Cornel Stanciu, MD, CPE, MRO, FASAM, FAPA
Director of Addiction Services at New Hampshire Hospital
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine
May 16, 2024
Understanding Kratom: Consumption
Patterns and Treatment Strategies for
Kratom Addiction
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based practices in the prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm
reduction of OUD.
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Disclosure to Learners
Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity participants should be able to:
Understand Kratom’s literature, covering its uses, risks (overdose,
addiction), and product toxicities.
Evaluate Kratom’s role in harm reduction, distinguishing between
evidence-based practices and misconceptions.
Implement evidence-based treatments for Kratom addiction,
facilitating informed discussions and effective interventions with
Tropical evergreen
tree/shrub related to the
coffee plant.
Native to Southeast Asia
Indigenous to Thailand,
Indonesia, Malaysia and
Papua New Guinea.
First formally described in
1839 by Dutch colonial
botanist Pieter Korthals.
The Plant - Mytragyna Speciosa Korth
Used for centuries by the indigenous
population to enhance stamina and
combat physical ailments from hard
Not regarded as “drug use”, but rather
as a way of life, embedded in
traditions and customs.
Therapeutically also used for self-
managing pain, cough and diarrhea.
Leaves are chewed, brewed as tea, or
to a lesser degree smoked, producing
a complex stimulant and opioid-like
Traditional Use
In time it has also gained popularity as an
opioid substitute.
Its potential for tolerance and
dependence has long been apparent.
Reports of significant adverse effects or
mortality in Asia are not extensively
A recent trend in the region is its use in
urban settings by young individuals as
part of polydrug concoctions for euphoric
Use in Southeast Asia
Dry or crushed leaves;
concentrated extracts, powders,
capsules; tablets, liquids, and
Readily available at smoke shops
or through online vendors with no
quality control.
Dramatic increase in importation
since 2016.
Use in the West
Kratom is increasingly used by people who advocate for it as a plant-based
remedy to self-manage pain, mental health symptoms, and opioid withdrawal.
Growth of Kratom use in the Western world also parallels increasing concerns
over adverse effects, abuse, and addictive potential.
Adverse effects associated with Kratom products span multiple organ systems
including hepatic, renal, cardiac, endocrine, and neurological.
Fatalities involving kratom are increasingly documented, however involve co-
ingestions, or polydrug combinations.
Use in the West
The prevalence of Kratom
use in the United States is
not well defined, with
lifetime estimates ranging
from 0.9 to 6.1%
versus 2.9 to 12% in
Association data supports a greater burden of mental health and
substance use disorders, especially opioids, among users.
Lifetime nonmedical opioid use is also associated with a greater
likelihood of Kratom use.
In SE Asia:
Tolerance occurs within 3 months, and some escalate use 4-10x
within the first few weeks.
55% of regular users become dependent, with some reports
suggesting a relapse rate of 78-83% at 3 months.
Middle-aged (31-50 years of
age), white male.
Married, employed, and insured.
Some college education with an
income of over $35,000 / year.
Duration of use >1 year but < 5
Reasons for use
Self-manage chronic pain (68%),
anxiety, or depression (65%) and
as an opioid replacement.
40% of users endorse the use of
Kratom to reduce/stop opioid
use, with 74% claiming >6mo
success in abstinence.
41% disclosed use to healthcare
Ratings of improvements show a
majority of consumers rate overall
health as “good”.
Survey of consumers
Distribution of Consumers
Heavily concentrated in the South, followed by West and Midwest, and few in
the Northeast
Malaysia, Vietnam – illegal.
Thailand illegal until 2021.
In the US it was legal to grow and
purchase in all states until 2015.
Uncontrolled under federal
In 2016 the DEA submitted an
intent to schedule under the CSA,
but later that year withdrew.
The Kratom Consumer Protection
Act exists in some states as
legislation to ensure consumer
access to Kratom with a framework
for regulatory oversight.
Legal Status and Regulation on Sales
The effects in humans have historically been described as dose-dependent:
Small doses (1-5g)
Stimulatory, caffeine-like, effects.
Larger dosages (>5g)
Sedative, analgesic effects.
Behavioral Pharmacology
Leaf analysis
40 structurally related alkaloids,
flavonoids, terpenoid saponins,
polyphenols, and various glycosides.
>25 indole alkaloids
1-2% by weight
Mitragynine (MG)
7-hydroxymitragynine (7OHMG)
Extremely small representation of
Metabolic product of MG
Complex Composition
White vein stimulating, to help with concentration.
Green vein improves mood, and depression.
Red vein calming effects, to help relax/sleep.
Commercial products differ in composition.
Phase Model
Opioid Receptors
Opioid Receptor Efficacy
Similarities to opioids:
Partial agonism at mu
Binding to opioid Rs initiates G-
protein-coupled receptor
(GPCR) signaling.
Differences from opioids:
GPCR activation by indole
alkaloids does not initiate the β
arrestin pathway
“biased agonism”
MG also exerts non-opioid
receptor pain-relieving effects by
stimulating alpha-2 and inhibiting
cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA and
protein expression.
Atypical Interactions with Opioid Receptors
Other Receptor Systems
MG relieves neuropathic
Relief blocked by both
opioid and adrenergic
YOH = Yohimbine
Ascending doses of Kratom alkaloids result in an increase in:
Blood pressure
Liver function tests
Death preceded by convulsions, not respiratory depression
Herb: drug interactions:
MG inhibits CYP 2C9, 2D6, 3A4 as well as glucuronidation by UDP-
MG less reinforcing than morphine and may be tolerance-sparing when
7OHMG substitutes for morphine, re-institutes conditioned place
preference (CPP, measure of rewarding effects in animal models).
Animal Studies
Human Case Reports
After > 1 year of regular use:
Weight loss; Insomnia; Constipation; Skin hyperpigmentation; Extreme fatigue.
Kratom overdoses resemble adrenergic toxicity more so than opioids:
Nausea and tachycardia predominate.
Respiratory depression is rare.
Clinical effects
n (%
Clinical effects
n (%
Single-substance exposure total 1174
Agitated/irritable 269 (22.9) Nausea 171 (14.6)
Drowsiness/lethargy 168 (14.3) Vomiting 155 (13.2)
Confusion 125 (10.6) Abdominal pain 76 (6.5)
Seizures (single/multiple) 113 (9.6)
Tremor 79 (6.7) Respiratory depression 42 (3.6)
Dizziness/vertigo 62 (5.3)
Hallucinations/delusions 61 (5.2) AST, ALT > 100 59 (5.0)
Tachycardia 251 (21.4)
Hypertension 119 (10.1)
Poison Control Centers
Kratom-Related Deaths
Co-ingestions and other active use disorders predispose patients to death
(found in 87% of cases).
It is challenging to identify which deaths are attributed to kratom alone.
Stanciu, C.N., et al. (2023). "Kratom Overdose Risk:
A Review." Curr Addict Rep, 10(1), 928. DOI:
~41% of Kratom consumers disclose consumption to healthcare providers.
In assessments, use non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing, questions
“Do you use any herbal medicines, like valerian root or kratom?”
Not detected by routine toxicology or conventional confirmatory drug
screening tests.
HPLC or Mass spectrometry is required for detection & identification.
Toxicity -- supportive management in most cases.
Acute hepatitis -- N-acetylcysteine (as in any other drug-induced hepatitis).
Seizures or neurological symptoms -- anti-epileptics.
Kidney injury, cardiovascular events, or other emergency presentations
addressed with appropriate measures.
Kratom-only overdoses resemble stimulant overdoses (cardiovascular,
Poison Control Center reports show low levels of meiosis, sedation, and
respiratory depression.
Co-ingestions are common
Reports describe mixed outcomes with reversal agents (naloxone); no
clinical trials exist.
Mimics opioid withdrawal, but milder:
Withdrawal intensity positivity correlated to:
Daily amount consumed.
Duration and frequency of use.
Starts ~12-24 hours from last use, can last
up to 4 days
Symptomatic management of a
hyperadrenergic state (i.e.. Clonidine).
Good response to opioid receptor agonists
(Methadone), or partial agonists
Cravings and relapse risk is high.
“Kratom Use Disorder”
~25.5% of consumers, however mild-mod severity (tolerance, withdrawal) and
no functional impact.
Vulnerability factors: male, young, consuming Kratom frequently, and having
psychiatric and substance use disorders.
Our team’s efforts to establish a “standard of care”.
Since 2021 several reports emerged.
Mixed evidence of amount used, and Buprenorphine dose needed.
Those requiring MOUD for maintenance could represent a small
Maintenance Treatment
Case 1 - Andrew
33yo Caucasian male h/o anxiety, depression (on Escitalopram 20mg and
Propranolol 10mg BID), OUD in sustained remission x 12 y
Started 2.5y ago, initially 2 caps per dose, progressively increased to 8 caps
within a few weeks to manage various mood states.
Distinct effects from kratom vs. Percocet: increased energy, uplifted mood, and
Diminishing effects over time, he continued to consume 12-15 caps daily,
transitioning to powdered kratom washed with water 1.5 y ago.
Significant lifestyle disruptions in the last year, including marital strain, work
interference, and financial burden.
Struggled with increasing intervals between doses, experiencing withdrawal
symptoms (cold sweats, "brain zaps", and cravings after 6-7 hr. abstinence).
Detox and eventually transitioning to naltrexone using SOWS alongside
clonidine, loperamide and gabapentin failed - could not abstain for >12 hr.
Successfully transitioned to buprenorphine - 2mg daily with an additional 2mg
dose as needed in the evening for craving management.
Case 2 - Fred
37yo Caucasian male h/o OUD in sustained remission admitted to inpatient
psych due to depression, SI.
General workup was unremarkable (EKG, labs, vs); Urine tox + THC.
Disclosed a 6-mo h/o Kratom use, escalating to 11 capsules daily (3 in AM, 3
mid-day, 5 in PM), supplemented with an unknown quantity powder in water.
Introduced to it as an antidepressant and had initially started with 1 cap in the
morning however within days he increased his dosage to 3 caps to combat
decreased effectiveness and maintain energy levels.
Constipation is the only side effect, recent attempts to quit after learning about
reports on the Internet of various adverse effects were hindered by cravings and
"rebound depression.”
Last use 24hr prior to admission and he experienced progressively worsening
nausea and flu-like symptoms which were first noticed 6 hours ago.
COWS = 11, Methadone 5mg x1 administered, COWS = 2.
Next day COWS remained 2, Clonidine 0.1mg x1 for anxiety, (HR 87 and BP
Aripiprazole 5mg (past response), fifth day he underwent a naltrexone challenge
and received a monthly long-acting injectable.
Case 3 - Mark
43yo Caucasian male h/o anxiety, chronic pain, ADHD
Anxiety is generalized with occasional panic attacks, has a therapist
Past injuries, and back pain necessitating spinal fusion.
Self-medicating for pain with kratom (~5 g of powder daily) for >5 years.
Improves pain allowing him to be mobile without the use of any pharmacotherapies
which his orthopedic surgeon has discussed in the past.
In addition to the pain benefit he also has noticed that kratom ingestion also tends to
“bring the temperature down” on his anxiety.
No adverse effects and his dose and frequency have remained the same as when
he initiated.
Has had stretches of up to 1wk of no kratom and never experienced withdrawal, or
cravings despite pain exacerbation.
Trintellix 20mg and Vyvanse 30mg
Organic evaluation unremarkable (CMP, CBC, TSH), MG level 133 ng/mL was
*psychoeducation, motivational enhancement ongoing
The exact prevalence of kratom use is unknown, however clinicians
are encountering more and more consumers.
Despite consumers claiming benefits/harm reduction, it is possible for
some to meet DSM criteria for a “use disorder” diagnosis.
Kratom is a complex botanical, and its alkaloids interact with many
receptor systems - including opioids.
There is a spectrum of adrenergic and opiodendric involvement
impacting each user, and withdrawal, and maintenance treatment
requires individualized treatment.
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Colfax, G. N., Santos, G.-M., Das, M., Santos, D. M., Matheson, T., Gasper, J., Shoptaw, S., & Vittinghoff, E. (2011). Mirtazapine to
Reduce Methamphetamine Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(11), 11681175.
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Heinzerling, K. G., Swanson, A.-N., Hall, T. M., Yi, Y., Wu, Y., & Shoptaw, S. J. (2014). Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of
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trial. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109(3), 440449. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.12369
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PCSS-MOUD Mentoring Program
PCSS-MOUD Mentor Program is designed to offer general information to
clinicians about evidence-based clinical practices in prescribing
medications for opioid use disorder.
PCSS-MOUD Mentors are a national network of providers with expertise in
addictions, pain, and evidence-based treatment including
medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).
3-tiered approach allows every mentor/mentee relationship to be unique
and catered to the specific needs of the mentee.
No cost.
For more information visit:
PCSS-MOUD Discussion Forum
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Ask a Colleague
A simple and direct way to receive an
answer related to medications for opioid
use disorder. Designed to provide a
prompt response to simple practice-
related questions.
PCSS-MOUD is a collaborative effort led by the
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) in partnership with:
Addiction Policy Forum American College of Medical Toxicology
Addiction Technology Transfer Center* American Dental Association
African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence American Medical Association*
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry* American Orthopedic Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine*
American Academy of Family Physicians American Pharmacists Association*
American Academy of Neurology American Psychiatric Association*
American Academy of Pain Medicine American Psychiatric Nurses Association*
American Academy of Pediatrics* American Society for Pain Management Nursing
American Association for the Treatment of Opioid
American Society of Addiction Medicine*
American Association of Nurse Practitioners Association for Multidisciplinary Education and
Research in Substance Use and Addiction*
American Chronic Pain Association Coalition of Physician Education
American College of Emergency Physicians* College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists
Black Faces Black Voices
PCSS-MOUD is a collaborative effort led by the
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) in partnership with:
Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry*
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Council on Social Work Education* Physician Assistant Education Association
Faces and Voices of Recovery Project Lazarus
Medscape Public Health Foundation (TRAIN Learning Network)
NAADAC Association for Addiction Professionals* Sickle Cell Adult Provider Network
National Alliance for HIV Education and Workforce
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine*
National Association of Community Health Centers Society of General Internal Medicine
National Association of Drug Court Professionals Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
National Association of Social Workers* The National Judicial College
National Council for Mental Wellbeing* Veterans Health Administration
National Council of State Boards of Nursing Voices Project
National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network World Psychiatric Association
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Young People In Recovery
Educate. Train. Mentor
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H 79TI086770 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or
publications and by speakers and moderators do no t necessarily reflect the o fficial policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade
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