Preparing for the 2019-20 UCEAP Application
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Updated 11/30/2018
Using this Resource
This document will assist you with preparing for and/or beginning to work on the UCEAP application without logging into the
application system.
These guidelines are valid for Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Academic Year 2019-20, Spring 2020, and Calendar Year 2020 UCEAP
applications and apply to UC Berkeley students only.
Application requirements are subject to change.
Advising Notes
All applicants are expected to review the UCEAP Advising Notes for the programs that interest them prior to submitting an
Overview of the UCEAP Application
The UCEAP application includes the following sections. Utilize the hyperlinks below to skip directly to instructions for a specific
Applicant Info
CalCentral Academic Summary
CalCentral Transfer Credit Report
o Transfer Credit Report
o Unofficial non-UCB transcripts (all transfer students or all students for some UCEAP programs)
Language Background
(appears only if required by UCEAP program)
Statement of Purpose
Preliminary Academic Planning Form
o Major adviser signature required for students in the College of Engineering, plan ahead!
MyEAP Application
o List of programs that require valid passport at time of application
Letter(s) of Recommendation
(appears only if required by UCEAP program)
Prerequisites and Program Ranking (summer physics programs only)
Program Specific Forms (if required by UCEAP program)
Preparing for the 2019-20 UCEAP Application
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Updated 11/30/2018
Applicant Info
The following information will be collected on the Applicant Info page.
Program to which you are applying
o Select UCEAP Country
o Select UCEAP Program
o Select UCEAP Term Option
o Select UCEAP Host Institution
Student Information
o Student SID (auto populated with CalNet login)
o First and Last Name in CalCentral (auto populated with CalNet login)
o Birthdate
o Name as it appears on your passport
o Email (auto populated with CalNet login)
o Alternate email
o Local phone number
Citizenship and Residency for Tuition
o Citizenship status
o Country of citizenship
o Country of dual citizenship
o Univ. of California tuition residency status
o Pell grant status
Academic Information
o Graduate or undergraduate
o If graduate, name of program
o If undergraduate:
College/Intended Major 1
College/Intended Major 2
College/Intended Major 3
Minor 1
Minor 2
Class Standing
o Class Level at Time of Participation in UCEAP (by semesters)
o Class Level at Time of Participation in UCEAP (by units, including AP and transfer credit)
o Expected Graduation Date (match what is currently listed in CalCentral)
Exceptional Circumstances
o Dual Applications
o Leave of Absence
o Back to Back Participation
o Consecutive UCEAP Programs ("back to back" participation)
o Program Eligibility
o Dependents
Preparing for the 2019-20 UCEAP Application
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Cal Central Academic Summary
You will upload a PDF copy of your Academic Summary from CalCentral:
o Log into CalCentral
o Click on the "My Academics" tab
o Click the “View Academic Summary” link (at the top of the “Semesters” section)
o Save or print this page as a PDF
CalCentral Transfer Credit Report
Required for all students*:
You will upload a PDF copy of your Transfer Credit Report from CalCentral:
o Log into CalCentral
o Click on the "My Academics" tab
o Locate the Transfer Credit section (currently bottom right)
o Click on "Transfer Credit Report"
o Save or print this page as a PDF
o You will upload this document even if no exam scores or transfer courses are listed on it.
*If you have zero units of transfer credit (no AP or exam units, and no college coursework from another
institution) you will not have a transfer credit report. This is a very infrequent circumstance, but if it applies to you,
will you will be able to check a box that allows you to submit your application without uploading a Transfer Credit
Required for all transfer students or all students for some UCEAP program options*:
You will upload a transcript for every institution listed on your Transfer Credit Report.
o Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
o Both your name and the name of the institution must be included as part of the unofficial transcript printout
(not written in by hand).
o If the unofficial transcript does not include both your name and the name of the institution you will need to
order or photocopy an official transcript to scan and upload.
o Transcripts must be issued in your legal name, as it appears on your passport.
* UCEAP program options requiring an unofficial transcript for every institution listed on your Transfer Credit Report:
Ireland: Irish Parliament Internship, Institute of Public Administration
Netherlands: Agriculture & Environmental Science, Wageningen Univ.
Netherlands: Business & Economics, Maastricht Univ.
Netherlands: International Summer School, Maastricht University
UK England: Sotheby's Art Institute
UK England: University of the Arts London /London College of Communication
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Language Background
This tab appears only if a language background forms is required by the UCEAP program. There are three types of language
background forms, described below.
Language Status Report (Generic)
This form is typically used when there is no minimum language prerequisite for the program, but UCEAP would like to
know what exposure you have to the language of the host country. Early preparation is not needed to complete the
Language Status Report (Program Specific)
This form is typically used when there is no minimum language prerequisite for the program, but UCEAP would like to
know what exposure you have to the language of the host country. Early preparation is typically not needed to complete
the form, but the country specific versions are listed below.
Argentina: Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University
China: Summer Intensive Chinese, Peking University
France: Only in Paris, UC Center Paris
France: Language & Culture (Intensive Track), UC Center Paris
France: Language & Culture (Semi-Intensive Track), UC Center Paris
France: Language & Culture, UC Center Paris
France: Sciences Po, Paris
France: Sciences Po, Reims
France: Univ. of Bordeaux (all options EXCEPT Pre-ILP + Fall/Year)
France: Studies in English in Lyon
Germany: European Studies, Free Univ. Berlin (BEST)
Italy: All Roads Lead to Rome, UC Center Rome (Fall Semester)
Italy: Art, Food, and Society, UC Center Rome (Spring Semester)
Italy: Made in Italy, UC Center Florence (Quarter)
Italy: Made in Italy, UC Center Florence (Semester)
Italy: Univ. of Bologna
Italy: University of Commerce Luigi Bocconi
Japan: Beginning Japanese, Osaka Univ.
Jordan: Advanced Arabic Language, Amman
Jordan: Middle East Studies, Amman
Russia: Russian Area Studies, St. Petersburg (Semester/Year)
Spain: Contemporary Spain, UC Center Madrid
Spain: Language & Culture, UC Center Madrid
Taiwan: Language & Culture Summer Sessions, National Taiwan Normal Univ.
Satisfaction of Language Prerequisite Form
This form is typically used when there is a minimum language prerequisite for the program. On the form you will
document how you will satisfy the minimum requirement by the time of departure for the program. Programs with
Satisfaction of Language Prerequisite Forms are listed below.
Belgium: Field Research & Internship, Brussels
Brazil: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Chile: Chilean Universities
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Dominican Republic: Community Public Health, Santiago
France: Field Research & Internship, Paris
France: Field Research & Internship, Strasbourg
France: Language & Culture, Univ. of Bordeaux
France: Univ. of Bordeaux (Pre-ILP + Fall/Year only)
France: Univ. of Lyon (Fall/Year)
France: Univ. of Lyon (Spring)
Germany: Free Univ. Berklin, Humboldt Univ. Berlin, Technical Univ. Berlin (Fall/Year)
Germany: Free Univ. Berklin, Humboldt Univ. Berlin, Technical Univ. Berlin (Spring)
Japan: Hitotsubashi University, Keio University, Osaka University, Waseda University
Japan: Language & Culture, International Christian University
Japan: International Christian Univ. (Summer L&C + Fall or Summer L&C + Year)
Japan: International Christian Univ. with Internship (Spring)
Jordan: Advanced Arabic Language, Amman
Mexico: Field Research, UC Center Mexico City
Mexico: Global Health in Mexico
Mexico: National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico (UNAM)
Mexico: Leadership in Social Justice and Public Policy, Mexico City & Sacramento
Russia: Russian Language, St. Petersburg (Fall/Year/Spring)
Senegal: African & Development Studies, Dakar
Spain: Carlos III (Pre-ILP + Fall only)
Spain: Complutense Univ. of Madrid
Spain: Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Cadiz
Spain: Internships in Business & Economics, Univ. of Cantabria (ILP + Spring)
Spain: Internships in Business & Economics, Univ. of Cantabria (Spring)
Spain: Language & Culture, Univ. of Cordoba
Spain: Univ. of Barcelona (Fall/Year)
Spain: Univ. of Barcelona (Spring)
Spain: Univ. of Granada
Switzerland: Global & International Studies, University of Geneva
Taiwan: National Taiwan Univ. (NTU)
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Statement of Purpose
Your statement of purpose is one of the most important elements of the UCEAP application. During the application process, your
statement may be read by numerous entities, including UC and host institution faculty and staff. Your statement should be
sensitive to the host culture and contain well-researched, accurate information relating to the host country or program.
o Your statement of purpose is to be written in standard essay format.
o Your full name and country of interest must be in the header of each page.
o Include page numbers on each page.
o The essay must be 1.5 to 2 pages in length (minimum of 1.5 pages, maximum of 2 pages), typed and double-
Essay Prompts
o Within one cohesive essay, respond concisely to all of the following prompts.
o What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to achieve them?
o What aspects of your program - courses, living arrangements, other program opportunities - led you to choose
this option?
o What interests you culturally, socially and/or politically about your study abroad destination?
The UCEAP programs below have small variations to format of the essay, or the prompts above.
Argentina: Immigration and Identity: Asia in South America
Prompts: In addition to the prompts above, please address the following:
Explain why the topic of Immigration and Identity interests you, and how studying in Buenos Aires will
deepen your understanding of it.
Argentina: Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University
Format: The essay must be between 650-750 words in length, typed and double-spaced. You may write the essay
in English or Spanish.
Chile: Chilean Universities
Prompts: In addition to the prompts above, in order to help UCEAP place you at the university best suited to
your interests (there are two university options in Santiago), please address the following:
Let us know if you are a plan-ahead or a last-minute sort of person.
Describe three things that you value about the academic culture of your UC campus and three things
that you value about the social environment of your UC campus, including political activities if relevant.
Chile: Socio-Ecological Sustainability in Southern Chile
Prompt: In addition to the prompts above, please address the following:
Describe your extracurricular activities and interests.
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Costa Rica: Tropical Biology & Conservation, Montverde Institute (Semester)
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
What aspects of your program - courses, living arrangements, other program opportunities - led you to
choose this option?
What are some possible research topics you would like to explore on the program?
Describe your extracurricular activities and interests.
French Polynesia: Island Sustainability
Prompts: : Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
What are your expectations for the program and how do they align with your academic, personal and
professional goals?
What aspects of your program - courses, living arrangements, other program opportunities - led you to
choose this option and how have previous training or experiences prepared you for those challenges
and opportunities?
What interests you culturally, socially and/or politically about your study abroad destination?
Japan: Engineering & Science in English, Tohoku Univ.
Japan: Lab Research, Engineering & Science, Osaka Univ.
Japan: Summer Lab Research, Engineering & Science, Osaka Univ.
Japan: Summer Lab Research, Engineering & Science, Univ. of Tokyo
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
What type of research topics are you interested in focusing on during this program?
Is there a specific lab, or department in which you would like to be placed?
What interests you culturally, socially and/or politically about your study abroad destination?
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
Japan: Waseda University
Additional Instructions for Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program applicants:
Prompt: If you are applying to Waseda University and would like to be considered for the Waseda Global
Leadership Fellows Program, please incorporate and specify how the program relates to your educational and
personal goals in all of the prompts above.
Mexico: Field Research, UC Center Mexico City
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Describe your interest in Mexico and any ideas you have for your research project.
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
Mexico: Global Health in Mexico
Format: The essay must be 1 page in length, typed and double-spaced (approximately 400-450 words).
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Describe your interest in Mexico and what you hope to do in the practicum.
How does the program fit into your academic plans at UC?
What are your personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to achieve them?
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Multi Site: Argentina & Chile: Human Rights and Cultural Memory, Buenos Aires & Santiago
Prompt: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
How does the program fit into your overall academic experience at UC?
What aspects of your program - courses, living arrangements, other program opportunities - led you to
choose this option?
Explain how your interest in Human Rights and Cultural Memory will be enhanced by study in the two
program locations of Buenos Aires and Santiago.
Multi Site: Australia & Solomon Islands: Pacific Island Environmental & Community Health
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Outline your expectations of the program as you currently understand it.
Explain why you are interested in this kind of program.
List experiences you may have in other service learning programs or community service.
Address how you will approach cultural adjustment while in the Solomon Islands.
Discuss the importance of health and safety issues in a program involving heavy field work in remote
Netherlands: Leiden University College
Format: The essay must be 1 page in length, typed and double-spaced (approximately 400-450 words).
Netherlands: International Summer School, Maastricht University
Netherlands: Psychology & Neuroscience, Maastricht University (Semester)
Netherlands: Public Health & Pre-Med, Maastricht University (Semester)
Format: The essay must be 1 to 2 pages in length (minimum of 1 pages, maximum of 2 pages), typed and
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
State why you want to study abroad at Maastricht University.
Why are you drawn to this program, to Maastricht University or to Europe?
You may want to highlight academics, certain courses, the culture, history or personal goals.
Norway: International Summer School, University of Oslo
Format: The essay must be 1 page in length, typed and double-spaced (approximately 400-450 words).
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Why is the program/course is important to you?
How does the program/course relate to your current studies?
How does the program/course help you fulfill future goals?
Briefly state your personal qualities that make you a good representative of your country.
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Singapore: Science & Engineering Internship, Agency for Science, Technology & Research
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Why did you choose Singapore/A*STAR as your study abroad destination/institution?
How does the program complement your studies at UC? Connect your major to the laboratory(ies) you
are interested in.
Tell us of any relevant educational, research, or work experience that makes you an exceptional
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
Summer Physics Programs
Format: Type or cut/paste into application, 200-250 words.
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
UCEAP summer physics programs are an accelerated version of the Physics 8A and 8B course sequence
at UC Berkeley. You will need to learn a full year of material in 8 short weeks. In 200-250 words, how do
you plan to balance the intensity and rigor of the academic program with your interest in exploring the
local culture? How will you adapt your study skills to succeed?
Taiwan: Lab Research, Engineering & Science, National Taiwan Univ.
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
What type of research topics are you interested in focusing on during this program? Is there a specific
lab, or department in which you would like to be placed?
What interests you culturally, socially and/or politically about your study abroad destination?
What are your academic, personal and professional goals and how does this program help you to
achieve them?
United Kingdom England: University of the Arts London / London College of Communication
Prompts: Instead of the prompts above, please address the following:
Explain your academic reasons for applying to your course/college of choice, demonstrating your
seriousness of purpose.
What interests you culturally, socially and/or politically about your study abroad destination?
What are your personal and professional goals and how do you think this program may influence them?
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Preliminary Academic Planning Form
The Preliminary Academic Planning Form is used for the purposes of selection and placement in a UCEAP program. Before
departure for UCEAP, you will submit a final Academic Planning Form that is signed by your major (departmental) adviser(s).
Before completing the Preliminary Academic Planning form an applicant is expected to have reviewed the Academics Overview
College Advising, Major Advising, and Advising Notes pages of the Berkeley Study Abroad website.
Download the correct Preliminary Academic Planning Form
o Undergraduate students in the College of Engineering
(COE Adviser signature required)
o Undergraduate students in all other colleges*
o Graduate students
For applicants to London School of Economics (Year program only):
o Undergraduate students in the College of Engineering
(COE Adviser signature required)
o Undergraduate students in all other colleges*
* For undergraduate students outside of the College of Engineering, you will type this information into a form
within the application. This pdf is only to assist you in collecting the necessary information that you will enter.
Research courses offered at your host institution or UCEAP Study Center
o Use the UCEAP academic advising resources listed below. If you are applying to a program with multiple host
institutions (e.g. English Universities, New Zealand Universities, etc.), you will be listing courses for your first host
preference only.
o MyEAP Public Course Catalog
Use the MyEAP Public Course Catalog to search for courses previously taken by UC students. Additional courses
may be available at host institutions or program locations and not all courses may be offered during your term
of study. For new UCEAP programs, courses that have not yet been taken for credit will not appear in the MyEAP
Course Catalog.
o UCEAP Courses & Credit Tab / Host University Catalogs
From the UCEAP website, select your EAP country and program option. On the “Courses & Credit” tab, refer to
the “Course Opportunities” section for detailed information. If your host university has course information
available online, you can access it from this page.
List courses of interest to you on the Preliminary Academic Planning Form
o You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the writeable PDF.
o For the writeable PDF: To save a completed form, or retain your work on a partially completed form, you must
have Adobe Acobat on your computer. Adobe Acrobat is free to all Berkeley students at
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MyEAP Application
As a UCEAP applicant you must complete the MyEAP online application. The MyEAP application collects demographic and
academic information, which later becomes the foundation of your MyEAP account. If you are selected to become a UCEAP
participant, your MyEAP account will be where you access your UCEAP billing, course list, grades, and more.
The first, middle, and last name used in your MyEAP online application must be identical to the name listed on your
passport, even if this name does not match your Berkeley records. You will also be able to enter a previous legal name or
your name on your UC transcript if different than your passport.
Access the MyEAP Online Application from the link below. When you visit the MyEAP homepage, you will first need to create your
MyEAP account. After this you can begin your online application.
After submitting the MyEAP Online Application electronically, a signed and dated print out of the MyEAP Online Application
must also be uploaded to the Berkeley Study Abroad application for UCEAP.
The signature must be hand written, it cannot be
typed. You must
upload all pages of the MyEAP Online Application, not just the signature page.
Passport Validity
A valid passport is required for participation in all UCEAP programs. Your passport must be valid for a minimum of six months
after the projected end date of your UCEAP program (18 months for programs in Russia). For example, if your projected
program end date is August 15, 2019, your passport must not expire prior to February 16, 2020 (May 16, 2021 for Russia).
If you do not currently have a valid passport based on the criteria above, apply for a new or renewed passport as soon as possible
to avoid having to pay the extra fee charged by passport agencies for expedited processing to meet application or pre-departure
deadlines. Information on how to apply for a passport is provided on the BSA website
Application Requirement
Some UCEAP programs require proof of a valid passport at the time of application, while others require a valid passport shortly
after selection to the program.
If a scan of the photo/information/signature page of your passport is required at the time of application for your UCEAP program,
you must upload a color scan of the valid passport, or a receipt showing that you have applied for your new or renewed passport
by the application deadline.
You are not required to use Expedited (Rush) processing if you apply for a new or renewed passport by the day of the UCEAP
deadline. You must use Expedited (Rush) processing in the following circumstances:
o If you did not apply for a new or renewed passport by the UCEAP application deadline.
o If you have been given individual permission to submit a late application.
o If you are applying to a UCEAP deadline that has been extended.
o If you are notified by the BSA Adviser that it is necessary.
On the following page you will find a chart of UCEAP countries and/or programs that require a passport photocopy at the
time of application.
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Valid passport required at the time of application
For the UCEAP programs below, you will submit a color scan of the photo/information/signature page of your valid passport, or a
receipt showing you have applied for a new or renewed passport by UCEAP application deadline.
All EXCEPT Summer
All terms
All terms
All terms
Dominican Republic
All terms
All terms
All terms
All terms
All terms
All terms
All terms
Multi Site: Argentina & Chile
Multi Site: Italy & Spain
Fall (all directions)
New Zealand*
All terms
All terms
All EXCEPT Summer
United Kingdom - England
All terms
United Kingdom - England
All terms
United Kingdom - Scotland
All terms
*New Zealand Programs ONLY:
All New Zealand universities require a certified copy of your passport. A passport photocopy certified by a notary public or the
Berkeley Study Abroad Adviser for New Zealand is acceptable. If you wish to have your EAP adviser certify the passport for you,
1. Make a photocopy of the information and picture page of your passport.
2. Below the passport image on the photocopy, write “Certified original sighted and this is a true copy of that original.”
3. Prior to the UCEAP application deadlines, bring your original passport and the photocopy to Louise Hon's drop-in advising
office hours and request to have it signed.
These instructions apply only to programs in New Zealand. Certified copies are not required for any other
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Letter(s) of Recommendation
This tab appears in the application only if a letter of recommendation is required by the UCEAP program.
UCEAP Programs that require a letter of recommendation:
1 letter:
French Polynesia: Island Sustainability: French Polynesia
Ireland: Irish Parliament Internship, Institute of Public Administration
Mexico/USA: Leadership in Social Justice and Public Policy, Mexico City & Sacramento
Mexico: National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico (UNAM)
Multi Site - Australia & Solomon Islands: Pacific Island Environmental & Community Health
UK - England: English UniversitiesUniversity of Sussex
UK - England: Sotheby's Institute of Art, London
UK - England: London School of Economics (Year)**
UK - Scotland: Intern: Scotland
** LSE Year applications have a custom format
for their letter of recommendation that is lengthy. Please allow your
referee as much time as possible to complete it. Your recommendation must be received by the LSE Year application
deadline of January 7th to be considered. An additional letter of recommendation may be required after selection by
Berkeley Study Abroad.
If your program is listed above, please ask an instructor who has taught you (or is teaching you) in a course at UC to write and
submit a letter of recommendation to our office by the application deadline for your country. Letters from Graduate Student
Instructors are acceptable.
Transfer students: You must obtain a recommendation from a UC instructor; recommendations from instructors at your previous
institutions are considered supplemental.
Please request the letter early enough that your recommender has enough time to write and submit it to the EAP office by your
program’s application deadline. You will enter your recommender's contact information on the application, and instructions will
be sent directly to them. Your recommender has the option to upload the letter of recommendation directly to your application,
or return it in a sealed/signed envelope to you or the Berkeley Study Abroad office. If the letter is returned to you, do not open
the sealed envelope and deliver it directly to 160 Stephens Hall.
Prerequisites & Program Ranking
Applicants to the summer physics programs listed below will complete a Prerequisites form (Calculus), and a Program Ranking
form on the application. Additional details can be found on the Summer Physics Advising Notes
Australia: Summer Physics, University of Sydney
Cyprus: Science Summer School, University of Nicosia
Hong Kong: International Summer School, HKUST (“Summer Physics” option)
Ireland: Science & Engineering Summer School, Univ. College Dublin (“Summer Physics” option)
Spain: Physics, Carlos III Univ.
UK - England: Summer, University of Sussex (“Summer Physics” option)
UK -Scotland: Science Summer School, Univ. of Glasgow (“Summer Physics” option)
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Program Specific Forms by Country/Program
UCEAP applications that have program specific forms or instructions are listed below. If your country/program is not listed, there
are no program specific forms required (at the time of application).
Reminder for writeable PDF forms: To save a completed form, or retain your work on a partially completed form, you must have
Adobe Acobat on your computer. Adobe Acrobat is free to all Berkeley students at
Use the links below to jump to a specific country:
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
French Polynesia
Hong Kong
Multi Site: Argentina & Chile
Multi Site: Australia & Soloman Islands
Multi Site: France & United Kingdom England
Multi Site: Italy & Spain
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom England
United Kingdom Scotland
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Argentina: Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University
Housing Questionnaire
You will complete an online housing questionnaire on the Program Specific Forms page of the application.
Australian National University: International Security
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Australian Universities
Host University Application
In MyEAP you are required to rank a minimum of four preferences of host institution.
After you have been selected for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be contacted to complete an online
application to one of your Australian host university choices. Please be aware that UCEAP will not always be able to place
all students at their first or second choice university. You may be placed at one of your lower-ranked choices. To read
more about the host university applications, go to:
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring/Calendar Year applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online
Australia: Univ. of Tasmania Sustainability and Wilderness Studies
Host University Application
After you have been selected for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be contacted by UCEAP to complete
an online application for the University of Tasmania, including the upload of your official UCB transcript and passport
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring/Calendar Year applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online
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Barbados: Univ. of the West Indies
Host University Application
Download and complete the host university application for Univ. of the West Indies, following the instructions provided.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Official transcripts (hard copy) from other colleges or universities are required ONLY IF:
a ) You have taken more than 2 semesters or 3 quarters of transfer credit from a specific college or university (including
college courses taken during high school), OR,
b) You are a transfer student, OR,
c) You need to submit proof that you have completed a UCEAP language or course requirement at another college or
Additional instructions will be provided in the online application, but plan ahead to have your transcripts available by the
application deadline.
Financial Advisory
This program has a housing deposit of several hundred dollars that must be paid out of pocket prior to financial aid
disbursement. Please plan accordingly.
Belgium: Field Research & Internship, Brussels
IFE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Institute for Field Education, IFE. You will be required to complete an extensive
application process with IFE and submit additional materials at a later date. IFE application components will include a
CV/resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, copy of your passport, official transcript, audio recording of a
conversation in French with a professor, and more. Your valid passport must be available no later than September 1st to
remain eligible for participation.
Please note that this program is offered in three locations: Brussels, Paris, and Strasbourg. Although you will initially apply
to one of these locations through UCEAP, in your IFE application you will rank two locations in order of preference. You
will be assigned to one of these two choices based on the best internship placement for you.
Botswana: Univ. of Botswana
CIEE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the University
of Botswana. In March you will receive an email with detailed instructions to complete the CIEE Application process,
including submission of an official UCB transcript.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Brazil: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Passport Photo (.jpg)
You are required to submit one (1) passport size photo (2x2 inches). Look straight ahead, head and shoulders in the
center, against a plain white background. No other people or objects should be visible.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring/Calendar Year applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online
Official transcripts (hard copy) from other colleges or universities are required ONLY IF:
a ) You have taken more than 2 semesters or 3 quarters of transfer credit from a specific college or university (including
college courses taken during high school), OR,
b) You are a transfer student, OR,
c) You need to submit proof that you have completed a UCEAP language or course requirement at another college or
Additional instructions will be provided in the online application, but plan ahead to have your transcripts available by the
application deadline.
Brazil: Summer Seminar and Language, Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio de Janeiro
Passport Photo (.jpg)
You are required to submit one (1) passport size photo (2x2 inches). Look straight ahead, head and shoulders in the
center, against a plain white background. No other people or objects should be visible.
Canada: McGill Univ.
After you have been selected for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be contacted with further instructions
to fulfill the McGill University application requirements. At that time, the UCEAP Systemwide Office will send you a link to
the McGill online application. When submitting your online McGill application, be prepared to upload your most recent
official transcript plus a nomination letter (you will request the nomination letter from the UCEAP Systemwide Office).
Canada: Univ. of British Columbia
UBC Exchange Application Checklist
Download the UBC Exchange Application Checklist. Complete the top section of the form, and check all relevant boxes.
UBC Proposed Course Selection Form
Download and complete the Proposed Course Selection Form. If you are planning to take courses in Architecture,
Landscape Architecture, Education, Music, or the Visual Arts, see this chart for additional documents.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Passport Photo (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit one hard copy passport photo to 160 Stephens Hall. Please write your name, Univ. of British
Columbia, and the term you are applying for on the back of the photo.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Official transcripts (hard copy) from other colleges or universities are required ONLY IF:
a ) You have taken more than 2 semesters or 3 quarters of transfer credit from a specific college or university (including
college courses taken during high school), OR,
b) You are a transfer student, OR,
c) You need to submit proof that you have completed a UCEAP language or course requirement at another college or
Additional instructions will be provided in the online application, but plan ahead to have your transcripts available by the
application deadline.
Chilean Universities
Santiago ILP Homestay Questionnaire
Download and complete the Santiago ILP Homestay Questionnaire.
Be specific in your responses. The more the Study Center in Santiago knows about your likes and dislikes, the better the
chances are of making a good match. Please indicate if you hope to live with a host family for your entire stay
abroad. Optional: Complete the Homestay Questionnaire in Spanish. This form is sent to the Study Center and is seen by
your host family - so completing it in Spanish will be very helpful. If your Spanish level does not allow you to express
important details, it is best to complete it in English.
Before scanning your completed form, attach a passport-style photo to the upper right-hand corner of the Homestay
Questionnaire. Photo should be passport size (2x2). Look straight ahead, head and shoulders in the center, against a plain
background. No other people or objects should be visible.
Passport Photo (.jpg)
You are required to submit one (1) passport size photo (2x2 inches). Look straight ahead, head and shoulders in the
center, against a plain white background. No other people or objects should be visible.
China: Fudan Univ.
China: Global & International Studies, Fudan University
China: International Summer School, Fudan University
China: MBA Studies, Fudan Univ.
Financial Advisory
Depending on your housing selection, a program housing payment may be due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
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Updated 11/30/2018
China: Language & Culture, Peking University
China: Peking University
Letters of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be required to submit two letters of recommendation
in February. The letters must be on official letterhead from a professor or TA.
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be required to submit two letters of recommendation
in September. The letters must be on official letterhead from a professor or TA.
China: Summer Global Internship
Program Affiliation
This program, offered by UCEAP and affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), IS NOT
part of the Berkeley Global Internships program. To consider internship locations through Berkeley Global Internships,
please visit
Costa Rica: Tropical Biology & Conservation, Monteverde Institute (Semester)
Program Preparation Report
Download and complete the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Czech Republic: Central European Studies, Prague
Program Affiliation and Passport Advisory
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and Charles
University. You will be required to submit additional materials to CIEE at a later date, including a copy of your passport,
which must be valid at least 6 months after your projected return from abroad. If you do not have a passport, or your
passport will expire earlier than 6 months after your return from abroad, apply for a new passport immediately. Choose
Expedited Service if your passport will not arrive by March 1 using Regular Service (for Fall/Year) or September 1 (for
Denmark: Aarhus University
Financial Advisory
This program has high housing fees that must be paid out of pocket prior to financial aid disbursement. These costs can
be as high as $1,000.
Denmark: Univ. of Copenhagen
Financial Advisory
This program has high housing fees that must be paid out of pocket prior to financial aid disbursement. These costs can
be as high as $6,000.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Dominican Republic: Community Public Health, Santiago
Program Affiliation
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the Catholic
University, Madre y Maestra of Santiago. You will be required to submit an official UC transcript and other materials to
CIEE at a later date.
France: ALL Summer and Fall Programs (or Pre-ILP + Fall)
Departmental Preliminary Approval to Extend Form
UCEAP encourages you to consider extending your study abroad experience. If you are interested in this possibility,
complete the DPA form, check "Yes", have it signed by your major adviser(s) and college adviser(s), and upload the
completed form to the Berkeley Study Abroad application. Submitting a DPA does not commit you to extending; it
simplifies the extension process if you do decide to extend at a later date. If you are not considering the option to
extend, you do not need to complete this form.
Extension options:
o Will be noted in the online application.
Important note about extension: If there is even a slight possibility that you may extend your participation, it is
STRONGLY recommended that you submit a ‘Yes’ DPA. This will allow you to apply for yearlong visa. If you do not submit
a ‘Yes’ DPA and decide to extend while abroad, you may be required to return to California between terms to apply for a
second visa.
France: Field Research & Internship, Paris
France: Field Research & Internship, Strasbourg
Program Affiliation
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Institute for Field Education, IFE. You will be required to complete an extensive
application process with IFE and submit additional materials at a later date. IFE application components will include a
CV/resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, copy of your passport, official transcript, audio recording of a
conversation in French with a professor, and more.
Please note that this program is offered in three locations: Brussels, Paris, and Strasbourg. Although you will initially apply
to one of these locations through UCEAP, in your IFE application you will rank two locations in order of preference. You
will be assigned to one of these two choices based on the best internship placement for you.
France: Sciences Po, Paris
France: Sciences Po, Reims
Eligible Majors
Sciences Po applicants must be majoring in and/or have a strong academic background in political science or a related
field. Refer to the list of:
o Eligible Majors for Sciences Po, Paris
o Eligible Majors for Sciences Po, Reims
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Updated 11/30/2018
Course Background Report
Download and complete the Course Background Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Course Preference Form
Download and complete the Course Preference Form. Please list the courses for which you would like to register:
o Paris Course Preference Form
o Reims Course Preference Form
Sciences Po Language Questionnaire
Students have the option to take courses in English, French, or a combination of both. All applicants must complete
the Sciences Po Language Questionnaire.
France: Univ. of Bordeaux
Course Preference Form
Download and complete the Course Preference Form. Please list the courses for which you would like to register.
France: Univ. of Lyon
Lyon Housing Preference Form
Download and complete the Lyon Housing Preference Form.
French Polynesia: Island Sustainability
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Program Preparation Report
Download and complete the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Germany: International Summer School, Free Univ. Berlin
Financial Advisory
A housing payment of several hundred dollars will be due prior to financial aid being disbursed.
Germany: International Summer School, Technical University Berlin
Course Preference Form
Please download and complete the Course Preference Form.
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Germany: Summer Global Internship, Berlin
Program Affiliation
This program, offered by UCEAP and affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), IS NOT
part of the Berkeley Global Internships program. To consider internship locations through Berkeley Global Internships,
please visit
You will be required to submit additional materials to CIEE at a later date, including a copy of your passport, which must
be valid at least 3 months after your projected return from abroad. If you do not have a passport, or your passport will
expire earlier than 3 months after your return from abroad, apply for a new passport so that you have it by February 1.
Hong Kong: International Summer School, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong: International Summer School, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Financial Advisory
A program and housing payment will be due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
Hong Kong: Summer Global Internship, Hong Kong
Program Affiliation
This program, offered by UCEAP and affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), IS NOT the
same program as Berkeley Global Internships, Hong Kong. To apply to the Berkeley Global Internships, Hong Kong
program, please visit
Hong Kong: Undergraduate Research, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will be required to submit a letter of recommendation in
January. The letter must be on official UC Berkeley letterhead from a professor.
Financial Advisory
A program and housing payment will be due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
Hungary: Grand Budapest
Program Affiliation
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and Corvinus University.
You will be required to submit additional materials to CIEE at a later date, including a copy of your passport, which must
be valid at least 3 months after your projected return from abroad. If you do not have a passport, or your passport will
expire earlier than 3 months after your return from abroad, apply for a new passport so that you have it by March 1 (for
Fall/Year programs) or September 1 (for Spring program).
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Updated 11/30/2018
India: International Summer School, New Delhi
Host University Application
Please complete the International Summer School (ISS), New Delhi host university application process. Detailed
instructions are found at You will need to upload a 300
word statement statement of purpose on why you want to study in India. It is okay to edit and submit the Statement of
Purpose you wrote for this application.
Ireland: Irish Parliament Internship, Institute of Public Administration
Strengthening your application
The Institute of Public Administration in Dublin will make the final acceptance decision. In addition to the letter of
recommendation and well developed academic and personal goals, you can submit a resume, curriculum vitae (CV), or
letter from an employer to strengthen your application.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Irish Universities
Host University Application
Your application may need to be referred to a university that is not your first choice. If so, you will be told the reason
and will be asked to apply to a second host university.
If your FIRST preference is National University of Ireland, Galway, Trinity College Dublin or University College Dublin:
After selection for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will receive an email from your UCEAP Program
Advisor stating that you can start the online application. This notification is sent somewhere between late February and
April. Instructions and links to the online application will be in the notification email. In order to prepare, please see
this online application matrix - find your first choice university and check which documents you will need to have ready to
upload into the application.
If your FIRST preference is University College Cork:
Complete and upload the host university application below. For the application forms, see detailed instructions
here. You do not need to upload a statement of purpose, official transcript, or passport photocopy here, the items are
collected in other sections of the Berkeley Study Abroad application for UCEAP. Note, the system will allow you to
upload multiple documents, they do not have to be in one file upload.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
If your FIRST preference is University College Cork:
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Ireland: Science & Engineering Summer School, Univ. College Dublin
Summer” Option (Organic Chemistry), Program Prerequisite
UCEAP requires that applicants have completed an introductory course of General Chemistry with a passing grade. The
following options will satisfy this prerequisite for Berkeley students. On the Program Specific Forms tab of the
application, you will be asked how you will satisfy the prerequisite from the list.
o CHEM 1A and CHEM 1AL with minimum grades of C- or Pass
o CHEM 4A with minimum grade of C- or Pass
o AP CHEM with minimum score of 4
o CHEM HL IB with minimum score of 5
o GCE A-Level CHEM with min grade of C
o Equivalent to one of the courses above, taken at a community college or university
“Summer Physics” Option
See Summer Physics Advising Notes.
Italy: Crossroads of Culture in the Mediterranean
Back-to-Back Programs Advisory
If you are planning to participate in another study abroad program in the fall, you must notify your BSA Adviser. Visa
requirements for the fall program could make this back-to-back combination very difficult or impossible.
Italy: Made in Italy, UC Center Florence (Summer Quarter)
Italy: Made in Italy, UC Center Florence (Fall/Spring Semester)
Florence Course Questionnaire
The Florence program has 2 tracks for study. Students can take Italian language courses, or courses in area studies. All
applicants must complete the Florence Course Questionnaire to indicate which track they will pursue.
For students planning to take the intensive language track, you can have no more than 2 semesters of university-level
Italian prior to departure.
Italy: University of Commerce Luigi Bocconi
Program Preparation Report
Download and complete the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Japan: Hitotsubashi University
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will need to submit a letter of recommendation from a
UCB faculty member to Hitotsubashi University (due in February for the Year program, and September for the Spring
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Updated 11/30/2018
Japan: Language & Culture, International Christian University
Japan: International Christian Univ.
Japan: International Christian Univ. with Internship
UC GPA Required
Students applying to ICU for the Summer/Fall/Year must have a UC GPA by the end of the Fall 2018 semester. Students
with a transfer GPA only at the beginning of the Spring 2019 semester are not eligible to apply. Students applying to ICU
for the Spring must have a UC GPA by the end of the Summer 2019 term. Students with a transfer GPA only at the
beginning of the Fall 2019 semester are not eligible to apply.
Japan: Lab Research, Engineering & Science, Osaka Univ.
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will need to submit a letter of recommendation from a
UCB faculty member to Osaka University (due in March for Fall applicants, and October for Spring applicants).
Japan: Summer Lab Research, Engineering & Science, Osaka University
Japan: Summer Lab Research, Science, University of Tokyo
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, a letter of recommendation will be due in late January. The
UCEAP Systemwide Office will email additional instructions with a set deadline date later in the application process.
Financial Aid Advisory - Univ. of Tokyo Summer 2019
You will earn 5.0 UC semester units for this program: 4.0 units for research and 1.0 unit for the lecture series. To qualify
for summer financial aid at Berkeley a student must enroll in a minimum of 6.0 semester units, therefore this
program does not qualify for financial aid as a stand-alone summer option.
Japan: Waseda University
Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program
You will be asked if you would like to be considered for the Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program.
Jordan: Advanced Arabic Language, Amman
Jordan: Middle East Studies, Amman
CIEE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). Please complete the
CIEE application using the instructions for UCEAP students. You will not submit any materials for the CIEE application to
Berkeley Study Abroad.
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Korea: International Summer School, Yonsei Univ.
YISS Application
Please complete the YISS application using the instructions for UCEAP students. You will not submit any materials for the
YISS application to Berkeley Study Abroad.
Housing Payment Advisory
If you apply for on-campus housing, the housing payment is due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
Orientation Acknowledgement
You will be asked to read and initial information regarding mandatory orientations on the program specific forms page.
Summer Financial Aid
Please read about financial aid on the Yonsei International Summer School program. On the program specific forms page
you will be asked if you expect to receive financial aid in Summer 2019, and will select if you will take 2 or 3 courses.
Mexico: National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico (UNAM)
Statement of Purpose for UNAM
This should be a one-page essay written in Spanish, describing your motives for studying in Mexico and specifically at
UNAM. State how studying at UNAM will contribute to your academic development and list which area(s) of study you
will focus on at UNAM (i.e. Communication, Political Science, Literature, etc.). Take time to ensure that your essay is well-
written in Spanish. It should be free of grammatical errors. Don't forget to include accent marks. Consider having the
essay proof-read by a tutor before submitting it, as this essay will be reviewed by UNAM and can determine whether or
not you will be accepted by your major department at UNAM. This essay is not a translation of your English Statement of
Purpose. If it does not pertain to UNAM, or if it includes translation by Google Translate or some other electronic
translator, you will be asked to rewrite it.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Mexico: Leadership in Social Justice and Public Policy, Mexico City & Sacramento
Statement of Purpose for UNAM
This will only be used for the UNAM portion of your application, not for UCCS, so please make it UNAM specific. This
should be a one-page essay written in Spanish, describing your motives for studying in Mexico and specifically at UNAM.
State how studying at UNAM will contribute to your academic development and list which area(s) of study you will focus
on at UNAM (i.e. Communication, Political Science, Literature, etc.). Take time to ensure that your essay is well-written in
Spanish. It should be free of grammatical errors. Don't forget to include accent marks. Consider having the essay proof-
read by a tutor before submitting it, as this essay will be reviewed by UNAM and can determine whether or not you will
be accepted by your major department at UNAM. This essay is not a translation of your English Statement of Purpose. If
it does not pertain to UNAM, or if it includes translation by Google Translate or some other electronic translator, you will
be asked to rewrite it.
UCCS Application
Please download and complete the UCCS Application. You will upload the following materials (the system will allow you
to upload multiple documents, they do not have to be in one file upload):
o UCCS Application
o Resume (see instructions in UCCS application)
o Application Essay (see instructions in UCCS application)
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted. Additional instructions will be
provided in the online application.
Morocco: Arabic Language & Culture, Rabat
CIEE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). Please complete the
CIEE application using the instructions for UCEAP students. You will not submit any materials for the CIEE application to
Berkeley Study Abroad.
Multi Site: Argentina & Chile: Human Rights and Cultural Memory
Housing Questionnaire
You will complete an online housing questionnaire on the Program Specific Forms page of the application.
Multi Site: Australia & Solomon Islands: Pacific Island Environmental & Community Health
Program Preparation Report
Download and complete the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Multi Site: France & England: Global Cities Urban Realities, London & Paris
Program Direction
Although you are applying for "London to Paris" or "Paris to London," your starting location may be switched due to a
participant imbalance or a shortage of housing in one of the cities. Therefore, do NOT purchase airline tickets until your
specific program assignment is ultimately confirmed, which may be as late as January 2020. (
Internship Application (Semester with Internship option only)
Internship application materials will be made available at a later date. The Internship Application will be due to ACCENT
International by mid-November, 2019 (exact date to be determined). If you are accepted to this program by ACCENT, in
addition to taking courses, you will participate in an Internship plus Workforce Course in your second city.
Multi Site: Italy & Spain: Mediterranean Politics, Food & Culture
Program Direction
Although you are applying for "Barcelona to Florence to Sicily," "Florence to Sicily to Barcelona," or "Sicily to Barcelona to
Florence" your direction may be switched due to a participant or housing imbalance. Therefore, do NOT purchase airline
tickets until your program assignment is ultimately confirmed, most likely in late March 2019.
Netherlands: Leiden University College
Host University Application
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, in March (Fall/Year program) or September (Spring program)
you will complete an online application for Leiden University College. At that time you will need your OFFICIAL
transcripts. Plan ahead for this, as it can take some time to obtain official transcripts.
Netherlands: International Summer School, Maastricht University
Netherlands: Psychology & Neuroscience, Maastricht University (Semester)
Netherlands: Public Health & Pre-Med, Maastricht University (Semester)
Host University Application
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, in April you will complete an online application for The Center
for European Studies (CES) at Maastricht University. At that time you will need your OFFICIAL transcripts. Plan ahead for
this, as it can take some time to obtain official transcripts.
New Zealand Universities
Host University Placement and Applications
UCEAP is not always able to place students at their first or second choice of university. In your MyEAP application you
are required to rank a minimum of three host universities for placement. Please note that space at the University of
Otago is very limited.
Please submit host university application materials for your top two preferences for host university placement (must
match what you entered in MyEAP). Review the instructions and forms, then prepare to upload all of the relevant
materials with your Berkeley Study Abroad application. You will be able to upload multiple documents, they do not have
to be in one file upload.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall applications) or Spring 2019
grades are posted (for Spring/Calendar Year applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online
Official transcripts (hard copy) from other colleges or universities are required ONLY IF:
a ) You have taken more than 2 semesters or 3 quarters of transfer credit from a specific college or university (including
college courses taken during high school), OR,
b) You are a transfer student, OR,
c) You need to submit proof that you have completed a UCEAP language or course requirement at another college or
Additional instructions will be provided in the online application, but plan ahead to have your transcripts available by the
application deadline.
Norway: International Summer School, University of Oslo
Host University Application
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will complete a host university application. In addition to a
copy of your statement of purpose, you will also need to have official transcripts for the ISS online application in late
January. Plan ahead for this, as it can take some time to obtain official transcripts from non-UCB institutions (same day
transcripts available at CalCentral for UCB official transcripts).
Norway: University of Oslo
Financial Advisory
This program has housing or other fees that must be paid out of pocket prior to financial aid disbursement. These costs
can be as high as $1,500.
Russia: Russian Area Studies, St. Petersburg
Russia: Russian Language, St. Petersburg
Russia: Summer Russian Area Studies, St. Petersburg
Russia: Summer Russian Language, St. Petersburg
CIEE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and St. Petersburg State
University. You will be required to submit additional materials to CIEE at a later date, including a copy of your passport,
which must be valid at least 18 months after your projected return from abroad.
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Updated 11/30/2018
Senegal: African & Development Studies, Dakar
CIEE Application
This UCEAP program is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). You will be required to
submit additional materials to CIEE in March.
Health Advisory
In Senegal, peanuts are the primary crop and are used in many local dishes. It is not possible to avoid exposure. Students
with extreme peanut allergies are strongly discouraged from participation in this program. Students with peanut
allergies who choose to participate in this program will be required to complete a supplemental medical release form
through CIEE.
Singapore: Biodiversity, National Univ. of Sinagpore
Program Preparation Report
Download and complete the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Financial Advisory
The program housing payment will be due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
Singapore: Summer in Singapore (NUS)
Singapore: National Univ. of Singapore (NUS)
Financial Advisory
The program housing payment will be due before Financial Aid is disbursed.
Singapore: Science & Engineering Internship, Agency for Science, Technology & Research
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will need to submit a letter of recommendation from a
UCB faculty member on UC letterhead to A*STAR (due in January).
Program Note:
Summer Session 1 is only for UCB and UCM students. Summer Session 2 is only for UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC,
and UCSD students.
Singapore: Summer Global Internship, Singapore
Program Affiliation
This program, offered by UCEAP and affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), IS NOT the
same program as Berkeley Global Internships, Singapore. To apply to the Berkeley Global Internships, Singapore program,
please visit
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Updated 11/30/2018
South Africa: Summer Global Internship, Cape Town
Program Affiliation
This program, offered by UCEAP and affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), IS NOT
part of the Berkeley Global Internships program. To consider internship locations through Berkeley Global Internships,
please visit
Spain: Carlos III Univ.
Language & Coursework Questionnaire
Please download and complete the Language & Coursework Questionnaire.
Departmental Preliminary Approval to Extend Form (Fall students only)
UCEAP encourages you to consider extending your study abroad experience. If you are interested in this possibility,
complete the DPA form, check "Yes", have it signed by your major adviser(s) and college adviser(s), and upload the
completed form to the Berkeley Study Abroad application. Submitting a DPA does not commit you to extending; it
simplifies the extension process if you do decide to extend at a later date. If you are not considering the option to
extend, you do not need to complete this form.
Extension options:
Carlos III Univ. Fall or Pre-ILP + Fall to Carlos III Univ. Spring
Carlos III Univ. Fall or Pre-ILP + Fall to Complutense Univ. of Madrid Spring*
*2 years of Spanish language or equivalent and a cumulative GPA and LGPA of 2.85 at the time of application
Important note about extension: If there is even a slight possibility that you may extend your participation, it is
STRONGLY recommended that you submit a ‘Yes’ DPA. This will allow you to apply for yearlong visa. If you do not submit
a ‘Yes’ DPA and decide to extend while abroad, you may be required to return to California between terms to apply for a
second visa.
Spain: Complutense Univ. of Madrid
Spain: Language & Culture, Univ. of Cordoba
Spain: Univ. of Barcelona
Spain: Univ. of Granada
University of Granada Pre-Registration Form (Granada Applicants only)
Download and complete the University of Granada Pre-Registration Form.
Departmental Preliminary Approval to Extend Form (Fall and Pre-ILP + Fall students only)
UCEAP encourages you to consider extending your study abroad experience. If you are interested in this possibility,
complete the DPA form, check "Yes", have it signed by your major adviser(s) and college adviser(s), and upload the
completed form to the Berkeley Study Abroad application. Submitting a DPA does not commit you to extending; it
simplifies the extension process if you do decide to extend at a later date. If you are not considering the option to
extend, you do not need to complete this form.
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Extension options:
Complutense Univ. of Madrid Fall or Pre-ILP + Fall to Year
Univ. of Granada Fall or Pre-ILP + Fall to Year
Univ. of Barcelona Fall or Pre-ILP + Fall to Year
Language & Culture, Univ. of Cordoba Fall to Univ. of Granada Spring
Important note about extension: If there is even a slight possibility that you may extend your participation, it is
STRONGLY recommended that you submit a ‘Yes’ DPA. This will allow you to apply for yearlong visa. If you do not submit
a ‘Yes’ DPA and decide to extend while abroad, you may be required to return to California between terms to apply for a
second visa.
Spain: Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Cadiz
Financial Advisory
The full housing payment plus bank fees for the money transfer is due to the Univ. of Cadiz by April 1st, which is before
Financial Aid is disbursed.
Spain: International Business Economics, Pompeu Fabra Univ.
Academic Advisory
This program only offers courses in Business and Economics, along with an optional Spanish language course during the
Winter term.
Internship Eligibility
The University of Pompeu Fabra has a well organized internship program that takes place in spring quarter for those
students who have completed winter quarter. All students who obtain internship placements also attend a weekly
seminar geared to delve into the cultural aspects of an international business experience, and enhance the academic
dimension of their internship. You must complete a minimum of 2 years of university-level Spanish language instruction
or equivalent before departure to be eligible for an internship. An additional fee will be charged for participation in the
internship option. Current internship offerings may vary.
Sweden: Lund Univ.
Sweden: Uppsala Univ.
Financial Advisory
A housing payment of several hundred dollars will be due prior to financial aid being disbursed.
Switzerland: Global & International Studies, University of Geneva
Academic Background
This program is restricted to students within certain majors. Please refer to the list of Eligible Majors for Geneva.
Download and complete the Course Background Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Financial Advisory
A housing payment of several hundred dollars will be due prior to financial aid being disbursed.
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Taiwan: Lab Research, Engineering & Science, National Taiwan Univ.
Financial Aid Advisory
Students earn 4.0 semester units for research and 1.3 semester units for a culture course, for 5.3 total semester units. To
qualify for summer financial aid at Berkeley a student must enroll in a minimum of 6.0 semester units, therefore this
program does not qualify for financial aid as a stand-alone summer option.
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will need to submit a letter of recommendation from a
UCB faculty member on UC letterhead to NTU (due in March).
Taiwan: National Taiwan Univ. (NTU)
Financial Advisory
A housing payment will be due prior to financial aid being disbursed.
Thailand: Public Health, Thammasat University
Thailand: Thammasat Univ.
Letter of Recommendation
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will need to submit a letter of recommendation (due in
February for summer, due in March for fall/year and due in August for spring). The letter must be on official letterhead
from a professor, GSI, or campus adviser.
United Kingdom - England: Arts, Politics, Society & Space, UC Center London
ACCENT International Forms
This program is administered in partnership with ACCENT International. After selection to the program by Berkeley
Study Abroad, ACCENT will email you a Course Choice Form at the end of April, 2019. When you receive the Course
Choice Form from ACCENT, you will follow their instructions and return it to the email address on the form.
Internship plus Workforce Course
An "Internship plus Workforce Course" is one of the course choices, HOWEVER, there is a limited number of internships
available. The number is set by the UK government and changes annually.
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, participants will receive an email with the application and
instructions for the internship option. Participants who wish to apply for an internship will submit (scan and email) the
internship application and required materials to the ACCENT London Office by their 2019 deadline (to be determined).
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English Universities
Host University Application
Your application may need to be referred to a university that is not your first choice.
If your FIRST preference is University of Sussex:
You will complete and upload host university application materials with your Berkeley Study Abroad application. For the
application forms, see detailed instructions here. You do not need to upload your statement of purpose, official
transcript, passport photocopy, or letter of recommendation, the items are collected in other sections of the Berkeley
Study Abroad application for UCEAP. Note, the system will allow you to upload multiple documents, they do not have to
be in one file upload.
If your FIRST preference is all other host institutions:
After selection for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will receive an email from your UCEAP Program
Advisor stating that you can start the online application. This notification is sent somewhere between late February and
April. Instructions and links to the online application will be in the notification email. In order to prepare, please see
this online application matrix - find your first choice university and check which documents you will need to have ready to
upload into the application.
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
Letter of Recommendation
A letter of recommendation is required at the time of application if your first preference of host university is University of
If you are referred to Brunel University, Imperial College London, University of London Queen Mary, or University of
Warwick a letter of recommendation will be required when you complete the host university application (described
If you are referred to University College London, you will enter the name of an academic reference in the online
application and a request for a recommendation will get emailed out. So you will need to find an instructor willing to
write your letter prior to completing the UCL host unviersity application.
You may not be referred to your first or second preference of host institution. If your first preference of host institution
does not require a letter of recommendation but your second or third preference of host institution does, please take
measures to ensure you can produce a letter of recommendation from a GSI or professor on short notice.
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United Kingdom - England: Sotheby's Institute of Art, London
Track Selection Form
Download and complete the Sotheby's Track Selection Form. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the
writeable PDF.
Strengthening your application
Sotheby's Institute of Art will make the final acceptance decision. UCEAP students are exempt from completing the
Sotheby's Institute online application and do not pay the Sotheby's Institute application fee. In addition to the letter of
recommendation, you can submit a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to strengthen your application.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
United Kingdom - England: Summer, Exeter College, Oxford University
Exeter College Summer Program, Oxford University (ECSP) Application
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will complete an online application for the Exeter College
Summer Program no later than January 31, 2019. To help you prepare,
please see the detailed instructions for UCEAP
applicants to ECSP Summer. You will not submit any of the materials for the ECSP application to Berkeley Study Abroad.
Do not submit materials to ECSP until you have been notified of selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad.
United Kingdom - England: Summer, London School of Economics
Financial Aid Advisory - Session 1
Each LSE summer session is three weeks long. You may take one course per LSE session. Each course is worth 5.5 UC
quarter units, which is 3.7 Berkeley semester units. Therefore if you participate in Session 1 you will receive 3.7 semester
units in total, and if you participate in Session 1 + 2 or Session 2 + 3 you will receive 7.3 semester units in total.
To qualify for summer financial aid a student must take a minimum of 6 semester units. Therefore, if you apply to
Session 1 alone, you will not qualify for financial aid. If you apply to Session 1 + 2 or Session 2 + 3 you will meet the
minimum of 6 semester units, and are eligible for summer financial aid.
LSE Application
This program has a dual application process between UCEAP and LSE. You must complete the online LSE application by
the Berkeley Study Abroad deadline of February 4, 2019. Follow the detailed instructions for UCEAP applicants to LSE
Summer. You will not submit any of the materials for the LSE application to Berkeley Study Abroad.
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United Kingdom - England: Summer, Pembroke/King's College, University of Cambridge
PKP Application
This program has a dual application process between UCEAP and University of Cambridge PKP. You must complete the
online PKP application no later than January 31, 2019. You must have a passport valid through the end of your stay in
England in order to complete the PKP applicaton, so plan ahead to apply for or renew your passport and use expedited
service as needed. Follow the detailed instructions for UCEAP applicants to PKP Summer. You will not submit any of the
materials for the PKP application to Berkeley Study Abroad.
Financial Advisory
A non-refundable accommodation fee of 1,790-2,431 GBP (approximately $2,300-$3,200 - includes room and partial meal
plan) will be due to PKP within 4 weeks of being offered a place on the program. Students who have confirmation of
financial aid may pay the non-refundable deposit of 600 GBP (approximately $785) directly to PKP to defer
accommodation fees, but all fees must be paid prior to the beginning of the program.
United Kingdom - England: Summer, Queen Mary University of London
Summer, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) Application
This program has a dual application process between UCEAP and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). You must
complete the online QMUL application no later than January 7, 2019. You must have a passport valid through the end
of your stay in England in order to complete the QMUL applicaton, so plan ahead to apply for or renew your passport
and use expedited service as needed. Follow the detailed instructions for UCEAP applicants to QMUL Summer. You will
not submit any of the materials for the QMUL application to Berkeley Study Abroad.
United Kingdom - England: University of the Arts London / London College of Communication
University of the Arts London - Course Selection Form
Download and complete the University of the Arts London Course Selection Form. You may print and complete the form
by hand, or use the writeable PDF. Upload the completed form below.
UAL Application
Wait to start UAL's online application until you receive an email notifying you to start it from your UCEAP Program
Coordinator, somewhere between late February and April (for Fall/Year) or between June and August (for Spring).
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Intern: Scotland
Internship Application - Supplemental Materials
Supplemental materials include a cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), official transcript, letter of recommendation, and
photocopy of passport personal information page. Please follow the detailed instructions for UCEAP applicants. You will
upload your supplemental materials with your Berkeley Study Abroad application (the system will allow you to upload
multiple documents, they do not have to be in one file upload).
You do not need to upload your official transcript, passport photocopy, or letter of recommendation, the items are
collected in other sections of the Berkeley Study Abroad application for UCEAP.
Official UCB Transcript (Hard Copy)
You are required to submit an official, hard copy UC Berkeley transcript as a part of your EAP application (not
electronic/PDF). Please wait to order the transcript until Fall 2018 grades are posted (for Fall/Year applications) or Spring
2019 grades are posted (for Spring applications). Additional instructions will be provided in the online application.
United Kingdom - Scotland: Science Summer School, Univ. of Glasgow
“Summer” Option: Glasgow Track Selection
On the program specific forms page you will select the track you are applying to (Math, Physics for Engineers, or Pre-
“Summer” Option: Program Preparation Report
This is for students applying to the Math, Physics for Engineers, or Pre-Med/Pre-Health tracks. Download and complete
the Program Preparation Report. You may print and complete the form by hand, or use the writeable PDF
“Summer Physics” Option
See Summer Physics Advising Notes.
Host University Application
After selection to the program by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will complete an online host university application. Make
sure you have a valid passport or are in the process of applying for one. You will need to upload a copy to the online
Glasgow application.
Scottish Universities
Host University Application
After selection for participation by Berkeley Study Abroad, you will receive an email the UCEAP systemwide office stating
that you can start the online application. Instructions and links to the online application will be in the notification email. In
order to prepare, please see this online application matrix - find your first choice university and check which documents
you will need to have ready to upload into the application.
Your application may need to be referred to a university that is not your first choice. If so, you will be told the reason and
will be asked to apply to a second host university.