Curriculum Vitae
Lee Ann Slocum
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Phone: (314) 516-4072
324 Lucas Hall Fax: (314) 516-5048
University of Missouri, St. Louis Email: Slocum[email protected]
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
Ph.D. 2007 Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Maryland at College Park
Dissertation: General Strain Theory and Stability in Offending and Substance Use over Time:
A Dynamic Approach
Dissertation Chair: Sally S. Simpson
M.A. 2004 Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Maryland at College Park
Master’s Thesis: A Test of General Strain Theory Using a Sample of Incarcerated Women:
An Examination of Temporal Ordering, Recency, Duration, Clustering, and Accumulation.
Thesis Chair: Sally S. Simpson
B.A. 1997 Sociology and Biology, with Honors
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2013—Present Associate Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice,
University of Missouri, St. Louis
2007—2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice,
University of Missouri, St. Louis
Articles in Refereed Journals
Slocum, Lee Ann and Stephanie Ann Wiley. (Forthcoming). “Experience of the expected”: Race and ethnicity
differences in the effects of police contact on youth. Criminology.
Slocum, Lee Ann. (Forthcoming). The effect of prior police contact on victimization reporting: Results from
the Police Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys. Journal of Quantitative
Klinger, David A. and Lee Ann Slocum. 2017. A Critical assessment of an analysis of a journalistic
compendium of citizens killed by police gunfire. Criminology and Public Policy 16:349 – 362.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Finn-Aage Esbensen, and Terrance J. Taylor. 2017. The code of silence in schools: An
assessment of a socio-ecological model of youth’s willingness to report school misbehavior. Youth &
Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. 2016. Community response to “Stop-and-Frisk” in New York City:
Conceptualizing local conditions and correlates. Criminal Justice Policy Review 27:723-746.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Stephanie Ann Wiley, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. 2016. The importance of being satisfied: A
longitudinal exploration of police contact, procedural injustice, and subsequent delinquency. Criminal
Justice & Behavior 43: 7 – 26.
Carbone-Lopez, Kristin, Lee Ann Slocum, and Candace Kruttschnitt. 2016. ‘Police wouldn’t give you no
help’: Female offenders on reporting sexual assault to police. Violence against Women 22: 366-396.
Owens, Jennifer Gatewood, and Lee Ann Slocum. 2015. Abstainers in adolescence and adulthood: Exploring
the correlates of abstention using Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy. Crime & Delinquency 61: 690-
DiPietro, Stephanie M., Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. 2015. School context and violence: Does
immigrant status matter? Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 13: 299 – 322.
Wiley, Stephanie Ann, Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. 2013. The unintended consequences of
being stopped or arrested: An exploration of the labeling mechanisms through which police contact
leads to subsequent delinquency. Criminology. 51: 927-966.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Andres F. Rengifo, Tiffany Choi, and Christopher R. Herrmann. 2013. The elusive
relationship between community organizations and crime: An assessment across disadvantaged areas
of the South Bronx. Criminology. 51:167-216.
Simpson, Sally S., Carole Gibbs, Melissa Rorie, Lee Ann Slocum, Mark Cohen, and Michael Vandenbergh.
An empirical assessment of corporate environmental crime strategies. 2013. Journal of Criminal Law
and Criminology 103: 231-278.
Berg, Mark T., Lee Ann Slocum, and Rolf Loeber. 2013. Illegal behavior, neighborhood context, and police
reporting by victims of violence. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50:75-103.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Andres F. Rengifo, and Kristin Carbone-Lopez. 2012. Specifying the strain-violence link:
The role of emotions in women’s descriptions of violent incidents. Victims and Offenders 7:1-29.
Morris, Nancy A., and Lee Ann Slocum. 2012. Estimating country-level terrorism trends using group-based
trajectory analysis: Latent class growth analysis and general mixture modeling. Journal of
Quantitative Criminology 28:103 - 139.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Sally S. Simpson, Alison E. Hipwell, and Rolph Loeber. 2011. Young girls’ and caretakers’
reports of problem behavior: Comprehension and concordance across age, race, and behavior. Youth
& Society 43:1010-1040.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Terrance J. Taylor, Bradley T. Brick, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. 2010. Neighborhood
structural characteristics, individual-level attitudes, and youths’ crime reporting intentions.
Criminology 48:1063-1100.
Morris, Nancy A., and Lee Ann Slocum. 2010. The validity of self-reported prevalence, frequency and timing
of arrest: An evaluation of data collected using a life events calendar. Journal of Research in Crime
and Delinquency 47:210-240. Authors listed alphabetically.
Slocum, Lee Ann. 2010. General Strain Theory and the development of stressors and substance use over time:
An empirical examination. Journal of Criminal Justice 38:1100-1112.
Slocum, Lee Ann. 2010. General Strain Theory and continuity in offending over time: Assessing and
extending GST explanations of persistence. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 26:204-223.
Bushway, Shawn, Brian D. Johnson, and Lee Ann Slocum. 2007. Is the magic still there? The use of the
Heckman two-step correction for selection bias in criminology. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
23:151-78. Authors listed alphabetically.
Slocum, Lee Ann, Sally S. Simpson, and Douglas A. Smith. 2005. Strained lives and crime: Examining
within-individual variation in strain and offending in a sample of incarcerated women. Criminology
Chapters or Essays Appearing in Other Peer Reviewed Publications
Slocum, Lee Ann. Criminal justice data sources. 2013. In Wright, Richard (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in
Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters and White Papers
Esbensen, Finn-Aage, Chris Melde, and Lee Ann Slocum. White Paper on School Safety submitted to the
National Institute of Justice: School-based Violence Prevention Programs. Forthcoming.
Slocum, Lee Ann, and Robert Agnew. Strain Theory, Violence, and Aggression. Forthcoming in Peter
Sturmey (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Slocum, Lee Ann. Crime and the Life Course. 2017. In T.S. Bynum & B.M. Huebner (Eds.), The Handbook of
Measurement Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Slocum, Lee Ann. 2013. General Strain Theory: Explaining inter- and intra-individual differences in
offending. In G. Bruinsma & D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Springer Verlag.
Weisman, Stephanie A., Shannon C. Womer, Melissa A. Kellstrom, Sean L. Bryner, Amy Kahler, Lee Ann
Slocum and Denise C. Gottfredson, 2002. Maryland After School Community Grant Program, Report
on the 2001-2002 School Year Evaluation of the Phase 3 After School Programs. Technical report
available from lead author.
Slocum, Lee Ann. 2016. The Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting: Results from the
Police Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys. Final reported submitted to the
national Institute of Justice.
Conference Proceedings
Slocum, Lee Ann, and Sally S. Simpson. Forthcoming. Unpacking Crime over the Life Course: Causes of
Offending in a High Risk Sample of Women. International Criminology Symposium of Crime and
Criminality, Istanbul, Turkey, March 24, 2014.
“Research Network on Misdemeanor Justice”. Principal Investigator. Sub-Contract from City University of
New York. Start date: February 15, 2017 ($182,083).
“UMSL Comprehensive School Safety Initiative”. Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator: Finn-Aage
Esbensen). National Institute of Justice. Start date: January 1, 2016 ($1,603,690).
“Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Grant”. Principal Investigator on Subcontract. Bureau of Justice
Assistance. Start date: October 2015 ($180,000).
“Form and Function of Order and Disorder in the South Bronx: A Ten-Year Follow-Up”. Principal
Investigator. UMSL College of Arts and Sciences. Start date: June 1, 2015 ($7,592).
The Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting: Results from the Police Public Contact and
National Crime Victimization Surveys.Principal Investigator. National Institute of Justice. Data Resources
Program 2014: Funding for Analysis of Existing Data. ($38,044) Status: Completed.
“The Potential Dark Side’ of Help Seeking for Victims of Violence: Exploring the Effects of Seeking
Assistance on Re-Victimization Using a Sample of Criminally-Embedded Women”. Principal Investigator.
UMSL Office of Research Awards. Start date: June 1, 2014 ($3,000). Status: Completed.
Crime, Justice, and Urban Life as Seen through HBO’s The Wire.Co-Investigator with Elaine Doherty.
UMSL Curriculum Development Grant. Start date: January 2014 ($8,899). Status: Completed.
UMSL College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 ($500)
“Dynamics of Crime, Order, and Disorder.” Co-Principal Investigator with Andres F. Rengifo (PI).
University of Missouri Research Board Award. Start date: June 1, 2010 ($39,517). Status: Completed.
UMSL Office of Research Administration Travel Grant. November 2010 ($1,000)
“Aggregation Issues and the Association between Signs of Disorder and Crime.” Co-Investigator with Andres
F. Rengifo (PI). UMSL Research Award. Start date: June 1, 2008 ($12,333). Status: Completed.
UMSL Small Grant Award to attend ICPSR class, “Longitudinal Data Analysis with Stata”. June 2008.
Invited Presentations
2017 Esbensen, Finn-Aage, Elaine Eggleston Doherty, Lee Ann Slocum, Stephanie Wiley. School Safety
Research: Challenges to Implementation. Facilitated Discussion National Comprehensive School
Safety Initiative Conference at National Institute of Justice, Crystal City, VA (May 9th).
2015 Slocum, Lee Ann. The Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting: Results from the
Police Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys. Paper presented at Bureau of Justice
Statistics, Washington, DC (March 3
2014 Slocum, Lee Ann, Stephanie Ann Wiley, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. Police Contact, Procedural Justice,
and Future Delinquency: A Longitudinal Exploration of the Deviance Amplification Process Using a
Sample of American Youth. Paper presented at University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands (October
2014 Slocum, Lee Ann and Sally S. Simpson. Unpacking the Criminogenic Aspects of Stress over the Life
Course: Proximal and Distal Strain in a High Risk Sample of Women. Paper presented at the
International Conference of Crime and Guilt, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey (March
2011 Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. Police Stops and Community Responses in the Context of
the New York Crime Decline. Invited paper presented at conference on Understanding the Crime
Decline in New York City, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, New
York, NY (September 22).
2010 Morris, Nancy A., and Lee Ann Slocum. Applying Latent Class Growth Analysis and Growth
Mixture Modeling to Terrorism Data: Preliminary Findings. Invited Presentation as part of the
Department of Economics Vandeveer Seminar Series at Southern Illinois University Carbondale,
Carbondale, IL (October 21
2010 Morris, Nancy A., and Lee Ann Slocum. Applying Latent Class Growth Analysis and Growth
Mixture Modeling to Terrorism Data: Preliminary Findings. Invited Presentation at the Symposium
on Quantitative Methods and the Study of Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City
University of New York, New York, NY (October 8
2008 Slocum, Lee Ann, Kristin Carbone-Lopez, and Andres F. Rengifo. Specifying the Strain-Violence
Link. Presented at the Presidential Plenary session for the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology in St. Louis, MO (November 13
2005 Johnson, Brian D., Shawn Bushway, and Lee Ann Slocum. Selection Bias in Criminological
Research: Problems, Prospects, and the Relevance of the Heckman Two-Step Correction. Invited
presentation at the 1
Annual Crime and Economics Summer Symposium, Belmont Conference
Center, Elkridge, MD (June).
2003 Simpson, Sally S. and Lee Ann Slocum. Women’s Pathways to Jail: Lessons from a Life Event
Calendar. Presented to the Gender, Work, and Family Seminar at the University of Maryland, College
Park, MD (October).
Conference Presentations and Papers
2017 Slocum, Lee Ann and Stephanie Ann Wiley. Race, Space and Policing: Growing up in St. Louis in the
Post-Ferguson Era. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology,
Philadelphia, PA (November 14
2017 Klinger, David, and Lee Ann Slocum. The Invisible Gorilla (and Other Strange Creatures) in the Kill
Zone: The Utility of Laboratory Experiments for Informing Understanding of Police Deadly Force
Decision-Making in the Streets. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Philadelphia, PA (November 16
2017 Wiley, Stephanie, and Lee Ann Slocum.
All in the Family? Assessing Trauma Associated with Family
Members’ Justice System Involvement
. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society
of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA (November 16
2016 Wiley, Stephanie, and Lee Ann Slocum. Beyond the Breakfast Club: Variability in the Effects of School
Sanctions by School Context
. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology in New Orleans, LA (November 18
2016 Esbensen, Finn-Aage, Chris Melde, and Lee Ann Slocum. School-Based Violence Prevention
Programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in New
Orleans, LA (November 18
2016 Ho, Aaron, Andres Rengifo, and Lee Ann Slocum. Predicting Drug Markets: An Examination of
Social Disorganization and Routine Activities in Drug Neighborhoods. American Society of
Criminology in New Orleans, LA (November 19
2016 Slocum, Lee Ann. Police Contact and Future Victimization Risk: Results from Two Nationally
Representative Surveys. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society of
Criminology in Vancouver, BC (February 6
2015 Slocum, Lee Ann. The Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting: Results from the
Police Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC (November 20
2014 DiPietro, Stephanie M., Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. School Context and Violence:
Does Immigrant Status Matter? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, San Francisco, CA (November 19
2014 Klinger, David, and Lee Ann Slocum. Micro Manifestations of State Violence: Perceptual Anomalies
among Police Officers Involved in Shootings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European
Society of Criminology, Prague, Czech Republic (September 12
2014 Wiley, Stephanie, Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. To Arrest or Not to Arrest: That is the
Question. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Criminology, Prague,
Czech Republic (September 12
2013 Slocum, Lee Ann and Sally S. Simpson. Unpacking the Criminogenic Aspects of Stress over the Life
Course: Proximal and Distal Strain in a High Risk Sample of Women. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA (November 21
2013 Wiley, Stephanie A., Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. The Unintended Consequences of
Being Stopped or Arrested: An Exploration of the Labeling Mechanisms through Which Police
Contact Leads to Subsequent Delinquency. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European
Society of Criminology, Budapest, Hungary (September).
2012 Slocum, Lee Ann, Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. The Code of Silence in Schools: An
Assessment of a Socio-Ecological Model of Youths’ Willingness to Report School Misbehavior.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL
(November 15
2011 Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. Unpacking Dimensions of Order and Disorder over Time
and across Ecological Units? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Washington, DC (November 18
2011 Slocum, Lee Ann, and Mark T. Berg. The Social Context of Crime Reporting. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC. (November 17
2011 Carbone-Lopez, Kristin, Candace Kruttschnitt, and Lee Ann Slocum. “Prostitutes Can’t Press
Charges, the Police Laugh at You: Women’s Rape Reporting Decisions in Two Cities. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC (November
2010 Slocum, Lee Ann, Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. Contextual Determinants of Youths’
Willingness to Report. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology in San Francisco, CA (November 19
2009 Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. Does the Level of Aggregation Matter? Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA (November 4
2009 Owens, Jennifer G., and Lee Ann Slocum. Moffitt’s Developmental Taxonomy of Abstainers: An
Exploration of Characteristics that Distinguish Abstainers from Offenders. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA (November 4
2009 Rengifo, Andres F., and Lee Ann Slocum. Streets, blocks and census tracts: Specifying the ecology of
the disorder-crime link. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of
Criminology in Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 11
2009 Slocum, Lee Ann, Bradley T. Brick, Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. Factors
Influencing Youths’ Willingness to Report Crimes: Differences by Race and Ethnicity. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology in San Diego, CA (February
2008 Slocum, Lee, and Brian D. Johnson. Race Differences in Stressor Exposure and Illegal Behavior:
Birth through Adulthood. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology in St. Louis, MO (November 13
2007 Slocum, Lee Ann. General Strain Theory and Stability in Substance Use over Time: A Dynamic
Approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta,
GA (November 15
2006 Simpson, Sally S., Carole E. Gibbs, and Lee Ann Slocum. Why Do Managers Comply? Comparing
Predictors of Corporate Anti- and Pro-Social Behavior. Paper presented by Sally Simpson at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Los Angeles, CA (November 2
2004 Slocum, Lee Ann, and Nancy A. Morris. Do Time-Varying and Offender Characteristics Affect the
Accuracy of Self-Report Life Event Calendar Data? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Society of Criminology in Nashville, TN (November).
2003 Slocum, Lee Ann, and Nancy A. Morris. Validity of Life Event Calendars. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Denver, CO (November).
2002 Slocum, Lee Ann, and Sally S. Simpson. A Test of General Strain Theory Using Incarcerated
Women: An Examination of Causal Ordering, Recency and Clustering. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Chicago, IL (November).
Poster Presentations
2012 Freitas, Amber, Amanda Bolton, Ethan Amidon, Lee Ann Slocum, and Dan Duplantier. Coping Their
Way Out of Crime and Back into Society. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American
Society of Criminology in Chicago, IL (November 16th).
2009 Morris, Nancy A., and Lee Ann Slocum. Applying Latent Class Analysis and Growth Mixture
Modeling to Terrorism Data: Issues and Implications. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA (November).
2006 Slocum, Lee Ann. The Childhood Origins of Adolescent Stressful Life Experiences. Poster presented
at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Los Angeles, CA (November).
2005 Slocum, Lee Ann and Sally S. Simpson. The Interactive and Main Effects of Childhood Stressful
Experiences on Short-Term Changes in Offending. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
American Society of Criminology in Toronto, Canada (November).
2004 Slocum, Lee Ann, Sally S. Simpson, and Douglas A. Smith. The Conditioning Effects of Strain in a
High Risk Population: A Dynamic Test of General Strain Theory. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Nashville, TN (November).
Gerald and Deanne Gitner Excellence in Teaching Award (2009)
Pre-Doctoral Fellow for the National Consortium for Violence Research (2004 – 2007)
Travel award for National Longitudinal Survey of Youth users’ workshop at The Ohio State University (2005)
Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society (joined 2011)
Howard W. Odum Undergraduate Sociology Award for most outstanding sociology student at UNC (1997)
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society (joined 1996)
Maryland Troopers’ Association Scholarship Award (1993, 1994, 1996)
Dean’s List at University of North Carolina (1993 – 1997)
Courses Taught
The Nature of Crime
Statistical Applications in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Contemporary Theories of Crime
Statistical Analysis for Criminal Justice and Criminology
Senior Seminar
Theories of Crime
Crime, Justice and the Media: Crime, Justice, and Urban Life as Seen through HBO’s “The Wire”
Dissertation Committees
Niquita Vinyard (Spring 2017)
Bradley Brick (2009); Michele Stacey (2010); Dena Carson (2011); Andrea Nichols (2011); Jennifer Owens
(2013); Kimberly Kras (2014); Stephanie Wiley (2014); Mikhail Gunderman (2015); Maribeth Rezey
(Spring 2017); Brooke Mayfield (Fall 2017); Michael Deckard (anticipated 2018); CheyOnna Sewell
(anticipated 2018); Josh Williams (anticipated Spring 2018); Sherri Schaefer (anticipated 2018)
MA Thesis Committees
Theron Jackson - member, completed Spring 2011
Other Teaching Activity
Racial Democracy Crime and Justice Network - Research Experience for Undergraduates, Mentor
(Spring/Summer 2017)
Current Professional Affiliations
American Society of Criminology (member since 2001)
Professional Editorial Responsibilities
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (2017 – Present)
Editorial Advisory Board, Criminology (2012 – Present)
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology (2014 – Present)
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewing for:
Criminology; British Journal of Sociology; Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency; Crime &
Delinquency; Journal of Quantitative Criminology; Criminology & Public Policy; Social Problems;
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology; The Sociological
Quarterly; International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice; Western Criminology
Review; Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice; Journal of Criminal Justice; Criminal Justice: An
International Journal of Policy and Practice; World Pediatrics Review;
Journal of Drug Issues;
Victims and Offenders; Police & Society; Homicide Studies; Criminal Justice and Behavior; and
Criminal Justice Review; Youth & Society; American Journal of Preventative Medicine
Ad Hoc Research Proposal Reviewing for:
Research Council of Canada
National Institute of Justice
Book Proposal Reviewing for:
Other Professional Service
American Society of Criminology
Student Awards Committee (2016 – 2017), Chair (2017 – 2018)
Membership Committee, (2014- 2015), Chair (2015- 2016)
Program Committee Sub-Area Chair for the section Causes of Crime and Criminal Behavior: Learning,
Control, and Strain Perspectives (2013 – 2014)
Fellows Committee (2012 – 2013)
Student Affairs Committee (2011-2012)
Program Committee Area Chair for Causes of Crime and Criminal Behavior: Micro-Social Perspectives
Learning, Control, Strain, Rational Choice (2009 – 2010)
Student Awards Committee (2009 – 2010)
Program Committee Sub-Area Chair for Race/Ethnicity, Class, Gender & Criminal Justice Policy (2008- 2009)
Outstanding Paper Award Committee, Chair (2007 – 2008)
Local Arrangements Committee (2007 – 2008)
American Sociological Association
Nominations Committee (2013 – 2014)
Panel Co-Organizer for the session on Communities and Crime (2009)
Other Professional Experience
Managing Editor, Criminology, 2005 - 2007
Departmental Service
Comprehensive Exam Committee (2009 – 2012), Chair (2016 – 2019)
Executive Committee (January 2016 – December 2018)
Faculty Senate Representative (August 2013 – 2016)
Grade Grievance Committee (2008 – 2012)
PhD Advisory Committee Chair (Michele Stacey, Amber Freitas, Tiffany Polk, Niquita Vinyard; Cherrell
PhD Advisory Committee Member (Ekaterina Archakova, Andrea Nichols, Dena Carson, Kimberly Kras,
Stephanie Wiley, Robert Domiano, Mark DeBarr, Amanda Bolton, Brooke Mayfield, Chris McDaniel;
Josh Williams; LaShawndra Hooks; Brianna Balone; Brittany Jaeques; Jennifer Gerlomes)
MA Student Advising
Guest Speaker for CCJ Graduate Student Association Brownbag Series
“The Dissertation” (March 2014, March 2016)
“The Publishing Process” (May 2013)
“Comprehensive Exams” (September 2010, February 2011, September 2011)
“Balancing Work and Life” (March 2010)
“Comprehensive Exams and Dissertation” (September 12, 2009)
“Publishing in Academic Journals” (October 2008)
“Surviving the Job Market” (April 18, 2008)
University Service
Senate Five-Year Review Committee (2016)
Oversight Committee (2015 – present)
Faculty Advisory Committee - MindTrex (2014—2015)
Faculty Accomplishment System Advisory Committee (2013)
College of Arts and Science Statistics Committee (2010)
Workshops/Seminars Taught
Studying Within-Individual Change Using Data from the Women’s Experience with Violence Project.
Workshop given at the University of Maryland, College Park, January 27, 2012.
St. Louis Safety Partnership with Mayor’s Office
Advisor – Comparative Analysis of Reentry in St. Louis (St. Patrick Center, Project Reach) (2010 - 2012)
AmeriCorps, Baltimore City (1998 – 1999)
Citizen-police interactions and their implications for the co-production of safety and youth development; crime
reporting; offending over the life course, ecological approaches to studying problem behavior, research