Have you considered starting part-time and keeping your current job?
Have you objectively compared your intended business with other possible
Have you prepared a "for" and "against" list to clarify your thinking?
Have you worked for someone else in your intended industry/business?
Is your intended business something you will enjoy doing?
Have you test marketed your product or service?
Have you reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a partner?
Are you focused on a specialized product or service?
Have you considered operating as a family business?
Have you talked to the most successful people in your intended business?
Have you completed all the sections of your business plan?
Did you personally prepare your business plan?
Did you use the My Own Business Institute (MOBI) template for your business
Does your business plan include one-year goals?
Have you submitted your plan for review to appropriate experts?
Are you prepared to change your plan frequently as conditions change?
Does your business plan include a one-year cash low projection?
Have you completed the home-based business readiness template?
Have you selected a business that does not conlict with your current job?
Do you understand accounting and cash low?
Are you able to delegate some of your business responsibilities to employees,
partners, or family?
Have you set a limit on how much money you can risk?
Do you have a disciplined and balanced lifestyle?
Do you have the space at home your business will require?
Have you checked local laws and licensing requirements for home-based
© SCU MOBI 2020
Are you saving money to start your business?
Are you willing to start small to minimize the capital required?
Are you prepared to invest the equity of your own labor?
Do you have inancing in place to support your cash low needs?
Do you understand the differences between loan (debt) vs. investment (equity)
sources of capital and the inancial and legal obligations of each?
Have you investigated the small business government loan guarantee programs?
Have you considered using suppliers as sources of inancing?
Have you considered bartering as a source of inancing?
Have you asked your accountant and attorney for lending references?
Are you prepared to live frugally to keep your living costs at a minimum?
Does your one-year projection show suficient cash low at the end of each month?
Have you considered the pros and cons of a partner?
Have you made a list of your new businesss liabilities?
Did you consider how timing factors into liability?
Have you selected a business organization that is right for you?
Did you complete each of the “Steps You Should Take to Organize Your Business”?
Have you selected professionals, especially a lawyer and an accountant, to help
Did you complete all the paperwork to organize your business?
Are you keeping notes, including the names of participants and dates, for all your
Is your location approved for the type of business you intend to operate?
Is it legal to use your home for a home-based or freelance business?
Do you have all the certiications and licenses required by the government for your
type of business?
Do you have the special training, education, or equipment required by the
government for your intended business?
Do you have a “Sellers Permit, if needed?
Do you have an Employer Identiication Number (EIN)?
Do you have your business license?
Do you know how to collect sales tax or value-added tax (VAT) on your
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Have you researched your business name to make sure it is available?
Is the name you selected appropriate for the business, easy to remember, easy to
spell, and does it create a visual image?
Have you registered your name with the appropriate government agencies?
Have you registered your business name as a trademark?
Have you secured copyright and patents for your goods and services as needed?
Do you have a logo?
Have you created stationery, business cards, and business forms?
Have you selected an insurance agent who understands business insurance?
Did you review your risks with your attorney, your accountant, and your insurance
Have you picked the insurance policies that you need and the limits (amounts) of
Which of the following policies does your business need?
o Business property insurance
o Business liability insurance
o Workers compensation insurance
o Excess liability coverage
o Employment practices liability insurance
o Life insurance
Did you include insurance premiums in your cash low projections?
Do you understand the difference between internal and external communication?
Have you selected the types of communication tools that will be important in your
Have you printed business cards, lyers, and other materials for customers?
What email provider will you use?
What type of telephone communication with you use? Landlines? Cell phones?
Internet calling?
Is video or web conferencing important for your business?
What kind of online collaboration and productivity tools will you use?
Do you have a plan for learning about computers and collaboration tools?
Will you use social media to promote your business to customers?
Will you need a website? Will you build it yourself or hire a web designer?
Did you include subscriptions for communication tools in your inancial planning?
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Will your business provide full- or part-time employment for you?
Is the business a good it for your skills and preferences?
Have you investigated the industry thoroughly?
Have your lawyer and accountant advised you on all aspects of the transaction,
including approval of purchase agreement and leases?
Have you evaluated the quality and size of the inventory?
Are the payables veriied and current?
Are the receivables current and collectible?
Is there an order backlog?
Will the seller help inance the purchase of the business?
How strong are customer relationships?
Is the primary marketplace stable or changing?
Does the business have all necessary government approvals and licenses?
Is the seller motivated? Do you know why?
Have you talked to other franchisees about the business?
Have you reviewed the proit and loss records of some selected franchisees?
Do you have the inancial statement of the franchisor?
Are there outstanding lawsuits against the franchisor?
Is it a business you will enjoy operating?
Does the proposed location meet your site criteria for the business?
Is the franchisor well established?
Does the franchisor have a signiicant number of successful franchisees?
How many franchises have been sold andopened?
Have you determined the kind of space you need for your new business?
Are you taking your time in reviewing all your options?
Where will you get information on available space?
Have you decided whether to buy or rent?
Do you understand the terms in a commercial business lease?
Are all your agreements in writing?
Have you evaluated potential sites with the “Site Criteria Table”?
Has your lawyer reviewed the lease or purchase agreement?
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Do you understand accounting and cash low and how to keep score in business?
Do you know the difference between a balance sheet, a proit and loss statement,
and a cash low statement?
Do you have an accountant?
Is your accounting software in place?
Are you prepared to reconcile your bank account every month?
Have you projected your cash low for three months and for one year?
Will you be updating cash low every month?
Are you planning to keep your own records when you start out?
Have you set up an account with a service provider to handle payroll and beneits?
Will you personally be signing all the business checks?
Have you set up a separate business account at your bank?
Do you know your tax liability?
Have you established a good relationship with your banker?
Is your business credit policy in place?
Will you be matching up invoices with purchase orders?
Do you have safeguards against employee dishonesty in place?
Is E-commerce right for your business?
Which E-commerce segment is appropriate for your business?
Do you have a trusted way to process inancial transactions online?
Is your domain name registered and the website online?
Are you building your website or are you using a professional website developer?
Is your home page designed to represent your business and brand? Is it easy to
Do you have a plan for marketing online using email, social media, or other tools?
Do you have all necessary E-commerce tools in place?
Is your website fully tested and ready to sell online?
Do you have a plan for promoting sales and marketing of your product or service?
Have you reviewed the most common mistakes made when opening a business?
Do you understand the basics of buying materials and carrying inventory in your
Are all licenses, permits, and the certiicate of occupancy secured?
Is your merchandise displayed attractively?
Is the advertising and promotional material scheduled?
Have you started developing an email, text, and/or mail database?
Do you know how and where your successful competitors advertise and market
their products or services?
Have you joined the trade association of your industry?
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Are you focused on selling a great product or service at a fair price?
Do you understand the difference between employees and independent
Have you retained a payroll service provider or a professional employer
Do you have job descriptions and an employee handbook written up?
Do you have a plan for attracting and interviewing applicants?
Are you familiar with the laws associated with employees and the workplace?
Do you have a plan for training your employees?
Do you have a plan for retaining your best employees?
Do you have a plan for discharging poor employees?
Do you have a good way to communicate with your employees?
Do you have a detailed plan for expanding your business?
Are you starting with a pilot operation irst?
Have you created an advisory board to help you avoid mistakes?
Are you prepared to prove your business concept before expanding?
Do you have a plan for the delegation of authority and responsibility to managers?
Have you created separate proit centers for each expansion unit?
Do you understand the key elements for creating successful proit centers?
Do you understand the common problems of businesses that expand, like
uncontrolled cash low and new competition?
What are the rules for handling serious business problems? Will you follow those
Are you enjoying the adventure of growing your own business, creating new jobs,
and leaving a legacy of success?
© SCU MOBI 2020