System Operations User Manual
Part No E52128-01
System Operation User Manual
Table of Contents (index)
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Purpose of the Manual ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Audience .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.3. Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7
2. Branch Server ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1. Bank Maintenance................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1. Bank Master Maintenance ............................................................................................ 9
2.1.2. Bank Calendar Maintenance ...................................................................................... 11
2.2. Branch Operations ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1. Branch Server Start Operations .................................................................................. 12
2.2.2. Cash and Transfer Operations ................................................................................... 13
2.3. Branch Tables Purging ....................................................................................................... 18
2.4. Clearing File Uploads ......................................................................................................... 20
2.4.1. Inward Clearing batch Upload .................................................................................... 20
2.4.2. Load Central Bank Floppy File ................................................................................... 20
2.4.3. Load the Inward MICR file .......................................................................................... 21
2.5. Database Backups and Reports Backups ......................................................................... 23
2.5.1. Database Backup........................................................................................................ 23
2.5.2. Reports Backups ......................................................................................................... 23
2.6. Data Downloads ................................................................................................................. 24
2.6.1. Automatic Download ................................................................................................... 24
2.6.2. Manual Download ....................................................................................................... 26
2.7. GEFU File Upload .............................................................................................................. 29
2.7.1. Upload Process ........................................................................................................... 31
2.7.2. Inquiry ......................................................................................................................... 34
2.7.3. Reports ....................................................................................................................... 35
2.8. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 37
2.8.1. Release Area Maintenance ........................................................................................ 37
2.8.2. Branch Server Maintenance ....................................................................................... 37
2.9. Security Management System Related Activities .............................................................. 38
2.9.1. Transferring Users from One Branch to Another ........................................................ 38
2.9.2. Logging Out of User ID ............................................................................................... 38
2.9.3. Enable / Disable of user ID ......................................................................................... 39
2.9.4. Adhoc Reports ............................................................................................................ 40
2.9.5. Dos and Don’ts on the Branch Server ........................................................................ 40
2.10. BA093 - Calendar Holiday Maintenance .......................................................................... 42
2.11. BA094 - Calendar Propagation Maintenance .................................................................. 44
3. Data Center ............................................................................................................................... 47
3.1. Database Backups and Reports Backups ......................................................................... 48
3.1.1. Database Backup........................................................................................................ 48
3.1.2. Reports Backups ......................................................................................................... 48
3.2. Data Purging ...................................................................................................................... 49
3.2.1. Host Tables Purging ................................................................................................... 49
3.2.2. Log Files Purging ........................................................................................................ 49
3.2.3. Reports Purging .......................................................................................................... 49
3.3. Host Operations ................................................................................................................. 58
3.4. Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate .............................................................................. 59
3.4.1. EOD Flow of Events for FCR ...................................................................................... 61
3.5. Login for EOD Operations .................................................................................................. 63
3.5.1. Control of EOD Services for Retail Application .......................................................... 63
3.5.2. Bringing Up the Operator Menu .................................................................................. 64
3.5.3. Invoking the EOD Console ......................................................................................... 65
3.5.4. Other Buttons on the EOD Console............................................................................ 70
System Operation User Manual
3.5.5. Process Run and Status Update ................................................................................ 71
3.5.6. Exception Processing ................................................................................................. 75
3.6. Normal Processing Day ..................................................................................................... 77
3.6.1. Cut-off processing ....................................................................................................... 77
3.6.2. End of day (EOD) processing ..................................................................................... 78
3.6.3. Beginning of day (BOD) processing ........................................................................... 79
3.6.4. Adhoc processing ....................................................................................................... 80
3.7. Other Activities Done During EOD Processing .................................................................. 82
3.8. Pre-requisites Required for EOD Processing .................................................................... 83
3.8.1. FLEXCUBE Retail Services ........................................................................................ 83
3.8.2. Data Area .................................................................................................................... 83
3.8.3. Branch Batch Close .................................................................................................... 83
3.9. Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day ..................................................................... 85
3.9.1. Eligibility Shell ............................................................................................................. 85
3.9.2. Cut-off Processing ...................................................................................................... 86
3.9.3. End of day (EOD) Processing ..................................................................................... 87
3.9.4. Beginning of day (BOD) Processing ........................................................................... 88
3.10. System Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 91
3.10.1. Release Area Maintenance ...................................................................................... 91
3.10.2. Host Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 91
3.11. Troubleshooting................................................................................................................ 92
3.11.1. Path for Logging the Trace File ................................................................................ 92
3.11.2. Process Abort Procedures ........................................................................................ 95
3.11.3. Common Script to Update Non-Operator Login Status ............................................ 95
3.11.4. Database Access Problem or Space Problem ......................................................... 96
4. Download Related Transactions ............................................................................................ 97
4.1. 5504 - Download-Upload Status Inquiry* ........................................................................... 98
4.2. 5531 - Download-Upload File ........................................................................................... 100
4.3. 8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance* ...................................................................... 102
4.4. 8890 - Cluster Maintenance* ............................................................................................ 108
4.5. 8891 - Download Log* ...................................................................................................... 113
4.6. 8892 - Download Service ................................................................................................. 117
5. File Upload ............................................................................................................................. 120
5.1. 7239 - Upload Local File .................................................................................................. 121
5.2. 7240 - File Upload Status Inquiry ..................................................................................... 124
5.3. 8893 - Upload Account Balance File* .............................................................................. 127
5.4. BA450 - Generic External File Upload* ............................................................................ 129
5.5. BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++) ...................................................................................... 133
5.6. BAM53 - SCHEDULAR SETUP ....................................................................................... 140
5.7. BAM54 - External File Setup ............................................................................................ 146
5.8. BAM94 - File Extract Inquiry ............................................................................................ 155
5.9. BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)........................................................................... 158
5.10. CHM43 - Cheque Book Issue Upload ............................................................................ 165
5.11. ST043 - Load Inward Remittance File ........................................................................... 167
5.12. ST044 - Outward Remittance Handoff ........................................................................... 170
6. Host and Branch Report ....................................................................................................... 173
6.1. Reports ............................................................................................................................. 174
1. Introduction
Purpose of the Manual
1.1. Purpose of the Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide details into all the operations which would be required to
be undertaken at the branch as well as the Data Center level. Banks can prepare an exhaustive
operations manual using the contents of this manual as the base. This manual is not expected to
provide an exhaustive checklist of all operations/tasks which are required to be done in particular
Depending upon the configuration of FLEXCUBE, it is possible that some operations need not be
undertaken or some additional steps would be needed to be undertaken to complete a task. For
e.g., FLEXCUBE Corporate as an external system may not be used at a particular site. In such a
scenario, the related/brief operations pertaining to FLEXCUBE Corporate should be disregarded.
As this manual refers to operations pertaining to FLEXCUBE Core Banking, the operations in
other systems such as FLEXCUBE Corporate would not be mentioned in detail.
1.2. Audience
The audience of this manual would be:
Branch personnel who are responsible for operations on branch server
Data center personnel who are responsible for operations on Application and Database
EOD/EOM and batch operators
1.3. Overview
The first task of the day for the System Operator is to prepare the bank for the day’s operation.
This Beginning of Day (BOD) operation is carried out by the System Operator at the Host server.
Next, the designated supervisor at the branch carries out the Branch batch opening. This opens
the branch for transactions. Then the vault operator opens the Vault batch for currency vault
operations and the teller opens the Teller Batch for the teller counter transactions. The teller then
gets cash for transactions from the Cash Officer using the Buy Cash from Vault option. The
designated Supervisor checks transactions executed in EOD/BOD viz. Standing Instructions,
Sweepin/Sweepout, Maturity Processing, and Interest compounding/payout using the EOD/BOD
After all the above basic operations, the bank begins transactions for the day. The transactions
include clearing operations, customer/module transactions, CASA, RD, Term Deposit, Loans, and
GL. Clearing Operations such as inward clearing, authorizing data entry batches are done with
the help of GEFU Upload.
At the end of the day’s transactions, a sequence of steps is followed before the bank is closed for
the day. The first operation is to balance the cash. This is done by the teller. Next, the teller
hands over cash to the Cash Officer with the Sell Cash to Vault option. Then the teller closes its
day’s operations through the Close Teller Batch option. After this the vault operator closes the
vault for the day. If for any reason the branch is cut off from host for some time, the transactions
will be transferred from branch server to host server after the restoration of network. The Branch
Batch Confirm option will show whether both are in sync. Finally, the supervisor will close the
branch for the day.
After all the branches are closed, a pre cutoff backup is taken. Next, transactions done after the
previous cutoff till current cut-off are taken up for processing in the EOD. Further transactions
posted through TBS, POS, ATM, and INB will be taken up on the next day. The System Operator
then starts the EOD operation and takes a post EOD backup.
Branch Server
2. Branch Server
Bank Maintenance
2.1. Bank Maintenance
Bank maintenance is a key operation. The two important bank maintenance operations are: Bank
Master Maintenance and Bank Calendar Maintenance.
2.1.1. Bank Master Maintenance
The user can maintain the general information of the bank operating FLEXCUBE using the Bank
Master Maintenance (Fast Path: BAM08) option. The Bank Master is a single record table, set
up at installation. A user cannot add or delete data in it. The Bank Master contains all the bank
level parameters such as the bank code, module-wise processing date, next process date, local
currency of the bank, suspense GL and Inter-Branch (IB) GL codes that are used by all branches
and modules.
It also enables the bank to maintain the name and address of the Head Office along with
separate process date for each of the modules.
The various GLs such as the suspense GL, Inter-branch GL, With-Holding Tax GL, Cash
Overage, Cash Shortage, Bank Cash GL and Branch Vault GL can also be specified in this
For more information on bank codes refer to Bank Codes Maintenance (Fast Path: BAM20)
To view the bank master details:
Open the Bank Master Maintenance (Fast Path: BAM08) option.
The Bank Master Maintenance screen is displayed.
Bank Maintenance
Bank Master Maintenance
Fig 37: Bank Master Maintenance Screen
Select the Inquiry mode.
Type the Bank Code and press the <Tab> key.
The system displays the bank master details.
Bank Maintenance
2.1.2. Bank Calendar Maintenance
You can maintain a calendar for the cost center or branch bank using Bank Calendar
Maintenance (Fast Path: BA090) option.
To view the bank calendar details:
Open the Bank Calendar Maintenance (Fast Path: BA090) option.
The Bank Calendar Maintenance screen is displayed.
Fig 38: Bank Calendar Maintenance Screen
Select the Inquiry mode.
Select the Cost Centre from the pick list.
The system displays the bank calendar details.
Branch Operations
2.2. Branch Operations
2.2.1. Branch Server Start Operations
The activities mentioned in this section constitute the Beginning of Day operations for the Branch
Systems. The Branch system administrator can perform these tasks.
From a FLEXCUBE perspective, the following services should be running on the branch server
for effective operations:
Service Name
Order of Start
Description / Purpose of Service
Web Service for publishing the branch
Branch Server Start Operations Screen
Fig 1 - Branch Server Start Operations Screen
To prepare the bank for the day’s operation
1. Switch on the UPS and Branch Server, in that order.
2. After the Branch Server comes up, click the Services shortcut icon on the Branch Server
desktop. (IT staff to ensure that the shortcut is created.)
3. Start the Branch Service.
Branch Operations
4. Data Center will then download the previous day’s EOD / Current day’s BOD reports from
the Data Center.
5. Double-click the Download icon on the desktop to start the automatic download
6. Now the Branch server is ready for the branch to start the day’s operations.
2.2.2. Cash and Transfer Operations
This section deals with the workflow related to the cash and transfer operations in a typical
business day, in chronological order, with respect to FLEXCUBE.
Start of Business Day
Open Branch Batch
The Branch Manager / Operations Manager opens the branch batch for a particular posting day in
FLEXCUBE using the Open Branch Batch (Fast Path: 6001) option. Only after the branch batch
has been opened will the vault teller and the other tellers be able to open their respective batches
for that posting day. In case of split day processing, the Operations In charge or the branch
manager can open a branch batch for the next working day. At any point in time a maximum of 2
days including the current one can be opened.
Open Vault Batch
The vault custodian should open the vault batch immediately after the branch batch has been
opened. Execution of the Open Vault Batch (Fast Path: 9003) option also signifies the opening
of the physical cash vault of the branch. While opening the vault batch, the system prompts the
vault custodian to enter the physical count for the vault cash. This process also verifies whether
the vault cash tallies at the start of the day. The related tellers can buy cash for their individual
transactions for the day only after this process.
Open Teller Batch
The Teller can start posting transactions for the day after the teller batch has been opened (Open
Teller Batch (Fast Path: 9001) option) for the day. If the teller is a cash teller then the system
prompts the teller to enter the physical cash position at the start of the day. This also ensures that
the physical count matches the system count i.e. the cash position is tallied at the end of the day.
The basic order of activities is as listed below.
The order of the transactions need not be strictly followed and the same can be modified to suit
the bank workflow.
TC Balancing (Fast Path: 6203): If the teller is authorised to deal in foreign currency TC’s,
the teller can balance the TC’s in his custody at the start of the day to ensure that the
physical TC count matches the system count.
Buy Cash from Vault (Fast Path: 9007): The teller would be required to buy cash if the
entire cash has been returned to the vault at the end of the previous business day.
Alternatively, the teller can retain a certain amount of cash in his cash-till which is equal to
or less than the teller limit.
The teller can also buy/sell cash from the vault anytime through the day whenever the
teller cash falls below/above the drawer lower limit.
Buy TCs from Vault (Fast Path: 9017): If the teller is authorized to deal in foreign currency
TC’s, he can buy/sell the TC’s from the vault according to his requirement.
General transactions.
Branch Operations
After completion of the activities mentioned above, the tellers can proceed with their respective
operations like:
Cash Withdrawals (Withdrawal slips and Cheque withdrawals)
Cash Deposits
Cheque Deposits
CASA related operations
Remittance transactions like issuance of Bankers Cheques, Demand Drafts, and
Telegraphic Transfers
Term deposit related operations
Loan related operations
EOD and BOD Report Verification
The reports pertaining to the branch for previous day’s EOD and the same day’s BOD are
available in a designated area on the host server to a designated area on the branch server. The
default designated area is:
<FLEXCUBE Installation Path>\rjsout\<mm>\<dd>
where, mm: month of the posting date and dd: day of posting.
For example, reports for 15th June will be available in <FLEXCUBE Installation
Path>/rjsout/06/15 area.
The default designated area is rjsout area of the application server. This default area can be
configured during FLEXCUBE installation. Then after the day is complete and the next set of
reports is generated, the earlier reports move into the mmdd folder in the same area. For the
specific reports to be downloaded to the branches, there are three methods. They are:
Manually transfer the same to the respective branch servers' rjsout area, and the branches
at their end will check the reports.
Through the report download utilities (external utility and not part of FC), can be configured
for the download of the reports to the respective branch servers.
The reports are kept in an Intranet set up of the Bank and the branches will be authorised
to view their reports.
The supervisors in the branch can refer to these reports and verify the transactions, mainly the
GL postings for the previous day’s transactions using the Report Request (Fast Path: 7775)
option and selecting the relevant report. This activity should form a part of the supervisors’ daily
branch operations. The daily BOD reports also include important details like the SI success,
failure, the TD maturity processing, the OD maturity processing related reports, etc.
Intermediate Cash Balancing and Verification
The teller should balance his physical cash with the system count at an intermediate interval, e.g.
before going for lunch.
The teller should also verify at frequent intervals whether he has submitted all the transactions
which had been sent for remote authorisation and which have been subsequently authorised.
Closure of Business Day
Branch Operations
After Business Hours
The teller should ensure that all the transactions, including batch data entry for the day, have
been authorised. The teller should use the Search Electronic Journal (Fast Path: 6006) option
to verify if there are any authorised transactions which are pending for submission. If there are
any transactions pending, they should be completed by clicking the Submit button.
To verify whether all the batches have been authorised, the teller should use the List Batch
Status (Fast Path: 5515) option. If any batches are pending for authorisation, then the system will
not allow the user to close the batch for the day.
Before the teller closes his teller batch, he should print TP5050 - Batch Journal Report and
verify the entries for correctness with actual vouchers/slips. This is a must so that if any entry has
been posted wrongly, it can be reversed through the Search Electronic Journal (Fast Path:
6006) option.
End of Day Cash Balancing & Transfer of Cash to Vault:
At the end of the day the teller should tally the physical cash with the system cash.
If there is any shortage or overage, the teller should try to resolve the difference by verifying the
actual slips and details of denominations with the TP5050 - Teller Transaction Report and
TP5021 - Cash Position Report. If the difference remains even after verification, a Shortage or
Overage needs to be booked accordingly.
After the teller has tallied his physical cash with the system count, the cash can be retained in the
teller’s till-box to the extent of the teller drawer lower limit. However if the entire cash has to be
turned over to the vault overnight, the teller can use the Sell Cash to Vault (Fast Path: 9008)
option. Similarly for TCs, the Sell TCs to Vault (Fast Path: 9019) option needs to be used.
The teller should also print and verify the following reports to verify transactions posted through
GL Voucher Data Entry GLM01:
GL210 GL Voucher TX’s Summary
GL211 GL Voucher batches not closed report
End of Day Teller Batch Closure
The teller should close the teller batch at the end of the day after the following has been done:
1. All data entry batches have been Authorised and Closed.
2. All transactions have been submitted.
3. Physical cash has tallied with the system count.
4. Entire / Excess cash has been transferred to the vault.
Note: The teller should not leave the branch while the teller batch is still open.
Close Teller Batch (Fast Path: 9005) option needs to be used for closing teller batches for a
particular posting date.
In case the teller does not close batch, cannot be contacted, or password is not known, the
password needs to be reset and the teller batch needs to be closed by the System Administrator.
Batch Status Verification
Before the tellers leave for the day, the Supervisors should verify if the batches for the respective
tellers are closed for the day. The supervisor can use the Batch Status Enquiry (Fast Path:
7017) option to inquire the batch status.
End of Day Vault Teller Batch Closure
Branch Operations
The vault custodian should close the vault teller batch at the end of the day after the following has
been done:
1. All the tellers have closed their respective batches and successfully tallied their cash.
2. All transactions have been submitted.
3. The physical cash in the vault has tallied with the system count.
The vault custodian should not leave the branch while the vault teller batch is still open.
End of Day Branch Batch Closure
The Branch Manager / Supervisor / Operator should ensure that all the branch reports listed
below have been printed for the branch at the end of each business day using the Report
Request (Fast Path: 7775) and Advice / Report Status Enquiry (Fast Path: 7778) options.
TP5021 - Cash Position
TP5023 - Teller Transaction Report
TP5028 - Inter Branch Accounts Opened Today
TP5029 - Teller Inter Branch Transactions Report
TP5049 - Cash Transactions Position
TP5050 - Batch Journal Report
TP5051 - EOD Cash Position Report
TP5052 - Authentication Report
TP5070 - Overage/Shortage Report
TP5033 - Instrument Details Report
TP5080 - Travelers’ Cheque Sold Report
TP5081 - Travelers’ Cheque Purchase Report
All reports generated through the Adhoc Report / Advice Request option are present in the
following default area / dictionary on the branch server:
<FLEXCUBE INSTALLATION PATH>\branch\brn\reports\
After the above reports have been taken the branch supervisor /manager should ensure the
1. Supervisors should ensure that all the batches have been authorised and there is no batch
pending for authorisation.
2. All tellers have tallied their cash and successfully closed their respective batches. The
branch batch can be closed only after all the tellers belonging to that branch have
successfully closed their batches.
3. The vault custodian has tallied the vault cash and successfully closed the vault batch.
4. The Branch Batch Confirm (Fast Path: 6005) option is executed successfully.
The supervisor should check for any differences in the transactions posted in branch and
transactions updated in Data Center (host). If there is a difference between these transactions,
the system will give a warning stating that branch batch confirmation is not successful and will not
allow the supervisor to close the branch batch. In such cases, the supervisor should inform the
data center about the difference immediately and seek guidance.
Branch Operations
If the branch batch confirmation is successful, the supervisor should close the branch batch using
Branch Batch Close (Fast Path: 6002) option.
If the branch batch confirmation is not successful, the supervisor should invoke the Force Close
Branch Batch (Fast Path: 6009) option for closing the branch batch on the advice of the data
center. The differences displayed in the branch batch confirmation should be accounted in the
next business day and suitable remedial action should be undertaken.
Branch Tables Purging
2.3. Branch Tables Purging
All the temporary tables and the transaction history tables in the branch database need to be
purged at periodic intervals through the option provided in the software. Before purging, take a full
dump of the database on to a separate DAT with appropriate label.
The suggested purge tables and their retention frequency are mentioned below. Additional tables
can be set up for purge whenever required and the purge retention period is set up depending on
the data requirements of the bank.
Purge Mechanism for Dynamic Tables - Branch
Table Name
information for
Stores control
information for
Teller / Supervisor /
Vault Teller Batch
and closing
Log of daily
transaction details
Log of rejected
online branch
Stores information
of tellers cash
position with the
Stores information
of (local/remote)
granted in a branch
for teller
Log of all spooled
Log of instruments
BC/DD issued from
the branch
Branch Tables Purging
Table Name
Log of all batches
batch data entry
Data for
cheque batches
inputted in the
Data for
cheque batches
inputted in the
Data for inward
cheque batches
inputted in the
Data for outward
cheque batches
inputted in the
Stores log of adhoc
report / advice
requests processed
Data for salary
Delete all
records with
‘Authorised’ or
Data for salary
cheques data entry
Delete all
records with
‘Authorised’ or
Stores information
about the
downloaded tables
XML log of daily
transaction details
The Recommended Purge Handling days data cannot be changed.
Clearing File Uploads
2.4. Clearing File Uploads
2.4.1. Inward Clearing batch Upload
If an inward clearing file format is different to that accepted by the system in the central bank file
screens, or the clearing file format is available with the account number rather than the small
clearing number then this method may be used.
The Batch Inward-Clearing Cheque Data Entry (Fast Path: 5521) option can be used for
directly adding the inward clearing cheques to form a batch or to upload a file containing the
records to be processed in inward clearing.
Branch Inward-Clearing Cheque Data Entry Screen
Fig 2 - Batch Inward-Clearing Cheque Data Entry Screen
The teller / data entry operator would use the Branch screen to directly upload the inward
clearing file in XML format. This file can be present anywhere and can be selected using the
Browse button. There is a utility available to convert the text file into an XML format (Utility
Name: InwdFloopyUpld.exe). The data can then be loaded onto the screen using the Load
button. Once the data is successfully loaded the operator can save and validate the batch. The
rest of the processes would be the same as that for the batch data entry. The records uploaded
and authorised using the above would be processed in the next Inward Clearing batch run.
2.4.2. Load Central Bank Floppy File
The Load Central Bank File (Fast Path: ST042) option enables the user to upload the inward
clearing flat file received from the central bank. FLEXCUBE Retail reads the input file and
creates another flat file, which is used in the Load Inward MICR File (Fast Path: ST031) option.
Clearing File Uploads
Load Central Bank File Screen
Fig 3 - Load Central Bank File Screen
There is a pre-specified format that can be used to directly load the data provided by the central
bank. The file needs to be present in the FLEXCUBE branch data base area in the Host \ rjsin
area. The system will convert the small clearing account numbers to the account numbers used
by the FLEXCUBE system and use the same for further processing. Note down the batch number
so generated.
The system creates a MICR file and generates a file name for the same which requires to be
noted down.
2.4.3. Load the Inward MICR file
The Load Inward MICR File (Fast Path: ST031) option enables the user to complete the inward
clearing data file upload process. Once the central floppy file is uploaded, the system generates a
file name which has to be selected from this screen to complete the file upload. You can also load
data directly for inward clearing of cheques from a flat file using this option. The file should be
present in the appropriate area and in the correct format. Each flat file should have all cheques in
the same currency and should be from the same endpoint.
When the upload from the central bank file upload screens is successful, the system generates a
file number. Note down this file name. The file number which was generated will be available as
part of the pick list under the file name.
Clearing File Uploads
Load Inward MICR File Screen
Fig 4: Load Inward MICR File Screen
In the MICR Upload screen, enter the File Number and the system will generate the host batch
number. Note down this number for further processing.
Database Backups and Reports Backups
2.5. Database Backups and Reports Backups
2.5.1. Database Backup
Backup should be taken on the hard disk and DAT media provided on all the branch servers.
There should be 6 DATs, one for each day of the week. Data backup should be taken daily
through oracle export dump (using ‘fastbackup.bat’ provided to the branches) on the hard disk of
a designated client machine. The same dump should also be taken to the appropriate DAT (DAT
labeled for that day of the week). The media backup should be kept offsite.
Backup of the branch database schema should be taken every week on Saturday to a separate
DAT with appropriate label. This ensures that at any point of time, branches can have the
database schema with all updates till the previous week for restoration in case of need. Backups
for the successive weeks can be appended to the same tape.
2.5.2. Reports Backups
Backup of all the reports downloaded from the data center should be taken once in a month to a
separate DAT with appropriate label. Backups for the successive months can be appended to the
same tape.
Data Downloads
2.6. Data Downloads
Once an entity is defined in the FLEXCUBE Retail, you need to download the entity to the
respective branch, using the Data Download option. The user with specific access rights can
download the product.
There are two different types of downloads:
Automatic Download
Manual Download
2.6.1. Automatic Download
Automatic download is done using a download scheduler. Once the schedule is defined,
download starts automatically. This schedule can later be changed or removed.
When the automatic download is enabled, the system automatically downloads the entity / entities
at the pre-configured time provided the link to the branch server is working at that time. In case
the link is not working at the time of download, the download process creates an output file in a
pre-designated directory in the FLEXCUBE Application Server.
The type of Automatic download is defined in the TBL file. There are two types of Automatic
Incremental Download
Incremental download only downloads the records which are added or updated after the sync
point. This sync point is defined in the XML (TBL) file for a particular table.
In the incremental download, it will check for the latest records and download only the new
Data Downloads
Use the following steps for an automatic incremental download:
Open the Download Service (Fast Path: 8892) option.
The Download Service screen is displayed.
Fig 5 - Download Service Screen
Type the appropriate information in the Entity, From, and To fields.
Clear the Delete Old Record check box.
Select the path in the Path field using the Browse button.
Click the Start button. The system checks the entered data.
Click the Download button.
A request ID is generated. This ID should be noted down.
The Request ID is used to enquire the download status for a particular download. Request ID is a
unique ID generated when the download starts.
Data Downloads
To view the download status:
Open the Download-Upload Status Inquiry (Fast Path: 5504) option. The Download-
Upload Status Inquiry screen is displayed.
Fig 6 - Download-Upload Status Inquiry Screen
Type the request ID in the Request ID field.
Click the Status button.
Full Download
Full download deletes all existing records and the new records are inserted in the table.
The procedure for a Full Automatic download is same as Incremental Automatic download except
for a full download, the Delete Old Record check box is selected.
2.6.2. Manual Download
Manual download can be used to download data in adhoc mode. In case of manual download,
the user uses download service to download data at a particular time.
There are two types of Manual downloads:
Data Downloads
Incremental Download
Incremental download downloads only the records which are added or updated after the sync
point. This sync point is defined in the XML (TBL) file for a particular table.
In the incremental download, it will check for the latest records and download only the new
Manual Incremental download is similar to Automatic Incremental download, except a Manual
download has to be triggered by a user.
Full Download
Full download deletes all existing records and the new records are inserted in the table.
Use the following steps for a manual full download:
The FLEXCUBE download service runs on the branch server. It has to be invoked by
double-clicking the shortcut to download on the branch server. The Download icon will
appear on the bottom right on the status bar next to the date and time slot.
Double-click the icon, and in the Flexcube-Download screen, type the appropriate
information in the Entity, From, and To fields.
The Flexcube-Dowload Screen is displayed.
Fig 7 - Flexcube-Download Screen
Click the Start button. The system checks the entered data and displays the Flexcube-
Download screen.
Data Downloads
Fig 8 - Flexcube-Download Screen
Note: On the centralized branch server the download service should be running only on one of
the branch server.
Click the Download button to start the download service. If the trace file is viewed, it will
display the contents of the data extraction and then the successful completion of the
download. If there is a failure, then the error message can be viewed in the trace file.
By downloading this, the existing records in the branch table are deleted and the full data is
GEFU File Upload
2.7. GEFU File Upload
Generic file upload can be used for any bulk transactions like salary credits, utility payments,
inward direct debit, inward direct credit, etc. The GEFU ++ functionality enables the user to define
the file format in XML as per the utility requirement. It also continues to support the earlier GEFU
A Global set up is required, which will capture the vital details for a specific file like the file format,
required GL’s, scheduler details, etc.
Following are the tabs for the External File Setup (Fast Path: BAM54) option:
Common Parameters
Fig 9 - File Upload Setup (GEFU ++)
GEFU File Upload
GL Setup
Fig 10 - File Upload Setup (GEFU ++) - GL Setup
The required data can be maintained in an XML file format and the different functions which can
be performed through the GEFU file upload can be pre-defined. Only these functions can be done
through the File Upload process.
The set up is also done if the user requires that the output of this processing should go for
another interface or for another processing in FLEXCUBE itself.
The data which is to be uploaded into the system is entered into the Excel file as per the format
mentioned in the file. The flat file is generated, which will be in the file format required for it to be
uploaded in the application. The generated file, by running the macro in the Excel sheet, will have
to be kept in the rjsin folder of the Branch server. This is as per the earlier GEFU file format.
Alternately, the GEFU ++ also supports the file in a comma separated format, which can be
created and directly kept in the rjsin folder of the Branch Server.
Before uploading the file ensure that the GEFU service is up and running. If it is not, start the
service as mentioned in the Branch Server Start Operations section of the document under the
startup of online services.
GEFU File Upload
FLEXCUBE Retail Services Screen
Fig 11 - FLEXCUBE Retail Services Screen
Note: The GEFU service can be shut down once the upload is over, and then restarted once the
new files have to be uploaded. Only ensure that when the file is uploaded, the service is up for it
to get processed.
2.7.1. Upload Process
For the file to upload, use the File Upload (GEFU ++) (Fast Path: BA452) option. Depending on
the set up done in the application the system code is selected from the pick list.
GEFU File Upload
File Upload (GEFU ++) Screen
Fig 12 - File Upload (GEFU ++) Screen
The file to be uploaded is kept in the rjsin directory of the Branch server. The file name is entered
in the Input File Name field. It is case sensitive, so the name has to be entered accurately.
A proper description of the file which is uploaded is mentioned in the Narration field.
After adding the file details, before the actual upload, the user has the option of viewing/enquiry of
the file being uploaded. The user can view the summary of all records in the file and also, on
double-clicking each record, can view the further details of that particular record item. To do the
upload, the screen requires online authorisation from an online Supervisor.
GEFU File Upload
Generic External File Upload Details Screen
Fig 13 - Generic External File Upload Details Screen
GEFU File Upload
Gefu Record Details Screen
Fig 14 - Gefu Record Details Screen
2.7.2. Inquiry
After the online authorisation, if the GEFU service is started, the file is processed. After the
processing the operator can inquire on the status of the file in the File Upload Inquiry (GEFU ++)
(Fast Path: BAM96) option.
GEFU File Upload
File Upload Inquiry (GEFU ++) Screen
Fig 15 - External File Processing - Upload File Status Inquiry Screen
The details and the status of the file can be selected by the File Name (which is case sensitive),
the Status (Processed, unprocessed, all), the Branch Code from which the file was uploaded,
Upload Date and the User Id fields.
The processing of the file is done and the status of success and failure along with the reasons will
be given. If the file is rejected, the reason for the same will be displayed. The file should have
matching credits and debits if the format demands else the file will be rejected. The related
suspense will be generated only if the total details of the file are ok, but there are specific
exceptions at the account or GL level like account status, balance issues, incorrect account
numbers, etc.
Based on the functionality, the financial debits or credits occur online after the successful
processing of the file. The non financial data files like customer creation or account opening also
occur online.
2.7.3. Reports
After a file is uploaded and if the auto report generation is set up, the reports are automatically
generated in the reports folder of the FLEXCUBE in the application server.
Else the adhoc reports can be generated as shown below under ‘File upload reports’.
GEFU File Upload
Report Request Screen
Fig 16 - Report Request Screen
2.8. Maintenance
Maintenance allows the user to up keep different activities. It also allows the user for the smooth
functioning of various activities.
2.8.1. Release Area Maintenance
The Release area is the main section where FLEXCUBE is installed. This area contains all the
executable and supporting files. All the reports are also generated here. This makes the area very
critical and should have strict controlling and restraining access.
The access to this area should be controlled. It should not be available to everyone. It should be
monitored as users can go in that area and modify data, which could lead to disastrous effects.
2.8.2. Branch Server Maintenance
Following are the options which can enhance the productivity of the branch server.
Routine cleanup of C:\temp
Regular backup and cleanup of event viewer (eventvwr)
Regular clean up of %WinDir%\System32\LogFiles (IIS log)
Regular space check and monitoring memory usage to enhance the server productivity
Anti virus schedule set up (to ensure that scanning time does not coincide with branch
working hours)
Restarting server (frequency), restarting services (frequency), ready batch files on desktop
for restart, etc.
Check growth of branch tables (fast growing tables)
Regular check on date-time synchronization on all branch servers in line with
application/database server
Auto download scheduler, set up, frequency set up, and monitoring for any failures
Security Management System Related Activities
2.9. Security Management System Related Activities
2.9.1. Transferring Users from One Branch to Another
An existing user belonging to one branch can be transferred to the other branch of the bank. That
user has to be modified in the user profile maintenance using the modify option.
The cost center, i.e. the branch to which the existing user has been transferred will have to select
from the available pick list, which is the listing of the branches of the bank.
The User Profile Maintenance (Fast Path: SMM02) option should be used for transferring users
from one branch to another.
User Profile Maintenance Screen
Fig 17 - User Profile Maintenance Screen
After the branch code has been changed to the new branch, the download option for the user
profile has to be done for both the previous branch as well as the new branch.
2.9.2. Logging Out of User ID
Using the Modify Login Status (Fast Path: 755) option, the operator can log out the user at the
branch level. This option is used when the teller has killed his FLEXCUBE session without a
formal signoff.
Security Management System Related Activities
Modify Login Status Screen
Fig 18 - Modify Login Status Screen
The pick list will give the listing of the users logged in. The operator can select the user and log
the user out.
2.9.3. Enable / Disable of user ID
Using the Enable / Disable User (Fast Path: 753) option the operator can enable or disable the
user at the branch level.
Security Management System Related Activities
Enable / Disable User Screen
Fig 19 - Enable / Disable User Screen
2.9.4. Adhoc Reports
Please refer to Host & Branch Reports section for details on generation of Adhoc Reports.
Branch Server Shutdown Operations
After the branch batch is closed successfully, the branch system administrator should proceed to
shutdown the branch server as per the steps explained in the section below.
Take the branch database backup. Also transfer the data to a DAT drive. A standard
naming convention of dumps is to be maintained.
For example: BRNCODE_date.
Shutdown the Branch Server and power off the Branch Server and UPS.
By default, the back up for Key Data tables (master tables, transaction log tables, etc.) is
taken. Full database backup should be taken at periodic intervals.
2.9.5. Dos and Don’ts on the Branch Server
Do not remove any folders/files on the branch server without the explicit approval from the
Do not create any new files and folders on the branch server hard disk.
Do not power off the branch server when it is up and running.
Security Management System Related Activities
Do not change the system parameters or Oracle parameters without the explicit approval
from Datacenter.
Do not unplug the cables when the server is up and running.
Do not connect the printers to the branch server, as it will reduce the server performance
in case of continuous printing.
Startup and shutdown the branch server as per the procedure explained above.
Keep updating the branch server and clients with the latest anti-virus software.
Change the power-on and administrator passwords of the branch server as per the
password policy.
BA093 - Calendar Holiday Maintenance
2.10. BA093 - Calendar Holiday Maintenance
Using this option you can maintain the weekly holidays for corporate customers. The bank will
have the option of selecting the month and year for which the week days are required to be
marked as weekly holidays. All the selected days are identified as weekly holidays by the system.
The input for the year is mandatory while the input for the month is optional. In event of the bank
not selecting any particular month for a given year, the marked days are stamped as weekly
holidays for all the weeks / months in that respective year. This is a yearly maintenance and
becomes effective from the immediate next month onwards.
Definition Prerequisites
BAM03 - Branch Master Maintenance
Modes Available
Not Available
To do calendar holiday maintenance
1. Type the fast path BA093 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Global
Definitions >Master > Calendar Holiday Maintenance.
2. The system displays the Calendar Holiday Maintenance screen.
Calendar Holiday Maintenance
BA093 - Calendar Holiday Maintenance
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the year for maintaining the holidays from the pick list.
[Optional, Drop-Down]
Select the month for maintaining the holidays from the drop-down list.
[Mandatory,Check box]
Select the particular check box of the days to specify the weekly
holiday for the corporate.
3. Select the year from the pick list.
4. Select the month from the drop-down.
5. Select the checkbox to specify day of the week as holiday.
Calendar Holiday Maintenance
6. Click the Ok button.
BA094 - Calendar Propagation Maintenance
2.11. BA094 - Calendar Propagation Maintenance
Using this option the bank can propagate calendar maintained for one branch to another branch.
The user can propagate both Corporate and Bank calendar.
Definition Prerequisites
BAM03 - Branch Master Maintenance
Modes Available
Not Available
To do calendar propagation maintenance
1. Type the fast path BA094 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Global
Definitions > Master > Calendar Propagation Maintenance.
2. The system displays the Calendar Propagation Maintenance screen.
Calendar Propagation Maintenance
BA094 - Calendar Propagation Maintenance
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Drop down]
Select the calendar for propagation purposes from the drop-down list.
The options as follows:
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the year for which calendar needs to be propagated from the
pick list.
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the month for which calendar needs to be propagated from the
pick list.
Base Cost
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the branch codes for which the bank calendar is defined from
the pick list.
The bank user can select the branch which is required as the base
for propagation.
Destination Cost Centre
Select All
[Optional, Check box]
Select the check box for selecting all the cost centers.
Master list
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the list of destination branches from the pick list.
[Optional, Checkbox]
Select the checkbox if the calendar has to be propagated to the
3. Select the calendar from the drop-down list.
4. Select the year and base cost center from the pick list.
BA094 - Calendar Propagation Maintenance
Calendar Propogation Maintenance
5. Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the message "Record Add...Authorisation Pending..Click Ok to
Continue". Click the OK button.
7. The calendar propogation are maintained once the record is authorized.
Data Center
3. Data Center
Database Backups and Reports Backups
3.1. Database Backups and Reports Backups
3.1.1. Database Backup
Backups are an essential part of the EOD and BOD processing in FLEXCUBE Retail. It is a very
important activity which has to be performed as a part of the batch processing activities.
In FLEXCUBE Retail, backups have to be taken at the following stages:
The stage names themselves clearly indicate the stage at which the FLEXCUBE Retail system
will be when the backup is taken. For PRECUTOFF backup, it has to be taken before the
operator initiates the cutoff process.
The POSTEOD backup has to be initiated once the entire End of Day category is over in
FLEXCUBE Retail and End of Financial Input or EOFI has been marked in FLEXCUBE
This backup has to be taken before starting the Beginning of Day for the next process date.
The POSTBOD backup has to taken after the operator runs the BOD process.
It is suggested that the backups follow a naming convention as follows:
For example:
Post BOD backup for 20/02/2006 can be named as FCRPOSTBOD20062002.
After the backup is over, the backups should be moved to the tape drive, which can be used later
for any data restorations if required.
Note: Once in a while the backups should be restored in the support database to verify for the
data consistency.
Apart for the regular data backups, there should be a schema backup of the Oracle database
taken at a fixed interval.
3.1.2. Reports Backups
The reports are generated daily during the process of EOD and BOD. These reports should be
backed up on a monthly bases. The ATM transactions occupy significant space on the server.
The user can take backup of the ATM trace files at regular intervals and can delete them.
Data Purging
3.2. Data Purging
The Purge shell which runs as part of the FLEXCUBE BOD process, enables a frequency based
data purge from internal host tables that are used by the system for temporary storage.
In addition to the above daily purge process, financial and non financial data needs to be purged
at specific frequency. The purge for financial tables like ch_acct_ledg, gl_txnhist, etc. can be set
up such that it is aligned with the financial year end of the bank.
Before running the purge process a database backup would be taken which can be retained and
retrieved for any future reference to the purged data.
3.2.1. Host Tables Purging
During the batch processing there is a shell called as purge shell which is run as part of BOD
processing. This process purges data from transaction tables and temporary tables created for
report generation, based on the pre-defined set-up in purge control table.
3.2.2. Log Files Purging
Depending on the logging configuration done in Host, the log files need to be purged. In case
LOG4J logging is used, no purging is required. If RAS logging is being used, it is recommended
to purge the diagnostic trace log file once a week preferably on the Saturday before the host
server is brought down. In addition, the host startup/shutdown log files can be purged after taking
3.2.3. Reports Purging
The EOD reports occupy significant space on the hard disk of the host server. In case a separate
report server is not being used, after taking backup on a DAT or on another machine, the reports
can be purged from the main host server at monthly intervals.
Host Data Purge (Financial Tables)
Table Name
Used in ASP
mode for billing
information of
online TD
Stores details
of cheques
sent for
History of
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores history
of adhoc
requests done
Stores history
of adhoc
cheque book,
etc.) done
from branch
Stores GL
History of
processed by
CASA, Loans,
and TD
Stores details
of transaction
processed by
Stores details
of records
processed by
Stores details
of records
passed by
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores records
rejected by
Stores records
rejected by
Stores log of
all transactions
on GL
Stores the
details of
which are
issued to the
customer and
for which issue
date is 7 days
earlier from
today’s posting
date are
Ledger for the
transactions on
The data in
CASA account
ledger is
retained for the
period specified
at the product
level. All
records in the
ledger which
are older than
the data
retention period
specified at the
product level
from today’s
posting date
are purged.
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores the
details of
accounts to
print passbook
& statements
In the third
year, the
entries that are
printed by the
system of two
years earlier
than today’s
posting date
are purged (For
e.g. If Bank has
data for 2000,
2001 & 2002
starting from
15th June
2000, Then on
15th June 2002
all transactions
belonging to the
period 15th
June 2000 to
14th June 2001
are purged by
the system).
For the
that are yet not
printed by the
system and that
are to be
purged will be
converted in to
one entry after
Stores log of
transactions on
GL accounts
In the second
year, the
entries earlier
than one year
from today’s
posting date
are purged.
Stores the
details of BP
availed by
Records are
purged on the
value date of
check from this
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores the
details of float
(The data from
this table is
primarily used
for report
The records
pertaining to
float extensions
done seven
days earlier
than today’s
posting date
are purged.
Ledger of
transactions on
TD accounts
In the second
year, the ledger
earlier than two
years from
today’s posting
date are
Stores interest
history for TD
The records for
which interest
has been paid
by the system
and are two
years earlier
from today’s
posting date
are purged by
the system.
Stores the log
line renewal
done for TD
In the second
year, the
entries earlier
than one year
from today’s
posting date
are purged.
Stores details
of cheque
After the
process is run
for a posting
date the
records of the
instrument that
are processed
in OWC are
Data Purging
Table Name
CASA Account
No system
purge set up on
this table.
TD Account
No system
purge set up on
this table.
Loans Account
No system
purge set up on
this table.
Ledger for
transactions on
Loan accounts
No system
purge set up on
this table
Stores the
CASA account
balances to be
used for ADB
At the
beginning of
financial year
the balances
from this table
get initialized by
the system.
When ever
CASA account
is closed,
record from this
table is deleted
by the system.
Stores the
information of
Instructions on
accounts to be
pertaining to
the standing
instructions for
which execution
period has
expired three
months before
the today’s
posting date
are purged by
the system
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores cheque
book issuance
details for
The records of
check books
that are fully
and for which
cheque book
issuance date
is earlier than
posting date by
six months are
The log of
generated by
the system
The statement
that are
generated six
months earlier
than today’s
posting date
are purged
Stores details
of late cheque
pertaining to
late clearing
markings done
one month
earlier than
today’s posting
date are purged
Stores details
of transactions
performed on
TD accounts
In the second
year, the
transactions on
TD account
earlier than two
years from
today’s posting
date are purged
information of
online TD
Host Data Purge (Non-Financial Tables)
Table Name
Data Purging
Table Name
Stores log of
that happened
to and from
Stores details
of reports
along with the
Stores details
of files
Stores log of
Branch Batch
status for
each posting
Stores log of
Branch Batch
status for
each posting
Stores details
Stores log of
adhoc report
requested by
the branch
Stores the
activity of
Stores history
of balance
change of
Data Purging
Table Name
about the
Details of IC
and Voucher
Entry batches
History of
Stores the
The Recommended Purge Handling (Days Retained) for a particular table can be changed by
updating the retention period or frequency in ba_purge_control table. For adhoc purges, the
frequency of running the purge needs to be changed.
Host Operations
3.3. Host Operations
Note: For more information to start the host server please refer to the Installation Guide. A
detailed description to install and start the server is provided in the guide.
Services Running at Application Server
Fig 20 - Services Running at Application Server Screen
From a FLEXCUBE perspective, the following services should be running on the application
server for effective operations:
Service Name
Order of
Description / Purpose of Service
IBM WAS or Oracle
Host Application Server hosting
MQ Server
Provides MQ support
Http Server
For providing reports over http server
Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate
3.4. Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate
This section is applicable only for sites where FLEXCUBE Corporate is also installed.
There are some interdependencies between FLEXCUBE Core Banking and FLEXCUBE
Corporate. Though the End of Day / Month batch operations are commenced simultaneously in
both the systems, there are some dependencies for commencement of Loans shell in
FLEXCUBE Core Banking and GL processing in FLEXCUBE Corporate.
Regarding the EOD processing, the Retail EOD process category contains a sub process called
FLEXCUBE Loans Shell. When the EOD runs, this process keeps on polling till the Allow retail
to run flag is marked from FLEXCUBE Corporate module EOD. This flag will be marked when
the IFPREGL shell is completed for all branches as a part of the corporate module EOD.
Also, the GL upload operation in FLEXCUBE Corporate should be performed only after the EOD
process is completed in FLEXCUBE Retail.
Following is EOD Flow of Events Screen.
Fig 21 - EOD Flow of Events Screen
Checklist for the EOD operator when there is an interface with the FCC:
Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate
Closing of all teller, vault, and branch batches
To authorise unauthorised (transactions) for all the branches.
There should not be any pending authorised transaction.
Mark End of Transaction Input (EOTI) for all branches
FCR Branch Backup of the branch before running EOD
FCR Pre-Cutoff Backup (host -- from corporate to retail)
Run EOTI batches for each branch other than IFPREGL,
Run Loans Hands-off (i.e. IFPREGL) for all branches
Check if the Batch Application is running in Host. Start if not running.
Start the cutoff
Run the EOD
Run the statement shell
Take FCR Post EOD backup
Make sure the CASA EOD completed successfully for each branch
Run GL Upload for each branch
Run Account Revaluation for each branch
Run FX Auto Revaluation for each branch
Mark End Of Financial Input (EOFI) for all the branches
Run FCC EOFI Backup
Spool the necessary reports such as balance sheet and trial balance
for each branch
Generate GL consolidated balance sheet for Head Office
Run End Of Day for each branch
Run the BOD batches (viewing the pending programs would be
helpful) for each branch
Take SOTI backup
Start Transaction Input for each branch
Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate
Run Generate CIF program
Run Apply CIF program
Take FCR Post BOD Backup
3.4.1. EOD Flow of Events for FCR
Following is the screen for EOD Flow of Events for FCR
Fig 22 - EOD Flow of Events - FCR Screen
Checklist for the EOD operator for FCR:
Closing of all teller, vault, and branch batches
FCR Branch Backup of the branch before running EOD
Eligibility Evaluation Category (if required)
Interfacing with FLEXCUBE Corporate
FCR Pre-Cutoff Backup (host)
Check if the Batch Application is running in Host. Start if not running.
Start the cutoff
Run the EOD
Take Post EOD backup
Take Post BOD Backup
Run statement category to generate statements (on Month-ends)
Login for EOD Operations
3.5. Login for EOD Operations
3.5.1. Control of EOD Services for Retail Application
For FLEXCUBE Retail, there are a number of services that are running and that can be viewed.
To view them, login to the IBM WAS Admin Console. This will invoke a window which will
appear as follows:
Enterprise Applications Screen
Fig 23 - Enterprise Applications Screen
When these services are running, the status should be shown with a green arrow Started, while if
the service is not running then the status is a blank. It indicates that the service is not running any
For the EOD/BOD processing, the most important service Batch is required to be up and running.
Before starting off cutoff, this service should be stopped and started again. This is an ideal
sequence before starting the batch processing activities of the bank.
For this, the operator has to follow these steps.
Go to Applications on the Web server application server.
Select the Batch service.
If the status for this shows Blank, select the check box and then start the service.
Once this is completed, then the operator can start the EOD Processing.
Login for EOD Operations
Before running any operation under the EOD Processing, the operator has to ensure that
the service Batch is started using the Services window as follows:
Note: The service to check is the one which has been highlighted in the screen below.
EOD Services for Retail Application Screen
Fig 24 - EOD Services for Retail Application Screen
3.5.2. Bringing Up the Operator Menu
The Beginning of Day (BOD) is run from an operator's login on FLEXCUBE Retail.
To open the operator menu:
Logon to FLEXCUBE with a valid System Operator Login ID.
Login for EOD Operations
Login Screen
Fig 25 - Login Screen
3.5.3. Invoking the EOD Console
All the batch processing operations mentioned above have to be run from the EOD Processing
(Fast Path: EOD10) option.
To invoke the EOD console:
1. Logon to FLEXCUBE with a valid System Operator Login ID.
2. Enter the Fast Path: EOD10.
3. From the EOD/BOD Operations menu, select EOD Processing.
4. FLEXCUBE displays the screen as shown in the following figure.
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 26 - EOD Client Screen
As can be seen from the screen above, there are two frames in this window. The top frame is
called the General frame and the bottom frame is called the Status frame. Both the frames are
disabled when no category is selected.
The General frame displays the status of the process category which will run once it is selected
and also the current and next process date for which the category will be run.
From the General frame, the operator has to select the process category which has to be run for
that process or system date in FLEXCUBE Retail. The other details are automatically populated.
There is also a drop-down list of the various categories that can be run from FLEXCUBE Retail.
It can be best explained with an example.
For e.g. suppose the process category cutoff has to be run for 28th Nov 2004. Once the console
is obtained, the operator just has to press the Down Arrow next to the Process Category field
and select Cutoff from the options available as follows:
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 27 - EOD Client Screen
FLEXCUBE Process Categories:
Category Name
Category No.
Eligibility Shell
The eligibility shell is related with RVT
(Relationship Value Tagging).
Eligibility criteria can be defined under the tag
of an “Eligibility Plan” in the Relationship
Pricing Project. This Plan determines which
set of customers will get benefits defined
under a scheme, and thus helps identify the
target customers for a scheme. The benefits
available under a scheme can be reduction in
Service Charges or positive variance in Credit
Interest Rates.
Login for EOD Operations
Category Name
Category No.
Cut-off Processing
Cut-off is the process that operator must run
at the end of every day before starting the
EOD for that day, to ensure that all
transactions done through the on-line delivery
channels (including branch, ATMS, POS and
Tele banking) are handed over to a log for
batch processing. A fresh log is created for
the next day’s transactions. Here it is
important to note that while the processing
date from the point of view of EOD processing
is still today, the on-line processing date has
moved to the next processing date and the
online transactions done after cut-off will be
processed in the next day’s EOD.
End of Day (EOD)
EOD refers to the processing required to be
done for each functional module of
FLEXCUBE Retail as well as some files that
are generated for updating data in other LO’s.
Beginning of Day
(BOD) Processing
Beginning of the Day process opens a new
transaction day for the Bank. BOD as a
process depends on EOD process for the
previous working day. This means, if the EOD
is not completed for a day, system will not
allow the BOD for the next day to start. The
days are always business days as specified in
Branch Calendars. So, even if one branch is
functioning on a particular day, BOD will have
to be run for that day.
Process CIF
This process is used to download the
customers and related tables, which are
opened in other branch to the base branch of
the customer. The validation for CIF handoff
is that the previous day BOD should be
Schedule Extracts
It is a process to extract specific schedule and
to have a proper handoff to the interface.
This process is used to generate the
customer monthly statement in order to
stream line the time during the actual EOM
process. This process is run separately. This
process can be run even after the BOD
process next day.
Handoff After EOD
It is a process to extract specific schedule and
to have a proper handoff to the interface.
Login for EOD Operations
Category Name
Category No.
Elig Evaluation
It is a process to evaluate the eligibility of the
RVT schemes. For more information on RVT
schemes refer to Relationship Pricing user
File Handoff
It is a process to extract specific schedule and
to have a proper handoff to the interface.
Automatic EFS for
Converted Loan
This process is used to close the loan
accounts with Automatic EFS Date falling on
running day. If running of this process is
skipped on a particular day, such accounts
falling due for automatic closure on that day
will be picked on next working day process.
Future dated closure or back dated closure is
not be supported. If the automatic closure
date falls on a holiday, then such accounts
will be picked up on the next working days
process. All accounts attempted for such
system initiated closure will be marked as
Tried for both successful and failure cases.
The accounts which are marked as Tried will
not be picked up for further retries when the
process is attempted at the later dates.
Mark for Write Off
In this process system displays the “Accounts
marked for write off are pending processing.
Cannot proceed” message for the account
which are marked for write off for which the
write off process has not been executed. If
there are no accounts marked for write off,
FLEXCUBE will start the process of marking
accounts for write off based on the
parameters defined. The system displays the
message "SUCCESS MESSAGE” after the
process is completed.
Bulk Tax Certificate
This process is used to generate tax
certificate of all the customers of the bank and
stored in a spool file. The report is generated
customer wise with page break and print can
be taken whenever required.
Login for EOD Operations
Category Name
Category No.
Automatic Write Off
In this process system displays the “No
accounts marked for write off, Cannot
Proceed” message if no account is write off
for which the write off process. Accounts
manually marked for write off will be fully
written off irrespective of the present CRR
status or the DPD. If the accounts are marked
for write off, FLEXCUBE will write off the
accounts if the accounts meet the eligibility
criteria as on the date of write off. Accounting
entries including off balance sheet entries will
be passed by the system pertaining to written
off accounts. The system displays the
message "SUCCESS MESSAGE” after the
process is completed.
Adhoc Dormancy &
It allows running the adhoc dormancy and
unclaimed processing before the cut-off for
the accounts whose dormancy plan
parameters are modified.
Once the process category is selected, the other details in the General frame will be populated.
This can change depending on the status of the category. If the entire category is complete, the
status will be displayed as Completed or if the category has aborted or fallen over, the status is
Note: Whenever any process category is chosen, before the category is started, the operator
must look at the process and next process date and confirm that these are the current and next
working dates of the bank.
After the dates have been confirmed, the process category can be started by clicking the Start
As soon as this is done, the processing will begin and control will be taken over by the EOD
Console. The first event to take place is that the Status frame will be enabled and the list of
processes within that category or the jobs in that category will be thrown up on the console.
Once this is done, the initiation of the different processes will be controlled by the EOD Service
that will be running on the Application Server for FLEXCUBE Retail and will not involve any
intervention by the user in the sense of selection of processes and running them individually.
3.5.4. Other Buttons on the EOD Console
There are two more buttons at the bottom right hand corner of the console next to the Start
button. These are Refresh and Close button.
Refresh Button
The Refresh button can be used by the operator to get the latest status of the various processes
running for a particular category.
Alternatively, the system also has an auto-refresh feature which automatically updates the status
of a particular process after a certain period of time. After refreshing the particular process, it
regularly refreshes the status of the different processes.
Login for EOD Operations
Close Button
The Close button is used for closing the EOD Console.
This can be done in a number of scenarios.
For example:
The process category is completed successfully and the user wants to logout.
The process category has aborted but the user wants to check some other or invoke
another application and can use the Close button to close the EOD Console.
Note: Closing of the EOD Console when a process category has finished or aborted is
acceptable. When the process is restarted, in case of an abort, then the status would have
changed to Aborted, so the operator will know exactly what the status of the category is once the
console is brought up or invoked again.
3.5.5. Process Run and Status Update
When individual processes in a category are run, each process goes through various stages. The
order in which these processes are run is pre-defined and will not change unless new processes /
jobs have to be added to a category.
The various stages for a particular process that will be displayed, in the status window are as
These are the stages that a process can be in. When the category is started, it builds a reference
and pre-requisite list which determines the order in which the processes have to be run.
Once the process is started, it may resemble as follows:
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 28 - EOD Client Screen
The block next to the Process Name field indicates the status of the process in addition to the
Status field, which it displays as STARTED. Also, the duration for which the process is running is
The time, till which the process is not completed, the auto-refresh will update the individual
process status and duration of the process run in this category.
Once the process is over, the screen will be refreshed and will be displayed as follows:
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 29 - EOD Client Screen
Once the individual process is over, the status bar for that process will be like the one above.
Note: The color bar indicating the status has now become grayed and the Status field shows
COMPLETE, which indicates that the process has run for that day under this process category.
Once the entire process category is over, the window indicating the status of the category
appears as follows:
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 30 - EOD Client Screen
The operator can clear this window by either clicking the Ok button or pressing the Space Bar.
After this, click the Close button on the EOD Console which should take the user back to his
Access menu.
If a particular process does not complete successfully, the status is indicated as ABORTED.
The colour bar indicating the process status is marked Red and the field for Status shows
ABORTED which means that the process has stopped running for this processing date.
After this, if there are dependent processes on this process, they will be marked on the EOD
Console as PREREQ_ABORTED. Once the category reaches a stage where the aborted process
has to be restarted without which the category will not be completed, a messages box will appear
as follows:
Login for EOD Operations
EOD Client Screen
Fig 31 - EOD Client Screen
This indicates that the process that has been aborted has to be corrected or looked into by the
support personnel and the category has to be restarted after the problem has been resolved.
Once the category is completely run and all the processes have run, the message "Category
successfully completed" is displayed.
3.5.6. Exception Processing
Once an EOD category is started, it will continue till one of the following conditions occurs:
All the processes of that category are completed successfully
Some of the processes are aborted
In case some process is aborted and if all the remaining processes depend on this process, the
EOD will stop. Sometimes this will not lead to the stopping of the entire EOD. Processes which
are independent of the aborted process will continue. The operator will have to look in the status
log to check for the error that has occurred. Some of the reasons for which a process may abort
Setup error
System error
The operating system resources such as shared resources and memory or disk space are
Database error
Application error
Login for EOD Operations
Incorrect or Inconsistent Data
To view the log file, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.
Based on the error reported in the status log, corrective action will have to be taken. Once the
action has been taken, it is possible to restart the aborted process (es) by pressing the F2 key,
without waiting for the remaining processes to finish.
All processes have restart logic built into them. For example, the CASA EOD has aborted in the
middle of the processing it will restart from the point where it stopped and not from the beginning.
If all the processes are in the completed state or stopped, the operator will have to restart the
EOD. In such a case the system will start only those processes which were not completed in the
previous run. Also, the system will display the message “This is not a Fresh Start.” on the screen.
BOD as a process category depends on EOD. This means, that if the EOD is not completed for a
day, system will not allow the BOD for the next day to start.
A successful completion of the EOD sets the processing date to the next working day.
Normal Processing Day
3.6. Normal Processing Day
Normal processing day includes the following:
Cut-off processing
End of day (EOD) processing
Beginning of day (BOD) processing
Adhoc processing
3.6.1. Cut-off processing
A. Take pre cutoff backup for that process date
B. Checking whether the service is running
Check whether the service ‘Batch’ shows status as ‘Started’.
If the service shows the status ‘Started’, just stop the service and start it again.
If the service is not running, then simply start it.
C. Starting with the category
Login into the application using a valid user id and password
Select ‘EOD Processing’ from the Menu
When the EOD Console comes up, Select the process category ‘CUTOFF’ from the
drop-down list
Check the current process date and next process date and ensure that they are correct
Click on the ‘Start’ button
The processes that should be run will be displayed and the processes will start running
automatically. The ‘Refresh’ button can be used to refresh the process status.
Even if this is not done, it has an auto-refresh mechanism which will update the status after the
refresh poll time-interval.
Once the process is over the message box, ‘Category successfully completed’ will appear.
Clear this box using the space bar or by clicking on the Ok button. After this, press the
Close button.
After the Cutoff process is over, exit out of the menu and before starting End of Day, login
afresh into the system.
Change of business day
Close current logs and
Initiate a new log file
System not available. Typically less than few minutes.
Change of business day for ATM network
Normal Processing Day
ATM available only in off-line mode
EOD can start after last cut-off (ATM and OLTP) is done
3.6.2. End of day (EOD) processing
A. Checking whether the batch service is running
Check whether the service ‘Batch’ shows status as started.
If the service shows the status ‘Started’, Stop it and Start it again.
If the service is not running, then Start it again.
B. Start EOD category
Login into the application using a valid user id and password
Select ‘EOD Processing’ from the Menu
When the EOD Console comes up, Select the process category ‘End of Day’ from the
drop-down list
Note: Check the current process date and next process date and ensure that they are
Click on the ‘Start’ button
The processes that should be run will be displayed and the processes will start running
automatically. The ‘Refresh’ button can be used to refresh the process status.
Even if this is not done, it has an auto-refresh mechanism which will update the status after the
refresh poll time-interval.
Once the process is over the message box, ‘Category successfully completed’ will appear.
Clear this box using the space bar or by clicking on the Ok button. After this, press the
Close button.
Note: Once this is done, the operator logout completely out of the system and login again.
After the EOD Console is brought up again, the operator must check the process date
displayed at the bottom right hand corner of the status bar below. The date should have
moved to the next process date.
C. Take POSTEOD backup for that process date
FCC Note: Please ensure that the post eofi backup for Flexcube corporate and post EOD
backup for Flexcube retail are taken at the same time. So, even if one process is over, do not
start the backup unless the other system has reached the stage for backup
End of Day Activities
Transactions Posting
Interest Processing
Service Charges change of cycle depending on the
Capitalisation frequency
Interest Rate Changes
Sweep Out transactions
Normal Processing Day
Account and customer Dormancy
Account classification
Reports Generation
GL-Handoff to FLEXCUBE Corporate
Account status change
Account provisioning
3.6.3. Beginning of day (BOD) processing
Note: The BOD Category Should Be Run As Soon As The Post EOD Backup Has Been
A. Check whether service is running
Ensure that the status of on-line services is started
If one of them or a few are not running then start the services.
Note: If during any of these stages, the operator faces a problem, then I-flex Support should
be contacted immediately.
B. Start BOD category
Login into the application using a valid user id and password
Select ‘EOD Processing’ from the Menu
When the EOD Console comes up, Select the process category ‘Beginning of Day’ from
the drop-down list
Note: This date should be the process date for which BOD has to be run. If it is the “correct
process date”, then the operator can proceed and run BOD by selecting from the drop-down
If the category runs smoothly and gets completed, the message box ‘Category completed
successfully’ is displayed.
After this, the user has to clear this box and close the EOD Console.
Then log out of the application.
Go to the Application Server and the Services under Control Panel. Check whether all the
services mentioned below Show status as ‘Started’ in the Panel. If not, then start the services
C. Take POSTBOD backup for that process date
Beginning of Day Activities
Time Deposits Interest Processing
Time Deposits Maturity Processing
Time Deposits Unclaimed Deposits Processing
Standing Instructions Execution
Value Date Processing of cheques
Normal Processing Day
Expiry of Overdraft Limits
Maturity processing for Recurring Deposit (RD) accounts
Release of hold funds which have expired the previous day
Resetting of the average daily balance statistics on the
BOD of the New Year.
Updating the Unclaimed Status for the instruments
SC package change
3.6.4. Adhoc processing
A: Check Whether Service Is Running
Go to the Web sphere application server
Ensure that the status of the following services is started on the Web sphere application server
Adhoc Processing screen
If all of these services are not running, follow the procedure mentioned under the section Start
Services below.
Normal Processing Day
If one of them or a few are not running then follow the procedure mentioned under the
Section ‘Startup of On-Line Services’.
If during any of these stages, the operator faces a problem, then I-flex Support should be
contacted immediately.
Note: the apply cifs handoff category should be run after generate cifs handoff process has been
Other Activities Done During EOD Processing
3.7. Other Activities Done During EOD Processing
When the EOD is in progress, the branches can continue doing the online transaction. But the
users will not be able to do any maintenance as it is not allowed when EOD is in progress. If the
user tries doing it, the system will give an error indicating that the EOD/BOD is in progress.
The ATM, POS, and Tele banking transactions can be done during the EOD processing.
Pre-requisites Required for EOD Processing
3.8. Pre-requisites Required for EOD Processing
3.8.1. FLEXCUBE Retail Services
The services that are in use for the FLEXCUBE Retail application, running on the Application
Server are listed below. These services start at the same time.
Service Name
Controller of all the EOD shells running within the
File transfer
Server for the TCP/IP communication of files from
branch communication server to the host
application server.
Service for handling transactions coming through
the GEFU route
Supports the various back office maintenances
Server for servicing all monetary branch
Server for servicing all the advice/report requests
from the branch.
Server for servicing the ATM related transactions
FCR FepiSCS Server 1
Communication service for Front end processing
FCR POS Server 1
Server for servicing the POS related transactions
FCR FEPI Server 1
Front end processing service for ATM/POS
3.8.2. Data Area
When the EOD or BOD is in progress, the reports are generated in the area called as Reports in
the data area in the FLEXCUBE folder. It has to be ensured that there is enough space for the
reports to be generated. In addition, the user can also do the routine space check on the Oracle
3.8.3. Branch Batch Close
All the branches should close their respective branch batch for the day. In case there are
branches which work 24 X 7 they should also close the branch batch for that day and open the
branch batch for the next working day depending on the bank’s policy, rules, and regulations.
The EOD operator can view the list of branches which have not yet closed the branch batch for
the day by using the Branch Batch Status-Inquiry (Fast Path: BAM95) option.
Pre-requisites Required for EOD Processing
Branch Batch Status-Inquiry Screen
Fig 32 - Branch Batch Status-Inquiry Screen
From the drop-down of the Branch Status field on the screen, depending on the selected status,
the details will be listed. The latest date will be displayed on the top.
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
3.9. Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
A complete list of the execution steps that the operator has to perform for the End of Day
operations is:
Note: In case any sub-processes in the categories mentioned below abort, then please follow the
instructions in the section Process abort procedures mentioned at the end of the document
3.9.1. Eligibility Shell
The eligibility shell is related with RVT.
Eligibility criteria can be defined under the tag of an Eligibility Plan in the Relationship Pricing
Project. This plan determines the set of customers who will get benefits defined under a scheme,
and thus helps identify the target customers for a scheme. The benefits available under a scheme
can be reduction in service charges or positive variance in credit interest rates.
In addition, customers who will be excluded from getting the benefits defined under the scheme
can also be set up as an Exclusion Plan. Once the Eligibility plans are defined, they can be linked
to various schemes for the eligible customers as per the eligibility plans.
To link the schemes to customers, eligibility needs to be evaluated first. Eligibility plans are stand
alone entities, and can be evaluated at any time of the day.
The following will be executed in the eligibility shell:
List out all plans from rp_elig_plan_mast, which need to be evaluated, and pick up
eligibility plans based on the active flag, the maintenance status, and eligibility frequency.
Pull out the exclusion plans of all these eligibility plans, their revision frequency is the
same as the eligibility plans to which they are attached. Select all customers from
For each customer, check eligibility plan and exclusion plan
If eligibility is true and exclusions are also true, the customer will not be marked as eligible
for the benefits.
If eligibility is true and exclusions are false, the customer will be marked as eligible for the
Steps for running the category:
Steps for
A. Checking whether the service is running
Check whether the service Batch shows status as Started.
If the service shows the status Started, restart the service.
If the service is not running, then start it.
B. Starting with the category
Login into the application using a valid user id and password.
Select EOD Processing from the Menu.
When the EOD Console is displayed, select the process category Elig from the drop-down
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
Check the current process date and next process date and ensure that they are correct.
Click on the Start button.
The processes that should be run will be displayed and the processes will start running
automatically. The Refresh button can be used to refresh the process status.
Even if this is not done, it has an auto-refresh mechanism which will update the status after the
refresh poll time-interval.
Once the process is over the message box, ‘Category successfully completed’ is
displayed. Clear this box using the space bar or by clicking on the Ok button. After this,
click the Close button.
After the Elig process is over, exit out of the menu and before starting Cutoff, login afresh
into the system.
3.9.2. Cut-off Processing
Cut-off is the process that operator must run at the end of every day before starting the EOD for
that day, to ensure that all transactions done through the on-line delivery channels (including
branch, ATMS, POS and Tele banking) are handed over to a log for batch processing. A fresh log
is created for the next day’s transactions. Here it is important to note that while the processing
date from the point of view of EOD processing is still today, the on-line processing date has
moved to the next processing date and the online transactions done after cut-off will be
processed in the next day’s EOD.
OLTP CUT-OFF - The following transactions are carried out during OLTP cut-off:
Change of business day
Close current logs
Initiate a new log file while the cutoff process is running
System is not available for external transactions like ATM, Internet Banking, etc.
ATM CUT-OFF - The following transactions are carried out during ATM cut-off:
Change of business day for ATM network
ATM available only in off-line mode
The ATM CUT-OFF is automatically done by the system as soon as the normal cut-off is
EOD can start after last cut-off (ATM and OLTP) is done.
Steps for
A. Take Pre Cutoff Backup for that Process Date
B. Checking Whether the Service is Running
Check whether the service Batch shows status as Started.
If the service shows the status Started, restart the service.
If the service is not running, start it.
C. Starting with the Category
Login into the application using a valid user ID and password.
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
Select EOD Processing from the menu.
When the EOD Console is displayed, select the process category CUTOFF from the drop-
down list.
Check the current process date and next process date and ensure that they are correct.
Click on the Start button.
The processes that should be run will be displayed and the processes will start running
automatically. The Refresh button can be used to refresh the process status.
Even if this is not done, it has an auto-refresh mechanism which will update the status after the
refresh poll time-interval.
Once the process is over the message box, "Category successfully completed" is
displayed. Clear this box by using the space bar or by clicking the Ok button. After this,
click the Close button.
After the Cutoff process is over, exit out of the menu and before starting End of Day, login
again into the system.
3.9.3. End of day (EOD) Processing
EOD refers to the processing required to be done for each functional module of FLEXCUBE
Retail as well as some files that are generated for updating data in other LO’s. While the
processing is specific to each module, the typical activities that are performed are:
Transactions Posting
Interest Processing
Reports Generation
Generating files for Inter-LO updates
Loans Account opening in batch
Steps for
A. Checking Whether the Batch Service is Running
Check whether the service Batch shows status as started.
If the service shows the status Started, restart the service.
If the service is not running, start it.
B. Start EOD Category
Login into the application using a valid user ID and password.
Select EOD Processing from the menu.
When the EOD Console is displayed, select the process category End of Day from the
drop-down list.
Click the Start button.
Note: Check the current process date and next process date and ensure that they are correct.
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
The processes that should be run will be displayed and the processes will start running
automatically. The Refresh button can be used to refresh the process status.
Even if this is not done, it has an auto-refresh mechanism which will update the status after the
refresh poll time-interval.
Once the process is over the message box, ‘Category successfully completed’ is
Clear this box using the space bar or by clicking the Ok button. After this, click the Close
Note: Once this is done, the operator should logout completely out of the system and login again.
After the EOD Console is brought up again, the operator must check the process date displayed
at the bottom right hand corner of the status bar below. The date should have moved to the next
process date.
C. Take POSTEOD Backup for that Process Date
FCC Note: Please ensure that the post EOFI backup for FLEXCUBE Corporate and post EOD
backup for FLEXCUBE Retail are taken at the same time. So, even if one process is over, do not
start the backup unless the other system has reached the stage for backup.
End of Day / End of Month Activities
There is no separate process or category for End of Day or End of Month. Depending upon the
process date for which the End of Day category is run, the system runs certain special categories
which fall under the End of Month domain.
The broad set of activities which are undertaken by the system during the End of Day or End of
Month are:
Transactions Posting
Interest Processing
Service Charges change of cycle
Capitalization frequency
Interest Rate Changes
Sweep Out transactions
Account and customer Dormancy
Account classification
Reports Generation
GL-Handoff to FLEXCUBE Corporate
Account status change
Account provisioning
3.9.4. Beginning of day (BOD) Processing
Beginning of the Day process opens a new transaction day for the Bank. BOD as a process
depends on EOD process for the previous working day. This means, if the EOD is not completed
for a day, system will not allow the BOD for the next day to start. The days are always business
days as specified in Branch Calendars. So, even if one branch is functioning on a particular day,
BOD will have to be run for that day.
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
Apart from starting a new day, BOD does some processing that typically includes
Time Deposit processing related to interest and maturity
Standing instructions execution
Value date processing of cheques (Based on the set up)
Salary Processing
Expiry of Overdraft Limits
Note: The BOD Category should be run as soon as the post EOD backup has been completed.
Steps for
A. Check Whether Service is Running
Ensure that the status of on-line services is started
If one of them or a few are not running then start the services.
Note: If during any of these stages, the operator faces a problem, then support should be
contacted immediately.
B. Start BOD Category
Login into the application using a valid user ID and password.
Select EOD Processing from the menu.
When the EOD Console is displayed, select the process category Beginning of Day from
the drop-down list.
Note: This date should be the process date for which BOD has to be run. If it is the Correct
Process Date, then the operator can proceed and run BOD by selecting from the drop-down list.
If the category runs smoothly and gets completed, the message box ‘Category completed
successfully’ is displayed.
After this, the user has to clear this box and close the EOD Console.
Then log out of the application.
Go to the Application Server and the Services under Control Panel. Check whether all the
services mentioned below show status as Started in the Panel. If not, start the services.
C. Take POSTBOD Backup for that Process Date
Beginning of Day Activities
The broad set of activities which are undertaken by the system during the Start of Day /
Beginning of Day are:
Time Deposits Interest Processing
Time Deposits Maturity Processing
Time Deposits Unclaimed Deposits Processing
Standing Instructions Execution
Value Date Processing of cheques
Expiry of Overdraft Limits
Maturity processing for Recurring Deposit (RD) accounts
Steps for EOD on a Normal Processing Day
Release of hold funds which have expired the previous day
Resetting of the average daily balance statistics
BOD of the New Year
Updating the Unclaimed Status for the instruments
SC package change
System Maintenance
3.10. System Maintenance
System Maintenance allows the user to up keep different activities. It also allows the smooth
functioning of various activities.
3.10.1. Release Area Maintenance
The Release area is the main section where FLEXCUBE is installed. This area contains all the
executable and supporting files. All the reports are also generated here. This makes the area very
critical and should have strict controlling and restraining access.
The access to this area should be controlled. It should not be available to everyone. It should be
monitored as users can go in that area and modify data, which could lead to disastrous effects.
3.10.2. Host Maintenance
Following are the options which can enhance the productivity at the host server.
General Checks:
Routine check on date and time synchronization on database, Application server, and
branch server
Monitoring the link utilization between Data Center and branches and Data Center and DR
site (only if applicable)
Memory Checks:
Monitoring memory utilization on the Application server
Database Checks:
Daily check on invalid objects in the database (disabled triggers)
Regular check on database, like analyze table/index, rebuild indexes, monitoring tables
with rapid growth
Setting up the adhoc purging processes to make sure that it does not affect the database
Server Maintenance:
Anti virus schedule set up. It helps the user to ensure that scanning does not coincide with
the EOD process.
Routine space check on the apps server
Checking the disk space on the report server (if reports are getting spooled on
independent server instead of apps server)
System Software Updates:
FLEXCUBE installation area maintenance, like updating new releases regularly and
registry updates for new branch additions
3.11. Troubleshooting
3.11.1. Path for Logging the Trace File
To locate the path where the trace file will be logged, log into the Web Sphere Application
server. Under Services, click the application server to view it. The application server will be
displayed as shown below in the screen.
Application Servers Screen
Fig 33 - Application Servers Screen
After double-clicking the service name under the Name column, the Configuration screen will
appear as shown below.
Configuration Tab Screen
Fig 34 - Configuration Tab Screen
Then double-click the logging and tracking under Additional Properties as shown below in the
Additional Properties Screen
Fig 35 - Additional Properties Screen
The trace file name and its associated path will be displayed when the user selects the Logging
and Tracing link.
Diagnostic Trace Service Screen
Fig 36 - Diagnostic Trace Service Screen
3.11.2. Process Abort Procedures
If any of the process in the Category Cutoff, End of Day, or Beginning of Day shows aborted and
the process cannot move ahead, the operator has to follow the instructions mentioned below:
Note down the sub process name of the category that has aborted.
Contact support and follow the instructions given by the support staff. Also, by the time
contact is established, the operator can ensure that the trace file has been generated in
the location mentioned in the diagnostic trace file path.
3.11.3. Common Script to Update Non-Operator Login Status
When the operator starts End of Day category in FLEXCUBE Retail and he clicks Start, then
sometimes the error message ‘Non-operators logged in, Cannot start Category’ is displayed.
This may happen when there are other users still logged into the system or when the client side
at the workstation has a problem and the login state has not been reset.
When this problem is encountered, the operator has to follow the following steps:
Double-click the Folder ‘sqlplus’ at the Desktop of the EOD workstation.
Double-click the Retail Live icon which will take the user to the retail database.
Type @D:\flexsup\db\upd and press Enter at the prompt.
The output should say n rows updated where n can be any number greater than 0.
If the output is zero, then support should be contacted immediately, else, the operator has
to type exit followed by a semi-colon (;) and press Enter.
This will take the user back to the Desktop.
Once this is done, the operator can proceed with the EOD processing in FLEXCUBE
3.11.4. Database Access Problem or Space Problem
Sometimes due to network problem, the access to the Oracle database is lost. There is a
message which is logged into the trace file, indicating that the system is not able to access
the Oracle database. Try to ping using the ping IP address command in the command
prompt to the Oracle server and if it is not able to access, contact the system administrator
When there is a space problem in the database, the cut off / EOD / BOD process gets
aborted. A error message is logged in the trace file indicating that there is a table space
problem or that the redo log is full. Contact the database administrator for the same or call
support for help.
Download Related Transactions
4. Download Related Transactions
5504 - Download-Upload Status Inquiry*
4.1. 5504 - Download-Upload Status Inquiry*
Using this you can view the status of the upload request after uploading or downloading data file
into the system.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To view the download - upload status
1. Type the fast path 5504 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes>Data Download Options>Download-Upload Status Inquiry.
2. The system displays the Download-Upload Status Inquiry screen.
Download-Upload Status Inquiry
5504 - Download-Upload Status Inquiry*
Field Description
Field Name
Request ID
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 30]
Type the request id of the file whose download or upload status
needs to be inquired.
This Id is generated by the system after uploading the file using
the GEFU upload option or the Download Upload file Option.
3. Type the request ID.
Download-Upload Status Inquiry
4. Click the Status button.
5. The system displays the status of the download-upload file status.
5531 - Download-Upload File
4.2. 5531 - Download-Upload File
This option is used to transfer the file from the Branch to the RJSIN area of Host for further
processing and even to download any file from the Data Center. This option is commonly used in
case of Clearing files upload that are received from the Central Bank for clearing and even used
for External file Upload (GEFU).
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To view about the upload file status
1. Type the fast path 5531 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes > Data Download Options > Download-Upload File.
2. The system displays the Download-Upload File screen.
Download-Upload File
5531 - Download-Upload File
Field Description
Field Name
File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the file name along with the path of the Local PC from
where the file needs to be uploaded or Downloaded.
Posting Date
[Mandatory, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the posting date from the pick list.
This is always the FLEXCUBE Retail Processing date.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the action to be performed from the drop-down list.
The options are:
Upload: Use this option to Upload the File
Download: Use this option to Download the File
3. Type the file name and posting date.
4. Select the Action from the drop-down list.
Download-Upload File
5. Click the Ok button.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
4.3. 8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
Using this option, a specific frequency can be set up to download a specific table(s) to a its own
branch database from the Host database. This is a mandatory setup for some tables that are
required in the branch. The scheduler can be configured on the host application server or branch
If the scheduler is configured on the host application server, the scheduler will ‘push’ the data to
the respective branch server. If the link between central host and branch is down, a flat file will be
created in a pre-designated directory on the central host and the same will be downloaded after
the link is functional.
If the scheduler is configured on the branch server, the scheduler will ‘pull’ the data from the
central host. If the link is down, no action occurs. When the link comes up, the scheduler will work
on all outstanding schedules.
Due to scheduled downloads, the branch database will have the latest data (as of last download)
from the host. This maintenance also significantly reduces download-related responsibility on the
System Operator.
Definition Prerequisites
BAM03 - Bank Master Maintenance
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To inquire about the upload file status
1. Type the fast path 8889 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator Process
> Data Download Options > Download Scheduler Maintenance.
2. The system displays the Download Scheduler Maintenance screen.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
Download Scheduler Maintenance
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the appropriate criteria from the drop-down list.
It indicates the criteria on which the download schedule is maintained.
The options are:
Table Name If the user selects this option it specifies that the
schedule has been set up for only one branch code and more
than one table.
Branch Code If the user selects this option it specifies that the
schedule has been set up for only one table and more than one
Both - If the user selects this option it specifies that the
schedule has been set up only for a specific branch and a
specific table.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
Field Name
Request For
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the entity for which the request has been made from the drop-
down list.
The options are:
Host - If the user selects the request for Host option, the
schedule for download will reside on the host database and will
be executed in the Central application server as per specified
Branch If the user selects the request for Branch option, the
schedule for download will reside on the branch database. The
branch server will execute the download process as per the
specified frequency.
By default, this field displays the Host option, as scheduling forms part
of host activity i.e. the Central Database.
Table Name
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the table name for schedule maintenance from the pick list.
This field is enabled, if the user selects the Table Name or Both
options in the Criterion field.
[Conditional, Drop-Down]
Select the branch code, for which schedule maintenance is defined for
a table, from the drop-down list.
This field is enabled, if the user selects Branch Code or Both options
in the Criterion field.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the schedule maintenance option from the drop-down list.
The options are:
Delete Option
Add Option
View Option
Rows to Add
[Conditional, Numeric, Five]
Type the number of rows that should be added in the schedule.
This field is applicable only if the user selects the Add Option in the
Maintenance Option field.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
Column Name
Table Name
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the table name scheduled to be downloaded from the
drop-down list.
Name Requester
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the name of the requester who has scheduled the
download from the drop-down list.
Frequency Type
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the frequency type of the download that is scheduled by
the bank from the drop-down list.
Frequency Interval
[Mandatory, Numeric, 22]
Type the frequency interval of the download that is scheduled by
the bank.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the qualifier of the download that is scheduled by the bank
from the drop-down list.
Start Date
This column displays the start date of the download.
Start Time
This column displays the start time of the download.
3. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
4. The system enables or disables the table name depending on the criterion selected.
5. Select the Add Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
6. Enter the number of rows to be added.
7. Click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the data entry section.
9. Enter the relevant information in the data entry section.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
Download Scheduler Maintenance
10. Click the Ok button.
11. The system displays the message "Record Saved Successfully".
To modify download scheduler
1. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
2. The system enables or disables the table name depending on the criterion selected.
3. Select the Modify Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the data entry section.
6. Modify the relevant information and click the Ok button.
7. The system displays the message "Record Updated Successfully".
To delete download scheduler
1. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
2. The system enables or disables the table name depending on the criterion selected.
3. Select the Delete Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the data entry section in the screen.
6. Select the relevant check box.
8889 - Download Scheduler Maintenance*
7. Click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the message "Record Deleted Successfully".
To view download scheduler
1. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
2. The system enables or disables the table name depending on the criterion selected.
3. Select the View Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the download scheduler details.
8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
4.4. 8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
In the Download Cluster option, branches that are expected to have common data are grouped
for the cluster branch after download from Host to Branch. A cluster could be defined for those
cases where the physical branch locations of some branches are close by and the customer of
any of these branches are also be serviced in the offline mode. Download Scheduler option also
refers to the Download Cluster maintenance before downloading data into the branch database.
For example, a bank has four Branches A, B, C and D. Branches A, B and C are physically closer
and are to be defined in a cluster. Cluster Download is maintained for Branch A on ch_acct_mast
table, so as to include data from Branch B and Branch C, Branch D shall does not belong to the
Cluster for Branch A for the ch_acct_mast table.
Download Process: When Branch A requests the Host for download of ch_acct_mast table,
download scheduler will consider Cluster Maintenance for this table, and will extract data of
accounts belonging to Branches A, B & C. After extraction, the system and loads the data into
Branch A database.
Similarly, when Branch B and Branch C trigger download of table ch_acct_mast from host, the
system downloads data of accounts for their own respective branches (since Cluster
Maintenance is not maintained for Branch B and Branch C).
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To add download cluster
1. Type the fast path 8890 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes > Data Download Options > Cluster Maintenance.
2. The system displays the Cluster Maintenance screen.
8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
Cluster Maintenance
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the appropriate criteria from the drop-down list.
It indicates the criteria on which the download cluster is maintained.
The options are:
Table Name If the user selects this option it specifies that the
cluster has been set up for only one branch code and more
than one table.
Branch Code If the user selects this option it specifies that
the cluster has been set up for only one table and more than
one branch.
Both - If the user selects this option it specifies that the cluster
has been set up only for a specific branch and a specific table.
8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
Field Name
Request For
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the entity for which the request has been made from the drop-
down list.
The options are:
By default, this field displays the Host option, as clustering forms part
of host activity i.e. the Central Database.
Table Name
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the table name for cluster maintenance from the pick list.
This field is enabled, if the user selects the Table Name or Both
options in the Criterion field.
[Conditional, Drop-Down]
Select the branch code, for which cluster maintenance is defined for a
table, drop-down list.
This field is enabled, if you select Branch Code or Both options in
the Criterion field.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the cluster maintenance option from the drop-down list.
Delete Option
Add Option
View Option
Rows to Add
[Conditional, Numeric, Five]
Type the number of rows that should be added in the cluster.
This field is applicable only if the user selects the Add Option in the
Maintenance Option field.
This field displays the data of the accounts belonging to the selected
This field displays the table for which the data is requested.
3. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
4. The system enables or disables the table name and the branch depending on the criterion
5. Select the Add Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
6. Click the Ok button.
7. The system displays the data entry section.
8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
8. Select the DATA OF option from the drop-down list.
8890 - Cluster Maintenance*
Cluster Maintenance
9. Click the Ok button.
10. The system displays the message "Record Saved Successfully".
To delete download cluster
1. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
2. The system enables or disables the table name and the branch depending on the criterion
3. Select the Delete Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the data entry section in the screen.
6. Select the relevant check box.
7. Click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the message "Record Deleted Successfully".
To view download cluster
1. Select the criterion, request for and table name.
2. Select the View Option option from the Maintenance Option drop-down list.
3. Click the Ok button.
4. The system displays the cluster details.
8891 - Download Log*
4.5. 8891 - Download Log*
Download Log option is where verification is done for download request made by the branch by
schedule or even when Adhoc download is made by the Data Center Operator or System
Administrator in the Branch. The Log or Details of download will be displayed with respect to the
Teller Branch (A user cannot view details of download for other branches).
Definition Prerequisites
BAM03 - Bank Master Maintenance
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To view the download log
1. Type the fast path 8891 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes > Data Download Options > Cluster Maintenance.
2. The system displays the File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++) screen.
File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
8891 - Download Log*
Field Description
Field Name
Request For
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the option from where the request is made from the drop-
down list.
The options are:
Host If the user selects this option, then the system
displays the number of times the download request has
been made by the Branch server to the Central Database
server and whether data extraction is successful or not.
Branch If the user selects this option, then the system
displays the number of times the download request has
been made to the host and whether data loading is
successful to the Local Branch Server or not.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the criterion based on which you want to perform the
inquiry from the drop-down list.
The options are:
Entity and Branch
Name Entity
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the name of entity from the pick list.
This field is enabled if the user selects the Entity or Entity &
Branch option in the Criterion field.
[Conditional, Drop-Down]
Select the branch, to which the download has been performed,
from the drop-down list.
If the user selects the Entity or Entity & Branch option in the
Criterion field the branch code is defaulted to the teller login
Date From
[Conditional, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date from which you want to view the details of
download, which have taken place to the branch, from the pick
This field is enabled if the user selects the Date option in the
Criterion field.
8891 - Download Log*
Field Name
Date To
[Conditional, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date up to which you want to view the details of
download, which have taken place to the branch, from the pick
This field is enabled if the user selects the Date option in the
Criterion field.
[Conditional, Alphanumeric, 20]
Type the ID.
This field is enabled if the user selects the option ID option in the
Criterion field.
Column Name
Name Requester
This column displays the name of the branch that has requested
for the download.
Name Entity
This column displays the table name that has been requested to
be downloaded.
This column displays the status of the download request.
The options are:
Data Loaded - This indicates successful download
Load Failed - This indicates unsuccessful download
Data Extraction Failed - This indicates unsuccessful
Request Time
This column displays the request date and time for download of a
table to the branch.
Reply Time
This column displays the reply time for download of the table.
3. Select the criterion and request for from the respective drop-down list.
4. The system enables or disables the name entity and the branch depending on the criterion
5. Enter the relevant information.
6. Click the Ok button.
8891 - Download Log*
File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
7. The system displays the download log details.
8. Click the Cancel button.
8892 - Download Service
4.6. 8892 - Download Service
Download service is the service that is running on the Local Branch server this will trigger
Download request from the Branch to the Central Database. This service uses the Pull
methodology instead of ‘push’ methodology. The service running at the respective branch server
will ‘pull’ data from the central host to the designated branch server. This service is used by
schedule download at the Branch Server and also for Adhoc download request by the System
Operator at the Data Center or by the System Administrator at the Branch.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To download the service
1. Type the fast path 8892 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes > Data Download Options > Download Service.
2. The system displays the Download Service screen.
Download Service
8892 - Download Service
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the entity to be downloaded from the pick list.
This field is used for adhoc download by the System Operator at
the branch.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the location of the local office where the database is
maintained from the drop-down list.
This field is used for adhoc download.
Delete Old Record
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Delete Old Record check box if you want to delete the
old record from the local branch database.
This option will refresh the table in the branch database and
download all the authorised records from the central host, thus
enabling a full download.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the branch code to which the adhoc download has to be
done from the drop-down list.
This field is used for adhoc download.
This is for future use.
3. Select the entity from the pick list.
4. Enter the appropriate information in the relevant field.
5. Click the Download button.
8892 - Download Service
Download Service
6. The system displays the services which can be downloaded.
Note: For more information on Authorisation transactions, refer to the FLEXCUBE Introduction
User Manual.
File Upload
5. File Upload
7239 - Upload Local File
5.1. 7239 - Upload Local File
Using the Upload Local File option you can download the extracted files to the RJSOUT folder.
This option can also be used to upload the file from the local machine.
Definition Prerequisites
BA453 - Parameterized Output Generator: For file download
Copy the File from RJSOUT to the local system for file upload
Modes Available
Not Available
To upload a local file
1. Type the fast path 7239 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Others > Upload Local File.
2. The system displays the Upload Local File screen.
Upload Local File
7239 - Upload Local File
Field Description
Field Name
File Description
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 120]
Type the description of the file that the user wants to upload or
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the task from the drop-down list.
It allows the user to upload/download the file.
The options are:
Select File
[Conditional, Command Button]
Select the file which has to be uploaded using the Browse
This field is enabled only if Upload option is selected in the Task
File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 120]
Type the name of the file which has to be downloaded/uploaded.
This field is editable only if the user wants to download a file.
File ID
This field displays the unique identification number of the file
corresponding to the file name.
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 120]
Type the narration, based on the transaction. By default the
system displays narration depending on the transaction.
3. Type the file description and press the <Tab> key.
4. Select the appropriate task from the Task drop-down list.
5. Select the area and type the file name.
7239 - Upload Local File
Upload Local File
6. Click the Ok button.
Click the View button to view the file. This button is enabled only if the View option is
selected in the Task field.
7. If you click the Ok button, the system displays the message "Authorization required. Do
You Want to continue?". Click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the Authorization Reason screen.
9. Enter the relevant information and click the Grant button.
10. The system displays the serial number. Click the Ok button.
11. The system displays a message "File Request Submitted Successfully". Click the Ok
12. The system displays the transaction sequence number. It is a system generated unique
number. Click the Ok button.
7240 - File Upload Status Inquiry
5.2. 7240 - File Upload Status Inquiry
Using the File Upload Status Inquiry option you can inquire the status of the
uploaded/downloaded file.
Definition Prerequisites
7239 - Upload Local File
To view file upload status
1. Type the fast path 7240 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transaction > Others > File Upload Status Inquiry.
2. The system displays the File Upload Status Inquiry screen.
File Upload Status Inquiry
Field Description
Field Name
Teller ID
This field displays the ID with which the teller has logged in.
Posting Date
[Mandatory, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date on which the file has been uploaded or
downloaded from the pick list.
By default the system displays the current system date.
7240 - File Upload Status Inquiry
Field Name
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the status of the file which the user wants to inquire from
the drop-down list.
The options are:
In Progress
By default Submitted option is selected.
Ref. No.
[Optional, Alphanumeric, Nine]
Type the reference number.
[Optional, Alphanumeric, 35]
Type the name of the task.
The user can inquire for the downloaded/uploaded file.
File Id
[Optional, Alphanumeric, 22]
Type the ID of the file for which the user wants to inquire.
Column Name
File Id
This column displays the ID of the file which the user wants to
This column displays the default narration, based on the
This column displays the status of the file which the user has
The status can be as follows:
In Progress
7240 - File Upload Status Inquiry
Column Name
This column displays the status of the file.
The status are:
Reason for failure
This column displays the reason for the failure/success of upload
or download of the file.
3. Type the posting date and press the <Tab> key.
4. Select the status from the drop-down list.
5. Enter the relevant information in the various fields.
6. Click the View button.
7. The system displays the file status.
File Upload Status Inquiry
8. Click the Cancel button.
8893 - Upload Account Balance File*
5.3. 8893 - Upload Account Balance File*
After the file is received from the data center at a branch, the system administrator should copy
the file in RJSOUT folder of D:\Flexcube\Host\Runarea. After copying the account balance file,
System Administrator in the Branch has to upload the file in the Branch database using the
Upload Account Balance File option after logging into FLEXCUBE using System Administrator
ID on the Branch Server. After upload, CASA balances will be updated in the branch with the
balances maintained at the host at the time of generation of the account balance file.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To upload an account balance file
1. Type the fast path 8893 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Operator
Processes > Data Download Options > Upload Account Balance File.
2. The system displays the Upload Account Balance File screen.
Upload Account Balance File
8893 - Upload Account Balance File*
Field Description
Field Name
File Path
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the path where the file is stored from the pick list. Or use
the Browse option to load the file.
Total Records in
This field displays the total records to be loaded from the file.
Uploaded Records
This field displays the total number of records loaded from the file
in the branch database.
If the total records in file and uploaded records are not equal a
branch report needs to be generated.
3. Enter the file path or click the Browse button and navigate to the file path.
Upload Account Balance File
4. Click the Upload button.
5. The system displays the account balance file and displays the message "File Uploaded
Successfully". Click the Ok button.
BA450 - Generic External File Upload*
5.4. BA450 - Generic External File Upload*
External File upload is a facility provided to the Bank for Bulk miscellaneous transactions where
the bank wants to debit or credit numerous of accounts at a time.
GEFU Processing
Under FCR External File Processing Upload File option will have to be executed to upload an
external file containing transaction records into the system.
The external file can be uploaded through any branch of the bank and there would be no
restriction on the branch from where a file has to be uploaded.
There would be no restriction on the time when the external file will have to be uploaded into the
system. The external file should be prepared according to the format specifications mentioned
above, with a unique file name and the file should be present in the RJSIN area of the FCR
application server machine.
The individual records of the input file would be validated according to the format
specifications. The header/footer validations of total number and amount of debit and
credit transactions would be performed
If the individual transaction record is not as per the specifications then that particular
transaction record will be rejected and not uploaded into the system for processing.
After having validated all the transaction records the system will display the Total Amount
and Number for the Debits and Credits.
The system after having verified the transaction records will prompt for authorisation
wherein the Supervisor ID and password would be accepted online and after authorisation
is successful the detailed transaction records would be processed.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To upload a generic external file
1. Type the fast path BA450 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > Generic External File Upload.
2. The system displays the Generic External File Upload screen.
BA450 - Generic External File Upload*
Generic External File Upload
Field Description
Field Name
External System Details
System Code
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the external system code from the pick list.
The user can select one of the external system codes already
setup in the system. Depending upon the external system code
selected the external file format would be defined and the records
in the input filename should be according to that format
For example, if GEFU is an external system code the file format
specifications for the transaction records should be as mentioned
System Name
This field displays the name of the external system based on the
code selected in the previous field.
BA450 - Generic External File Upload*
Field Name
Handoff File Details
Input File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the input file name that contains the transaction records as
per the format.
The input file name should be present in the RJSIN directory of
the FCR application server.
This field displays the description of the file being uploaded.
This description would appear in the reports produced for the
processed records. It will also appear in the inquiry option to
check the status of the file processing.
Total Amount (Dr)
This field displays the sum total of all the debit transaction
amounts in the input file.
Total Debits
This field displays the total of all the debit transactions in the input
Total Amount (Cr)
This field displays the sum total of all the credit transaction
amounts in the input file.
Total Credits
This field displays the total of all the credit transactions in the
input file.
After performing the GEFU upload one can use the Inquiry
screens to verify for successful upload of the file.
3. Enter the system code and press the <Tab> key or select it from the pick list.
4. Enter the input file name and narration.
BA450 - Generic External File Upload*
Generic External File Upload
5. Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the message "Authorization Required. Do You Want to continue?".
Click the Ok button.
7. The system displays the Authorization Reason screen.
8. Enter the required information and click the Ok button.
9. The system displays the message "File Uploaded Successfully". Click the Ok button.
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
5.5. BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Using this option you can facilitate bulk miscellaneous transactions. Including account/customer
with high severity memo i.e., you can use this option for bulk transactions, bulk CASA account
opening, bulk CASA account closure etc.
This screen is used to define an external file (XF) system for the SC waiver upload.The upload
file will be a delimited file with variable length. The character “|” (Pipe) will be used as delimiter,
e.g. the detail record in the file will be 02|132453312300012|11132|Y). The uploaded records will
get automatically authorized by system. The latest information will get override if the records
present in the file are already maintained in the system.
The features of the GEFU ++ functionality where if the multiple value dates (specially future
dated) records are clubbed in one file, the system will process all records during the upload and if
for the upload date, any future dated transactions are envisaged, the same are treated as non
processed and will not be picked up by the system in future. However the back value dated
transactions are processed on any processing date. Hence the bank has to create different files
for different value dates and then input the file processing date also as the future date in this
option. Then accordingly the file will be processed on the specific future value date.
Definition Prerequisites
BAM54 - External File Setup
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To upload the file
1. Type the fast path BA452 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > File Upload (GEFU++).
2. The system displays the File Upload (GEFU ++) screen.
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
File Upload (GEFU ++)
Field Description
Field Name
External System
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the external system code, against which the file was
uploaded, from the pick list.
The corresponding external system name is displayed in the
adjacent field.
File Type
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the file type from the pick list.
The corresponding file type name is displayed in the adjacent
3. Select the external system code and the file type from the pick list.
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
File Upload (GEFU ++)
4. Enter the required information in the Upload File tab.
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Upload File
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Field Description
Field Name
Handoff File Details
Input File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the file that is to be uploaded.
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type comments for the file.
Process Date
[Mandatory, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date on which the file is processed from the pick list.
5. Click the OK button.
6. The system displays the message "File Upload in Progress. Please see the status through
BAM96 screen". Click the Ok button.
File Details
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Field Description
Field Name
Input File Name
This field displays the file name that is to be uploaded.
Upload Date
This field displays the date on which the file is uploaded from the
Process Date
This field displays the date on which the file is processed.
Batch No.
This field displays the batch number of the selected file.
No of Records
This field displays the total number of records in the selected file.
File Size
This field displays the total file size of the selected file.
Column Name
Record Id
This column displays the record identification number.
Record Data
This column displays the record details in the file.
Record Length
This column displays the length of the record.
This column displays the remarks for the record.
7. Double click the record in the File Details tab to view record details.
8. The system enables the Record Details tab.
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Record Details
The sub details of the record are displayed.
9. Click the Ok button.
10. The system displays the message "File Successfully Uploaded". Click the Ok button.
Using this option you can schedule the execution of file extracts or file uploads. The triggering
can be based on Date/ Time frequency or based on the occurrence of certain events or event
based on availability of some predefined resource.
Definition Prerequisites
BAM54 - External File Setup
Modes Available
Add, Modify, Delete, Cancel, Amend, Authorize, Inquiry. For more information on the procedures
of every mode, refer to Standard Maintenance Procedures.
To setup a scheduler
1. Type the fast path BAM53 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > SCHEDULAR SETUP.
2. The system displays the SCHEDULAR SETUP screen.
Field Description
Field Name
External System
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the external system code from the pick list.
File Type
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the file type from the pick list.
This field displays the scheduler ID.
This value is incremented by one every time a scheduler is setup.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Select the external system code and file type from the pick list.
5. Enter the required information in the various tabs.
Common Parameters
Field Description
Field Name
Start Date
[Optional, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the start date from the pick list.
End Date
[Optional, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the end date from the pick list.
Upload File
Name(wild card)
[Optional, Alphanumeric, 20]
Type the upload file name.
Scheduler Type
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the type of scheduler from the drop-down list.
The options are:
6. The system enables the relevant tab based on the appropriate option selected from the
Scheduler Type drop-down list.
Time/Frequency Scheduler Setup
Field Description
Field Name
[Optional, Numeric, Two, Two]
Type the schedule setup time.
[Conditional, Drop-Down]
Select the scheduler frequency from the drop-down list.
This field is enabled if the Frequency option is selected in the
Scheduler Type field.
Scheduled Units
[Mandatory, Numeric, Five]
Type the number of scheduled units.
For Example: If the scheduler is required to run once in 2 weeks
then the frequency should be weekly and scheduled units should
be two.
EOD Event
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the EOD Event check box to run the scheduler at the time
of EOD.
Event Scheduler Setup
Field Description
Field Name
Scheduled Event
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 20]
Type the event for which the scheduler is to be run.
The scheduler event occurs between the start date and the end
date of the specified event.
The events supported are;
Cut off
Inward Clearing
Outward Clearing
Resource Scheduler Setup
This tab is for future use.
7. Click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the message "Record Added...Authorisation Pending...Click Ok to
Continue”. Click the Ok button.
9. The schedule gets setup once the record is authorised.
BAM54 - External File Setup
5.7. BAM54 - External File Setup
Files generated by external systems, consist of various types of transactions that needs to be
uploaded and processed within FLEXCUBE.
Using this option you can setup the upload parameters for the combination of system code and
file type, associated GL's and the scheduling. Automatic upload takes place if the scheduling for
this activity is setup. If the upload is manual, then the upload is performed through an upload
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Add By Copy, Add, Modify, Delete, Cancel, Amend, Authorize, Inquiry. For more information on
the procedures of every mode, refer to Standard Maintenance Procedures.
To view the file upload setup
1. Type the fast path BAM54 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > External File Setup.
2. The system displays the External File Setup screen.
External File Setup
BAM54 - External File Setup
Field Description
Field Name
External System
[Mandatory, Numeric, 40]
Type the external system code against which the file was
uploaded in this field.
File Type
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the file type in this field.
Processor Type
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the processor type from the drop-down list.
The options are:
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the format in which file has to be uploaded/extracted from
the drop-down list.
The options are:
D: DataBase
3. Enter the external system code and file type or select from the pick list.
BAM54 - External File Setup
External File Setup
4. The system displays the file upload setup details in the various tabs.
BAM54 - External File Setup
Common Parameters
Field Description
Field Name
Output Template
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the template file which gives the format of the
output flat file.
Deferred Auth
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Deferred Auth Required check box if the deferred
authorization is required before uploading of files.
Relative Path
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the path for the file upload.
XFF File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the outward remittance file maintained in the
RJSin folder on the application server.
Output File Helper
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the output helper class file.
BAM54 - External File Setup
Field Name
Output Folder
Helper Class
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the folder in which the output helper class file is
Gefu Setup
Field Description
Field Name
Upload Template
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the template file which gives the format of the
input flat file.
The Upload Template is defaulted from the file type entered.
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Report check box if the report is to be generated.
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Output check box if the output file is to be generated.
BAM54 - External File Setup
Field Name
File Transactional
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the File Transactional check box to decide on the equal
intervals at which to commit the file.
Commit Size
[Mandatory, Numeric, Five]
Type the count for commit.
Number of Parallel
[Mandatory, Numeric, Five]
Type the number of parallel streams allowed.
Allow Reversal
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Allow Reversal check box if reversal is allowed.
Optional, Check Box]
Select the Encryption Required check box if encryption is
Algorithm Name
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the name of the algorithm from the pick list.
This field is enabled only if the Encryption Required check box
is selected.
Encryption Key
[Conditional, Alphanumeric]
Type the key for encryption.
This field is enabled only if the Encryption Required check box
is selected.
BAM54 - External File Setup
GL Setup
This tab is enabled if the UPLOAD option is selected in the Processor Type drop-down list. You
can enter details in this tab, if data is entered in the Commit Size and Number of Parallel
Streams fields.
Field Description
Field Name
Generate Bridge
GL Flag
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Generate Bridge GL Flag check box if bridge GL is to
be used.
Bridge System
Cash Debit GL
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the bridge system cash debit GL for cash from the pick list.
This field is enabled only if the Generate Bridge GL Flag check
box is selected.
Bridge System
Cash Credit GL
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the bridge system cash credit GL for cash from the pick
This field is enabled only if the Generate Bridge GL Flag check
box is selected.
BAM54 - External File Setup
Field Name
Internal Transfer
Debit GL
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the bridge debit GL for inter-branch from the pick list.
This field is enabled only if the Generate Bridge GL Flag check
box is selected.
Internal Transfer
Credit GL
[Conditional, Pick List]
Select the bridge credit GL for inter-branch from the pick list.
This field is enabled only if the Generate Bridge GL Flag check
box is selected.
Balance Bridge
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Balance Bridge Flag check box to include bridge GLs
un-balanced files.
InterBranch GL
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Generate InterBranch GL Flag check box to include
bridge GLs for inter-branch transactions.
Designated Branch
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the designated branch for which the files need to be
uploaded from the drop-down list.
Suspense Debit GL
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the suspense GL code that will be used for passing debit
suspense entries from the pick list. The entered GL account
should be the Miscellaneous Debit implemented GL. Both the
GLs should be of similar type either implemented GL or Normal
Suspense Credit
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the suspense GL code that will be used for passing credit
suspense entries from the pick list. The entered GL account
should be the Miscellaneous Credit implemented GL. Both the
GLs should be of similar type either implemented GL or Normal
BAM54 - External File Setup
Gefx Setup
This tab is enabled if the EXTRACTS option is selected in the Processor Type drop-down list.
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the direction in which the file has to be uploaded from the
drop-down list.
The options are:
Process SP
[Optional, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the SP process.
5. Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the message "Record Added...Authorisation Pending..". Click the Ok
7. The external file set up is done once the record is authorised.
BAM94 - File Extract Inquiry
5.8. BAM94 - File Extract Inquiry
Extracts are data files in format as required by external system taken from the FCR database.
Extract generation is done through the Parametrized Output Generator (Fast Path: BA453)
option. For a given set of parameters when an extract generation is requested, you can inquire
the status using this utility.
Definition Prerequisites
BA453 - Parameterized Output Generator
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To make an inquiry on file extract
1. Type the fast path BAM94 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > File Extract Inquiry.
2. The system displays the File Extract Inquiry screen.
File Extract Inquiry
BAM94 - File Extract Inquiry
Field Description
Field Name
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the system code against which the file was uploaded from the pick
File Type
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the file type from the pick list.
File types are enabled based on the System Code selected.
User Id
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the login ID of the person who had generated the file extract from
the pick list.
The User ID is automatically picked up and stored by the system for
every transaction.
Extract Date
[Optional, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the extract date from the pick list.
Column Name
System Code
This column displays the system code for the extract.
File Type
This column displays the file type for the extract.
File Id
This column displays the file ID for the extract.
Branch Code
This column displays the branch where the extract was
File Status
This column displays the file status of the extract.
Extract Date
This column displays the date of generation of the extract.
Date Time Extract
This column displays the date and time of the start of extract
Date Time Extract
This column displays the date and time of the end of extract
BAM94 - File Extract Inquiry
Column Name
Total Records
This column displays the total number of records in the
File Name
This column displays the file name.
This column displays the comments.
Skipped Records
This column displays the records which are skipped during
3. Select the system code from the pick list.
4. Enter the other relevant details.
File Extract Inquiry
5. Click Close button.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
5.9. BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
Using this option you can inquire the upload status of one or more files. You can provide a set of
filter criteria to inquire on particular files and their details. These files can be viewed with record
level details and further sub-details of every record.
File reversal or cancellation can be done through the External File Processing - Upload File
Status Inquiry (Fast Path: BAM94) option.
Definition Prerequisites
BA452 - File Upload (GEFU ++)
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To view upload file details
1. Type the fast path BAM96 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > File Upload Inquiry (GEFU
2. The system displays the File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++) screen.
File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
Field Description
Field Name
External System
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the external system code against which the file was
uploaded from the pick list.
The corresponding external system name is displayed in the
adjacent field.
File Type
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the file type from the pick list.
The corresponding file type name is displayed in the adjacent
User Id
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the login ID assigned to the person who added the
particular file from the pick list. The set up of Id's is part of SMS
The User ID is automatically picked up and stored by the system
for every transaction.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the status of the file, which is being inquired upon from the
drop-down list.
The options are:
All: Displays all file names irrespective of status.
Processed: Displays only processed and authorised file.
Unprocessed: Displays unprocessed files.
Upload Date
[Mandatory, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date on which the files were uploaded from the pick
Process Date
[Mandatory, Pick List, dd/mm/yyyy]
Select the date on which the files were processed or are going to
be processed from the pick list.
Branch Code
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the name of the branch from which the upload was
initiated from the drop-down list.
File Name
[Optional, Pick List]
Select the name of the file with extension from the pick list.
3. Based on the criteria selected, the inquiry is performed. For example, Type the upload
date or select it from the calendar. The system displays the list of all files that are uploaded
on the selected date.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the upload file status details.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
File List
Field Description
Column Name
Upload Date
This column displays the date on which the file is uploaded from
the branch.
Branch Code
This column displays the branch code from where the file is
File Name
This column displays the file name selected for upload.
User ID
This column displays the user ID of the teller who uploaded the
Start Time
This column displays the time when upload is initiated.
End Time
This column displays the time when upload is completed.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
Column Name
Total Records
This column displays the total number of records in the file.
Total Accepted
This column displays the total number of records accepted.
Total Rejected
This column displays the total number of records rejected.
Not Processed
This column displays the total number of records which are not
This column displays the description of the transaction.
This column displays the status of the process processed or
6. Double click on the appropriate record to enable the File Details tab.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
File Details
Field Description
Field Name
Batch No.
This field displays the batch number of the selected file.
No. of Records
This field displays the total number of records in the selected file.
File Size
This field displays the total file size of the selected file.
File Comments
This field displays the comments, if any.
Column Name
Record Id
This column displays the record identification number.
Record Length
This column displays the length of the record.
BAM96 - File Upload Inquiry (GEFU++)
Column Name
Record Status
This column displays the status of the record.
This column displays the comments related to the record.
Record Data
This column displays the data recorded.
7. Double click on the appropriate record to enable the Record Details tab.
File Summary
This tab is for future use.
Record Details
The sub details of the record are displayed according to the selected record.
8. Click the Close button.
Note: The user can enter more than one criteria to perform the inquiry on the file upload status.
CHM43 - Cheque Book Issue Upload
5.10. CHM43 - Cheque Book Issue Upload
Using this option you can upload cheque book issue file to facilitate bulk cheque book issue
activity. This cheque book issue file must be maintained in pre-defined format and this file must
exist on the application server in the RJSin folder. When the file name is provided the system
locates and picks up file.
The status of the uploaded file, whether processed or not, can be viewed in the External File
Processing - Upload File Status Inquiry (Fast Path: BAM94) option.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To upload cheque book issued
1. Type the fast path CHM43 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions >Handoff > Cheque Book Issue Upload.
2. This system displays the Cheque Book Issue Upload screen.
Cheque Book Issue Upload
CHM43 - Cheque Book Issue Upload
Field Description
Field Name
File Name
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 20]
Type the name of the cheque book issue file maintained in the RJSin
folder on the application server.
This field displays the system generated batch number.
3. Enter the file name and press the <Tab> key.
Cheque Book Issue Upload
4. Click the Ok button.
5. The system displays the message "Authorization Required. Do You Want to continue?".
Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the Authorization Reason screen.
7. Enter the required information and click the Ok button.
8. The system displays the message "File Uploaded Successfully". Click the Ok button.
ST043 - Load Inward Remittance File
5.11. ST043 - Load Inward Remittance File
The bank provides the facility of Electronic Clearing System (ECS) to its customers to make
payments to various utility service providers. Via ECS the customers’ accounts are directly
debited for the payable amount.
Using this option you can upload a bulk list of all customers whose accounts need to be debited
with such inward direct debits. This inward remittance file must be maintained in pre-defined
format and this file must exist on the application server in the RJSin folder.
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To load an inward remittance file
1. Type the fast path ST043 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > Load Inward Remittance File.
2. The system displays the Load Inward Remittance File screen.
Load Inward Remittance File
ST043 - Load Inward Remittance File
Field Description
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the agent code that the bank maintains from the pick list.
The agent code is typically a code assigned to the banks where the
beneficiary of the inward direct debit hold their accounts. The bank will
debit the customer’s account and beneficiary account and the agent bank
would be credited.
The beneficiary accounts of the inward direct debit will be maintained in
several agent banks. Hence the bank will maintain a separate inward
remittance file for each agent bank.
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the currency code from the drop-down list.
The inward remittance file is maintained based on currency. All the inward
direct debits in a particular currency to an agent bank will be maintained in
a single file.
Input File
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 20]
Type the name of the inward remittance file maintained in the RJSin folder
on the application server.
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Post Process check box to convert the file in the acceptable
3. Enter the agent code and press the <Tab> key or select it from the pick list.
4. Enter the required information in the various fields.
ST043 - Load Inward Remittance File
Load Inward Remittance File
5. Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the message "Authorization Required. Do You Want to continue?".
Click the Ok button.
7. The system displays the Authorization Reason screen.
8. Enter the required information and click the Ok button.
9. The system displays the message "File Uploaded Successfully". Click the Ok button.
ST044 - Outward Remittance Handoff
5.12. ST044 - Outward Remittance Handoff
The bank provides the facility of Electronic Clearing System (ECS) to its customers, where the
customers’ accounts are directly credited with the amount of interest or dividend earned on their
Using this option you can maintain and upload bulk list of all customers whose accounts need to
be credited with such outward direct credit. This Outward Remittance Hand-off file must be
maintained in pre-defined format and this file must exist on the application server in the RJSin
Definition Prerequisites
Not Applicable
Modes Available
Not Applicable
To load an outward remittance hand-off
1. Type the fast path ST044 and click Go or navigate through the menus to Transaction
Processing > Internal Transactions > Handoff > Outward Remittance Handoff.
2. The system displays the Outward Remittance Hand-off screen.
Outward Remittance Handoff
ST044 - Outward Remittance Handoff
Field Description
[Mandatory, Pick List]
Select the agent code from the pick list.
The agent code is typically a code assigned to the bank where investment
companies hold their accounts. The investment company’s account at
agent bank would be debited and the customer’s account in your bank is
The bank can receive a list of outward direct credit from several agent
banks and a separate outward remittance file is maintained for each agent
[Mandatory, Drop-Down]
Select the currency code from the drop-down list.
The outward remittance file is maintained based on currency. All the
outward direct credits in a particular currency from a certain agent would
be maintained in a single file.
[Mandatory, Alphanumeric, 40]
Type the name of the outward remittance file maintained in the RJS in
folder on the application server.
[Optional, Check Box]
Select the Post Process check box to convert the file in the acceptable
3. Enter the agent code and press the <Tab> key or select it from the pick list.
4. Enter the required information in the various fields.
ST044 - Outward Remittance Handoff
Outward Remittance Handoff
5. Click the Ok button.
6. The system displays the message "Authorization Required. Do You Want to continue?".
Click the Ok button.
7. The system displays the Authorization Reason screen.
8. Enter the required information and click the Ok button.
Host and Branch Report
6. Host and Branch Report
6.1. Reports
The reports get generated as part of EOD and BOD processing. They are generated depending
on the frequency defined for them.
The reports are first generated in the Reports folder in the FLEXCUBE folder and then finally are
moved to the rjsout folder. The data is stored with respect to the month with a sub-folder for each
working day under the month folder.
The branch reports are generated in <FLEXCUBE INSTALLATION PATH>\branch\brn\reports\
The host reports are generated in <FLEXCUBE Installation Path>\rjsout\<mm>\<dd>, where
mm is the month of the posting date and dd is the day of posting.
Fig 39 - Report Request Screen
The reports can be generated at different frequencies. The frequencies are:
The reports which are of daily frequency are generated daily. They can also be viewed from the
application and are generated for the respective branches. The operator can view reports for any
branch, by selecting it, from the head office, whereas only individual reports can be viewed from
the respective branches.
The reports which are of monthly frequency are generated on the month end. These are the
additional reports which are generated along with the daily reports. The reports can also be
viewed from the application. The reports are generated for the respective branches. The operator
can view reports for any branch, by selecting it, from the head office, whereas only individual
reports can be viewed from the respective branches.
Half Yearly and Yearly
The reports which are of half yearly and yearly frequency are generated on half yearly month end
and financial year end respectively. These are additional reports which are generated along with
the daily reports. The reports can also be viewed from the application. The reports are generated
for the respective branches. The operator can view reports for any branch, by selecting it, from
the head office, whereas only individual reports can be viewed from the respective branches.
The procedure to generate a EOD report:
1. Open the Report Request (Fast Path: 7775) option.
2. In the Report Request screen, click the Batch Reports button.
3. Select the group from the Report Group section.
4. Type the date in the Process Date (DD/MM/YYYY) field.
5. Click the View button.
6. The reports are generated
As mentioned above, the reports are available branch-wise and are generated in the folders with
respect to the working dates. The report is saved as <Report ID>.out. For e.g., in the screen
below, the generated report will be saved as CH118.out.
Find below the screen on how to view an EOD report.
Change the process date to view a backdated report.
The other option is the required EOD reports are transferred to respective branches by using
FTP. In such cases, the branches generate the reports and take the printouts at the respective
Adhoc Reports
If there are some important reports which have to be generated before EOD, the operator can
generate the required report by using the Adhoc option of the report generation and save the
The procedure to generate an adhoc report is
1. Open the Report Request (Fast Path: 7775) option.
2. In the Report Request screen, click the Adhoc Reports button.
3. Select the group from the Report Group section.
4. Type the date in the Process Date (DD/MM/YYYY) field.
5. Click the View button.
Monthly Statements
The monthly statement is generated in the backup database. The post EOD data is loaded in the
backup database. The date of the last statement generated is updated and then the monthly
statements are generated.
Fig 41 - EOD Client Screen
Systems Operations User Manual
July 2013
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