Form I-694 Instructions 04/01/24 Page 1 of 4
What Is the Purpose of Form I-694?
This form is used to notify U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that you are appealing the decision to the
Director of USCIS of your denied permanent residence, temporary residence, or a waiver of grounds of inadmissibility
under the amnesty program provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA).
General Instructions
We provide free forms through the USCIS website. To view, print, or complete our forms, you should use the latest
version of Adobe Reader, which you can download for free at If you do not have Internet
access, you may call the USCIS Contact Center and ask that we mail a form to you.
Signature. You (or your signing authority) must properly complete your form. USCIS will not accept a stamped or
typewritten name in place of a signature on this application. If you are under 14 years of age, your parent or legal
guardian may sign the appeal on your behalf. A legal guardian may also sign for a mentally incompetent person. If your
application is not signed, or if the signature is not valid, we will reject your form. See 8 CFR 103.2(a)(7)(ii)(A). If USCIS
accepts a request for adjudication and determines that it has a decient signature, USCIS may deny the request.
Validity of Signatures. USCIS will consider a photocopied, faxed, or scanned copy of an original handwritten signature
as valid for ling purposes. The photocopy, fax, or scan must be of the original document containing the handwritten ink
Filing Fee. See Form G-1055, available at, for specic information about the fees applicable to
this form.
Evidence. When you le your form, you must submit all evidence and supporting documentation listed in these
Copies. You may submit legible photocopies of requested documents unless the Instructions specically instruct you to
submit an original document. USCIS may request an original document at any time during our process. If we request an
original document from you, we will return it to you after USCIS determines it no longer needs the original.
Translations. If you submit a document with information in a foreign language, you must also submit a full English
translation. The translator must sign a certication that the English language translation is complete and accurate, and that
they are competent to translate from the foreign language into English. The certication must also include their signature,
printed name, the signature date, and their contact information.
USCIS Contact Center. For additional information on the application and Instructions about where to le, change of
address, and other questions, visit the USCIS Contact Center at or call at 800-375-5283
(TTY 800-767-1833). The USCIS Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish.
Disability Accommodations/Modications. To request a disability accommodation/modication, follow the instructions
on your appointment notice or at
How To Complete Form I-694
1. Type or print legibly in black ink.
Instructions for Notice of Appeal of Decision Under
Section 210 or 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-694
Form I-694 Instructions 04/01/24 Page 2 of 4
2. If you need extra space to complete any item within this form, use the space provided in Part 7. Additional
Information or attach a separate sheet of paper. Type or print your name and Alien Registration Number (A-Number)
(if any) at the top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number, and Item Number to which your answer
refers; and sign and date each sheet.
3. Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for example, if you have never been
married and the question asks “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A,” unless otherwise
directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How many
children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None,” unless
otherwise directed.
4. USCIS Online Account Number. You will only have a USCIS Online Account Number (OAN) if you previously
led a form that has a receipt number that begins with IOE. If you led the form online, you can nd your OAN in
your account prole. If you mailed us the form, you can nd your OAN at the top of the Account Access Notice we
sent you. If you do not have a receipt number that begins with IOE, you do not have an OAN. The OAN is not the
same as an
5. Part 4. Appellant’s Statement, Contact Information, Certication, and Signature. Select the appropriate box
to indicate whether you read this form yourself or whether you had an interpreter assist you. If someone assisted
you in completing the form, select the box indicating that you used a preparer. Further, you must sign and date your
form and provide your daytime telephone number, mobile telephone number (if any), and email address (if any).
Every form MUST contain the signature of the appellant (or parent or legal guardian, if applicable). A stamped or
typewritten name in place of a signature is not acceptable.
6. Part 5. Interpreter’s Contact Information, Certication, and Signature. If you used anyone as an interpreter to
read the instructions and questions on this form to you in a language in which you are uent, the interpreter must ll
out this section, provide his or her name, the name and address of his or her business or organization (if any), his or
her daytime telephone number, and his or her email address (if any). The interpreter must sign and date the form.
7. Part 6. Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Form, if Other Than
the Appellant. This section must contain the signature of the person who completed your form, if other than you,
the appellant. If the same individual acted as your interpreter and your preparer, that person should complete both
Part 5. and Part 6. If the person who completed this form is associated with a business or organization, that person
should complete the business or organization name and address information. Anyone who helped you complete this
form MUST sign and date the form. A stamped or typewritten name in place of a signature is not acceptable. If the
person who helped you prepare your form is an attorney or accredited representative whose representation extends
beyond preparation of this form, he or she may be obliged to also submit a completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of
Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, along with your form.
8. Part 7. Additional Information. If you need extra space to provide any additional information within this form,
use the space provided in Part 7. Additional Information. If you need more space than what is provided in Part
7., you may make copies of Part 7. to complete and le with your form, or attach a separate sheet of paper. Type or
print your name and A-Number (if any) at the top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number, and Item
Number to which your answer refers; and sign and date each sheet.
We recommend that you print or save a copy of your completed form for your records.
You may submit a brief in support of your Form I-694, although it is not required. You may submit a brief with your
Form I-694 or separately after your form is received at the USCIS Service Center. If you submit your brief separately,
USCIS must receive it within 30 calendar days from the receipt date of your Form I-694.
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Oral Arguments
You may request to appear before the USCIS Director or an ocer designated by the Director to present an oral argument.
To request an oral argument, submit a letter with your Form I-694 that explains the reasons an oral argument is desired in
support of or in place of a brief. USCIS will deny any request for an oral argument where the appeal is deemed frivolous,
where oral argument will serve no useful purpose, or where written material or representations will appropriately serve
your interests. If a request for an oral argument is granted, you must appear in person at a USCIS oce. The ocer to
whom the appeal is taken will designate in writing the time, date, and place of the oral argument. USCIS will limit an oral
argument in any case to 15 minutes, unless justication and arrangements for additional time are made in advance.
Where To File?
You must le Form I-694 with the USCIS Oce that adjudicated your case, as provided on the Notice of Denial.
USCIS must receive your appeal within 30 calendar days of the date noted on the Notice of Denial. The 30-day period for
submitting an appeal begins 3 days after the Notice of Denial is mailed. USCIS will not grant any extensions. Do not le
your appeal at the USCIS Administration Appeals Oce (AAO).
Address Change
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must notify USCIS of your new address within 10 days of moving from your previous
residence. For information on changing your address, go to our website at or call the
USCIS Contact Center.
NOTE: Do not submit a change of address request to the USCIS Lockbox.
Processing Information
USCIS will reject any Form I-694 that is not signed or accompanied by the correct fee will be rejected with a notice
that Form I-694 is decient. You may correct the deciency and resubmit Form I-694. An application or petition is not
considered properly led until accepted by USCIS with the correct fee.
Initial processing. Once USCIS accepts your appeal, we will check it for completeness. If you do not properly complete
this form, you will not establish a basis for your eligibility and we may reject or deny your form.
Requests for More Information. USCIS may request that you provide more information or evidence to support your
form. We may also request that you provide the originals of any copies you submit. If we request an original document
from you, we will return it to you after USCIS determines it is no longer needed.
Requests for Interview. We may request that you appear at a USCIS oce for an interview based on your form. During
your interview, USCIS may require that you provide your biometrics to verify your identity and/or update background and
security checks.
Decision. The decision on Form I-694 involves a determination of whether you have established eligibility for the
immigration benet you are seeking. USCIS will notify you of our decision in writing.
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USCIS Forms and Information
To ensure you are using the latest version of this form, visit
If you knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document with your Form I-694, we will
deny your form and may deny any other immigration benet. In addition, you will face severe penalties provided by law
and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
DHS Privacy Notice
AUTHORITIES: The information on this appeal form, and associated evidence, is requested under Immigration and
Nationality Act (INA) sections 210 and 245A.
PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing information on this appeal form is to notify DHS you are appealing your
denied permanent residence, temporary residence, or a waiver of grounds of inadmissibility under the amnesty program
provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. DHS uses the information requested on this form to
adjudicate the appeal you are seeking.
DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information, and
any requested evidence, may delay a nal decision on your appeal, or result in denial of your appeal.
ROUTINE USES: The information provided in this form is condential and may only be used as provided in INA
sections 210(b)(6) and 245A(c)(5). DHS may, where allowable under relevant condentiality provisions, disclose the
information you provide on this appeal and any additional requested evidence with other Federal, state, local, and foreign
government agencies and authorized organizations. DHS follows approved routine uses, as described in the associated
published system of records notices [DHS-USCIS-001 - Alien File, Index, and National File Tracking System and DHS-
USCIS-007 - Benets Information System] and the published privacy impact assessment [DHS/USCIS/PIA-016(a)
Computer Linked Application Information Management System and Associated Systems], which can be found at