OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
The strength of a good resume comes from what you select to include and NOT include
and the presentation or format of your content. As you organize your resume, keep
in mind:
Is the purpose of the resume clear?
Are the needs of the employer, scholarship application, or leadership opportunity addressed?
Are the necessary skills or experiences noted in appropriate sections?
You should edit, tweak, and change your resume for every application.
1 Page
3rd person
No personal pronouns (I, me, my, our)
Don’t include age, marital status, race,
religion, pictures, or graphics
Common choices are Arial or Calibri
Don’t use Serif fonts like Times New
Font Size:
Between 10-12 point font
You should use bigger font for your
Name in your header section
Dates are on the far RIGHT side of the
Document is both right and left
To create more space - change your
margins to narrow margins (.5” all the
way around your document)
Formatting Tips:
Interpersonal skills (relates well
to others)
Team work
Technical Skills
Communication skills
Attention to detail
Pr o b l e m - s o l v i n g s k i l l s
Friendly/outgoing personality
Stro ng work ethi c
Strategic planning skills
A n a l y t i c a l / q u a n t i t a t i v e s k i l l s
Fl e x i b i l i t y / a d a p t a b i l i t y
Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker
What Employers Are Looking For:
What to Include on Your Resume:
Sample sections that you might consider including on your
resume (organized by category):
Communication Experience
Leadership Experience
Sales Experience
Lab/Research Experience
Teaching Experience
Professional Organizations
Additional Training
Professional Aliations
Research Interests
Academic Projects
Technical Skills
Computer Skills
Specialized Skills
Language Prociencies
Professional Experience
Work Experience
Related Experience
Other Experience
Volunteer Experience
Community Involvement
Campus Leadership
Areas of Expertise
Signicant Accomplishments
Summary of Qualications
Career Prole
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Always include:
Name – this should be the biggest thing on your page. Your name should be larger than the
rest of your contact information and your resume content
Contact Info – has to include phone number and email address
Additional items you can include:
Physical address
LinkedIn customized URL
Link to online portfolio
Header Section:
Example Headers:
Pistol Pete
1234 Main St. (405) 555-5555
pistol.pete@okstate.eduStillwater, OK 74078
Pistol Pete
1234 Main St. • Stillwater, OK 74078 • (405) 555-5555 • pistol.pete@okstate.edu
(405) 555-5555
Pistol Pete
(405) 555-5555
(405) 555-5555
1234 Main St.
Stillwater, OK 74078
Pistol Pete
This is where you can get creative, think about dierent font size and shape, dierent colors, etc.
Education (can include more than one school or degree if applicable; do not include high school)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Graduation: May 2024
Minor: Sociology GPA: (list if 3.0 or above)
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, OK
Associate of Applied Science, General Studies
May 2020
Oklahoma City Community College – Oklahoma City, OK
GPA: 3.6
Related Experience (related to job youre applying for; listed in reverse chronological order)
Job Title | Employer Name – City, State Month Year – Month Year
List your most relevant accomplishment for this job
Provide details related to the type of tasks you completed
Name a skill perfected which is a transferable skill required for future jobs
Retail Supervisor | XYR Products – Stillwater, OK January 2018 – August 2019
Promoted to supervisor after 2 years, supervised a total of twenty-four sales associates
Delegated activities to 10 shift workers daily
Handled all nancial closings and deposits at close of business day
Additional Experience (other jobs or positions that are not related to your area of study or the job youre applying for)
Research Assistant | OSU Psychology Department – Stillwater, OK August 2019 – December 2019
Assisted Psychology Department with entering data into Microsoft Access from research
Coordinated scheduling of follow-up study visits for 20 graduate students and 10 faculty members
Campus Involvement
Title | Organization, OSU Month Year – Month Year
List activities where leadership has been developed and be detailed about your responsibilities
Treasurer | OSU Student Psychology Club August 2019 – Present
Responsible for $5k budget and tracking expenses
Volunteer Experience
Volunteer Activity | Organization Month Year – Month Year
Description if vague or to describe your signicant experience
Ticket Sales Volunteer | XYZ Organization June 2019 – May 2020
Sold $1k in tickets, raising $20k for the entire event
Honors & Awards
Honor Societies Month Year – Month Year
Honor Rolls (President’s or Dean’s) Month Year – Month Year
Scholarships Received Month Year – Month Year
School & Work Related Awards Month Year – Month Year
Resume Example 1:
(405) 555-5555
Pistol Pete
Resume Example 2:
Pistol Pete
1234 Main St. • Stillwater, OK 74078 • (405) 555-5555 • pistol.pete@okstate.edu
List at least 3-5 qualications that are tailored to the job description or industry in which you’re applying.
Example: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with proven social media and marketing experience.
Example: Strong motivation and self-discipline displayed while working 30+ hours per week and managing 18
hours of class work.
Example: Recognized by management as top performer in small-market apparel company.
(Do not include high school)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Graduation: December 2024
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Major: Marketing GPA: (if 3.0 or above)
OSU Academic Scholar Award – Financed 25% of tuition
(Mention only the most relevant experiences to the position youre applying for)
Work Title Month Year – Month Year
Company/Organization - City, State
Start with action verbs.
Use quantitative information, if possible.
List 3 – 5 bullet points describing your position or work.
Lead Sales Associate May 2019 – May 2020
The Place – Stillwater, OK
Developed and maintained relationships with current and potential customers.
Answered customer service questions and provided information to customers about products.
Recognized by management for three quarters as the top performer out of fty sales associates.
Earned highest sales in company for month of September by selling $15k worth of apparel.
Promoted from sales associate to team lead within rst four months of hire, supervising ten employees daily.
Front Desk Attendant - OSU Residential Life August 2019 – May 2020
Start with action verbs.
Use quantitative information, if possible.
List 3 – 5 bullet points describing your position or work.
Marketing Club, Treasurer August 2018 – Present
Marketing Club, Member August 2019 – Present
Hispanic Student Organization, Social Chair January 2017 - Present
Organize student mixer for more than 400 students.
President’s Honor Roll 2019 - 2020
Deans Honor Roll 2018 - 2019
Resume Example 3:
Prole of Qualications
Expertise in developing and implementing new programs
Experienced with running an oce for a large, higher education institution
Ability to work in and with diverse groups
Master of International Studies Expected May 2024
Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, Oklahoma GPA: (if 3.0)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration May 2020
Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, Oklahoma GPA: (if 3.0)
Major: Management Information Systems
Minor: Economics
Graduate Assistant September 2020 – Present
Oklahoma State University Career Services - Stillwater, Oklahoma
Provide individualized career advice, resources, and information to students with specialized needs
Assist students in development of resumes, CVs, correspondence letters, and interviewing skills
Participate as support sta for campus Career Fairs and complete special projects
Maintain detailed records of student interaction using C3M and CSO software tracking systems
Assistant Recruiter of Oklahoma State Recruitment May 2018 – June 2019
Incoming Cowboy Organization at Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, Oklahoma
Assisted international students in adapting to cultural and academic setting
Organized and taught cultural and English language classes
Developed, planned, and coordinated overseas trips for Oklahoma State students
International Business Intern May 2017 – June 2018
Sinopec - Beijing, China
Created and developed programs for numerous employees
Set goals for internship, including budget and job description
Analyzed multiple international products and made recommendations on market appeal for each
Technical Skills
Tracking Software: C3M, SalesForce, OnlineMeeting, PTE, SIS, D2L, Canvas, Banner
Programming Languages: C, C++, Managed C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, VC++ , R
Design Software: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SketchUP, SmartDraw
Certications: Six Sigma Green Belt (2019a), SAS (expected 2023)
Languages: Fluent in written and spoken: English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese
Community & Campus Involvement
International Student Organization – Secretary 2015 – Present
Visa Status – F1
Pistol Pete1234 Main St. (405) 555-5555
pistol.pete@okstate.eduStillwater, OK 74078
Resume Example 4:
List at least 3-5 qualications that are tailored to the job description or industry in
which youre applying
Example: Strong background and experience creating commercial advertising
Example: Procient in graphic design software as well as proven recognition for
graphic design skills
Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design Graduation: December 2024
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK GPA:(if 3.0 or above)
Created iers and commercial signage for Regional Food Bank
Designed 2 billboards in metro-area for Salvation Army
Led creative campaign and handled all communication, promotional pieces for
Graphics Design Student Organization
Procient using Adobe Creative Suite for marketing and iers
Experience building iers using Graphics Studio
Advanced knowledge of Dragony editing software
Membership Chair August 2019 – Present
OSU Graphic Design Student Organization
Member August 2018 - Present
OSU Graphic Design Student Organization
List 3 – 5 bullet points describing your position (think of your leadership like a job)
Example: Created marketing plan to increase membership from 10 to 40 students
and participation in meetings through promotion of events
Salvation Army Volunteer – Stillwater, OK August 2019 – Present
Received Volunteer of the Year recognition for Payne County Center
Regional Food Bank Volunteer – Oklahoma City, OK May 2018, 2019
Devoted 120 hours of service to assisting with packaging of more than 12,000 tons of
First Place – National Intercollegiate Student Graphic Design Competition
April 2020 Month Year
Awarded recognition out of 100+ competitors from 50 dierent universities
(405) 555-5555
1234 Main St.
Stillwater, OK 74078
Pistol Pete
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Action Verbs:
Communication Skills
Addressed Corresponded Interpreted Recruited
Advertised Directed Lectured Redirected
Authored Discussed Mediated Referred
Called Drafted Moderated Related
Circulated Edited Negotiated Represented
Coached Elicited Oriented Resolved
Collaborated Emphasized Persuaded Showed
Communicated Explained Presented Spoke
Composed Formulated Promoted Translated
Conferred Inuenced Publicized Transmitted
Contacted Informed Recommended Tutored
Convinced Instructed Reconciled Wrote
Teaching Skills
Adapted Developed Facilitated Instructed
Advised Enabled Focused Persuaded
Coached Encouraged Guided Stimulated
Communicated Evaluated Individualized Trained
Coordinated Explained Informed Tutored
Research Skills
Analyzed Interpreted Adapted Maintained
Claried Interviewed Applied Operated
Collected Investigated Assembled Overhauled
Compared Located Built Programmed
Conducted Organized Calculated Remodeled
Critiqued Researched Computed Repaired
Diagnosed Reviewed Designed Replaced
Evaluated Solved Developed Solved
Examined Summarized Devised Standardized
Gathered Surveyed Engineered Studied
Extracted Systematized Fabricated Upgraded
Identied Tested Installed Utilized
Leadership Skills
Administered Executed
Allocated Governed
Appointed Hired
Approved Led
Assigned Managed
Authorized Oversaw
Awarded Presided
Conducted Recommended
Controlled Regulated
Delegated Required
Designated Selected
Directed Settled
Disapproved Signed
Discharged Specied
Encouraged Sponsored
Enforced Stipulated
Evaluated Supervised
Administered Delegated Improved Prioritized
Analyzed Developed Initiated Produced
Assigned Directed Instituted Reorganized
Attained Enhanced Managed Reviewed
Chaired Established Motivated Scheduled
Consolidated Evaluated Organized Strengthened
Contracted Executed Oversaw Supervised
Coordinated Increased Planned
Management Skills
Accommodated Moderated
Adjusted Modied
Advised Motivated
Agreed Negotiated
Arranged Personalized
Assisted Persuaded
Consulted Provided
Contributed Reconciled
Cooperated Related
Counseled Requested
Facilitated Respected
Guided Served
Inuenced Sold
Mediated Taught
Interpersonal Skills
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Action Verbs:
Clerical or Detail Skills
Approved Organized
Arranged Prepared
Catalogued Processed
Charted Purchased
Classied Recorded
Coded Retrieved
Collected Reviewed
Compiled Routed
Dispatched Scheduled
Distributed Screened
Executed Set Up
Generated Standardized
Implemented Systematized
Inspected Tabulated
Maintained Updated
Monitored Validated
Operated Veried
Helping Skills
Advocated Counseled Facilitated Rehabilitated
Aided Demonstrated Familiarized Represented
Assessed Diagnosed Guided Resolved
Assisted Educated Intervened Supported
Claried Encouraged Motivated Volunteered
Coached Expedited Referred
Creative Skills
Acted Developed Initiated Planned
Adapted Directed Instituted Proposed
Authored Established Integrated Researched
Composed Estimated Introduced Revised
Conceptualized Fashioned Invented Revitalized
Created Forecasted Investigated Set Up
Conceived Formulated Modied Shaped
Customized Founded Originated Solved
Designed Illustrated Performed Studied
Administered Balanced Estimated Projected
Allocated Budgeted Forecasted Reconciled
Analyzed Calculated Managed Reduced
Appraised Computed Marketed Researched
Audited Developed Planned
Financial Skills
Organizational Skills
Arranged Planned
Analyzed Prepared
Assembled Purchased
Budgeted Recorded
Calculated Reorganized
Coordinated Reported
Organized Scheduled
Technical Skills
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Reference Example:
(Use the same header as your resume)
(405) 555-5555
Pistol Pete
Name of Reference
Business Phone + Extension or Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Name of Reference
Business Phone + Extension or Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Name of Reference
Business Phone + Extension or Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Resumes for Applicant Tracking Systems:
What is an Applicant Tracking System?
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) collect and sort thousands of resumes by capturing information provided
on a candidates resume. The information is then scored based on how it matches the job description. 95% of
Fortune 500 companies use ATS.
Simple Format:
Keep your resume format simple. Don’t use
text boxes, images, or templates.
Your resume should be ATS ready but also
appealing to the human eye.
If you have color on your resume, it should
only be used as an accent.
Tailor your resume to use the same
keywords as the job description.
Standard Headers:
Stick with traditional headers like Work
Experience, “Education, etc.
Separate related professional experiences
from other work experience by creating
separate categories.
» Example: Engineering Experience,
Business Experience, Sales Experience,
Optimize Searchability:
Don’t just use acronyms, but spell out
names, common phrases, etc. as well.
Make Your Resume Stand Out
For the highest consideration, experts say you need to be 80% matched to the job description. To do so,
you must keep in mind both the employers needs and the jobs needs.
Resume Content
With ATS, its important that your resume includes keywords from the job description. For example:
Sample Job Description:
Take note of the highlighted keywords:
Must have experience with incoming and
outgoing calls and emails.
Must have the ability to learn technical material
in a timely manner.
Provide quotes and follow-up on active quotes
with customers.
Must be able to make good decisions
independently, if necessary.
Communicate with internal and external
Handle basic project/account management.
Requires excellent problem solving and
interpersonal skills.
Must have the ability to work in a fast paced,
results-driven environment.
Sample Resume Summary:
Use those keywords throughout your resume:
Energetic, customer-service focused individual
with 3+ years of experience in customer problem
solving while working independently.
Ability to perform in a fast-paced environment.
Passionate about building strong customer
relationships, driving brand loyalty, and
increasing engagement with internal and
external customers.
Strong background using technical databases
such as Salesforce and Access, capable of
learning new technical skills quickly.
See how your resume matches up with free
resume scans at jobscan.co (up to ve free scans).