Sample Letter of Agreement
Opening paragraph: defines the parties to the agreement and the
purpose of the project. End with: This agreement supersedes any
previously dated agreement between these parties.
I. Parties
This Agreement is made this ______ day of ____________________,
(year), between and among (name of first party)(Sponsor), and
(name of second party) (Composer).
II. Project Administration
A. During and at the completion of the Residency Period, Sponsor
agrees to:
1. provide its professional services as administrator of
the this program,
2. facilitate and coordinate the exchange of information
among all participants in this program,
3. meet periodically in person and by telephone with
Composer to plan, evaluate, and consider improvements to
the program,
4. plan and carry out publicity for this program,
5. cultivate regular and consistent contact with local and
regional constituencies,
6. maintain a documentary record (e.g., photos, recordings,
videos, programs, posters, news releases) of the
7. oversee and carry out the premiere performance of the
B. During and at the completion of the Residency Period,
Composer agrees to:
1. cooperate with Sponsor to actively promote and advertise
this program,
2. as of the effective date of this agreement, grant to
Sponsor the right to use Composer’s name, likeness,
audio and audiovisual appearances, and biography in
connection with any promotion, advertising, and
documentation related to this program, and in any audio
or audiovisual program on Composer’s Residency Period
Sample Letter of Agreement
and/or this program, made by or under the authority of
the Sponsor, in which the composer may appear,
3. furnish Sponsor with a photograph suitable for scanning,
and a complete biography within 30 days of Composer’s
signing of this Agreement,
4. provide Sponsor with timely reports (every two months?
Quarterly?) on the status of the Composition and
residency activities (see section V. below), beginning
(date), and continuing for the duration of the Residency
5. submit a final written report and evaluation to Sponsor
upon completion of the Residency Period.
III. Financial Obligations
A. Sponsor makes the following Grant to Composer:
1. The sum total of (dollar amount), together with any
travel reimbursement under III.A.3. below, represents the
entire payment obligation of Sponsor for the commission
and residency. Sponsor will pay Composer the total sum in
installments of:
1/3rd upon execution of this Agreement
1/3rd upon delivery of the completed score of the
Composition (per IV.B. below) to the Sponsor in a
form satisfactory to Sponsor
1/3rd after the premiere of the Composition and upon
receipt of Composer’s final report and evaluation, as
set forth in II. B. 5. above.
2. Sponsor will reimburse Composer up to (dollar amount)
for preparation of full score and parts.
3. Sponsor will reimburse Composer for travel to the host
community, up to a total of (dollar amount) upon receipt
of documented expenses.
B. By signing this Agreement, Composer agrees:
1. to be responsible for all taxes pertaining to these
2. that s/he is receiving benefits from Sponsor by this
Grant, that s/he is bound by the terms of this
Agreement, and that all rights under Section II.B.2.
above are hereby granted.
C. If for any reason the Composer does not fulfill all the terms
of this Agreement (see VIII. E and F. below), the Composer’s
sole liability to Sponsor shall be the refund of the fees
Sample Letter of Agreement
paid, and upon such refund, neither party shall be under any
further obligation to the other party.
IV. Composition
A. In cooperation with the musical/artistic director of Sponsor,
Composer agrees to compose a musical work (Composition) as
specified in Attachment A. Composition shall be
approximately ___ to ___ minutes in duration. Composer agrees
that the Composition will be written for the
instrumentation/scoring as set forth in Attachment A.
B. Composer will deliver one clearly legible, performance-ready
copy of the completed score of the Composition, and one
clearly legible, performance-ready copy of each instrumental
part, if applicable, extracted from this score to Sponsor on
or before (date--at least 90 days prior to premiere). (See
Attachment A for specifications regarding score and parts.)
The preceding copy of the score and parts of the Composition
shall remain the possession of the Sponsor for its sole and
exclusive use, and shall not be given, loaned, sold, or
rented to any other party without the express written consent
of the Composer. Composer shall keep and retain ownership of
the original manuscript copy of the score.
C. At its own expense, Sponsor will make photocopies or other
reproductions of score and parts as reasonably needed for
performance use. Composer hereby grants permission for such
photocopying or other reproductions via Attachment B, which
shall be signed by Composer upon execution of this Agreement.
D. Sponsor and Composer agree that the credit on the title page
of all published and unpublished versions of the full score,
in all publicity materials and programs, liner notes to
recordings, radio, television and Internet broadcasts,
presentations of the Composition in premiere performance and
all subsequent performances, shall indicate that said
Composition has been commissioned by Sponsor.
This credit shall read:
“Commissioned by (sponsor) and premiered by (information
about premiere: performers, conductors, location, occasion)
with support from (funders and other supporters of
Sample Letter of Agreement
E. Composer agrees to assist in preparing the above described
Composition for performance, to be on hand for consultation
during rehearsals, and to give presentations about the
Composition as part of the residency (see V. A. below).
F. Composer represents and warrants that, except for any text
owned by third parties and used by Composer after obtaining
permission from such owner, the Composition is Composer’s
original work which does not infringe upon any existing
copyright or any rights of any third party, and that Composer’s
execution of this Agreement and the rights conveyed herein
shall not interfere with, contradict, or contravene any
agreement that Composer has entered into with any third party.
G. Should the completed Composition include text, the text is to
be mutually agreed upon by the Composer and Sponsor. If the
text is under copyright by any third party, it is the
responsibility of the Composer to secure any permissions
necessary for its use, and to pay for the cost of obtaining
such permission. Such permissions shall be of sufficient
scope to cover all grants of rights in the Composition made by
Composer in this Agreement.
H. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in
this Agreement, all parties agree that the copyright of the
Composition together with all rights not specifically granted
to the Sponsor herein are and remain the property of the
Composer, and further that the Composition is subject to a
performing rights license with American Society of Composers,
Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), or
other performing rights organization. All parties pledge to
take appropriate steps to protect of the Composer’s copyright
in connection with their uses of the Composition.
V. Residency
A. Composer and Sponsor agree to carry out a residency plan in
the host community of up to (duration in weeks, months), not
necessarily continuous. The residency will be designed in
such a way as to ensure that the Composer will become a
recognizable member of the host community. The Residency
Period begins upon the signing of this Agreement and concludes
upon the premiere of the Composition. A copy of the residency
plan is Attachment C.
Sample Letter of Agreement
B. All costs for the residency, including meals, accommodations,
and local transportation, shall be borne by the Sponsor.
Composer travel to and from the host community will be
subsidized by Sponsor, pursuant to III. A. 3. above.
VI. Performances
A. The premiere of the Composition will take place on (date), at
(location). Composer agrees to be in attendance.
Additional performance dates of the Composition as part of
this program are as follows:
B. Sponsor agrees to make an audio and/or video recording of the
Composition, and to provide Composer a copy of and right to
use said recording. Said recording shall be made with the
highest quality technical means locally available to the
Sponsor. Sponsor shall make reasonable efforts to obtain all
necessary rights and permissions from contributors to such
recordings to permit all uses agreed to by Sponsor and
Composer. Sponsor shall inform Composer of any permissions it
does not obtain.
C. All costs associated with these performances shall be borne
by Sponsor. Such costs may include but are not limited to:
copying scores and parts, local publicity, venue rental,
performers’ fees, programs, performance license fees,
administrative overhead, and recording. Sponsor may recover
these costs through revenues that include but are not limited
to: ticket sales, advertising, sale of goods and services, and
VII. Performance, Recording, and Broadcast Rights
A. Composer grants to Sponsor the exclusive right to perform the
Composition publicly without limitation or liability for
additional payments of any kind for a period ending (duration)
from the date of the premiere performance. Composer further
grants to Sponsor a continuing, non-exclusive right to perform
the Composition publicly without limitation or liability for
additional payments of any kind for an additional (duration)
after the first anniversary of the premiere. This paragraph
does not confer any performance, broadcast, publishing,
recording, or other rights in the Composition not specifically
Sample Letter of Agreement
named, nor shall it be construed in contradiction with any
previous agreements Composer may hold with a performing rights
society or publisher. Composer’s performing rights society
retains the right to license performances, as applicable.
Composer and/or publisher retain rights to licensing income
derived from performing rights societies and to rental fees
for use of performance materials.
B. Sponsor will make requisite payments to Composer’s performing
rights society (ASCAP or BMI or other) to license its
performances of the Composition, including the premiere.
C. In the event Sponsor elects to record the Composition for
release on a commercial recording, a separate agreement
between Sponsor and Composer is required. For such a
recording, mechanical rights will be payable to the Composer
at the standard compulsory license rate in effect at the time
the recording is issued.
D. Provided that the Composer’s right to receive the appropriate
broadcast royalties as set forth by ASCAP/BMI/other is
protected, Sponsor shall have the right to permit radio,
television, and Internet broadcasts of performances, as
specified in VI.A. above, of the Composition.
VIII. Limitations, Enforcement, and Jurisdiction
A. This Agreement, including all attachments, constitutes the
entire agreement among the above named parties. No
waiver, change, or modification in this Agreement is valid or
binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all parties.
B. Each party warrants that it has the right to enter into this
Agreement and to grant all the rights it has granted through
C. The Composer is not an employee of Sponsor and the
Composition is not a “work for hire.”
D. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other
party from all claims, damages, costs, liabilities, losses and
expenses, including counsel fees, that it may suffer as a
result of such party’s breach of warranty.
E. No party will be liable for failure to perform as required by
this Agreement in the event that such failure is caused by or
Sample Letter of Agreement
due to illness or physical disability, acts or regulations of
public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, strike,
epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or
any other cause beyond the party’s control.
F. If either Composer or Sponsor is unable to fulfill the terms
of this Agreement, and if, after reasonable effort, a
resolution between the parties can not be reached, then either
party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. In
such a case, each party will hold the other harmless for the
termination of the Agreement, and neither party will be liable
to the other for any unfulfilled obligations as described
G. If this Agreement is terminated, Sponsor will reimburse
Composer for travel expenses incurred prior to the
termination, as per III. A. 3. above and Composer will refund
fees paid, as per III. C. above.
H. This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed under
the laws of the State of (your state). Any disputes
relative to this Agreement shall be settled according to the
laws of the State of (your state).
IX. Signatures:
(Sponsoring Organization) by Federal Tax ID #:
_______________________________ Date:_____________________
(name), (title)
____________________________ Date:_____________________
(name), Composer
Composer’s Social Security Number:
Composer’s mailing address: Composer’s telephone number:
_________________________ _____________________________
Composer’s e-mail address:________________________________
Sample Letter of Agreement
A. The Composition will be written for the following
B. All scores and parts must be clearly legible. Computer-
printed scores are preferred.
C. Submitted full scores and instrumental parts must be provided
“camera ready:” suitable for reproduction in portrait format,
3/4” margin on all sides. To assure the receipt of useable
performance materials, a sample of the score and parts must be
reviewed and approved by the Site’s musical/artistic
director(s) prior to final submission of the Composition.
D. All scores and parts must be performance ready, and must
include tempo markings and dynamic markings.
E. Vocal music scores must have text that is correctly aligned
with associated pitches. If the composition is for a
cappella choir, a piano reduction of the vocal parts must be
included in the full score. A separate text page, with
translation if applicable, must be included.
F. The credit as listed in Section IV. D. above must appear on
the title page.
G. Copyright notification must appear on the bottom of the first
page of the score.
Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____
Sample Letter of Agreement
I hereby grant permission to (Sponsor) to make photocopies or
other reproductions of the score of my original musical work.
(Sponsor) is permitted to make as many said copies as are deemed
necessary for its use in rehearsal and performance, but not for
sale or publication. This permission is granted by me as sole
owner of the copyright of this musical work.
__________________________________________ _____________________
(name) (Composer) (Date)
Sample Letter of Agreement
Composer and Sponsor agree on the following plan for residency
activities, to be held at dates, times, and locations to be
mutually agreed upon by Composer and Sponsor.
Composer will participate in (number) periods of residency in
and near the Sponsor's community. These events will commence on
or after (date), and will conclude with the premiere of the
Composition, (date).
Residency events may include but are not limited to the
following: workshops, lectures, presentations, question and
answer sessions, seminars, and rehearsals.
Composer will be present for at least (number) but not more than
(number) rehearsals preceding the premiere performance of the
Composition, including the dress rehearsal. Composer will be
available as needed to consult with the artistic director,
either in person or via telephone.
Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____