PR Fitness Equipment Edmond Showroom
13716 N Lincoln Blvd
Edmond, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 312-2981
Fax: (405) 470-7413
Name of
Credit Card #:_____________________________Exp. Date:____________CV2 Code:_______
Date of Delivery___________________________
Date Agreement Terminates_________________
Equipment Rented – See Schedule A
Make Model Serial # Total Value
1. _____ monthly rental fee with a two month minimum term; each additional monthly fee is only _______
2. _____ delivery fee to OKC metro area – Delivery of the equipment must be completed by PR Fitness
Equipment to ensure damage control.
3. _____ extraction fee from OKC metro area – Extraction of the equipment must be completed by PR Fitness
Equipment to ensure damage control.
4. _____ is due upon delivery which pays the full cost for two months; each additional month cost only _____
5. Equipment can be tested at the showroom before renting and can be rented indefinitely.
PR Fitness Equipment Edmond Showroom
13716 N Lincoln Blvd
Edmond, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 312-2981
Fax: (405) 470-7413
Fitness Equipment Rental Agreement
The renter, _________________________________, is hereafter referred to as “Renter,” and PR Fitness Equipment Inc.,
10700 Regent St., Oklahoma City, OK, is hereafter referred to as “Company.”
The equipment rental agreement states the agreement of the parties as follows:
RENTAL EQUIPMENT SUBJECT TO THIS CONTRACT. The Company shall rent the equipment listed above.
PAYMENT TERMS. The rental payments shall be due whether or not the Customer has received notice of a payment.
The payment terms of the rental are listed above.
SERVICE CHARGE. If any Rental installment is not paid within 3 day(s) after the due date, the Customer shall pay to the
Company a surcharge charge of 1% of monies overdue per day. If payment is over 10 days late the equipment will be
returned to the Company and the agreement will be terminated.
NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS. The Customer shall be charged $25.00 for each check that is returned to the Company for lack
of sufficient funds.
RISK OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. The Customer assumes all risks of loss or damage to the equipment from any cause, and
agrees to return it to the Company in the condition received from the Company, with the exception of normal wear and
tear. The Company or their appointed agent will determine normal wear and tear. All determinations made by the
Company are final.
RENTAL TERM. This Rental shall begin on the above effective date and shall terminate on return in fully working
condition to the Company’s facility. If the equipment has to be repaired to return it to a fully working state the
equipment will continue to be Rented until it is repaired. The Rental period will end only when the equipment has been
returned to a fully working state. At any time the Company has the right to terminate the Rental with 7 days notice.
CARE AND OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT. The equipment may only be used and operated in a careful and proper
manner. Its use must comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to the possession, use, or maintenance
of the equipment, including registration and/or licensing requirements, if any.
PR Fitness Equipment Edmond Showroom
13716 N Lincoln Blvd
Edmond, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 312-2981
Fax: (405) 470-7413
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. The Customer shall maintain the equipment in good repair and operating condition,
allowing for reasonable wear and tear.
The Customer shall pay all costs required to maintain the equipment in good operating condition beyond reasonable
wear and tear. Such costs shall include labor, material, parts, and similar items. The Company will perform any service
on the equipment related to reasonable wear and tear.
RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. At the end of the Rental period, the Customer shall be obligated to schedule the return of
equipment to the Company at the pre-arranged extraction fee. Extraction of the equipment must be completed by PR
Fitness Equipment to ensure damage control.
OPTION TO RENEW. If the Customer is not in default upon the expiration of this rental, the Customer shall have first
option to rent the equipment on such terms as the parties may agree at that time.
ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. The Customer shall inspect each item of equipment delivered pursuant to this Rental.
The Customer shall immediately notify the Company of any discrepancies between such item of equipment and the
description of the equipment in the Equipment Schedule. If the Customer fails to provide such notice in writing within 2
day(s) after the delivery of the equipment, the Customer will be conclusively presumed to have accepted the equipment
as specified in the Equipment Schedule. Any subsequent claim that the equipment was not provided in fully functional
order will not be considered.
OWNERSHIP AND STATUS OF EQUIPMENT. The equipment will be deemed to be personal property, regardless of the
manner in which it may be attached to any other property. The Company shall be deemed to have retained title to the
equipment at all times, unless the Company transfers the title by sale. The Customer shall immediately advise the
Company regarding any notice of any claim, levy, lien, or legal process issued against the equipment.
WARRANTY. The Company will warranty the equipment against normal wear and tear. Any issues beyond normal wear
and tear will be the Customers responsibility.
INDEMNITY OF COMPANY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGES. If the equipment is damaged or lost, the Company shall have the
option of requiring the Customer to repair the equipment to a state of good working order, or replace the equipment
with like equipment in good repair, which equipment shall become the property of the Company and subject to this
LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY. Liability for injury, disability, and death of workers and other persons caused by operating,
handling, or transporting the equipment during the term of this Rental is the obligation of the Customer, and the
Customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from and against all such liability.
PR Fitness Equipment Edmond Showroom
13716 N Lincoln Blvd
Edmond, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 312-2981
Fax: (405) 470-7413
TAXES AND FEES. During the term of this Rental, the Customer shall pay all taxes, assessments, and license and
registration fees on the equipment.
DEFAULT. The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute default under this Hire:
A. The failure to make a required payment under this Rental when due.
B. The violation of any other provision or requirement that is not corrected within 4 day(s) after written notice of the
violation is given.
C. The insolvency or bankruptcy of the Customer.
D. The subjection of any of Customer's property to any levy, seizure, assignment, application or sale for or by any
creditor or government agency.
RIGHTS ON DEFAULT. If the Customer is in default under this Rental, without notice to or demand on the Customer, the
Company may take possession of the equipment as provided by law, deduct the costs of recovery (including attorney
fees and legal costs), repair, and related costs, and hold the Customer responsible for any deficiency. The Company shall
be obligated to re-rent the equipment, or otherwise mitigate the damages from the default, only as required by law.
NOTICE. All notices required or permitted under this Rental shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or by
mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the address shown for that party at the beginning of this
ASSIGNMENT. The Customer shall not assign or sublet any interest in this Rental or the equipment or permit the
equipment to be used by anyone other than the Customer or Customer's employees, without Company's prior written
ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No
modification or amendment of this contract shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. This contract
replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties.
GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma.
SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining
provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this contract is invalid or
unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be
deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.
PR Fitness Equipment Edmond Showroom
13716 N Lincoln Blvd
Edmond, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 312-2981
Fax: (405) 470-7413
WAIVER. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this contract shall not be construed as a waiver or
limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this
CERTIFICATION. Customer certifies that the application, statements, trade references, and financial reports submitted
to Company are true and correct and any material misrepresentation will constitute default under this contract.
I have read and agree to the rules in renting:______________________________________________________
PR Fitness Equipment Representative____________________________________________________________