(Ordinance #8 of 2002)
Purpose and Scope 1
Definitions 2
Prior Approval Requirement for Land Divisions 2
Application for Land Division Approval 2
Procedure for Review of Applications
For Land Division Approval 3
Standards for Approval of Land Divisions 4
Allowance for Approval of Other Land Divisions 4
Consequences of Noncompliance with the
Land Division Approval Requirement 4
Penalties and Enforcement 5
Severability 5
Repeal 5
Effective Date 5
Land Division Ordinance
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ORDINANCE NO. 8 of 2002
An ordinance to regulate the creation, partitioning and division of parcels or tracts of land, enacted
pursuant but not limited to Michigan Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, being the Michigan Land
Division Act, Act 359 of 1947, as amended, and Act 246 of 1945, as amended, being the Township
General Ordinance statute; to provide a procedure therefore; to repeal any ordinance or provision
thereof in conflict herewith; and to prescribe penalties and enforcement remedies for the violation of this
The Charter Township of Cascade ordains:
This ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Cascade Charter Township Land Division Ordinance."
A. The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the provisions of the Michigan Land Division
Act (1967 PA 288, as amended, formerly known as the Subdivision Control Act) ("Act"), to
prevent the creation of parcels of property and access easements which do not comply with
applicable ordinances, zoning regulations and said Act, to minimize potential boundary
disputes, to monitor the creation of new parcels and easements, to prevent illegal land divisions
and to ensure that newly-created parcels are not landlocked, to prevent the creation of unusable
lots due to noncompliance with the Cascade Charter Township Zoning Ordinance or other
ordinances, to assure orderly development of the community, and to otherwise provide for the
health, safety and welfare of the residents and property owners of Cascade Charter Township
by establishing reasonable standards for prior review and approval of land divisions within
Cascade Charter Township (Township).
B. Approval of any land division pursuant to this Ordinance shall not provide, constitute, infer or
imply use or zoning approval of any such division or resulting parcels or assure or imply
buildability. Such use of land must still comply with the Township Zoning Ordinance and any
other applicable ordinances, laws or regulations, and it remains the responsibility of the
property owner to ensure such compliance.
C. It is not intended by this Ordinance to repeal, abrogate, annul, or in any other way impair or
interfere with provisions of the Township Zoning Ordinance or of other laws or ordinances
(except as otherwise expressly stated in Section 12 hereof) or of any private restrictions placed
upon property by covenant, deed, or other private agreement; provided, however, that where
any provision of this Ordinance imposes more stringent requirements, regulations, restrictions,
or limitations upon the division or use of land, easements or buildings than are imposed or
required by the provisions of any restrictions or any other law or ordinance, or any of said rules,
regulations or permits, then the provisions of this Ordinance shall govern.
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For purposes of this Ordinance, certain terms and words used herein shall have the following meaning:
A. "Act" - Public Act No.288 of 1967, as amended (including, but not limited to, Public Act No.591
of 1996), being the Michigan Land Division Act (MCLA 560.101 et seq.)
B. "Applicant" - a natural person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, estate, entity,
governmental unit, or combination of any of them which holds an ownership interest in land
whether recorded or not.
C. "County" - Kent County, Michigan.
D. Divided" or "Division" - the creation, partitioning or splitting of a parcel or tract of land by the
owner thereof or by his or her heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors
or assigns, for the purpose of sale, transfer or lease of more than one (1) year, or of building
development that results in one or more parcels. For purposes of this definition, "divided" or
"division" shall include, but not be limited to, the creation of one or more access easements,
parcels, lots or site condominium units whether created by partition, deed, land contract, a
lease over one (1) year or other written agreement, whether or not recorded with the county
register of deeds records, "Divided' or "division" shall also include the adjustment or
reconfiguration of property lines.
E. "Governing body" - the Cascade Charter Township Board.
F. Parent Tract means a parcel or tract respectively, lawfully in existence on the effective date
of this ordinance.
G. "Township" Cascade Charter Township, Kent County, Michigan
H. Except as expressly otherwise stated in this Ordinance, the definitions of the Act, as amended,
are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Ordinance.
I. For purposes of Sections 105(b) and 109(1)(d) of the Act, the word "area" shall mean any size,
width, frontage, dimension, or space requirement of the Cascade Charter Township Zoning
J. For purposes of Sections 105(b) and 109(1)(c) of the Act, the word width shall mean the width
and frontage requirements of the Cascade Charter Township Zoning Ordinance.
K. For purposes of this Ordinance, "lot" or "parcel" shall be used interchangeably.
Land in the Township shall not be divided without the prior review and approval of the Township
Planning Director (or designee) in accordance with this Ordinance and the Act, except that a parcel
proposed for subdivision through a recorded plat pursuant to the Township's Land Subdivision
Ordinance(s) and the Act shall be exempted from this requirement. If a proposed land division involves
the division of one or more existing platted lots or the reconfiguration or adjustment of a boundary line
of an existing platted lot, the Cascade Charter Township Subdivision Ordinance shall be applicable.
An applicant shall file all of the following with the Township Planning Director (or designee) for review
and approval of a proposed land division before making any division:
A. A completed Township application form, together with all required supporting materials.
B. Signature on the application by the fee title owner of the property.
C. A survey map of the land proposed to be divided, showing the dimensions and legal descriptions
of the existing parcel, the parcels proposed to be created by the division(s) (including "remnant"
parcels or those to be retained by the owner) and any easements, the location of all existing
structures and other land improvements, including the location of any well or septic systems on
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the lot, and the accessibility of the parcels for vehicular traffic and utilities from existing
public/private roads.
The Township may waive the survey requirement for good cause shown if adequate and
accurate legal descriptions are demonstrated by the materials submitted by the applicant, and
additionally, such materials are sufficient to show that all of the requirements of the Ordinance
and the Act have been met.
D. Proof that all standards of the Act, this Ordinance and other applicable ordinances and laws
have been met.
E. The Township may require that the applicant provide a title search from a title insurance
company if it is reasonably necessary to show that previous land divisions do not preclude the
proposed land division(s).
F. Proof that all due and payable property taxes or installments of special assessments pertaining
to the land proposed to be divided are paid in full.
G. Unless a division creates a parcel which is acknowledged and declared to be "not buildable"
under Section 8 of this Ordinance, all divisions shall result in "buildable" parcels containing
sufficient "buildable" area outside of non-developable land area, as defined by the Cascade
Township Subdivision Ordinance, and with sufficient area to comply with all required setback
provisions, minimum floor areas, off-street parking spaces, on-site sewage disposal and water
well locations (where public water and sewer service is not available), and maximum allowed
area coverage of buildings and structures on the site.
H. The full fee in an amount as may from time to time be established by resolution of the
Township Board for land division reviews pursuant to this Ordinance to cover the costs of
review of the application and administration of this Ordinance.
A. Upon receipt of a complete land division application package from an applicant, the Township
Planning Director (or designee) shall (i) approve, (ii) approve with reasonable conditions to
assure compliance with applicable ordinances and the protection of public health, safety and
welfare, or (iii) disapprove the land division applied for within 45 days after receipt of the
application package conforming to this Ordinance's requirements (including any and
all required zoning and private street approvals) and shall promptly notify the applicant in
writing of the decision(s) and the reasons for any denial.
If the application package does not conform to these Ordinance requirements and the Act, the
Township Planning Director or other designee shall return the same to the applicant for
completion in accordance with this Ordinance and the Act.
B. Any person or entity aggrieved by the decision of the Township Planning Director (or designee)
may, within 30 days of said decision, appeal the decision to the Township Planning
Commission, which shall consider and resolve such appeal by a majority vote at its next regular
C. Land division approvals shall be valid only for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of
approval by the Township. If the deeds or land contracts for such lots proposed by the land
division are not properly recorded and accepted by the County Register of Deeds within this
time period, the land division approval shall be considered null and void and a new application
must thereafter be submitted. If an amendment to the Township Zoning Ordinance or other
Township ordinance becomes effective prior to the land division being recorded and the
amendment applies to any of the resulting parcels in a way which would make the proposed lot
or lots violate the Township Zoning Ordinance or other Township ordinance, the land division
approval shall be null and void even if the 60-day time limit has not expired.
D. The Township Planning Director (or designee) shall maintain an official record of all land
division applications, including denied, approved, unrecorded and accomplished land divisions.
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E. If the land division involves the use or creation of a private street, approval of the private street
must be obtained from the Township in accordance with all applicable Township regulations
prior to the approval of the land division.
A proposed land division shall be approved only if all of the following criteria are met:
A. All of the parcels to be created by the proposed land division(s) must fully comply with the
applicable lot (parcel) width, access, setback, and area requirements of the Township Zoning
Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Private Street Ordinance, and other applicable Township
B. A proposed land division which will create twenty (20) or more parcels in total from the parent
tract or parent parcel shall be required to go through the Townships platting, site
condominium or planned unit development procedure.
C. The ratio of depth to width of any parcel created by a land division (including a remnant parcel)
shall not exceed 4:1 unless otherwise provided by the Township Zoning Ordinance.
D. If the land division involves the use of a new curb cut to a public road, the applicant must
submit evidence of review and approval of the curb cut location by the Kent County Road
Commission or Michigan Department of Transportation.
E. The Township may require such additional conditions and safeguards as are deemed necessary
to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
F. The Township Board may establish reasonable fees for Township review and approval of land
divisions. Additionally, the Township may require the applicant to reimburse the Township for
fees and costs incurred by the Township Attorney and/or Township Engineer in reviewing the
proposed land division. No land division approval or permit shall be effective until all such fees
and reimbursements have been paid to the Township in full.
G. No land division shall be approved until all ad valorem property taxes due and owing on the
original parcel have been paid in full to the Township and/or County, and all special
assessments and charges in lieu of special assessments, due and owing against the original
parcel have been paid to the Township in full (unless exempted by Cascade Charter Township).
Additionally, no land division shall be approved until all indebtedness of the owners of the
original parcel have been paid in full to the Township.
Notwithstanding disqualification from approval pursuant to this Ordinance, a proposed land division
which does not fully comply with the applicable lot, setback, accessibility and area requirements of the
Township Zoning Ordinance or this Ordinance may be approved where the applicant executes and
records a permanent deed restriction with the Kent County Register of Deeds, in a form acceptable to
the Township, designating the parcel as "not buildable" and also not usable for anything other than
agricultural or passive uses, which restrictions shall be enforceable by the Township.
Any such parcel shall also be designated as "not buildable" in the Township records, and shall not
thereafter be the subject of a request to the Zoning Board of Appeals for variance relief from the
applicable lot and/or area requirements, and shall not be used except for agricultural or passive uses.
Any parcel or easement created in violation of or noncompliance with this Ordinance shall not be eligible
for any building permit or zoning approvals. Furthermore, no parcel, lot, site condominium unit or
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easement created in violation of this Ordinance or the Act shall be utilized for any purpose whatsoever,
nor shall such land division be recognized. In addition, a violation of this Ordinance shall also subject
the violator to the penalties and enforcement actions set forth in Section 10 of this Ordinance, and as
may otherwise be provided by law.
Any person, firm, corporation, trust, governmental unit, partnership or other legal entity which violates
or refuses to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be responsible for a municipal civil
infraction and shall be punished by a civil fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) for a first violation two hundred
and fifty ($250.00) for a second violation and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a third or subsequent
violation, as well as other applicable civil infraction remedies.. Any person who violates any of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall also be subject to civil action seeking invalidation of the land division
and appropriate injunctive or other relief.
The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and if any clause, sentence, word,
section or provision is declared void or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent
jurisdiction, it shall not affect any portion of this Ordinance other than said part or portion thereof.
All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, except
that this Ordinance shall not be construed to repeal any provision in the Township Zoning Ordinance,
the Cascade Charter Township Subdivision Ordinance, or the Township's building code.
This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days following its publication (or
summary thereof) after adoption. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by
Board Member Carpenter, Supported by Board member Goodyke. The roll
call vote was as follows:
Yeas: Timmons, Goodyke, Jones, Julien, Carpenter
Absent: Kleinheksel, Parrish
Jean E Neve
Deputy Township Clerk
Land Division Ordinance
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I hereby certify the forgoing to be true copy of an Ordinance adopted at a
Regular Meeting of the Cascade Charter Township Board on the 22
Day of
May, 2002.
Jean E Neve
Deputy Township Clerk