Policy Title: Facilities Access Control Policy Effective Date: 4/1/2019
Policy Number: FA-PO-1210 Date of Last Review: 3/22/2023
Oversight Department: Facilities Management
and University Services
Next Review Date: 4/1/2026
The Facilities Access Control Policy for Radford University (University) is intended to facilitate, and
appropriately limit, access to University facilities by authorized users in order to ensure the safety
and protection of the University community and property. The policy outlines the responsibilities
for maintaining a secure environment and establishes the process for granting/removing access
privileges, issuing keys and access cards, and periodically reviewing access privileges.
The Facilities Access Control Policy applies to University students, employees, contractors, and
authorized visitors or organizations.
Access Card: A University identification (ID) or similar card issued by the Campus Card & ID Office
for the purpose of accessing University facilities. An access card may be magnetic stripe,
proximity, biometric, or chip enabled.
Access Reader: An approved device equipped to read the media of an access card to approve or
deny entry to a specific University facility. These devices are connected to the IP-based door
access system via the University’s information technology network.
Authorized Visitor: For the purposes of this policy, any person other than a student, employee, or
contractor requiring access via key or access card to secured University facilities in order to
perform their function. Such persons must follow this policy for obtaining access.
CT (Control) Key: Keys that grant access to University facilities requiring the highest level of
security. Master Keys cannot be used to access these secure areas. Examples include the Police
evidence room, Police armory, and Student Health Center pharmaceuticals storage room.
Division Head: The President, Provost, or applicable Vice President.
Electronic Access: Equipment and related processes and procedures designed to use University-
issued credentials as a means to control access to specific University facilities. Electronic access
replaces traditional keys with access readers to read access cards and thereby allow or deny entry
to a University facility.
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Electronic Access Approver: Persons within a unit who are responsible for granting or removing
access, within the University’s door access system, to University facilities to which they have been
given authority to oversee.
Electronic Access Controls: Access readers and other related equipment that read the media on
University issued credentials to restrict or allow access to facilities.
Electronic Door Access System: The University’s ID card system that provides, among other
system capabilities, the technology behind the IP-based door access control.
Key: Refers to a traditional, physical key used with a lockset to maintain access to University
facilities. These physical devices fall under the oversight of Facilities Management.
Key Custodian: A designated employee responsible for the distribution, monitoring, and
collection of keys for specific University facilities.
Key Exchange Box (Manual or Electronic): A device used to securely store a key, which can only
be accessed via the use of a key that becomes trapped in the device until the secured key is
returned to the device.
Master Key: Keys that grant access to multiple buildings, an entire building, or substantial parts of
a building.
Standard Operational Key: Keys that grant access to areas such as offices, file/storage rooms,
conference rooms, classrooms, etc.
Sub-Master Key: Keys that grant access to areas within a building such as a suite or group of
departmental offices.
University Community: For the purposes of this policy, persons who are University students,
employees, contractors, and authorized visitors or organizations.
University Facility/Facilities: For the purpose of this policy, University facilities include property,
buildings, and rooms owned, leased, or controlled by the University.
A. The security of University facilities will be a priority for members of the University community.
B. The University will use one of several means to grant, restrict, or modify a person’s access to
University facilities in order to secure persons and property. The University will, by default,
install a means of securing facilities using keys. In areas where there is a need to more closely
monitor and control access to facilities, the University may choose to add electronic access
controls. (Please see Section B.3.b.iii)
C. Facilities Management will have sole authority and responsibility for installing locksets and
making/issuing related keys to access University facilities. Facilities Management is also
responsible for changing combinations on mechanical keypads. Additionally, Facilities
Management will have sole responsibility for installing and maintaining card access door
hardware, including but not limited to, electric strikes, door position contacts, local alarms,
and related wiring.
D. University Services will have authority and responsibility for issuing access cards and providing
electronic card access to University facilities. University Services will coordinate with Division
of Information Technology and Facilities Maintenance and Operations on electronic access
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installations and maintenance. Information Technology Services serves as system
administrators for the door access system.
E. Vendors contracted by the University to provide private security services under the auspices
of this policy must be licensed by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services in
accordance with Code of Virginia § 9.1-138 et seq.
F. Unauthorized locks are prohibited on doors and, if found, will be removed and discarded. Any
damage or repair necessitated by the removal of unauthorized locks will be the responsibility
of the department or person found in violation of this policy.
G. Keys issued for an indefinite period of time must be assigned to a person with a University ID
number. Exceptions must be approved by the appropriate Division Head in consultation with
Facilities Management and Public Safety.
H. Access privileges will be assigned based upon a person’s role, residential or class assignment,
and/or job responsibilities. Access privileges may be removed and/or suspended upon
approval of the University Administration or University Police.
I. An employee’s immediate supervisor is responsible for ensuring that keys/access cards are
returned as required when an employee no longer needs access, whether due to a separation,
transfer within the University, or change in job responsibilities.
J. Each person assigned a key/access card is responsible for protecting the security of the
key/access card. Keys/access cards will remain the property of the University. Keys/access
cards must never be shared. Lost keys/access cards must be reported immediately to an
employee’s supervisor, or the appropriate Residential Life Staff member, and the Radford
University Police Department in accordance with this policy.
K. Unauthorized duplication of University issued keys/access cards is strictly prohibited. Any
persons found to have duplicated, or attempted to duplicate, keys/access cards may be
subject to disciplinary and/or legal action as may be appropriate in the circumstances.
L. No person may knowingly possess University keys/access cards without proper authorization.
Additionally, no person may attempt to gain unauthorized access to any University facilities.
M. The University regards any violation of this policy as a serious threat to security, including
security compromises facilitated by failure to remove access or retrieve keys from departing
users when access to University facilities is no longer required. Violators of this policy may be
subject to disciplinary action and may also be subject to prosecution under relevant federal,
state, or local laws.
A. Key Control
1. Key Security and Control:
a. Equipment used to cut keys will be located in Facilities Management in a secure and
alarmed room used for the purpose of key control.
b. Keys issued to employees on a permanent basis must be retained in the possession or
control of the authorized employee. An employee is authorized to use the issued keys
for the sole purpose of carrying out his or her job responsibilities.
c. Keys are limited to one key per facility or area per person unless otherwise approved.
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d. Keys that are no longer needed, or have become obsolete, must be returned to
Facilities Management for appropriate retention or disposal.
e. Master Keys should not leave University owned, leased, or controlled property and
must be stored on such property in a key exchange box approved by Facilities
f. Facilities Management will develop and implement an appropriate schedule to review
keys issued to ensure appropriate security and control is maintained.
g. Deans, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, or Directors may designate an employee
as Key Custodian for a particular department or office by completing and signing the
Key Control Form (see Appendix A) and sending it to Facilities Management.
Procedures for Key Custodians are included in Appendix B.
h. Facilities Management will maintain an inventory of keys to be issued to contractors
for a defined period of time while performing work on University facilities. These keys
will be issued directly to a University employee who will be responsible for ensuring
the keys are returned by the contractor at the appropriate time.
2. Key Issuance/Return/Transfer:
a. Requests for keys must be submitted to Facilities Management (Box 6909 or Fax 540-
831-7783) on an approved Key/Lock Request Form (see Appendix A). The form must
include the following information:
i. Name of supervisor submitting the request
ii. Date of request
iii. Building
iv. Department
v. Phone number of supervisor
vi. Banner organization code
vii. Key number (if known)
viii. Quantity
ix. Door or room number
x. Name of person to whom key will be assigned
xi. Radford University Identification (RU ID) Number
xii. Email address of the person to whom key will be assigned
xiii. Nature/description of request
xiv. Authorizing Signature(s) as follows:
(a) Standard Operational KeyDean, Associate/Assistant Vice President,
Director, Department Chair, or other supervisor organizationally responsible
for the applicable facility (see Building Steward List, Appendix D, of the Use of
University Facilities Policy).
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(b) Sub-Master KeyDean, Associate/Assistant Vice President, or Director
(c) Master KeyChief of Police and Division Head
(d) CT (Control Key)Chief of Police and Division Head
(e) Keys issued to non-employeesDivision Head
b. Keys returned to Facilities Management must be accompanied by a completed
Returned Keys Form (see Appendix A).
c. When the possession or control of a key or keys changes from one person to another,
a Key Transfer Form (see Appendix A), with appropriate approvals, must be submitted
to Facilities Management.
3. Lost Keys:
a. Any person assigned a University key must report lost keys immediately to their
immediate supervisor or, in the case of University residents, to an appropriate
Residential Life Staff member. The Radford University Police Department shall also be
notified immediately of any lost key.
b. The Radford University Police Department and immediate supervisor shall notify
Facilities Maintenance and Operations upon notification of a lost key.
c. Departments may be responsible for any costs incurred to secure an area when a key
is lost.
4. Access/Lock Issues:
a. Any issues with key access (e.g., an area cannot be accessed or secured) should be
reported to Facilities Management at 831-7800 or faci[email protected] during
normal business hours (7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday). After normal
business hours and on weekends, issues with key access must be reported to the
Radford University Police Department at 831-5500.
b. Requests to install or remove any type of locking mechanism on any door must be
submitted to Facilities Management on an approved Facilities Management Service
Request Form (see Appendix C). Departments may be responsible for any costs
associated with the service request.
B. Electronic Access Controls
1. Electronic Access Security and Control
a. Granting and removing electronic access privileges to University facilities for persons
or groups of persons will be completed using the Electronic Door Access System.
b. As the University has designated the Electronic Door Access System as a sensitive
system, any user with any level of access to the Electronic Door Access System must
complete the Electronic Door Access Request (Appendix D) and submit the form to the
Director of University Services for approval. For access to spaces with intrusion
alarms, the Intrusion Alarm System Request must also be completed (see Appendix E).
c. Persons will be granted access within the Electronic Door Access System on a least
privilege basis as supported by documented business need. Access to the Electronic
Door Access System is accomplished by assigning each person to an appropriate
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access group within the system. University Services will develop and implement an
appropriate schedule to review access to ensure appropriate security and control is
d. The Emergency Lock Down feature in the Electronic Door Access System is intended
for use by the University Police Department. When this feature is enabled, electronic
card access, except for University Police Officers will be suspended in order to control
access to University facilities in the event of situations deemed as warranting such
action. The Chief of Police will have the authority to determine the parameters that
will dictate the use of this feature.
2. Granting and Removing Facility Electronic Access Privileges
a. Electronic access to residence halls will be granted to students that are assigned to a
specific residence hall for the period of time indicated by Residential Life, which is
typically one academic term. Such access will be granted via an automatic download
from the Housing System to the Electronic Door Access System and will be identified
in the student’s Electronic Door Access System account as having been granted by
Residential Life. Staff from Residential Life with access to the Electronic Door Access
System (see Section 5.B.1.b) are also permitted to add and remove a residence hall
occupant’s access to one or more residence halls as needed. Residential Life is
responsible for assigning and modifying electronic access to student housing. At the
end of each academic term, student electronic access to residence halls will also be
automatically suspended and/or removed by the System Administrator
b. Electronic access to specific academic and administrative facilities will be granted by
the System Administrator as follows:
i. Certain academic spaces with electronic access are associated with classes in
Banner and, once students are enrolled in those classes, the students will be given
electronic access to the facilities for the related academic term.
ii. Faculty teaching classes in academic spaces with electronic access may also
provide a list of classes to the System Administrator to have students enrolled in
those classes provided electronic access to the facilities for the related academic
iii. University employees and students will be provided access to certain other
University spaces based on their classification and active status in accordance with
internal procedures.
c. Electronic access to specific spaces within residence halls and
academic/administrative facilities may also be requested by completing a Electronic
Door Access Request (see Appendix D). Requests for access to residence halls must be
approved by the Office of Residential Life. Requests for access to
academic/administrative facilities must be approved by a Dean, Associate/Assistant
Vice President, Director, Department Chair, or other supervisor organizationally
responsible for the applicable facility (see Building Steward List, Appendix D, of the
Use of University Facilities Policy).
d. At the end of each academic term, electronic access provided to students for
academic and administrative spaces will be removed by the System Administrator.
Access for subsequent academic terms must be reassigned using the same process as
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described above. Requests for exceptions to allow a student to maintain electronic
access to specific University facilities during breaks, or beyond the end of the
academic term, must be communicated in writing to the Director of University
Services or the System Administrator, and must include the specific period for which
the access applies. The termination date for such electronic access will be manually
monitored and removed by the System Administrator as appropriate.
e. As applicable, Deans, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, or Directors may designate
an Electronic Access Approver. The Electronic Access Approver will be able to add or
remove electronic access for applicable academic and administrative facilities on a
case by case basis without prior approval from the Director of University Services.
f. Employee electronic access will be removed as a part of the employee separation
process as defined by the Department of Human Resources. The employee separation
process is initiated by the employee’s supervisor. As a part of the separation process,
emails will be sent notifying University Services of the separation. Once the email is
received, University Services removes the access as appropriate.
g. In situations where access is no longer needed other than terminations (e.g.,
employees transferring between departments, changes in employee duties, etc.) the
supervisor must contact the Director of University Services or System Administrator
directly and request removal of the access.
h. For students who withdraw from the University through the withdrawal process, the
Office of the Registrar will notify University Services via email. Once the email is
received, University Services will remove the access as appropriate.
3. Requests for Electronic Access Installation:
a. Existing Facilities
i. Any area requesting electronic access to be installed must first submit a Facilities
Management Service Request Form (see Appendix C) to Facilities Management.
The Service Request Form must be approved by the applicable Division Head or
Dean and a written justification of the business need for the electronic access
requested must accompany the form.
ii. Facilities Management will review the Service Request Form and confirm whether
the addition of the electronic access will meet applicable regulatory requirements.
If the review confirms that applicable regulatory requirements can be met,
Facilities Management will then forward the Service Request Form to the Radford
University Police Department for review and comment. Facilities Management
will also issue any permits that may be needed in order for the installation to be
iii. The Radford University Police Department will review the Service Request Form
for any safety and security concerns. If the Radford University Police Department
finds that there is sufficient justification for the installation of the electronic
access, the Chief of Police will forward a written recommendation to the Director
of University Services.
iv. Once the written recommendation from the Radford University Police Chief is
received, the Director of University Services will initiate a review of the request in
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order to provide an estimate of costs for the installation. The estimate will
include one-time and reoccurring costs associated with the installation.
v. Once the estimate is completed, the Director of University Services will share the
estimate with the requestor. If the requestor approves of the estimated costs, the
requestor must provide the appropriate budget information to the Director of
University Services and Facilities Management in order for the equipment to be
ordered and the project to begin.
vi. University Services will place orders for the project and coordinate the project
schedule. University Services will also coordinate with the requestor for bringing
the location(s) of electronic access online to include, but not limited to, scheduling
door lock/unlock schedules.
b. Capital Construction and Major Renovations
i. New University facilities will have electronic access installed on exterior, public
use doors along with a backup Master Key set as designated by Facilities
Management. Interior doors will be installed with traditional keys and locksets as
determined by Facilities Management.
ii. The electronic locking/unlocking schedule for the new facility will be determined
by the appropriate Division Head and the Vice President for Finance and
Administration & Chief Financial Officer.
iii. Any request for electronic access to interior doors should be made and evaluated
during the planning phase for construction. The written request for interior
electronic access must be submitted to the Director of Facilities Planning and
Construction. Final approval for interior electronic access will be obtained by the
Director of Facilities Planning and Construction from the applicable Division Head
in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and Administration & Chief
Financial Officer. Areas that may fall into this category include, but are not limited
to, areas where sensitive data is housed, areas where hazardous materials are
stored, areas housing property of significant value, or areas where it is mandated
by an external authority in order to maintain operational or credentialed status.
Appendix A: Facilities Management Key Forms
Appendix B: Procedures for Key Custodians
Appendix C: Facilities Management Service Request Form
Appendix D: Electronic Door Access Request
Appendix E: Intrusion Alarm System Request
Code of Virginia, § 9.1-138 et seq., “Private Security Services Businesses.”
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The authority to interpret this policy rests with the President of the University and is generally
delegated to the Vice President for Finance and Administration & Chief Financial Officer.
The Facilities Access Control Policy replaces and expands upon the Key Control and Lock Policy
developed by Facilities Management. The new Facilities Access Control Policy was submitted to
and approved by the President’s Cabinet at the meeting on February 4, 2019. President Hemphill
signed the policy on February 4, 2019.
Revised with only minor revisions effective March 22, 2023.
For questions or guidance on a specific policy, contact the Oversight Department referenced
in the policy.