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ISBN: 0-309-53606-5, 302 pages, 6 x 9, (1989)
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the
Recommended Dietary Allowances,  Food and Nutrition
Board,Commission on Life Sciences,National
Research Council
Recommended Dietary
10th Edition
Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the RDAs
Food and Nutrition Board
Commission on Life Sciences
National Research Council
Washington, D.C. 1989
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the
National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy
of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of
the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard
for appropriate balance. This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according
to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National
Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
The study summarized in this report was supported by funds from the National Institutes of
Health, United States Public Health Service, through Contract Nos. NO1-AM-0-2204 and NO1-
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
National Research Council (U.S.). Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the RDAs.
Recommended dietary allowances / Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the RDAs,
Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council.
10th rev. ed.
p. cm.
Rev. ed. of: Recommended dietary allowances / Committee on Dietary Allowances,
Food and Nutrition Board, Division of Biological Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences,
National Research Council, 9th rev. ed. 1980.
Supported by funds from the National Institute of Health, United States Public Health
Service, contract no: NO1-DK-8-2236.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-309-04633-5, paperbound
ISBN 0-309-04041-8 (1989), hardbound with jacket
I. Nutrition. 2. Diet. I. National Institutes of Health (U.S.) II. National Research Council
(U.S.). Committee on Dietary Allowances. Recommended dietary allowances. III. Title.
TX551.N393 1989
for library of Congress 89-13176
1989 by the National Academy of Sciences
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cess, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmit-
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Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, October 1989
Second Printing, July 1990
Third Printing, September 1991
Fourth Printing, January 1992
Fifth Printing, June 1992
Sixth Printing, July 1992
Seventh Printing, January 1993
Eighth Printing, April 1995
Ninth Printing, September 1998
Twelfth Printing, March 1999
This report is available online at
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
RICHARD J. HAVEL (Chairman), Cardiovascular Research Institute,
University of California, San Francisco, California
DORIS H. CALLOWAY, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley, California
JOAN D. GUSSOW, Department of Nutrition Education, Teachers College,
Columbia University, New York, New York
WALTER MERTZ, Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland
MALDEN C. NESHEIM, Provost, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Food and Nutrition Board Staff
PAUL R. THOMAS, Program Officer
ALDON GRIFFIS, Research Assistant
MARIAN F. MILLSTONE, Research Assistant
The Food and Nutrition Board wishes to acknowledge the contributions of
the Committee on Dietary Allowances that worked on the tenth edition from
1980 to 1985. The committee was chaired by the late Henry Kamin of Duke
University Medical Center. Other members of the committee were Philip Farrell
(University of Wisconsin, Madison), Helen A. Guthrie (Pennsylvania State
University), Victor Herbert (Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bronx,
New York), Robert Hodges (University of California, Irvine Medical Center),
Max K. Horwitt (St. Louis University School of Medicine), Orville Levander
(U.S. Department of Agriculture), Hellen Linkswiler (deceased; University of
Wisconsin, Madison), James A. Olson (Iowa State University), and Peter L.
Pellett (University of Massachusetts, Amherst). The Food and Nutrition Board
staff included Myrtle L. Brown (executive secretary until August 1983),
Sushma Palmer (director from July 1983), Linda D. Myers (project director),
Frances M. Peter (editor), Marianne E. La Veille (research associate), and
secretaries Susan Barron, Shirley E. Cole, Avis I. Harris, and Janie B. Marshall.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
RICHARD J. HAVEL (Chairman), Cardiovascular Research Institute,
University of California, San Francisco, California
HAMISH N. MUNRO (Vice Chairman), U.S. Department of Agriculture
Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston,
EDWARD J. CALABRESE, Environmental Health Program, Division of
Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
DORIS H. CALLOWAY, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley, California
WILLIAM E. CONNOR, Department of Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences
University, Portland, Oregon
DeWITT S. GOODMAN, Director, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia
University, New York, New York
M.R.C. GREENWOOD, Department of Biology, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, New York
JOAN D. GUSSOW, Department of Nutrition Education, Teachers College,
Columbia University, New York, New York
JOHN E. KINSELLA, Institute of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York
LAURENCE N. KOLONEL, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
BERNARD J. LISKA, Department of Food Science, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana
REYNALDO MARTORELL, Food Research Institute, Stanford University,
Stanford, California
DONALD B. McCORMICK, Department of Biochemistry, Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
WALTER MERTZ, Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland
MALDEN C. NESHEIM, Provost, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
J. MICHAEL McGINNIS (Ex Officio), Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C.
ARNO G. MOTULSKY (Ex Officio), Center for Inherited Diseases, University
of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Food and Nutrition Board Staff
FRANCES M. PETER, Deputy Director
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
BRUCE M. ALBERTS (Chairman), Department of Biochemistry and
Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California
PERRY L. ADKISSON, Office of the Chancellor, The Texas A&M University
System, College Station, Texas
FRANCISCO J. AYALA, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of California, Irvine, California
J. MICHAEL BISHOP, The G.W. Hooper Research Foundation, University of
California, San Francisco, California
FREEMAN J. DYSON, School of Natural Sciences, The Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton, New Jersey
NINA V. FEDOROFF, Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of
Washington, Baltimore, Maryland
RALPH W.F. HARDY, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
(Cornell), Ithaca, New York
RICHARD J. HAVEL, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of
California, San Francisco, California
LEROY E. HOOD, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California
DONALD F. HORNIG, Interdisciplinary Programs in Health, Harvard School
of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
ERNEST G. JAWORSKI, Division of Biological Sciences, Monsanto
Company, St. Louis, Missouri
SIMON A. LEVIN, Ecosystems Research Center, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York
HAROLD A. MOONEY, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford
University, Stanford, California
STEVEN P. PAKES, Division of Comparative Medicine, Southwestern
Medical School, University of Texas, Dallas, Texas
JOSEPH E. RALL, Intramural Research, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland
RICHARD D. REMINGTON, Office of Academic Affairs, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa
PAUL G. RISSER, Office of the Vice President, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
RICHARD B. SETLOW, Biology Department, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton, New York
TORSTEN N. WIESEL, Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University,
New York, New York
Commission on Life Sciences Staff
JOHN E. BURRIS, Executive Director
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating
society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering
research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their
use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by
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the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Dr. Frank Press is
president of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
This tenth edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)
reflects the work of two panels of the Food and Nutrition Board. The first, the
Committee on Dietary Allowances, was appointed in 1980 and by 1985 had
prepared a draft of this edition that, after an outside review overseen by the
Report Review Committee of the National Research Council (NRC), was
postponed for further consideration (Press, 1985). The second panel, a
subcommittee of the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) itself, was appointed in
1987 to complete this, the tenth edition of the RDAs.
The FNB subcommittee began work in June 1987 under sponsorship of the
National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases. Throughout its
efforts, the subcommittee was keenly aware of the breadth of expertise needed
to address its charge. Accordingly, after establishing criteria for developing
RDAs that would be applied across nutrients, the subcommittee held special
meetings with invited experts on several nutrients and consulted widely on
difficult-to resolve issues and on the importance of new scientific data.
Although the subcommittee sought the advice of others and considered the
critiques of outside reviewers, it takes full responsibility for the
recommendations and for any errors that may have escaped its attention.
This report has been approved by the Food and Nutrition Board and the
NRC Report Review Committee. Both are satisfied that the tenth edition
reflects a concurrence of scientific opinion and will be appropriate for use by
governmental and private agencies as a basis for developing nutrition programs
and policies pertaining to public health.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The subcommittee thanks the many consultants who provided advice and
help in revising the draft report: Drs. John G. Bieri, Gladys Block, George M.
Briggs (deceased), C. Wayne Callaway, Kenneth J. Carpenter, Frank Chytil,
William E. Connor, Steven Cummings, Peter R. Dallman, Stanley N. Gershoff,
DeWitt S. Goodman, J.-P. Habicht, Phillip Harvey, Michael N. Kazarinoff,
Janet C. King, Orville A. Levander, Sheldon Margen, Velimir Matkovic,
Donald B. McCormick, Dennis Miller, Curtis D. Morris, Suzanne Murphy,
Susan M. Oace, Robert R. Recker, Floyd C. Rector, Jerry M. Rivers, Howerde
E. Sauberlich, Ruth Schwartz, Barry Shane, E.L. Robert Stokstad, John W.
Suttie, Barbara A. Underwood, Robert H. Wasserman, and Regina Ziegler. We
also wish to thank the members of the Board's Committee on Nutritional Status
During Pregnancy and Lactation and its three subcommittees, whose members
reviewed and commented on this report.
The subcommittee is also grateful to Dr. Alvin G. Lazen of the
Commission on Life Sciences and to the staff of the Food and Nutrition Board
for their help during various phases of our work: Dr. Sushma Palmer, Frances
Peter, Aldon Griffis, Marian Millstone, Marion Ramsey Roberts, Sandra
Johnson, Molly McGlade, and especially Dr. Paul R. Thomas for his able
support to the subcommittee throughout the study.
Richard J. Havel, Chairman
Food and Nutrition Board and the Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the
Press, F. 1985. Postponement of the 10th edition of the RDAs. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 85:1644-1645.
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Vitamin A 78
Vitamin D 92
Vitamin E 99
Vitamin K 107
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Vitamin C 115
Thiamin 125
Riboflavin 132
Niacin 137
Vitamin B
Folate 150
Vitamin B
Biotin 165
Pantothenic Acid, 169
Calcium 174
Phosphorus 184
Magnesium 187
Iron 195
Zinc 205
Iodine 213
Selenium 217
Copper 224
Manganese 230
Fluoride 235
Chromium 241
Molybdenum 243
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Recommended Dietary Allowances
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10th Edition
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) have been prepared by the
Food and Nutrition Board since 1941. The first edition was published in 1943 to
provide ''standards to serve as a goal for good nutrition." Because RDAs are
intended to reflect the best scientific judgment on nutrient allowances for the
maintenance of good health and to serve as the basis for evaluating the
adequacy of diets of groups of people, the initial publication has been revised
periodically to incorporate new scientific knowledge and interpretations. This is
the tenth edition.
RDAs are defined in Chapter 2 as the levels of intake of essential nutrients
that, on the basis of scientific knowledge, are judged by the Food and Nutrition
Board to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy
persons. This definition has remained essentially unchanged since 1974 (eighth
edition). Individuals with special nutritional needs are not covered by the RDAs.
In principle, RDAs are based on various kinds of evidence: (1) studies of
subjects maintained on diets containing low or deficient levels of a nutrient,
followed by correction of the deficit with measured amounts of the nutrient; (2)
nutrient balance studies that measure nutrient status in relation to intake; (3)
biochemical measurements of tissue saturation or adequacy of molecular
function in relation to nutrient intake; (4) nutrient intakes of fully breastfed
infants and of apparently healthy people from their food supply; (5)
epidemiological observations of nutrient status in populations in relation to
intake; and (6) in some cases, extrapolation of data from animal experiments. In
practice, there are only limited data on which estimates of nutrient requirements
can be based.
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
In preparing this tenth edition of the RDAs, the subcommittee operated
from the general assumption that modifications to the RDAs are justified
mainly on the basis of substantive new information or where there were
inconsistencies in the way evidence was evaluated in previous editions. The
subcommittee reviewed the scientific literature published since the ninth edition
as well as older studies on which the previous RDAs were based in cases where
it was deemed important to reexamine the original data. For most nutrients,
RDAs were established by first estimating the average physiological
requirement for an absorbed nutrient. The subcommittee exercised judgment in
adjusting this value by factors to compensate for incomplete utilization and to
encompass the variation both in the requirements among individuals and in the
bioavailability among the food sources of the nutrient. Therefore, the RDAs
provide a safety factor appropriate to each nutrient and exceed the actual
requirements of most individuals. The RDA for energy, however, reflects the
mean population requirement for each group, since consumption of energy at a
level intended to cover the variation in energy needs among individuals could
lead to obesity in most persons.
The Summary Table in the back of this book summarizes the RDAs
established by the subcommittee. It contains several changes that reflect
advances in scientific knowledge in the past 9 years or new interpretations of
data by the subcommittee. Changes include the following:
Age Groupings Because peak bone mass is probably not attained before
age 25 years, the age class of 19 to 22 years has been extended through age 24
for both sexes.
Reference individuals Heights and weights of reference adults in each age-
sex class are the actual medians for the U.S. population of the designated age,
as reported in the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES II). In the previous edition, reference heights and weights were set at
an arbitrary ideal. Therefore, differences from the ninth edition in allowances
for nutrients based on body weight may simply reflect the difference in
reference body weights.
Nutrients RDAs for women during pregnancy and lactation are tabulated
as absolute figures rather than as additions to the basic
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
allowances. This is a convenience and reflects the subcomnittee's judgment as
to the precision with which the additional costs of reproduction and lactation are
known. RDAs during lactation are now provided for the first and second 6-
month periods to reflect the differences in the amount of milk produced (750 ml
and 600 ml, respectively). In the ninth edition, a single allowance was provided
throughout lactation based on secretion of 850 ml of milk. RDAs for infants
who are not breastfed are based primarily on the amounts of nutrients provided
by 750 ml (rather than 850 ml) of human milk plus an additional 25% (a result
of adding 2 standard deviations) to allow for variance. In the ninth edition,
allowances during the first 6 months of life did not include a consistent
increment for individual variability.
Recommended Dietary Allowances
RDAs for some nutrients remain unchanged or were revised only slightly
from the ninth edition. The following are major changes in this edition:
Energy Because reference weights are now actual medians rather than
arbitrary ideals, the allowances are not directly comparable with values in the
previous edition. Recommended allowances for adults were calculated by using
empirically derived equations recently developed by the Food and Agriculture
Organization for estimating resting energy expenditure and then multiplying the
results by an activity factor representing light-to-moderate activity. Energy
allowances range from 2,300 to 2,900 kcal/day for adult men and 1,900 to 2,200
kcal/day for adult women. Energy allowances in this edition and the previous
one are similar, despite the different methods used to derive them.
Protein Protein allowances for adults are based on nitrogen balance
studies, as recently recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization,
rather than on the factorial method used in the past. Despite this difference in
the derivation of RDAs, the allowance for adult men and women remains at 0.8
g/kg of body weight per day. The increment estimated for pregnancy is reduced
from 30 to 10 g/ day; this revision is more heavily influenced by theory of
nitrogen gain and efficiency with which dietary protein is converted to fetal,
placental, and maternal tissues than by new evidence.
Vitamin K RDAs for vitamin K are established for the first time in this
edition; they are based on recently published work. The RDA
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
for adults and children is set at approximately 1 µg/kg of body weight. There is
no recommended increment during pregnancy and lactation, because the effects
of pregnancy on vitamin K requirements are unknown and lactation imposes
little additional need for this nutrient.
Vitamin C Allowances for vitamin C are largely unchanged from the ninth
edition; for example, the RDA for adults of both sexes remains at 60 mg/day.
An increment of 10 mg/day has been added for pregnant women to offset losses
from the mother's body pool to the fetus; this is half the increment
recommended in the previous edition. The subcommittee recommends that
regular cigarette smokers ingest at least 100 mg of vitamin C per day, since
smoking seems to increase metabolic turnover of the vitamin, leading to lower
concentrations in the blood.
Vitamin B
An RDA of 0.016 mg of vitamin B
per gram of protein
appears to ensure acceptable values for most indices of nutritional status in
adults of both sexes; in the ninth edition, the RDA was 0.020 mg of vitamin B
per gram of protein. The RDA is established in relation to the upper boundary
of acceptable levels of protein intake, i.e., twice the RDA for protein. The
resulting vitamin B
allowances of 2.0 and 1.6 mg/day for adult men and
women, respectively, are lower than those in the previous edition.
Folate Folate allowances in this edition are much lower (often by 50% or
more) than those in the ninth edition for all the age-sex groups. The basis for
lowering the RDA is the recognition that diets containing about half the
previous RDA maintain adequate folate status and liver stores. The folate
allowance of approximately 3 µg/ kg body weight for adults and adolescents
translates to 200 µg/day for the adult male and 180 µg/day for the adult female
an amount typically consumed in the United States and Canada by adults who
show no evidence of poor folate status. During pregnancy, the RDA for folate is
400 µg/dayhalf the RDA in the ninth edition. The subcommittee considers
this amount sufficient to build or maintain maternal folate stores and to support
rapidly growing tissue.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B
allowances in this edition are one-third to one-
half lower than those in the ninth edition for all the age-sex groups. For
example, the RDA for adults and adolescents of both sexes is now 2 rather than
3 µg/day and for children 1 to 10 years ranges from 0.7 to 1.4 rather than 2 to 3
µg/day. Reductions are
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
based on recent data suggesting that the new allowances adequately sustain
metabolic function and allow for biological variation, the maintenance of
normal serum concentrations, and the build up or maintenance of substantial
body stores; the latter is especially desirable in view of the increased prevalence
of achlorhydria (which diminishes vitamin B
absorption) and pernicious
anemia beyond age 60.
Calcium In the ninth edition, the RDA for calcium for all adolescents was
set at 1,200 mg/day to age 18, the approximate age at which longitudinal bone
growth ceases. However, because peak bone mass is probably not attained
before age 25, the subcommittee has extended this allowance through age 24 to
promote full mineral deposition. For older ages, the allowance of 800 mg in the
ninth edition is maintained. The subcommittee believes the most promising
nutritional approach to reducing the risk of osteoporosis in later life is to ensure
a calcium intake that allows the development of each individual's genetically
programmed peak bone mass. It urges that special attention be paid to calcium
intakes throughout childhood to age 25 years. The subcommittee emphasizes
that the RDAs for calcium do not address the possible increased needs of
persons who may have osteoporosis and should receive medical attention.
RDAs for phosphorus parallel those for calcium except in infancy. In addition,
the allowance for vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption, is maintained
at 10 µg/day throughout childhood to age 25 years.
Magnesium Increments of magnesium during pregnancy and lactation are
far lower than in previous editions (reduced to +20 from + 150 mg/day during
pregnancy and to +75 and +60 from +150 mg/day during lactation); these
amounts should be sufficient to meet the needs of the fetus and maternal tissue
growth and to allow for individual variation. The allowance for children of both
sexes between 1 and 15 years of age is 6.0 mg/kg, an amount above the levels
that were found to be sufficient to support a positive magnesium balance in
adolescent boys and girls. This allowance translates into RDAs for children that
are considerably lower than the RDAs in the ninth edition, especially for
preadolescent children.
Iron In setting RDAs for iron, it was the subcommittee's judgment that a
dietary intake that achieves a target level of 300 mg of iron stores meets the
nutritional needs of all healthy people, since, over several months, this level of
stores provides for the iron needs of a person consuming a diet nearly devoid of
iron. Using population-
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
based data on iron intakes and status, turnover data, estimates of variability of
iron losses among individuals, and distribution analysis, the subcommittee
concluded that an RDA of 15 mg/day should meet the needs of essentially all
healthy adolescent and adult women following usual dietary patterns and should
provide a sufficient margin of safety. This allowance is a reduction from the 18
mg/day recommended in the ninth edition. The allowance for adult men and
postmenopausal women remains at 10 mg/day.
A daily iron increment of 15 mg/day averaged over the entire pregnancy
should be sufficient to meet maternal and fetal needs. Daily iron supplements
are usually recommended, since the total need cannot be met by the iron content
of habitual U.S. diets or by the iron stores of at least some women. No
additional allowance of iron is recommended during lactation, since losses of
iron in milk are less than menstrual loss, which is often absent during lactation.
In contrast, the ninth edition recommended the continued use of the iron
supplements prescribed during pregnancy for 2 to 3 months after birth to
replenish iron stores.
The RDAs for iron are adequate for essentially all healthy people who
daily consume diets containing 30 to 90 g of meat, poultry, or fish (containing
highly absorbable heme iron) or foods containing 25 to 75 mg of ascorbate after
preparation (to improve absorption of nonheme iron). People who eat little or
no animal protein and whose diets are low in ascorbate may require higher
amounts of food iron or vitamin C.
Zinc In the ninth edition, the RDA for adults of both sexes was set at 15
mg/day. In the present edition, the allowance remains at 15 mg/day for adult
men, but is reduced to 12 mg/day for adult women on the basis of their lower
body weight.
Selenium RDAs for selenium, established for the first time in this edition,
are based on recent studies of Chinese men. The ninth edition provided a safe
and adequate range for selenium intake, which for adults was 50 to 200 mg/day.
In the present edition, the RDA for selenium in adults is set at 70 µg/day for
men and 55 µg/ day for women. RDAs for infants, children, and adolescents are
extrapolated from adult values on the basis of body weight, and a factor is
added for growth.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
The ninth edition established a category of safe and adequate intakes for
essential nutrients when data were sufficient to estimate a
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
range of requirements, but insufficient for developing an RDA. This category,
together with the caution that upper levels in the safe and adequate range should
not be habitually exceeded because the toxic level for many trace elements may
be only several times usual intakes, is maintained in the present edition. The
table that includes this group of nutrients is similar to the corresponding table in
the ninth edition, but incorporates several changes reflecting advances in
scientific knowledge or new interpretations of data by the subcommittee.
Since vitamin K and selenium have been advanced to RDA status, they
have been moved to the main Summary Table. Safe and adequate ranges are no
longer provided for sodium, potassium, and chloride, since they are difficult to
justify. Estimated minimum requirements for these electrolytes are provided for
healthy persons at various ages (see Chapter 11). Minimum sodium
requirements are estimated to range from 120 mg in the first 6 months of life to
500 mg/day in adulthood, and to increase during pregnancy and lactation; there
is no known advantage in consuming large amounts of sodium and clear
disadvantages for those susceptible to hypertension. Potassium requirements are
estimated to range from 500 mg/day in early infancy to 2,000 mg/day in
adulthood. Dietary recommendations for increased intake of fruits and
vegetables, made in the recent Food and Nutrition Board report entitled Diet
and Health, would yield a potassium intake of approximately 3,500 mg/day for
adultsa level that could reduce the prevalence of hypertension and stroke.
Biotin In this edition, the estimated ranges of safe and adequate intakes for
biotin are much lower for all age-sex groups than in the ninth edition (e.g., 30 to
100 µg/day for adolescents and adults compared to 100 to 200 µg/day).
Improved analytical methods for biotin have reduced the estimates of daily
intakes that are compatible with good health.
Copper Recent data on whole body surface losses of copper, along with
data on urinary and fecal losses, indicate that a total dietary copper intake of
approximately 1.6 mg/day is required to maintain balance in adult men.
Therefore, 1.5 to 3 mg/day is recommended as a safe and adequate range of
intake for adults and adolescentsa wider range than the 2 to 3 mg/day
recommended in the ninth edition.
Manganese In this edition, a manganese intake of 2 to 5 mg/ day is
recommended for adolescents and adults of both sexes. This is a wider range of
safe and adequate intakes compared to the range
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
of 2.5 to 5 mg/day in the ninth edition. Since current dietary intakes of
manganese appear to satisfy requirements, a recent survey showing the mean
manganese intake of 2.7 and 2.2 mg for adult men and women, respectively,
provides justification for the change.
Molybdenum The estimated safe and adequate range of molybdenum
intake for adults and adolescents of 75 to 250 µg/day is based on average
reported intakes; the ranges for other age groups are derived from extrapolation
on the basis of body weight. These provisional intakes are half the amounts
recommended in the ninth edition, which were based on human balance studies;
the present subcommittee believes these studies are inappropriate to use in
estimating requirements for trace elements.
Over the years, RDAs have become widely known and applied. They are
typically used for planning and procuring food supplies for population
subgroups, for interpreting food consumption records of individuals and
populations, for establishing standards for food assistance programs, for
evaluating the adequacy of food supplies in meeting national nutritional needs,
for designing nutrition education programs, and for developing new products in
industry. The seventh edition of the RDAs (published in 1968) became the basis
for establishing guidelines for the nutritional labeling of foods (known as the
U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances, or USRDAs). Because of the wide use
of the RDAs, it is important to understand their appropriate applications and
limitations. These are discussed in Chapter 2. Three points are of' particular
The recommended allowances for nutrients are amounts intended to be
consumed as part of a normal diet. If the RDAs are met through diets
composed of a variety of foods derived from diverse food groups
rather than by supplementation or fortification, such diets will likely be
adequate in all other nutrients for which RDAs cannot currently be
RDAs are neither minimal requirements nor necessarily optimal levels
of intake. It is not possible at this time to establish optima. Rather,
RDAs are safe and adequate levels (incorporating margins of safety
intended to be sufficiently generous to encompass the presumed
variability in requirement among people) reflecting the state of
knowledge concerning a nutrient, its bioavailability, and variations
among the U.S. Population.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Although RDAs are most appropriately applied to groups, a
comparison of individual intakes, averaged over a sufficient length of
time, to the RDA allows an estimate to be made about the probable
risk of deficiency for that individual.
The subcommittee reemphasizes that RDAs can typically be met or closely
approximated by diets that are based on the consumption of a variety of foods
from diverse food groups that contain adequate energy. Such diets are entirely
consistent with the type of dietary patterns advocated in the Food and Nutrition
Board's report entitled Diet and Health to promote health and reduce risks of
developing major chronic diseases. Together, the RDAs and the Diet and
Health recommendations should be considered the appropriate basis for diet
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Definition and Applications
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are the levels of intake of essential
nutrients that, on the basis of scientific knowledge, are judged by the Food and
Nutrition Board to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically
all healthy persons.
The first edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) was
published in 1943 during World War II with the objective of "providing
standards to serve as a goal for good nutrition." It defined, in "accordance with
newer information, the recommended daily allowances for the various dietary
essentials for people of different ages" (NRC, 1943). The origin of the RDAs
has been described in detail by the chairman of the first Committee on
Recommended Dietary Allowances (Roberts, 1958). The initial publication has
been revised at regular intervals; this is the tenth edition.
From their original application as a guide for advising "on nutrition
problems in connection with national defense," RDAs have come to serve other
purposes: for planning and procuring food supplies for population subgroups;
for interpreting food consumption records of individuals and populations; for
establishing standards for food assistance programs; for evaluating the
adequacy of food supplies in
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) should not be confused with U.S.
Recommended Daily Allowances (USRDAs)aset of values derived from the 1968
RDAs by the Food and Drug Administration as standards for nutritional labeling.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
meeting national nutritional needs; for designing nutrition education programs;
for developing new products in industry; and for establishing guidelines for
nutrition labeling of foods. In most cases, there are only limited data on which
estimates of nutrient requirements can be based.
Where possible, the subcommittee established an RDA by first estimating
the average physiological requirement for an absorbed nutrient. It then adjusted
this value by factors to compensate for incomplete utilization and to encompass
the variation both in requirements among individuals and in the bioavailability
of the nutrient among the food sources. Thus, there is a safety factor in the
RDAs for each nutrient, reflecting the state of knowledge concerning the
nutrient, its bioavailability, and variations among the U.S. population. It is the
intent of the subcommittee that the RDAs be both safe and adequate, but not
necessarily the highest or lowest figures that the data might justify.
There is not always agreement among experts on the criteria for
determining the physiological requirement for a nutrient. The requirement for
infants and children may be equated with the amount that will maintain a
satisfactory rate of growth and development; for an adult, it may be equated
with an amount that will maintain body weight and prevent depletion of the
nutrient from the body, as judged by balance studies and maintenance of
acceptable blood and tissue concentrations. For certain nutrients, the
requirement may be the amount that will prevent failure of a specific function
or the development of specific deficiency signsan amount that may differ
greatly from that required to maintain body stores. Thus, designation of the
requirement for a given nutrient varies with the criteria chosen.
Ideally, the first step in developing a nutrient allowance would be to
determine the average physiological requirement of a healthy and representative
segment of each age and sex group according to stipulated criteria. Knowledge
of the variability among the individuals within each group would make it
possible to calculate the amount by which the average requirement must be
increased to meet the need of virtually all healthy people. Unfortunately,
experiments in humans are costly and time-consuming, and even under the best
of conditions, only small groups can be studied in a single experiment.
Moreover, certain types of experiments are not possible for ethical reasons.
Thus, estimates of requirements and their variability must often be derived from
limited information.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
FIGURE 2-1 Distributions of requirements for energy and nutrients.
SOURCE: Beaton, 1985, with permission.
If population requirements follow a normal, or Gaussian, distribution
pattern (Figure 2-1), adding 2 standard deviations (SDs) to the observed mean
requirement would cover the needs of most (i.e., 98%) individuals. With the
possible exception of the protein requirement, however, there is little evidence
that requirements for nutrients are normally distributed. The distribution of the
iron requirements for women, for example, is skewed (NRC, 1986). In this
report, therefore, each nutrient is treated individually to allow for variability
within a population, as explained in the relevant chapters of this report.
Allowances for energy are established in a different manner than the
allowances for specific nutrients. The RDA for energy reflects the mean
population requirement for each age group. Energy needs vary from person to
person; however, an additional allowance to cover this variation would be
inappropriate because it could lead to obesity in the person with average
requirements. Over the long term, a surplus of energy intake from any source is
stored as fat, which may be detrimental to health.
Recommended allowances for nutrients are amounts intended to be
consumed as part of a normal diet. Therefore, it is necessary to take into
account any factor that influences the absorption of food nutrients or the
efficiency with which they are utilized. For some nutrients, a part of the
requirement may be met by consumption of
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
a substance that is subsequently converted within the body to the essential
nutrient. For example, some carotenoids are precursors of vitamin A; since
some or all of the vitamin A allowance can be met by dietary carotenoids, the
efficiency with which these precursors are converted into vitamin A must be
considered. The allowance for protein is expressed as if it were the RDA for a
single dietary constituent. In fact, it is the sum of different requirements for
several amino acids that occur in different proportions in various food proteins.
For many nutrients, digestion, absorption, or both are incomplete and
recommendations for dietary intake must make allowance for the portion of the
ingested nutrient that is not absorbed. For example, the absorption of heme and
nonheme iron differs; it is affected by other dietary components that are
considered in establishing the RDA. The relative importance of such factors
varies from nutrient to nutrient. Therefore, the degree to which the RDA, a
dietary allowance, exceeds the physiological requirement also varies among
nutrients. This is discussed in subsequent chapters.
Traditionally, RDAs have been established for essential nutrients only
when data are sufficient to make reliable recommendations. The subcommittee
that prepared the ninth edition of the RDAs created the category ''Safe and
Adequate Intakes" for nutrients with data bases insufficient for developing an
RDA, but for which potentially toxic upper levels were known. In this category
were three vitamins (vitamin K, biotin, and pantothenic acid), six trace elements
(copper, chromium, fluoride, manganese, molybdenum, and selenium), and
three electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride). In this, the tenth edition,
only minimal requirements are given for the electrolytes, and vitamin K and
selenium have been advanced to RDA status.
Because there are uncertainties in the knowledge base, it is not possible to
set RDAs for all the known nutrients. However, the RDAs can serve as a guide
such that a varied diet meeting RDAs will probably be adequate in all other
nutrients. Therefore, the subcommittee recommends that diets should be
composed of a variety of foods that are derived from diverse food groups rather
than by supplementation or fortification and that losses of nutrients during the
processing and preparation of food should be taken into consideration in
planning diets.
Diets of various types can be devised to meet recognized nutritional needs.
However, RDAs should be provided from a selection of foods that are
acceptable and palatable to ensure consumption. In addition
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
to being a source of nutrients, food has psychological and social values that are
important, although difficult to quantify.
RDAs relate to physiological requirements, where these are known. On the
whole, the RDA committees tend to err on the side of generosity, since there is
little evidence that small surpluses of nutrients are detrimental, whereas
consistent uncompensated deficits, even small ones, over a long period call lead
to deficiencies. Deficiency states in humans and animals have been reported for
nutrients accorded RDA status. Such deficiencies are preventable or curable by
the amounts of nutrients supplied by a well-selected diet. In the few cases where
deficiency is commonly observed (e.g., iron deficiency in women), food
fortification and individual supplementation are appropriate.
In recent years, much attention and public interest have been focused on
the possible effects of nutrients, often at high intakes, on conditions other than
those associated with specific deficiencies. At higher levels of intake, both the
toxicity and the pharmacological action of specific nutrients must be
considered. All substances will cause harmful effects at some level of intake.
For example, water or salt in excess can be lethal, large doses of vitamins A and
D produce well-defined toxic syndromes, and even water-soluble vitamins (e.g.,
niacin and vitamin B
) can cause adverse effects when taken in sufficiently
large amounts. Several nutrients have specific therapeutic uses at high dosages
(e.g., vitamin A and other retinoids are used in treating some types of skin
disorders), but detrimental side effects after prolonged use. The
pharmacological actions of nutrients differ in several ways from their
physiological functions, namely:
Doses greatly exceeding the amount of a nutrient present in foods are
usually needed to obtain a therapeutic response.
The specificity of the pharmacological action is often different from
the physiological function.
Chemical analogues of the nutrient that are often most effective
pharmacologically may have little or no nutritional activity.
RDAs shown in the Summary Table at the end of this volume are
expressed in terms of Reference Individuals in different age and sex
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
classes. The heights and weights of the Reference Individuals could have been
set at some arbitrary ideal (e.g., 70 kg for adult men and 55 kg for adult women,
as in the ninth edition). However, since weight is used as the basis for setting
RDAs for many nutrients, the figures presented for adults in the Summary
Table are the actual medians for the U.S. population of the designated age, as
reported in the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES II). Table 2-1 shows the actual weights for heights of adults in the
United States. The use of these figures does not imply that the height-to-weight
ratios for this population are ideal. The medians for those under 19 years of age
were taken from Hamill et al. (1979) (Table 2-2). For groups or individuals with
body mass substantially different from that of the Reference Individual,
allowances can be adjusted using the median weight appropriate to the observed
TABLE 2-1 Weights for Height of Adults in the United States
Weight, kg (lb)
Males, by percentile Females, by percentile
Height cm (in) 15th 50th 85th 15th 50th 85th
147 (58) 45
152 (60) 49
157 (62) 57
163 (64) 58
168 (66) 61
173 (68) 65
178 (70) 67
183 (72) 73
188 (74) 77
193 (76) 85
Unpublished data from NHANES 11 (1976-1980) provided by the National Center for Health
Statistics. Values rounded to nearest whole number. Subjects were ages 18 to 74 years. Height
determined without shoes. Weight includes clothing weight, ranging from an estimated 0.09 to 0.28
kg (0.20 to 0.62 lb).
The Summary Table in this report is similar to those in previous editions
but features several changes. RDAs are now provided for the first and second 6
months of lactation to reflect the differences in the amount of milk produced.
RDAs for women during pregnancy and lactation are now tabulated as absolute
figures rather than as additions to the basic allowances. This is a convenience
and reflects the subcommittee's judgment as to the precision with which the
additional costs of reproduction and lactation are known. The RDAs displayed
in the Summary Table are the sum of the RDAs for women
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
10 24.33 31.44 (69.2) 45.27 127.7 137.5 (54.1) 148.1 24.36 32.55 (71.6) 47.17 127.5 138.3 (54.4) 149.5
11 26.80 35.30 (77.7) 51.47 132.6 143.3 (56.4) 154.9 27.24 36.95 (81.3) 54.00 133.5 144.8 (57.0) 156.2
12 29.85 39.78 (87.5) 58.09 137.6 149.7 (58.9) 162.3 30.52 41.53 (91.4) 60.81 139.8 151.5 (59.6) 162.7
13 33.64 44.95 (98.9) 65.02 142.9 156.5 (61.6) 169.8 34.14 46.10 (101.4) 67.30 145.2 157.1 (61.9) 168.1
14 38.22 50.77 (111.7) 72.13 148.8 163.1 (64.2) 176.7 37.76 50.28 (110.6) 73.08 148.7 160.4 (63.1) 171.3
15 43.11 56.71 (124.8) 79.12 155.2 169.0 (66.5) 181.9 40.99 53.68 (118.1) 77.78 150.5 161.8 (63.7) 172.8
16 47.74 62.10 (136.6) 85.62 161.1 173.5 (68.3) 185.4 43.41 55.89 (123.0) 80.99 151.6 162.4 (63.9) 173.3
17 51.50 66.31 (145.9) 91.31 164.9 176.2 (69.4) 187.3 44.74 56.69 (124.7) 82.46 152.7 163.1 (64.2) 173.5
53.97 68.88 (151.5) 95.76 165.7 176.8 (69.6) 187.6 45.26 56.62 (124.6) 82.47 153.6 163.7 (64.4) 173.6
SOURCE: Adapted from Hamill et al. (1979).
Data in this table have been used to derive weight and height reference points in the present report. It is not intended that they necessarily be considered standards of
normal growth and development. Data pertaining to infants 2 to 18 months of age are taken from longitudinal growth studies at Fels Research Institute. Ages are exact, and
infants were measured in the recumbent position. The measurements were based on some 867 children followed longitudinally at the institute between 1929 and 1975. Data
pertaining to children between 2 and 18 years of age were collected between 1962 and 1974 by the National Center for Health Statistics and involve some 20,000
individuals comprising nationally representative samples in three studies conducted between 1960 and 1974. In these studies, children were measured in the standing
position with no upward pressure exerted on the mastoid processes. In the ninth edition of this report, data for children up to 6 years of age were taken from longitudinal
growth studies in Iowa and Boston, where children were measured in the recumbent position. This explains the systematically smaller heights for 2- to 5-year-old children in
this current table compared with those represented in previous editions. In this table, actual age is represented.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
of reproductive age and increments as justified in the text. The 19to 22-
year age class in the ninth edition has been extended through 24 years for both
sexes in consideration of the time required to attain peak bone mass. When
extrapolating from Reference Individuals to specific population groups (e.g.,
military personnel), recommendations for nutrient intakes can be obtained by
multiplying the number of people within the group by the RDAs for Reference
Individuals, making allowances for the body sizes, age distribution, and
physiological state (e.g., pregnant, lactating) of those in the group.
The starting point in estimating allowances for infants is usually the
average amount of the nutrient consumed by thriving infants breastfed by
healthy, well-nourished mothers. With a few exceptions, nutrients in it readily
bioavailable form are present in human milk in proportions appropriate for
adequate nutriture for the first 3 to 6 months of life. For this reason, RDAs for
the very young infant are intended to serve as a guide for those who are not
breastfed exclusively.
Since the previous edition, new data on breast milk production have
emerged (e.g., Butte et al., 1984; Chandra, 1982; Hofvander et al., 1982;
Neville et al., 1988). Average milk consumption for infants born at term is now
accepted to be 750 ml for the first 6 months (with a coefficient of variation of
approximately 12.5%), and 600 ml during the next 6 months when
complementary foods are given. Maternal production is slightly higher than
infant consumption, but it is subsumed within the variation. Therefore, the
subcommittee accepts 750 ml and 600 ml as figures for both average milk
production and consumption.
Recommendations for infants are subdivided into the first and second 6
months of life. Further subdivision of these age groups can be justified on
physiological grounds, but the information base is not yet sufficient to establish
nutrient allowances with such precision. RDAs for infants up to 6 months old
are based primarily on the amounts of nutrients provided by 750 ml of human
milk, plus an additional 25% (2 SDs) to allow for variance. RDAs during the
second 6 months of life are consistent with infant feeding practices in the
United States, i.e., increasing amounts of mixed solid foods are given to
supplement milk or formula during that period.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
In this edition, as in previous editions of the RDAs, adults are divided into
two age categories: 25 (or 23) to 50 years, and from 51 years upward. The
subcommittee considered subdividing healthy older people into two groups,
since increasing age may alter nutritional requirements due to changes in lean
body mass, physical activity, and intestinal absorption. However, it concluded
that data are insufficient to establish separate RDAs for people 70 years of age
and older.
In applying the RDAs, one should remember that a given person may be
physiologically younger or older than his or her chronological age would
suggest and that it becomes increasingly difficult to define the term healthy with
advancing age. There is some evidence that the elderly have altered
requirements for some nutrients. For example, intestinal absorption, particularly
of minerals, may be impaired. However, there is no evidence that an increased
intake of nutrients above the RDAs is necessary, or that higher intakes will
prevent the changes associated with aging.
Ordinarily, adjustments made in clothing and housing protect the body
against heat and cold. Therefore, adjustments in dietary allowances to
compensate for environmental temperature changes rarely are necessary.
Prolonged exposure to high temperatures may reduce activity, energy
expenditure, and therefore food intake. Except under extreme conditions,
however, it is unlikely that this reduced food intake would greatly affect the
nutriture of the individual. Sweat losses may need to be considered, as noted
Strenuous Physical Activity
Increased activity increases the need for energy and some nutrients. Such
needs usually are met by the larger quantities of food consumed by active
people, provided foods are sensibly selected.
In hot environments, activity increases water and salt losses through
sweating and, if prolonged, can also lead to measurable losses of other essential
nutrients. Special attention should be given to the immediate need for water
under such conditions.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Clinical Considerations
RDAs apply to healthy persons. They do not cover special nutritional
needs arising from metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, injuries, premature
birth, other medical conditions, and drug therapies.
Data on the role of diet as a causal or contributing factor in chronic and
degenerative disease lead to recommendations derived through approaches
different from those used in developing RDAs for specific nutrients. Reference
is made to relationships between dietary patterns and health in certain chapters;
a detailed evaluation of relationships between dietary patterns and health can be
found in the Food and Nutrition Board's publication Diet and Health (NRC,
1989) and The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health (DH HS,
Underlying all uses of the RDAs is the recognition that humans are highly
adaptable. Throughout its existence, the human species has developed
regulatory and storage mechanisms that permit it to survive in a variety of
environments and to withstand periods of deprivation. These basic biological
considerations, coupled with the fact that the RDAs include reasonable margins
of safety, are the overriding considerations that should guide the user in
applying the RDAs in specific situations. Experience with uses and misuses of
the RDAs has indicated that certain areas require emphasis and clarification.
These are discussed below.
In the Summary RDA Table at the end of this volume, nutrient intakes are
expressed as quantities of a nutrient for a Reference Individual per day.
However, the terms per day and daily should be interpreted as average intake
over time. The length of time over which averaging should be achieved depends
on the nutrient, the size of the body pool, and the rate of turnover of that
nutrient. Some nutrients, such as vitamins A and
, can be stored in relatively
large quantities and are degraded slowly. Others, such as thiamin, are turned
over rapidly, and total deprivation in a person can lead to relatively rapid
development of symptoms (i.e., in days or weeks, rather than in months). If the
requirement for a nutrient is not met on a particular day, body stores or a
surplus consumed shortly thereafter will compensate for the inadequacy. For
most nutrients, RDAs are intended to be average intakes over at least 3 days; for
others, (e.g., vitamins A and B
), they may be averaged over several months.
Nutrient intake varies from day to day among individuals and for different
nutrients. For example, the day-to-day variability in intake
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
of some nutrients, such as protein and thiamin, is low, whereas vitamin A intake
is highly variable. For this reason, dietary surveys that depend on single 24-hour
recalls provide valid data only for the population average intake. A person who
on one day may have consumed little of a given nutrient may on a subsequent
day ingest considerably more. Only a time-averaged intake need approximate
the RDA.
If a group average intake approximates that of the calculated group RDA,
some persons within the group are consuming less than the RDA and others
more. Except for energy, in which the average requirement of the population
group is recommended, the RDAs are intended to be sufficiently generous to
encompass the presumed (albeit unmeasured) variability in requirement among
people. Thus, if a population's habitual intake approximates or exceeds the
RDA, the probability of deficiency is quite low. Such comparisons between
intake and RDA cannot, however, be used to conclude confidently that the
requirements for a given person have or have not been met, because there is no
assurance that the high (and low) consumers are the high (and low) requirers of
the nutrient in question. Without knowing the distribution of intakes and
requirements, there is no way to verify probable deficiency within a group. If
individual intakes can be averaged over a sufficiently long period and compared
with the RDA, the probable risk of deficiency for that individual can be
The RDAs have been used by federal, state, and local health and welfare
agencies as a starting point for determining the desirable nutrient content of
foods and meals for school feeding programs, special food services, and various
child-feeding programs, and as a basis for licensing and certification standards
for such group facilities as day-care centers, nursing homes, and residential
The attainment of RDAs should not be the only objective of food
procurement or meal design for these programs. Since RDAs have not been set
for all nutrients, meeting the RDAs from a wide variety of food classes is the
best assurance that needs for non-RDA nutrients will be met. The foods selected
must also be palatable and acceptable in other ways so they will be consumed
over long periods in the required quantities. Although the subcommittee is
aware that changes in the RDAs from the previous edition might have an impact
on food
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
assistance programs, it believes that modifications to these programs should be
based on the recommendations in the Food and Nutrition Board's report Diet
and Health (NRC, 1989) as well. Together, the RDAs and the Diet and Health
recommendations should be considered the appropriate basis for diet planning.
In planning meals or food supplies, it is technically difficult and
biologically unnecessary to design a single day's diet that contains all the RDAs
for all the nutrients. Nor is there biological reason for expecting that each meal
should contain a fixed percentage of an RDA for a nutrient. As stated
previously, the RDAs are goals to be achieved over timeat least 3 days for
nutrients that turn over rapidly, whereas one or several months might be
adequate for more slowly metabolized nutrients. In practice, menus for
congregate feeding should be designed so that the RDAs are met in a 5- to 10-
day rotation.
Beaton, G.H. 1985. Uses and limits of the use of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for
evaluating dietary intake data. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 41:155-164.
Butte, N.F., C. Garza, F.O. Smith. and B.L. Nichols. 1984. Human milk intake and growth in
exclusively breast-fed infants. J. Pediatr. 104:187-195.
Chandra, R.K. 1982. Physical growth of exclusively breast-fed infants. Nutr. Res. 2:275-276.
DHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 1988. The Surgeon General's Report on
Nutrition and Health. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 727 pp.
Hamill. P.V.V., T.A. Drizd, C.L. Johnson, R.B. Reed, A.F. Roche, and W. M. Moore. 1979.
Physical growth: National Center for Health Statistics percentiles. Am. J. Clin. Nutl.
Hofvander, Y.U. Hagman, C. Hillervik, and S. Sjolin. 1982. The amount of milk consumed by 1-3
months old breast- or bottle-fed infants. Acta Paediatr. Scand. 71:953-958.
Neville, M.C., R. Keller, J. Seacar, V. Lutes, M. Neifert, C. Casey, J. Allen, and P. Archer. 1988.
Studies in human lactation: milk volumes in lactating women during the onset of lactation
and full lactation. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 48:1 375-1386.
NRC (National Research Council). 1943. Recommended Dietary Allowances. Report of the Food
and Nutrition Board, Reprint and Circular Series No. 115 . National Research Council,
Washington, D.C. 6 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1982. Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. Report of the Committee on
Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C. 478 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1986. Nutrient Adequacy: Assessment Using Food Consumption
Surveys. Report of the Subcommittee on Criteria for Dietary Evaluation, Food and
Nutrition Board. Commission on Life Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington,
D.C. 146 p.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
NRC (National Research Council). 1989. Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic
Disease Risk. Report of the Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board,
Commission on Life Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 750 pp.
Roberts, L.J. 1958. Beginnings of the Recommended Dietary Allowances. J. Am. Diet. Assoc.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The energy requirement of an individual has been defined by a recent
international working group as: that level of energy intake from food which will
balance energy expenditure when the individual has a body size and
composition, and level of physical activity, consistent with long-term good
health; and which will allow for the maintenance of economically necessary and
socially desirable physical activity. In children and pregnant or lactating women
the energy requirement includes the energy needs associated with the deposition
of tissues or secretion of milk at rates consistent with good health (WHO, 1985).
For groups, recommended energy allowances represent the average needs
of individuals. In contrast, recommended allowances for other nutrients are high
enough to meet an upper level of requirement variability among individuals
within the groups.
If energy intake is consistently above or below a person's requirement, a
change in body energy stores can be expected. If the imbalance between intake
and expenditure continues over long periods, changes in body weight or body
composition will occur and may adversely affect health (see DHHS, 1988;
NRC, 1989).
Recommended energy allowances are stipulated as kilocalories (kcal) per
of physiologically available energy (i.e., the amount
One kilocalorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise 1 kg of water from 15°C to
16°C. The accepted international unit of energy is the joule (J). To convert energy
allowances from kilocalories to kilojoules (kJ), a factor of 4.2 may be used (1 kcal equals
exactly 4.184 kJ). Because the energy content of diets is usually greater than 1,000 kJ,
the preferred unit is the megajoule (MJ), which is 1,000 kJ.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
of potential food energy that can be absorbed and utilized). Most food
composition tables list physiologically available energy values based on
digestibility trials of specific foods conducted by Atwater (Merrill and Watt,
1955). These specific energy values have been confirmed by others (Bernstein
et al., 1955; Southgate and Durnin, 1970). The conventional general energy
conversion factors of 4 kcal/ g of food protein or food carbohydrate and 9 kcal/g
of food fat (also derived by Atwater) are adequate for computation of the
energy content of typical diets in the United States, but not of specific foods nor
of diets based heavily on fibrous plant foods. Alcohol (ethanol) has a caloric
value of 7 kcal/g, or 5.6 kcal/ml.
Total energy expenditure includes the energy expended at rest, in physical
activity, and as a result of thermogenesis. These components, in turn, are
affected by several variables, including age, sex, body size and composition,
genetic factors, energy intake, physiologic state (e.g., growth, pregnancy,
lactation), coexisting pathological conditions, and ambient temperature.
Resting Energy Expenditure
Unless levels of physical activity are very high, resting energy expenditure
(REE) is the largest component of total energy expenditure. REE represents the
energy expended by a person at rest under conditions of thermal neutrality.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is more precisely defined as the REE measured
soon after awakening in the morning, at least 12 hours after the last meal. REE
is not usually measured under basal conditions. REE may include the residual
thermic effect of a previous meal and may be lower than BMR during quiet
sleep. In practice, BMR and REE differ by less than 10%, and the terms are
used interchangeably.
REE is closely correlated with measures of lean body mass. In individuals
of similar age, sex, height, and weight, differences in lean body mass account
for approximately 80% of the variance in measured REE. Differences in lean
body mass also account for most of the observed difference in REE between
men and women, and between younger and older adults of similar heights and
REE is commonly estimated by using any of several empirically derived
equations. The values used in this volume were derived from
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
equations published by WHO (1985)
(Table 3-1). These calculated values are
not completely accurate for individuals, but can serve as a guide for dietary
planning. These equations take into account age, sex, and weight, but ignore
height, which was found not to affect the precision of prediction appreciably.
TABLE 3-1 Equations for Predicting Resting Energy Expenditure from Body Weight
Sex and Age Range (years)
Equation to Derive REE in kcal/day R
0-3 (60.9 X wt
) - 54 0.97 53
3-10 (22.7 x wt) + 495 0.86 62
10-18 (17.5 x wt) + 651 0.90 100
18-30 (15.3 x wt) + 679 0.65 151
30-60 (11.6 x wt) + 879 0.60 164
>60 (13.5 x wt) + 487 0.79 148
0-3 (61.0 x wt) - 51 0.97 61
3-10 (22.5 x wt) + 499 0.85 63
10-18 (12.2 x wt) + 746 0.75 117
18-30 (14.7 x wt) + 496 0.72 121
30-60 (8.7 x wt) + 829 0.70 108
(10.5 x wt) + 596 0.74 108
From WHO (1985). These equations were derived from BMR data.
Correlation coefficient (R) of reported BMRs and predicted values, and standard deviation (SD))
of the differences between actual and computed values.
Weight of person in kilograms.
Physical Activity
For most people, the second largest component of total energy expenditure
is the energy expended in physical activity. In the past, estimates of energy
requirements were based in part on the different physical activity levels
associated with different occupations. With the introduction of labor-saving
machinery, occupational energy expenditures and differences between
occupations tended to decline. Renewed emphasis on physical fitness has led
some people, but not
In the United States, many investigators use the equations of Harris and Benedict
(1919) to determine BMR. The values calculated from the international equations used in
this volume from these equations do not differ significantly from those derived
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
all, to increase recreational activity, such as walking, jogging, and sports,
resulting in greater variability in the discretionary component of energy
expenditure. Thus, the traditional estimation of energy needs according to
occupation is no longer adequate.
TABLE 3-2 Approximate Energy Expenditure for Various Activities in Relation to
Resting Needs for Males and Females of Average Size
Activity Category
Representative Value for Activity Factor
per Unit Time of Activity
Sleeping, reclining
REE x 1.0
Very light
Seated and standing activities,
painting trades, driving, laboratory
work, typing, sewing, ironing,
cooking, playing cards, playing a
musical instrument
REE x 1.5
Walking on a level surface at 2.5 to 3
mph, garage work, electrical trades,
carpentry, restaurant trades, house-
cleaning, child care, golf, sailing,
table tennis
REE x 2.5
Walking 3.5 to 4 mph, weeding and
hoeing, carrying a load, cycling,
skiing, tennis, dancing
REE x 5.0
Walking with load uphill, tree felling,
heavy manual digging, basketball,
climbing, football, soccer
REE x 7.0
Based on values reported by Durnin and Passmore (1967) and WHO (1985).
When reported as multiples of basal needs, the expenditures of males and females are similar.
For schoolchildren and people in sedentary occupations, long-term well-
being may depend on increasing physical activity during leisure time. Indeed,
for many Americans, increasing energy expenditure through activity may be a
more effective way of maintaining health, including desirable body weight, than
reduction in energy intake. Increased activity promotes fitness and allows a
more generous intake of food, which makes for easier attainment of RDA levels
of nutrients.
The energy costs of many different types of work and activity have been
measured (Durnin and Passmore, 1967; WHO, 1985
). Representative values
are given in Table 3-2, expressed as multiples of resting energy expenditure.
Activities are aggregated according to
The WHO (1985) report contains extensive references to the original investigations.
The reader is referred to that report for full documentation.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
intensity of effort, such as resting, very light, light, moderate, and heavy activity.
TABLE 3-3 Example of Calculation of Estimated Daily Energy Allowances for
Exceptionally Active and Inactive 23-Year-Old Adults
Very Sedentary Day Very Active Day
Activity as
Multiples of
Duration (hr) Weighted
REE Factor
Duration (hr) Weighted
REE Factor
Resting 1.0 10 10.0 8 8.0
Very light 1.5 12 18.0 8 12.0
Light 2.5 2 5.0 4 10.0
Moderate 5.0 0 0 2 10.0
Heavy 7.0 0 0 2 14.0
TOTAL 24 33.0 24 54.0
1.375 2.25
Gender Resting Energy
Very Sedentary
Day (REE x
Very Active Day
(REE x 2.25)
Male, 70 kg 1,750 2,406 3,938
Female, 58 kg
1,350 1,856 3,038
Activity patterns are hypothetical. As an example of use of the ranges within a class of activity
(Table 3-2), very light activity is divided between sitting and standing activities.
From equations given in Table 3-1.
Energy requirement can be estimated, albeit imprecisely, if the typical
activity pattern is known. An average daily ''activity factor" can be calculated
using the values in Table 3-2 for different activities, weighted by the time
engaged in such activities. The weighted activity factor is multiplied by the
REE (calculated from the equations in Table 3-1, or measured) to derive energy
requirement. An example is shown in Table 3-3, in which energy expenditures
of young adults on unusually inactive and active days are compared. Estimated
requirements for the inactive days are 1,500 and 1,200 kcal/day less for males
and females, respectively, than for the active days in the example. A valid
estimate of energy requirement would need to take into account activity over a
sufficiently long time (weekdays, weekends, season) to be representative.
A very sedentary person who habitually spends many hours a day either
lying or sitting is unlikely to expend the same amount of energy at rest and for a
given task as one who habitually undertakes more strenuous activity several
hours a day. A habitually sedentary person
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
would almost certainly have less muscle mass and might lack the physique to
perform heavy physical work efficiently (Garrow and Blaza, 1982). Thus,
differences in energy requirement are due both to pattern of activity and the
body composition that results from that pattern of activity.
TABLE 3-4 Factors for Estimating Daily Energy Allowances at Various Levels of
Physical Activity for Men and Women (Ages 19 to 50)
Level of Activity
Activity Factor
(x REE) Energy Expenditure
(kcal/kg per
Very light
Men 1.3 31
Women 1.3 30
Men 1.6 38
Women 1.5 35
Men 1.7 41
Women 1.6 37
Men 2.1 50
Women 1.9 44
Men 2.4 58
2.2 51
Based on examples presented by WHO (1985).
REE was computed from formulas in Table 3-1 and is the average of values for median
weights of persons ages 19 to 24 and 25 to 74 years: males, 24.0 kcal/kg; females, 23.2 kcal/kg.
Activity factors associated with a range of activity patterns are listed in
Table 3-4. These factors are similar to those specified by WHO (1985) and may
be used as a rough guide to requirements if the proportion of time spent in
different activities is unknown. Patterns typical of the U.S. population are in the
categories light (1.5-1.6 x REE) or moderate (1.6-1.7 x REE). The activity
factor of 1.3 x REE is a minimum value, reflecting 10 hours a day at rest and 14
hours of very light activity. This level may be lower than is compatible with
desirable cardiovascular fitness (WHO, 1985).
Metabolic Response to Food
Metabolic rate increases after eating, reflecting the size and composition of
the meal. It reaches a maximum approximately 1 hour
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
after the meal is consumed and virtually disappears 4 hours afterward (Garrow,
1978). In relation to total energy expenditure, the thermic effect of meals is
relatively smallon the order of 5 to 10% of energy ingested. Small differences
in this component of energy expenditure could have significant cumulative long-
term effects, but are generally undetectable, being lost in the day-to-day
variation in energy metabolism.
REE varies with the amount and composition of metabolically active
tissue, which varies with age. The lean body mass of infants and young children
contains a greater proportion of metabolically active organs than in adults. In
adults, skeletal muscle, which has a lower rate of resting metabolism, is a major
component of the lean body mass. Lean body mass declines beyond early
adulthood at a rate of about 2 to 3% per decade, and the REE declines
proportionately. Differences in body composition among age groups are
reflected in the age-specific equations for calculating REE.
Activity patterns also vary with age. Unless constrained by the
environment, children typically are active (1.7 to 2.0 x REE). Both
physiological and social changes affect energy expenditure patterns of older
adults. In the longitudinal study of aging conducted in Baltimore, Maryland,
McGandy et al. (1966) found the activity component to be affected more than
the REE over time and an especially sharp drop in activity after age 75.
Elmstahl (1987) measured energy expenditure of very elderly institutionalized
people (average age, 83 years) who had a variety of chronic conditions but were
still able to participate in physical activity. The average energy expenditure of
men and women was similar1.45 to 1.50 x measured REE. Under laboratory
conditions of controlled activity (sedentary, except for 0.5 hour cycling per
day), the average expenditure of 68-year-old men was 1.58 x REE (Calloway
and Zanni, 1980).
Differences in body composition of boys and girls occur as early as the
first few months of life but are relatively small until children reach
approximately 10 years of age. Thereafter, the differences in body composition
become greater throughout adolescence. After maturity, men have
proportionately greater muscle mass than do women, who have a greater
proportion of body weight as fat. In adults, REE per unit of total body weight
differs by approximately
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
10% between sexes. In the past, because of occupational differences, men and
women often had markedly different energy expenditures, but their
occupational activity requirements now are similar.
The cost of growth includes energy deposited as protein and fat plus the
cost of their synthesis. The average energy cost is about 5 kcal/g of growth
tissue gained (Roberts and Young, 1988). Except during the first year of life,
growth is a very small (approximately 1%) component of total energy
Body Size
Persons with large (or small) bodies require proportionately more (or less)
energy per unit of time for activities (e.g., walking) that involve moving mass
over distance. Their total REE also will be higher (or lower) than the average
for persons of the same sex and age. Energy allowances must be adjusted for
the variation in requirements that result from these differences in body size.
Adjustment will need to be greater for persons who are both large and active.
Weight may be used as a basis for adjusting energy allowances for
different body sizes, provided the individuals are not appreciably over or under
median weights for height within a given age and sex category (see Table 2-1 in
Chapter 2). For obese or undernourished people, energy allowances should be
adjusted according to the normal weight for their height.
In the United States, the ambient temperature of most living
environnments lies in the comfortable range of 20°C to 25°C (68ºF to 77ºF).
Most people are protected against cold by warm clothes and heated
environments. The effects of high temperatures are also minimized since many
people also live and work in air-conditioned buildings. Not everyone is
insulated from environmental exposure, however. When there is prolonged
exposure to cold or heat, energy allowances may need adjustment.
The energy cost of work is slightly greater (approximately 5%) in a mean
temperature below 14°C than in a warm environment (Johnson, 1963). A
relatively small increase in energy expenditure (2% to 5%) is associated with
carrying the extra weight of cold-weather clothing and footwear. Such clothing
also increases energy expenditure
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
by its so-called hobbling effect. If exposure to cold air or water leads to body
cooling, energy needs will increase because of the increased metabolic rate
associated with shivering and other muscle activity.
Energy requirements are also increased in people performing heavy work
at a high temperature37°C (99°F) or higher. Under such conditions, body
temperature and metabolic rate increase, and extra energy is expended to
maintain thermal balance Johnson, 1963). Whereas little adjustment is
necessary in environmental' temperatures between 20°C and 30°C (68°F-86°F),
energy allowances may need to be slightly increased wherever persons are
required to be physically active in extreme heat.
With the above exceptions, no adjustment in energy allowance appears to
be needed to compensate for change in climate, apart from climatic effects on
physical activity patterns.
In Table 3-5, recommended energy allowances for reference adults
engaged in light to moderate activity are given for three age categories: 19 to 24
years, 25 to 50, and over age 50. Weights and heights of young adults between
19 and 24 years of age are close to those of mature adults; although some
persons within this age group may still be growing, the very small energy need
for growth is well within population variability. The recommended allowances
should be adjusted to account for increased physical activity and for larger or
smaller body size, but rarely for climate.
The recommended allowances for adults with a light-to-moderate activity
level were calculated by using the WHO (1985) equations for the calculation of
REE (Table 3-1) and multiplying the results by an activity factor. For men, the
activity factor 1.67 x REE was used for the 19- to 24-year age group and 1.60
for those ages 25 to 50; for women, 1.60 and 1.55 were used for the respective
age periods. These values are a blend of light and moderate classes of activity
as suggested by WHO. For men of reference body size, the average allowance
is 2,900 kcal/day; for women, it is 2,200 kcal. With light-to-moderate activity,
the coefficient of variation in energy requirements of adults is approximately
20% (Garrow, 1978; McGandy et al., 1966; Todd et al., 1983). This range
reflects variability in both the REE and the activity factor among the individuals
in the group. This range does not cover the needs of persons with heavy activity
patterns, for whom allowances should be adjusted to 2.0 x REE or higher.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The energy allowance for persons beyond age 50 is 1.5 x REE. This
assumes continued light-to-moderate activity, which should be encouraged in
the interest of maintaining muscle mass and wellbeing. It should not be
assumed that the marked decline in activity often observed in the elderly is
either inevitable or desirable. The average allowance for men of reference size
(77 kg) is 2,300 kcal/ day; for women, it is 1,900 kcal/day. A normal variation
of ± 20% is accepted as for younger adults. The requirements of persons beyond
age 75 are likely to be somewhat less as a result of reduced body size, REE, and
Pregnancy imposes additional energy needs because of added maternal
tissues and growth of the fetus and placenta. For a full-term
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
pregnancy, during which the mother has gained 12.5 kg and has given birth to a
3.3-kg baby, total energy cost has been estimated to be 80,000 kcal (Hytten and
Leitch, 1971). This estimate has been used in considering energy allowances for
pregnancy (WHO, 1985). Alternative assumptions concerning the composition
of tissue gained, observations of energy intake by pregnant women, and
measurement of resting metabolism have led to estimates as low as 45,000 kcal
(Durnin, 1986) and 68,000 kcal (van Raaij, 1989) to as high as 110,000 kcal
(Forsum et al., 1988) as the cost of pregnancy in healthy, well-nourished women.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that adequate maternal weight gain,
including some maternal fat storage, is needed to ensure that the size of the
newborn is optimal for survival. Thus, storage of energy is included as part of
the energy requirement of pregnancy.
Metabolic requirements and physical activity may change during
pregnancy, but there are no well-documented studies providing the data from
which to estimate changes in energy allowance for these two factors.
WHO (1985) estimated the energy allowance for pregnant women by
dividing the gross energy cost (80,000 kcal) by the approximate duration of
pregnancy (250 days following the first month), yielding an average value (after
rounding) of 300 kcal/day for the entire pregnancy. The present subcommittee
accepts this calculation with the caution that any diminution in activity with
advancing pregnancy must be taken into account. Unless the woman begins
pregnancy with depleted body reserves, additional energy intake is probably not
required during the first trimester. An additional 300 kcal/day is recommended
(during the second and third trimesters.
Energy requirements for lactation are proportional to the quantity of milk
produced. The average energy content of human milk from well-nourished
mothers is about 70 kcal/100 ml (WHO, 1985). The efficiency with which
maternal energy is converted to milk energy is assumed to be approximately
80% (range, 76 to 94%) (Sadurkis et al., 1988; Thomson et al., 1970; WHO,
1985). Thus, approximately 85 kcal are required for every 100 ml of milk
produced. Average milk secretion during the first 6 months of lactation is 750
ml/day; in the second 6 months, it is 600 ml/day. The coefficient of variation is
12.5%. Thus, the average woman would require an additional 640 kcal and 510
kcal/day in the first and second 6 months, respectively.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The upper boundary of requirements (+2 SD) would be 800 and 640 kcal.
Energy allowances during lactation may be partially met by extra fat stored
during pregnancy. Such energy reserves, about 2 to 3 kg in women who gain 11
to 12 kg during pregnancy, normally are utilized during the first few months of
breastfeeding. These fat stores can theoretically provide about 100 to 150 kcal/
day during a 6-month lactation period. Accordingly, an additional average
allowance of 500 kcal/day is recommended throughout lactation, which,
assuming appropriate weight gain during pregnancy, may permit readjustment
of maternal body fat stores upon termination of breastfeeding. The
recommended allowance for women whose gestational weight gain is
subnormal, or whose weight during lactation falls below the standard for their
height and age, is an additional 650 kcal/day during the first 6 months.
Infants, Children, and Adolescents
For children less than 10 years of age, the energy requirement is estimated
from intake associated with normal growth. Data on energy intakes recorded in
studies of children in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and
Sweden have been compiled by WHO (1985). The international groups
accepted the actual requirement to be 5% greater than these reported intakes,
allowing for the likelihood that intake was underestimated.
The requirement figures of 108 kcal and 98 kcal/kg for infants from birth
through 6 months and 6 months through 12 months, respectively, were
estimated by WHO from intakes of healthy infants from developed countries.
These figures are about 15% higher than recent estimates derived from energy
expenditure measurements, using deuterium oxide methodology, with an
allowance for the theoretical amount of energy deposited as tissue added in
growth (Prentice et al., 1988). The new estimates, 95 kcal and 84 kcal/kg at the
respective age periods, based on expenditure plus storage, can be taken as equal
to dietary requirement if the metabolizable energy value of foods consumed
(human milk, formula, beikost) is estimated correctly. Growth velocity is
slower than the NCHS 50th centile in infants in these recent (1984-1988)
studies and skinfold thickness is less than the Tanner standards developed in the
1950s (Tanner, 1984), indicating that infants are now leaner. There is, at
present, insufficient evidence from which to judge whether or not this secular
trend is desirable. Recognizing that infants self-regulate intake and that
questions remain unanswered (including the question of meta
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
bolizable energy values), the subcommittee has elected to accept the WHO
From birth through age 10 years, no distinction in energy requirement is
made between sexes. Above age 10, separate allowances are recommended for
boys and girls because of differences in the age of onset of puberty and
evolving activity patterns. There is great variability in both the timing and
magnitude of the adolescent growth spurt. Activity patterns are also quite
variable. Thus, recommendations for these groups assume a wider range within
which energy allowances can be adjusted individually to take account of body
weight, activity, and rate of growth.
The recommended energy allowances from birth through age 10 years
shown in Table 3-5 are those of the international agencies (WHO, 1985).
Allowances for other age groups are adjusted to reflect typical activity patterns
in the United States. Those for older girls and boys are based on a predicted
activity factor of 1.7 at 11 years of age and a decrease to the adult light to
moderate activity value of 1.6 by age 15 in girls and age 19 in boys.
Energy intakes of children as reported in both the 1977-1978 Nationwide
Food Consumption Survey (USDA, 1984) and the 1976-1980 second National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NCHS, 1979) coincide with the
allowances proposed for these age groups. From early adolescence onward in
women and in men a few years later, reported average intakes are substantially
below the RDA. Data from the 1986 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by
Individuals (USDA, 1988) indicate that mothers consume an average of 1,473
kcal/day, the same amount of energy as their children ages 1 to 5 years. It is
commonly believed that adults underestimate food intake and that alcohol
consumption in particular is underreported (NRC, 1986). If the underreported
items are seasonings or adjuvants with low levels of essential nutrients (e.g.,
fats and oils, sweeteners) or alcoholic beverages, only energy intake will be
affected seriously.
Reference weights in the present edition differ from those in the ninth.
Thus, the allowances expressed as kcal/day are not directly comparable with
values in the previous edition. Nevertheless, the changes made in adult
allowances are generally small despite the
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
different method used to derive the estimated allowances. The allowances for
infants and children 7 to 10 years old are lower than in previous editions
because of the new information on observed intakes of children in developed
countries. For other ages, new allowances expressed per kilogram of body
weight are trivially higher or lower than previously.
Bernstein, L.M., M.I. Grossman, H. Kryzwicki, R. Harding, R.M. Berger, V.E. McGary, E. Francis,
and L.M. Levy. 1955. Comparison of various methods for determination of metabolizable
energy value of a mixed diet in humans. U.S. Army Med. Nutr. Lab. Rep. No. 168.
Fitzsimons Army Hospital, Denver. 49 pp.
Calloway, D.H., and E. Zanni. 1980. Energy requirements and energy expenditure of elderly men.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 33:2088-2092.
DHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 1988. The Surgeon General's Report on
Nutrition and Health. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 727 pp.
Durnin, J.V.G.A. 1986. Energy requirements of pregnancy. An integration of the longitudinal data
from the 5-country study. Pp. 147-154 in Nestlé Foundation Annual Report. Nestlé
Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Durnin, J.V.G.A., and R. Passmore. 1967. Energy, Work, and Leisure. Heinemann Educational
Books, London. 166 pp.
Elmstahl, S. 1987. Energy expenditure, energy intake and body composition in geriatric long-stay
patients. Compr. Gerontol. A1:118-125.
Forsum, E., A. Sadurkis, and J. Wagner. 1988. Resting metabolic rate and body composition of
healthy Swedish women during pregnancy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 47:942-947.
Garrow, J.S. 1978. Energy Balance and Obesity in Man, 2nd ed. Elsevier/NorthHolland Biomedical
Press, New York. 243 pp.
Garrow, J.S., and S. Blaza. 1982. Energy requirements in human beings. Pp. 1-21 in A. Neuberger
and T.H. Jukes, eds. Human Nutrition. MTP Press, Lancaster, U.K.
Harris, J.A., and F.G. Benedict. 1919. A Biometric Study of Basal Metabolism in Man. Publication
No. 279. Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C.
Hytten, R.E., and I. Leitch. 1971. The Physiology of Human Pregnancy, 2nd ed. Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Oxford. 599 pp.
Johnson, R.E. 1963. Caloric requirements under adverse environmental conditions . Fed. Proc.
McGandy, R.B., C.H. Barrows, Jr., A. Spanias, A. Meredith, J.L. Stone, and A.H. Norris. 1966.
Nutrient intakes and energy expenditure in men of different ages. J. Gerontol. 21:581-587.
Merrill, A.L., and B.K. Watt. 1955. Energy Value of Foods, Basis and Derivation. Agricultural
Handbook No. 74. Human Nutrition Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 105 pp.
NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics). 1979. Dietary Intake Source Data. DHEW Publ. No.
79-1221. NCHS, Hyattsville, Md.
NRC (National Research Council). 1986. Nutrient Adequacy: Assessment Using Food Consumption
Surveys. Report of the Subcommittee on Criteria for Dietary Eval
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
uation, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C. 146 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1989. Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic
Disease Risk. Report of the Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board.
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 750 pp.
Prentice, A.M., A. Lucas, L. Vasquez-Velasquez, P.S.W. Davies, and R.G. Whitehead. 1988. Are
current dietary guidelines for young children a prescription for overfeeding? Lancet
Roberts, S.B., and V.R. Young. 1988. Energy costs of fat and protein deposition in the human
infant. Am. Clin. Nutr. 48:951-955.
Sadurkis, A., N. Kabir, J. Wagner, and E. Forsum. 1988. Energy metabolism, body composition,
and milk production in healthy, Swedish women during lactation. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Southgate, D.A.T., and J.V.G.A. Durnin. 1970. Calorie conversion factors: an experimental
reassessment of the factors used in calculation of the energy value of human diets. Br. J.
Nutr. 24:517-535.
Tanner, J.M. 1984. Physical growth and development. Pp. 278-330 in J.O. Forfar and G.C. Arneil,
eds. Textbook of Paediatrics, Vol. 1. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
Thomson, A.M., F.E. Hytten, and W.Z. Billewicz. 1970. The energy cost of human lactation . Br. J.
Nutr. 24:565-572.
Todd, K.S., M. Hudes, and D.H. Calloway. 1983. Food intake measurement: problems and
approaches. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 37:139-146.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutrient
Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-2. Consumer Nutrition
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Hyattsville, Md. 439 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1988. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals. Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1986. Report No. 86-3. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hyattsville, Md. 82 pp.
van Raaij, J.M.A. C.M. Schonk, S.H. Vermaat-Nliedemi.a, M.F.M. Peck, and J.G.A.J. Hautvast.
1989. Body fat mass and basal metabolic rate in Dutch women before, during, and after
pregnancy: a reappraisal of energy cost of pregnancy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49:765-772.
WHO (World Health Organization). 1985. Energy and Protein Requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/
WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Technical Report Series 724. World Health
Organization, Geneva. 206 pp.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Carbohydrates and Fiber
Carbohydrates, along with fat and protein, are the macrocomponents of the
dietthe principal dietary sources of energy. Alcohol (ethanol) is the only other
important source of energy. The principal dietary carbohydrates are sugars and
complex carbohydrates. The sugars include monosaccharides, such as glucose
and fructose, and disaccharides, such as sucrose (table sugar), maltose, and
lactose (milk sugar). (Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) comprise
starches and dietary fibers. Starches are polymers of glucose. Dietary fibers
mainly indigestible complex carbohydrates in plant cell walls (cellulose,
hemicellulose, and pectin) and a variety of gums, mucilages, and algal
polysaccharides. Lignin is a noncarbohydrate component of dietary fiber in
plant cell walls. Dietary fibers are converted to some extent into absorbable
fatty acids by intestinal microorganisms. Pentoses and some carbohydrate-
related compounds are present in the diet in smaller amounts. This category
includes such substances as organic acids (e.g., citric and malic acids) and a
number of polyols (e.g., sorbitol, xylitol), all of which have some energy value.
Proximate analysis of foods commonly omits direct analysis of carbohydrate.
Dietary fiber should not be confused with crude fiber, a nutritionally obsolete term
that refers to the residue (primarily cellulose and lignin) remaining after food is treated
with acid and alkali. Foods generally contain more dietary fiber than crude fiber, but no
consistent quantitative relationship) exists between the two. Some tables of food
composition and some food labels present fiber fiber content in terms of crude fiber.
Little quantitative information is yet available on the individual components of dietary
fiber in specific foods.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The value for carbohydrate content of foods given in compositional tables
usually is ''carbohydrate by difference," i.e., the residual weight after
subtracting amounts of water, protein, fat, and ash found by analysis; this
moiety includes sugars, starches, fiber, and small amounts of other organic
In the United States, the average intake of carbohydrates by adults was 287
g for males (USDA, 1986) and 177 g for females in 1985 (USDA, 1987). Of the
carbohydrates in individual diets, an average of 41% comes from grain products
and 23% comes from fruits and vegetables (Anderson, 1982; Wotecki et al.,
1982). About half of the total digestible carbohydrate intake is made up of
monosaccharides and disaccharides. These are found in fruits (sucrose, glucose,
fructose, pentoses) and milk (lactose). Sugars in soft drinks, candies, jams,
jellies, and sweet desserts are mainly sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup.
Complex carbohydrates, which constitute the other half of digestible
carbohydrate intake, are starches found predominantly in cereal grains and their
products (flour, bread, rice, corn, oats, and barley), potatoes, legumes, and a few
other vegetables.
Sugars and starches together are the major source of energy in the diet. In
1985, they provided an average of 45.3% of the energy in the diet of adult men
in the United States (USDA, 1986). The corresponding figures for adult women
and children 1 to 5 years of age were 46.4 and 52.0%, respectively (USDA,
1987). Eleven percent of the total energy intake, representing almost one-
quarter of total carbohydrate intake, is provided by added sweeteners, mostly
sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup (Glinsmann et al., 1986).
Fructose intake in the United States increased after the introduction of high-
fructose corn syrup into the food supply in 1970. The product is formed by the
enzymatic conversion of some of the glucose in cornstarch to fructose. Its
fructose content ranges from 40% to almost 100%. In 1985, high-fructose corn
syrup accounted for 30% of the total sweetener supply in the United States
(Glinsmann et al., 1986; IFT, 1986). In soft drinks, for example, the use of
sucrose has been almost completely abandoned in favor of a high-fructose corn
syrup product containing 55% fructose, approximately 40% glucose, and about
5% other sugars (Bailey et al., 1988; GAO, 1984). It is unknown whether this
increased intake of free fructose has any health consequences (Reiser and
Hallfrisch, 1987).
Sugar alcohols, except for xylitol, occur naturally in fruits. Because these
sweet substances are slowly and incompletely absorbed from
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
the digestive tract and are less cariogenic than many other sugars, sugar
alcohols such as sorbitol are useful in products intended for special diets and are
often found in dietetic candies and chewing gum. In some people, however,
sugar alcohols create a laxative effect due to their slow and incomplete
absorption. Consumption of products containing an ounce or more of sorbitol,
for example, may result in soft stools and diarrhea (IFT, 1986).
Pathophysiological Significance
Glucose absorbed in the intestine or produced by the liver is an important
energy source for most tissues. Other dietary hexoses (fructose and the
galactose moiety of the disaccharide lactose) are converted to glucose in the
liver. Most amino acids, the glycerol component of fat, and some organic acids
can be converted to glucose. Therefore, there is no absolute dietary requirement
for carbohydrates, at least under most circumstances. In the absence of dietary
carbohydrates, however, lipolysis of stored triglycerides and the oxidation of
fatty acids increase and ketone bodies accumulate. A carbohydrate-free diet also
is generally associated with an accelerated breakdown of dietary and tissue
protein, loss of cations (especially sodium), and dehydration. These effects
produced by low-carbohydrate diets or by fasting can be prevented by the daily
ingestion of 50 to 100 g of carbohydrates (Calloway, 1971). Because of the
desirability of limiting the intake of fat (see Chapter 5) and perhaps of protein
(Chapter 6), the subcommittee recommends that more than half the energy
requirement beyond infancy be provided by carbohydrates. One gram of
carbohydrate yields 4 kcal. Thus, for people consuming as little as 2,000 kcal/
day, the recommended intake would be at least 250 g. Similar
recommendations, which emphasize an increased intake of complex
carbohydrates rather than added sugars, have been made by other groups (see
NRC, 1989).
Sugars, including sucrose in foods, provide the substrate for the
microorganisms in the mouth that are responsible for tooth decay, particularly
in children. Caries-producing potential depends on the ability of the
carbohydrates to adhere to the tooth surface and the frequency of consumption,
both of which affect the length of time carbohydrates are available as a bacterial
substrate. Ingestion of other foods may inhibit the increase in oral hydrogen ion
concentration associated with ingestion of sucrose and, hence, its cariogenicity.
Thus, snacks of candies and other sweets may be more cariogenic than sugars
consumed as part of a meal. An adequate intake of fluoride also inhibits tooth
decay produced by dietary sugars.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Dietary fiber is the subject of considerable recent interest and extensive
reviews (see, for example, LSRO, 1987; NRC, 1989; Vahouny and
Kritchevsky, 1986). Because they are hygroscopic, dietary fibers soften the
stool and, hence, promote normal elimination. Fiber-rich diets may also
increase satiety. Some fiber components, including oat bran and pectin, also
lower plasma cholesterol levels, either by binding bile acids or by other
The consumption of diets rich in plant foods (and therefore fiber) is
inversely related to the incidence of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and
diabetes (see NRC, 1989). Because an increase in dietary fiber consumption is
almost invariably associated with a change in other dietary constituents, it is
difficult to establish a clear relationship with dietary fiber alone. One plausible
mechanism for an anticarcinogenic effect is the rapid passage of the digestive
mass through the colon, thereby reducing the possibility that potential
carcinogens have an opportunity to interact with the mucosal surface (NRC,
1982). In addition, the increased mass of the softer stool may dilute carcinogens.
Fibers may also bind to mineral elements. In this way, wheat bran may
interfere with mineral absorption, but neither wheat bran nor other fibers, at the
levels consumed in this country, appear to have an appreciable effect on the
absorption of minerals (NRC, 1989).
In the United States, mean fiber intake is estimated to be approximately 12
g/day (Lanza et al., 1987). Over the last decade, many health organizations have
recommended increasing the intake of complex carbohydrates in general or
dietary fiber in particular (see, e.g., AHA, 1986; DHHS, 1986). The
subcommittee recommends that a desirable fiber intake be achieved not by
adding fiber concentrates to the diet, but by consumption of fruits, vegetables,
legumes, and whole-grain cereals, which also provide minerals and vitamins
(DHHS, 1986; NRC, 1982).
AHA (American Health Association). 1986. Dietary Guidelines for Healthy American Adults.
Statement by the Nutrition Committee. AHA Publ. No. 71-003-C. American Heart
Association, Dallas, Tex.
Anderson, T.A. 1982. Recent trends in carbohydrate consumption. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2: 113-132.
Bailey, L., L. Duewer, F. Gray, R. Hoskin,
J. Putnam, and S. Short. 1988. Food consumption. Natl.
Food Rev. 11:1-10.
Calloway, D.H. 1971. Dietary components that yield energy. Environ. Biol. Med. 1:175-186.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
DHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 1986. Diet, Nutrition & Cancer
Prevention: The Good News. NIH Publ. No. 87-2878. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C.
GAO (U.S. General Accounting Office). 1984. U.S. Sweetener/Sugar Issues and Concerns. Report
No. GAO/RCED-85-19. U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. 43 pp.
Glinsmann, W.H., H. Irausquin, and Y.K. Park. 1986. Evaluation of health aspects of sugars
contained in carbohydrate sweeteners: report of Sugars Task Force, 1986. J. Nutr. I 16:S1-
IFT (Institute of Food Technologists). 1986. Sweeteners: Nutritive and non-nutritive. Food Technol.
40: 195-206.
Lanza, E., D.Y. Jones, G. Block, and L. Kessler. 1987. Dietary fiber intake in the U.S. population.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 46:790-797.
LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1987. Physiological Effects and Health Consequences of
Dietary Fiber. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Bethesda, Md.
236 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1982. Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. A report of the Committee on
Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C. 478 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1989. Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic
Disease Risk. Report of the Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board.
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 750 pp.
Reiser, S., and J. Hallfrisch. 1987. Metabolic Effects of Dietary Fructose. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day. 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Vahouny, G., and D. Kritchevsky, eds. 1986. Dietary Fiber, Basic and Clinical Aspects. Plenum
Press, New York.
Wotecki, C.E., S.D. Welch, N. Raper, and R.M. Marston. 1982. Recent trends and levels of dietary
sugars and other caloric sweeteners. Pp. 1-27 in S. Reiser, ed. Metabolic Effects of
Utilizable Dietary Carbohydrates. Marcel Dekker, New York.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Lipids are organic compounds with limited solubility in water. They are
present in biologic systems mainly as energy stores within cells or as
components of cell membranes. The nonpolar lipids occur mainly as esters of
fatty acids that are virtually insoluble in water and enter metabolic pathways
only after hydrolysis. The triacylglycerols (also called triglycerides or fats) are
composed of three fatty acids esterified to glycerol. Cholesteryl esters are
composed of a single fatty acid esterified to cholesterol. The polar or
amphipathic lipids include fatty acids, in which the polar component is a
negatively charged carboxyl ion; cholesterol, in which the polar component is
an alcohol; sphingolipids, in which the polar group is phosphorylcholine
(sphingomyelin) or a carbohydrate (glycosphingolipid); and
glycerophosphatides (mainly lecithins), in which the polar component is a
phosphate-containing aminoalcohol or polyalcohol. The term phospholipids
encompasses glycerophosphatides and sphingomyelins.
The fatty acid components of lipids are classified as short-chain (less than
6 carbons), medium-chain (6 to 10 carbons), or long-chain (12 or more
carbons). More than 90% of the fatty acids have an even number of carbon
atoms. Fatty acids are also classified as saturated (lacking double bonds),
monounsaturated (containing a single double bond), or polyunsaturated
(containing more than one double bond). The polyunsaturated fatty acids are
subdivided into those whose first double bond occurs either three carbon atoms
from the methyl carbon (n-3 or w-3) or six carbon atoms from the methyl
carbon (n-6
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
or w-6). The major saturated fatty acids in foods are palmitic acid (16 carbons)
and stearic acid (18 carbons). The major monounsaturated fatty acid is oleic
acid (18 carbons). The major polyunsaturated fatty acids in plant foods are
linoleic acid, an n-6 fatty acid with 18 carbons and two double bonds, and
linolenic acid, an n-3 fatty acid with 18 carbons and 3 double bonds. The major
polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), an n-3 fatty
acid with 20 carbons and 5 double bonds, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an
n-3 fatty acid with 22 carbons and 6 double bonds.
Triglycerides are the principal lipid component of foods and the most
concentrated source of energy among the macrocomponents of the diet (9 kcal/
g). They can enhance palatability by absorbing and retaining flavors and by
influencing the texture of foods. When fats are digested, emulsified, and
absorbed, they facilitate the intestinal absorption (and perhaps also the
transport) of the fat-soluble vitamins A, E, and D. Saturated and
monounsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol can be readily synthesized from
acetyl coenzyme A and thus are not essential dietary components. Small
amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which cannot be synthesized, are
essential in the diet. They are precursors of important structural lipids (e.g.,
phospholipids in cell membranes) and of eicosanoids. Eicosanoids include
prostaglandins (e.g., PGEs, PGFs, prostacyclin), thromboxanes, and leukotrienes.
Digestion of food fats and other lipids liberates free fatty acids,
monoglycerides, and lesser amounts of monoacylphospholipids, which are then
absorbed. The efficiency of fatty acid and monoglyceride absorption in healthy
adults is high, ranging from 95 to 99%, whereas that of cholesterol ranges from
30 to 70%.
Fatty acids can be directly utilized as a source of energy by most body
cells, with the exception of erythrocytes and cells of the central nervous system.
Oxidative metabolism of long-chain fatty acids requires a carrier system
(carnitine transferase) for mitochondrial transport. The central nervous system
normally uses glucose as its major energy source, but the brain can utilize
ketones that are produced during fatty acid catabolism when the supply of
glucose is limited. Excess energy is stored principally as triglycerides within
adipose tissue.
Cholesterol and phospholipids are major components of all cell
membranes and of myelin. Cholesterol is also the precursor of the steroid
hormones produced in the adrenal cortex and gonads, and of the bile acids
produced in the liver.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
More than one-third of the calories consumed by most people in the United
States are provided by fat. Animal products in particularred meats (beef, veal,
pork, lamb), poultry, fish and shellfish, separated animal fats (such as tallow
and lard), milk and milk products, and eggscontribute more than half of the
total fat to U.S. diets, three-fourths of the saturated fat, and all the cholesterol
(NRC, 1988). In the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1977-1978
Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, red meats were found to provide the
major source of fat to Americans of all age groups other than infants (USDA,
1984). In the NHANES II survey, ground beef was found to be the single
largest contributor of fat to the U.S. diet; mayonnaise, salad dressings, and
margarine were the chief sources of linoleic acid; and eggs supplied the most
cholesterol (Block et al., 1985).
Food supply disappearance data suggest that per capita consumption of fat
in the United States has increased since the late 1970s. Although animal fats
still predominate, the greater fat consumption can be attributed to vegetable
products, reflecting increased use of margarines, vegetable shortenings, and
edible oils (Bailey et al., 1988). Factors fostering the increased use of edible oils
include the rapid growth of fast-food restaurants, in which many foods are
cooked in oil, and the greater use of convenience foods that are fried or contain
added oil (Raper and Marston, 1986).
Disappearance data, however, do not indicate the amount of fat actually
consumed, because they are not adjusted for waste, spoilage, trimming, or
cooking losses (NRC, 1988). Periodic surveys in which actual food
consumption by individuals is measured indicate that people in the United
States in fact have decreased the fat content of their diets. USDA surveys show
that adults decreased their fat intake from 41% of total kcal in 1977 to 36.4% of
total kcal in 1985-1986 (USDA, 1986, 1987). Although some of the decrease
may reflect methodological differences, the results reflect changes in food
selection as well. Since 1970, for example, consumption of red meat has
declined, whereas consumption of poultry has increased and more low-fat milk
than whole milk is being consumed (NRC, 1989).
Small amounts of linoleic acid must be present in the diet to maintain
health. The inability of animals to produce linoleic acid is at
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
tributable to the lack of a -12 dehydrogenase to introduce a second double
bond in its monounsaturated precursor (oleic acid). Once linoleic acid is
available, however, it can be desaturated and elongated further to form
arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon n-6 fatty acid with four double bonds. Thus,
arachidonic acid is also considered an essential fatty acid, but only when
linoleic acid deficiency exists. The third fatty acid traditionally classified as
essential is the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, α-linolenic acid. The role of
linolenic acid in human nutrition is becoming clarified (Bivins et al., 1983;
Neuringer and Connor, 1986). One possible case of deficiency has been
described (Holman et al., 1982), and experiments in monkeys and rats have
shown visual impairment and behavior differences after consumption of diets
deficient in n-3 fatty acids (Neuringer and Connor, 1986). The retina and brain
membranes are especially rich in docosahexaenoic acid. DHA and EPA can be
synthesized from linolenic acid in the body or obtained directly in the diet from
seafood. DHA and EPA are also synthesized by phytoplankton and algae and
thus are abundant in fish and shellfish.
Linoleic and arachidonic acid, present in phospholipids, are important for
maintaining the structure and function of cellular and subcellular membranes. In
addition, n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have been shown to be the
precursors of eicosanoids (Glomset, 1985), which are important in the
regulation of widely diverse physiological processes. A growing body of
evidence indicates that nutritional status with respect to polyunsaturated fatty
acids alters the production of eicosanoids. Consumption of fish rich in EPA can
thereby modify platelet function and inflammatory responses.
Linoleic acid deficiency can be identified biochemically by analysis of
plasma lipids. The characteristic abnormalities are low linoleic and arachidonic
acid levels and elevated levels of 5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid, a polyunsaturated,
n-9 fatty acid produced from oleic acid. Studies in animals have shown that
linoleic acid deficiency produces a variety of metabolic disturbances (Alfin-
Slater and Aftergood, 1968). In infants fed formulas deficient in linoleic acid,
drying and flaking of the skin have been observed (Wiese et al., 1958).
Biochemical evidence of linoleic acid deficiency has also been found in
premature infants whose fat intake is delayed (Friedman et al., 1976). Linoleic
acid deficiency in adult humans was not reported until the early 1970s, when
several investigators described such deficiency associated with scaly skin, hair
loss, and impaired wound healing in hospitalized patients fed exclusively with
intravenous fluids containing no fat (Collins et al., 1971; Paulsrud et al., 1972;
Richardson and
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Sgoutas, 1975). In addition, patients with malabsorption due to biliary atresia
and cystic fibrosis may be deficient in linoleic acid (Farrell et al., 1985; Gourley
et al., 1982).
Linoleic acid intake at levels from 1 to 2% of total dietary calories is
sufficient to prevent both biochemical and clinical evidence of deficiency in
several animal species and in humans (Holman, 1970). For infants consuming
100 kcal/kg body weight per day, this would correspond to a daily intake of
approximately 0.2 g/kg. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, 1985) has
recommended that infant formulas provide at least 2.7% of energy as linoleic
acid. For the average adult, a minimally adequate intake of linoleic acid is 3 to 6
g/day. This level is more than met by diets in the United States, since most
vegetable oils are particularly rich sources of linoleic acid. In several studies,
linoleic acid has been found to range from 5 to 10% of calories in diets
providing 25 to 50% of energy as fat (Bieri and Evarts, 1973; Witting and Lee,
1975). As discussed in the section on vitamin E (see Chapter 7), large amounts
of polyunsaturated fatty acids may increase the need for this fat-soluble,
antioxidant nutrient. The Committee on Diet and Health of the Food and
Nutrition Board recently recommended that the average population intake of
n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids remain at the current level of about 7% of
calories and that individual intakes not exceed 10% of calories because of lack
of information about the long-term consequences of a higher intake (NRC,
For many reasons, especially because essential fatty acid deficiency has
been observed exclusively in patients with medical problems affecting fat intake
or absorption, the subcommittee has not established an RDA for n-3 or n-6
polyunsaturated fatty acids. The rapid developments in the field of fat-soluble
dietary factors, and their physiologic role in eicosanoid production, will require
periodic reappraisal of their significance in nutrition and the regulation of
metabolic functions. The possibility of establishing RDAs for these fatty acids
should be considered in the near future. For example, Neuringer et al. (1988)
proposed that the consumption of n-3 fatty acids in humans should be 10 to
25% that of linoleic acid, particularly during pregnancy, lactation, and infancy.
Synthetic infant formulas generally contain only vegetable oils as their lipid
sources and thus contain only 18carbon polyunsaturates. Even when these
formulas supply ample linolenic acid, DHA levels in the infants' erythrocyte
membrane phospholipids are much lower than in those infants receiving either
human milk or formulas supplemented with sources of longer-chain n-3 fatty
acids (Carlson et al., 1986; Crawford et al., 1977). Also, the ratio of dietary
linoleic acid to EPA and DHA can affect platelet
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
function and inflammatory responses, and may thereby influence the
development of certain chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and
rheumatoid arthritis (Leaf and Weber, 1988).
It has long been recognized that the amount and nature of fat ingested
affects plasma cholesterol concentration, and that high blood cholesterol levels
are strongly related to the incidence and risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease,
especially coronary heart disease. Several types of evidence, including clinical
dietary and drug trials, show that the cholesterol contained in the plasma's low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) fraction is the principal detrimental component,
whereas high levels of cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are
associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Other factors, such as
genetic background, cigarette smoking, hypertension, and obesity, also increase
the risk of coronary artery disease (NRC, 1989). The strongest dietary
determinant of blood cholesterol level is the saturated fatty acid content (NRC,
1989). The cholesterol content of the diet has an appreciable, but usually lesser
influence. Increased intake of both these nutrients decreases LDL receptor
activity in liver cells and increases LDL cholesterol levels in the blood (Spady
and Dietschy, 1988).
In the past decade, considerable attention has been given to the potential
role of dietary factors in the etiology and prevention of cancer. This subject has
recently been reviewed in depth, and several organizations have proposed
dietary guidelines toward lowering the risk of certain cancers. These guidelines
have included the suggestion that total fat intake should be reduced (DHHS,
1988; NRC, 1982; NRC, 1989).
Additional research is needed to clarify the role of diet in carcinogenesis
and to determine the proportion of energy that should be provided by dietary
fats relative to other macrocomponents to reduce the risks of heart disease and
cancer. However, a decrease in the average consumption of fat by Americans
from its present level of approximately 36% of calories appears to be desirable.
An additional benefit of reducing the fat content of the diet may be lower
caloric intakes and hence a reduced prevalence of obesity and its adverse effects
on health. After a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence, the Food and
Nutrition Board's Committee on Diet and Health recommended that the fat
content of the U.S. diet not exceed 30% of caloric intake, that less than 10% of
calories should be provided from
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
saturated fatty acids, and that dietary cholesterol should be less than 300 mg/
day (NRC, 1989).
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Appendix K: Composition of human milk:
normative data. Pp. 363-368 in G.B. Forbes, ed. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. American
Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Alfin-Slater, R.B., and L. Aftergood. 1968. Essential fatty acids reinvestigated. Physiol. Rev.
Bailey, L., L. Duewer, F. Gray, R. Hoskin,
J. Putnam, and S. Short. 1988. Food consumption. Natl.
Food Rev. 11:1-10.
Bieri, J.G., and R.P. Evarts. 1973. Tocopherols and fatty acids in American diets. The recommended
allowance for vitamin E. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 62:147-151.
Bivins, B.A., R.M. Bell, R.P. Rapp, and W.O. Griffen, Jr. 1983. Linoleic acid versus linolenic acid:
what is essential? J. Parent. Ent. Nutr. 7:473-478.
Block, G., C.M. Dresser, A.M. Hartman, and M.D. Carroll. 1985. Nutrient sources in the American
diet: quantitative data from the NHANES II survey. II . Macronutrients and fats. Am. J.
Epidemiol. 122:27-40.
Carlson, S.E., P.G. Rhodes, and M.G. Ferguson. 1986. Docosahexaenoic acid status of preterm
infants at birth and following feeding with human milk or formula. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Collins, F.D., A.J. Sinclair, J.B. Royle, D.A. Coats, A.T. Maynard, and F.L.. Leonard. 1971. Plasma
lipids in human linoleic acid deficiency. Nutr. Metab. 13:150-167.
Crawford, M.A., A.G. Hassam, and B.M. Hall. 1977. Metabolism of essential fatty acids in the
human fetus and neonate. Nutr. Metab. 21, Suppl. 1:187-188.
DHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 1988. The Surgeon General's Report on
Nutrition and Health. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 727 pp.
Farrell, P.M., E.H. Mischler, M.J. Engle, D.J. Brown, and S.-M. Lau. 1985. Fatty acid abnormalities
in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr. Res. 19:104-109.
Friedman, Z., A. Danon, M.T. Stahlman, and J.A. Oates. 1976. Rapid onset of essential fatty acid
deficiency in the newborn. Pediatrics 58:640-649.
Glomset, J.A. 1985. Fish, fatty acids, and human health. N. Engl. J. Med. 312:1253-1254.
Gourley, G.R., P.M. Farrell, and G.B. Odell. 1982. Essential fatty acid deficiency after hepatic
portoenterostomy for biliary atresia. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:1194-1199.
Holman, R.T. 1970. Biological activities of and requirements for polyunsaturated acids. Pp. 607-682
in Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids, Vol. 9. Pergamon Press, New York.
Holman, R.T., S.B. Johnson, and T.F. Hatch. 1982. A case of human linolenic acid deficiency
involving neurological abnormalities. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 35:617-623.
Leaf, A., and P.C. Weber. 1988. Cardiovascular effects of n-3 fatty acids. N. Engl. J. Med.
Neuringer, M.D., and W.E. Connor. 1986. N-3 fatty acids in the brain and retina: evidence for their
essentiality. Nutr. Rev. 44:285-294.
Neuringer, M., G.J. Anderson, and W.E. Connor. 1988. The essentiality of N-3 fatty acids for the
development and function of the retina and brain. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 8:517-541.
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NRC( (National Research Council). 1982. Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. Report of the Committee on
Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C. 478 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1988. Designing Foods: Animal Product Options in the
Marketplace. Report of the Committee on Technological Options to Improve the
Nutritional Attributes of Animal Products, Board on Agriculture. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C. 367 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1989. Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic
Disease Risk. Report of the Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board.
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 750 pp.
Paulsrud, J.R., L. Pensler, C.F. Whitten, S. Stewart, and R.T. Holman. 1972. Essential fatty acid
deficiency in infants induced by fat-free intravenous feeding. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 25:897-904.
Raper, N.R., and R.M. Marston. 1986. Levels and sources of flat in the U.S. food supply. Pp.
127-152 in C. Ip, D.F. Birt, A.E. Rogers, and C. Mettlin, eds. Dietary Fat and Cancer. Alan
R. Liss, New York.
Richardson, T.J., and D. Sgoutas. 1975. Essential fatty acid deficiency in four adult patients during
total parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 28:258-263.
Spady, D.K., and J.M. Dietschy. 1988. Interaction of dietary cholesterol and triglycerides in the
regulation of hepatic low density lipoprotein transport in the hamster. J. Clin. Invest.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Nutrient Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year
1977-78. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Report No. 1-2. Consumer Nutrition
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service, Hyattsville, Md.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Wiese, H.F., A.E. Hansen, and D.J.D. Adam. 1958. Essential fatty acids in infant nutrition. J. Nutr.
Witting, L.A., and L. Lee. 1975. Dietary levels of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids and
plasma vitamin E. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 28:571-576.
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Protein and Amino Acids
Both animal and plant proteins are made up of about 20 common amino
acids. The proportion of these amino acids varies as a characteristic of a given
protein, but all food proteinswith the exception of gelatincontain some of
each. Amino nitrogen accounts for approximately 16% of the weight of
proteins. Amino acids are required for the synthesis of body protein and other
important nitrogen-containing compounds, such as creatine, peptide hormones,
and some neurotransmitters. Although allowances are expressed as protein,
biological requirement is for amino acids.
Proteins and other nitrogenous compounds are being degraded and
resynthesized continuously. Several times more protein is turned over daily
within the body than is ordinarily consumed, indicating that reutilization of
amino acids is a major feature of the economy of protein metabolism. This
process of recapture is not completely efficient, and some amino acids are lost
by oxidative catabolism. Metabolic products of amino acids (urea, creatinine,
uric acid, and other nitrogenous products) are excreted in the urine; nitrogen is
also lost in feces, sweat, and other body secretions and in sloughed skin, hair,
and nails. A continuous supply of dietary amino acids is required to replace
these losses, even after growth has ceased.
In this chapter, protein is equated with nitrogen x 6.25, i.e., crude protein containing
16% nitrogen. Specific food proteins have greater (cereals) or lesser (milk) percentages
of nitrogen. See USDA Agricultural Handbook Series 8 (1976-1989) for factors used in
food composition tables.
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Amino acids consumed in excess of the amounts needed for the synthesis
of nitrogenous tissue constituents are not stored but are degraded; the nitrogen
is excreted as urea, and the keto acids left after removal of the amino groups are
either utilized directly as sources of energy or are converted to carbohydrate or
Nine amino acids-histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine-are not synthesized by
mammals and are therefore dietarily essential or indispensable nutrients. These
are commonly called the essential amino acids. Histidine is an essential amino
acid for infants, but was not demonstrated to be required by adults until recently
(Cho et al., 1984; Kopple and Swendseid, 1981). Under special circumstances
(e.g., in premature infants or in people with liver damage), amino acids such as
cystine and tyrosine, not normally essential, may become so because of
impaired conversion from their precursors (Horowitz et al., 1981). Arginine is
synthesized by mammals but not in amounts sufficient to meet the needs of the
young of most species. Although it is not believed to be required by the human
infant for normal growth, the need for arginine by the premature infant is
unknown. When arginine is present in small amounts relative to other amino
acids (such as in intravenous solutions or amino acid mixtures), or when liver
function is compromised, arginine synthesis may be insufficient for adequate
function of the urea cycle (Heird et al., 1972).
Protein deficiency rarely occurs as an isolated condition. It usually
accompanies a deficiency of dietary energy and other nutrients resulting from
insufficient food intake. The symptoms are most commonly seen in deprived
children in poor countries. Where protein intake is exceptionally low, there are
physical signsstunting, poor musculature, edema, thin and fragile hair, skin
lesionsand biochemical changes that include low serum albumin and
hormonal imbalances. Edema and loss of muscle mass and hair are the
prominent signs in adults. Deficiency of this severity is very rare in the United
States, except as a consequence of pathologic conditions and poor medical
management of the acutely ill.
At submaintenance levels of protein intake, a diminished turnover of tissue
protein is accompanied by a reduced catabolic rate for the
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
amino acids liberated by protein breakdown (Young and Scrimshaw, 1977).
Similarly, turnover rate is increased with increased intake. In this way, the
tissue protein pool can, within limits, enter a new steady state appropriate for
the diminished or increased protein intake from food.
Under the experimental conditions of a protein-free diet, protein synthesis
and breakdown continue by reutilizing amino acids. This process becomes very
efficient, but some amino acids are still catabolized and the nitrogen is excreted.
This lower limit, termed the obligatory nitrogen loss, has been extensively
studied in adults fed protein-free diets. Values are remarkably uniform. In a
series of 11 studies involving more than 200 adults ranging in age from 20 to 77
years, daily obligatory nitrogen losses averaged 53 mg (41-69 mg, range of
study means) of nitrogen per kilogram daily (WHO, 1985).
In the past, a factorial method was used as a basis for predicting the protein
requirements of various age groups. For adults, the requirement for dietary
protein was considered to be the amount needed to replace the obligatory
nitrogen loss after adjustment for inefficiency in utilization of dietary protein
and for the quality of the dietary protein consumed (i.e., its digestibility and
amino acid composition). For children and pregnant and lactating women, an
additional amount of protein for tissue growth or milk formation was
incorporated into this factorial estimate of requirements. Because of the
assumptions required, the validity of the factorial approach has been questioned.
WHO (1985) reviewed the evidence on protein requirements and concluded
( that adult protein allowances should be based on nitrogen balance studies. For
older infants and children, data are sparse; thus, all lines of evidence were used
by the subcommittee in estimating requirementsnitrogen balance and
observed and theoretical needs for adequate growth. For pregnancy, nitrogen
balance data were considered, but allowances continue to rely on theoretical
deposition of protein in the fetus and adnexa. New information on human milk
volume was used to estimate lactational requirements.
Protein synthesis and breakdown are energy-dependent and thus are
sensitive to dietary energy deprivation. Consequently, the body's energy balance
becomes an important factor in determining nitrogen balance and influences the
apparent utilization of dietary protein.
The WHO (1985) report contains extensive references to the original investigations.
The reader is referred to that report for full documentation.
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Protein requirements are determined and allowances established for
conditions of adequate energy intake and balance.
Nitrogen Balance
Nitrogen balance is the difference between nitrogen intake and the amount
excreted in urine, feces, and sweat, together with minor losses occurring by
other routes. To estimate the protein requirement, levels of dietary protein
below and near predicted adequate intake are fed and nitrogen balance is
measured at each level. The requirement is estimated by interpolating or
extrapolating the nitrogen balance data to the zero balance point (nitrogen
equilibrium) for adults or to a defined level of positive balance (to allow for
growth) for children.
Because of methodologic problems, it is difficult to attain exact
measurement of intake and output of nitrogen (Hegsted, 1976), to determine the
time required for adjustment at altered levels of protein intake (Rand et al.,
1981), and to measure or otherwise account for nitrogen losses through routes
other than urine and feces.
Most studies of protein requirements have been short. Because of the
methodologic problems cited above, longer studies should provide a better basis
for determining protein requirements
; they would permit the measurement of
variables such as alterations in lean body mass or in growth rate of children,
which respond more slowly to dietary inadequacy. In the few long-term studies
that have been reported, investigators have explored the usefulness of various
biochemical indices (e.g., serum aspartate and alanine amino transferase
activities) (Garza et al., 1977), but no agreement on a sensitive and reliable
marker has been reached (Solomons and Allen, 1983; WHO, 1985).
Because the human body can adapt to low and high intakes of nitrogen,
there is a substantial difference between intakes barely sufficient to compensate
for losses or to permit growth and intakes that may be associated with harmful
effects. Since there are few criteria by which to evaluate the significance of the
rate of protein turnover and pool size, value judgments must be made as to what
is desirable
The term protein requirement conventionally encompasses specific and nonspecific
amino acid and amino nitrogen requirements.
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in adults. For children, the protein required for growth is relatively small
compared to that needed for maintenance. Nevertheless, satisfactory growth is a
sensitive indicator of protein nutritional status.
The requirement for protein is reasonably well established for the very
young child and the young male adult. For other age groups, much less
information is available, and protein needs are estimated in part by interpolation
or extrapolation based on reasonable biological principles.
In determining the requirement for protein, the subcommittee first
considered requirements for the essential amino acids. The required amounts of
the nine essential amino acids must be provided in the diet, but because cystine
can replace approximately 30% of the requirement for methionine, and tyrosine
about 50% of the requirement for phenylalanine, these amino acids must also be
considered. The essential amino acid requirements of infants, children, men,
and women were studied extensively from 1950 to 1970. Except for infants,
where the criterion was growth and nitrogen accretion, the requirement was
accepted to be the amount of intake needed to achieve nitrogen equilibrium in
short-term studies of adults or positive balance in children (see review by FAO/
WHO, 1973; NRC, 1974; WHO, 1985). Estimates of amino acid requirements
for various age groups are listed in Table 6-1.
In a novel approach to examining these requirements, the need for four
amino acids was examined in children whose diets were strictly controlled
because of inborn errors of metabolism and who were developing normally
(Kindt and Halvorsen, 1980). Requirements determined in this way during the
first 3 years of life are in good agreement with the values for isoleucine,
leucine, phenylalanine plus tyrosine, and valine given in Table 6-1 for infants
and 2-year-old children.
The requirement for histidine has not been quantified beyond infancy.
Requirement values are difficult to establish because deficiency symptoms
occur only after long periods of low intake. Kopple and Swendseid (1981)
demonstrated that nitrogen balance diminished when histidine intake was less
than 2 mg/kg per day, and increased when intake was increased to 4 mg/kg per
day. WHO (1985) estimated the probable adult histidine requirement to be
between 8 and 12 mg/kg per day by extrapolation from the infant requirement;
this estimate is likely to be high, but safe.
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TABLE 6-1 Estimates of Amino Acid Requirements
Requirements, mg/kg per day, by age group
Amino Acid Infants, Age
3-4 mo
Children, Age
~2 yr
Children, Age
10-12 yr
Histidine 28 ? ? 8-12
Isoleucine 70 31 28 10
Leucine 161 73 42 14
Lysine 103 64 44 12
Methionine plus
58 27 22 13
Phenylalanine plus
125 69 22 14
Threonine 87 37 28 7
Tryptophan 17 12.5 3.3 3.5
Valine 93 38 25 10
Total without
714 352 214 84
From WHO (1985).
Based on amounts of amino acids in human milk or cow's milk formulas fed at levels that
supported good growth. Data from Fomon and Filer (1967).
Based on achievement of nitrogen balance sufficient to support adequate lean tissue gain (16 mg N/
kg per day). Data from Pineda et al. (1981).
Based on upper range of requirement for positive nitrogen balance. Recalculated by Williams et al.
(1974) from data of Nakagawa et al. (1964).
Based on highest estimate of requirement to achieve nitrogen balance. Data from several
investigators (reviewed in FAO/WHO, 1973).
The relatively low requirements estimated for adults have been confirmed
by Inone et al. (1988) using the nitrogen balance method. Studies of whole body
lysine, leucine, valine, and threonine oxidation rates suggest that adult
requirements for these essential amino acids have been underestimated.
Approximations of average requirements according to the 13C tracer studies are
leucine, 40 mg/kg (Meguid et al., 1986a); lysine, 35 mg/kg (Meredith et al.,
1986); threonine, 15 mg/kg (Zhao et al., 1986); and valine, 16 mg/kg (Meguid
et al., 1986b). These new estimates have been challenged on methodologic and
theoretical grounds (Millward and Rivers, 1986) and require further
Studies on requirements for individual essential amino acids in the elderly
are inconsistent. Some suggest that requirements are increased in the elderly;
others indicate that they are decreased (Munro, 1983). In the one study in which
the same methodology and design were applied to the elderly as in a study of
young men, no differences in requirements between age groups were found
(Watts et al., 1964).
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The pattern of requirement for essential amino acids in the elderly is
accepted to be the same as for younger adults.
There is no information on amino acid requirements of pregnant and
lactating women.
The data demonstrate the unsatisfactory state of knowledge concerning
amino acid requirements. The values in Table 6-1 are the best available and
serve as the basis for calculation of amino acid requirement patterns at various
ages and for procedures for the amino acid scoring of diets (see below).
In establishing an RDA for protein, three steps were followed: (1) The
subcommittee first estimated the average requirement for reference proteins
(i.e., highly digestible, high-quality protein such as egg, meat, milk, or fish)
according to sex, age, and reproductive status of women. (2) The standard
deviation of requirement was determined and average requirement values were
increased accordingly to compute the recommended allowance of reference
protein. (3) Amino acid scoring patterns were tabulated. These were based on
requirements of various age groups for essential amino acids and for total
protein. These patterns of requirement were reviewed in relation to U.S. food
consumption patterns to determine if adjustment of the allowance for reference
protein would be warranted in establishing the RDA for protein due to amino
acid composition or protein digestibility of food proteins consumed.
The Requirement for Reference Protein and Its Variability
To determine the protein requirements of young male adults, WHO (1985)
reviewed evidence from both short and long-term nitrogen balance studies. On
the basis of recalculated data from the short-term studies, the international
group proposed a mean requirement of 0.61 g/kg per day for reference protein.
Several relatively long-term studies (58 to 89 days) involving single levels of
protein intake yielded similar estimates of requirement for subjects consuming
egg-protein diets. By averaging the two sets of balance data (i.e., from the long-
and short-term studies), a protein requirement of 0.6 g/kg per day (rounded) was
obtained. This is accepted to be the average daily requirement for reference
proteins. No data were available on the coefficient of variation for long-term
studies, but for short-term studies, the mean coefficient of variation was
estimated to be 12.5%. A value of 25% (2 SDs) above the average
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
requirement would be expected to meet the needs of 97.5% of a normally
distributed population. Thus, 0.75 g/kg per day (0.6 x 1.25) is the recommended
allowance of reference protein for young male adults.
The international group examined the data from several short-term studies
in which men were fed habitual mixed diets of ordinary food. The requirements
were predicted to be 0.54 to 0.99 g/kg per day, the larger estimates deriving
from diets of lower digestibility and quality. The adult requirement for absorbed
protein appears not to differ between reference and practical diets.
There are fewer data for young adult women, but there is evidence
(Calloway and Kurzer, 1982) that requirement values, when adjusted for body
weight, are not substantially different from those for young adult men.
Accordingly, the recommended allowance for reference protein is 0.75 g/kg per
day for both sexes.
The Elderly
The protein content of the adult body diminishes with age. More
specifically, nonmuscle mass is little affected by age, whereas muscle
diminishes extensively and is compensated for by an increase in body fat. These
changes in muscle mass are related to whole-body protein turnover and changes
in the rate of protein synthesis (Uauy et al., 1978a). Muscle protein turnover
accounts for 30% of the total protein turnover in the young adult, but only 20%
of that in the elderly (Munro, 1983). Serum albumin levels and daily albumin
synthesis also decrease in elderly people who consume diets with adequate
protein (Gersovitz et al., 1980).
Questions thus arise concerning the extent to which changes in protein
metabolism affect protein requirements. Dietary protein needs might be
expected to change during the aging process, i.e., to decrease due to lower rates
of turnover, or to increase due to decreased efficiency of absorptive and
metabolic processes and to decreased total food intake associated with reduced
physical activity, or to become more variable due to disease and disability.
There is surprisingly little information on which to base recommendations for
protein intake in the elderly.
The early literature on this subject was reviewed by Irwin and Hegsted
(1971). Only a few studies have been conducted in the more recent past, and
their results are inconsistent. Zanni et al. (1979) concluded that 0.57 g of egg
protein per kilogram of observed body weight (weights were above ideal for
height) was adequate to sustain nitrogen equilibrium at a food energy intake of
30 kcal/kg, whereas Uauy et al. (1978b) found that 0.57 g/kg was insufficient
for nearly all subjects and that needs were only barely met at 0.8 g/kg. According
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
to Gersovitz et al. (1982), 0.8 g of egg protein per kilogram of body weight per
day was insufficient to maintain nitrogen balance in the majority of elderly men
and women studied over a 30-day period, but Cheng et al. (1978) found this
level of protein to be adequate. In both of these studies, body weight was
maintained; however, energy intake was lower in the study by Gersovitz and
colleagues (1982), suggesting that activity patterns may have been different in
the two groups or that nitrogen balance was improved by the higher food energy
intake in the study by Cheng et al. (1978). Variations in activity level, disease
prevalence, and use of therapeutic drugs are all potentially confounding
The recommended allowance for reference protein (0.75 g/kg) is accepted
to be the same for the elderly as for young adults. Because of the difference in
body composition, this allowance is higher per unit of lean body mass and
should allow for some decrement in utilization efficiency.
Additional protein is required during pregnancy for the mother and the
fetus (Hytten and Leitch, 1971). Maternal protein synthesis increases in order to
support expansion of the blood volume, uterus, and breasts, and fetal and
placental proteins are synthesized from amino acids supplied by the mother.
The magnitude of the required increase in dietary intake remains uncertain,
since different methods of estimation yield different figures.
The factorial method of estimating requirements for pregnancy is based on
the amount of protein present in the fetus, placenta, and maternal tissues,
including blood (Hytten and Leitch, 1971). It is calculated that 925 g of protein
is deposited during a pregnancy involving 12.5 kg of maternal weight gain and
an infant weighing 3.3 kg at term. The rate of nitrogen retention is not constant;
for the first through third trimester, nitrogen deposition is estimated to be 0.11,
0.52, and 0.92 g/day, respectively (Table 6-2). Evidence from animal studies
suggests, however, that relatively more protein may be stored during early
gestation and mobilized at later stages of pregnancy (Naismith, 1977; Naismith
and Morgan, 1976). Protein turnover is increased by the twelfth week of
pregnancy (de Benoist et al., 1985); it remains high in the second trimester and
the same (Jackson, 1987) or lower (Fitch and King, 1987) in the third trimester.
(Consequently, increased protein needs during pregnancy may be more uniform
across time than the figures of Hytten and Leitch indicate.
Nitrogen balance data can also be used to estimate protein requirements
during pregnancy. Almost all older balance studies have indicated that more
nitrogen is retained during pregnancy than is
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predicted on the basis of fetal and placental growth and maternal tissue
hypertrophy (Calloway, 1974). In more recent studies (Appel and King, 1979;
Johnstone et al., 1981), nitrogen retentions have been found to be closer to the
theoretical value if allowance is made for unmeasured losses. Nevertheless, data
on changes in body weight and body potassium indicate that nitrogen retention
under laboratory conditions is somewhat greater than can be accounted for only
by the fetus and maternal supportive tissue (Appel and King, 1979; King et al.,
1973). This suggests that protein might be retained at sites other than those now
recognized, for example, in skeletal muscle. This possibility is supported in part
by analyses of animal carcasses (King, 1975).
TABLE 6-2 Derivation of Reference Protein Allowance During Pregnancy
Storage of
Trimester (g/
Storage + 30%
Corrected for
Protein (g/day)
1 0.11 0.14 0.20 1.3
2 0.52 0.68 0.97 6.1
3 0.92 1.20 1.71 10.7
Average over entire pregnancy
From WHO (1985). Assumes 3.3-kg infant birth weight.
Coefficient of variation of birth weight assumed to be 15%
Assumes 70% conversion efficiency of dietary protein to tissue protein.
Total nitrogen x 6.25.
Dietary surveys in developed countries indicate that pregnant women
eating self-selected diets generally consume somewhat larger amounts of
protein than theoretical requirements. Moreover, satisfactory levels of protein
intake tend to be associated with improved reproductive outcome (Higgins et
al., 1973; Lechtig et al., 1975; Metcoff et al., 1981; Osofsky, 1975). However,
such epidemiological data are confounded by the strong dietary correlation
between protein and energy, as well as their metabolic interrelationships.
Despite these discrepancies between factorial and nitrogen balance
estimates of nitrogen gain during pregnancy, the subcommittee concurs with
WHO (1985) that the estimate of requirement should be based on the factorial
method. The coefficient of variation in birth weight is 15%a variance
assigned to all components of pregnancy protein gain. The average storage
value is thus increased by 30% to include the protein gains of virtually all
healthy women during preg
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nancy. These values must be adjusted for the efficiency with which dietary
protein is converted to fetal, placental, and maternal tissues; this is generally
assumed to be 70%the same as efficiency observed in infants. The additional
allowance of reference protein needed to support the deposition of new tissue is
calculated to be 1.3, 6. 1, and 10.7 g/da during the first, second, and third
trimesters of pregnancy, respectively (Table 6-2). There is also a maintenance
requirement associated with the added lean tissue. To allow for this and because
of the uncertainty about the rate of tissue deposition, the subcommittee
recommends an additional allowance of 10 g of reference protein per day
throughout pregnancy.
The average protein (nitrogen x 6.25) content of mature human milk is
approximately 1.1 g/100 ml, except during the first month when it is about 1.3
g/100 ml (WHO, 1985). Analyses of human milk composition in the United
States, based on a study of 40 mothers in the first 4 months of lactation, show a
fall in protein content from 1.36 g/100 ml to 1.12 g/100 ml during this period
(Butte et al., 1984).
The average protein requirement for lactation is estimated from milk
composition and the mean volume of milk produced, which is 750 mil/day,
adjusted for
70% efficiency in the conversion of dietary protein to milk protein.
The coefficient of variation is taken to be 12.5% (WHO, 1985); thus, the
average requirement is increased by 25% to determine the recommended
allowance of a reference protein. The allowance is calculated as follows:
The volume of milk produced in the second 6 months of lactation is about
20% less than in the first 6 months, according to international data (WHO,
1985). No recent data from the United States have been published. If the
international figure is accepted, then the additional allowance in this period is
11.8 g of reference protein per day. The recommended allowance of additional
reference protein is 15 g/day during the first 6 months of lactation and 12 g/day
Infants, Children, and Adolescents
During the first year of life, the protein content of the body increases from
11 to 15% and body weight increases by approximately 7 kg. The average
increase in body
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
protein is about 3.5 g/day during the first 4 months of life and 3.1 g/day during
the subsequent 8 months (Fomon, 1974). By 4 years of age, body protein
content reaches the adult value of 18 to 19% of body weight (Widdowson and
Dickerson, 1963). As the growth rate drops rapidly after the first year of life,
the maintenance requirement represents a gradually increasing proportion of the
total protein requirement.
For the first months of life, requirements are based on intake data because
of the difficulty in accurately estimating allowances for growth and maturation
of body composition. Infants breastfed by healthy, well-nourished mothers or
fed human milk by bottle can grow at a satisfactory rate for about 4 months
(Butte et al., 1984; Ferris et al., 1978; Fomon, 1986). Protein
intakes by
breastfed infants range from 2.43 g/kg per day in the first month to 1.5 1 g/kg
per day in the fourth month, averaging 2.04 g/kg per day in the first 3 months
and 1.73 g/kg per day in the next 3 months (WHO, 1985). Breastfed infants in
the United States grow satisfactorily at a mean protein intake of 1.68 g/kg per
day (total nitrogen x 6.25) during the first 3 months (Butte et al., 1984).
Probability assessment suggests that the true requirement appears to be less than
mean intake; the figure proposed is 1.1 g/kg with a deviation of 0.1 to 0.2 g/kg
(Beaton and Chery, 1988). The subcommittee has, however, accepted an
average intake of 1.68 g/kg per day as the requirement between birth and 3
months of age, the reference being human milk protein. The protein needs of an
infant up to 4 months of age will be met if the energy needs are met, provided
the food is human milk or a formula that contains protein of a quality and
quantity equivalent to that of human milk.
A modified factorial procedure for calculating the protein needs of infants
and children was examined by the WHO group. Values were assigned for a
maintenance requirement, and an increment representing growth, the theoretical
value for which was increased by 50% to allow for marked unevenness of daily
growth rate and the inability of infants and children to store amino acids against
intermittent needs. Efficiency of utilization was accepted to be 70%. These
estimates were compared with data from the few studies of nitrogen balance in
the age group 6 months to 9 years. Neither the factorial nor balance estimates
were consistently higher or lower across age
The figures given for protein are nitrogen X 6.25. Approximately 20% of the
nitrogen in human milk is nonprotein nitrogen (e.g., amino acids, urea, nucleotides),
much of which is assumed to be utilized by the infant, and by convention is calculated as
if it were crude protein.
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groups. Because there are large gaps in the experimental data, the modified
factorial approach was used by the WHO group to estimate needs for all
children. The international values are accepted by this subcommittee in
establishing average requirements for reference protein beyond age 3 months.
Table 6-3 provides examples of the steps involved in the calculations of daily
allowances by the modified factorial approach. The coefficient of variation in
requirements calculated in this manner is assumed to be 12.5%the same as
that established for maintenance requirements in adults. The factorially
determined average requirement is accordingly increased by 25% to derive the
recommended allowance for reference protein.
The tabulated values for reference protein allowances for the various age
and sex groups are listed in Table 6-4. To convert these values to daily
allowances of average U.S. dietary protein, one must examine these values in
relation to the amino acid composition and digestibility of proteins consumed.
Since the requirements of both amino acids and protein differ among age and
sex groups, the quality of protein required to meet these needs will also vary.
Amino Acid Requirement Pattern According to Age
A pattern of requirements for amino acids in the total dietary protein is
calculated by dividing each essential amino acid requirement by the
recommended allowance of reference protein for the given age group (see
Table 6-5).
The requirement pattern for infants is based on quantitative amino acid
requirements (Table 6-1) divided by the reference protein allowance of infants 3
to 4 months of age (1.73 g/kg; Table 6-3)the age at which the studies were
made. WHO (1985) accepted for this age group a pattern based on the average
composition of human milk protein. Both patterns are shown in Table 6-5. The
variation in reported composition of human milk proteins is large, and a
substantial portion of breast milk nitrogen is nonprotein. Given the difficulties
in estimating the factors that affect the patterns, the values are in surprisingly
good agreement. Only for tryptophan is the difference substantial. This
subcommittee concludes that the composition of human milk should be used as
a reference pattern for formulation of human milk substitutes for infants and as
a guide to supplementary feeding of infants through 6 months of age.
The amino acid pattern shown for 2-year-old children should be applied to
children ages 2 to 6, and that shown for children 10 to 12 years should be used
for ages 6 to 13 years. The adult pattern is applicable to children above age 13
and adults. For children above
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TABLE 6-3 Examples of the Derivation of Protein Allowances for Children and Adolescents by a Factorial Procedure
Growth Allowance of Reference
Protein (g/kg per day)
Age Nitrogen
Increment (mg/
kg per day)
Increment x 1.5,
(mg/kg per day)
Increment x 1.5
plus Correction
for Efficiency at
70% (mg/kg per
Maintenance Level
(mg/kg per day)
Total Nitrogen
(mg/kg per day)
Mean + 2 SD
Both sexes
3-5.9 47 70 100 120 220 1.38 1.73
6-11.9 34 51 73 120 193 1.21 1.51
1 16 25 36 119 155 0.97 1.21
5 9 13 19 116 135 0.84 1.05
9 8 12 17 111 128 0.80 1.00
Males, years
12 9 13 19 108 127 0.79 0.98
17 3 5 7 103 110 0.69 0.86
Females, years
12 7 10 14 108 122 0.76 0.95
0 0 0 103 103 0.64 0.80
From WHO (1985: Tables 32-34). These figures are examples of the derivation of requirements at various ages. For methodological details and a complete listing of ages,
consult the WHO report.
Increment for growth.
50% Additional nitrogen increment to allow for daily variation in growth rate and inability to store amino acids to be available when maximum growth occurs.
Assuming a 70% efficiency of dietary protein utilization for growth.
Data from WHO (1985).
High-quality, highly digestible protein such as egg or milk. Protein is total nitrogen x 6.25.
Individual variability. The coefficient of variation for both maintenance and growth was assumed to be 12.5%.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
6 months and less than 2 years of age, a combination of the infant and
preschool child figures should be used to evaluate a total diet. These values and
recommendations are in general agreement with those of WHO (1985).
TABLE 6-4 Recommended Allowances of Reference Protein and U.S. Dietary Protein
Allowance of
Dietary Allowance
Category Age (years)
(g/kg) (g/
Both sexes 0-0.5 6 2.20
2.2 13
0.5-1 9 1.56 1.6 14
1-3 13 1.14 1.2 16
4-6 20 1.03 1.1 24
7-10 28 1.00 1.0 28
Males 11-14 45 0.98 .9 45
15-18 66 0.86 0.8 59
19-24 72 0.75 0.8 58
25-50 79 0.75 0.8 63
51 + 77 0.75 1.0 63
Females 11-14 46 0.94 0.8 46
15-18 55 0.81 0.8 44
19-24 58 0.75 0.8 46
25-50 63 0.75 0.8 50
51 + 65 0.75 50
Pregnancy 1
trimester + 1.3 + 10
trimester + 6.1 + 10
trimester + 10.7 + 10
Lactation 1st 6 months + 14.7 + 15
2nd 6
+ 11.8 + 12
Data from WHO (1985).
Amino acid score of typical U.S. diet is 100 for all age groups, except young infants. Digestibility
is equal to reference proteins. Values have been rounded upward to 0.1 g/kg.
For infants 0 to 3 months of age, breastfeeding that meets energy needs also meets protein needs.
Formula substitutes should have the same mount and amino acid composition as human milk,
corrected for digestability if appropriate.
There are no established amino acid requirements and, hence, no amino
acid patterns for pregnancy and lactation. The international group suggested
that a pattern for the lactating woman's total diet could be developed by
summing the adult protein and additional lactation allowances, calculating the
proportion of each in the total, and applying the adult pattern to its fractional
part (0.72) and the human milk pattern to the other (0.28). Values derived in
this way are, in mg/g of protein: lysine, 3 1; methionine and cystine, 21;
threonine, 19; and tryptophan, 9. A similar calculation is theoretically
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Table 6-5 Amino Acid Requirement Patternsa Compared with the Composition of High-Quality Proteins
and the U.S. Diet
Amino Acid Requirement Pattern by Age Groups.
mg/g protein
Reported Composition, mg/g protein
Infants Children U.S. Diet. by age group
Amino Acid 3-4
~2 years 10-12
Adults Human
Beef' 1-3
Histidine 16 (19)
26 22 27 34
Isoleucine 40 28 28 13 46 54 47 48 54 52
Leucine 93 66 44 19 93 86 95 81 80 77
Lysine 60 58 44 16 66 70 78 89 70 68
Methionine plus
33 25 22 17 42 57 33 40 35 35
plus tyrosine
72 63 22 19 72 93 102 80 81 78
Threonine 50 34 28 9 43 47 44 46 40- 39
Tryptophan 10 11 (9)
51717 14121212
Valine 54 35 25 13 55 66 64 50 50 51
Total without
412 320 222 111 434 490 477 445 429 415
Requirement pattern is calculated from amino acid requirements (Table 6-1) divided by the recommended allowance of reference protein. Protein allowance (in g/kg) is
1.73 for infants 3-4 months of age. 1.10 for children at 2 years of age, 0.99 for children 10-12 years of age, and 0.75 for adults (see Table 16-4). Except for infants, or whom
the difference is trivial, and histidine for adults, patterns are identical with those reported by WHO (1985).
From WHO (1985).
From the 1977-1978 USDA Nationwide Food Consumption (USDA, 1984). Survey
Values in parentheses are imputed.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
possible for pregnancy, but more difficult because of the variety of tissues
and proteins deposited.
Amino Acid Scoring of Dietary Protein Quality
To adjust for amino acid composition, a score is calculated according to
the most limiting amino acid, i.e., the one in greatest deficit for the age group
The amino acid score should be based on the appropriate pattern for age.
Only four essential amino acids are likely to affect the protein quality of mixed
human diets: lysine, the sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine plus
cystine), threonine, and tryptophan. Scoring patterns for all the essential amino
acids (presented in Table 6-5) are important for the formulation of special
purpose diets in clinical practice.
Food consumption data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
(USDA) 1977-1978 and 1985 surveys indicate that 14 to 18% of the total food
energy intake is derived from protein (USDA, 1983, 1986, 1987). Despite wide
variations in food energy intake, this proportion remains similar for both sexes
and all age groups except infants. There is also little change as a function of
household income, urbanization, or race. Food items likely to be underreported
in surveys (e.g., alcoholic beverages, confections) would provide energy but
little protein; hence, the percentage of energy from protein may be
overestimated. Average consumption levels are, however, quite generous: about
50 g/day in preschool children; 70 to 85 g in older children; 90 to 110 g in male
and 65 to 70 g in female adolescents and adults; and 75 to 80 g in men and 55 to
65 g in women over age 65.
Foods of animal origin contribute approximately 65% of the protein in the
USDA survey, with the proportion from the meat and dairy groups varying
somewhat with age (USDA, 1983). Similarly, the data from the second National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) indicate that about
48% of the protein is derived from meat, fish, and poultry; 17% from dairy
products; and 4% from eggs (Block et al., 1985). The importance of grain
products as suppliers of protein is not always realized, particularly in popu
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
lations ingesting diets rich in animal products. Cereal grains supply an average
of 16 to 20% of the total protein intake in the United States.
The amino acid pattern in the diet consumed by children ages 1 to 3 years
and all persons surveyed is given in Table 6-5. The pattern is uniform between
the age groups and meets the requirement pattern levels for all age groups
except infants. The U.S. consumption pattern also meets the provisional pattern
for lactating women. Therefore, no adjustment to the recommended allowance
for reference protein is required for people consuming a typical U.S. diet.
The amino acid score alone may lead to an overestimation of the capacity
of some proteins to meet physiological requirements unless digestibility is taken
into account. When the amino acid score is multiplied by digestibility, it
becomes analogous to the biologically determined net protein utilization (NPU).
The NPU is the product of biological value (comparable to amino acid score)
and true protein digestibility.
Differences in digestibility result from intrinsic differences in the nature of
food protein and the nature of the cell wall, from the presence of other dietary
factors that modify digestion (e.g., dietary fiber, polyphenols such as tannins,
and enzyme inhibitors), and from chemical reactions (e.g., binding of the amino
groups of lysine and cross-linkages), which may affect the release of amino
acids by enzymatic processes. There are few data on the digestibility of specific
amino acids in food proteins, and any differences are not captured in
measurements of overall protein digestibility. Although it is known that there
are differences between the pattern of amino acids in food protein, fecal matter,
and portal blood, it is not now possible to provide finer adjustment than overall
Representative data on the digestibility of some selected proteins are
shown in Table 6-6. A more comprehensive listing of protein digestibility can
be found in reports by Hopkins (1981) and FAO (1970). The true digestibility
of reference proteins is assigned a value of 100 for translating requirements for
reference proteins to recommended levels of intake for ordinary mixtures of
dietary proteins. Since the mixed protein of a typical U.S. diet is shown to be as
well digested as reference proteins, no adjustment for this factor is normally
Adjustment of Allowances for Dietary Quality
Adjustment for exceptional dietary patterns can be made by deriving a
weighted digestibility factor based on the digestibilities of the principal protein
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
sources consumed and an amino acid score based on their contribution of
essential amino acids. Such adjustment would rarely be warranted for the U.S.
population. Shown in Table 6-7 is an example of calculations required to make
an adjustment for an unusual dietone in which the usual consumption pattern
is reversed, i.e., only one-third of the protein from animal sources. A
comparison of the amino acid pattern with the requirement patterns in Table 6-5
shows that lysine is low for the preschool age group and tryptophan is
borderline. The limiting amino acid is lysine, which has a score of 51/58, or
88%. The amino acid pattern meets the requirement patterns of older children
and adults, i.e., the score is 100. The weighted digestibility factor is 92%. Thus,
the protein allowance for a 3-year-old child is 1.1 x 100/88 x 100/92, or 1.4 g/
kg. For older children and adults, an adjustment of the allowance would be
made only for digestibility.
TABLE 6-6 Values for the Digestibility of Protein in Humans
Protein Source
True Digestibility (mean % +
Digestibility Relative to
Reference Proteins
Eggs 100
Milk and cheese
Meat and fish
Maize 85 ± 6 89
Rice, polished 88 ± 4 93
Wheat, whole 86 ± 5 90
Wheat, refined 96 ± 4 101
Oatmeal 86 ± 7 90
Peanut butter 95 100
Soy flour 86 ± 7 90
Beans 78 82
Mixed U.S. diet
From WHO (1985). Apparent protein digestibility is the percentage of nitrogen intake that does
not appear in the feces, i.e., [(I -F) x 100]/I, where I = intake and F = fecal content. Estimates of true
protein digestibility take into account the amount of nitrogen in feces when none is present in the
plus the endogenous or obligatory loss, i.e., [I -(F-F6) x 100]I, where F = obligatory fecal
nitrogen. If F is not measured, 12 mg/kg body weight may be used for the calculation (WHO, 1985).
Recalculated from apparent digestibility, using F = 12 mg of nitrogen per kilogram of body weight.
There is little evidence that muscular activity increases the need for
protein, except for the small amount required for the develop
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
ment of muscles during physical conditioning (Torun Et al., 1977). Vigorous
activity that leads to profuse sweating, such as in heavy work and sports, and
exposure to heat increases nitrogen loss from the skin, but with acclimatization
to a warm environment, the excessive skin loss is reduced and may be partially
compensated by decreased renal excretion (WHO, 1985). In view of the margin
of safety in the RDA, no increment is added for work or training.
TABLE 6-7 Example of Calculations Needed for Adjustment of Protein Allowances
for a Diet with 33%, Animal- and 67% Vegetable-Source Protein
Contribution to Total Protein (mg)
Food Portion
Lysine Sulfur-
Threonine Tryptophan Digestibility
Relative to
Milk 0.18 14 6 8 3 100
Chicken 0.15 12 6 6 2 100
Beans 0.10 7 2 4 1 82
Leaves 0.05 3 1 2 <1 86
Maize 0.42 11 15 15 3 89
Rice 0.10 4 4 3 1 93
1.0 51 34 38 <11 92
Amino acid contributed by the amount of protein from each source per gram of dietary protein
(total nitrogen x 6.25). For example, milk contains 487 mg of lysine per gram of nitrogen or 78 mg
per g protein (total nitrogen X 6.25), and 14 mg of lysine in 0.18 g of protein (total nitrogen x 6.25).
Data from FAO (1970).
Total diet average. Weighted for proportion of protein from each source, i.e., (0.18 x 100) + (0.15
x 100) + (0.10 x 82) + (0.05 x 86) + (0.42 x 69) + (0.10 x 93) = 92%. Data from Table 6-6 and FAO
No added allowance is made here for the usual stresses encountered in
daily living, which can give rise to transient increases in urinary nitrogen output
(Scrimshaw et al., 1966). It is assumed that the subjects of experiments forming
the basis for the requirement estimates are usually exposed to the same stresses
as the population generally.
Extreme environmental or physiological stress increases nitrogen loss
(Cuthbertson, 1964). Infections, fevers, and surgical trauma call result in
substantial nitrogen loss through the urine and greatly increased energy
expenditure. Therefore, severe infections and surgery should be treated as
clinical conditions that require special dietary treatment. During convalescence
from an illness that has led to protein depletion, requirements for both protein
and energy are elevated because of the need to replace wasted tissues, just as they
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
are during periods of rapid growth. Premature infants also require special
consideration with regard to amino acid composition of the formulas and level
of protein intake.
The RDAs for protein are summarized in Table 6-4. After rounding,
allowances are (in g/kg per day): children 1 to 3 years old, 1.2; 4- to 6-year-old
children, 1.1; 7- to 14-year-old children, 1.0; 15- to 18-year-old boys, 0.9; and
all others (except infants), 0.8. The 1980 RDA for infants was 2.2 g/kg during
the first 6 months and 2.0 g/kg for those between 6 and 12 months of age. The
present RDA for the 6- to 12-month age group is somewhat lower, having been
based on newer data on observed intakes of healthy children and theoretical
growth requirements. Human milk or an equivalent substitute (i.e., formula
containing as much protein and a similar amino acid pattern, corrected for
digestibility if warranted) is recommended for infants from birth to 3 months of
age. RDAs for other age and sex groups are essentially the same as the 1980
figures, but the derivation and justification are different, reflecting both new
data and reexamination of older data. Present allowances for pregnancy and
lactation are lower than in 1980: 10 g/day in contrast to 30 g/day in pregnancy,
and 15 g/day rather than 20 g/day in lactation. The revised allowance for
pregnancy is more heavily influenced by theory than by new evidence; the
allowance for lactation is in accord with new information on breast milk
production by women in the United States.
Because the system for disposal of excess nitrogen is efficient, protein
intakes moderately above requirement are believed to be safe. Brenner et al.
(1982) postulated that excess protein intake accelerates the processes that lead
to renal glomerular sclerosis, a common phenomenon of aging. There is
supportive evidence from studies in animals, but not in humans on this point.
Urinary calcium excretion increases with increased protein intake if phosphorus
intake is constant. If phosphorus intake increases with protein intake, as it does
in U.S. diets, the effect of protein is minimized (Hegsted et al., 1981; Schuette
and Linkswiler, 1982). It has been suggested, but not demonstrated, that a
habitual high intake of protein might contribute to osteoporosis. This seems
unlikely based on present evidence, at least for the range of intake by most
people in the United States. Habitual
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
intakes of protein in the United States are substantially above the requirement,
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Osofsky, H.J. 1975. Relationships between nutrition during pregnancy and subsequent infant and
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Pineda, O.B. Torun, F.E. Viteri, and G. Arroyave. 1981. Protein quality in relation to estimates of
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Hopkins, eds. Protein Quality in Humans: Assessment and In Vitro Estimation. AVI
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Rand, W.M., N.S. Scrimshaw, and V.R. Young. 1981. Conventional (''long-term") nitrogen balance
studies for protein quality evaluation in adults: rationale and limitations. Pp. 61-94 in C.E.
Bodwell, J.S. Adkins, and D.T. Hopkins, eds. Protein Quality in Humans: Assessment and
In Vitro Estimation. AV I Publishing, Westport, Conn.
Schuette, S.A., and H.M. Linkswiler. 1982. Effects on Ca and P metabolism in humans by adding
meat, meat plus milk, or purified proteins plus Ca and P to a low protein diet. J. Nutr.
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Scrimshaw, N.S., J.-P. Habicht, M.L. Piche, B. Cholakos, and G. Arroyaye. 1966. Protein
metabolism of young men during university examinations. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 18:321-324.
Solomons, N.W., and L.H. Allen. 1983. The functional assessment of nutritional status: principles,
practice and potential. Nutr. Rev. 41:33-50.
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and dietary protein requirements of young men. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 30:1983-1993.
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Young. 1978a. The changing pattern of whole body protein metabolism in aging humans.
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1976-1989. USDA Agricultural Handbook Series 8.
Foods-Raw, Processed, Prepared. Comparison of Nutrient Data Research. Human
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1983. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-1978.
Food Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-1 . Consumer Nutrition
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutrient
Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-2. Consumer Nutrition
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
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amino acid requirements. Pp. 23-63 in Improvement of Protein Nutriture. Report of the
Committee on Amino Acids, Food and Nutrition Board. National Academy of Sciences,
Washington, D.C.
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Young, V.R., and N.S. Scrimshaw. 1977. Human protein and amino acid metabolism and
requirements in relation to protein quality. Pp. 11-54 in C.E. Bodwell, ed. Evaluation of
Proteins for Humans. AVI Publishing, Westport, Conn.
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Threonine kinetics at graded threonine intakes in young men. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
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Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A designates a group of compounds essential for vision, growth,
cellular differentiation and proliferation, reproduction, and the integrity of the
immune system (Goodman, 1984b; Moore, 1957; Olson, 1984; Sporn et al.,
1984). Retinol, retinaldehyde, and retinoic acid, naturally occurring compounds
with some vitamin A activity, and a large number of synthetic analogs with or
without vitamin A activity are collectively termed retinoids. Retinoids vary
qualitatively as well as quantitatively in vitamin A activity. Dietary retinoic
acid, for example, does not fulfill all the metabolic needs for vitamin A, since it
does not protect against night blindness or reproductive dysfunction. The body's
need for vitamin A can be met by dietary intake of preformed retinoids with
vitamin A activity (usually in animal products) or by consumption of carotenoid
precursors of vitamin A such as ß-carotene, α-carotene, and cryptoxanthin
formed by plants and present in some animal fats.
The structural requirements for vitamin A biological activity are very strict
and apply both to retinoids and to carotenoids (Wolf and Johnson, 1960). Of
more than 500 carotenoids found naturally, only about 50 are precursors of
retinol (i.e., have provitamin A activity) (Isler, 1971; Olson, 1983, 1984). All-
trans ß-carotene is the most active on a weight basis and makes the most
important quantitative contribution to human nutrition (Bauernfeind, 1972;
Moore, 1957; Underwood, 1984)
Preformed vitamin A is present in foods of animal origin mainly as retinyl
ester (Goodman and Blaner, 1984). In the small intestine,
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retinyl esters are hydrolyzed; the products are associated first with lipid
globules and then with bile salt-containing mixed micelles in the upper part of
the small intestine. These mixed micelles contain carotenoids as well as retinol.
However, absorption of retinol and carotenoids, especially ß-carotene, differs in
several ways. For example, in physiological amounts, retinol is more efficiently
absorbed than are most carotenoids, e.g., 70 to 90% compared to 20 to 50%
(Bauernfeind, 1972; Reddy and Sivakumar, 1972). However, carotenoids
present in oils are well absorbed (Rao and Rao, 1970). As the amount ingested
increases, the efficiency of retinol absorption usually remains high (60 to 80%),
whereas carotenoid absorption falls markedly to levels as low as 10% or less
(Bauernfeind, 1972; Olson, 1972).
Absorbed retinol is largely esterified in intestinal mucosal cells and
incorporated into chylomicrons, as is the portion of absorbed ß-carotene and
other biologically active carotenoids that is not cleaved in intestinal cells. Most
absorbed ß-carotene normally is converted to retinol (and then to retinyl esters)
in mucosal cells. The retinyl esters and carotenoids are taken up from the blood
with chylomicron remnants, mainly in the liver by hepatocytes (Blomhoff et al.,
1982; Goodman and Blaner, 1984). Studies in animals have shown that when
liver reserves of vitamin A are adequate, much of the newly absorbed retinol is
transferred from hepatocytes to stellate cells of the liver and stored as retinyl
esters (Blomhoff et al., 1982, 1985). In well-nourished individuals, the storage
efficiency of ingested vitamin A in the liver is more than 50% (Sauberlich et al.,
1974), and the liver contains =90% of the total body stores of the vitamin
(Underwood, 1984). In vitamin A-depleted rats, liver stores are reduced and the
kidneys and other tissues contain an appreciable percentage (10 to 50%) of the
small amount of total body reserve. In humans, carotenoids are deposited more
widely, including localization in adipose tissues and adrenals; relatively small
amounts are found in the liver (Raica et al., 1972).
Retinol circulates in the blood as a 1: 1:1 trimolecular complex with
retinol-binding protein (RBP) and transthyretin (TTR) (Goodman, 1984a). RBP
is released from the liver in combination with retinol, and the holo-RBP
complex combines with TTR in the blood. Subsequently, retinol is slowly
metabolized in the liver to numerous products, some of which are conjugated
with glucuronic acid or taurine, and eliminated in the bile (Sporn et al., 1984).
Of the total retinol metabolized, approximately 70% of the metabolic products
appear in the feces and 30% are excreted in the urine. Almost all these excreted
products are biologically inactive metabolites. For a more detailed review of
retinol metabolism, see Goodman and Blaner (1984).
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General Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency is found most commonly in children under 5 years of
age and is usually due to an insufficient dietary intake. Deficiency also occurs
as a result of chronic fat malabsorption. Prominent clinical signs are ocular, and
rangein increasing severityfrom night blindness and conjunctival xerosis to
corneal xerosis, ulceration, and sometimes liquefaction. Collectively, these
symptoms and signs are referred to as xerophthalmia (Sommer, 1982).
Irreversible corneal lesions associated with partial or total blindness are termed
keratomalacia. Other less specific deficiency signs may include loss of appetite,
hyperkeratosis, increased susceptibility to infections, and metaplasia and
keratinization of epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and other organs.
Although rare in the United States, vitamin A deficiency is a major nutritional
problem in some parts of the nonindustrialized world, causing a number of the
more than 500,000 new cases of active corneal lesions that occur annually in
children (FAO, 1988).
The Nutritional Relationship Between Preformed Vitamin A,
Biologically Active Retinoids, and Carotenoids
Vitamin A activity is often expressed as international units (IU), derived
both from preformed vitamin A and from carotenoids. This has led to
confusion, since the term IU was based on studies that did not take into account
the poor absorption and bioavailability of carotenoids. Solely on the basis of
growth-promoting action in rats under controlled conditions, 1 IU of vitamin A
activity has been defined as equal either to 0.30 µg of all-trans retinol or to 0.60
µg of all-trans ß-carotene. In studies in humans, the same relationship held
when small oral doses of synthetic all-trans retinyl acetate and of synthetic all-
trans ß-carotene were used to cure vitamin A deficiency (i.e., 1 µg of retinol
was equivalent to about 2 µg of ß-carotene) (Sauberlich et al., 1974).
The bioavailability of carotenoids in many foods is not as great as that of
retinol or of pure carotenoid supplements. As noted above, pure carotenoids are
absorbed from the intestine less well than retinol. Furthermore, provitamin A
carotenoids other than ß-carotene yield only half the vitamin A activity of ß-
carotene. On the basis of all these considerations, the assumed relationship
between the biological effectiveness of ß-carotene and retinol was changed, so
that 6 µg of dietary ß-carotene was assumed to be nutritionally equivalent to 1
µg of retinol (FAO/WHO, 1967; NRC, 1980). The vitamin A
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activity in foods is thus currently expressed as retinol equivalents (RE): 1 RE is
defined as 1 µg of all-trans retinol, 6 µg of all-trans ß-carotene, or 12 µg of
other provitamin A carotenoids. This definition of retinol equivalent is now
generally accepted throughout the world (Bieri and McKenna, 1981) and has
been included, together with IU, in the recent revision of Agriculture Handbook
Series 8 of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA, 1976-1989).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The richest sources of preformed retinol are liver and fish liver oils, and
appreciable quantities are also present in whole and fortified milk and in eggs.
Biologically active carotenoids are found in abundance in carrots and in dark-
green leafy vegetables such as spinach (USDA, 1976-1989). Because only a
few carotenoids serve as provitamin A compounds and because many other
yellow and orange carotenoid and other pigments are present in plants, the color
intensity of a fruit or vegetable is not a reliable indicator of its content of
provitamin A. Data from the second (1976-1980) National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES II) indicate that the major contributors of
vitamin A or provitamin A in the U.S. diet are liver, carrots, eggs, vegetable-
based soups, and whole-milk products (Block et al., 1985). Fortified food
products also contribute substantially to the dietary intake of vitamin A in the
United States. In addition, recent surveys indicate that approximately one-third
of the U.S. adult population consumes vitamin supplements regularly, including
vitamin A in doses often meeting or exceeding the 1980 RDAs (McDonald,
1986; Stewart et al., 1985).
In view of the incomplete data on the carotenoid content of foods, it is not
possible to state precisely what percentage of vitamin A activity in the diet is
contributed by carotenoids. With improved methodology, current studies of the
carotenoid content of vegetables should yield more reliable figures (Khachik et
al., 1986).
Using available food composition data, the USDA found the average
vitamin A intake of adult men to be 1,419 RE (USDA, 1986). The
corresponding intakes for adult women and children 1 to 5 years of age were
1,170 RE and 1,049 RE, respectively (USDA, 1987). Less than one-third of
total vitamin A activity in the diets of these groups came from carotenoids.
Recommended Allowances
Estimates of vitamin A intakes have been based on the amounts needed (1)
to correct impaired dark adaptation, abnormal
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electroretinograms, and follicular hyperkeratosis among vitamin A depleted
subjects; (2) to increase the concentration of retinol in the plasma of depleted
subjects to the normal range; and (3) to maintain a normal plasma concentration
of retinol in well-nourished subjects (Rodriguez and Irwin, 1972). Some studies
in humans suggest that at liver storage concentrations above 20 µg/g, an
adequate supply of retinol is available to maintain normal plasma levels and to
meet tissue needs (Amedee-Manesme et al., 1984, 1987, 1988). By contrast,
average liver concentrations were 149 µg/g in specimens obtained from humans
at autopsy (Raica et al., 1972). In a human vitamin A depletion-repletion study,
initial body pools of vitamin A were estimated to range from 315 to 877 mg. At
the time vitamin A deficiency signs appeared, the body vitamin A pool was
reduced by approximately one-half (Sauberlich et al., 1974).
Induced vitamin A depletion and repletion have been conducted only in a
few adult males in two studies. During World War II, Hume and Krebs (1949)
in Sheffield, England, investigated the human requirements for vitamin A.
Vitamin A deficiency symptoms included dryness of skin, impaired dark
adaptation, eye discomfort, and low plasma retinol levels
15 µg/dl). Of the
16 subjects studied, only three had changes in dark adaptation of sufficient
magnitude to serve as a criterion to investigate the curative ability of varying
amounts of retinol or ß-carotene. One subject was given 390 µg of retinol per day
an amount sufficient to improve his dark adaptation but to improve his low
plasma retinol levels only transiently. Supplementation with 780 µg of retinol
per day for 45 days had little further effect on the subject's plasma retinol level
(an initial level of 17 µg/ dl was increased to 21 µg/dl). However, daily retinol
supplements of 7,200 µg returned his plasma retinol level to his initial level of
33 µg/dl and higher.
Two other subjects were repleted with two different levels of ß-carotene.
One received 768 µg daily but did not improve until the dose was increased to
1,500 µg of ß-carotene daily. The other subject, who had a milder vitamin A
deficiency, promptly improved with daily ß-carotene supplements of 1,500 µg.
From the results of the one subject, Hume and Krebs (1949) concluded that a
daily retinol intake of 390 µg represented the minimum protective dose. They
recommended, however, that a daily intake of 750 µg of retinol be considered
as the vitamin A requirement of the adult human. This figure should be raised
by 20% to 900 µg to correct for an error in the conversion factor used in the
analytical measurements of Hume and Krebs (Leitner et al., 1960).
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In the study by Sauberlich et al. (1974), eight volunteer adult males were
depleted of vitamin A. There was considerable variation among them in the
time of occurrence of vitamin A deficiency signs. Abnormal electroretinograms
occurred at plasma retinol levels of 4 to 11 µg/dl and impaired dark adaptation
was observed at plasma retinol levels of 3 to 25 µg/dl, whereas follicular
hyperkeratosis was found at plasma retinol levels of 7 to 37 µg/dl. Plasma
levels below 30 µg/ dl were associated with a mild degree of anemia that
responded only to vitamin A supplementation (Hodges et al., 1978).
Daily retinol supplements of 300 µg partially corrected the abnormal
electroretinograms, whereas supplements of 600 µg/day corrected the condition
completely in one subject and to a great extent in two others. This suggests that
600 µg/day is the minimum physiological need for retinol to prevent eye
changes in adult men. However, the skin lesions failed to clear promptly with
this level of intake. The skin lesions were among the earliest manifestations of
vitamin A deficiency, occurring in some subjects with plasma retinol levels
higher than 30 µg/dl. Hence, maintenance of a plasma retinol level above 30 µg/
dl in adult men appears desirable to prevent vitamin A deficiency
manifestations and to ensure modest body stores of the vitamin.
After 103 days of vitamin A depletion, the plasma vitamin A levels ranged
from 29 to 34 µg/dl. Radioisotopic labeling of the body pool of vitamin A
indicated that the average rate of utilization at this state of depletion was 910 µg
of vitamin A per day (range, 570 to 1,250 µg). This suggests that a daily retinol
intake of 900 µg would maintain a plasma retinol level of 30 µg/dl and provide
a modest body pool of vitamin A in most adult men. For women, the
requirement would be reduced in proportion to body weight.
The amount of ß-carotene necessary to meet the vitamin A requirement of
adult men was approximately twice that of retinol, although in some instances
the amount required appeared to be less than double. A ß-carotene intake of
1,200 µg/day was comparable to a retinol intake of 600 µg/day. The ß-carotene
was provided to the subjects under optimal conditions for absorption (dissolved
in corn oil); under normal dietary states, the bioavailability of ß-carotene (in
vegetables and fruits) would be considerably less.
An international committee (FAO, 1988) analyzed the data obtained in this
study of Sauberlich et al. (1974) and interpreted these results differently. They
calculated the mean dietary intake of retinol required to maintain a minimal
reserve in adult males to be 526 µg/ day. Given the limited number of subjects
in the Sauberlich study,
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the large observed variation in the depletion rate of body stores, and the
assumptions required for the calculation, it is difficult to accept 526 µg/day as a
basis for establishing the allowance for vitamin A. Furthermore, none of the
data provide a valid basis for estimating the population variance of the
requirement of adults or children.
Other earlier studies suggest that the daily vitamin A requirement for adult
men ranges from 750 to 1,200 µg of retinol. For instance, Jeghers (1937)
reported a minimal retinol intake of 1,200 µg/day; Basu and De (1941)
concluded that 900 µg of retinol per day was needed to prevent impaired dark
adaptation in adults; and Wagner (1940) reported that 750 µg of retinol per day
was required to produce visual normality. In a recent population-based study of
Gambian women whose vitamin A intake came almost entirely from provitamin
A carotenoids, Villard and Bates (1987a) found that vitamin A adequacy was
achieved with daily intakes as low as 500 RE. However, the actual provitamin
A activity of dietary carotenoids and the applicability of this study to women in
the U.S. population are uncertain.
Clinical observations, radiometric findings on body pools of vitamin A,
and vitamin A utilization rates suggest that the maintenance of a plasma retinol
level above 20 µg/dl appears to be essential, while a plasma level above 30 µg/
dl would be desirable to ensure modest body stores of the vitamin. These
plasma levels would be associated with utilization rates of vitamin A of 570 to
1,250 µg/day found for the eight adult men in the study of Sauberlich et al.
(1974). Hence, 600 pg of retinol per day represents a minimal intake that would
not necessarily support optimal levels of liver stores of retinol or plasma retinol
Since the data are limited, and the study of Sauberlich et al. (1974)
suggests that the individual requirement for adult men varies considerably, it is
the judgment of the subcommittee that there is no reason to alter the RDA for
adult men from the value of 1,000 RE recommended in the ninth edition of the
RDAs. The RDA for adult women is set at 800 RE on the basis of their lower
body weight.
Healthy elderly Americans (65 years of age and older) ingest the same
average amounts of vitamin A as do other adults (DHEW, 1979; USDA, 1984)
and have normal plasma vitamin A levels (DHEW, 1974; Garry et al., 1987).
Although diseases that adversely affect vitamin A absorption, storage, and
transport may be more common among the elderly than among other age
groups, the vitamin A status of otherwise healthy elderly people does not appear
to require special attention.
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Pregnancy and Lactation
Vitamin A is required for growth, for cellular differentiation, and for the
normal development of fetuses. Most, if not all, vitamin A transferred to the
fetus is derived from holo-RBP in maternal plasma. The median retinol
concentration in fetal liver is low ( 25 µg/g) and does not increase appreciably,
even when the mother is given vitamin A supplements (Wallingford and
Underwood, 1986). During the last trimester, the total body pool of vitamin A
in the fetus increases only by approximately 1.3 mg (Montreewasuwat and
Olson, 1979). In contrast, the total body pool would be 209 mg in a 63-kg
woman whose liver contains a vitamin A concentration of 100 µg/g (Mitchell et
al., 1973; Raica et al., 1972). If the mean fetal utilization of vitamin A for the
last 13 weeks (91 days) were 200 µg/day, 18 mg of vitamin A, or only 9% of
the total mean maternal stores, would be required. For most women in our
society, therefore, no increment of vitamin A intake is necessary during
The range of vitamin A in human milk from well-nourished women in the
United States and Europe is about 0.4 to 0.7 µg of retinol per mililitter
(Wallingford and Underwood, 1986). If the mean daily milk volume is 750 ml,
the daily secretion of vitamin A in the milk would be 300 to 525 µg. Over a 6-
month period, 54 to 95 mg of vitamin A would be secreted, i.e., 26 to 45% of
the total mean maternal reserve of 209 mg. To maintain maternal liver reserves,
account for normal variation in milk volume, and provide a margin of safety,
therefore, a daily increment of 500 RE is recommended during the first 6
months of lactation. Inasmuch as the mean daily human milk volume falls to
600 ml after 6 months, a daily increment of 400 RE should suffice during this
later period. The efficiency with which vitamin A ingested by a well-nourished
mother is transferred to the milk is not readily defined. In vitamin A-depleted
lactating women and those chronically ingesting low intakes, however, dietary
supplements increase the concentration of vitamin A in the milk
(Venkatachalam et al., 1962; Villard and Bates, 1987b).
Infants and Children
As noted above, the milk of well-nourished U.S. and European women
contains 40 to 70 µg/dl retinol and 20 to 40 µg/dl of carotenoids (mainly as ß-
carotene). In terms of retinol equivalents, carotenoids contribute approximately
10% of the vitamin A value of milk. If a retinol concentration of 40 µg/dl and a
milk consumption of 750 ml/day are accepted as adequate, the intake of vitamin
A for an infant would be 300 µg of retinol per day. The coefficient of variation
in the vitamin A content of human milk is
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
48% (Gebre-Medhin et al., 1976). The relevance of this variance to the actual
requirement of the infant is unclear, primarily because signs of vitamin A
deficiency, and reduced growth rate are not generally apparent in children
receiving as little as 100 to 200 µg of retinol a day (Batista, 1969; Patwardhan,
1969; Reddy, 1971) and because infants who are breastfed by well-nourished
women in the United States (do not show signs of vitamin A deficiency. Thus, a
daily intake of 375 µg of retinol (300 µg + 2 SDs) seems sufficient to meet the
needs of essentially all healthy infants.
Because the need for vitamin A during rapid growth greatly exceeds that
for the maintenance of adequate reserves in adults (Underwood, 1984), the
RDA remains relatively constant as the growth rate falls but the body weight
increases. In the absence of specific data on the needs of children, the retinol
allowance of 375 µg seems adequate from birth to about 1 year of age.
Thereafter, RDA values are extrapolated to the adult level on the basis of body
weight. Allowances of 400, 500, and 700 RE daily are recommended for the age
groups of 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 10 years, respectively, with no distinction
between males and females.
The 11- to 14-year group and older age groups are considered separately
by sex because of differences in lean body mass that occur during this period of
development and the different hormonal influences on blood values of the
vitamin independent of vitamin A status (Pilch, 1987). Recommended intakes
during the adolescent years are similar to those for adults.
Other Factors Affecting Recommended Allowances
The absorption and utilization of carotenoids and vitamin A are enhanced
by dietary fat, protein, and vitamin E, and are depressed by the presence of
peroxidized fat and other oxidizing agents in the food. The absorption of
carotenoids and vitamin A is markedly reduced when diets contain very little =5
g/day) fat. At low carotenoid intakes, conversion of ß-carotene to retinol may,
however, be more efficient. Deficiencies of a variety of other nutrients,
including protein, a-tocopherol, iron, and zinc, also adversely affect vitamin A
transport, storage, and utilization. (For review and references, see Underwood,
The ability of retinoids to prevent, suppress, or retard some experimentally
produced cancers at sites such as the skin, bladder, and breast in animal models
is well established. However, neither intake of foods rich in preformed vitamin
A nor concentration of retinol in plasma appears to be associated with the risk
of any type of cancer
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
in humans (NRC, 1989). On the other hand, most carotenoids, unlike vitamin A,
trap free radicals (Burton and Ingold, 1984) and quench singlet oxygen, which
can cause neoplastic changes in cells. Because only about 10% of carotenoids in
nature show provitamin A activity, any anticancer effects that carotenoids
possess might be related more to their rather unique antioxidant or other
properties than to their conversion into vitamin A (Bendich and Shapiro, 1986;
Olson, 1986; NRC, 1989). This possibility is supported by a report that the
ingestion of carrots and squash was not associated with any protection against
neoplasia, whereas the intake of tomatoes, containing some ß-carotene but
mainly lycopene with no provitamin A activity, was protective (Colditz et al.,
1985). In addition, a recent epidemiological study correlated the dietary intake
of carotenoid-rich vegetables with a lowered risk of lung cancer among white
men in New Jersey (Ziegler et al., 1986). This subject has been reviewed in the
National Research Council reports on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer (NRC, 1982)
and Diet and Health (NRC, 1989). At this time, it is not possible to draw any
conclusions about how this information relates to setting RDAs for vitamin A,
but it does suggest that a generous intake of carotenoid-rich foods may be of
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
When ingested in very high doses, either acutely or chronically, preformed
vitamin A causes many toxic manifestations, including headache, vomiting,
diplopia, alopecia, dryness of the mucous membranes, desquamation, bone
abnormalities, and liver damage (Bauernfeind, 1980). Signs of toxicity usually
appear only with sustained daily intakes, including both foods and supplements,
exceeding 15,000 µg of retinol (50,000 IU) in adults and 6,000 µg of retinol
(20,000 IU) in infants and young children (Bauernfeind, 1980). These doses are
more than 10 times higher than the RDA and usually cannot be obtained from
foods, except by the sustained ingestion of large amounts of liver or fish liver
oils, which are particularly rich in vitamin A.
A high incidence ( 20%) of spontaneous abortions and of birth defects,
including malformations of the cranium, face, heart, thymus, and central
nervous system, has been observed in the fetuses of women ingesting
therapeutic doses (0.5 to 1.5 mg/kg) of 13-cis retinoic acid (isotretinoin) during
the first trimester of pregnancy (Lammer et al., 1985). Large daily doses of
retinyl esters or retinol ( 6,000 RE or 20,000 IU) may cause similar
abnormalities (Costas et al., 1987; Miller et al., 1987; Stange et al., 1978).
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A single oral dose of 60 mg of retinol in oil (60,000 RE or 200,000 IU) is
well tolerated by children and has been successfully used prophylactically in
preschool Asian children (Bauernfeind, 1980). Transient symptoms of acute
toxicity with no lasting effects have, however, occurred in 1 to 3% of children
given the high dose supplement (WHO, 1982). Single doses of vitamin A up to
300 mg (300,000 RE or 1 million IU) administered to adults have resulted in
only minor, transient toxic signs (Olson, 1983)
Carotenoids, even when ingested in very large amounts for weeks to years,
are not known to be toxic (Bauernfeind, 1980; Miller et al., 1987; Olson, 1983).
The main reasons for their lack of toxicity are their markedly reduced efficiency
of absorption at high doses and relatively limited conversion to vitamin A in the
intestine, liver, and other organs (Brubacher and Weiser, 1985). On the other
hand, carotenoids taken in large doses for several weeks are absorbed well
enough to color the adipose tissue stores, including the subcutaneous fat. Thus,
the skin, especially the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, appears
yellow. This coloration gradually disappears when the high intake is
discontinued. For food products containing large quantities of carotenoids, it
would be advisable in nutritional labeling to distinguish between retinol, which
in large amounts is toxic, and carotenoids, which are not.
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Vitamin D (calciferol) is essential for the proper formation of the skeleton
and for mineral homeostasis. Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light catalyzes
the synthesis of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from 7-dehydrocholesterol. The
other major form of the vitamin, D2 (ergocalciferol), is the product of the
ultraviolet light-induced conversion of ergosterol in plants. The effectiveness of
exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light in curing or preventing rickets was
shown early in the twentieth century (Chick et al., 1923).
General Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is characterized by inadequate mineralization of the
bone. In children, severe deficiency results in deformation of the skeleton
(rickets). In the adult, vitamin D deficiency leads to undermineralization of the
bone matrix osteoid; the resulting hypocalcemia is accompanied by secondary
hyperthyroidism that can lead to excessive bone loss and, in the extreme, bone
fractures (osteomalacia) (Nordin, 1973). The prolonged periods required to
produce vitamin D deficiency in animals and humans is attributed to the slow
release of vitamin D-related steroids from fat depots and skin.
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Because milk and other foods are fortified with vitamin D, rickets is very
rare in many countries. However, vitamin D deficiency occurs in some infants
who are breastfed without supplemental vitamin D or exposure to sunlight
(Edidin et al., 1980; Hayward et al., 1987), in the elderly (Egmose et al., 1987;
Omdahl et al., 1982; Reid et al., 1986), and in people with vitamin D
malabsorption (Rosen and Chesney, 1983). Abnormalities in calcium
homeostasis and bone metabolism can also occur when the conversion of
vitamin D to biologically active forms is compromised due to disease states. For
example, rickets and osteomalacia are often found in patients with kidney
failure (Haussler and McCain, 1977).
The Dietary Essentiality of Vitamin D
The vitamin D requirement of humans can be met if their skin is exposed
to a sufficient amount of sunlight or artificial ultraviolet radiation. The amount
of vitamin D synthesized by this means is dependent on the area of skin
exposed, the time of exposure, and the wavelength of the ultraviolet light
impinging on the skin. Practical considerations are the latitude of the person's
residence and the season of the year (Lawson, 1980; Webb et al., 1988).
Exposure to sunlight can be further limited by customs of dress and by the
institutionalization and extensive indoor residency of the ill and aged. The
character of the skin also influences the efficiency of vitamin D3 synthesis.
Compared to lighter skin, skin with high melanin content requires a much
longer exposure to ultraviolet light to achieve the same degree of synthesis
(Clemens et al., 1982). The capacity of skin to synthesize vitamin D
in the
elderly is approximately half that of younger people (Webb et al., 1988). Given
the many factors that can affect the magnitude of ultraviolet light-dependent
synthesis of vitamin D3, vitamin D should be considered an essential dietary
Biochemistry and Metabolism
The biochemistry and metabolism of vitamin D have been extensively
reviewed (DeLuca, 1988; Fraser, 1988). Among the metabolites of vitamin D
are 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D, or calcidiol], which is formed in the liver
and further hydroxylated in the kidney to yield 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25
(OH)2D, or calcitriol], and 24, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D [24,25(OH)2D]. In
addition to ensuring adequate absorption of calcium, 1,25(OH)
D contributes to
plasma calcium regulation by increasing bone resorption synergistically with para
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thyroid hormone and stimulating the reabsorption of calcium by the kidney.
Dietary vitamin D is readily absorbed from the small intestine and
transported in chylomicrons to the liver, where conversion to 25(OH)D takes
place (DeLuca, 1979). Vitamin D from the liver and vitamin D synthesized in
the skin are transported in the blood largely bound to a vitamin D-binding
protein and albumin, as are 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D. The liver is the major
site of vitamin D deactivation. Some of the metabolites of the vitamin excreted
in bile are reabsorbed, but this process contributes little to the maintenance of
vitamin D status.
Vitamin D status is reflected primarily by the concentrations of 25(OH)D
and 1,25(OH)2D in the blood. In surveys of large groups of healthy people, the
mean value of 25(OH)D ranges from approximately 25 to 30 ng/ml (Rosen and
Chesney, 1983). The concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D range from 18 to 60 pg/ml
of plasma in normal children and between 15 to 45 pg/ml in healthy adults.
Despite the wide range of normal values, there is no seasonal variation in
plasma 1,25(OH)2D (Chesney et al., 1981); this implies tight regulation.
One international unit (IU) of vitamin D is defined as the activity of 0.025
µg of cholecalciferol in bioassays with rats and chicks. Thus, the biological
activity of cholecalciferol is 40 IUg. The activity of 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)
2D are approximately 1.5 and 5 times, respectively, greater than that of vitamin
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
In the United States, foods fortified with vitamin D are a major dietary
source of the vitamin.
Processed cow's milk, which contains 10 µg of
cholecalciferol (400 IU) per quart, contributes most of the vitamin ingested by
children. Infant formulas are fortified with the same amount as milk. Human
milk contains 0.63 to 1.25 µg of cholecalciferol per liter (Reeve et al., 1982;
Tsang, 1983). The usual solid food sources are eggs, butter, and fortified
margarine. The vitamin is stable in foods. Storage, processing, and cooking do
not appear to affect its activity.
In the United States, the usual dietary intake has been estimated primarily
for infants and children. Calculations based on reference
Vitamin D occurs as cholecalcifel or ergocalciferol in foods and fortified food
products. Since the chemical forms are generally not separately identified, the vitamin 1)
content of foods and dietary intakes are given in micrograms of cholecalciferol for
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
infants and the data of Fomon (1974) indicate that daily intakes of vitamin D
from formula are 6.75µg of cholecalciferol for the infant from birth to 3 months
of age and 8.5µg of cholecalciferol at 4 to 6 months. In contrast, the average
breastfed reference newborn receives only 0.38 to 0.75µg of cholecalciferol per
day from 750 ml of human milk (AAP, 1985; Reeve et al., 1982). Children
drinking three 8-oz glasses of milk daily consume about 7.g of
cholecalciferol plus a small amount in other foods. Data from the USDA show
that the average adult male ingested 2.g of cholecalciferol from milk (USDA,
1986), whereas females consumed 1.g (USDA, 1987). Omdahl et al. (1982)
reported that a population of 60- to 93-year-old subjects had a median dietary
intake of 1.35µg of cholecalciferol (females) and 1.95µg of cholecalciferol/day
(males); 15% of the total study population, especially women, had plasma 25
(OH)D levels suggestive of deficiency.
Recommended Allowances
Establishing an RDA for vitamin D is difficult because exposure to
sunlight results in synthesis of vitamin D by the skin. People regularly exposed
to sunlight, under appropriate conditions, have no dietary requirement for
vitamin D. However, since a substantial proportion of the U.S. population is
exposed to very little sunlight, especially during certain seasons (Stryd et al.,
1979), a dietary supply is needed.
Data to assess vitamin D requirements of adults are limited. Dent and
Smith (1969) summarized studies of seven adult females living in the United
Kingdom and suffering from nutritional osteomalacia due to vitamin D
deficiency. They were either strict vegetarians or had unusual diets that rigidly
excluded most fats. In all the patients, vitamin D intake was estimated to be
below 1.75 µg (70 IU) per day and small additional amounts of vitamin D
resulted in improved calcium utilization. On the basis of these studies and other
observations on similar patients, Dent and Smith suggested that the adult
vitamin D requirement was about 2.5 µg (100 IU) per day.
The relative paucity of recent controlled studies in humans and the lack of
data on the variability of vitamin D requirements have led this subcommittee to
keep the RDA for vitamin D for adults beyond 24 years of age at 5 µg (200 IU)
the same level recommended in 1980. It seems likely that this is a generous
allowance. Data from USDA's 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption
Survey indicate that 1.25 to 1.75 µg/day (50 to 70 IU) is the usual dietary intake
in the United States (USDA, 1983). Presumably, vitamin D
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stores are enriched in most people by regular exposure to sunlight, at least
during certain times of the year. Clinical nutritional osteomalacia appears to be
rare in the United States.
Pregnancy, and Lactation
It has not been determined whether or not there is an increased need for
vitamin D during pregnancy, but since calcium is deposited in the growing
fetus, a daily increment of 5 µg (200 IU) is recommended for women beyond 24
years of age. Although only small amounts of vitamin D are secreted in human
milk, an increment of 5 µg (200 IU) per day is recommended for lactating
women beyond age 24 because of the importance of maintaining calcium
balance. The vitamin D RDA for both pregnant and lactating women of all ages
is 10 µg/day (400 IU).
Infants and Children
Several reports have questioned whether human milk contains sufficient
vitamin D to prevent rickets in the absence of exposure to sunlight (Finberg,
1981; Greer and Tsang, 1983; Tsang, 1983). In full-term infants fed human
milk, bone mineral content, total and ionized calcium in serum, and serum
phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase values were similar to those in a
comparison group fed infant formula containing 10 µg (400 IU) of vitamin D
per quart, but serum 25(OH)D concentrations were lower in the babies fed
human milk (Roberts et al., 1981). In a randomized, double-blind study, bone
mineral content was less in babies fed human milk without supplemental
vitamin D than in those who received 10 µg/day (400 IU) (Greer et al., 1982).
In a study of premature infants, 2.5 µg (100 IU) of vitamin D daily was
associated with rickets and abnormalities in alkaline phosphatase activity in
some infants (Glaser et al., 1949); however, these abnormalities may have been
due to dietary mineral deficiency (Steichen et al., 1981). To provide a margin of
safety, the RDA is set at 7.5 µg (300 IU) for infants from birth to 6 months of
age. Breastfed infants who are not exposed to sunlight should receive a daily
supplement of 5 to 7.5 µg (200 to 300 IU).
The allowance for children older than 6 months of age has been set at 10
µg (400 IU) because of their increased body mass. Because peak bone mass is
not achieved before the third decade, this allowance is recommended through
age 24 years. This amount should be readily achievable at current levels of
vitamin D fortification of foods.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Vitamin D is potentially toxic, especially for young children. The effects
of excessive vitamin D intake include hypercalcemia and hy
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
percalciuria (Haussler and McCain, 1977), leading to deposition of calcium in
soft tissues and irreversible renal and cardiovascular damage. Although the
toxic level has not been established for all ages, consumption of as little as 45
µg (1,800 IU) of cholecalciferol per day has been associated with signs of
hypervitaminosis D in young children (AAP, 1963). Since the toxic level of
vitamin D may in some cases be only 5 times the RDA, and there is evidence
that sunlight-stimulated production of the vitamin is active throughout the warm
months, dietary supplements may be detrimental for the normal child or adult
who drinks at least two glasses of vitamin D-fortified milk per day (AAP, 1963).
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1963. The prophylactic requirement and the toxicity of
vitamin D. Pediatrics 31:512-525.
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Composition of Human Milk; Normative Data.
Appendix K. Pp. 363-368 in Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Chesney, R.W., J. Zimmerman, A. Hamstra, H.F. DeLuca, and R.B. Mazess. 1981. Vitamin D
metabolite concentrations in vitamin D deficiency. Are calcitriol levels normal? Am. J.
Dis. Child. 135:1025-1028.
Chick, H., E.J. Dalyell, E.M. Hume, H.M.M. Mackay, H.H. Smith, and H. Wimberger. 1923.
Studies of rickets in Vienna, 1919-1922. Medical Research Council Special Report Series,
No. 77. Medical Research Council, London.
Clemens, T.L., S.L. Henderson, J.S. Adams, and M.F. Holick. 1982. Increased skin pigment reduces
capacity of skin to synthesize vitamin D3. Lancet 1:74-76.
DeLuca, H.F. 1979. Vitamin D. Metabolism and Function. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 80 pp.
DeLuca, H.F. 1988. The vitamin D story: a collaborative effort of basic science and clinical
medicine. FASEB J. 2:224-236.
Dent, C.E., and R. Smith. 1969. Nutritional osteomalacia. Quart. J. Med. 38:195-209.
Edidin, D.V., L.L. Levitsky, W. Schey, N. Dumbovic, and A. Campos. 1980. Resurgence of
nutritional rickets associated with breast-feeding and special dietary practices. Pediatrics
Egsmose, C., B. Lund, P. McNair, B. Lund, T. Storm, and O.H. Srensen. 1987. Low serum levels of
25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in institutionalized old people:
influence of solar exposure and vitamin D supplementation. Age Ageing 16:35-40.
Finberg, L. 1981. Human milk feeding and vitamin D supplementation1981. J. Pediatr.
Fomon, S.J. 1974. Infant Nutrition, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Fraser, D.R. 1988. Calcium-regulating hormones: vitamin D. Pp. 27-41 in B.E.C. Nordin, ed.
Calcium in Human Biology. Springer-Verlag, London.
Glaser, K., A.H. Parmelee, and W.S. Hoffman. 1949. Comparative efficacy of vitamin D
preparations in prophylactic treatment of premature infants. Am. J. Dis. Child. 77:1-14.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Greer, F.R., and R.C. Tsang. 1983. Vitamin D in human milk: is there enough? J. Pediatr.
Gastroenterol. Nutr. 2:S227-S28 1.
Greer, F.R., J.E. Searcy, R.S. Levin, J.J. Steichen, P.S. Steichen-Asche, and R.C. Tsang. 1982. Bone
mineral content and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in breast-fed infants with
and without supplemental vitamin D: one year followup. J. Pediatr. 100:919-922.
Haussler, M.R., and T.A. McCain. 1977. Basic and clinical concepts related to vitamin 1
metabolism and action. N. Engl. J. Med. 297:1041-1050.
Hayward, I, M.T. Stein, and M.I. Gibson. 1987. Nutritional rickets in San Diego. Am. J. Dis. Child.
Lawson, D.E.M. 1980. Metabolism of vitamin D. Pp. 93-126 in A.W. Norman, ed. Vitamin D:
Molecular Biology and Clinical Nutrition. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Nordin, B.E.C. 1973. Metabolic Bone and Stone Disease. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 309
Omdahl, J.L., P.J. Garry, L.A. Hunsaker, W.C. Hunt, and J.S. Goodwin. 1982. Nutritional status in a
healthy population: vitamin D. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:1225-1233.
Reeve, L.E., R.W. Chesney, and H.F. DeLuca. 1982. Vitamin 1 of human milk: identification of
biologically active forms. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:122-126.
Reid, I.R., D.J. Gallagher, and J. Bosworth. 1986. Prophylaxis against vitamin D deficiency in the
elderly by regular sunlight exposure. Age Ageing 15:35-40.
Roberts, C.C., G.M. Chan, D. Folland, C. Rayburn, and R. Jackson. 1981. Adequate bone
mineralization in breast-fed infants. J. Pediatr. 99:192-196.
Rosen, J.F., and R.W. Chesney, 1983. Circulating calcitriol concentrations in health and disease. J.
Pediatrics 103:1-17.
Steichen, J.J., R.C. Tsang, F.R. Greer, M. Ho, and G. Hug. 1981. Elevated serum 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations in rickets of very low-birth-weight infants. J. Pediatr.
Stryd, R.P., T.J. Gilbertson, and M. N. Brunden. 1979. A seasonal variation study of 25-
hdydroxyvitamin D3 serum levels in normal humans. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.
Tsang, R.C. 1983. The quandary of vitamin D in the newborn infant. Lancet 1: 1370-1372.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1983. Table 2A-1.1 Milk, milk products; eggs; legumes,
nuts, sees. Average intake per individual per day, 1977-78. Pg. 126 in Nationwide Food
Consumption Survey 1977-78. Food Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78.
Report No. 1-1. Consumer Nutrition Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Webb, A.R., L. Kline, and M. F. Holick. 1988. Influence of season and latitude on the cutaneous
synthesis of vitamin D 3: exposure to winter sunlight in Boston and Edmonton will not
promote vitamin D3: synthesis in human skin. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 67:373-378.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
A requirement for vitamin E has been shown for most animal species,
especially when a vitamin E-deficient diet is fed early in life. The primary signs
of deficiency are reproductive failure, muscular dystrophy, and neurological
abnormalities. Not until 40 years after its discovery in 1922, however, did
evidence became convincing that humans also required vitamin E (Hassan et
al., 1966; Oski and Barness, 1967). More recently, it has become apparent that
deficiency occurs only in two classes of subjects: (1) premature, very low birth
weight infants in whom low plasma vitamin E levels have been associated with
some, but not all, of their medical problems (Anonymous, 1988; Bieri et al.,
1983; Farrell, 1980) and (2) patients who, for a variety of reasons, do not absorb
fat normally. In children, malabsorption associated with a variety of congenital
conditionscystic fibrosis, biliary atresia and other disorders of the
hepatobiliary system, and lipid transport abnormalities as in abetalipoproteinemia
can produce severe neurological defects (Elias et al., 1981; Guggenheim et
al., 1982; Kelleher et al., 1987; Muller, 1986). In adults, the malabsorption must
persist for 5 to 10 years before subtle signs of deficiency, primarily
neurological, appear (Jeffrey et al., 1987; Sokol, 1984).
Occurrence and Biological Activity
Two groups of compounds found in plant materials have vitamin E
biological activity in widely varying degrees. The most important group, the
tocopherols, is characterized by a ring system and a long, saturated side chain.
There are four members of this group: the α-, ß-, γ-, and δ-tocopherols, which
differ only in the number and position of methyl groups on the ring. The second
group, the tocotrienols, differ from the tocopherols by having an unsaturated
side chain. The most active form of vitamin E, α-tocopherol, is also the most
widely distributed in nature.
Biological activity has been determined from various animal assays, and
the values are assumed to apply to humans. If the activity of ß-tocopherol is
designated as 100, the relative activities of the nutritionally important other
compounds are ß-tocopherol, 25-50; γ-tocopherol, 10-35; and ß-tocotrienol, 30
(the range is due to different types of assays) (Bunyan et al., 1961; Dillard et al.,
When α-tocopherol was first synthesized, the synthetic material was found
to have a slightly lower biological activity than the α-tocopherol isolated from
plants. This is because the molecule has several asym
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metric centers that give rise to stereoisomers when synthesized. Synthetic α-
tocopherol is a mixture of eight isomers, whereas the natural α-tocopherol has
only one isomer. The nomenclature can be confusing, but international
agreement has specified that natural α-tocopherol should be designated RRR-α-
tocopherol (formerly termed d-α-tocopherol) and the synthetic compound
should be designated all-rac-α-tocopherol (formerly dl-α-tocopherol)
(Anonymous, 1987). The activity of 1 mg of the acetate form of this latter
compound has been defined as equivalent to 1 IU of vitamin E. According to
the U.S. Pharmacopoeia, the relative activity of all-rac-α-tocopherol is set at
74% of the activity of RRR-α-tocopherol (see Diplock, 1985, for a discussion).
For dietary purposes, vitamin E activity is expressed as RRR-α-tocopherol
equivalents (α-TEs). One α-TE is the activity of 1 mg of RRR-α-tocopherol. To
estimate the total α-TEs of mixed diets containing only natural forms of vitamin
E, multiply the number of milligrams of α-tocopherol by 0.5, the milligrams of
γ-tocopherol by 0.1, and the milligrams of ß-tocotrienol by 0.3. If all-rac-α-
tocopherol is present, the number of milligrams should be multiplied by 0.74.
Function and Metabolism
Tocopherols are known chemically as antioxidants, i.e., they prevent
propagation of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids by trapping peroxyl free
radicals. It is widely accepted that this is the basic function of vitamin E in
animal tissues, where tocopherol is found in cellular membranes associated with
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in phospholipids. In vitamin E deficiency,
the oxidation of PUFA is more readily propagated along the membrane, leading
to cell damage and eventually symptoms, mainly neurological. Vitamin E is the
primary defense against potentially harmful oxidations. This defense system is
also aided by two other essential nutrients-selenium, as a component of the
enzyme glutathione peroxidase (Hoekstra, 1974), and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
Absorption of α-tocopherol is relatively inefficient, ranging from 20 to
80% in various studies. Normal bile secretion and normal pancreatic function
are essential for tocopherol absorption (Gallo-Torres, 1980). Efficiency of
absorption appears to decline as the dose increases; probably the small amounts
consumed with each meal are absorbed to a greater extent than the larger
amounts used in absorption tests. Tocopherol is secreted into the lymph in
chylomicrons, taken up into the liver with chylomicron remnants, and
subsequently secreted into the blood in very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs)
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(Traber et al., 1988). As VLDLs are metabolized, tocopherol is transferred to
low density lipoproteins (LDLs) and high density lipoproteins (HDLs) (Traber
et al., 1988). In women, HDLs appear to carry more tocopherol than does LDL
(Behrens et al., 1982).
Tissues take up a-tocopherol from the lipoproteins by a process not clearly
understood. Binding proteins for α-tocopherol have been found in liver
(Catignani, 1975) and erythrocytes (Kitabchi and Wimalesena, 1982). Liver has
relatively high concentrations of tocopherol, but tissues with greater lipid
content, e.g., adrenals, have higher concentrations. When expressed on the basis
of lipid content, most tissues have similar concentrations (Quaife and Dju, 1949).
Blood concentrations of total tocopherols in normal adult men and women
range from 0.5 to 1.2 mg/dl. Since children were found to have somewhat lower
values (mean plasma concentration of 0.53 ± 0.13 mg/dl), a different standard
for evaluation should be used (Levine et al., 1976). Because α-tocopherol is
carried by lipoproteins, the plasma lipid content can influence the tocopherol
concentration. In addition to absolute concentration, Horwitt et al. (1972)
recommended that plasma vitamin E also be expressed on the basis of total
plasma lipids. For practical purposes, the sum of plasma cholesterol and
triglycerides is as good as total lipids (Thurnham et al., 1986). α-Tocopherol is
found in the red cell membrane, where it exists in equilibrium with plasma α-
tocopherol. When plasma vitamin E is considerably below normal, red cells
become susceptible to excessive hemolysis (Leonard and Losowsky, 1971).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The tocopherol content of foods varies greatly, depending on processing,
storage, and preparation procedures during which large losses may occur
(Bauernfeind, 1980; Dicks, 1965). The richest sources in the U.S. diet are the
common vegetable oils (such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and safflower) and
the products made from them (such as margarine and shortening) (USDA,
1984). Some of these oil products have more γ-tocopherol than α-tocopherol,
and smaller amounts of the other tocopherols. Wheat germ is high in vitamin E,
as are nuts. Meats, fish, animal fats, and most fruits and vegetables have little
vitamin E (Bauernfeind, 1980), whereas green leafy vegetables supply
appreciable amounts of this nutrient.
The vitamin E content of diets varies widely, depending primarily on the
type and amount of fat present (i.e., animal or vegetable) and on losses that may
occur during processing and cooking. Analyses of balanced adult diets ranging
from 2,000 to 3,000 kcal per day in
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
dicated that the average daily intakes of α-TEs range from 7 to 11 mg (Bieri and
Evarts, 1973; Bunnell et al., 1965; Horwitt, 1974; Witting and Lee, 1975). In
1985, the reported vitamin E intake among men 19 to 50 years of age in the
United States (based on a 1-day recall) averaged 9.8 mg of α-TEs (USDA,
1986). The corresponding figures for women 19 to 50 years of age and their
children 1 to 5 years of age (collected over 4 nonconsecutive days) were 7.1 and
5.5 mg of α-TEs, respectively (USDA, 1987). Estimates of intake should be
averaged over many days because of the wide daily variation (Witting and Lee,
PUFA-Vitamin E Relationship
The requirement for vitamin E in animals increases when PUFA intake
increases (Dam, 1962; Horwitt, 1962), and there is evidence that this is also true
in humans (Horwitt, 1960, 1974). In extreme situations, the need for α-
tocopherol may vary from as little as 5 mg to more than 20 mg/day.
Attempts have been made to specify a fixed ratio of dietary RRR-α-
tocopherol to PUFA, but this has not been completely satisfactory. The
tocopherol requirement for the prevention of myopathy in animals increases
with increases in the intake of unsaturated fats. In invitro studies, the relative
peroxidizability of unsaturated fatty acids increases markedly as the number of
double bonds increases. Thus, the consumption of fish oils, which are highly
unsaturated and have a low tocopherol content, could raise the levels of the
highly unsaturated PUFAs in the tissues without a corresponding increase in
vitamin E. Furthermore, the lipids in different tissues have different fatty acid
compositions. In heart tissue, for example, lipids contain greater concentrations
of highly unsaturated fatty acids than do most other tissues. When the primary
PUFA in the diet is linoleic acid, as in most U.S. diets, a ratio (milligrams of
RRR-α-tocopherol to grams of PUFA) of approximately 0.4 has been suggested
as adequate for adult humans (Bieri and Evarts, 1973; Horwitt, 1974; Witting
and Lee, 1975). As intakes of the common U.S. vegetable oils increase, vitamin
E intake increases as well.
The values in the Summary Table at the end of this volume should be
regarded as adequate intakes in balanced diets in the United States. The
adequacy of these intakes will vary, however, if the PUFA content of the diet
increases greatly over intake.
Recommended Allowances
An adequate level of vitamin E in the diet implies that the ratio of
tocopherol to PUFA in the tissues protects the lipids from
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
peroxidation, permits normal physiological function, and allows for individual
variations of lipids in the tissues. These criteria of adequacy appear to be met by
the amounts of vitamin E and PUFA consumed by normal individuals ingesting
balanced diets in the United States, as reviewed in the eighth and ninth editions
of the RDAs (NRC, 1974, 1980). The allowance, therefore, is based primarily
on customary intakes from U.S. food sources (Bieri and Evarts, 1973; Bunnell
et al., 1965; Witting and Lee, 1975). Recognizing the extent to which vitamin E
is available in the U.S. diet and the facility with which it is stored in tissues, the
subcommittee has established an arbitrary but practical allowance for male
adults of 10 mg of α-TEs per day. Because women are generally smaller, their
allowance is 8 mg/day.
Most surveys of physically active elderly populations have not shown
plasma vitamin E levels to be different from those of younger adults. In a recent
study of subjects over 80 years of age, however, slightly lower values were
found than in a middle-aged control group. When the plasma tocopherols were
normalized to plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, or total lipids, there was no
difference between younger or elderly groups (Vandewoude and Vandewoude,
1987). At this time, there is no convincing evidence that the allowance for
younger adults is not adequate for the elderly.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Circulating tocopherol concentrations increase during pregnancy in
conjunction with rising plasma lipid levels (Horwitt et al., 1972). It is assumed
that pregnant women need to consume increased amounts of vitamin E to allow
for growth of the fetus. The subcommittee recommends an additional 2 mg
during pregnancy, increasing the allowance to 10 mg/day.
Additional requirements for the first 6 months of lactation may be
calculated by assuming that 750 ml of milk is produced daily, that the
tocopherol concentration in human milk is 3.2 mg/liter (Jansson et al., 1981),
and by adding a coefficient of variation of 12.5% to provide a margin of safety
and rounding to the nearest whole number. This indicates that 3 mg of
additional α-TEs would be required daily. However, because of incomplete
absorption of vitamin E from the diet, this figure has been raised to 4 mg.
During the second 6 months of lactation, if 600 ml of milk were produced per
day, an additional 3 mg would be required daily. These allowances are greater
than those in the previous edition reflecting the addition of an adequate margin
of safety to account for individual variation in need.
The recommendation for infants from birth through 6 months of age (i.e., 3
mg) has been derived by using information
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
about the tocopherol concentration of human milk (Jansson et al., 1981), by
assuming a 750 ml estimated daily volume of milk ingestion, and by adding a
coefficient of variation of 12.5%, which raises average intake by 25%.
Although human milk has been shown to contain all the expected isomers of
tocopherol, vitamins other than α-tocopherol account only for approximately
2% of the vitamin E activity. Human milk provides about 6% of calories as
PUFA (Lammi-Keefe and Jensen, 1984). When smaller volumes of milk are
consumed by breastfed babies during the first week of life, sufficient tocopherol
is provided by colostrum, which has a threefold higher concentration compared
to mature milk (Jansson et al., 1981). The relatively high intake of PUFA by
infants fed human milk or formula should be adequately met by 3 mg of vitamin
E per day. For infants older than 6 months, the RDA has been increased to 4 mg
in proportion to growth. These RDAs provide approximately 0.5 mg of α-TEs
per kilogram infant body weights.
Premature infants present problems somewhat different from those of full-
term infants of normal weight. Because of their low body stores of tocopherol,
their reduced intestinal absorption (Gross and Melhorn, 1972), and the
relatively greater growth rates associated with prematurity, it is more difficult
for these infants to achieve and maintain normal vitamin E status (Bieri and
Farrell, 1976). Thus, oral supplementation of 17 mg of vitamin E (all-rac-a-
tocopherol) per day may be required by premature infants up to 3 months of age
(Farrell et al., 1985).
The requirements for vitamin E increase with increasing body weight until
adulthood, but not as rapidly as during the first year of life. Thus, during the
steady growth of early childhood, an intake increasing from 6 mg for the
reference child of 13 kg body weight at 1 to 3 years of age to 7 mg at 7 to 10
years (28 kg) should be satisfactory for the average diet. During the adolescent
growth spurt, an increase to 8 mg for females and 10 mg for males is
recommended, i.e., the same amount as for adults.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Compared with other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin E is relatively nontoxic
when taken by mouth. Most adults appear to tolerate oral doses of 100 to 800
mg/day (Bendich and Machlin, 1988; Farrell and Bieri, 1975) without gross
signs or biochemical evidence of toxicity. In view of the lack of evidence of any
definitive benefits of vitamin
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
E supplements for normal individuals, the subcommittee does not encourage
supplementation, except as specifically noted.
Anonymous. 1987. Nomenclature policy: generic descriptors and trivial names for vitamins and
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Bieri, J.G., L. Corash, and V.S. Hubbard. 1983. Medical uses of vitamin E. N. Engl. J. Med.
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Dicks, M.W. 1965. Vitamin E Content of Foods and Feed for Human and Animal Consumption.
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Elias, E., D.P. Muller, and J. Scott. 1981. Association of spinocerebellar disorders with cystic
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Farrell, P.M., and J.G. Bieri. 1975. Megavitamin E supplementation in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Farrell, P.M., P.M. Zachman, and G.R. Gutcher. 1985. Fat soluble vitamins A, E, and K in the
premature infant. Pp. 63-98 in R.S. Tsang, ed. Vitamin and Mineral Requirements in
Preterm Infants. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Gallo-Torres, H.E. 1980. Absorption: Transport and Metabolism. Pp. 170-267 in L.J. Machlin, ed.
Vitamin E: A Comprehensive Treatise. Marcel Dekker, New York.
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Gross, S., and D.K. Melhorn. 1972. Vitamin E, red cell lipids and red cell stability in prematurity.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 203: 141-162.
Guggenheim, M.A., S.P. Ringel, A. Silverman, B.F. Grabert, and H.E. Neville. 1982. Progressive
neuromuscular disease in children with chronic cholestasis and vitamin E deficiency:
clinical and muscle biopsy findings and treatment with α-tocopherol. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Hassan, H., S.A. Hashim, T.B. Van Itallie, and W.H. Sebrell. 1966. Syndrome in premature infants
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Hoekstra, W.G. 1974. Biochemical role of selenium. Pp. 61-77 in W.G. Hoekstra, J.W. Suttic. H.F.
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Horwitt, M.K. 1960. Vitamin E and lipid metabolism in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 8:451-461.
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Horwitt, M.K. 1974. Status of human requirements for vitamin E. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 27:1182-1193.
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Jansson, L., B. Akesson, and L. Holmberg. 1981. Vitamin E and fatty acid composition of human
milk. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:8-13.
Jeffrey, G.P., D.P.R. Muller, A.K. Burroughs, S. Matthews, C. Kemp, O. Epstein, T.A. Metcalfe, F.
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Kelleher, J.M.G. Miller J. M. Littlewood, A.M. McDonald, and M.S. Losowsky. 1987. The clinical
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Kitabchi, A.F., and J. Wimalasena. 1982. Specific binding sites for D-α-tocopherol on human
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Lammi-Keefe, C.J., and R.G. Jensen. 1984. Lipids in human milk: a review. 2. Composition and fat-
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Leonard, P.J., and M.S. Losowsky. 1971. Effect of alpha-tocopherol administration on red cell
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Levine, S.L., A.J. Adams, M.D. Murphy, and P.M. Farrell. 1976. Survey of vitamin E status in
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Muller, D.P. 1986. Vitamin E-its role in neurological function. Postgrad. Med. J. 62:107-112.
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NRC (National Research Council). 1980. Recommended Dietary Allowances, 9th ed. Report of the
Committee on Dietary Allowances, Division of Biological Sciences, Assembly of Life
Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
185 pp.
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Oski, F.A., and I.A. Barness. 1967. Vitamin E deficiency: a previously unrecognized cause of
hemolytic anemia in the premature infant. J. Pediatr. 70:211-220.
Quaife, M.L., and M.Y. Dju. 1949. Chemical estimation of vitamin E in tissue and tocopherol
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Vitamin K is the name for a group of compounds, all of which contain the
2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone moiety. In plants (phylloquinone), the substituent
at C-3 is a 20-carbon phytyl group; in bacteria (menaquinones), it is a
polyisoprenyl side chain with 4 to 13 5-carbon isoprenyl units. Animal tissues
contain both phylloquinone and menaquinones. Menadione, a fat-soluble
synthetic compound that contains no side chain, and its water-soluble
derivatives are alkylated in the liver to biologically active menaquinones in
humans in vivo (Suttie, 1985).
Compounds with vitamin K activity are essential for the formation of
prothrombin and at least five other proteins (factors VII, IX, and X, and proteins
C and S) involved in the regulation of blood clotting. Although vitamin K is
also required for the biosynthesis of some other proteins found in the plasma,
bone, and kidney, defective coagulation of the blood is the only major sign of
vitamin K deficiency (Olson, 1984; Suttie, 1985).
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Under normal conditions, vitamin K is moderately (40 to 70%) well
absorbed from the jejunum and ileum, but very poorly absorbed from the colon
(Shearer et al., 1974). As with other lipid-soluble vitamins, absorption depends
on a normal flow of bile and pancreatic juice and is enhanced by dietary fat.
Consequently, the absorption of vitamin K in fat malabsorption syndromes is
very poor.
Absorbed vitamin K is transported primarily via the lymph in
chylomicrons. It is initially concentrated in the liver and is then distributed
widely among body tissues. Within cells, vitamin K is associated primarily with
membranes, especially with those of the endoplasmic reticulum and
mitochondria. Under normal physiological conditions, 30 to 40% of absorbed
vitamin K is excreted via the bile into the feces as partially degraded,
conjugated, water-soluble metabolites, whereas approximately 15% is excreted
as water-soluble metabolites in the urine (Shearer et al., 1974). In humans, the
total body pool of vitamin K is small, and its turnover is rapid (Bjornsson et al.,
1980; Olson, 1984). Liver stores of vitamin K appear to consist of only about
10% phylloquinone and approximately 90% of various menaquinones, which
are probably synthesized by intestinal bacteria (Shearer et al., 1988). It appears,
however, that the total need for vitamin K cannot be supplied from synthesis of
menaquinones by intestinal bacteria, since simple restriction of dietary vitamin
K can result in alterations in clotting factors (Suttie et al., 1988).
In the liver, vitamin K plays an essential role in the posttranslational
carboxylation of glutamic acid to γ-carboxyglutamyl residues in prothrombin
(coagulation factor II) and in factors VII, IX, and X, and proteins C, S, and Z
(Magnusson et al., 1974; Nelsestuen et al., 1974; Stenflo et al., 1974). In the
absence of vitamin K, these proteins are still synthesized but are nonfunctional
because they lack the γ-carboxyglutamyl residues. During the incorporation of
carbon dioxide into γ-carboxyglutamyl residues, reduced vitamin K is oxidized
to an epoxide intermediate and is then recycled back to the reduced vitamin by
the action of several membrane-bound enzymes (Friedman et al., 1979; Hall et
al., 1982; Larson et al., 1981).
Other vitamin K-dependent proteins that contain γ-carboxyglutamyl
residues have also been identified in bone, kidney, and other tissues. These
proteins, like the clotting proteins, bind calcium ions and seem to be related to
bone crystal formation and possibly to synthesis of some phospholipids (Lev
and Sundaram, 1988; Price, 1988).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The vitamin K content of commonly consumed foods is not known with
precision and therefore is not given in food composition tables. Early data,
mainly from bioassays, were summarized by Olson (1988). In more recent
studies in which high pressure liquid chromatography was used, the
phylloquinone content of common vegetables often differed by as much as
threefold (higher or lower) from values found using chick bioassays (Shearer et
al., 1980). Green leafy vegetables, which provide 50 to 800 µg of vitamin K per
100 g of food, are clearly the best dietary sources. Small but significant
amounts of vitamin K (1 to 50 µg/100 g) are also present in milk and dairy
products, meats, eggs, cereals, fruits, and vegetables.
Human milk is relatively low in vitamin K (approximately 2 µg/ liter).
Thus, breastfed infants may ingest only about 1 µg/day, which amounts to only
20% of the presumed requirement of 5 µg/day, or to an even smaller portion of
the rather generous recommended content of 4 µg/100 kcal in infant formulas
(AAP, 1976). Cow's milk contains 4 to 18 µg of vitamin K per liter (Haroon et
al., 1982; Shearer et al., 1980).
Another potentially important source of vitamin K is the bacterial flora in
the jejunum and ileum. The extent of utilization of menaquinones synthesized
by gut microorganisms is not clear, however.
A normal mixed diet consumed daily by a healthy adult in the United
States has been estimated to contain an average of 300 to 500 µg of vitamin K
(Olson, 1988), although more recent studies suggest that these estimates may be
too high (Suttie et al., 1988). Green leafy vegetables were consumed by only 1
of 12 persons in the United States on a specific day in 1977 (USDA, 1980);
however, the average daily intake of vitamin K by surveyed individuals still
seems to be adequate. The vitamin K intake in a single day is not a reliable
indicator of its average intake by an individual over an extended period, and
diets largely free of green leafy vegetables may still contain adequate amounts
of vitamin K.
Recommended Allowances
The major criterion for assessing the adequacy of vitamin K status in adult
humans is the maintenance of plasma prothrombin concentrations in the normal
range, i.e., from 80 to 120 µg/ml (Blanchard et al., 1981). Although
prothrombin levels are commonly based on assays that determine clotting time,
both normal and
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
abnormal (des-γ-carboxyglutamyl) prothrombin in the plasma can now be
measured directly. The ratio of the two may be a useful indicator of marginal or
incipient vitamin K deficiency in the absence of an observable defect in blood
clotting (Blanchard et al., 1981; Corrigan et al., 1981). The 24-hour urine
excretion of γ-carboxyglutamic acid along with plasma vitamin K concentration
have also been used to assess vitamin K status (Sadowski et al., 1988).
In vitamin K-depleted adult subjects fed a diet containing small amounts of
vitamin K (10 µg/day) and treated with neomycin for 4 weeks, daily
intravenous dosages of 1.5 µg of vitamin K per kilogram of body weight
restored normal plasma prothrombin levels, whereas 0.1 µg/kg daily did not
(Frick et al., 1967). In a study of four adults fed 0.4 µg/kg daily and treated with
antibiotics for 5 weeks, plasma concentrations of prothrombin fell but remained
at 70% or more of normal values (O'Reilly, 1971).
Suttie et al. (1988) reported studies of 10 college-aged male subjects who
consumed a self-selected diet that eliminated foods high in vitamin K (mainly
green leafy vegetables and liver) for 21 days. Such a diet provided the subjects
with an average of approximately 50 µg phylloquinone per day. Serum
phylloquinone values decreased during this period, but prothrombin time
remained in what was considered the normal range. By the end of the period of
vitamin K restriction, however, there was a significant increase in the ratio of
abnormal prothrombin to active prothrombin. Similarly, a decrease in urinary γ-
carboxyglutamic acid was observed during the period of reduced vitamin K
Supplementation of the subjects with 50 or 500 µg of phylloquinone per
day for 12 days eliminated the abnormal ratios of active to abnormal
prothrombin and restored γ-carboxyglutamic acid excretion to normal values.
The supplement of 50 µg of phylloquinone did not raise plasma phylloquinone
levels to prerestriction levels, although the 500 µg supplement was effective in
raising serum phylloquinone levels to about double normal values. This study
(Suttie et al., 1988) shows that simple elimination of foods high in vitamin K
from a normal diet can result in signs of vitamin K inadequacy. It also suggests
that bacterial synthesis of menaquinones was not sufficient to eliminate the
need for dietary vitamin K in subjects consuming approximately 50 µg of
phylloquinone per day.
Given the results of Frick et al. (1967) and the more recent results of Suttie
et al. (1988) discussed above, it appears that a dietary intake of about 1 µg/kg
body weight per day should be sufficient to maintain normal blood clotting time
in adults. Thus, the RDA for a 79-kg man is 80 µg per day, and for a 63 kg
woman, it is 65 µg.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Elderly persons in good health are not known to have an increased need for
vitamin K. On the other hand, 75% of an older hospitalbased population had a
hypoprothrombinemia that was responsive to vitamin K treatment (Hazell and
Baloch, 1970). Chronic disease, drug therapy, and poor diet may well have
contributed to the hypoprothrombinemic condition of this group. Trauma,
physical debilitation, renal insufficiency, and chronic treatment with large doses
of broad-spectrum antibiotics increase the risk of vitamin K insufficiency
(Ansell et al., 1977).
Pregnancy and Lactation
Data are insufficient to establish an RDA for vitamin K during pregnancy.
Because vitamin K consumed in usual diets generally exceeds the RDA
established for adult women, additional increments to usual intake are not
recommended. Lactation imposes little additional need, since vitamin K
consumed in usual diets generally exceeds the RDA. Therefore, additional
increments are not recommended.
Infants and Children
The newborn infant has low plasma prothrombin levels. Although some
hypoprothrombinemic infants respond to vitamin K treatment, other factors,
including immaturity of the liver, may cause hypoprothrombinemia in the
newborn (Suttie, 1984). Because human milk contains low levels of vitamin K
(2 µg/ liter) and the intestinal flora are limited, exclusively breastfed infants
who do not receive vitamin K prophylaxis at birth are at very real risk of
developing fatal intracranial hemorrhage secondary to vitamin K deficiency
(Lane et al., 1983). Home-delivered, breastfed infants require particular
attention in this regard.
A recommended range of total intake for infants is 5 µg of phylloquinone
or menaquinone per day during the first 6 months of infancy and 10 µg during
the second 6 months. Newborn infants are routinely given a supplement of
vitamin K by intramuscular injection to prevent hemorrhage (AAP, 1985). The
usual dose is 0.5-1.0 mg for full-term infants and at least 1 mg for preterm
infants. Infant formulas should contain 4 µg of vitamin K per 100 kcal (AAP,
1985). In the absence of specific information about the vitamin K requirements
of children, RDA values for them are set at about 1 µg/kg body weight.
Other Considerations
In persons treated with anticoagulant drugs, such as the 4-hydroxy
coumarins, vitamin K status should be carefully monitored. Acci
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
dental ingestion of large amounts of these compounds, e.g., in rat poisons,
requires vitamin K therapy (Suttie, 1984). High intakes of vitamin E can
produce a vitamin K-responsive hemorrhagic condition in laboratory animals
and humans, particularly when humans are also being treated with
anticoagulants (Olson, 1982; Suttie, 1984). Adults treated chronically with
broad-spectrum antibiotics or on longterm hyperalimentation, and patients with
chronic biliary obstruction or with lipid malabsorption syndromes, are
particularly sensitive to vitamin K deficiency (Olson, 1982, 1984; Olson and
Suttie, 1977; Suttie, 1984).
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Even when large amounts of vitamin K are ingested over an extended
period, toxic manifestations have not been observed (Owen, 1971). However,
administered menadione, but not phylloquinone, may cause hemolytic anemia,
hyperbilirubinemia, and kernicterus in the newborn (Owen, 1971), primarily
because of its interaction with sulfhydryl groups.
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American
Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
ASHP (American Society of Hospital Pharmacists). 1985. Phytonadione. Pp. 1709-1710 in
American Hospital Formulary Service: Drug Information 85. American Society of
Hospital Pharmacists, Bethesda, Md.
Ansell, J., E. Kumar, and R.D. Deykin. 1977. The spectrom of vitamin K deficiency. J. Am. Med.
Assoc. 238:40-42.
Bjornsson, T.D., P.J. Meffin, S.E. Smezey, and T.F. Blaschke. 1980. Disposition and turnover of
vitamin K1 in man. Pp. 328-332 in J.W. Suttie, ed. Vitamin K Metabolism and Vitamin K-
dependent Proteins. University Park Press, Baltimore.
Blanchard, R.A., B.C. Furie. M. Jorgensen, S.F. Kruger, and B. Furie. 1981. Acquired vitamin K-
dependent carboxylation deficiency in liver disease. N. Engl. J. Med. 305:242-248.
Corrigan, J.J., Jr., L.M. Taussig, R. Beckerman, and J.S. Wagener. 1981. Factor II (prothrombin)
coagulant activity and immunoreactive protein detection of vitamin K deficiency and liver
disease in patients with cystic fibrosis. J. Pediatr. 99:254-257.
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carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage and nonmandatory concurrent carboxylation of peptide-
bound glutamic acid residues. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76:3126-3129.
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Hall, A.L., R. Kloepper, R.K.-Y Zee-Cheng, Y.J.D. Chiu, F.C. Lee, and R.E. Olson. 1982.
Mechanisms of action of tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the inhibition of vitamin K-dependent
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Lane, P.A., W.E. Hathaway, J.H. Githens, R.D. Krugman, and D.A. Rosenberg. 1983. Fatal
intracranial hemorrhage in a normal infant secondary to vitamin K deficiency. Pediatrics
Larson, A.E., P.A. Friedman. and J.W. Suttie. 1981. Vitamin K-dependent carboxylase:
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Lev, M., and K.S. Sundaram. 1988. Modulation of glycosphingolipid synthesis by vitamin K
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Magnusson, S., L. Sottrup-Jansen, T.E. Peterson, H.R. Morris, and A. Dell. 1974. Primary structure
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O'Reilly, R.A. 1971. Vitamin K in hereditary resistance to oral anticoagulant drugs. Am. J. Physiol.
Owen, C.A., Jr. 1971. Pharmacology and toxicology of the vitamin K group. Pp. 492-509 in W.H.
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Price, P.A. 1988. Bone Gla protein and matrix Gla protein: identification of the probable structures
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Human. Pp. 317-327 in J.W. Suttie, ed. Vitamin K Metabolism and Vitamin K-dependent
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Shearer, M.J., P.T. McCarthy, and O.E. Crampton. 1988. The assessment of human vitamin K status
from tissue measurements. Pp. 437-452 in J.W. Suttie, ed. Current Advances in Vitamin K
Research. Elsevier, New York.
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Stenflo, J., P. Fernlund, W. Egan, and P. Roepstorff. 1974. Vitamin K-dependent modifications of
glutamic acid residues in prothrombin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71:2730-2733.
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Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md.
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Water-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble antioxidant that can be
synthesized by many mammals, but not by humans. In the diet, it is also present
to some extent in its oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid), which also has
vitamin C activity (Sabry et al., 1958). Dietary deficiency eventually leads to
scurvy, a serious disease characterized by weakening of collagenous structures
that results in widespread capillary hemorrhaging (Hornig, 1975; Woodruff,
1975). In the United States, scurvy occurs primarily in infants fed diets
consisting exclusively of cow's milk and in aged persons on limited diets.
The best defined biochemical property of vitamin C is its function as a
cosubstrate in hydroxylations requiring molecular oxygen, as in the
hydroxylation of proline and lysine in the formation of collagen (Barnes, 1975;
Myllyla et al., 1978), of dopamine to norepinephrine (Levin et al., 1960), and of
tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptophan (Cooper, 1961). It may also be involved in
reactions involving a number of other compounds, including tyrosine (La Du
and Zannoni, 1961), folic acid (Stokes et al., 1975), histamine (Clemetson,
1980), corticosteroids (Wilbur and Walter, 1977), neuroendocrine peptides
(Glembotski, 1987), and bile acids (Ginter, 1975). Vitamin C can also affect
functions of leukocytes (Anderson and Theron, 1979) and macrophages
(Anderson and Lukey, 1987), immune responses (Leibovitz and Siegel, 1978),
wound healing (Levenson et al., 1971), and allergic reactions (Dawson and
West, 1965). Ascorbic acid as such or as present in plant foods increases the
absorption of inorganic iron when the two nutrients are ingested together
(Hallberg et al., 1987).
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Absorption, Transport, Storage, and Excretion
L-ascorbic acid is absorbed in the intestine by a sodium-dependent
transport process (Stevenson, 1974). At low doses, absorption may be almost
complete, but over the range of usual intake in food (30 to 60 mg), 80 to 90% is
absorbed (Kallner et al., 1977). Absorbed ascorbic acid is present as the anion
in blood plasma, unbound to plasma proteins. As the daily intake of ascorbic
acid increases, the plasma concentration rises rapidly and then reaches a plateau
of 1.2 to 1.5 mg/dl at an intake of 90 to 150 mg/day (Garry et al., 1987;
Sauberlich et al., 1974).
Body stores of ascorbic acid in adult men reach a maximum of
approximately 3,000 mg at daily intakes exceeding 200 mg. One half' of this
level (1,500 mg) is achieved by much lower daily intakes in the range of 60 to
100 mg. Much of the body stores is normally found within cells, in which the
concentrations vary widely but are usually severalfold higher than those in
blood plasma. In at least some tissues these concentrations appear to be
achieved by a stereoselective transport process (Moser, 1987).
Ascorbic acid and its various metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine.
At daily intakes up to 100 mg, oxalate is the major product excreted. When
larger amounts are ingested, ascorbic acid is mainly excreted as such (Jaffe,
1984; Kallner et al., 1979). Little ascorbic acid is metabolized to carbon dioxide
at ordinary intakes (Baker et al., 1969), but at large doses, degradation within
the intestine may be substantial (Kallner et al., 1985).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Vegetables and fruits contain relatively high concentrations of vitamin C,
e.g., green and red peppers, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes,
potatoes, strawberries, and oranges and other citrus fruits. Meat, fish, poultry,
eggs, and dairy products contain smaller amounts, and grains contain none.
Ascorbic acid in the U.S. food supply is provided almost entirely by foods of
vegetable origin-38% by citrus fruits, 16% by potatoes, and 32% from other
vegetables (Marsten and Raper, 1987). The rest comes from fortified and
enriched products and from meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. The
average amount available per capita in the U.S. food supply increased from 98
mg in 1967-1969 to 114 mg in 1985 (Marsten and Raper, 1987). The average
dietary vitamin C intake by adult men in the United States in 1985 was 109 mg
(USDA, 1986). The corresponding intakes for adult women and children 1 to 5
years of age were 77 mg and 84 mg, respectively (USDA, 1987).
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The dietary vitamin C may be considerably lower than the calculated
amount in the food ingested, largely because of its destruction by heat and
oxygen and its loss in cooking water. On the other hand, the mean total intake
of vitamin C may also be considerably higher because (1) supplements of
vitamin C are ingested by 35% of a representative U.S. adult population
(Stewart et al., 1985), (2) food composition tables used in the U.S. Department
of Agriculture surveys provide the L-ascorbic acid content only and do not
include the biologically active dehydroascorbate, and (3) ascorbic acid is added
to some processed foods because of its antioxidant or other properties (NRC,
Criteria for Assessing Nutritional Status
Vitamin C status is usually evaluated from signs of clinical deficiency,
plasma (or blood) levels, or leukocyte concentrations. It has also been evaluated
from isotopic estimates of body stores.
Clinical signs of scurvy, including follicular hyperkeratosis, swollen or
bleeding gums, petechial hemorrhages, and joint pain, are associated with
plasma (or serum) vitamin C values of less than 0.2 mg/ dl, leukocyte
concentrations of less than 2 µg/108 cells, and a body pool size of less than 300
mg (Hodges et al., 1969, 1971; Sauberlich, 1981). To eliminate clinical signs of
scurvy in several groups of male subjects, vitamin C intakes ranging from 6.5 to
10 mg/day were required (Baker et al., 1971; Bartley et al., 1953; Hodges et al.,
1969, 1971).
Recommended Allowances
The dietary allowances for vitamin C must be set, somewhat arbitrarily,
between the amount necessary to prevent overt symptoms of scurvy
(approximately 10 mg/day in adults) and the amount beyond which the bulk of
vitamin C is not retained in the body, but rather is excreted as such in the urine
(approximately 200 mg/day). Between these limits, body stores vary directly
with intake, albeit not linearly. Since vitamin C is poorly retained in the body in
the absence of continuous intake, the RDA has traditionally been set at a level
that will prevent scorbutic symptoms for several weeks on a diet lacking
vitamin C. Observed depletion rates in a small group of well-nourished adult
men with a body pool of approximately 1,500 mg were exponential and
averaged 3.2% daily (range, 2.2 to 4.1% in nine subjects), which would yield a
body pool of vitamin C of 300 mg (the amount below which scorbutic
symptoms can occur) in about
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30 days (Baker et al., 197 1). In 6 of 11 healthy, well-nourished young women
fed ascorbate-free diets, scorbutic symptoms developed within 24 days
(bleeding, red, or tender gums) in association with blood levels consistent with
body stores below 300 mg (Sauberlich et al., in press). By means of steady state
analysis of ascorbate kinetics in men, Kallner et al. (1979) found the turnover
time to vary from about 56 days at low intakes (approximately 15 mg/day) to
about 14 days at intakes of approximately 80 mg/day. Above 80 mg/day,
urinary excretion of unmetabolized ascorbate increased rapidly. Kallner and
colleagues reported that a three-pool model was required to fit the observed
kinetic data and postulated that one of these pools reflected ascorbate bound
within cells. They also failed to observe a clear-cut renal threshold for
ascorbate. Since the turnover time varied with tissue stores, Kallner (1987)
proposed that the depletion rates observed in earlier studies might be
erroneously low. Saturation of tissue binding, and maximal rates of metabolism
and renal tubular absorption, seemed to be approached at turnover rates of 60 to
80 mg daily, equivalent to body stores of about 1,500 mg.
The subcommittee has set the RDA for adult men at 60 mg/day, the same
as in the previous edition. This amount is based upon (1) the observed variation
in depletion rates and turnover rates; (2) the average depletion rates and the
steady state turnover rates at a pool size of 1,500 mg; (3) the less than complete
absorption of ascorbic acid, estimated at 85% for usual intakes; and (4) the
variable loss of ascorbic acid in food preparation. This level of intake will
prevent signs of scurvy for at least 4 weeks. Given the development of early
scorbutic symptoms in adult women considered to be well nourished after
somewhat less than 4 weeks of depletion, the subcommittee recommends the
same RDA for adult women as for men.
An intake of 60 mg is easily provided in ordinary mixed diets. In the
previous edition of the RDAs, an intake of 45 mg/day for adult men was
considered to provide an average pool size of 1,500 mg, and an intake of 60 mg/
day was recommended to provide a margin of safety. Higher values, in fact,
have been suggested to yield a pool size of 1,500 mg (Kallner, 1987), which
would result in a recommended allowance of about 100 mg/day. It was the view
of the subcommittee, however, that an allowance of 60 mg/day for both men
and women provides an adequate margin of safety.
Persons 65 years and older ingest more vitamin C on the average (90 to
150 mg/day) than the mean intake for all ages (Garry et al., 1982; USDA,
1984). Low plasma concentrations are, however, observed frequently in some
groups of elderly persons (Cheng et al., 1985; Newton et al., 1985). Such low
levels are believed to reflect
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
inadequate intake in the groups examined. Therefore, no increment in the RDA
for the elderly is recommended.
Cigarette smokers have lower concentrations of ascorbic acid in serum
(Johnson et al., 1984; Pelletier, 1975; Schectman et al., 1989; Smith and
Hodges, 1987) and leukocytes (Brook and Grimshaw, 1968). The lower serum
levels are only partially explained by the reduced vitamin C intakes of smokers
(Schectman et al., 1989). The metabolic turnover of men who smoked 20 or
more cigarettes daily was found to be increased to a level 40% greater than that
of nonsmoking men (Kallner et al., 1981). From calculations based on all these
observations, the vitamin C requirement of smokers has been estimated to be as
much as twice that of nonsmokers. The subcommittee recommends that regular
cigarette smokers ingest at least 100 mg of vitamin C daily.
Pregnancy and Lactation
During pregnancy, the concentration of vitamin C and several other solutes
in blood plasma decreases (Morse et al., 1975), probably as a result of the
hemodilution that accompanies pregnancy (Hytten, 1980; Rivers and Devine,
1975). Fetal and infant plasma levels of vitamin C are 50% higher than those of
the mother (Khattab et al., 1970; Salmenpera, 1984), however, indicative both
of active transport across the placenta and of a higher relative pool size in the
fetus and infant.
If the requirement for vitamin C per unit body weight is comparable to that
of nonpregnant adults, the increment in requirement for the fetus near term
would be small (approximately 3 to 4 mg/ day). Requirements are likely to be
somewhat higher because the catabolic rate in the fetus is probably greater. To
offset losses from the mother's body pool during pregnancy, a 10 mg/day
increment in the maternal vitamin C RDA is recommended during pregnancy.
The concentration of vitamin C in human milk varies widely (3 to 10 mg/
dl), depending upon the dietary intake of the nutrient as well as other factors
(Bates et al., 1983; Byerley and Kirksey, 1985; Salmenpera, 1984; Sneed et al.,
1981; Tarjan et al., 1965). Assuming a concentration of 3 mg/dl, and average
milk volumes of 750 and 600 ml in the first and second 6 months, respectively,
the subcommittee estimates the average maternal losses are 22 and 18 mg/day.
Allowing for variation in milk production (2 SDs, or 25%), and an intestinal
absorption efficiency of 85%, a daily increment of 35 mg is recommended
during the first 6 months of lactation and 30 mg thereafter.
Infants and Children
Breastfed infants with vitamin C intakes of 7 to 12 mg/day and bottle-fed
infants with vitamin C intakes of 7 mg/
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day have been protected from scurvy (Goldsmith, 1961; Rajalakshmi et al.,
1965; Van Eekelan, 1953). There are no other data on which to base an RDA.
Accordingly, the subcommittee recommends 30 mg/ day during the first 6
months of life on the basis of the vitamin C content of milk, which should
provide an adequate margin of safety. Premature infants may exhibit transient
tyrosinemia (Irwin and Hutchins, 1976) and may therefore require a larger
amount. The RDA beyond 6 months of age is gradually increased to the adult
Other Considerations
Usual daily dietary intakes of vitamin C (25 to 75 mg) can enhance the
intestinal absorption of dietary nonheme iron by two- to fourfold (Cook and
Monsen, 1977; Rossander et al., 1979). No effect on iron status as assessed
from serum ferritin concentration was observed, however, in two studies in
which vitamin C supplements were given with meals for several weeks (Cook et
al., 1984). In one of these studies (Cook et al., 1984), intestinal adaptation to
high intakes was excluded as a cause of apparent lack of change in iron stores.
The significance of these observations in omnivorous, meat-eating subjects is
unclear (Hallberg et al., 1987), but they do not exclude an effect of vitamin C
on iron status in vegetarians or in other individuals with more limited intake of
heme iron.
Ascorbic acid may prevent the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines by
reducing nitrites. The ingestion of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C has
been associated with a reduced incidence of some cancers, but there is no
evidence that vitamin C is responsible for any such effects (NRC, 1989).
Pharmacologic Intakes and Toxicity
Daily intakes of ascorbic acid of 1 g or more have been reported to reduce
the frequency and severity of symptoms of the common cold and other
respiratory illnesses (Pauling, 1971). In controlled, double-blind trials, however,
the effect of ascorbic acid was considerably smaller than had previously been
reported (Anderson, 1975) or was not reproducible (Coulehan et al., 1976).
Several reviewers (Chalmers, 1975; Dykes and Meier, 1975) have concluded
that any benefits of large doses of ascorbic acid for these conditions are too
small to justify recommending routine intake of large amounts by the entire
Large doses of ascorbic acid have also been reported to lower serum
cholesterol in some hypercholesterolemic subjects (Ginter et al.,
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1977), but these observations have not been confirmed by others (Peterson et
al., 1975). A number of effects of large doses of ascorbic acid on other medical
conditions have been reported, but there is no general agreement about their
Many persons habitually ingest 1 g or more of ascorbic acid without
developing apparent toxic manifestations. A number of adverse effects have,
however, been reported (Barnes, 1975; Hornig and Moser, 1981; Rivers, 1987),
and the risk of sustained ingestion of such amounts is unknown. Routine use of
large doses of ascorbic acid is therefore not recommended.
Anderson, R., and P.T. Lukey, 1987. A biological role for ascorbate in the selective neutralization of
extracellular phagocyte-derived oxidants. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 498:229-247.
Anderson, R., and A. Theron. 1979. Effects of ascorbate on leucocytes. Part III. In vitro and in vivo
stimulation of abnormal neutrophil motility by ascorbate. S. Afr. Med. J. 56:429-433.
Anderson, T.W. 1975. Large-scale trials of vitamin C. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 258:498-504.
Baker, E.M., R.E. Hodges, J. Hood, H.E. Sauberlich, and S.C. March. 1969. Metabolism of ascorbic-
C acid in experimental human scurvy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 22:549-558.
Baker, E.M., R.E. Hodges, J. Hood, H.E. Sauberlich, S.C. March, and J.E. Canham. 1971.
Metabolism of 1
C- and
H-labeled L-ascorbic acid in human scurvy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Barnes, M.J. 1975. Function of ascorbic acid in collagen metabolism. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Bartley, W., H.A. Krebs, and J.R.P. O'Brien. 1953. Vitamin C Requirement of Human Adults. A
Report by the Vitamin C Subcommittee of the Accessory Food Factors Committee.
Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 280. Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
Bates, C.J., A.M. Prentice, A. Prentice, W.H. Lamb, and R.G. Whitehead. 1983. The effect of
vitamin C supplementation on lactating women in Keneba, a West African rural
community. Int. J. Vitam. Nutr. Res. 53:68-76.
Brook, M., and J.J. Grimshaw. 1968. Vitamin C concentration of plasma and leukocytes as related
to smoking habit, age, and sex of humans. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 21:1254-1258.
Byerley, L.O., and A. Kirksey. 1985. Effects of different levels of vitamin C intake on the vitamin C
concentration in human milk and the vitamin C intakes of breast-fed infants . Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 81:665-671.
Chalmers, T.C. 1975. Effects of ascorbic acid on the common cold: an evaluation of the evidence.
Am. J. Med. 58:532-536.
Cheng, L., M. Cohen, and H.N. Bhagavan. 1985. Vitamin C and the elderly. Pp. 157-185 in R.R.
Watson, ed. CRC Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
Clemetson, C.A.B. 1980. Histamine and ascorbic acid in human blood. J. Nutr. 110:662-668.
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Cook, J.D., and E.R. Monson. 1977. Vitamin C, the common cold, and iron absorption. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 30:235-241.
Cook, J.D., S.S. Watson, K.M. Simpson, D.A. Lipschitz, and B.S. Skikne. 1984. The effect of high
ascorbic acid supplementation on body iron stores. Blood 64:721-726.
Cooper, J.R. 1961. The role of ascorbic acid in the oxidation of tryptophan to 5-hydroxytrlyptophan.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 92:208-211.
Coulehan, J.L., S. Eberhard, L. Kapner, F. Taylor, K. Rogers, and P. Garry. 1976. Vitamin C and
acute illness in Navajo school children. N. Engl. J. Med. 295:973-977.
Dawson, W., and G.B. West. 1965. The influence of ascorbic acid on histamine metabolism in
guinea pigs. Br. J. Pharmacol. 24:725-734.
Dykes, M.H.M., and P. Meier. 1975. Ascorbic acid and the common cold: evaluation of its efficacy
and toxicity. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 231:1073-1079.
Garry, P.J., J.S. Goodwin, W.C. Hunt, and B.A. Gilbert. 1982. Nutritional status in a healthy elderly
population: vitamin C. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:332-339.
Garry, P.J., D.J. Vanderjagt, and W.C. Hunt. 1987. Ascorbic acid intakes and plasma levels in
healthy elderly. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 498:90-99.
Ginter, E. 1975. Ascorbic acid in cholesterol and bile acid metabolism. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
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Kallner, A., D. Hartmann, and D. Hornig. 1979. Steady-state turnover and body pool of ascorbic
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Rossander, L., L. Hallberg, and E. Bjorn-Rasmussen. 1979. Absorption of iron from breakfast
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Thiamin as thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) is a coenzyme required for the
oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids and for the activity of transketolase in
the pentose phosphate pathway. At usual levels in the diet, thiamin is rapidly
absorbed, largely in the proximal small intestine. It is excreted in the urine, both
intact as thiamin acetic acid and as metabolites of its cleavage products-the
pyrimidine and thiazolic moieties (Hansen and Munro, 1970; McCormick,
1988; Ziporin et al., 1965).
General Signs of Deficiency
Thiamin deficiency is associated with abnormalities of carbohydrate
metabolism related to a decrease in oxidative decarboxylation. During severe
deficiencies, plasma and tissue levels of pyruvate are increased. Reduced TPP
saturation of erythrocyte transketolase has also been observed in animals and
humans fed diets low in thiamin (Sauberlich et al., 1979). Clinical signs of
deficiency have been noted when less than 7% (70 µg) of a 1 mg dose of
thiamin is excreted in the urine in a dose-retention test (Horwitt et al., 1948).
The clinical condition associated with the prolonged intake of a diet low in
thiamin is traditionally called beriberi, whose primary symptoms involve the
nervous and cardiovascular systems. The characteristic signs include mental
confusion, anorexia, muscular weakness, ataxia, peripheral paralysis,
ophthalmoplegia, edema (wet beriberi), muscle wasting (dry beriberi),
tachycardia, and enlarged heart (Horwitt et al., 1948; Inouye and Katsura, 1965;
Platt, 1967; Williams et al., 1942). In even a moderate deficiency, addition of a
glucose load (100 g) can raise the plasma levels of lactic and pyruvic acids
above those noted in control subjects (Williams et al., 1943), and may increase
liver and heart muscle glycogen (Hawk et al., 1954). Indeed, carbohydrate
loading can be an important precipitant of the thiaminresponsive neuropathy
characteristic of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (Watson et al., 1981).
Moreover, the development of wet beriberi in both its acute and chronic forms
is favored by a high carbohydrate intake and increased physical activity
(Burgess, 1958; Platt, 1958), a finding consistent with the fact that addition of
even a 1-minute mild exercise period 60 minutes after a glucose load increases
the differences in plasma lactic and pyruvic acids between controls and thiamin-
depleted subjects (Horwitt et al., 1948). In infants, deficiency symptoms appear
more suddenly than they do in adults and are usually more severe, often
involving cardiac failure (McCormick, 1988).
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Thiamin deficiency occurs most frequently in areas where the diet consists
mainly of unenriched white rice and white flour, or when low dietary levels of
thiamin are associated with consumption of large amounts of raw fish whose
intestinal microbes contain thiaminase (Hilker and Somogyi, 1982). In the
United States, thiamin deficiency is observed most frequently among alcoholics
in whom decreased consumption and absorption and increased requirement all
appear to play a role in the development of the deficiency (Leevy and Baker,
1968). Other persons at risk are renal patients undergoing long-term dialysis
(Raskin and Fishman, 1976), patients fed intravenously for long periods (Nadel
and Burger, 1976), patients with chronic febrile infections (Gilbert et al., 1969),
and relatively few people with thiamin-responsive inborn errors of metabolism
(McCormick, 1988).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Dietary sources of thiamin include unrefined cereal grains, brewer's yeast,
organ meats (liver, heart, kidney), lean cuts of pork, legumes, and seeds/nuts.
Enriched and fortified grains, cereals, and bakery products contribute large
amounts of thiamin to the U.S. diet; among different groups of adults, thiamin
intake from these sources averaged from 29 to 44% of the RDA according to
USDA's 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (Cook and Welsh,
The average thiamin intake of adult men in the United States in 1985 was
1.75 mg (0.68 mg/1,000 kcal) (USDA, 1986). The corresponding intakes for
adult women and children 1 to 5 years of age were 1.05 mg (0.69 mg/1,000
kcal) and 1.12 mg (0.79 mg/1,000 kcal), respectively (USDA, 1987).
Recommended Allowances
Allowances for thiamin have been based on assessment of the effects of
varying levels of dietary thiamin on the occurrence of clinical signs of
deficiency, on the excretion of thiamin or its metabolites, and on erythrocyte
transketolase activity.
Clinical signs of thiamin deficiency have been observed in adult men and
women with intakes of about 0.12 mg/1,000 kcal or less (Elsom et al., 1942;
Foltz et al., 1944; Horwitt et al., 1948; Williams et al., 1942, 1943). Various
thiamin intakes per 1,000 kcal 0.3 mg (Sauberlich et al., 1979), 0.35 mg (Elsom
et al., 1942), 0.33 to 0.45 mg (Foltz et al., 1944), 0.41 mg (Glickman et al.,
1946), 0.37 to 0.45 mg (Hathaway and Strom, 1946), and 0.5 mg (Williams et al.,
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1942)-were reported to be consistent with good health during the periods of
observation. Anderson et al. (1986) found that thiamin status (as measured by
transketolase activity) was better predicted when the dietary intake of thiamin
was expressed as mg/day rather than as mg/1,000 kcal. They recommended a
minimum thiamin intake of 1.22 mg/day for men and 1.03 mg/day for women.
At low levels of intake, very little thiamin is excreted; excretion increases
at higher dietary levels. A critical intake point appears to be approximately 0.2
mg/1,000 kcal, below which urinary excretion is low and clinical signs of
thiamin deficiency may appear (Horwitt et al., 1948; Mickelson et al., 1947;
Oldham et al., 1946; Pearson, 1962; Williams et al., 1942, 1943). Studies
comparing urinary excretion of thiamin at varying levels of intake and
measurements of urinary excretion of thiamin in dietary deficiency cases
suggest that the minimum requirement is approximately 0.33 to 0.35 mg/l,000
kcal (Bamji, 1970; Melnick, 1942; Ziporin et al., 1965). An intake of more than
0.5 mg/l,000 kcal may be required to ensure tissue saturation (Hathaway and
Strom, 1946; Reuter et al., 1967; Williams et al., 1942, 1943), but there is no
evidence that so-called tissue saturation is required for good health.
When dietary intake cannot be monitored or urine collected, TPP
concentrations in the blood can be measured either directly (Warnock et al.,
1978) or indirectly (Berit-Kjosen and Seim, 1977). When healthy subjects were
studied under controlled experimental conditions, good correlations of urinary
excretions with the erythrocyte transketolase activity and TPP stimulation of
transketolase were recorded (Sauberlich et al., 1970, 1979; Wood et al., 1980).
Normal red-cell transketolase activities with and without added TPP have been
observed in subjects consuming 0.4 mg/l,000 kcal (Reuter et al., 1967) and 0.5
mg/1,000 kcal (Bamji, 1970; Haro et al., 1966), but 0.6 to 0.8 mg/l,000 kcal of
thiamin (Kraut et al., 1966) or 1.1 mg/ 1,000 kcal (Reuter et al., 1967) were
necessary to obtain maximum activity. There is no indication, however, that the
lower transketolase activity at an intake below 0.4 mg/1,000 kcal was attended
by any ill effect.
No evidence that thiamin requirements are increased by aging was
observed in a 3-year study of 18 young and 2 1 old male adults (Horwitt et al.,
1948). Although blood thiamin levels or transketolase assays have shown low
thiamin status in some older adults, Iber et al. (1 982) considered that the
thiamin RDA of 0.5 mg/l,000 kcal is sufficient for those over 60 years of age.
On the basis of all these data, a thiamin allowance for adults of 0.5 mg/
l,000 kcal, as recommended in the 1980 RDAs, is believed to
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
provide an adequate margin of safety for all adults. A minimum of 1.0 mg/day
is recommended, even for those consuming less than 2,000 kcal daily. Although
thiamin is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrate and certain amino acids,
but not for fat and the remaining protein fraction, it is difficult in practice to
separate energy intake into these components; hence, the thiamin
recommendation is expressed by convention in terms of total caloric intake.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Studies of urinary excretion of thiamin, blood thiamin levels, and
erythrocyte transketolase activity all indicate that the requirement for thiamin in
women increases during pregnancy (Heller et al., 1974; Kaminetzky et al.,
1973; Lockhart et al., 1943; Oldham et al., 1950; Toverud, 1940). This increase
appears to occur early in pregnancy and to remain constant throughout (Heller
et al., 1974; Kaminetzky et al., 1973). On the basis of an increased energy
intake of 300 kcal/day during pregnancy and an adult allowance of 0.5 mg of
thiamin per 1,000 kcal, an additional 0.4 mg/day is recommended throughout
pregnancy to accommodate maternal and fetal growth and increased maternal
caloric intake.
Thiamin requirements also increase during lactation. The lactating woman
secretes approximately 0.2 mg of thiamin/day in milk (Nail et al., 1980). To
account for both the thiamin loss in milk and increased energy consumption
during lactation, an increment of 0.5 mg is recommended throughout lactation.
Information on the thiamin requirements of infants is limited. In one study
of the relationship between thiamin intake and excretion, Holt et al. (1949)
concluded that the thiamin requirement of seven 1- to 10-month-old infants
ranged from 0.14 to 0.20 mg/ day. Studies of the thiamin content of human milk
suggest that the minimum daily requirement to protect against deficiency is
approximately 0.17 mg/day. This estimate is based on a mean concentration of
0.23 ± 0.03 mg of thiamin/liter of human milk (Nail et al., 1980) and a mean
consumption of 750 ml of human milk per day by the infant. Thiamin
concentrations were measured in women with unsupplemented (1.26 ± 0.17 mg
of thiamin per day) and supplemented (3.33 ± 0.77 mg of thiamin per day)
intakes of thiamin. Adequate thiamin status also was documented in both
groups of women, i.e., urinary thiamin levels exceeded 0. 1 mg/day. An
allowance for thiamin was estimated from the mean thiamin concentration plus
2 SDs in human milk-0.3 mg/liter, or 0.4 mg/1,000 kcal. The American
Academy of Pediatrics also estimates the allowance for thiamin for infants at
0.4 mg/1,000 kcal (AAP, 1985).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Children and Adolescents
Few studies have been conducted to determine the thiamin requirements of
children and adolescents. In one study by Boyden and Erikson (1966), urinary
excretion of thiamin and whole blood thiamin levels in a group of preadolescent
children indicated that intakes approximating 0.3 mg/1,000 kcal were adequate.
In a study of the urinary thiamin excretion of 16- to 18-year-old girls, Hart and
Reynolds (1957) concluded that a daily intake of 0.3 mg/1,000 kcal was
inadequate. Dick et al. (1958) reported that thiamin excretion of boys 14 to 17
years old fed diets containing 3,582 kcal/day and six different levels of thiamin
indicated that their mean daily requirement for thiamin was 0.38 ± 0.059
mg/1,000 kcal. Thus, the mean plus 2 SDs would be 0.50 mg/1,000 kcal.
Therefore, the thiamin allowance recommended for children and teenagers, like
that for adults, is 0.5 mg/1,000 kcal, which provides for variability in
requirements. This appears to provide an adequate margin of safety in the
absence of clinical and biochemical evidence of deficiency.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Excess thiamin is easily cleared by the kidneys. Although there is some
evidence of toxicity from large doses given parenterally (McCormick, 1988),
there is no evidence of thiamin toxicity by oral administration; oral doses of 500
mg taken daily for a month were found to be nontoxic (Hawk et al., 1954).
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Composition of human milk: normative data.
Appendix K. Pp. 363-368 in Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Anderson, S.H., C.A. Vickery, and A.D. Nicol. 1986. Adult thiamine requirements and the
continuing need to fortify processed cereals. Lancet 2:85-89.
Bamji, M.S. 1970. Transketolase activity and urinary excretion of thiamin in the assessment of
thiamin-nutrition status of Indians. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 23:52-58.
Berit-Kjosen, M.S., and S.H. Seim. 1977. The transketolase assay of thiamine in some diseases.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 30:1591-1596.
Boyden, R.E., and S.E. Erickson. 1966. Metabolic patterns in preadolescent children: thiamine
utilization in relation to nitrogen intake. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 19:398-406.
Burgess, R.C. 1958. Beriberi. I. Epidemiology. Fed. Proc. Suppl. 17:3-8.
Cook, D.A., and S.O. Welsh. 1986. The effect of enriched and fortified grain products on nutrient
intake. Cereal Foods World 32:191-196.
Dick, E.C., S.D. Chen, M. Bert, and J.M. Smith. 1958. Thiamine requirement of eight adolescent
boys, as estimated from urinary thiamine excretion. J. Nutr. 66:173-188.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Elsom. K.O., J.G. Reinhold, J.T.L. Nicholson, and C. Chornock. 1942. Studies of the B vitamins in
the human subject. V. The normal requirement for thiamine; some factors influencing its
utilization and excretion. Am. Med. Sci. 203:569-577.
Foltz, E. F., C.J. Barborka, and A.C. Ivy. 1944. The level of vitamin B-complex in the diet at which
detectable symptoms of deficiency occur in man. Gastroenterology 2:323-344.
Gilbert, V.E., M.C. Susser, and A. Nolte. 1969. Deficient thiamin pyrophosphate and blood alpha-
ketoglutarate-pyruvate relationships during febrile human infections. Metabolism
Glickman, N., R.W. Keeton, H.H. Mitchell, M.K. Fahnestock. 1946. The tolerance of man to cold as
affected by dietary modifications; high versus low intake of certain water-soluble vitamins.
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Hansen, R.G., and H.N. Munro, eds. 1970. Proceedings of a Workshop on Problems of Assessment
and Alleviation of Malnutrition in the United States. Held at Nashville, Tennessee, January
13-14, 1970. Nutrition and Health Program, Vanderbilt University, Regional Medical
Programs. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Washington, D.C. 186 pp.
Haro, F. N., M. Brin, and W.W. Faloon. 1966. Fasting in obesity. Thiamine depletion as measured
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Board, Division of Biology and Agriculture. National Academy of Sciences, Washington,
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Leevy, C.M., and H. Baker. 1968. Vitamins and alcoholism. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 21:1325-1328.
Lockhart, H.S., S.B. Kirkwood, and R.S. Harris. 1943. The effect of pregnancy and puerperium on
the thiamine status of women. Am. Obstet. Gynecol. 46:358-365.
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Melnick, D. 1942. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) requirement of man. J. Nutr. 24:139-151.
Mickelsen, O., W.O. Caster, and A. Keys. 1947. A statistical evaluation of the thiamin and pyramin
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Oldham, H.G., M.V. Davis, and L.J. Roberts. 1946. Thiamine excretions and blood levels of young
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USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
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Watson, A.J.S., J.F. Walker, G.H. Tomkin, M.M.R. Finn, and J.A.B. Keogh. 1981. Acute
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Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that functions primarily as a
component of two flavin coenzymes-flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin
adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-that catalyze many oxidation-reduction reactions.
Among the enzymes that require riboflavin is the FMN-dependent oxidase
responsible for conversion of phosphorylated pyridoxine to functional
coenzyme and the FAD-dependent hydroxylase involved in the conversion of
tryptophan to niacin (McCormick, 1988).
Riboflavin is readily absorbed, largely in the proximal small intestine, and
is excreted with its metabolites in the urine. In adults who ingest levels of
riboflavin that are about at the RDA, only one-half to two-thirds of urinary
flavin is riboflavin; the rest is found in several different oxidation products
(Chastain and McCormick, 1987).
Under controlled conditions, riboflavin excreted over a 24-hour period
offers the most reliable index of riboflavin nutrition. In men, urinary excretion
of less than 10% of riboflavin intake may reflect potential riboflavin deficiency
(Horwitt et al., 1950). When urine collections are difficult to obtain, the
estimates of the riboflavin present in erythrocytes can provide some indication
of riboflavin nutrition (Bates et al., 1981; Bessey et al., 1956).
Erythrocyte glutathione reductase (EGR), an enzyme that requires FAD as
a coenzyme, has also been used to assess riboflavin deficiency (Tillotson and
Baker, 1972). In erythrocytes from persons consuming a riboflavin-deficient
diet, EGR activity increases when FAD is added in vitro, indicating that the
apoenzyme is not saturated with the coenzyme. The ratio of EGR activity in
erythrocytes with and without added FAD is considered the activity coefficient.
Sauberlich et al.
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(1972) suggested that an EGR activity coefficient above 1.2 may be an
indication of riboflavin deficiency.
General Signs of Deficiency
Deficiency symptoms have been reported to include oral-buccal cavity
lesions (e.g., cheilosis, angular stomatitis), a generalized seborrheic dermatitis,
scrotal and vulval skin changes, and a normocytic anemia. Because riboflavin is
essential to the functioning of vitamins B
and niacin, some symptoms
attributed to riboflavin deficiency are actually due to the failure of systems
requiring these other nutrients to operate effectively (McCormick, 1988).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Animal protein sources such as meats, poultry, fish, and, especially, dairy
products are good sources of riboflavin. Grain products naturally contain
relatively low levels of riboflavin; however, enriched and fortified grains,
cereals, and bakery products supply large amounts. Among adults in the United
States, riboflavin intake from these plant sources averaged from 20 to 26% of
the RDA in 1977-1978 (Cook and Welsh, 1987). Green vegetables such as
broccoli, turnip greens, asparagus, and spinach are good sources.
The USDA found that adult men in the United States consumed an average
of 2.08 mg of riboflavin per day in 1985 (USDA, 1986); the intake for adult
women was 1.34 mg, and for their children 1 to 5 years of age, 1.57 mg
(USDA, 1987).
Recommended Allowances
Data on which the RDA for riboflavin is based come primarily from
several long-term feeding studies in a few humans conducted more than 40
years ago. These studies clearly show that a riboflavin intake of 0.55 mg or less
per day results in clinically recognizable signs of riboflavin deficiency (Horwitt
et al., 1950; Sebrell et al., 1941). Symptoms appeared after the subjects had
been fed the low riboflavin diets for 89 days or longer. In other studies, no signs
of deficiency were observed in men receiving 0.31 mg/ 1,000 kcal (Keys et al.,
1944) and women receiving 0.35 mg/1,000 kcal (Williams et al., 1943) for
periods ranging from 84 days to 288 days. Similarly, only 1 of 22 male subjects
receiving from 0.75 to 0.85 mg of riboflavin per day for more than 2 years
showed signs of riboflavin deficiency (Horwitt et al., 1950).
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Subjects fed 0.75 to 0.85 mg of riboflavin per day excreted only
marginally more urinary riboflavin than subjects receiving approximately 0.55
mg per day. But riboflavin excretion increased markedly when daily intake was
increased from 1.1 to 1.6 mg/day in diets providing 2,200 kcal/day (Horwitt et
al., 1950). In women, the proportion of ingested riboflavin excreted was shown
to increase markedly at intakes above 1 mg/day in diets providing 1,850 kcal
per day (Oldham et al., 1950). Bessy et al. (1956) found that erythrocyte
riboflavin levels were maintained when 1.6 mg/day was consumed by men but
were low when 0.55 mg/day was consumed.
The data (summarized above) from controlled, long-term studies in
humans fed deficient or low riboflavin intakes suggest that at riboflavin intakes
of approximately 1 mg/day (0.5 mg/1,000 kcal), urinary riboflavin is only
slightly greater than that observed when riboflavin deficiency signs are
observed. When riboflavin intakes exceed this level, a higher proportion of
consumed riboflavin is excreted via the urine.
These data have led previous RDA committees to consider that
consumption of 0.6 mg of ribollavin per 1,000 kcal should supply the needs for
essentially all healthy people and therefore to recommend a minimum intake of
1.2 mg/day per adult. The present subcommittee concluded that there are no
new data that justify changes in the earlier basic recommendation for riboflavin.
In the RDA table, variations in riboflavin intake at various ages are due
primarily to changes in recommended caloric intakes at the ages listed.
Several factors are known to change indices of riboflavin status. More
riboflavin is retained when nitrogen balance is positive, and more is excreted
when nitrogen balance is negative (Pollack and Bookman, 1951; Windmueller
et al., 1964). Increased energy expenditure has been related to increased
riboflavin requirement. Periods of hard work have been shown to decrease
urinary excretion of riboflavin in young men (Tucker et al., 1960), and
moderate exercise has been shown to increase the EGR activity ratio and to
decrease riboflavin excretion in young women consuming levels of riboflavin at
about the RDA (Belko et al., 1983). In the studies of Belko et al. (1983),
however, subjects consuming diets containing 1.0 to 1.2 mg of riboflavin per
day had urinary riboflavin levels higher than those associated with riboflavin
inadequacy, even after exercise. For this reason, the subcommittee has not
recommended an increased RDA for riboflavin for people who undertake heavy
Pregnancy and Lactation
As pregnancy progresses, women tend to excrete less riboflavin than do
nonpregnant women eating similar
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diets (Brzezinski et al., 1952; Jansen and Jansen, 1954). The EGR activity ratio
also tends to increase during pregnancy (Bates et al., 1981; Heller et al., 1974).
In view of the increased tissue synthesis for both fetal and maternal
development, an additional riboflavin intake of 0.3 mg/day is recommended
during pregnancy.
During lactation, the requirement is assumed to increase by an amount at
least equal to that excreted in milk (Brzezinski et al., 1952), which has a mean
riboflavin content of approximately 35 µg/100 ml (Roderuck et al., 1946;
Toverud et al., 1950). At an average milk production of 750 ml/day and 600 ml/
day during the first and second 6 months of lactation, riboflavin secretion is
0.26 mg/day and 0.21 mg/day, respectively. Since the utilization of the
riboflavin for milk production is assumed to be 70% (WHO, 1965), and the
coefficient of variation of milk production is 12.5% , an additional daily intake
of 0.5 mg is recommended for the first 6 months of lactation and 0.4 mg
Infants and Children
Although clinical signs of ariboflavinosis are rare, the riboflavin allowance
for children is an important consideration, since inadequacy may lead to growth
inhibition. Snyderman et al. (1949) noted that an intake of 0.4 mg of riboflavin
daily was sufficient for the maintenance of adequate blood and urine levels in
infants weighing 5.9 to 9 kg. This corresponds to an intake of 0.53 mg/l,000
kcal for reference infants of these weights whose energy intakes are average.
The amount of riboflavin consumed by the average breastfed infant ingesting
750 ml/day is 0.26 mg, or 0.48 mg/ 1,000 kcal. The allowance for the reference
infant from birth to 6 months of age is set at 0.6 mg/l,000 kcal. This level
allows for a margin of safety and is recommended for children of all ages and
for adults.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
No cases of toxicity from ingestion of riboflavin have heen reported, since
the capacity of the normal human gastrointestinal tract to absorb this modestly
soluble vitamin is rather limited (McCormick, 1988).
Bates. C.J., A.M. Prentice, A.A. Paul, B.A. Sutcliffe, M. Watkinson, and R.G. Whitehead. 1981.
Riboflavin status in Gambian pregnant and lactating women and its implications for
Recommended Dietary Allowances. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:928-935.
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Belko, A.Z., E. Obarzanek, H.J. Kalkwarf, M.A. Rotter, S. Bogusz, D. Miller, J.D. Haas, and D.A.
Roe. 1983. Effects of exercise on riboflavin requirements of young women. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 37:509-517.
Bessey, O.A., M.K. Horwitt, and R.H. Love. 1956. Dietary deprivation of riboflavin and blood
riboflavin levels in man. J. Nutr. 58:367-383.
Brzezinski, A., Y.M. Bromberg, and K. Braun. 1952. Riboflavin excretion during pregnancy and
early lactation. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 39:84-90.
Chastain, J.L., and D.B. McCormick. 1987. Flavin catabolites: identification and quantitation in
human urine. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 46:832-834.
Cook, D.A., and S.O. Welsh. 1987. The effect of enriched and fortified grain products on nutrient
intake. Cereal Foods World 32:191-196.
Heller, S., R.M. Salked, and W.F. Korner. 1974. Riboflavin status in pregnancy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Horwitt, M.K., C.C. Harvey, O.W. Hills, and E. Liebert. 1950. Correlation of urinary excretion of
riboflavin with dietary intake and symptoms of ariboflavinosis. J. Nutr. 41:247-264.
Jansen, A.P., and B.C. Jansen. 1954. Riboflavin-excretion with urine in pregnancy. Int. Z.
Vitaminforsch. 25:193-199.
Keys, A., A.F. Henschel, O. Mickelson, J.M. Brozek, and J.H. Crawford. 1944. Physiological and
biochemical functions in normal young men on a diet restricted in riboflavin. J. Nutr.
McCormick, D.B. 1988. Riboflavin. Pp. 362-369 in M.E. Shils and V.R. Young, eds. Modern
Nutrition in Health and Disease. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
Oldham, H., B.B. Shett, and T. Porter. 1950. Thiamin and riboflavin intakes and excretions during
pregnancy. J. Nutr. 41:231-245.
Pollack, H., and J.J. Bookman. 1951. Riboflavin excretion as a function of protein metabolism in the
normal, catabolic, and diabetic human being. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 38:561-573.
Roderuck, C., N.M. Colrvell, H.H. Williams, and I.G. Macy. 1946. Metabolism of women during
reproductive cycle; utilization of riboflavin during lactation. J. Nutr. 32:267-283.
Sauberlich, H.E., J.H. Judd, Jr., G.E. Nichoalds, H.P. Broquist, and W.J. Darby. 1972. Application
of the erythrocyte glutathione reductase assay in evaluating riboflavin nutritional status in
a high school population. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 25:756-762.
Sebrell, W.H., Jr., R.E. Butler, J.G. Wooley, and H. Isbell. 1941. Human riboflavin requirement
estimated by urinary excretion of subjects on controlled intake. Publ. Health Rep.
Snyderman, S.E., K.G. Ketron, H.B. Burch, O.H. Lowry, O.A. Bessey, L.P. Guy, and L.E. Holt, Jr.
1949. The minimum riboflavin requirement of the infant. J. Nutr. 39:219-232.
Tillotson, J.A., and E.M. Baker. 1972. An enzymatic measurement of the riboflavin status in man.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 25:425-431.
Toverud, K.U., G. Stearns, and I.G. Macy. 1950. Maternal Nutrition and Child Health: An
Interpretative Review. Bulletin of the National Research Council No. 123. Prepared for the
Committee on Maternal and Child Feeding of the Food and Nutrition Board. National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 174 pp.
Tucker, R.G., O. Mickelson, and A. Keys. 1960. The influence of sleep, work diuresis, heat acute
starvation, thiamine intake and bed rest on human riboflavin excretion. J. Nutr. 72:251-261.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day,
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1985. Report No. 85-3. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
WHO (World Health Organization). 1965. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation. Report of a WHO
Expert Committee. Technical Report Series No. 302. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Williams, R.D., H.L. Mason, P.L. Cusick, and R.M. Wilder. 1943. Observations on induced
riboflavin deficiency and the riboflavin requirement of man. J. Nutr. 25:361-377.
Windmueller, H.G., A.A. Anderson, and O. Mickelsen. 1964. Elevated riboflavin levels in urine of
fasting human subjects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 15:73-76.
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin whose requirement by humans and many
animal species is normally met in part by the conversion of dietary tryptophan
to niacin. The term niacin is used here in the generic sense for both nicotinic
acid and nicotinamide (niacinamide). Nicotinamide functions in the body as a
component of two coenzymes, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). These coenzymes are
present in all cells and participate in many metabolic processes, including
glycolysis, fatty acid metabolism, and tissue respiration. Metabolism of
nicotinamide nucleotides is regulated at both the cellular (Gholson, 1966) and
the systemic levels (Dietrich et al., 1968) by a series of enzyme activations and
inhibitions involving the synthesis and degradation of the niacin coenzymes.
Determination of the urine levels of two of the many metabolites, N
methylnicotinamide and its 2pyridone, have proved useful in estimating the
nutritional adequacy of the niacin-tryptophan supply in the diet (Lee et al., 1969).
Pellagra is a multiple deficiency disease characterized by dermatitis,
diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and, in severe cases,
dementia (Harris, 1941). It was a widespread problem in the southern United
States in the early part of this century and still is in parts of Africa and Asia.
This deficiency syndrome has been found to be associated with diets providing
only low levels of niacin equivalents and other B vitamins, and flares up when
the skin is subjected to strong sunlight. Some cases respond to niacin alone,
others only to yeast or mixtures of niacin and other B vitamins (Sebrell and
Butler, 1939).
Niacin, which is found in high concentrations in meats, is stable in foods
and can withstand reasonable periods of heating, cooking, and
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storage with little loss. In some foods, however, the bioavailability of the niacin
may be low (see below). Even when tryptophan intake is limited, a portion of it
appears to be diverted into the niacin pathway (Brown et al., 1958; Goldsmith et
al.. 1961; Horwitt et al., 1956; Nakagawa et al., 1973; Vivian et al., 1958).
Tryptophan to Niacin Interconversion
For calculating the adequacy of a diet as a source of niacin, a factor is
needed for estimating the contribution of tryptophan to meeting the need for
niacin. In four studies in which niacin status was judged by urinary excretion of
niacin metabolites, the quantities of supplementary tryptophan required to give
the same response as 1 mg of niacin ranged from 39 to 86 mg Goldsmith et al.,
1961; Horwitt et al., 1956; Patterson et al., 1980; Vivian, 1964). The convention
is to consider 60 mg of tryptophan as equivalent to 1 mg of niacin, and to regard
each to be 1 niacin equivalent (NE) for calculating both dietary contributions
and recommended allowances (Horwitt et al., 1981). The extent of conversion
is, to some extent, under hormonal control and appears to increase during
pregnancy or when contraceptive pills are used.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Some foods such as milk and eggs contain very little niacin but have
sufficient tryptophan to more than offset the lack of niacin. Meat contains high
levels of both preformed niacin and tryptophan. Tryptophan intake can be
approximated by assuming that proteins contain at least 1.0% tryptophan, i.e.,
that 60 g of protein provide 600 mg of tryptophan or 10 NEs (Horwitt et al.,
1981). If more precision is desired, the following closer approximations of
tryptophan content may be used: corn products, 0.6%; other grains, fruits, and
vegetables, 1.0%; meats, 1.1%; milk, 1.4%; and eggs, 1.5% of the protein in
each food. In the average U.S. diet, 65% of the protein comes from meat, milk,
and eggs.
Some foodstuffs contain niacin in chemical combinations that result in its
bioavailability being low (Carter and Carpenter, 1982; Darby et al., 1975;
Gopalan and Jaya Rao, 1975; Mason et al., 1973). In mature cereal grains, as
much as 70% of the niacin may be biologically unavailable because of the
structure of the compounds in which it is bound. In considering cereal-based
diets, therefore, it may be necessary to make an allowance for poor
bioavailability unless the cereal has been treated with lime, a process that
increases niacin availability
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
(Goldsmith et al., 1956). In typical U.S. diets, some 25 to 40% of the preformed
niacin comes from grain products (USDA, 1984). If all this is provided by
niacin naturally present in the grains, and one allowed for only 30% of this
being available, the estimates for total intakes of NEs referred to above would
have to be reduced by an average of 5 mg. In practice, much of the niacin
comes from fully available, synthetic niacin added to fortify milled grain
products. Values in most tables of food composition do not take into account
the bioavailability of niacin, nor do they include an estimate of NEs. The latter
values must then be calculated from information on the tryptophan content of
Average diets in the United States for women ages 19 to 50 supply 700 mg
of tryptophan daily, and for men 19 to 50, 1,000 mg. The corresponding values
for preformed niacin are 16 and 24 mg, respectively. Thus, the calculated
intakes of total NEs are 27 mg for women and 41 mg for men (USDA, 1984).
The most recent estimates for the intakes of low-income women have given
essentially the same values as those given above for all women in the earlier
survey (USDA, 1987).
Recommended Allowances
There have been only a few studies in which subjects have been fed diets
deficient in NEs but otherwise complete. Essentially all the information used in
estimating niacin requirements for humans comes from studies conducted more
than 30 years ago on adult men and women (Goldsmith et al., 1952, 1955, 1956;
Horwitt et al., 1956). In one of these, niacin deficiency was observed in people
receiving 4.9 NE/1,000 kcal and as much as 8.8 NE/day (Goldsmith, 1956).
When these subjects were fed diets containing approximately 200 mg of
tryptophan and varying levels of niacin, there was a significant increase in
urinary niacin metabolites whenever they were given 8 to 10 mg of niacin
(Goldsmith et al., 1955). These results suggest that a daily intake of 1 1.3 to
13.3 NEs (200 mg of tryptophan + 8 to 10 mg of niacin) is adequate to prevent
depletion of body stores of niacin. In another study (Horwitt et al., 1956), no
signs of pellagra were observed in 15 subjects receiving 4.4 NE/1,000 kcal or
9.2 to 12.3 NEs daily for 38 to 87 weeks.
Niacin recommendations over the past 20 years have been 6.6 NEs per
1,000 kcal and not less than 13 NEs at caloric intakes of less than 2,000 kcal for
adults of all ages. The adequacy of this allowance has recently been confirmed
in young men (Jacob et al., 1989). Allowances for adults are therefore
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Pregnancy and Lactation
The increased conversion of tryptophan to niacin derivatives during
pregnancy (Brown et al., 1961; Darby et al., 1953; Wertz et al., 1958) appears
to be under hormonal controla consequence of the increase in estrogen
formation during pregnancy (Wolf, 1971). The increase in the urinary excretion
of N
-methylnicotinamide, also observed in pregnant women (Horwitt et al.,
1981), reflects an enchanced capacity for the biosynthesis of nicotinate
ribonucleotide from tryptophan. Despite the possible involvement of a
biological mechanism that increases the ability of pregnant women to convert
tryptophan to niacin derivatives, an increased niacin intake during pregnancy is
recommended because of increased energy requirements. The allowance
provides for an increase of 2 NEs daily.
The average lactating woman will secrete approximately 1.0 to 1.3 mg of
preformed niacin daily (AAP, 1985; USDA, 1976; Wertz et al., 1958) in 750 ml
of milk. Taking this into account and the recommended increase in energy
expenditure to support lactation, the subcommittee recommends an additional 5
NEs per day throughout lactation.
Infants and Children
There are no data on the niacin requirements of children from infancy
through adolescence. It is known, however, that human milk contains
approximately 1.5 mg of niacin and 210 mg of tryptophan per liter (AAP,
1985). This supplies 3.7 NEs per 750 ml of milk, or about 7 NEs per 1,000 kcal.
Milk from a well-nourished mother appears to be adequate to meet the niacin
needs of the infant. The niacin allowance recommended for formulated infants
up to 6 months of age is 8 NEs per 1,000 kcal.
The niacin allowances for children more than 6 months of age are based on
the same standard as for adults, i.e., 6.6 NE/1,000 kcal and are increased in
proportion to energy intake. Needs of teenagers are considered to be similar to
those of adults. There is no evidence from epidemiological records of pellagra
outbreaks that the young are more at risk than adults.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Ingestion of nicotinic acid, but not of the amide, may produce vascular
dilatation, or flushing. The ingestion of a pharmacological dose ranging from 3
to 9 g of nicotinic acid daily results in various metabolic effects, including
increased utilization of muscle glycogen stores, decreased serum lipids, and
decreased mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue during exercise
(Darby et al., 1975).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Composition of human milk: normative data.
Appendix K. Pp. 363-368 in Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Brown, R.R., V.M. Vivian, M.S. Reynolds, and J.M. Price. 1958. Some aspects of tryptophan
metabolism in human subjects. 11. Urinary tryptophan metabolites on low-niacin diet. J.
Nutr. 66:599-606.
Brown, R.R., M.J. Thornton, and J.M. Price. 1961. The effect of vitamin supplementation on
urinary excretion of tryptophan metabolites by pregnant women. J. Clin. Invest. 40:617-623.
Carter, E.G.A., and K.J. Carpenter. 1982. The bioavailability for humans of bound niacin from
wheat bran. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:855-861.
Darby, W.J., W.J. McGanity, M.P. Martin, E. Bridgforth, P.M. Densen, M.M. Kaser, P.J. Ogle, J.A.
Newbill, A. Stockell, M.E. Ferguson, O. Touster, G.S. McClellan, C. Williams, and R.O.
Cannon. 1953. The Vanderbilt Cooperative Study of maternal and infant nutrition. IV.
Dietary, laboratory and physical findings in 2,129 delivered pregnancies. J. Nutr.
Darby, W.J., K.W. McNutt, and E.N. Todhunter. 1975. Niacin. Nutr. Rev. 33:289-297.
Dietrich, L.S.L. Martinez, and L. Franklin. 1968. Role of the liver in systemic pyridine nucleotide
metabolism. Naturwissenschaften 55:231-232.
Gholson, R.D. 1966. The pyridine nucleotide cycle. Nature 212:933-935.
Goldsmith, G.A. 1956. Experimental niacin deficiency. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 32:312-316.
Goldsmith, G.A., H.P. Sarett, U.D. Register, and J. Gibbens. 1952. Studies on niacin requirement in
man. 1. Experimental pellagra in subjects on corn diets low in niacin and tryptophan. J.
Clin. Invest. 31:533-542.
Goldsmith, G.A., H.L. Rosenthal, J. Gibbens, and W.G. Unglaub. 1955. Studies of niacin
requirement in man. II. Requirement on wheat and corn diets low in tryptophan. J. Nutr.
Goldsmith, G.A., J. Gibbens, W.G. Unglaub, and O. N. Miller. 1956. Studies on niacin requirement
in man. III. Comparative effects of diets containing lime-treated and untreated corn in the
production of experimental pellagra. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 4:151-160.
Goldsmith, G.A., O.N. Miller, and W.G. Unglaub. 1961. Efficiency of tryptophan as a niacin
precursor in man. J. Nutr. 73:172-176.
Gopalan, C., and K.S. Jaya Rao. 1975. Pellagra and amino acid imbalance. Vitam. Horm.
Harris, S. 1941. Clinical Pellagra. Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.
Horwitt, M.K., C.C. Harvey, W.S. Rothwell, J.L. Cutler, and D. Haffron. 1956. Tryptophan-niacin
relationships in man: studies with diets deficient in riboflavin and niacin, together with
observations on the excretion of nitrogen and niacin metabolites. J. Nutr. 60 Suppl. 1:1-43.
Horwitt, M.K., A.E. Harper, and L.M. Henderson. 1981. Niacin-tryptophan relationships for
evaluating niacin equivalents . Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:423-427.
Jacob, R.A., M.E. Swendseid, R.W. McKee, C.S. Fu, and R.A. Clemens. 1989. Biochemical
markers for assessment of niacin status in young men: urinary and blood levels of niacin
metabolites. J. Nutr. 119:591-598.
Lee, Y.C., R.K. Gholson, and N. Raica. 1969. Isolation and identification of two new nicotinamide
metabolites. J. Biol. Chem. 244:3277-3282.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Mason, J.B., N. Gibson, and E. Kodicek. 1973. The chemical nature of the bound nicotinic acid of
wheat bran; studies of nicotinic acid-containing macromolecules. Br. J. Nutr. 30:297-311.
Nakagawa, I., T. Takahashi, A. Sasaki, M. Kajimoto, and T. Suzuki. 1973. Efficiency of conversion
of tryptophan to niacin in humans. J. Nutr. 103:1195-1199.
Patterson, J.I., R.R. Brown, H. Linkswiler, and A.E. Harper. 1980. Excretion of tryptophan-niacin
metabolites by young men: effects of tryptophan, leucine, and vitamin B
intakes. Am. J.
Clin. Nutr. 33:2157-2167.
Sebrell, W.H., and R.F. Butler. 1939. Riboflavin deficiency in man (ariboflavinosis). Public Health
Rep. 54:2121-2131.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1976. Composition of Foods: Dairy and Egg Products,
Raw, Processed, Prepared. Agriculture Handbook No. 8-1. U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 144 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutrient
Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-2. Consumer Nutrition
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Hyattsville, Md. 439 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals: Low-income Women 19-50 Years and Their
Children 1-5 Years, 1 Day, 1986. Report No. 86-2. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human
Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 166 pp.
Vivian, V.M. 1964. Relationship between tryptophan-niacin metabolism and changes in nitrogen
balance. J. Nutr. 82:395-400.
Vivian, V.M., M.M. Chaloupka, and M.S. Reynolds. 1958. Some aspects of tryptophan metabolism
in human subjects. 1. Nitrogen balances, blood pyridine nucleotides and urinary excretion
of N
-methylnicotinamide and N
on a low-niacin
diet . J. Nutr. 66:587-598.
Wertz, A.W., M.F. Lojkin, B.S. Bouchard, and M.B. Derby. 1958. Tryptophan-niacin relationships
in pregnancy. J. Nutr. 64:339-353.
Wolf, H. 1971. Hormonal alterations of efficiency of conversion of tryptophan to urinary
metabolites of niacin in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 24:792-799.
Vitamin B
comprises three chemically, metabolically, and functionally
related forms-pyridoxine (pyridoxol, PN), pyridoxal (PL), and pyridoxamine
(PM). These forms are converted in the liver, erythrocytes, and other tissues to
pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and pyridoxamine phosphate (PM P), which serve
primarily as coenzymes in transamination reactions. PIP also participates in
decarboxylation and racemization of A-amino acids, in other metabolic
transformations of amino acids, and in the metabolism of lipids and nucleic
acids. In addition, it is the essential coenzyme for glycogen phosphorylase. The
phosphoric acid esters of the active forms of vitamin B
are hydrolyzed before
release from cells. Also, PL can be further oxidized to pyridoxic acid and other
inactive oxidation products, which are excreted in the urine.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
The various dietary forms of vitamin B
are absorbed by intestinal mucosal
cells through a nonsaturable process. Cellular B
is metabolically
phosphorylated, and two of the phospho-forms (PNP and PMP) are oxidized to
PLP. PLP is largely present in the plasma as a PLP-albumin complex and in
erythrocytes in association with hemoglobin.
The requirement for vitamin B
increases as the intake of protein increases
(Baker et al., 1964; Canham et al., 1969; Donald et al., 1971; Linkswiler, 1978;
Miller and Linkswiler, 1967; Schultz and Leklem, 1981). This relationship is
believed to reflect the major role of PLP in amino acid metabolism.
Vitamin B
nutritional status can be assessed both clinically and
biochemically by a variety of methods. Assessment methods include (1) direct
measurements of the vitamer forms of B
in the blood or urine (e.g., the level of
coenzyme PLP in the plasma or the urinary excretion of 4-pyridoxic acid [4-
PA], a metabolically inactive end product); (2) load tests (e.g., measurement of
urinary tryptophan metabolites such as xanthurenic and kynurenic acids
following an oral load of 2-5 g L-tryptophan); and (3) indirect functional tests
that measure the activity of several vitamin B
-dependent enzymes (e.g.,
erythrocyte alanine aminotransferase in plasma or erythrocytes). Vitamin B
nutriture is best assessed by a combination of these assessment methods (e.g.,
plasma PLP levels, urinary excretion of 4-PA, and the response of urinary
metabolites to a 2-g tryptophan load test) (Leklem and Reynolds, 1981).
General Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin B
deficiency rarely occurs alone and is most commonly seen in
people who are deficient in several B-complex vitamins. Clinical signs of
deficiency include epileptiform convulsions, dermatitis, and anemia
(McCormick, 1988). Deficiency in infants leads to a variety of neurological
symptoms as well as abdominal distress (Bessey et al., 1957; Coursin, 1954;
Kirksey and Roepke, 1981). As protein intake increases, the onset of deficiency
becomes more rapid.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The richest sources of vitamin B
are chicken, fish, kidney, liver, pork, and
eggs, each of which provides more than 0.4 mg per 100g serving. Other good
sources are unmilled rice, soy beans, oats, whole-wheat products, peanuts, and
walnuts. Dairy products and red meats are relatively poor sources. Losses of
vitamin B
through food
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
processing can be considerable. From 15 to 70% is lost in freezing fruits and
vegetables, 50 to 70% in processing luncheon meats, and 50 to 90% in milling
cereal, but little is lost in processing dairy products (Schroeder, 1971; Tarr et
al., 1981).
Data on the vitamin B
content of foods and its bioavailability are
incomplete. Studies in animals and humans have shown, however, that
bioavailability varies widely (Gregory and Kirk, 1978; Haskell, 1978; Kabir et
al., 1983; Leklem et al., 1980; Nelson et al., 1977).
Approximately 40 drugs (e.g., isonicotinic acid hydrazide and
penicillamine) are known to affect the metabolism or bioavailability of vitamin
(Bauernfeind and Miller, 1978; Bhagavan, 1985). Oral contraceptives alter
tryptophan metabolism, and their use is associated with low plasma PLP values,
but it is not clear that these low PLP values are associated with increased risk of
vitamin B
deficiency (Leklem et al., 1975; NRC, 1980).
In 1985, the average vitamin B
intake of adult men in the United States
was 1.87 mg (0.019 mg/g protein) (USDA, 1986). The corresponding intake for
adult women was 1.16 mg (0.019 mg/g protein), and, for children 1 to 5 years
old, 1.22 mg (0.023 mg/g protein) (USDA, 1987).
Recommended Allowances
Many studies on adult men have shown that 0.010 to 0.015 mg of vitamin
per gram of protein either prevented or eliminated the appearance of
biochemical indicators of deficiency when protein intakes ranged from 54 to
165 g/day (Linkswiler, 1978; Miller and Linkswiler, 1967; Park and Linkswiler,
1970). Among women, Brown et al. (1975) reported that subjects needed from
0.8 to 2.0 mg of vitamin B
per day when protein intake was 78 g (0.010 to
0.016 mg/g). Schultz and Leklem (1981), who measured urinary excretion of 4-
PA and vitamin B
as well as plasma PLP levels in 41 adult females, reported
acceptable levels of each indicator at dietary intakes of 1.25 and 1.5 mg (0.0125
and 0.015 mg/g of protein).
A dietary vitamin B
ratio of 0.016 mg/g protein appears to ensure
acceptable values for most indices of nutritional status in adults of both sexes.
The RDA is established in relation to the upper boundary of acceptable levels of
protein intake, i.e., twice the RDA for protein (NRC, 1989), which is 126 g/day
for men and 100 g/day for women. The RDA for vitamin B
is, accordingly, 2.0
mg/day for men and 1.6 mg/day for women. These allowances are adequate for
the reported average protein intakes of approximately 100 g/day for men
(USDA, 1986) and 60 g/day for women (USDA, 1987), but may not be suf
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
ficient for those whose habitual protein intake is at or above the reported 90th
percentile of consumers. Because vitamin B
and protein tend to occur together
naturally in foods, vitamin B
levels are likely to be adequate if protein is
consumed at high levels in normal foodstuffs.
The RDA for vitamin B
in this edition is somewhat lower than in the
ninth edition, being based on a figure of 0.016 mg/g protein rather than 0.020
mg/g. The subcommittee concluded the latter figure is higher than can be
justified by the requirements studies cited above.
Pregnancy and Lactation
The extra protein allowance for pregnancy should be accompanied by
additional vitamin B
. Several investigators have observed that pregnant women
have lower levels of both vitamin B
and PLP in plasma (Cleary et al., 1975;
Contractor and Shane, 1970; Hamfelt and Tuvemo, 1972; Roepke and Kirksey,
1979; Schuster et al., 1984) as well as decreased alanine aminotransferase
activity and higher activity coefficients (stimulation of enzyme activity by the
addition of PLP in vitro) (Lumeng et al., 1976; Schuster et al., 1981) compared
to nonpregnant controls. It is uncertain whether these indices of vitamin B
status reflect inadequate intake or normal physiological changes of pregnancy.
In the absence of new data and the lack of any information on the requirements
of the fetus, the subcommittee supports the recommendation in the ninth edition
of the RDA that pregnant women increase their vitamin B
intake by 0.6 mg/day.
The concentration of vitamin B
in human milk is approximately 0.01 to
0.02 mg/liter during the first days of lactation and gradually increases to 0.10 to
0.25 mg/liter (Coursin, 1955; Karlin, 1959; Kirksey and West, 1978; West and
Kirksey, 1976). The vitamin B
content of milk reflects the nutritional status of
the mother (Karlin, 1959; Kirksey and West, 1978; Roepke and Kirksey, 1979;
Thomas et al., 1979; West and Kirksey, 1976). The ratio of vitamin B
protein in human milk averaged 13 µg/g at a consumption of less than 2.5 mg of
vitamin B
per day (Kirksey and West, 1978; West and Kirksey, 1976). In the
absence of more recent information, the subcommittee maintains the
recommendation in the ninth edition: an additional allowance of 0.5 mg of
vitamin B
per day during lactation.
Infants and Children
The vitamin B
content and vitamin-to-protein ratio is generally low in
milk from nonsupplemented women, and there is evidence of vitamin B
deficiency symptoms in infants breastfed by women whose intakes are less than
2.0 mg/day and whose
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
milk contains less than 0.1 mg of vitamin B
per day (Kirksey et al., 1981;
Kirksey and Udipi, 1985; McCoy et al., 1985). In healthy babies, vitamin B
intakes of 0.3 mg/day protected against abnormal excretion of tryptophan
metabolites following a load test (Bessey et al., 1957). General experience with
proprietary formulas suggests that metabolic requirements are satisfied if the
vitamin is present in amounts of 0.015 mg/g of protein or 0.04 mg/100 kcal
(AAP, 1976; McCoy, 1978). The present subcommittee maintains the vitamin
recommendations of the ninth edition of the RDA0.3 mg/day during the
first 6 months of infancy and 0.6 mg/day for older infants.
Studies on the nutritional status of children and adolescents in relation to
their intake of vitamin B
are limited. In a study of 35 3- to 4-year-old boys and
girls, Fries et al. (1981) found 3 subjects whose intakes were less than the
RDAs of 0.9 and 1.3 mg and whose blood levels of PLP were indicative of
vitamin B
inadequacy. Lewis and Nunn (1977) reported that 2- to 9-year-old
children with an average daily intake of 1.10 mg of vitamin B
(0.02 mg/g of
protein) excreted 48% as 4-PA in their urine, suggesting intakes in excess of
need. Kirksey et al. (1978) reported a calculated mean intake of 1.24 ± 0.70 mg
for 12- to 14-year-old females. Since there are no new data to justify changes in
the vitamin B
recommendations for children and adolescents, the present
subcommittee maintains the RDA of 0.02 mg/g protein from the ninth edition of
the RDA. Allowances in the Summary Table for these age groups are based on
average protein intakes, as determined by the Nationwide Food Consumption
Survey (USDA, 1984).
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The acute toxicity of vitamin B
is low (McCormick, 1988). When taken in
gram quantities for months or years (as it might be when self-administered or
prescribed by physicians to treat premenstrual syndrome and several types of
mental disorders), however, vitamin B
can cause ataxia and a severe sensory
neuropathy (Schaumburg, 1983). Pyridoxine toxicity was the apparent cause of
neurological symptoms in 103 women attending a private clinic who took an
average of 117 ± 92 mg of this nutrient for more than 6 months to more than 5
years (Dalton and Dalton, 1987). These women recovered completely from their
symptoms within 6 months of discontinuing the supplements.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Recommended ranges of nutrients in formulas.
Appendix 1. Pp. 356-357 in Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Baker, E.M., J.E. Canham, W.T. Nunes, H.E. Sauberlich, and M.E. McDowell. 1964. Vitamin
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Bauernfeind, J.C., and O.N. Miller. 1978. Vitamin B
Nutritional and pharmaceutical usage,
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Research, Presidio of San Francisco, California. A Report of the Committee on Dietary
Allowances, Food and Nutrition Board. National Academy of Sciences , Washington, D.C.
Bessey, O.A., D.J. Adam, and A.E. Hansen. 1957. Intake of vitamin B
and infantile convulsions: a
first approximation of requirements of pyridoxine in infants. Pediatrics 20:33-44.
Bhagavan, H.N. 1985. Interaction between vitamin B
and drugs. Pp. 401-415 in R.D. Reynolds and
J.E. Leklem, eds. Vitamin B
: Its Role in Health and Disease. Alan R. Liss, New York.
Brown, R.R., D.P. Rose, J.E. Leklem, H. Linkswiler, and R. Anand. 1975. Urinary 4-pyridoxic acid,
plasma pyridoxal phosphate, and erythrocyte amino-transferase levels in oral contraceptive
users receiving controlled intakes of vitamin B
. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 28:10-19.
Canham, J.E., E.M. Baker, R.S. Harding, H.E. Sauberlich, and I.C. Plough. 1969. Dietary protein-its
relationship to vitamin B
requirements and function. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 166:16-29.
Cleary, R.E., L. Lumeng, and T.K. Li. 1975. Maternal and fetal plasma levels of pyridoxal
phosphate at term: adequacy of vitamin B-6 supplementation during pregnancy. Am. J.
Obstet. Gynecol. 121:25-28.
Contractor, S.F., and B. Shane. 1970. Blood and urine levels of vitamin B-6 in mother and fetus
before and after loading of mother with vitamin B-6. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 107:635-640.
Coursin, D.B. 1954. Convulsive seizures in infants with pyridoxine-deficient diet. J. Am. Med.
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Coursin, D.B. 1955. Symposium on frontiers of human nutrition in relation to milk; vitamin B
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Committee on Dietary Allowances, Food and Nutrition Board. National Academy of
Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Kabir, H., J. Leklem, and L.T. Miller. 1983. Measurement of glycosylated vitamin B
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Leklem, J.E., and R.D. Reynolds. 1981. Recommendations for status assessment of vitamin B
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Leklem, J.E., R.R. Brown, D.P. Rose, and H.M. Linkswiler. 1975. Vitamin B
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Leklem, J.E., L.T. Miller, A.D. Perera, and D.E. Peffers. 1980. Bioavailability of vitamin B-6 from
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tryptophan metabolism by men during vitamin B
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Nelson, E.W., C.W. Burgin, and J.J. Cerda. 1977. Characterization of food binding of vitamin B
orange juice. J. Nutr. 107:2128-2134.
NRC (National Research Council). 1980. Recommended Dietary Allowances, 9th revised ed.
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4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
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West, K.D., and A. Kirksey. 1976. Influence of vitamin B
intake on the content of the vitamin in
human milk. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 29:961-969.
Folate and folacin are generic descriptors for compounds that have
nutritional properties and chemical structures similar to those of folic acid
(pteroylglutamic acid, or PGA). Metabolically active forms of folate have
reduced (tetrahydro) pteridine rings and several glutamic acids attached
(polyglutamates). Folate activity is measured by microbiological assay and by
radioisotope dilution and binding methods.
Folates function metabolically as coenzymes that transport single carbon
fragments from one compound to another in amino acid metabolism and nucleic
acid synthesis. Deficiency of the vitamin leads to impaired cell division and to
alterations of protein synthesiseffects most noticeable in rapidly growing tissues.
Different forms of folate vary in stability under various conditions, but in
general, heat, oxidation, and ultraviolet light may cleave the folate molecule,
rendering it inactive.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Folate is widely distributed in foods. Liver, yeast, leafy vegetables,
legumes, and some fruits are especially rich sources. As much as 50% of food
folate may be destroyed during household preparation, food processing, and
storage. Comprehensive data on folate in food are published in the Agriculture
Handbooks No. 8 (USDA, 1976-1989). However, food analysis methods
present difficulty, and values in these tables may be as much as 20% low due to
incomplete recovery (Phillips and Wright, 1983).
Folacin is reported to have been essentially unchanged from 1960 to 1985,
averaging 280 to 300 pg in the U.S. food supply per capita per day (USDA,
1988). In Canada, the mean folate intake is reported to be 205 g/day for men
and 149 µg/day for women (Health and Welfare Canada, 1977).
Naturally occurring folates in foods have one or more glutamic acid
residues as part of the molecule. Only monoglutamates are absorbed directly
from the intestine, but folylpolyglutamate hydrolase enzymes associated with
the intestinal mucosa release absorbable monoglutamates from polyglutamates.
Approximately three-fourths
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of the folate in a mixed diet is present as polyglutamate (Butterworth et al.,
1963). Estimates of the efficiency of absorption of food folates and the
availability of polyglutamates relative to monoglutamates are quite variable,
depending upon amount and type of test substance and other aspects of
methodology (Rodriguez, 1978). Differences in the relative absorption of folate
measurable in different foods may also relate to the presence of folate hydrolase
inhibitors, binders, or other unknown factors (Colman et al., 1975a; Tamura and
Stokstad, 1973). Efficiency of absorption of folate may also increase when
folate status is low (Iyengar and Babu, 1975).
Overall, approximately 90% of folate monoglutamate and 50 to 90% of
folate polyglutamate ingested separately from food is absorbed, but this
percentage is decreased in the presence of many foods, irrespective of whether
the folate was derived from or added to the food (Colman et al., 1975b; Tamura
and Stokstad, 1973). Food composition and intestinal absorption data indicate
that the bioavailability of folate in the typical U.S. diet is about one-half that of
crystalline folic acid, which is efficiently absorbed (Sauberlich et al., 1987).
Assessment of Folate Status
Well-nourished individuals excrete daily up to 40 µg of folate in the urine
(Herbert, 1968) and approximately 200 µg in feces (Herbert et al., 1984). The
folate content of bile is approximately 5 times that of serum, but enterohepatic
recirculation tends to conserve the body pool of folate (Steinberg, 1984).
Krumdieck et al. (1978) found that after an equilibration period following an
oral dose of radioactive folate, radioactive fecal and urinary losses were
approximately equal. Nonradioactive fecal loss greatly exceeds urinary folate
excretion, indicating that feces also contain folate synthesized by intestinal
bacteria. Fecal folate is therefore not a reliable indicator of turnover, intake, or
Herbert et al. (1962) estimated the adult male's total folate pool to be 7.5 ±
2.5 mg, a coefficient of variation of 33%. Liver folate is a major part of this
total (Chanarin, 1979). Among 370 male and 190 female subjects, distributed
among age groups ranging from 1 to more than 80 years old, autopsy data
revealed an average hepatic folate concentration of about 7 µg/g liver (range, 3
to 16 µg/g) which did not vary greatly by age or sex (Hoppner and Lampi,
1980). Morphologic evidence of folate deficiency is not manifest until liver
levels fall below 1 µg/g (Gailani et al., 1970). Red cell folate reflects liver folate
fairly closely (Chanarin, 1979), and average daily dietary
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folate intake correlates significantly with red cell folate (Bates et al., 1980).
In experimental human folate deficiency, serum and erythrocyte folate
levels fall below accepted limits (3 ng/ml and 160 ng/ml, respectively) and
evidence of defective DNA synthesis is seen as hypersegmentation of cells and
abnormality in the sensitive deoxyuridine (dU) suppression test. Overtly
megaloblastic bone marrow and macrocytic anemia are late consequences of
deficiency (Herbert and Colman, 1988).
Recommended Allowances
Two general approaches have been used to estimate dietary allowances for
folate (Anderson and Talbot, 1981; Rodriguez, 1978). One involves
determining a minimum requirement for pure folic acid and increasing this
amount to cover bioavailability, individual variation, and the need for adequate
reserves. A second approach is evaluation of the average intake of food folate
among persons in good folate status.
Adults and Adolescents
The daily requirement for absorbed folate has been judged to be
approximately 50 µg for adults, on the basis of observations that daily
parenteral administration of this amount of PGA successfully treats
uncomplicated folate deficiency anemia (Zalusky and Herbert, 1961). Dietary
intake of about 100 µg/day has been reported to prevent development of folate
deficiency (Banerjee et al., 1975; Herbert, 1962). Sauberlich et al. (1987) have
concluded that women depleted of folate require 200 to 250 µg/day of dietary
folate to maintain stable plasma levels or to restore them toward normal under
experimental conditions (including blood sampling). Their graphic portrayal of
plasma values indicates that levels were stabilized in four subjects given 80 µg
pure PGA plus 20 µg of dietary folate. Forty adult males living in a metabolic
ward on a strictly controlled diet containing an average of 200 µg of folate/day
(~ 3 µg/ kg body weight) maintained normal serum and red cell folate levels for
6 months (Milne et al., 1983).
The minimum folate requirement can be estimated theoretically from the
rate of loss of folate when none is fed. Loss of folate from the liver varies from
35 to 47 µg daily during folate depletion (Gailani et al., 1970). If extrahepatic
stores are approximately half those in liver and are lost at the same rate, total
daily folate loss in an adult eating essentially no folate would average about 60
µg, or roughly 1 µg/kg body weight.
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Approximately 85% (range, 50 to 94%) of a 10 to 200 µg oral dose of folic
acid is absorbed (Anderson et al., 1960; Jeejeebhoy et al., 1968; Waslien, 1977).
Thus, a minimum requirement of approximately 1 µg/kg body weight, adjusted
with a conservative estimate of 50% bioavailability of food folate and with a
further adjustment for individual variability (coefficient of variation
approximately 30%), suggests an allowance of approximately 3 µg/kg body
weight for adults.
One can also approach the issue of folate allowances from population
intakes. The average folate intake of both U.S. and Canadian populations is
roughly 3 µg/kg body weight. Approximately 10% of people from these
populations are reported to have low folate stores but no signs of deficiency
(Senti and Pilch, 1984). Therefore, the average dietary intakes must provide
about 90% of the adult population with sufficient absorbable folate for daily
metabolic needs and also for substantial folate storage.
The elderly are considered in the same category as other adults with
respect to folate needs (Rosenberg et al., 1982). On diets estimated to contain
135 µg folate per day, all of 21 elderly men and women living at home
sustained erythrocyte folate greater than 100 ng/ml and were hematologically
normal; 9 had levels less than 150 ng/ml (Bates et al., 1980).
The RDA for folate is accepted to be approximately 3 µg/kg body weight
for men, nonpregnant, nonlactating women, and adolescents. The RDA is 200
µg for adult males and 180 µg for adult females. This allowance should provide
for liver storage adequate to protect against development of a folate deficiency
during short periods of inadequate intake.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnancy increases the incidence of folate deficiency among populations
with low or marginal intakes of the vitamin (Colman et al., 1975c; Giles, 1966;
Lawrence and Klipstein, 1967). Even for populations consuming nutritionally
sound diets, folic acid supplements ranging from 100 to 1,000 µg/day have been
recommended by different investigators (Chanarin et al., 1968; Colman et al.,
1974, 1975b). Baumslag et al. (1970) reported a reduced incidence of premature
births in women given supplementary folic acid; an oral PGA supplement of
500 µg/day was associated with a 50% reduction in the incidence of small-for-
date births among 134 pregnant women in India (Iyengar and Rajalakshmi,
A daily oral supplement of 100 µg of PGA prevented any fall in the mean
erythrocyte folate of British women during pregnancy (Chanarin et al., 1968).
The dietary folate content in the United
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Kingdom was subsequently reported to be about 190 µg/day (Bates et al.,
1982). Thus, in women who started pregnancy with moderate folate stores,
folate deficiency probably was prevented by the equivalent of 200 µg of PGA
per day (100 µg supplement plus 50% of the average population intake of
dietary folate). In women with poor folate stores and whose diet was essentially
devoid of folate, the progression of folate deficiency was as effectively
prevented by administering a supplement of 300 µg of PGA daily in maize meal
(a food that reduced availability by 44%, i.e., the effective dose was 168 µg of
PGA) as it was by higher doses of more efficient vehicles (Colman et al., 1975b).
On the basis of a 50% food folate absorption, the RDA for folate is set at
400 µg/day during pregnancy to build or maintain maternal folate stores and to
keep pace with the increased folate need to support rapidly growing tissue. This
level can be met by a well-selected diet without food fortification or oral
In the past, the demand of lactation on maternal folate reserves was
estimated to be 20 µg/day, varying with the folate content and volume of milk
(Matoth et al., 1965). This estimate was based on daily production of 850 ml of
milk with an average folate content of 50 µg per liter. Ek (1983) reported that
supplementation was unnecessary to maintain folate status in women in the
socioeconomic middle class in Sweden. On the basis of daily production of 750
ml of milk, a coefficient of variation of 12.5%, and 50% absorption of food
folate, the allowance for folate during lactation is set at the RDA of 180 µg plus
100 µg/day, a total of 280 µg/day during the first 6 months. The increment
during the second 6 months, based on average milk production of 600 ml/day
and the same adjustments, is 80 µg/day, a total of 260 µg/day.
Infants and Children
Although serum folate in infants at birth is 3 times maternal folate, body
stores at birth are small and are rapidly depleted by the requirements for growth,
especially in premature infants. Full-term infants have higher liver stores of
folate (Salmi, 1963). By 2 weeks of age, serum and erythrocyte folate fall below
adult values and remain there during the entire first year of life (WHO, 1968).
In a study of 20 infants aged 2 to 11 months, Asfour et al. (1977) demonstrated
the nutritional adequacy of diets providing 3.6 µg of folate per kilogram of
body weight per day over 6- to 9-month periods. Waslien (1977) concluded that
3.5 µg of folate per kilogram of body weight per day appeared adequate for
infants up to 2 years of age.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Human and cow milk both contain about 50 µg of folate per liter; the
concentration of folate in human colostrum and early milk is much lower. The
needs of infants are adequately met by milk from humans or cows, but not by
goat milk, which contains only 10 µg/ liter (Herbert, 1981).
Milk contains a factor that is essentially unaffected by pasteurization and
that facilitates folate uptake by gut cells (Colman et al., 1981 a, 1981 b).
Presumably, this factor facilitates both absorption of dietary folate and
reabsorption of bile folate. Boiling, or the preparation of evaporated milk,
destroys an average of 50% of the folate in cow's milk, so that infants receiving
boiled formulas prepared from pasteurized, sterilized, or powdered cow's milk
should be given additional folate to ensure an adequate intake (Ghitis, 1966). If
the diet consists of goat's milk, folic acid supplementation should be given in
any case.
Megaloblastic anemia due to dietary folate deficiency is rare in children.
Those who drink vegetable or fruit juice or eat fresh uncooked fruits or
vegetables each day maintain adequate folate status; deficiency has been
observed among children whose entire diet consists of fine-particulate foods
cooked for a long time (Herbert, 1981).
On the basis of the above considerations, the allowance for folate is set at
3.6 µg/kg per day for healthy infants from birth to age 1 year. This value should
provide an adequate margin of safety and is comparable to the folate content of
human milk. The folate RDA for healthy children between 1 and 10 years of
age is interpolated from the allowances for infants and adolescents.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Folic acid and the anticonvulsant drug phenytoin inhibit uptake of each
other at the gut cell membrane and possibly at the brain cell membrane
(Chanarin, 1979; Colman and Herbert, 1979). Very large doses of folic acid
(100 or more times the RDA) may precipitate convulsions in persons whose
epilepsy is in continuous control by phenytoin (Colman and Herbert, 1979). In
laboratory animals, very large doses of folic acid given parenterally may
precipitate in the kidneys, producing kidney damage and hypertrophy (Colman
and Herbert, 1979). No untoward effects have been reported in women given 10
mg/day of folic acid continuously for 4 months (Butterworth et al., 1988).
However, without evidence of benefit and with some potential for toxicity,
excessive intakes of supplemental folate are not recommended.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Changes in Folate Allowances Compared to Ninth Edition
Recognition that diets containing about half as much folate as the previous
RDA maintain adequate folate status (including liver stores greater than 3 µg/g)
provides the basis for lowering the folate RDA in the present edition. The new
RDA is consistent with the safe level of folate intake recommended by the FAO
Anderson, S.A., and J.M. Talbot. 1981. A Review of Folate Intake, Methodology, and Status. Life
Sciences Research Office. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
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Anderson, B.E.H. Belcher, I. Chanarin, and D.L., Mollin. 1960. The urinary and faecal excretion of
radioactivity after oral doses of 3H-folic acid. Br. J. Haematol. 6:439-455.
Asfour, R., N. Wahbea, C. Waslien, S. Guindi, and W.J. Darby, Jr. 1977. Folacin requirements of
children. III. Normal infants. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 30:1098-1105.
Banerjee, D.K., A. Maitra, A.K. Basu, and J.B. Chatterjee. 1975. Minimal daily requirement of folic
acid in normal Indian subjects. Indian J. Med. Res. 63:4553.
Bates, C.J., M. Fleming, A.A. Paul, A.E. Black, and A.R. Mandal. 1980. Folate status and its
relation to vitamin C in healthy elderly men and women. Age Ageing 9:241-248.
Bates, C.J., A.E. Black, D.R. Phillips, A.J. Wright, and D.A. Southgate. 1982. The discrepancy
between normal folate intakes and the folate RDA. Human Nutr. Appl. Nutr. 36:422-429.
Baumslag, N., T. Edelstein, and J. Metz. 1970. Reduction of incidence of prematurity by folic acid
supplementation in pregnancy. Br. Med. J. 1:16-17.
Butterworth, C.E., Jr. R. Santini, Jr. and W.B. Frommeyer, Jr. 1963. The pteroylglutamate
composition of American diets as determined by chromatographic fractionation. J. Clin.
Invest. 42:1929-1939.
Butterworth, C.E., K. Hatch, P. Cole, H.E. Sauberlich, T. Tamura, P.E. Cornwell, and S.J. Soong.
1988. Zinc concentration in plasma and erythrocytes of subjects receiving folic acid
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Colman, N., E.A. Barker, M. Barker, R. Green, and J. Metz. 1975c. Prevention of folate deficiency
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Young, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 7th ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
Herbert, V., G. Drivas, C. Manusselis, B. Mackler, J. Eng, and E. Schwartz. 1984. Are colon
bacteria a major source of cobalamin analogues in human tissues? 24-h human stool
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Awrence, C., and F.A. Klipstein. 1967. Megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy in New York
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The terms vitamin B
and cobalamin refer to all members of a group of
large cobalt-containing corrinoids that can be converted to methylcobalamin or
5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, the two cobalamin
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coenzymes active in human metabolism. Cyanocobalamin is the commercially
available form of vitamin B
used in vitamin pills and pharmaceuticals. This
form is water soluble and heat stable and, when given either orally or
parenterally, is converted by the removal of cyanide to the forms that are
metabolically active in humans. In plasma and tissue, the predominant forms
are methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, and hydroxocobalamin (Dolphin,
1982). Animal products are the primary dietary source of the vitamin. The
dominant forms in meat are adenosyland hydroxocobalamin, whereas dairy
products, including human milk, contain mainly methyl- and hydroxocobalamin
(Gimsing and Nex, 1983).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Bacteria, fungi, and algae can synthesize vitamin B
, but yeasts, higher
plants, and animals cannot. In the human diet, vitamin B
is supplied primarily
by animal products, where it has accumulated from bacterial synthesis. Plant
foods are essentially devoid of vitamin B
except for adventitious inclusion of
microbially formed B, in soil or water.
The average dietary vitamin B
intake of adult men in the United States
was 7.84 µg/day in 1985 (USDA, 1986). The corresponding intakes for adult
women and their children 1 to 5 years of age were 4.85 µg and 3.80 µg/day,
respectively. About 5 to 30% of the reported vitamin B
in foods may be
microbiologically active noncobalamin corrinoids rather than true vitamin B
(Herbert et al., 1984).
An additional nondietary source of small amounts of absorbable vitamin
may be bacteria in the small intestine of humans (Albert et al., 1980). A 24-
hour human stool contains approximately 5 µg of cobalamin and about 100 µg
of non-B
analogs, produced in part by bacteria in the colon (Herbert et al.,
1984). Cobalamin does not, however, appear to be absorbed from the colon
(Dolphin, 1982).
General Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin B deficiency results in macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia, in
neurological symptoms due to demyelination of the spinal cord and brain and
the optic and peripheral nerves, and in other less specific symptoms (e.g., sore
tongue, weakness). Neuropsychiatric manifestations of vitamin B deficiency
are seen in the absence of anemia, particularly in the elderly (Lindenbaum et al.,
1988). Dietary deficiency of vitamin B
is rare; more than 95% of the vitamin
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deficiency seen in the United States is due to inadequate absorption (Herbert,
The coenzyme methylcobalamin catalyzes a transmethylation from a folic
acid cofactor to homocysteine to form methionine. This reaction releases the
unmethylated folate cofactor for other single carbon transfer reactions important
to nucleic acid synthesis. This reaction is a site of B
-folate interaction and
may relate to the similarity in B
and folate deficiency signs (Herbert and
Colman, 1988). The other cobalamin coenzyme, deoxyadenosylcobalamin,
catalyzes the conversion of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A to succinyl-coenzyme
A, a reaction in the pathway for the degradation of certain amino acids and odd-
chain fatty acids. Blockage of this reaction in B
deficiency leads to the
characteristic increased urinary excretion of methylmalonic acid.
The intestinal absorption of vitamin B
takes place at receptor sites in the
ileum, mediated by a highly specific binding glycoprotein (Castle's intrinsic
factor), which is secreted in the stomach. In crossing the intestinal mucosa,
vitamin B
is transferred to the plasma transport protein transcobalamin II,
which delivers the vitamin to cells. Absorption may also occur by simple
diffusion, a process that probably accounts for the absorption of only 1 to 3% of
the vitamin consumed in ordinary diets. This mechanism becomes biologically
important when pharmacologic amounts (30 µg or more) of the free vitamin are
ingested (Herbert and Colman, 1988).
At intakes of 0.5 µg or less, approximately 70% of the available vitamin is
absorbed (Heyssel et al., 1966). The percentage absorbed decreases as the
intake of vitamin B
increases, although the absolute amount of B
increases. A maximum of about 1.5 µg is absorbed from single oral doses
ranging from 5 to 50 µg (Chanarin, 1979). Intrinsic factor-mediated B
absorption appears to be a saturable process, but absorption of 1.5 µg in one
meal does not preclude absorption of normal amounts of the vitamin some
hours later (FAO, 1988).
An effective enterohepatic circulation recycles the vitamin from bile and
other intestinal secretions, accounting in part for its long biological half-life. In
pernicious anemia, vitamin B
is not absorbed from the diet or reabsorbed from
the bile due to lack of intrinsic factor activity. The importance of reabsorption
of cobalamin excreted in the bile is illustrated by the fact that vegetarians who
eat no animal products (but may receive small amounts from bacterial sources
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
contaminants) develop vitamin B
deficiency only after 20 to 30 years, but in
pernicious anemia or with other absorptive defects, vitamin B
deficiency may
develop in as short a time as 2 to 3 years (Chanarin, 1979; Herbert, 1984).
Pool Size and Turnover
Adams (1962) estimated total body vitamin B
content to be 2.2 mg,
based on analysis of tissues obtained at autopsy. This pool size (2 to 2.5 mg)
was confirmed by Hall (1964) and Linnell et al. (1974). Reizenstein et al.
(1966) calculated the body pool to be 3.0 mg as measured by radioisotope
The daily loss of vitamin B
is approximately 0.1% (range, 0.05 to 0.2%)
of the body pool, regardless of pool size (Heyssel et al., 1966). Using a whole-
body counting technique, Heinrich (1964) found the half-life of a tracer dose to
be 1,360 days and estimated the daily loss to be 2.55 µg, and Reizenstein et al.
(1966) calculated a daily loss of 1.2 µg from two healthy subjects. Hall (1964)
reported half-life to range from 480 to 1,284 days and the average daily loss of
radiolabeled vitamin B
to be 1.3 µg, almost equally divided between urine and
Basis for Establishing Allowances
In patients with pernicious anemia, daily injections of 0.1 µg of
cyanocobalamin are reported to produce suboptimal hematologic responses
(Sullivan and Herbert, 1965), whereas doses of 0.5 to 1.0 µg/ day have
maintained patients with pernicious anemia in complete hematologic and
neurologic remission (Herbert, 1968). Patients with pernicious anemia or those
who have undergone total gastrectomy are not, however, good models for
determining normal dietary requirements, because they are unable to reabsorb
the B
excreted in the bile. Nonetheless, they do provide information on the
gross requirement for absorbed B
Other evidence derives from studies of persons whose diets are low or
deficient in vitamin B
. Deficiency can be, but rarely is, produced by a strict
vegetarian (i.e., vegan) diet devoid of meat, eggs, and dairy products. An Indian
woman resident of London developed deficiency with a diet containing 0.5 µg
of vitamin B
per day (Stewart et al., 1970). Intakes in four other deficiency
cases ranged from 0.07 to 0.25 µg/day (Baker and Mathan, 1981). Only 21 of
431 Australian vegetarians had unacceptable blood levels of B
at an average
intake of 0.26 ± 0.23 µg/day (mean ± SD), and none of these developed
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
deficiency symptoms over a 1-year period of evaluation (Armstrong et al.,
1974). An intake of 0.3 to 0.65 µg/day in food produced satisfactory
hematologic responses in vitamin B
-deficient Indian patients (Baker and
Mathan, 1981). Although serum concentrations of vitamin B
remained below
normal in these cases, bone marrow became normoblastic, and there was no
These findings suggest that the adult requirement for vitamin B
approximately 0.5 µg/day for persons with low serum B
concentrations and
whose pool size is presumed to be small. The evidence of the long lag period
before symptoms of deficiency appear when absorption is impaired suggests
that the usual pool size of omnivores (2 to 3 mg) exceeds daily needs by
perhaps three orders of magnitude. To maintain the usual pool size with
turnover rates as reported above (half-life of 480 to 1,360 days) would require 1
to 3 µg/day. Estimates of requirement are necessarily dependent on a judgment
as to desirable pool size.
Recommended Allowances
A dietary intake of 1 µg daily can be expected to sustain average normal
adults. To allow for biological variation and the maintenance of normal serum
concentrations and substantial body stores, the vitamin B
RDA for adults is set
at 2.0 µg. The subcommittee has concluded that a substantial body store is
desirabe in view of the increasing prevalence of achlorhydria and pernicious
anemia beyond age 60 (Chanarin, 1979). Dietary intake will frequently exceed
the RDA, but this is not considered a justification for either raising the
allowance or modifying the diet.
The results of various surveys have indicated that although serum vitamin
levels decline in the elderly (Carmel and Karnaze, 1985), they tend to
remain in the normal range (Garry et al., 1984). The evidence reported by
Herbert (1985) suggests that the decline in the mean serum B
level is due to
the gradual appearance among the elderly of B
malabsorption. Such
malabsorption would require injection of vitamin B
, rather than an increase in
the RDA for B
in the elderly. Measurement of cobalamin in serum among the
elderly will identify those who require medical intervention (Herbert, 1985;
Herzlich et al., 1985).
Pregnancy and Lactation
From analysis of the vitamin B
content of stillborn infants from normally
nourished mothers, FAO (1988) estimated that fetal demands are approximately
0.1 to 0.2 µg/day. The placenta concentrates vitamin B
, and the serum B
levels of
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newborns are double that of their mothers (Giugliani et al., 1985). Normally,
maternal body stores are sufficient to meet the needs of pregnancy, and it is
unlikely that any increment in vitamin B
intake is needed. An additional
allowance of 0.2 µg/day can, however, be justified.
Vitamin B
in human milk parallels the concentration in serum. At 6
months postpartum, 0.6 µg/liter was found in the milk of well nourished women
in the United States (Thomas et al., 1980). This would mean a loss of 0.45 µg in
750 ml of human milk, or 0.56 µg/ day at the upper level of production. An
additional allowance of 0.6 µg/day is recommended for lactating women.
Symptoms of vitamin B
deficiency have been observed in some breastfed
infants of women who are strict vegetarians (Higginbottom et al., 1978; Specker
et al., 1988). Pregnant and lactating women adhering to diets devoid of animal-
source foods should be advised to take supplementary vitamin B
at RDA
levels (i.e., 2.2 and 2.6 µg/ day, respectively).
Infants and Children
Since overt vitamin B
deficiency does not occur in infants breastfed by
women with adequate serum vitamin B
levels (Lampkin et al., 1966), and
vitamin B
-deficient infants of B
-deficient vegetarian mothers show a full
therapeutic response to oral doses of 0.1 µg/day (Jadhav et al., 1962), the RDA
for the young infant has been set at 0.3 µg/day (i.e., 0.05 µg/kg body weight) to
allow a substantial margin for storage. The RDAs for older infants and
preadolescent children have been based on progressive increases with
increasing body size (at 0.05 µg/kg body weight) until the RDA for adults (2
µg) is reached.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
No clear toxicity has been reported from daily oral ingestion of up to 100
µg. Similarly, no benefit has been reported in nondeficient people from such
large quantities.
Changes in Vitamin B
Allowances Compared to Ninth
The present RDAs for vitamin B
are one-third to one-half lower than
those given in the ninth edition. They are, however, approximately double the
safe level of intake of vitamin B
established by the FAO (1988). The
difference in recommendations based on the same body of evidence reflects the
present subcommittee's conserv
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Reizenstein, P.C., G. Ek, and C.M.E. Matthews. 1966. Vitamin B
kinetics in man. Implications of
total-body B
determinations, human requirements, and normal and pathological cellular
uptake. Phys. Med. Biol. 2:295-306.
Specker, B.L., D. Miller, E.J. Norman, H. Greene, and K.C. Hayes. 1988. Increased urinary
methylmalonic acid excretion in breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers and identification
of an acceptable dietary source of vitamin B
. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 47:89-92.
Stewart, J.S., P.D. Roberts, and A.V. Hoffbrand. 1970. Response of dietary vitamin B
to physiological oral doses of cyanocobalamin. Lancet 2:542-545.
Sullivan, L.W., and V. Herbert. 1965. Studies on the minimum daily requirements for vitamin B
Hematopoietic responses to 0.1 microgram of cyanocobalamin or coenzyme B
comparison of their relative potency. N. Engl. J. Med. 272:340-346.
Thomas, M.R., S.M. Sneed, C. Wei, P.A. Nail, M. Wilson, and E.E. Sprinkle III. 1980. The effects
of vitamin C, vitamin B
, vitamin B
, folic acid, riboflavin, and thiamin on the breast milk
and maternal status of well-nourished women at 6 months postpartum. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals: Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Biotin is a sulfur-containing vitamin essential for several species, including
humans. It is a component of various foods and is synthesized in the lower
gastrointestinal tract by microorganisms and some
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
fungi. The chemically related compounds oxybiotin and biocytin are also
biologically active for some species. (For a more detailed discussion of the role
of biotin in human nutrition, see Bonjour, 1985.)
Biotin is an integral part of enzymes that transport carboxyl units and fix
carbon dioxide in animal tissue. The conversion of biotin to the active
coenzyme is dependent on magnesium and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
(Bonjour, 1984). Two biotin enzymes, pyruvate carboxylase and acetyl-
coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase, play essential roles in gluconeogenesis and
fatty acid synthesis, respectively. Extensive fatty infiltration of the liver and
kidney, hypoglycemia, and depressed gluconeogenesis in the liver of biotin-
deficient chicks provide further evidence of the importance of biotin in
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism (Bannister, 1976). Two other biotin
enzymes, propionyl-CoA carboxylase and 3-methylcrotonyl CoA carboxylase,
are required for propionate metabolism and the catabolism of branchedchain
amino acids. Low activity of biotin enzymes results in the urinary excretion of
organic acids (the nature of which is determined by the metabolic step that is
blocked), skin rash, and hair loss. Multiple carboxylase deficiencies are usually
due to defective holocarboxylase synthetase, which is required for the
conversion of inactive apocarboxylase to form active carboxylases through the
addition of biotin (Sweetman, 1981). This inborn error of metabolism can be
overcome by large doses (10 to 40 mg) of biotin (Wolf and Feldman, 1982).
Another genetic defect results in a deficiency of biotinidase, an enzyme that
releases protein-bound biotin and cleaves biocytin so that the biotin can be
rectcled (Wolf and Feldman, 1982).
General Signs of Deficiency
In adult humans ad most animals, biotin deficiency can be produced by the
ingestion of large amounts of avidinthe biotin-binding glycoprotein found
only in raw egg white (Baugh et al., 1968). Biotin deficiency is characterized by
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, glossitis, pallor, mental depression, alopecia and a
dry scaly dermatitis, and an increase in serum cholesterol and bile pigments.
Symptoms of hair loss have been observed in two adults on long-term total
parenteral nutrition (TPN) without added biotin following extensive gut
resection, which decreases the amount produced by intestinal biosynthesis
(Innis and Allardyce, 1983), and in children on TPN (McClain, 1983).
Symptoms were alleviated with 200 to 300 µg of biotin per day. Hair loss in an
infant on TPN for 5 months was reversed by administering 10 mg of biotin
(Mock et al., 1981). Evidence indicates that the seborrheic dermatitis of infants
under 6 months of age is due to nu
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
tritional biotin deficiency. In such cases, blood levels and urinary excretion of
the vitamin are depressed. Prompt improvement occurs with therapeutic doses
of the vitamin-approximately 5 mg/day (Bonjour, 1985).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The best sources of biotin are liver (100 to 200 µg/100 g), egg yolk (16
µg/100 g), soy flour (60 to 70 µg/100 g), cereals (3 to 30 µg/100 g), and yeast
(100 to 200 µg/100 g). Fruit and meat are poor sources, each containing from
0.6 to 2.3 µg of biotin per 100 g (Guilarte, 1985; Hoppner and Lampi, 1983;
Paul and Southgate, 1978). The bioavailability of biotin varies considerably,
depending on whether it is present in the biologically available unbound form as
it is in most foods or in the unavailable bound form in wheat.
Information on the biotin content of food provided in tables of food
composition is not complete. As a result, intake of biotin is seldom considered
in nutrient consumption studies. In a study by Marshall et al. (1985),
biochemical analyses of duplicate samples of U.S. diets indicated that biotin
intakes were 28 to 42 µg/day. Dietary biotin consumed in Western Europe is
estimated to range from 50 to 100 µg/day (Bonjour, 1985).
Intestinal Synthesis
Biotin is synthesized by intestinal microorganisms, but the extent of its
availability for absorption is not established. The combined urinary and fecal
excretion of biotin can exceed the dietary intake. Thus, fecal excretion
apparently comprises biotin synthesized in the gut as well as unabsorbed dietary
biotin. The urine contains biotin absorbed from the diet, from body stores, and,
possibly, from intestinal synthesis. Urinary values range from less than 6 to 50
µg/day (Baker, 1985; Marshall et al., 1985).
Information on blood levels is so variable that it is of little diagnostic
value. Men whose diets contained 28 to 42 µg/day had serum biotin levels
ranging from 627 to 737 pg/ml (Marshall et al., 1985). Serum, urinary, and
dietary biotin were correlated.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
The lack of definitive studies of biotin requirements make it difficult to
estimate an allowance. A daily dose of 60 µg has maintained adults on total
parenteral nutrition symptom-free for 6
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months in the absence of meaningful intestinal synthesis (Innis and Allardyne,
Diets supplying 28 to 42 µg of biotin per day were associated with urinary
excretion of 20 to 24 µg/day in volunteers. There was no indication of
inadequate status in the subjects. In view of the incomplete knowledge of the
bioavailability of biotin in foods and of the uncertain contribution of intestinal
synthesis to the total intake, a range of 30 to 100 µg is provisionally
recommended for adults. This range is lower than that recommended in the
previous edition of the RDA, because improved analytical methods for biotin
have reduced the estimates of daily intakes compatible with good health.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Blood biotin levels are significantly lower in pregnant than in nonpregnant
women and fall progressively throughout gestation. However, low blood biotin
levels are not associated with low birth weight infants (Bonjour, 1984). Thus,
no increment for pregnancy is recommended. Data are not sufficient for a
recommendation to be made for lactation.
Infants and Children
The biotin content of human milk, all in the free, available form, has been
variously reported as 3 to 4.7 (Goldsmith et al., 1982), 7 (Paul and Southgate,
1978), and 20 µg/ liter (Heard et al., 1987). Ifa daily milk consumption is
assumed to be 750 ml, the intake of infants would range from 2 to 15 µg/day,
depending on which analysis is accepted. An intake of 10 and 15 µg/ day is
tentatively recommended for formula-fed infants during the first and second 6
months, respectively, in agreement with the recommendations of the American
Academy of Pediatrics for biotin in infant formulas (AAP, 1976).
Recommended intakes for children and adolescents are gradually increased to
adult levels above age 11.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
There have been no reports of toxicity associated with intakes as high as
10 mg daily (LSRO, 1978).
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1976. Commentary on breast feeding and infant formulas,
including proposed standards for formulas. Pediatrics 57:278-285.
Baker, H. 1985. Assessment of biotin status: clinical implications. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
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Bannister, D.W. 1976. The biochemistry of fatty liver and kidney syndrome. Biochem. J.
Baugh, C.M., J.W. Malone, and C.E. Butterworth, Jr. 1968. Human biotin deficiency. A case history
of biotin deficiency induced by raw egg consumption in a cirrhotic patient . Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 21:173-182.
Bonjour, J.-P. 1984. Biotin. Pp. 403-435 in L.J. Machlin, ed. Handbook of Vitamins: Nutritional,
Biochemical and Clinical Aspects. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Bonjour, J.-P. 1985. Biotin in human nutrition. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 447:97-104.
Goldsmith, S.J., R.R. Eitenmiller, R.M. Feeley, H.M. Barnhart, and F.C. Maddox. 1982. Biotin
content of human milk during early lactational states. Nutr. Res. 2:579-583.
Guilarte, T.R. 1985. Analysis of biotin levels in selected foods using a radiometric microbiological
method. Nutr. Rep. Int. 32:837-845.
Heard, G.S., J.B. Redmond, and B. Wolf. 1987. Distribution and bioavailability of biotin in human
milk. Fed. Proc. 46:897.
Hoppner, K., and B. Lampi. 1983. The biotin content of breakfast cereals. Nutr. Rep. Int. 28:793-798.
Innis, S.M., and D.B. Allardyce. 1983. Possible biotin deficiency in adults receiving long-term total
parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 37:185-187.
LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1978. Evaluation of the Health Aspects of Biotin as a Food
Ingredient. SCOGS 92. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
Bethesda, Md. 16 pp.
Marshall, M.W., J.T. Judd, and H. Baker. 1985. Effects of low and high-fat diets varying in ratio of
polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids on biotin intakes and biotin in serum, red cells and
urine of adult men. Nutr. Res. 5:801-814.
McClain, C.J. 1983. Biotin deficiency complicating parenteral alimentation. J. Am. Med. Assoc.
Mock, D.M., A.A. deLorimer, W.M. Liebman, L. Sweetman, and H. Baker. 1981. Biotin deficiency:
an unusual complication of parenteral alimentation. N. Engl. J. Med. 304:820-823.
Paul, A.A., and D.A.T. Southgate. 1978. The Composition of Foods. Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, London.
Sweetman, L. 1981. Two forms of biotin-responsive multiple carboxylase deficiency. J. Inherited
Metab. Dis. 4:53-54.
Wolf, B., and G.L. Feldman. 1982. The biotin-dependent carboxylase deficiencies. Am. J. Hum.
Genet. 34:699-716.
Pantothenic acid, a B-complex vitamin, plays its primary physiological
roles as a component of the coenzyme A molecule and within the 4'-
phosphopantetheine moiety of the acyl carrier protein of fatty acid synthetase,
which serves in acyl-group activation and transfer reactions (McCormick,
1988). These reactions are important in the release of energy from
carbohydrates; in gluconeogenesis; in the synthesis and degradation of fatty
acids; in the synthesis of such vital compounds as sterols and steroid hormones,
porphyrins, and acetylcholine; and in acylation reactions in general (Abiko,
1975; Goldman and Vagelos, 1964).
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General Signs of Deficiency
Dietary deficiency of pantothenic acid in animals results in a broad
spectrum of biochemical defects. These manifest themselves in a variety of
abnormalities: retarded growth rates in young animals; infertility, abortion, and
frequent neonatal deaths; abnormalities of skin, hair, pigmentation, and
feathers; neuromuscular disorder; gastrointestinal malfunction; adrenal cortical
failure; and sudden death (Novelli, 1953).
Evidence of dietary deficiency has not been clinically recognized in
humans, but deficiency symptoms have been produced by administering a
metabolic antagonist, ω-methylpantothenic acid (Hodges et al., 1959), and more
recently by feeding subjects a semisynthetic diet virtually free of pantothenic
acid for 9 weeks (Fry et al., 1976). The young adult males studied by Fry and
colleagues appeared listless and complained of fatigue after 9 weeks on the
pantothenic acidfree diet; blood and urinary levels of this nutrient were
significantly lower compared to controls. Naturally occurring pantothenic acid
deficiencies have not been reliably documented. However, they have been
implicated in the ''burning feet" syndrome observed among prisoners of war and
among malnourished individuals in the Far East, since the symptoms appeared
to respond to pantothenic acid preparations and not to other members of the
vitamin B complex (Glusman, 1947).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Pantothenic acid is widely distributed among foods. It is especially
abundant in animal tissues, whole grain cereals, and legumes. Smaller amounts
are found in milk, vegetables, and fruits. Synthesis of pantothenic acid by
intestinal microflora has been suspected, but the amount produced and the
availability of the vitamin from this source are unknown. The apparent absence
of pantothenic acid deficiency in the human population may therefore be
attributed both to its ubiquity in foods and to possible additional contributions
front intestinal flora.
The usual intake of pantothenic acid in the United States has been reported
to range from 5 to 10 mg/day (Fox and Linkswiler, 1961; Fry et al., 1976). In
two more recent studies, investigators reported average intakes of
approximately 6 mg/day (Srinivasan et al., 198l; Tarr et al., 1981). Srinivasan
and colleagues conducted a study in an elderly population, and showed no
difference in intakes between institutionalized and noninstitutionalized subjects.
In another study,
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Johnson and Nitzke (1975) found that diets consumed by a group of low-
income women provided about 4 mg of pantothenic acid per day. In a group of
7- to 9-year-old children, diets that met the recommended allowances for all
other nutrients provided 4 to 5 mg of pantothenic acid daily (Pace et al., 1961).
In a small group of pregnant, postpartum, and nonpregnant teenagers, the
calculated dietary intakes were lower, ranging from 1.1 to 7.2 mg/day
(Cohenour and Calloway, 1972).
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
Urinary excretion generally correlates with dietary intake of pantothenic
acid, although individual variation is large. Adults who consume 5 to 7 mg of
pantothenic acid daily excrete 2 to 7 mg/ day in the urine and 1 to 2 mg/day in
the feces (Fox and Linkswiler, 1961). In experimental diets, 100 mg/day has
generally been selected for supplementation. At this level, subjects were found
to excrete 5 to 7 mg/day in the urine (Fry et al., 1976). This evidence suggests
that an intake of 4 to 7 mg/day should be safe and adequate for adults. The
subcommittee concluded that there is insufficient evidence to set an RDA for
pantothenic acid.
Pregnancy and Lactation
The amounts of pantothenic acid secreted in milk can represent a large
fraction of the usual dietary intake. Nonetheless, the absence of reports of
pantothenic acid deficiency either in pregnant or lactating women indicates that
present levels of consumption from the diet (e.g., more than 5 mg/day), possibly
supplemented by intestinal microfloral synthesis, is adequate to cover the needs
of pregnancy and lactation. Thus, the suggested intake for nonpregnant adults
would appear to be adequate for this group.
Infants, Children, and Adolescents
Reports of the mean pantothenic acid content of human milk have varied
from 1 mg/day (Deodhar and Ramakrishnan, 1960) to 5 mg/day (Johnston et al.,
1981), based on an average daily milk production of 750 ml. Song et al. (1984)
reported a mean pantothenic acid content at 2 and 12 weeks postpartum of 2.57
mg/liter and 2.55 mg/liter, respectively, for mothers of full-term infants. These
values are equivalent to approximately 1.9 mg/day in 750 ml of milk. The
differences in the various reports may represent differences in maternal intakes
or in analytical techniques. There are no reports of pantothenic acid deficiency
in infants, suggesting that intake is adequate. The provisional recommended
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
allowance is set at 2 to 3 mg/day for infants. Recommended intakes for children
and adolescents are gradually increased to adult levels by age 11.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Evidence suggests that pantothenic acid is relatively nontoxic. As much as
10 g of calcium pantothenate per day was given to young men for 6 weeks with
no toxic symptoms reported (Ralli and Dumm, 1953). Other studies indicate
that daily doses of 10 to 20 g may result in occasional diarrhea and water
retention (Sebrell and Harris, 1954).
Abiko, Y. 1975. Metabolism of coenzyme A. Pp. 1-25 in D.M. Greenberg, ed. Metabolism of Sulfur
Compounds, Vol. 7. Metabolic Pathways. Academic Press, New York.
Cohenour, S.H., and D.H. Calloway. 1972. Blood, urine and dietary panthothenic acid levels of
pregnant teenagers. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 25:512-517.
Deodhar, A.D., and C.V. Ramakrishnan. 1960. Studies on human lactation (relation between the
dietary intake of lactating women and the chemical composition of milk with regard to
vitamin content). J. Trop. Pediatr. 6:44-47.
Fox, H.M., and H. Linkswiler. 1961. Pantothenic acid excretion on three levels of intake. J. Nutr.
Fry, P.C., H.M. Fox, and H.G. Tao. 1976. Metabolic reponse to a pantothenic acid deficient diet in
humans. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 22:339-346.
Glusman, M. 1947. Syndrome of "burning feet" (nutritional melalgia) as manifestation of nutritional
deficiency. Am. J. Med. 3:211-223.
Goldman, P., and P.R. Vagelos. 1964. Acyl-transfer reactions (CoA-structure, function). Pp. 71-92
in M. Florkin and E. H. Stotz, eds. Comprehensive Biochemistry, Vol. 15. Group-Transfer
Reactions. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Hodges, R.E., W.B. Bean, M.A. Ohison, and B. Bleiler. 1959. Human pantothenic acid deficiency
produced by omega-methylpantothenic acid. J. Clin. Invest. 38:1421-1425.
Johnson, N.E., and S. Nitzke. 1975. Nutritional adequacy of diets of a selected group of low-income
women: identification of some related factors. Home Econ. Res. J. 3:241-246.
Johnston, L., L. Vaughan, and H.M. Fox. 1981. Pantothenic acid content of human milk. Am. J.
Clin. Nutr. 34:2205-2209.
McCormick, D.B. 1988. Pantothenic acid. Pp. 383-387 in M.E. Shils and V.R. Young, eds. Modern
Nutrition in Health and Disease, 7th ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
Novelli, G.D. 1953. Metabolic significance of B-vitamins: Symposium; Metabolic functions of
pantothenic acid. Physiol. Rev. 33:525-543.
Pace, J.K., L.B. Stier, D.D. Taylor, and P.S. Goodman. 1961. Metabolic patterns in preadolescent
children. V. Intake and urinary excretion of pantothenic acid and of folic acid. J. Nutr.
Ralli, E.P., and M.E. Dumm. 1953. Relation of pantothenic acid to adrenal cortical function. Vitam.
Horm. 11:133-158.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Sebrell, W.H., Jr., and R.S. Harris, eds. 1954. Pantothenic acid. Pp. 591-694 in The Vitamins:
Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology, Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York.
Srinivasan, V., N. Christensen, B.W. Wyse, and R.G. Hansen. 1981. Pantothenic acid nutritional
status in the elderly-institutionalized and noninstitutionalized. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Song, W.O., G.M. Chan, B.W. Wyse, and R.G. Hansen. 1984. Effect of pantothenic acid status on
the content of the vitamin in human milk. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 40:317-324.
Tarr, J.B., T. Tamura, and E.L.R. Stokstad. 1981. Availability of vitamin B
and pantothenate in an
average American diet in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:1328-1337.
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The adult body contains approximately 1,200 g of calcium, approximately
99% of which is present in the skeleton. Bone mineral consists of two
chemically and physically distinct calcium phosphate poolsan amorphous
phase and a loosely crystallized phase. The skeleton contains two major forms
of bone: trabecular (spongy) bone, exemplified by the vertebral bodies, and
denser cortical bone, such as the femur. Bone is constantly turning over, a
continuous process of resorption and formation. In children and adolescents, the
rate of formation of bone mineral predominates over the rate of resorption. In
later life, resorption predominates over formation. Therefore, in normal aging,
there is a gradual loss of bone (Arnaud, 1988).
The remaining 1% of body calcium is found in extracellular fluids,
intracellular structures, and cell membranes. This extraskeletal calcium plays all
essential role in such vital functions as nerve conduction, muscle contraction,
blood clotting, and membrane permeability. Blood calcium concentration is
maintained within very narrow limits by the interplay of several hormones
(1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, estrogen,
testosterone, and possibly others), which control calcium absorption and
excretion, as well as bone metabolism.
Levels of soft tissue calcium are maintained at the expense of bone in the
face of inadequate calcium intake or absorption. Under such circumstances,
there is either inadequate mineralization of bone in the young or mineral is
withdrawn from bone with a consequent reduction of bone strength.
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Calcium is lost from the body in feces, urine, and sweat. The fecal calcium
consists of unabsorbed dietary calcium, the amount of which depends on dietary
intake and other factors, and a small portion of the endogenously secreted
calcium (about 100 to 150 mg/day), which escapes reabsorption. Urinary
calcium excretion of adults is about 100 to 250 mg/day, but varies widely
among persons consuming self-selected diets (Nordin et al., 1967). Urinary
excretion is influenced by hormonal and dietary factors. Among the latter are
protein, sodium, and some carbohydrates, which increase calcium excretion,
and phosphorus, which decreases it. Except under conditions of extreme
sweating, loss of calcium from the skin is small (about 15 mg/ day).
Calcium Absorption
Intestinal absorption of calcium is variably influenced by several
nutritional and physiological factors (Avioli, 1988). Studies of calcium
absorption have frequently been flawed by failure to include the extended
period (4 weeks or more) required for adaptation to changes in dietary intake
and to control for intervening dietary variables. Nonetheless, the literature is
consistent on several points. The efficiency of absorption is increased during
periods of high physiologic requirement. Thus, children may absorb up to 75%
of ingested calcium as compared to the 20 to 40% typically observed in young
adults in the United States. Absorption is impaired in the aged (Heaney et al.,
1982). A higher percentage of ingested calcium is absorbed at low intakes than
at high intakes. Above an intake of about 800 mg/ day in normal adults,
absorption is approximately 15% of the amount ingested (Heaney et al., 1975).
Vitamin D is a recognized promoter of calcium absorption. The role of protein
and phosphorus is less clear. Dietary protein enhances calcium absorption
(McCance et al., 1942) in the protein intake range between inadequate and
adequate levels, but has little additional effect beyond RDA levels of protein
(Chu et al., 1975). The effect of phosphorus differs with the source, but,
excluding phytate phosphorus (see below), this element appears to have little if
any depressing effect on calcium absorption (Spencer et al., 1978, 1986).
It is uncertain if there are biologically important differences in the
absorption of calcium from different foods or diets. In animal models, the
presence of lactose tends to enhance paracellular calcium absorption, but this
effect has not been consistently demonstrated (Scrimshaw and Murray, 1988).
Phytate and oxalate bind calcium, rendering it insoluble, and certain fiber
fractions may interfere with
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calcium absorption. These substances are believed to be of little practical
importance at intakes typical for the U.S. diet (Judd et al., 1983; LSRO, 1987;
Schwartz et al., 1986).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Calcium intake varies widely among individuals in the United States but is
generally higher in males than in females. The 1977-1978 Nationwide Food
Consumption Survey (USDA, 1984) reported an average daily intake of 743 mg
for all people, ranging from 530 mg for women 35 to 50 years old to 1,179 mg
for 12- to 18-year-old boys. No group of adult females had a calcium intake
equal to or greater than the RDA of 800 mg. Black women ingested less dietary
calcium than whites (452 compared to 640 mg/day) (USDA, 1987).
Dairy products contribute more than 55% of the calcium intake of the U.S.
population (Block et al., 1985). Other contributors to the daily intake of calcium
are some leafy green vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and collards), lime-
processed tortillas, calcium-precipitated tofu, and calcium-fortified foods.
Bones, especially the soft bones of fish (e.g., sardines, salmon) and tips of
poultry leg bones, are rich and often unrecognized sources of calcium. Water is
a variable source. Several proprietary antacid preparations are calcium salts that
may constitute an underreported calcium source.
Bone Formation and Retention
Although calcium is a major constituent of bone, it is only one of many
factors affecting bone health. Genetic influences determine bone mass; sex
hormones and physical activity influence bone metabolism. Many dietary
constituents are either essential for, or complementary to, the proper utilization
of calcium, including vitamin D (Parfitt et al., 1982), copper (Davis and Mertz,
1987), zinc (Hambidge et al., 1986), manganese (Hurley and Keen, 1987),
fluorine (Krishnamachari, 1987), silicon (Carlisle, 1986), and boron (Nielsen,
The growth of the skeleton requires a positive calcium balance until peak
bone mass is reached. Mineralization of bone continues for some years after
longitudinal bone growth has ceased. Most of the accumulation of bone mineral
occurs in humans by about 20 years of age, but some bone mineral is added
during the third decade. Bone mass then begins to decline slowly during the
fifth decade in both sexes, as evidenced by progressive reduction of bone
density. The rate of loss accelerates greatly about the time of menopause in
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
women and remains high for several years. Bone loss accelerates much later in
men (by a decade or more). This results in gradually diminishing bone strength
and increased risk of fractures. The risk of fracture is less at a given age in
people who have achieved larger bone mass during the period of bone mass
accretion than in those with lower peak bone mass (Arnaud, 1988; Heaney,
Peak bone mass appears to be related to intake of calcium during the years
of bone mineralization. Investigations have usually involved estimation of past
calcium intake from a history of food consumption patterns, in which differing
habitual milk consumption is the chief contributor to differences in calcium
intake. Thus, intakes of other nutrients (e.g., protein, phosphorus, and,
importantly, the vitamin D added to most milk in the United States) are likely to
covary with calcium. In a study of two population groups in Yugoslavia with
different, long-standing intake patterns (500 and 1,100 mg of calcium per day),
greater bone mass was found at all ages and in both sexes in the high calcium
community (Matkovic et al., 1979). Since the rate of bone loss was the same in
adults of the two communities, the finding of more bone mass in the older age
groups of the high-calcium district must reflect higher peak bone mass
attainment. In studies conducted in the United States, investigators have
reported significant correlations between current bone density and past milk or
calcium intake in adult women (Halious and Anderson, 1989; Hurxthal and
Vose, 1969; Sandler et al., 1985). In another U.S. study, present calcium intake
was compared with bone density of postmenopausal women in two Iowa
communities where the water supply contained different levels of calcium over
at least a 50-year period (60 compared to 375 mg/liter), resulting in average
calcium intakes of 964 compared to 1,326 mg/day, respectively (Sowers et al.,
1985). There were no detectable differences in measured bone density between
communities. After adjustment for confounding factors, there was a small but
significantly higher bone density in the Iowa women who currently consumed
both 800 mg or more of calcium and 400 IU or more of vitamin D per day.
There is, however, no clear evidence that bone density of postmenopausal
women is related to concurrent dietary calcium intake within a wide range
(Garn, 1970; Garn et al., 1969) except, perhaps, where this reflects a high-
calcium food consumption pattern established in childhood.
The postmenopausal rate of decline in bone mineral is strongly dependent
on estrogen status. Estrogen replacement slows the rate of bone loss. Evidence
that supplementary calcium (1.5 to 2.5 g/day) can retard the rate of
postmenopausal bone loss is mixed (NRC, 1989), but the balance of evidence
suggests that calcium alone has
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
only a small effect on cortical bone loss and none on trabecular bone
(Freudenheim, 1986; Riis et al., 1987). Combined daily treatment with 0.3 mg
of conjugated estrogens plus 1 g of calcium supplement has, however, been
reported to be as effective as 0.6 mg of conjugated estrogen (widely accepted to
be the minimum effective dose for prevention of bone loss) without added
calcium (Ettinger et al., 1987). The observed inverse relationship between body
weight and risk of hip fracture in older women (heavier women having less risk
of fracture) may be due in part to the maintenance of higher levels of estrogen
by peripheral conversion of precursor steroids to estrogen in adipose tissue
(Kiel et al., 1987).
In the subcommittee's judgment, the most promising nutritional approach
to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life is to ensure a calcium intake that
allows the development of each individual's genetically programmed peak bone
mass during the formative years. The importance of meeting recommended
allowances at all ages is stressed, but with special attention to intakes
throughout childhood to age 25 years.
Relationship to Phosphorus and Protein Intakes
The level of dietary protein and phosphorus can affect the metabolism of,
and requirement for, calcium, primarily as a result of their opposing effects on
urinary calcium brought about by changes in fractional tubular reabsorption of
calcium. The effect on urinary excretion outweighs the small effects on
absorption described above. An increase in protein intake reduces fractional
tubular reabsorption (Allen et al., 1979; Kim and Linkswiler, 1979) and results
in an increase in urinary calcium excretion (Johnson et al., 1970; Margen et al.,
1974). In contrast, an increase in phosphorus intake increases fractional
reabsorption and causes urinary calcium to decrease (Hegsted et al., 1981;
Spencer et al., 1978). Because of the opposing effects of protein and
phosphorus on urinary calcium and calcium retention, a simultaneous increase
in the intake of both, a pattern characterized by milk, eggs, and meat ingestion,
has but little effect on calcium balance at recommended levels of calcium intake
(Spencer et al., 1988).
The low ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the U.S. diet was of concern in
the past. Animal studies indicated that excessive phosphorus intake led to
secondary hyperparathyroidism, resulting in loss of calcium from the skeleton
(LSRO, 1981). This effect was not seen in monkeys (Anderson et al., 1977),
and studies in humans have failed
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
to demonstrate effects of dietary phosphorus intake on calcium balance at
adequate levels of calcium intake (Spencer et al., 1988).
Other Potential Functions
A high intake of calcium has been associated with lower blood pressure in
some studies (McCarron et al., 1984), but not in others (Ackley et al., 1983).
Animal studies show that high levels of dietary calcium protect against cell
proliferation in the colon induced by fat and bile acids (Bird, 1986; Wargovich
et al., 1983). The evidence from human studies is, however, insufficient to
support an inference that high calcium diets protect against the development of
colon tumors. These subjects are reviewed in the Food and Nutrition Board
report Diet and Health (NRC, 1989).
Recommended Allowances
Adults and Adolescents
An optimal calcium intake is difficult to define, given the substantial
adaptive capacity and the long lag period before changes in status can be
detected. It is not surprising that recommendations in different countries vary
widely, from a low of 400 mg/day for women in Thailand to a high of 1,000 mg
for both sexes over 75 years of age in the Netherlands. Concern for the high
proportion of postmenopausal women at risk for osteoporosis has led some to
suggest that the RDA for calcium should be increased markedly (NIH, 1984).
This subcommittee is not persuaded by the evidence in hand that the long-
standing RDAs should be revised upward in response to this medical concern.
Nor is the subcommittee convinced that levels should be lowered to those
recommended by international groups (e.g., FAO, 1962) despite the evidence
that many population groups seemingly maintain satisfactory status with much
lower intakes of calcium than the RDA.
The age at which peak bone mass is attained is uncertain, but probably is
not less than 25 years. The subcommittee thus recommends an extra calcium
allowance to permit full mineral deposition through age 24 rather than through
age 18 years, as in previous editions of the RDA.
The recommended calcium allowance for adults is based on an estimate of
200 to 250 mg/day of obligatory loss and an estimated absorption rate of 30 to
40%. Calcium accretion during the growing years averages 140 to 165 mg/day
and may be as high as 400 to 500 mg/day during the pubertal growth period
(Garn, 1970). Intestinal calcium absorption is efficient in youth and adapts in
relation to
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
needs. In setting the RDA, however, the absorption rate is conservatively
estimated to be 40%.
An intake of 1,200 mg is recommended for both sex groups from ages 11
to 24 years. For older age groups, the previous allowance of 800 mg is retained.
These amounts of calcium can easily be obtained if dairy products are included
in the diet. A balanced diet furnishes, in addition to calcium, other nutrients
necessary for bone health. The subcommittee emphasizes that its
recommendations do not address the possible needs of persons who may have
osteoporosis and should receive medical attention.
Pregnancy and Lactation
The newborn contains approximately 30 g of calcium, most of which is
deposited during the third trimester of intrauterine development (Pitkin, 1985).
Calcium retention is 200 to 250 mg/day during that period. Human milk
contains approximately 320 mg calcium/liter. This concentration corresponds to
240 mg in the average daily milk secretion of 750 ml; 300 mg encompasses the
probable upper boundary of production (+ 2 SDs).
The calcium absorption rate has been reported to increase during
pregnancy and lactation in rats (Halloran and DeLuca, 1980) and adolescent
girls (Heaney and Skillman, 1971). There is no clear relation between women's
bone health and either their number of pregnancies or lactation history in
populations that consume currently recommended amounts of calcium
(Koetting and Wardlaw, 1988; Lambke et al., 1977). This evidence suggests it
is prudent to recommend a calcium intake of 1,200 mg throughout pregnancy
and lactation, irrespective of age.
Infants and Children
Infants thrive on an average intake of 240 mg of calcium from 750 ml of
human milk, of which they retain approximately two-thirds. Allowing 25% for
variance, intake would be 300 mg, of which 200 mg is absorbed. The retention
of calcium from formulas based on cow's milk is less than one-half. Therefore,
the recommendation for formula-fed infants is 400 mg/day for the first 6
months of life. This amount is provided by typical infant formulas now in use in
the United States. An allowance of 600 mg/ day would suffice for the next 6
months and 800 mg/day at ages 1 to 10 years. These latter allowances are
arbitrary, since specific data on requirements of this age group are lacking.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Although no adverse effects have been observed in many healthy adults
consuming up to 2,500 mg of calcium per day, high intakes
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
may induce constipation and place up to half of otherwise healthy
hypercalciuric males at increased risk of urinary stone formation. A high
calcium intake may inhibit the intestinal absorption of iron, zinc, and other
essential minerals (Greger, 1988). Ingestion of very large amounts may result in
hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, and deterioration in renal function in both sexes
(Avioli, 1988). Supplementation to a total calcium intake much above the RDA
is not recommended.
Ackley, S., E. Barrett-Connor, and L. Suarez. 1983. Dairy products, calcium and blood pressure.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 38:457-461.
Allen, L.H., E.A. Oddove, and S. Margen. 1979. Protein-induced hypercalciuria: a longer term
study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 32:741-749.
Anderson, M.P., R.D. Hunt, H.J. Griffiths, K.W. McIntyre, and R.E. Zimmerman. 1977. Long-term
effect of low dietary calcium:phosphate ratio on the skeleton of Cebus albifrons monkeys.
J. Nutr. 107:834-839.
Arnaud, C.D. 1988. Mineral and bone homeostasis. Pp. 1469-1479 In J.B. Wyngaarden, L.H. Smith,
Jr., and F. Plum, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 18th ed. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Avioli, L.V. 1988. Calcium and phosphorus. Pp. 142-158 in M.E. Shils and V.R. Young, eds.
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Bird, R.P. 1986. Effect of dietary components on the pathobiology of colonic epithelium: possible
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Carlisle, E.M. 1986. Silicon. Pp. 373-390 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human and Animal
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Chu, J.Y., S. Margen, and F.M. Costa. 1975. Studies on calcium metabolism. II. Effects of low
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Davis, G.K., and W. Mertz. 1987. Copper. Pp. 301-364 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human
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Ettinger, B., H.K. Genant, and C.E. Cann. 1987. Postmenopausal bone loss is prevented by
treatment with low-dosage estrogen with calcium. Ann. Intern. Med. 106:40-45.
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization). 1962. Calcium Requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/
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Freudenheim, J.I., N.E. Hohnson, and E.L. Smith. 1986. Relationships between usual nutrient intake
and bone-mineral content of women 35-65 years of age; longitudinal and cross-sectional
analyses. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 44:863-876.
Garn, S.M. 1970. The earlier gain and the later loss of cortical bone. In Nutritional Perspectives.
Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Ill. 146 pp.
Garn, S.M., C.G. Rohmann, B. Wagner, G.H. Davila, and W. Ascoli. 1969. Population similarities
in the onset and rate of adult endosteal bone loss. Clin. Orthop. 65:5160.
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Greger, J.L. 1988. Effect of variations in dietary protein, phosphorus, electrolytes and vitamin D on
calcium and zinc metabolism. Pp. 205-227 in C.E. Bodwell and J.W. Erdman, Jr., eds.
Nutrient Interactions. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Halious, L., and J.J.B. Anderson. 1989. Lifetime calcium intake and physical activity habits:
independent and combined effects on the radial bone of healthy premenopausal Caucasian
women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49:534-541.
Halloran. B.P. and H.F. DeLuca. 1980. Calcium transport in small intestine during pregnancy and
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Hambridge, K.M., C.E. Casey, and N.F. Krebs. 1986. Zinc. Pp. 1-137 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace
Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed., Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York.
Heaney, R.P. 1986. Calcium, bone health and osteoporosis. Pp. 255-301 in W.A. Peck, ed. Bone and
Mineral Research/4. Elsevier, New York.
Heaney, R.P., and T.G. Skillman. 1971. Calcium metabolism in human pregnancy. J. Clin.
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Heaney, R.P., P.D. Sarille, and R.R. Recker. 1975. Calcium absorption as a function of calcium
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Calcium nutrition and bone health in the elderly. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:986-1013.
Hegsted, M.S., S.A. Schuette, M.B. Zemel, and H.M. Linkswiler. 1981. Urinary calcium and
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Hurley, J.S., and C.L., Keen. 1987. Manganese. Pp. 185-223 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in
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Hurxthal, L.M., and C.P. Vose. 1969. The relationship of dietary calcium intake to radiographic
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Johnson, N.F., E.N. Alcantara, and H. Linkswiler. 1970. Effect of level of protein intake on urinary
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Krishnamachari, K.A.V.R. 1987. Pp. 365-415 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human and
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Lambke, B., J. Bruhdin, and P. Moberg. 1977. Changes of bone mineral content during pregnancy
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LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1987. Physiological Effects and Health Consequences of
Dietary Fiber. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Md.
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Margen, S., J-Y. Chu, N.A. Kaufmann, and D.H. Calloway. 1974. Studies in calcium metabolism. 1.
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Parfitt, A.M., J.C. Gallagher, R.P. Heaney, C.C. Johnston, R. Neer, and G.D. Whedon. 1982.
Vitamin D and bone health in the elderly. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36:1014-1031.
Pitkin, R.M. 1985. Calcium metabolism in pregnancy and the perinatal period: a review. Am. J.
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Riis, B., K. Thomsen, and C. Christiansen. 1987. Does calcium supplementation prevent
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Kriska. 1985. Postmenopausal bone density and milk consumption in childhood and
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Sowers, M.F.R., R.B. Wallace, and J.H. Lemke. 1985. Correlates of midradius bone density among
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Spencer, H., L. Kramer, D. Osis, and C. Norris. 1978. Effect of phosphorus on the absorption of
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Spencer, H., L. Kramer, N. Rubio, and D. Osis. 1986. The effect of phosphorus on endogenous fecal
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Spencer, H., L. Kramer, and D. Osis. 1988. Do protein and phosphorus cause calcium loss? J. Nutr.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutrient
Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-2. Consumer Nutrition
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Hyattsville, Md. 439 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals. Women 19-50 Years
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and Their Children 1-5 Years, 4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring
Division, Human Nutrition Information Service, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Wargovich, M.J., V.W.S. Eng, H.L. Newmark, and W.R. Bruce. 1983. Calcium ameliorates the
toxic effect of deoxycholic acid on colonic epithelium. Carcinogenesis 4: 1205-1207.
Phosphorus is an essential component of bone mineral, where it occurs in
the mass ratio of 1 phosphorus to 2 calcium. Approximately 85% (700 g) of the
phosphorus in the adult body is found in bone. Phosphorus also plays an
important role in many and varied chemical reactions in the body. It is present
in soft tissues as soluble phosphate ion; in lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and
nucleic acid in an ester or anhydride linkage; and in enzymes as a modulator of
their activities. Energy for metabolic processes derives largely from the
phosphate bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate, and
similar compounds.
Phosphorus is efficiently absorbed by the small intestine as free phosphate
(Avioli, 1988). Phosphorus absorption probably takes place by three different
mechanisms: (1) calcium-coupled, vitamin D-dependent; (2) noncalcium-
coupled, vitamin D-dependent; and (3) noncalcium coupled, vitamin D-
independent (Parfitt and Kleerekoper, 1980).
Infants absorb from 65 to 70% of the phosphorus in cow's milk and 85 to
90% of that in human milk. Children and adults absorb 50 to 70% of the
phosphorus in normal diets and as much as 90% when the intake is low (LSRO,
Polyphosphate (sodium hexametaphosphate), which is used in the
processing of food, is efficiently hydrolyzed to orthophosphate in the intestine,
where it is well absorbed (Zemel and Linkswiler, 1981). Approximately 50% of
phytate phosphorus is absorbed (Parfitt et al., 1964).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Phosphorus is present in nearly all foods. The amount available in the food
supply from unprocessed primary commodities, about 1,430 to 1,520 mg per
capita per day, has been relatively constant during the past 75 years, despite
marked changes in food consumption patterns (Bunch, 1987). The mean daily
phosphorus intake is approximately 1,500 mg/day for adult males (USDA,
1986) and 1,000 mg/ day for adult females (USDA, 1987). True intakes may be
15 to 20%
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higher, however, since the phosphorus supplied by numerous food additives in
processed foods is typically not accounted for in tables of food composition
(Oenning et al., 1988).
Major contributors of phosphorus are protein-rich foods and cereal grains.
About half the food phosphorus in the U.S. diet comes from milk, meat, poultry,
and fish. Cereal products contribute about 12%. Diets based heavily on
convenience foods may derive 20 to 30% of phosphorus from food additives
(Greger and Krystofiak, 1982).
Meats, poultry, and fish, exclusive of bone, contain 15 to 20 times more
phosphorus than calcium. There is twice as much phosphorus as calcium in
eggs, grains, nuts, dry beans, peas, and lentils. Only milk, natural cheeses, green
leafy vegetables, and bone contain more calcium than phosphorus. Cow's milk
contains both more calcium and phophorus than does human milk, and the
ratios of the elements differ widely. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in cow's
milk is 1.3 to 1 and that in human milk is 2.3 to 1.
The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in the U.S. diet varies, depending on food
consumption patterns. The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is higher in diets of
infants and children than in diets of adults. The average ratio is 1 to 1.8 for
adults between 35 to 50 years of age (USDA, 1984), but may be as low as 1 to 4
for those whose diets are low in dairy products and green vegetables.
General Signs of Deficiency
Because almost all foods contain phosphorus, dietary phosphorus
deficiency does not usually occur. An exception is small premature infants fed
human milk exclusively. Such infants need more phosphorus than is contained
in human milk for the rate of bone mineralization required (Von Sydow, 1946).
Without additional phosphorus, hypophosphatemic rickets may develop (Rowe
et al., 1979).
Serious phosphorus deficiency has been induced in patients receiving
aluminum hydroxide as an antacid for prolonged periods (Bloom and Flinchum,
1960; Lotz et al., 1968). Aluminum hydroxide binds phosphorus, making it
unavailable for absorption. Phosphorus deficiency results in bone loss and is
characterized by weakness, anorexia, malaise, and pain.
Recommended Allowances
Adults, Children, and Pregnant and Lactating Women
The precise requirement for phosphorus is unknown. Previous editions
have set the allowance for phosphorus equal to calcium for all ages except
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
the young infant. Although dietary phosphorus is more abundant than calcium
in most U.S. diets with the few exceptions cited, neither inadequate nor
excessive intake of phosphorus appears to be a problem. The subcommittee
accepts that a 1-to-1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus will provide sufficient
phosphorus for most age groups, but if the calcium intake is adequate, the
precise ratio of these minerals is unimportant. The RDA for phosphorus is 800
mg for children 1 to 10 years, 1,200 mg for ages 11 to 24 years, and 800 mg for
ages beyond 24. A total allowance of 1,200 mg/day is recommended during
pregnancy and lactation.
The phosphorus content of human milk, 14 mg/100 g, is adequate for the
full-term infant; the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 2.3 to 1. The RDA for
calcium in infants is based on the poorer absorption of calcium from formulas
than from human milk. Allowances for phosphorus are based on a calcium-to-
phosphorus ratio of 1.3 to 1 (the same as in cow's milk) during the first 6
months, and 1.2 to 1 for the second 6 months. This declining ratio is consistent
with the gradual addition of supplementary foods to the basic milk diet of the
newborn. The RDA of formula-fed infants from birth to 6 months of age is 300
mg/day, and that for infants 6 to 12 months is 500 mg/day.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
An excess of phosphorus, i.e., a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio lower than 1
to 2, has been shown in several species of animals to lower the blood calcium
level and to cause secondary hyperparathyroidism with resorption and loss of
bone. In humans, only the effect on blood calcium level has been observed
clinically. High-phosphorus human milk substitutes may contribute to the
occurrence of hypocalcemic tetany in early infancy (Mizraki et al., 1968),
unless calcium levels are increased commensurately. The phosphorus levels
present in normal diets are not likely to be harmfulcertainly not in the
presence of adequate intakes of calcium and vitamin D.
Avioli, L.V. 1988. Calcium and phosphorus. Pp. 142-158 in M.E. Shils and V.R. Young, eds.
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 7th ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
Bloom, W.L., and D. Flinchum. 1960. Osteomalacia with pseudofractures caused by the ingestion of
aluminum hydroxide. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 174:1327-1330.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Bunch, K.L. 1987. Food consumption, prices, and expenditures. 1987. Statistical Bulletin No. 749.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. D.C.
Greger, J.L. and M. Krystofiak. 1982. Phosphorus intake of Americans. Food Technol. 36:78-84.
Lotz, M. E. Zisman, and F.C. Bartter. 1968. Evidence for a phosphorus-depletion syndrome in man.
N. Engl. J. Med. 278:409-415.
LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1981. Effects of Dietary Factors on Skeletal Integrity in
Adults: Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D and Protein. Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Md.
Mizraki, A., R.D. London, and D. Gribetz. 1968. Neonatal hypocalcemia: its causes and treatment.
N. Engl. Med. 278:1163-1165.
Oenning, L.L., J. Vogel, and M.S. Calvo. 1988. Accuracy of methods estimating calcium and
phosphorus intake in daily diets. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 88:1076-1078.
Partitt, A.M., and M. Kleerekoper. 1980. The divalent ion homeostatic systemphysiology and
metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and bone. Pp. 269-398 in M.H. Maxwell
and C.R. Kleeman, eds. Clinical Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism, 3rd ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Parfitt, A.M., B.A. Higgins, J.R. Nassim, J.A. Collins, and A. Hilb. 1964. Metabolic studies in
patients with hypercalciuria. Clin. Sci. 27:463-482.
Rowe, J.C., D.H. Wood, D.W. Rowe, and L.G. Raisz. 1979. Nutritional hypophosphatemic rickets
in a premature fed breast milk. N. Engl. J. Med. 299:293-296.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1984. Table 2A-I: Nutritive value of food intake. Average
per individual per day, 1/1977-78. Pp. 154-155 in Nationwide Food Consumption Survey.
Nutrient Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Year 1977-78. Report No. 1-2. Consumer
Nutrition Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Hyattsville, Md.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1986. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Men 19-50 Years, 1 Day, 1985. Report No. 85-3.
Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Von Sydow, G. 1946. A study of the developments of rickets in premature infants. Acta Paediatr.
Scand. 33 Suppl. 2:3.
Zemel, M.B., and H.M. Linkswiler. 1981. Calcium metabolism in the young adult male as affected
by level and form of phosphorus intake and level of phosphorus intake. J. Nutr.
Approximately 40% of the 20 to 28 g of magnesium contained in the adult
human body resides in the muscles and soft tissues, about 1% in the
extracellular fluid, and the remainder in the skeleton (Aikawa, 1981). Average
plasma magnesium concentration is about 0.85 mm (range, 0.65 to 1.0 mm)
(Lowenstein and Stanton, 1986). This level is maintained remarkably constant
in healthy individuals by poorly understood homeostatic mechanisms.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Numerous biochemical and physiological processes require or are
modulated by magnesium. As the complex Mg-ATP
, magnesium is essential
for all biosynthetic processes, glycolysis, formation of cyclic-AMP, energy-
dependent membrane transport, and transmission of the genetic code (Eichhorn
and Marzilli, 1981; Rude and Oldham, 1987; Wacker, 1980; Wester, 1987).
More than 300 enzymes are known to be activated by magnesium, either by
interaction between substrate and an active site or by induction of
conformational change (Garfinkel and Garfinkel, 1985; Mildvan, 1970;
Wacker, 1980).
Free intracellular magnesium concentrations have been
estimated at 0.3 to 1.0 mm (Cittadini and Scarpa, 1983) and are believed to
control cellular metabolism by modulating the activity of ratelimiting enzymes
(Garfinkel and Garfinkel, 1985; Wacker, 1980). Extracellular magnesium
concentrations are critical to the maintenance of electrical potentials of nerve
and muscle membranes and for transmission of impulses across neuromuscular
junctions (Aikawa, 198 1). In these processes, which also depend on calcium,
the two cations may act synergistically or antagonistically (Iseri and French,
1984; Livingston and Wacker, 1976).
Magnesium homeostasis does not appear to be regulated by hormonal
mechanisms. Plasma magnesium levels are believed to be regulated primarily
by the kidney (Heaton, 1969; Quamme, 1986). Approximately 70% of plasma
magnesium is not bound to protein and is therefore filterable (Walser, 1967).
About 30% of filtered magnesium is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule and
another 65% is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle, the site at which major
adjustments in response to plasma concentrations appear to take place. A
portion of bone magnesium is in passive equilibrium with that in the plasma
(Alfrey et al., 1974) and acts as a buffer against fluctuations in extracellular
magnesium concentrations.
The rare occurrence of a genetic defect in magnesium absorption in infants
(Paunier et al., 1965) suggests that a specific mechanism exists for magnesium
absorption (Roth and Werner, 1979), but none has yet been identified.
Magnesium secreted into the gut is efficiently reabsorbed. Only 25 to 50 mg of
endogenous magnesium are normally excreted in the feces. Fractional
magnesium absorption changes inversely with magnesium intake (Graham et
al., 1960; Roth and Werner, 1 979). Average net magnesium absorption is about
50% (range, 40 to 60%) of intake (Schwartz et al., 1978, 1984; Wilkinson,
1976). The presence of phytate or fiber may reduce magnesium absorption to a
minor degree (Kelsay et al., 1979; Reinhold et al., 1976; Schwartz et al., 1984).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
General Signs of Deficiency
Magnesium depletion with or without symptoms has been reported in
association with numerous disease states (Shils, 1988). Most of these fall into
one of four categories: gastrointestinal tract abnormalities associated with
malabsorption or excessive fluid and electrolyte losses; renal dysfunction with
defects in cation reabsorption; general malnutrition and alcoholism; and
iatrogenic causes such as nasogastric suctioning, intravenous or intragastric
feeding of mixtures deficient in magnesium, or use of drugs that interfere with
magnesium conservation.
Purely dietary magnesium deficiency has not been reported in people
consuming natural diets and has been induced experimentally only once (Shils,
1988). In that study, seven patients were fed a formula diet after radical surgery
for oral cancer (Shils, 1969). After a month on a formula that supplied adequate
magnesium, the formula was changed to supply 12 mg of magnesium. Urinary
magnesium fell sharply to levels no longer detectable within a week,
demonstrating the efficiency of renal conservation. Fecal magnesium losses
were also very low. Nonetheless, plasma magnesium fell continuously.
Symptoms were noted at different times after depletion began, the earliest onset
occurring in two people after 24 and 26 days. Others remained asymptomatic
for more than 100 days, but all eventually showed symptoms. The most
prominent and consistent signs were nausea, muscle weakness, irritability,
mental derangement, and myographic changes, but not all symptoms were
observed in all patients. The signs described by Shils do not coincide entirely
with those reported in patients who spontaneously develop symptomatic
hypomagnesemia, which is frequently complicated by other deficiencies or
diseases (Wacker, 1980). Both hypokalemia and hypocalcemia developed in
Shils's patients, although the diet was adequate in potassium and calcium, which
led him to conclude that magnesium is important to calcium and potassium
homeostasisa concept still valid today.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
All unprocessed foods contain magnesium, albeit in widely differing
amounts. The highest concentrations of magnesium are found in whole seeds
such as nuts, legumes, and unmilled grains (Seelig, 1964). More than 80% of
the magnesium is lost by removal of the germ and outer layers of cereal grains
(Marier, 1986). Green vege
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
tables are another good source of magnesium, much of it in the form of the
magnesium-porphyrin complex chlorophyll. Fish, meat, and milk are relatively
poor sources of magnesium. So are most commonly eaten fruits, with the
exception of bananas. On the whole, diets high in vegetables and unrefined
grains are much higher in magnesium than diets that include substantial
quantities of refined foods, meat, and dairy products (Abdullah et al., 1981;
Marier, 1986).
Average intakes of magnesium have tended to decline in the United States.
Per capita magnesium in the U.S. food supply (estimated as food flowing
through the food distribution system) was 408 mg/day during the period( 1909
to 1913 (Welsh and Marsten, 1982). By 1949, the amount had declined to 368
mg. The amount reported in 1980 was 349 mg of magnesium. These estimates
are in close agreement with data reported by Pennington et al. (1984). Chemical
analyses of' typical diets in the Food and Drug Administration's Total Diet
Study showed that the reference adult male, assumed to need 2,850 kcal/ day,
would have received 354, 328, 326, and 343 mg of magnesium during 1976,
1977, 1980, and 1981-1982, respectively. In 1985, the average magnesium
intake of adult men was 329 mg (USDA, 1986), whereas mean intakes for adult
women and children 1 to 5 years of age were 207 and 193 mg, respectively
(USDA, 1987).
Recommended Allowances
The only practical method for estimating human magnesium requirements
is the metabolic balance procedure. Neither the shortlived radioisotope 28Mg
nor the stable isotope 26Mg is suitable for whole-body magnesium turnover
studies (Schwartz et al., 1978). The other possible alternative for the estimation
of requirements (assessment of intake in relation to magnesium status is
unsatisfactory, because there are no reliable noninvasive techniques for
determining magnesium status (Elin, 1987; Ryzen et al., 1985).
Balance data reviewed by Seelig (1964) led her to conclude that an intake
of 6.0 mg/kg per day is needed to ensure adequate magnesium status. Many of
the studies she reviewed were conducted before the common use of atomic
absorption spectrometry for magnesium analyses. Later studies indicate that
magnesium balance can be maintained in healthy men at intakes as low as 3.0 to
4.5 mg/kg (210 to 320 mg/day) (Grieger and Baier, 1983; Hunt and Schofield,
1969:; Mahalco et al., 1983; Schwartz et al., 1984, 1986).
The subcommittee considered both balance data and the usual intakes of
the U.S. population in setting RDAs. Although dietary
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
surveys indicate that magnesium intakes of some segments of the population are
lower than current recommendations, there is no unequivocal evidence that
magnesium deficiency is a problem among healthy persons in this country. The
RDA for adults of both sexes is accepted to be 4.5 mg/kg, the upper range of
requirements determined in modern balance studies. This value is
approximately the same as the 1980 RDA280 mg for women and 350 mg for
men ages 19 and above.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Hathaway (1962) concluded from a compilation of previous data that an
intake of 350 mg/day is sufficient to meet the needs of mother and fetus. In a
later study, 10 pregnant women on self-selected diets supplying 269 ± 55 mg/
day were found, on average, to be in negative magnesium balance (Ashe et al.,
1979). Underestimation of intake may have been a contributing factor to
negative magnesium (and calcium) balances in this study, since magnesium
content of water was not measured.
A healthy full-term fetus is reported to contain approximately 1 g of
magnesium (Widdowson and Dickerson, 1964; Ziegler et al., 1976). Most of
this is acquired in the last two trimesters of pregnancy at an estimated average
rate of about 6 mg/day. An increase of 20 mg of magnesium in the daily
recommendation for pregnancy should be enough to meet the needs of the fetus
and maternal tissue growth, allowing for individual variation and assuming 50%
of dietary magnesium to be absorbed.
Human milk contains about 28 to 40 mg magnesium per liter (Lemons et
al., 1982), or about 30 mg in the average volume of 750 ml per day. In the first
6 months of lactation, 60 mg of dietary magnesium per day would replenish
average magnesium lost in milk, assuming 50% absorption. To allow for
variation, the RDA is 25% higher (+ 2 SDs), or 75 mg/day in addition to the
nonlactating allowance. By the same reasoning, the increase in the RDA for the
second 6 months of lactation is 60 mg. These allowances for pregnancy and
lactation are far lower than in previous editions. The derivation of previous
recommendations was not specified.
Infants and Children
There are no data on magnesium requirements of young children. In the
first 6 months of life, average magnesium intake of breastfed infants is 30 mg/
day. To allow for variability in growth, (2 SDs = 25%), the allowance is 40 mg/
day. The allowance for the second 6 months is increased to 60 mg/day.
Schwartz et al. (1973) reported that a minimum magnesium intake of 4.6 mg/kg
per day was sufficient to support balance in boys aged
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
13 to 16 years. Greger et al. (1978) found small negative balances in adolescent
girls on magnesium intakes of 3.3 to 5.6 mg/kg. The allowance recommended
for children of both sexes between 1 and 15 years is 6.0 mg/kg per day, which is
substantially lower than the 1980 RDAs for these groups. Allowances for the
15- to 18-year group are maintained at 400 and 300 mg for males and females,
respectively, as in the previous edition.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
There is no evidence that large oral intakes of magnesium are harmful to
people with normal renal function, but impaired renal function resulting in
magnesium retention is often associated with hypermagnesemia. Early
symptoms of hypermagnesemia include nausea, vomiting, and hypotension. As
the condition worsens, bradycardia, cutaneous vasodilatation,
electrocardiographic changes, hyporeflexia, and central nervous system
depression ensue. At the most severe level of hypermagnesemia, respiratory
depression, coma, and asystolic arrest may occur (Mordes and Wacker, 1978).
Most cases of hypermagnesemnia occur following the therapeutic use of
magnesium-containing drugs. Antacids and laxatives containing relatively low
amounts of magnesium generally are regarded as safe.
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Cittadini, A., and A. Scarpa. 1983. Intracellular Mg
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Graham, L.A., J.J. Caesar, and A.S.V. Burgen. 1960. Gastrointestinal absorption and excretion of
Mg28 in man. Metabolism 9:646-659.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Greger, J.L., and M.J. Baier. 1983. Effect of dietary aluminum on mineral metabolism of adult
males. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 38:411-419.
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Vol. VII. American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C.
Lowenstein, F.W., and M.F. Stanton. 1986. Serum magnesium levels in the United States,
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1984. Selected minerals in foods surveys, 1974 to 1981/82. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 84:771-780.
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organ resistance. Pp. 183-195 in B.M. Altura, J. Durlach, and M.S. Seelig, eds.
Magnesium in Cellular Processes and Medicine. Karger, Basel.
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Ryzen, E., N. Elbaum, F.R. Singer. and R.K. Rude. 1985. Parenteral magnesium tolerance testing in
the evaluation of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium 4:137-147.
Schwartz, R., G. Walker, M.D. Linz, and I. MacKellar. 1973. Metabolic responses of adolescent
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Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition Information Service. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 94 pp.
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 1987. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years,
4 Days, 1985. Report No. 85-4. Nutrition Monitoring Division, Human Nutrition
Information Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Md. 182 pp.
Wacker, W.E.C. 1980. Magnesium and Man. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass.
Walser, M. 1967. Magnesium metabolism. Ergebn. Physiol. 59:185-296.
Welsh, S.O., and R.M. Marston. 1982. Review of trends in food use in the United States, 1909 to
1980. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 81:120-125.
Wester, P.O. 1987. Magnesium. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 45:1305-1312.
Widdowson, F.M., and J.W.T Dickerson. 1964. Chemical composition of the body. Pp. 1-247 in
C.L. Comar and F. Bronner, eds. Mineral Metabolism, Vol. 11. The Elements, Part A.
Academic Press, New York.
Wilkinson, R. 1976. Absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Pp. 36-112 in B.E.C.
Nordin, ed. Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium Metabolism. Churchill Livingstone,
Ziegler, E.F., A. M. O'Donnell, S.E. Nelson, and S.J. Fomon. 1976. Body composition of the
reference fetus. Growth 40:329-341.
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Trace Elements
Iron is a constituent of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and a number of enzymes
and, therefore, is an essential nutrient for humans (Bothwell et al., 1979). In
addition to these functional forms, as much as 30% of the body iron is found in
storage forms such as ferritin and hemosiderin (mainly in the spleen, liver, and
bone marrow), and a small amount is associated with the blood transport protein
Body iron content is regulated mainly through changes in the amount of
iron absorbed by the intestinal mucosa (Finch and (Cook, 1984). The absorption
of iron is influenced by body stores (Bothwell et al., 1979; Cook et al., 1974),
by the amount and chemical nature of iron in the ingested food (Layrisse et al.,
1968), and by a variety of dietary factors that increase or decrease the
availability of iron for absorption (Gillooly et al., 1983; Hallberg, 1981). When
the dietary supply of absorbable iron is sufficient, the intestinal mucosa
regulates iron absorption in a manner that tends to keep body iron content
constant. In iron deficiency, the efficiency of iron absorption increases (Finch
and Cook, 1984). However, this response may not be sufficient to prevent
anemia in subjects whose intake of available iron is marginal. Similarly,
intestinal regulation is not sufficient to prevent excessive body accumulation of
iron in the presence of continued high levels of iron in the diet.
General Signs of Deficiency
Three stages of impaired iron status have been identified. In the first stage,
iron depletion, iron stores are diminished, as reflected in
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a fall in plasma ferritin to levels below 12 µg/liter, but no functional impairment
is evident. The second stage is recognized by iron-deficient erythropoiesis, in
which the hemoglobin level is within the 95%, reference range for age and sex
but red cell protoporphyrin levels are elevated, transferrin saturation is reduced
to less than 16% in adults, and work capacity performance may be impaired. In
the third stage, iron deficiency anemia, total blood hemoglobin levels are
reduced below normal values for age and sex of the subject. Severe iron
deficiency anemia is characterized by small red blood cells (microcytosis) with
low hemoglobin concentrations (hypochromia).
Currently there is no single biochemical indicator available to reliably
assess iron inadequacy in the general population. Three approaches for
estimating the prevalence of impaired iron status were used by the Life Sciences
Research Office (LSRO, 1985). One (the ferritin model) involved the use of
three indicatorsserum ferritin, transferrin saturation, and erythrocyte
protoporphyrinand required that at least two of these be abnormal. In another,
mean cell volume (MCV) was substituted for ferritin, but there was also a
requirement that at least two of the three indicators be abnormal. The third
approach (hemoglobin percentile shift) was defined as the change in median
hemoglobin concentration after exclusion of individuals with one or more
abnormal iron status values.
Operational definitions of anemia have been established by a World Health
Organization (WHO) Expert Committee (WHO, 1968) in terms of hemoglobin
level. For males and females age 14 years and over, anemia is defined as a
hemoglobin level below 13 g/dl and 12 g/dl, respectively. For pregnant women,
values below 11 g/dl for the first trimester, 10.5 for the second, and 11.0 for the
third have recently been proposed by the Centers for Disease Control as levels
defining anemia (CDC, 1989). Since the range of normal hemoglobin values is
rather broad (13 to 16 g/dl in men and 12 to 16 g/dl in women), the actual
deficit in hemoglobin may vary considerably in individuals with a given level of
hemoglobin below the cut-off point.
The consequences of iron deficiency are usually ascribed to the resulting
anemia, although some effects of deficiency have been found before reduced
hemoglobin levels were observed (NRC, 1979). An association between
hemoglobin concentration and work capacity is the most clearly identified
functional consequence of iron deficiency (Viteri and Torun, 1974). However,
there are reports of reduced physical performance in iron deficiency even before
anemia is present (Dallman et al., 1978). Iron deficiency also has been
associated with decreased immune function as measured by changes in several
components of the immune system during iron deficiency. The functional
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consequences of these immune system changes to actual resistance to infection
still remains to be determined. In children, iron deficiency has been associated
with apathy, short attention span, irritability, and reduced ability to learn
(Lozoff and Brittenham, 1986). The degree to which milder forms of iron
deficiency, as opposed to severe anemia, result in impaired school performance
by children is uncertain (Pollitt, 1987).
In the United States, iron deficiency may be observed primarily during
four periods of life: (1) from about 6 months to 4 years of age, because the iron
content of milk is low, the body is growing rapidly, and body reserves of iron
are often insufficient to meet needs beyond 6 months; (2) during the rapid
growth of early adolescence, because of the needs of an expanding red cell mass
and the need to deposit iron in myoglobin; (3) during the female reproductive
period, because of menstrual iron losses; and (4) during pregnancy, because of
the expanding blood volume of the mother, the demands of the fetus and
placenta, and blood losses during childbirth. Analyses of data from the Second
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) of the U.S.
population, 1976-1980, depending on the assessment model used, indicated a
prevalence of impaired iron status ranging from 1 to 6% of the total population,
including 9% of children aged 1 to 2 years of age, 4 to 12% of males ages 11 to
14 years, and 5 to 14% of females ages 15 to 44 (LSRO, 1985). The frequency
of iron depletion as determined by measurement of serum ferritin, and of iron-
deficient erythropoiesis as determined by transferrin saturation and
protoporphyrin, is substantially greater than the frequency of iron deficiency
anemia in the population surveyed in NHANES II (Bothwell et al., 1979;
Dallman et al., 1984; Meyers et al., 1983).
Dietary Sources
Iron is widely distributed in the U.S. food supply; meat, eggs, vegetables,
and cereals (especially fortified cereal products) are the principal dietary
sources. In examining food consumption data for women 18 to 24 years of age
from NHANES II, Murphy and Calloway (1986) found that of a daily iron
intake of 10.7 mg, 31% came from meat, poultry, and fish and that 25% was
provided by iron added to foods, mainly cereals, as fortification or enrichment.
Fruits, vegetables, and juices contain varying amounts of iron, but as a group
represent another major source of dietary iron. Heme iron, a highly available
source, represents from 7 to 10% of the dietary iron of girls and women and
from 8 to 12% of dietary iron of boys and men,
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according to data from the 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey
(Raper et al., 1984).
Iron availability may be enhanced by consumption of foods containing
ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid intake is relatively high in U.S. diets, ranging from
86 to 112 mg/day in various groups of men aged 15 years of age and older and
from 76 to 92 mg/day for women 15 or more years old and over (Raper et al.,
Absorption of Dietary Iron
Heme and nonheme forms of iron are absorbed by different mechanisms
(Bjorn-Rasmussen et al., 1974). Heme iron is highly absorbable. The proportion
of heme iron in animal tissues varies, but it averages about 40% of the total iron
in all animal tissues, including meat, liver, poultry, and fish. The remaining
60% of the iron in animal tissues and all the iron in vegetable products is
present as nonheme compounds.
The absorption of nonheme iron can be enhanced or inhibited by several
factors. The two most well-defined enhancers of nonheme iron are some
organic acids (especially ascorbic acid) (Gillooly et al., 1983) and the animal
tissues present in each meal (Cook and Monsen, 1976). On the other hand, some
dietary and medicinal substances such as calcium phosphate, phytates, bran,
polyphenols in tea, and antacids may decrease nonheme iron absorption
substantially (Gillooly et al., 1983; Monsen et al., 1978). Overall, nonheme iron
absorption may vary up to tenfold, depending on the dietary content of such
inhibiting and enhancing factors (Hallberg and Rossander, 1984).
The percentage of iron absorbed from a meal decreases as the amount of
iron present increases. Bezwoda et al. (1983) reported that mean absorption of
nonheme iron decreased from 18 to 6.4% as the nonheme iron content of four
meals increased from 1.52 to 5.72 mg, resulting in little variation in the actual
amount absorbed from the different meals. This presumably reflects tight
control of nonheme iron absorption by the intestinal mucosa. On the other hand,
20% of the heme iron in all four meals was absorbed, despite a heme iron
content ranging from 0.28 to 4.48 mg, suggesting that heme iron is less affected
by other dietary components and at least partly bypasses intestinal mucosal
control. On the basis of results of numerous studies of iron absorption in human
subjects, Monsen et al. (1978) have suggested a method for planning and
evaluating iron intakes that takes account of the enhancement of nonheme iron
absorption by ascorbic acid and the presence of meat in the diet.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Absorption of iron also depends on the iron status of the individual. Mean
absorption of dietary iron is relatively low when body stores are high but may
be increased when stores are low (Bothwell et al., 1979). Therefore, iron
deficiency may not occur to the extent that might be predicted from a given iron
intake below recommended allowance levels.
Recommended Allowances
In calculating the RDA, the subcommittee assumed that there are some
iron stores, but it concluded that the size of the iron store needed as a reserve
against periods of negative iron balance is a value judgment rather than a
scientific determination. In U.S. women, average iron stores are approximately
300 mg; in men, they are approximately 1,000 mg (Bothwell et al., 1979). The
subcommittee concluded that a dietary intake that achieves a target level of 300
mg of iron stores meets the nutritional needs of all healthy people. This level
would be sufficient to provide the iron needs of an individual for several
months, even when on a diet nearly devoid of iron.
The average loss of iron in the healthy adult man is estimated to be
approximately 1 mg/day (Green et al., 1968). In adult women, there is an
additional loss of about 0.5 mg/day, the amount of iron in the average menstrual
blood flow averaged over 1 month (Hallberg et al., 1966). In approximately 5%
of normal women, however, menstrual losses of more than 1.4 mg/day have
been observed. As menstrual losses deplete iron stores, absorption of dietary
iron increases. Concordant figures are found using radio-labeled iron loss from
circulating erythrocytes. This method gives reliable turnover information for
adults and indicates that average requirements to replace daily losses for adults
ages 20 to 50 are approximately 14 µg of iron per kilogram of body weight for
males (1.10) mg/79 kg) and 22 µg for premenopausal females (1.38 mg/63 kg)
(Bothwell and Finch, 1968).
There is little or no population-based information from which to assess
variability of iron losses among individuals. A reasonable estimate of the
coefficient of variation may be approximately 15% (NRC, 1986), but iron
losses are not normally distributed among women. For men, absorbed iron
would need to be sufficient to replace a potential loss of 1.3 mg/day (1.03 +
30%) to cover the needs of essentially the entire population. The variability
estimate indicates that a replacement of 1.8 mg of iron per day would cover the
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
of most women, except for the 5% with the most extreme menstrual losses.
Some impairment of iron status in 9.6 to 14.2% of nonpregnant females 15
to 44 years of age was suggested by population-based data showing two
abnormal values among measurements of serum ferritin, erythrocyte
protoporphyrin, and transferrin saturation (LSRO, 1985). When hemoglobin
was used as an indicator, however, only 2.5 to 4% of the women showed
evidence of iron deficiency. The average iron intake of this population group
was found to be 10 to 11.0 mg/day in surveys conducted by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Center for Health Statistics
(NCHS), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Murphy and Calloway,
1986; Pennington et al., 1986; Raper et al., 1984). This suggests that a mean
population consumption of about 10 mg/day is associated with adequate iron
status in at least 86% of the population of women 15 to 44 years of age.
Distribution analysis, considering both the variation in iron losses by
menstruating women and in population iron intake, indicate that an iron intake
of 14 mg/day is sufficient to meet the needs of all but about 5% of menstruating
women (NRC, 1986).
From the available data, it seems reasonable to conclude that a daily intake
of 10 to 1 1 mg of iron from typical U.S. diets is sufficient for most women.
Those with high menstrual losses appear to compensate for those losses by
improved absorption of dietary iron, since the prevalence of iron deficiency
anemia in that group is quite low (Meyers et al., 1983). The most recent WHO
recommendations (FAO, 1988) suggest that iron in the diets typical of most
populations of industrialized countries is relatively highly available, iron
absorption ranging from 10 to 15%. Thus, at an intake of 15 mg/day,
approximately 1.5 to 2.2 mg of absorbed iron could be available to replace iron
losses in adult women. This level would be expected to replace iron losses of
most women.
The subcommittee concluded that an RDA of 15 mg/day would provide a
sufficient margin of safety and should cover the needs of essentially all the
adult women in the United States except for those with the most extreme
menstrual losses, given usual dietary patterns. This is a reduction from the 1980
recommendation of 18 mg/day.
In the United States, very little iron deficiency has been reported for 15- to
60-year-old males (LSRO, 1985), whose average intake is about 15 mg/day.
Given usual diets in the United States, an allowance of 10 mg/day for adult
males should be sufficient to replace losses of up to 1.5 mg/dayan amount
exceeding estimates of usual daily iron loss by men.
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There is no evidence of a high prevalence of iron deficiency in the elderly
(Lynch et al., 1982). Survey data suggest that inflammatory disease, rather than
iron deficiency, is the main cause of anemia in this group (Dallman et al.,
1984). In addition, after the menstrual years, the daily iron needs of women
approximate those of men. Therefore, the subcommittee recommends the same
iron RDA for elderly women and men10 mg/day.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnant women need iron to replace the usual basal losses, to allow
expansion of the red cell mass, to provide iron to the fetus and placenta, and to
replace blood loss during delivery. Hallberg (1988) estimates that the total iron
needed for a pregnancy is approximately 1,040 mg, of which 840 mg are lost
from the body permanently and 200 mg are retained and serve as a reservoir of
iron when blood volume decreases after delivery. Over the entire period of
gestation, the amount of iron absorbed daily averages about 3 mg/day. There is
little need for increased iron intake in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the
cessation of iron loss from menstruation compensates for any increased needs
during this period. In later stages of pregnancy, however, the requirement
increases substantially (INACG, 1981). During the later stages of pregnancy,
the absorbability of dietary iron also increases (Apte and Iyengar, 1970). To
ensure sufficient absorbed iron to satisfy the demands of a normal pregnancy, a
daily increment of 15 mg of iron, averaged over the entire pregnancy, should
satisfy the needs of most women. However, since the increased pregnancy
requirement cannot be met by the iron content of habitual U.S. diets or by the
iron stores of at least some women, daily iron supplements are usually
Loss of iron through lactation is approximately 0.15 to 0.3 mg/day
(Lonnerdal et al., 1981). This is less than menstrual loss, which often is absent
during lactation (Habicht et al., 1985). Thus, since iron needs for lactating
women are not substantially different from those of nonpregnant women, no
additional iron allowance for this group is recommended.
Because of stored iron (Dahro et al., 1983), the normal term infant can
maintain satisfactory hemoglobin levels from human milk without other iron
sources during the first 3 months of life. From birth to age 3 years, infants not
breastfed should have an iron intake of approximately 1 mg/kg per day. The
RDA for 6 months to 3 years of age is set at 10 mg/daya level considered
adequate for most healthy children during this time. Low birth weight infants
(1,000 to 2,500 g) and those with a substantial reduction in total
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
hemoglobin mass require 2 mg/kg per day, starting no later than 2 months of
age (AAP, 1976; Dallman et al., 1980). For infants of normal or low birth
weight, iron intake should not exceed a maximum of 15 mg/day.
Children and Adolescents
Children and adolescents need iron not only to maintain hemoglobin
concentrations but also to increase their total iron mass during the period of
growth. Because of the allowance for increases in iron mass related to growth in
body size, the iron requirements of children and adolescents are considered to
be slightly higher than those of adult men.
To attain a target iron storage level of 300 mg for both sexes by age 20 to
25, an allowance of 10 mg/day is recommended for children. An additional 2
mg/day is recommended for males during the pubertal growth spurtwhich
occurs between the ages of 10 and 17 and all additional 5 mg for females
starting with the pubertal growth spurt and menstruationwhich begins at
approximately age 10 or shortly thereafter and continues through the menstrual
Other Considerations
The RDAs have been established to be adequate for essentially all healthy
people who daily consume diets containing 30 to 90 g of meat, poultry, or fish,
or foods containing 25 to 75 mg of ascorbate after preparation. People who eat
little or no animal protein, such as those whose diets consist largely of beans
and rice, and those whose diets are low in ascorbate due to prolonged heating or
storage of food (Kies, 1982) may require higher amounts of food iron or a
reliable source of ascorbic acid.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
In people without genetic defects that increase iron absorption, there are no
reports of iron toxicity from foods other than long-term ingestion of home
brews made in iron vessels (Walker and Arvidsson, 1953). Deleterious effects
of daily intakes between 25 and 75 mg are unlikely in healthy persons (Finch
and Monsen, 1972). On the other hand, there are approximately 2,000 cases of
iron poisoning each year in the United States, mainly among young children
who ingest the medicinal iron supplements formulated for adults. The lethal
dose of ferrous sulfate for a 2-year-old child is approximately 3 g; for adults, it
ranges from 200 to 250 mg/kg body weight (NRC, 1979).
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Some people are genetically at risk from iron overload or
hemochromatosis. Idiopathic hemochromatosis, which can result in the failure
of multiple organ systems, is the result of an inborn error of metabolism (not yet
elucidated), which leads to enhanced iron absorption. The disease is caused by
an autosomal recessive gene. Reports suggest that the prevalence of this disease
is higher than previously believed (Beaumont et al., 1979; Cartwright et al.,
1979; Olsson et al., 1983). The studies by Cartwright et al. (1979) in Utah and
Beaumont et al. (1979) in Brittany establish gene frequencies in the relatives of
cases identified with the disease and so do not estimate general population
prevalence. Olsson et al. (1983) studied a population of males ages 30 to 39 in
central Sweden and reported an estimated gene frequency of 6.9%. This would
result in a prevalence of heterozygotes in this population of 13.8%. The
prevalence of the gene has not been reliably established in the United States. In
NHANES II, five of the 3,540 people whose serum ferritin was assessed were
diagnosed as having idiopathic hemochromlatosis, i.e., they were assumed to be
homozygous for the gene. This implies a gene frequency of 3.8%, and
prevalence of heterozygotes of 7.5% (LSRO, 1985). Further work is needed to
determine the prevalence of this gene in the population and to establish the risks
of iron fortification of foods to both homozygotes and heterozygotes.
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1976. Iron supplementation for infants . Pediatrics
Apte, S.V., and L. Iyengar. 1970. Absorption of dietary iron in pregnancy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Beaumont C., M. Simon, R. Fauchet. J.-P. Hespel, P. Brissot, B. Genetet, and M. Bourel. 1979.
Serum ferritin is a possible marker of the hemochromatosis allele. N. Engl. J. Med.
Bezwoda, W.R., T.H. Bothwell, R.W. Charlton, J.D. Torrance, A.P. MacPhail, D.P. Derman, and F.
Mayet. 1983. The relative dietary importance of haem and nonhaem iron. S. Afr. Med. J.
Bjorn-Rasmussen, E., L. Hallberg, B. Isaksson, and B. Arvidsson. 1974. Food iron absorption in
man. Application of the two-pool extrinic tag method to measure heme and nonheme iron
absorption from the whole diet. J. Clin. Invest. 52:247-255.
Bothwell, T.H., and C.A. Finch. 1968. Iron losses in man. Pp. 104-114 in Occurrence, Causes and
Prevention of Nutritional Anaemias. Symposia of the Swedish Nutrition Foundation, VI.
Almquist and Wiksell, Uppsala.
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Blackwell, Oxford.
Cartwright, G.E., C.Q. Edwards, K. Kravitz, M. Skoliick, D.B. Amos, A. Johnson, and L. Buskjaer.
1979. Hereditary hemochromatosis: phenotypic expression of the disease. N. Engl. J. Med.
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CDC (Centers for Disease Control). 1989. CDC criteria for anemia in children and childbearing-
aged women. Morb. Mortal. Week. Rep. 38:400-404.
Cook. J.D., and E.R. Monsen. 1976. Food iron absorption in human subjects. 111. Comparison of
the effect of animal proteins on nonheme iron absorption. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 29:859-867.
Cook, J.D., D.A. Lipschitz., L.E.M. Miles, and C.A. Finch. 1974. Serum ferritin as a measure of
iron stores in normal subjects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 27:681-687.
Dahro, M., D. Gunning, and J.A. Olson. 1983. Variations in liver concentrations of iron and vitamin
A as a function of age in young American children dying of the sudden infant death
syndrome as well as of other causes. Int. J. Vit. Nutr. Res. 53:13-18.
Dallman, P.R., E. Beutler, and C.A. Finch. 1978. Effect of iron deficiency exclusive of anemia. Br.
J. Heamatol. 40:179-184.
Dallman, P.R., M.A. Siimes, and A. Stekel. 1980. Iron deficiency in infancy and childhood. Am. J.
Clin. Nutr. 33:86-118.
Dallman, P.R., R. Yip, and C. Johnson. 1984. Prevalence and causes of anemia in the United States,
1976 to 1980. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 39:437-445.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 1988. Requirements of Vitamin A, Iron, Folate, and
Vitamin B
. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition
Series No. 23. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. 107 pp.
Finch, C.A., and J.D. Cook. 1984. Iron deficiency. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 39:471-477.
Finch, C.A., and E.R. Monsen. 1972. Iron nutrition and the fortification of food with iron. J. Am.
Med. Assoc. 219:1462-1465.
Gillooly, M., T.H. Bothwell, J.D. Torrance, A.P. MacPhail, D.P. Derman, W.R. Bezwoda, W. Mills,
and R.W. Charlton. 1983. The effects of organic acids, phytates, and polyphenols on the
absorption of iron from vegetables. Br. J. Nutr. 49:331-342.
Green, R., R.W. Charlton, H. Seftel, T.H. Bothwell, F. Mayet, E.B. Adams, C.A. Finch, and M.
Layrisse. 1968. Body iron excretion in man: a collaborative study. Am. J. Med. 45:336-353.
Habicht, J.-P., J. DaVanzo, W.P. Butz, and L. Meyers. 1985. The contraceptive role of
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Hallberg, L. 1981. Bioavailability of dietary iron in man. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 1:123-147.
Hallberg, L. 1988. Iron balance in pregnancy. Pp. 115-126 in H. Berger, ed. Vitamins and Minerals
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Hallberg, L., and L. Rossander. 1984. Improvement of iron nutrition in developing countries:
comparison of adding meat, soy protein, ascorbic acid, citric acid, and ferrous sulphate on
iron absorption from a simple Latin American-type of meal. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 39:577-583.
Hallberg, L., A.M. Hogdahl, L. Nilsson, and R. Rybo. 1966. Menstrual blood lossa population
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INACG (International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group). 1981. Iron Deficiency in Women.
A Report for INACG by T.H. Bothwell and R.W. Charlton. University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Kies, C., ed. 1982. Nutritional Bioavailability of Iron. ACS Symposium Series 203. American
Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
Lavrisse, M., C. Martinez-Torres, and M. Roche. 1968. Effect of interaction of various foods on
iron absorption. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 21:1175-1183.
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Lönnerdal, B., C.L. Keen, and L.S. Hurley. 1981. Iron, copper, zinc and manganese in milk. Annu.
Rev. Nutr. 1:149-174.
Lozoff, B., and G.M. Brittenham. 1986. Behavioral aspects of iron deficiency. Prog. Haematol.
LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1985. Summary of a report on assessment of the iron
nutritional status of the United States population. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 42:1318-1330.
Lynch, S.R., C.A. Finch, E.R. Monsen, and J.D. Cook. 1982. Iron status of elderly Americans. Am.
J. Clin. Nutr. 36:1032-1045.
Meyers, L.D., J.P. Habicht, C.L. Johnson, and C. Brownie. 1983. Prevalences of anemia and iron
deficiency anemia in black and white women in the United States estimated by two
methods. Am. J. Public Health 73: 1042-1049.
Monsen, E.R., L. Hallberg, M. Layrisse, D.M. Hegsted, J.D. Cook, W. Mertz, and C.A. Finch. 1978.
Estimation of available dietary iron. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 31:134-141.
Murphy, S.P., and D.H. Calloway. 1986. Nutrient intakes of women in NHANES II emphasizing
trace minerals, fiber, and phytate. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 86:1366-1372.
NRC (National Research Council). 1979. Iron. A Report of the Subcommittee on Iron, Committee
on Medical and Biologic Effects of Environmental Pollutants, Division of Medical
Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences. University Park Press, Baltimore. 248 pp.
NRC (National Research Council). 1986. Nutrient Adequacy: Assessment Using Food Consumption
Surveys. Report of the Subcommittee on Criteria for Dietary Evaluation, Coordinating
Committee on Evaluation of Food Consumption Surveys, Food and Nutrition Board,
Commission on Life Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 146 pp.
Olsson, K.S., B. Ritter, U. Rosen, P.A. Heedman, and F. Staugard. 1983. Prevalence of iron
overload in central Sweden. Acta Med. Scand. 213:145-150.
Pennington, J.A.T., B.F. Young, D.B. Wilson, R.D. Johnson, and J.E. Vanderveen. 1986. Mineral
content of foods and total diets: the Selected Minerals in Foods Survey, 1982 to 1984. J.
Am. Diet. Assoc. 86:876-891.
Pollitt, E. 1987. Effects of iron deficiency on mental development: methodological considerations
and substantive findings. Pp. 225-254 in F.E. Johnston, ed. Nutritional Anthropology. Alan
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Raper, N.R., J.C. Rosenthal, and C.E. Woteki. 1984. Estimates of available iron in diets of
individuals 1 year old and older in the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. J. Am. Diet.
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Viteri, F.E., and B. Torun. 1974. Anaemia and physical work capacity. Clin. Haematol. 3:609-626.
Walker, A.R. P., and U.B. Arvidson. 1953. Iron ''overload" in the South African Bantu. Trans. R.
Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 47:536-548.
WHO (World Health Organization). 1968. Nutritional Anaemias. Report of a WHO Scientific
Group. WHO Technical Report Series No. 405. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Zinc, a constituent of enzymes involved in most major metabolic
pathways, is an essential element for plants, animals, and humans
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(Hambidge et al., 1986). Relatively large amounts of zinc are deposited in bone
and muscle, but these stores are not in rapid equilibrium with the rest of the
organism. The body pool of readily available zinc appears to be small and to
have a rapid turnover rate, as shown by the prompt appearance of deficiency
signs in laboratory animals. No single enzyme function has yet been identified
that could explain the rapid onset of physiological and biochemical changes that
follow the induction of zinc deficiency, but the requirement for zinc by many
enzymes involved in gene expression (Chesters, 1982) could explain the
immediate effect of deficiency on cell growth and repair.
Zinc status is subject to strong homeostatic regulation. Small amounts of
zinc are more efficiently absorbed than large amounts, and persons in poor zinc
status absorb more efficiently than those in good status. The amount of zinc
excreted, predominantly through the intestine, is roughly proportional to dietary
intake and to the zinc status of the person. Zinc balance was observed in
subjects fed moderately low zinc levels (5.5 mg/day) (King and Turnilund,
1989). Obligatory losses in young men fed a low-zinc diet of 0.3 mg/day were
reduced to 0.67 mg/day and resulted in only a small negative balance.
Because of such efficient regulation, a person's zinc requirement, whether
determined by balance studies or by factorial calculations of endogenous losses,
depends predominantly on that person's zinc status or body pool of mobilizable
zinc. The requirement to maintain balance will be high if a high zinc status is to
be maintained and low to maintain a low zinc status.
The composition of the diet has important effects on the bioavailability of
dietary zinc. Interactions with other dietary components, such as protein, fiber,
phytates, and some minerals, have been described. For example, absorption of
zinc isotopes added to meals of different composition ranged from 2.4 to 38.2%
of the dose supplied (Sandström and Cederblad, 1980; Sandström et al., 1980).
The low values were associated with meals containing bran or whole-meal
bread, and the higher values, with white bread, meats, milk, and soy products
(see below).
General Signs of Deficiency
The signs and symptoms of dietary zinc deficiency in humans include loss
of appetite, growth retardation, skin changes, and immunological abnormalities.
Studies in laboratory and domestic animals have shown that zinc deficiency
during pregnancy may lead to developmental disorders in the offspring (Hurley
and Baly, 1982).
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Pronounced zinc deficiency in men resulting in hypogonadism and
dwarfism has been found in the Middle East (Prasad, 1982). Marginal states of
zinc nutrition may exist in segments of the U.S. population, but data are
fragmentary. In human patients with low plasma zinc levels, accelerated rates of
wound healing have been observed as a result of increased zinc intake,
suggesting that the zinc requirement of these subjects was not fully met by their
diets (Pories et al., 1976). Marginal zinc deficiency was also described in a
survey of apparently healthy children who exhibited low hair zinc levels,
suboptimal growth, poor appetite, and impaired taste acuity (Hambidge et al.,
1972). Increasing the daily zinc intake by 0.4 to 0.8 mg/kg brought about
marked improvement. Supplementation of infant formulas to increase zinc
levels from 1.8 to 5.8 mg/liter resulted in increased growth rates in male, but
not in female, infants (Walravens and Hambidge, 1976).
Dietary Sources, Bioavailability, and Usual Intakes
Approximately 70% of the zinc consumed by most people in the United
States is provided by animal products, especially meat (Welsh and Marston,
1982). Most of the zinc consumed in plant products comes from cereals.
Drinking water in the United States generally contains less than 0.1 mg zinc/
liter; its contribution to total intake is negligible.
The bioavailability of zinc in different foods varies widely (Inglett, 1983).
Meat, liver, eggs, and seafoods (especially oysters) are good sources of
available zinc, whereas whole grain products contain the element in a less
available form. Of the various factors believed to affect zinc availability
adversely, high concentrations of phytate and dietary fiber have great practical
importance worldwide, but probably not in the United States, where the phytate
content of the average diet is not high enough to impair the utilization of zinc
(Erdman et al., 1987; Morris and Ellis, 1983).
For the U.S. population, the interaction of zinc with dietary protein,
phosphorus, and iron may have greater practical importance. However, the data
are not consistent. Sandstead (1985) observed that increasing dietary intake of
phosphorus greatly increased zinc requirements of humans in balance studies.
Others have observed that the ingestion of additional phosphorus, as
polyphosphates but not generally as orthophosphates, tended to depress zinc
absorption slightly (Greger, 1988).
Several investigators have observed that alterations in dietary protein
levels and composition affected zinc utilization. Although Sand
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stead (1985) noted that zinc requirements were increased somewhat when
protein intake was increased, others observed improved zinc utilization when
protein levels were increased (Greger, 1988; Lönnerdal, 1987).
The simultaneous ingestion of equal amounts of ferrous iron and zinc (as
sulfates) depressed zinc absorption in volunteers, but no such effects occurred
with heme iron or when a food source of zinc was used (Solomons and Jacob,
1981). Thus, it is unlikely that the iron-zinc interaction has a major influence on
zinc requirements under most dietary conditions (Solomons and Cousins, 1984).
The zinc content of typical mixed diets of North American adults has been
reported to furnish between 10 and 15 mg/day. Pennington et al. (1984), in a
survey of U.S. foods, found 13.2 mg of zinc in a 2,850 kcal diet. Infant and
toddler diets containing 880 and 1,300 kcal contained 5.5 and 8.5 mg zinc,
respectively. Elderly people generally have been found to consume 7 to 10 mg
zinc daily (Greger, 1989).
Recommended Allowances
Because of the lack of sensitive indicators of zinc status, the estimation of
a zinc requirement for adults and the setting of a recommended allowance is
beset with several uncertainties. As discussed above, strong homeostatic control
of absorption and excretion can maintain persons in zinc balance with intakes
lower than those furnished by typical U.S. diets. The long-term health effects of
such intakes for adults are not known, but it has been postulated that marginal
zinc status is responsible for delayed wound healing, disturbances of taste and
smell acuity, and declining immune functions sometimes observed in older
populations (Greger, 1989). Such conditions are usually treated with massive
zinc supplements; therefore, these therapeutic trials provide no quantitative
information on which to base the zinc requirement to maintain optimal health.
To estimate zinc requirements, the subcommittee assumed that the zinc
status of healthy young adult men and women consuming mixed U.S. diets was
adequate for all zinc-dependent functions. The zinc requirements to maintain
that status can be determined either by balance studies or by determining
endogenous zinc losses and translating the requirement for absorbed zinc into a
dietary requirement, taking into account that zinc is incompletely absorbed to an
extent that varies with the nature of the diet.
An evaluation of the most reliable balance studies indicates that at least 12
mg of zinc in a mixed U.S. diet is required to maintain the
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
existing zinc status of healthy young men (Sandstead, 1985). This is a
conservative estimate, valid for diets of moderate phytate and fiber content, and
it does not include dermal and seminal losses. Another long-term study in 28
men and women eating self-selected diets with approximately 10 mg of zinc per
day resulted in an average negative balance of 1 to 2 mg/day (Patterson et al.,
1984). Endogenous losses estimated by regression analysis in adequately
nourished, healthy young men were 2.2 mg/day (Baer and King, 1984),
including 0.8 mg through dermal losses. Seminal emissions contained an
average of 0.6 mg of zinc per ejaculum. Thus, the daily loss can be estimated to
be between 2.2 and 2.8 mg, similar to the average of 2.7 mg determined by
turnover measurements of metastable zinc in men and women (Foster et al.,
Taking into account the uncertainties in determining dermal and seminal
zinc excretion, the subcommittee assumed an average requirement for absorbed
zinc of 2.5 mg/day and an absorption efficiency of 20%. This assumption is
arbitrary and includes a generous safety factor. Although zinc is absorbed with
a higher efficiency from meat-containing meals, the factor of 20% was used to
take into account the lower absorption of zinc from fiber-rich diets.
The resulting dietary requirement of 12.5 mg/day agrees with the 12.7 mg/
day estimated from balance studies in men (Sandstead, 1985). To meet the
needs of practically all healthy persons, including those who habitually
consume diets with low zinc bioavailability, the recommended allowance for
adult men is set at 15 mg/day. The allowance for adult women, because of their
lower body weight, is set at 12 mg/day.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Sandstead (1973) estimated the additional average need for absorbed zinc
due to the products of conception as less than 0.1, approximately 0.4, and 0.75
mg/day during the first 10, the second 10, and the last 20 weeks of gestation,
respectively, as compared to more recent estimates of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.6 mg/day
(Swanson and King, 1987). Hambidge et al. (1986) pointed out that the actual
zinc concentrations in the fetus may be higher than those on which the above
calculations were based. Thus, in the absence of evidence for increased
absorption efficiency in pregnant women (Swanson et al., 1983), a dietary zinc
intake of 15 mg/day is recommended during pregnancy.
The increased zinc requirement of lactating women can be calculated from
the amount of zinc lost each day in the different phases of lactation. The mean
zinc content of human milk in the United States is approximately 1.5 and 1.0
mg/liter during the first and
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second half year, respectively (Krebs et al., 1985; Moser and Reynolds, 1983),
the highest concentrations occurring during the first month of lactation.
Average milk productions of 750 ml/day and 600 ml/day during the first and
second 6 month periods, respectively, uses an extra 1.2 and 0.6 mg of absorbed
zinc. Assuming an absorption efficiency of 20% and a coefficient of variation
of 12.5% in milk production, the subcommittee recommends extra dietary
intakes of 7 and 4 mg/day for the first and second 6 months of lactation.
Infants and Children
Full-term infants consuming only human milk do not show any signs of
zinc depletion (Hambidge et al., 1979). Therefore, their zinc requirement must
be satisfied by the zinc in their mother's milk plus liver stores. During the first
month of life, breastfed infants consume an average of 2 mg of zinc per day
(Casey et al., 1985). Beyond the age of 6 months, infants would receive from
600 ml of breast milk only 0.6 mg of zinc per dayan amount that is usually
augmented by the zinc in solid foods. The dietary zinc requirement of infants
consuming formula is higher than that of breastfed infants because of lower zinc
availability of the formulae (Casey et al., 1981; Lönnerdal et al., 1984).
Walravens and Hambidge (1976) demonstrated that male infants consuming
formula supplemented with zinc to a total of 5.8 mg/liter grew better than those
on an unsupplemented formula containing 1.8 mg/liter. Assuming a
consumption of 750 ml/day, plus two standard deviations, the subcommittee
recommends 5 mg/day of zinc as the intake for formulated infants.
Although earlier balance studies suggested a zinc requirement of 6 to 7 mg/
day for preadolescent children (Engel et al., 1966), Walravens et al. (1983)
found low hair and plasma zinc levels suggestive of marginal deficiency in
Spanish-American children 2 to 6 years old whose intake was 5 to 6 mg/day.
Their height-for-age was below the tenth percentile, and their rate of linear
growth improved as a result of supplementation to a total zinc intake of
approximately 10 mg/ day. That intake is recommended for preadolescent
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Acute toxicity, resulting in gastrointestinal irritation and vomiting, has
been observed following the ingestion of 2 g or more of zinc in the form of
sulfate (Prasad, 1976). The more subtle effects of moderately elevated intakes,
not uncommon in the U.S. population, are of greater concern, because they are
not easily detected. Impairment of the copper status of volunteers by dietary
zinc intakes of 18.5 mg
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(Festa et al., 1985) or 25 mg/day (Fischer et al., 1984) has been reported.
Patients given zinc in quantities 10 to 30 times the RDA for several months
developed hypocupremia, microcytosis, and neutropenia (Prasad et al., 1978).
Zinc supplementation of healthy adults with amounts 20 times the RDA for 6
weeks resulted in the impairment of various immune responses (Chandra,
1984). Daily supplements of 80 to 150 mg caused a decline of high-density
lipoproteins in serum after several weeks (Hooper et al., 1980). For these
reasons, chronic ingestion of zinc supplements exceeding 15 mg/day is not
recommended without adequate medical supervision.
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Hambidge, K.M., C.E. Casey. and N.F. Krebs. 1986. Zinc. Pp. 1-137 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace
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Sandström, B., and Å. Cederblad. 1980. Zinc absorption from composite meals. II. Influence of the
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Walravens, P.A., and K.M. Hambidge. 1976. Growth of infants fed a zinc supplemented formula.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 29:1114-1121.
Walravens, P.A., N.F. Krebs, and K.M. Hambidge. 1983. Linear growth of low income preschool
children receiving a zinc supplement. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 38:195-201.
Welsh, S.O., and R.M. Marston. 1982. Zinc levels of the U.S. food supply: 1909-1980. Food
Technol. 36:70-76.
Iodine, an integral part of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and
triiodothyronine, is an essential micronutrient for all animal species, including
humans (Hetzel and Maberly, 1986). It is present in food and water
predominantly as iodide and, to a lesser degree, organically bound to amino
acids. Iodide is rapidly and almost completely absorbed and transported to the
thyroid gland for synthesis into the thyroid hormones, to salivary and gastric
glands, and to the kidneys for excretion into the gastrointestinal tract and urine.
Organically bound iodine is less well absorbed, and part of it is excreted in the
feces. Since all the iodide secreted into the gastrointestinal tract is reabsorbed,
the main excretory route for the inorganic form of iodine is the urine. Although
losses in the milk of lactating women and losses in sweat in hot climates can be
considerable, urinary excretion is a reliable indicator of iodine status under most
Iodine is unevenly distributed in the environment. In large areas, often
mountainous, environmental levels are inadequate for humans and animals.
Deficiency can lead to a wide spectrum of diseases, ranging from severe
cretinism with mental retardation to barely visible enlargement of the thyroid.
Endemic goiter and the more severe forms of iodine deficiency disorders
continue to be a worldwide problem. In 1983 there were an estimated 400
million iodine-deficient
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
persons in the less developed regions of the world (Hetzel and Maberly, 1986),
an estimated 1 12 million in the more developed areas (Matovinovic, 1983).
Iodine deficiency disorders, including goiter, can be prevented but not
cured by providing an adequate iodine intake. The incidence of endemic goiter
in the United States fell sharply after the introduction of iodized salt in 1924
(Brush and Atland, 1952). There are, however, residual cases of goiter
remaining, mainly in women and children living in certain areas of the United
States (California, Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and South Carolina)
(Matovinovic, 1970; McGanity, 1970) and in the prairie regions of Canada
(Nutrition Canada National Survey, 1973). These are most probably not caused
by iodine deficiency, since they bear no relation to urinary iodine excretion,
which is accepted as a reliable indicator of iodine status. Natural goitrogens,
such as those found in cabbage or cassava, have been implicated in the
pathogenesis of goiter in some parts of the world. It is not known if they pose a
problem in the United States (Matovinovic, 1983).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The environmental levels of iodine and their contribution to the daily
intake of animals and humans vary widely in the United States. In the coastal
areas, seafoods, water, and iodine-containing mist from the ocean are important
sources, whereas further inland, the iodine content of plant and animal products
is variable, depending on the geochemical environment and on fertilizing,
feeding practices, and food processing. In these areas, iodized table salt is a
reliable source, providing 76 µg of iodine per gram of salt.
In addition, several adventitious sources of iodine find their way into the
U.S. diet. Iodates are still used as dough oxidizers in the continuous bread
making process, adding about 500 µg/100 g of bread. Dairy products
accumulate iodine because of the use of iodinecontaining disinfectants on cows,
milking machines, and storage tanks, and by iodine-containing additives to the
animals' feeds. All this can raise iodine concentrations severalfold over natural
levels (Hemken, 1979).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in its Total Diet Study has found
a tendency toward steadily declining iodine levels since 1982. In 1985-1986,
the typical intake for men and women was 250 µg and 170 µg/day, respectively,
excluding intakes from iodized salt (Pennington et al., 1989).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Recommended Allowances
Because of the high contribution by adventitious sources to the daily
iodine intake in the United States, maintenance of the existing nutritional status
is not a valid criterion for determining iodine requirements. It is customary to
relate urinary iodine excretion, a reliable indicator of iodine intake and status, to
the risk for goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders. An expert group of the
Pan American Health Organization considered an excretion of more than 50 µg
of iodine per gram of creatinine as adequate for normal function, excretion of
25 to 50 µg/g as associated with increased risk for hypothyroidism, and
excretion of less than 25 µg/g as indicative of serious risk for endemic cretinism
(Querido et al., 1974). Since dietary iodine is well absorbed, albeit not
completely, a minimum intake of 50 to 75 µg/day is needed to maintain the
higher level of iodine excretion in a population (NRC, 1970).
Although the levels of goitrogens in the U.S. diet and their effects on the
iodine requirement have not been quantified, the recommended allowance for
adults of both sexes is set at 150 µg/day to provide an extra margin of safety.
This amount is close to the 160 µg calculated to maintain plasma inorganic
iodide levels within the normal range in most of the U.S. population (Wayne et
al., 1964).
Pregnancy and Lactation
An increment of 25 µg/day in the dietary allowance is recommended
during pregnancy to cover the extra demands of the fetus. The additional
allowance for lactating women, 50 µg/day, is based on the estimated need of the
infant, not on the iodine loss via breast milk (Fomon, 1984; Man and Benotti,
Infants and Children
The amounts of iodine in the milk of North American women are much
greater than the needs of their infants. They reflect the elevated dietary iodine
intakes of the mothers (Gushurst et al., 1984). In the absence of a better basis,
the relative energy requirements of adults has been used to set the iodine
allowance for infants and children.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The acute toxicity of iodides and iodates has been thoroughly studied
(LSRO, 1975). Amounts between 200 and 500 mg/kg per day produced death in
different species of laboratory animals.
The potential chronic toxic effects of dietary iodine are less clear. In an
attempt to reduce the high incidence of goiter in Tasmania,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
bread was fortified with iodine to yield a concentration of 2 to 4 µg/ g (dry)
bread. Once the iodinated bread was available to the islanders, the incidence of
thyrotoxicosis more than doubled. Most patients were in the older age groups
and had been exposed to decades of iodine deficiency (Connally, 1973). Goiter
induced by high iodine intake has also been documented in Japan, where
seaweeds rich in iodine (up to 4.5 mg/g dry weight) are consumed (Nagataki,
Generally, iodine intakes of up to 2 mg/day have caused no adverse
physiological reactions in healthy adults, and 1 mg/day produced no indications
of physiological abnormalities in children (Crocco and White, 1981). There is
no evidence of adverse reactions, such as chronic toxicity or hypersensitivity, to
the much lower iodine intakes in the United States, and the present iodine intake
by the majority of the U.S. population is considered to be adequate and safe
(LSRO, 1975).
Other Considerations
The public health value of iodized salt in the prevention of iodine
deficiency disorders is well established. The use of iodized salt in all noncoastal
regions where environmental and dietary levels are low is recommended.
The present iodine intake in the United States is safe and decreasing
toward recommended levels. The subcommittee notes that the use of iodine-
containing compounds has declined and recommends that no additional sources
of iodine be introduced into the U.S. diet.
Brush, B.E., and J.K. Altland. 1952. Goiter prevention with iodized salt: results of a thirty-year
study. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 12:1380-1388.
Connally, R.J. 1973. The changing age incidence of iodbasedow in Tasmania . Med. J. Austr.
Crocco, S.C., and P.L., White. 1981. Iodine: Fifty Years After Goiter. Proceedings of the Stokely-
Van Camp Annual Symposium, Food in Contemporary Society: Emerging Patterns, May
27-29, 1981. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 16 pp.
Fomon, S.J. 1974. Infant Nutrition, 2nd ed. Saunders, Philadelphia. 575 pp.
Gushurst, C.A., J.A. Mueller, J.A. Green, and F. Sedor. 1984. Breast milk iodide: reassessment in
the 1980s. Pediatrics 73:354-357.
Hemken, R.W. 1979. Factors that influence the iodine content of milk and meat: a review. J. Anim.
Sci. 48:981-985.
Hetzel, B.S., and G.F. Maberly. 1986. Iodine. Pp. 139-208 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in
Human and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed. Academic Press, New York.
LSRO (Life Sciences Research Office). 1975. Evaluation of the Health Aspects of Potassium
Iodide, Potassium Iodate, and Calcium Iodate as Food Ingredients . Federation of
American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Md.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Man, E.B., and J. Benotti. 1969. Butanol-extractable iodine in human and bovine colostrum and
milk. Clin. Chem. 15:1141-1146.
Matovinovic, J. 1970. Extent of iodine insufficiency in the United States. Pp. 1-5 in Iodine Nutriture
in the United States. Report of the Committee on Food Protection, Food and Nutrition
Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Matovinovic, J. 1983. Endemic goiter and cretinism at the dawn of the third millennium. Annu.
Rev. Nutr. 3:341-412.
McGanity, W. 1970. Extent of iodine insufficiency in the United States. Pp. 5-8 in Iodine Nutriture
in the United States. Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council. National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Nagataki, S. 1974. Effect of excess quantities of iodide. Pp. 329-344 in Handbook of Physiology,
III, Endocrinology. American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C.
NRC (National Research Council). 1970. Iodine Nutriture in the United States. Summary of a
Conference, October 31, 1970. Report of the Committee on Food Protection, Food and
Nutrition Board , National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C. 53 pp.
Nutrition Canada National Survey. 1973. Nutrition Problems in Perspective. Information Canada,
Ottawa. 115 pp.
Pennington, J.A.T., B.E. Young, and D.B. Wilson. 1989. Nutritional elements in U.S. diets: results
from the Total Diet Study, 1982 to 1986. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 89:659-664.
Querido, A., F. Delange, J.T. Dunn, R. Fierro-Benitez, H.K. Ibbertson, D.A. Koutras, and H.
Perinetti. 1974. Definitions of endemic goiter and cretinism, classification of goiter size
and severity of endemias, and survey techniques. Pp. 267-272 in J.T. Dunn and G.A.
Medeiros-Neto, eds. Endemic Goiter and Cretinism: Continuing Threats to World Health.
Scientific Publ. No. 292. Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C.
Wayne, E.J., D.A. Koutras, and W.D. Alexander. 1964. Clinical Aspects of Iodine Metabolism.
Blackwell, Oxford. 303 pp.
The biochemical basis for the essentiality of selenium is its presence at the
active site of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of
hydroperoxides (Hoekstra, 1975). Although the role of selenium in
hydroperoxide destruction helps explain its close metabolic interrelationship
with the antioxidant vitamin E, evidence for other possible functions is
accumulating (Burk, 1983).
Direct evidence of a requirement for selenium in human nutrition was
lacking until 1979, when Chinese scientists reported an association between low
selenium status and Keshan disease, a cardiomyopathy that affects primarily
young children and women of childbearing age (Keshan Disease Research
Group, 1979a). A large-scale intervention trial involving several thousand
Chinese children demonstrated the value of selenium in preventing the disease
(Keshan Disease Research Group, 1979b). Selenium deficiency cannot account
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for all aspects of Keshan disease, and the possible involvement of a cardiotoxic
virus has been suggested (Yang et al., 1988), but it seems clear that selenium
deficiency is the underlying condition predisposing people to the development
of the disease.
General Signs of Deficiency
In animals, many diseases are caused by simultaneous deficiencies of
selenium and vitamin E, and they can be prevented or cured by supplementation
with either nutrient alone (NRC, 1983). Pure selenium deficiency in the
presence of adequate levels of vitamin E has been demonstrated conclusively
only in rats fed a selenium-deficient diet for two generations (McCoy and
Weswig, 1969). Signs of selenium deficiency observed in squirrel monkeys
(Muth et al., 1971) have not been seen in more recent studies of rhesus monkeys
(Butler et al., 1988). Nutritional pancreatic atrophy in chicks, long believed to
be a selenium-specific deficiency syndrome, has now been shown to respond to
high dietary levels of vitamin E and certain other antioxidants (Whitacre et al.,
Intravenous feeding solutions used in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) are
practically devoid of selenium, and patients undergoing TPN have low
erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activities and low levels of selenium in
plasma and red cells (Levander and Burk, 1986). In three such patients,
muscular discomfort or weakness responded to selenium therapy (Brown et al.,
1986; Kien and Ganther, 1983; van Rij et al., 1979), thereby providing
additional evidence of a selenium requirement for humans. Some cases of
cardiomyopathy have also occurred in TPN patients with low selenium status
(Fleming et al., 1982; Johnson et al., 1981).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Seafoods, kidney, and liver, and to a lesser extent other meats, are
consistently good sources of selenium, whereas grains and other seeds are more
variable, depending on the selenium content of the soils in which they are
grown (WHO, 1987). Fruits and vegetables generally contain little selenium.
Drinking water usually makes only a small contribution to selenium intake
(WHO, 1987).
Studies in animals have shown that the bioavailability of selenium in
certain fish is less than that in other foods (Mutanen, 1986). Few data exist on
the bioavailability of selenium in foods consumed by humans. However,
bioavailability trials conducted in subjects with poor selenium status indicated
that organically bound forms of se
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
lenium are retained better than inorganic selenium, but all forms tested caused
similar increases in glutathione peroxidase activity (Levander et al., 1983;
Thomson et al., 1982).
Analyses of national food composites in the United States indicate that the
overall adult mean dietary selenium intake was 108 µg/day between 1974 and
1982. The daily means for each year ranged from 83 to 129 µg (Pennington et
al., 1984).
Assessment of Selenium Status
Selenium status in humans is commonly assessed by estimating dietary
selenium intakes, measuring selenium levels in various tissues and excreta, or
determining glutathione peroxidase activity in certain blood components (for a
review, see Levander, 1985). Dietary selenium intakes are difficult to estimate
because of the variation in the selenium content of locally produced and
consumed foods, which is determined by the selenium content of the soil in
which the food is grown. Selenium levels in erythrocytes are an index of longer
term selenium status than levels in plasma, and animal studies indicate that the
latter may not always reflect other body selenium pools, especially when
sudden shifts in selenium intake occur. It is easier to measure glutathione
peroxidase activity than to perform the chemical analysis for selenium.
Moreover, the enzymatic method has the advantage of measuring only
biologically active selenium. However, glutathione peroxidase activity is a valid
index of human selenium status only in populations with low selenium intakes,
since the activity of the enzyme plateaus at higher intakes (Whanger et al., 1988).
Recommended Allowances
Several balance studies have been conducted to investigate selenium
requirements of humans. However, humans apparently can adjust their selenium
homeostatic mechanisms to remain in balance over rather wide ranges of
dietary intakes. Therefore, the balance technique is of little help in delineating
the selenium requirements of humans (Levander, 1987).
Another approach to estimating human selenium requirements is to
examine dietary intakes in areas with and without selenium deficiency. In
China, for example, dietary surveys of selenium intake in endemic and nearby
nonendemic Keshan disease areas indicated that the minimum daily selenium
requirements for adult Chinese men and women are 19 and 13 µg, respectively
(Yang et al., 1988). In New Zealand, however, daily selenium intakes of 33 g
by men and
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
23 µg by women were not associated with any selenium deficiency symptoms
(Thomson and Robinson, 1980).
A so-called physiological human selenium requirement was estimated by
following increases in plasma glutathione peroxidase activity in adult Chinese
men with low selenium status (i.e., a daily dietary intake of approximately 10
µg), who were supplemented with graded doses of selenomethionine (Yang et
al., 1987). After 5 months, the plasma glutathione peroxidase activity plateaued
at similar levels for groups receiving 30 µg or more of supplemental selenium
per day. On this basis, the authors suggested a physiological selenium
requirement of' approximately 40 µg/day (diet plus supplement) for their adult
Chinese male subjects. Since the Chinese men in this study weighed
approximately 60 kg and the selenium requirement of adults appears to be
related to body weight, the estimated requirements for the reference North
American adult male and female must be adjusted for differences in body
weight, i.e., 79 kg for males and 63 kg for females. Individual variation in
selenium requirements was accounted for by using a safety factor of 1.3, which
was based on an arbitrarily assumed coefficient of variation of 15%.
Multiplying the Chinese estimate of the physiological human selenium
requirement by these two factors (adjustments for body weight and individual
variation) results in a recommended dietary selenium allowance of 0.87 µg/kg
or, with rounding, 70 and 55 µg/day for the reference adult North American
male and female, respectively. In the absence of specific data on requirements
of the elderly, the figures for younger adults are used.
Pregnancy and Lactation
A metabolic balance study demonstrated that the amounts of selenium
retained during the second and fourth quarters of pregnancy were 10 and 23 µg/
day, respectively (Swanson et al., 1983). However, these retention values were
believed to be high because the levels of dietary selenium fed during that study
(150 µg/day) were elevated, compared to the usual intake of the subjects, and
resulted in positive selenium balances, even in the nonpregnant subjects. If a
factorial technique is used to estimate the human selenium requirement for
pregnancy, and it is assumed that 5 kg of lean tissue containing an average
selenium concentration of 0.25 mg/kg (Schroeder et al., 1970) is deposited
during pregnancy, a total of 1.25 mg of selenium would have to be retained.
Thus, an average selenium accretion of 5 µg/day, or 6.5 µg/day allowing for
variability, would be needed. If an absorption rate of 80% is assumed
(Levander, 1983), the average increase in dietary selenium during pregnancy
would be 10 µg/day.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Milk from North American women contains an average selenium
concentration of 15 to 20 µg/liter (Mannon and Picciano, 1987). During
lactation, a daily selenium loss of 13 µg may occur in a secretion of 750 ml of
milk. If a population variance is allowed and a dietary absorption of 80% is
assumed, an additional selenium allowance of 20 µg/day is recommended for
lactation to maintain a satisfactory level of the mineral in milk and to prevent
depletion in the mother.
Infants and Children
The maintenance selenium requirements for infants, extrapolated from
adult values, would be 5 µg/day from birth to 6 months of age. To allow for
growth, this figure was increased to 10 µg/day. The North American breastfed
infant would receive ample selenium, since consumption of 750 ml of breast
milk per day would result in an intake of about 13 µg of selenium per day. The
allowance during the second 6 months, calculated similarly, is 15 µg/day.
Moreover, these recommendations provide a substantial margin of safety, since
infants in Finland and New Zealand suffer no observable ill effects of low
selenium intake even though the average selenium content of human milk in
those countries ranges from only 6 to 8 µg/liter (Kumpulainen et al., 1983;
Williams, 1983), in contrast to 15 to 20 µg/liter in the United States.
Because little is known about the selenium requirements of children,
recommendations for them have been extrapolated from adult values on the
basis of body weight, and a factor arbitrarily allowed for growth.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The level of dietary selenium exposure needed to cause chronic poisoning
in humans is not known with certainty, but approximately 5 mg/day from foods
resulted in fingernail changes and hair loss in a seleniferous zone of China
(Yang et al., 1983). The Chinese investigators also reported that a person who
had consumed 1 mg of selenium daily as sodium selenite for more than 2 years
had thickened but fragile nails and a garlic odor in dermal excretions. In the
United States, 13 people developed selenium intoxication after taking an
improperly manufactured dietary supplement that contained 27.3 mg of
selenium per tablet. Symptoms included nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nail
and hair changes, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, and irritability (Helzlsouer et
al., 1985). The woman who consumed the most selenium (2,387 mg over a 2.5-
month period) experienced hair loss, fingernail tenderness and loss, nausea and
vomiting, a sourmilk breath odor, and increasing fatigue (Jensen et al., 1984). The
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
molecular mechanism of selenium toxicity has not been clearly established
(Levander, 1982), and sensitive biochemical indicators of selenium poisoning
are not known.
Brown, M.R., H.J. Cohen, J.M. Lyons, T.W. Curtis, B. Thunberg, W.J. Cochran, and W.J. Klish.
1986. Proximal muscle weakness and selenium deficiency associated with long term
parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 43:549-554.
Burk, R.F. 1983. Biological activity of selenium. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 3:53-70.
Butler, J.A., P.D. Whanger, and N. M. Patton. 1988. Effect of feeding seleniumdeficient diets to
rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 7:43-56.
Fleming, C.R., J.T. Lie, J.T. McCall, J.F. O'Brien, E.E. Baillie, and J.L. Thistle. 1982. Selenium
deficiency and fatal cardiomyopalthy in a patient on home parenteral nutrition.
Gastroenterology 83:689-693.
Helzlsouer. K. R. Jacobs, and S. Morris. 1985. Acute selenium intoxication in the United States.
Fed. Proc. 44: 1670.
Hoekstra. W.G. 1975. Biochemical function of selenium and its relation to vitamin E. Fed. Proc.
Jensen, R., W. Closson, and R. Rothenberg. 1984. Selenium intoxicationNew York. Morb.
Mortal. Week. Rep. 33:157-158.
Johnson, R.A., S.S. Baker. J.T. Fallon, E.P. Maynard, J.N. Ruskin, Z. Wen, K. Ge, and H.J. Cohen.
1981. An accidental case of cardiomyopathy and selenium deficiency. N. Engl. J. Med.
Keshan Disease Research Group. 1979a. Epidemiologic studies on the etiologic relationship of
selenium and Keshan disease. Chin. Med. J. 92:477-482.
Keshan Disease Research Group. 19791b. Observations on effect of sodium selenite in prevention
of Keshan disease. Chin. Med. J. 92:471-476.
Kien, C.L., and H.F. Ganther. 1983. Manifestations of chronic selenium deficiency in a child
receiving total parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 37:319-328.
Kumpulainen, J. F. Vuori, P. Kuitunen, S. Mäkinen, and R. Kara. 1983. Longitudinal study on the
dietary selenium intake of exclusively breast-fed infants and their mothers in Finland . Int.
J. Vit. Nutr. Res. 53:420-426.
Levander, O. A. 1982. Selenium: biochemical actions, interactions and some human health
implications. Pp. 345-368 in A.S. Prasad, ed. Clinical, Biochemical, and Nutrititional
Aspects of Trace Elements. Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease, Vol. 6. Alan R. Liss,
New York.
Levander, O.A. 1983. Considerations in the design of selenium bioavailability studies. Fed. Proc.
Levander, O.A. 1985. Considerations on the assessment of selenium status. Fed. Proc. 44:2579-2583.
Levander, O.A. 1987. A global view of selenium nutrition. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 7:227-250.
Levander, O.A., and R. F. Burk. 1986. Report on the 1986 A.S.P.E.N. Research Workshop on
Selenium in clinical Nutrition. Parenter. Enteral. Nutr. 10:545-549.
Levander, O.A., G. Alfthan, H. Arvilommi, C. G. Gref, J.K. Huttunen, M. Kataja, P. Koivistoinen,
and J. Pikkarainen. 1983. Bioavailability of selenium to Finnish
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
men as assessed by platelet glutathione peroxidase activity and other blood parameters.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 37:887-897.
Mannan, S., and M.F. Picciano. 1987. Influence of maternal selenium status on human milk
selenium concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 46:95-100.
McCoy, K.E.M., and P.H. Weswig. 1969. Some selenium responses in the rat not related to vitamin
E. J. Nutr. 98:383-389.
Mutanen, M. 1986. Bioavailability of selenium. Ann. Clin. Res. 18:48-54.
Muth, O.H., P.H. Weswig, P.D. Whanger, and J.E. Oldfield. 1971. Effect of feeding selenium-
deficient ration to the subhuman primate (Saimiri sciureus). Am. J. Vet. Res. 32:1603-1605.
Vanderveen. 1984. Selected m NRC (National Research Council). 1983. Selenium in Nutrition, rev.
ed. Report of the Subcommittee on Selenium, Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on
Agriculture. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 174 pp.
Pennington, J.A.T., D.B. Wilson, R.F. Newell, B.F. Harland, R.D. Johnson, and J.E. inerals in foods
surveys, 1974 to 1981/82. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 84:771-780.
Schroeder, H.A., D.V. Frost, and J.J. Balassa. 1970. Essential trace metals in man: selenium. J.
Chronic Dis. 23:227-243.
Swanson, C.A., D.C. Reamer, C. Veillon, J.C. King, and O.A. Levander. 1983. Quantitative and
qualitative aspects of selenium utilization in pregnant and nonpregnant women: an
application of stable isotope methodology. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 38:169- 180.
Thomson, C.D., and M.F. Robinson. 1980. Selenium in human health and disease with emphasis on
those aspects peculiar to New Zealand. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 33:303-323.
Thomson, C.D., M.F. Robinson, D.R. Campbell, and H.M. Rea. 1982. Effect of prolonged
supplementation with daily supplements of selenomethionine and sodium selenite on
glutathione peroxidase activity in blood of New Zealand residents. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
van Rij, A.M., C.D. Thomson, J.M. McKenzie, and M.F. Robinson. 1979. Selenium deficiency in
total parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 32:2076-2085.
Whanger, P.D., M.A. Beilstein, C.D. Thomson, M.F. Robinson, and M. Howe. 1988. Blood
selenium and glutathione peroxidase activity of populations in New Zealand, Oregon, and
South Dakota. FASEB J. 2:2996-3002.
Whitacre, M.E., G.F. Combs, Jr., S.B. Combs, and R.S. Parker. 1987. Influence of dietary vitamin E
on nutritional pancreatic atrophy in selenium-deficient chicks. J. Nutr. 117:460-457.
WHO (World Health Organization). 1987. Selenium, Envionmental Health Criteria 58: A Report of
the International Programme on Chemical Safety. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Williams, M. 1983. Selenium and glutathione peroxidase in mature human milk. Proc. Univ. Otago
Med. Sch. 61:20-21.
Yang, G. S. Wang, R. Zhou, and S. Sun. 1983. Endemic selenium intoxication of humans in China.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 37:872-881.
Yang, G., L.Z. Zhu, S.J. Liu, L.Z. Gu, P.C. Qian, J.H. Huang, and M.O. Luu. 1987. Human
selenium requirements in China. Pp. 589-607 in G.F. Combs, Jr., J.F. Spallholz. O.A.
Levander, and J.E. Oldfield, eds. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on
Selenium in Biology and Medicine. AVI Publishing, Westport, Conn.
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Yang, G., K. Ge, J. Chen, and X. Chen. 1988. Selenium-related endemic diseases and the daily
selenium requirement of humans. World Rev. Nutr. Diet. 55:98-152.
Copper is an essential nutrient for all vertebrates and some lower animal
species (Davis and Mertz, 1987). Several abnormalities have been observed in
copper-deficient animals, including anemia, skeletal defects, demyelination and
degeneration of the nervous system, defects in pigmentation and structure of
hair or wool, reproductive failure, myocardial degeneration, and decreased
arterial elasticity. There are a number of important copper-containing proteins
and enzymes, some of which are essential for the proper utilization of iron
(Davis and Mertz, 1987).
Assessment of Copper Status
Although hypocupremia is readily produced in animals during
experimental copper deficiency, circulating copper concentration is not
necessarily a valid index of copper nutriture in humans (Solomons, 1979).
Ceruloplasmin, a protein-copper complex, is strongly influenced by hormonal
changes or inflammation, thus limiting its usefulness as an indicator (Mason,
1979). Determination of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity
appears to be a promising technique for assessing copper status in humans
(Uauy et al., 1985).
Evidence for Human Requirement
Severe copper deficiency is rare in human beings (Cartwright and
Wintrobe, 1964; Danks, 1988). Copper depletion sufficient to cause
hypocupremia has been observed during total parenteral nutrition (Shike, 1984)
and in cases of Menkes' steely hair diseasea rare, inherited disease resulting
in impaired copper utilization (Menkes et al., 1962). The hypocupremia
reported in protein-calorie malnutrition, sprue, nephrotic syndrome, and certain
other diseases is probably unrelated to dietary copper intake and is believed to
be secondary to a state of hypoproteinemia and inability to provide adequate
amounts of the aproprotein for ceruloplasmin synthesis (Mason, 1979). Under
normal circumstances, dietary copper deficiency is not known to occur in
adults, but it has been observed in malnourished children in Peru; its
manifestations are anemia, neutropenia, and severe bone demineralization
(Cordano et al., 1964). In the early 1970s in the United States, similar findings
were recognized in a few
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very small premature infants who were hospitalized for long periods and
exclusively fed modified cow's milk formula or received prolonged parenteral
alimentation. Presumably, these aberrations reflected a deficient dietary intake
of copper (Cordano, 1974). More recently, copper deficiency has been shown to
impair the growth of Chilean infants recovering from malnutrition (Castillo-
Duran and Uauy, 1988).
The concentration of copper in the human fetus increases substantially
during gestation, about half of the total fetal copper accumulating in the liver
(Widdowson et al., 1974). These hepatic reserves are believed to protect the full-
term infant against copper deficiency during the first few months of life. In the
United States, tissue copper concentrations remain remarkably steady
throughout adult life (Schroeder et al., 1966). The relatively constant copper
concentrations in most tissues indicate sufficient dietary intake and effective
homeostatic control of copper.
Epidemiological and experimental animal studies suggest a positive
correlation between the zinc-to-copper ratio in the diet and the incidence of
cardiovascular disease (Klevay, 1984). Elevated plasma cholesterol levels,
impaired glucose tolerance, and heart-related abnormalities have been observed
in some human subjects consuming only 0.8 to 1.0 mg copper per day (Klevay
et al., 1984; Reiser et al., 1985), but not in others (Turnlund et al., 1989).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Organ meats, especially liver, are the richest sources of copper in the diet,
followed by seafoods, nuts, and seeds. The concentration of copper in drinking
water is highly variable; it is much influenced by the interaction of the water's
acidity with the piping system. Additional contributions to intake may come
from adventitious sources, such as copper-containing fungicides sprayed on
agricultural products. Human milk contains approximately 0.3 mg/liter; cow's
milk only about 0.09 mg/liter (Varo et al., 1980)
Older analytical data indicating that most U.S. diets provide a daily copper
intake between 2 and 5 mg are now being reexamined and questioned (Klevay,
1984). The Total Diet Study, based on the extensive dietary analyses performed
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, showed that the daily intake of
copper for adult males and females averaged about 1.2 and 0.9 mg, respectively,
from 1982 to 1986 (Pennington et al., 1989). The intakes for infants 6 to 11
months old and toddlers 2 years old were 0.45 and 0.57 mg daily.
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Several different factors may affect the bioavailability of dietary copper.
Jacob et al. (1987) observed that high intakes of vitamin C (605 mg/day)
decreased serum ceruloplasmin but had no effect on overall body copper status.
Zinc intakes slightly above RDA levels reduced apparent copper retention in
young men and adolescent females (Festa et al., 1985; Greger et al., 1978). The
degree of copper deficiency may be influenced by the type of carbohydrate
consumed, since rats fed a diet containing fructose developed more severe signs
of copper deficiency than did rats fed a diet containing either glucose or starch
(Fields et al., 1984). Although it may be assumed that the interaction between
copper and ascorbic acid involves reduction and chelation of the metal in the
intestine, the nature of the interaction of copper with zinc or carbohydrates is
not yet known.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
In the past, estimates of the copper requirement for humans were derived
from metabolic balance studies. However, the balance technique can lead to
false estimates of nutritional requirements because the efficiency of copper
absorption is increased or decreased in response to low or high copper intakes,
respectively (Turnlund et al., 1989). Older balance studies suggested that the
adult requirement for copper ranged from 2.0 to 2.6 mg/day, whereas later
studies indicated that intakes less than 2.0 mg/day, and often not much more
than 1.0 mg/day, could maintain positive copper balance (Mason, 1979). In a
recent metabolic ward study, 13 men consuming a variety of typical U.S. diets
were found to need 1.30 mg/day to replace fecal and urinary losses (Klevay et
al., 1980).
Whole-body surface losses of copper are highly variable. Such variability
makes it difficult to select an appropriate value for the losses incurred through
this pathway, but recent estimates indicate that copper losses from the body's
surface are less than 0.1 mg/day (Turnlund et al., 1989). If the true
gastrointestinal absorption of copper at intakes of 1.7 to 2.0 mg is 36% (± 1.3
SEM) (Turnlund et al., 1989), then a dietary intake of 0.3 mg/day is required to
replace body surface losses. Adding this figure to the average dietary intake of
1.3 mg/day needed to replace urinary and fecal losses indicates that a total
dietary copper intake of approximately 1.6 mg/day is required to maintain
balance in adult men.
Many U.S. diets provide less than 1.6 mg of copper daily (Klevay, 1984).
Since anemia or neutropenia ascribable to copper deficiency
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has not been observed in adults consuming typical U.S. diets, there is an
obvious discrepancy between the experimentally derived copper requirement as
defined by balance studies and currently estimated dietary copper intakes. This
suggests either a long-term homeostatic adaptation to low copper intakes, or an
incorrect estimate of dietary copper intake due to the underreporting of certain
foods and water that are sources of the element. Because of the uncertainty
about the quantitative human requirement for copper, it is not possible to
establish an RDA for this trace element. Rather, the subcommittee recommends
1.5 to 3 mg/day as a safe and adequate range of dietary copper intake for adults.
Infants and Children
The average daily intake of copper by exclusively breastfed North
American infants was 0.23 ± .07 mg over the first 4 months of lactation (Butte
et al., 1987), or approximately 40 ± 16 µg/kg per day. This intake is
substantially less than the 80 µg/kg per day recommended by a World Health
Organization Expert Committee (WHO, 1973), but approaches the lower limit
of the estimated requirement range of 45 to 135 µg/kg per day suggested by
Cordano (1974) for rapidly growing infants with poor stores. Positive copper
balance has been observed in normal children ages 3 months to 8 years with
intakes as low as 35 ± 22 µg/kg per day (Alexander et al., 1974).
Studies in animals have shown high bioavailability of copper from human
milk (Lönnerdal et al., 1985). Furthermore, the sizeable hepatic copper reserve
built up during fetal development appears to contribute to the early needs of the
growing full-term infant (Widdowson et al., 1974). After 3 months of age, the
recommended copper intake of 75 µg/kg/day translates into dietary ranges of
0.4 to 0.6 and 0.6 to 0.7 mg/day for reference infants from birth to 6 months and
from 6 to 12 months old, respectively. The introduction of solid foods at 4 to 6
months of age should enable the older infant fed a mixed diet to meet the
copper recommendations (Gibson and De Wolfe, 1980), but the exclusively
breastfed infant will have difficulty in achieving those levels because copper
levels in human milk decline from 0.6 to 0.2 mg/liter during the first 6 months
of lactation (Vuori and Kuitunen, 1979). These recommended intakes may be
inadequate for the premature infant, who is always born with low copper stores
(Shaw, 1973).
The American Academy of Pediatrics has recently recommended that
infant formulas provide 60 µg of copper per 100 kcal (AAP, 1985). By
following this recommendation, a typical formula-fed in
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fant from birth to 6 months of age receiving 700 kcal per day would consume
approximately 0.4 mg of copper per day.
In preadolescent and adolescent girls, fecal and urinary losses were at or
near equilibrium with a dietary copper intake of 1 to 1.3 mg/ day (35 to 45 µg/
kg body weight per day) (Engel et al., 1967; Greger et al., 1978; Price and
Bunce, 1972). The recommended copper range of 1.0 to 2.0 mg/day for 7- to 10-
year-old children provides at least 40 µg/kg body weight/day.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
An FAO/WHO Expert Committee concluded that no deleterious effects
can be expected in humans whose copper intake is 0.5 mg/kg body weight per
day (FAO/WHO, 1971). Usual diets in the United States rarely supply more
than 5 mg/day, and an occasional intake of up to 10 mg/day is probably safe for
human adults. Although storing or processing acidic foods or fluids in copper
vessels can add to the daily intake, overt toxicity from dietary sources is
extremely rare in the U.S. population (NRC, 1977)
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1985. Recommended ranges of nutrients in formulas.
Appendix 1. Pp. 356-357 in Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 2nd ed. American Academy of
Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Alexander, F.W., B.E. Clayton, and H.T. Delves. 1974. Mineral and trace-metal balances in children
receiving normal and synthetic diets. Q.J. Med. 43:89-111.
Butte, N.F., C. Garza, E.O. Smith, C. Wills, and B.L. Nichols. 1987. Macro- and tracemineral
intakes of exclusively breast-fed infants. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 45:42-48.
Cartwright, G.E., and M.M. Wintrobe. 1964. The question of copper deficiency in man. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 15:94-110.
Castillo-Duran, C., and R. Uauy. 1988. Copper deficiency impairs growth of infants recovering
from malnutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 47:710-714.
Cordano, A. 1974. The role played by copper in the physiopathology and nutrition of the infant and
the child. Ann. Nestle 33:1-16.
Cordano, A., J.M. Baertl, and G.G. Graham. 1964. Copper deficiency in infancy. Pediatrics
Danks, D.M. 1988. Copper deficiency in humans. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 8:235-257.
Davis, G.K., and W. Mertz. 1987. Copper. Pp. 301-364 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human
and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed., Vol. 2. Academic Press, Orlando, Fla.
Engel, R.W., N.O. Price, and R.F. Miller. 1967. Copper, manganese, cobalt, and molybdenum
balance in pre-adolescent girls. J. Nutr. 92:197-204.
FAO/WHO (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization). 1971. Evaluation of
Food Additives. WHO Technical Report Series No. 462. World Health Organization,
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Festa, M.D., H.L. Anderson, R.P. Dowdy, and M.R. Ellersieck. 1985. Effect of zinc intake on
copper excretion and retention in men. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 41:285-292.
Fields, M., R. Ferretti, J.C. Smith, and R. Reiser. 1984. The interaction of type of dietary
carbohydrates with copper deficiency. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 39:289-295.
Gibson, R.S., and M.S. DeWolfe. 1980. The dietary trace metal intake of some Canadian full-term
and low birthweight infants during the first twelve months of infancy. J. Can. Diet. Assoc.
Greger, J.L., S.C. Zaikis, R.P. Abernathy, O.A. Bennett, and J. Huffman. 1978. Zinc, nitrogen,
copper, iron and manganese balance in adolescent females fed two levels of zinc. J. Nutr.
Jacob, R.A., J.H. Skala, S.T. Omaye, and J.R. Turnlund. 1987. Effect of varying ascorbic acid
intakes on copper absorption and ceruloplasmin levels of young men. J. Nutr.
Klevay, L.M. 1984. The role of copper, zinc, and other chemical elements in ischemic heart disease.
Pp. 129-157 in O.M. Rennert and W.-Y. Chan, eds. Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man,
Vol. 1. Developmental Aspects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
Klevay, L.M., S.J. Reck, R.A. Jacob, G.M. Logan, Jr., J.M. Munoz, and H.H. Sandstead. 1980. The
human requirement for copper. 1. Healthy men fed conventional American diets. Am. J.
Clin. Nutr. 33:45-50.
Klevay, L.M., L. Inman, K. Johnson, M. Lawler, J.R. Mahalko, D.B. Milne, H.C. Lukaski, W.
Bolonchuk, and H.H. Sandstead. 1984. Increased cholesterol in plasma in a young man
during experimental copper depletion. Metabolism 33:1112-1118.
Lönnerdal, B., J.G. Bell, and C.L. Keen. 1985. Copper absorption from human milk, cow's milk,
and infant formulas using a suckling rat model. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 42:836-844.
Mason, K.E. 1979. A conspectus of research on copper metabolism and requirements of man. J.
Nutr. 109:1979-2066.
Menkes, J.H., M. Alter, G.K. Steigledger, D.R. Weakley, and J.H. Sung. 1962. A sexlinked
recessive disorder with retardation of growth, peculiar hair, and focal cerebral and
cerebellar degeneration. Pediatrics 29:764-779.
NRC (National Research Council). 1977. Medical and Biological Effects of Environmental
Pollutants: Copper. Report of the Committee on Medical and Biologic Effects of
Environmental Pollutants, Division of Medical Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences,
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 115 pp.
Pennington, J.A.T., B.E. Young, and D.B. Wilson. 1989. Nutritional elements in U.S. diets: results
from the Total Diet Study, 1982-86. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 89:659-664.
Price, N.O., and G.E. Bunce, 1972. Effect of nitrogen and calcium on balance of copper,
manganese, and zinc in preadolescent girls. Nutr. Rep. Int. 5:275-280.
Reiser, S., J.C. Smith, Jr., W. Mertz., J.T. Holbrook, D.J. Scholfield, A.S. Powell, W.K. Canfield,
and J.J. Canary. 1985. Indices of copper status in humans consuming a typical American
diet containing either fructose or starch. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 42:242-251.
Schroeder, H.A., A.P. Nason, I.H. Tipton, and J.J. Balassa. 1966. Essential trace elements in man:
copper. J. Chronic Dis. 19:1007-1034.
Shaw, J.C.L. 1973. Parenteral nutrition in the management of sick low birthweight infants. Pediatr.
Clin. North Am. 20:333-358.
Shike, M. 1984. Copper in parenteral nutrition. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 60:132-143.
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Solomons, N.W. 1979. On the assessment of zinc and copper nutriture in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Turnlund, J.R., W.R. Keyes, H.L. Anderson, and L.L. Acord. Copper absorp- tion and retention in
young men at three levels of dietary copper using the stable isotope. 65Cu. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 49:870-878.
Uauy, R., C. Castillo-Duran, M. Fisberg, N. Fernandez, and A. valenzuela. 1985. Red cell
superoxide dismutase activity as an index of human copper nutrition. J. Nutr.
Varo, P., M. Nuurtamo, E. Saari, and P. Koivistoinen. 1980. Mineral element composition of
Finnish foods. VIII. Dairy products, eggs and margarine. Acta Agric. Scand. Suppl.
22:115- 126.
Vuori, F., and P. Kuitenen. 1979. The concentrations of copper and zinc in human milk. A
longitudinal study. Acta Paediatr. Scand. 68:33-37.
WHO (World Health Organization). 1973. Trace Elements in Human Nutrition. Report of a WHO
Expert Committee. WHO Technical Report Series No. 532. World Health Organization,
Widdowson, F.M., J. Dauncey, and J.C.I. Shaw. 1974. Trace elements in foetal and early postnatal
development. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 33:275-284.
Manganese has been shown to be an essential element in every animal
species studied. Signs of deficiency include poor reproductive performance,
growth retardation, congenital malformations in the offspring, abnormal
formation of bone and cartilage, and impaired glucose tolerance (Hurley and
Keen, 1987). Several enzymes, such as decarboxylases, hydrolases, kinases, and
transferases, are nonspecifically activated by manganese in vitro. There are two
known manganese metalloenzymes: pyruvate carboxylase and superoxide dis
mutase, both localized in mitochondria.
Manganese deficiency has never been observed in noninstitutionalized
human populations because of the abundant supply of manganese in edible
plant materials compared to the relatively low requirements of mammals
(Underwood, 1981). Analyses of a variety of tissues taken from humans of
various ages have indicated that there is no tendency for either a decrease or an
increase in manganese accumulation throughout most of the life cycle
(Schroeder et al., 1966). This constancy of manganese concentration in the
tissues suggests adequate dietary intake coupled with strong homeostatic
control. There has been only one recorded case of a possible manganese
deficiency in a humana male subject in a vitamin K deficiency study who
was fed a purified diet from which manganese was inadvertently omitted
(Doisy, 1973). His total diet (food and water) furnished only about 0.35 mg of
manganese per day. Retrospective analyses revealed that there were 55 and 85%
declines in his serum and stool manganese levels, respectively, over a 17-week
period (Doisy, 1974).
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Progress in the field of manganese nutrition has been hampered because of
the lack of a practical method for assessing manganese status. Blood manganese
levels appear to reflect body manganese status of rats fed deficient or adequate
amounts of manganese (Keen et al., 1983), but consistent changes in blood or
plasma manganese levels have not been observed in depleted or repleted human
subjects (Freeland-Graves et al., 1988; Friedman et al., 1987). Animal studies
have shown that the activity of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase is a
function of dietary manganese intake, but practical usefulness of this enzyme as
an indicator is uncertain since tissues containing mitochondria are generally not
readily available for nutritional status assessment purposes.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Whole grains and cereal products are the richest dietary sources of
manganese, and fruits and vegetables are somewhat less so. Dairy products,
meat, fish, and poultry are poor sources. Tea is a rich source of manganese, but
typical drinking water consumed at the rate of 2 liters daily contributes only
about 40 to 64 µg, or about 2 to 3% of the amount furnished by diet (NRC,
Although there is now a body of data concerning the levels of manganese
in the diet, little is known about the chemical form or nutritional bioavailability
of the manganese in foods (Kies, 1987). Extreme dietary habits can result in
manganese intake outside the provisionally recommended limits; consumption
of a varied and balanced diet will reliably furnish safe and adequate amounts.
The Total Diet Study conducted in the United States between 1982 and
1986 indicated that the mean daily dietary manganese intake was 2.7 and 2.2
mg for adult men and women, respectively (Pennington et al., 1989). Teenage
boys consumed an average of 2.8 mg/ day, whereas girls consumed only 1.8 mg/
day. Mean manganese intakes were 1. 1 and 1.5 mg/day for 6- to 11-month-old
babies and 2-year-old toddlers, respectively.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
Several short-term balance studies in adult humans fed different amounts
of manganese have been conducted in an attempt to define the requirement for
this trace element (reviewed by Freeland-Graves et al., 1987). However, there
are many problems with using the balance method to estimate trace element
requirements (Freeland-Graves et al., 1988). At best, such studies determine the
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intake needed to maintain a given pool size of a nutrient in test subjects (Mertz,
1987). Factorial methods have also been used to estimate manganese
requirements (Freeland-Graves et al., 1988; Friedman et al., 1987), but as with
zinc, endogenous manganese loss is likely to be a function of manganese status.
Therefore, the validity of this approach is also doubtful. Given the apparent lack
of manganese deficiency as a practical nutritional problem in adults, it would
seem that current dietary intakes satisfy needs for the element. Therefore, a
provisional daily dietary manganese intake for adults of 2.0 to 5.0 mg is
Infants and Children
Little is known about the manganese requirement of human infants.
McLeod and Robinson (1972) reported the manganese content of human milk
to average 15 ng/ml (range, 12 to 20.2 ng/ml). Casey et al. (1985) calculated
that the average daily intake of manganese from human milk from North
American mothers during the first month after birth was only 2 µg. Such low
intakes are associated with negative manganese balances (Widdowson, 1969),
which are reflected in the decreases in tissue manganese levels that occur during
the first weeks of life (Schroeder et al., 1966). Nonetheless, no cases of
manganese deficiency in human infants have been documented (Lönnerdal et
al., 1983). This suggests utilization of tissue reserves built up in the infant
during gestation, but the site of such reserves, if any, is not clear, since
manganese, unlike copper, is not stored in the fetal liver (Widdowson et al.,
1972). In the absence of reports on manganese deficiency in human infants, no
supplementation of the breastfed infant is recommended.
With the introduction of other foods at an assumed age of 4 months,
manganese consumption increases accordingly and intakes of 71 and 80 µg/kg
have been reported for infants 6 and 12 months old, respectively (Gibson and
De Wolfe, 1980). For reference infants at birth to 0.5 year old and at 0.5 to 1
year of age, this would be equivalent to intakes of 0.4 and 0.7 mg/day,
respectively. Therefore, the provisional recommended ranges for daily dietary
intakes of manganese for these age groups are 0.3 to 0.6 and 0.6 to 1.0 mg/day,
respectively. The ranges for children and adolescents are derived through
extrapolation on the basis of body weight and expected food intake.
Pregnancy and Lactation
The requirement for manganese during pregnancy is not known, since the
manganese content of the fetus has not been determined (Shaw, 1980). If an
increased need exists, however, it may be met largely by enhanced absorption.
Studies in
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isolated rat intestinal sacs have shown that manganese absorption during the
third trimester is triple that of nonpregnant, nonlactating controls (Kirchgessner
et al., 1982). Because the manganese content of human milk is so low (Casey et
al., 1985), lactation is not likely to result in any appreciable additional demand
for dietary manganese.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
In animals, the toxicity of ingested manganese is low and signs of a toxic
response generally appear only after concentrations higher than 1,000 µg/g diet
are fed (Hurley and Keen, 1987). In contrast, when the element was injected or
inhaled as dust, adverse effects on the central nervous system became apparent
at much smaller doses. The biochemical mechanism of manganese
neurotoxicity has not been established, but studies in rats suggest that higher
valency forms of the element might potentiate the autooxidation of
catecholamines (Donaldson et al., 1982).
In humans, toxicity has been observed only in workers exposed to high
concentrations of manganese dust or fumes in air, but not as a consequence of
dietary intake by people consuming 8 to 9 mg of manganese per day in their
food (WHO, 1973). In view of the remarkably steady tissue concentrations of
manganese in the U.S. population (Schroeder et al., 1966) and the low toxicity
of dietary manganese, an occasional intake of 10 mg/day by adults can be
considered safe. To include an extra margin of safety, however, the
subcommittee recommends a range of manganese intake from 2 to 5 mg/ day
for adults.
In the young of certain animal species, the homeostatic mechanism for
manganese is relatively undeveloped (Cotzias et al., 1976). There have also
been reports that learning disabilities in children might be associated with
increased manganese levels in hair (Collipp et al., 1983); however, more
evidence is required before this association can be substantiated.
Casey, C.E., K.M. Hambidge, and M.C. Neville. 1985. Studies in human lactation: zinc, copper,
manganese, and chromium in human milk in the first month of lactation. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Collipp, P.J., S.Y. Chen, and S. Maitinsky. 1983. Manganese in infant formulas and learning
disability. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 27:488-494.
Cotzias, G.C., S.T. Miller, P.S. Papavasiliou, and L.C. Tang. 1976. Interactions between manganese
and brain dopamine. Med. Clin. N. Am. 60:729-738.
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Doisy, E.A., Jr. 1973. Micronutrient controls on biosynthesis of clotting proteins and cholesterol.
Pp. 193-199 in D.D. Hemphill, ed. Trace Substances in Environmental HealthVI.
University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
Doisy, E.A., Jr. 1974. Effects of deficiency in manganese upon plasma levels of clotting proteins
and cholesterol in man. Pp. 668-670 in W.G. Hoekstra, J.W. Suttie, H.E. Ganther and W.
Mertz, eds. Trace Element Metabolism in Animals2. University Park Press, Baltimore.
Donaldson, D. McGregor, and F. La Bella. 1982. Manganese neurotoxicity: a model for free radical
mediated neurodegeneration. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60:1398-1405.
Freeland-Graves, J. H., C.W. Bales, and F. Behmardi. 1987. Manganese requirements of humans.
Pp. 90-104 in C. Kies. ed. Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese. American Chemical
Society, Washington, D.C.
Freeland-Graves, J.H., F. Behmardi, C.W. Bales, V. Dougherty, P.-H. Lin, J.B. Crosby, and P.C.
Trickett. 1988. Metabolic balance of manganese in young men consuming diets containing
five levels of dietary manganese. J. Nutr. 118:764-773.
Friedman, B.J., J.H. Freeland-Graves, C.W. Bales, F. Behmardi, R.I., ShoreyKutschke, R.A. Willis,
J.B. Crosby, P.C. Trickett, and S.D. Houston. 1987. Manganese balance and clinical
observations in young men fed a manganese-deficient diet. J. Nutr. 117:133-143.
Gibson, R.S., and M.S. De Wolfe. 1980. The dietary trace metal intake of some Canadian full-term
and low birthweight infants during the first twelve months of infancy. J. Can. Diet. Assoc.
Hurley, L.S., and C.L., Keen. 1987. Manganese. Pp. 185-223 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in
Human and Animal Nutrition, Vol. 1. Academic Press, Orlando, Fla.
Keen, C.L., M.S. Clegg, B. Lönnerdal, and L.S. Hurley. 1983. Whole-blood manganese as an
indicator of body manganese. N. Engl. J. Med. 308:1230.
Kies, C., ed. 1987. Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese. American Chemical Society,
Washington, D.C.
Kirchgessner, M., Y.S. Sherif, and F.J. Schwarz. 1982. Changes in absorption of manganese during
pregnancy and lactation. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 26:83-89.
Lönnerdal, B., C. L. Keen, M. Ohtake, and T. Tamura. 1983. Iron, zinc, copper, and manganese in
infant formulas. Am. J. Dis. Child. 137:433-437.
McLeod, B.F., and Robinson, M.F. 1972. Dietary intake of manganese by New Zealand infants
during the first six months of life. Br. J. Nutr. 27:229-232.
Mertz, W. 1987. Use and misuse of balance studies. J. Nutr. 117:1811-1813.
NRC (National Research Council). 1980. The contribution of drinking water to mineral nutrition in
humans. Pp. 265-403 in Drinking Water and Health, Vol. 3. Report of the Safe Drinking
Water Committee, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards, Assembly of
Life Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 415 pp.
Pennington, J.A.T., B.E. Young, and D.B. Wilson. 1989. Nutritional elements in U.S. diets: results
from the Total Diet Study, 1982-86. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 89:659-664.
Schroeder, H.A., J.J. Balassa, and I.H. Tipton. 1966. Essential trace elements in man manganese. J.
Chronic Dis. 19:545-571.
Shaw, J.C. L. 1980. Trace elements in the fetus and young infant. II. Copper, manganese, selenium,
and chromium. Am. J. Dis. Child. 134:74-81.
Underwood, E.J. 1981. The incidence of trace element deficiency diseases. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.
Lond. B. 294:3-8.
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WHO (World Health Organization). 1973. Trace elements in human nutrition. Report of a WHO
Expert Committee. WHO Technical Report Series No. 532. World Health Organization,
Widdowson, F.M., 1969. Trace elements in human development. Pp. 85-98 in D. Barltrop, ed.
Mineral Metabolism in Paediatrics. Blackwell, Oxford.
Widdowson, F.M., H. Chan, G.E. Harrison, and R.D.G. Milner. 1972. Accumulation of Cu, Zn, Mn,
Cr and Co in the human liver before birth. Biol. Neonate 20:360-367.
is present in small but widely varying concentrations in
practically all soils, water supplies, plants, and animals, and is a constituent of
all diets. The major tissues known to incorporate fluoride are bones and tooth
enamel, the incorporation being proportional to the total intake (Hodge and
Smith, 1970). The primary route of fluoride excretion is the kidney, and urine
generally accounts for approximately 90% of the total fluoride excreted
(Maheshwari et al., 1981; Spencer et al., 1981). There is a direct linear
relationship between plasma fluoride level and the concentration of fluoride in
the community water supply up to 6 mg/liter (Taves and Guy, 1979), but there
can be substantial diurnal variations of these levels (Ekstrand, 1978).
The status of fluorine as an essential nutrient has been debated. Several
studies in rodents have provided conflicting results. Addition of 2.5 mg of
fluoride per kilogram of basal diet, the content of which varied but occasionally
dropped below 0.04 mg/kg, stimulated the growth of rats housed in a trace
element-controlled environment (Milne and Schwarz, 1974; Schwarz and
Milne, 1972). In contrast, no effect of fluoride was seen in mice fed another low-
fluorine diet (0.2 mg/kg) containing ingredients grown hydroponically, even
when the diet was fed over six generations (Weber and Reid, 1974). An earlier
report that fluoride added to the drinking water at 50 mg/ liter protected
pregnant mice against impaired reproduction and severe anemia (Messer et al.,
1973) was not confirmed (Tao and Suttie, 1976). These contradictory results do
not justify a classification of fluorine as an essential element, according to
accepted standards. Nonetheless, because of its valuable effects on dental
health, fluorine is a beneficial element for humans.
Fluoride is the term for the ionized form of the element flourine, as it occurs in
drinking water. The two terms are used interchangeably.
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Effects on Dental Caries
The negative correlation between tooth decay in children and fluoride
concentrations in their drinking water was first demonstrated in a large study in
the United States almost 50 years ago (Dean et al., 1942). Subsequently, many
studies (see review by Burt, 1982) proved that fluoridation of public water
supplies, wherever natural fluoride concentrations are low, is an effective and
practical means of reducing dental caries (Council on Dental Therapeutics,
1982). Recommendations approved by virtually all national and international
health organizations call for fluoride concentrations between 0.7 and 1.2 mg/
liter, depending on average local temperature (as a predictor of water intake).
There is evidence that dental health has been improving, even in
communities with low water fluoride concentrations, presumably because of
increased fluoride intake from other sources (e.g., from foods processed with
fluoridated water, topical fluoride applications by dentists, fluoride
supplementation, and unintentional ingestion of fluoride dentifrices).
Although no one theory explains completely the exact role of fluoride in
reducing caries (Council on Dental Therapeutics, 1982), it is known that
fluoride replaces hydroxyl ions in developing enamel prior to tooth eruption,
thereby forming an apatite crystal that is less susceptible to solubilization by
acid and, hence, more resistant to caries formation. Some topically applied
fluoride is also taken up by the enamel. The protective effect against caries is
greatest during maximal tooth formation, i.e., during the first 8 years of
childhood, but there is evidence to suggest that adults as well as children
continue to benefit from the consumption of fluoridated water (Council on
Dental Therapeutics, 1982).
Effects on Bone Disease
Although it has been suggested that fluoride intakes greater than those
recommended for caries control may have some benefit in protecting adult
bone, definitive evidence for such an effect is lacking. Bernstein et al. (1966)
found a higher prevalence of reduced bone density and of collapsed vertebrae in
an area with low-fluoride water (0.15 to 0.30 mg/liter) compared to that in an
area with naturally high-fluoride water (4 to 5.8 mg/liter); these findings have
not yet been confirmed.
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Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
A recent estimate of fluoride intake in the United States from food,
beverages, and water ranged from approximately 0.9 mg/day in an area with
unfluoridated water to 1.7 mg/day in an area with fluoridation (Singer et al.,
1980). Daily fluoride intake was reported to be approximately 1.8 mg from a
hospital diet in a fluoridated area of the United States (Taves, 1983), but
drinking water was not taken into account. Most of the difference in fluoride
intake between the fluoridated and unfluoridated areas was due to beverages,
since foods marketed in different parts of the country contributed only 0.3 to 0.6
mg/day. This suggests that any effect of locally grown foods is largely negated
by the supraregional distribution of the majority of foods in the United States.
Food processing has a strong influence on the fluoride content of foods.
The fluoride content of various foods can be increased severalfold by cooking
them in fluoridated water (Marier and Rose, 1966; Martin, 1951). Even the type
of cooking vessel can be important. Cooking in utensils treated with Teflon, a
fluoride-containing polymer, can increase the fluoride content, whereas an
aluminum surface can reduce it (Full and Parkins, 1975).
The richest dietary sources of fluoride are tea and marine fish that are
consumed with their bones (Kumpulainen and Koivistoinen, 1977). The bones
of some land-based animals also contain high levels of fluoride. In countries
where tea drinking is common, this beverage can make a substantial
contribution to the total fluoride intake. In the United Kingdom Total Diet
Study, tea was the main source of dietary fluoride for adults, accounting for 1.3
mg of the total daily intake of 1.8 mg (Walters et al., 1983).
Current intake estimates for 6-month-old infants range from 0.23 to 0.42
mg/day in different regions of the United States (Ophaug et al., 1985). This
small range is due to the agreement among the producers of infant formulas to
use only water low in fluoride for all their products (Barness, 1981; Horowitz
and Horowitz, 1983).
The fluoride content of cow's milk is approximately 20 µg/liter (Taves,
1983). Mean reported values of human milk range from 5 to 25 µg/liter (Esala
et al., 1982; Krishnamachari, 1987; Spak et al., 1983), reflecting maternal
intake. The low and high concentrations in human milk were found in samples
from mothers drinking water with fluoride concentrations of 0.2 and 1.7 mg/
liter, respectively.
The quantitative estimates of fluoride intake discussed above give no
indication about the relative absorption of dietary fluoride (see review by Subba
Rao, 1984). In general, free fluoride as it exists in
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water is more available than the protein-bound fluorine in foods, and the
absorption of fluoride from sodium fluoride in aqueous solution is estimated to
be 100%. In young adults, the absorption of fluoride from sodium fluoride
added to milk or baby formula was only 72 and 65%, respectively, of that added
to water in a study by Spak et al. (1982). An even poorer absorption, from 37 to
54% , has been reported for the fluorine in bone meal (Krishnamachari, 1987).
These differences in fluoride absorption indicate the difficulties in establishing
dietary recommendations for fluoride based solely on quantitative data about
the fluoride content of foods and drinking water.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Fluorine, like other trace elements, is toxic when consumed in excessive
amounts. Chronic toxicityfluorosisaffects bone health, kidney function,
and possibly muscle and nerve function (Krishnamachari, 1987). The condition
occurs after years of daily exposures of 20 to 80 mg of fluorine, far in excess of
the average intake in the United States. Mottling of the teeth in children has
been observed at 2 to 8 mg/kg concentrations of fluoride in diet and drinking
water (NRC, 1971). Many detailed epidemiological studies in the United States
and abroad have failed to find any indication for an increased cancer risk
associated with fluoride in the water supply (LARC, 1982).
The acute toxicity of fluoride resulting in death has been described in a 70-
kg adult who ingested one dose of 5 to 10 g of sodium fluoride (Heifetz and
Horowitz, 1984). Recently, investigators have suggested that the use of
pharmacological doses of fluoride (50 mg/day) for 3 months was helpful in the
treatment of women with osteoporosis (Pak et al., 1989). At these doses there is
a potential for toxicity, and these patients should be monitored carefully.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
The estimated range of safe and adequate intakes of fluoride for adults is
1.5 to 4.0 mg/day. This takes into account the widely varying fluoride
concentrations of diets consumed in the United States and includes both food
sources and drinking water. For younger age groups, the range is reduced to a
maximal level of 2.5 mg in order to avoid mottling of the teeth. Ranges of 0.1 to
1 mg during the first year of life and 0.5 to 1.5 mg during the subsequent 2
years are suggested as adequate and safe.
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Infants receiving human milk, ready-to-use formula, or concentrated
formulas prepared with nonfluoridated water are all ingesting low levels of
fluoride. In such cases, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on
Nutrition advises the use of a fluoride supplement of 0.25 mg/day for children
from 2 weeks to 2 years of age (Barness, 1981).
In view of fluoride's beneficial effects on dental health and its safety at the
prescribed intakes, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends fluoridation of
public water supplies if natural fluoride levels are substantially below 0.7 mg/
Barness, L.A. 1981. Fluoride in infant formulas and fluoride supplementation. Pediatrics 67:582-583.
Bernstein, D.S., N. Sadowsky, D.M. Hegsted, C.D. Guri, and F.J. Stare. 1966. Prevalence of
osteoporosis in high- and low-fluoride areas in North Dakota. J. Am. Med. Assoc.
Burt, B.A. 1982. The epidemiological basis for water fluoridation in the prevention of dental caries.
J. Public Health Policy 3:391-407.
Council on Dental Therapeutics. 1982. Fluoride compounds. Pp. 344-368 in Accepted Dental
Therapeutics, 39th ed. American Dental Association, Chicago, Ill.
Dean, H.T., F.A. Arnold, Jr., and E. Elvove. 1942. Domestic water and dental caries: additional
studies of relation of fluoride domestic waters to dental caries experience in 4,425 white
children aged 12 to 14 years, of 13 cities in 4 states. Public Health Rep. 57:1155-1179.
Ekstrand, J. 1978. Relationship between fluoride in the drinking water and the plasma fluoride
concentration in man. Caries Res. 12:123-127.
Esala, S., E. Vuori, and A. Helle. 1982. Effect of maternal fluorine intake on breast milk fluorine
content. Br. J. Nutr. 48:201-204.
Full, C.A., and F.M. Parkins. 1975. Effect of cooking vessel composition on fluoride. J. Dent. Res.
Heifetz, S.B., and H.S. Horowitz. 1984. The amounts of fluoride in current fluoride therapies: safety
considerations for children. J. Dent. Child. 51:257-269.
Hodge, H.C., and F.A. Smith. 1970. Minerals: fluorine and dental caries. Pp. 93115 in R.F. Gould,
ed. Dietary Chemicals vs. Dental Caries. Advances in Chemistry Series No. 94. American
Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
Horowitz, A.M., and H.S. Horowitz. 1983. Fluorides and dental caries. Science 220:142-144.
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). 1982. Inorganic fluorides used in drinking-
water and dental preparations. Pp. 237-303 in IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the
Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Vol. 27. Some Aromatic Amines,
Anthraquinones and Nitroso Compounds, and Inorganic Fluorides Used in Drinking-Water
and Dental Preparations. IARC, Lyon, France.
Krishnamachari, K.A.V.R. 1987. Fluorine. Pp. 365-415 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in Human
and Animal Nutrition, Vol. 1. Academic Press, San Diego, Calif.
Kumpulainen, J., and P. Koivistoinen. 1977. Fluorine in foods. Residue Rev. 68:3757.
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Maheshwari, U.R., J.T. McDonald, V.S. Schneider, A.J. Brunetti, L. Leybin, E. Newbrun, and H.C.
Hodge. 1981. Fluoride balance studies in ambulatory healthy men with and without
fluoride supplements. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34:2679-2684.
Marier, J.R., and D. Rose. 1966. The fluoride content of some food and beverages A brief survey
using a modified Zr-SPADNS method. J. Food Sci. 31:941-946.
Martin, D.J. 1951. The Evanston Dental Caries Study. VIII. Fluorine content of vegetables cooked
in fluorine containing waters. J. Dent. Res. 30:676-681.
Messer, H.H., W.D. Armstrong, and L. Singer. 1973. Influence of fluoride intake on reproduction in
mice. J. Nutr. 103:1319-1326.
Milne, D.B., and K. Schwarz. 1974. Effect of different fluorine compounds on growth and bone
fluoride levels in rats. Pp. 710-714 in W. G. Hoekstra, J. W. Suttie, H. E. Ganther, and W.
Mertz, eds. Trace Element Metabolism in Animals, 2. University Park Press, Baltimore.
NRC (National Research Council). 1971. Fluorides. Report of the Committee on Biologic Effects of
Atmospheric Pollutants. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 295 pp.
Ophaug, R.H., L. Singer, and B.F. Harland. 1985. Dietary fluoride intake of 6-month and 2-year-old
children in four dietary regions of the United States. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 42:701-707.
Pak, C.Y.C., K. Sakhafe, J.E. Zerwekh, C. Parcel, R. Peterson, and K. Johnson. 1989. Safe and
effective treatment of osteoporosis with intermittent slow release sodium fluoride:
augmentation of vertebral bone. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 68:150-159.
Schwarz, K., and D.B. Milne. 1972. Fluorine requirement for growth in the rat. Bioinorg. Chem.
Singer, L., R.H. Ophaug, and B.F. Harland. 1980. Fluoride intake of young male adults in the
United States. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 33:328-332.
Spak, C.J., J. Ekstrand, and D. Zylberstein. 1982. Bioavailability of fluoride added to baby formula
and milk. Caries Res. 16:249-256.
Spak, C.J., L.I. Hardell, and P. deChateau. 1983. Fluoride in human milk. Acta Paediatr. Scand.
Spencer, H., D. Osis, and M. Lender. 1981. Studies of fluoride metabolism in man: a review and
report of original data. Sci. Total Environ. 17:1-12.
Subba Rao, G. 1984. Dietary intake and bioavailability of fluoride. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 4:115-136.
Tao, S., and J.W. Suttie. 1976. Evidence for a lack of an effect of dietary fluoride level on
reproduction in mice. J. Nutr. 106:1115-1122.
Taves, D.R. 1983. Dietary intake of fluoride ashed (total fluoride) v. unashed (inorganic fluoride)
analysis of individual foods. Br. J. Nutr. 49:295-301.
Taves, D.R., and W.S. Guy. 1979. Distribution of fluoride among body compartments. Pp. 159-185
in E. Johansen, D.R. Taves, and T.O. Olsen, eds. Continuing Evaluation of the Use of
Fluorides. Westview Press, Boulder, Colo.
Walters, C.B., J.C. Sherlock, W.H. Evans, and J.I. Read. 1983. Dietary intake of fluoride in the
United Kingdom and fluoride content of some foodstuffs. J. Sci. Food Agric. 34:523-528.
Weber, C.W., and B.L. Reid. 1974. Effect of low-fluoride diets fed to mice for six generations. Pp.
707-709 in W.G. Hoekstra, J.W. Suttie, H.E. Ganther, and W. Mertz, eds. Trace Element
Metabolism in Animals, 2. University Park Press, Baltimore.
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Trivalent chromium is required for maintaining normal glucose
metabolism in laboratory animals; it acts as a cofactor for insulin (Mertz, 1969).
Experimental chromium deficiency has been induced in several animal species,
resulting in impaired glucose tolerance in the presence of normal concentrations
of circulating insulin and, in severe cases, in a diabetes-like syndrome
(Schroeder, 1966). Three cases of pronounced chromium deficiency have been
reported in patients on long-term total parenteral alimentation (Brown et al.,
1986; Freund et al., 1979; Jeejeebhoy et al., 1977); all three had in common a
relative insulin resistance and peripheral or central neuropathy. Chromium-
responsive impairment of glucose tolerance has been reported in malnourished
children, in some but not all studies of mild diabetics, and in middle-aged
subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. (For a review, see IPCS, 1988.)
Chromium concentrations in human tissues decline with age, except for the
lungs in which chromium accumulates. Parity, juvenile diabetes, and coronary
artery disease are associated with low-chromium concentrations in hair or
serum (IPCS, 1988).
The intestinal absorption of dietary chromium at daily intakes of 40 µg and
more is approximately 0.5% of the total amount present; intakes of less than 40
µg/day are absorbed with an increasing efficiency, up to about 2% of the total
(Anderson and Kozlovsky, 1985). Absorbed chromium is excreted almost
completely through the urine.
Usual Intakes
Chromium intake from typical Western diets varies widely between a low
of 25 µg/day in elderly persons in England to approximately 200 µg in Belgian
and Swedish diets, but in the most recent international studies (IPCS, 1988),
intakes below 100 µg/day were reported. Two experimental diets prepared to
meet the RDAs for all nutrients and furnishing 2,800 calories contained 62 and
89 µg of chromium at a fat content of 43 and 25% of the energy, respectively
(Kumpulainen et al., 1979). This is in contrast to the average chromium intake
of 33 and 25 µg/day from self-selected diets of adults in Beltsville, Maryland, in
diets containing 2,300 and 1,600 kcal, respectively (Anderson and Kozlovsky,
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
Because of the lack of methods to diagnose chromium status, it is difficult
to estimate a chromium requirement. In the majority of all
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
chromium supplementation studies in the United States, at least half' the
subjects with impaired glucose tolerance improved upon chromium
supplementation, suggesting that the lower ranges of chromium intakes from
typical U.S. diets are not optimal with regard to chromium nutriture (Anderson
et al., 1983).
Experiments in vitro and in animals have demonstrated substantial
differences in the biological activity of different chromium compounds.
Although the chemical forms of chromium in foods are not known with
certainty, a chromium-dinicotinic acid-glutathione complex with high
bioavailability has been identified in brewer's yeast. The bioavailability of
chromium in calf's liver, American cheese, and wheat germ is also relatively
high. More precise data on the nutritional value of chromium in various foods
are not yet available. Thus, the best assurance of an adequate and safe
chromium intake is the consumption of a varied diet balanced with regard to
other essential nutrients. A range of chromium intakes between 50 and 200 µg/
day is tentatively recommended for adults. This range is based on the absence
of signs of chromium deficiency in the major part of the U.S. population
consuming an average of 50 µg/day. The safety of an intake of 200 µg has been
established in long-term supplementation trials in human subjects receiving 150
µg/day in addition to the dietary intake (Glinsmann and Mertz, 1966). Habitual
dietary intakes of around 200 µg/day have been reported in several studies; no
adverse effects of such intakes are known. The suggested range of chromium
intake is predicated on the assumption that a varied diet providing an adequate
intake of other essential micronutrients will furnish chromium with an average
absorbability of 0.5%.
The tentative recommendations for younger age groups are derived by
extrapolation on the basis of expected food intake. Until more precise
recommendations can be made, the consumption of a varied diet, balanced with
regard to other essential nutrients, remains the best assurance of an adequate
and safe chromium intake.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The toxicity of trivalent chromium, the chemical form that occurs in diets,
is so low that there is a substantial margin of safety between the amounts
normally consumed and those considered to have harmful effects. No adverse
effects were seen in rats and mice consuming 5 mg/liter in drinking water
throughout their lifetimes, and no toxicity was observed in rats exposed to 100
mg/kg in the diet (IPCS, 1988).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
An increased incidence of bronchial cancer has been correlated with
chronic occupational exposure of workers to dusts containing chromate, the
hexavalent form of chromium (IPCS, 1988). Humans cannot oxidize the
nontoxic trivalent food chromium to the potentially carcinogenic hexavalent
chromate compounds. Therefore, the carcinogenicity of certain chromates bears
no relevance to the nutritional role of trivalent chromium.
Anderson, R.A., and A.S. Kozlovsky. 1985. Chromium intake, absorption, and excretion of subjects
consuming self-selected diets. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 41:1177-1183.
Anderson, R.A., M.M. Polansky, N.A. Bryden, E.E. Roginski, W. Mertz, and W.H. Glinsmann.
1983. Chromium supplementation of human subjects: effects on glucose, insulin, and lipid
variables. Metabolism 32:894-899.
Brown, R.O., S. Forloines-Lynn, R.E. Cross, and W.D. Heizer. 1986. Chromium deficiency after
long-term total parenteral nutrition. Dig. Dis. Sci. 31:661-664.
Freund, H., S. Atamian, and J.E. Fischer. 1979. Chromium deficiency during total parenteral
nutrition. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 241:496-498.
Glinsmann, W.H., and W. Mertz. 1966. Effect of trivalent chromium on glucose tolerance.
Metabolism 15:510-520.
IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety). 1988. Chromium. Environmental Health
Criteria 61. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Jeejeebhoy, K.N., R.C. Chu, E.B. Marliss, G.R. Greenberg, and A. Bruce-Robertson. 1977.
Chromium deficiency, glucose intolerance and neuropathy reversed by chromium
supplementation in a patient receiving long-term total parenteral nutrition. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. 30:531-538.
Kumpulainen, J.T., W.R. Wolf, C. Veillon, and W. Mertz. 1979. Determination of chromium in
selected United States diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 27:490-494.
Mertz, W. 1969. Chromium occurrence and function in biological systems. Physiol. Rev. 49:163-239.
Schroeder, H.A. 1966. Chromium deficiency in rats: a syndrome simulating diabetes mellitus with
retarded growth. J. Nutr. 88:439-445.
Molybdenum plays a biochemical role as a constituent of several
mammalian enzymes, such as aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and sulfite
oxidase (Rajagopalan, 1988); however, production of characteristic pathological
lesions in animals due to nutritional molybdenum deficiency has been difficult
(Mills and Bremner, 1980). Although naturally occurring deficiency,
uncomplicated by antagonists, is not known with certainty, molybdenum
deficiency has been produced experimentally in goats by feeding them purified
rations containing less than 0.07 µg of molybdenum per gram of diet. The
consequences are retarded weight gain, decreased food consumption,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
impaired reproduction, and shortened life expectancy (Anke et al., 1985). On
the basis of these studies, Anke et al. (1985) suggested that the minimum
molybdenum requirement of goats was approximately 100 µg/kg of ration dry
matter. However, the molybdenum requirement of monogastric species may be
less than that of ruminants because of the molybdenum needs of rumen
microflora (Anke et al., 1985).
Two recent lines of investigation have suggested a role for molybdenum in
human nutrition. The first involved a patient on long-term total parenteral
nutrition who developed a variety of symptoms, including amino acid
intolerance, irritability, and, ultimately, coma (Abumrad et al., 1981). This
person also displayed hypermethioninemia, increased urinary excretion of
xanthine and sulfite, and decreased urinary excretion of uric acid and sulfate.
Treatment with 300 µg of ammonium molybdate (equivalent to about 163 µg of
molybdenum) per day resulted in clinical improvement and normalization of
sulfur metabolism and uric acid production. The authors concluded that this
may be the first report of a feeding-induced molybdenum deficiency in humans.
The second line of evidence concerns a rare inborn error of metabolism
that leads to a combined deficiency of sulfite oxidase and xanthine
dehydrogenase (Rajagopalan, 1988). This metabolic disease is due to a lack of
the molybdenum cofactor (molybdopterin), which is an essential constituent of
these enzymes. Patients with this defect display severe neurological
dysfunction, dislocated ocular lenses, and mental retardation. Biochemical
abnormalities are similar to those observed in the intravenously fed patient cited
above. Structural characterization of molybdopterin indicates the presence of a
reduced pterin ring, a 4-carbon side chain containing an enedithiol, and a
terminal phosphate ester (Rajagopalan, 1988).
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
The concentration of molybdenum in food varies considerably, depending
on the environment in which the food was grown (Mills and Davis, 1987).
Therefore, tabulations of expected molybdenum concentrations in various foods
are of limited value (Chappell, 1977). Tsongas et al. (1980) calculated that the
dietary intake of molybdenum in the United States ranged from 120 to 240 µg/
day, depending on age and sex, and averaged about 180 µg/day. The foods that
contributed the most to the molybdenum intake were milk, beans, breads, and
cereals. Pennington and Jones (1987) found a lower molybdenum content in the
1984 collection of the Food and Drug
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Administration's Total Diet Study ranging from 76 to 109 µg/day for adult
females and males, respectively. Human milk contains very low levels of
molybdenum, and after the first month of lactation, furnishes only
approximately 1.5 µg/day (Casey and Neville, 1987). little is known about the
chemical form or nutritional bioavailability of molybdenum in foods. Most
public water supplies would be expected to contribute between 2 to 8 µg of
molybdenum per day (NRC, 1980), which would constitute 10% or less of the
lower limit of the provisional recommended intake. Since most diets should
meet the molybdenum requirements of humans, supplements of additional
molybdenum are not recommended.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes
Aside from the exceptions discussed above, no disturbances in uric acid or
sulfate production have ever been related to molybdenum deficiency in humans.
The human requirement apparently is so low that it is easily furnished by
common U.S. diets. Therefore, the provisional recommended range for the
dietary intake of molybdenum, based on average reported intakes, is set at 75 to
250 µg/day for adults and older children. The range for other age groups is
derived through extrapolation on the basis of body weight.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The toxicity of molybdenum presents a substantial problem for animal
nutrition because molybdenum is antagonistic to the essential element copper
(Mills and Davis, 1987). Adverse effects of high environmental concentrations
of molybdenum were observed in humans living in a province of the USSR
(Koval'skiy and Yarovaya, 1966). The authors suggested that the excessive
dietary intake of 10 to 15 mg/day may be the cause of a high incidence of a
goutlike syndrome associated with elevated blood levels of molybdenum, uric
acid, and xanthine oxidase. Even a moderate dietary exposure of 0.54 mg/day
has been associated with loss of copper in the urine (Deosthale and Gopalan,
Abumrad, N.N., A.J. Schieider, D. Steel, and L.S. Rogers. 1981. Amino acid intolerance during
prolonged total parenteral nutrition reversed by molybdate theraps. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Anke, M., B. Groppel, and M. Grun. 1985. Essentiality, toxicity, requirement and supply of
molybdenum in humans and animals. Pp. 154-157 in C.F. Mills, I. Bremner, and J.K.
Chesters, eds. Trace Elements in Man and AnimalsTEMA 5. Commonwealth
Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, United Kingdom.
Casey, C.E., and M.C. Neville. 1987. Studies in human lactation 3: molybdenum and nickel in
human milk during the first month of lactation. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 45:921-926.
Chappell, W.R., ed. 1977. Proceedings: Symposium on Molybdenun in the Environment, Vol. 2.
Marcel Dekker, New York. 812 pp.
Deosthale, Y.G., and C. Gopalan. 1974. The effect of molybdenum levels in sorghum (Sorghum
vulgare Pers.) on uric acid and copper excretion in man. Br. J. Nutr. 31:351 -355.
Koval'skiy, V.V., and G.A. Yarovaya. 1966. Molybdenum-infiltrated biogeochemical provinces.
Agrokhlimiiya 8:68-91.
Mills, C.F., and I. Bremner. 1980. Nutritional aspects of molybdenum in animals. Pp. 517-542 in
M.P. Coughlan, ed. Molybdenum and Molybdenum-Containing Enzymes. Pergamon
Press, Oxford.
Mills, C.F., and G. K. Davis. 1987. Molybdenum. Pp. 429-463 in W. Mertz, ed. Trace Elements in
Human and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed, Vol. 1. Academic Press, Orlando, Fla.
NRC (National Research Council). 1980. The contribution of drinking water to mineral nutrition in
humans. Pp. 265-404 in Drinking Water and Health, Vol. 3. Safe Drinking Water
Committee, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards, Assembly of Life
Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Pennington, J.A.T., and J.W. Jones. 1987. Molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, and strontium in
total diets. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 87:1644-1650.
Rajagopalan, K.V. 1988. Molybdenum an essential trace element in human nutrition. Annu. Rev.
Nutr. 8:401-427.
Tsongas T.A., R.R. Meglen, P.A. Walravens, and W.R. Chappell. 1980. Molybdenum in the diet: an
estimate of average daily intake in the United States. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 33:1103-1107.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Water and Electrolytes
Although water and the principal electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and
chloride) are often excluded from lists of nutrients, these substances are
essential dietary components, in that they must be acquired from the diet either
exclusively orin the case of waterin amounts well in excess of that
produced by metabolism in the body. Concerns about possible overconsumption
(sodium and chloride) or underconsumption (potassium) of these substances in
the United States are comparatively recent (NRC, 1989; Tobian, 1979).
Water is the most abundant constituent of the human body, accounting for
one-half to four-fifths of body weight, depending mainly on body fat content.
Accordingly, body water, as a percentage of body mass, is higher in men than in
women and tends to fall with age in both.
Figure 11-1 shows the routes and approximate magnitudes of water intake
and loss in an environment cool enough to prevent sweating. The normal daily
turnover of water via these routes is approximately 4% of total body weight in
adults and much higher, 15% of total body weight, in infants. As Figure 11-1
shows, even in the absence of visible perspiration, approximately one-half of
the turnover occurs through what is called insensible water loss, i.e., water lost
from the lungs and skin. These insensible losses can all be increased under
certain conditions, including high temperatures, high altitude, and dry air.
Exertion under any of these conditions can cause up to a 10-
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fold increase in water loss from skin and lungs. Diarrhea can increase intestinal
loss dramatically.
FIGURE 11-1 Routes and approximate magnitude of water intake and outgo
without sweating. From NRC, 1980b. M is minimal urine volume at maximal
solute concentration. Ox is water of oxidation.
Figure 11-1 includes an estimate of minimal urine volume required when
urinary solute concentration is maximal (about 1,400 mosmol/ liter in the
healthy adult and 700 mosmol/liter in the infant). Because the kidney must
excrete waste products, the solute loadcomposed of the nitrogen-containing
breakdown products of protein metabolism (principally urea), sulfates,
phosphates, and other electrolytes-determines the minimal volume of water
required for urine formation. Normally functioning kidneys can adjust urine
osmolarity from 40 to 1,400 mosmol/liter, depending both on water intake and
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on dietary solute load. Despite the kidney's ability to compensate, its limitations
require the effective use of the thirst sensation to maintain water balance. If the
sensation of thirst is not met by water consumption, or if the thirst mechanism is
inoperative because of intense, sustained exertion, especially at a high altitude
(Buskirk and Mendez, 1967), dehydration will eventually result. This can
become life threatening when more than 10% of body weight is lost.
Although water, consumed as water, is a major source of liquid in some
parts of the world, much of the water consumed in the United States is taken in
the form of other beverages. Median daily intake of water as such among
respondents in the 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey was 2.8
cups (USDA, 1984). In 1981, daily per capita milk consumption was
approximately one and one-third cups, per capita coffee and tea consumption
was about one and one-half cups, and soft drink consumption was one and three-
fourths cups per capita. In addition, many solid foods, especially fruits and
vegetables, contain from 85 to 95% water.
Estimate of Requirements
The primary determinant of maintenance water requirement appears to be
metabolic (Holliday and Segar, 1957), but the actual estimation of water
requirement is highly variable and quite complex. Because the water
requirement is the amount necessary to balance the insensible losses (which can
vary markedly) and maintain a tolerable solute load for the kidneys (which may
vary with dietary composition and other factors), it is impossible to set a general
water requirement.
For practical purposes, 1 ml/kcal of energy expenditure can be
recommended as the water requirement for adults under average conditions of
energy expenditure and environmental exposure. However, there is so seldom a
risk of water intoxication that the specified requirement for water is often
increased to 1.5 ml/kcal to cover variations in activity level, sweating, and
solute load.
Special attention must be given to the water needs of the elderly whose
thirst sensation may be blunted. Even though these people may be less
physically active, they may still have a high water requirement, especially
during the summer. If uncorrected, water depletion with heat exhaustion,
resulting from inadequate replacement
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of fluid losses, can eventually cause a loss of consciousness and heat stroke
(NRC, 1980b).
Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnancy is associated with an increased need for water because of the
expanded extracellular fluid space, the needs of the fetus, and the amniotic
fluid. However, calculations indicate that the increment amounts to only about
30 ml/ day. A lactating woman, on the other hand, requires an increased volume
of water to match that secreted in the milk. Since milk is 87% water and
average milk secretion is 750 ml/day for the first 6 months, the extra fluid
required would be less than 1,000 ml/day.
Infants and Children
Infants must be treated as a separate category for several reasons: their
large surface area per unit of body weight, their higher percentage of body
water and its high rate of turnover, the limited capacity of their kidneys for
handling the solute load from high protein intakes required for growth, and their
susceptibiility to severe dehydration due in part to their inability to express
thirst. It is prudent, therefore, to recommend an average water intake of 1.5 ml/
kcal of energy expenditure for infants. This figure corresponds to the water-to-
energy ratio in human milk and common formulas and has been well
established as a satisfactory level for the growing infant.
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Toxicity results from the ingestion of water at a rate beyond the capacity of
the kidneys to excrete the extra load, resulting in hyposmolarity. Such a
condition is rarely observed in a normal healthy adult. The manifestations
usually include a gradual mental dulling, confusion, coma, convulsion, and even
Sodium, the principal cation of extracellular fluid, is the primary regulator
of extracellular fluid volume. Both the body content of sodium and its
concentration in bodily fluids are under homeostatic control, and the volume of
extracellular fluid is thus normally determined by its sodium content. In
addition to its role in regulating extracellular fluid volume, sodium is important
in the regulation of osmolarity, acid-base balance, and the membrane potential
of cells. Sodium is also involved in active transport across cell membranes and
must be pumped out in exchange for potassium in order to maintain
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
all appropriate intracellular milieua process that requires an appreciable
traction of the energy required in the basal metabolic state.
Sodium homeostasis is maintained over a wide range of environmental and
dietary circumstances, primarily through the action of the hormone aldosterone
on the renal tubules of the kidney. When sodium intake is high, the aldosterone
level decreases and urinary sodium increases. When dietary sodium intake is
low, the aldosterone level increases and urinary excretion of sodium rapidly
falls almost to zero. Although the kidney can thus conserve sodium, there is
some obligatory loss via feces and sweat. Sodium deficiency resulting from low
dietary intake thus does not normally occur, even among those existing on very
low sodium diets (Page, 1976, 1979). Even relatively heavy sweating does not
normally create a need to provide salt supplements (Conn, 1949). The body may
be depleted of sodium under extreme conditions of heavy and persistent
sweating, or where trauma, chronic diarrhea, or renal disease produce an
inability to retain sodium (Gothberg et al., 1983). These latter conditions require
medical attention.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Foods and beverages containing sodium chloride (39% sodium by weight)
are the primary sources of sodium. Sources other than table salte.g., sodium
bicarbonate and monosodium glutamateare believed to account for less than
10% of total dietary sodium intake (Sanchez-Castillo, 1987a). Water from
community systems usually contains less than 20 mg of sodium per liter, and it
has been estimated that water contributes less than 10% of daily sodium intake
(NRC, 1977). By using a lithium chloride marker to trace the use of salt in
cooking and at the table, Sanchez-Castillo et al. (1987a, 1987b) found that only
10% of the salt came from the natural salt content of foods, 15% from salt
added during cooking and at the table, and fully 75% from salt added during
processing and manufacturing.
Because of the high proportion of dietary sodium accounted for by
processing, the highest salt intakes are normally associated with a diet high in
processed foods and the lowest intakes are associated with diets emphasizing
fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes. In the first National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (Abraham and Carroll, 1981), 32% of the sodium chloride
consumed came from baked goods and cereals, approximately 21% came from
meats, and 14% from dairy products. The FDA's Total Diet Study, in which a
very different methodology was used, showed similar results (Pennington et al.,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Usual levels of sodium consumption have been estimated in dietary
surveys by assessing salt intake and by measuring urinary sodium. Reported
dietary intakes of sodium range from 1.8 g/day to 5 g/day in various studies,
depending on the methods of assessment used (Abraham and Carroll, 1981;
Dahl, 1960; Pennington et al., 1984) and on whether or not discretionary
sodium use is assessed. The discretionary intake of sodium is quite variable and
can be quite large. In one 28-day study, males were found to add about 5.5 g of
sodium chloride (2.2 g of sodium) to their food per day (Mickelson et al., 1977).
Because of the difficulty of assessing sodium use from dietary recall,
dietary surveys probably underestimate total sodium intake, even when
contributions of water and other marginal sources are included. From data on
daily urinary sodium excretion over 24 hours, Dahl and Love (1957) calculated
the average daily adult intake of salt to be 10 g/day (4 g of sodium per day).
Dahl subsequently reported a mean sodium chloride intake of 10.3 g (range, 4
to 24 g) for 71 working men in New York. Coatney et al. (1958) reported that a
5-month sodium excretion in a military population corresponded to an intake of
11 g of salt per day. Sanchez-Castillo et al. (1987a, b) found sodium chloride
excretion over a 12-day period to be 10.6 ± 0.55 g in men and 7.4 ± 2.9 g in
Estimate of Requirements
Calculations of sodium requirements (shown in Table 11-1) are based on
estimates of what is needed for growth and for replacement of obligatory losses.
The amount needed to support growth depends on the rate at which extracellular
fluid volume is expanded, a rate that varies with age and reproductive status.
In a temperate climate, the healthy adult can maintain sodium balance with
a very low intake of sodium (Kempner, 1948). Dole et al. (1950) have estimated
obligatory urinary and fecal losses by adults to be 23 mg (1 mEq)
per day. The
other source of loss is sweat, which normally averages a sodium concentration
of 25 mEq/ liter (Consolazio et al., 1963). Sanchez-Castillo et al. (1987a) found
that sweat and fecal excretion contributed only 2 to 5% of the sodium lost by
British men and women. Obligatory dermal losses have been assumed to range
from 46 to 92 mg (2 to 4 mEq) per day (Fregley,
1 mEq of sodium is 23 mg, and 1 mmol of sodium chloride is 58.5 mg.
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
1984). Thus, a minimum average requirement for adults can be estimated under
conditions of maximal adaptation and without active sweating as no more than
5 mEq/day, which corresponds to 115 mg of sodium or approximately 300 mg
of sodium chloride per day. In consideration of the wide variation of patterns of
physical activity and climatic exposure, a safe minimum intake might be set at
500 mg/day. Such an intake is substantially exceeded by usual diets in the
United States, even in the absence of added sodium chloride. Although no
optimal range of salt intake has been established, there is no known advantage
in consuming large amounts of sodium, and clear disadvantages for those
susceptible to hypertension. From this and other considerations, a Food and
Nutrition Board committee recently recommended that daily intakes of sodium
chloride be limited to 6 g (2.4 g of sodium) or less (NRC, 1989).
TABLE 11-1 Estimated Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium Minimum Requirements
of Healthy Persons
Weight (kg)
Sodium (mg)
Chloride (mg)
Potassium (mg)
0-5 4.5 120 180 500
6-11 8.9 200 300 700
1 11.0 225 350 1,000
2-5 16.0 300 500 1,400
6-9 25.0 400 600 1,600
10-18 50.0 500 750 2,000
70.0 500 750 2,000
No allowance has been included for large, prolonged losses from the skin through sweat.
There is no evidence that higher intakes confer any health benefit.
Desirable intakes of potassium may considerably exceed these values (-3,500 mg for adults
see text).
No allowance included for growth. Values for those below 18 years assume a growth rate at
the 50th percentile reported by the National Center for Health Statistics (Hamill et al., 1979)
and averaged for males and females. See text for information on pregnancy and lactation.
Pregnancy and Lactation
During pregnancy, there is an increased need for sodium because of the
increased extracellular fluid volume in the mother, the requirements of the
fetus, and the level of sodium in the amniotic fluid. This need is normally met
in part by physiological responses of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems
(Pike and Smiciklas, 1972). Given a pregnancy weight gain of 11 kg (70% of
which is extracellular water containing 150 mEq of sodium per
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
liter), the average total sodium requirement for the duration of pregnancy is 3
mEq (69 mg) per day in addition to the normal requirement. Since the average
intake is, as has been noted, considerably above that, the sodium requirement
for pregnancy is met by usual salt intake.
Lactation increases sodium requirements considerably. Since human milk
contains about 7.8 mEq of sodium (180 mg) per liter (AAP, 1985), and the
average milk secretion when established is about 750 ml, lactation would add
about 6 mEq (135 mg) per day to the usual adult requirement. This increase is
easily met by the usual dietary sodium intake.
Infants and Children
The sodium requirement is obviously highest in infants and young children
in whom extracellular fluid volume is rapidly expanding. Forbes (1952)
calculated that from birth to 3 months of age, 0.5 mEq/kg (11.5 mg/kg) daily is
needed for growth, or approximately 2 mEq (46 mg) per day for the reference
infant. At 6 months of age, the daily requirement for growth is approximately
0.2 mEq (4.6 mg)/kg. According to calculations by Cooke et al. (1950), daily
losses of sodium from the skin range from 0.4 to 0.7 mEq/kg (9 to 16 mg/kg).
Because sodium losses from the kidney can be regulated precisely when intakes
are not excessive, the convenient value of I mEq/kg (23 mg/kg) daily is
considered more than satisfactory for the healthy infant and young child
residing in a temperate climate. Human milk contains 7 mEq of sodium per liter
(range, 3 to 19 mEq/liter) (Gross, 1983; Macy, 1949). Consumed at a rate of
750 ml/day, this provides the reference infant with an average of 120 mg/day,
which corresponds to 1.16 mEq/kg (27 mg/kg) daily from birth through 2
months of age and 0.8 mEq/kg (18 mg/kg) daily from 3 through 5 months of
age. Except for the premature infant, in whom hyponatremia can occur (Roy et
al., 1976), human milk certainly provides adequate sodium for the growing
Formula-fed infants consuming 750 ml/day now receive a minimum of 100
mg/day and a maximum of 300 mg/day (AAP, 1985). The American Academy
of Pediatrics has estimated that there is a threefold increase in dietary sodium
between 2 and 12 months of age (AAP, 1981).
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
Acute excessive intake of sodium chloride leads to an increase in the
extracellular space as water is pulled from cells to maintain sodium
concentration. The end result is edema and hypertension. Such
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acute toxicity from dietary sodium is not a concern, however, since as long as
water needs can be met, the kidney can excrete the excess sodium. Sustained
overconsumption of sodium, particularly as salt, has been related to
development of hypertension in sensitive individuals (NRC, 1989; Tobian,
Potassium is the principal intracellular cation, occurring in cell water at a
concentration of 145 mEq/liter,
more than 30 times the concentration at which
it is found in plasma and interstitial fluid (3.8 to 5.0 mEq/liter). This small
percentage of extracellular potassium is, however, of great physiological
importance, contributing to the transmission of nerve impulses, to the control of
skeletal muscle contractility, and to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.
More than 90% of ingested potassium is absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract, but higher or lower intakes are not reflected in fluctuations in plasma
potassium concentrations because the kidney can regulate potassium balance.
Potassium is lost from the body in the urine and, to a lesser extent, in
gastrointestinal secretions, whereas only minimal amounts are excreted in sweat.
Under normal circumstances, dietary deficiency of potassium does not
occur. The most important cause of potassium deficiency is excessive losses,
usually through the alimentary tract or the kidneys. Large alimentary potassium
losses may occur through prolonged vomiting, chronic diarrhea, or laxative
abuse. The most common cause of excessive renal loss is the use of diuretic
agents, especially for the treatment of hypertension. Some forms of chronic
renal disease and metabolic disturbances (e.g., diabetic acidosis) can also lead
to severe potassium loss. Deficiency symptoms include weakness, anorexia,
nausea, listlessness, apprehension, drowsiness, and irrational behavior. Severe
hypokalemia may result in cardiac dysrhythmias that can be fatal.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Potassium is widely distributed in foods, since it is an essential constituent
of all living cells. Animal tissue concentration of potassium is fairly constant,
but varies inversely with the amount of fat. Some potassium is also added in
food processing, but the overall effect of
1 mEq of potassium is 39 mg.
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processing on the food supply has been to increase the sodium and decrease the
potassium (NRC, 1989). Thus, the richest dietary sources are unprocessed
foods, especially fruits, many vegetables, and fresh meats. The contribution of'
drinking water to potassium intake is negligible. The mean concentration in
household tap water was reported to be 2.15 mg/liter (range, 0.72 to 8.3 mg/
liter) (Greathouse and Crown, 1979; NRC, 1980a).
Potassium intakes vary considerably, depending on food selection. People
who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables have a high potassium intake, on
the order of 8 to 11 g/day (NRC, 1989). In the FDA's Total Diet Study, mean
potassium intake in the United States during 1981-1982 was found to be 1,500
mg/day for 6-month-old infants, 1,800 mg/day for 2-year-old children, and
3,400 mg/day for 15- to 20-year olds (Pennington et al., 1984). Urban whites
eat about 2,500 mg/day (Khaw and Barrett-Connor, 1987); low intakes of about
1,000 mg/day have been reported in blacks (Grim et al., 1980; Langford, 1985).
Human milk contains about 500 mg (12.8 mEq) of potassium per liter, and
therefore provides the reference infant consuming 750 ml daily with 375 mg/
day. Infant formulas contain slightly more potassium than human milk on the
average, and cow's milk contains almost 3 times as much, 1,365 mg (35 mEq)
per liter.
Estimate of Requirements
Potassium requirements have been evaluated in only a few studies.
Although losses on a low or ''minimum" potassium diet are small, potassium is
less well conserved than sodium (see Table 11-1). Fecal losses are less than 400
mg (10 mEq) per day, and renal losses may approach 200 to 400 mg (5 to 10
mEq) per day (Squires and Huth, 1959). Other losses (e.g., in sweat) are
negligible. On intakes of about 20 mEq/day, metabolic balance is achieved at
the expense of reduced body potassium stores (up to 250 mEq) and in some
cases with reduced plasma levels ( 4 mEq/liter). To maintain normal body
stores and a normal concentration in plasma and interstitial fluid, an intake of
about 40 mEq/day may be needed (Sebastian et al., 1971). Therefore, it would
appear that the minimum requirement is approximately 1,600 to 2,000 mg (40
to 50 mEq) per day. There is considerable evidence that dietary potassium
exerts a beneficial effect in hypertension, and recommendations for increased
intake of fruits and vegetables (NRC, 1989) would raise potassium intake of
adults to about 3,500 mg (90 mEq) per day.
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Pregnancy and Lactation
There is no evidence that potassium requirements are appreciably
increased during pregnancy, except for the increment needed to build new
tissue, which is easily satisfied by the usual ingestion of potassium. Since
maternal milk contains about 500 mg (12.8 mEq) per liter, this increased loss
must be considered during lactation, but is supplied by usual intakes.
Infants and Children
Since potassium is a necessary constituent of each body cell, an increase in
lean body mass is a major determinant of potassium needs. From 60 to 80 mEq
are required for each kilogram of' weight gained. Using growth rates for infants
and children calculated from the reference weight data reported by Hammill et
al. (1979), and assuming that 70 mEq of potassium are required for each kg of
body weight, one may estimate that the potassium requirement for growth
averages 65 mg/day for infants, 15 to 20 mg/ day for 1- to 10-year-old children,
and 35 mg/day for adolescents.
To allow for obligatory urinary, cutaneous, and fecal losses, dietary intake
must, of course, be higher than the amount required at the tissue level. Holiday
and Segar (1957) have estimated that in general, 78 mg (2 mEq) per 100 kcal
should maintain potassium balance in children of all ages as long as there is no
preexisting potassium deficit or ongoing excessive loss. This is in keeping with
data on potassium intake in infants and children showing that average
potassium intake (from milk and solid foods) ranges from about 780 mg/day at
2 months of age to about 1,600 mg/day at the end of the first year of life (AAP,
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
In the absence of markedly increased losses of potassium from the body,
acute intoxication (hyperkalemia) will result from sudden enteral or parenteral
increases in potassium intake to levels about 12.0 g/m2 (250 to 300 mEq/m2) of
surface area per dayabout 18 g for an adult (NRC, 1980b). Although urinary
excretion provides some protection, acute hyperkalemia can prove fatal because
it can cause cardiac arrest.
Chloride, the principal inorganic anion in the extracellular fluid
compartment, is essential in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, and is a
necessary component of gastric juice. It occurs in plasma in
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concentrations of 96 to 106 mEq/liter,
and in a more concentrated form in
cerebrospinal fluid and gastrointestinal secretions. Its concentration in most
cells is low.
Under normal circumstances, dietary deficiency of chloride does not occur.
The only known instance of diet-related chloride depletion occurred in healthy
infants inadvertently fed diets containing 1 to 2 mEq/liter (Grossman et al.,
1980; Rodriguez-Soriano et al., 1983; Roy and Arant, 1981) rather than the
minimum of 10.4 mEq/liter now recommended (AAP, 1985). Chloride loss
tends to parallel losses of sodium; hence, conditions associated with sodium
depletion (e.g., heavy, persistent sweating, chronic diarrhea or vomiting,
trauma, or renal disease) will also cause chloride loss, resulting in
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis.
Dietary Sources and Usual Intakes
Dietary chloride comes almost entirely from sodium chloride. Much
smaller amounts are supplied from potassium chloride. Therefore, dietary
sources of chloride are essentially the same as those described for sodium, and
processed foods are the major source. Although chloride is also found in almost
all natural waters, estimates by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,
1975) suggest a daily contribution of 42 mg/day. This is insignificant compared
to the roughly 6 g of chloride a day contributed by added salt.
Estimate of Requirements
Because both the intake of chloride from food and its losses from the body
under normal conditions parallel those of sodium, the requirements specified for
all age and sex groups except infants parallel those of sodium on a mEq basis
(see Table 11-1).
Human milk contains 11 mEq of chloride per liter, which makes the
chloride level higher than the sodium level on a mEq basis. The American
Academy of Pediatrics has suggested a similar level (10.4 mEq/liter) for infant
formulas on the grounds that a 1.5-2.0 ratio of sodium plus potassium to
chloride maintained good acid-base regulation in infants (AAP, 1985).
Excessive Intakes and Toxicity
The toxicity of salts containing the chloride ion depends mainly on the
characteristics of the cation. The only known dietary cause of
1 mEq of chloride is 35.5 mg.
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hyperchloremia is water-deficiency dehydration. Sustained ingestion of high
levels of chloride (as salt) has been associated with elevated blood pressure in
sensitive individuals and animal models (Kurtz et al., 1987; Whitescarver et al.,
AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1981. Sodium intake of infants in the United States.
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Abraham, S., and M.D. Carroll. 1981. Fats, Cholesterol and Sodium Intake in the Diet of Persons
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1980. Racial differences in blood pressure in Evans County, Georgia:
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relationship to sodium and potassium intake and plasma renin activity. J. Chronic Dis.
Gross, S.J. 1983. Growth and biochemical response of preterm infants fed milk or modified infant
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Grossman, H., E. Duggan, S. McCamman, E. Welchert, and S. Hellerstein. 1980. The dietary
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Hamill, P.V.V., T.A. Drizd, C.L. Johnson, R.B. Reed, A.F. Roche, and W.M. Moore. 1979. Physical
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Holliday, M.A., and W.E. Segar. 1957. The maintenance need for water in parental fluid therapy.
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Langford, H.G. 1985. Dietary potassium and hypertension. Pp. 147-153 in M.J. Horan, M.
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Pike, R.L., and H.A. Smiciklas. 1972. A reappraisal of sodium restriction during pregnancy. Int. J.
Gynecol. Obstet. 10: 1-8.
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Rodriguez-Soriano, J., A. Vallo, G. Castillo, R. Oiveros, J.M. Cea, and M.J. Balzategui. 1983.
Biochemical features of dietary chloride deficiency syndrome: a comparative study of 30
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Hypertension 8:56-61.
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Other Substances in Food
Several substances naturally present in foods are known to be required in
the diets of various animal or microbial species, but there is little or no evidence
of their dietary essentiality for humans. Because it is possible that some of the
compounds within these classes of substances may eventually be shown to be
needed in the diets of humans, and thus may one day be candidates for RDAs,
they are included in this chapter.
Foods contain literally thousands of organic substances presumed to have a
biological function in the plant or animal from which the food is derived or
which are by-products of the plant's or animal's metabolism. Most of these
substances can be synthesized in the human body in adequate amounts to meet
biological needs and, thus, are not essential dietary nutrients. Examples include
fatty acids, such as oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids; glycerol; free nonessential
amino acids, such as glycine, alanine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid; glucose
and various less common sugars, such as pentoses and galactose; and
derivatives and polymers of sugars.
Many inorganic elements that are not essential for humans enter the diet
through foods of vegetable origin, either because they are essential for the
plants or through nonspecific absorption from the soil. Indeed, most of the
inorganic elements of the periodic table are present in foods and drinking water,
usually in trace amounts. Some elements may occur in amounts that may be
toxic under certain conditions. Inorganic elements in foods that have no
accepted biological function in animals or humans are aluminum, antimony,
barium, beryllium, gallium, germanium, gold, mercury, rare earth minerals,
silver, strontium, thallium, and titanium.
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Natural foods contain many compounds that have no known nutritional
effects. These include the flavonoids, rutin, quercetin, and hesperidinthe so-
called vitamin P factors (Herbert, 1988)and the proposed vitamin Q (Quick,
1975). Some of these naturally occurring compounds (e.g., caffeine in coffee
and chocolate) have pharmacological effects.
Choline has been known to be present in mammalian tissues since it was
first discovered and isolated from hog bile in 1862 (Strecker, 1862). It can be
biosynthesized from ethanolamine and methyl groups derived from methionine,
but it is likely that most tissue choline is derived from dietary phosphatides.
Although choline is found in nature as the free compound, it has no known
functions, except as a constituent of larger molecules (Kuksis and Mookerjea,
1984). As a component of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), it is important to the
structure of all cell membranes, plasma lipoproteins, and pulmonary surfactant
(Kuksis and Mookerjea, 1984; Zeisel, 1981). In the central nervous system, it
functions as a structural constituent of sphingomyelin and as a component of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Zeisel, 198 1).
Choline is a dietary requirement of several animal species, including the
dog, cat, rat, and guinea pig; however, it has not been shown to be essential for
humans. Choline is found in a wide range of plant and animal foods. For
example, eggs, liver, and soybeans are rich in lecithin, whereas free choline is
found in such vegetables as cauliflower and lettuce (Wurtman, 1979). Lecithins
are used as an emulsifying agent in foods such as chocolate or margarine. An
average daily intake of choline is about 400 to 900 mg.
The oral administration of choline as choline chloride (2 to 5 g) or lecithin
(100 to 15 g) will elevate plasma choline concentrations from 10 to 40 µmol
(Jope et al., 1982; Zeisel, 1981). Large doses of dietary choline increase the
level of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which may be deficient in certain
neurological diseases, especially in the elderly (Zeisel, 1988).
The possibility that alcoholic cirrhosis results in part from inadequate
dietary choline has been investigated (Baraona and Lieber, 1979). However, it
is uncertain whether the liver damage is due to
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the toxic effect of the alcohol itself or to the alcohol in combination with
deficiency of several nutritional factors (Kuksis and Mookerjea, 1984).
Both de novo synthesis and active transport of' choline have been
demonstrated in the placenta (Welsch, 1978). The demand for choline-
containing compounds is high during growth and development, and may exceed
synthetic capacity in the human newborn (Zeisel, 1981). It is likely that the
neonate needs a dietary supply of choline, but the point is not yet firmly
established. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, 1985) has, however,
recommended that infant formula contain 7 mg of choline per 100 kcal. This is
based on the amount of choline in human milk, which also provides choline as
phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin.
Taurine (ß-aminoethanesulfonic acid) is an important component of a wide
range of metabolic activities in many tissues and is essential to the formation of
conjugated forms of taurine (bile salts) present in bile. Deficiencies have been
produced in young monkeys, felines, and other laboratory animals. It is not
generally considered an essential nutrient for humans under normal
physiological conditions, since it can be synthesized from dietary cysteine or
methionine (Hayes, 1985). There is concern, however, that formula-fed infants
may be at greater risk of taurine insufficiency than breastfed infants, because
formulas based on cow's milk contain much lower levels of taurine than does
human milk, i.e., 1 to 3 µmol/100 ml compared with 26 to 35 µmol/100 ml.
Indeed, lower urine and plasma levels of taurine have been observed in
premature infants fed formulas based on cow's milk than in breastfed infants
(Sturman, 1988).
For full-term infants, differences in plasma and urine levels were also
observed between those fed human milk and those fed taurinedeficient formulas
(Gaull, 1982; Järvenpää et al., 1982). Yet, whether taurine is a dietary essential
nutrient remains equivocal, since even in the premature infant, taurine
supplementation did not produce changes in growth, nitrogen retention, or
general metabolism (Järvenpää et al., 1983; Okamoto et al., 1984).
Because the essentiality of dietary taurine for infants has not been fully
established, no RDA can be established at this time. For recent general reviews
on taurine, see Chapman and Greenwood (1988), Chesney (1987), Sturman
(1988), and Wright et al. (1986).
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Carnitine is required metabolically for the transport of long-chain fatty
acids into the matrix of the mitochondriathe site of ß-oxidation. It therefore
plays a critical role in energy metabolism. Carnitine is synthesized in the liver
and kidney of the adult from the essential amino acids lysine and methionine
(Broquist and Borum, 1982). Although the well-nourished adult can probably
synthesize adequate amounts of carnitine, the newborn infant appears to have
reduced stores of carnitine as well as a low capacity for synthesizing it. Human
milk contains approximately 50 to 100 nmol/ml of carnitine. However, infants
fed soy formulas or maintained on total parenteral nutrition receive no
exogenous carnitine and have been shown to have plasma carnitine
concentrations lower than those of infants fed human milk (Borum, 1983; Olson
et al., 1989). A critical question that must be answered is whether these
decreased carnitine concentrations have demonstrable functional consequences.
Several laboratories are investigating the possibility that carnitine may be an
essential nutrient for the newborn, especially for those born prematurely.
Animal products are the best dietary sources of carnitine. As a general rule,
the redder the meat, the higher the carnitine concentration. Dairy products
contain carnitine predominantly in the whey fraction (Borum, 1983, 1986).
Human carnitine deficiency was first described in 1973 (Engel and
Angelini, 1973). Since then, more than a hundred people have been diagnosed
as having genetic carnitine deficiency. The biochemical mechanism causing the
carnitine deficiency has not been adequately identified in any patient.
Deficiency of this substance appears to be characterized by a family of
syndromes with a broad range of signs and symptoms that include progressive
muscle weakness with lipid infiltration of the skeletal muscle and reduced
muscle carnitine concentration, cardiomyopathy, severe hypoglycemia, elevated
blood ammonia concentrations, and reduced ability to increase ketogenesis on
fasting. Carnitine deficiency can also occur in conjunction with a variety of
other conditions, such as organic aciduria, or with chronic hemodialysis of renal
patients, long-term total parenteral nutrition, and treatment with valproic acid.
Supplementation of carnitine-deficient patients with L-carnitine reduces
symptoms in some but not all of the subjects (Borum, 1983, 1986; Bowyer et
al., 1989). For representative recent reviews on carnitine, see Borum (1986),
Carroll et al. (1987), Feller and Rudman (1988), and Rebouche (1986).
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Carnitine was originally referred to as vitamin B because of its essentiality
for the mealworm Tenebrio molitor. However, it has not been demonstrated to
be a vitamin for the healthy adult human (Borum, 1983, 1986), and no RDA can
be established at this time.
Myo-inositol is a cyclic alcohol (cyclohexanehexol) closely related
chemically to glucose. Of the nine inositol isomers, only myo-inositol is of
importance in plant and animal metabolism. It is found in plants, usually as
phytic acid, and in animal tissues, primarily as a constituent of phospholipids in
biomembranes (Holub, 1982). Consideration of myo-inositol as an essential
nutrient is increasing because of the recent discovery that myo-inositol
trisphosphate is a second messenger for receptor-mediated hormonal stimuli for
mobilizing intracellular calcium (Berridge and Irvine, 1984). In addition, myo-
inositol appears to have a lipotropic action that may originate from its vital role
as a substrate for the biosynthesis of phosphatidyl inositol and
polyphosphoinositides, which are essential components of biomembranes
(Holub, 1982). The myo-inositol content of tissues is provided by the diet and
through biosynthesis (Lewin and Beer, 1973; Middleton and Setchell, 1972).
Dietary myo-inositol has not been shown to produce any known deleterious
effect to any organ system when given in generous amounts (larger than present
in normal diets). For a comprehensive account of the biological importance of
myo-inositol, the reader is referred to see Agranoff (1986) and Prentki and
Matschinsky (1987).
Although dietary essentiality has not been shown for humans, female
gerbils have been shown to require myo-inositol in their diets (Hegsted et al.,
1973, 1974). Deficiency is characterized by intestinal lipodystrophy (Chu and
Gever, 1983). In rats, myo-inositol deficiency has been reported to produce
triglyceride accumulation and abnormal fatty acid metabolism. These studies
have been summarized by Holub (1982). Altered myo-inositol levels have been
found in rats, rabbits, and other animals with diabetes mellitus, chronic renal
failure, or galactosemia, and a possible therapeutic role for myo-inositol has
been suggested. In particular, restoration of nerve conduction velocity has been
demonstrated in patients with dialetic neuropathy following the addition of myo-
inositol to their diets (Greene et al., 1975; Mayer and Tomlinson, 1983;
Winegrad and Greene, 1976). The importance of these studies for normal
humans has not been established, so no RDA for myo-inositol can be established.
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Trace Elements
Evidence for the essentiality of trace elements in humans is often difficult
to obtain directly; it can be reliably predicted from proven essentiality in other
mammalian species and from identification of certain elements as part of
normal human enzyme systems. Evidence for a requirement in laboratory
animals has been presented for many of the elements discussed below
(especially arsenic, boron, nickel, and silicon), but in most cases the
requirement has not been quantified. Deficiency in humans has not been
established for any of these trace elements. Hence, there are no data from which
a human requirement could be estimated and no provisional allowance can be
Arsenic, Nickel, Silicon, and Boron
There is substantial evidence to establish the essentiality of these trace
elements in animals (Nielsen, 1988). Arsenic deficiency depresses growth and
impairs reproduction in rats, minipigs, chickens, and goats. Nickel deficiency
results in decreased growth in rats, sheep, cows, goats, and minipigs, and
depressed hematopoiesis has been observed in rats, sheep, cows, and goats.
Silicon deficiency leads to structural abnormalities of the long bones and skull
in chickens (Carlisle, 1972; Schwarz and Milne, 1972). It apparently is involved
in the normal growth of bone more through the mineralization process than
through the formation of the organic matrix.
Boron deficiency has been reported in studies in rats, chickens, and
humans (Nielsen, 1988; Nielsen et al., 1987). Boron appears to affect calcium
and magnesium metabolism and may be needed for membrane function. Boron
deficiency signs may be related to the level of vitamin D and possibly other
nutrients in the diet. Boron has long been known to be essential for the growth
of most plants.
Cadmium, Lead, Lithium, Tin, and Vanadium
Depressed growth, impaired reproductive performance, and other changes
have been reported in laboratory animals fed diets extremely low in these
elements and kept in an environment allowing the strictest control of
contamination (Nielsen, 1988). Nutritional requirements, if they exist, are very
low and easily met by the levels naturally occurring in foods, water, and air.
The evidence for requirements and essentiality is weak.
The only known nutritional, but very vital, function of cobalt is as an
integral part of vitamin B
. Because all vitamin B, is derived from bacterial
synthesis, inorganic cobalt can be considered
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
essential for animal species that depend totally on their bacterial flora for their
vitamin B
. This is the case for ruminant animal species in whom cobalt
deficiency is well known; it might also have some relevance for strict
vegetarians whose intake of the preformed vitamin is severely limited.
However, there is no evidence that the intake of cobalt is ever limiting in the
human diet, and no RDA is necessary.
Various unidentified growth factors for several animal species, including
infants, are known to exist in foods, but their role, if any, in normal nutrition is
unknown (Berseth, 1987; Cheeke and Patton, 1978; Jaeger et al., 1987; Lofgren
et al., 1974; Weaver et al., 1987).
Recently, there has been considerable interest in possible nutritional effects
of compounds known to be important coenzymes, or related to them. Several
polyamines, including spermine and spermidine, are required for the growth of
normal and neoplastic cells (Celano et al., 1988) and for the induction of
intestinal maturation in the rat (Dufour et al., 1988). Several recent studies have
shown various immunologic suppression and metabolic effects of several
dietary nucleotides in human infants and laboratory animals (DeLucchi et al.,
1987; Kulkarni et al., 1987). Also, there are reports of deficiency signs in rats
and mice fed highly purified diets in the absence of pyrroloquinoline quinone, a
cofactor for oxidoreductases (Anonymous, 1988). Nutrition studies on such
compounds will be watched with interest, but the data are far too few to
establish even provisional requirements for humans.
Many other specific growth factors are known to be required in cell or
tissue cultures and for bacteria, lower metazoa, or insects and other
invertebrates. There is no evidence that such substances are required in the diets
of humans or other higher animals, and since such substances can be
synthesized in the tissues of higher animals, demonstration of need is highly
unlikely. The substances in this category include asparagine, bifidus factor,
biopterin, chelating agents, cholesterol, coenzyme Q (ubiquinones), hematin,
lecithin, lipoic acid (thioctic acid), nerve-growth factors, p-aminobenzoic acid,
various peptides and proteins, pimelic acid, and pteridines (Briggs and
Calloway, 1984; Shils and Young, 1988).
No essential nutrient function in animals or plants has ever been reported
in reliable scientific literature for most other organic chem
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icals occurring naturally in foods or otherwise endogenously synthesized.
Compounds in this category include amygdalin or laetrile (incorrectly referred
to as vitamin B
) (Herbert, 1988), chlorophyll, orotic acid, pangamic acid (an
ill-defined mixture of dimethylglycine and sorbitol that is incorrectly called
vitamin B15), so-called vitamin U, and any other herbs, growth factors,
enzymes, hormones, trace elements, or other compounds called vitamins or
minerals not mentioned elsewhere in this report (Briggs and Calloway, 1984;
Shils and Young, 1988).
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Absorption of nutrients age and, 19, 104
ß-carotene, 83
carotenoids, 79, 80-81, 83, 86
consideration in formulating RDAs, 13
fiber intake and, 42
physiological requirements and, 11
see also specific nutrients
Acetyl coenzyme A,
45, 166
Achlorhydria, 5, 162
Adenosine triphosphate, 166, 184
Age groupings, for RDAs, changes in, 2
Alcohol (ethanol) caloric value of, 25, 39
underreporting intakes of, 36, 68
Alcoholics and alcoholism, 126, 189
American Academy of Pediatrics biotin recom-
mendation for infants,
chloride recommendation for infants, 258
copper recommendation for infants, 227-228
fluoride recommendations for children, 239
linoleic acid allowance for infants, 48
thiamin allowance for infants, 128
Amino acids
age and requirements for,
56-58, 63, 64-68
conversion to glucose, 41
deficiency symptoms, 56
digestibility of, 69
essential, 53, 56-58, 64
excess intakes of, 53
metabolism, 142, 143, 150, 160, 166
and nitrogen balance, 56
nonessential, 262
patterns of dietary intake, 68-69
requirements for, 13, 56-58, 64-68
reutilization of, 52, 54
scoring of dietary protein quality, 58, 67-70
Amygdalin, 268
Anemia copper deficiency, 224, 226-227
definitions of, 196
hemolytic, 112
macrocytic, 152
megaloblastic, 155, 159
normocytic, 133
pernicious, 5, 160, 161, 162, 195,
196-197, 200
from vitamin A deficiency, 83
from vitamin B
deficiency, 143
Application of RDAs, 8-9, 10, 20-21
Arachidonic acid, 47
Arginine, 53
Arsenic, 267
Ascorbic acid, see Vitamin C
Basal metabolic rate,
25, 26
Beriberi, 125
adult requirements,
bioavailability of, 167, 168
deficiency, 166-167
dietary sources and usual intakes, 167
ESADDI, 7, 13, 167-168, 284
forms and functions of, 165-166
infant and child requirements, 168
intestinal synthesis of, 165-166, 167, 168
during pregnancy and lactation, 168
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
Body composition age and, 30
and energy requirements, 29, 30
gender and, 30
Body weight
and bone fracture risk,
and energy allowances, 33
extrapolation of RDAs and ESADDIs by, 86,
221, 232, 245
and folate allowances, 152-153, 154
and iron allowances, 199, 201-202
and magnesium allowances, 190, 191
and manganese ESADDIs, 232
and molybdenum ESADDIs, 245
physical activity and, 27
and protein allowances, 66
and resting energy expenditure, 26
and selenium allowances, 220, 221
and vitamin A allowances, 83, 84, 86
and vitamin B
, allowances, 163
and vitamin E requirements, 103, 104
and vitamin K allowances, 111
weight-for-height ratios, reference, 2, 14-18,
and zinc allowances, 209
formation and retention, 174, 176-178
fractures, 178
peak bone mass, 2, 5, 18, 96, 176, 177, 179
Boron, 176, 267
Breast milk,
see Human milk
Caffeine, 263
5, 93-96, 175-176, 179-180
adult and adolescent requirements, 179-180
biological role of, 174-175, 176-178, 179
carbohydrate intake and, 175
changes in RDAs, 5
dietary sources and usual intakes of, 176
excessive intakes and toxicity, 180-181
excretion, 175
infant and child requirements, 180
interaction with other dietary constituents,
176, 177, 181, 189
and phosphorus intake, 5, 72, 175, 177,
178-179, 186
during pregnancy and lactation, 180
and protein intake, 72, 175, 177, 178-179
recommended allowances, 179-180
sodium intake and, 175
vitamin A and, 5, 93-94, 95, 96, 175, 176,
calcium intake and,
carotenoids, retinoids, and preformed vitamin
A, and,
and chromium, 243
fat intake and, 49
vitamin C and, 120
cariogenicity of,
and alcium balance, 175
complex, 39, 40;
see also Dietary fiber
and copper deficiency,
digestible, 40-42
energy conversion factor for, 25, 41
intakes and sources, 40
metabolism of, 125, 128, 166, 169
pathophysiological significance of, 41-42
recommended intakes of, 41
value in food composition tables, 40
Carnitine, 265-266
absorption and bioavailability of,
79, 80-81,
83, 86, 88
and cancer, 87
ß-carotene, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87
contribution to vitamin A activity, 81, 84
deposition in human tissues, 79
dietary sources of, 81
efficiency of conversion to vitamin A, 13, 88
nutritional relationship with pre-formed vita-
min A, retinoids, and,
precursors of retinol, 78
toxicity, lack of, 88
Ceruloplasmin, 224
biological role of,
changes in ESADDI, 13
deficiency, 258
dietary sources and usual intakes of, 258
estimate of requirements, 253, 258
excessive intakes and toxicity, 258-259
Chlorophyll, 268
Cholesterol (blood)
biological role of,
biotin deficiency and, 166
determinants of, 49
fat intake and, 49
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
fiber intake and, 42
structure, 44
Cholesterol (dietary)
efficiency of absorption of,
recommended intakes of, 50
Choline, 263-264
absorption and excretion,
bioavailability of, 242
biological role, 241, 242
and cancer, 243
deficiency, 241
ESADDI, 13, 241-242, 284
excessive intakes and toxicity, 242-243
intakes (usual), 241
Chylomicrons, 79, 94, 100, 108
Cigarette smoking, and vitamin C, 4, 119
adjustment of RDAs for,
19, 31
and energy requirements, 31-32
and nutrient losses, 213
Clinical considerations in RDAs, 20, 49,
71-72, 86-87, 96-97, 111-112,
120-121, 140, 155, 161, 178, 180
Cobalt, 267-268
Coenzymes, 268
Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individu-
als energy intake data from,
see also Nationwide Food Consumption Sur-
adult requirements,
bioavailability, 226
deficiency, 224, 226
dietary sources and usual intakes, 225
ESADDI, 7, 13, 226-228, 284
evidence for human requirement, 224-225
excessive intakes and toxicity, 228
indicators of status, 224
infant and child requirements, 227-228
interaction with other nutrients, 176,
210-211, 224, 225, 226, 245
losses, 7, 226, 228
Coronary heart disease, 49
Cystine, 53, 56, 57, 66, 67, 68, 71
Definition of RDAs,
1, 10
Dehydroascorbate, 115, 117
Dental caries, 41-42
Dietary data amino acid scoring patterns rela-
tive to,
underestimation of food intakes, 36
underreporting of alcohol intakes, 36, 68
Dietary fiber, 39, 42, 69, 175-176, 198, 206,
207, 208
Dietary recommendations
establishment of,
for meeting RDAs, 9, 13-14
see also specific nutrients
see specific diseases
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
45, 47, 48-49
45, 47, 48
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 45, 47, 48-49
5,8,11-Eicosatrienoic acid, 47
Elderly people
activity levels of,
30, 33
amino acid requirements of, 57-58
anemia in, 201
energy expenditures of, 30
energy requirements of, 33-34
intestinal absorption of minerals, 19
iron status of, 201
estimation of nutrient requirements for, 19
folate needs of, 153
malabsorption of vitamin B
, 162
reference protein requirement for 59-60
thiamin requirements of, 127
vitamin A status, 84
vitamin B
deficiency in, 159
vitamin C status, 118-119
vitamin D status of, 93, 95
vitamin E requirements, 103
vitamin K requirements, 111
water needs of, 249-250
zinc status in, 208
Endemic cretinism, 215
Endemic goiter, 213-214
major dietary sources of,
39, 40, 45
values, 24-25, 39
Energy allowances
age and,
activity factor in, 28-29, 32-33, 36
adjustments in, 32
for adults, 32-34
body height and, 33
body weight and, 31, 33, 36
changes in, 2, 37
comparison with reported energy in-takes, 36
estimation of, 2, 12, 21, 24, 28-29, 32-37
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
energy requirement calculation for, 28, 31
gender differences in, 36
for infants, children, and adolescents, 33,
for lactation, 33, 34-35
during pregnancy, 33, 34
resting energy expenditure and, 32-33
Energy conversion factors, 25
Energy expenditures
age and,
body size and, 31
climate and, 31-32
day-to-day variation in, 30
growth, costs of, 31
hobbling effect of clothing, 32
measurements of, 35
occupational, 26, 31, 32
in physical activity, 26-29, 32
and protein requirements, 54-55, 61
and riboflavin requirements, 134
thermic effect of meals, 25, 30
total, 25, 26
see also Resting energy expenditure
Energy intakes
and body weight and body composition,
comparison of RDAs with, 36
niacin allowances and, 140
and nitrogen balance, 59-60
and protein synthesis and breakdown, 54-55,
surplus, 12, 45
WHO data on, 35
Energy requirements
and activity level,
3, 19, 28-29
age and, 30, 35
body composition and, 29, 30
body size and, 31
climate and, 31-32
definition of, 24
deuterium oxide methodology for estimating,
distribution of, 12
estimation of, 25-32, 35
gender and, 30-31, 36
for growth, 31, 32
individual variability in, 24
for pregnancy and lactation, 34, 140
and metabolic response to food, 29-30
physical activity and, 3, 19, 26-29
resting energy expenditures and, 25-26, 28
see Estimated safe and adequate daily dietary
Estimated safe and adequate daily dietary
intakes (ESADDI)
changes in, 7-8, 13
summary table, 284
see also specific nutrients
Estrogen therapy,
digestion of,
energy conversion factor for, 25
intestinal absorption of vitamins with, 45, 80,
83, 86, 108
malabsorption of, 80, 99, 108, 112
and plasma cholesterol, 49
recommended intakes of, 41, 49-50
stored during pregnancy, 35
see also Triglycerides
Fatty acids
carbohydrate intake and,
conversion of some dietary fiber to, 39
efficiency of absorption of, 45
as an energy source, 45
essential, 45, 46-49
metabolism of, 45, 100, 102, 137, 166, 169
structure, 44-45
tissue differences in composition of, 102
see also Saturated fatty acids;
Monounsaturated fatty acids;
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
see Dietary fiber
and bone disease, 236
and dental caries, 42, 236
dietary sources and usual intakes, 235,
effects of food processing on, 237
ESADDI, 13, 238-239, 284
excessive intakes and toxicity, 238
status as essential nutrient, 235
absorption of,
150-151, 153, 154, 155
activity, measures of, 150
adult and adolescent requirements, 152-153
bioavailability, 150-151, 153, 154
changes in RDAs, 4, 156
deficiency, 151-155
dietary sources and usual intakes, 150
estimation of allowances, 152
excessive intakes and toxicity, 155
excretion of, 151
forms and functions of, 115, 150, 160
deficiency, 150, 151-152
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
indicators of nutritional status, 151-152
infant and child requirements, 154-155
intestinal synthesis of, 151
during pregnancy and lactation, 153-154
recommended allowances, 152-155
stability, 150, 155
Food fortification
with folate,
with niacin, 139
recommendations on, 13, 14
with vitamin A, 81
with vitamin C, 116
with vitamin D, 93, 94, 96, 177
Fructose, 40, 226
166, 169
Glucose, 41, 45, 125, 262
Goitrogens, 214, 215
energy costs of,
folate and, 150, 154
iron needs during, 202
and protein requirements, 55, 56, 62-63
riboflavin and, 135
velocity, 35-36
vitamin A and, 86
vitamin E and, 104
zinc and, 210
Growth factors, 268
Health and welfare programs,
use of RDAs in,
Height-to-weight ratios, reference, 2, 14-18
Hemochromatosis, 203
Hesperidin, 263
High-fructose corn syrup, 40
Histidine, 53, 56-57, 67, 115
Human balance studies,
see Metabolic balance studies;
Nitrogen balance studies
Human milk
average production,
35, 62, 72, 85, 103,
119, 210
bioavailability of nutrients in, 18, 119, 184,
colostrum, 104, 155
efficiency of maternal energy conversion to
milk energy,
efficiency of vitamin A transfer to, 85
electrolyte levels in, 254, 256
energy content of, 34
and infant growth rates, 63
lipid content of, 48
mineral content of, 180, 184, 186, 191
protein content of, 62, 63, 64, 145
reference protein pattern for human milk sub-
trace element content of, 209, 215, 221,
225, 227, 232, 233, 237
vitamin content of, 85-86, 93-96, 103, 104,
109, 119-120, 128, 135 , 140, 145,
154, 155, 163, 168, 171
water content of, 250
Hypertension, 7, 179, 254, 255, 256, 259
amino acid requirements of,
53, 56-57, 63,
64, 72
average milk consumption, 18
biotin deficiency in, 166-167
copper deficiency in, 225
estimation of allowances for, 18, 35-36
hypocalcemic tetany in, 186
hyponatremia in, 254
hypoprothrombinemia in, 111
linoleic acid deficiency in, 47-48
nutrient requirements, see specific nutrients
phosphorus deficiency in,
premature and low birth weight, 53, 72, 96,
99, 104, 120, 153, 154 , 185, 201-202,
225, 254
protein requirements of, 62-64, 72
PUFA intakes, 104
reference, 94-95, 135
scurvy in, 115, 120
thiamin deficiency in, 125, 128
vitamin B
deficiency in, 143, 145-146
vitamin B
deficiency in, 163
vitamin supplements for, 64, 93, 94, 96,
104, 111, 128
International units
derivation for vitamin A,
derivation for vitamin D, 94
derivation for vitamin E, 100
absorption, transport, and excretion,
biological role, 213
deficiency, 213, 214, 216
dietary sources and usual intakes, 214
environmental distribution of, 213, 214
excessive intakes and toxicity, 215-216
indicators of status, 213, 214, 215
recommended allowances, 215
value of iodized salt, 214, 216
absorption of,
13, 115, 120, 181, 195,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
197, 198-199, 200
adult requirements. 199-201
child and adolescent requirements, 202
deficiency, 14, 195-197, 199, 200, 201
dietary sources, 197-198
diets lacking animal protein, 202
excessive intakes and toxicity, 195, 202-203
functional and storage forms, 195, 198
indicators of status of, 120, 196, 197, 199,
infant requirements, 201-202
interaction with other nutrients, 13, 86, 115,
120, 181, 197, 198, 207, 208, 224
intestinal regulation of, 195
physiological requirements for, 12
during pregnancy and lactation, 201
recommended allowances, 5-6, 199-202
vitamin C and, 13, 115, 120, 197, 198
Isoleucine, 53, 56-57, 67
39, 175
Laetrile, 268
Lead, 267
Lean body mass
age and,
and protein requirements, 55, 60
and resting energy expenditure, 25, 30
and vitamin A requirements, 86
Lecithins, 44
Leucine, 53, 56-57, 67
Lignin, 39
Linoleic acid, 45, 46-49, 102
α-Linolenic acid, 47
energy sources,
digestion of, 45
metabolism of, 145, 166
sources and intakes, 46
structure of, 44-45
transport abnormalities, 99
variations in tissues, 102
see also Fat;
Fatty acids;
and other specific lipids
101, 211
low-density, 49, 101
very-low-density, 100-101
Lithium, 267
Lycopene, 87
Lysine, 53, 57, 66-71, 115
absorption of,
adult requirements, 190-191
biological role of, 187-188, 189
changes in RDAs, 5
deficiency, 189
dietary sources and usual intakes, 189-190
excessive intakes and toxicity, 192
infant and child requirements, 191-192
metabolic balance studies of, 190, 191
during pregnancy and lactation, 191
recommended allowances, 190-192
role in biotin metabolism, 166
adult requirements,
biological role of, 230
deficiency, 230
dietary sources and usual intakes, 231
ESADDI, 7-8, 13, 231-233, 284
excessive intakes and toxicity, 233
indicators of status, 231
infant and child requirements, 232
during pregnancy and lactation, 232-233
Menadione, 107, 112
Menaquinones, 107-111
Metabolic balance studies
physiological requirements determined
of trace element requirements, 8, 190, 191,
207, 208, 210, 219, 220 , 226, 231-232
Metabolic rate
25, 26
eating and, 29-30
environmental temperature and, 32
and protein requirements, 59
Metabolism, inborn errors of, 56, 126, 166,
203, 244;
see also specific nutrients
53, 56, 57, 66, 67, 68, 71, 160,
deficiencies in infants,
fiber intake and absorption of, 42, 175-176
see also specific minerals
bioavailability of,
biochemical role, 243
deficiency, 243, 244, 245
dietary sources and usual intakes, 244-245
ESADDI, 7-8, 13, 245, 284
excessive intakes and toxicity, 245
Monounsaturated fatty acids, 44-45
Myo-inositol, 266
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (11)
energy intakes,
impaired iron status, 197, 203
iron intakes, 197
protein intakes, 68-68
vitamin A intakes, 81
weight-for-height data, 15
Nationwide Food Consumption Survey
calcium intakes,
energy intakes, 36
iron intakes, 198
protein intakes, 146
vitamin D intakes, 95
water intakes, 249
adult requirements,
bioavailability of, 138, 139
biological functions of, 137
deficiency, 137
dietary sources and usual intakes, 138-139
and energy intake, 140
excessive intakes and toxicity, 140
indicators of nutritional status, 137, 138
infant and child requirements, 140
metabolism, 137
during pregnancy and lactation, 140
recommended allowances, 139-140
riboflavin and function of, 132, 133
toxicity of, 14
tryptophan conversion to, 132, 137, 138, 140
Nickel, 267
Nitrogen balance studies
of amino acid requirements,
methodologic problems in, 55
of protein requirements, 3, 54-55, 58, 60-61
essentiality, 263-268
losses during food processing and prepara-
pharmacologic and toxic effects of, 14,
72-73, 87-88, 96-97, 112, 120, 121,
129, 140, 146, 155, 160, 166, 167,
192, 238
surpluses of, 14, 20
2, 12, 31, 49
Oleic acid, 45, 47, 262
Orotic acid, 269
Osteoporosis, 5, 72, 178, 179, 180, 238
Palmitic acid,
45, 262
Pangamic acid, 269
Pantothenic acid
adult requirements,
deficiency, 170
dietary sources and usual intakes, 170
ESADDI, 13, 171-172, 284
excessive intakes and toxicity, 172
infant, child, and adolescent requirements,
intestinal synthesis of, 170, 171
physiological roles, 169
during pregnancy and lactation, 171
Pellagra, 137, 140
Pharmacologic actions, see Nutrients
53, 56-57, 67
absorption of,
biological role of, 184
and calcium balance, 5, 72, 175, 177,
178-179, 184, 185, 186
deficiency, 185
dietary sources and usual intakes, 184-185
excessive intakes and toxicity, 186
recommended allowances, 185-186
zinc interaction with, 207
Phylloquinone, 107-112
Physical activity
age and patterns of,
30, 33, 36
climate and, 19, 32
energy costs of, 27-28, 32
and energy requirements, 3, 19, 26-29
health promotion through, 27
and protein requirements, 59, 60, 70-71
and riboflavin requirements, 134
strenuous, 19, 71, 134
and sweat losses, 19, 71, 253
Physiological requirements for nutrients
criteria for determining,
estimation of, 11-12
individual variability in, 11
of populations, 12
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, 44-45, 47, 48,
100, 102, 103, 104
biological role,
changes in ESADDI, 13
deficiency, 255
dietary sources and usual intakes, 255-256
estimation of requirements, 7, 253, 256-257
excessive intakes and toxicity, 257
interaction with magnesium, 189
Pregnancy and lactation
amino acid patterns for,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
calculation of nutrient needs during, 2-3, 15,
efficiency of maternal energy conversion to
milk energy,
folate deficiency during, 153-154
tryptophan to niacin interconversion during,
138, 140
vitamin A toxicity during, 87-88
see also Human milk;
and specific nutrients
Premenstrual syndrome,
Proline, 115
age and requirements for,
58-60, 64-68
amino acid composition, 54, 64, 67-68
biochemical indices of, 55
and calcium balance, 72, 175, 177, 178-179
criteria of adequacy, 55-56
deficiency, 53, 224
dietary sources of, 67
digestibility, 54, 59, 64, 69-70
energy balance and, 54-55, 61
energy conversion factor for, 25
estimation of requirements, 53-55
excessive intakes and toxicity, 72-73
growth rate and, 55, 56
interaction with other dietary components, 4,
41, 72, 86, 143, 144 , 146, 175, 177,
178-179, 206, 207-208
lean body mass and, 55, 60
metabolic changes and, 59
net protein utilization, 69
nitrogen balance and, 3, 54, 55, 58, 59-62, 63
and obligatory nitrogen loss, 54
physical activity and, 59, 60
physiological requirements for, 12
during pregnancy and lactation, 54, 60-62,
66, 145
quality of, 54, 59, 67, 68, 69-71
recommended intakes, 41, 58
sources and intakes, 21, 68-70, 73
turnover rates, 52, 53-54, 55, 59, 60, 62
and vitamin B
requirement, 4, 143, 144, 146
Protein allowances
adjustment for dietary quality,
amino acid pattern and, 58, 64-70
basis for, 3, 13
changes in, 3, 72
dietary intake and, 68-70
factorial method for predicting requirements,
54, 60, 61-62, 63-65
physical activity and, 70-71
reference protein requirement in, 58-66,
standard deviation of requirement, 58
steps for establishing, 58
see also Amino acids and specific amino acids
see Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Pyridoxal phosphate,
Pyridoxamine phosphate, 142, 143
Pyridoxine, 132, 142
Pyrroloquinoline quinone, 268
Pyruvate carboxylase, 230
Reference individuals,
2, 14-18, 20, 37,
94-95, 135
Resting energy expenditures
body size and,
body weight and, 26
defined, 25
equations for, 26, 30, 32
estimation of, 25-26
gender and, 31
and lean body mass, 25, 30, 31
measurement of, 25
absorption of,
and cancer, 86
nutritional relationship between pre-formed
vitamin A, carotenoids, and,
vitamin A activity, 78
esterification of,
metabolism of, 79
requirements, 84
supplements, 83, 87-88
toxicity, 87-88
Retinol equivalents, defined, 81
absorption and excretion,
132, 134, 135
adult requirements for, 133
biological role of, 132
deficiency, 132-133, 135
dietary sources and usual intakes, 133
energy expenditure and, 134
and nitrogen balance, 134
during pregnancy and lactation, 134-135
recommended allowances, 133-135
Rickets, 92, 93, 96, 185
Rutin, 263
Safety margin in RDAs and ESADDIs,
2, 11,
20, 71, 85, 96, 103, 118 , 120,
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Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
128, 129, 135, 200, 209, 215, 220, 233, 242
Saturated fatty acids, 44-45, 49, 50
School feeding programs, 21
Scurvy, 115, 117, 118
adult requirements,
bioavailability of, 218-219
biological role of, 100, 217
deficiency, 217-218
dietary sources and usual intakes, 218-219
excessive intakes and toxicity, 221-222
indicators of' status, 219
interrelationship with vitamin E, 217,
infant and child requirements,
during pregnancy and lactation, 220-221
recommended allowances, 6, 13, 219-221
Silicon, 176, 267
Skinfold thickness, Tanner standards, 36
adult requirements,
biological role of, 250-251
changes in ESADDI, 13
deficiency, 251
dietary sources and usual intakes, 251-252
estimates of requirements, 7, 252-254
excessive intakes and toxicity, 254-255
homeostatic control of, 250-251
infant and child requirements, 254
interaction with other dietary components,
41, 175, 253
obligatory losses, 252
during pregnancy and lactation, 253-254
Sorbitol, 41, 269
Spermine and spermidine, 268
Starches, 39, 40
Stearic acid, 45, 262
Stress, and nitrogen loss, 71
Sucrose, 40, 41
Sugars, 39, 40, 41, 262
Supplements and supplementation
bioavailability of,
calcium, 181
ß-carotene, 82
excessive intakes through, 81
fiber concentrates, 42
folic acid, 153, 154, 155
for infants, 64, 93, 94, 96, 104, 111, 128,
155, 207, 210
iron, 7, 14, 201, 202
pantothenic acid, 171
prevalence of use of, 81, 117
recommendations on, 13
retinol, 83
salt, 251
therapeutic, 14, 82-83
thiamin, 128
toxicity of, 97, 202, 211
tryptophan, 138
vitamin A, 80, 81, 82, 85
vitamin B
, 146
vitamin B
, 163
vitamin C, 117, 120
vitamin D, 93, 96, 97
vitamin E, 104, 105
vitamin K, 110
zinc, 207, 208, 210, 211
absorption and excretion of,
125, 127, 128
adult requirements, 126-128
biological role of, 125, 128
and carbohydrate metabolism, 125, 128
child and adolescent requirements, 129
deficiency, 125-126, 127
dietary sources and usual intakes, 126
excessive intakes and toxicity, 129
indicators of status, 127
infant requirements, 128
during pregnancy and lactation, 128
recommended allowances, 126-129
Thiaminase, 126
Threonine, 53, 57, 66, 67, 68, 71
Tin, 267
Total Diet Study, 190, 214, 225, 231, 237,
245, 251
Toxicity of nutrients, 14, 72-73, 87-88,
96-97, 112, 121, 129, 146 , 202-203,
210-211,215-216, 211-212, 233, 238,
245, 257, 258-259
Trace elements
essential in animals,
metabolic balance studies of, 11, 190, 191,
207, 208, 210, 219, 220 , 226, 231-232
changes in ESADDI, 13
factorial methods for, 232
fiber intake and absorption of, 198, 206,
207, 209
with no biological function, 262
summary table, 284
see also specific trace elements
41, 44, 45, 101
Tryptophan, 115, 132
conversion to niacin, 137-140
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
excretion of, 53
hormonal status and metabolism of, 144
load test for vitamin B
status, 143, 146
and protein quality, 68, 70, 71
requirements, 57, 64, 66, 67
supplements, 138
Tyrosine, 53, 56-57, 67, 115
Ultraviolet light, and vitamin D synthesis,
92, 93
53, 56-57, 67
Vanadium, 267
Vegetarians, 95, 120, 160-161, 162, 163
Vitamin A
absorption of,
45, 79, 86
activity, 78, 80-81
adult requirements, 81-85
age and, 84
biological role of, 78
and body weight, 83, 84
and cancer, 86-87
and color intensity of fruits and vegetables, 81
day-to-day variability in intakes, 21
deficiencies of other nutrients affecting uti-
lization of,
deficiency signs, 80, 82, 83, 86
depletion rate of body stores, 84
depletion-repletion studies, 82-83
dietary sources and usual intakes, 81, 82
excessive intakes and toxicity, 14, 87-88, 146
fetal utilization of, 85
infant and child requirements, 85-86
metabolism of, 20, 78-79
nutritional relationship between retinoids,
carotenoids, and,
precursors of, 13, 78
during pregnancy and lactation, 85
recommended allowances, 81-87
storage, 79
supplementation, 82, 85
therapeutic uses at high doses, 14
see also Carotenoids;
Vitamin B
absorption of, 143
adult requirements, 144-145
bioavailability of, 144
changes in RDAs, 4
deficiency, 143, 144
dietary sources and usual intakes, 143-144
drugs affecting metabolism of, 144
excessive intakes and toxicity, 14, 146
forms and biological functions, 142
indicators of nutritional status, 143, 145
infant and child requirements, 145-146
during pregnancy and lactation, 145
and protein intake, 4, 143, 144, 146
recommended allowances, 144-146
Vitamin B
absorption of, 159, 160, 162
adult requirements, 162
basis for establishing allowances, 161
changes in RDAs, 4-5, 163-164
deficiency, 159-160, 161-162
dietary sources and usual intakes of, 159
forms and functions of, 158-159, 160
infant and child requirements, 163
intestinal synthesis of, 159
metabolism, 160-161
pool size and turnover, 20, 161, 162
during pregnancy and lactation, 162-163
recommended allowances, 162-163
Vitamin C
absorption, transport, storage, and excretion,
116, 117-118
adult requirements, 117-119
biological role of, 100, 115
and cancer, 120
cigarette smoking and metabolic turn-over of,
4, 119
and colds and respiratory illnesses, 120
deficiency, 115, 117
dietary sources and usual intakes, 116
indicators of nutritional status, 117
infant and child requirements, 119
interaction with other nutrients, 13, 115,
120, 197, 198,226
and iron absorption, 13, 115, 120, 197, 198
losses during food preparation, 117, 118
and nitrosamine formation, 120
pharmacological intakes and toxicity, 120
during pregnancy and lactation, 119
recommended allowances, 4, 117-120
supplementation, 117, 120
Vitamin D
absorption of,
adult requirements, 95-96
biochemistry and metabolism of, 93-94
biological role of, 92
and calcium balance, 5, 93-94, 95, 96,
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
deficiency signs, 92-93
dietary sources and usual intakes, 94-95
essentiality of, 93
indicators of status, 94
infant and child requirements, 96
malabsorption of, 93
during pregnancy and lactation, 93, 94, 96
recommended allowances, 95-96
stability in foods, 94
supplements, 93, 96, 97
synthesis of, 92
toxicity of, 14, 96-97
Vitamin E
absorption of,
45, 100, 104
adult requirements, 102-103
deficiency, 99, 100
dietary sources and usual intakes, 101-102
excessive intakes of, 104-105
function and metabolism of, 100-101
infant and child requirements, 99, 103-104
interrelationship with other nutrients, 86,
217, 218
losses during cooking and processing, 101
occurrence and biological activity, 99-100
polyunsaturated fatty acids and, 48, 100,
102, 103
during pregnancy and lactation, 103
recommended allowances, 102-105
supplements, 104, 105
Vitamin K
adult requirements,
biological indicators of status, 110
biological role of, 107, 108
compounds, 107
deficiency, 107, 109, 111, 112
dietary source and usual intakes, 109
excessive intakes and toxicity, 112
infant and child requirements, 111
metabolism of, 108
during pregnancy and lactation, 111
recommended allowances, 3-4, 13, 109-112
supplementation, 110
synthesis by intestinal bacteria, 108, 110
Vitamin P factors, 263
Vitamin Q, 263
estimate of requirements,
excessive intakes and toxicity, 249, 250
intake and loss routes and magnitudes,
sources, 249
thirst sensation, 249
Weight, see Body weight
adult requirements,
bioavailability of, 206, 207-208
biological role of, 205-206
body pool and turnover rates, 206
deficiency, 206-207, 210
dietary sources and usual intakes, 207-208
excessive intakes and toxicity, 210-211
homeostatic regulation of, 206, 208
infant and child requirements, 210
interaction with other dietary components,
86, 176, 181, 206, 207-208, 210-211,
225, 226
indicators of status, 208
during pregnancy and lactation, 206, 209-210
recommended allowances, 6, 208-210
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
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Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes of Selected Vitamins and
Category Age (years) Biotin (µg) Pantothenic
Acid (mg)
Infants 0-0.5 10 2
0.5-1 15 3
Children and 1-3 20 3
adolescents 4-6 25 3-4
7-10 30 4-5
11 + 30-100 4-7
Adults 30-100 4-7
Category Age
Infants 0-0.5 0.4-0.6 0.3-0.6 0.1-0.5 10-40 15-30
0.5-1 0.6-0.7 0.6-1.0 0.2-1.0 20-60 20-40
1-3 0.7-1.0 1.0-1.5 0.5-1.5 20-80 25-50
adolescents 4-6 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 1.0-2.5 30-120 30-75
7-10 1.0-2.0 2.0-3.0 1.5-2.5 50-200 50-150
11 + 1.5-2.5 2.0-5.0 1.5-2.5 50-200 75-250
1.5-3.0 2.0-5.0 1.5-4.0 50-200 75-250
Because there is less information on which to base allowances, these figures are not given in
the main table of RDA and are provided here in the form of ranges of recommended intakes.
Since the toxic levels for many trace elements may be only several times usual intakes, the
upper levels for the trace elements given in this table should not be habitually exceeded.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition
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Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition