Fiscal Year 2023
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
Announcement Date: September 19, 2022
Technical Assistance Workshop Date: October 4, 2022
Letter of Intent Due: No later than noon, October 21, 2022
Application Due Date: No later than noon, October 28, 2022
Robert Asaro-Angelo
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Women and Minority Veterans in Construction Trades Program
Notice of Grant Opportunity FY2023
Section A: Name of Grant Program Page 2
Section B: Purpose of Grant Page 2
Section C: Projected Funding Page 2
Section D: Eligible Applicants Page 3
Section E: Requirements of Applicants Page 3
Section F: Application Process Page 6
Section G: How to Submit a Proposal Page 10
Section H: Application Submission Date Page 11
Section I: Date by Which Applicants Will Be Notified Page 11
Attachment: Attachment I- Sample Letter of Intent
Take Notice that, in compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-34.4 et seq., the Department of Labor and
Workforce Development *(hereinafter “the NJDOL”) regularly publishes on its website at all notices of fund availability pertaining to Federal or State grant funds which may
be awarded by the Department. The notices of fund availability may be found on the Department’s
website under the heading “News & Updates” and the subheading “Grant Notices.”
A. Name of Grant Program
Women and Minority Veterans in Construction Trades Program
B. Purpose of Grant
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Office of Apprenticeship seeks
to encourage the growth of career pathway opportunities for people disconnected from employment,
training, and education. Within the workforce development system, pre-apprenticeships serve a
critical role for people to acquire career-specific skills, advance work-readiness, and connect them
to longer-term career opportunities.
The Women and Minority Veterans in Construction Trades Program seeks to eliminate economic
barriers commonly associated with an individual’s inability to invest in skills training and work
readiness and connect National Guard, Reserve, retired and transitioning active-duty military
members to quality career and training opportunities in the building and construction industry. This
grant program provides women and minority veterans with training to prepare them for employment
and/or placement in registered apprenticeship programs within the building and construction trades
occupations or other industry occupations and provide quality support services to ensure success for
placement into employment.
Funding from this grant announcement shall be used to support training in the construction and
building trades. Any construction craft or administrative, support, operational occupations are
acceptable. This includes professional titles as well as skill trades.
C. Projected Funding
The maximum amount of funding available for this program in fiscal year (FY) 2023 is anticipated
to be $3,000,000. Grant awards are based on available funding. The source of funding will be the
New Jersey Builders Utilization Initiative for Labor Diversity (NJBUILD), through the annual
Appropriations Act and P.L. 2009, Chapter 313.
NJBUILD is designed to provide training opportunities for minorities and women in the construction
trades and construction-related trades so that minorities and women can realize equal employment
opportunity in public contracting. All state agencies are required to pay one-half of one percent of
the total cost of construction contracts that are equal to or greater than $1,000,000 to the NJBUILD
fund immediately upon award of the contract. This funding allows NJDOL to meet the requirements
of the NJBUILD legislation.
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D. Eligible Applicants
This targeted, competitive opportunity is designed to provide funding to eligible organizations to
provide construction trades training, placement services and quality support services to women and
minority veterans in accordance with the NGO. The following organizations are eligible to apply
as the lead applicant:
1. Public training providers;
2. Community-based organizations;
3. Labor organizations;
4. Employers/contractors.
5. Public or private non-profit agencies;
6. County or Municipal Governments; and
7. Trade organizations which represent a particular trade, group of trades, contractors or
PLEASE NOTE: All applicants must demonstrate relationships with employers/contractors and/or
USDOL Registered Apprenticeship program sponsor, in order to enable program participants to
transition into employment.
In accordance with program requirements, applicants must meet the following program participant
eligibility requirements:
Be a female or a minority veteran residing in New Jersey;
Have a legitimate interest in the construction industry; and
Must be registered with a One Stop Career Center (OSCC) and, if eligible, be WIOA co-
enrolled and offered appropriate services such as interviewing skills resume writing,
career exploration, and supportive services.
As defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), the definition of a veteran is: A person who served in the active
military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released there from under conditions other
than dishonorable. A Reservist or member of the National Guard called to Federal active duty or
disabled from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty or while in training.
E. Requirements of Applicants to Be Considered for Funding Under the Grant Program
All grant proposals must establish a lead applicant to serve as the applicant agency of record, the
legally recognized fiscal agent for the grant project and the single point of contact for NJDOL. The
lead applicant is responsible for overseeing the implementation of all aspects of the grant such as the
project and spending plan; grant project monitoring and reporting; outreach and recruitment; and
fiscal management.
The grantee will train participants identified as meeting the criteria outlined above. The following
objectives have been established to achieve the goals of increasing opportunities for the employment
of women and minority veterans in the construction industry and to address the building and
construction industry's need for better-prepared apprentices and journeypersons:
To recruit participants through active marketing, recruitment and outreach strategies;
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To provide job coaching and employment preparation to women and minority veterans;
To assist women and minority veteran participants with job placement services targeting
employment in a USDOL Registered Apprenticeship program or construction-related
employment. Construction-related employment is defined as employment with a starting
wage no less than $15 per hour within the occupations within the construction industry.
Participants are to earn a minimum of one industry-recognized credential;
To assist women and minority veteran participants in obtaining sustainable employment in
any building and construction trades occupations; and
To assist women and minority veteran participants in obtaining sustainable employment in
any ancillary occupations associated within the building and construction trades industry
paying at least $15 per hour. Examples include, but are not limited to: construction manager,
building inspector, surveyor, inspector, planner, financial or administrative positions.
Program Outcomes
All programs are expected to attain the following outcomes during the funding period:
Participants must participate in all components of the program.
Program participants must be registered at a One Stop Career Center.
Graduate a minimum of 75 percent of program participants from the NJBUILD training
Provide placement services and ensure program graduates will be placed into a USDOL
Registered Apprenticeship program or placed in employment construction job in an
affiliated occupation, or ancillary construction industry occupation with a starting wage
of at least $15 per hour.
Conduct participant follow-up for job retention post placement into a USDOL
Registered Apprenticeship program or construction job in an affiliated occupation, or
ancillary construction industry occupation with a starting wage of at least $15 per hour.
A minimum of one industry-valued credential will be earned.
Assistance to participants to acquire valuable documents such as a driver’s license, state
identification, birth certificate, etc.
Case Management, Supportive Services and Job Coaching
In addition to the NJBUILD pre-apprenticeship training to women and minority veterans, applicants
are required to provide the following services:
Assessment of program participants to determine if additional supportive services are
needed and connect the participant to those services.
Provide on-going Case Management services to participants during the training program and
after job placement to ensure success.
Ensure each participant of the program obtains at least one industry recognized credential.
Provide Job Coaching and Job Placement services to link successful graduates of the
NJBUILD training program to Registered Apprenticeship and trade related employment
opportunities. All case management services must continue through at least the 60-day
retention benchmark.
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Applicants should, where possible, coordinate their programs with the local Workforce
Development Board (WDB) and their corresponding One-Stop Career Center. A list of One- Stop
Career Centers and their contact information
can be found here. Applicants
are encouraged
to have program participants register for One-Stop Career Center (OSCC) services by registering
Unemployed applicants must receive a
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) eligibility determination at a One-Stop Career
Center. Applicable participants must meet with a Veterans representative and/or employment
services staff. In the OSCC, there is a Veterans representative who specializes in helping Veterans
find the jobs and opportunities for which they qualify. In addition to priority referrals to jobs,
Veterans can enroll in free job search workshops, find help developing a resume, learn about career
training programs and get help understanding the network of Veterans' benefits available through the
Veterans Administration, state and local governments.
Reporting Requirements
Grant recipients are required to maintain progress data and submit monthly program and fiscal reports
based on grant-related activities. The reports are done through the System for Administering Grants
Electronically (SAGE) system and will be due by the 15
of the following month. The reports will be
reviewed to ascertain the grantee’s progress within the scope of work and its conformance with
program regulations and enabling legislation.
The contract period is expected to be 18-months and is expected to begin on November 15, 2022.
Reimbursement for expenditures approved in the final contract will be made according to standards
which will be stipulated in the contract. Request for reimbursement for program costs is done through
the SAGE system and will be due by the 15
of the following month and reimbursement will be made
upon approval by NJDOL.
A closeout report, due within 30 days from the end of the grant period, shall include the following: a
compilation of all the monthly reports including a full year financial report; demographic information
on placements including employer information; and a program evaluation that includes any barriers to
meeting goals, best practices and success stories. Final reimbursement will be subject to the submission
and acceptance of the final report by NJDOL.
All grantees will be subject to on-site technical assistance visits and inspection of required maintenance
of records and documentation. The purpose of the visit(s) will to be assess progress toward the program
goals and integrity of the program model.
F. Application Process
Successful proposals must be responsive to the NGO and meet all technical capacity and fiscal viability
requirements as described. Applications are submitted and awards are managed through NJDOL’s
online grant system, the System for Managing Grants Electronically (SAGE). Applications are
submitted online, via SAGE at
Applicants must determine who will serve as the Authorized Official (AO) for this grant application.
The AO must:
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be authorized to enter into a contractual agreement on behalf of the company.
read and understand the FY2023 Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO).
register (create an account) in the System to Administer Grants Electronically (SAGE) and
submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to apply.
The AO may delegate completion of the application to others by giving access in SAGE but should be
aware that responsibility for the contract remains with the AO for the life of the grant.
Applicants interested in applying must submit a LOI to express interest in the grant opportunity. This
notification allows NJDOL to have sufficient resources in place to carefully review each proposal. and
to provide access to the application in SAGE. Applicants must complete, sign and submit a letter of
intent as soon as the applicant is interested in applying for the grant opportunity. A sample LOI can be
found in Attachment I. The completed and signed LOI must be emailed as an attachment to
Incorrect or missing information or failure to register in SAGE will delay the processing of the LOI,
which will delay access to the online application. Once the Authorized Official is registered and
approved in SAGE, applicants can then proceed to enter the required information and documentation
in the SAGE system. If the organization is already registered in SAGE, please include that information
on your LOI.
Technical Assistance Workshop
NJDOL will provide a technical assistance session via tele-conference to potential applicants. General
guidance on completing the required documents, budget forms and an overview of SAGE will be
provided. It is important that both the Program Director and Fiscal Officer attend this session. It is
strongly suggested that applicants attend the technical assistance workshop. The technical assistance
workshops will be held:
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 1pm
Pre-registration is required at least three business days prior to the date of the technical assistance
workshop at:
Virtual meeting log-in information will be provided only to those who have registered through
Proposal Content and Checklist
To ensure consistency and fairness of evaluation, each applicant seeking funding under this grant
program must submit an application that includes at a minimum the components listed below.
All components in the proposal must be in the order listed below. NJDOL’s Standard Assurances and
General Provisions are expected to be read prior to application submission. Please note: Failure to
include the required documentation below may result in the application being removed from
consideration for funding.
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Activity Plan
Letter(s) of Commitment from Partners
Statement of Need
Organizational Commitment and Capacity
Training Curriculum and Schedule
Program Sustainability Plan
Tax Clearance Certificate
Past Performance Narrative
Applications will be evaluated on-the-basis of quality, comprehensiveness, completeness, accuracy
and appropriateness of response to this NGO. The evaluation criteria detailed below will be used to
review and select applications.
Explanation of Proposal Components
Activity Plan - An activity plan, including specific objectives and a training plan must be completed.
Detailed information for each component is to be included in a timeline format from recruitment to
graduation and subsequent construction related job placement or enrollment in a USDOL Registered
Apprenticeship program. Post-placement follow-up plans are required for proposal submissions.
Applicants must describe Outreach and Recruitment plans for the program participants and explain
how they will track placements and/or credential attainment after participants have acquired
employment or enrolled in a USDOL Registered Apprenticeship program. Verification of
employment with 30-day and 60-day retention is a requirement.
The lead applicant should conduct an orientation for all pre-screened individuals to ensure program
requirements are met and to complete an assessment and employability plan. The orientation should
provide a realistic picture of the job market, including the challenges participants may encounter as
well as how to deal with these challenges in a positive way. The orientation should also outline the
expectations of the program.
Letter(s) of Commitment from Partner(s) - A letter of commitment from each USDOL Registered
Apprenticeship and/or construction contractor who will be in partnership with the grantee must be
submitted along with the application. The letter should indicate the specific activities the entity will
be involved in and a willingness to hire graduates of the training program.
Statement of Need - Demonstrate the need for placement services for the Women and Minority
Veteran population in your region. A need is defined as the difference between the current status and
the outcomes that the applicant would like to achieve. Documentation may include a demographic
description of your targeted area and research specifically relating to construction projects in the
targeted area. This should also include projected number of apprenticeship opportunities with unions
and construction employers within the targeted area and the surrounding area.
Organizational Commitment and Capacity - Applicants need to describe their commitment to
addressing the conditions and/or needs identified, including the organizational support that exists for
implementing the proposed project. The applicant must also state they have the management
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information system (MIS), equipment and capacity needed to properly track and report participant
demographic and performance data to NJDOL and demonstrate the ability to complete all required
monthly reports and requests for information in accordance with protocol and timelines established
by NJDOL. The applicant should also describe what experience they have had in conducting
construction-related training and placement.
Training Curriculum and Schedule - It is required that each applicant submit with this proposal a
curriculum outlining the components within this section of the NGO and the associated hours for
completion of each component. The training curriculum should be focused on basic skills instruction,
workforce readiness instruction and occupation-specific construction trades training and align with
the requirements of your partner employers. You must include a plan for how you intend to recruit
participants. Applicants should also applicants include an attendance policy detailing procedure for
handling tardiness, excused absences, unexcused absences, and corrective action.
Program Sustainability Plan Applicants are required to provide a Program Sustainability Plan. This
plan will outline the applicant’s strategy for sustainability if/when state grant funding is no longer
available. Based on the current structure of the NJBUILD programs, grantee’s may be eligible for
subsequent funding based on performance. It is important for the applicant to demonstrate alternative
funding sources and/or strategies to continue funded activities beyond the contract period of
performance, and in the event that state funds are no longer available.
Tax Clearance Certificate Public Law 2007, c. 101 requires that as a precondition to the award
of business assistance or incentive or as a component of the application for business assistance or
incentive, a person or business seeking a grant, loan, loan guarantee, or other monetary or financial
benefit from a department or agency of state government shall obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate
from the director of the New Jersey Division of Taxation prior to the issuance of the grant, incentive
or assistance. To avoid any delay in submitting your application, applicants are encouraged to obtain
the tax clearance certificate once an organization makes the decision to apply.
Past Performance Narrative - Applicants who received prior state funding, or operated a similar
program, must submit a description of their performance, including outcome data for the most recent
program’s effectiveness and success in meeting the goals and objectives of the grant. Additionally, in
cases where the goals and objectives were not met, the applicant must explain in a narrative why those
goals were not met and address any future corrective action that would need to be taken in order to
ensure future success of a new grant. Applicants who had prior unsatisfactory performance may not
be funded with FY23 NJBUILD funding.
Budget – Applicants are required to submit an eighteen-month budget in the SAGE system. Program
implementation should be inclusive within the eighteen-month contract period. Grantees are also
expected to keep records on all individuals that participate in the Women and Minority Veterans in
Construction Trades program and provide updates on placement activity that occurs after the period
of performance for the contract, upon request of the Department.
The budget submitted should reflect the reasonable costs of running the proposed program and include
all proposed program and operating expenses. Reasonable costs for supportive services of women and
minority veterans within the program can be included within the proposed budget.
Applicants shall be eligible to include pre-apprenticeship stipend funding within their program budget.
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The stipends must be based on participants reaching program milestones not less than two-week
completion increments. The stipend is not a wage; it is intended to cover incidental costs incurred
while attending the pre-apprenticeship training program. These payments can be paid to the
participants of the program every two weeks and cannot exceed $250 per week for their participation
in the pre-apprenticeship training program.
The budget may contain line items for administrative and programmatic costs. All costs associated with
direct delivery of services to participants are considered programmatic costs, including instruction.
maximum cost for training is $15,000 per participant. This is calculated by dividing the total budget by
the number of participants.
Administrative costs are any costs that are not directly associated with service delivery and cannot
exceed 10% of the total budget. Mileage for grant-related activities can be included in the budget at
the state-approved rate of .47 cents per mile. Successful applicants may be required to submit more
detailed budget information at the time of contract negotiations.
Grant funds provided through this NGO may not be expended for the following:
Indirect costs (e.g. travel, meals, lodging);
Pension and/or health benefits for part-time staff;
Mileage and toll expenses for out-of-state travel;
Overnight accommodations; Capital construction or renovation; Costs associated with
preparing the grant application; and
Costs of memberships in associations or organizations.
Key components of the budget summary are listed below:
Budget is reasonable
Budget is within the cost guidelines of the NGO
Innovative usage of other services and funding
Budget Summary aligns with Budget Narrative
No calculation errors
Award Process:
NJDOL will conduct an internal review of each grant application. An internal review team will
evaluate the application on-the-basis of quality, comprehensiveness, completeness, accuracy and
adherence to the guidelines and requirements of this NGO. Applicants are reminded that grants will be
awarded through a competitive process. The NJDOL cannot fund all applications submitted; therefore,
only applications that meet the highest standards will be awarded.
Evaluation Criteria:
This NGO is competitive and will be reviewed by a selection committee using a pre-established set of
requirements, which will include the following:
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Evaluation Criteria
Total Points
Program Narrative and Training:
Compelling statement of need
Summary of training curriculum and alignment with NGO
Training focused on identified union construction needs in New Jersey
Organizational commitment and capacity and past performance narrative
describing past experience and includes information about their MIS
Program Plan
Activity Plan adequately addresses the grant objectives
Recruitment strategy
Strategy to ensure participant program completion and placement in a
construction apprenticeship program
Timeline is clear and concise
Attendance and drug policies submitted and comprehensive
Job Development Strategy
Budget Summary:
Budget is reasonable
Budget is within the cost guidelines of the NGO
Budget Summary aligns with Budget Narrative
No calculation errors
* If any of these documents are not submitted, signed and dated your proposal will be incomplete and therefore
will not be considered
G. How to Submit a Proposal
Applications are submitted online via SAGE (System for Administering Grants electronically)
at Successful application submission will prompt
a system-generated email. If you do not receive an email confirming successful submission,
email [email protected] immediately.
H. Application Submission Date
Grant applicants must complete their online application by noon on the application deadline day
outlined below.
Letter of Intent- SAGE
registration/ LOI submitted
and accepted by NJDOL
Online Application
(Completed in SAGE with all
required documents uploaded)
Expected week of
Panel Review:
NOON October 21, 2022
NOON October 28, 2022
November 7, 2022
NJDOL will not accept and cannot evaluate for funding consideration an application received after this
deadline. The responsibility for a timely submission rest with the applicant.
I. Date by Which Applicants Shall by Notified
All applications are subject to a department panel review and final approval by the Commissioner.
Applicants will be notified of the final determination of their request within 45 days after the panel
review date.
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Attachment I. Letter of Intent
(NOTE: the AO must also register in SAGE as a new user)
(On your organization’s letterhead)
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Office of Apprenticeship
RE: FY2023 Women and Minority Veterans in Construction Trades Program
Please accept this letter as notice of my intention to apply for the New Jersey Department of Labor and
Workforce Development Fiscal Year 2023 Women and Minority Veterans in Construction Trades
program. I have completed registration (created an account) in the System to Administer Grants
Electronically (SAGE) and did read and do understand the FY2023 Women and Minority Veterans in
Construction Trades Program Grant Opportunity, and am aware of my responsibilities as the Authorized
(Organization’s Name) proposes to request funding to administer a pre-apprenticeship program focused
on training for the following registered apprenticeship occupation(s) (industry/occupation area).
Legal business name:
Federal Employee Identification # (FEIN):
Unique Entity Identification (UEI):
NJ business address:
County of NJ business:
Business web address:
Name of Authorized Official:
Title of Authorized Official:
Direct phone # and email address of Authorized Official:
Main point of contract for the NJBUILD application:
Direct phone # and email address of main point of contact:
_________________________________ __________________
Signature of Authorized Official Date
Email this completed form as an attachment to: Apprentice[email protected]