the interaction between public policy and business. Considers the public policy
process, including analysis of how issues arise in a pluralistic society. Reviews signicant public
policy issues, the political process and how it deals with issues, societal value-setting processes,
and the means for expressing those values.”
Faculty include Farok Contractor, distinguished professor of management and global business; and
Danielle Warren, professor of management and global business.
56. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
This MBA program oers a variety of management courses that can be taken as electives,
depending on the program, and contain public aairs and governmental relations content.
MANA 60023 Legal and Social Environment of Business
“Corporations operate within an environment that is comprised of relationships with customers,
investors, employees, competitors, and suppliers. The primary focus of this course will be to
examine those federal and state laws that regulate these relationships. Appropriate attention
will be paid to the various social, ethical, and political forces that inuence the
development and enforcement of laws.”
MANA 72440 Legal Issues in Health Care
“This course is a study of the fundamental legal issues, including structural and operational
issues aecting health care providers and payers. Discussions will cover federal and state fraud
and abuse issues, patient safety, patient rights and responsibilities…”
MANA 70620 Energy Legal and Regulatory Issues
“[Focuses] on legal and regulatory issues unique to the U.S. energy industry. Key legal topics
covered include ownership rights, kinds of interests, protection of rights, creation and transfer
of rights, creation and transfer of interests, essential clauses of modern energy leases, taxation,
and energy contracts.”
MANA 72420 U.S. Health Care Policy
“The course will examine the history and possible futures of U.S. health care policy with respect
to health services”
MANA 72423 U.S. Health Care Policy
“In addition to addressing specic legislation and regulation that governs health care policy,
the course will illuminate the dynamics, processes, and players that shape and inuence these
policies... (etc.)”
Faculty members include Richard Priem, professor of management; and Robert T. Rhodes,
professor of professional practice in the department of management and leadership development.
This MBA program provides a variety of coursework in management and policy with a focus on
globalization, law and government.
MGT 554LEC International Law & IP Management
“Ethical issues related to information privacy, accessibility, property, and accuracy; practice
principles in data retrieval, globalization and sourcing; important laws, regulations, compliance,
and treaties — U.S. federal laws, EU Data Protection Directive and Indian privacy laws”
MGT 617LEC The Government, the Law, and the Firm
“An analysis of the business sector’s relation to the principal forces operating in the legal,
political, and social environment. Particular attention given to constraints and freedoms oered
under common, corporate, and regulation.”
MGE 602 The Global Economy and the Business Firm
“A study of the patterns and uctuations of growth of the aggregate level of economic activity
in a modern complex society. Among the topics included are… macroeconomic forecasting;
alternative scal and monetary policies and their role in promoting stability and progress; and
macro aspects of legislation.”
MGT 640LEC Legal Aspects of Business Mgmt
“Coverage of contracts, business organizations, government regulations, and various areas
of commercial law. Fundamental issues in jurisprudence, procedure and legal reasoning, and
related global, ethical, and public policy issues are addressed.”
Faculty include Kenneth Kim, associate professor of operations management and strategy.
61. Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
This program requires interdisciplinary studies in which students must take six credits worth of
courses in any of the other ve colleges on campus such as the schools of public policy and law.
INTL 5200 Political Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
“Examines how states, institutions, policy choices, and social forces shape — and are inuenced
by — the global economy and the world polity.” (College of Social Sciences elective)
ECON 5140 Applied Econometrics
“Applies the fundamentals of econometrics to analyze structural economic models, forecasting,
and policy analysis.” (College of Social Sciences elective)
LPSC 6313 Economic Analysis for Law, Policy, & Planning
“[Familiarize students] with the essential ideas and methods of microeconomics and their
application to a wide range of domestic public policy issues at the national, state, and local level.”
(School of Law elective)
INTB 6226 Becoming a Global Leader
“Discusses the alignment between the rm’s business strategy and the leader’s responses in a
multicultural environment” (concentration elective)
FINA 6204 International Financial Management
“Topics include operation of the foreign exchange markets, foreign exchange risk management,
sources and instruments of international nancing, foreign direct investment and the
management of political risk.” (concentration elective)
Faculty members include Ruth V. Aguilera, distinguished professor of international business and
strategy; and Valentine M. Moghadam, professor of sociology and international aairs.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 62. CUNY-Baruch College, New York, NY.
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*62. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
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* 62. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
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62. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
This MBA includes several core courses and electives relevant to business-government relations,
and includes global-focused courses on economics and stakeholder management.
Global Economics (core)
“Behavior of consumers and rms, government antitrust policy, open economy macroeconomic
policy, and determinants of trade patterns and trade policy.”
IBUS 710: Global Stakeholder Management (elective)
“At the nexus of business and strategy is the management of political and social
uncertainty orchestrated by stakeholders (those social, political and economic actors who have a
stake in the rm’s operations including nongovernmental organizations, governments… [etc.]”
IBUS 717: Managing Cross-Border Teams (elective)
“Business people often interact with culturally dierent colleagues, competitors, suppliers, and
government ocials.”
Lite Nartey, assistant professor of international business.
62. College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
MBA coursework includes business-government relations, with featured courses on global
economics and international nance.
BUAD 5941 Business, Government and the Global Economy (core)
“Students are encouraged to analyze business and economic policies and money and capital
BUAD 6371 - International Financial Foundations (elective)
“Using an applied approach, students develop deeper appreciation for the nature of global
connectedness, including both trade and nancial ows, and country risk assessment.”
Faculty members include Steven Papamarcos, senior professor of management.
67. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA.
MBA curriculum oers several elective courses that pertain to business-government relations and
include topic areas such as health care and health policy.
206. Business and Government for Managers
[Introduce] students to the many non-market issues that aect today’s managers, with a
particular emphasis on understanding how and why governments intervene in competitive
295. Federal Policy in Health Care
“Topics include political environment of management, concepts, and processes central to
political analysis, bureaucratic politics, politics, and the manager.”
264. U.S. Health Policy
“Provides an overview of U.S. health policy with a particular emphasis on current policy
developments and debates. Students will be introduced to the basic tools of policy analysis and
will apply them to health policy issues.”
Faculty members include N. Edward Coulson, professor of economics and public policy.
* 68. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
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69. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
LSU’s MBA program contains several required courses in business-government relations with
emphasis on the legal environment of business and competitive advantage.
BADM 7140 - Legal Environment of Business
“The structure of the legal environment of business; sources of law aecting business;
constitutional issues in the legal environment of business (etc.)”
BADM 7190 - Managing Sources of Competitive Advantage
“Contemporary approaches to developing and sustaining a competitive advantage in global
competition; topics include: competition for competence, strategy and technology, managing
home and host government relations, cooperative strategy...”
BADM 7200 - Economic Environment of the Firm
“National and global issues that aect the rm; an introduction to theoretical concepts and
policy issues associated mainly with macroeconomics and to a lesser degree with managerial
Faculty include Luke Cashen, adjunct faculty of business administration.
70. Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
* 70. University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO.
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72. Babson College, Wellesley, MA.
Bapson’s program covers “non-market strategies” and examines how each discipline and overall
busines management can benet society.
MOB 7517 Healthcare Ecosystem
“We will explore the system’s various components and their roles: … the entities that pay for
health care (insurance companies and health maintenance organizations)... and the government
(in its role as regulator and funder).”
MOB 7523 Communication in a Global Context
“This course assumes that our abilities to think strategically and to communicate powerfully in
the global marketplace are profoundly inuenced by culture, gender, ethnicity, and technology.
We’ll examine the knowledge, mindfulness, and behaviors that lead to more successful business
engagements with our clients.”
MOB 7549 - Global Business Institution and Policies
“[We] analyze the impact of the formal and informal dimensions of their environment, including,
among others, corporate governance systems, innovation systems, policies, non-market
ecosystems, corruption, and third-sector activism, on rms strategies.”
Faculty include: Bob Morris, senior fellow in social innovation and former VP of communications at
InterGen and Waste Management; and Bret Bero, lecturer of management.
72. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
This MBA program covers a substantial amount of public aairs-related coursework related to
sustainable business topics, and sustainability coursework on “non-market valuation.”
ECO 614: Valuing Public Goods (sustainability focus course).
“While the costs of becoming more sustainable are relatively straight forward for the rm to
quantify, the benets to society (social benets) are more dicult to determine. Nonetheless,
assessing how clientele and other external stakeholders value sustainable practices is important
if rms are to prioritize their eorts. This course will introduce students to the world of non-
market valuation: the valuation of goods and services for which no true market exists with prices
to reveal how much consumers are willing to pay.”
ECO 615 Managing Regulation Compliance (sustainability focus course).
“Sustainability initiatives must be integrated with a complex set of government regulations.
Regulation systems such as standards, tradeable permits, and taxes are analyzed from the
rm’s point of view. Regulation systems are also studied when compliance costs are uncertain
or changing over time. Many modern regulation systems allow rms to earn credits by over-
complying, which can be sold or banked for future use. The course will study compliance/credit
management, including over the business cycle and when regulation changes over time. The
value of compliance/over-compliance to the rm’s brand and to society/external stakeholders is
integrated into the optimal compliance decision.”
ECO 617 Enterprise Risk Management (sustainability focus course).
“Tools for the measurement and mitigation of risk are developed. Measurement tools include
value at risk measures, expert opinion, and the use of market prices. Mitigation tools include
catastrophe bonds, derivatives such as weather derivatives, and adaptations (building
resilience). Risks that are relevant to sustainability, such as fat tailed risk and environmental
catastrophes, are emphasized. The value of environmental risk reduction to the rm and society
are derived.”
BUS 655 Public Policy and Health (Health Sector Management and Policy concentration course)
“Development of public policy at the federal, state and local level. Policy process, models
of policy analysis, policy development in several government service areas, and plans for
policy change. Special emphasis on health policy formulation, implementation and the use of
epidemiological tools in health policy analysis.”
HSM 687 Health Care Organization, Economics & Ethics (Health Sector Management and Policy
concentration course)
“…Students will understand and analyze the organizational structure, behavior, interactions
between structure and behavior, and the resultant performance of the various sectors of
the health care industry, including models of hospital management behavior, operations of
alternative services markets, physicians as small businesses, group practices and employees, the
market for physician services, the market for nurses, the issue of risk and risk sharing, and the
impact of government on organization, behavior and performance in the market place.”
Faculty include: Karoline Mortensen, associate professor of health management and policy; and
Michael T. French, professor of health management and policy, and academic director of the
masters in health administration program.
* 74. Chapman University, Orange, CA.
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74. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
Tulane oers one core course with content pertaining to business-government relations.
Electives within the management and accounting areas also reference this subject area.
MGMT 6510 Economic Environment of Global Business-Global Leadership
“This course provides an overview of the world economy and the patterns of global interaction
among countries… Issues of government policy, such government debt, and external balances of
trade are also considered.” (Core course)
MGMT 7120 Competition and Strategy
“Additional considerations include how government, technology, and other environmental
factors aect competition.” (Elective)
MGMT 7170 Healthcare Policy and Reform
“Students will also learn about the government’s role in healthcare and the history of healthcare
Faculty include Deen Kemsley, alumni professor of accounting; and Han Jiang, assistant professor of
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* 77. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
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* 77. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
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* 77. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
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* 80. Fordham University, New York, NY.
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80. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Consortium member of The Washington Campus, which provides open-enrollment courses on
public policy development and impacts, and business-government relations.
80. University of Denver, Denver, CO.
MBA courses are oered on social value and government relations and their global inuences on
MBA 4170: Navigating the Global Economy
“The challenges rms face today—global nancial crises, corruption, and nite resources, to
name a few—are impossible to tackle without a solid understanding of the broader political
and economic institutions and environment. This class will provide a foundation to students’
understanding of the international political economy, [etc.]”
MBA 4210: Social Good Challenge
“[The] remainder of time students will engage with community for-prot, non-prot, and
government organizations to design and execute a social good initiative.”
MBA 4490: Global Macroeconomics
“ It teaches students how private market forces and government policy decisions drive
uctuations in the global economy and aect the business environment.”
MBA 4540: Business Law and Public Policy
“The course begins with an exploration of the role of business in the public policy environment.
The course then examines the legal environment of business, including key elements of private
law [...] and public law.”
MBA 4470: International Business Theory in Practice
“Students will actively explore current international business issues, will interact with local
international business leaders, and learn specic concerns facing key regions or countries
LGST 4760: CEOs and Corporate Governance
“This course covers governance models, shareholder rights, stakeholder accountability, director
and ocer duties, roles of board committees, executive compensation, executive liability and
succession, ethics and compliance, SEC regulations, Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank provisions,
shareholder activism and resolutions, and social investing.”
MBA 4340: Creating Sustainable Enterprise
“Students will examine the external environmental and social pressures on corporations, and
the systems and internal processes that corporations must adopt to address those pressures,
whether they be issues like climate change or human rights.”
LGST 4250: Business and Global Values
“Students will explore the fundamental rights and universal values, globalization and
nationalism, international organizations, business responses to terrorism, global trade and
competition policies, global corporate governance standards, comparative cultural and legal
policies on freedom of religion and expression, and comparative policies on pandemic and
health issues.”
BUS 4444: Global Business, Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility
“This course is one of three required courses for the Graduate Certicate in Global Business and
Corporate Social Responsibility. It covers universal rights, international organizations and ethical
standards, human rights abuses, corporate stakeholder accountability, sustainability, and ESG
MBA 4140: Ethics in Practice
“This course covers traditional concerns in business ethics, such as normative theories, ethical
decision frameworks and virtue ethics. It does so by applying theory to practical business
functions and decisions, related to employees, customers, investors, and communities.”
MBA 4670: Global Issues
“Develop a personal viewpoint regarding the “Global Tilt.” Explore current global issues and their
implications for business and careers. Develop future scanning strategy/skills to keep up with
global issues. Assess the changing “permeability” of national borders.”
Faculty include Corey Ciocchetti, professor of business ethics & legal studies; Bruce Klaw, associate
professor of business ethics & legal studies; and Kevin O’Brien, associate professor and chair of
business ethics & legal studies.
* 83. Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
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* 83. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
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85. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
FSU’s MBA program oers several courses on policy and legal aspects of business and business-
government relations.
BUL 5810 The Legal & Ethical Environment of Business (core)
“An introduction to the legal, political and social institutions which aect business activity, with
an emphasis on public law and governmental regulation. Landmark legislation and judicial
decisions will be examined.”
MAR 5125 Marketing Strategy in the Global Environment (elective)
“Examines the business-level marketing strategy in the context of global markets and uses
the marketing-planning process as a framework for understanding how global environments,
markets, and institutions aect the strategic marketing operations of the global business
Faculty include: William Woodyard, senior lecturer of business studies.
85. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Louisville oers an executive MBA program that contains core courses on business-government
relations and public aairs, such as public policy inuences and global relations.
EMBA 617. Business Strategy and Public Policy
“This course examines how public policy decisions made at the federal and state levels inuence
business decision-making.”
EMBA 620. Strategic Management
“Strategic management consists of top management decision-making regarding business,
corporate & international strategies, as well as issues inuencing the implementation of those
EMBA 614. Managing Global Challenges
“Foundations of the global economy, current trends in the global business environment and
issues facing international organizations.”
Faculty include Barry M. Haworth, assistant professor of economics; and Kristen Lynn Lucas,
associate professor of management.
* 85. University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
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* 88. Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH.
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* 89. Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
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* 89. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
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* 89. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
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* 92. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
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* 92. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
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* 92. University of Mississippi, University MS.
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95. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
The College of Charleston’s program contains core-course requirements in corporate governance
and the global economy as well as “emphasis” courses that relate to the public aairs eld.
MBAD 500 Law of Corporate Governance (core)
“A study of legal and ethical issues regarding the structure and operation of corporations.
Topics include the corporation as a legal and moral “person”; legal and ethical responsibilities of
directors, shareholders and ocers in the U.S. and internationally; and government regulation
of corporations, securities markets, and fair competition.”
MBAD 518 The Global Economy (core)
“This class is designed to provide a framework for understanding how national and international
macroeconomic markets interact, how they impact business performance and, therefore, how
they aect business decisions.“
MBAD 520 Global Enterprise (marketing emphasis course)
“This course focuses on the four functional areas of global enterprise: International Marketing,
International Management, Supply Chain Management, and International Finance. By
emphasizing the mechanisms and tools needed by businesses operating in the global area,
students will develop an understanding of the skills and tools needed to operate globally.”
MBAD 515 International Financial Markets and Risk Management
“This class is designed to provide a framework for understanding how international nancial
markets operate and the use of the nancial tools to develop strategies to reduce the risks
involved in international nance.”
Faculty include: Joseph R. Weston, J.D., adjunct instructor of business law; and Mark White, Pd.D.,
associate professor of economics.
* 95. University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA.
Not enough relevant information was found.
* 95. University of Houston, Houston, TX.
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98. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
This executive MBA program oers several courses with curricula pertaining to government
relations and public aairs. A global study course is also oered in which students learn about
business and government in a dierent country for eight-to-10 days.
BA 711 Legal Environment of Business
“Explores the eects of law, government policy, and social forces upon business strategy
formulation and decision-making. This course encourages the practice of strategic prevention.”
BA 708 Global Study Trip
“[Provides] students with the opportunity to learn about global business through a combination
of readings, discussions, and international travel. Students study business, political, and
cultural environment of other countries, then take an eight –10-day trip to those destinations.
During their time abroad, students meet with academic and business leaders, visit a variety of
businesses, and learn about the local business cultures.”
BA 726 Global Business Environment
“Explores the strategic and operational issues confronting managers in rms engaged in
global business. Guest executives will help integrate fundamental concepts and emerging
events and issues in the global economy. The course develops the skills to eectively
manage in cross cultural environments.”
Faculty include Scott Schnuck, Instructor of Business.