Attend an information session or schedule an
individual appointment with an admission
counselor. This is not required, but is strongly
recommended. Call the Oce of Admission at
(630) 617-3400.
Complete the Application for Admission to
Graduate Study. (NOTE: The application deadline
for all graduate programs is July 1.) A paper copy
of the application is enclosed in the packet or it
may be completed online at
For all graduate programs, please submit the
Statement of Purpose
Three letters of recommendation
A copy of your current résumé
(Program specific requirements may also include
GRE scores, a writing sample, a copy of your
Illinois nursing license or proof of a valid Illinois
professional educator license. Please refer to
your graduate program sheet for details.)
Apply for financial assistance. To be considered
for the Elmhurst Graduate Award, which is need-
based, and to apply for a student loan, complete
the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at
(The Elmhurst College FAFSA code is 001676.)
Academically outstanding graduate students
applying to select Elmhurst graduate programs
will be considered for a Dean’s Graduate
Fellowship or an SPS Graduate Fellowship by the
program director.
Request that your ocial undergraduate
(and graduate) transcripts be sent to:
Elmhurst College
Oce of Admission
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296
Complete an admission interview with the
graduate program director (if requested).
Admission oers will be made following the
application file review and/or interview.
If oered admission to your program of choice,
submit the Confirmation of Intention to Enroll
form with the required non-refundable $200
tuition prepayment. Once your $200 tuition
prepayment and the Confirmation of Intention
to Enroll form are received, you will be cleared
for registration. You will receive a registration
email with instructions as to how to go online to
register for your classes.
Attend the orientation session as requested by
your graduate program director.
office of admission
Graduate Student
Enrollment Checklist
Oce of Admission
Elmhurst College
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296
Welcome to Elmhurst College!
application for
Graduate Study
or apply online at
Elmhurst College
Oce of Admission
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296
An ocial course-by-course
evaluation, in English, by a foreign
credentials evaluation agency of all
university transcripts as well as
original copies of the transcripts/
degrees. For evaluation information,
visit Educational Perspectives
World Education Services (www., or Educational Credentials
Evaluators (
Proficiency in English must be
demonstrated by scoring a minimum
of 550 (paper)/213 (computer)/79
(Internet-based) on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) or 77 on the Michigan
English Language Assessment
Battery (MELAB).
If oered admission to a graduate
program, international students must
submit a Declaration of Certification
of Finances form and the tuition
prepayment before the Form I-20
will be issued.
What are your career goals? How
will an MBA help you achieve
these goals?
Describe one or two significant
accomplishments, in the last five
years, that you are most proud
of and discuss why you view
them as such.
What will be your biggest challenge
while earning your MBA?
An application for admission to
graduate study.
A (modified) Statement of Purpose
answering one of three specific
questions. See above.
A current résumé.
One letter of recommendation from
the program director or a faculty
member in the first master’s degree
Participate in an interview with the
MBA program director.
Complete the prerequisites for the
MBA program: financial accounting,
managerial accounting and business
finance. Prerequisites can be met
through the successful completion
of the online non-credit course MBA
Prep 300. For further information,
contact the Oce of Admission at
(630) 617-3400.
If you attended Elmhurst five or
more years ago, you must also
request undergraduate transcripts
be sent to Elmhurst College.
IMPORTANT: Admission is only open
to students who have completed
the following master’s degrees at
Elmhurst College:
• Computer Information Systems
• Data Science
• Industrial/Organizational Psychology
• Nursing/MENP
• Project Management
• Supply Chain Management
Admission to Graduate Study
To Apply for Admission to Graduate Study, submit the following:
In addition to the above requested material, International applicants must also submit:
In addition to the above requested material, MBA and MBA Option applicants must also submit:
To Apply for Admission to the MBA Option Program, submit the following:
For Graduates of Elmhurst’s Master’s Degree Programs Only
An application for admission to
graduate study
Recommendations from three
persons who can comment
knowingly on your leadership
qualities, communication skills,
personal motivation and the
capacity to succeed in graduate
study. Recommendations may be
submitted in the envelopes
provided or emailed to
Emailed recommendations must be
submitted on appropriate
Participate, if requested, in an
interview with the program director.
A Statement of Purpose
(approximately 1,000 words)
describing your personal and
professional goals and how the
completion of the graduate degree will
enhance those goals.
(NOTE: MBA and MBA Option
applicants can answer one of three
specific questions instead. See below).
Ocial transcripts from all
undergraduate and graduate
institutions you have attended.
A current resume documenting your
work history. Please provide enough
detail to document levels of
responsibility, areas of professional
growth and prior professional
training experiences.
Students applying to the Master of
Arts in Industrial/Organizational
Psychology program must also
submit GRE scores taken within the
last five years.
Program-specific admission
requirements: In addition to the stated
application requirements, each
graduate program has specific
requirements. These requirements are
printed on the program sheets for each
graduate program and includes
prerequisite courses, work experience,
GRE examinations and grade-point
average requirements.
Students are evaluated for admission to graduate study on the basis of the recommendations, resume, Statement of
Purpose, prior to college or university transcripts and an interview with the program director. It is expected that a
candidate for admission was academically successful at the undergraduate level and is now ready to move on to a
successful graduate experience. The College oers admission to the most qualified applicants to each program.
Admission is oered to the student whose profile most reflects the ability for success and the ability to contribute
to, as well as learn from, the team-focused experience. Space in each program is limited.
Contact Information
Oce of Admission
(630) 617-3400
To Apply for Readmission to a Graduate Program, submit the following:
To Apply for Admission as a Non-Degree Graduate Student or for a Graduate Certificate Program,
submit the following:
An application for readmission to
graduate study.
A current résumé documenting
your work history. Please provide
enough detail to document levels of
responsibility, areas of professional
growth and prior professional
training experiences.
A Statement of Purpose indicating
your desire to return to the College to
complete your master’s degree and
why you feel you will be successful
at this time (500-750 words).
If you attended Elmhurst more
than five years ago, please submit
ocial copies of your undergraduate
transcripts to Elmhurst College.
An application for admission to
graduate study.
A current resume documenting
your work history. Please provide
enough detail to document levels of
responsibility, areas of professional
growth and prior professional
training experiences.
Ocial transcripts from all
undergraduate and graduate
institutions you have attended.
Permission to take courses as a
non-degree graduate student must
be granted by the program director.
Students seeking to earn a licensure
endorsement or approval must
also submit a copy of their Illinois
professional educator license.
The preferred application completion deadline requires prospective graduate students to submit the application for
admission to graduate study and all supporting documents to the Oce of Admission by the preferred application
completion deadline for priority admission consideration. Applications will continue to be accepted after the preferred
deadline if there is still space in the program to which the student is applying. These deadlines apply to all on-campus
graduate programs.
Fall Term
July 1
Spring Term
December 1
Summer Term
April 1
Application Deadlines
If you intend to finance your graduate study with a student loan, you must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for
Federal Student Aid) form at the same time you are applying for admission to graduate study.
Completing the FAFSA form will also determine your eligibility for the Elmhurst Graduate Award, a need-based grant for new
graduate students. Academically outstanding graduate students applying to select Elmhurst graduate programs will be
considered for a Dean’s Graduate Fellowship or a Graduate Fellowship by the program director.
Financial Aid for Graduate Study
Dr. Timothy H. Ricordati
Vice President of Admission
(630) 617-3089
Tim Panfil
Director, Enrollment Management
(630) 617-3256
I. Applicant Information
last (family name) first middle
Male Female Social Security number date of birth
maiden name
Mailing Address
number and street city state zip
home phone number cell phone number e-mail address
If you are not a U.S. citizen, please complete the following
country of citizenship country of birth
visa type
Ethnic/Racial Group (optional)
Are you Hispanic or Latino? yes no
Please indicate one or more:
American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Asian White or Caucasian Black or African American
Religious Aliation (optional)
Jewish Roman Catholic United Church of Christ (UCC)
Protestant: denomination _______________________________ Other, specify__________________________________
II. Enrollment Information
Please refer to the enrollment information insert included in your application packet.
III. Testing Information
Tests Dates Scheduled/Taken Scores
Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
(If required by graduate program)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
(International students only)
PLEASE NOTE: Ocial test results should be sent to the Oce of Admission (school code: 1204).
Marital Status married single / divorced / widowed
Permanent resident yes no
applicant information
for Graduate Students
IV. Academic Background
List all undergraduate colleges or universities attended since high school
College or University City/State Dates Attended Degree
PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously attended Elmhurst College, your signature at the end of the application gives the Oce of
Admission permission to request a copy of your Elmhurst permanent record from the Oce of Registration and Records for use in
processing your Application for Admission to Graduate Study.
Have you taken graduate-level courses before? yes no
Have you earned a graduate degree? yes no
If you answered yes, please complete the following:
College or University Dates Attended Areas of Study Degree (if completed)
V. Financial Aid and Housing
Do you intend to apply for financial assistance? yes no
Are you interested in receiving information about area housing? yes no
VI. Employer Information (if applicable)
I am currently employed: part-time full-time
name of employer your current title
work phone number work fax number work e-mail address
company address
Does your employer oer tuition reimbursement? yes no If yes, $ ____________________ p e r calendar year academic year
Military Experience
Do you have military experience? yes no If no, does your spouse or parent have U.S. military experience? yes no
If you answered yes to either of the two previous questions, please answer the following:
What branch of the military? Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines National Guard Navy
What is your current military status? Active Reserves National Guard Retired
Service dates: Beginning: ________________________ Ending: (if currently active mark N/A) ________________________
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy
VII. How did you hear about Elmhurst College?
Alumni Referral Faculty/Sta Referral General Referral
College Advisor Employer Professional Organization Course Voucher
Mailing to my home Email Community Resident
Radio/Pandora Metra Station Ad Poster/Flyer
Web Search Billboard Event
Newspaper Ad Online Ad Other (please specify) ___________________________________
VIII. Self-Disclosure
Please respond to the following questions. Withholding information or giving false information may make you ineligible for admission or
readmission to Elmhurst College. The College reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission or to place conditions on admission or
readmission of applicants and former students who we determine represent a safety risk to members of the Elmhurst College
community and its physical facilities.
Have you ever been found responsible for any disciplinary violation at a college/university you have previously attended?
yes (date of violation ___________) no
Did this violation result in your dismissal from the college/university? yes no
If you answered yes to the above questions, please explain the circumstances.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? yes no
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain the circumstances.
Are you currently incarcerated? yes no
The information I have provided in this application is honestly presented. Please sign and return this application to:
Oce of Admission, Elmhurst College, 190 South Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126.
applicant signature date
**PLEASE NOTE: Students applying for admission to the Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Master’s Entry in Nursing Practice or Master of Occupational Therapy SHOULD NOT COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION.
For the Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders, apply online at For the Master’s Entry in
Nursing Practice, apply online at For the Master of Occupational Therapy, apply online at
I am applying to the following program (check one)**:
Master’s Degree:
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
On-Campus Online Full-Time
The MBA Option Program
For graduates of specific Elmhurst Master’s Degrees only
M.S. in Geographic Information Systems (online)
M.S. in Computer Information Systems (EC Flex)
M.S. in Data Science (online)
M.S. in Supply Chain Management
M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Master of Project Management
M.S. in Nursing
RN to MSN Option
MAT in Early Childhood Education
M.Ed. in Early Childhood Special Education
Teacher Licensure Option
Developmental Therapist
M.S.Ed. in Special Education
M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership
ESL and Bilingual Endorsements (non-degree)
Special Education (LBS1) Endorsement (non-degree)
Teacher Leader Endorsement (non-degree)
Graduate Certificate:
Application Development (EC Flex)
Data Science (online)
Enterprise Optimization
Geographic Information Systems (online)
Health Care Management and Administration (online)
Human Geography for AP® (online)
Market Research (EC Flex)
Network Administration (EC Flex)
Project Management (EC Flex)
I have previously applied to Elmhurst College
I last attended Elmhurst College___________________
for Graduate Students
ii. enrollment information
Graduate Programs
applicant full name (please print) date
Please complete and include in your application for admission and return to the
Oce of Admission.
I am applying for the*:
Fall Term 20 _______ Spring Term 20 ______ Summer Term 20 ______
*Many programs have multiple start dates. Please refer to individual program sheets for details.
Degree Seeking Non-Degree Seeking (special permission required) Readmission
dates of attendance
Three (3) letters of recommendation are required as part of the application for admission to graduate study at Elmhurst College. Please
request your recommendations from professors or administrators at your undergraduate school or from current or previous supervisors
from your most recent professional work experience.
Part A: To be completed by the applicant
address city state zip
telephone e-mail address
graduate program
I waive the right provided by the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) to view this letter of recommendation in
my file at Elmhurst College.
I do not wish to waive my right. I wish to retain my right to view this letter in my file at Elmhurst College.
signature of applicant
Part B: To be completed by recommender
Please rate the applicant on the followign qualities.
name of recommender signature of recommender date
telephone number email address
letter of recommendation
for Graduate Students
Elmhurst College
Office of Admission
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296
Please submit any additional comments (on the back or on a separate sheet) regarding your relationship to the application, your
knowledge of the applicant’s personal qualities, motivation and ability to be successful in graduate study, strengths and weaknesses,
and what unique features you feel the applicant will bring to the graduate program at Elmhurst College.
Return this recommendation to the applicant in the envelope provides, sealed and signed across the envelope flap or to the Oce of
Admission, Elmhurst College, 190 Prospect Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296 directly.
Excellent Above Average Average Fair Poor
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Works Well With
Critical Thinking
To the applicant:
Use this form to request that a copy of your college/university transcript be sent to Elmhurst College. Additional photocopies may be
made as needed.
To the registrar/records oce:
number and street city state zip
Check one or both:
Please send one (1) ocial copy of my transcript to: Oce of Admission
Elmhurst College
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3296
Please send one (1) ocial electronic copy of my transcript, if available, to [email protected]
Please send one (1) copy of my transcript to me
Amount enclosed: $ (Please telephone previous college/university to determine transcript fee prior to mailing this form)
Ms. Mr.
last name first middle
maiden name, if applicable date of birth
number and street city state zip
dates of attendance degrees earned, if any
signature date
transcript request
Elmhurst College
Office of Admission
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-3296