Montana Tech
Residence Hall Handbook
- Office of Residence Life
Office of Residence Life Information
Troy Franklin (406) 496-4500
Director of Residence Life
Madeline Thomas (406) 496-4425
Administrative Associate
Quinn Cassidy (406) 496-4425
Residence Life Coordinator
Resident Assistant On-Duty Phone (406) 594-7649
Prospector Hall Centennial Hall
1301 West Park Street 1225 West Broadway Street
Butte, MT 59701 Butte, MT 59701
Desk: (406) 496-4238 Desk: (406) 496-4540
Living Learning Center
1440 West Park Street Butte, MT 59701
Desk: (406) 496-4427
Residence Hall Guidelines
All residence hall students must abide by the rules and regulations of Montana Tech as
listed in all official bulletins (catalogs) and the Student Handbook. The Residence Hall
contract extends and further defines campus policies and regulations in respect to the
residence halls.
Each student is expected to be fully acquainted with all published policies, rules,
and regulations of the college and will be held responsible for compliance with
them as well as for penalties and sanctions that accrue for any violations.
Unfortunately, some students will choose not to comply with common standards.
Violations of campus and hall policies will carry a variety of sanctions including fines for
damages, community service, probation, and in extreme cases of willful misconduct,
cancellation of the Room and Board contract.
The college considers cultivation of self-discipline to be of paramount importance in the
student’s educational process and essential to development as a responsible citizen. In
accordance, Montana Tech expects students to maintain standards of personal conduct
that are in harmony with the educational mission of the institution and to act in a manner
that reflects credit upon the college.
Furthermore, Montana Tech reserves the right to enforce expectations of community
interactions and personal behavior. This is essential to build a healthy learning
environment that benefits all who reside here. Finally, it is expected that each student
be aware of and responsible for their surroundings and behavior. Burden of
responsibility lies with every individual.
You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the rules and regulations pertaining to
the residence halls and the university. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in
your expulsion from the housing system and the university. Sanctions for misconduct
may be imposed following an administrative hearing with a member of the Residence
Life staff or with the Dean of Students.
Rights and Responsibilities
You have specific rights and responsibilities as a member of the Montana Tech campus
community. These include the:
Right to a safe and secure living environment. You have a right to a secure and
safe physical and social environment.
Responsibility for a safe environment. You have the responsibility to report
unsafe conditions or dangerous behavior to an RA or to the Office of Residence Life.
Right to be free from fear, intimidation, and physical or emotional harm. You
have the right to feel safe from all harm. Report any threatening behavior to an RA or
the Office
of Residence Life.
Right to an environment free from illegal drugs. You have the right to an
environment free from the presence and use of illegal drugs. Illegal drug use or
possession can be confidentially reported to an RA or to the Office of Residence Life.
Right and responsibility to socially appropriate behavior. You have the right to
the enforcement of social norms, such as reasonably quiet and socially appropriate
behavior. You are responsible for your own behavior and for setting personal boundaries
for unacceptable behaviors by others.
Right to an optimum learning and social environment. You have the right to an
interesting, healthy, social, and intellectual environment.
Right to a clean living environment.
Right to petition for redress of grievances.
Residence Hall Policies
Prospector and Centennial Halls
The college prohibits alcoholic beverages in Prospector and Centennial Halls for all
students. Alcohol is prohibited in all student rooms and public areas including but not
limited to: lobbies, lounges, hallways, restrooms, and exterior areas such as parking lots
and lawns. In addition, students are also prohibited from possessing and displaying
alcohol-related paraphernalia, including empty bottles or cans that contained alcohol at
any point in time. Due to the zero-tolerance alcohol policy in Prospector and Centennial
Halls, anyone in a room where alcohol is present will be cited with an alcohol violation
even if he/she is not consuming alcohol.
Living Learning Center
In the Living Learning Center (LLC), alcoholic beverages are allowed in student rooms
only for students 21 years of age and older. Alcohol is prohibited in public areas
including but not limited to: lobbies, lounges, hallways, restrooms, and exterior areas
such as parking lots and lawns. At no time can there be open possession or
consumption of alcohol while individual(s) under the age of 21 are present in any
student’s room. Individual rooms or suites with open doors are considered public areas.
An open container is defined as any container of alcohol with a broken seal. Regardless
of age, if a resident or roommate does not wish to have alcoholic beverages in their
room, that wish should be observed.
Kegs of beer and mini-kegs are prohibited as well as any apparatus used for the rapid
consumption of alcohol.
In order to maintain Montana Tech’s community standards, the college will uphold and
enforce the expectation of responsible consumption of alcohol as well as responsible
behavior while doing so. Any student who returns to the residence halls in a disruptive
manner and is suspected to have been in consumption of alcohol will be cited for
misbehavior and may face sanctions. Alcohol violations will result in the confiscation
and disposal of all alcohol and may result in sanctions that include removal from the
residence halls for repeated offenses.
Please be advised that any alcohol incident in or around the residence halls may
result in the Butte-Silver Bow Police Department being contacted.
In addition to any legal consequences, residents may face the following
First Offense - $50 fine and alcohol education courses
Second Offense - $100 fine and educational/community service
Third Offense - $200 fine and mandatory meeting with a Montana Tech counselor or
the Dean of Students. Removal from the halls is possible.
Entry into Gender-Specific Common Bathrooms
Prospector and Centennial Halls have common-area bathrooms designated by
gender. A resident should only use a common-area bathroom designated for their
gender to respect the personal rights of others. Residents should direct/escort their
guests to the bathroom facilities designated for the guest’s gender
All residence halls have university-issued beds. Your bed may be bunked, but it must be
returned to its original position when you check out of your room. You are advised not to
put your bed in front of the heating register as this obstructs proper heating in your
room. Bed mattresses are regularly and routinely replaced. If you feel your mattress is
due for replacement, contact your Resident Assistant or the Office of Residence Life.
Bicycles may be locked in the racks provided in front of each residence hall. Please do
not chain bikes to trees or park them in front of residence hall entrances or exits.
There are no covered or weather-protected storage areas where bikes may be stored.
The university is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes.
Any bikes remaining after the residence halls close each spring will be considered
abandoned and will be removed.
Bikes may also be stored in your room pending discussion and agreement between all
occupants of the room. Bikes are never to be ridden in the halls.
No motorized bikes can be stored inside the residence halls or at bike racks.
Motorcycles and ATVs may be parked in residence hall parking lots with the appropriate
parking decal.
Building Access & Safety
Building Access
Residence-hall outside doors are locked at all times (with the exception of the front door
of Prospector Hall, which is open during business hours to allow access to the Office of
Residence Life). Residents will use their Digger Cards to enter the residence halls. Lost
Digger Cards must be reported and replaced at the Digger Card Center in the SUB.
Assisting others’ entry into a building or space they would not otherwise have access to
is prohibited and will lead to serious disciplinary action including potential eviction from
the residence halls. Do not prop open or otherwise obstruct the normal operation of any
entry or security door in the residence halls. Propped doors put the residents’ safety,
privacy, and property at risk. A door is considered propped when any student provides
entry without a key or proper access or uses an object to prevent the closing of the
Students are prohibited from entering restricted access areas in non-emergency
situations without prior permission from a university-staff member. Restricted access
areas may include, but are not limited to: front desk areas, residence hall roofs, storage
rooms, and fire escape stairwells.
Building Keys
A room key and mailbox key are issued to each resident upon check-in. A lost room key
will result in a lock change for the security and safety of residents. The following
charges for lost keys will be assessed to the student’s account:
Room Key: $77.50 (Lock change & replacement keys)
Mailbox Key: $ 10.00
Suite Key: Charges will vary based on the number of lock changes required
Lockout Keys
Residents who have locked themselves out of their room can pick up a spare key to
their room from their residence hall’s front desk. Lockout keys must be returned
immediately (within five minutes). Any lockout key not returned by the end of the day
may result in the room having the lock changed and the student being charged.
Students who are habitually locked out of their room (three or more times) will be
charged a fee for unlocking their door.
Campus Crime
While our campus is relatively safe, students are advised to safeguard themselves
and their property. Keeping your room door locked at all times, not propping open
exterior doors, walking in groups, and similar activities will help protect you from
crime. No campus can be entirely safe, so you must protect yourself and your
For emergencies on campus, call 911. If you become the target of a crime, please
report the incident immediately to your RA or to the Office of Residence Life. You
can contact campus security by dialing (406) 496-4357 (HELP). City police may also
need to be contacted.
All residents are responsible for reviewing and filling out the Room Condition Form
(RCF) when taking possession of a new room. The RCF lists current damages and the
condition of the room before residents moved in. Residents are given a copy of the RCF
and are asked to review it and add additional damages (if found). If any additions are
added to the copy, that form will need to be turned-in to the RA of the floor within 48
hours of the resident’s taking possession of the room. The new information will then be
added to the master copy that is kept in the Office of Residence Life. Any damage not
cited on this form will be the responsibility of the resident upon checkout.
At the conclusion of each semester, information will be provided to students about
checkout procedures. You must do the following prior to leaving if moving out of your
1. Clean and remove all personal belongings from the room
2. Have your RA perform a final checkout
3. Return your keys
4. Sign the Room Condition Form and checkout slip which verify the condition of
your room and any charges due for damage
24-hour notice must be given to an RA or the Office of Residence Life prior to checkout.
It is the responsibility of all roommates to help keep their room clean. Students should
keep their respective sides of the room in a fashion that suits their tastes without
infringing upon their roommate’s rights. Students are expected to practice appropriate
personal hygiene and to maintain an environment within their room and community
which is sanitary.
It is every student’s responsibility to help maintain cleanliness in public areas. Students
are responsible for the cleanliness of the area outside their room. Vandalism and
messes requiring extra cleanup will be charged to those responsible.
Computer Direct Connect Agreement
All residents will adhere to a computer direct connect agreement. Students may lose
network access if the terms of this agreement are not met.
The agreement reads as follows:
I understand my use of this connection to the Campus computers will adhere to all
University policies regarding computer use. Failure to adhere to these policies will
result in my access being immediately denied and may subject my files and
transmissions to search and examination by system administrators or employees as
required to protect users and the integrity of computer systems.
I further understand that:
Fraudulent use or misuse of services is a crime under state and federal law.
Criminal proceedings and/or disciplinary action under the Montana Tech Campus
Codes of Integrity and Conduct as delineated in the Montana Tech Community
Expectations Program may be taken against me.
I will be disconnected from the network if I use an IP address, computer name, or port
that is not assigned to me.
Unauthorized entry or modification of any computer system and its contents is a
violation of state and federal law.
The network is a shared resource and interference with the use of the network by others
is not permitted. This includes applications that use unusually high portions of
bandwidth for extended periods of time or causes someone else’s computer on the
network to malfunction.
I must not use the network connection to run a business or organization for profit or
I must not monitor data on the network by means of any monitoring or ‘sniffer’ software.
I must not provide a pass-through site to other campus hosts or provide remote login
(e.g., telnet access) on my computer for others.
I must not add network devices such as hubs, switches, or any wireless equipment to
ports nor modify or extend any network line, unless approval from Network Services is
Students must comply with connection of service terms. In particular:
Refrain from offering network services on your computer (i.e., configuring your computer
as a server and offering such services as file, telnet, ftp, DNS, WINS, DHCP, Web,
News feeds, etc.). Offering network service on a connected computer is not approved
this includes peer-to-peer sharing such as Kazaa, E-donkey, BitTorrent, and Gnutella,
as well as cryptocurrency mining.
You must not run security programs or utilities revealing vulnerabilities or any
information traversing our network.
Read and understand all of the Montana Tech, UM-wide, and System-wide computer
use and networking policies. Please refer to Client Portal Policies (
Follow-up monitoring on our part may ensue to validate compliance.
*Failure to adhere to the direct connect computer agreement may result in disciplinary
actions by the Office of Residence Life or other officials on campus.
Cooking and Appliances
All residence halls have a designated kitchen for resident use. For fire safety and
sanitary reasons, cooking is restricted in all other areas.
Residents may not use or possess the following appliances/items:
Air conditioners
Air Fryers
Space heaters
Hot Plates
Electric Frying Pans
Toasters or Toaster Ovens
Grills or Griddles
Microwaves which exceed 900 watts
Lava Lamps
Halogen Lamps
Extension Cords without an internal circuit breaker.
Crock Pots or Instant Pots
Damage/Reservation Deposit
A $100 reservation deposit is required of each resident to process their housing
application and to secure a room assignment. This reservation deposit becomes a
damage deposit when the resident takes occupancy of their room. This money will be
refunded by the Business Office after checkout if no damage fees are assessed.
Refunds will be sent to the resident’s home address. If a student will be returning to on-
campus housing the following academic year, the deposit will roll over until the student
moves out of campus housing.
The Office of Residence Life is a non-profit enterprise. Rental rates are set at a level
that cover expenses and do not include a “damages factor.” For this reason, we are
assertive about recovering damages that occur in and around the residence halls.
Students must use the premises and furnishings of Montana Tech in a careful and
proper manner. Students are responsible for damage and loss.
Dart Boards
Dartboards and darts are not allowed in student rooms because of the potential for
bodily harm and physical damage to the residence halls.
Residents are free to display posters and other decorations inside their room. Live
Christmas trees and excessive lights or other potential electrical hazards are not
permitted. Decorations are limited to a resident’s individual room and should not extend
into the hallways or to the building’s exterior. Charges will be assessed for damages to
walls from tape, nails, tacks, staples, or screws.
Due to potential fire hazard, no items may be hung from the ceiling or from any light
Dining Services and Dining Hall Behavior
All residents are required to have a meal plan as a part of the room and board contract.
Meal plans are accessed with the resident’s Digger Card. Meal plans are non-
transferrable. Students who attempt to share their meal plan or Digger Card will face
disciplinary action. Students may use their own Digger Card to purchase meals for
Students are expected to abide by standards in accordance with the Student Code of
Conduct while in the dining hall.
Special Menu Needs
Montana Tech’s Dining Service Director will work with any student who has special
dietary needs due to food allergies or other intolerances. The director will determine
with the student which foods are available and will prepare these items with the
cooperation and direction of the student.
Discipline Process
In the event that a student is found to be in violation of a university or residence hall
policy, that individual will be documented according to the documentation process set-
forth by the Office of Residence Life. Following documentation, the named individual(s)
will receive a letter or email informing them of the necessary process and actions to be
The United States and the state of Montana have adopted comprehensive laws
concerning the production, possession, sale, and use of drugs. Students must
comply with state laws, federal drug laws, and all amendments thereof. The
possession, use, sale, or distribution of narcotics or dangerous drugs, as defined by
state and federal laws, may result in dismissal from the college. Student employees
must also become acquainted with the Drug-Free Workplace Policy through their
supervisor or the Human Resources office.
Needles or syringes used for any legitimate medical need (such as diabetes) should be
declared to a Residence Life staff member. This is to ensure all residents’ safety,
health, and well-being.
Violations of the drug policy in the halls will result in the Butte Police Department being
contacted, and residents will face all legal consequences thereof.
Medical and Recreational Marijuana
Possession or use of marijuana in any amount by any person is prohibited by Montana
Tech. Although Montana state law allows adults age 21 and older to possess marijuana
for personal use, federal law prohibits marijuana possession and use of any kind. The
university receives federal funds; therefore, members of the university community must
adhere to federal laws pertaining to possession and use of marijuana. Marijuana
obtained for medicinal purposes cannot be stored or used on Montana Tech property.
Emergency Procedures
After the beginning of each semester, information will be presented to all residents
reminding them of the university’s fire-safety policies and evacuation procedures.
Residents are expected to be aware of these policies and procedures to ensure their
safety and the safety of fellow students.
Evacuation Locations
Prospector Hall 1
Centennial Hall, 2
Leonard Field
Centennial Hall 1
Prospector Hall, 2
Leonard Field
Behind HPER
Evacuation Procedures
1. Close the room door and windows and leave the building by the nearest exit. You
may endanger the lives of both yourself and others if you do not exit the building
as quickly and carefully as possible.
2. Do not use elevators during evacuation. Use the stairwells to evacuate.
3. If yousmell smoke while in your room, first feel the door and doorknob to
determine if heat is present. If it is not, place a towel over your mouth and open
the door. If you see smoke, crawl to the nearest exit (heat and smoke rise, and
you are safer closer to the floor).
4. When youfeel the door, if heat is present, do not open the door. Put a towel
over your mouth and under the door, open the window, hang a piece of white
cloth out the window, and then close the window. The cloth will let fire fighters
know where to find you. Unless you live on the first floor, you should not
jump out of the window. Never break the window, as this will draw smoke into
the room. If you need to remain in your room during a fire, you should call 911.
5. If you will need assistance during a fire alarm, you should speak with Residence
Life staff when you check in to setup arrangements for emergency personnel.
6. You will be notified when it is safe to re-enter the building by a university staff
7. If any student intentionally disregards the fire evacuation process, they may face
disciplinary action through the conduct process.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are scheduled in the residence halls at least once each semester to test the
fire safety equipment and to familiarize residents with evacuation procedures. During
fire drills, residents are expected to follow all directions and to maintain a mature
attitude. All students must proceed to the designated gathering area and remain there
until directed to return to the residence halls.
Electronic Monitoring
All outside doors and certain public access areas within the residence halls are
monitored using electronic devices such as video cameras and door access readers.
This monitoring is for the protection and safety of all residents and Montana Tech
Any violation recorded on the cameras will be considered for administrative action
through the conduct system and/or legal action through local law enforcement.
Tampering with security cameras will result in serious disciplinary action, which could
result in eviction from university housing or suspension from Montana Tech.
Emergency Contacts
Each resident is required to fill out an emergency contact form listing contact
information in case of an emergency and any medical conditions. This information will
be filled out when applying for housing.
Fire Equipment
Residents must not tamper with fire safety equipment or devices. Misuse and abuse of
this equipment can cause the loss of life and property. Students may face disciplinary
and/or legal consequences if they tamper with fire-safety equipment or sound a false
alarm. In serious cases, termination of the housing contract will also occur.
Fire-alarm pull stations are located in each hallway near an exit. All wing doors are to be
kept closed except for routine entering and exiting unless they can be held open by a
magnetic lock connected to the fire-notification system.
Fire Sprinklers
Sprinkler systems are installed in all three residence halls. Tampering with or
vandalizing the sprinkler system will result in the student being held responsible for all
damages caused to the system along with any damages to state or personal property.
Fire Safety
Due to potential fire danger, the use and/or possession of candles, incense, and other
items causing noxious odors through open flame are prohibited in the residence halls.
The possession of these items is subject to disciplinary action.
Fire Exits / Exiting Through Windows
It is in violation of fire code to use designated fire exits during any other instance than
that of an emergency. Any individual seen using a fire exit improperly will be assessed a
$50 fine. Individuals may also be fined for passing through windows.
Some Prospector Hall windows are tagged to ensure that window screens are not
removed or tampered with. If a resident’s window screen tag is found to be broken, a
$25 charge will be assessed.
Fire Reporting
If there is a fire in the residence halls, the following university staff members should be
notified: your Resident Assistant, the Assistant Director of Residence Life, the Dean of
Students, and the Director of Environmental Safety and Health.
All residence hall rooms are furnished with:
Single bed Closet (Prospector & LLC)
Mirror Dresser (Prospector & LLC)
Mattress Wardrobe (Centennial)
Desk & Chair Sink (Centennial)
Note: Mattresses measure 36”x 80”. Most stores label these as “super twin” or “extra-
long/ XL”.
College-owned furniture provided to residents may not be removed from a room at any
time. Residents will be responsible for any missing furniture at check-out.
Furniture in lounges and other common areas may not be removed or placed in any
student’s room.
Guests and Visitation
Overnight guests may stay, with the permission of all roommates and/or suitemates, for
a maximum of seven (7) days (cumulatively) per semester. Residents having visitors for
more than seven (7) days may be subject to disciplinary action and be charged a
daily room rate until the guest leaves.
All guests under the age of 18 must be checked in through the front desk of the building
they will be staying in at the time of arrival. If an underage guest is involved in a conduct
violation this will likely result in a call to a parent/guardian and local authorities. Failure
to check in an underage guest may result in loss of overnight guest privileges.
Escort Policy
To ensure a safe and threat-free living environment, residents are expected to escort
their guests at all times while in the residence halls. Moreover, all residents are
responsible for the behavior of their guests. Any guest who is not escorted by their host
resident or who is being disruptive to the community will be asked to leave the
residence halls. Any charges or discipline issues that may ensue are the responsibility
of the Montana Tech resident.
Behavior that offends the dignity of anyone may lead to disciplinary action. Included in
this behavior are religious, ethnic, sexist, sexual orientation, or racial slurs as well as
unwanted physical advances or intimidation. All such incidents should be reported to the
Office or Residence Life or to an RA. Be advised that incidents of harassment may
result in severe disciplinary action.
Wired/Wireless information
Montana Tech Information Technology provides residents living in the Living and
Learning Center, Centennial Hall and Prospector Hall with high speed
connectivity via Wireless Access Points and a wired network jack. Please refer to
Computer Direct Connect Agreement for acceptable use.
Guest Wireless Setup Instructions
Connect to MTGuest if you are a guest to the Montana Tech campus. You will be
prompted to enter your email address when you first open your web browser. Please
connect to Eduroam if you have a Montana Tech username and password.
Secure Wireless Setup Instructions
Faculty / Staff / Students Connect to Eduroam using your username and password.
To use the secure networks, you MUST meet the following requirements:
+ An IEEE 802.11A/B/G/N Wireless Networking card capable of supporting WPA2
authentication. TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 versions are not supported. Check with the
manufacturer of your device to make sure you have the latest wireless drivers
+ A valid Student, Faculty or Staff Account with Montana Tech.
If you need help connecting your device please visit - Service - Issue with my Wireless
/ Wi... (
We would like to provide you with some information so that our wireless services are
optimized for all residents.
1. Residents are not allowed to plug in or operate their own Wireless Router
or Access Point to our wired network infrastructure. The additional
wireless signals are interfering with the provided wireless networks
(MTGuest, Eduroam, and MTDorms) and hindering performance for all.
2. We recommend that you connect to Eduroam. You will need to provide
your mtech username and password to logon to Eduroam.
Montana Tech Information Technology recommends that you have antivirus protection
installed on your machine.
Each residence hall has kitchen facilities with a stove, a sink, and a microwave available
for student use. Pots, pans, and other cooking supplies and utensils are available for
checkout at each hall’s front desk. Residents are expected to clean up after themselves
when they are finished cooking, and food storage is not allowed in public kitchens.
Repeated abuse and vandalism of kitchen facilities will not be tolerated and may result
in restricted access.
Washers and dryers are located in laundry rooms found either in a central location or on
individual floors of the hall, depending on the building. Laundry facilities are designated
for on-campus residents only. Providing access to laundry facilities to unauthorized
individuals is not permitted.
Students found jamming, forcing, overloading or otherwise vandalizing laundry
machines will face disciplinary action.
Students are encouraged to do laundry in their own hall as to not burden another halls
The university is not responsible for damage, loss, or theft of clothing left in the
machines or in the laundry rooms. It is suggested that students develop the habit
of checking their clothing frequently while it is in the laundry. Clothing left in the
laundry areas for more than three days will be removed by custodial staff to help
maintain a clean and sanitary environment.
Neither Montana Tech nor its officers, agents, or employees are liable for the loss, theft,
disappearance, damage, or destruction of any property belonging to, used by, or in the
custody of any student, no matter where such property may be normally kept, used, or
Maintenance and Repair
If something in a resident’s room needs repair, they should inform their RA or the Office
of Residence Life who will contact the Physical Plant on their behalf. All work orders
must be processed through the Office of Residence Life.
Residents are not permitted to paint their room or make their own repairs. Damage
charges may be assessed any unapproved room painting or modifications.
Missing Student Notification
Students residing on-campus who are missing for more than 24 hours should be
reported to the Assistant Director of Residence Life, Assistant Dean/Director of Campus
Life and the Dean of Students. Students living on-campus have the option to register a
confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be
missing. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of
a missing person investigation may have access to this information. Local law
enforcement and campus security will be notified if a student is missing regardless if the
student has registered a contact person. Parents or guardians will be notified if a
student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated.
If a student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours, the following
procedures will be followed:
Notify the student’s contact person and/or local law enforcement.
Check the student’s room and visit with roommate and/or friends on the floor.
Search public areas on campus and identify last card-reader door entry.
Issue an ID picture to assist in identifying the missing student.
Contact known friends, family, or faculty members for last sighting or additional
contact information.
Access vehicle registration information for vehicle location.
Look up email logs for last login to Montana Tech network system.
Any indication of foul play will be immediately forwarded to local law enforcement.
Noise and Disruption
Residents may not play games such as frisbee, football, golf, hockey, hacky sack, etc.,
in any rooms, hallways, or other common areas. Riding bikes and skating indoors are
also not permitted.
Paintball and Airsoft guns, as well as any ammunition thereof, are strictly prohibited.
Additionally, we are not equipped as a gymnasium, so activities such as basketball
dribbling, racquetball, boxing, and wrestling should be done at the HPER facility and not
in the residence halls.
General Noise / Courtesy Hours
Residence Life is committed to providing a living atmosphere conducive to academic success. Noise
of any kind is the most common obstacle to providing this environment. Students should comply with
each other’s requests for quiet whenever their behavior or the behavior of their guests is such that it
creates a disturbance. Students must realize that they are obligated to extend this courtesy
whenever requested to do so.
Quiet Hours
The residence halls maintain a standard period of quiet hours when all sounds including
stereos, televisions, and voices must be at a volume low enough to be inaudible in
adjoining rooms or hallways. Quiet hours are:
Weeknights (Sunday-Thursday): 8 pm to 8 am
Weekends (Friday & Saturday: 10 pm to 10 am
Finals-Week 24-Hour Quiet Hours
During finals Week, all residents are required to adhere to 24-hour quiet hours to allow
fellow students to study and sleep at any time. Violation of 24-hour quiet hours may lead
to immediate dismissal from the residence Halls for the remainder of finals week.
Parking areas for residents are located near each hall. Resident vehicles should be
clearly marked with a university parking permit, available for purchase from the
Business Office.
Residents are encouraged not to store valuables in their vehicles. The university will not
be held liable for any theft or damages to students’ vehicles.
LLC residents are required to move their vehicles to the library parking on lot on
mornings of home football games.
Pets and Assistive Animals
Only fish, other totally aquatic species (snails, sea monkeys, etc.), and approved
assistive animals are allowed in the residence halls. Aquariums must not be more than
10 gallons. If you own a fish, be responsible when cleaning your fish tank. Do NOT put
any fish bowl items down a toilet, sink, or water fountain. You are responsible for
the care of any animals during school breaks, so plan accordingly.
Assistive Animals
A certified assistive animal is permitted for a resident with approved medical
documentation through the Office of Disability Services and Residence Life. Owners of
approved assistive animals must adhere to the Guidelines for Emotional
Support/Service Animals to ensure their animal does not violate their obligation to the
Student Housing contract.
Specifically, owners should be mindful of the animal’s potential influence on other
residents and on the property of Montana Tech. Please note that failure to adhere to the
Guidelines for Emotional Support/Service Animals may result in the animal and/or
resident being removed from the residence halls.
Any pet violation or violation of the assistive animal contract may result in the resident
being charged for disinfecting the room or other damages incurred. 
Posting Policy
Any student or student organizations that would like to post signs in the residence halls
must receive approval from the Office of Residence Life. Signs posted without approval
are subject to removal. Signs should not be posted on glass surfaces including lobby
entrance/exit doors or windows.
Resident Assistant (RA)
Each floor is staffed by a Resident Assistant (RA), an upper- class student who is
responsible for the floor and its residents. RAs are primarily concerned with the welfare
of the students on their floors. They help enforce hall and college policies and
disseminate campus information.
The first-person students should see when they have a question or problem is their RA.
If an RA is unable to help, they will make referrals to an appropriate college staff
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a recognized student government organization, the
students’ voice in the residence halls, and a fun way to be involved and to get to know
one’s neighbors better. RHA serves as a unified body for all residents on campus and is
a wonderful way to voice concerns and opinions about the residence halls. Ask any
member of Residence Life for more information on getting involved!
Room Assignments
Priority for room assignments for incoming and transfer students is determined by the
date of receipt of the reservation deposit and completed housing application. Mutual
requests for roommates and special-living arrangements are honored whenever
possible. As indicated in contract stipulations, no housing refunds are given if the
contract is cancelled mid-semester.
Room Changes
Residents who wish to move into a vacant space in a room must be granted permission
from the Office of Residence Life. Moving into a room without written approval and
direction of Residence Life is a violation of policy that may result in disciplinary action
and/or fines.
Room Vacancies
When a space in a room becomes vacant after a student moves out, residents still in the
room must keep that space unoccupied in case other residents are assigned to that
space. The room must have half of all of the furnishings and space available for a new
student to move in at any time. Residents are encouraged to keep the space clean to
help create a positive roommate dynamic with any new residents.
If space is available in a room, the Office of Residence Life may assign a new resident
at any time without prior notification to the remaining student(s). Residence Life staff will
attempt to notify students in advance that they are receiving a new roommate.
Students receiving new roommates must not create or maintain an unwelcoming,
hostile, or intimidating environment with the intent to drive out a roommate. Behavior of
this nature will be seen as a conduct matter and may resulting in disciplinary sanctions.
Room-Condition Forms (RCFs)
New residents will be asked to review and complete a Room-Condition Form (RCF) to
protect them from being held responsible for damages that existed prior to their
occupancy. Residents are advised to be specific when filling out this form. An RA will
review the condition of the room against the RCF while performing a check-out, and any
damages not listed on the RCF (beyond normal “wear and tear”) will be charged to the
Room Entry
Montana Tech is committed to respecting students’ right to privacy; however, there are
times when it is necessary to enter residents’ rooms to perform maintenance or when a
suspected emergency exists.
Residents’ rooms will be entered only in accordance with state law, which includes
written notices in all cases that are not deemed emergencies the belief that the
occupant or the facility may be in imminent danger.
Staff members should knock but do not need to receive verbal permission to enter if the
danger is of sufficient magnitude.
Reasons for Entry
1. When there is an emergency that requires entry, such as:
1. An imminent threat of damage to the room, building and/or its occupants,
including but not limited to: fire, smoke, fire bombs, flooding, steam leaks,
smoke detector alarm, lack of heat, too much heat, electrical malfunction,
unauthorized entry by trespasser
2. A credible report from a roommate, friend, family member or university
official that the occupant is missing under circumstances that create
reasonable cause to believe the student may be in danger or require
3. A call for help from persons in the room.
2. To check the facilities for safety and maintenance and to assure security of the
rooms during Winter Break and Spring Break.
3. In response to building evacuations (including fire and other safety drills), to
determine that the residents have exited the building. Failure to exit during a
building evacuation, including drills, will result in disciplinary action.
4. When an alarm, radio or stereo or other sound emitting device is left on creating
disturbance and/or concern that the occupant may need help.
5. Weapons, explosives or combustibles have been reported to be in the room.
6. At such other times a specific prior written notice is provided.
Before any entry, except in emergencies or fire evacuation, the staff member will knock
on the door and identify themselves before entry. Students may not physically or
visually obstruct, block, restrict or deny a Residence Life staff member or other
university official from entering their room.
Scheduled University Breaks
All residence halls are closed during scheduled break periods including Winter and
Spring Breaks. Housing is not provided during these times unless individual
permission is granted. Any resident who wishes to stay during this time must make
special arrangements with the Office of Residence Life. There is an additional charge
for housing if it is permitted. Services normally offered on-campus may not be available
during break periods.
Residence Life staff will conduct room checks during Winter, and Spring breaks to
ensure windows are closed, room temperature is appropriate, and no facilities issues
will occur during break times.
Front Desks
Each residence hall has a front desk located in its lobby that offers a number of services
to residents. Many supplies are offered for use or check-out including items such as
office supplies, vacuums, irons, and cleaning supplies, board games, bed-bunking tools,
and more.
Resident mailboxes are located in the lobby of each hall next to the front desk. Mail can
be obtained by residents through their mailboxes only and never by the desk worker on
shift. This is a federal law upheld by our employees. Residents will be notified by email
of any packages they receive, and packages may be picked up at the front desk of the
resident’s hall.
When residents move out of the residence halls, it is their responsibility to fill out a
change of address form with the United States Postal Service and update their address
with any people or companies who might be sending them mail. Regular mail will not be
The mailing address for Prospector Hall is:
Student’s Name
1301 West Park Street, Room # ____
Butte, MT 59701
The mailing address for Centennial Hall is:
Student’s Name
1225 West Broadway Street, Room # ____
Butte, MT 59701
The mailing address for the LLC:
Student’s Name
1440 West Park Street, Room # ____
Butte, MT 59701
Notice that “Montana Tech” is not used in the address. Any resident mail with “Montana
Tech” in the address may be delayed one to three days before delivery to the residence
Refrigerator Rentals
The Office of Residence Life has a supply of refrigerators in various sizes which are
available for rental on a first-come, first-served basis. The following cost of rental will be
billed directly to the student’s account.
Small refrigerator: $20 / semester
Medium refrigerator: $30 / semester
Large refrigerator: $40 / semester
Students may bring their own refrigerator with a maximum capacity of 4.5 cubic feet and
if it requires no more than 120 volts and two amperes of electricity.
There is limited storage available for residents in each hall for long-term storage items
(luggage, storage totes, etc.) during the academic year. Residents should contact the
Office of Residence Life to check in or check out belongings as storage areas are
always locked for security reasons. Any student belongings being stored must be
tagged with the student’s name, school address, and date of storage. Items not
removed by the end of the academic year will be removed and disposed. Personal
property is stored at the risk of the owner, and MT Tech will not take responsibility for
stolen or damaged items.
Signs which are the property of the federal, state, or local government, or which belong
to the university, may not be posted in student rooms. Sign theft is illegal. Residents
who are found in possession of such sign will be reported to the proper authorities. If
students are found to be in possession of a local business sign, they will be reported to
the business concerned and/or the local police.
Smoking & Tobacco Use
The use of all tobacco products (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless
tobacco, e-cigarettes, etc.) by students, faculty, staff, guests, visitors, and contractors
is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by Montana Tech.
Residents who are found using tobacco in or around the residence halls will be
cited and will face disciplinary sanctions. For more information, please see the
official Montana Tech Tobacco and Nicotine Use Policy.
Solicitation and Sales
Soliciting is strictly prohibited in the residence halls. Door-to-door solicitation is also
prohibited and should be reported to a Residence Life staff member.
Residents are not permitted to operate any form of business or for-profit activities in the
residence halls.
Termination of Contract by the University
The university may terminate a housing contract and take possession of any residence
hall room at any time for severe violation of any of the provisions stated herein or as a
consequence of disciplinary action.
Disciplinary termination may require the offending party to move out of the hall within 24
hours of notification.
The housing contract is cancelled if a student’s enrollment is terminated. No refunds of
housing fees are allowed.
Weapons / Firearms / Explosives
For the purposes of this policy, “weapon” is defined as any instrument, article, or
substance that is designed, used, or likely to be used to cause bodily harm and/or
property damage. Weapons include, but are not limited to the following: firearms
(including rifles, shotguns, and handguns), knives with blades four inches or longer,
explosives, swords, nunchakus, throwing stars, other martial arts weapons, crossbows,
compound bows, recurve bows, long bows, pepper spray (except for personal safety
devices), BB guns, paintball guns, ammunition, and non-functioning replicas which
could be confused with actual firearms or weapons.
No person may carry or possess a weapon, regardless of any concealed-weapons
permits, in the residence halls unless they are licensed peace officer working in the
course and scope of their duty.
Any student found in possession of a weapon in their room will face immediate eviction.
Transportation of unloaded firearms or bows between the parking area and the firearm
storage area is permitted by this policy.
The possession and/or storage of fireworks, gasoline, or any form of explosive device or
fuel is strictly prohibited.
Weapons Storage
Any students wishing to store firearms or bows in the residence halls for off-campus
hunting and/or recreational target practicing must contact the Office of Residence Life to
register and store such items in the Centennial Hall firearm/bow storage area.
Contact Campus Security (406) 496-4357 to schedule a time to check-in or check-out a
weapon. Security must be notified at least 24-hours in advance to guarantee we can
accommodate your request.
Any firearm or bow in storage must be unloaded with an approved gun lock in place.
Residence Life can provide free gun locks upon request. Firearms and bows must be
fully contained in a case or container during transportation to and from the Centennial
Hall firearm/bow storage area.
Ammunition and arrows are not allowed in any student rooms but may be stored in the
firearm/bow storage area. All student firearms must remain unloaded while they are on-
The intent of this policy is to allow students living in the residence halls the ability to
store and use firearms/bows for hunting and/or recreational target practicing. The Office
of Residence Life may deny storage for items that do not meet this intent.
Windows and Screens
Windows and ledges should be kept free at all times. Residents may not hang or attach
items to any window or ledge. Throwing objects from or at windows is strictly prohibited
and will result in disciplinary action.
Windows may not be used as entrances or exits except in the case of a fire or other
Removal of screens is prohibited. If a resident is found to have purposefully removed a
screen, they may be charged for screen replacement and/or reinstallation.
Some window screens are equipped with tags to ensure that screens are not opened
except in the case of an emergency. Any resident found with a missing screen tag at
checkout will be assessed a $25 fee.