Office of Community Renewal
New York Main Street (NYMS) Program
Round XII
Program Summary
Program Overview
Preparing to Apply
2022 Activities and Funding Limits
Application Process
Accessing and Navigating the CFA
Application Structure
NYMS Scoring Criteria Overview
New York Main Street Program
Program Summary
NYMS provides financial resources and technical assistance to communities to
strengthen the economic vitality of the State's traditional Main Streets and
neighborhoods. The program stimulates reinvestment in properties located within
mixed-use commercial districts and adjacent neighborhoods with the goal of
establishing sustainable downtown and neighborhood revitalization.
NYMS grants are available for targeted
improvements such as:
Facade renovations
Interior commercial renovations
Residential building renovations
Streetscape enhancement projects.
Program Overview
The New York Main Street Program is a reimbursement, matching grant program.
Eligible applicants for NYMS program activities are:
Units of Local Government
Organizations incorporated under NYS Not-For-Profit Corporation Law
NYMS Eligibility
Eligible target area shall mean an area:
(i) that has experienced sustained physical deterioration, decay, neglect, or
(ii) has a number of substandard buildings or vacant residential or commercial units;
AND (iii) in which more than fifty percent of the residents are persons whose incomes
do not exceed ninety percent of the area median income for the county or
metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in which the project is located, or which is
designated by a state or federal agency to be eligible for a community or economic
development program.
Not-for-profit Organization
as Local Program Administrator (LPA)
How does NYMS work?
Marketing & Outreach
Funding Commitments
Eligible Target Area
Municipal Resolution
Need for Revitalization
Planning Efforts
Administrative Capacity
Interested Bldg. Owners
How do I prepare to apply?
Municipal Resolution
How do I prepare to apply?
Each municipality in which the proposed program or project will function must approve a
formal resolution supporting an application for the proposed NYMS program or project.
The resolution must be passed prior to the application deadline and attached in the
documents section of the application.
This requirement applies to all NYMS application types and applications without a
Municipal Resolution, as described above, will be deemed ineligible.
Contact the
Municipal Board or Community Board
to be added to the agenda NOW!
Eligible Renovation Activities
Health and Safety Improvements
Fire alarms, sprinklers, fire escape repair, correcting code violations.
Accessibility Improvements:
Ramps, elevators, widening entryways, automatic doors.
Energy Efficiency Improvements:
Insulation, HVAC system upgrades, water-conservation improvements.
Façade Restoration:
Preservation projects, reopening storefronts, removing solid security gates, signs, awnings,
re-pointing brick, window repair.
Residential Improvements:
Convert vacant upper stories into apartments, correct code violations, update existing
Prepare Commercial Spaces for Tenants:
Drywall, electrical, plumbing.
Tip: Demonstrate an understanding of eligible activities and present
ONLY eligible projects to make the application more
Ineligible Activities
Costs incurred prior to award or environmental review;
Acquisition; new construction; demolition, capitalizing a revolving loan fund;
Improvements to churches, synagogues, and other religious structures and
improvements to municipally-owned buildings used for municipal purposes;
Non-permanent fixtures, furnishings, appliances, electronics, and business equipment;
Site work or ancillary activities on a property including septic systems/laterals, grading,
parking lots, sidewalks, patios, decks, garages, sheds, landscaping, fences, free
standing signs or general maintenance;
Organization’s general operating expenses;
Planning activities.
Tip: Contact us to discuss your project. We can discuss project eligibility at any time.
Activities not eligible for reimbursement include, but are not limited to:
2022 NYMS Activities & Funding Limits
Target Area Building Renovation Project
$50,000 to $500,000 to provide matching grants to building owners
for renovation of mixed-use buildings in a concentrated target area.
Up to $50,000 in grant funds per building, plus $25,000 per
residential unit up to a per building maximum of $100,000 (not to
exceed 75% of project costs.
Up to $15,000 for activities such as planting trees,
installing street furniture and trash cans within target
Up to 7.5% of grant amount for costs associated
with administration of grant.
Up to 5% of grant amount for salaries or other
costs associated with administration of grant.
Downtown Anchor Project
$100,000 to $500,000 (not to exceed 75% of project cost) to assist
in a standalone, single site, “shovel ready” renovation project that is
key to local revitalization efforts. Application requires business plan,
cost estimate, and funding commitments.
Downtown Stabilization Project
$1000,000 to $500,000 (not to exceed 75% of project cost) to
identify or mitigate risks associated with hazardous materials or
remove obstacles to future redevelopment. Funds can assist with
environmental remediation and associated construction costs, as
well as other innovative approaches to stabilizing and developing
downtown, mixed-use buildings.
Up to 5% of grant amount for salaries or other
costs associated with administration of grant.
Technical Assistance Project
Up to $20,000 (not to exceed 95% of project cost) for a project that
improves community or property owner readiness to participate in a
future NYMS renovation activity. View project examples online and
discuss project eligibility with OCR.
NYMS-TA is available in the same
application as the NYMS renovation
NYMS Technical Assistance Projects
Examples of completed NYMS-TA Projects are available for review online, here:
Select only one activity in the application Do not combine with renovation
All questions asked in the application are relevant to the project type.
Administration & Soft Costs
Up to 7.5% (5% for Anchor & Downtown Stabilization) of a NYMS award may be
requested for administrative activities such as: staff salaries, consultant expenses,
program related equipment and supplies, travel, program marketing. Administrative
funds must be budgeted and requested at the time of application.
Soft Costs
Professional service costs, or “soft costs,” that can be attributed directly to the
delivery of project-specific renovation activities may be eligible expenses. Requires
match and proof of payment and must remain within per building limits.
These are not required, but must be identified at the time of application if an applicant
intends to use NYMS funds for these activities.
COVID Relief Expansion
In conjunction with a Target Area Building Renovation or Anchor project, applicants may
request to use funds to alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Activities must be directly related to a building renovation activity and awarded on a
per project basis;
Require matching funds
COVID Relief Activities must be ancillary to a traditional TABR or Anchor project and
cannot be applied for on its own;
Applicants will be required to document:
Impact of COVID on participating business or property owner;
Need for funding;
Explanation for how the investment impacts the sustainability and resiliency of the
business or property.
*Small projects are unlikely to demonstrate long term viability.
COVID Relief Activities
Eligible Activities:
Reconfiguration of existing facilities to encourage reduced density;
Redesign and updates for air filtering or ventilation systems;
Equipment or software required to increase business capacity and efficiency in post-
COVID climate, e.g. online sales, POS systems. One-time only purchases,
subscription or membership fees are not eligible for reimbursement;
Fixtures and equipment to partition customers, guide social distancing or provide
contact-less sales opportunities;
Interior and exterior improvements to support adjusted business practices, e.g. pick-
up windows, outdoor seating areas.
Ineligible Activities:
Inventory, rent or lease expenses, working capital or other undefined expenses,
general or disposable supplies;
Other expenses that do not sustain business operations.
Streetscape (Target Area Building Renovation Applicants Only)
Applicants can request up to $25,000, if additional funds directly alleviate COVID related
impacts and further economic recovery and neighborhood and community revitalization
Application Process
New York Main Street Program Guide
New York Main Street Administrative Plan Sample
Regional Economic Development Councils
Consolidated Funding Application
Consolidated Funding Application (CFA)
Threshold Questions
A series of Yes/No questions. Responses determine program eligibility. Applicant
may not proceed to program specific questions if threshold criteria are not met.
Documents / Attachments
Documents must be uploaded to submit a complete application. These support the
responses given to questions in the application.
Basic Questions
Common to all applicants who are accessing the CFA. One set of Basic Questions
per application.
Standard Questions
Specific to the funding program, e.g. New York Main Street. If multiple programs are
included within a single application, Standard Questions for each program will
Budget Table(s)
Threshold Questions
A series of Yes/No questions. Responses determine program eligibility. Applicant may not
proceed to program specific questions if threshold criteria are not met.
Applicant Eligibility
Request Amount
Target Area Eligibility
Municipal Resolution
Matching & Reimbursement Program Structure
Eligible Activities
Project Timeline
Regulatory Term
Please review the Resource Guide and Program Guide for details related to each.
Documents / Attachments
The CFA will require a series of attachments, and allow for several optional attachments. Attach
a single, consolidated PDF for each requested attachment.
2022 Required Attachments
Municipal Resolution
Target Area/Project Site Map
Building Photographs & Information
OCR Applicant Certification
Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire - Required for Not-For-Profits
Certificate of Incorporation & Filing Receipt - Required for Not-For-Profits
Business Plan & Market Analysis - Required for Downtown Anchor Projects
Project Workplan Required for Technical Assistance Projects
Professional Services RFP Required for Technical Assistance Projects
2022 Optional Attachments
Construction Specifications and Cost Estimate(s) - Required for Downtown Anchor &
Stabilization, recommended for other activities.
Financial Commitment Documentation Required for Downtown Anchor and
Stabilization, recommended for other activities.
Streetscape Project Plan
Support Letters
Program Budget Table
2022 NYMS Activity Funding Limits
Technical Assistance Project Request up to $20,000
Target Area Building Renovation Project: Request between $50,000 and $500,000.
Downtown Anchor Project: Request between $100,000 and $500,000
Downtown Stabilization Project: Request between $100,000 and $500,000
Applications must include a line for each NYMS activity/use for which funds are requested:
Soft Costs (Use for NYMS-TA Request)
Streetscape (Not an eligible use for Downtown Anchor or Stabilization Projects)
Additional lines should be included to document each source of required matching funds and
additional leverage, by activity/use.
Under Indicate Source/Comments identify specific source of funds, and either "Committed" or
"Pending Approval” and Funding Commitment Documentation must be attached in the Documents
section of the application.
Uses other than Construction/Renovation, Streetscape, Soft Costs and Admin. are not eligible uses
for NYMS, and are not eligible as matching funds.
Estimated Timeline for Renovation Activities
Months 1-3
Awards announced
Contract execution
Environmental Review
Program development
Months 4-6
Marketing and outreach
Acceptance and review of local
Project development
Months 7-21
Months 22-24
Program completion,
monitoring and closeout
Projects that commence prior to award, or cannot be completed within 24 months are not
eligible for participation.
Provide a clear, reasonable and eligible project timeline for a more competitive
NYMS-TA projects will have a 12-month contract.
Application Process
NYMS Capital Projects Selection Criteria Overview
2022 Selection Criteria
Up to 100 Points
A) Need
10 Points
B) Impact
10 Points
C) Leveraging & Financing Plan
20 Points
Public and Private Investment
D) Implementation Capacity & Readiness
40 Points
Program Experience
Implementation Capacity
Program Support
Business Strategy
E) Total Vision and REDC Strategies
20 Points
Alignment with Regional Council’s
Strategic Plan
New York Main Street Program