Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
[13XE1700DX EEEE600000 EX1SF0000.DSA000]
Final Safety Culture Policy Statement
AGENCY: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) issues this Final
Statement of Policy to announce its expectation that individuals and organizations performing or
overseeing activities regulated by BSEE establish and maintain a positive safety culture
commensurate with the significance of their activities and the nature and complexity of their
organizations and functions. The BSEE defines safety culture as the core values and behaviors
of all members of an organization that reflect a commitment to conducting business in a safe and
environmentally responsible manner. Further, it is important for all lessees, the owners or
holders of operating rights, designated operators or agents of the lessee(s), pipeline right-of-way
holders, State lessees granted a right-of-use and easement, and contractors to foster in personnel
an appreciation for the importance of safety and environmental stewardship, emphasizing the
need for their integration into performance objectives to achieve optimal protection and
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Keith Petka, Safety and Environmental
Management Systems Branch at (703) 787-1736, or by e-mail at [email protected].
I. Background.
On December 20, 2012, BSEE published a Notice in the Federal Register requesting
comments on its Draft Statement of Policy announcing the expectation that individuals and
organizations performing or overseeing activities regulated by BSEE establish and maintain a
positive safety culture commensurate with the significance of their activities and the nature and
complexity of their organizations and functions [77 FR 75443]. The comment period for this
notice closed on March 20, 2013.
II. Summary of Comments on Draft Safety Culture Policy Statement
In response to the Federal Register notice, BSEE received 32 sets of comments from oil and
gas companies (operators and contractors), industry associations, environmental organizations,
and individuals. In the following section, we address the general comments by topic and discuss
any changes made to the Policy Statement based on these comments. Comments that are not
related to the notice or that are outside the scope of the policy statement are not addressed. All
of the comments BSEE received are posted on www.regulations.gov, under docket number
Comments by Topic
Support for BSEE’s Issuance of Draft Safety Culture Policy Statement
A majority of commenters approved of BSEE’s publication of the draft safety culture
policy statement and identified it as an important starting point to initiate substantial discussions
focused on improving the safety culture on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
nine Safety Culture Characteristics
The majority of commenters expressed agreement with the nine characteristics of safety
culture that BSEE listed in the policy statement. Some commenters recommended modifications
to the safety culture characteristics, such as the need for equipment control and integrity. In
response to these comments, BSEE has altered the title of characteristic two from “Problem
Identification and Resolution” to “Hazard Identification and Risk Management” and
acknowledged equipment control in characteristic four. The BSEE feels that these changes
better align with the common vocabulary used on the OCS for identifying potential safety issues
as well as concentrating on the inherent risk in oil and gas activities. A positive safety culture
would focus on continuously appraising hazards during the various exploration and production
activities while adequately directing resources to the highest risks in order to best enhance safety.
Other commenters suggested adding new characteristics such as implementation,
measurement and evaluation, and reward and recognition. The BSEE believes these are valuable
ideas, but are too specific for inclusion in this policy statement. It is not BSEE’s intention to
mandate safety culture requirements. The ultimate goal for releasing this policy statement is to
outline the critical traits that are present in a positive safety culture while initiating a constructive
dialogue on how regulators, industries, and the public can collaborate on improving the overall
safety on the OCS. However, we will consider utilizing these concepts as we plan future
strategies outside of this policy statement.
Safety Versus Production
Many commenters noted that the policy statement appears to subordinate safety to
production. Most of the commenters who commented on this issue pointed out that safety and
production are often viewed as being in competition with each other. All of those who
commented on this issue emphasized the need to clarify that safety should not be secondary to
The BSEE agrees with these comments and has altered the policy statement to read,
“Each and every person involved in the wide range of activities associated with the offshore oil
and gas program should emphasize the need to integrate safety and environmental stewardship
into personal, company, and government performance objectives.”
Prescription of Safety Culture
Many commenters requested that BSEE refrain from mandating the adoption of a safety
culture and that the policy statement not be too prescriptive. The commenters cited the need for
flexibility in the adoption of safety culture and expressed the concern that the very act of
mandating or prescribing safety culture activities would counteract the cultural assimilation that
the safety culture statement intends to advance. It is not BSEE’s intention to mandate safety
culture requirements. The BSEE believes this would be counterproductive to building a positive
safety culture; therefore, we are not prescribing a safety culture policy.
Differences between Occupational and Process Safety
Many commenters stated that the policy statement should acknowledge a difference
between occupational and process safety. Some commenters noted that the measures taken to
advance occupational and process safety each are different: occupational safety focuses primarily
on behaviors while process safety focuses on management framework and better involves
organization leaders. One commenter stated that occupational safety efforts concentrate on
individual worker actions while process safety efforts concentrate on preventing high
consequence, low likelihood events through engineering design.
A number of commenters expressed concern that the broad direction to adopt a safety
culture is often translated into pressure on workers to avoid injuries. According to the
commenters, this would occur without a concomitant requirement for a safety culture
commitment throughout all levels of the organization.
The BSEE agrees with the comments that there is a difference between process safety and
occupational safety. In an effort to involve all types of safety and all organization personnel, the
definition of safety culture and several parts of the statement have been edited to better
encompass all roles in an organization, and characteristic three has therefore been edited to read,
“All individuals take personal responsibility for process and personal safety as well as
environmental stewardship.”
Lack of Environmental Awareness
Several commenters stated that the policy statement does not adequately present the need
for OCS organizations to focus on both safety and environmental issues. One commenter
described the link between environmental safety and process safety that is vital to the OCS safety
culture. Another commenter indicated that the statement “must clearly and consistently
emphasize the importance of environmental health and safety in addition to human safety.”
The BSEE agrees that environmental protection plays a significant role in the activities
on the OCS and we have edited the policy statement to reflect this importance.
Learn from Others
A number of commenters stated that other organizations and Federal agencies have
already led safety culture transformations and encouraged BSEE to study their experiences. The
BSEE appreciates this suggestion and is currently working to develop information sessions and
workshops with various organizations that have had extensive experience with safety culture in
comparable industries (e.g., Federal Aviation Administration, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, etc.).
Stop Work Authority
Many commenters encouraged the use of the stop work authority. They emphasized that
stop work authority could be used as a tool for workers to use in preventing accidents and as a
safety cultural assimilation method. Several of those commenters who advocated special
mention of stop work authority within the policy statement noted that while it deserves emphasis,
it also needs to be carefully described in order to prevent misuse. According to the commenters,
if the stop work authority were improperly applied or guided, it could exacerbate already
deteriorating conditions.
On April 5, 2013, the final rule “Revisions to Safety and Environmental Management
Systems” was published in the Federal Register [78 FR 20423]. This rule mandates that all
operators implement stop work authority on all OCS activities regulated by BSEE. Therefore,
BSEE is not making any changes to the policy statement with regard to stop work authority.
Further Involvement
Many commenters noted that BSEE should continue the dialogue on the topic of a safety
culture policy statement. The majority of these comments contained recommendations that
BSEE provide further details about safety culture in a future guidance document. Other
commenters stated that BSEE should engage in an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to discuss
safety culture so that continued progress could be made.
Through public comments and industry input, BSEE has identified several tools that can
effectively encourage a positive safety culture on the OCS. These include:
1. Forums and workshops with industry and other agencies to discuss safety culture
2. Establishing a research program that can identify safety areas in need of
improvement; or
3. Writing guidance documents that describe best practices and case studies for safety
culture advancement.
The BSEE is currently exploring these options and will look towards further collaboration with
industry and the public.
III. Statement of Policy
The BSEE defines safety culture as the core values and behaviors of all members of an
organization that reflect a commitment to conduct business in a manner that protects people and
the environment.
It is necessary for everyone participating in the exploration, development, and production of
offshore oil and gas—from a contract service provider, to the leaseholder, to the government
regulator—to realize the importance of a culture that promotes safety and environmental
stewardship to a vigorous and respected offshore energy industry. Each and every person
involved in the wide range of activities associated with the offshore oil and gas program should
emphasize the need to integrate safety and environmental stewardship into personal, company,
and government performance objectives. Continued improvement in safety and environmental
protection will demonstrate to the American public that access to the valuable offshore energy
resources can be accomplished while respecting the environment and protecting the offshore
Experience has shown that certain personal and organizational characteristics are present in a
culture that promotes safety and environmental responsibility. A characteristic, in this case, is a
pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that emphasizes safety, particularly in situations that
may have conflicting goals (e.g., production, schedule, and the cost of the effort versus safety
and environmental protection).
The following are some of the characteristics that typify a robust safety culture:
1. Leadership Commitment to Safety Values and Actions. Leaders demonstrate a
commitment to safety and environmental stewardship in their decisions and behaviors;
2. Hazard Identification and Risk Management. Issues potentially impacting safety and
environmental stewardship are promptly identified, fully evaluated, and promptly
addressed or corrected commensurate with their significance;
3. Personal Accountability. All individuals take personal responsibility for process and
personal safety, as well as environmental stewardship;
4. Work Processes. The process of planning and controlling work activities is implemented
so that safety and environmental stewardship are maintained while ensuring the correct
equipment for the correct work;
5. Continuous Improvement. Opportunities to learn about ways to ensure safety and
environmental stewardship are sought out and implemented;
6. Environment for Raising Concerns. A work environment is maintained where personnel
feel free to raise safety and environmental concerns without fear of retaliation,
intimidation, harassment, or discrimination;
________________ ___________________________________________
7. Effective Safety and Environmental Communication. Communications maintain a focus
on safety and environmental stewardship;
8. Respectful Work Environment. Trust and respect permeate the Organization with a focus
on teamwork and collaboration; and
9. Inquiring Attitude. Individuals avoid complacency and continuously consider and review
existing conditions and activities in order to identify discrepancies that might result in
error or inappropriate action.
Although there are additional traits that amplify or extend these basic characteristics, these
nine characteristics are foundational to the development of an effective and functioning safety
culture that recognizes the need to protect people and the environment first and foremost.
Dated: May 2, 2013. James A. Watson
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
[FR Doc. 2013-11117 Filed 05/09/2013 at 8:45 am; Publication Date: 05/10/2013]