Umatilla County
Department of Land Use Planning
216 SE 4
ST, Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 278-6252
Property Line
Adjustment, Type V
Application & Information Packet
The application is processed as a “ministerial
action,” not subject to public notice. The
planning staff have 30 days to review the
application for completeness. Once the
application is deemed complete planning staff
will evaluate the application for compliance
with the property line adjustment criteria in
§ 152.721 and make a decision.
Once the application is determined to apply with
the approval criteria, planning staff will
assemble the application form, legal
descriptions and map copy (8.5” x 11’) for
recording in the Office of County Records.
The applicant is responsible for payment of the
property line adjustment recording fee and will
be contacted for payment. (Recording fees are
based on the number of pages.) After the
property line adjustment approval is recorded, a
copy of the recorded approval and a final
decision letter will be sent to the applicant.
Once a property adjustment has been approved
and recorded, the applicant has two years within
which to record a deed or deeds conveying the
All tax liens on the involved properties must be
paid before the Assessor’s Office will alter the
tax maps to reflect the property line adjustment
(ORS 311.280(3)).
Application Fee = $350.00 to the Planning Dept.
*GIS Review Fee = $25.00 to GIS/Mapping Dept.
Surveyor Review Fee = $100.00 to Co. Surveyor,
and Filing Fee = $75.00 to Co. Surveyor’s Office.
(Please provide separate checks; each check will
be dispersed to each department. All checks may
be made out to “Umatilla County”.)
Approval Document Recording Fee - based on
numbers of pages recorded (Effective 6/4/2019.)
Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to
submit a complete application with all necessary
attachments. Planning staff can refuse an incomplete
The application is submitted to the Umatilla County
Department of Land Use Planning, 216 SE 4
Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 278-6252, and must be
accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.
Acceptance of the application and fee does not
guarantee approval.
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(A) An applicant requesting a Type V Land
Division may request and hold a pre-filing
conference with the Planning Department staff.
(B) The applicant shall file with the Planning
Department a completed property line adjustment
application, including the following:
(1) A legible scale map or survey containing
the following information:
(a) Date, north arrow and scale of
(b) The boundaries and dimensions of
the parcels involved.
(c) The location and dimensions of the
proposed new boundary.
(d) The current and future acreages of
the parcels involved.
(e) Location, names (if applicable) and
widths of all existing and proposed public or county
road right-of-way or access easements on, abutting,
or providing access to the parcels.
(f) Width, location, and users of all
easements for public utilities.
(g) Width, location, and easements for
all known surface or subsurface irrigation ditches or
drainage lines.
(h) Natural features, including bluffs,
water courses, wetlands, and areas covered by
(i) The location and use of any buildings
or structures within 100 feet of the proposed
adjusted boundary that are to remain after the
boundary adjustment is accomplished.
(j) The location of wells, septic tanks,
drainfields, and replacement drain field sites.
(k) The names and addresses of all
owners involved.
(l) A surveyor’s certificate, if applicable.
(2) Provide an accurate legal description on
8 ½” x 11” paper of each parcel after the adjustment
as well as a legal description of the property being
adjusted between the parcels involved;
(3) Written approval of all landowners
(4) A Statement of Water Rights
“acknowledged” by the Oregon Department of
Water Resources, unless the property is located
within an irrigation district or is served by an
independent irrigation company;
(5) If the property is served by an irrigation
district or an independent irrigation company, a
signed statement of water rights shall be submitted,
together with a letter of approval from the irrigation
district or company;
(6) A list of all utility companies or agencies
serving the property or occupying easements on the
property, and a letter of approval from any utility
company or agency occupying an easement directly
affected by the proposed property line relocation;
(7) If either of the lots or parcels will be
reduced below four acres in size and where a
sanitary sewage disposal system is required, submit
either of the following:
(a) A site suitability approval from the
Department of Environmental Quality for the lot or
parcel where a dwelling/building may be sited; or,
(b) Proof that the lot or parcel can
accommodate a replacement drain field if an
authorized Department of Environmental Quality
sanitary sewage disposal system already exists.
(8) A survey may be required per § 152.644
(9) Provide copies of the legal descriptions
and survey map (if applicable) to the County GIS
Department and the County Surveyor’s office.
(10) Payment of the established Planning
Department application fee, the GIS Department
review fee and the County Surveyor review fee.
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(A) It is required that a survey prepared by a
licensed Oregon land surveyor be prepared, filed,
and recorded for the following types of requests:
(6) Property line adjustment, Type V Land
Divisions if;
(a) a parcel included in the adjustment is
10 acres or less in size; or,
(b) the amount of property being
adjusted is 10 acres or less in size; or,
(c) a survey may be required if the
property is larger than 10 acres in size and the
following circumstances apply:
(i) the adjusted property line(s)
meanders along a unique geographical feature(s)
requiring a more detailed survey of the adjustment
area; or,
(ii) the location of existing features
(i.e. structures, fences, easements) are uncertain in
relation to the adjusted property line(s).
(7) Property line adjustment maps of
Type V Land Divisions which are “survey
corrections,” as defined in § 152.003, or corrections
to a recorded subdivision or partition plat.
The Planning Department staff shall examine
the application, make sure that it is complete, and
shall act on it within five working days, provided
the request complies with the following standards:
(A) The application is complete and all required
letters of approval are submitted.
(B) The request meets the definition of a
property line adjustment per the definitions
contained in § 152.003.
(C) All existing buildings located on the
properties are a sufficient distance from the
proposed relocated property boundary to comply
with the setback requirements for the zone in which
the properties are located.
(D) Legal access in conformance with the
standards of this chapter is provided and/or
maintained to all parcels. If necessary to comply
with this standard, an easement in conformance with
county standards shall be recorded in the county
deed records, and a copy of the dedication document
and proof of recording shall be provided prior to
(E) The request will not result in the reduction of lots
or parcels below the minimum lot or parcel size for
the underlying zone, unless:
(1) One or both of the abutting properties are
smaller than the minimum lot or parcel size for the
applicable zone before the property line adjustment
and, after the adjustment, one is as large as or larger
than the minimum lot or parcel size for the
applicable zone; or
(2) Both abutting properties are smaller than
the minimum lot or parcel size for the applicable
zone before and after the property line adjustment.
(F) If the request will result in the creation of a
separate, new unit of land due to mortgage
restrictions, or other legal restrictions preventing the
combination of the property to be transferred into an
existing unit of land, a Covenant Not to Sell
Separately will be prepared. This covenant must be
signed by the parties receiving the property and must
be recorded in the deed records of the county prior to
issuance of approval of the property line adjustment.
A copy of the signed covenant and proof of
recording shall be provided to the Planning
Department prior to issuance of approval.
(G) If a parcel was created through a Type IV,
Review II process the parcel cannot subsequently be
decreased below 80 acres or the size specified in the
authorized “go below”.
(H) Date of Creation and Existence. When a lot,
parcel or tract is reconfigured pursuant to applicable
law after November 4, 1993, the effect of which is to
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qualify a lot, parcel or tract for the siting of a
dwelling, the date of the reconfiguration is the date
of creation or existence. Reconfigured means any
change in the boundary of the lot, parcel or tract.
(I) A property line adjustment may include a
parcel(s) created through a partition plat for
property within a resource zone (i.e. EFU, GF, etc.),
subject to the following requirements:
(1) A survey may be required pursuant to §
152.644 (6); and,
(2) The property line adjustment application
shall be reviewed by the County Surveyor; and,
(3) The application shall follow the process
outlined in §§ 152.721 through 152.725; and,
(4) A property line adjustment shall not
include a parcel(s) created through a partition plat
for property within a non-resource zone (i.e. Rural
Residential, Commercial, etc.),
(J) A property line adjustment for property
within a resource zone (i.e. EFU, GF, etc.), may not
be used to:
(1) Decrease the size of a lot or parcel that,
before the relocation or elimination of the common
property line, is smaller than the minimum lot or
parcel size for the applicable zone and contains an
existing dwelling or is approved for the construction
of a dwelling, if the abutting vacant tract would be
increased to a size as large as or larger than the
minimum tract size required to qualify the vacant
tract for a dwelling;
(2) Decrease the size of a lot or parcel that
contains an existing dwelling or is approved for
construction of a dwelling to a size smaller than the
minimum lot or parcel size, if the abutting vacant
tract would be increased to a size as large as or
larger than the minimum tract size required to
qualify the vacant tract for a dwelling; or
(3) Allow an area of land used to qualify a tract for a
dwelling based on an acreage standard to be used to
qualify another tract for a dwelling if the land use
approval would be based on an acreage standard.
The applicant(s) is (are) advised that if the portion of
the property being transferred to an adjoining
property by this boundary line adjustment is subject
to a security interest (mortgage, deed of trust, or
contract of sale), the security interest (lien) will
attach to the receiving property upon recording the
deed that transfers a portion of the property to the
receiving property.
This means the receiving property will inherit the
loan unless necessary steps have been taken to
secure a “partial release” from the lender prior to
recording a deed. The applicant(s) is (are)
encouraged to confirm with any lender or contract
seller, prior to filing the application, as to the steps
required (including timing and expense) as well as
the likelihood of obtaining a partial release.
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Section 1: Required Application Materials
These materials are to be submitted with the application: The proceeding page is to be used as a
base for the site plan. This drawing DOES NOT take the place of a survey that may be required to
be submitted by a Licensed Surveyor. The site plan should show existing features on the property.
Additional materials may be requested.
Materials to be submitted for Property Line Adjustment Applications:
a) Completed Property Line Adjustment Application
b) Applicable Application fees
c) Site Plan Marked Exhibit B (see next page) to include:
Scale of drawing
Site area showing property boundaries and dimensions
Existing structures and distances from the structures to nearby Property lines and
access roads
Location of existing wells
Location of existing septic systems (i.e. tanks, drain fields)
Widths and names of roads adjacent to the site as well as existing roads, which provide
direct access to the property
Existing access points (driveways, lanes, etc.)
Easements and rights-of-ways
Existing utility lines (above and below ground)
Approximate location of any unusual topographical features
Major geographic features
Location of all creeks, streams, ponds, springs and other drainage ways
VICINITY MAP Assessor’s map of the Property
Real Property ASSESSMENT REPORT for each property
The DEED(S) for each property involved in the adjustment
Property TAX LOT CARD(S) and current legal descriptions for each property
The MAP showing the proposed changes
LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS of each parcel AFTER the changes occur as well as a legal
description of the Adjustment portions of property to be adjusted between properties. A
survey typically is required.
A Conveyance (deed) MUST be recorded within one year of the approval of the
property line adjustment. This is the applicant’s responsibility. (The Planning
Department requests submittal of a copy of the recorded deed.)
Provide a copy of the new legal descriptions including a legal for the adjustment piece
and map to the County Assessor’s Office for their review.
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Section 2: Property Information
This Section deals with describing the two parcels as they exist PRIOR to the property line adjustment.
The term “Property” as used in the questions below includes both parcels involved in the property line adjustment.
1. Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address:
2. Location of Property (Provide directions you would give someone to get to the property):
3. Assessor’s Account Number(s) for
each Property:
Account #
Account #
Account #
4. Map Number(s) of
each Property:
Township Range Section Tax Lot
Township Range Section Tax Lot
Township Range Section Tax Lot
Use separate sheet of paper for ENTIRE Legal Description, mark it “Exhibit A”.
5. Does the Property have a Rural
Address? If so, please provide the
6. Current and resulting acreage of each
Tax Lot #: _____
Current Acres
Resulting Acres
Tax Lot #: _____
Current Acres
Resulting Acres
Tax Lot #: _____
Current Acres
Resulting Acres
7. Current Zoning Designation:
There are some 22 zoning designations in
Umatilla County.
Rural Residential
Other Zone
8. Comprehensive Plan Designation:
A Comprehensive Plan Designation is different
than a Zoning Designation in that it
distinguishes land that should be developed for
various uses, where zoning actually specifies
the uses.
North/South Agriculture
Orchard District
Special Agriculture
West County Irrigation
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9. Buildings on each Property (i.e., dwellings, shops, barns, storage sheds, etc.):
10. Current Use of each Property (i.e., number of acreages farmed, home site, industrial use, etc.):
11. Surrounding Uses (i.e., type of farm crops, housing, commercial uses, etc.):
12. Is one or more of the Properties in a
Floodplain? (Note: a Floodplain
Development Permit may need to be
approved prior to development in the Flood
Hazard area.)
No, the Properties are not in a floodplain.
Flood Zone
Community Number
Panel Number
13. Are there areas located on the Properties
that are listed on the National Wetlands
Inventory map?
Yes, provide wetland type.
No, the Properties do not contain wetlands.
14. ACCESS: Provide the name of the
public road and/or access easement.
Identify the road surface of the public
road and/or access easement.
Name of Road or Lane
Paved, Gravel, Dirt
15. Provide verification of an approved point
of ACCESS to the public, county road or
State Highway for each Property. (If
necessary contact the County Public Works
Department at 541-278-5424, or ODOT at
Yes, a permit is in place. (Attach a copy.)
No permit. (Prior to adjustment approval
verification of an access permit must be
provided for each property.)
16. EASEMENTS: Are there easements on
the Property that provide ACCESS to the
Property OR adjacent properties? Are
there other easements (i.e. power, gas
line, irrigation, other utilities, etc.) on the
property? Attach easement
Attached easement documentation:
Access easements exist
Utility line easements exist
Irrigation easements exist
Other easements exist:
No, other easements exist.
17. Provide the name of the Rural Fire
District/Department that provides fire
protection to the adjustment Properties?
Fire Services:
East Umatilla
Echo Rural
Helix Rural
Hermiston Rural
Pendleton FD
Pilot Rock FD
Stanfield Rural
Umatilla Rural
Private Companies:
Not in a RFD
Other, __________
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18. Are the Properties within an Irrigation
District? If the Properties are served by
an Irrigation District, a confirmation
letter from the district office with
regard to the proposed adjustment
must be submitted with this
Irrigation District:
West Extension
Hudson Bay or
Walla Walla River
Not in an ID
19. What type of water use(s) exist on the
No current water uses
Yes, the following apply to tax lot #
Domestic Well Irrigation Well
Stock Well Other:
20. Are there Water Rights covering all or
some of the Properties? If there are
Water Rights, the water right permit,
certificate and/or other documentation
from the Oregon Water Resources
Department shall be included with this
No water rights
Will apply for Water Rights
Yes (See type and permit/certificate # below.
Surface Water Right,
Ground Water Right,
21. Who provides utilities?
well, or
septic, or
Telephone Co
Electrical Co
Other Utilities
22. If, one of the Properties will be reduced
below four acres in size as a result of
the property line adjustment and a
sanitary sewage disposal system is
present or necessary, submit one of the
DEQ site suitability approval for the lot or
parcel where a dwelling/building may be sited; or
If a sanitary sewage system already exists.
Show that the lot or parcel may accommodate a
replacement drain field area.
23. Do any of the properties involved in the
property line adjustment have a mortgage
or contract for purchase? (See Note to
Applicant(s) on page #3 of this packet)
Yes. Submit authorization from the
mortgage company agreeing to the property
line adjustment.
24. Provide a description of the proposal (attach an additional page, if necessary):
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Exhibit B, “Site Plan”
Please include details listed under item (c) in Section 2
(from preceding page)
Property Line Adjustment
Applicant and Legal Owner(s) Signatures
#LD - -
MAP #:_________________ TAX LOT: ______________
MAP #:_________________ TAX LOT: ______________
MAP #:_________________ TAX LOT: ______________
APPLICANTS NAME print clearly: _________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP CODE: __________
APPLICANT, CHECK ONE. Legal Owner, Contract Purchaser, Agent, Realtor
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Applicant Date Printed Name of Applicant, Title
LEGAL OWNER(S) print clearly: ________________________________________________
FOR MAP & TAX LOT #: ________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE: __________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Legal Owner Date Signature of Legal Owner Date
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title
LEGAL OWNER(S) print clearly: ________________________________________________
FOR MAP & TAX LOT #: ________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE: __________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Legal Owner Date Signature of Legal Owner Date
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title
Return to Second Party, Umatilla County Planning,
216 SE 4
, Pendleton, OR 97801 once recorded.
For Records’
Office Use
Property Line Adjustment
Legal Owner(s) Signatures Additional Page
#LD - -
LEGAL OWNER(S) print clearly: ________________________________________________
FOR MAP & TAX LOT #: ________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE __________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Legal Owner Date Signature of Legal Owner Date
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title
LEGAL OWNER(S) print clearly: ________________________________________________
FOR MAP & TAX LOT #: ________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE __________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Legal Owner Date Signature of Legal Owner Date
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title
LEGAL OWNER(S) print clearly: ________________________________________________
FOR MAP & TAX LOT #: ________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE __________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Legal Owner Date Signature of Legal Owner Date
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title Printed Name of Legal Owner, Title
Return to Second Party, Umatilla County Planning,
216 SE 4
, Pendleton, OR 97801 once recorded.
Property Line Adjustment
Description of Proposal
#LD - -
1. Please provide the Map Number for EACH Property involved in the property line adjustment:
Map # of the 1
T: _____ R: _____
Section: ____ Tax Lot: _____
Map # of the 2
T: _____ R: _____
Section: ____ Tax Lot: _____
Map # of the 3
T: _____ R: _____
Section: ____ Tax Lot: _____
2. Are there existing dwellings or other
structures on the properties near the proposed
adjusted (new) property lines? If so, would the
dwelling or other structures meet the required
setback distances for the property’s zone?
No Yes
Number of dwellings on each parcel:________
Number of other structures:_________
Required Setback Distances:
Front: ______, Rear: ______, Side: ______
3. Are there Water Rights on the property? Please
provide a copy of the Water Rights Permit.
No Yes (Water Rights information
supplied for the property line adjustment file.)
4. If the Properties will be reduced below four
acres in size and a sanitary sewage disposal
system is required, the property must have:
Approved Site Suitability from DEQ for
each property less than four acres in size where
a dwelling or business may be sited; or
Show there is adequate area for a
replacement and/or new septic system.
Not applicable
5. Provide a list of all utility companies or agencies
serving the property or occupying easements on
the property, and a letter of approval from any
utility company or agency occupying an
easement directly affected by the proposed
property line relocation.
No utility easements on the property.
Property Utility easements are not affected.
Utility easements are affected by the
adjustment. (Utility company letter submitted
for the property adjustment file.)
6. Each Property must have legal access either via
a recorded easement or public right of way.
How is access provided to each Property?
7. Provide the reason for the property line adjustment?
8. Provide the current size of
each Property?
Tax Lot # = Acres
Tax Lot # = Acres
Tax Lot # = Acres
9. Provide the resulting size of
each Property?
Tax Lot # = Acres
Tax Lot # = Acres
Tax Lot # = Acres
10. Acres adjusted?
____Acres from Tax Lot #_____ to
Tax Lot # _____
____Acres from Tax Lot # _____ to
Tax Lot # _____
____Acres from Tax Lot # _____ to
Tax Lot # _____
Property Line Adjustment
Criteria Check List and Decision Sign-off
#LD - -
Parcels involved with the property line adjustment
Checklist for Accepting the Application
Map or Site Plan meets standards
Meets definition of a property line adjustment
Legal Descriptions provided
Parcel Size considered:
Meets parcel size requirements of underlying zone, or
Non-conforming parcels that will remain non-conforming
Dwellings and Buildings will comply with zoning setback standards
Legal Access Conforms to Development Code Standards
Water Rights Information provided
If a Combination of Land Use Applications, list additional Land Use # ___________________
Other Decision Considerations, that may be applicable
DEQ Site Suitability or show adequate drain field area (on 4 acres or less)
Irrigation District/Irrigation Company Statement of Water Rights and
Signed Letter of Approval
Water Resource Recommendations - Satisfied
Utility Company Letter (where the utility easement is affected by the
adjustment on the properties)
Covenant Not To Sell Separately, if applicable
Survey Submitted; if Record Survey, #________________
Confirmation of Recorded Easements for Access
DECISION: Denied, Approved, Approved with Conditions, List:________________
______________________________________ _______________________
Authorized Authority Date of Decision
Umatilla County Department of Land Use Planning