IPA Power Hour 4Prevailing Wage
and Project Labor Agreements
May 23, 2024
1. Introductions and Housekeeping
2. IDOL Department Overview
3. Discussion on Prevailing Wage Law & Project Labor Act
4. Long-Term Plan
5. IPA Wage Requirements & Renewable Projects
6. Q&A
IPA Power Hour Webinars
Today’s Power Hour:
Explore Prevailing Wage Law and Project Labor Act in Illinois. The webinar will also look
into prevailing wage and project labor agreements for renewable energy projects
participating in the IPA renewable energy programs and procurements.
Power Hour is a series of educational and informative presentations on a wide range of
clean energy topics and emerging issues.
Power Hour webinar series started in 2021.
To-date, the Agency has hosted 31 Power Hour webinars.
Invited energy thought leaders and experts locally and nationally.
WEBINAR ARCHIVES: https://ipa.illinois.gov/about-ipa/ipa-events/previous-
Illinois Department of Labor
Background on Prevailing Wage & PLAs
I. Department overview
II. Prevailing Wage overview
III. Project Labor Agreement (PLA) overview
Mission statement
The mission of the Illinois Department of Labor is to
protect and promote the wages, welfare, working
conditions, and safety of Illinois workers by enforcing
State labor and employment laws, providing compliance
assistance to employers, and increasing public
awareness of workplace protections.
About IDOL
Charged with enforcing laws protecting workers’ rights on the job.
Enforce about 25 different workplace protections and safety
standards with offices in Chicago, Springfield, and Marion.
Currently 4 labor law enforcement divisions: Fair Labor
Standards; Conciliation and Mediation; Leave Rights and IL
Fun fact: IDOL also inspects carnival and amusement attractions!
Email: DOL.PaidLeave@illinois.gov
PWA Requires
Contractors and subcontractors must pay workers
employed on covered public works projects no less than
the general prevailing rate of wages (hourly cash wages
plus fringe benefits) for work of similar character in the
locality where the work is performed.
What are Public Works?
All fixed works constructed by any public body.
Work financed in whole OR part with public funds, including but
not limited to general revenue funds; capital funds; bonds; grants;
and loans.
Renewable energy projects required to pay prevailing wage
pursuant to the Illinois Power Agency Act.
Construction projects performed by a third-party contracted by any
public utility.
What are “prevailing” wages?
Rates that “prevail” for each craft and trade ascertained in June.
New rates, by trade and county, published to IDOL website each
Section 9 hearings to challenge any rate determination.
New trade classifications established through admin hearing
What are IDOLs Duties?
Ascertain and post prevailing wages through the annual survey
Collect certified transcripts of payroll records through online
Issue required workforce data reports.
Take and investigate complaints of prevailing wage
noncompliance and collect back wages and penalties for
Prevailing Wage Act – Payroll Records
Certified transcript of payroll (820 ILCS 130/5)
Any contractor and each subcontractor who participate in a public
works project must make and maintain time and payroll
records for five years. This includes time records, check
stubs/direct deposit records, and payroll summaries.
Certified transcript of payroll must be filed in the Department’s
online database.
Members of the public may create account to upload or search:
Certified Transcript of Payroll
Workforce Data Reporting
Various laws requires IDOL to analyze certified transcript of
payroll to report on workforce characteristics on public works
- IL Works report
- Clean Energy project report to Illinois Power Agency
- PA 103-347 will require quarterly reporting after 1/1/24
Prevailing Wage Act - Enforcement
IDOL receives complaints and conducts investigations.
Violators pay workers the difference between the wage paid
and the prevailing wage.
Majority of investigations resolved informally.
Contractors may be subject to penalties, punitive damages,
and debarment.
Project Labor Agreements
A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is:
A form of pre-hire collective bargaining agreement
Covers all terms and conditions of employment on a
specific project
Contractor who wins a bid must sign letter of assent to
Contractor does not have to be unionized but must
comply with CBAs and other terms and conditions
established through PLA for life of the contract.
IL Project Labor Agreement Act
Pursuant to this Act, any project labor agreement shall:
(a) Set forth effective, immediate, and mutually binding procedures for resolving
jurisdictional labor disputes and grievances arising before the completion of work.
(b) Contain guarantees against strikes, lockouts, or similar actions.
(c) Ensure a reliable source of skilled and experienced labor.
(d) For minorities and women as defined under the Business Enterprise for Minorities,
Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act, set forth goals for apprenticeship hours to be
performed by minorities and women and set forth goals for total hours to be performed by
underrepresented minorities and women.
(e) Permit the selection of the lowest qualified responsible bidder, without regard to union
or non-union status at other construction sites.
(f) Bind all contractors and subcontractors on the public works project through the inclusion
of appropriate bid specifications in all relevant bid documents.
(g) Include such other terms as the parties deem appropriate.
Project Labor Agreements
Typical use: large scale, complex projects; need for
technical or safety expertise; “predictable costs and
steady supply of skilled labor” over an extended period of
Seminal case: Building and Construction Trades Council
of Metropolitan District v. Associated Builders and
Contractors of Massachusetts/Rhode Island Inc., 507
U.S. 218 (1993) (“Boston Harbor”)
Enforced pursuant to terms set forth in the PLA (no public
Prevailing Wage and Project Labor Agreement
for IPA Renewable Energy Projects
Kelly Turner
Chief Legal Counsel, Illinois Power Agency
Independent State Agency created in 2007
Agency duties include
Development and implementation of procurement plans
for electricity supply for utility customers
Development and implementation of other renewable
energy programs
Development of the Long-Term Renewable Resources
Procurement Plan
Implement programs and run procurement events to incentivize
the development of new renewable energy resources
The Illinois Power Agency
Long-Term Renewable Resources
Procurement Plan
Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan
Details of the RPS are outlined in the Agency’s Long-Term
Approved by Illinois Commerce Commission
ICC Docket No. 23-0714, Final Order entered February 20, 2024
Long-Term Plan details programs and procurements which
incentivize the development of new renewable resources
through the purchase of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
Competitive procurements
Illinois Solar for All
Illinois Shines
Self-direct Program
Large customers receive an offset of RPS charges from utility for
retirement of RECs from new utility-scale developments
Prevailing Wage Requirements
Under the IPA Act
Prevailing Wage Requirements
Prevailing Wage applies to most projects receiving state-
administered funding through a REC Contract
Provisions under the Prevailing Wage Act 820 ILCS 130/2
“Public Works” definition includes “renewable energy projects required to pay the
prevailing wage pursuant to the Illinois Power Agency Act.
Provisions under the Illinois Power Agency Act 20 ILCS 3855/1-
Utility-scale wind and solar; hydropower; brownfield solar projects
Projects incentivized Illinois Shines Program with exceptions
Provisions under the IPA Act 20 ILCS 3855/1-56(b-15)
Projects incentivized under Illinois Solar Program with exceptions
Provisions under the IPA Act 20 ILCS 3855/1-75(c)(1)(R)(2)(vii)
Projects participating in the Self-direct Program
Prevailing Wage Requirements
Renewable energy projects required to pay the prevailing
wage pursuant to the Illinois Power Agency Act
20 ILCS 3855/1-75(c)(1)(Q)(1) eff. 9/15/21
Utility-scale wind
Utility-scale solar
Brownfield site photovoltaics
Projects participating in the Self-direct Renewable Portfolio Standard Compliance
Projects incentivized Illinois Shines Program with exceptions
20 ILCS 3855/1-56(b-15) eff. 6/30/23
Projects incentivized under Illinois Solar Program with exceptions
Exceptions to Prevailing Wage
Certain project types are exempt from PW under IPA
Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All projects:
Projects serving residential buildings (single-family or multi-family)
Projects no more than 100kW in size that serve "houses of worship"
Illinois Shines Large DG projects waitlisted as of Dec 14, 2021
Illinois Shines projects constructed prior to September 15, 2021
Illinois Solar for All projects that went under contract prior to June
30, 2023
Self-direct projects with a REC Contract entered into prior to
September 15, 2021
Compliance with Prevailing Wage
Illinois Shines and Solar for All
Attestation in project applications
Copies of CTPs submitted to IDOL required
CTPs available in IDOL database
Applies to construction, maintenance, repairs
Applies to Approved Vendors, contractors,
Compliance with Prevailing Wage
Competitively-bid REC Contracts
Commitment to pay prevailing wage made during the
bid process
Any out-of-state project must comply with local
prevailing wage or applicable Davis-Bacon wages
Self-direct Program
Applications must demonstrate that projects were
built in compliance with prevailing wage
Project Labor Agreement
Requirements Under the IPA Act
Project Labor Agreements
Project labor agreements are required for certain projects
participating in IPA programs/procurements under the IPA
Section 1-75(c)(1)(Q)(2) applies to:
Utility-scale wind projects
Utility-scale solar projects
Brownfield site photovoltaic projects
Not applicable to hydropower
This requirement is in addition to the prevailing wage
requirements under 1-75(c)(1)(Q)(1).
Project Labor Agreements
Requirements under Section 1-75(c)(1)(Q)(2):
New utility-scale wind, solar, and brownfield site projects
must be "built by general contractors that must enter into a
project labor agreement"
IPA Act defines "project labor agreement" as a "pre-hire
collective bargaining agreement that covers all terms and
conditions of employment on a specific construction project"
All PLAs must be consistent with the Illinois Project Labor
Agreements Act
Compliance with PLA requirements
All of the projects which require PLAs are competitively-bid
REC Contracts
Bidder confirms commitment in the bid process
REC Contract requires project owner to submit PLA to the
Director of the IPA within the later of:
60 days prior to construction starts
30 days after execution of the PLA
30 days of the Commission Bid Approval Date, if construction is
IPA confirms submitted PLA meets requirements, provides
confirmation to the project owner
Self-direct Program
Projects participating in the Self-Direct RPS Compliance
Program must also be built under a PLA
Required under 1-75(c)(1)(R)(2)(vii)
Only applicable to projects where the REC Contract is entered into
after September 15, 2021
Confirmation of compliance conducted during the application
Contact Us
Jane Flanagan
Director, Illinois Department of Labor
jane.flanag[email protected]ov
Kelly Turner
Chief Legal Counsel, Illinois Power Agency