No VOC Repair Material is SPECIFICALLY designed
to remain somewhat pliable after application. This allows
our material to continue to ll small voids and crevices
through continued compaction. Consistent and repeated
compaction will provide you with superior results. Failure
to continually apply compaction to your repair job, whether
by wheel trac or tamp, will result in a longer curing period.
After initial compaction if you need a faster setup time,
apply 1/2” - 3/4” of mortar dust or portland cement and
recompact to help speed up the curing process.
Hand Tamp: This is a quick and easy method with very
low equipment costs. The eectiveness of the repair is
dependent on the strength and motivation of the tamp
Plate Compactor / Jumping Jack: This is also a quick and
easy repair method with somewhat higher equipment costs
than hand tamp compaction. However, with mechanical
compaction and minimal operator eort, a better repair is
Ride on or Walk Behind Compactor: This method is
the most expensive from an equipment prospective but
produces the most eective repair. A ride on or walk behind
compactor is highly recommended for large road repairs,
utility cuts, and water main break repairs.
Car/Truck Tire: In the absence of either a hand or
mechanical tamper, a tire of the repair crew’s truck may
be driven slowly and carefully over the repair a few times
to achieve a satisfactory repair. This method is particularly
eective for small potholes and rebuilding the edges of
paved shoulders. A truck tire repair is cost eective as no
additional equipment or manpower is required.
Throw & Go: Let the trac compact the repair. This is the
least expensive installation method. However, high speed
trac may cause excessive ravelling and may pull the
product out of the repair area. Stop and Go trac and the
severe turning of wheels may also hamper compaction and
result in an unsatisfactory repair.
Clean area to be repaired by removing any loose material
or debris. Clean and square the edges if possible. Water in
the hole? No problem with QPR
No VOC Repair Material.
Simply pour the material directly from the bag, or shovel,
directly into the hole. There is no need to sweep water from
your repair job.
Pour material directly into the area to be repaired. Add
material up to a depth of approximately two inches. Compact
the material to create an even and solid surface. Continue
your application in two inch increments (sometimes called
‘lifts’) until the repair area is lled.
When the hole is lled, apply a small crown of QPR
VOC Repair Material to the repair area to allow for additional
compaction. Now tamp, or wheel roll continuously, until you
have a rm and tight repair. You may now open to trac
immediately! It’s that simple.
Preparation and proper compaction are the “key ingredients”
to a successful repair. Road cuts and water main repairs are
generally larger than a pothole and as a result, additional
care should be taken in preparation. The sides of the road
cut, or excavated area to repair a water main break, should
be saw-cut back to a solid asphalt surface. The repair area
should be swept to remove residual dust to assure bonding
of QPR
No VOC Repair Material to the existing asphalt or
concrete road surface. QPR
Repair Material should be placed or
poured in no more than two inch lifts
and compacted using recommended
procedures for each two inch lift.
A half inch crown on the repair is
recommended to accommodate
future trac compaction of the
repaired area.
For SDS, Material Specs, and Installation Quick Tips visit